Adoption of a baby. Who can adopt a child? What is adoption

You will need

  • - Medical certificate about your health status;
  • - Documents on family income;
  • - Documents on housing conditions - financial and personal account, papers confirming ownership (for privatized apartments);
  • - Certificate of no criminal record. It can be taken to the ATC (OVD);
  • - An application filled out according to a special form.


If you agree to take baby, write an application to the court for adoption and attach everything Required documents.

Wait for the decision - the court will render a verdict according to which you will have the right to take baby to your family or not.


Firmly assess your strengths - you will need to raise a child, raise him, send him to school, take care of him. Remember that the child already has his own experience and memories. Also find out everything you can about the child - who the parents were, what his health is, his mental state, his level of development. Ask how he is different from other children, how long he has been in orphanage that significant things happened during this time. Be sure to visit the institution’s psychologist and doctors, and also talk with the baby himself.

Helpful advice

Arrange in advance with the director of the institution for which you took the referral about a visit. This will get rid of unnecessary problems, and the teachers will be ready to show you all the information about a particular child and answer any questions you may have.

child from the orphanage you can take it home to the so-called foster family. Such a family is a replacement family until adoptive parents are found for the baby, the rights of the biological parents are restored, or he is returned to the orphanage. The task of adoptive parents is to create a new family member comfortable conditions stay and soften all the unpleasant memories of past life.

You will need

  • - certificate from place of work about income;
  • - certificate of ownership;
  • - a copy of the financial personal account;
  • - medical certificate of the established form;
  • - a copy of the marriage certificate (for married couples).


Adult citizens of Russia can become adoptive parents, regardless of gender and marital status. One of the parents can take it into the family. But guardianship can take into account how much there is already in such a family.

Once you have collected all the necessary documents and certificates, you need to contact local authorities and trustees. If everything is in order with your documents, your application will be accepted for consideration.

In the near future, guardianship officials will conduct an examination of your living conditions. Your house or apartment must meet sanitary and hygienic standards and have all amenities (light, water, sewerage). You should not have arrears in paying housing and communal services. The child must have a separate sleeping area and workplaces, ideally - your own room. After an examination within 20 days, the guardianship must issue a conclusion whether you can become adoptive parents or not.

If you receive a positive result from custody, you can search for the child. To do this, you can use federal or regional databases of children left without parental care. The baby must have the status that he can be taken into a foster family.

For the first, the child must apply to the guardianship for permission to visit the orphanage. Don't wait too long to find a new member

Children come to us in different ways. Someone comes as a “surprise”, someone is waited for a very long time, and he is finally born, so desired and long-awaited. And they are looking for someone and, having found them in a baby’s home or an orphanage, they bring them to their family, worrying and hoping for happiness.

How to adopt a child if such a decision has been made? How to find “your” son or daughter, and what needs to be done to obtain permission to adopt?

What is adoption?

Adoption means not only taking care of the child, but also fully accepting him into the family as one of his own. Laws Russian Federation It has been established that an adopted child will have absolutely all the same rights as blood relatives, including the right of inheritance.

Adopting a child is highest form responsibility for it. From the moment you receive a court order for adoption, this child will become a member of your family and will have all legal rights.

What rights do parents receive after adopting a child?

Parents get the right to change their child’s last name, as well as their first name (if the baby is not too old), and even the place and date of birth. The latter is often used by parents to keep the adoption secret.

State in in this case treats the child as if it were your own. That is, upon adoption, you may be paid a one-time benefit, but subsequently all financial concerns about the children fall on the shoulders of the parents. If very young children are taken into the family, the mother is given parental leave.

How else can you take a foster child into your family?

In addition to adoption, there are other forms of accepting children into a family - registration of guardianship/trusteeship or obtaining foster family status. There are parents who consciously choose this path, because here the registration process is somewhat simpler, since it does not require going through a court hearing.

And, having received guardianship, you can subsequently adopt a child through the court.

What children can be adopted?

By law, children left without parental care can be adopted. This category includes:

  • orphans whose parents have died or died;
  • children whose parents independently renounced parental rights or were deprived of them by a court decision;
  • children whose parents are declared missing or whose incompetence has been proven.

