Interior of a children's room in a private house. Interiors of children's rooms in a country house

Every loving parent tries to make the life of their young children as comfortable, safe and happy as possible. It is no coincidence that the children's room in the house is often furnished and renovated better than any other. It is worth noting that this can often be very, very difficult to do. Therefore, if you do not want to use the services professional designers, this matter should be approached as seriously and responsibly as possible. Where should you start in such a situation?

Children's room from designer

Which room should I allocate for a nursery?

One of the most difficult choices when arranging a children's room is choosing this very room. Some experts recommend not allocating too much space for a children's room. large room on the first floor. This is motivated by the fact that a small child who is not very good at standing on his feet will not get injured if his parents are distracted for a minute, and he, in search of adventure, crawls to explore the house and falls down the stairs.

However, this can cause unnecessary trouble for parents.

Indeed, in most cases, the bedrooms are located on the second floor. And running from floor to floor in the middle of the night because a child cried in his sleep is not a very comfortable activity. Therefore, it will be more practical to place the child’s room in close proximity to the parents’ bedroom.

An example of a parents' bedroom combined with a children's bedroom

Injuries associated with falling from the stairs can be avoided quite easily - just put a special barrier at the exit from the children's room or on the approach to it. To do this, you can use either a special barrier sold in children's stores, or an ordinary heavy box or other object, reliably blocking the child’s path and ensuring his safety. It is desirable that parents have quick access from their bedroom to the children's room, that is, the doors should be located in close proximity. However, it is not at all necessary that the rooms be adjacent. Between them there may be a bathroom, storage room or another room. On the one hand, this will allow you to quickly get into the right room

, and on the other hand, it will provide maximum freedom to parents, without interfering with their ability to lead their usual way of life.

Everyone knows how important sunlight is for the proper and healthy development of a child.

Therefore, it is best to allocate a room for the child whose windows face the sunny side of the house.

Good lighting in the room is the key to the absence of a number of diseases and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the children's room.

Design for a children's room

Another difficult task facing parents is the properly designed design of a children's room in the house. Of course, it is best to entrust the work to specialists. They will definitely be able to develop a suitable project quickly and efficiently. But if you don’t want or can’t afford to spend a decent amount of money on professional services, it’s worth at least studying the theory of children’s room design. So, what will be useful to remember?

Of course, in reality there are much more such rules. And to talk about them all, I would have to write a whole book on the design of children's rooms. But if you remember these simple rules, they will allow you to create the room of his dreams for your child.

Furniture for children's room

Of course, if you need a cozy and comfortable children's room in a panel house, then you should not forget about the furniture. And her choice should be taken very, very seriously. Often, parents (primarily in order to stroke their pride and demonstrate their worth to their friends) buy the most expensive furniture for the children's room. Italian bed, French table, Dutch wardrobe and much more.

But children are simply not able to appreciate this, because they are not accustomed to the stereotypes of the adult world. And appreciate Italian bed for a thousand euros they will be no more than one made in the nearest workshop, costing ten thousand rubles. Therefore, scandals often brew between children and parents. During them you can hear: don’t jump on the bed! Don't scratch the table! Don't stain the wallpaper!

It is quite understandable that the parents want to keep the room, the renovation of which cost more than one thousand dollars, in its original form. But it is worth understanding children who want to develop, and for this they need to create (and sometimes destroy), explore, and remake. Without this, a child simply cannot turn into an accomplished adult.

So if buying expensive furniture is a significant blow to your budget, it is better to give preference to the cheapest furniture samples and finishing materials.

Children will also run around the room, draw on the wallpaper with felt-tip pens, break cabinet doors and much more. But it will cost you ten times less.

Another mistake parents make is trying to fill the entire children's room with furniture. But what about it? After all, a child needs a spacious bed, two or three closets for things, bookcase, a computer desk, a desk, several chairs and another small sofa where you can lie down during the day.

An example of a small sofa in a children's room

As a result, the entire children's room in a country house with its spacious rooms is simply littered with furniture, and only in the middle of the room there is a piece of free space with an area of ​​one square meter.

But children need space! They want to run, jump, crawl, fidget and not sit in one place. How can a child develop normally in a warehouse into which his parents turned a children's room? So, try to use a reasonable layout of the nursery and get by with a minimum of furniture: small bed, one table (preferably without a computer), a couple of chairs and one closet that can easily fit both toys and clothes. But the room itself will be surprisingly spacious and perfect for a child’s games.

