List of hazardous production. Hazardous production facilities

A production facility can be classified as hazardous in a number of cases, including the production and operation of hazardous chemicals, the use of potentially hazardous equipment, explosion hazard, high risk of fire or harm to workers or the environment. Next, we will examine in detail which objects can be considered hazardous production facilities, as well as the legal side of the issue in the Russian Federation.

Hazardous production facility - detailed definition

The object itself can be a workshop, premises, area or other part of the enterprise’s territory where the following activities take place:

  • use and/or production of products that are potentially dangerous to humans or environment substances (flammable, toxic, explosive, caustic, flammable);
  • mining work, incl. underground;
  • exploitation lifting mechanisms posing a threat to the life or health of personnel;
  • metals (non-ferrous or ferrous) are melted;
  • work with equipment whose pressure exceeds 0.07 mPa;
  • production during which water is heated above 115 °C.

The full list is listed in Rostechnadzor Order No. 168.

The level of risk is assessed by 4 hazard classes as it increases. Knowing the classes of dangerous production facilities, can be cited specific examples such.

1. Oil production derrick - II-IV hazard class, operation of lifting mechanisms, work with explosive and flammable substances.

2. Thermal power plant - III-IV hazard class, operation of equipment whose pressure exceeds 0.07 mPa and water temperature exceeds 115 °C.

3. Nuclear power plant - hazard level IV (maximum), combines almost all classes of hazard factors (operation of lifting mechanisms, work with explosive substances, work with equipment whose pressure exceeds 0.07 mPa, and water temperature above 115 ° C and etc.).

Requirements for hazardous production facilities

The requirements for hazardous production facilities in Russia are quite strict. In order to obtain permission from the authorities, it is necessary to draw up a large number of documents, certificates, protocols and identifications, and on the technical side, have a large number of qualified specialists and a solid material and technical base.

Safety rules for hazardous production facilities

The operation of hazardous production facilities entails the need to follow strict rules in order to avoid harm to both personnel and the environment. Each specific industry has its own specific set of rules, the following examples can be given:

  • using insurance and wearing a safety helmet (operating lifting mechanisms, for example a coal mine);
  • use of gloves resistant to high temperatures or caustic chemicals (working with equipment that heats water above 115 °C, working with potentially hazardous chemicals, for example, thermal power plant);
  • radiation protection (working with substances that pose a potential danger to personnel and the environment, for example, nuclear power plants).

Accidents at hazardous production facilities

It should be understood that accidents at hazardous production facilities have catastrophic consequences for human life and health, as well as for the environment. For example, an explosion at a nuclear power plant, an oil leak into the open sea, or an accident at a chemical plant can harm not only the scale of a specific region, but also the ecosystem of the entire planet. That is why in the vast majority of countries there is increased criminal liability for violations or neglect of production safety.

It should also be noted that one enterprise may include several hazardous production facilities, which, accordingly, have different level and hazard class. The company must have everything regulations for all its production facilities. As for personnel, it is necessary that each employee understands how high a responsibility he bears and what the consequences of his negligence may be.

According to current legislation, all production facilities, whose activities are associated with factors of increased danger, are subject to registration in a unified database of hazardous production facilities. In Russia, registration of such production facilities and facilities is carried out by territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor in accordance with the requirements of the relevant administrative regulations. The goals of registering hazardous production facilities are to record such facilities and ensure administrative control over their operation.

What is a hazardous production facility?

According to the letter of the law, a hazardous production facility (HIF) is an enterprise, its section or workshop, laboratory or other facility where:

1. Storage, receipt or use in work, as well as destruction hazardous substances. Such substances mean flammable, oxidizing, explosive, toxic or radioactive substances.

2. Equipment is used in which there is an excess pressure of more than 7 atmospheres or water with a temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius is under pressure.

3. Stationary lifting equipment or such is functioning vehicles like funiculars or escalators.

4. Work is underway with molten metals.

5. One or another activity for the extraction and enrichment of minerals or other types of mining operations is carried out.

Dangerous objects also include gas stations and hydraulic structures: dams, dikes, locks, pumping stations etc.