An important point: you can only adopt a child under 18 years of age. However, siblings will not be allowed to be taken into different families. That is, the state always takes into account the interests of children.

Remember this when you encounter unnecessary (in your opinion) checks and difficulties. Guardianship and trusteeship employees simply want to make sure that the child will be in good conditions and will be happy in your family.

How and where can you find your baby?

If you think that, having decided that you want to adopt a child, you will go to an orphanage and choose from several dozen children, you are, to put it mildly, mistaken. This is again due to the state's concern for children.

Data banks

First, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the database collected by the guardianship authorities at your place of residence. Only after an absentee selection will you be able to meet the baby in person. Remember, adopting a child is not an easy or quick process.

The personal files of all children without parents are entered into a common database. It is on this basis that you will be asked to choose a candidate for future acquaintance.

If your wishes are quite strict and you were unable to make a choice in the local database, the guardianship staff should provide you with the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the regional and federal databases.

What is the procedure for meeting a potential family member?

What should expectant parents do?

  1. Get acquainted not only with the photograph and basic data of the child being adopted.
  2. Carefully study the medical record. By the way, if you are planning adoption, you have the right to an alternative medical examination in order to thoroughly learn everything about the baby’s health condition.
  3. It is not only possible, but also necessary to find out as much as possible about the potential son or daughter you liked: why her parents were deprived of their rights, whether she has other blood relatives, their attitude towards adoption, as well as their desire to communicate with her in the future.

If you like the child, the guardianship authorities will issue permission to visit. It should be noted that papers are one thing, but feelings and emotions are quite another. It may also happen that after a personal meeting, you will come to the realization that for some reason the little one you like is not suitable for you.

Well, that may be so. In this case, you will have to write a statement to the guardianship stating that you will not take this baby. With an explanation of the reasons. After which you will again be given the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the database and continue making your selection.

Where else can you try to find “your” child?

In addition to the database about children in orphanages or orphanages, there are also special sites dedicated to children who can be adopted into a family. You can search the federal website for orphans, find the websites of orphanages and orphanages on the Internet.

You can also see “your” son or daughter from the TV or computer screen, and learn about the child from numerous volunteers who work in such organizations. Search! Children don't always come easy.

What are the requirements for future parents?

In order to become a parent, you need to prove that you are worthy. From the outside, requests and checks of guardianship officers may seem unnecessary, but let's not forget that they are engaged in protecting the rights of children.

The court's decision also directly depends on the availability of all documents. An adopted child has the right to grow up in a family where there are all the conditions for this.

  1. Future parents must be healthy physically and mentally.
  2. The adoptive parent must be at least 16 years older than the child being adopted.
  3. The living space should allow the baby to live there. This also applies to the size of the premises and sanitary and hygienic standards.
  4. Potential adoptive parents must attend special courses for future parents.
  5. By the way, not only a married couple, but also a single adult can adopt a child. Although, let’s not hide, they will have a little more questions of a psychological nature.

  1. The family must have the financial ability to raise an adopted child. That is, income must at least slightly exceed the subsistence level.
  2. A person who has ever been declared incompetent or who has already been deprived of parental rights by court cannot become an adoptive parent. In addition, a child will never be given to a person who has a criminal record for a deliberate crime against the health and lives of other people.

Thus, in order to demonstrate your readiness for official adoption, you must bring a set of necessary documents and certificates to the guardianship authorities, as well as invite specialists to assess the condition of the home.

Only after considering all these points will a decision be made on the possibility of adding you to the list of adoptive parents.

What documents are needed for adoption?

First of all, you need to submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with a request to evaluate your candidacy as a future parent.

In addition to this, you will need the following documents:

  • a copy of the general passport (if documents are submitted by a family, then copies of the passports of both the husband and wife are needed);
  • certificate from the place of work about income and position held. In addition, you will be asked to bring a reference. If the application for adoption is submitted from a family, then both the husband and wife must bring a certificate of income;
  • document about medical examination future parents. This includes not only tests for HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis, but also a document stating that you are not registered with psychiatric and drug treatment clinics;
  • extract from the house register and personal account. If you own the housing, then a document confirming this;
  • a certificate indicating no criminal record;

  • a copy of the marriage certificate (if the adoptive parents are husband and wife);
  • autobiographies of potential adoptive parents.

