What is the main regulatory document that requires the development of a plan? New requirements for plans for localization and elimination of accidents at power plants

An action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities (PMLLPA, PMLA, PLAS, PLA) is a mandatory document for most enterprises operating hazardous production facilities of I, II, and III hazard classes.

This requirement is contained in paragraph 2 of Article 10 of Federal Law 116-FZ “On industrial safety dangerous production facilities».

The PLA is developed in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated August 26, 2013 No. 730 and is consistent with the professional emergency rescue team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with which an agreement was concluded for servicing the facility.

Our company specializes in the development of PLA for enterprises operating gas boiler houses and gas consumption networks - hazardous industrial objects III hazard class.

The presence of a developed and agreed action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents is reflected in the annual report (information) submitted by the organization operating the hazardous production facility to Rostechnadzor.

The validity period of the PLA that we are developing is 5 years.

List of documents required for the development of an Action Plan for localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents:

    Certificate of registration of the hazardous production facility along with information characterizing the hazardous production facility;

    Contracts for maintenance of gas equipment of the boiler room and gas pipelines: internal equipment of boilers, gas distribution unit (GRU, etc.), external gas pipeline, safety automation;

    License for the operation of explosive, fire and chemically hazardous production facilities of hazard class I, II and III (depending on availability);

    Insurance policy;

    Scheme for delineating the balance sheet ownership of a gas pipeline, diagram of internal gas pipelines, diagram of the arrangement of equipment in the boiler room (from the project);

    Situational plan of the gas pipeline from the boiler room, diagram of the arrangement of equipment in the boiler room, diagram of the internal gas equipment of the boiler room, gas distribution center (GRU, etc.);

    Explanatory note of the boiler house project;

    A copy of the certificate and equipment passport of the emergency rescue unit (ARF) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with which an agreement was concluded for the maintenance of the hazardous production facility, for the right to perform emergency rescue work;

    Enterprise orders on industrial safety:

Order on responsible persons;

Reservation order financial resources during emergency response;

Order to create a reserve material resources and equipment for eliminating accidents at hazardous production facilities;

Order on approval of the scheme and list of officials and organizations in the event of accidents at dangerous production facility.


To enterprises located outside Moscow or the Moscow region, an action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities is sent by courier.

PLA development period - 14 w.d.
Standard cost of the service - 45,000 rub.

In continuation, let's consider another interesting question.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 10 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” the organization operating hazardous production facilities is obliged to plan and implement measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility through the development and approval of action plans for localization and elimination consequences of accidents.
As we all know, on January 1, 2014, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 N 730 “On approval of the Regulations on the development of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities” came into force, which establishes the procedure for developing action plans to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities and requirements for their maintenance.

In addition, earlier, in order to facilitate compliance with the requirements of federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety, Order No. 781 of Rostechnadzor dated December 26, 2012 approved “Recommendations for the development of plans for the localization and elimination of accidents at explosion-, fire- and chemically hazardous production facilities.” This document provides guidelines for developing emergency localization and response plan (ALP), its composition, content, form, procedure for approval and revision, as well as activities for its implementation.

Federal Law No. 116-FZ clearly states the name of the mandatory document: an action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents. In addition, there is a clear procedure for their development.

So what does this mean?
What's the difference between plan of measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents And emergency localization and response plan? If you look closely at the main provisions, requirements and recommendations when developing these two documents, in fact, it is clear that they are practically the same thing:

Action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents

Accident localization and response plan

Action plans are developed to ensure readiness organizations operating hazardous production facilities to take action to localization and elimination of consequences accidents at such facilities

The PLA is developed for each hazardous production facility with the aim of:

Definitions readiness organizations to localize and eliminate accidents at hazardous production facilities; - development of activities for localization and elimination of consequences accidents at hazardous production facilities

The action plan provides for possible scenarios for the occurrence and development of accidents on the object

PLA is based on:

On forecasting scenarios for the occurrence and development of accidents;

On stage-by-stage analysis accident scenarios

The action plan provides sufficient amount of forces and resources used to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at the site, the compliance of the forces and means available at the site with the tasks of eliminating the consequences of accidents, as well as the need to attract professional rescue teams

PLA is developed for each hazardous production facility in order to identify sufficiency of measures taken to prevent accidents on site.

PLA is based on assessment sufficiency of measures taken or planned preventing the occurrence and development of accidents

The action plan consists of general and special sections.

Special sections of the action plan determine procedure in the event of an accident at the facility in accordance with the requirements established by federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety.

IN operational unit The PLA provides the location of the accident and the stage of its development, identification signs of the accident, methods and means of localizing and eliminating the accident, performers and the order of their actions.

Therefore, if the enterprise has a PLA developed taking into account the “Recommendations for the development of plans for localization and elimination of accidents at explosion-, fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities,” then the development of a new document called “Action Plan for Localization and Elimination of Consequences of Accidents” in general will not help will not lead to anything new. Why duplicate documents of the same type?

If we analyze the names of the documents, we can conclude that the difference between them is that one is being developed for liquidation planning accidents, and the other for liquidation planning consequences accidents But if you think about it, in essence, eliminating an accident is eliminating its consequences. Perhaps this is why Federal Law No. 116-FZ provides exactly this wording; moreover, in the “Recommendations for the development of plans for the localization and elimination of accidents at explosion-, fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities” there is a clear indication that the PLA is being developed for the purpose of development of measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities.

Recently, another interesting one appeared on this topic, but they have a different opinion on this issue, and moreover, a new abbreviation has been introduced for the action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities - PMLPA.

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Action plan for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents

Moscow region, 2015

Introductory part

Terms and Definitions

1. General sections

1.4 Characteristics of accidents and injuries

1.5.2 Definition of accident scenarios taking into account hazardous substances

1.5.3 Analysis of known accidents

2. Special sections

2.1.2 Organization of interactions of forces and means

2.1.3 Composition and deployment of means for localization and elimination of accidents

2.1.4 The procedure for ensuring the constant readiness of forces and means to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility

2.5 Measures aimed at ensuring public safety

2.6 Organization of logistics, engineering and financial support

Methodological materials and reference literature

Introductory part

The action plan was developed to ensure the readiness of personnel operating a hazardous production facility to take action to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents.

The object belongs to hazard class 3.

In this case, various levels of accident development may occur:

Level "A" - is characterized by the occurrence and development of an emergency situation within one technological unit or installation without affecting adjacent ones. Localization of an emergency at level "A" is carried out by the installation's production personnel by calling special units while simultaneously (urgently) notifying the officials provided for in the list and notification scheme.

Level “B” is characterized by the development of an emergency situation that goes beyond the boundaries of the unit and develops within the boundaries of the installation or workshop.

Terms and Definitions

Emergency situation - condition potentially dangerous object, which is characterized by a violation of the limits and/or conditions safe operation, but did not turn into an accident in which all the adverse effects of hazard sources on personnel, population and environment are kept within acceptable limits using appropriate technical means provided for by the project.

Accident - a sudden event such as a powerful release hazardous substances, fire or explosion, due to disruption of the operation of an enterprise (facility), leading to an immediate and/or subsequent threat to the life and health of people, the environment, and material assets on the territory of the enterprise and/or beyond.

Technological unit - a device (equipment) or a group (with a minimum number) of devices (equipment) that at a given time can be disconnected (isolated) from the technological system without dangerous mode changes that can lead to the development of an accident in adjacent equipment.

Production area - structural subdivision an enterprise or workshop that unites a group of jobs organized according to subject, technological or subject-technological principles of specialization.

Critical values ​​of parameters are the limiting values ​​of one or more interrelated parameters (relative to the composition of the material medium, pressure, temperature, speed, time spent in a zone with a given regime, the ratio of components that are mixed, separation of the mixture, etc.), at which it is possible the occurrence of an explosion in a technological system or depressurization of technological equipment and the release of flammable or toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Liquidation of the consequences of an accident is a mode of operation during which an enterprise (facility) after an accident is transferred to normal operation or transformed into an environmentally safe natural-technological system.

Dangerous operating modes of equipment are modes that are characterized by such deviations of technological parameters from the regulatory values ​​in which an emergency situation may occur and/or destruction of equipment, houses, and structures may occur.

A hazardous production facility is a facility where hazardous substances are stored, produced, transported and destroyed.

Structural unit - a link in an organization (enterprise), which includes a team of performers and/or workers, has separate, clearly defined functions in the management process or production process, different from the functions of another link, and because of this, it is included as an organizationally separated part of the organization (enterprise) into its structure or into the structure of the divisions of the organization (enterprise). For example: production, workshop, department, production site. An integral part production can be workshops, departments, production areas. An integral part of a workshop can be departments and production areas. An integral part of the department are production areas.

A technological process is a set of physical and chemical transformations of substances and changes in the values ​​of parameters of the material environment, which are carried out for a specific purpose in an apparatus (a system of interconnected apparatuses, a unit, a machine, etc.).

Specialized units - mining and gas rescue and fire departments, medical services, units of the formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster.

Damaging factors of an accident - factors that arise during an accident are capable, if certain values ​​are reached, of causing damage to human health, the environment, and material values ​​( overpressure at the front of the shock (explosive) wave, thermal load from the flame, concentration of hazardous substances in the atmosphere, water, soil, etc.).

Installation is a set of equipment (devices) that performs a specific function in the technological process.

1. General sections

1.1 Characteristics of a hazardous production facility

Gas consumption network The name of the organization is located at ***

Gas consumption network Name of the organization, which includes:

1). Internal gas pipeline;

2). Gas equipment two boilers - 2 pcs.;

A hazardous production facility can be divided into 3 technological blocks:

No. 1 Internal gas pipeline;

No. 2 Gas equipment - Gas burners RIELLO RTQ 1000 - 2 pcs.

Block No. 1 Internal gas pipeline

Block No. 2 Gas equipment - Gas burners RIELLO RTQ 1000


Boiler power - 1.118 mW;

Gas burner EK06V.160G/F-ZVT

Burner power - 800-1600 kW

Block No. 3 Hydraulic fracturing

Gas pressure at the hydraulic fracturing inlet is pmin=3.7 kgf/cm 2 .

