Mandatory IT staff at industrial production facilities. Responsibilities of workers at hazardous production facilities

Employees of public safety organizations are obliged to:

– comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents establishing the rules for conducting work at hazardous production facilities and the procedure for action in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

– undergo training and certification in the field industrial safety;

– immediately notify your immediate supervisor or in in the prescribed manner other officials about an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

– in accordance with the established procedure, suspend work in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

– in accordance with the established procedure, participate in the work to localize the accident at hazardous production facilities.

The head of the organization operating the hazardous production facility is obliged to take all measures permitted by law to maintain the actual compliance of the staff staffing table, approved taking into account industrial safety requirements. Qualification requirements for employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities are established job descriptions and tariff and qualification reference books.

In each organization operating hazardous production facilities, plans for localizing accidents and eliminating the consequences of accidents must be developed and approved by the head of the organization. Employees of organizations are required to be trained in what to do in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous facility. This type of training can take place simultaneously with industrial safety training and certification.

Organization of safe performance of work with increased danger. List of high-risk works

High-risk work includes work in which there is or may arise an industrial hazard regardless of the nature of the work performed. Therefore, when performing such work, in addition to the usual safety measures, it is necessary to organize additional measures developed separately for each specific production operation.

In each organization, taking into account the specific conditions and features of the technology, a list of high-risk work must be compiled and approved by the head of the organization (employer). It is compiled on the basis of an approximate list of high-risk work, in accordance with regulatory legal acts on labor protection - Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations (PTEEP) dated January 13, 2003 N6, Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE) dated June 20, 2003 N242, Regulations “Work with increased danger. Organization of carrying out" (POT RO-14000-005-98), Interindustry rules on labor protection when working at height (POT RM–012-2000) dated October 4, 2000 N68, Rules on labor protection during the operation of municipal water supply and sewerage facilities (POT RM-025-2002), etc.

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements"contains, in particular, an approximate list of places (conditions) of production and types of work for which it is necessary to issue a work permit:

– work using cranes and other construction machines in security zones air lines power transmission, gas and oil products, warehouses of flammable or combustible liquids, flammable and liquefied gases;

– any work in wells, pits, confined and hard-to-reach spaces;

– excavation work in areas with pathogenic soil contamination (landfills, cattle burial grounds, etc.), in security zones of underground electrical networks, gas pipelines and other dangerous underground communications;

– current repairs, dismantling of equipment, as well as carrying out repairs or any construction and installation work in the presence of hazardous factors of the operating enterprise;

– work in areas where there is or may be a danger from adjacent work areas;

– work in the immediate vicinity of the roadbed or roadway of operating roads and railways (determined taking into account the existing regulatory documents on occupational safety of the relevant ministries and departments);

– gas hazardous work.

In addition to the above-mentioned regulatory documents, certain safety rules classify some work as high-risk work; their implementation must be carried out with additional security measures. In addition to the work prescribed regulations for execution with the issuance of a work permit, the organization can add any work that it deems necessary to this list. As a rule, this additionally includes work during which accidents often occur. For example, only qualified and certified electric welders, gas cutters and soldering workers are allowed to perform hot work, who are well aware of the labor protection instructions and have mastered the fire-technical minimum program, have a qualification certificate and a certificate for fire safety. It is strictly forbidden to weld vessels and pipelines under pressure. The safety of roofing and waterproofing work is ensured using technology (technological sequence) of work production, organization of workplaces and work of performers, personal and collective protective equipment for workers, training of workers in safe working methods, compliance with fire safety requirements, and monitoring of safety requirements.

