How to pose correctly for photographs. Do you know how to photograph people correctly to get decent photos? How to take photos

In the era of total passion for photography, it is almost impossible to surprise others with something new. Every day, social networks are filled with a lot of new photos, covering life in all its manifestations. That’s why there is such a great desire to stand out and make your photo session so that it will be remembered and appreciated by many. Shooting in nature is much easier, since nature itself is capable of creating a stunning background, and the photographer’s job is to capture the right moment. It is much more difficult to beat the situation at home, because in order to stand out they require some kind of zest. Of course, it should be the model itself, the main thing is to choosegood poses for a photo shoot at home.

Like from a magazine cover: how to create spectacular photos at home

Regardless of profession or appearance, every girl secretly dreams of being a model, so that her photo will grace the covers of the most fashionable glossies. Of course, only a few realize their dream, but the rest can easily please themselves and their loved ones with bright and spectacular photos. You don’t have to go to the studio to get them, because you can create them at home.

How to take a photo while standing. Several interesting and unconventional ideas can be borrowed from models. Quite often in such shots one or another support is used. If we talk about home conditions, then this could be a wall, closet or door, on which you should effectively lean your back, pushing the lower part of the body forward. Keep one leg straight and the other slightly bent at the knee. Hands may touch the face or slide over the body.

The asymmetry in the frame looks quite new and not boring, when the shoulders are at different levels, the arms are freely outstretched, and the legs can also be bent. The figure will be light and relaxed, the main thing is to play it correctly with facial expressions, since an inappropriate facial expression can completely nullify the performance.

You can also “play” with your legs, crossing them at the ankle level or creating a triangle, each of these poses will look unusual.

"Sitting" photographs. Surely the most common poses for a photo shoot for girls at home are sitting poses. However, the usual photos with beauties sitting in a soft chair against the backdrop of a beautiful carpet can now only make you laugh, so such ideas should be abandoned a priori. Instead, you can beat the most standard places in a very unusual way.

A very popular pose in advertising shoots is when a sitting girl resembles a mutilated doll, her knees are connected, her calves are spread out, her arms are either thrown back in search of reliable support, or are closed and pressed to the body, her head is lowered, you can add a sideways glance.

A more relaxed and not erotic pose is when the hips and knees are moved away from the camera, and the body is turned towards the photographer. Hands can support hair or lean on the sofa.

You will look simple and gentle while sitting with a straight back and holding one leg under you, while lowering the other down. You can tilt your head slightly, thus achieving hair fall.

The pose in the photo looks very impressive when a sitting girl, bending one leg under her, hugs the other, bent at the knee, with her arms. You can also rest your chin on it.

Spontaneous photos

To be honest, the standard posing is already quite boring, and the photos are of the “well, look how beautiful I am!” are admired less and less. The same cannot be said about photos in which the model is in real conditions and looks real. They do not require perfect makeup, pretentious outfits and hairstyles; they gain popularity with their sincerity. However, if you take a photo immediately after waking up, you won’t look like you do on the cover of a glossy magazine, because to create spectacular spontaneous photos you need to know a few secrets.

To begin with, take a break, forget that you are under the gun of a camera. You don’t need to look for beautiful poses for a photo shoot at home - just be yourself, and the surprise factor will definitely work. You can put on makeup, drink coffee or do morning exercises, the main thing is that you do it with pleasure, and not for a spectacular shot.

Dynamic shots that catch you in motion, capturing a unique moment, can also be vibrant. How to achieve this result? Do your usual work, play a musical instrument, even playing a computer game you can achieve the desired effect.

You can very successfully play on contrast, emphasizing the discrepancy between the situation and appearance. For example, you can wash the dishes in an evening dress, or wipe the dust in high-heeled shoes. Flights of fancy should not be limited here, because photography is your self-expression.

How to take photos for curvy girls

The ability of the camera to correct the figure in a way that is not in the most favorable direction is known to everyone, especially those girls whose figure is far from ideal suffer from this. However, it is quite possible to create successful shots and smooth out shortcomings. It’s enough just to choose suitable poses for a photo shoot at home.

The most important rule is correct posture: a perfectly straight back, chest protruded forward, and shoulders back. By taking this pose, you seem to be striving upward, and the silhouette becomes much slimmer. Don’t forget about your stomach, which needs to be pulled in as much as possible. Try to do it in such a way that you look natural, without making a pained expression on your face while still thinking about how to hold your back.

