The issuance of technical specifications for the installation of individual metering devices is not required. Technical conditions for organizing heat energy metering Installing a common house heat meter is legal

The quality management system is certified for compliance

requirements of GOST RV 15..

Statement of Compliance No. BP. ZK.22/.

288" height="34" style="vertical-align:top">

_________________________ № _______________________

To No. ___________________ from _______________________

To the head

TECHNICAL CONDITIONSNo. _____________ dated “_____”______200__


(place of installation of the metering unit, type of attached object)


Qmax= Gcal/hour


Connection of the thermal load is carried out in accordance with:


(technical specifications "Electronics" No.______________ dated "______"____________200___)


1. For design, the following documents are required:

1.1. “Technical conditions for connecting the consumer’s heat load” to heat networks, issued by Electronics,” indicating the design heat loads by type of heat consumption (for newly designed facilities).

1.2. The existing energy supply agreement, “Technical conditions for the reconstruction of a heating point” (for subscribers for whom reconstruction with replacement of equipment is planned), issued by Electronics.”

1.3. The existing energy supply agreement, “Technical conditions for connecting an additional heat load (facilities) to an existing heating point”, issued by Electronics,” indicating the design heat loads by type of heat consumption.

1.4. Temperature and hydraulic schedule of coolant parameters, agreed upon with the Consumer and the energy supply organization.

2. The project must provide for:

2.1. Compliance of the Project with the requirements of the “Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants”; “Rules for metering thermal energy and coolant.”

2.2. Heat consumption schedule by day (heating and summer periods), certified by the thermal energy consumer.

2.3.Functional diagram for measuring coolant flow, temperature, pressure and thermal energy.

2.4. Schemes for installing flow and temperature sensors on pipelines, in compliance with the lengths of straight sections specified in the passport data of the thermal energy meter.

2.5. Diagrams of communication lines, power supply circuits from flow, temperature, pressure sensors to the heat meter.

Communication lines and power circuits are laid in separate electrical installation steel pipes or metal hoses. The types of cables used in the circuit must comply with those specified in the technical requirements of the manufacturer of the thermal energy meter.

2.6.Installation of the heat calculator, power supplies, adapter, and automatic power supply units in a separate, sealed metal panel that prevents unauthorized access to the specified equipment.

3. For installation on thermal units of Electronics subscribers, the following types of devices are recommended, included in the state Register of Measuring Instruments: "Takeoff", VKT, TREM, TS-11, TS-7, SPT.

4. Requirements for installed heat energy metering devices:

4.1. Accuracy class when measuring network water flow< ± 2 %.

4.2. The minimum limit for measuring the network water flow rate of the metering device must be lower than the actual coolant flow rate.

4.3. The registration sheet of daily heat consumption parameters, printed from installed heat metering units, must contain:

Amount of thermal energy consumed per day (Gcal);

Coolant consumption in the supply pipeline per day (t);

Coolant consumption in the return pipeline per day (t):

Average daily coolant temperature in the supply pipeline (C0)

Average daily coolant temperature in the return pipeline (C0);

Coolant consumption per day to recharge internal heating and ventilation systems (t);

Operating time of the thermal energy metering unit (hour);

Drive readings at the beginning, end of the reporting period and their difference during the reporting period;

Thermal energy consumption;

Consumption of network water in the supply and return pipelines;

Make-up water consumption;

Operating time of the device.

4.4. Provide for the transfer of information from the subscriber's thermal energy metering station via telephone wire or cellular communication channels.


5. To commission a heat metering unit and issue an Admission Certificate, you must:

5.1. Availability of a “Project for a heat energy and coolant metering unit” agreed with Electronics.”

5.2. Compliance of installation of metering station equipment with the Project agreed upon by Electronics.”

5.3. Availability of a Statement of registration of daily heat consumption parameters for the unit being rented out for a period of at least 7 days.

5.4. Availability of passport documents for the installed elements of the thermal energy metering unit.

5.5. Availability of original certificates of State verification of metering unit elements.

5.6. Absence of actual overestimation of t2 fact, in comparison with the temperature graph t2 graph on the thermal unit.

5.7. Absence of excess network water leaks at this subscriber.

5.8. Absence of raw water contamination on this subscriber.

6. Additional conditions:

6.1. Work on the design and installation of thermal energy metering units should be carried out by a specialized organization.

6.2. The unit shield should be equipped with connectors for connecting a portable adapter and a laptop.

6.3. Provide for the transfer of information in the project: a report for consumed thermal energy and its current values ​​– via the communication system in Electronics.”

6.4. Acceptance of the accounting unit and communication system is formalized in a single act.

7. The validity period of the “Technical Conditions” is up to ______________________20___.

Director of Operations

But this is not always possible - such is the modern legislative framework.

Installing a heating meter in the apartment seems like a reasonable solution

Profitable or not

Heating bills have become more and more expensive in recent years, and many are thinking about installing a heating meter in their apartment. This is possible if your house has a communal heat metering unit and the Management Company/TZhS/ZhEK keeps records using individual meters. The second condition is horizontal heating distribution in the apartment. Unfortunately, most multi-storey buildings have vertical wiring - in each or almost every room there is a riser from which the radiators are powered. With this type of wiring, you will have to install meters on each riser, but this is not cheap and this event will take a long time to pay off.