1.2 Characteristics of the hazardous substance

Table 1


Unit measured

Mixture (propane-butane)

Methane (natural gas)

Chem. formula

Specific gravity of the gas phase

Relative specific gravity(density in air)

2.0 (2 times heavier than air)

0.5(2 times lighter than air)

Specific gravity of the liquid phase

0.5 (2 times lighter than water)

Boiling point (evaporation)

Flash point

Heat of combustion

Heat output

Explosion limits

% gas in air

Required amount of air for gas combustion

Vapor volume

Flame propagation speed

1.3 Organization of operation of a hazardous production facility

The gas consumption network includes:

1. Internal gas pipeline;

2. Gas equipment - Gas burners RIELLO RTQ 1000 - 2 pcs.

1.4 Accident and injury characteristics

An emergency situation is considered to be a mode or condition of equipment in which there are unacceptable, in comparison with design, deviations of parameters and rates of change, the composition of working media, the appearance of defects and damage to operating equipment, the disappearance of the possibility of control or influence by standard means on one or several at once parameters.

1.5 Possible scenarios for accidents at the facility

1.5.1 Definition possible reasons occurrence of an accident and factors contributing to the occurrence and development of accidents

There are three groups of interrelated causes at the facility that contribute to the occurrence and development of accidents:

* equipment failures (corrosion, physical wear, mechanical damage, errors in design and manufacturing, defects in welded joints, metal fatigue defects not identified during inspection, violation of operating conditions - overfilling of containers, excess pressure);

* personnel errors (carrying out repair and maintenance work, starting and stopping equipment, localizing emergency situations);

* external influences of a natural and man-made nature (storm winds and hurricanes, snow drifts, heavy rains, lightning discharges, mechanical damage, sabotage, explosions, fires).

The presence of effective means, emergency protection and fire extinguishing, warning alarms, exposure of personnel to actions to localize accidents help reduce the likelihood of occurrence and development of accidents.

1.5.2 Definition of accident scenarios involving hazardous substances

Possible accidents:

Violation of the integrity of the gas pipeline and other leaks in the gas pipeline after the inlet gas valve.

Explosion or extinguishing of the burner flame of a working boiler.

The vacuum in the furnace of a working boiler is below normal, the exhaust fan does not work.

Automation malfunction.

Fire in the boiler room.

Penetration of unauthorized persons into the territory, detection of foreign objects on the territory.

1.5.3 Analysis of known accidents

During the operation of the hazardous production facility operated by the name of the organization, no accidents were registered.

Table 2 shows accidents related to natural gas that occurred at other enterprises.

table 2

List of accidents at natural gas-related facilities

Date and place

Type of accident

Description of the accident and main causes

The scale of the accident development

Number of victims, damage

LLC "Energetik"

Explosion of gas-air mixture

An explosion of the gas-air mixture occurred in the furnace of the PTVM-30M boiler as a result of a violation of the technological process.

Boiler lining collapsed, glazing of boiler house building damaged

No injuries

OJSC "Lenoblgaz"

Damage to the gas pipeline

In production earthworks a gas pipeline with a diameter of 530 mm was damaged.

Thermal power plants and a number of industrial enterprises were disconnected from gas supply

No injuries

OJSC "Voronezhoblgaz"

Damage to the gas pipeline

An underground gas pipeline was damaged during excavation work. high pressure 1.2 MPa with a diameter of 325 mm.

Three boiler houses have been cut off from gas supply.

No injuries

LLC "Almaz"

Explosion in the boiler furnace

At Almaz LLC, a gas-air mixture exploded in the furnace of an automated boiler as a result of a disruption in the technological process.

Damaged boiler

No injuries

LLC "Kommunalshchik"

Explosion in the boiler furnace

At Kommunalshchik LLC, an explosion of the gas-air mixture occurred in the boiler furnace as a result of erroneous actions by personnel.

Damaged boiler lining and flue

No injuries

LLC "SMU 17"

Damage to an underground gas pipeline

During excavation work, an underground medium-pressure gas pipeline operated by PTU EGS OJSC Kurskgaz, with a diameter of 325 mm, was damaged. The cause of the accident was excavation work in the security zone of the gas pipeline without agreement with the operating organization and without calling a representative of the operating organization to the site.

Gas supply to three microdistricts of the city was stopped.

No injuries

Samara, JSC


Water boiler explosion

During operation, a hot water boiler exploded. The causes of the accident were failure of the boiler automatic safety protection, lack of control over the safe operation of the boiler room and over timely training and certification. service personnel.

Destruction of boiler room equipment

No injuries

09.28.2009 Moscow region, Krasnogorsk

district, 28th km of the Moscow - Riga highway

Gas leak and ignition

As a result of the collision passenger car On the fence of the site, the shut-off valve of the high-pressure gas pipeline was destroyed, gas leaked and ignited. The cause of the accident was a traffic accident.

Destruction of a gas pipeline

No injuries

10/05/2009 Leningrad region, 91st km of Verkhne-Vyborgsky

Gas leak without ignition

During work on laying the Nord Stream gas pipeline, an excavator damaged the high-pressure gas supply pipeline; gas escaped without ignition. The cause of the accident was work in the security zone of the gas pipeline, which was not designated in the project.

Damage to the gas pipeline

No injuries

10/13/2009 Leningrad region, 400 m from the intersection of the Pushkin - Maloye Karlino highway, Gazprom OJSC, Lenoblgaz OJSC, branch Kingisepp-mezhraigaz

Gas leak without ignition

While carrying out landscaping work, an excavator rolled off a road embankment, resulting in damage to a high-pressure gas pipeline. The cause of the accident was excavation work in the security zone of the gas pipeline without the permission of the operating organization and in the absence of its representative.

Damage to the gas pipeline

No injuries

Saratov, OJSC "Sarenergomash", industrial boiler house.

Explosion of gas-air mixture

While repairing the automation, an explosion occurred in the gas-air mixture in the boiler furnace.

The causes of the accident were unsatisfactory organization of work, unsatisfactory level of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at the enterprise

Boiler destruction

One person was injured

10/22/2009 Tyumen, Tyumen-Mezhraigaz LLC, high-pressure gas pipeline "City Gas Ring".

Gas leak

During a routine inspection of the gas pipeline, a gas leak was discovered. The cause of the accident was the formation of a longitudinal crack in the pipe wall, caused by mechanical damage to the gas pipeline during excavation work.

To eliminate the leak, gas supply to 12 boiler houses, 36 enterprises and 1 thousand 547 household consumers was stopped

No injuries

10.26.2009 Omsk region, Omsk district OJSC "Omskoblgaz".

Gas leak

During excavation work in the village. In Luzino, a high-pressure gas pipeline was damaged and gas escaped.

Gas supply to two boiler houses and 3,700 apartments was stopped.

No injuries

12/30/2009, Stavropol Territory, Crimean district, 13 km main gas pipeline"Anastasievskaya-Novorossiysk", LLC "Gazpromtransgaz-Kuban"

Gas leak followed by fire

The technical cause of the accident was the destruction of the gasket of the lower flange connection of the valve

Destruction of a gas pipeline

No injuries

02/17/2010 Stavropol Territory, Kirovsky

district, village Maryinskaya

LLC "Raduga"

Gas leak, explosion of gas-air mixture in the boiler room

The gas was supplied by an unidentified person(s). Incapacitated natural ventilation premises of the boiler room, the boiler room is not equipped with air monitoring systems for the content of carbon monoxide and methane in it, LLC "Raduga" did not ensure the prevention of entry into a dangerous production facility by unauthorized persons, insufficient production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements on the part of officials of LLC " Raduga", LLC "Raduga" operates an explosion-hazardous production facility - the gas consumption system of LLC "Raduga" without a license to carry out activities for the operation of explosion- and fire-hazardous production facilities; the hazardous production facility (gas consumption system of the enterprise) is not registered in the state register of hazardous production facilities.

Building destruction

Two operators were injured, one of whom died.

45 km of the Lečinkai - Bulungu highway

Depressurization of a high-pressure onshore gas pipeline

As a result of a collision with a car, a high-pressure above-ground gas pipeline depressurized.

Gas supply to two settlements was cut off

No injuries

OJSC "Belgorodoblgaz"

Gas pipeline depressurization, fire

During the completion of the construction of a new gas pipeline, the existing gas pipeline was damaged, which led to the release of gas and ignition.

Damage to the gas pipeline

No injuries

November 23, 2010, Novgorod region, gas pipeline branch to the Korotsko gas station in the area of ​​the 434th km of the Belousovo-Leningrad gas pipeline.

Gas pipeline depressurization

During excavation work, an excavator damaged a section of a gas pipeline without causing a fire.

No consumers were disconnected

No injuries

Analysis of the main causes of accidents that occurred.

To substantiate the main reasons contributing to the occurrence of accidents in the gas consumption network, 18 accidents that occurred at other similar facilities and accidents related to natural gas were analyzed.

An analysis of the main causes of accidents made it possible to identify the following interrelated groups of causes:

Violations during excavation work - (8 accidents) 45%,

Road traffic accident - (2 accidents) 11%,

Violations of industrial safety rules - (2 accidents) 11%,

Corrosion, destruction of equipment integrity - (2 accidents) 11%,

Violations of the technological process by personnel - (4 accidents) 22%.

1.5.4 Analysis of the main factors and possible causes contributing to the occurrence and development of emergency situations

List of main factors and possible causes contributing to the occurrence and development of emergency situations in technological units of the gas consumption network Name of the organization is given in Table 3

List of main factors and possible causes contributing to the occurrence and development of emergency situations

Table 3

Block name

Factors contributing to the occurrence and development of emergency situations

Possible causes of emergency situations

Gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing

Gas equipment

Availability in blocks natural gas creates the danger of the release of an explosive and fire hazardous substance on the territory of the organization, in the installation premises during emergency depressurization of equipment or pipelines;

Supplying natural gas at pressure (up to 0.6 MPa) creates an additional risk of network depressurization;

The wide range of concentration explosive limits of natural gas increases the likelihood of creating damaging factors in case of emergency depressurization of the network;

Errors in the design and installation of equipment, corrosion, defects in shape and size, violation of operating conditions increase the likelihood of equipment failure;

Residual stresses in the pipeline material in combination with stresses arising during installation and repair, the effects of temperature deformations, and corrosion increase the likelihood of pipeline failure;

Block equipment modern means Instrumentation and automation reduces the likelihood of further development of the accident in case of emergency depressurization of the network.