Plasticity and lightness can be created with the help of an elongated toe, a very comfortable sitting position. Legs thrown over each other will also look good; this position will be playful and flirtatious, while the legs will appear slimmer. You can also distract attention from full legs with the help of various objects or accessories placed in this area. The most advantageous position of the hands can be created by raising them up or placing them at the waist.

Photos in which the legs are intertwined and the hands are clasped at chest level will be more feminine and gentle.

Children's photos: poses for a photo shoot at home for children

Successfully photographing a child is a huge challenge, since it is almost impossible to agree on anything with the little fidget. How to solve such a problem? Keep him busy. In this way, you can distract your baby from boring posing, without losing the naturalness and emotionality of the photo.

You can get bright shots by inviting your child to play or cuddle with his favorite toy or read a book. The presence of an animal in the house will greatly simplify the task, since you can offer to hug the pet, feed it, or just play. Imitating a game of hide and seek can also help “get” valuable shots, especially if you agree that the baby will peek out when called. The child will look very cute lying on the floor with his head propped up on his hands.

You can get a very successful shot by making your child laugh. A sincere laugh will add emotion, brightness and cheerfulness to the photo, and a crooked face will make it lively and dynamic. Touching pictures are always taken with your mother. There are several options: portrait ones, when mother and baby look at each other or at the screen, and dynamic ones, made while playing or working together. Next to the closest person, the baby forgets about everything in the world, so you can catch very unusual and interesting poses for a photo shoot at home.

If you believe the statistics, about 90% of girls consider themselves unphotogenic, do not know how to be photographed correctly, how to look good in photographs, therefore they do not like themselves in photographs and are like hell afraid to pose in front of the camera. At the same time, real professionals who are fluent in the art of photography know for sure that there are no non-photogenic people, there are only “photographers” who do not know how to capture and convey the individuality of a model.

Common misconceptions about photogenicity

“Oh, you know, I’m not photogenic at all!” – this phrase, immediately following the greeting “hello”, is heard by photographers from 4 out of 5 clients. Photogenicity and beauty are far from identical concepts. People with sharp, expressive facial features, as a rule, are exceptionally photogenic, but in real life they can look rough and even unattractive. From a psychological point of view, the success of a shoot largely depends on the emotional message, self-confidence and ability to present oneself. When a model loves herself and enjoys the shooting process, she relaxes, every gesture and movement takes on meaning, looks organic, and everything in the frame turns out just great. And little make-up tricks, the right selection of hairstyles, clothes, and most importantly, good angles and light and shade will help add expressiveness. By the way, even top models prefer to be photographed from only two or three good angles, so if in some position you don’t look very attractive, don’t rush to get upset - there will certainly be a pose for you.

A real photographer is not just a master of his craft, communicating with the camera on a first-name basis, but also a good psychologist who knows how to find an approach to people and shows genuine interest in the most ordinary model. The result of his work is successful, beautiful, and most importantly, meaningful photographs that reflect not only the appearance, but also the inner world of a person. You don't get tired of these photos. You can look at them and look at them, every now and then discovering new facets. When we hear the names of Che Guevara, Ernest Hemingway or Albert Einstein, their most famous photographic portraits immediately appear before our eyes: Che in the famous black beret with a star, Hemingway in a white woolen sweater, Einstein with his tongue hanging out. During their lifetime, they were captured by cameras hundreds of times, but we remember them precisely from these single photographs, in which the presence of spirit is felt. The complete opposite of these masterpieces is the photo on the documents. Frightened, distorted, suspicious individuals look at us from passports, driver's licenses, and student ID cards. And all because of the lack of contact between the photographer and the model, and sometimes even the absence of the photographer himself, because it is no secret that often such formulaic work is performed by people who are far from the high art of photography.

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How to look good in photographs

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Down with fear!

Usually those who judge themselves only by a few unsuccessful photographs do not like and are afraid to be photographed. It is not right. You need to film more often and more. It's just a photo! Just think, you won't like it! You’ll tear it up, burn it, or in the case of numbers, simply erase it. By analyzing various photographs, you will certainly find the most successful poses, interesting facial expressions and will be able to use them in the future. The more you take photographs, the better you get to know yourself, your advantages and disadvantages, your capabilities, your successful and unsuccessful angles. And thanks to our tips, you will quickly learn how to take photographs correctly and will be able to choose interesting photography poses for yourself.