The assignment of a particular facility to a hazardous production facility occurs during the procedure for identifying hazardous production facilities. Identification is carried out with the involvement of third-party specialists at the expense of own funds an enterprise that has a potentially (until identification is made) hazardous object. The results of identification of hazardous production facilities are used for registration in the State Register and when concluding liability risk insurance contracts.

It should be noted that when carrying out identification, a hazardous object is considered not to be a separate mechanism, installation or tank, but a specific workshop or production site where activities are carried out in which certain hazardous factors are involved. One production facility may have several hazardous production facilities: for example, for a boiler room, such objects will be a fuel oil storage facility (the flammable substance is stored) and the actual room with boiler units (there is equipment operating under pressure and at high temperature). In large industries there may be up to several dozen hazardous production facilities within one enterprise, but each of them must be identified and registered individually.

Are there exceptions to the list of public benefit organizations subject to registration?

In some cases, facilities that formally have hazardous production factors may fall under exceptions for which registration of hazardous production facilities is not required. Thus, facilities that use environmentally hazardous or toxic substances may be excluded from the list of hazardous production facilities if Rostechnadzor experts are provided with comprehensive evidence that these substances cannot cause an emergency, and in the event of a leak, their concentration will not exceed two percent from the maximum permissible.

Similarly, such common technological objects as pressure vessels can be excluded from the list of hazardous ones. Everything here is very simple: vessels with a capacity of up to 25 liters at any pressure are not considered dangerous objects, but vessels larger capacity- provided that the product of the volume of the vessel and the pressure is less than a certain value. Tubular reactors operating under pressure are excluded from the list of hazardous production facilities if inner diameter reactor pipes are less than 150 mm.

Finally, technological objects associated with the melting of metals cannot be classified as dangerous in cases where the volume of the melt is less than the maximum permissible or the melting of the metal occurs for a short time when performing certain types of welding (for example, when working with thermite). A well-trained expert, identifying hazardous production facilities, can significantly reduce the number of hazardous production facilities submitted for registration by finding appropriate exceptions. The use of such legal “loopholes” is legal, moreover, all possible information for this is prescribed in the relevant laws and regulations.

What is the procedure for identifying and registering PBOs?

According to the letter of the law, work to identify hazardous production facilities is carried out by the operating organization - independently or with the involvement of third-party experts licensed by Rostechnadzor to conduct expert work in the field industrial safety. During the procedure for identifying hazardous production facilities, objects are identified on the territory of the enterprise that potentially fall under the classification of hazardous production facilities. Identification work is performed using the following documentation:

1. General plan of the enterprise, which should display the location of buildings and structures, and also indicate the open location technological equipment(if any).

2. Information about the technological chains of the main and auxiliary production.

3. Specifications and technical descriptions equipment used in the enterprise.

4. Data on quantity and chemical composition hazardous substances used in production.

5. Constituent documents of the enterprise.

6. Permits for the right to carry out licensed activities (if required).

Based on the study of the specified documentation, as well as the results of a visual inspection of the enterprise’s production sites, are conclusions drawn about the presence of hazardous production facilities and their classification in accordance with the Federal Law? 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” and its annexes.

If hazardous production facilities have been identified during identification, then registration of hazardous production facilities becomes necessary. Application for inclusion of a public benefit in State Register must be submitted to the territorial body of Rostechnadzor within ten days from the start of operation dangerous object. In general, to carry out registration activities, the following documents are submitted to the authorized bodies:

1. Application for registration of a public organization.

2. Registration card of a hazardous production facility in two copies.

3. Information characterizing each of those submitted for registration dangerous objects.

The registration authority has the right to require the provision of additional documentation, such as: charter documents of the organization, licenses and other permits, a general plan and information about the territorial location of the enterprise. The period for consideration of submitted documents and registration of the public organization is twenty days from the date of acceptance of the application.

Since January 2012, all operating organizations are also required to insure their civil liability. According to the new requirement, an insurance contract must be concluded before the HIF is put into operation, and failure to comply with this requirement leads to the imposition of significant fines.