1.General concepts about hazardous production facilities and their safety

2. Regulatory documents and general measures to ensure industrial safety

3.Organization and implementation of production control

4.Safety requirements for the operation of lifting machines

5. Safety requirements for the operation of vessels, cylinders, pipelines

1. General concepts about hazardous production facilities and their safety

The concept of “hazardous production facility” was introduced by Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, hazardous production facilities are enterprises or their workshops, areas, sites, as well as other production facilities where:

1) the following hazardous substances are obtained, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed:

a) flammable substances - gases that, when normal pressure and when mixed with air become flammable and whose boiling point at normal pressure is 20°C or lower;

b) oxidizing substances - substances that support combustion, cause ignition and (or) contribute to the ignition of other substances as a result of a redox exothermic reaction;

c) flammable substances - liquids, gases, dusts that can spontaneously ignite, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal;

d) explosives - substances that, under certain types of external influence, are capable of a very rapid self-propagating chemical transformation with the release of heat and the formation of gases;

e) toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:

¨ average lethal dose when administered into the stomach from 15 mg/kg to 200 mg/kg, inclusive;

¨ the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is from 50 mg/kg to 400 mg/kg, inclusive;

¨ average lethal concentration in air from 0.5 mg/l to 2 mg/l, inclusive;

f) highly toxic substances - substances that, when exposed to living organisms, can lead to their death and have the following characteristics:

¨ the average lethal dose when administered into the stomach is no more than 15 mg/kg;

¨ the average lethal dose when applied to the skin is no more than 50 mg/kg;

¨ average lethal concentration in the air is not more than 0.5 mg/l;

g) substances that pose a danger to the environment natural environment, – substances characterized in the aquatic environment by the following indicators of acute toxicity:

¨ the average lethal dose for inhalation exposure to fish for 96 hours is not more than 10 mg/l;

¨ the average concentration of poison that causes a certain effect when exposed to daphnia for 48 hours is no more than 10 mg/l;

¨ average inhibitory concentration when exposed to algae for 72 hours is not more than 10 mg/l;

2) equipment is used that operates under a pressure of more than 0.07 megapascal or at a water heating temperature of more than 115° WITH;

3) permanently installed ones are used lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars, funiculars;

4) melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are obtained;

5) are underway mining work, mineral processing work, as well as work in underground conditions.

Note that in budgetary institutions, not related to industrial production, the most common hazardous production facilities are lifting mechanisms, elevators, excavators, and pressure equipment.

The concept of “industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”, used in the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (in the abbreviated version – “industrial safety”), is a legal concept of a type of human activity to protect against major accidents.

Sphere industrial safety regulated by Federal Law No. 116-FZ, is the safety of production facilities that can cause, cause any harm, cause damage as a result of an accident during the production process, covering processing, transportation and storage of raw materials, subsoil development, creation of means of production and consumer goods, as well as in the sphere of services and life support for the population. At the same time, industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is understood mainly as protection of the individual and society from the consequences possible accidents at these sites.

2. Regulatory documents and General measures to ensure industrial safety

2.1. Regulations

Legal regulation in the field of industrial safety is carried out by Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided for by this Federal Law, then the rules of the international treaty apply.

In all cases where the legal norm governing relations associated, for example, with an accident at a dangerous production facility, contained in another federal law, this law is applicable to regulate relations in the field of industrial safety.

Other regulatory legal acts mentioned in Federal Law No. 116-FZ are, first of all, by-laws issued for the purpose of legal, organizational, economic and other support for the implementation of this law.

The established practice is that almost all by-laws regulating relations in the field of industrial safety were developed and approved by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and orders of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and after its entry into Rostekhnadzor - by orders of the latter. The main form of documents are Instructions, Safety Rules, Guiding Documents.

With the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation,” changes in the structure of legislative acts and regulations on industrial safety issues are inevitable, first of all, the emergence technical regulations.

