Procedure for investigating incidents at work. IV. The procedure for investigating the causes of incidents at hazardous production facilities, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, their recording and analysis

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Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
dated April 23, 2008 No. 261
"On approval of the Procedure technical investigation causes of accidents and incidents at facilities supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision"

In accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. 401 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 32, August 9, 2004, Art. 3348), I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for conducting a technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents at facilities supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-03-28-2008).

2. Consider the decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia) dated June 8, 1999 No. 40 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for technical investigation of the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities"(Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, No. 30, July 26, 1999, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 2, 1999, No. 1819) after the entry into force of this order.

3. Send this order to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for state registration.

Registration No. 11734

The transmission of a prompt message about an accident is carried out by fax or, if this is not possible, orally by telephone;

1.5.2. taking measures to protect the life and health of workers, the environment, as well as the property of the organization and third parties from exposure to negative consequences accidents;

1.5.3. taking measures to preserve the current situation at the site of the accident until the investigation of its causes begins, with the exception of those cases when it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate the accident and preserve the life and health of people.

If it is impossible to preserve the situation at the accident site, it is documented (photography, video and audio recording, etc.) before the start of work to localize and eliminate the accident, ensuring the safety and transfer of these materials special commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident;

1.5.4. implementation of measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident at the facility;

1.5.5. organizing a technical investigation into the causes of the accident (except for cases provided for by this Procedure) and taking measures to eliminate and prevent the causes that contributed to the accident;

1.5.6. assistance in the activities of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident.

1.6. For inaction in the event of an accident or failure to take specific measures to localize and reduce negative impact consequences of the accident, including failure to comply with the requirements provided for in this Procedure, the head of the organization operating the facility supervised by the Service, or the person replacing him, bears responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.7. The head of the territorial body of the Service, which supervises the facility where the accident occurred, within 24 hours from the moment of receiving the message about the accident, checks the accuracy of the information and transmits the message to the operational dispatch service of the Service.

II. Procedure for the work of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, energy facility and hydraulic structure

2.1. A technical investigation into the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, energy facility or hydraulic structure is aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the accident, the extent of the damage caused, the responsible persons responsible for the accident, as well as developing measures to eliminate its consequences and preventive measures to prevent similar accidents at this and other facilities supervised by the Service.

Accidents and incidents leading to emergency situations, the classification of which is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 No. 304 “On Classification” emergency situations natural and man-made" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation No. 22, 05.28.2007, Art. 2640), are investigated as emergency situations.

If there is an accident (severe, group, fatal) that occurred as a result of the accident, the establishment of the causes of the accident (severe, group, fatal) is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (Meeting legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 1, (part I), 01/07/2002, art. 3) and “Regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations”, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 No. 73, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 5, 2002 No. 3999.

2.2. At a hazardous production facility, a technical investigation into the causes of the accident is carried out by a special commission headed by a representative of the Service or its territorial body. The commission for the technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility is appointed by order of the territorial body of the Service or depending on the nature and possible consequences accident by order from the Service no later than one day after receiving an operational report of the accident.

The commission for the technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility includes (by agreement) representatives of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local government on whose territory the hazardous production facility is located, the organization operating the hazardous production facility (but not more than 50% of the members commission), higher body (organization) (if any), trade union organizations, insurance companies and other organizations in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

In the event of an accident that occurs at a hazardous production facility associated with a release or spill hazardous substances, the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident includes an inspector from the environmental supervision department, and to clarify data on the consequences of the accident and pollution levels, specialists from the centers of laboratory analysis and technical measurements (CLATI) are involved as experts.

The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident must include an odd number of members.

2.3. In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation may decide to create a state commission for the technical investigation of the causes of an accident that occurred at a hazardous production facility and appoint the chairman of this commission.

2.4. A technical investigation into the causes of an accident involving mobile technical devices (cranes, lifts (towers), mobile boiler houses, tanks, wagons, locomotives, cars, etc.) is carried out by the territorial body of the Service in whose territory the accident occurred, and records are made the territorial body of the Service in which these devices are registered.

2.5. A technical investigation into the causes of an accident at an energy facility (hereinafter referred to as the energy facility) is carried out by a special commission of the organization - the owner of the energy facility or a higher economic body, depending on the specific circumstances (the nature and possible consequences of the accident) with the mandatory participation of a representative of the Service or its territorial body. The commission for the technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a power facility is headed by the head of the owner organization (superior economic body) or his representative.

2.6. A technical investigation into the causes of an accident at a hydraulic structure that is part of a hazardous production facility is carried out by a special commission appointed in accordance with this Procedure.

Technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hydraulic structure that is not part of the hazardous production facilities, but included in the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures, is carried out by a commission of the organization that owns the hydraulic structure with the obligatory participation of a representative of the Service or its territorial body.

2.7. The commission for technical investigation of the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, power facility, or hydraulic structure (hereinafter referred to as the commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident) must immediately begin work from the date of issuance of the order and, within fifteen working days, draw up an act of technical investigation into the causes of the accident (hereinafter referred to as the act of investigation ) according to sample applications and/or to this Procedure and prepare other necessary materials listed in this Procedure.

If there is an accident (severe, group, fatal) that occurred as a result of an accident at a facility supervised by the Service, an investigation into the causes of the accident (serious, group, fatal) is carried out by a commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident with the drawing up of appropriate reports.

2.8. The investigation report is signed by all members of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident. If a commission member refuses to sign the investigation report, a special opinion with a reasoned justification for the refusal is attached to the specified document.

2.9. Depending on the nature of the accident and the need for additional research and examination, the period of technical investigation into the causes of the accident established in paragraph 2.7 may be increased by order of the territorial body of the Service on the basis of a memo from the chairman of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, but by no more than 15 calendar days.

An order to extend the period of technical investigation into the causes of the accident (indicating the reasons for the extension) is immediately sent (by fax, by email) to the department for the appropriate type of supervision of the central office of the Service. An order to extend the period of technical investigation into the causes of the accident and justification for the reasons for such an extension are attached to the investigation report.

2.10. During the investigation, the commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident carries out the following activities:

Performs inspection, photography (in color), necessary cases- video recording, drawing up diagrams and sketches of the accident site, a protocol for examining the accident site;

Interacts with rescue units, reviews reports from paramilitary mine rescue units, gas rescue services, blowout paramilitary units and services of the organization, operational logs of the organization and paramilitary mine rescue units on the progress of the accident liquidation;

Interviews eyewitnesses of the accident, officials and receives from them written explanations;

Finds out the circumstances preceding the accident, establishes the causes of their occurrence;

Determines the nature of violations of technological processes and operating conditions of equipment;

Checks the status of production control;

Assess the sufficiency of compliance with established industrial safety requirements, the safety of energy facilities and hydraulic structures to prevent accidents;

Checks the compliance of the object or technological process with design solutions;

Checks the legality of the adopted design decisions and amendments to them, as well as their implementation;

Checks compliance with the scope of application of the equipment;

Checks the availability and serviceability of personnel protective equipment;

Checks the qualifications of personnel servicing the facility supervised by the Service;

Checks the availability of an insurance agreement (policy) for the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of the facility;

Checks the quality of technical documentation for the operation of the facility supervised by the Service;

Based on a survey of eyewitnesses, consideration of technical documentation, expert opinions (if necessary), an investigative (technical) experiment, the results of an inspection of the accident site and the inspection carried out, establishes the causes of the accident and the scenario for its development;

Determines the violations of industrial safety requirements that caused the accident, and the persons responsible for the violations;

Analyzes the work carried out by the organization’s production control service and its officials structural divisions, to ensure the industrial safety of the facility and its trouble-free operation;

Proposes measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents;

Preliminarily determines, using approved methods, the amount of harm caused, including direct losses, socio-economic losses, losses due to unused opportunities, as well as harm caused environment.

2.11. The commission for technical investigation of the causes of an accident may involve expert organizations and specialists in the field of industrial safety, surveys, design, research and development, insurance, equipment manufacturing and other areas in the investigation of the causes of the accident.

To conduct an examination of the causes and nature of destruction of structures and (or) technical devices, by decision of the chairman of the commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident, expert groups are formed, the conclusions of which are attached to the investigation report.

2.12. When the commission for technical investigation of the causes of an accident prepares an investigation report (using sample appendices and/or to this Procedure) by the organization at whose facility the accident occurred, according to methods approved by the Service, economic damage (including environmental damage) is calculated for inclusion in the investigation report. from an accident, which is signed by the head and chief accountant of the organization.

On behalf of the chairman of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, the submitted documents on the calculation of the damage caused by the accident may be sent to the relevant audit organizations to obtain an opinion.

2.13. Based on the results of a technical investigation into the causes of the accident, within three days the head of the organization issues an order defining measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident, to ensure trouble-free and stable operation of production, as well as to bring to disciplinary liability persons who violated the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety, environmental protection, energy and safety of hydraulic structures.

2.14. Written information on the implementation of measures proposed by the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, within ten days after the end of the deadline for the implementation of each item of measures proposed by the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, is submitted by the head of the organization to the territorial body of the Service and to the organizations whose representatives participated in the technical investigation into the causes of the accident.

The head of the territorial body of the Service sends information on the implementation of activities within ten days to the central office of the Service.

