Maintaining the state register of NVO objects and registering them. Ecology, who pays and submits reports for payments to Rosprirodnadzor for nvos

What are the three forms of negative human impact on environment named in the text? Give examples of each of the forms of negative environmental impact indicated in the text.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

In our century, the solution to a number of problems can no longer be limited to the scale of one country; they have to be solved on the scale of our entire planet. This perception of the planetary nature of man’s relationship with nature first arose in connection with the advent of the atomic bomb and the threat of world nuclear war. It is generally accepted that such a war, wherever it occurs, could poison the entire globe and end human life in a few hours. This threat forces people to refuse to use nuclear weapons.

Currently, the world population is estimated at 3.7 billion people. If it continues to grow at the same rate (an average of 2% per year) as in this century, then in 700 years our planet will be so densely populated that for every square meter entire surface globe there will be one person at a time. Of course, this is impossible, and the process of increasing human reproduction should stop long before this. When and under what factors this will happen and what civilization will turn into is the most important global problem of the near future.

One of the most important global problems is related to energy, since people's use of natural energy resources is the main factor determining the level of modern civilization and the well-being of mankind. Now the largest source of raw materials in the energy sector is coal, and if its consumption stops at the current level, then coal reserves will be sufficient for about a thousand years. Even if humanity does not grow, but energy consumption per capita grows at the same rate as over the last 100 years, then coal reserves will only last for 100-150 years. An even closer crisis can be predicted for other types of raw materials. For example, silver will last within 13-40 years, lead - 20-60 years, etc. (taking into account the use of new, not yet discovered natural reserves on a fivefold scale).

The depletion of raw material resources of some important substances is already threatening our generation. And therefore, resolving issues related to the technical and economic aspect of the “man and nature” problem should be considered urgent. But here a socio-political aspect immediately arises: due to their global nature, the solution to these issues is impossible on a national scale; it is only possible with broad international cooperation based on the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems.

The next problem - environmental - arises as a result of an imbalance in nature due to environmental pollution on the same global scale. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the fact that the global scale of technical processes at the modern level of civilization has begun to change the environment around us so much - pollute the air, water and soil, destroy forests, change natural landscapes - that the biological equilibrium that previously existed in nature can no longer be preserved, and this begins to lead to the death of fauna and flora, which are necessary for the existence of people.

When a shortage of materials and energy resources begins to arise on a global scale and this begins to catastrophically affect the level of people’s well-being, then humanity will have no choice but to begin reducing weapons, since the risk of death from aggression will be less real than the danger of death from lack material resources. In addition, since the solution to global problems must occur through close international cooperation, people will begin to feel that they are living in shared apartment and that all humanity has only one common enemy: this is the upcoming global crisis, which, having forgotten all the feuds, we must begin to fight together.

(according to P. L. Kapitsa)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

Three forms of negative human impact on the environment in the text with examples;

Air, water and soil pollution (for example, air, = water and soil pollution as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident);

Deforestation (eg Amazon deforestation);

Changes in natural landscapes (for example, reduction in the area of ​​the Aral Sea).

What three forms of negative human impact on the environment are mentioned in the text? Give examples of each of the forms of negative environmental impact indicated in the text.

In our century, the solution to a number of problems can no longer be limited to the scale of one country; they have to be solved on the scale of our entire planet. This perception of the planetary nature of man’s relationship with nature first arose in connection with the advent of the atomic bomb and the threat of world nuclear war. It is generally accepted that such a war, wherever it occurs, could poison the entire globe and end human life in a few hours. This threat forces people to refuse to use nuclear weapons.

Currently, the world population is estimated at 3.7 billion people. If it continues to increase at the same rate (an average of 2% per year) as in this century, then in 700 years our planet will be so densely populated that there will be one person for every square meter of the entire surface of the globe. Of course, this is impossible, and the process of increasing human reproduction should stop long before this. When and under what factors this will happen and what civilization will turn into is the most important global problem of the near future.

One of the most important global problems is related to energy, since people's use of natural energy resources is the main factor determining the level of modern civilization and the well-being of mankind. Now the largest source of raw materials in the energy sector is coal, and if its consumption stops at the current level, then coal reserves will be sufficient for about a thousand years. Even if humanity does not grow, but energy consumption per capita grows at the same rate as over the last 100 years, then coal reserves will only last for 100-150 years. An even closer crisis can be predicted for other types of raw materials. For example, silver will last within 13-40 years, lead - 20-60 years, etc. (taking into account the use of new, not yet discovered natural reserves on a fivefold scale).

The depletion of raw material resources of some important substances is already threatening our generation. And therefore, resolving issues related to the technical and economic aspect of the “man and nature” problem should be considered urgent. But here a socio-political aspect immediately arises: due to their global nature, the solution to these issues is impossible on a national scale; it is only possible with broad international cooperation based on the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems.

The next problem - environmental - arises as a result of an imbalance in nature due to environmental pollution on the same global scale. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the fact that the global scale of technical processes at the modern level of civilization has begun to change the environment around us so much - pollute the air, water and soil, destroy forests, change natural landscapes - that the biological equilibrium that previously existed in nature can no longer be preserved, and this begins to lead to the death of fauna and flora, which are necessary for the existence of people.

When a shortage of materials and energy resources begins to arise on a global scale and this begins to catastrophically affect the level of people’s well-being, then humanity will have no choice but to begin reducing weapons, since the risk of death from aggression will be less real than the danger of death from lack material resources. In addition, since the solution to global problems must occur through close international cooperation, people will begin to feel that they are living in a common apartment and that all humanity has only one common enemy: this is the coming global crisis, with which, having forgotten all the feuds, we must begin fight together.

(according to P. L. Kapitsa)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

Three forms of negative human impact on the environment in the text with examples;

Air, water and soil pollution (for example, air, = water and soil pollution as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident);

Deforestation (eg Amazon deforestation);

Changes in natural landscapes (for example, reduction in the area of ​​the Aral Sea).

The author writes that “you cannot think based only on knowledge and skills. Legal culture involves assessing all aspects of legal practice. When faced with environmental phenomena, a person must ... be able to evaluate them from a legal point of view.”

Give three examples with explanations of how the need for a high level of legal knowledge is manifested in people's everyday lives.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Nowadays the issue of strengthening the high culture of every citizen is especially relevant. It is a high culture of actions and deeds, feelings and motives that should be the main result of the development of the personality of a citizen of our society.

A person with an insufficiently developed legal culture, as a rule, pays attention only to the most egregious cases of violation of the law, for example crimes, and other numerous cases of ignoring the law go unnoticed by him. Legal consciousness gives an idea of ​​the spiritual values ​​of the individual and society with subjective side. To understand the mechanism of legal influence on social relations, it is necessary to master such a category as legal culture. This category is used to characterize a country's legal system. When analyzing the legal culture of a society, they study legal phenomena, describe and provide explanations of values, ideals and achievements in the legal sphere, which reflect the scope of human rights and freedoms and the degree of their protection in a given society.

Legal culture is being formed gradually. First the foundation is laid. Under the influence of the environment, ideas about simple but necessary rules for relationships between people appear. Along with this, the population acquires legal knowledge and skills - the basis of legal consciousness. This includes specific legal norms (criminal, administrative, family, etc. law), provisions of legal theory and facts of legal history. This level of development of legal consciousness determines how legally informed the population, its social, age, professional and other groups are, how deeply they have mastered such legal phenomena as the value of human rights and freedoms, the value legal procedure when resolving disputes, searching for compromises, etc. But in order for a legal culture to be formed, knowledge alone is not enough. This ordinary level is limited to the everyday framework of people’s lives when they come into contact with legal phenomena. You cannot think based only on knowledge and skills. Legal culture involves assessing all aspects of legal practice. When faced with environmental phenomena, a person must determine not only the moral, but also the legal content (in accordance with the law or illegal), and be able to evaluate them from a legal point of view.