2.2. General measures to ensure industrial safety

Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” establishes the responsibilities of organizations operating hazardous production facilities, as well as the corresponding responsibilities of their employees employed at a hazardous production facility.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, An organization operating a hazardous production facility is obliged:

¨ comply with the provisions of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory technical documents in the field of industrial safety;

¨ have a license to carry out a specific type of activity in the field of industrial safety, subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

¨ ensure that the staff of the hazardous production facility is staffed in accordance with established requirements;

¨ allow persons to work at a hazardous production facility who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications to the specified work;

¨ ensure training and certification of workers in the field of industrial safety;

¨ to have at a hazardous production facility regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents establishing the rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility;

¨ organize and carry out production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements;

¨ ensure the availability and operation of the necessary instruments and control systems for production processes in accordance with established requirements;

¨ ensure the examination of industrial safety of buildings, as well as carry out diagnostics, tests, surveys of structures and technical devices, used at a hazardous production facility, within the established time limits and in accordance with the instructions of the federal executive body for supervision in the field of industrial safety or its territorial body;

¨ prevent unauthorized persons from entering a hazardous production facility;

¨ ensure compliance with industrial safety requirements for storage hazardous substances;

¨ develop an industrial safety declaration;

¨ conclude an insurance agreement against the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of a hazardous production facility;

¨ comply with orders and instructions of the federal executive body for supervision in the field of industrial safety, its territorial bodies and officials, given by them in accordance with their authority;

¨ suspend the operation of a hazardous production facility independently or by court decision in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility, as well as in the event of the discovery of newly discovered circumstances affecting industrial safety;

¨ carry out measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility, assist government agencies in investigating the causes of the accident;

¨ take part in technical investigation the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent similar accidents;

¨ analyze the causes of an incident at a hazardous production facility, take measures to eliminate these causes and prevent similar incidents;

¨ timely inform in the prescribed manner the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, its territorial bodies, as well as other state authorities, local governments and the population about an accident at a hazardous production facility;

¨ take measures to protect the life and health of workers in the event of an accident at a hazardous production facility;

¨ keep records of accidents and incidents at a hazardous production facility;

¨ submit to the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, or to its territorial body, information on the number of accidents and incidents, the causes of their occurrence and measures taken.

Employees of a hazardous production facility are obliged to:

¨ comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents establishing the rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility and the procedure for action in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

¨ undergo training and certification in the field of industrial safety;

¨ immediately notify your immediate supervisor or other officials in accordance with the established procedure about an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

¨ in accordance with the established procedure, suspend work in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;

¨ in accordance with the established procedure, participate in the work to localize an accident at a hazardous production facility.

An organization operating a hazardous production facility must have a license in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing. The procedure and conditions for licensing objects subject to certain types of supervision are specified in separate documents.

For a number of enterprises prerequisite when licensing the operation of hazardous production facilities, it is necessary to submit and conduct an examination of the declaration. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2005 No. 49 Federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision, the right to establish the mandatory declaration of industrial safety of those hazardous production facilities for which it is not established by the Federal Law “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” is granted.

The head of an organization operating a hazardous production facility is obliged to take all measures permitted by law to maintain the actual compliance of the staff with the staffing schedule approved taking into account industrial safety requirements.

Qualification requirements for employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities are established by tariff and qualification reference books and job descriptions, etc. Special requirements for certain categories of workers are determined by safety rules or regulations safe operation for each branch of supervision or special provisions of Rostechnadzor.

Employees of high-risk facilities are subject to increased requirements in terms of the absence of mental contraindications.

Training and certification of workers in the field of industrial safety is carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” and “Regulations on the organization of training and testing of knowledge of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision”, approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37.

Certification of safety specialists is preceded by their training in training programs developed taking into account standard programs approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Order of Rostechnadzor dated December 29, 2006 No. 1155 approved the “Standard program for the course “Industrial, environmental, energy safety, safety of hydraulic structures” for pre-certification (pre-examination) training of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” .

Organization of production control involves the development by the operating organization of “Regulations on production control”, taking into account the technology used and technical features operated hazardous production facilities.