Adoption algorithm: what should potential parents do?

In order not to get confused in the process and not to waste unnecessary time when adopting a child, we recommend that you act in a certain sequence.

  1. Having decided to take a child into your family, sign up for foster parenting courses. This is not only a necessary formality for the approval of your candidacy. Many parents admitted that they received a lot useful information In these classes, we learned about future difficulties and features, and also got the opportunity to take a realistic look at the situation, evaluate our desires and get rid of illusions.
  2. The next step is to visit the local department of guardianship and trusteeship authorities. You may not bring all the certificates at once and necessary documents. But in order to have a serious conversation with you, prepare at least those that do not take a long time to collect (passports, marriage certificates, property certificates, etc.). In addition, be prepared to be asked “difficult” questions - about the reasons for your decision, about your living and financial conditions, and asked to tell you about yourself.
  3. During this visit, you will write a statement stating that you are asking for a conclusion on the possibility of becoming an adoptive parent and on registering you as a candidate for adoptive parents.
  4. Now is the time to start collecting all the certificates and certificates. Please note that all of them are valid for a limited amount of time, so you should not prolong this “pleasure”. Let us also add that by law all these documents are required to be provided to you free of charge.
  5. All collected papers must be brought to the guardianship authorities and a paper written asking them to check your living conditions.
  6. After the specialists visit you, all you have to do is wait. You should get results within 10-14 days. If your candidacy is disapproved, you can take note of all the shortcomings and try to correct the situation by going through all these steps again.

  1. Once approval for adoption has been received, you can begin selecting a child. Much has already been said about this above; let’s just add details. An employee of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities is obliged to help you choose a child to adopt. If “your” son or daughter is not in the local database, you have the right to consider a regional or federal database. It is not at all necessary that you will find a baby in your own city; it may well be that you want to go to another city for him.
  2. When you focus your attention on something specific child, guardianship will give you a referral for a visit and acquaintance. Now you can go see your future son or daughter in person. As a rule, adoptive parents are not allowed to communicate with other children, so most likely the child will be invited to the office of the director of an orphanage or baby home.
  3. By law you can meet your child 10 times before you accept final decision. Visiting with close relatives - future aunts and uncles and grandparents - is not prohibited. Whether this is necessary is up to you to decide. Just remember that if you change your mind, the baby will be seriously injured.
  4. So, you have decided to adopt this particular child. Now is the time to apply for a judicial review of your adoption. Court hearings always take place in closed. A representative of the guardianship authorities is required to attend. If you are married, it is better for both spouses to appear in court. Your responsible attitude may influence the court's decision.
  5. When submitting an application to the court, parents have the right to ask to change the child’s last name, first name, and even place and date of birth. Once you have received a court order on adoption, you will no longer be able to change the latter.
  6. When the court makes its decision to register the adoption, you can go to the local registry office to obtain a new birth certificate for the child, where you will be indicated as his parents. Your passport will also include a note indicating that you have a daughter or son.
  7. So, don’t be confused by the “fatal” serial number of our algorithm, now you can take your child home. Happy new life to you!

Orphanage or baby home?

In our state, children who for some reason are left without parents are sent either to an orphanage or to an orphanage. They differ in the age of the students. The first one houses small children from one to 3-4 years old, the second one houses preschoolers and teenagers up to 18 years old.

Which institution to pay attention to when adopting a child is up to you to decide. Each age has its own advantages and disadvantages. Many people think that it is best to take a very small baby, ideally a newborn.

But, of course, such children, left without parental care in such early age, is unlikely to be enough for everyone. Moreover, older children also need family care and love.

State assistance for adopted children

Monitoring the standard of living of an adopted child

The Russian Federation pays great attention to protecting the interests of children. After you take your child into your family, residential guardianship representatives will continue to monitor the situation for several years.