Interiors of children's rooms in country houses

In the eyes of a child, his personal room is not just a living space, but small world, space for development, creativity, games, relaxation. It plays an important role in the formation and psycho-emotional development of a young personality. Such a room should be comfortable, safe, aesthetically pleasing, and spacious. It is the spaciousness of a children's room in a cottage that compares favorably with the apartment version. The vast area of ​​the room allows you to divide the living space into zones and make the interior multifunctional.

This section of the site contains useful tips on interior design and renovation of children's rooms in country houses. Owners, craftsmen, and designers will share their experience. They will show you photos of the interiors of children's rooms in dachas and cottages.

How to create the interior of a children's room

Arrangement of children's rooms country houses and the dacha has the following features:

The room chosen is spacious (from 12 sq. m.), bright, preferably with windows facing east or southeast. A children's room at the dacha for a boy should be especially spacious.

The space is zoned into places for sleeping, playing, studying, and storing things. For children of preschool age, the most spacious play area is made, and for schoolchildren - a place to study.

Children's room with a bed on a pedestal - photo

Design of a children's room with a balcony - photo

Nursery design with canopy

Baby room design

You can see other photos of children's rooms in ours.

Development of interior design projects

Design project

6500 rub./m2

Design project

7500 rub./m2

Design project
"5 stars"


Design project "Gift"

Order a complete set in the studio of Angelika Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of the design project of the completed premises! Thus, a design project from the “Prestige” package will cost you 2 times less. As a result of the work, you will receive a completed project in the form of a complete color album with all necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. Composition of the design project:

Design project "Comfortable"

The main advantages of the “Comfortable” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. A comfortable design project consists of:

  • 1. Diagram of the dimensions of the premises included in the facility.
  • 2. Proposal of a sketch of a layout plan and/or redevelopment of the facility (1 option).
  • 3. Sketch of the plan diagram construction installation(dismantling) if agreed and provided for in writing).
  • 4. Sketch of the ceiling design plan.
  • 5. Sketch of the lighting layout plan.
  • 6. Sketch of the layout plan for switches.
  • 7. Sketch of the layout plan electrical outlets and electrical outlets.
  • 8. Sketch of the floor plan, layout of floor materials.
  • 9. Sketch of the plan for naming the walls.
  • 10. Sketch of the diagram of the lamps.
  • 11. Sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed upon and provided in writing).
  • 12. Sketch of a diagram of the layout of tiles on the walls (if tile laying is provided).
  • 13. 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program, developed based on the results of stage 1, is issued in printed form.

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the “Prestigious” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

  • Size diagram of the premises included in the facility;
  • Proposal of a sketch of a layout plan and/or redevelopment of the facility (if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • A sketch of the construction installation (dismantling) plan if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • Sketch of the ceiling design plan;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for electrical sockets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of floor plan, layout of floor materials;
  • Sketch of the plumbing and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of layout plan doorways;
  • Sketch of the plan for naming the walls;
  • Sketch of the floor heating placement plan with the connection of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the diagram of the lamps;
  • Sketch of electrical equipment plan;
  • Sketch of the furniture plan and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of the plan diagram decorative materials;
  • A sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed upon and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of a layout plan for kitchen equipment (if necessary);
  • A sketch of a diagram of the layout of tiles on the walls (if tile laying is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the design project sketch;
  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program

Design project "5 stars"

The main advantages of the “5 stars” design project. You receive a completed project in the form of a full color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of the premises. Completion time 7-8 weeks. 5 star design project consists of:

  • Size diagram of the premises included in the facility;
  • Proposal of a sketch of a layout plan and/or redevelopment of the facility (if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • A sketch of the construction installation (dismantling) plan if agreed upon and provided for in writing);
  • Sketch of the ceiling design plan;
  • Sketch of the lighting layout plan;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for the placement of switches;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for electrical sockets and electrical outlets;
  • Sketch of floor plan, layout of floor materials;
  • Sketch of a diagram of the plumbing and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the layout plan for doorways;
  • Sketch of the plan for naming the walls;
  • Sketch of the floor heating placement plan with the connection of the regulator (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the diagram of the lamps;
  • Sketch of electrical equipment plan;
  • Sketch of the furniture plan and its dimensions;
  • Sketch of a diagram of decorative materials;
  • A sketch of the wall layout plan (if agreed upon and provided in writing);
  • Sketch of a layout plan for kitchen equipment (if necessary);
  • A sketch of a diagram of the layout of tiles on the walls (if tile laying is provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the design project sketch;
  • 3-D visualization of interior design in a given program, 3D panorama of the front area

An attic children's room in a private house always looks cozy and atmospheric, because sloping ceilings give freedom to creativity. This room is always light, fresh and spacious thanks to the attic windows.