The requirement to prevent unauthorized persons from entering a hazardous production facility implies the acceptance of all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized intrusion into the territory of a hazardous production facility. Under strangers in in this case should be understood as all persons not specifically authorized to participate in the operation of the specified facility. However, it should be taken into account that this requirement does not apply to all hazardous production facilities. This requirement, for example, does not apply to residential buildings, which are classified as hazardous production facilities due to the elevators used there.

In accordance with Article 9 of Federal Law No. 116-FZ, organizations operating hazardous production facilities are required to enter into an insurance contract for liability for damage caused during the operation of a hazardous production facility. The availability of insurance contracts is controlled by Rostechnadzor. Every organization operating hazardous production facilities must develop and approve plans for localizing accidents and eliminating the consequences of accidents by the head of the organization. Employees of the organization are required to be trained in what to do in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility. This type of training can take place simultaneously with industrial safety training and certification.

3. Organization and implementation of production control

Problems of production control. Production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements is one of essential elements industrial safety management systems at hazardous production facilities.

Production control is organized and carried out by business entities (organizations operating hazardous production facilities, regardless of their organizational and legal form), operating hazardous production facilities in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at a hazardous production facility” , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 1999 No. 263, and “ Methodological recommendations on organizing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities" (RD 04-355-00).

The purpose of production control is to prevent accidents and ensure the readiness of organizations to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility through the implementation of a set of organizational and technical measures.

The main objectives of production control are:

a) ensuring compliance with industrial safety requirements in the operating organization;

b) analysis of the state of industrial safety in the operating organization, including by organizing the relevant examinations;

c) development of measures aimed at improving the state of industrial safety and preventing damage environment;

d) control over compliance with industrial safety requirements established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as regulatory and technical documents;

e) coordination of work aimed at preventing accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities, ensuring readiness to localize incidents and accidents and eliminate their consequences;

f) control over the timely conduct of necessary tests and technical examinations of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, repairs and inspections control means measurements;

g) control over compliance with technological discipline.

The responsibility of the manager and employees of the operating organization, who are entrusted with the responsibility for organizing and implementing production control, is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Safety requirements for the operation of lifting machines

Lifting machines and mechanisms include cranes of all types, winches, lifts, towers, elevators, jacks, as well as removable lifting devices: hooks, rope and chain slings, traverses, lifting electromagnets and vacuum grips.

According to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” permanently installed lifting mechanisms belong to the category of hazardous production facilities and are subject to state registration in accordance with the “Requirements for registration of objects in state register hazardous production facilities and to maintaining this register” approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated July 13, 2006 No. 682.

Lifting machines must meet:

1. Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes (PB 10-611-03);

2. Rules for the design and safe operation of pipe-laying cranes (PB 10-157-97) as amended. No. 1 PB 10-371(157)-00;

3. Rules for the design and safe operation of lift towers (PB 10-256-98);

4. Rules for the design and safe operation of elevators from (PB 10-558-03), etc.

Occupational safety when lifting and moving loads largely depends on design features lifting and transport machines and compliance with their rules and regulations of Rostechnadzor. All parts, parts and assistive devices lifting mechanisms in terms of manufacturing, materials, welding quality, strength, design, installation, operation must satisfy the relevant technical specifications, standards, norms and rules. When operating lifting and transport machines, all accessible moving or rotating parts of the mechanisms should be protected. It is necessary to exclude unintended contact of workers with the transported loads and the mechanisms themselves during their movement, as well as to ensure reliable strength of the mechanisms, auxiliary, load-handling and slinging devices.

To ensure safe operation, lifting and transport machines are equipped with protective equipment, including systems remote control. For remote control of hoisting and transport machines, electrical tracking systems are used (with a stationary control panel) and radio control (when controlled with different places). The Rostekhnadzor inspection and the enterprise administration establish constant monitoring of the condition of lifting devices, ropes, chains, replaceable load-handling devices (hooks, lifting electromagnets, etc.), removable load-handling devices (slings, tongs, traverses, etc.) and containers ( containers, buckets, etc.), their care and operational safety.