1. Reasons associated with equipment failure.

Depressurization of equipment, shut-off and control valves as a result of the formation of corrosion, structural, and mechanical through defects;

Physical wear, corrosion, mechanical damage to pipelines.

2. Reasons related to personnel errors.

Violation of safety regulations by service personnel;

Violation of safety regulations when performing operations related to repair and preventive maintenance (carrying out welding work and so on.).

Of particular danger are errors when performing operations related to repair, preventive and other types of work.

3. Reasons related to external influences.

Depressurization of the gas consumption network as a result of a lightning strike, hurricane wind, etc.;

Depressurization of the gas consumption network as a result of a specially planned sabotage or terrorist act.

Schemes of possible emergency scenarios:

Gas pipelines and hydraulic fracturing:

Gas boiler room equipment

Assessment of the likelihood of emergency situations occurring and scenarios for their further development in the blocks

Calculation of the probability of occurrence of emergency situations and scenarios for their further development was carried out using the “fault tree” analysis method, the “event tree” analysis method (according to GOST R 51901.1-2002), taking into account literature and reference data.

According to RD 03_418_01 " Methodical instructions on conducting risk analysis of hazardous production facilities" as the basis of the expert assessment method, interrelated quantitative and qualitative indicators of the probability and severity of the consequences of an event (failure) are recommended.

There are five levels of failure frequency:

Frequent failure > 1 year-1;

Probable failure 1h10-2 year-1;

Possible failure - 10-2h10-4 year-1;

Rare failure - 10-4h10-6 year-1;

Almost impossible failure< 10-6 год-1,

and four criteria for the severity of the consequences of failure:

Catastrophic failure;

Critical failure;

Non-critical failure;

Failure with negligible consequences.

Analysis of the combination of two components of failure criticality for a specific object (system, system element) allows us to develop corrective safety measures.

Table 4 provides information on the failure rates of the main elements technological installation, obtained from literary materials.

Table 4

Failure rate of process equipment elements

Description of the initiating event

Failure rate, 1/year

Source of statistical information on failures

Failure due to fatigue

Marshall V. Main hazards of chemical production. M.: Mir. 1989.

Failure due to corrosion phenomena

Failures caused by the occurrence and development of cracks

Failures caused by metal creep

Personnel error

Izmalkov V.I., Izmalkov A.V. Safety and risk due to technogenic impacts. S.Pb. 1994.

Mechanical damage to equipment

External extreme influences

Valve failure

GOST 12.1.004-91

Frequency of flange connection depressurization

A.A. Agapov, M.V. Lisanov, S.M. Lykov, A.S. Pecherkin, V.I. Fursenko. Hazard analysis when developing a safety declaration. // Occupational safety in industry. No. 10-1995.

Fistula formation

Safonov V.S. Theory and practice of risk analysis in the gas industry. M. 1996.

1.5.5 Frequencies of emergency situations in process units

Table 5

Emergency stage


Technical risk of an accident, year-1

Explosion of a hot water cloud on the territory of the organization

S-1-1. Depressurization of the external section of the gas pipeline, fittings, flange connections on the territory of the organization.

S-1-2. Depressurization of a gas pipeline, fittings, flange connections of an underground section of a gas pipeline (during excavation work)

Flaring of natural gas on the territory of the organization

Explosion of a hot water cloud in the installation room

S-2-1. Depressurization of the gas pipeline, fittings, flange connections in the installation room

Flare combustion of natural gas in the workshop

Explosion of a hot water cloud in a boiler room

Failure of instrumentation and control equipment, burner flame extinguishing

Based on the calculations obtained, it was determined that the most likely emergency situation for block No. 1, 3 is scenario C-1-4, for block No. 2 - S-2-3.

2. Special sections

2.1 Forces and means used to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility

2.1.1 A sufficient number of forces and means used to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at the facility

The provision of equipment, emergency supplies of equipment and materials in the quantities necessary to perform emergency rescue operations is 100%.

Fire safety support for the facility is carried out by the Fire Department, which carries out practical activities to ensure combat readiness for extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations, maintaining the combat readiness of forces and equipment.

Organization and provision medical care workers injured in accidents are provided by the medical center.

2.1.2 Organization of interaction of forces and means

To organize and coordinate work to localize and eliminate emergencies, an agreement was concluded with ***, which is organizational structure, designed to manage operations to localize and eliminate emergencies at the production facility ***.

In order to ensure consistency of actions of forces and means in terms of purpose, place, time for better implementation of emergency response measures, interaction is organized with involved organizations and regulatory authorities. The list of interacting organizations is presented in Table 6.

Table 6

List of interacting organizations


The contact person

Goals of attracting forces and resources



Carrying out emergency response work

Fire Department

Extinguishing fires and fires

Health care

Providing medical care


2.1.3 Composition and deployment of forces and means for localizing and eliminating accidents

Composition and deployment of forces and means for localizing and eliminating accidents:

Fire extinguisher - 3 pcs.;

Fire bucket - 2 pcs.;

Box with sand;

Split leather gloves - 2 pairs;

Fire hydrant;



Gas mask PSh.

Composition of forces and means NAME of the ASF and interacting formations, in case of threat and liquidation of emergencies at enterprises with hazardous production facilities in the Moscow region.

Table 7

Name of departments

Forces and means, means of communication, contact numbers

Rescuers, firefighters and other specialists

Specialist. equipment


2 crews of 3 people each.

1 crew - 2 people.

1 crew - 4 people.

Special vehicle based on "Sobol" (GAZ 2752) - 2 units.

Operational vehicle, based on "Gazelle" (GAZ 27057) - 1 unit.

Fire truck, ATs-40 - 1 unit.

Truck crane KS 35771 - 1 unit.

Truck tractor KAMAZ - 5410 - 2 units.

Dump trucks KAMAZ - 55111С - 2 units.

Specialized truck crane KS55713 based on KAMAZ 532150 - 1 unit.

Truck crane KS 3577 based on MAZ-5337 - 1 unit.

Flatbed, cargo

MAZ 53366021 - 1 unit.

Sludge sucker KO-510K on KAMAZ-43253 chassis

Hydrostation "SPRUT", hydraulic tool, ERAS, SGU-1, motor pump, breathing apparatus and other emergency rescue equipment, portable radio stations

PC, camera, video camera,

Fire-technical tools and equipment

1.1.1. 2.1.4 The procedure for ensuring the constant readiness of forces and means to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003 No. 794 (as amended on July 18, 2013) “On the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations”, the readiness of the ASF to respond to an emergency situation (hereinafter referred to as emergency situations) and carry out work to eliminate them determined during certification, as well as during inspections carried out within the limits of its powers by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, state supervisory authorities, civil defense authorities and emergency situations constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as federal executive authorities creating these services and formations.

The operation of a hazardous production facility *** requires full provision of the necessary staff of basic and maintenance personnel. At the facilities, instructions have been developed on the rules of operation of equipment and installations, on safety precautions when carrying out various works, on labor protection, on the actions of service personnel when possible accidents situations, approved general director. Before admission to independent work personnel undergo training courses in blue-collar professions and intended purpose. Each employee hired undergoes induction training on safety precautions, labor protection, initial instruction at work.

*** annually conducts comprehensive exercises to develop practical skills in the interaction of all units in the event of a threat and emergency situations. The personnel undergo theoretical and practical training courses. These exercises are aimed at practicing the interaction of personnel in the event of one of the possible emergency situations. To consolidate the knowledge and correct actions of personnel in emergency situations, emergency training, scheduled training on fire safety standards, and training on providing first-aid medical care are conducted.

Schedule of training sessions at the hazardous production facility site of the liquid oxygen storage and gasification system *** in 2015

Month of the alarm


2.2 Organization of communication and warning control

The emergency notification system (ES) includes notification of personnel, officials and rescue teams via telephone communication.

The following types of communication are available:

* mobile connection;

* telephone communications;

*** has the following types of communication at its disposal:

* mobile connection;

* landline telephone connection.

In order to ensure the promptness of taking measures to eliminate emergencies and emergencies in ***, a scheme and procedure for notifying all interested persons and organizations has been developed, indicating their telephone numbers.

The first person to notice the accident was accessible means communications reports to the head of the boiler room. The boiler room manager acts in accordance with the emergency notification scheme.

Schemes for organizing the management and interaction of work to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at the site *** between the participants are presented in the diagram.

Scheme of management and interaction of emergency response work

2.3 Priority actions upon receiving a signal about an accident at a hazardous production facility

In the event of an emergency operational staff must:

· immediately remove all strangers to a safe area;

· report the incident to management and subsequently act in agreement with it;

· take measures to localize the accident, exclude fire and the possibility of damage to other equipment, and minimize possible damage from the accident;

· provide first aid to the victims, and, if necessary, send them to the nearest medical facility;

· begin to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

dangerous injury accident alert

Table 8



First to notice

Immediately reports the accident to the boiler room operator.

Takes measures to save people caught in an accident.

If necessary, turns off the emergency section, acting in accordance with the operational part of the submarine.

Upon arrival of the responsible supervisor of the emergency response work at the site, he reports to him about the situation and acts according to his instructions.

Boiler room manager

Immediately reports the accident to the chief power engineer.

Takes measures to remove people from the accident zone.

If necessary, emergency stops operating equipment.

Responsible manager for emergency response

The responsible manager of the emergency response work at the facility is the chief power engineer or his deputy. It is prohibited to interfere with the actions of the responsible manager to eliminate the accident.

In case of clearly incorrect actions of the responsible manager, the direct superior has the right to remove him and take over leadership in eliminating the accident.

Having familiarized himself with the situation, he immediately begins to carry out the measures provided for by the PLA and manages the work to rescue people and eliminate the accident.

Organizes a command post, informs all performers about its location and stays there constantly.

Note: During the liquidation of an accident, only persons directly involved in the liquidation of the accident may be present at the command post.

Finds out from the boiler room manager whether people have been notified according to the notification scheme and whether the fire department and medical service have been called to the scene of the accident.

