Instruction in the workplace by profession. On-the-job training program






Name of topics

Number of hours

Instructions for the maintenance and use of primary fire extinguishing agents

Instructions for first aid in case of accidents and sudden illnesses

Labor protection instructions for production non-electrical personnel with 1 electrical safety group

Occupational safety instructions for the driver

Instructions for labor protection when carrying out tire fitting work (during dismantling, installation and repair of automobile and tractor tires)

Instructions for labor protection when transporting people by road

Topic No. 3. Hazardous areas of the used vehicle. Safety features in the car ( safety devices, locking and alarm systems, safety signs.

Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

3.1. Dangerous zones of the used vehicle.

3.2. Means ensuring labor safety.

3.3. Safety requirements when working with electrical equipment.

3.4. Facilities personal protection from defeat electric shock, rules for using them.

3.5. Rules for first aid in case of electric shock.

Topic No. 4. The procedure for preparing a vehicle for work.

4.1. Testing knowledge of safe work methods.

4.2. Obtaining a waybill for performing work.

4.3. Checking the serviceability of workwear, personal protective equipment, and vehicles

4.4. Safety requirements for the workplace.

Topic No. 5. Safe techniques and methods of performing work; employee actions in the event of an emergency emergency situation.

5.1. Taking special security measures.

5.2. Procedure for reporting an emergency.

Topic No. 6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and rules for their use.

6.1. Procedure, norms of issuance and wearing period.

6.2. List of personal protective equipment.

6.3. Requirements for PPE.

Topic No. 7. The procedure for safe movement of an employee around the territory. When performing a production task and on business trips.

7.1. Passages to and from workplaces.

7.2. Safe movement around the territory.

Topic No. 8. Typical causes of fires in road transport, cases of industrial injuries.

8.1. Typical causes of fires in motor vehicles and cases of industrial injuries.

8.2. Measures to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Topic No. 9. Measures taken to prevent accidents, explosions, and fires. Actions of an employee in emergency situations, during road traffic accidents. Location and procedure for using the means available at the workplace fire protection and alarms, first aid kits

9.1. Preventing the causes of fire.

9.2. Primary fire extinguishing means, their maintenance and operation.

9.3. Fire safety training.

9.4. Fire safety instructions.

9.5. Fire evacuation scheme, employee actions in the event of a fire.

Developed by

Labor safety engineer

GBOU Belebeevsky Orphanage RB ____________G. V. Asylgareeva


State budget educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, Belebeevsky orphanage of the Republic of Bashkortostan




This program was developed on the basis of GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions", Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 1/29 “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of enterprises” and is intended for organizing and conducting briefings on labor protection in the workplace (primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted).


Name of topics

Number of hours

General information about this workplace. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising in this workplace.

Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace. Familiarization with labor protection instructions for the profession and type of work.

Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

The procedure for preparing the workplace for work.

Safe working practices and methods; actions in case of occurrence dangerous situation

Personal protective equipment at this workplace and rules for their use.

Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory.

Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.

Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Responsibilities and actions in case of an accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using fire extinguishing means, emergency protection and alarm systems available on the site, and their locations.

Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of the enterprise, for individual professions or types of work, taking into account the requirements of safety standards, relevant rules, norms and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation. The programs are coordinated with the labor protection department (bureau, engineer) and the trade union committee of the division or enterprise (clause 7.2.2 of GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training”).

Sample list of basic questions initial briefing at work(Appendix 5 of GOST 12.0.004.-90 “Organization of occupational safety training”):

1. General information about the technological process and equipment at a given workplace, production site, or workshop. The main dangerous and harmful production factors that arose during this process.

2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, devices. Equipment safety equipment (safety, braking devices and guards, locking and alarm systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, blocking, grounding and other protective equipment).

5. Safe techniques and methods of work, actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and rules for their use.

7. Scheme of safe movement of workers around the workshop or site.

8. Intrashop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.

10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Responsibilities and actions in case of an accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using fire extinguishing means, emergency protection and alarm systems available on the site, and their locations.

Form of the initial training program at the workplace

"I affirm"

Head of production


Ivanov I.I.

" "________20 year.

"Agreed" "Agreed"

Chairman of the trade union Labor Safety Engineer

Committee of the enterprise _______________Sidorov S.S.

____________ Petrov P.P. " "___________20 year.

" "________ 20 year.


initial briefing on the rules and safety measures in the workplace______________________

Head of work Borisov V.Yu.