Newly installed lifting machines must be subjected to a full technical inspection before being put into operation. Load-lifting machines in operation must undergo periodic technical inspection; partial – at least once a year; full - at least once every three years, with the exception of rarely used ones. An extraordinary full technical examination of the lifting machine is possible (after installation in a new location, reconstruction, hook change, repair metal structures lifting machine with replacement of design elements, etc.). During a full technical inspection, the lifting machine must be subjected to inspection, static and dynamic testing. During partial technical examination, static and dynamic tests are not carried out.

The inspection is accompanied by checking the operation of mechanisms and electrical equipment, brakes and control equipment, lighting and alarms, safety devices and regulated dimensions.

The purpose of static tests is to check the strength of metal structures of lifting machines and stability against overturning (for jib cranes). Static tests of cranes are carried out with a load 25% greater than its lifting capacity. The crane is installed above the supports of the crane tracks, and its trolley (trolleys) is installed in a position that corresponds to the greatest deflection. With a jib crane, the boom is installed relative to the running platform in a position corresponding to the least stability of the crane. A hook or a device that replaces it grabs the load and lifts it to a height of 200-300 mm (with a jib crane - 100-200 mm) and then holds it in this position for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the load is lowered and the presence or absence of residual deformation of the crane bridge is checked (with jib cranes, the load should not fall to the ground, cracks, deformations, etc. should not appear).

Dynamic testing of lifting machines is carried out with a load that is 10% greater than the lifting capacity of the machine, and is aimed at checking the operation of the mechanisms of the lifting machine and their brakes. It is allowed to carry out dynamic testing with a working load. During dynamic testing, the load is repeatedly raised and lowered.

During technical inspection, steel ropes (cables) are rejected based on the number of wire breaks along the length of one rope laying step, taking into account their design, degree of wear or corrosion, purpose, and the ratio of the diameter of the block that the rope bends to the diameter of the latter. If a broken strand is detected, the rope is not allowed to be used.

Lifting devices and containers are inspected before being put into operation, and the former are also tested with a load that exceeds their rated load capacity by 25%. Tested auxiliary load-handling devices are equipped with tags and stamps, without which they are not allowed to be used.

Great importance for the safety of operation of hoisting and transport machines, it has to fulfill the basic requirements when carrying out rigging work: when ropeing a load, it is necessary to use special devices - eye bolts, eyes; the center of gravity of the load being lifted should be in the middle between the grips of the sling; slinging ropes must be placed evenly on the load being lifted, without knots or twists; the slinging cable should be separated from the sharp edges and edges of the load with spacers (boards, rubber, etc.); interweaving of cargo ropes is not allowed; when carrying out rigging work must be used operational alarm.

To ensure the safe operation of hoisting and transport machines, the following is used: Limit switches, automatically switching off hook lifting mechanisms or crane movement mechanisms when approaching extreme positions, end stops to prevent moving lifting mechanisms from passing over the rail tracks, load limiters that protect the crane from overload by turning off the lifting mechanism; devices that prevent ropes from slipping off the hook; buffer devices that absorb shocks from collisions with adjacent cranes and other objects; sound and light alarm warning about the occurrence of a dangerous moment during crane operation; blocking devices for automatically disconnecting unfenced trolley wires when a person leaves the platform, staircase, gallery, from which accidental contact with the trolley wires is possible; braking and holding devices (catchers).

5. Safety requirements for the operation of vessels, cylinders, pipelines

Pressure vessels, steam and hot water boilers, steam pipelines and hot water, technological pipelines are operated by many organizations and individual entrepreneurs and are objects of increased danger, the destruction of which during operation can lead to large material losses and other severe consequences. As a result, when designing, manufacturing, reconstructing, installing, commissioning, operating and repairing such objects, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of special rules.

The main documents defining safety conditions during the operation of the listed equipment are: 1) Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels (PB 03-576-03); 2) Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers (PB 10-574-03); 3) Rules for design and safe operation process pipelines(PB 03-585-03), etc.