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Let's remain ourselves

Hearing the words “Ready! Now the bird will fly out. Cheeeez..." and other similar nonsense, many seem to be replaced: they freeze in an absurd pose, with an unusual facial expression and a false smile. You can't expect miracles from such a photo. And you just need to remain yourself. Not only a smile can be beautiful and interesting, but also sadness, thoughtfulness, and even recklessness. But only if these emotions are not feigned, but come from within. Naturalness does not exclude playfulness. Play in front of the camera, because you can be so different! Play with elements of clothing, accessories, hair, shyly cover yourself with your hands, imitate walking on a thin rail, play hide and seek, imagine yourself in the form of some animal... loosen up and give free rein to your emotions! A good photographer will definitely catch what he needs. Don't forget that a photograph is only interesting when it has emotion, action and story.

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Photo makeup

  • Less shine. To avoid getting a smudge instead of a high-quality photo, the makeup for shooting should be without shine, matte. You simply can’t do without powder with a mattifying effect! Even if your skin is not oily, it may appear shiny in the photo. A little gloss can be applied only to the middle of the lips to make them fuller. But only a little! You don’t want a photo in which nothing else is visible except your lips. Avoid nail polish with glitter, which will turn into ordinary “dandruff” in the photo.
  • We give the face a “sculptural” appearance. To prevent the face from appearing flat and featureless in the photograph, it must be made more expressive and prominent. To do this, use a matte brown-beige blush or dark powder to slightly darken the cheekbones, emphasize the jawline and highlight the wings of the nose.
  • You can visually shorten a long nose by darkening its tip using neutral-toned blush or dark powder. And by shading the cheeks, you can visually narrow a face that is too wide.
  • Avoid colors that are too dark, bright or toxic. In a photograph, any unnatural shades will look even more unnatural.
  • Photography in daylight is the most merciless: the camera will catch all skin imperfections and errors in the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it is better to keep makeup to a minimum, carefully masking all problem areas with concealer. It is advisable to use a palette of warm shades and thoroughly shade the boundaries of applying cosmetics.
  • For black and white photography and evening photography, it is important to further emphasize the contours of the face: forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin. Be sure to highlight your eyes and eyebrows, but it’s better to avoid dark shades of lipstick. In a black and white photo they will make the lips look black and narrow.
  • Digital photography enhances the pink color. A foundation or powder in yellowish shades will help neutralize possible redness.
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Outdoor photo shoot

It is better to take photos on the street before 9 am or after 5 pm. A cloudy day is good for a successful portrait. On a sunny day, you should not stand facing directly towards the scorching sun. You should be especially careful when photographing in the shade of trees - the sun's rays penetrate even through a very dense crown, casting uneven shadows on your face. When photographing with a hat on, choose a position in which the shadow from the brim of the hat or cap visor does not fall on your face.

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Proper work with a photographer

If you decide to have a photo shoot, trust the photographer completely. Listen to everything he tells you, listen and strictly follow all his instructions - unlike you, he sees how the shot turns out. If he is silent as a fish and doesn’t help you in any way, most likely you made a mistake in choosing a photographer and you can’t expect anything good from such a shoot. The process should be mutually interesting.

Keep in mind that everything in front of the lens needs to be done slowly, so if you are asked to turn your head towards the light, do it at a snail's pace. If you hear the command “Freeze,” freeze until you hear “That’s it.”

Trust, but do not allow images that are uncomfortable for you to be imposed on you. The final decision should always be yours.

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Good poses for photos

  • The most advantageous position, which works great for almost everyone, is the half-turn. This is just a godsend for those with round or large faces with chubby cheeks.
  • In group photographs, it is better for ladies with a larger body to sit not in the center, but on the side, so they will look slimmer.
  • Control your hands. They should not hang like whips. It is best to slightly bend your elbows, pick up something in your hands, or lean on some object.

Our photo selection will also help you “try on” various poses:

Even more interesting photo poses can be found on the website of London photographer Lyn Herrick

If, after all the work done, you are still not satisfied with the end result, Photoshop can help you! 🙂

Any portrait photographer knows perfectly well that in everyday life people are completely different than in the photographs. Many factors influence this: a person’s personal charm, clothing, smells, and relationships between people, but the most important thing is that you perceive any person in motion.
And any photograph is a frozen moment. And how to convey the impression that a person leaves in life in photographs?
This is a whole science. Basically, of course, this is the work of a professional photographer, who must have a perfect command of not only filming equipment, but also the psychology of communication, know the laws of composition from the point of view of the human figure and the psychological characteristics of its perception.
But the person who is being photographed must create maximum comfort for the photographer, and if he is not experienced, then save the photo from being damaged.
Let's touch on the basics of the profession of a fashion model, since good photography is the result of collective work. Photographer and fashion model.