Arrangement and zoning

Children's room on the attic floor country house requires maximum attention: in such rooms it is important to plan everything well. To get a super functional room, living rooms should be located in an area with maximum natural light, this will ensure comfortable living.

The zoning of the nursery on the top floor depends on the layout of the room, because the sloping roof makes it a little difficult to arrange the interior in the attic.

The children's room should have: play area, work area and relaxation area. In a place where there is the most light (near the window), it is better to arrange a work area. The play area includes: a rug, a toy cabinet and all kinds of entertainment items.

In the photo: an attic in muted tones with color accents.

An attic for a girl should be bright and cozy. The child should be comfortable and pleasant to spend time in his room, especially if it is attic floor. Main feature attic design for a girl is the color scheme. It is best to choose pastel colors, with a few bright accents. The child himself can choose the most suitable color from the options proposed by the parents.

In the photo: a nursery for a princess in cool shades.

The ideal color scheme for the attic would be all pastel shades:

  • warm and cool shades of green,
  • pale yellow and orange shades,
  • warm and cool shades of pink,
  • pale blue and pale turquoise shades,
  • blue and lilac shades.

All of them should be light, diluted: like a light, weightless veil.

Children's – the whole world for a little resident. Here the child can play, do homework, relax, have fun and dream. For a boy, the choice of color scheme in the interior plays a significant role.

Suitable colors for a boy's nursery


  • diluted shades of green,
  • pale blue,
  • light turquoise,
  • light shades of blue and lilac.

For bright accents:

  • light green,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • emerald.

The attic for a boy can be decorated in neutral shades by making bright accents on decorative items: bright curtains, pillows, a toy cabinet.

Attic for two children

An attic nursery for two girls can serve as a whole kingdom for them. A work area for two children should be located near a natural light source. Two beds can be placed near the attic ceiling for cozy atmosphere.

When choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to be guided by the opinion of children; already at the age of 4, girls can choose the option they like best for their future kingdom, combining the imagination of children with the desire of parents, you can get an excellent result.

Decorative items can be toys, bright pillows or a plush blanket. Thematic design of attics for girls is popular: “princess house”, “roofed room for a fairy” and “house with toys”.

An attic nursery for boys can become a whole world for children. You can decorate the attic in Scandinavian, maritime or country style. Thematic design on the attic floor it will look as organic as possible.

Boys love adventure and superheroes, from the abundance of options you can choose the perfect theme for children, it could be: sea, aviation, “superhero house” or space. All kinds of stylistic accessories should be placed in the nursery.

The attic room must have: bedroom, sports, games and work area. Depending on the size of the attic, you can combine and combine the necessary areas for the child.

Attic children's room wooden house for children of different sexes requires special attention, because the boy will not be comfortable in the princess’s room. In such cases, it is recommended to use neutral shades in the interior; the walls should be made in light, pleasant shades. And the area for boys and girls is highlighted with their favorite colors and toys.

In the girl's area, decorative items in pink tones can be located, and in another part of the attic - decor for the boy. These could be ships, sailboats, cars, superheroes, anything that interests the little resident of the room.

In the photo: a children's bedroom in the attic with bright light green accents.

On the picture

Roofed room for a teenager

The main distinguishing feature of a teenage attic is that it is no different from an “adult” one. The design on the top floor for a teenager can be done in an ultra-modern loft style. Wooden elements in the form of beams will emphasize the attic ceiling and perfectly complement the loft. On the attic floor you can use almost any style and color scheme.

An attic for a teenager can be decorated in pastel or boudoir shades. Deep and bright colors can harmonize perfectly with light walls.

On the picture: stylish room with a low attic ceiling.

Style selection

The geometry of the ceiling will be organically combined with both classic and modern style.