If you are lucky and your house has horizontal wiring, installing a heating meter is certainly beneficial. How much depends on how much heat loss there is in your apartment. If the apartment is “internal”, has few walls facing the street and/or these walls are insulated, if there are plastic or wooden windows, but new and windproof, if the doors are insulated, the benefit can be very large. After installing a heat meter, it may turn out that you pay only a small part of the previous charges on a general basis.

The savings can be significant

But that’s not all: at the moment, payments for heating will be charged using individual heat energy meters only if they are installed and put into operation in 100% of the residential and non-residential premises of the house. This is only possible in new buildings, which are handed over immediately with metering devices. In other houses, such cases are extremely rare, which calls into question the feasibility of the installation.

Rules for installing and operating heat meters in an apartment

To install a heat energy meter in your apartment for the heating season, you need to start taking action ahead of time, preferably before the end of the heating season. The procedure is as follows:

  • Contact the management company/homeowners association/housing office where you will be given technical conditions for connecting an individual heat energy meter. This is one piece of paper that indicates the network parameters in your home: temperature, pressure.
  • Buy a heat meter. You must buy it certified, from a legal company. You must have a sales and cash receipt, an instruction manual, a quality certificate, which must indicate the date of the state verification, and there must also be information about who carried out the verification (name of the organization).
  • Next, find a design organization that has a license for this type of service. They prepare a project based on the technical specifications and the available meter.

Installing a heat meter for heating takes a couple of hours

The whole process may take two months or even more - that’s why it’s better to start acting in advance in order to be in time before the start of the heating season. In principle, in every more or less large city there are organizations that will do all this for you, but their services are far from cheap.

What is the legal basis

If you need the names of regulatory documents regulating the conditions for the provision of public services, here are the regulations in force today:

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  • dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”
  • On April 16, 2013, some changes were made to the current resolution.

Study the legal framework

The procedure for calculating payments for heat, determining tariffs - all this is determined by regional authorities; in order to know exactly how things are in your region, you need to study the regulatory framework specifically for your region. The only thing that applies throughout Russia is the need to install public meters.

How often to take readings

In fact, this is a difficult question - there are different types of thermal energy meters and the procedure for taking readings is very different. It is described in detail in the operating instructions, which you should have.

Now readings must be submitted once every six months

By the way, according to the latest resolution (No. 344 of April 16, 2013), you do not have to submit testimony every month. You are required to do this once every six months, and the organization must recalculate based on the testimony you provided.

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The initial verification of the heating meter for an apartment takes place at the factory where it was manufactured, which is necessarily noted in the product passport. A mark is also made on the front panel of the device. The frequency of further verifications depends on the type of metering device; the interval between verifications is also recorded in the passport. On average it is 3-5 years.

The installation location of the heat meter is determined when drawing up the project

If your heat energy meter needs to be verified, it is better to do this immediately after the end of the heating season, since the procedure may take several months. Before removing the meter, you need to notify the management company/homeowners association, they will come and record the readings. After which you can remove the device. After verification, you put the meter back in place, call the management company again, wait for them to come and seal the meter. At this point the verification can be considered completed. All that remains is to figure out where to send the heat meter for verification. There are only three options:

  1. Service center of your meter manufacturer.
  2. A commercial organization licensed for this type of activity.
  3. Division of the Rostest enterprise.

Verification of an individual heat meter can be carried out in any of these organizations. You can first inquire about the terms and prices and choose the most suitable option.

Types of apartment heating meters

There are several types of heating meters for apartments. Each of them has some drawbacks, there is no ideal one, but you still have to choose. Let's take a quick look at the characteristics and features of each type:

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  • Mechanical or tachometer. In fact, they are very similar to ordinary water meters - an impeller is installed in the housing. According to the installation method, there are turbine and screw. They react poorly to the presence of mechanical impurities in water, so there should be a coarse filter at the inlet. Their advantage is their low price, which determines their popularity.
  • Vortex. There is a small obstacle in the device, behind which the coolant swirls into vortices. The speed of the coolant is calculated from the speed of these vortices. This device is installed between the supply and return (unlike all others).

Ultrasonic heat meter

When buying a heating meter for an apartment, make sure that it has a quality certificate, which must contain information about its verification. The date and name of the organization that carried out the verification must be indicated.

To summarize, it is worth saying that a heating meter for an apartment is beneficial if you have eliminated all possible heat leaks.

These days, the lion's share of family income goes to paying heating bills. Every year this service becomes more and more expensive, but not everyone’s income increases, so many families are forced to tighten their belts to keep their homes warm in winter. It goes without saying that many would like to reduce these expenses as much as possible and begin to keep these expenses under personal control. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation. To do this, you need to purchase and install heat meters for heating.

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This device is designed to keep track of energy consumption for heating a home. As practice shows, if you install a heat meter correctly, you can save from 25 to 50% of money on heating your living space. Such a difference in amounts is dictated by the peculiarities of the building in which the installation of this equipment is planned. In this article we will talk about the operating principle of this equipment, its classification and how to properly install heat meters.

How does a heat meter work?