(according to A.F. Nikitin)


Three examples with explanations:

1) When purchasing furniture to order, a purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up, which specifies the terms of work, their cost, etc. In the absence of such an agreement, the buyer will not be able to defend his rights in case of dissatisfaction with the work of the manufacturer (supplier).

2) When applying for a job, the employee must conclude an employment contract in writing, carefully studying all its clauses. If the employer violates its obligations, then, on the basis of a signed employment contract, the employee can defend his rights.

3) When participating in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, etc., knowledge of the current legislation will allow the participant to refrain from such actions that will be classified as offenses and may lead to administrative or criminal liability.

Other examples with explanations may be given.

The author notes that “even during periods high level unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.” Using social science knowledge, explain the reason for this level of unemployment among these categories of citizens. Name any two measures to prevent discrimination against the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a position in which the work performed does not require full use qualifications and vocational training individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the salary that he could have, doing the work (and in the volume) for which he could apply...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in demand for labor. A recession is a cyclical decline in business activity that causes people to lose their jobs until demand picks up again and business activity picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in the demand for labor. It affects those involved in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to moving from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment hired workers will move from place to place.

The structurally unemployed experience difficulties in obtaining work due to insufficient or becoming insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment levels, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing experience, most people who go through it report experiencing despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for longer than a few weeks. For most people, hired work is the main, and often the only, means of meeting their material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Research shows that those who do not like their jobs still prefer to keep it even when given the opportunity to live on other incomes. Although working conditions can cause adverse consequences, lack of work leads to no less problems: increased stress, family conflicts, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.

(K. H. Brier)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

a person has worked in one profession for a long time, it is very difficult for him to quickly readjust psychologically. It is also common for a significant number of people to find themselves unemployed in a small town, such as miners.

Measures: - more active retraining with the help of the state

Moving to other regions.

Elements of the answer can be given in a different form that is similar in meaning.

Source: Unified State Examination - 2017. Early wave

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Public goods

Public goods are goods the benefits from the use of which are inseparably distributed throughout society, regardless of whether or not individual representatives want to acquire this good.

Public goods are paid for through general taxation rather than purchased by individual consumers in the market. The national defense system is an example of a public good because it affects everyone equally.

Note that in addition to public goods, there are also public “anti-goods” - phenomena that uniformly impose costs on a group of people. In economic theory, the term “external effects” is used to denote them. These are unwanted by-products of production or consumption: the greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change; air, water and soil pollution from waste chemical industry, energy production or automobile use; acid rain; radioactive releases from nuclear weapons testing; thinning of the ozone layer.

There are pure public goods and pure private goods.

A pure public good is a good that is consumed collectively by all people, whether they pay for it or not. It is impossible to obtain utility from the provision of a pure public good by a single consumer.

A pure private good is a good that can be shared among people in such a way that there is no benefit or cost to others. While the efficient provision of public goods often requires government action, private goods can be allocated efficiently by the market. Therefore, a pure private good only benefits the buyer.

A number of goods are neither purely public nor purely private. For example, the police services, on the one hand, represent a public good, but on the other hand, by solving burglaries, they provide a private service to a specific person.

Pure public goods have two main features.

1. Pure public goods have the property of non-selectivity in consumption, meaning that for a given volume of the good, its consumption by one person does not reduce its availability to others.

2. Consumption of pure public goods does not have exclusivity in consumption, that is, it is not an exclusive right. This means that consumers who are unwilling to pay for such goods cannot be deprived of the opportunity to consume them. A pure public good cannot be produced in “small quantities” that could be sold through a cash register.

(G. S. Vechkanoe, G. R. Vechkanova)


The correct answer must contain the following elements.

1. A definition of anti-benefits is formulated, for example:

Phenomena in the life of society that uniformly impose costs on a group of people, undesirable by-products of production or consumption.

2. Examples are given, for example:

The greenhouse effect, in which the combustion of minerals threatens global climate change;

Air, water and soil pollution from waste from the chemical industry, energy production or automobile use;

Radioactive releases due to nuclear weapons testing.

Elements of the answer can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

What connection does the author trace between the efficiency of the banking system and the state of the national economy? What two factors does he name that cause an increase in the danger of the existence and activities of credit institutions for any financial environment? From the author’s point of view, what system is banking security an element of?

IN modern world banks play an important role in the development of the economy, influencing it direct influence and, in fact, being the basis for the formation of a balanced economic development. The banking system of any country, as the center of the economic mechanism, interacts with all sectors of the economy, with the population, and government bodies, exerting a certain impact on them. The efficient functioning of the banking system becomes a catalyst general development national economy.

At the same time, in the context of significant changes taking place in the constantly changing international economic space and increasing global financial turbulence, credit organizations for any financial environment can become the main source of increased danger and a detonator of crisis phenomena. This makes even more urgent the problems of ensuring the security of the banking system as a whole and the sustainability of the functioning of the banking business in individual financial and credit institutions.

Banking security is the most important component of the financial security system. Therefore, its formation effective system, capable of quickly and adequately responding to external factors, seems to be a necessary condition for the national security of the state. First of all, it is necessary to define the very concept of “banking security” (security of the banking system), since in the special economic literature it is not interpreted unambiguously.

In the documents of the Association of Russian Banks, banking security is interpreted as the security of credit institutions and their employees, as well as client security - the security of legal and individuals using the services of credit institutions. The understanding of banking security in banking practice raises certain doubts: bankers most often identify it with ensuring the safety of bank property and combating criminal transactions carried out using Internet technologies in banking. In our opinion, the security of the banking system should be understood as a state that allows commercial banks to effectively meet public needs as financial intermediary institutions, while maintaining the integrity and sustainability of operation regardless of external and internal threats.

The security of the banking system is formed under the influence of a complex set of external and internal factors political, macroeconomic, informational, legal, institutional nature. It is advisable to consider them as factors of an international, national, regional and intra-banking (intra-system) nature. At the same time, factors operating within the banking system at all levels are considered as intrasystem factors.

(according to S.B. Gladkova)


1) the answer to the first question, for example: the effective functioning of the banking system becomes a catalyst for the overall development of the national economy;

2) the answer to the second question, for example:

– significant changes occurring in the constantly changing international economic space;

– increasing global financial turbulence;

(The answer to the second question is counted only if two factors are specified.)

3) answer to the third question: banking security is the most important component of the financial security system.

Elements of the answer can be presented either in the form of a quotation or in the form of a condensed reproduction of the main ideas of the corresponding fragments of text

In a sociological survey of men and women from Country Z, they were asked: “What are the most important tasks that television should perform?” (you could select more than one answer).

1) The share of those who believe that television should help to understand how people live in other regions/other countries is higher among women than among men.

2) The opinion that television should help you relax and unwind is more popular among women than among men.

3) Among women, the opinion that television should help one relax and unwind is more popular than the opinion that television should help one navigate current events.

4) The share of those who believe that television should help one navigate current events is greater among men than among women.

5) Among men, the opinion that television should help broaden one’s horizons is more popular than the opinion that television should help one relax and unwind.


1) The share of those who believe that television should help to understand how people live in other regions/other countries is higher among women than among men - no, that’s not true.

2) The opinion that television should help you relax and unwind is more popular among women than among men - yes, that’s true.

3) Among women, the opinion that television should help one relax and unwind is more popular than the opinion that television should help one navigate current events - yes, that’s right.

4) The share of those who believe that television should help one navigate current events is higher among men than among women - yes, that’s right.