Accidents at these facilities usually cause great destruction, lead to accidents, including those with serious consequences, and cause great material and moral damage.

The main causes of accidents in pressure systems are:

¨ significant excess pressure due to a malfunction safety valves, disruption of the technological process or ignition of oil vapors in the air collectors, absence (malfunction) of reducing devices;

¨ malfunction or absence safety devices;

¨ defects in the manufacture, installation and repair of vessels;

¨ overfilling of vessels with liquefied gases;

¨ wear (corrosion of vessel walls);

¨ maintenance of vessels by untrained personnel, violations of technological and labor discipline, violations of the Rules, etc.

Equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg/cm 2) or at a water heating temperature of more than 115 ° C, in accordance with Federal Law No. 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” belongs to the category of hazardous production facilities and is subject to registration with Rostechnadzor authorities.

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia)

Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

Developed and contributed Technical management Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, Scientific and Technical Center "Industrial Safety"

Approved by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated January 11, 1999 No. 2 Effective date: March 15, 1999

1. The regulation on the procedure for training and certification of employees of an organization operating hazardous production facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia was developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588) and the Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 18, 1993 No. 234 (Collected Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 8, Art. 657).

2. This Regulation establishes the procedure for training and certification and (or) testing of knowledge in the field of industrial safety and subsoil protection 1 of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities, as well as organizations carrying out other types of activities in the field of ensuring industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, to carry out which are issued a license by the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities of Russia. If regulations approved by the Gosgortechnadzor of Russia establish other requirements for certification in the field of industrial safety for certain categories of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities, then the requirements provided for by other regulations apply.

Certification in the field of industrial safety includes a comprehensive assessment of the knowledge of industrial safety requirements related to their main activities and powers by employees of a hazardous production facility.

Testing knowledge in the field of industrial safety includes assessing employees’ knowledge of certain rules, norms and instructions on industrial safety, approved by the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

3. Certification and (or) knowledge testing 2 are subject to:

a) employees of organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as individual entrepreneurs carrying out work on the construction, operation, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility, as well as work on the manufacture, installation, adjustment, repair, technical examination, reconstruction and operation of technical devices for hazardous production facilities;

b) employees of design and construction and other organizations developing documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.

4. Certification of managers and specialists is carried out periodically within the time limits established by rules safety, but at least once every three years, certification of workers - at least once a year.

Certification is carried out no later than one month:

upon appointment to the position of manager;

when transferred to another job that differs from the previous one in terms of conditions and the nature of the requirements of regulatory documents;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

with a break in work for more than one year.

5. An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out:

when introducing new or revised regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents in the field of industrial safety;

when introducing new types of technical devices and new technologies at hazardous production facilities;

when repeated violations of industrial safety requirements are detected;

after accidents, accidents and incidents have occurred.

An extraordinary knowledge test does not replace certification and can be carried out by decision of the head of the organization, as well as at the request of the Gosgortechnadzor authorities of Russia. The procedure for conducting an extraordinary knowledge test is determined by the head of the organization in agreement with the bodies of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

6. Certification of workers in the field of industrial safety is carried out according to a schedule approved by the head of the organization, agreed with the bodies of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

Persons subject to certification must be familiar with the schedule and location of certification.

7. Certification of employees, carried out in accordance with these Regulations, may be carried out jointly with other federal executive authorities exercising control and supervision functions. The procedure for interaction is determined by joint regulations approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and the relevant federal executive body.

8. To carry out certification of employees in organizations, certification commissions are created by order (instruction). Certification is carried out by a commission consisting of at least three people with the obligatory participation of a representative of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

9. The certification commission includes managers, chief specialists ( chief technologist, chief mechanical engineer, chief power engineer, etc.), managers and specialists of services in the field of industrial safety, commanders of emergency rescue services. Persons who are members of the certification commission are required to undergo certification in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations and have a certificate of certification. The certification commission includes, by agreement, representatives of the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and may also include representatives of other federal executive authorities. The commission is headed, as a rule, by the deputy head of the organization.