Monitors the implementation of activities provided for in the Plan, its orders and assignments.

Identifies the number of people caught in the accident and injured, their location and directs the actions of the medical service.

Gives appropriate orders and information to eliminate and localize a fire at the fire department.

Gives instructions to remove people from all dangerous places, sets up posts along the borders of the dangerous zone, blocks roads with the help of NAME OF ORGANIZATION employees.

Gives instructions to suspend all work (in the contaminated area) not related to the elimination of the accident.

Reports to the engineer for the operation of housing and communal services facilities about the situation.

Appoints a responsible person to maintain an operational journal for the liquidation of the accident.

Upon liquidation of the emergency situation, it gives permission to carry out emergency restoration work to restart the facility. Persons called to eliminate accidents and rescue people report their arrival to the responsible manager and, on his instructions, begin to perform their duties.

Boiler house engineering and technical workers

In accordance with the emergency situation, work teams are organized from workers of the repair group.

Establishes their constant duty to carry out work to eliminate the accident and restore production operations.

According to the instructions of the responsible manager, provides vehicles for the evacuation of victims from the scene of an accident and transports materials and means for localizing and eliminating the accident.

Medical service

Provides medical care to accident victims.

Performs work in accordance with the orders of the responsible work manager, aimed at protecting the health of victims.

Maintains constant contact with the responsible work manager, informing him about the condition of the victims (if necessary, hospitalizes him).

Employee NAME ASF

Ensures road closures to prevent the passage of unauthorized vehicles into the accident zone in accordance with the assignment of the responsible manager.

Conducts work to localize and eliminate the accident.

Maintains constant contact with the responsible work manager, informing him of all actions.

Other persons involved in the liquidation of the accident.

Provide normal work electromechanical and control equipment, communication and alarm operation, turning on and off (as directed by the responsible work manager) electricity. Assistance in localizing and eliminating the accident as directed by the work manager.

2.4 Procedure in case of accidents at a hazardous production facility

Before the arrival of NAME ASF personnel, work to localize and eliminate the accident at the site is carried out by the forces and means of ****. Upon arrival of the NAME ASF personnel, the work manager briefly informs the senior leader of the rescue unit:

· about the victims of the accident;

· about the possibility of explosion, fire, poisoning as consequences of an accident;

· about the location, size and nature of the accident and the measures taken to eliminate it;

· about the necessary actions to prevent fire, explosion and actions to eliminate the accident.

If a fire occurs during the liquidation of an accident, the responsible manager assumes direct leadership in extinguishing the fire.

The responsible manager is obliged:

· provide personnel to perform work related to fire suppression and property evacuation;

· provide the facility with vehicles for the delivery of water and emergency and rescue services.

· correct the actions of personnel when performing work related to fire extinguishing;

· ensure the protection of people taking part in fire extinguishing, collapse of structures, injuries electric shock, poisoning, burns.

NAME ASF is obliged: upon call from the head of the boiler room (or another employee of the organization), *** is obliged to ensure timely arrival at the scene of the accident.

Carry out work to localize and eliminate an emergency in accordance with job responsibilities and in agreement with the responsible work manager and in accordance with the Plan;

Maintain constant contact with the Responsible Work Manager;

Ensure interaction and coordination of actions with special services arriving at the scene of the accident: emergency personnel, ambulance workers.

Below is the operational part of level "A" and level "B", which indicates the actions of personnel in the event of an emergency.

Operational part of a level "A" submarine

Name, level and location of emergency

Identification signs of an emergency

Optimal methods of emergency protection (EPS)

Technical means (systems) of emergency protection used to suppress and localize an emergency situation (ESD)

Performers and order of their actions

Block No. 1.3

S-1-1. Depressurization of a section of a gas pipeline, fittings, flange connections on the territory of the organization.

Reasons: - corrosive, physical wear;

Mechanical damage;

Violation of the technological regime,

routine maintenance

production staff;

Violation of the rules for conducting excavation work.

Identification marks:

Visible rupture of a technical device;

Polluted territory, specific smell of natural gas;

Noise (whistle) created by escaping gas;

Triggering of light and sound alarms.

Possible consequences:

Formation of an explosive cloud;

Destruction of equipment, communications, structures;

Injuring people.

Cutting off a block or section using shut-off valves.

Stopping the supply of natural gas from the main gas pipeline.

Elimination of ignition sources.

Emergency release of the pipeline to the spark plug.

On the gas pipeline section - manual fittings, relief candles.

Control measuring instruments accounting for pressure and consumption of natural gas.

Telephone communications.

Automatic alarm system...

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Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Committee for Supervision of Labor Safety of Ukraine (Gosnadzorohrantruda)

State regulatory act on labor protection

Regulations on the development of localization and liquidation plans for emergencies and accidents

NPAOP 0.00-4.33-99

Kyiv 1999


Order of the State Supervision Service for Labor Protection

17.06.99 № 112


Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

30.06.99 № 424/3717

Developed by: Scientific Center for the Study of Risks "RIZIKON" (Severodonetsk) and the Department for Supervision in the Chemical, Oil Refining and Gas Industry of the State Supervision Authority for Labor of Ukraine

Submitted by: Department for supervision in the chemical, oil refining and gas industries of the State Supervision Service of Ukraine

Introduced: First time

Editorial committee: A.P. Sazonov, M.D. Yanchev, E.A. Granovsky, V.K. Bityutsky, S.M. Voloshin, L.A. Melnichuk, V.S. Palchik, A.I. Chernyshev





In pursuance of paragraph 11 of the Regulations on the Committee for Supervision of Occupational Safety and Health of Ukraine, approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 9, 1998 No. 182/98, and on the basis of the decision of the editorial commission created by Order of the Committee dated December 6, 1996 No. 211, on the results of consideration of the final version of the draft Provisions regarding the development of plans for localization and liquidation of emergencies and accidents and the advisability of its approval


1. Approve the Regulations for the development of plans for the localization and elimination of emergency situations and accidents, attached.

2.*** With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Temporary Recommendations for the development of emergency localization plans at chemical-technological facilities, approved by the USSR Gospromatnadzor 07/05/90, Instructions for drawing up plans for the protection of personnel and the population in the event of accidents, are no longer applied on the territory of Ukraine at metallurgical facilities and​​ elimination (localization) of their consequences (RD-7-13-91), approved by the USSR Gospromatnadzor on 11.11.91.

1. Industry regulations governing the creation of plans must be brought into compliance with this Regulation.

2. The Department for Supervision in the Chemical, Oil Refining and Gas Industry, within a month after registration of this Regulation with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, determines the needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the specified Regulation, ensures that the editorial office of the journal "Labor Safety" receives an order for the publication of the Regulation in the required edition and establish control over their distribution.

3. Territorial departments, departments and departments of the Committee together with the relevant ministries and departments:

5.1. Take measures to study the requirements of this Regulation by state inspectors and other officials of the State Supervision Service for Labor Supervision, experts of expert technical centers, employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

5.2. Ensure constant monitoring of compliance with the requirements of the Regulations by the owners (their authorized bodies), officials and employees who are affected by this.

6. Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision in the Chemical, Oil Refining and Gas Industry Yanchev M.D. within two weeks, provide the department of normative legal acts of the Committee with the relevant materials for inclusion of the Regulations in the State Register of DNAOP and in the data bank of the automated information fund of normative acts on labor protection.

7. Cancel the order of the State Supervision Service No. 91 of May 14, 1998.

8. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, V.I. Ivanchenko.

Chairman of the Committee S.P. Tkachuk



This regulatory act applies to potentially dangerous enterprises (hereinafter referred to as enterprises), potentially dangerous objects (hereinafter referred to as objects) where accidents with volley releases of explosive and toxic products, explosions and fires (fires) in equipment, production premises and external structures are possible, which can lead to the destruction of buildings, structures, technological equipment, injury to people, and negative impact on the environment.

The regulatory act establishes the procedure for developing localization and liquidation plans for emergencies and accidents (hereinafter referred to as PLAS), requirements for their composition, content and form, the procedure for approving and revising PLAS.

The requirements of this normative act mandatory for all ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations, legal and individuals regardless of their industry and/or departmental affiliation and form of ownership.

The requirements of this regulatory act do not apply to:

nuclear installations and reprocessing plants radioactive substances, with the exception of those facilities at these enterprises where there is circulation of non-radioactive substances;

military installations;

mining industry enterprises (mines);

all types of transport, except pipeline.

1) DSTU 3273-95. Safety of industrial enterprises. General provisions and requirements.

2) DSTU 2156-93. Safety of industrial enterprises. Terms and Definitions.

3) DSTU 2960-94. Organization industrial production. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions.

4) GOST 12.1.007-76. SSBT. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements.

5) NAOP 1.3.00-1.01-88. General rules explosion safety for fire and explosion hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.

6) RD 52.04.253-90. Methodology for predicting the scale of contamination with highly toxic substances during accidents (destruction) at chemically hazardous facilities and transport.

3. Terms and definitions

Emergency situation - the state of a potentially dangerous facility, characterized by a violation of the limits and/or conditions of safe operation, but which has not turned into an accident, in which all the adverse effects of hazard sources on personnel, the population and the environment are kept within acceptable limits using appropriate technical means provided for by the project.

Accident- a sudden event, such as a powerful release of hazardous substances, a fire or explosion, as a result of disruption of the operation of an enterprise (facility), which leads to an immediate and / or subsequent threat to the life and health of people, the environment, material assets on the territory of the enterprise and / or beyond.

Technological block - a device (equipment) or a group (with a minimum number) of devices (equipment) that at a given time can be disconnected (isolated) from the technological system without dangerous mode changes that can lead to the development of an accident in adjacent equipment.

Branch- a structural unit of an enterprise or workshop that contains several production areas, occupies a separate territory and carries out part of the production process for processing the subject of labor.

Production area - a structural unit of an enterprise or workshop that unites a group of jobs organized according to subject, technological or subject-technological principles of specialization.

Critical parameter values - limit values ​​of one or more interrelated parameters (in terms of the composition of material media, pressure, temperature, speed of movement, time spent in a zone with a given regime, ratio of components mixed, separation of the mixture, etc.), at which an explosion may occur in the technological process system or depressurization of process equipment and release of flammable or toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Elimination of consequences of the accident - operating mode in which an enterprise (facility) after an accident is transferred to normal operation or transformed into an environmentally friendly natural-technological system.