5) Among men, the opinion that television should help broaden one’s horizons is more popular than the opinion that television should help one relax and unwind - no, it’s wrong.

Answer: 234.

During a sociological survey of adult citizens of country Z with different levels of education, they were asked the question: “Why do you think people mainly engage in entrepreneurship?” (You could choose up to two questions.)

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who received higher education than among those who received secondary education.

2) Among those who have received higher education, the share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship to be independent, to work for themselves, is less than the share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship out of entrepreneurial passion.

3) The share of those who note that people engage in entrepreneurship in order to be independent, to work for themselves, is higher among those who have received higher education than among those who have received secondary education.

4) The share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship in order to realize their ideas and plans is greater among those who have received secondary education than among those who have received higher education.

5) Among those who have completed secondary education, the share of those who believe that people engage in business to earn money is less than the share of those who believe that people engage in business to be independent and work for themselves.


1) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who have received higher education than among those who have received secondary education - no, that’s incorrect.

2) Among those who have received higher education, the share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship in order to be independent, to work for themselves, is less than the share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship out of entrepreneurial passion - no, that’s not true.

3) The share of those who note that people engage in entrepreneurship in order to be independent, to work for themselves, is higher among those who have received higher education than among those who have received secondary education - yes, that’s right.

4) The share of those who believe that people engage in entrepreneurship in order to realize their ideas and plans is higher among those who have received secondary education than among those who have received higher education - yes, that’s right.

5) Among those who have completed secondary education, the share of those who believe that people do business to earn money is less than the share of those who believe that people do business to be independent, to work for themselves - no, that’s not true.

Answer: 34.

Answer: 34

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who usually buy groceries in a large department store is higher among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.

2) Among 25-year-olds, those who buy food at a small grocery store are less likely to buy food at a food market.

3) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among 25-year-olds than among 50-year-olds.

4) Equal shares of 50-year-old respondents noted that they buy food at the food market and that they do not have permanent place for shopping.

5) The share of those who buy food at the food market is greater among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.


1) The share of those who usually buy groceries in a large department store is greater among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds - no, incorrect.

2) Among 25-year-olds who buy groceries in a small grocery store, there are fewer of those who buy groceries at a food market - no, incorrect.

3) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is higher among 25-year-olds than among 50-year-olds - yes, that’s right.

4) Equal shares of 50-year-old respondents noted that they buy food at the food market and that they do not have a permanent place for shopping - yes, that’s right.

5) The share of those who buy food at the food market is greater among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds - yes, that’s right.

Answer: 345.

Answer: 345

Ivan Ivanovich

50 year olds 10%, and 25 year olds 5%; 10>5


Sociological services of country Z conducted a survey. During the survey, respondents were asked: “How interested would you be in receiving information about the state of the environment?”

1) The share of respondents who are undecided regarding their interest in information about the state of the environment in their place of residence is greater than the share of those who are not interested in the state of the environment in their place of residence

2) Environmental problems do not cause significant interest among residents of country Z

3) More than a quarter of respondents do not show interest in the state of the environment in their region

4) Almost two-thirds of respondents express interest in the state of the environment in their region.

5) The shares of respondents interested in the state of the environment in their country as a whole and those who are not interested were approximately equal.


1) The share of respondents who are undecided regarding their interest in information about the state of the environment in their place of residence is greater than the share of those who are not interested in the state of the environment in their place of residence - no, incorrect, less.

2) Environmental problems do not cause significant interest among residents of country Z - no, incorrectly, they do.

3) More than a quarter of respondents do not show interest in the state of the environment in their region - yes, that’s right.

4) Almost two-thirds of respondents express interest in the state of the environment in their region - yes, that’s right.

5) The shares of respondents interested in the state of the environment in their country as a whole and those who are not interested turned out to be approximately equal - no, that’s not true, they are different.

Answer: 34.

Answer: 34|43

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

It’s true, for most people this question is interesting, which means they care about it.


During a sociological survey of 25-year-old and 50-year-old citizens of country Z, they were asked the question: “Who read books to you as a child?” (Any number of answers). The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who were read books by their parents in childhood is greater among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.

2) An equal proportion of respondents in each group were read books by their grandparents in childhood.

3) Among 25-year-olds, there are fewer people who were read books by other relatives in childhood than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers in childhood.

4) Among 50-year-olds, there are more people who were read books by their grandparents as children than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among 50-year-olds than among 2 5-year-olds.


1) The share of those who were read books by their parents in childhood is higher among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds - yes, that’s right.

2) An equal proportion of respondents in each group were read books by their grandparents in childhood - yes, that’s right.

3) Among 25-year-olds, there are fewer of those who were read books by other relatives in childhood than of those who were read books by kindergarten teachers in childhood - no, that’s not true.

4) Among 50-year-olds, there are more people who were read books by their grandparents as children than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers - yes, that’s right.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is higher among 50-year-olds than among 25-year-olds - yes, that’s right.

Answer: 1245.

During a sociological survey of adult citizens of country Z with different levels of education, they were asked the questions: “Where do you usually buy clothes and shoes?” (You could choose no more than two answers.)

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who buy clothes and shoes in an online store is greater among those who have completed secondary education than among those who have completed higher education.

2) Equal shares of respondents who received secondary education buy clothes and shoes in shopping centers and specialized stores.

3) The share of those who buy clothes and shoes at clothing markets is greater among those who have received secondary education than among those who have received higher education.

4) Among those who have received higher education, the share of those who buy clothes and shoes in mall, is greater than the share of those who buy clothes and shoes at clothing markets.

5) Equal shares of respondents from each group found it difficult to answer.


1) The share of those who buy clothes and shoes in an online store among those who have completed secondary education is greater than among those who have received higher education - no, that’s not true.

2) Equal shares of respondents who received secondary education buy clothes and shoes in shopping centers and specialized stores - no, incorrect.

3) The share of those who buy clothes and shoes at clothing markets is greater among those who have received secondary education than among those who have received higher education - yes, that’s right.

4) Among those who have received higher education, the share of those who buy clothes and shoes in a shopping center is greater than the share of those who buy clothes and shoes in clothing markets - yes, that’s right.

5) Equal shares of respondents from each group found it difficult to answer - yes, that’s true.

Answer: 345.

During a sociological survey of men and women from country Z, they were asked the question: “Who do you think has an easier life - people who have moral authorities, or people who do not have such authorities?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who believe that life is easier for people who have moral authorities is greater among women than among men.

2) Equal shares of men and women surveyed believe that it is easier to live for people who do not have moral authorities.

3) The share of those who answered the question that there is no fundamental difference is greater among men than among women.

4) Among men, the opinion that life is easier for those people who do not have moral authorities is more popular than the opinion that there is no fundamental difference.

5) A quarter of women found it difficult to answer the question.


1) The share of those who believe that life is easier for people who have moral authorities is greater among women than among men - yes, that’s right.

2) Equal shares of men and women surveyed believe that life is easier for people who have no moral authorities - yes, that’s right.

3) The share of those who answered the question posed that there is no fundamental difference is higher among men than among women - no, this is incorrect.

4) Among men, the opinion that life is easier for those people who do not have moral authorities is more popular than the opinion that there is no fundamental difference - yes, that’s right.

5) A quarter of women found it difficult to answer the question - no, incorrect.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

There is no contradiction there. Take a closer look


During a sociological survey of 30-year-old and 55-year-old citizens of country Z, they were asked the question: “Which organization do you work for (budgetary/state or private/non-state)?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) More than half of the 30-year-olds surveyed work in a private/non-governmental organization.

2) Among the 55-year-olds surveyed, those who work in a budgetary/state organization are more likely than those who work in a private/non-governmental organization.