As a rule, this control is expressed in the fact that in the first three years, guardianship representatives will visit you and check in what conditions the adopted baby lives and how the process of his adaptation is going.

If this seems unpleasant and offensive to you, remind yourself again that all these measures are being taken only to give the child the opportunity to live well and happily.

The Mystery of Adoption

The state also provides assistance for you. First of all, it lies in the secrecy of adoption. From now on, this is your child, and if you want information about the adoption to remain hidden from strangers, so be it. The law is there to protect your interests.

In addition, families with adopted children are provided with a number of benefits. You can find out about them from a guardianship representative you already know. Please note that the state does not pay any benefits other than one-time benefits after the child legally becomes yours. As they say, “if you call yourself a load, get into the back.”

Despite this, you will receive much more - your child, the opportunity to feel like a parent, to open a world full of joy and new opportunities for another person.

Taking care of your baby will give you the opportunity to express yourself in a new way, the best side. Of course, difficulties and disappointments will await you along this path, but you yourself knew that adopting a child and raising him as your own is not an easy task.

The happiness of being a parent is incomparable. Being next to your baby from the first seconds of his life, seeing his first hesitant and cautious steps, hearing stupid and funny words...

But what should those whom nature has deprived of this happiness of being a mother or father do? Don't despair. In such a situation, there is still a chance to become a happy parent - to adopt a child. A single woman or man, or even entire families who do not have children of their own, will thus be able to not only help themselves, but also give a happy childhood to a child who is unlucky in life.

What is adoption

In the Russian Federation, adopting a child means taking him into your family, under your roof. Give him, in addition to your last name, affection, love, and care.

During adoption, the same rights and obligations arise between the child and the new parents as in ordinary families by blood relationship. But whether there will be the same love depends on you.

So, how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital or orphanage? What needs to be done for this and where to go? This is a rather lengthy procedure, and it consists of several mandatory steps.

Stage one: becoming adoptive parents

First, you need to make a request to the guardianship authority in the place where you live. Only there can you obtain permission to adopt a child. Documents to be submitted:

a) a statement of the established form;

b) certificate of income or document from the place of residence permanent job, where the position you hold and your salary are indicated;

c) a certificate of ownership of real estate (housing) or an extract made from;

d) a copy of your financial account;

e) a medical certificate of the established form, which is issued to citizens wishing to become adoptive parents;

f) a certificate confirming that you have no criminal record;

g) autobiography;

h) marriage certificate (copy) for citizens who are members of it.

All documents listed above must be issued a maximum of 1 year ago. In addition to the medical certificate, which is valid for 3 months. When submitting documents, you must present a passport or other identification document).

What is needed to adopt a child, besides submitting the documents listed above? Good conditions accommodation. After all, employees of the guardianship authority will visit you to check how you are living. And they will draw a conclusion about whether you are able to provide your unborn child with a normal existence.

Then, within 15 days (working days) from the day the application was submitted, the guardianship authority must draw up a conclusion on whether you can become adoptive parents. When positive result you will be given a corresponding document, which is valid for one year, and will be registered as citizens who are adoptive parents. In case of refusal, you will also be sent a corresponding conclusion and all documents will be returned within five days.

Stage two: choosing a child

If you receive a positive response and register, the guardianship authority will tell you how to adopt a child from a maternity hospital or orphanage. After this, you will be provided with all the information about the children who are allowed to adopt. You have the right to receive detailed and reliable information about your child, including information about whether he or she has any relatives. If you wish, you can contact any medical institution to have your child examined.

Then the guardianship authorities will issue a referral to visit your chosen child at the place of residence. This document is valid for ten days and applies to visiting only one child. In the event that good reasons the deadline has been missed, it can only be extended upon appropriate application.

After receiving the referral, you can safely go to a meeting with the child to get to know him, communicate, study his documents and medical report on his health. The latter must be done under signature.

Then you are obliged to notify the guardianship authority in writing about how you visited the child and what decision you made about him. This must also be done within a ten-day period while the issued referral is valid.

If for some reason you decide not to accept a proposed child into your family, you have the right to receive another referral to visit another applicant.