If you want to ALWAYS look good in photographs, then you need to know and apply the basic rules of a fashion model during photography. These rules, like any others, were born in the process of dozens of photo sessions and studying the peculiarities of human perception of images.

Rule 1.

NEVER LOOK AT THE CAMERA LENS unless the photographer asks you to do so.
When you look into the lens, the viewer will look into your eyes in the photo, which may or may not express any emotion.
This is the most common option among both photographers and fashion models, and it happens automatically and subconsciously. But this is far from the best option. Because the whole figure, hairstyle, makeup, clothes, accessories will remain in the background.
When a person in a photo looks into the lens, the viewer evaluates only his eyes. And the frontal view, as practice shows, in the vast majority of cases is far from the best shooting point for a particular appearance. The eyes may be the main focus of the photo.
When the person in the photo does not look into the lens, the so-called “peeping effect” comes into play, when the viewer is psychologically much more comfortable looking at your appearance and its details in the photo when you are not looking at him, even from the photo.
Therefore, when taking photographs, you need to look anywhere and however you want, just not at the lens. And your appearance will only benefit from this.

Rule 2.

If a man's figure should consist of straight lines and angles, then in a woman's figure everything should be twisted, bent and “tied in a knot.” Shooting in full height with support on both legs is justified when photographing children, the elderly, athletes, military personnel, and politicians.
When photographing a female figure, in the vast majority of cases, it is better to choose only one leg as a support.
Your feet should not be parallel and form an almost straight line with your figure, but it is better to be located preferably at an angle of 30-60 degrees relative to each other. If you are photographed sitting, then your knees in the picture should not be bent at a right angle.
The woman's upright position must be justified by the intent of the shooting. But this is a rather rare case.
As soon as the camera lens is pointed at a female fashion model, her head should immediately tilt to the side. Especially if you are expressing any emotional state.
It is advisable not to tilt your head towards the photographer, as unsightly folds will form on the neck. Such a body movement will immediately make the photo much more advantageous.

Rule 3.

Watch your hands. HANDS SHOULD NOT HANG LIKE WHIPES, unless this is part of the intent of the photograph.
Any action or emotion in the photo will not look natural if the hands or one of the hands dangle lifelessly in the air. Therefore, it is better to slightly analyze your body position at the time of photographing and do something with your hands.
This is especially true if you play any role in the picture. A hanging arm or arms negates any acting excellence.

Rule 4.

When creating any emotions in a photo, depict them only directly AT THE MOMENT OF SHOOTING.
In order to look natural in the frame, a person must perform any actions and show emotions directly at the moment of photographing. The strained “Hollywood” smile that will be on your face for several minutes will appear forced in the photo and not express the emotion of joy. Remember that a natural smile can last no more than 4 seconds.
To get a dazzling smile, you need to turn away from the photographer, create the mood and, at the moment of shooting, turn sharply towards the photographer with a magnificent smile that you cannot control at this moment.
In order not to blink when shooting, and not to end up with half-drunk or closed eyes, you need to close them for a few seconds and, at the photographer’s command, open them sharply. When shooting in a studio or in the sun, this method allows you to prevent your eyes from watering or squinting in bright light.
If you look into the lens and your eyes express nothing (and this always happens when a person looks at the camera for a long time), the face in the photo will have a meaningless and stupid expression. At this moment, it is better to solve complex arithmetic or everyday problems, just chat with the photographer. Otherwise, any long look into the camera will show in your eyes the entire depth of space, but not intelligence or emotions...
The chosen position should not be tiring, as bulging veins and tense muscles and tendons will not make you look good.
Experienced portrait photographers usually ask the model to do something on command, for example, on the count “One – Two – Three.” This is how you get the most natural photos.

Rule 5.

EVALUATE THE BACKGROUND YOU ARE TAKING PHOTOS WITH. It should be different in color and tone from the color of your skin and clothes.
Look back before taking photos. What background do you take photos against? If there are objects that are significant to you, then continue.
If the photo is taken for your sake, then the background plays a very important role. If only because you can just be seen in the photograph...
Firstly, the background should not be colorful. A person is able to perceive normally only a background of TWO colors. If there are more of them, you will get lost against the backdrop of the colorful carpet. Do you need this?
Secondly, the background must be fairly uniform.
Various items and objects on it will ultimately play a cruel joke on you. You will have a power outlet under your arm. The “horns” of a hanger or tree branch sticking out of the head. The horizon line will “cut” you in half. And so on. If you cannot do without this, then it is better to move away from all objects located behind you to the maximum possible distance. Then there is a chance that they will not turn out sharp in the picture...
Thirdly, the background color should not match the color of your clothes or skin. You will simply merge with it. When shooting on a beach in the summer against a backdrop of sand, the photo will end up with five dark holes: eyes, nostrils and mouth. But it will be difficult to see the figure. The same goes for clothes. If you want her to appear clearly in the photo, then the background color should at least differ from her color, and ideally, be a contrasting color.