3) Among the 30-year-olds surveyed, there are more people who work for themselves than those who work in a budgetary/state organization.

4) Equal shares of respondents from each group work for themselves.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is higher among 55-year-olds than among 30-year-olds.


1) More than half of the 30-year-olds surveyed work in a private/non-governmental organization - yes, that's right.

2) Among the 55-year-olds surveyed, those who work in a budgetary/state organization are more likely to work in a private/non-governmental organization - yes, that’s right.

3) Among the 30-year-olds surveyed, there are more people who work for themselves than those who work in a budgetary/state organization - no, it’s not true, on the contrary.

4) Equal shares of respondents in each group work for themselves - no, that’s not true, more among 30-year-olds.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is higher among 55-year-olds than among 30-year-olds - yes, that’s right.

Answer: 125.

Scientists surveyed citizens of country Z. They were asked: “What, in your opinion, is associated with people’s deviant behavior?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The smallest proportion of young men surveyed sees the cause of deviant behavior in the influence of the social environment.

2) The proportion of those who believe that a person’s deviant behavior is related to his lifestyle is higher among girls than among boys.

3) The same proportions of respondents in both groups believe that deviant behavior is a consequence of psychological character traits.

4) Three-quarters of respondents in each group believe that deviant behavior is associated with a person’s lifestyle.

5) The proportion of those who see biological reasons for deviant behavior is higher among girls than among boys.


1) The smallest proportion of young men surveyed sees the cause of deviant behavior in the influence of the social environment - yes, that’s right.

2) The share of those who believe that a person’s deviant behavior is related to his lifestyle is higher among girls than among boys - yes, that’s right.

3) The same proportion of respondents in both groups believe that deviant behavior is a consequence of psychological character traits - yes, that’s right.

4) Three-quarters of respondents in each group believe that deviant behavior is associated with a person’s lifestyle - no, that’s not true.

5) The proportion of those who see biological reasons for deviant behavior is higher among girls than among boys - no, that’s not true.

Answer: 123.

In a sociological survey, residents of country Z with different main occupations were asked: “Why do many people nowadays seek higher education?” Respondents could choose no more than two answers from the list of proposed ones. The results obtained as a percentage of the number of respondents are presented in table form.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Among those who believe that the goal of obtaining higher education is the desire to become a good professional, the largest proportion of specialists with higher education.

2) Among those who consider the goal of getting an education to be conformity with the prevailing ideas in society, the proportion of civil servants is least represented.

3) The share of unskilled workers who consider the purpose of obtaining higher education to improve social status is equal to the share of skilled workers who consider the purpose of obtaining higher education to enter a more educated stratum.

4) The least popular answer among all groups of respondents is that the purpose of higher education is to improve one’s social status.

5) Among skilled workers, the relative majority of respondents believe that the goal of higher education is the acquisition of high professional qualities.


1) Among those who believe that the goal of obtaining higher education is the desire to become a good professional, the largest proportion of specialists with higher education is - no, that’s not true.

2) Among those who believe that the goal of getting an education is to conform to the prevailing ideas in society, the least represented share is among civil servants - yes, that’s right.

3) The share of unskilled workers who consider the purpose of obtaining higher education to improve social status is equal to the share of skilled workers who consider the purpose of obtaining higher education to enter a more educated stratum - no, incorrect.

4) The least popular answer among all groups of respondents is that the purpose of higher education is to improve one’s social status - no, that’s not true.

2) Equal shares of respondents in each group found it difficult to answer.

3) Among working respondents, the share of those who believe that the husband should do the bulk of the housework is less than the share of those who believe that the wife should do the bulk of the housework.

4) The opinion that housework should be divided equally between spouses is most popular in both groups of respondents.

5) The opinion that the wife should do the bulk of the housework is more popular among non-working respondents than among working respondents.


1) Among non-working respondents, the share of those who believe that housework should be divided equally between spouses is greater than the share of those who believe that the main housework should be done by the wife - yes, that’s right.

2) Equal shares of respondents in each group found it difficult to answer - no, incorrect.

During a sociological survey of adult citizens of the country Z with schoolchildren of different ages, they were asked the questions: “What do you most often do with your child on weekdays?” (you could select more than one answer).

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Equal shares of respondents from each group on weekdays with their children are most often engaged in preparing lessons and checking homework.

2) Among parents of middle school students, sports activities, sport games As a joint activity with a child on weekdays, it is more popular than watching TV shows and movies at home.

3) Half of the parents of high school students noted that on weekdays they most often just communicate and talk with their children.

4) The share of those who most often take walks with their children on weekdays, play fresh air, there are more parents of middle school students than parents of high school students.

5) Among parents of high school students, household chores as a joint activity with their child on weekdays are more popular than sports and sports games.


1) Equal shares of respondents from each group are most often engaged in preparing lessons on weekdays with their children - no, that’s not true.

2) Among parents of middle school students, playing sports and playing sports as a joint activity with their child on weekdays is more popular than watching TV shows and movies at home - no, that’s not true.

3) Half of the parents of high school students noted that on weekdays they most often just communicate and talk with their children - yes, that’s right.

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Half of the respondents who received secondary education work in a private/non-governmental organization.

2) Among respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work in a budgetary/state organization than of those who work in a private/non-governmental organization.

3) Among the respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work for themselves than of those who work in a budgetary/state organization.

4) Equal shares of respondents from each group work for themselves.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who received higher education than among those who received secondary education.


1) Half of the respondents who received secondary education work in a private/non-governmental organization - yes, that’s right.

2) Among respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work in a budgetary/state organization than of those who work in a private/non-governmental organization - yes, that’s right.

3) Among the respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work for themselves than of those who work in a budgetary/state organization - yes, that’s right.

4) Equal shares of respondents in each group work for themselves - no, incorrect.

5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who have received higher education than among those who have received secondary education - no, that’s incorrect.

Answer: 123.

Answer: 123

2) Equal shares of respondents from all groups found it difficult to answer.

3) The opinion that from disputes on common topics more harm among respondents with higher education more popular than among respondents with average vocational education.

4) Equal shares of respondents with secondary vocational education and higher education believe that disputes on general topics cause more harm.

5) The share of those who believe that debates on general topics are more useful among respondents with secondary vocational education is greater than among respondents with secondary general education and below.


1) A fifth of respondents with secondary general education and below, believes that there is neither benefit nor harm from arguing on a general topic - yes, that’s right.

2) Equal shares of respondents from all groups found it difficult to answer - no, incorrect.

3) The opinion that disputes on general topics cause more harm is more popular among respondents with higher education than among respondents with secondary vocational education - no, it is incorrect.

The results obtained (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The share of those who were read books by their parents in childhood is greater among city residents than among rural residents.

2) An equal proportion of respondents in each group were read books by their grandmother/grandfather in childhood.

3) Among rural residents, there are more of those who were read books by other relatives in childhood than of those who were read books by teachers in childhood. kindergarten.

4) Among the city residents surveyed, there are more people who were read books by their grandparents in childhood than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers.

5) More than half of the townspeople were read books by their parents in childhood.


1) The share of those who were read books by their parents in childhood is greater among city residents than among rural residents - no, that’s not true, there are fewer of them.

2) An equal proportion of respondents in each group were read books by their grandmother/grandfather in childhood - no, incorrect, different.

3) Among rural residents, there are more people who were read books by other relatives in childhood than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers in childhood - yes, that’s right.

4) Among the city residents surveyed, there are more people who were read books by their grandparents in childhood than those who were read books by kindergarten teachers - yes, that’s right.

5) More than half of the townspeople were read books by their parents in childhood - yes, that’s right.

Answer: 345.