2.15. Based on the results of a technical investigation into the causes of an accident or fatal accident, the head of the territorial body of the Service, within twenty days, submits to the chairman of the Central Certification Commission (hereinafter referred to as the CAC) of the Service information about persons subject to extraordinary certification at the CAC of the Service.

2.16. No later than three months from the date of receipt of written information on the implementation of the measures proposed by the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, the head of the territorial body of the Service will organize a repeat check of the completeness and quality of implementation of these measures.

III. The procedure for registration, recording and analysis of materials from a technical investigation into the causes of an accident at a hazardous production facility, energy facility and hydraulic structure

3.1. The materials of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident at the facility supervised by the Service (hereinafter referred to as the materials of the technical investigation) include:

Order of the relevant authority to appoint a commission to technically investigate the causes of the accident;

Act of investigation into the causes of the accident;

Protocol of inspection of the accident site with the necessary graphic, photo and video materials in color;

A written decision of the commission chairman on the appointment of expert groups (if necessary) and other decisions of the commission chairman;

Conclusions of expert groups on the circumstances and causes of the accident necessary calculations, graphic materials, etc.;

Reports from paramilitary mine rescue units, gas rescue services, anti-glow paramilitary units and services of the organization on the progress of liquidation of the accident, if they took part in it;

Protocols of interviews with eyewitnesses and explanations of persons involved in the accident, as well as officials responsible for compliance with industrial safety requirements, the safety of energy facilities and hydraulic structures;

Certified copies of protocols and certificates on training and certification of personnel servicing the facility supervised by the Service, and certified extracts from logs of labor safety briefings;

Certificates on the amount of damage caused and assessment of economic damage (including environmental damage) from the accident;

Report on an accident (severe, group, fatal) at work according to the established sample (if there are victims);

A copy of the contract (policy) for insurance of the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of the facility;

Information on violations of the requirements of regulatory technical documents on industrial safety, safety of energy facilities and hydraulic structures (indicating specific points of the documents);

A certificate about the reasons for late reporting of the accident to the territorial body of the Service (if the delay is more than a day);

Other materials characterizing the accident, the circumstances and reasons for its occurrence and further development.

The specific list of materials for the technical investigation into the causes of the accident is determined by the chairman of the commission depending on the nature and circumstances of the accident. The materials of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident must be accompanied by a list of all included documents.

3.2. The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident accepts for consideration originals (originals) of documents, from which, if necessary, copies are made and/or extracts are made. Copies of documents and/or extracts are certified by an official of the organization in which the accident occurred. The submitted documents must not contain erasures or improperly executed amendments and additions not certified in the established manner.

3.3. No later than three days after the end of the investigation, one set of technical investigation materials is sent by the organization at the facility or with whose technical device the accident occurred, to the territorial body of the Service that conducted the investigation, to the relevant bodies (organizations), whose representatives took part in the work of the technical commission investigation of the causes of the accident, and to other bodies (organizations) determined by the chairman of the commission. A document confirming the sending of technical investigation materials to the specified bodies (organizations) is presented to the chairman of the commission.

3.4. No later than thirty days after the completion of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident, the materials of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident and proposed measures to prevent them, depending on the scale of the accident, are considered at meetings (boards) of the Service or its territorial bodies or at meetings of the departments of the central office of the Service for relevant types of supervision, at deputy head and head of the Service.

Based on the results of reviewing the materials of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident, the following decisions can be made:

On agreeing on the conclusions of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident;

On changing the conclusions of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident;

On conducting an additional investigation by the same commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident;

Conducting a re-investigation by a different commission.

3.5. The decision of the meeting (board) of the territorial bodies of the Service for reviewing the results of the technical investigation of the causes of the accident is attached to the materials of the technical investigation of the causes of the accident or is sent to the central office of the Service after sending the materials of the technical investigation of the causes of the accident, but no later than 30 calendar days after the completion of the technical investigation of the causes of the accident .

3.6. Accidents are recorded by the organization operating the facility supervised by the Service in a special journal based on the model of the appendix to this Procedure and once every six months; if there are accidents, information about accidents and their causes is submitted to the territorial body of the Service in whose controlled territory the operated facility is located.

The organization operating the facility supervised by the Service, upon motivated requests from federal executive authorities or their territorial bodies, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, provides information on the causes of accidents and measures taken to eliminate (prevent) them within three days after receiving the request .

3.7. The territorial body of the Service, in accordance with the procedure established by the Service, organizes recording, compilation and analysis of information about accidents that have occurred, their causes and measures taken to prevent such accidents.

Summarized information on the results of the analysis, measures taken to improve the quality of accident investigations and the results of monitoring the implementation of accident prevention measures is provided in the explanatory note to the report of the territorial bodies of the Service on the results of activities for the reporting year.