How to get information from data banks

All orphans whose adoption is permitted in accordance with the law are entered into regional and federal data banks. To obtain the relevant information, you must submit the following documents:

a) a copy of your passport, birth certificate or other document that proves your identity;

b) a conclusion issued by the guardianship authority that you can be an adoptive parent;

c) an application requesting information and selection of a child who meets your wishes;

d) questionnaire.

The application with the documents attached to it is considered within a ten-day period. The guardianship authority is obliged to send new children’s profiles once a month that correspond to your wishes. Fifteen days are provided for their study.

Stage three: court approval

It is possible to officially and legally adopt a baby or older child in our country only through the court. The basis for starting legal proceedings is an application for adoption. It is filed with the court at the place of residence of the child being adopted.

The application must be properly completed and the following documents must be attached to it:

a) if you are not married - birth certificate (copy), if you are - marriage certificate (copy);

b) a certificate issued by a medical institution regarding the state of health;

c) certificate of income;

d) for real estate (housing) or an extract made from the house register;

e) a document confirming that you are registered as an adoptive parent.

All of the above documents must be submitted to the court in two copies. The meeting on this issue is closed and takes place in the presence of the prosecutor, an employee of the guardianship authority and the child who is already fourteen years old. Your appearance in court is required. From the moment the court decision comes into force, within 3 days a copy of this decision will be sent to the registry office for registration of adoption at the state level.

Stage four: formalizing the adoption

The last thing you need to do to adopt a child is to get everything legal. This is done by the civil registry office. In order to register adoption, you need to write an application or apply verbally. To do this, you need to present your passport and a positive court decision. If you do not do this yourself within a month, then the registration of adoption will be carried out by the registry office independently on the basis of a court document.

The registry office issues a new birth certificate for the child, where your names will already appear in the “mother” and “father” columns. However, if the child remains with his biological parents, no changes will be made to his birth record.

Now you have the right to personally pick up your child. But do not forget to notify the guardianship authority with which you are registered about everything within 10 days from the date the court makes a positive decision.

How to adopt a child from a maternity hospital

Taking a baby from a maternity hospital is much more difficult than from shelters or baby homes. The fact is that in our country there are many more couples who want to adopt a newborn child than those who are ready to accept older children into their family.

The guardianship authorities, as well as the courts, treat such adoptive parents with increased attention.

So, the main requirement for this procedure is that the age difference between the future parent and the child is at least 16 years.

A statement of desire to become an adoptive parent must be notarized.

In addition to meeting all of the above requirements, you must undergo a full medical examination for mental disorders, skin and venereal diseases, oncology and nervous system disorders.

Who cannot be an adoptive parent

1) persons recognized in court as having limited legal capacity or incapacity;

2) spouses, if one of them is incapacitated or has limited legal capacity;

3) persons deprived of parental rights by the court;

4) persons who, due to their health status, are unable to fulfill parental responsibilities;

5) former adoptive parents, if the court previously canceled the adoption due to their fault;

6) citizens removed from guardianship by court;

7) unemployed or low-income citizens who are unable to provide a living wage for an adopted child;

8) persons previously convicted of serious crimes;

9) persons without a fixed place of residence;

10) citizens who live in premises that do not meet technical and sanitary standards.

Money issue

The amount of payments depends on many factors: where you live, whether you work, how old the adopted child is, etc.

Which is paid upon adoption of a child, is 8,000 rubles. This is a general federal benefit. There are also separate one-time payments in the Moscow region: for each child - 20,000 rubles. If you adopt another baby under the age of six months, you will receive an allowance of 5,000. For the third - 15,000. For each subsequent one - 20,000 rubles.

If you do not work and adopt a child under three months, you also receive benefits. These are payments in the amount of the average monthly wages, calculated for the last 12 months worked.

The Mystery of Adoption

Many people try to adopt a child under one year old, because they think that this way it is easier to hide this “terrible” secret. Others, on the contrary, do not think that there is anything shameful in this, and from childhood they reveal the whole truth to their adopted child.

By Russian legislation all those who are aware of the adoption procedure (employees of the guardianship authorities, the registry office, the judge who made the decision and others) are obliged to maintain this secret. For its disclosure, responsibility comes: from a fine of 80,000 rubles to arrest for four months.