Regardless of the type, any such device is equipped with the following devices:

energy number meter;

  • material resistance temperature transducer;
  • primary heat flow converter.

The device can also be equipped with optional elements if there is such a need or if the customer so desires. It can be

power supplies for individual elements of the heat meter;

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excess pressure converter.

Heat meter elements

In addition to its main function - monitoring heating energy consumption, such equipment can be used for the following purposes:

  • measuring the operating time of any device installed within the metering area;
  • measuring average coolant temperatures over the past hour or day;
  • measurement of energy used over the last hour and in general since the device was installed;
  • the difference between the amounts of coolant at the inlet or outlet of the heating system;
  • calculating the amount of coolant required for normal operation of the heating system.

Heat meter with sensors

As mentioned above, the main purpose of heat meters is to count and display on the screen the exact amount of thermal energy that was used by the consumer to heat the home. The device does not crash, and therefore displays only real energy consumption figures. A special computer, which is equipped with each unit of such equipment, provides the total number of all thermal energy that was consumed by the consumer in one hour. In this case, temperature differences in the coolant, as well as its quantity at the beginning and end of the heating system cycle, are displayed.

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Heat meters are equipped with temperature sensors and flow sensors, which are responsible for displaying information. One of these devices is installed in the supply water main, and the other in the return pipe. Sensors take readings, then special computing equipment processes them, after which comprehensive information about thermal energy consumption appears on the device screen. The equipment is quite accurate, its error ranges from 3 to 6%.

Types of devices

Before installing an apartment heat meter, you need to find out what they are.

These devices are divided into groups according to the principle of operation into the following types:

The principle of operation of electromagnetic heat meters is a phenomenon during which an electromagnetic field influences the heat carrier, resulting in an alternating current. If we dig deeper, we can say that as a result, magnetic induction is formed, connecting the average speed and flow rate of the heat carrier in the volume with the magnitude of the electric field voltage and the potential difference. Induction is formed at the electrodes.

Electromagnetic heat meter

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As a result, we can say that the amount of thermal energy consumed is measured by measuring small amounts of electric current. That is why such equipment requires correct installation to eliminate the possibility of errors.

If you need the most common and inexpensive counter, then it is better to choose a mechanical model. The operating principle of this equipment is quite simple: the flow of the heat carrier imparts rotational movements to the measuring ring inside the heat meter. This is how the amount of thermal energy in mechanical devices is measured. Most devices of this type are equipped with a mechanical water quantity meter and an energy meter. The main advantage of this equipment is its relatively low cost. It is also possible to increase the service life of this product by installing special filter components.

The most expensive at the moment are ultrasonic heat meters. Thermal energy consumption in this case is measured taking into account the length of time during which ultrasonic waves sent by the emitter of these waves reach a special sensor. Calculations directly depend on the circulation rate of the coolant in the heating main.

When installing this computing equipment, it is very important to maintain the level. That is, the main thing is that the signal-producing device and the sensor are on the same line. The speed of passage of ultrasonic waves from the emitter to the receiving sensor depends on the amount of liquid in the heating system. So, ultrasound travels a given distance in a certain time, after which this time is analyzed by special devices and processed information about the coolant flow rate, its temperature, and so on is supplied to the screen.

Now let's talk about the last type of heat meters. Vortex-type devices operate on the following principle - they take into account vortices that are formed in the middle of obstacles that are located in the path of the coolant flow. This equipment consists of the following components:

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  • permanent magnet mounted on the outer surface of the pipe;
  • triangular prism, which is mounted to the main line in a vertical position;
  • an electrode that is placed near the prism, this device measures the data.

Design of a vortex heat meter

The heat carrier flows around the triangular prism, as a result of which a change in pressure is observed inside the pipe. It is these differences that allow the device to measure the volume of liquid. The more powerful the flow moves inside the highway, the more the above vortices appear per unit time. The main advantage of this type of measuring equipment is the fact that the meter data cannot be distorted by the presence of various contaminants and impurities in the lines.

After you have decided on the heat meter model and purchased it, you can begin installation work.

Selecting an installation method

There are currently two ways to install this measuring equipment. The first one is the simplest. You just need to contact a specialized company, which will promptly send qualified workers to you to install this measuring equipment. Very often, such organizations provide a guarantee for the work performed. All you need to do is purchase all the necessary consumables and additional elements and pay for the services of the craftsmen.

Heat meter installation diagram

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The other method is more complicated, but using it you can save a lot. You can install the meter yourself.


Before installing a heat meter in a private house, it is better to prepare all the necessary elements and tools. So, you will need:

  • the heat meter itself;
  • connecting elements for contact with the check valve;
  • filter elements;
  • welding machine, if we are talking about plastic lines;
  • a wrench if metal pipes are used;
  • collets;
  • special fittings with thermal sensors;
  • heat-conducting paste.

The first step is to flush the heating lines, where the measuring equipment will be installed. After this procedure, you can begin installing the flow elements of the heat meter. When performing this operation, you must adhere to the following rules:

Installing a heat meter in a ball valve

  • Installation of this equipment should be carried out only in strictly horizontal or vertical sections of the highway.
  • The liquid crystal tap must be mounted so that the computer is at the top.
  • The flow element of the heat meter must be filled with water at all times.
  • Installation of the supply part must be carried out using a set of threaded connectors. These elements are included with any model of this measuring equipment.
  • This part must be positioned so that the direction indicator coincides with the direction of fluid flow.