Rule 6.

When moving in front of the camera, try to pause a little longer than usual at the extreme points of the movement, when any gesture or movement is completed, so that the photographer has time to capture you at that moment. BODY MOVEMENTS PERFORMED TO THE END ARE THE MOST PHOTOGENIC.
Body movements that are “stopped” in the intermediate phase are not always aesthetic.
Any body movements can be divided into a number of phases that continuously replace each other. When moving in front of the photographer (photographers usually ask all models to do this, regardless of their qualifications), you should not make sudden or unnecessary body movements. You must smoothly move from one pose to another, fixing it in extreme states, while maintaining the necessary emotional state.
At that moment, when the photographer is ready to take the photo, you need to tense up even more, pull in your stomach, stretch out so that your whole body is tense. The figure will be more photogenic, and the definition of the muscles will give the photo more charm.

Rule 7.

DON'T MAKE A CRIME OUT OF YOURSELF. Make sure your hands and feet are ALWAYS fully visible to the photographer.
If you place your hand or hands behind your head, your hands should be either on the top of your head or to the side of it. That is, visible to the photographer. The worst option is to put your hands on the back of your head.
If your hands are in your pockets, it is better to make sure that the skin of your hands is completely hidden by clothing. If your hand is bare, then it is better to put it in your pockets in any case...
It is also highly undesirable to hide your hands behind your back, especially if there are no sleeves.
When taking a full-length portrait, ALWAYS keep your arms bent at the chest and head area. Do whatever you want with them, just don’t lower them down...
When shooting indoors, you should always make sure that your arms and legs are fully visible to the photographer.
Shoes, socks or short boots on bare legs visually cut them off and look very unesthetic. The exception is high-heeled shoes.

Rule 8.

DO NOT HIDE YOUR HAIR. Loose hair will allow the photographer to take incomparably more beautiful photographs than with the most fashionable hairstyle.
When shooting art, it is advisable to let long and voluminous hair down. This option gives the photographer more versatile tools for creating an image - lighting, showing the dynamics of movement, emphasizing the beauty of the face and eyes. Hair can be thrown up, spread out, laid out on the floor, you can use it as clothing...
Hair combed forward over the forehead makes the eyes mysterious.
To increase the volume of your hair, you need to comb it from the back of your head forward, and then tilt your head back with a cutting motion.
From a sexual point of view, long, slightly matted hair or very short crewcuts are considered the most attractive. Least sexy - carefully groomed, smooth hair pulled back. They are more suitable for a business woman.

Rule 9.

DO NOT extend your arms, elbows, or legs towards the photographer unless he asks. There is a distortion of perspective, which does not always look photogenic.
If you are photographed sitting cross-legged or on the floor, then you should not point your foot towards the lens, but rather pull your toe to the side or towards the floor so that your knees are closer to the camera, not your feet. In principle, usually any part of the body should be positioned in profile in relation to the photographer.
If you show the photographer your hair with your hands, you should spread your elbows to the sides, and not point them in the direction of the camera.

Rule 10.

Usually, when taking photographs, you need to be very careful about what you will wear and what accessories you will wear.
As for fashionable clothes, you must always remember that fashion will soon pass, and you will look very old-fashioned in the photo. Therefore, it is better to prefer “eternal values” when taking photographs.
The tighter the clothing fits your body, the more visual means the photographer is deprived of to show your inner essence.
A person in neutral or casual simple clothes - a sweater, T-shirt, denim suit, sundress - will look fresher and younger in the picture than in a brocade robe or business suit.
As for accessories, their number should decrease in proportion to the amount of clothing you are wearing. The less clothes, the fewer bracelets, chains, rings and earrings. This also applies to wristwatches. You especially need to avoid bandages around the neck, necklaces that visually separate the head from the body, making you an illustration for Alexander Belyaev’s novel “The Head of Professor Dowell.” It is better to photograph a person in nature, since there she looks much more natural, fresher, younger and more attractive than in the richest interior.
Usually, when shooting in an interior, the following pattern can be traced: the older the person, the more monumental the furniture on which he is filmed should be. If for a young beautiful girl a light three-legged stool is quite enough, then for a person with gray hair, a solid, large chair is required. Preferably antique.
You should especially pay attention to the objects around you...