Provence and children's room

A Provence-style attic will be filled with charm and light. The multifaceted palette of Provence includes colors dictated by rural nature: azure waters and the freshness of fields dotted with lavender. Children will find it easy and cozy here, because natural shades contain harmony.


Chalet - a style of cozy and warm home in the mountains. A feature of the attic interior is the mandatory presence of a fireplace, natural wood and stone in the decoration of the room. On the upper floors, under an attic roof, there can be a cozy children’s or teenager’s room in the chalet style.

An ultra-modern loft looks more natural than ever on the top floor of an attic. A child's room can be modern and dynamic, like this style. Distinctive feature loft: open windows, especially if they are of the attic type.

The color scheme of the loft is cool shades of silver, white and black. Or, strictly two shades from a contrasting or harmonizing spectrum, with an emphasis on only one.

In the photo: an ultra-modern children's room in neutral colors.

Modern style and attic

The main motto of modern style: “nothing superfluous.” Minimum amount of decor, more functionality. In the nursery or teenage room modern style it will look organic.


Attic children's room classic style Quite versatile, it is suitable for both children and teenagers. So that the nursery does not seem too boring for the child, you need to add more bright colors. In the design you can use any bright and clean, slightly muted, natural diluted and pastel shades.

Scandinavian children's room is light, colorful, with natural elements. Inherent Scandinavian style snow-white ceiling and walls expand the space.

Country style room interior

Country music is suitable for a children's room with its simplicity and comfort. The country color scheme contains natural shades of the palette, such as lavender, brown, olive, sand. In the decoration of the attic they are used natural materials to highlight the rustic style.

Marine children's room in the attic

Attic room in nautical style designed to create a cozy atmosphere of adventure. Must be used in the interior natural wood, it must be present in the decor, furniture and on the floor. A wooden attic ceiling can look especially atmospheric.

The main colors are white and blue; the technique of adding orange, red and brown to them is applicable.

On the picture

Finishing the attic ceiling

An attic ceiling can add incredible flair to a room if designed correctly. To make the room atmospheric and comfortable, you need to take care of finishing the attic ceiling.

The attic ceiling can be decorated wooden beams, drywall or suspended ceiling. In case of ceiling design plasterboard sheets, it is important to take care of the color scheme of the future stylish ceiling. The basic solution is White color, it expands the space, visually making the ceiling slightly higher. And you can dilute the base color with bright furniture or decorative items, as well as bright walls.

Choosing furniture for a children's room

Choosing furniture for the nursery - important stage. It should be functional, cute for a child and fit in with the design of the room. The attic roof brings its own characteristics when choosing children's furniture.

It is important to functionally organize all the recesses and niches under mansard roof. There you can place:

  • small wardrobes for clothes and toys,
  • boxes for storing children's things,
  • racks or shelves for books.

Variations of curtains for roof windows

Due to the specifics skylights, use curtains with lambrequins, or others complex options will not work. Despite this, there are many design options for roof windows.

  • also suitable for decorating roof windows, even if there is a slight slope. And if the attic window is at a large slope, suitable option fastenings for 2 cornices: one on the bend, the second at the top.

  • suitable for roof windows placed at an angle; they fit against the window and look very stylish.

Decorating a small attic

A small room on the attic floor can be made cozy and warm. A small attic room can be easily equipped; first, you need to arrange the necessary furniture for the bedroom (children's beds, wardrobe, table), and then, if the size of the attic allows, add decor and additional items for the comfort of children.

In the photo: a small attic for a girl in a modern style.

Photo gallery

An attic room can be fresh, spacious and cozy for children and teenagers. The right choice of color palette in the interior, the correct arrangement of furniture and decoration will make the attic floor the most comfortable in the house.

Create a cozy and interesting room for your baby is one of the main tasks for parents. After all, this is the place where he spends most of his free time. For this reason, parents approach the issue of arranging a room with great trepidation and special attention, so that their child feels comfortable, cozy, and most importantly, enjoys being there. To pick up suitable design project for decorating a children's room, loving parents resort to a little trick - viewing photos of children's interiors on the Internet. And, as practice often shows, not in vain. It is photographs that help adults decide what exactly they need and what they would like their baby’s room to look like.