Current legislation obliges legal entities and individuals to register with the state objects that harm the environment. What applies to these objects? What categories of objects have negative impact, approved by law? How to register them? The answers to these and other questions are in our material.

What are the objects of negative impact?

The definition of this term is given in the Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ. In accordance with it, the object of negative impact is the object capital construction(or other object), as well as a group of objects located within one or several land plots and having a single purpose. Negative environmental impact (NEI) refers to the implementation of activities that result in negative changes in the environment.

Object categories

Dividing objects that have a negative impact into categories makes it possible to tighten control over hazardous industries and weaken control over enterprises that provide minimal environmental impact. Rosprirodnadzor is responsible for classifying an economic entity into one category or another. The final decision is made after a thorough analysis of information about the organization under study and comparing it with the criteria approved by Government Decree No. 1029 dated September 28, 2015.

In Art. 4.2 of Law No. 7-FZ lists the following categories of objects:

  • Category I (strong impact). This includes chemical and metallurgical enterprises, meat processing plants, waste disposal and disposal facilities, etc.
  • Category II (moderate impact). This category includes nuclear power plants, production plants sand-lime brick, cattle breeding farms cattle, birds, etc.
  • Category III (minor impact). This category includes entities that do not belong to categories I and II, as well as those that fall into the above categories, but their production capacity is less than the criteria defined for the two previous categories.
  • Category IV (minimal impact). Category 4 objects have a negative impact on an insignificant scale. These include offices, educational and social institutions, retail facilities, etc. As a rule, these organizations are exempt from paying for the tax assessment, but final decision accepted by Rosprirodnadzor.

When assigning a business entity to a specific category, the criteria established by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 1029 are taken into account. The main criteria include:

  • scale of activity;
  • pollution levels;
  • the danger of waste emitted by the facility;
  • area polluted during activities.


Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must independently submit applications for registration of objects that pollute the environment. If the application was submitted untimely or the business owner completely ignored this requirement, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities will have to pay a large fine in the amount of 30 to 100 thousand rubles, and officials from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. (Article 8.46 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The basic rules for registering objects are given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2016 No. 572.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 69.2 of Law No. 7-FZ, registration of objects that have a negative impact must be carried out within 6 months from the date of their commissioning. Non-production facilities that are connected to the city sewerage system and do not have their own boiler houses are not registered. These include offices, commercial buildings, schools, kindergartens, etc.

Enterprises that pollute the atmosphere with emissions must be registered. harmful substances or discharge pollutants into sewer systems or water bodies.

What is the procedure for state registration? First of all, the business owner must draw up an application in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources dated December 23, 2015 No. 554. The application should be submitted to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor or to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the region. Rosprirodnadzor registers enterprises that are subject to state environmental supervision.

Government departments have the right to refuse registration if the application does not contain all the required information. The decision on refusal, indicating the reasons, will be sent to the owner of the property within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application. If department employees determine that the object should be registered, they will notify the person who submitted the application.

Fee for NVOS

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to pay a fee for causing harm to the environment. This is stated in Art. 16.1 of Law No. 7-FZ. The exception is for entrepreneurs and firms that operate only at facilities belonging to category IV. Assignment to this category must be confirmed by appropriate certificate.

The fee is calculated responsible persons on one's own. To calculate the fee, it is necessary to multiply the payment base for each pollutant by the corresponding rate of the specified fee, taking into account the coefficients. These indicators are then summed up. The payment base for calculating the amount of the fee is the mass or volume of emissions of harmful substances.

Owners of polluting industries are required to annually submit an annual declaration to the territorial department of Rosprirodnadzor, in which they calculated the amount of payment for the object of negative impact. The declaration must be submitted by March 10 of the following reporting year.

The payment rates for each type of negative impact on the environment are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 2016 No. 913. The rates are indicated per 1 ton of a specific pollutant.

The environmental community has been in a state of increased activity for several months now. The fact is that the state decided to radically change the system for regulating environmental impact. Thus, in the middle of last year, Federal Law No. 219-FZ of July 21, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 219-FZ) was adopted, which introduced significant changes to the basic normative document in the area under consideration - Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 7-FZ). One of the changes was the introduction of categorization of all economic entities depending on the degree of their impact on the environment.

Let us recall that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, all objects that have a negative impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as NVOS), depending on the level of such impact, are divided into 4 categories:

Facilities that have a significant NVOS and relate to the areas of application of the best available technologies (hereinafter referred to as BAT) ( objects of category I);

Objects that have a moderate environmental impact ( objects of category II);

Facilities that have a minor environmental impact ( objects of III category);

Facilities that provide minimal environmental impact ( objects of category IV).

The division of economic entities into categories is aimed at solving a number of problems, including increasing the level of control over hazardous production facilities and, conversely, reducing the level of control over objects that provide minimal environmental impact, reducing unjustified economic costs of enterprises, reducing the burden on regulatory authorities, etc.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, the assignment of an object providing NVOS to the appropriate category is carried out when it is registered with the state as a facility providing NVOS. The category of an object can be changed when updating the accounting information about the object that provides NVOS.

The criteria on the basis of which objects that have a negative impact on the environment are classified as objects of categories I, II, III and IV are established by the Government Russian Federation(Clause 3, Article 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ). In order to implement this provision, in 2014, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, together with other departments, developed a draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On establishing criteria on the basis of which objects that have a negative impact on the environment are classified as objects of categories I, II, III and IV "(hereinafter referred to as the Project). In January-April 2015, public hearings were held, taking into account the results of which the Project was finalized, passed an independent anti-corruption examination and was submitted to the Government for approval. Let's take a closer look at the revised Project.

To begin with, we note that according to paragraph 2 of Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, when establishing criteria, the following must be taken into account:

Levels of environmental impact of types of economic and (or) other activities (industry, part of the industry, production);

Level of toxicity, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of pollutants contained in emissions, discharges of pollutants, as well as hazard classes of production and consumption waste;

Classification industrial facilities and production;

Features of activities in the field of atomic energy use.

In the Project, the criteria are based on the belonging of the facility providing NVOS to a specific industry (part of the industry, production) taking into account indicators of production capacity.


In accordance with the explanatory note to the Project, category I facilities include facilities in industries (parts of industries, production) that are characterized by the greatest contribution to environmental pollution or carry out emissions and discharges containing the most dangerous to public health and environmental conditions chemical substances or their connections.

In addition, on the basis of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, Category I includes objects of economic and other activities related to the areas of application of BAT. In this regard, industries (parts of an industry, production) were used as criteria for classifying objects into category I, which, in accordance with the list of areas of application of the best available technologies, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2014 No. 2674-r (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 2674-r), relate to the areas of application of BAT.

When forming the criteria for classifying business entities into category I, the types of production activities with specific power indicators, which are subject to Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union of 15.01.2008 No. 2008/1/EC “On integrated pollution prevention and control” and Annex 1 to the Model Law “On the prevention and integrated control of environmental pollution” (adopted in St. Petersburg on November 25, 2008 by Resolution No. 31-8 at the 31st plenary meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States) .

Due to the fact that category I objects are the main environmental pollutants, much attention is paid to them in the Project (the list of category I objects occupies more than half of the Project volume).

It is proposed to include, first of all, mining and processing facilities, energy, metallurgy, organic and inorganic synthesis enterprises, waste disposal and disposal facilities, wastewater treatment, textile, tanning, pulp and paper, food, pig-breeding and poultry industries, meat processing plants, enterprises with powerful workshops for electrolytic and chemical processing of raw materials, facilities where magnesium oxide is produced, work on processing surfaces, objects and products using organic solvents, etc.

Let us note that in the revised Project an important caveat was made: these objects belong to category I, provided that the discharges and emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the environment of these objects contain substances of hazard class 1 and (or) 2. In our opinion, making such a reservation was a completely reasonable and justified step, because this significantly reduces the number of potential Category I properties.