However, any person over 18 years of age has the right to obtain from the court archive all information about his adoption, as well as about his real parents.

Until now, in our country, despite the efforts of individuals and the state, the number of orphans has not decreased. Every day, refuseniks from maternity hospitals arrive in orphanages, and children whose presence in their family is life-threatening arrive in orphanages. Government agency- a temporary measure, but not a way out plight little man, from whom the closest people turned their backs. A child cannot grow up happy outside of a family, which means that more than anything else he needs new, loving parents. In such situations, the only effective measure is a foster family. It's about about the collective image of all families that implement, take custody, arrange guardianship or resort to any other form of placing a child in a family.

What is a foster family

The following forms of foster families can be distinguished:

  • Adoption – a child is accepted into a family as a blood relative. He becomes a full-fledged member of the family with all rights and responsibilities.
  • Guardianship – a child is accepted into a family for the purpose of upbringing and education, as well as to protect his interests. He can retain his last name; his natural parents do not receive an exemption from the responsibility for his maintenance. Guardianship is established for children under 14 years of age, and from 14 to 18 years of age guardianship is issued.
  • Foster care – a child is raised in a family on the basis of a tripartite agreement between guardianship authorities, a foster family and an institution for orphans.
  • Foster family – a child is raised at home by a guardian on the basis of an agreement that determines the period of transfer of the child to a foster family.

The experience of adopting orphans exists, and it is successful. However, the ability to accept a child is not given to every person - you need to listen carefully to yourself and try to find answers to internal questions. If you can’t make a decision on your own, you can always talk to a psychologist. It will help you “look” inside yourself and understand what exactly you need from life. Perhaps this is not at all helping the child, but a desire to satisfy some personal ambitions. In this case, you should not count on adopted children - they are not at all obliged to meet your expectations.

An adoptive family, like any other, may face a number of problems with the arrival of a child. The ability to solve them without loss largely depends on the willingness to accept the little person and on the competence of the adoptive parents. The more clearly people understand what they are getting into when they decide to raise a foster child, the better. Of course, in most cases it will be more difficult for adoptive parents to cope with their functions than for relatives. The reason is simple - children who have experienced a tragedy (be it the death of loved ones, the destruction of a family, or the deprivation of mom and dad of parental rights) experience a deep emotional drama. Staying in an orphanage, where there is not a single relative, causes no less damage to the child’s psyche. There is no one to count on and no one to share experiences with. In child care facilities there are only people doing their jobs. Even if they do it flawlessly, there will be no replacement for parental love.

Adaptation of a child in a foster family

Adaptation in a family lasts on average up to a year and is quite difficult. Illnesses may worsen, unexpected tears and hysterics may arise, denial of everyone and everything (“I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “go away”) and even aggression may appear. All this is natural and will certainly pass over time, provided that the parents are educated and sincerely loved.

Adaptation of a child in a foster family can be divided into several stages:

  • The preparation stage, when the child is just visiting new parents, comes to visit before the baby is finally accepted into the family.
    In this period adoptive parents They try to make the child feel comfortable in the house, give gifts, praise and encourage him in every possible way. The child is trying to please the new parents. It is very important not to rush things and not to put pressure on the child to call his parents “mom” and “dad”.
  • The stage of crisis when the child begins to behave completely differently than the adoptive parents are used to observing.
    The process is natural and should be considered as the correct development of relationships. If a child shows his bad sides to new parents, this is a sign of a trusting relationship.
  • The adaptation stage when the child begins to feel at home in the new family.
    His appearance and behavior change, the baby becomes independent and more self-confident. It should be remembered that any change in the family can cause psychological trauma to the child.
  • The stage of stabilization, when the family finally becomes a family.
    Adopted child is calm, although he may be disturbed by memories of his past life, and the adoptive parents are satisfied with the state of their family.

The best way to “spread the straw” in advance is to acquire contacts of the necessary specialists: doctors, neurologists, psychologists in advance, before the child arrives in the family. And, without hesitation, at the first difficulties, turn to them.