3.8. Based on an analysis of the causes of accidents that occurred at hazardous production facilities, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, the Service, if necessary, makes, within the established competence, appropriate additions and changes to the current regulatory legal acts containing requirements for the safe conduct of work at the facilities supervised by the Service.

IV. The procedure for investigating the causes of incidents at hazardous production facilities, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, their recording and analysis

4.1. Investigation of the causes of incidents at hazardous production facilities, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, their accounting and analysis are regulated by the relevant regulations on the procedure for investigating the causes of incidents and their accounting, developed by the organization operating the facility supervised by the Service, approved by its head and agreed upon with the territorial body of the Service.

4.2. To investigate the causes of incidents, a commission is created by order of the head of the organization operating the facility supervised by the Service. The composition of the commission includes an odd number of members. The need for the participation of a representative of the territorial body of the Service, in the territory of whose activities the incident occurred, is determined by the head of the territorial body of the Service.

Investigation of incidents at energy facilities supervised by the Service, covering power plants and networks of adjacent energy systems, is carried out by commissions appointed by a higher economic body responsible for the operation of adjacent energy systems, or by joint commissions of higher economic bodies responsible for the operation of each individual energy system, with the mandatory participation of representatives of territorial bodies Services.

4.3. The results of work to establish the causes of the incident are documented in an act of investigating the causes of the incident according to the model established by the operating organization. The report must contain information about the date and place of the incident, its causes and circumstances, measures taken to eliminate the incident, duration of downtime and material damage, including damage to the environment, as well as measures to eliminate the causes of the incident. The investigation report into the causes of the incident is kept by the organization for at least two years.

4.4. Incidents at a facility supervised by the Service are recorded in a special journal (following the example of the appendix to this Procedure), where the date and location of the incident, its characteristics and causes, duration of downtime, economic damage (including damage to the environment), and corrective measures are recorded. reasons for the incident and a note is made about their implementation.

At least once a quarter, the results of an analysis of the causes of incidents, information on the number and nature of incidents, the reasons for their occurrence and the measures taken are sent to the territorial body of the Service, on the territory of whose activities the operated facility is located, according to the example of the appendix to this Procedure.

In the process of conducting supervisory activities, the territorial bodies of the Service monitor the recording of incidents at the facilities supervised by the Service, carry out targeted checks of the sufficiency of the measures developed to eliminate the causes and prevent incidents, and also monitor the implementation of planned activities on time.

V. Procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents at nuclear energy facilities

5.1. The procedure for the formation of commissions to investigate accidents and incidents, the procedure for transmitting information about accidents and incidents, the procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents, the procedure for recording and issuing investigation reports at facilities with radiation sources and radioactive substances, at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises, nuclear research installations, at nuclear power plants are established (regulated) by the relevant federal norms and rules.

5.2. Members of the commission participating in the investigation of the causes of an accident at a nuclear facility are provided with compulsory medical insurance, guarantees and compensation on the same basis as employees of a nuclear facility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Members of the commission to investigate the causes of an accident at a nuclear facility are provided with radiation monitoring and accounting.

5.4. The procedure for investigating incidents at nuclear power plants, carried out by commissions of operating organizations, is monitored by the inspection departments of the interregional territorial departments of the Service for Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety.

Based on the results of the commission’s work, the inspection department prepares and sends a letter with information about the results of the investigation to the relevant territorial body of the Service and to the central office of the Service.

The said letter is drawn up in free form reflecting the following questions:

The actual composition of the commission to investigate the causes of the accident at the nuclear power plant;

The actual start time of the commission;

Fulfillment by the commission of the requirements of regulatory legal documents of the Russian Federation in the field of atomic energy use;

The sufficiency, from the point of view of the inspection department, of the corrective measures taken by the operating organization;

Opinion of the inspection department on the direct and root causes of disruptions in the operation of the nuclear power plant identified by the commission (if necessary);

State of the object at the time of message transmission;

Other issues important from the inspection department's point of view.

5.5. The development and implementation of corrective measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of accidents at nuclear energy facilities are carried out by the operating organization.

5.6. Supervision over the implementation of corrective measures provided for in the report on the investigation of the causes of an accident at a nuclear facility is carried out by the relevant territorial body of the Service.

5.7. The procedure for the work of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents, defined in the chapters, of this Procedure, applies, inter alia, to those nuclear energy facilities that are subject to the regulatory technical document "Requirements for the design and safe operation of cranes for nuclear energy facilities", NP-043-03 (approved by the resolution of Gosatomnadzor of Russia and Gosgortekhnadzor Russia dated June 19, 2003 No. 1/97, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation July 10, 2003, No. 4887).