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designed and decorated by me, Emilia...

Let's learn how to pose correctly for a photo shoot!

The genre of modern fashion photography has long become a full-fledged art form. And like modern art, often the task of the photographer and model is to convey not only the image, but also the mood with the help of photography. A good photograph should have not only the present, but also the past and the future, it should be like a frame from a film where a whole story is visible. In the frame, the model must play a given role, leaving behind a piece of the moment from her life in the image. But for this, you need to learn pose correctly at a photo shoot and often you have to master this skill yourself. Of course, the photographer will always correct where it is critical, but you shouldn’t count on detailed instructions. In addition, the photographer will never be able to extract the necessary emotion or look from you. Not everyone wants to be a clown in front of you and constantly try to make you laugh or sad, because besides this, the photographer has other tasks. Let's talk about the most common rules when posing and the mistakes they make.

The first day of shooting for a model can sometimes be very difficult, especially if you don't know where to start. Therefore, it is very important to answer two questions for yourself: what to shoot, And How would this happen.

How to look beautiful in a photo

1. Subject of shooting

The concept of a photo shoot is developed in advance and can be of several types:

  • magazine photo shoot: when it is necessary to create a single image from a series of photographs, the so-called editorial - magazine story;
  • commercial photo shoot: the task of creating a selling image;
  • social photo shoot: show a social problem and attract public attention to it.

It doesn’t matter what kind of photo shoot the model will be photographed in, the main thing is to convey the mood, idea and the message that the photographer and the entire team put into it. Of course, nowadays, every photo set is a commercial project, because we live in a world where everything is sold and everything is bought. Therefore, the task of the model, in one form or another, is to create a sellable image. In this task, the entire film crew must come to the aid of the model, whose professionals first think through makeup, hairstyle, clothes, style and mood, which in general has such a concept as mood board . Literally, the mood board translates as mood board, and is an integral attribute of any. On such a board are hung images (clippings from fashion magazines, city landscapes, photographs of paintings by famous artists, snapshots from shows, etc.) whose task is to create a certain atmosphere on the site.

Image, emotions, posing– all this must be performed by the model in a sequential chain, which is divided into preparation and the process itself. If a model tries to portray any pose without preparation, it will not work out organically. Therefore, you should initially stand in front of the mirror, feel the atmosphere, get used to the image of the upcoming photo shoot and tune in to a certain wave, which in turn will carry you in a given direction. This is especially important to consider when shooting where movement is required. You need to try to feel as much as possible that there is someone else inside you. It is in such cases that the element of acting plays a big role, thanks to which it is possible to portray completely different/unique images.

How to stand when taking portraits.

2. How the photo shoot will proceed

It is very important to discuss the upcoming work with the photographer before starting work. The most important thing to know is where the light is coming from and how the frame is cropped.

Lighting is perhaps one of the most important details in photography, because any incorrect shadows can significantly ruin the photo. If there is a main lighting fixture in the studio, you need to face it so that the light on your face is as soft as possible. If the light in the studio is symmetrical, then you should pose in the center. Accordingly, if the shooting takes place outdoors in sunlight, then you should position yourself so that the sun illuminates you evenly, unless the photographer commands otherwise.

Crop or cropping the frame, is an equally important moment of shooting, which the model must know about. The final perception of the photograph depends on whether the model is completely included in the frame. If the frame is cropped to the waist, you should ensure that your arms are raised at waist or chest level, again unless the photographer requests otherwise.

Cara Delevingne

Common mistakes when posing:

Elbows. Photography is, first of all, a two-dimensional space, so all poses with bent elbows or knees pointing into the frame are incorrect. You should not put your hands behind your head, as this will cut off your hands and give the impression that the model is an amputee. Try to work in the same plane as your body; don't push your elbows or knees forward or back unnecessarily. The correct pose would be one in which the hands are above the head and the fingers are visible, and the body is slightly turned into a semi-profile. The elbows should be spread to the side.

Neck and shoulders. If you are posing in profile, you should consider the correct curve of the shoulder and neck. The latter is a very important element when it is necessary to emphasize the femininity of a photograph. Therefore, do not close your chin or raise your shoulder under any circumstances. Therefore, when posing, the model's neck should always be open and slightly extended forward to avoid the formation of folds under the chin. In some photo shoots, when it is necessary to emphasize the mystery of the image, you should slightly raise the shoulder; in turn, an extremely lowered shoulder gives the image a sense of pride and confidence.