Dangerous operating modes of equipment conditions - modes characterized by such deviations of technological parameters from the regulatory values ​​in which an emergency situation may occur and/or destruction of equipment, buildings, and structures may occur.

The object is potentially dangerous - any source of potential damage to vital human interests.

The enterprise is potentially dangerous - industrial enterprise that uses in its activities or has potentially dangerous objects on its territory.

Enterprise (industrial) - a statutory subject that has the right of a legal entity and carries out the production and sale of certain types of products in order to obtain the corresponding profit.

Structural division - a link in an organization (enterprise), which includes a team of performers and/or workers, which must have separate, clearly defined functions in the management process or production process that differ from the functions of other units, and because of this, it is included as an organizationally separated share from other units organization (enterprise), into its structure or into the structure of divisions of the organization (enterprise). For example: production, workshop, department, production site.

An integral part of production can be workshops, departments, production areas. An integral part of a workshop can be departments and production areas. An integral part of the department is the production areas.

Technological process - a set of physical and chemical transformations of substances and changes in the values ​​of parameters of the material environment, which are carried out for a specific purpose in an apparatus (a system of interconnected apparatuses, a unit, a machine, etc.).

Specialized units - girnichogazoryatovny and fire departments, medical services, units of formations of the Ministry of Ukraine for emergency situations and for protecting the population from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

Damaging factors of the accident - factors arising during an accident that, if certain values ​​are reached, can cause damage to human health, the environment, and material assets (excess pressure at the front of the shock (explosive) wave, heat load from the flame, concentration of hazardous substances in the atmosphere, water, soil etc.). Installation is a set of equipment (devices) that performs a specific function in the technological process.

Shop- an organizationally and/or technologically separate structural unit that directly or indirectly participates in the processing of the subject of labor into finished products and consists of a set of production areas.


4.1. The purpose of the plan for localization and liquidation of emergency situations and accidents is to plan the actions (interaction) of enterprise personnel, special forces, the population, central and local executive authorities and local governments to localize and liquidate accidents and mitigate their consequences.

4.2. The list of production facilities (shops, departments, production sites) and individual facilities for which the PLAS is developed is determined and approved by the owner (manager) of the enterprise in agreement with the territorial departments of Gosnadzorohrantruda, Gospozhnadzor and with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and Population Protection Affairs from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

4.3. Accidents, depending on their scale, can be of three levels: A, B and C.

4.3.1. At level “A” the accident is characterized by the development of the accident within one production (workshop, department, production site), which is a structural subdivision of the enterprise.

4.3.2. At level "B" the accident is characterized by a transition beyond the boundaries of the structural unit and its development within the enterprise.

4.3.3. At level "B" the accident is characterized by development and transition beyond the territory of the enterprise, the possibility of the impact of the damaging factors of the accident on the population of nearby populated areas and other enterprises (facilities), as well as on the environment.

4.4. The emergency management plan must cover all levels of accident development established during the hazard analysis process.

It is permitted not to include in the operational part of the PLAS the actions of personnel in emergency situations, which are regulated by design and technological documentation (technological regulations, operating instructions, etc.). In this case, the PLAS should contain links to documents in which these actions are regulated.

PLAS is developed taking into account all states of the enterprise (facility): start-up, operation, shutdown and repair.

4.5. PLAS must be agreed upon with the territorial departments of Gosnadzorohrandzor and Gospozhnadzor, with territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, territorial offices of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and, if necessary, with local governments.

Refusal to approve must be motivated and provided in writing.

4.5.1. PLAS is approved by the owner (manager) of the enterprise.

4.5.2. The operational part of the PLAS for level “B” accidents is approved by local governments.

4.6. Responsibilities for the development and implementation of PLAS and responsibility for its quality are assigned to the owner (manager) of the enterprise (facility). "The development of PLAS can be carried out by the owner independently or with the involvement of specialized organizations, provided that they have permission to carry out such work, obtained in in the prescribed manner.

4.7. The territorial departments of the State Duma and the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations control the development and implementation of PLAS at the enterprise (facility).

4.8. PLUS is based on:

on predicting accident scenarios;

on a stage-by-stage analysis of scenarios for the development of accidents and the scale of their consequences;

on assessing the sufficiency of existing measures to prevent the occurrence and development of an accident, as well as technical means of localizing accidents;

on the analysis of the actions of production personnel and special units regarding the localization of emergency situations (accidents) at the appropriate stages of their development.

4.9. When developing PLAS, it is necessary to take into account the real capabilities and resources of the enterprise, the experience accumulated by the personnel of the enterprise and special forces in dealing with emergency situations and incidents, to provide an idea of ​​the necessary additional skills and resources.

4.10. Officials who are assigned responsibilities for the development and implementation of PLAS by these Regulations and other current regulations are responsible in accordance with current legislation Ukraine.

4.11. PLUS must contain:

title page (Appendix 1);

analytical part, which contains an analysis of hazards, possible accidents and their consequences;

the operational part, which regulates the procedure for interaction and actions of personnel, special forces and the population (if necessary) in the event of an accident. The content of the operational part varies depending on the level of emergency to which it applies;

applications consisting of the documents specified in clause 4.12.3.

4.12. To provide effective fight In the event of an accident at all levels of its development, a headquarters is created by order, the functions of which are:

collection and registration of information on the progress of the accident and measures taken to combat it;

current assessment of information and decision-making on operational actions in the accident zone and beyond;

coordination of the actions of the enterprise personnel and all involved units and services involved in the liquidation of the accident.

General management of the work of the headquarters is carried out by the responsible manager of the work on localization and elimination of accidents (hereinafter referred to as the VC).

4.12.1. The PLAS must determine the location of the headquarters, incl. backup.

4.12.2. The PLAS must identify officials performing the functions of the VC.

4.12.3. The PLAS must be accompanied by copies of the order for the enterprise (facility) on the appointment of the official (persons) who perform the functions of the IC in case of accidents at levels "A" and "B", and the decision of local government bodies on the appointment of the official (persons) who perform VK functions in case of accidents at level "B".

4.13. The PLAS must be numbered, bound, approved and agreed upon by the relevant organizations, and also sealed with the seals of the enterprises and organizations that approved it.

The PLAS must be in full possession of the manager and dispatcher of the enterprise (facility), in the territorial department of the State Supervision Service for Labor Supervision, as well as in the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Excerpts from the PLAS in a volume that is sufficient for the high-quality implementation of the relevant actions should be kept by the managers (chiefs) of production (shops, departments, production areas), at the communication point of the district (facility) fire department, the chief (instructor) of the paramilitary gas rescue service, and also in the workplace.

4.14. The time frame for bringing PLAS into compliance with these Regulations for those production facilities that are being designed, reconstructed, started construction and are operating is determined by the owner (manager) of the enterprise in agreement with the territorial administration of the Derzhnaglyadokhoronpratsi and the territorial body of the Ministry of Taxes._ 4.15. PLUS belongs to view via

4.16. An extraordinary revision of the PLAS is carried out by order (instruction) of the State Supervision Authority for Labor, as well as in the event of changes in technology, hardware design, metrological support of technological processes, changes in the organization of production, and in the presence of data on accidents at similar enterprises (facilities).

In such cases, depending on the specific circumstances, the PLAS is revised completely or changes and additions are made to it. In the latter case, only these changes and additions are subject to coordination and approval.

The timing of the extraordinary review is coordinated with the territorial department of the State Supervision Service for Labor Supervision.

4.16.1. The ERP should be reviewed and adjusted to take account of changes in housing and development in the area, improvements in emergency response, and experience gained from training and inspections.

4.16.2. After an accident, the PLAS should be reviewed and, if necessary, amended based on the experience gained.

4.17. In order to subsequently evaluate and adjust the emergency management system, accumulate and study experience, it is necessary to analyze the actions and decisions taken during the accident.

5. RISK ANALYSIS of an enterprise (facility)

5.1. The hazard analysis of an enterprise (facility) is carried out on the basis of a detailed consideration of its condition in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations, cross-industry and sectoral regulatory documentation, recommendations from reference and scientific and technical literature, as well as taking into account accidents and emergencies that occurred at it and similar enterprises (facilities).

5.2. When analyzing the hazards of an enterprise (facility), it is necessary to identify all possible emergency situations and accidents, including those that are unlikely, with catastrophic consequences that may occur at the enterprise, consider scenarios for their development and assess the consequences.

5.3. Identification of the possibilities and conditions for the occurrence of accidents should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of the operating features of both individual equipment (devices, machines, etc.) and their group (process units), as well as taking into account the hazardous properties of substances and materials used in production.

5.3.1. Identification of possible accidents should be carried out in the following sequence. Determine the presence of hazardous substances and hazardous operating modes of equipment and facilities at the enterprise.

Hazardous substances include:

explosive and fire hazardous substances;

harmful substances.

Hazardous modes are characterized by the following technological parameters, such as pressure, vacuum, temperature, voltage, composition of the process medium, etc. Identify potential hazards for each piece of equipment (device, machine) and the process taking place in it.

Hazards considered include:


explosion (inside equipment, buildings or the environment);

rupture or destruction of equipment;

ejection harmful substances;

a combination of the listed types of hazard.

5.4. For identified potentially dangerous objects, it is necessary to predict scenarios for the occurrence and development of possible accidents leading to the realization of potential dangers. The scenario must begin with an event (stage) that creates an immediate threat of the technological process going out of control and causing an accident.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the state of substances (temperature, pressure, state of aggregation, etc.) and the state of equipment, which correspond to both the normal technological regime and the regimes that are possible during the occurrence and development of an accident.

5.5. At each stage of the accident development it is required:

estimate the amount of hazardous substances that may be involved in an accident, predicted;

establish the damaging factors inherent in the type of hazard that occurs during an accident;

assess the consequences of the impact of the damaging factors of the accident on neighboring objects and people, taking into account the properties of these objects and their mutual frost protection: the scale of the zones of destruction, damage to people and contamination of the area is determined;

determine safe areas and locations of possible storage facilities, evacuation routes that are not affected by the damaging factors of the accident.