The combination of colors and the influence of colors on the child’s condition

As the saying goes, “There are no comrades according to taste and color,” however, decorating a nursery is precisely the process that, when choosing a design project, requires adherence to basic rules and basic principles when creating an interior.

Picking up color palette, you need to rely on the age and wishes of your baby, and also take into account his special character. Speaking of characters. Everyone knows the four main types of human character:

  1. Melancholic;
  2. Phlegmatic person;
  3. Choleric;
  4. Sanguine.

Each of them has different colors and shades. For the former, blue is acceptable, for the latter, life without shades of green cannot be imagined, for others, red is adored, and for the latter, yellow is a favorite.

Considering the above, it is very important for parents to choose the right wallpaper, design and range of furniture upholstery so that they all fit harmoniously into the home. general interior and did not put pressure on the child’s psyche.

There is still such an opinion, it is even adhered to experienced psychologists that the wallpaper or wall color should be chosen in those colors that suit your child according to the time of year.

  • Those born in winter like cool colors, such as blue;
  • For those born in autumn, warm shades of red are more suitable;
  • Those who were born in the summer will be delighted with the green and soft blue colors;
  • Well, those born in spring will not remain indifferent to shades of yellow.

Of course, there is no point in placing special emphasis on these assumptions; they only serve as a small hint for parents and can slightly emphasize the individuality of the interior style. After all, no one knows their child the way their own parents know him, so the last word will naturally be theirs.

Color specialists strongly do not recommend painting the walls in a room in too dark colors; this can negatively affect the psyche of a growing baby. They also do not advise buying wallpaper with caustic, acidic shades. Soon they will simply begin to irritate him, especially if he is a teenage child.

If the baby is still a baby, then try to choose lighter and calmer colors, for example white, pink, turquoise, light green, soft blue, etc. And if the child’s character begins to change as he grows up, then it is not necessary to change the wallpaper or the color of the walls. To freshen up the look of the room, you can simply hang curtains in the shade you want or something like that.

Children's room layouts

To create a comfortable children's room, you should first of all find out about your child's preferences. What is he most interested in, what does he dream about? It should be a room in the style, bright and, if possible, divided into three zones: sleeping, playing, educational (creative).

To highlight the special style rooms, use different decorations. They can be self-adhesive children's pictures that can be used to decorate walls and bright butterflies, flowers, stars, soft toys, posters with your favorite cartoon characters and other handmade crafts. The main thing is that your baby likes it all and that he enjoys being in his favorite room with great pleasure.

Don't clutter the room. The nursery should be comfortable, free and practical. So that the child can rest there from accumulated fatigue. It is also advisable for parents to refrain from buying expensive wallpaper. Little children will definitely paint them, and teenagers will paste various posters of their idols on them.

There should be a calm mood in the sleeping area. Above the crib you can hang a night light depicting your beloved fairy tale character child. You should place a table and a chair nearby, lay a small rug on the floor so that when the baby wakes up, he does not stand on the cold floor.

Little tricks for the little ones

Children love it when there are toys, balls, and so on on the floor of the room. They are comfortable playing on the floor. Place a construction set there, large soft toys and dolls, leave room for cars and some other small things.

There shouldn't be a lot of toys. The fewer there are, the more interesting game. You just need to periodically remove one and give another. It is better not to immediately occupy the space near the window with anything. While the child does not go to school, it is not functional. It’s easier, and psychologically more correct, to leave free territory.

Experiment with the interior, don’t be afraid to make a mistake, because the child essentially doesn’t care where his favorite toys will be stored and where his shelf for photographs will hang. And such an experiment will only benefit you. You can apply the accumulated experience during the next repair, which, believe me, is just around the corner.

Children's rooms for girls

Decorating a nursery for a girl involves paying special attention to knitwear. After all, it is textiles, their cut and tailoring, that determine the main features of the style of the room, indicate the special character of the little princess and emphasize her taste. At the same time, children's furniture should be as simple and practical as possible, and if your child is still very small, then you can completely forget about unnecessary items in the interior.

Create special atmosphere Along with beautiful fabrics, various ruffles and lace will help bring holiday and freshness. Also experienced designers They advise you to take a closer look at the new interior design trend - corduroy, plush and drape. They will help you create a truly luxurious and royal interior.

The current direction of room design for a little lady is characterized by placement (preferably wooden) on a darker background. White color is unique by nature; it goes well with any shades, from light beige to chocolate wenge.