After the initial briefing, the trainees must undergo an internship for 2...14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the employee) under the supervision of persons specially appointed by order of the enterprise (shop order). TO independent work admitted after internship, testing of theoretical knowledge and acquired skills safe ways labor.

Re-briefing All employees undergo testing at least once every six months. It is carried out according to the initial training program in full individually or with a group of workers within a common workplace.

Unscheduled briefing carry out:

upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as amendments to them;

when changing the technological process, raw materials, tools, equipment and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by employees of labor safety requirements, which could lead or led to an accident, accident, fire or explosion;

at the request of supervisory authorities;

during breaks in work for a period of more than 60, and for work with increased labor safety requirements - more than 30 calendar days.

Targeted briefing carry out:

When performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty;

When eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, etc.;

When performing work with increased danger (with pesticides, work in a well, in closed container, steeplejack work, etc.);

When conducting excursions at the enterprise and other public events (sports competitions, etc.)

The fact of conducting targeted briefing is recorded only in the case of performing work with increased danger in a permit or other documentation authorizing the performance of this work.

Instructions are completed with a knowledge test, and those conducted at the workplace are completed with a test of acquired skills in safe work. Persons who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently or undergo practical training. They are required to undergo training again.

Labor protection instructions are regulations establishing safety requirements and procedures for carrying out work in places where workers perform their duties. official duties. Instructions are divided into standard (industry) and local (local), compiled for employees of enterprises. Labor safety instructions are developed both for workers by profession and for individual types of work.

The heads of production departments of the enterprise, on the basis of an order from the head of the enterprise in accordance with the list prepared by specialists of the labor protection service, draw up instructions on labor protection. When preparing instructions for workers, standard instructions and safety requirements set out in industry and cross-industry regulations are used. regulations, as well as in the documentation of the manufacturer of the equipment used, taking into account the working conditions at a specific site or workplace. The enterprise's labor protection service must provide methodological assistance to developers, monitor timely development, check and revise instructions.

The labor protection instructions contain the following sections:

1. General requirements security.

2. Safety requirements before starting work.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work.

Each instruction is assigned a name and number. After preliminary consultations with the trade union committee, the labor protection service, and, if necessary, with other interested services and officials the instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise.

The labor protection service issues instructions to all heads of interested departments with registration in the log book and the issuance of instructions. Instructions are issued to employees against signature for study during initial training, or posted at work places, or stored in places accessible to employees.

A revision of the instructions should be carried out at least once every 5 years, and for a profession with increased danger - once every 3 years. All changes and additions should be brought to the attention of interested parties, changes are made to the instructions in the text and pasted on the first page.

Execution example standard instructions on labor protection for service personnel in the workplace

“Agreed” “I approve”

Occupational Safety Engineer Enterprise Manager

Sidorov S.S. ___________Ivanov I.I.

" "__________20 year. " "__________20 year.


on labor protection for service personnel in the workplace………..

I. General safety requirements

1. It is allowed to work in the workplace service staff, who has studied and passed the knowledge test on safety measures and rules set out in operational and regulatory technical documents, medical checkup and having a certificate for the right to work independently.

2. When performing work, the following personal protective equipment must be used:________________________________________________


3. Operating personnel when working on _________________________


Comply with the requirements of operational documents, instructions from work managers, safety and energy inspectors;

Not allowed on workplace unauthorized persons and persons not related to the performance of work;

Be able to provide first aid to victims;

Perform only the work for which permission has been obtained;

Follow the requirements of safety signs;

Report to the work manager about comments, malfunctions and other violations of safety requirements;

If a fire occurs, call the fire brigade by phone________

and take measures to extinguish the fire.

II. Safety requirements before starting work

Before starting work, maintenance personnel must:

Receive instructions on safety measures and rules from the work manager;

Wear personal protective equipment established for this type;

Prepare the workplace, tools, devices and materials, laying them out in a safe manner for use;

Check the presence and integrity of fences, safety and locking devices;

Check the reliability of equipment grounding, turn on local lighting and check the functionality of ventilation;

Check the availability of fire-fighting equipment and access to it;

Inform the work manager about all comments, malfunctions and do not start work without his instructions.

III. Safety requirements during work

During work, service personnel are obliged to:

Carry out constant monitoring of the serviceability of equipment, paying special attention to the presence and serviceability of fences, safety and locking devices;

Do not use faulty equipment, tools, accessories and do not work with removed or open guards;

Be attentive, not distracted and not distract others;

Do not touch moving mechanisms and rotating parts of units and do not work when insufficient lighting workplace;

Do not allow deviations from the work technology established by the operational documentation.