Based on the results of the analysis of the occurrence and development of accidents and the assessment of their consequences, it is necessary to establish the possibility of transition of the accident to level “B” and “C”.

5.6. A code is provided for each stage of the accident scenario. A typical diagram for constructing scenarios for the occurrence and development of an accident, a stage-by-stage analysis of the conditions for the occurrence and development of an accident is provided in Appendices 2 and 3.

5.7. Assessment of the consequences of an accident and its individual stages is carried out using methods that are given in

normative and technical documentation and reference literature.

5.8. The hazard analysis is provided in the form of a report or explanatory note, which must contain:

the source information used or links to documents that contain it;

a description of the analysis methods and evaluation techniques used or appropriate references to them;

results of calculations and estimates.

Analysis results are provided:

for equipment (devices, machines, etc.) - in the form of a hazard card, the requirements for which are given in Appendix 4;

for a technological block (stage of the technological process) - in the form of a brief description of the danger of the block, the requirements for which are given in clause;

for an enterprise - in the form of an enterprise plan, the requirements for which are given in clause 6.4.2;

for the region - in the form of a situational plan, the requirements for which are given in clause

5.9. The results of the analysis performed must undergo independent examination.


6.1. The operational part of the PLAS is developed to guide the actions of enterprise personnel, voluntary and specialized units in order to prevent emergency situations and accidents at the appropriate stages of their development or localize them in order to minimize the consequences of the accident for people, material assets and the environment, and prevent its spread to others production (workshops, departments, production areas) of the enterprise and beyond, rescue and removal of people from the affected area and potentially dangerous areas.

6.2. When developing the operational part you need:

ensure consistency of actions between enterprise personnel and special forces;

enter a list of officials responsible for performing specific actions;

introduce a procedure for communication with special units, state supervisory authorities and local government bodies;

outline the actions of the enterprise personnel and special forces to localize and eliminate accidents at the appropriate stages of their development. In cases where special forces have their own action plans, links to these plans may be provided instead of a description;

provide identification signs of the accident levels and their meaning, according to which the management of the work to localize and eliminate the accident moves to levels “B” and “C”.

6.3. The operational part of the emergency plan for accidents at level "A" must contain:

flowchart of production (workshop, department, production site);

production plan (workshop, department, production site);

block maps of objects (shops, departments, production areas) included in the production;

description of personnel actions;

list and notification scheme for officials who must be urgently notified of an emergency situation (accident);

a list of workers involved in localizing the accident, persons duplicating their actions in the absence of the former for any reason, indicating their places of permanent work, residence and telephone numbers;

a list of tools, materials, personal protective equipment that must be used to localize an accident, indicating their storage locations (emergency cabinets);

responsibilities of the responsible work manager, performers and other officials to localize the accident;

instructions for emergency shutdown of production (workshop, department, production site).

6.3.1. In the flowchart of production (workshop, department, production site), its component parts are determined without detail.

The block diagram defines forward and reverse inter-shop flows, their characteristics and parameters, the corresponding ones, incl. and limiting cut-off valves for production (workshop, department, production site), which are of direct importance for localizing (eliminating) the accident.

Each element of the block diagram must have a letter or numeric designation corresponding to the position number or symbol, applied on site and/or determined by technological regulations.

6.3.2. The production plan (workshop, department, production site) must indicate the location of:

main technological equipment and communications;

shut-off valves, which are directly related to the localization (liquidation) of the accident;

means of emergency protection, communication and warning;

emergency exits and evacuation routes;

access routes, areas for installation and maneuvering of special equipment;

storage and hiding places.

The plan can additionally indicate the locations of the most likely occurrence of emergency situations, the sizes and boundaries of potentially dangerous zones and other characteristics of possible accidents.

Additionally, quantitative indicators may be indicated that characterize the potential danger of the units, indicators of the severity of the consequences of possible accidents, the main destabilizing factors and critical values ​​of process parameters.

6.3.3. A block map must be drawn up for each object that is part of the production (workshop, department, production site) that is being considered.

The block card must contain:

basic technological diagram of the facility;

facility equipment layout plan;

a brief description of the hazards of the technological units included in the facility.

Each element of the block map must have an alphabetic or numerical designation corresponding to the position number or symbol, which is applied on site and / or determined by the technological regulations. The process flow diagram and equipment layout plan must indicate the boundaries of the technological blocks.

The limits of technological blocks can, as a rule, be automatic shut-off valves, shut-off valves with remote control, manual shut-off valves (subject to the possibility of practical use in an emergency), installed on pipelines or equipment both along the forward and reverse flow of the material medium.

In the case of circulation of sawmill dispersed products in a technological system, the outside of the unit may include screw feeders, sector valves and other devices that ensure the density (tightness) of the system at elevated pressure under conditions of internal explosion. The process flow diagram should reflect the technological parameters and main specifications equipment, forward and reverse process flows (indicating their nominal cross-section, performance and parameters), control and shut-off valves (symbol, type of execution, speed), instruments, means and systems for monitoring and regulation, emergency protection systems (indicating their main characteristics), which are directly related to the localization (liquidation) of the accident.

It is prohibited to overload the circuit with elements that are not directly related to the elimination of an emergency situation (accident). The equipment location plan indicates the location of the facility’s equipment, indicating process flows, shut-off valves, emergency systems, control panels (devices), automatic alarms and communications that are directly related to the localization (liquidation) of the accident. If necessary, a plan is drawn up for each mark. IN brief description hazards of the technological unit must be indicated:

the main hazards of the unit and their characteristics (for example, the amount of harmful substances, explosion-proof energy potential, etc.);

possible accidents and affected areas;

other necessary information.

6.3.4. The section “Description of personnel actions” should be presented in the form of a table containing three columns:

Column 1 "Name and code of accident (stage)". This column indicates the name of the stage of development of the accident according to the accepted scenarios, indicating the code and location;

Column 2 "Identification features". This column indicates the distinctive features indicating the control means, their positions and indications, as well as external effects and other criteria by which one or another stage of the accident can be identified;

Column 3 "List of performers, order of their actions."

6.3.5. The procedure for the performers' actions should include: identification and assessment of an accident or the threat of its occurrence based on identifying characteristics;

notifying production personnel (workshop, department, production site) and the enterprise (facility) dispatcher about an accident or the threat of its occurrence;

activation of emergency systems;

shutdown of the damaged area, complete or partial shutdown of production (workshop, department, production area);

removal of personnel from the hazardous area, indicating the procedure for providing them with personal protective equipment;

other measures to prevent the development of an accident, taking into account the specifics of production.

When describing the actions of personnel, it is necessary to especially emphasize those that are urgent and require immediate execution.

When describing the actions of special forces, it is important to note the approximate time of their arrival and deployment.

6.3.6. In the instructions for emergency shutdown of production (enterprise), which is an integral part of the operational part of the emergency management system, for each accident the sequence of putting into operation emergency protection systems, shutting down devices and mechanisms, shutting off electricity and other energy carriers, the operating mode of ventilation and cleaning systems must be determined. air, the procedure for using means of rescuing people and eliminating an accident.

In this case, the impact of the switching and shutdowns performed on the operation of emergency protection systems, life support and other systems that are essential in the liquidation of an accident must be taken into account.

6.3.7. The responsibilities of the VC are set out in section 8 (clause 8.4.1).

6.4. The operational part of the PLAS for accidents at level “B” includes, in addition to those listed in paragraph 6.3, the following documents:

enterprise block diagram;

enterprise plan.

6.4.1. In the block diagram of the enterprise, it is necessary to designate production without dividing them into separate workshops, departments or production areas (by analogy with the production block diagram), forward and reverse inter-production flows, their characteristics and parameters, inter-production and limiting clipping fittings for the enterprise, its type and main technical characteristics (symbol, type of execution, speed), which are directly related to the localization (liquidation) of the accident.

Each element of the block diagram must have a letter or digital designation corresponding to the position number or symbol, printed on site and / or accepted by the technological regulations.

6.4.2. On the enterprise plan you need to determine:

production locations;

places where hazardous products accumulate, indicating the name and weight of the product;

forward and reverse interproduction flows, their characteristics and parameters;

interproduction shut-off valves, their type and main technical characteristics;

emergency protection equipment;

means of communication and warning;

emergency exits and evacuation routes;

storage and hiding places;

access routes, places of installation and maneuvering of special equipment;

places where emergency situations (accidents) are most likely to occur;

zones of possible damage to the operating personnel of the enterprise, taking into account the propagation of explosive and shock waves, the direction of movement of explosive and toxic clouds.

A general plan with the necessary annexes can be used as an enterprise plan.

6.4.3. The responsibilities of the VC are set out in section 8 (clause 8.4.2).


7.1. The operational part is being developed to guide the actions of the relevant services and units in order to prevent the development of an accident and its spread to other enterprises (facilities), rescue and remove people from the affected area and potentially dangerous areas.

7.2. When developing the operational part, all participants in emergency response actions should be identified. In addition, their roles, resources, responsibilities and degree of participation need to be realistically defined. Participants in emergency response actions should include:

bodies of the State Labor Supervision Service and the State Fire Safety Inspectorate;

special formations: district (facility) fire department, paramilitary gas rescue service and others;

police, medical (including hospitals), transport services and social security services;

accident management authorities and/or territorial authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

municipal services of the district (city);

enterprise management;

organs mass media and communications;

health and environmental authorities.

7.2.1. When developing the operational part you need:

provide a procedure for involving the population in the work to localize and eliminate the accident;

provide for coordinated actions of production personnel, all involved departments and services, as well as the population;

ensure joint actions of personnel of nearby enterprises (facilities) and local governments of neighboring areas.

7.3. The operational part must contain:

title page (Appendix 5);

situational plan with annexes;

responsibilities of the VC, performers and other officials to localize the accident.