By following the link, you will learn how to choose a heating pump. Read about how to install water meters here. You may also be interested in the process of installing a heated floor under a screed.

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All contacts should be as tight as possible. This condition must be met so that all elements can withstand pressure up to 1.6 MPa. Only in this case can the possibility of leaks be completely eliminated.

It is necessary to use adapters if the diameter of the flow element of the heat meter exceeds or vice versa the diameter of the main line.

Now all that remains is to install the measuring cartridge and converters. It is very important to inspect the heating line for pressure build-up before starting this work. It is imperative to make sure that the shut-off valves are closed. After this, an inspection of the measuring device and the flow element should be carried out. If these items are in order, you can continue with the installation.

Installation of a heat meter

At this stage, thermal converters should be installed. They must be installed on both the supply and return lines. To avoid confusion, it is better to pay special attention to the designations on these elements. The supply line is marked in red, and the return line is marked in blue or black. They are installed in a special niche, which is located on the measuring product.

The first step is to roll up the plug that blocks access to the niche, then arm yourself with the tool that comes with each measuring equipment and install the rubber seal. The thermal converter itself must be located in a special plastic element consisting of two fragments. At this stage it is very important to ensure that all the gutters match each other. After this, you need to mount the resulting structure into the niche of the measuring cartridge and tighten it tightly with a wrench.

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The second thermal converter must be placed in a sleeve, which then must be screwed into a tee, which is fixed to the heating line. Before installation work, the sleeve should be treated with a thermally conductive compound. The contact areas must be insulated with a special material that does not conduct heat. The last step will be sealing the heat meter. As you can see for yourself, the heat meter installation scheme is quite simple, so if you are confident in your abilities, then it is better not to waste money.

Let's sum it up

Briefly, the process of installing a heat meter can be described in 5 stages:

Registration of permitting documentation for the installation of this measuring equipment.

  • Selecting and purchasing a heat meter.
  • Order or create an installation diagram yourself.
  • Direct installation.
  • Sealing the installed product and receiving an acceptance certificate.

After that, you will pay your heating bills by seeing these readings. With this device you can save a significant amount, but the benefits will not be noticeable immediately.


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How to install a heat meter

A heat meter is a device/set of instruments used to determine the amount of heat, as well as the mass and other parameters of the coolant. Accounting for this coolant and the thermal energy that is expended is carried out both at the heat source and at a specific consumer (for example, in public or industrial buildings or in residential buildings). The heat source is CHP, RTS (district thermal station or boiler house).

Household heat meter: how to install correctly?

People who live in multi-storey residential buildings can solve the issue of heat metering by installing a meter. In this article we will tell you how to properly install a heat meter in a house or apartment.

Such a device makes it possible to significantly reduce heating costs due to the fact that after its installation there will be no need to pay for the heat that was not actually supplied to their house. The price of a heating meter for an apartment building is quite high (in rubles and more), however, if you divide this amount by the total number of apartments in the building, it turns out not so expensive. At the same time, each of the residents will feel the savings almost immediately after installing a common building meter. After all, now the amount for heat will be charged based on the fact, and not according to established standards. Further, this amount will be distributed among residents in accordance with the areas of their apartments. Moreover, if for some period of the heating season heat was not supplied to the house, you will no longer have to pay, as before on average. It should be noted that if you don’t have to pay for heating in the summer, then during the heating season the amount will be higher than before. This point must be agreed upon with all residents of the house. In addition, at the general meeting of residents, a representative should be delegated who will take readings from the meter and issue apartment receipts for payment.

Before installing a heat energy meter in an apartment building, you should:

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  1. Hold a meeting of tenants-owners of apartments;
  2. Record the decisions made at the meeting in a special protocol;
  3. Contact the management company with a written application regarding the installation of a heat meter in an apartment building.

After this, you can count on the installation of a metering device, which will make it possible to pay exclusively for the supplied heat. However, a small portion will be added to the calculated amount for heating common areas of the house (for example, entrances).

How to install a heat meter in an apartment?

Regarding the common house meter, we can say that its indisputable advantage is its low cost. However, the expected economic effect from its installation will not be so noticeable. This is due to the fact that the entrance may be poorly insulated, and a lot of energy will be spent on heating it, the payment for which will fall on the shoulders of the residents.

In houses with vertical piping

In older apartment buildings, as a rule, heating pipes are installed vertically. In this case, it will be necessary to install a separate metering device on each of the risers in the apartment, which makes this procedure extremely costly.

In such a situation, a good solution would be to install special metering devices on the batteries, but in our country (unlike Europe) such heat meters are not used.

Modern manufacturers of metering devices offer users who have apartments in buildings with vertical wiring such distributors, where the coolant flow measurements are based on the difference in the temperature of the air in the room and the surface of the battery. But still, the best option for houses with vertical distribution of heating pipes is a common house heat meter.