Investigations into the causes of accidents and incidents at such facilities related to cranes are carried out in accordance with the specified procedure by a commission of the operating organization with the mandatory participation of a representative of the interregional department of the Service for Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, in which the equipment is registered.

VI. The procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents at facilities supervised by the Service in the event of emergency excess environmental pollution

6.1. The provisions of this section are applied when conducting a technical investigation of the causes of accidents and incidents at facilities supervised by the Service in cases where, as a result of accidents and incidents, there was a negative impact on the environment that meets the criteria for emergency excess pollution of the environment. The criteria for emergency excess pollution of the environment are determined by the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for interaction of federal executive authorities in case of emergency emissions and discharges of pollutants and extremely high pollution of the natural environment, federal norms and regulations NRB-99 “Radiation Safety Standards. Sanitary rules. SP", other regulatory legal acts of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

6.2. The consequences are assessed in all cases of emergency excess pollution of the environment by organizations, facilities, vehicles, and other possible sources of pollution, regardless of ownership, located on the territory, continental shelf and economic zone of the Russian Federation.

6.3. The transfer of information from the field to the territorial bodies of the Service about emergency excess environmental pollution is carried out by objects supervised by the Service in accordance with the scheme approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the development of which all interested subordinate and territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities are involved.

6.4. The scheme for transmitting information about emergency excess pollution of the environment provides for immediate (no more than one day) notification of the territorial bodies of the Service about all types of emergency (volley) emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as about emergency situations that may lead to excess pollution of the environment.

The transfer of information about accidents, their consequences and measures taken by the territorial bodies of the Service to the central office of the Service is carried out immediately.

Concealment and/or untimely notification of these facts entails liability of legal entities and officials in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. The territorial bodies of the Service ensure the transfer to the central office of the Service, regional and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of additional information (as new data is received) about the consequences of emergency excess pollution of the environment and the measures taken, including data on operational control of the pollution zone, forecasts of its spread and damage caused population, environment and property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property.

At the same time, verification and mutual clarification of data on the consequences of accidents and levels of environmental pollution is carried out with the involvement of centers of laboratory analysis and technical measurements (CLATI) and other organizations subordinate to the Service.

6.6. In the event of emergency situations involving excess emissions and discharges of pollutants, the analytical definition of which does not have the appropriate material and technical base, it is envisaged to involve environmental laboratories accredited in the Unified Conformity Assessment System at facilities controlled by the Service.

6.7. The territorial bodies of the Service, within the framework of their competence, take measures to create commissions from representatives of the relevant subordinate organizations and territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities in order to:

Identification of the source of emergency excess environmental pollution, its examination, participation in establishing the cause of occurrence emergency situation, assessing the possibility of repeating emissions (discharges) and informing the central office of the Service, executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the approved scheme;

Participation in the development of measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of the accident;

Resolving the issue of suspending (if necessary) the work of organizations (facilities) that are a source of emergency excess environmental pollution;

Preparation of an act to assess the consequences of emergency excess environmental pollution;

Establishment (clarification) of the volumes of emissions (discharges) of pollutants and participation in determining the levels and zones of pollution of environmental objects;

Organization of work to determine the scale of the negative impact of emergency excess pollution on the environment, taking into account the forecasts of Roshydromet authorities on the spread of the emergency pollution zone and taking, together with other federal executive bodies, measures to localize and eliminate (reduce) its consequences;

Monitoring the progress of measures to localize and eliminate the negative consequences of emergency excess pollution on the environment;

Determining the general damage caused to the environment as a result of emergency excess pollution, filing claims for compensation and bringing those responsible to administrative liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

VII. The procedure for establishing the causes of accidents and incidents at urban development sites

7.1. Establishing the causes of accidents and incidents at urban development sites (violations of legislation on urban development activities) during the creation of nuclear energy facilities (including nuclear installations, nuclear materials storage facilities and radioactive substances), hazardous production facilities, communication lines (including linear cable structures), determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, other especially dangerous, technically complex and unique facilities, facilities, information about which constitutes a state secret, defense and security facilities are regulated “Rules for establishing by federal executive authorities the reasons for violation of legislation on urban planning activities,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2006 No. 702.

7.2. The investigation of the causes of violations of the legislation on urban planning activities in the process of state construction supervision is aimed at establishing the factors that caused these violations, their generalization, accounting and analysis with the development of proposals and taking measures to prevent violations of the legislation on urban planning activities by adjusting regulatory and design documentation, preparing methodological documents on the design and construction of facilities specified in clause 7.1, taking into account the nature and frequency of repetitions of identified violations of urban planning activities, as well as widespread informing of construction participants about the causes of violations that occurred and measures to prevent them.