10. To certify members of certification commissions, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia creates central and territorial certification commissions.

11. The head of the organization has the right not to create a certification commission, ensuring that employees are certified in the commissions specified in clause 10 of these Regulations.

12. Central certification commissions are created by order of the Head of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. The central certification commissions include heads of industry departments and departments of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia and, by agreement, leading specialists of educational organizations, and may also include representatives of other federal executive authorities. The commission is headed by one of the Deputy Heads of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia.

As a rule, the following are certified by the central certification commissions:

heads of the organizations specified in clause 3, subparagraph (a) of these Regulations, if the head is appointed to this position for the first time, as well as if the number of personnel at the organization’s hazardous production facilities is 250 people. or more;

heads of organizations specified in paragraph 3, subparagraph (b) of these Regulations;

managers and specialists of foreign organizations.

13. Territorial certification commissions are created by orders of the heads of territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. The territorial certification commissions include heads of industry departments of the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and, by agreement, leading specialists of educational organizations and non-educational organizations that have a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for training, and may also include representatives of other federal executive authorities. The commission is headed by one of the deputy heads of the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

In territorial certification commissions, as a rule, the following are certified:

heads of organizations specified in clause 3, subparagraph (a) of these Regulations, if the number of personnel at the organization’s hazardous production facilities is less than 250 people;

heads and specialists of industrial safety services, chief specialists (chief mechanic, chief power engineer, head of rescue service) and other specialists of organizations - members of certification commissions in the organization;

specialists of the organizations specified in paragraph 3, subparagraph (b) of these Regulations;

specialists from organizations that do not have certification commissions.

14. Certification of workers is preceded by their training according to programs developed taking into account standard programs approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia. Programs must be agreed upon with the territorial body of the State Mining and Technical Supervision Service of Russia. Preparation can be carried out in educational organizations, as well as in non-educational organizations licensed by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to train personnel for potentially dangerous industrial production and objects, or in organizations at the place of work.

15. Certification of workers is carried out in the form of an exam on tickets agreed with the bodies of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia and approved by the chairman of the relevant certification commission. Computer technology can be used to assess knowledge during employee certification.

16. The results of certification are documented in protocols (Appendix 1). The storage location for the certification commission’s protocols is determined by the head of the organization that conducted the preparation and certification. The protocols are stored until the next certification.

Workers who have passed certification in the field of industrial safety receive certificates of the established form (Appendix 2), signed by the chairman of the certification commission and certified by a seal. On the corresponding pages of the certificate, a record of passing the certification is made, which is certified by the signature of the chairman of the certification commission and the seal. Without records of the certification results, the certificate is invalid.

17. Persons who have not passed certification must undergo certification again within a month. The issue of suitability for the position of an employee who has not passed the certification is resolved in the manner established by current legislation.

Persons who have not passed the certification may appeal the actions of the certification commission in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

18. The head of the organization is responsible for the timely conduct of certification.

19. After the entry into force of these Regulations, the Regulations on the procedure for testing knowledge of rules, norms and safety instructions among managers and specialists of enterprises, organizations and facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (RD 01-24-93), approved by the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 05/19/93 No. 11, registered by the Ministry of Justice 06/07/93 No. 272.