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In houses with horizontal pipework

If the pipes in an apartment building are horizontal, then residents have the opportunity to install any type of heat meter. For example: a compact model can be installed either on the pipe supplying coolant to the room, or on the return pipeline.

Features of installing a heat meter

It is important to know that installation and connection of the metering device can only be carried out by organizations that have special permission to carry out this type of work. Qualified specialists of such a company carry out all work in several stages, namely:

  1. Carry out the connection project;
  2. Conduct project approval;
  3. Install the metering device;
  4. Register installed equipment;
  5. The device is handed over and transferred to the control of the organization exercising supervision.

Heat meter readings

The meter readings for heat are carried out in the same way as for electricity. After taking the readings, you should fill out a receipt indicating the difference for the period, multiplying it by the tariff that is currently in effect in the corresponding region. Payment according to the receipt is carried out taking into account the requirements established by the specific management company.

Installing heat meters: some practical tips

  • The vast majority of users claim that the profitability of installing a heat meter in an apartment is very high, and such a device will pay for itself very quickly.
  • Heating costs can be further reduced by installing devices (thermostats) that control the flow of hot water.
  • Now it is possible to install such modern heat meters that are capable of not only storing monthly information about heat consumption for 5-10 years, but also connecting to a computer and even reading current readings via the Internet.
  • If an apartment building has a vertical pipe distribution (near each of the windows there is its own radiator and for each of them there is a separate vertical riser), then it is irrational to install individual meters in the apartments of this building. This is explained by the fact that it will be necessary to install several heat metering devices in each of the apartments, which is not only expensive, but also creates additional hydraulic resistance in the pipeline, which can negatively affect the overall heating mode of the entire apartment building.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a heat energy meter is a very useful device that is guaranteed to help apartment owners significantly save on heating bills. It follows from this that those who do not want to pay for heat loss when heating is supplied or for completely cold radiators in the apartment should consider installing a heating meter. The information provided in this article clearly demonstrates to users that doing this is not that difficult.

Last update:7

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How to install a heat meter, design and installation.

To install heat meters, a project for a heat metering unit must be drawn up. The exclusive right to develop projects of this type belongs to design organizations that are members of the SRO of designers (Self-regulatory organizations). It is mandatory, before starting the development of the project, to obtain “Technical conditions for the installation of a heat energy and coolant metering unit” from the energy supply organization. After development, the project is coordinated with the metrology department of the energy supply organization and approved by its head.

Installation of a heat meter is carried out by employees of the relevant organization only if there is a project and, of course, permission (membership in an SRO) for this type of activity, as well as if the enterprise has duly certified specialists (training and testing of knowledge in technical supervision bodies).

Installation work at the site is carried out in the presence of a person who has a certificate for the right to carry out technical supervision for this type of work. It should not be confused with the Technical Supervision Authorities - they accept heat metering units only at heat sources and newly constructed facilities. It’s not bad if the installation organization has its own specialist; if not, you need to hire him or call a representative of the heat supply organization for the duration of the work.

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Calling a representative of a heat supply organization can be either paid or free. Depends on the heat supply organization. As a rule, if it is free, you will have to adjust to its opening hours, provide transport, etc.

Putting the heat meter into operation: the rules for handing over a heat supply facility (pressure testing, hydraulic tests, etc.) after major repairs or reconstruction are general; we will not consider it here; we will only touch on what concerns the acceptance of the heat meter into operation.

Steps to check for correct installation:

  • Checking the correct installation of the mechanical part of the measuring complex. Particular attention must be paid to the alignment and installation of flow meters in terms of level, quality of manufacture of welded transitions;
  • Checking the correct installation of electronic correctors, the presence of grounding and grounding, compliance of the brand and diameter of the connecting wires with the project;
  • Checking the presence of oil, its quality, in protective sleeves (if any);
  • Checking the operation of the measuring complex in its different modes;
  • Drawing up a certificate of acceptance from installation or a certificate of readiness of the measuring complex for operation.

Methodology for processing readings from heat measuring systems.

The heat measuring complex can perform the following functions: - entering and changing initial conditions and data (setting procedure);

  • periodic survey and calculation of all coolant parameters;
  • calculation of flow rate, volume, temperature and pressure of the coolant and calculation on their basis of the consumed amount of thermal energy;
  • displaying information on the current values ​​of measured and

calculated parameters (flow rate, volume, pressure, temperature, etc.);

  • display on call the current values ​​of sensor readings, as well as the consumed amount of thermal energy and the values ​​of all entered and calculated parameters;
  • remote transmission using an additional modem through a standard interface of all calculated, entered and stored in the corrector’s memory upon request or according to a given program;
  • determination of external unauthorized influence in order to influence the process of volume calculation and provision of reports on emergency situations, accidents, unauthorized interventions;
  • hourly archiving of key parameters for 12 months;
  • diagnostics of functionality of functional blocks;
  • display of measured parameter values ​​indicating time and date;
  • display of daily heat energy consumption and its parameters for the current and past month;
  • display of serial numbers of the components of the complex.
  • The above functionality of the measuring complex allows you to obtain the necessary information without additional processing.