7.3. The heads of organizations carrying out construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects where these violations occurred shall immediately inform the relevant territorial body of the Service about all violations of the legislation on urban planning activities.

Information is transferred using various systems transmission of information (modem, telecode, facsimile, etc.).

7.4. The information transmitted includes the following information:

Full name of the object;

Technical characteristics of the object;

Name of the developer or customer organization;

The person performing engineering surveys;

The person preparing the project documentation;

The person carrying out the construction;

Location of the object (postal or construction address);

The date of detection of violations of the legislation on urban planning activities;

The nature and extent of destruction;

Information about the injured and dead;

The circumstances under which the violations were discovered;

Information about the probable cause of violations.

7.5. Based on the results of the analysis of the causes of violations on urban planning activities, the Service prepares annual technical reviews reasons for violations of urban planning activities.

*(1) Based on the model of Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

*(2) According to the sample to this Order.

*(3) Hydraulic construction of industry and energy.

*(4) The forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents are given in Appendix No. 1 to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2002 No. 73, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 5, 2002, No. 3999 .

*(5) Art. 12 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation No. 30, July 28, 1997, Art. 3588).

*(6) Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on June 23, 1995 No. 05-11/2507, by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on August 3, 1995, by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia on August 18, 1995, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia on July 4, 1995, by Roshydromet on June 30, 1995, by Roskomzem on August 8, 1995 995, Roskomvodom 08/22/1995, Roskomnedra 08/11/1995, Roskomrybolovstva 08/14/1995, Rosleskhoz 08/10/1995, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 09/11/1995 No. 946 ("Russian News" No. 199, 10/19/1995)

*(7) Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia dated July 2, 1999, according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1999 No. 6014-ER in state registration dont need.

*(8) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 48, November 27, 2006, Art. 5033.

Appendix No. 1
to RD-03-28-2008

Sample prompt report on an accident


Type of accident (mark the required information with)

- uncontrolled explosion

- release of hazardous substances

- destruction of structures

- damage, destruction technical devices

- violation of the operating mode

- emergency shutdown

- operation of the power system or part thereof with a frequency of 49.2 Hz and below

Presence of casualties*_________________________________________________________

Date and time (Moscow) of the accident ________________________________________________

Territorial authority, type of supervision _____________________________________

Federal executive body or economic entity __

Location of the organization (subject of the Russian Federation, city, town, etc.) __

Location of the accident (production, site, workshop, etc.) _______________________

Object registration number **_______________________________________________

Circumstances of the accident and its consequences (including injuries) __________

Organizations involved in the liquidation of the accident ___________________

Date and time (Moscow) of reception_____________________________________________

The reason for the delay in transmitting information on time (indicate if the delay is more than 24 hours) _______________________________________________

* Indicate the number of victims, including deaths. In this case, the operational message about the accident is accompanied by the operational message about the accident (serious, group, fatal), given in the appendix to this Procedure.

** For hazardous production facilities, the registration number of the hazardous production facility is indicated in State Register hazardous production facilities, for hydraulic structures - registration number in the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures.

Addendum to Appendix No. 1
to RD-03-28-2008


1. Name of the object, km number along the highway ____________________________

2. Registration number of the object ________________________________________________

3. Name of the substance ________________________________________________

4. Leak volume, m 3 _____________________________________________________

5. Pipeline information: ________________________________________

5.1 Diameter, mm __________________________________________________________

5.2 Wall thickness, mm _________________________________________________

5.3 Steel grade __________________________________________________________

5.4 Year of commissioning _________________________________________________

5.5 Maximum allowed operating pressure, MPa ______________________

5.6 Pressure at the time of the accident, MPa _______________________________________

6. Nature of the accident _____________________________________________________

7. Duration of expiration before liquidation of the accident, (hours) _______________

8. If the leak is not eliminated, then indicate: ________________________________

8.1 Expected leak volume before it is eliminated, m 3 ________________________

8.2 Time until leak repair, (h) _____________________________________

9. Characteristics of the leak location (specify concrete/hard surfaces; gravel/sand; pasture, etc.) __________________________________________

10. After a leak (specify consequences):

10.1 Release into watercourse ________________________________________________

10.2 Soil absorption ________________________________________________

10.3 Release into aquifer ___________________________________

11. Was it possible to completely remove the contamination caused by the leak _________

12. Measures taken or being taken to eliminate pollution:

12.1 Cleaning method _____________________________________________________

12.2 Cleaning completion date _____________________________________________________

12.3 Involved contractor (specify) ___________________________________

12.4 Methods used to store collected liquid ____________________

13. Weather conditions ___________________________________________________

14. Method and circumstances of leak detection __________________________

15. Nearest body of water ___________________________________________________

16. Distance to the reservoir, km __________________________________________

17. Work break (date, time) _____________________________________

18. Impact on the consumer ________________________________________

19. Description of consequences, possible cause ____________________________

20. Type of repair ______ Beginning _______ End ________________________

21. Coordinates of the person who reported the accident _____________________________

Note - If necessary, attach additional sheets to the form.