IV. Safety requirements in emergency situations

If malfunctions of equipment, tools, devices are noticed or an emergency situation is created while performing work, maintenance personnel are obliged to:

Stop work and warn workers about the danger;

Report to the work manager and, on his command, take measures to eliminate emergency situations;

Carry out troubleshooting in strict compliance with the safety measures set out in the operational documents;

V. Safety requirements after completion of work

Upon completion of work, service personnel must:

Put the equipment, unit (system), workplace, tools in order;

Install fences and safety signs at open openings and hatches;

Turn off ventilation and local lighting;

Inform the work manager about any malfunctions noticed during the work;

Remove protective equipment and place it in places designated for this purpose; if necessary, neutralize it, wash it, or repair it.

Supervisor structural unit I. Orlov

Practical lesson No. 6.

Subject: Establishment of safety requirements during briefing.

Target: study the methodology and algorithm of the manager’s work to ensure safety measures and rules, the rules for establishing safety requirements.


1. The manager’s work methodology for creating and ensuring safe operating conditions in the workplace.

2. Algorithm of the manager’s work to fulfill security requirements.

In accordance with Art. 22 Labor Code and Art. 14 of Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On the fundamentals of labor protection in Russian Federation", the employer (manager, supervisor) is obliged to ensure labor safety and conditions that meet the requirements of occupational safety and health, take measures to prevent injuries and deaths of personnel, implement compulsory insurance workers from industrial accidents and occupational diseases, to compensate for harm caused to workers in connection with their performance labor responsibilities, as well as compensate for moral damages in the manner and on the terms established Labor Code, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, establish necessary measures safety at work, when working with equipment, when conducting special classes or work, timely communicate these safety requirements to personnel (subordinates) and demand their strict implementation.

Before starting work, he must personally make sure that safe conditions have been created and ensured, that the personnel have learned the safety requirements communicated to them and have practical skills in their implementation.

The manager's work methodology is as follows:

1. Before starting work, personally ensure that the equipment and tools are in good working order;

2. Conduct training on the BCH at the workplace and check its assimilation;

3. Ensure that staff have the skills and abilities safe work;

4. Provide the workplace with all necessary means;

5. Check for permission to work independently;

6. Set a task and monitor its implementation;

7. Upon completion of work, check the workplace.

Manager's responsibilities

Before you start:

Set the task for carrying out the work and explain to the personnel the requirements for its safe implementation;

Conduct instructions on safety measures, check the quality of implementation of instructions;

Check that the staff have certificates for the right to work independently;

Check the availability, serviceability and fit of protective equipment for each employee;

Establish the procedure and duration of work for personnel in personal protective equipment;

Check medical support for upcoming work;

Check the availability of regulatory documents at workplaces;

Check the timing of technical inspection of state technical supervision objects, verification of measuring instruments, testing of protective equipment;

Check the readiness and serviceability of communication systems, lighting, ventilation, fire extinguishing, gas control, as well as the presence of safety signs and posters in places;

Check the serviceability and reliability of operation of devices and safety equipment;

Organize and control the inspection of gas contamination of premises, structures and workplaces;

Check the staffing of the teams and the presence of supervisors;

Receive reports of readiness for work.

During operation:

Constantly be at the work site, supervise it until it is completed and the equipment is returned to its original position;

Give commands to perform operations only after completing the previous one and receiving a report on readiness for the next operation;

Personally control the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating the preconditions for incidents;

Prohibit work on faulty equipment, in cases of violation of safety requirements or if the required number of personnel is not available at the work site;

Provide a control system for the execution of operations, monitor the compliance of workers with established safety requirements;

Personally control the implementation of operations defined by operational documents and demand complete and high-quality execution of operations;

Immediately take measures to eliminate violations noted by supervisors, resolutely suppress any unauthorized actions of personnel and violations of security measures;

In case of emergency:

If an emergency occurs, duplicate the “STOP” command (turn off all devices except the ventilation system);

Assess the emergency situation;

Evacuate personnel from the danger zone;

Provide assistance to victims;

Immediately report to the command (time, place, conditions under which the accident occurred, consequences of the accident, victims and severity of injuries, degree of damage to equipment, measures taken on liquidation (localization) of the accident, on the forces and means necessary to liquidate the accident);

Organize, if possible, security of the accident site;

Take measures to localize the accident (emergency situation);

Supervise emergency response personnel until the senior supervisor arrives.

