What are hazardous production facilities? What is a hazardous production facility?

Do you need to register a hazardous production facility with Rostechnadzor? The consulting company "Noosphere" is an expert in the field industrial safety with many years of experience. We offer registration of hazardous production facilities in Rostekhnadzor at competitive prices.

Registration in the register of hazardous production facilities implies identification of the enterprise by classes and hazard characteristics, as well as assignment of the appropriate status. This procedure must be completed within 30 days from the date of commencement of activity. It is necessary if the operated areas, workshops, storage facilities, sites or their combination pose a threat environment. A detailed classification of such property is presented in Appendix No. 1 to Federal Law-116.

Registration of hazardous production facilities in Rostechnadzor and the issuance of the corresponding certificate are carried out by the territorial body at the place of the enterprise’s legal address.

This procedure consists of the following steps:

  • identification of a hazardous production facility;
  • assignment of the appropriate hazard class;
  • preparation of accounting cards and information that characterize a specific object;
  • approval of characteristics in Rostekhnadzor;
  • collection and submission of documents to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor;
  • obtaining a certificate.

The actual location of the organization may not coincide with its address state registration. In such cases, all information about the hazardous facility and registration cards are approved by the territorial body of Rostechnadzor at the location. Only after this are all documents transferred to the institution at the place of legal address.

After registration, a corresponding certificate is issued. It has no expiration date and is indefinite. Until 2011 re-registration dangerous objects had to be done every 5 years. Now there is no such need. Re-registration is carried out in cases of change in composition, introduction of a new one or liquidation of an old object.

What documents are needed for registration in the register of public organizations?

To register in the register of hazardous production organizations, the organization is required to submit documents to the regulatory authority. These include:

  • statement;
  • accounting card for each object (2 copies);
  • information characterizing a hazardous production facility (2 copies);
  • justification for the safety of the facility (if necessary).

When registering in the register of public benefit organizations, more detailed information may be required. Most often, such a need arises if the production specifics of the operating company involve the use of a different volume of hazardous production facilities. Information may also be required if identification and registration were previously not completed in full. The package of papers can be supplemented by:

  • supplemented information about the organization and the operated facility;
  • statutory documents legal entity(charter, certificate of state registration and others);
  • description of the organization's structure;
  • master plan of buildings, structures and explication;
  • information about licenses and permits for the use of existing devices;
  • information on the amount of existing waste that has a hazardous impact on the environment;
  • information about ongoing activities and applied technologies;
  • certificate of ownership.

Registration of hazardous production facilities in Moscow

To go through the procedure for registering a hazardous production facility with Rostechnadzor, you must contact the Noosphere Consulting Company. We provide full complex services for collecting and processing documents. Our specialists are also ready to carry out re-registration.

Registration dangerous object If you have a lot of practical experience and know all the nuances, it takes a minimum of time. Therefore, many heads of organizations for which this procedure is mandatory prefer to contact our specialists.

Hazardous production facility(hereinafter referred to as OPO) is one of the most important concepts in the field of industrial safety. If an industrial facility is a hazardous production facility, then industrial safety requirements are applied to it, the main ones of which are set out in the Federal Law “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities.” If the facility is not a hazardous production facility, then the provisions of this law do not apply, and, accordingly, all its by-laws do not apply.

Although the term “hazardous production facility” is not included in the basic concepts of the Federal Law, Article 2 of this Federal Law is fully devoted to it, which defines its main characteristics:

– what objects belong to hazardous production facilities;

– mandatory registration in the state register;

– division into hazard classes;

– assignment of hazard classes;

– responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of information when registering in the state register.

What is a hazardous production facility?

Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” refers us to Appendix 1 of this law, which contains the criteria by which production facilities should be classified as hazardous production facilities.

Hazardous production facilities in accordance with this Federal Law areenterprises or their workshops, sites, sites, as well as other production facilities specified in Appendix 1 to this Federal Law.

This appendix lists production facilities with certain characteristics (for example: transported hazardous substances, permanently installed lifting mechanisms, blow out mining work etc.) , which must be classified as hazardous production facilities.

Only Federal Law-116 contains criteria for classifying a production facility as a hazardous production facility!