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    Methodology for commissioning work at the thermal energy metering unit:

    Due to the fact that the heat meter consists of measuring instruments (component parts) registered in the State Register: heat quantity calculator, volume meters (flow converters), excess pressure converters, resistance thermal converters and their sets, usually from different manufacturers, it is necessary:

    • coordinate the metrological characteristics of the converters with the calculator for the amount of thermal energy.
    • enter into the memory of each component of the heat meter the settings that determine the functioning of the heat meter.
    • configure the heat meter, which consists of setting the computer to the configuration of the heat supply system (measurement scheme defined by the project), the converters used, etc., and, if necessary, setting the converters. In this case, it is necessary to create a database table for calculator settings, which must be agreed upon with the coolant and heat energy supplier.
    • check the correct installation in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions.
    • check the correct marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring.
    • check the functioning of the heat meter under operating conditions in the presence of coolant flow.
    • check the heat meter readings for temperature, pressure and flow (volume) in those pipelines where the corresponding converters are installed.
    • adjust the coolant flow in heating and hot water supply systems using limiting or regulating devices in accordance with the design and technical conditions of the energy supply organization.
    • install (program) the actual pressure values ​​at the installation site of the UUTE, and, if necessary, adjust the temperature and flow conversion coefficients.
    • carry out a comprehensive test of the accounting system within 24 hours, after this period of time, carry out hourly monitoring of the values ​​in the archive memory to ensure that the monitored parameters correspond to the expected ones. The monitored parameters must be within the measurement ranges of the converters and there should be no codes for diagnosed situations.
    • After 72 hours have passed after the heat meter has been launched, perform daily monitoring of the parameters in the archive memory. Based on archival data (printout of a report on daily heat supply parameters), monitor the metrological characteristics and calculate the operating errors of the heat meter. The readings of the computer on all measurement channels are subject to monitoring.
    • The heat meter is considered to have passed the tests with positive results if the values ​​of the monitored parameters are within the measurement ranges of the converters and there are no codes for diagnosed situations.

    Methodology for accepting a heat metering unit into operation.

    • provide protection against unauthorized interference in the operation of the heat meter and its components using standard means supplied with metering devices (jumpers, seals).
    • process test results, draw up a summary statement of the work done, graphs, diagrams.
    • Printouts of hourly reports for 24 hours, and daily reports for three days, as well as a printout of the programmable database, should be transferred to the energy supply organization for recognition of the metering unit as commercial.
    • If the results of the comprehensive check are positive (the readings of all measured quantities have reliable and expected values), then with the knowledge of the energy supply organization and in its presence, the operation of resetting the computer’s archives is performed. The heat meter components are sealed in accordance with the requirements of the operational documentation.

    A technical report on the work done is submitted to the Customer for approval.

    After the metering unit is recognized as commercial, the heat meter data is entered into the heat supply contract. After concluding a contract or adjusting it, the calculation of thermal energy consumption is made according to the readings of the heat meter.

    All heat meters must be checked periodically. If at least one of the components of the heat meter has expired state verification or has not passed state verification, the heat meter cannot be considered commercial. The frequency of verification of heat meters is generally 4 years. The calibration of heat meters is carried out by duly accredited laboratories, in common parlance “Prolivnye”, and certified by state control bodies in the field of metrology - TsSM.

    Paramonov Yu.O. Rostov-on-Don. Exclusively for Energostrom LLC

    Free legal consultation.

    Dear subscriber

    To equip your facility with a thermal energy metering unit, you need to submit an application for the issuance of technical specifications for the installation of a thermal energy and coolant metering unit. You can download a sample application on this page. Installation of a heat meter requires an installation project. This project can be carried out by RSO or another organization. The project must be agreed upon with the RSO, ONLY After approval of the project for the installation of a heat metering unit, the heat meter is installed. The commissioning of the metering unit is carried out by a commissioning act issued by the RSO, the act is drawn up by the created OWNER a commission that must include representatives of the owner, heat supply and installation organizations.

    To put the metering unit into operation, the owner of the metering unit submits to the commission a draft metering unit, agreed upon with the heat supply organization that issued the technical specifications and passport of the metering unit or a draft passport, which includes:

    A) pipeline diagram (starting from the balance sheet boundary) indicating the length and diameters of pipelines, shut-off valves, instrumentation, mud traps, drains and jumpers between pipelines;

    B) certificates of verification of instruments and sensors subject to verification, with valid verification marks;

    C) a database of setting parameters entered into the measuring unit or heat calculator;

    D) a sealing scheme for measuring instruments and equipment included in the metering unit, excluding unauthorized actions that violate the reliability of commercial accounting of thermal energy and coolant;

    D) hourly (daily) statements of continuous operation of the metering unit for 3 days (for objects with hot water supply - 7 days).

    Documents for putting the metering unit into operation are submitted to the heat supply organization for consideration at least 10 working days before the expected day of commissioning.

    When accepting a metering unit for operation, the commission checks:

    A) compliance of the installation of the components of the metering unit with the design documentation, technical specifications and these Rules;

    B) availability of passports, certificates of verification of measuring instruments, factory seals and brands;

    C) compliance of the characteristics of measuring instruments with the characteristics specified in the passport data of the metering unit;

    D) compliance of the measurement ranges of parameters allowed by the temperature schedule and the hydraulic operating mode of heating networks with the values ​​of the specified parameters determined by the contract and the conditions of connection to the heat supply system.