After finishing work:

Personally check that the equipment is in its original position;

Check the availability of personnel performing the work;

Check that workplaces are in a safe condition;

Check the implementation of established sanitary and hygienic measures by personnel;

Check the fire safety condition of workplaces and premises;

Check the presence of records in the operational documentation about the work performed with the signatures of the persons who supervised, performed and controlled the work;

Summarize the results of the work, paying attention to the actions of the personnel in strict compliance with the rules and safety measures;

Report to the team on the results of the work.

I APPROVED ____________________________ (position and full name) _____ "____________________" "___"________ ____ g.

Workplace Health and Safety Training Program


1. Instructing employees to comply with occupational health and safety requirements (hereinafter referred to as instruction and safety requirements), including in the workplace, is aimed at developing a sustainable model for them to safely perform their job duties. Instruction includes formation necessary knowledge, development of sustainable skills, responsible and conscious attitude to the implementation of established labor protection and safety requirements for each employee.

2. In _____ "___________________" (hereinafter referred to as the Employer), employee training in safety requirements is structured in a differentiated manner, taking into account the positions held, qualification requirements, the specifics of the tasks and work performed, the conditions and features of the operation of equipment and machinery, in accordance with the instruction programs.

3. Instruction of employees at the Employer is carried out through classes, as well as testing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills on safety requirements.

4. Initial training at the workplace is carried out with each employee who begins to perform work duties at a new workplace. The duration of initial instruction is at least ___ hours. The instruction ends after the instructee achieves the goals specified in paragraph 1 of this Program. Without initial training, employees independent implementation work duties are not allowed.

5. Periodic briefings are carried out according to the schedule approved by the head of the Employer.

6. Unscheduled briefing is carried out as necessary or in case of emergency on the basis of an order (instruction) by the head of the Employer.

7. Conducting briefings at the workplace (primary, periodic and unscheduled) is documented in the Briefing Logbook. The Journal must indicate: the date and reasons for the briefing, questions or instructions on which the briefing is carried out, signatures of the instructed and the instructing.


8. The briefing program includes a list of issues to be communicated to employees, practical exercises and a checklist.

9. Initial briefing of workers, depending on the nature of the work, should be carried out with demonstration of safe techniques and methods of work and, as a rule, carried out individually with each employee.

10. Instruction of workers directly at the workplace is carried out according to programs or instructions developed for workers of a similar profession or for individual species works

11. List of questions for initial briefing:

11.1. The nature of the work performed, the technological process and production duties employee. Possible dangers during work and measures to prevent them. List of high-risk places.

11.2. Equipment design, hazardous areas, available protective equipment and the procedure for their use.

11.3. Basic safety measures when working in this area.

11.4. Electrical safety measures. Rules of conduct near electrical installations.

11.5. Safety requirements for tools, equipment and devices, rules for their operation.

11.6. Purpose and procedure for using personal protective equipment. Requirements for work clothes, shoes, hats and other protective equipment, checking their suitability.

11.7. Requirements for the proper organization and maintenance of the workplace.

11.8. The procedure for preparing for work, preliminary inspection and testing of mechanisms, fencing of workplaces, installation of grounding, checking alarms, testing ventilation, etc.

11.9. Safe techniques for performing individual operations of the labor process (show, teach how to perform).

11.10. Safety rules when performing work jointly by several workers, including the procedure for insuring those working on portable ladders, stepladders, telescopic towers, cradles and other devices.

11.11. Responsibilities of the employee upon completion of work.

11.12. Personal hygiene, rational organization of work, rest and nutrition.

11.13. Techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents.

12. List of questions for periodic briefings:

12.1. Changes in the circuit or design of the equipment being serviced and related safety measures.

12.2. Changes in production conditions (nature of work, environment, etc.) and related safety measures.

12.3. Repetition of individual safety requirements, industrial sanitation and radiation safety.

12.4. Analysis of existing violations of safety and radiation safety rules.

12.5. Familiarization with directive documents of higher organizations.

13. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

When it changes production process, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices and tools, as a result of which working conditions change;

When an accident or breakdown occurs at an enterprise, site, workshop, or team that necessitates additional training;

During breaks in work that are subject to increased safety requirements for more than 60 calendar days;

In the event that violations of safety rules and instructions are identified that could lead to injury or accident;

If necessary, bring to additional requirements caused by the introduction of new rules and instructions for the safe conduct of work;

By order (instruction) of the head of the Employer, by order of higher authorities and representatives of state supervisory authorities and in other similar cases.