7.3.1. A situational plan is developed to guide and coordinate the actions of enterprise (facility) personnel, special forces, EMERCOM units, and other organizations involved in localizing the accident, organizing large-scale rescue operations and evacuating people from hazardous areas. The situation plan indicates the industrial site of the enterprise (facility) on the ground, as well as residential areas, settlements, other enterprises and organizations located next to it and which may be affected by the damaging factors of the accident. The size of the territory covered by the situational plan is determined by the scale of the affected (infected) zones. The following are applied to the situational plan:

zones of possible damage under various accident scenarios;

the number of people in these zones and when they reach the damaging factors of the accident, taking into account the speed and direction of the wind, weather conditions, and terrain;

possible evacuation routes and safe zones, storage facilities, shelters;

locations of emergency protection equipment, sources of emergency energy and water supply, as well as the availability and location of reserves of fire extinguishing agents: water, foaming agent, fire extinguishing powder, respiratory protection equipment;

locations of emergency rescue units, fire stations, etc., possible places their deployment and maneuvering;

places where hazardous products accumulate outside the enterprise, indicating the name and weight of the product. Attached to the situation plan:

plan of the enterprise (facility) that meets the requirements of clause 6.4.2;

communication scheme, procedure for notification and interaction of management bodies of the Commission for Emergency Situations with organizations and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations involved in this, both in this and in neighboring regions (if necessary);

information on the availability of units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, radiation and chemical protection, fire and gas control units, medical services, their number, equipment, deployment time;

information about non-military forces of the enterprise (object);

information on the availability of fire extinguishing and emission neutralization equipment at the enterprise (facility) and in special services;

measures for evacuation and rescue of people, indicating the list, location and procedure for attracting protective structures, medical services and facilities, technical and Vehicle, personal protective equipment for people, incl. indicating the number of technical and other means necessary for this;

the composition of the headquarters (operational group to eliminate the accident) and the procedure for notifying its members;

the procedure for notifying employees of the enterprise (facility) and the population living near the enterprise (facility) about an accident;

the procedure for constant information on the progress of the accident, the progress of work on its localization (liquidation), regarding appropriate behavior and safety measures at the moment;

procedure for organizing fire reconnaissance;

the procedure for organizing reconnaissance and observation of the source of chemical damage, the zone of possible contamination with harmful substances;

organization of medical support and life support for evacuees at their gathering places;

the procedure for carrying out measures to reduce the stock of harmful substances and trouble-free shutdown of production;

the procedure for interaction between special forces and involved organizations.

7.4. The responsibilities of the responsible work manager are set out in section 8 (clauses 8.4.1; 8.4.2; 8.4.3).

8. POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES responsible work manager

8.1. The management of the work to eliminate the accident, rescue people and reduce the impact of hazardous factors of the accident on property (property), people and the environment is carried out by the VK.

In order to facilitate the identification of VC among persons located at the location of the accident localization authority, he must have brightly colored clothing (helmet, jacket, etc.) orange color. It is prohibited for other persons, except VK, to wear clothes painted in a similar color.

8.2. It is prohibited to interfere with the actions of VK. In the event of clearly incorrect actions by the responsible work manager, a senior manager has the right to remove him and take over the management of the accident liquidation or appoint another appropriate person for this.

8.3. The responsibilities of the VC are performed by:

at the level of accident development "A" - the head of production (shop, department, production site). Until his arrival at the scene of the accident, the duties of the VC are performed by his deputy or a specially appointed person who must be indicated in the PLAS;

at the level of accident development "B" - the head of the enterprise. Until his arrival at the scene of the accident, the duties of the VC are performed by his deputy or a specially appointed person who must be indicated in the PLAS;

at the accident development level "B" - executive,

appointed by a decision of a local government body. Until his arrival at the site, the duties of the VC are performed by the head of the enterprise.

If a fire occurs during an accident, the responsible leader for extinguishing is the senior official of the State Fire Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

8.4. VK is obliged:

8.4.1. At the accident development level "A":

assess conditions, identify the number and location of people caught in the accident, take measures to notify enterprise employees and the public (if necessary) about the accident;

take measures to surround the accident area and the danger zone;

take immediate measures to save people, localize and eliminate the accident;

ensure the removal from the danger zone of people not directly involved in the liquidation of the accident;

limit the access of people and vehicles to the danger zone;

control the correctness of the actions of personnel, and, if necessary, the actions of gas rescue, fire, and medical units to save people, localize and eliminate industrial accidents, and carry out their orders;

inform immediate management, the State Supervision Authority for Labor Protection, and, if necessary, the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, local governments and the media about the progress and nature of the accident, about those injured during rescue operations;

clarify and predict the progress of the accident, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the operational part of the plan.

8.4.2. At the accident development level "B" in addition to clause 8.4.1:

inform about the location of the body managing the work to localize the accident;

clarify with the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, health care organizations and other organizations the procedure for evacuating victims, enterprise personnel, and, if necessary, the local population;

direct the actions of the enterprise personnel, gas workers, firefighters, medical units to rescue people, localize and eliminate the accident at the enterprise and monitor the implementation of their orders.

8.4.3. At the level of accident development “B”, in addition to paragraphs. 8.4.1; 8.4.2:

clarify with the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, health care organizations and other organizations the procedure for evacuating victims, personnel of neighboring enterprises and organizations, and, if necessary, the local population;

determine the range and procedure for attracting organizations, technical and transport equipment, the availability and need for medicines, fire extinguishing equipment, personal protective equipment, etc., the method of their delivery, the location of injured and evacuated people;

organize the provision of medical care to victims;

organize food and rest for those involved in the liquidation of the accident.

9. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER (manager) of an enterprise (OBJECT)

The owner (manager) of an enterprise (facility) is obliged to:

9.1. Develop special programs (with prioritization of implementation) that provide for retrofitting control and automatic control equipment, vibration and explosion protection equipment, high-speed cut-off devices, systems for safe emergency shutdown of an enterprise (facility), warning, protection and rescue of people, creation of reserves of degassing reagents, improvement of capture systems and degassing of harmful emissions, installation of localization systems that prevent the spread of fugitive emissions on the territory of the enterprise and beyond, and so on, if during the development of the emergency management system it is revealed that the enterprise (facility) is insufficiently prepared for emergency protection,

9.2. Provide, if necessary, for the installation of backup life support systems, alarms and emergency protection. For example, backup communication networks must exist, backups must be appointed for leading specialists, an alternative leadership center must be determined if the functioning of the main center is disrupted, vital nodes at high-risk facilities must be duplicated.

9.3. Ensure prompt detection, effective localization and elimination of accidents through the use of technical means with proper reliability and speed.

9.4. Ensure that the promptness of the actions of the enterprise personnel corresponds to the dynamics of the development of possible accidents by ensuring the distribution of responsibilities among production personnel, the use of reliable means of warning and communication, and the rational arrangement of consoles (devices) for managing emergency systems.

When determining the responsibilities of personnel in the event of an accident, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of absence of individual workers due to illness, vacation, or holidays.

9.5. Promptly notify the authorities responsible for localizing the accident about all cases involving hazardous substances that may harm human health and the environment. The notification must be carried out by an official who has the right to do so and can provide, as quickly as possible, information about the nature of the case, the hazardous substances involved in it, the potential complexity of the case, the possibility of identifying the effects of the damaging factors of the accident outside the territory of the enterprise.

9.6. Provide for the provision of modern antidotes and other pharmaceuticals, incl. oxygen, if there are harmful substances at the enterprise, and also ensure the availability of a constantly updated supply of relevant medical supplies equipment needed in an emergency, decontamination equipment for use on site and in hospitals, and, where possible, protective equipment for emergency medical personnel.

9.7. Submit to local government authorities the results of the completed hazard analysis of the enterprise (facility), as well as other materials necessary for the development of PLAS.

9.8. Provide the media with information about all hazards that were identified during the analysis process.

9.9. Cooperate with central and local executive authorities and local governments in the development of the operational part of the LLAS for level “B” accidents.


10.1. PLAS and changes to it (to the extent necessary for the high-quality performance of their duties) must be studied by the personnel of the organizations involved in the liquidation of the accident and the relevant special services.

10.2. Admission to work of persons who have not undergone training, instruction and testing of knowledge of PLAS in accordance with the established procedure is prohibited.

10.3. Personnel of all participating organizations

in response to an accident, must undergo training and practical training in order to maintain constant readiness.

10.4. At large enterprises, special course training in PLAS can be organized for personnel at training grounds, using computer simulators and other modern technical training tools.

10.5. During the year, training sessions and drills should be carried out in case of probable emergency situations provided for by the emergency management system.

The schedule for training sessions and drills is approved by the head of the enterprise (facility) or local government, depending on the level of the accident and is agreed upon with the territorial department of the State Supervision Service and the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

10.6. Drill drills are conducted under the leadership of the VC with the participation of all organizations whose participation is expected by the operational part of the PLAS.

10.7. If the results of the training alarm are unsatisfactory, it must be repeated within 10 days, after a detailed study of the mistakes made.

10.8. When conducting training, the participation of independent observers should be practiced, as this provides an objective assessment of the shortcomings or errors of the PLAS.

10.9. It is also necessary to conduct training in extreme conditions (for example, during shift changes, at night, in cold weather, etc.).

10.10. Personnel of third-party organizations and persons visiting the enterprise (facility) must be instructed on their actions in the event of an accident.

10.11. The equipment and information required to obtain the necessary data in the event of an accident must be maintained at all times. This may include, for example, analytical methods and tools for the detection of hazardous substances, as well as measures that are implemented when the containment of a hazardous substance is damaged.

10.12. It is necessary to notify the public about the emergency notification systems that are used. These systems must be checked periodically.