    If there are no comments on the metering unit, the commission signs an act of commissioning the metering unit installed at the consumer.

    The act of commissioning the metering unit serves as the basis for maintaining commercial accounting of thermal energy, coolant using metering devices, monitoring the quality of thermal energy and heat consumption modes using the received measurement information from the date of its signing.

    When signing the act of commissioning the metering unit, the metering unit is sealed.

    Places and devices for sealing the metering unit are prepared in advance by the installation organization. The connection points of primary transducers, connectors of electrical communication lines, protective covers on the settings and adjustment controls of devices, power supply cabinets for devices and other equipment, interference with the operation of which may lead to distortion of measurement results, are subject to sealing.

    If members of the commission have comments on the metering unit and identify deficiencies that impede the normal functioning of the metering unit, this metering unit is considered unsuitable for commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant.

    In this case, the commission draws up a report on the identified deficiencies, which provides a complete list of identified deficiencies and the deadlines for their elimination. The specified act is drawn up and signed by all members of the commission within 3 working days. Re-acceptance of the metering unit into operation is carried out after complete elimination of the identified violations.

    Before each heating season and after the next verification or repair of metering devices, the readiness of the metering unit for operation is checked, about which a report on the periodic inspection of the metering unit at the interface of adjacent heating networks is drawn up in the above order.

    We draw your attention to the fact that a commission is being created to regularly check the readiness of the metering unit for operation. OWNER and in the absence of a periodic inspection report, charges for consumed thermal energy will be carried outBY CALCULATION METHODaccording to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding heat consumption facilities not equipped with heat metering units, from January 1, 2019. In calculations, a multiplying factor of 1.1 will be applied.

    Valid for 1 year. After the expiration of the validity period, the technical conditions must be reissued, otherwise the technical conditions are considered cancelled.

    1. Name of the object

    __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Location of the object __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Balance sheet limit: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Thermal load a) for heating ___________________________________________________________________ b) for __________________________________________________________________________ c) for hot ________________________________________________________________ 5. Range of changes in coolant temperature a) in the supply pipeline _________________________________________________________________ b) in the return pipeline _________________________________________________________________ 6. Pressures in the heating network at the inlet to the central heating station a) in the supply pipeline ________________________________________________________________ b) in the return pipeline ________________________________________________________________ c) in a static state ________________________________________________________________ 7. Heat supply mode: quality regulation according to the heating schedule _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Requirements for the placement of equipment of the commercial metering unit.

    The equipment of the commercial metering unit must be located in a room with a relative temperature of no more than 80% at a temperature of up to 35°C, without moisture condensation. Ambient temperature from 5 to 50°C. The presence in the air of vapors of acids, alkalis, impurities, sulfur dioxide and other aggressive gases that cause corrosion is unacceptable. The lighting of the room must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95 and VSN 59-88 Electrical equipment for residential and residential buildings.

    9. Requirements for the project for the installation of commercial metering devices.

    Develop a project for installing metering devices in accordance with the “Rules for metering heat energy and coolant”, 1995. and “Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants” 2003. Set of rules SP 41-101-95. The project for installing metering devices and a set of operational documentation should be completed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.602-2003. “Rules for the execution of operational documentation”, GOST 21.408-93 “Rules for the execution of working documentation for automation of technological processes”, GOST 21.101-97 “System for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation." All diagrams and drawings must comply with GOST 2.701-84 “Unified system of design documentation. Scheme. Types and types. General requirements for implementation", GOST 21.404-85 "Automation of technological processes. Designation of conventional devices and automation equipment in diagrams”, GOST 21.110-95 SPDS “Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials”. Submit the project for approval with the provision of a license or certificate of membership in the SRO of the organization that completed the project.

    On the diagram of the heating networks in the project, indicate the lengths and diameters of the pipelines from the interface to the installation site of the converters.

    The project will provide for the possibility of remotely taking readings of pressure, temperature and volume. Install the heat calculator, adapter, and power supply circuit breakers in a separate metal panel that prevents unauthorized access to the specified equipment.

    The project must contain:

    Common data.

    The following diagrams and drawings:

    Electrical diagram of power supply and external connections;

    Metering unit equipment layout diagram;

    Site drawings.

    Attached documents:

    Hydraulic calculation of the metering unit;

    Hardware Specification;

    Passports of devices included in the metering unit;

    Assignment for designing a metering unit, approved by the customer;

    These technical specifications for the design of a metering unit.

    The act of delimiting the balance sheet ownership of heating networks and operational

    responsibility of the parties.

    10. Basic requirements for equipment included in commercial metering units.

    Complete heat meters type ESKO-MTR-06; ASCOT;

    Heat meter-recorder VZLYOT TSR-M;

    Heat meter LOGIC 961K;

    Heat meter SPT-9xx or its analogue, equipped with primary converters included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

    Heat meters of domestic or imported production, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and meeting the requirements of these technical specifications, can be used in metering units.