14. List of questions for unscheduled briefing:

14.1. Reasons for conducting unscheduled briefings.

14.2. Changes in labor protection requirements and safety measures.

14.3. Selective repetition and testing of skills in fulfilling individual safety requirements, industrial sanitation and radiation safety.

15. If an unscheduled briefing is carried out only with employees of one unit (shop, section, team), then the briefing program is drawn up by the heads of this unit and agreed upon with the safety service.

When conducting unscheduled briefings with all employees (by order, instructions from higher authorities, instructions from supervisory authorities, etc.), the briefing program is drawn up by the safety service and approved by the chief engineer (other person responsible for health and safety).

Familiarization of employees with information letters, accident reports and orders on labor protection issues is formalized as an extraordinary briefing.

16. One of the forms of unscheduled briefing is targeted briefing, which is carried out:

Before performing work on dangerous objects or one-time (non-permanent) work with increased danger, not related to job responsibilities;

Before eliminating accidents and consequences of emergencies;

When leaving on a business trip, incl. local.

Such briefing is carried out by the responsible work manager and is recorded in the work permit or in the Personnel Instruction Register if the work is carried out without a work permit.

17. All workplace briefings must be completed with a knowledge test (by oral questioning or with the help of technical means training), as well as testing acquired skills in safe ways to perform work duties. Knowledge and skills are checked by the person conducting the instruction. The results of the test are recorded in a protocol for testing knowledge of safety requirements.

18. Employees who have demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge and skills are not allowed to work independently and are required to undergo training again.


19. Instructing employees is the responsibility of immediate managers works (foremen, mechanics, site managers, etc.).

20. Instructing employees is carried out individually or in a group method (with a group of workers of a similar profession, brigade, detachment).

21. Instruction of workers authorized to service and repair electrical installations and other complex equipment and mechanisms must be carried out jointly with relevant specialists (power engineers, mechanics, technologists, etc.).

22. Instructing personnel servicing electrified units and assigning them a qualification group for electrical safety must be carried out by electrical personnel with a qualification group not lower than ___.

Instruction of workers who are part of complex teams should be carried out both in their main profession and in combined professions.

23. Instructing foremen and other work managers should be carried out by the head of a workshop or other similar department.

24. The head of the safety service provides instructions to the heads of the unit.


1. Form of the protocol for testing knowledge on safety requirements.

2. Logbook of briefings on labor protection and safety requirements.

The program and scope of instruction for types of work were developed by the safety service "_____________" Head of the STB _________________ "___"________ ____


1. General requirements.

1.1.Initial training at the workplace is carried out with all newly hired employees, those transferred from one structural unit to another, business travelers, temporary workers, students and students who arrived at the organization for on-the-job training or internship, as well as with employees performing new work. They also work with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of an existing facility.

1.2.Persons who are not involved in the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, the storage and use of raw materials and supplies, are not provided with initial training at the workplace. The list of professions and positions of employees exempt from initial training at the workplace is approved by the head of the organization.

1.3.Primary training at the workplace must be carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the structural unit (in the absence of a structural unit - by the head of the organization) taking into account the requirements of safety standards, norms, rules and instructions on occupational safety, production instructions and other technical documentation. The program must be agreed upon with the safety engineer (technical control service).

1.4.Initial training at the workplace must be carried out with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods.

1.5. Workers are allowed to work independently after completing an internship, testing their theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

1.6. The management of the enterprise, in agreement with the occupational safety engineer (technical control service), may exempt from internship an employee who has worked in his specialty for at least 3 years, moving from one department to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which it worked before and doesn't change.

2. List of main issues of initial training in the workplace.

2.1. General information about the technological process and equipment at a given workplace, production site, or workshop. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising during this technological process.

2.2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

2.3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety features (safety brakes and guards, locking and alarm systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

2.4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

2.5.Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.6.Personal protective equipment at this workplace and rules for their use.

2.7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop or site.

2.8. In-shop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

2.9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.

2.10.Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Responsibilities and actions in case of an accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using fire extinguishing means available on the site, emergency protection and signaling their location.

2.11. The results of the initial briefing at the workplace are recorded in the journal “Registration of briefing at the workplace”