Head of the Department for Supervision in the Chemical, Oil Refining and Gas Industry Yu.M. Gerasimenko

Appendix 1 to clause 4.11

Regulations for the development of plans

localization and elimination of emergencies

situations and accidents

Title page form

(Name of enterprise (facility)



(Last name, initials) (signature)

"___"_______ 19 _



(Name of production (workshop, department, production site)

Changes made

(Change number)


(Job title)


(Last name, initials)

Director of operations

(Job title)


(Last name, initials)

Appendix 2

With paragraph 5.6. Provisions for development of plans

liquidation and liquidation of emergencies and accidents


Appendix 3

with clause 5.6 of the Development Regulations

plans for localization and liquidation of emergencies and accidents


Name of the stage of development of the emergency situation (accident)

basic principles for analyzing the conditions for the occurrence (transition to another stage) of an emergency situation (accident) and its consequences

Methods and means of preventing and localizing an accident




parameters exceeding critical values

checking the knowledge of the properties of the substances used, their analysis, identifying particularly dangerous substances, identifying parameters that determine the danger of technological processes and their critical values, assessing the sufficiency of equipment that prevents parameters from going beyond acceptable limits, their effectiveness, reliability

retrofitting technological processes with monitoring, control and emergency protection means, increasing their reliability and efficiency; improvement of technological processes

Wear and fatigue of the apparatus material

Checking the knowledge of the corrosion properties of the substances used, the availability of data on the rate of corrosion and wear; compliance of equipment material (pipelines), protective coating, sealing materials. Availability of conditions for mechanical damage equipment (pipelines) from external and internal sources of influence

The use of equipment of increased reliability, effective protective coating and protective devices

Increased vibration

Checking the reliability and correctness of fastening of devices, machines, pipelines, tightness device connections, applying

Timely implementation of scheduled preventive maintenance

Formation of an explosive atmosphere in the apparatus

Analysis of the explosion and fire properties of substances under pressure and at the temperature of technological processes, assessment of the possibility and conditions for the formation of an explosive environment

Phlegmatization of explosive technological mixture inert gases, introduction of inhibitors, changes in the composition of the process medium, temperature and pressure of the process, method of introducing reagents to the apparatus

Availability of ignition sources in and behind the equipment

Analysis of the explosion and fire hazard characteristics of substances under pressure and at the temperature of technological processes, assessment of the possibility and conditions for the formation of ignition sources in the middle of the apparatus

Reducing the residence time of the process medium in the apparatus, grounding the equipment, using means for removing and neutralizing static electricity

Explosion in equipment

The presence of permanent and random ignition sources and their characteristics in comparison with the auto-ignition temperature and minimum ignition energy. Presence of an explosive mixture

Elimination of ignition sources, application of control and regulation means to prevent the formation of an explosive mixture

Equipment destruction

Analysis of the quantitative energy characteristics of the explosion (excess pressure, rate of pressure rise) and comparison of them with the strength characteristics of the equipment. Availability of means to protect equipment from destruction in an explosion ( safety valves, explosive membranes, cut-offs, etc.)

Safety equipment. devices, automatic explosion suppression systems, increasing the strength of equipment

Product release from equipment

Determination of the mass of the discarded product, its composition, state of aggregation, physico-chemical, explosive and toxic properties. Checking the condition of inter-unit means that block the flow of direct and reverse flows of process media and coolants into the equipment; their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents, checking the performance of disconnecting means; checking the skills of the operating personnel in activating the locking devices. Assessment of the possibility of the occurrence of explosive steam, dust, gas-air mixtures, the size of the liquid spill area

Blocking emergency equipment, limiting the spill area of ​​the liquid phase and its: drainage into closed systems, draining the liquid phase from the equipment into an emergency container. : Discharge of the gas phase to a flare (closed system, neutralization unit). Removing people from the danger zone

Depressurization of equipment

Checking the conformity of equipment, pipelines, shut-off valves, safety and sealing devices, etc. requirements of standards (project, regulations), assessment of the technical condition of equipment (quality of welded joints, preparation of detachable joints, degree of wear, etc.); assessment of the order and completeness of diagnostic monitoring, the effectiveness of scheduled preventive maintenance, etc.

Development of a diagnostic and flaw detection base for equipment; improving the preventive maintenance system; replacement of obsolete, worn-out and non-compliant equipment

Formation of steam-dust-gas cloud

Assessment of the rationality of space-planning decisions, the presence of stagnant zones that prevent dispersion; equipped with automatic gas detectors (gas analyzers), effective emergency ventilation, absorbing sanitary installations

Planning technological systems (installations) with a well-ventilated area; equipping premises with effective ventilation (sanitary installations), air monitoring devices

Explosion of steam, dust, gas-air clouds in the volume of the room, outdoor installation

Assessment of the possible size, shape, concentration, direction of drift of an explosive cloud; presence and characteristics of permanent and random ignition sources. Calculation of damage zones and assessment of the impact of new damage on the development of the accident (domino effect)

Elimination of ignition sources. Rational planning of equipment location on site. Equipping with devices to protect personnel from damaging accident factors (blast wave, heat etc.)

Fire occurrence

Assessment and analysis of: the possible scale of the fire (area, amount of combustible products, composition of combustion products, including incomplete ones); availability and effectiveness of fire extinguishing means; the ability of personnel to act when eliminating a fire; efficiency and equipment of the State Human Rights Commission; presence and characteristics of ignition sources

Elimination of ignition sources; equipment effective means fire extinguishing, alarm and communication means; actions of personnel and sletspidrozdiliv to rescue people and extinguish fire

Transferring flames to other objects

Analysis of quantitative energy characteristics of a fire (radiation energy); the presence of adjacent blocks (installations), central control rooms, administrative, service, and auxiliary buildings (premises) with permanent presence of people in the area is dangerous! intensity open flame fire

Rational planning of an industrial site. Placement of equipment, administrative, household and auxiliary buildings outside the zone of possible fire spread

Injuring people

Analysis of quantitative energy characteristics of fire (radiation energy) and explosion; presence and number of people in the area of ​​possible damage

Rational planning of an industrial site. Placement of administrative, domestic and auxiliary buildings outside the zone of possible influence of fire; actions of personnel and special forces to save people

Overheating of equipment with flammable liquids, flammable liquids and liquefied gases during a fire followed by an explosion

The presence of container equipment with flammable products in the area of ​​possible fire spread (product spillage). Availability and effectiveness of emergency emptying and flare (candle) systems, irrigation (cooling) systems, screens, etc.

Removal of tank equipment from the area of ​​possible fire spread. Equipping it with means of emergency emptying, flare discharge, irrigation (cooling) systems; installation of screens, etc.

Destruction of equipment, communications of buildings, structures, injury to people

Analysis of the quantitative characteristics of the explosion (the energy that is realized, the excess pressure of the explosion, the radii of zones of intensity of the impact of the shock wave, the presence of adjacent blocks (installations), central control rooms, administrative, household, auxiliary buildings - (premises) with the constant presence of people in the zone of dangerous intensity of the shock wave

Rational planning of an industrial site, placement of administrative, domestic and auxiliary buildings outside the danger zone; implementation of measures to improve the stability of central control buildings, control systems and emergency protection; organization of notification of danger and evacuation of personnel from the danger zone; implementation automatic systems safe shutdown of production in an emergency; actions of personnel and special forces to save people

Toxic cloud spreading

Assessment of the possible sizes, shape, concentration, direction and speed of cloud drift; the presence and effectiveness of systems for localizing and deposition of a toxic cloud, the availability of the required number of people and strengthening of personnel to act in an emergency

Providing operational information on meteorological conditions; implementation of computer systems for mathematical modeling and forecasting of the spread of toxic clouds; equipping with effective precipitation and barrier systems; actions of personnel and special forces for waste localization and destruction

Intoxication of people

Assessment of the rationality of the general plan of the enterprise, the presence and number of people in areas of possible damage; equipping with means of individual and collective protection, warning and evacuation of people from the danger zone and assessing their effectiveness

Reducing the number of people in the danger zone, equipping efficient systems protection, warning and evacuation of people; actions of personnel and special forces to save people

Infections on the territory of the enterprise

Checking the knowledge of the toxic properties of the substances used to determine the mass of the discarded product. Assessment of their impact on the environment, the effectiveness of the technical means of neutralization, decontamination, etc. provided by the project.

Discharge of liquid phase to closed systems. Application of neutralization, decontamination systems, sanitary installations

Development of an accident outside the enterprise

Forecasting the possible scale and ways of further development of the accident, taking into account the energy consumption of the enterprise

Actions to localize and eliminate the accident under the leadership of the Emergency Situations Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Contamination of the environment: soil, ground and soil water, air

Assessment of the quantity and physical state of toxic substances that may leave the enterprise during an accident, as well as the scale of their distribution, taking into account the terrain and meteorological conditions. Checking the knowledge of their toxic properties. Assessment of their impact on the environment, availability of technical means for collection, neutralization, decontamination, etc.

Providing operational information on meteorological conditions; introduction of computer systems for mathematical modeling and forecasting of the distribution of toxic substances of various states of aggregation; equipping with effective precipitation and barrier systems; actions of personnel of enterprises and organizations, as well as the population to localize and destroy toxic substances under the leadership of the commission on emergency situations and formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Fires and explosions in populated areas

Assessment of the possibility of fires and explosions in populated areas as a result of exposure to damaging factors of the accident

Spread of contaminated water and polluted air to neighboring states

Assessing the quantity and aggregate state of toxic substances that can leave the enterprise during an accident, as well as the scale of their distribution, taking into account the terrain, meteorological conditions. Assessing the availability of technical means of collection, neutralization, decontamination, etc.

Development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to prevent this possibility

Occurrence of emergency situations at related enterprises

Assessment of the possibility of emergency situations occurring at related enterprises (facilities) due to the impact of damaging factors of the accident

Development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to prevent this possibility

Appendix 4

with clause 5.8 of the Regulations for the development of plans

localization and elimination of emergencies and accidents


1. Name of equipment.

2.*** Type of equipment.

1. Equipment position number on the technological diagram (in the regulations).

2. Purpose of the equipment (typical technological operation that is carried out in the apparatus).

3. List of possible accidents.

6. Scenarios for the occurrence and development of an accident in the form of logical diagrams with assignment of a code to each stage.

7. Identification signs of an accident,

8. Protections provided by the design that can be used to minimize the consequences of the accident scenario being considered.

Appendix 5

with clause 7.3 of the Regulations for the development of plans

localization and elimination of emergencies and accidents

Title page form

(Name of enterprise (object))

APPROVED by the Chairman of the Emergency Commission

(Last name, initials) (signature)

"___"_______ 19 _




Changes made (number of changes) AGREED:

2.*** _____________ __________________ __________________________

(Position) (signature) (last name, initials)

1. _____________ __________________ __________________________

(Position) (signature) (last name, initials)

4. _____________ __________________ __________________________

(Position) (signature) (last name, initials)

3. _____________ __________________ __________________________

(Position) (signature) (last name, initials)