According to the Project for objects of category I do not apply enterprises, research institutes, development bureaus in which equipment is used exclusively for research, development and testing of new products and processes.

Objects of category I will be under the closest control by the state. Thus, in accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 219-FZ to Federal Law No. 7-FZ, a special method of rationing is provided for them - receiving integrated environmental permit(hereinafter referred to as KER):


Article 31.1 Integrated environmental permit
(will come into force on 01/01/2019)
1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at category I facilities are required to obtain a comprehensive environmental permit.
10. The comprehensive environmental permit contains:
technological standards;
standards for permissible emissions, discharges of highly toxic substances, substances with carcinogenic, mutagenic properties (substances of I, II hazard classes), in the presence of such substances in emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants;
standards for permissible physical impacts;
standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal;
requirements for the management of production and consumption waste;
a coordinated industrial environmental control program;
validity period of the comprehensive environmental permit.
19. The procedure for issuing complex environmental permits, their re-issuance, revision, amendments to them, and revocation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The application form for obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit and the form of a comprehensive environmental permit are established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 11 of Federal Law No. 219-FZ issued until January 1, 2019 permits for the emission of pollutants into atmospheric air, limits on emissions of pollutants, permits for the discharge of pollutants into the environment, limits on discharges of pollutants, standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal will be in effect before the day of receipt of the ERC. An application for an IER will need to be submitted within the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022 inclusive.

If necessary, at category I facilities it will be necessary to develop environmental efficiency program:

Article 67.1. Environmental action plan, environmental efficiency improvement program
(will come into force on 01/01/2019)
1. […] If it is impossible to comply with permissible emission standards, permissible discharge standards, technological standards by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at category I facilities, for the period of gradual achievement of permissible emission standards, permissible discharge standards, technological standards, it is mandatory to develop and approve a program to improve environmental efficiency.

In addition, stationary emission sources located at category I facilities will need to be equipped with automatic emission measurement systems:

from Federal Law No. 7-FZ

Article 67. Industrial control in the field of environmental protection (industrial environmental control)
9. At category I facilities, stationary sources, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, must be equipped by automatic means measuring and accounting for the volume or mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants and concentrations of pollutants, as well as technical means recording and transferring information on the volume and (or) mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants and the concentration of pollutants to the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring).

Among other things, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 67 Federal Law No. 7-FZ legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at the facilities I, II and III categories, develop and approve industrial environmental control program(hereinafter referred to as PEC), carry out PEC in accordance with established requirements, document information and store data obtained as a result of the implementation of PEC.

Note also that with January 1, 2018 The amendments introduced by Federal Law No. 219-FZ to the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 174-FZ) must come into force, according to which in Art. 11 will be installed additional objects of state environmental assessment at the federal level(new clauses 7.5 and 7.6):

Design documentation of capital construction projects related to facilities in accordance with legislation in the field of environmental protection Category I, except in cases where such project documentation is included in the license substantiation materials in accordance with subparagraph. 4 tbsp. 11 of Federal Law No. 174-FZ;

Justification materials KER, developed in accordance with legislation in the field of environmental protection, if these materials do not contain information about the presence of a positive conclusion of the state environmental assessment carried out in relation to the objects specified in subparagraph. 7.5 art. 11 of Federal Law No. 174-FZ.


Objects of category II include objects that have a moderate environmental impact. This list includes, among other things, objects of economic and other activities classified as areas of application of BAT, with the exception of objects classified as objects of category I.


According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2014 No. 2178-r “On approval of a phased schedule for the creation of industry reference books of the best available technologies in 2015-2017”, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia with the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Rosstandart and Rospotrebnadzor during 2015-2017. will develop 47 reference books on BAT for various industries.
In this regard, it is also worth noting the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2014 No. 1458 “On the procedure for determining a technology as the best available technology, as well as the development, updating and publication of information and technical reference books on the best available technologies.”

In addition, category II includes nuclear industry facilities, main pipelines (gas and oil), large airfields, recycling facilities and warehouses for pesticides and agrochemicals, large inland water ports, seaports, waste storage facilities, petroleum products, graphitization and gasification facilities, railway transport infrastructure, cattle breeding facilities, sand-lime brick production facilities, facilities with equipment for melting mineral substances, etc. Please note that not every industry has production capacities indicated on the basis of which facilities are classified as one or another categories.

In accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 219-FZ to Federal Law No. 7-FZ, a new type of reporting will be introduced for category II objects - environmental impact statement:

from Federal Law No. 7-FZ

Article 31.2. Environmental Impact Declaration
(will come into force on 01/01/2019)
1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at category II facilities submit a declaration of environmental impact.
3. The environmental impact statement must contain the following information:
name, legal form and address (location) of a legal entity or last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence of an individual entrepreneur;
code of an object that has a negative impact on the environment;
type of main activity, types and volume of products (goods);
information on the implementation of environmental protection measures;
data on accidents and incidents that resulted in a negative impact on the environment and occurred over the previous seven years;
declared volume or mass of emissions, discharges of pollutants, generated and disposed waste;
information about the industrial environmental control program.
7. The form of the environmental impact declaration and the procedure for filling it out (including in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature) are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

from Federal Law dated 04.05.1999 No. 96-FZ
“On the protection of atmospheric air”

Article 15. General requirements to economic and other activities that have a harmful effect on the atmospheric air
11. To carry out emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air at facilities of category III, determined in accordance with legislation in the field of environmental protection, with the exception of emissions radioactive substances, obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit and filling out an environmental impact declaration are not required. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at the specified facilities shall submit to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation or the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the notification procedure reporting on emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air.

By the way, the changes provided for by Federal Law No. 219-FZ, do not contain information on submission by objects of category III reporting on discharges of harmful (pollutant) substances.

At category III facilities, they also develop and approve PEC program, carry out PEC in accordance with established requirements, document information and store data obtained as a result of the implementation of PEC (clause 2 of Article 67 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ).


from the Project
(original version)

5. Category IV facilities include facilities connected to centralized drainage systems and discharging wastewater associated with household activities, where there are no sources of discharge of substances and microorganisms into the environment and stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, for which standards for maximum permissible emissions are developed.

So, in this case, all office enterprises, educational institutions, social sphere. However, if there is at least one stationary source of emissions, for example, your own heat supply source (in other words, domestic gas boiler), a small office enterprise could no longer be classified as category IV. At the same time, it is not clear which category the specified enterprise would fall into, because in accordance with Order No. 2674-the production of thermal energy through fuel combustion is within the scope of BAT, which means that the enterprise should be classified in categories I or II.

The revised Project contains other criteria:

from the Project
(modified version)

5. Category IV objects include:
5.1 Objects that simultaneously meet the following criteria:
a) the mass of harmful (pollutant) substances in emissions into the atmospheric air from stationary sources of the facility does not exceed 10 tons per year in the absence of substances of hazard class 1 and (or) 2, radioactive substances in the emissions;
b) the absence of discharges of substances and microorganisms into the environment is ensured;
c) wastewater is generated exclusively as a result of the use of water for domestic needs in apartment buildings, residential buildings or public buildings(structures) and are diverted to centralized systems wastewater or are transferred to specialized organizations that ensure their purification or transfer for purification.
5.2 Facilities for the production of thermal energy with a design thermal capacity of less than 2 Gcal/hour when consuming gaseous fuel, subject to the compliance of these facilities with the conditions provided for in subparagraphs “b” and “c” of paragraph 5.1 of these Criteria.