    The equipment of the unit for metering the consumption of thermal energy and hot water must determine:

    Hours of operation of the metering unit;

    The resulting thermal energy;

    - (volume) mass of coolant received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline;

    - (volume) mass of coolant received through the supply pipeline and returned through the return pipeline for each hour;

    Average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines of the metering unit;

    - (volume) mass of coolant consumed for water collection in hot water supply systems using a flow meter connected to a heat meter;

    - (volume) mass of the coolant, circulation pipeline of the hot water supply system using a flow meter connected to the heat meter;

    Average hourly and average daily temperature of the coolant used for water collection in hot water supply systems;

    Average hourly coolant pressure in the supply and return pipelines of the metering unit.

    Main technical characteristics of the heat meter:

    Number of flow measurement sensors – from 1 to 8 pcs.

    Number of temperature measurement sensors – from 1 to 6 pcs.

    Number of pressure measurement sensors – from 1 to 6 pcs.

    Requirements for metrological characteristics must comply with clause 5.2 of the “Rules for metering thermal energy and coolant” dated 01/01/2001

    The heat meter must provide: direct measurements of temperature, pressure, pressure difference, flow and volume of coolant by converting electrical signals coming from sensors located in the pipelines. Indirect measurements (calculations) of mass flow, coolant mass and thermal energy based on the results of direct measurements of the above quantities. Saving hourly, daily, monthly, annual archives and outputting data to external devices using a standard RS-232 or RS-485 interface.

    The thermal energy metering unit must be equipped with a GSM modem or a modem operating with a wired or fiber-optic communication line for remote data transmission, compatible with the information and measuring data collection system ASKURDE "NII IT-ESCO" or with the dispatch and data collection software complex "VZLET" -SP" ("VZLET-IIS").

    Main technical characteristics of the flow meters used:

    The diameter of the flow meter must be specified during design depending on the hydraulic calculation.

    Based on the principle of operation in terms of reliability, simplicity and ease of maintenance, it is recommended to use electromagnetic flow meters with pulse, current or frequency output from domestic or foreign manufacturers in commercial metering units of the Russian Federation and connected to a heat meter.

    The flow meter is installed and assembled in accordance with the installation instructions.

    Requirements for operating conditions and choice of installation location must take into account external factors that may negatively affect the accuracy of measurements and the performance of the measuring complex.

    The choice of flowmeter size is determined by the range of flow rates in the pipeline and taking into account hydraulic losses. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics of the flow meter output and the input of the heat meter used. The type of flow meter used is determined by the project.

    The main technical characteristics and type of pressure sensors and temperature sensors, as well as their installation, are determined by the project in accordance with the conditions of use and the heat meter used. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment of the unit for commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant, it is necessary to provide in the event of a power outage the connection of an uninterruptible power supply with a continuous operation time of at least three hours from it. The minimum calibration interval for the equipment used must be at least 4 years in the case of using a complete heat meter. When using a non-complete heat meter, the calibration interval is set by the manufacturer for each component of the commercial metering unit separately. The warranty service life must be determined according to the equipment specifications.

    Verification of the metering unit equipment is carried out within the time limits specified in the operating instructions. Verification is carried out at the Federal State Institution VTsSM or at organizations accredited in accordance with the established procedure in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

    11. Coordinate the project with the TTK branch in the city.

    The owner of non-residential real estate is challenging the prosecution for failure to comply with energy efficiency requirements and equipment with metering devices for energy resources used.

    1. The amount of thermal energy and coolant supplied under a heat supply agreement or a heat supply agreement, as well as transferred under a contract for the provision of services for the transfer of thermal energy and coolant, is subject to commercial accounting.

    2. Commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant is carried out by measuring them with metering devices that are installed at the metering point located on the border of the balance sheet, unless another metering point is specified by the heat supply agreement or the contract for the provision of services for the transfer of thermal energy.

    3. Commercial accounting of thermal energy and coolant by calculation is allowed in the following cases:

    1) absence of metering devices at metering points;

    2) malfunction of metering devices;

    3) violation of the deadlines established by the heat supply contract for submitting readings from metering devices that are the property of the consumer.

    4. Commissioning of thermal energy sources and connection (technological connection) of heat-consuming installations of new consumers without equipping metering points with metering devices in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant is not allowed. Metering devices are installed by the owners of thermal energy sources or heat-consuming installations being put into operation and are operated by them independently or under an agreement for the provision of commercial metering services concluded with a specialized organization. Metering devices in apartment buildings being put into operation are installed by developers at their own expense before receiving permission to put the apartment building into operation.

    5. Owners of thermal energy sources, heating networks and consumers who do not have metering devices are obliged to organize commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant using metering devices in the manner and within the time limits determined by the legislation on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

    6. Commercial accounting of thermal energy (power) and coolant supplied to consumers can be organized by both heat supply organizations and thermal energy consumers. Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant may include:

    1) installation of metering devices;

    2) operation of metering devices, including taking readings from metering devices and transferring them to customers of this service, verification, repair and replacement of metering devices.

    7. Commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant is carried out in accordance with the rules for commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation taking into account the requirements of technical regulations and must contain, in particular:

    (see text in the previous edition)

    1) requirements for metering devices, including features of metering thermal energy and coolant in relation to objects whose maximum volume of thermal energy consumption is less than two tenths of a gigacalorie per hour;