Annex 1


meetings of the certification commission

(name of company)

№ ______ "___" _____________ 199__

Central (territorial) certification commission consisting of:


Deputy Chairman ________________________________________________________________

(position, surname and initials)

Members of the commission:________________________________________________________________

(position, surname and initials)


(position, surname and initials)

Representatives of other bodies (specify which ones): _______________________________________


(position, surname and initials)

tested the knowledge of managers and specialists (underline as appropriate) according to the program__________________________________________________________________________

(the name of the program)

and additionally by following rules, standards and safety instructions _______





Chairman of the commission _____________________

(job title)

Attestation Certificate Form

(published in hardcover on sheets 110x80 mm)

(front side)



(left-hand side)


Issued by __________________________________________





Place of work ____________________________________

Job title _______________________________________

that he/she has passed certification in the certification

commissions _____________________________________________


to the extent consistent with job responsibilities

Chairman of the certification commission___ I.O. Last name


(Page 1)

(page 2)

Appendix 2

(page 3)

(page 4)

(page 5)


Concept - industrial safety and its requirements.

Industrial Safety hazardous production facilities - the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual and society from accidents at hazardous production facilities and the consequences of these accidents.
Industrial safety requirements - conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements contained in Federal Law No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of HPFs”, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in regulatory technical documents that are adopted in the prescribed manner and compliance which ensures industrial safety.

In what cases is the person responsible for the safe performance of work obliged to stop operating the crane?

The person responsible for the safe operation of cranes, must stop working tap at:
- unfavorable meteorological conditions - heavy snowfall, fog, rain, unacceptable wind force, air temperature below the permissible one specified in the crane passport;
- identifying dangerous defects and malfunctions in the technical condition of the crane (damage and destruction of metal structures, malfunction of brakes and safety devices, damage to ropes, blocks, drums);
- unacceptable subsidence and manifestation of other dangerous defects in the crane runway;
- lack of trained and certified crane operators and slingers;
- lack of necessary load-handling devices and containers;
- insufficient illumination of the work area performed by cranes;
- the emergence of other reasons affecting the safety of work.

Types and frequency of control of load-handling devices and containers.

Inspection of lifting devices: traverses, tongs, crane scales, suspensions and containers - once a month, recording the results in the inspection log.
Inspect slings (except for rarely used ones) every 10 days, recording the results in the inspection log.
Rarely used removable load-handling devices must be inspected before they are issued for use with a signature in the same magazine.

Safety measures when working with truck cranes near pits and trenches.

The jib crane must be installed on a planned and prepared site, taking into account the category and nature of the soil. It is not permitted to install the crane for work on freshly poured, uncompacted soil, or on a site with a slope exceeding that specified in the passport.
If it is necessary to install a jib or railway crane on outriggers, it must be installed on all existing outriggers. Strong and stable pads must be placed under the supports. Shims for additional supports of the crane must be part of its inventory.
Jib cranes at the edge of the pit (ditch) slope must be installed in compliance with the distances indicated in the table below.

Minimum distance(V m) from the base of the pit (ditch) slope to the axis of the nearest crane support in non-fill soil.

If the pit depth is more than 5 m and if it is impossible to maintain the distances indicated in the table, the slope must be strengthened in accordance with the PPRk.
First lower the empty hook to the bottom of the pit to ensure that there is at least 1.5 (one and a half) turns of the cargo rope remaining on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device.

Manufacturing instructions slinger IOT 30-14.649-07 “For slingers (hooks) for servicing lifting machines” consists of 7 main parts:
1. General safety requirements.
2. Responsibilities of the slinger before starting work.
3. Responsibilities of the slinger when tying and hooking the load.
4. Responsibilities of the slinger when lifting and moving loads.
5. Responsibilities of the slinger when lowering the load.
6. Responsibilities of the slinger in emergency situations.
7. Responsibility.


Responsibilities of workers at hazardous production facilities.

Employees of a hazardous production facility are obliged (Article 9, Clause 2, No. 116-FZ):
- comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents establishing the rules for conducting work at a hazardous production facility and the procedure for action in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;
- undergo training and certification in the field of industrial safety;
- immediately notify your immediate supervisor or other officials in accordance with the established procedure about an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;
- in accordance with the established procedure, suspend work in the event of an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility;
- in accordance with the established procedure, participate in the work to localize an accident at a hazardous production facility.