How to become foster parents

Which children are placed in foster care:

  • children left without parental care in institutions social protection population, medical and preventive, educational or other similar institutions;
  • children whose parents, for health reasons, are unable to support and raise them;
  • children whose parents have been deprived or limited in parental rights, have been declared incompetent by a court or have been convicted;
  • children whose parents are unknown;
  • orphans

Algorithm for creating a foster family

  • A candidate for foster parents submits to the Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship a package of documents according to the list with an application for issuing an opinion on the possibility of being a foster parent.
  • Within 3 days from the date of submission of the above documents, Department specialists conduct an examination of the living conditions of the candidate for adoptive parents and the inspection report is approved by the head of the guardianship authority within 3 days. The inspection report is drawn up in two copies, one of which is sent within 3 days to the citizen who has expressed a desire to accept the child into the family. The inspection report can be challenged by a citizen in court.
  • Within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, a decision is made on the appointment of a foster parent or on the candidate’s ability to be a foster parent, on the basis of which a referral is issued to an organization for orphans and children left without parental care to get acquainted with the child, his personal file and medical report on his state of health.
  • If the decision is positively made, the candidate writes a statement of intent to accept the child into the family.
  • An organization for orphans and children left without parental care, as a legal representative, sends the child for a commission examination of his health status (as for adoption) and, together with a medical report, with his consent to transfer the child to a foster family, submits a package of documents to the Department for child.
  • Management is preparing normative act on the possibility of transferring a child to a foster family: on the appointment of a guardian (adoptive parent) performing duties for a fee, on the need for payment Money for remuneration due to the adoptive parent and for the maintenance of the child.
  • The department concludes an agreement with the adoptive parent on the transfer of the child to a foster family and, in addition to the agreement, prepares individual conditions transfer of the child, a certificate of the adoptive parent and gives a memo to the adoptive parent with the child’s documents.
  • If the candidate is from another municipality, the personal file is transferred to the municipality at the place of actual residence of the adoptive family to assign payment of funds and monitor the conditions of upbringing and maintenance of the child.
  • Adoptive parents are assigned monthly cash payments for the maintenance of children placed in foster families, the amount of which in 2013 was 6,543 rubles. 80 kopecks, and a monetary reward due to the adoptive parent in the amount of 2,500 rubles (if a family is raising a child under 3 years old and a disabled child, then an additional payment to the monetary reward is assigned in the amount of 20%).
  • Schoolchildren are paid compensation for travel of 310 rubles. 88 kopecks. When placing a child into a family, the adoptive parent is paid a one-time allowance of about 12,000 rubles.

How to adopt a child?

Requirements for adoptive parents

Adoptive parents (parents) can be adults of both sexes, with the exception of:

  • persons recognized by the court as incompetent or partially capable;
  • persons deprived of parental rights by court or limited by court in parental rights;
  • removed from the duties of a guardian (trustee) for improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by law;
  • former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled due to their fault;
  • persons with diseases that make it impossible to take a child (children) into a foster family.

Adoptive parents are the legal representatives of the adopted child, protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special powers.

Persons wishing to take a child (children) into foster care submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at their place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of becoming foster parents.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  • A certificate from the place of employment indicating the position and the average salary for 12 months, or another document confirming the income of citizens;
  • An extract from the house register from the place of residence or another document confirming the right to use the residential premises or the right of ownership of the residential premises, a copy of the financial personal account from the place of residence;
  • A certificate from internal affairs bodies confirming the absence of a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morals, and against public safety;
  • Medical report on health status;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (if the citizen is married);
  • Autobiography;
  • A document confirming the availability of housing for a person (persons) wishing to take a child (children) into foster care (a copy of the financial and personal account from the place of residence and an extract from the house book (apartment) book for tenants of residential premises in the state and municipal housing stock or a document confirming ownership of residential premises);
  • Written agreement adult family members, taking into account the opinion of children over 10 years of age living together, on the adoption of a child into the family;
  • A copy of a certificate or other document on completion of training (except for close relatives of children, as well as persons who are or were guardians (trustees) of children and who were not suspended from performing their duties, and persons who were or are adoptive parents and in relation to whose adoption has not been cancelled).