We will look in more detail about the use of Appendix 1 for the purpose of identifying hazardous production facilities in the following articles.

Registration of hazardous production facilities

Clause 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law contains a requirement for mandatory registration of hazardous production organizations in the state register in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation. At present (see article update date) such a document is "Rules for registering facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities". In addition to the Rules, you can read “Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on the execution of the state function of registering hazardous production facilities and maintaining state register hazardous production facilities".

Hazard classes

Since March 4, 2013, changes have been made to the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” regarding the division of hazardous production facilities, i.e. They are divided into four hazard classes depending on the level of potential danger of accidents at hazardous production facilities for the vital interests of the individual and society:

Hazard class I – hazardous production facilities of extremely high danger;

Hazard class II – hazardous production facilities of high danger;

Hazard class III – hazardous production facilities of medium danger;

Hazard class IV – hazardous production facilities of low hazard.

The criteria by which hazardous production facilities belong to certain hazard classes are established in Appendix 2 of the Federal Law. The law also establishes that the assignment of a hazard class is made upon registration of a hazardous production facility in the state register.

Responsibility for the information provided about the public benefit

Clause 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law introduces responsibility for the heads of organizations operating hazardous production facilities for the completeness and accuracy of information submitted for registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities. This is a new requirement, although similar requirements were previously established and are currently in force in a number of by-laws, for example, paragraph 6 of Appendix 8 to “Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on the performance of the state function of registering hazardous production facilities and maintaining the state register of hazardous production facilities.”

Federal legislation, administrative regulations of Rostechnadzor and current safety rules oblige owners of hazardous production facilities to register hazardous production facilities in the Rostechnadzor register ( federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision). For hazardous facilities newly put into operation, the period within which hazardous production facilities must be registered is 10 days.

In accordance with the changes that came into force in 2013, registration of hazardous production facilities is carried outis assigned to one of four hazard classes. Facilities registered in the register of hazardous production organizations are subject to mandatory re-registration before 01/01/2014. Confirmation that the organization has passed the procedure for re-registration of hazardous facilities is the presence of a Certificate of Registration of Hazardous Production Facilities, which indicates the hazard classes of the facilities (I-IV).
The class of hazardous production facilities is determined in accordance with the criteria specified in Appendix No. 1 and No. 2 of Federal Law No. 116 “On Industrial Safety”.

Including hazardous production facilities in the register of hazardous production facilities is the first step before obtaining a license from Rostechnadzor.

Conventionally, the procedure for registering hazardous production facilities can be divided into several stages:

HPF identification

This procedure can be carried out by specialists from the organization operating the hazardous production facility or by employees of a company providing services in the field of industrial safety (this method is preferable). Persons identifying hazardous production facilities must be guided in their work by the appendix to Rostechnadzor Order No. 168 dated 04/07/2011. Information obtained during the identification of hazardous production facilities is used to prepare Accounting Cards and Information characterizing hazardous production facilities. They are included in the list of mandatory documents required for submission to the territorial department of Rostechnadzor when registering hazardous production facilities.

Documents for registration of public benefit organizations

The formation of a package of documents for transfer to the territorial department of Rostechnadzor occurs on the basis of the Card of registration of OPRequirements of the Administrative Regulations of Rostechnadzor, approved by Order No. 606, the full list of documents can be found by referring to the Rostechnadzor website. On the websites of the territorial departments of Rostechnadzor, you can download the application and familiarize yourself with the requirements in detail. In the application for registration of a hazardous production facility, it is necessary to enter reliable information, and you should also carefully approach the preparation of Accounting Cards and Information characterizing hazardous production facilities.

Transfer of documents to Rostechnadzor for registration of hazardous production facilities

A fully formed package of documents is transferred to a specialized unit of the territorial Department of Rostechnadzor. As a rule, the date of receipt of documents is determined by an employee of Rostechnadzor by appointment. The specialist responsible for registering hazardous production facilities must prepare a power of attorney giving the right to represent the interests of the organization (transferring documents and obtaining a certificate of registration of hazardous production facilities) in the Rostechnadzor department.

Certificate of registration of a hazardous production facility