Thus, all office enterprises and facilities in the social and educational spheres, heated by their own low-power heaters, fall into this category. gas boilers. The author of the article is confident that this version of the criteria is much more logical and justified from the point of view of the goals of the Project.

from Federal Law No. 7-FZ

Article 16.1. Persons obligated to pay fees for negative environmental impact
(will come into force on 01/01/2016)
1. Payments for negative impacts on the environment are required to be made by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities that have a negative impact on the environment on the territory of the Russian Federation, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as - persons obligated to pay a fee), with the exception of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, carrying out economic and (or) other activities exclusively at objects of category IV.

Article 65. State environmental supervision
9. In relation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and (or) other activities at objects of category IV, scheduled checks are not carried out.


During the discussion of the Project, comments were often made about the absence of a specific list of enterprises belonging to one or another category (at least I and II as the most dangerous). Opponents of the Project developers also pointed out that the criteria used are rather vague and do not take into account many production indicators. Thus, for example, large oil refineries and mini-plants for burning oil waste fall into the same category. Such general formulations give room for different interpretations both on the part of natural resource users and on the part of representatives of regulatory authorities, which will inevitably lead to corruption. This was the case with the notorious SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” until, after a number of changes were made, industry facilities were described in the most specific way possible , their production capacity and classification, on the basis of which the facility is assigned a hazard class and the appropriate size of the sanitary protection zone is established. Note that this disadvantage was never eliminated in the revised Draft.

In addition, as we see, in the criteria for classifying objects into category IV (neither in the original nor in the revised Project) not a word is said about waste. Thus, an enterprise that does not have its own sources of emissions and discharges, but generates hazardous waste of classes I and II in the course of its activities, will belong to category IV. On the one hand, the position of the Project developers is understandable, because the most common Class I waste is waste mercury lamps, which are generated in almost every office enterprise. On the other hand, on the basis of Art. 16.1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, subjects are exempt from paying for NWOS if they generate only municipal solid waste (MSW) (in in this case payers will be regional MSW management operators, MSW management operators carrying out activities for their placement). Therefore, it would be logical to include education MSW only as one of the criteria for classifying objects into category IV.

Co wastewater Not everything is ambiguous either. What to do with surface runoff from the territory or from the roof of buildings, which occurs at almost all facilities? Should it be considered a discharge of pollutants into the environment? If yes, then it turns out that formally, category IV enterprises do not exist at all.

Let us note that the Project contains many more nuances that raise questions. For example, farm poultry and pig breeding facilities are included in the list of category I facilities, and cattle breeding facilities are included in the list of category II facilities. Why? In addition, small livestock breeding facilities are not mentioned at all in the Project.

The classification of airfields with a main runway (runway) length of 2100 m or more into category II is puzzling. As a developer of draft standards for maximum permissible emissions, the author does not understand what does the length of the runway have to do with it? After all, the sources of emissions are aircraft, which most often belong not to airfields, but to airlines, while the airfield owns facilities for servicing equipment, storing fuel and lubricants and refueling, and providing services to passengers. And all these legal entities will be classified as category II? It would be more logical to include this category owners of aircraft, and not depending on the length of the runway, but on the basis of data on passenger traffic or the number of aircraft departures/arrivals per day.

The incompleteness of the classification of objects immediately catches the eye. For some reason, for some industries the classification is based on production volume, but for others it is not. At the same time, the classification was actually made according to one criterion - the type of economic activity and the industry of production, although, as already noted at the beginning of the article, according to Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ, when establishing criteria, several factors must be taken into account (including the level of toxicity, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of pollutants contained in emissions, discharges of pollutants, as well as waste hazard classes).

The assignment to category II of all objects related to the scope of application of BAT, except for objects of category I, also seems controversial, because from paragraph 1 of Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ it follows that the scope of application of BAT includes only objects that have a significant NVOS, i.e. 1st category objects.

After a detailed study of the Project, we can conclude that this document was developed hastily and does not fully fulfill the large-scale task that was assigned to it. Apparently, the Project will not be further developed before its adoption. So, obviously, in the coming years we will face a difficult period of adaptation to new requirements. Let's hope that this legal act will be finalized in the near future after its adoption and that it will more or less correspond to environmental realities. Otherwise, we will face a huge avalanche of lawsuits regarding the classification of enterprises as the desired category and no less an avalanche of explanatory letters from authorized bodies, as always happens in our country after the adoption of urgent and insufficiently developed documents.


A.G. Voronina,
environmental engineer LLC "Ekomet-2"

K.G. Heyde,

A.M. Shafikova,
chief specialist of Ecomet-2 LLC

A.P. Biryukov,
Deputy Director of LLC "Ekont"

Since, in accordance with Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 7-FZ), objects that have a negative impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as NVOS) will be subject to different requirements depending on the category, the classification of enterprises into one category or another will have a significant impact on their activities in terms of the application of measures to them government regulation, proportional to the significance of the NVOS. Accordingly, inaccuracies in establishing categories of objects can negatively affect business and investment activities. This is why correct assessment of NVOC levels is of great importance.

Familiarization with the draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On establishing criteria on the basis of which objects that have a negative impact on the environment are classified as objects of I, II, III and IV categories” (hereinafter referred to as the Draft) has passed public hearings and has been prepared for approval. that the classification proposed in it in structure is in many ways reminiscent of the sanitary classification of enterprises, buildings and other objects with all its shortcomings. The Project presents lists of facilities (by type of activity and capacity) that are classified as categories I and II, and specifies the criteria for classifying facilities as categories III and IV. Moreover, if SanPiN 2.2.1/ provides for the possibility of establishing or changing (in cases where the object is not in the classification or has a capacity different from that accepted in the classification) the size of sanitary protection zones based on the results of calculations and measurements , then Federal Law No. 7-FZ states that the category of an object can be changed when the accounting information about the object providing NVOS is updated. Formulation “when updating accounting information about an object” may have several interpretations and requires clarification.

Formation of a classification of objects according to the level of environmental impact using lists of objects belonging to different categories, as experience shows (using the example of SanPiN 2.2.1/, which in various modifications have been in force for more than 10 years and still cause many complaints and questions from nature users), not rational, because no lists can fully take into account the features of all objects. For example, a small enterprise for the regeneration of used oils will be classified in category I as a facility that produces petroleum products, which is hardly objective. In addition, this approach does not exclude a corruption component when determining the category of an enterprise.

Thus, an additional objective criterion is needed (in SanPiN 2.2.1/, such a criterion is the results of calculations of the levels of chemical and physical effects on atmospheric air and corresponding measurements), taking into account all types of environmental pollution and allowing a quantitative assessment of the level of environmental pollution and, accordingly, , objectively assign an object to a certain category. In our opinion, such a criterion may be fee for NVOS.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ NVOS is paid. Calculation of fees for the NVOS is carried out using the following documents:

The procedure for determining the fee and its limits for environmental pollution natural environment, waste disposal, other types of harmful effects, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 1992 No. 632 (as amended on December 26, 2013);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2003 No. 344 “On payment standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, including through centralized drainage systems, disposal of industrial and consumption waste” ( as amended on December 24, 2014; hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 344);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 No. 1219 “On coefficients for payment standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, including through centralized drainage systems, disposal of industrial and consumer waste "

The specified regulatory legal acts regulate the procedure for calculating fees:

For emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air;

Discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface and underground water bodies, incl. through centralized drainage systems;

Disposal of production and consumption waste.

The amount of payment for emissions and discharges is proportional to the sum of the products of the standard fee and the mass of each pollutant in emissions and discharges, and the amount of payment for waste disposal is the sum of the product of the standard fee and the mass of waste of each hazard class placed at storage and disposal facilities. The fee standard, by definition, is a specific (reduced to a unit of mass) economic assessment of the environmental impact assessment for emissions and discharges of pollutants and disposal of waste of different hazard classes. According to some estimates, fee standards do not fully reflect the costs of environmental rehabilitation, however, in general, a correlation between fee standards and levels of negative impact can be traced.