Face. There are three main positions when posing for portraits - full face, three-quarters and profile. Very often, beginning models make a common mistake by adopting a pose between three-quarters and a full profile, which has a name such as an interrupted profile, when a slightly protruding back of the face completes the line of the nose, lengthening it and making the silhouette unnatural.

Hands. Hands are very important in photography. You should never hide your fingers, as this will make you feel like they are simply not there. Therefore, if you need to take a pose in which you rest your hands on your sides, do it so that your hands and fingers are visible in the frame, to do this, do not put your hands behind your back or rest on your lower back. If your arms are lowered, also do not hide them behind your back, but try to position them as parallel to your legs as possible, but at the same time, not pressing them too tightly to your waist, leaving a little free space between your arms and torso. You should also not press your elbows to your body when you pose in half-profile with something in your hands. This also applies to the full profile position, as anything closer to the camera always looks bigger, so having your arms close to your sides will make you appear thicker.

Legs. Typically, when posing, the legs are either crossed or in a half-step position. This should be done in such a way that the front leg does not cover the back leg, merging with it into one. Therefore, make sure that your back leg is always visible. If you're standing straight with your feet together, shift your center of gravity to one leg and lower one hip and shoulder slightly. This will give your figure graceful lines so you don't look like a shapeless square.

Sudden movements. Don't move quickly when you're in the frame. When the lighting is set, the team is ready for the photo shoot and the photographer gives the command “ Started!”, do not make fast and sudden movements. Begin to move smoothly and slowly from one position to another, so that each pose is a logical continuation of the previous one, without changing the angle from the direction of the light.

Photography is much more sensitive than our eyes. It may seem that in order to change something in it, it is necessary to perform a series of complex movements or changes. But in fact, to achieve changes in a photograph, all it takes is the slightest movement of the arms, hips, legs, or a change of mood.

How to pose during a photo shoot: sitting, standing and posing for a portrait

Full length posing. There is no need to strain your body muscles and hold your hands clenched into a fist or place them one on top of the other. You should also not slouch, as this leads to deformation of posture and an unnatural result. You should bend one of your legs slightly, straighten your shoulders, take a natural pose, turn one shoulder towards the photographer and elegantly place one hand on your belt.

Denise Richards

Seated posing. In this case, you should not put your feet under you, do not turn your body forward to the camera, and do not clench your hands into fists. Turn your body three-quarters in relation to the camera, straighten your palms and slightly extend your legs to emphasize their aesthetics and beauty.

Caroline Carson Lowe

Portrait photo poses. Try not to strain your facial muscles and shoulder girdle as much as possible. You should not tighten the muscles of the neck and chin, as this leads to a violation of the proportions of the lower part of the face, which leads to an ugly and unnatural smile. In order to create more aesthetic proportions in the frame, a model with a wide face should turn and tilt her head slightly.

5 basic rules for posing correctly in front of the camera:

  1. Correct view:

A gaze directed upward for no reason looks very unnatural, and if you don’t have the task of portraying prayer or make yourself little girl, then it’s better not to look up, that is, above the camera. You can also look at the camera in different ways. For example, you can look at the lens as if you are looking through it, far ahead. It is worth noting that in the frame this look looks very interesting; it seems that you are looking not at the viewer who is watching your photo, but through him. This technique is practiced by many models in order to learn how to strike poses correctly when photographing.

  1. Correct head turn:

You should not look with your forehead, do it with your chin, that is, keep your face open in the direction indicated by the photographer and do not lower your head unless required by the specifics of the shooting. If you are posing in a semi-profile position, then you should turn your front temple towards the photographer, that is, slightly tilt your head forward, but under no circumstances tilt it back. You should also not lift your head too much, showing off your nostrils and a double chin, which in reality may not exist.

  1. Use your palms correctly

Very often hands look good in a photo, but if they are not used correctly to touch your face, they can greatly ruin the photo. Frequent mistakes are when the action is performed in the literal sense, that is, if the task is set to take your head with both palms, you should not do this in the literal sense. Just lightly touch your head with your hands, imitating a touch. This also applies to actions with the neck, shoulders, chest girth and so on. By imitating the action, you add lightness to your movements, which looks much more gentle, beautiful and, most importantly, correct in the photograph.

You should not show off your palms with the front or back; they will look extremely large, ugly and not very feminine. You should turn your palms so that your hand looks more aesthetically pleasing, gentle and feminine.