Appendix No. 2
to RD-03-28-2008

Sample prompt report on an accident (severe, group, fatal)


Type of accident (mark the required information with)

- fatal

- group accident

- serious accident

Date and time (Moscow) of the accident ___________________________

Territorial authority ___________________________________________________

Type of supervision ____________________________________________________________

Federal executive body or economic entity___

Organization ____________________________________________________________

Location of the organization (subject of the Russian Federation, city, town, etc.) _________________________________________________________

Location of the incident (production, site, workshop, etc.) _________________

Circumstances under which the accident occurred ________________

Information about the victims (last name, initials, position, age) * ________

Nature and severity of health damage received by the victim (31)____

Sent by: surname, initials, position, telephone number, signature _____________

Accepted: surname, initials, position, signature _______________________

Date and time (Moscow) of reception ________________________________________________

The reason for the delay in transmitting information on time (indicate if the delay is more than 24 hours) _______________________________________________

* In case of group accidents, it is indicated for each victim separately.

Appendix No. 3
to RD-03-28-2008

Sample report of technical investigation into the causes of an accident at hazardous production facilities and hydraulic structures

OCCURRED "____"_______200_ YEAR

1. Details of the organization (name of the organization, its legal form, form of ownership, address, surname and initials of the head of the organization, telephone, fax indicating the code, email address): ______________________________________________________

2. Composition of the commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident:

3. Characteristics of the organization (facility, site) and the accident site.

In this section, along with data on the time of commissioning of the object, its location, it is necessary to indicate the registration number * of the object and the date of its registration, the existence of an insurance contract for the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of the object, design data and compliance with the project; indicate project changes and their reasons; give an opinion on the condition of the object before the accident; operating mode of the facility (equipment) before the accident (approved, actual, design);

indicate whether there have been similar accidents at this site (facility) before;

reflect how licensing requirements and conditions were observed, comments and recommendations of expert opinions, provisions of the industrial safety declaration (if any).

4. Qualification service personnel, managers and specialists of the facility, responsible persons involved in the accident (where and when the training and instruction on industrial safety took place, knowledge testing in the qualification commission).

5. Circumstances of the accident, violations of legal requirements.

The circumstances of the accident and the scenario of its development, information about the victims are described, it is indicated what factors led to the emergency and its consequences (violation of legislation, rules, etc.).

The technological process and the labor process, the actions of service personnel and officials are described. The sequence of events is stated.

6. Technical and organizational causes of the accident.

Based on the study of technical documentation, inspection of the accident site, interviews with eyewitnesses and officials, and expert opinions, the commission draws conclusions about the causes of the accident.

7. Measures to localize and eliminate the causes of the accident.

Measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident and prevent similar accidents are outlined, as well as deadlines for taking measures to eliminate the causes of accidents.

8. Conclusion about the persons responsible for the accident.

This section identifies the persons who committed violations of safety standards and regulations that led to the accident. At the same time, it is indicated which requirements of regulatory documents are not met or violated by a specific person, the performer of the work.

9. Economic damage from the accident.

Damage from an accident is calculated taking into account the following components:

Direct losses associated with financial losses of the operating organization (production assets, material values, property of third parties);

Costs of localizing, eliminating the accident and investigating the causes of the accident;

Socio-economic losses;

Indirect damage;

Environmental damage;

Losses on disposal labor resources due to accidents.

A technical investigation into the causes of the accident was carried out and a report was drawn up:

(day month Year)

Appendix: accident investigation materials on _____ sheets.

Signatures Chairman:

(surname, initials, date)

Members of the commission:

(surname, initials, date)

* For hazardous production facilities, the registration number of the hazardous production facility in the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities is indicated, for hydraulic structures - the registration number in the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures.