For example, According to Resolution No. 344, the basic standard payment for the emission of 1 ton of benzo(a)pyrene is 2,049,801 rubles, and for the emission of 1 ton of nitrogen dioxide is 52 rubles.

Thus, the amount of payment for the NWOS is essentially a criterion by which one can assess the level of the NWOS and establish the category of the object in accordance with Art. 4.2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ and correctly prioritize when determining government regulatory measures for various objects (enterprises).

Conclusions and offers:

1. The classification of objects providing NVOS, presented in the Project, is not fully objective and requires clarification. The Project proposes to take into account an additional criterion - the amount of payment for the new assessment.

2. As an additional criterion on the basis of which objects providing NVOS are classified as objects of categories I, II, III and IV, it is advisable to adopt different levels fees for NVOS:

It is proposed to establish values ​​A, B and C using the database of the payment administrator of existing enterprises and by calculation for designed objects.

For objects included in the list of dangerous, technically complex and unique objects (see Article 48.1 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation), it may be necessary to provide for a special procedure for categorization depending on the level of environmental impact assessment.

  • 9 Answer. The concept of “Harm to the environment” (ecological harm), characteristics and main indicators.
  • 10Answer. The concept of "Ecological safety of the environment" main indicators and characteristics.
  • 11 Answer. Natural-anthropogenic object, components, characteristics, properties and role in environmental protection.
  • 12 Answer. The subject and purpose of environmental protection at different stages of development of nature and society.
  • 13.Answer. Various aspects of environmental protection, their characteristics.
  • 14.Answer. Historical stages of human interaction with the natural environment.
  • 15.Answer. The concept of ecological and economic monitoring of the environment.
  • 16.Answer. Goals, objectives and principles of ecological and economic monitoring of the environment.
  • 17.Answer. Environmental monitoring, procedures, their components and the procedure for their implementation.
  • Measuring system;
  • 22.Answers. Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002. No. 7-FZ and the implementation of the main provisions of the law in modern conditions.
  • 23.Answer. Basic principles of the system of ecological and economic monitoring of the environment, their characteristics.
  • 24.Answer. Environmental monitoring and environmental control of the environment, content, objectives and areas of practical application.
  • 25.Answer. Legal and organizational foundations of environmental monitoring.
  • Legal and organizational basis for monitoring
  • State and trends in the development of the regulatory framework for environmental protection activities.
  • 26.Answer. Organization of monitoring systems at enterprises with different technological cycles.
  • 27.Answer. Main directions of environmental protection activities in Russian legislation.
  • 28.Answer. Regulatory and legal framework for organizing the system of state management of natural resources and environmental protection in the Russian Federation.
  • 29.Answer. Environmental regulation, purpose, objectives and principles of implementation.
  • 30.Answer. Main international agreements and protocols on environmental protection, their implementation in Russia.
  • 31.Answer. Environmental quality, environmental quality standards, their classification.
  • 32.Answer. Environmental quality regulation, basic principles and practical approaches.
  • 34.Answer. Environmental standards for environmental protection and the procedure for their application.
  • 35.Answer. Production and economic standards for environmental protection and their features.
  • 36.Answer. Technological standards for environmental protection, their general characteristics and industry differences.
  • 37.Answer. Recreational environmental protection standards and their characteristics.
  • 38.Answer. Scientific and technical standards and their industry characteristics.
  • 39.Answer. Basic assessment standards for air quality.
  • 40.Answer. System for assessing the quality of water resources, characteristics of the main indicators.
  • 42.Answer. Basic standards and indicators for assessing the quality of food products.
  • 43Answer. Assessment of radioactive contamination of the environment.
  • 44.Answer. Standardization and limitation of pollutant emissions.
  • 45.Answer. Standardization and limitation of pollutant discharges.
  • 46.Answer. The concept and composition of the administrative management mechanism in the field of environmental protection.
  • 47.Answer. Environmental assessment components and implementation procedure.
  • 48.Answer. Environmental standardization and certification, content and forms.
  • 50.Answer. Environmental monitoring and maintenance of state natural cadastres.
  • 51.Answer. Environmental control: concept and types. Concept of environmental control
  • Types of environmental control:
  • 52. Answer: Classification of natural resources and their characteristics.
  • 54.Answer. Objects and principles of environmental protection and their characteristics and features.
  • 55.Answer. Regulatory and legal framework for environmental protection in Russia.
  • 56.Answer. Possibilities for preventing and reducing anthropogenic impacts on atmospheric air.
  • 57.Answer. Ways to prevent and reduce anthropogenic impacts on water bodies.
  • 58.Answer. Features of protection and rational use of land resources in Russia.
  • 59.Answer. Features of protection and management of protected areas in Russia.
  • 8 Answer. Negative impact on the environment, main indicators and characteristics.

    negative impact on the environment- deterioration of its quality indicators and condition in general, due to economic and other human activities.

    Types of negative impact on the environment include: emissions of pollutants and other substances into the air; discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, underground water bodies and drainage areas; pollution of subsoil and soil; disposal of production and consumption waste; environmental pollution by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences; and other types of negative impact on the environment.

    9 Answer. The concept of “Harm to the environment” (ecological harm), characteristics and main indicators.

    harm to the environment(environmental harm ) - negative changes in its condition, expressed in environmental pollution, depletion natural resources, destruction of natural ecosystems, metabolic and energy disorders, harmonious development of society and nature.

    Environmental harm- is any deterioration of the environment that occurs as a result of violation of legal environmental requirements, and any associated encroachment on legally protected material and intangible benefits, including human life and health, property of individuals and legal entities.

    Environmental harm is expressed in the severance of natural connections in nature. Thus, it is impossible to compensate in monetary terms for the damage caused to the environment (irreparable harm), and compensation for damage in kind is only possible partially, that is, such compensation is conditional, since natural objects have no value (relatively reparable harm). The monetary amount evaluates only that which, as a rule, cannot be compensated in kind (actual reparable harm).

    Types of environmental damage objects:

    Environment – ​​anthropogenic harm;

    Human health – physiological harm;

    The future generation of humanity is genetic harm.

    10Answer. The concept of "Ecological safety of the environment" main indicators and characteristics.

    ecological safety of the environment- the state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences.

    Environmental Safety– the state of protection of the biosphere and human society, and at the state level – the state, from threats arising as a result of anthropogenic and natural impacts on the environment.

    The concept of environmental safety includes a system of regulation and management that makes it possible to predict, prevent, and, if it occurs, eliminate the development of emergency situations.

    Environmental safety is implemented at the global, regional and local levels.

    The global level of environmental safety management involves forecasting and monitoring processes in the state of the biosphere as a whole and its constituent spheres. (for example, in biosphere reserves). Management of global environmental safety is the prerogative of interstate relations at the level of the UN, UNESCO, UNEP and other international organizations.

    The regional level includes large geographical or economic zones, and sometimes the territories of several states. Control and management is carried out at the level of the state government and at the level of interstate relations (United Europe, CIS, Union of African States, etc.).

    At this level, the environmental safety management system includes:

    Greening the economy;

    Creation and implementation of new environmentally friendly technologies;

    Maintaining the pace of economic development that does not impede the restoration of the quality of the environment and promotes the rational use of natural resources.

    The local level includes cities, districts, enterprises of metallurgy, chemical, oil refining, mining and the defense complex, as well as control of emissions, wastewater, etc. Environmental safety management is carried out at the level of administrations of individual cities, districts, enterprises with the involvement of the relevant services responsible for sanitary state and environmental activities.