  1. Learn a special look

There are many examples when, in fact, there is nothing in the frame except a glance. There is no special pose, no outstanding beauty, but there is a look that holds the viewer and rivets his attention for a long time. How to achieve such a mesmerizing look? There are several rules. First, the model must have artistic skills, and if you want to learn something, you should practice a lot, including the look. You can start with the mirror, trying different emotions in front of it - anger, joy, sadness. Second, ask your loved ones to play some kind of game with you, where they will need to guess what you are depicting. You can start with something simple, the same sadness, sadness or joy. Then try to portray something more complex, for example, a loving look, disappointment or bewilderment. A professional model must be able to give the photographer the look he needs at any moment, in any mood. It can be joy, when in fact it is very sad, or a seal that you must create in yourself and show it in your gaze.

  1. Don't be a copy of other models

Only someone who tries to be herself, and not a copy of her idols, can learn to pose correctly. Try to create your own and unique image. You should not emulate the looks of popular models and strive to become like their photographed copies; ultimately, no photographer, unless this is part of the photographic task, will want to repeat someone else’s photograph. Each photographer has his own vision of the composition and, in addition, each person is an individual personality. You can try to make the model Marilyn Monroe with the help of clothes, makeup and hair styling, but you won’t be in such a photograph. You should show your essence, your style, emotions and face in photographs.


Try to come to the shoot in a good mood, because this is actually the most important factor when observing correct posing at a photo shoot, which can significantly affect the result. Even when going for a paid shoot, it is very important to leave a good impression of yourself. Leave a positive aura around the photo set so that the photographer and the customer enjoy working with you, in which case you will definitely achieve the expected result, which will be the best reward for you!

Master class on posing from professional video models:

Everyone probably knows this situation - you dressed smartly, put on impeccable makeup, took photos, but the photos turned out not entirely successful. Of course, all the stones fly towards the photographer or camera. But, in fact, the quality of the resulting photos largely depends on you. You just need to know a few secrets, and you will always be irresistible in all photographs.

How to learn to take photographs - smile and facial expressions

A radiant smile always looks more impressive in a photo than a gloomy grimace. But you need to smile sincerely, as if you met a good friend. If you can't seem to smile, follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to short training in front of the mirror: “try on” a flirtatious, mischievous, intriguing, soft smile. Choose the one that suits you best, and then use it when taking photographs.
  • A real smile is always accompanied by a subtle sparkle in the eyes. When taking photos, try to remember something funny, then you will laugh more believably.
  • Always imagine that the photographer is your loved one and you are smiling at them.
  • Don't be afraid to make funny faces. This looks much better than the blank expression on your face like in your passport photo.
  • Never stand directly in front of the lens, as this will not show off your face from a very favorable angle. It is better to turn half a turn, while your eyes should not aim at the camera, but at any point around it.

How to learn to take photographs - choosing clothes and disguising figure flaws

When preparing for a photo shoot, you need to choose not only the most beautiful clothes, but those that will hide your flaws and highlight your strengths. Also consider important nuances:

  • Avoid baggy clothing and opt for a smooth-fitting style that fits your figure.
  • Wear heels, it will make you taller and slimmer.
  • Clothes made of plain fabric look better than those with colorful fabrics.
  • Do not wear clothes that hide your neck, as well as scarves and jewelry that visually separate your neck from your body.
  • Choose a clothing style that suits your age.

How to learn to take photographs - makeup, hairstyle

It’s not at all difficult to create a hairstyle no worse than that of fashion models:

  • Long, well-groomed hair is a real trump card, so don’t hide it.
  • If you have wavy hair, give it a natural look. To do this, moisten them with water, shake them and let them dry without combing.
  • Never smooth your hair, this will make your look very strict and rough.
  • Complicated hairstyles are not the best solution for photos. They will take all the attention away from you.

If you are going to do a professional photo shoot, it is better to use the services of a makeup artist. But for simple friendly photos you can do it yourself:

  • Use foundations, lipsticks, and shadows only with a mattifying effect.
  • In the photo, warm-colored cosmetics look more natural.
  • The bright pearlescent lipstick in the photo gives a hint of vulgarity, so it is better to use light, muted tones.
  • Dark shadows give a very tired look and “throw on” a couple of extra years.

How to learn to take photographs - choosing a pose

The final step in preparing for photography is your pose.

  • Try not to stand straight; it is better to put one leg slightly to the side or turn half-turn.
  • Don't hold your hands like two wooden sticks - touch the hair, put it on your waist, pick up the kitten.
  • Watch your posture - move your shoulders back, stretch your neck, tuck your stomach.

Taking photographs is also an art. Practice in front of the mirror, look at photos where you turned out just fine, ask your friends for their opinions and then all your efforts will not go unnoticed.