The first thing every person thinking about adoption needs to do is discuss their desire with the people closest to them: their spouse and children. By the way, the widespread stereotype that only families who are deprived of the opportunity to give birth to their own should raise adopted children is not only far from the truth, but also harmful. On the contrary, families that already have children, have experience in raising children, understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to raise children. But let's get back to family members. Only if consensus is reached, and there are no those left in the house who are “categorically against”, can we move on to action.

The second step is training at a school for foster parents. Finding the nearest one is very simple: just contact the guardianship authority at your place of residence. They will direct you there. On average, classes last two months and this is not only a necessary, but also an enjoyable stage on the path to placing a child in your family. A few weeks before graduation, you can safely start collecting documents. With intensive immersion in this issue (if both spouses take leave for this purpose), the procedures will take one to two weeks.

Medical documents have been completed, a certificate of completion from the foster parents' school has been received - now is the time to return to foster care. The specialist will inspect the living quarters of potential adoptive parents, help fill out forms, write an application and prepare other necessary documents. After this, you will have to wait two to three weeks for a decision. An important point is that future adoptive parents must already at this stage choose the form of placing the child in their family - adoption, guardianship, foster family, and so on. The difficulty of this procedure is that it is impossible to guess in advance what status the child you meet and fall in love will have. If, for example, there is only “adoption”, it is no longer possible to take him under guardianship. Therefore, consult with a specialist on how best to proceed.

Finding a child is the most difficult and lengthy stage. There will be many difficulties, disappointments and worries along this path. Despite the fact that there are about 600,000 children in Russia who live without a family, child care institutions are often in no hurry to part with them. And very often, especially when looking for a child under 3 years old, you will hear from child care specialists “we don’t have children.” Why this happens is the topic of a separate article. The main thing is don’t stop and don’t despair. Do you have children. Do not limit your search only to your place of residence - potential adoptive parents in Russia have the right to search for a child throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. With persistence and faith that you are doing the most important thing in life, your baby will definitely be found. And you will be together.

Experience of adoptive parents

One of the most important moments successfully overcoming difficulties in raising adopted children is communication with other parents who are in a similar life situation. Sharing experiences and feeling “I’m not alone with my problems” always gives strength and helps to look at things realistically. Ideally, you need to find an organization that helps place children and at the same time provides subsequent support for the family. We are talking about all kinds of non-profit foundations, structures and communities of adoptive parents. Communication with like-minded people is very important - both at the stage of making a decision, searching for a child, and at the very beginning of life together. However, you shouldn’t break off the relationship in the future. For adopted children, this is also a unique opportunity to feel at ease and understand that the most beloved and closest ones are not necessarily those who gave birth to you. But definitely those who love, who are nearby every day, from morning to night.

  1. Try not to be guided by the opinions of people who are not adoptive parents themselves: they have no real idea about orphans.
  2. Do not hesitate to conduct the necessary medical and psychological examination of the child before making a decision. In any case, it is necessary: ​​you need to clearly understand what is to be treated and how.
  3. It doesn’t hurt to remember all the time that genes shape temperament, character, and are responsible for health, but not for a person’s destiny. Criminals and drug addicts are the result of upbringing and the surrounding society.
  4. Seek help from psychologists and lawyers. Specialists provide free consultations at the Centers for Social Assistance to Family and Children.
  5. Do not hurry. In case of doubt, uncertainty or family problems, wait. Resolve your issues and continue to communicate with other adoptive parents.
  6. If you cannot “recognize” your child, use your sense of smell. Smells clearly work on an unconscious level, suggesting “my person” or not.
  7. Don't try to imagine the image of a child in advance: everything will be completely different from what you expected. And not even as other adoptive parents told you - each case is individual.
  8. A child left without parents has a lot of difficult and bad things in his past. He will get rid of this burden gradually, with the help of a new family. Don't rush things - it takes time.
  9. Don't expect instant love from your adopted child. What matters is what you have already changed to better life little person.
  10. Let your child be himself. Observe his interests, talents and help consolidate them. Allow your baby to grow up happy.

Diana Mashkova