Children's room for a boy

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the age of the baby. This is what parents should start from when creating perfect design rooms for a boy.

For little angels, you need to divide the room in such a way that there is more free space for their pranks. A screen will help visually highlight the sleeping and playing areas. It doesn't have to go across the whole room, just enough small space and the child will understand that behind the screen everything is different.

There will be a convenient folding chair and a table that can be folded after the game. Above it, on the shelf, we will place a stand with pencils, paper, brushes and paints. The height of the shelf should be comfortable for the child. Otherwise he will lose interest in her.

If your boys have grown up to school age, then you need to take care of allocating a place for them to study, where they can not only do their homework, but also engage in various creative activities.

In addition, it is important to remember that periodically changing mental activity to physical activity will help your child grow up not only smart, but also healthy. Therefore there is free space for physical activities, must also be present in the room. Installing a folding horizontal bar or parallel bars will be a sufficient measure to perform the basic techniques of physical education classes.

Classic combination of black and white. We can say with confidence that this tandem has been tested over the years, so you can be absolutely sure that you will never get bored with this interior

It is best to choose neutral shades for the walls. White will look nice in combination with grey, blue, light blue or purple. In addition, you cannot do without these colors when creating an interior in marine theme, which boys love so much.

The main thing is not to worry that the room will turn out to be too cool, it will help to dilute the interior cushioned furniture and various decor.

A good night's sleep in a comfortable bed is the key good health and feel great in the morning

The thematic interior of a teenager’s children’s room will constantly change. Favorite cartoon characters will gradually be replaced by invincible heroes from comics and movies. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will have to update the interior more than once before they reach adulthood.

Any parent strives to provide their offspring with a safe and comfortable life. And it’s no secret that many families choose best room- the brightest and most spacious. Parents consider it their duty to renovate and furnish this room even better than others. But competent organization creating a useful, safe and functional space for a child's room is quite a complex undertaking. And those who do not want to turn to the services of professionals, but want to do it themselves, should approach the issue with all seriousness. Our ideas and color solutions for decorating children's rooms and subsequent renovations will help you! Where should I start?

A bed from France, a table from Italy, a wardrobe from Hungary, and other delights. The child is not able to estimate the amount spent, and due to his age, he does not yet know how to treat things with care.

Prestigious furniture in a nursery can cause frequent conflicts between generations. The child wants to frolic and play, but he hears constant comments from his parents: don’t jump on the bed! Don't draw on the walls! Don't scratch the table!

This is often what happens when a child plays.

The worries and worries of adults are quite understandable, but try to understand the baby too. He is not interested in knowing how much banknotes mom and dad had to spend on his room; he is interested in actively developing, and for this he must explore, create and remodel.

Well, sometimes destroy. But this necessary stage natural and harmonious human development.

Therefore, you shouldn’t go out of your way to try to furnish the children’s room with exclusive furniture.

It would be much more appropriate to give preference budget options finishing materials and furniture. Children will also be able to run around the room, hide in closets and jump on the bed: but it will cost their parents much less.

Another parental mistake is the abundance of furniture in the child’s room. Why does a baby need a huge bed, several for clothes, and an extra sleeping sofa? But there are still many toys...

Lighting in a small children's room with wardrobes and beds

As a result, the spacious room of a country house is practically cluttered with furniture unnecessary for the child, and the size of the living space is catastrophically reduced.

The baby is left with a tiny piece of space in the center of the room to play. But children simply need free space. They need to jump, run, crawl, play, but never sit in one place.

Is it possible to fully develop in the storeroom into which, against his will, his parents turned the children's room?

Therefore, it is advisable to approach the planning of a nursery’s premises more intelligently, and be guided by common sense and expediency. Here it is advisable to have only minimum required, which you can’t do without.

Children's room in a country house: playroom device

Needs special attention flooring in the games room. It would be rational to use practical, inexpensive linoleum for this purpose. Maybe, carpet covering it looks much richer, and the laminate is more fashionable and elegant... But paints, gouache, and even spilled plain water can cause them irreparable damage.

It is not afraid of water and dirt, is easy to wash and clean, and replacing it is not difficult. Yes, creating a children’s room that is complete and useful in every sense is a rather difficult process, requiring time and effort. But isn't your child's health, well-being and mood worth it?