Appendix No. 4
to RD-03-28-2008

Sample report of technical investigation of the causes of an accident at energy facilities
(power plant, boiler house, electrical or heating network)


1. Address block:

1.1. Company _______________________________________________________

1.2. Date and time of event occurrence ________________________________

1.3. Accounting characteristic ___________________________________________________

1.4. Classification characteristics of the causes of violation _______________________

1.5. Undersupply of energy (thousand kWh) (Gcal) _____________________________

1.6. Economic damage * (thousand rubles) ___________________________________

1.7. Date and time of liquidation of emergency mode _________________________

1.8. Keywords ____________________________________________________

2. Descriptive block:

2.1. Description of the operating mode before the accident occurred ____________________

2.2. Description of the occurrence of the accident and its development _______________________

2.3. Causes of occurrence and development of the accident ___________________________

2.4. Description of equipment damage _________________________________

2.5. Defects in operation, design, design, manufacturing, installation of equipment that were prerequisites for the violation or made it difficult to eliminate it ____________________________________________________________

2.6. Measures to prevent such violations __________________

3. Block of information about failed thermal-mechanical equipment:

3.1. Failed equipment _________________________________________________

3.2. Unit, part ______________________________________________________________

3.3. Element _________________________________________________________________

3.4. Brand ______________________________________________________________

3.5. Equipment Manufacturer ______________________________________________

3.6. Year of manufacture of equipment _____________________________________

3.7. Fuel ___________________________________________________________

3.8. Material __________________________________________________________

3.9. Additional characteristics _____________________________________

3.10. Nature of damage _____________________________________________

3.11. Cause of damage ______________________________________________

3.12. Consequences of violation _____________________________________________________

3.13. Date of inclusion ___________________________________________________

3.14. On time __________________________________________________

3.15. Boiler station number __________________________________________

3.16. Duration of shutdown, hour ________________________________

3.17. Hours since the start of operation of the failed equipment (hours), ____ failed unit (hours) ___________________________________________________

3.18. Earnings from last overhaul(h)_________________

4. Block of information about failed electrical equipment

4.1. Failed equipment _________________________________________________

4.2. Brand ______________________________________________________________

4.3. Options _________________________________________________________

4.4. Structural stress ________________________________________

4.5. Unit, part ______________________________________________________________

4.6. Unit type, details ___________________________________________________

4.7. Number of failed equipment, units _________________________________

4.9. Equipment Manufacturer ______________________________________________

4.10. Factory number __________________________________________________

4.11. Year of manufacture of equipment _____________________________________

4.12. Manufacturer of the damaged unit _________________________________

4.13. Neutral condition ________________________________________________

4.14. Equipment failure conditions, % relative cable load, number of overhead line circuits _________________________________________________________

4.15. Overhead line length ______________________________________________________________

4.16. Material __________________________________________________________

4.17. Working conditions ___________________________________________________

4.18. Nature of damage _____________________________________________

4.19. Causes of damage ______________________________________________

4.20. Related circumstances _____________________________________

4.21. Equipment service life from the last major overhaul ______ (year), from the start of operation (year) ____________________________________

4.22. Service life of the damaged unit ___________________________________

4.23. Latest performance tests ___________________________________

4.24. Recovery time, hour ________________________________________

5. Block of information about the personnel who made the mistake

5.1. Place of work ______________________________________________________

5.2. Job title _________________________________________________________

5.3. Education _______________________________________________________

5.4. Speciality _____________________________________________________

5.5. Circumstances of error _____________________________________________

5.6. Reasons for the error _____________________________________________________

5.7. Age ___________________________________________________________

5.8. Work experience at the workplace _____________________________________________

5.9. Time since last duty _____________________________________

5.10. Shift duration ________________________________________________

5.11. At what hour of duty the error occurred _________________________

5.12. Number of operators per shift _____________________________________

5.13. Number of participants in the liquidation of the accident___________________________

5.14. Availability of technical training aids ___________________________________

6. Visa block

The commission for the technical investigation of the accident was appointed by order _______ dated ______ No.________

Composition of the commission:

Chairman of the Commission

(full name, position, date)

Members of the commission:

(full name, position, date)

The act was drawn up on (date)_________________

List of appendices to the investigation report

Responsible for registration of the act

(full name, position, date)

* Economic damage from an accident (incident) includes direct and environmental damage.

(name of the territorial body of the Service)


Location of the accident, name of the facility, registration number and date of registration

Date and time of the accident

Type of accident

Brief description of the occurrence, development, liquidation of the accident, the reasons, which points of the rules in force in the industry were violated

Presence of casualties

Economic damage from the accident*, thousand rubles.

Undersupply of energy, thousand kWh

Duration of downtime for the facility to be put into operation hours (days)

Persons responsible for the accident and the penalties taken against them

Date of sending the investigation materials to the prosecutor's office

Measures proposed by the commission for technical investigation of the accident




(name of the territorial body of the Service)


Location of the incident, name of the facility, registration number and date of registration

Date and time of the incident

Type of incident

Causes of the incident

Duration of downtime, hours

Undersupply of energy, kWh

Economic damage*, thousand rubles.

Measures proposed by the commission to investigate the causes of the incident

Marking the completion of activities

1. Source of information, date, time of receipt.

2. Date, time, place (republic, territory, region, district, locality, name of the water body, sea area (coordinates) for identifying the emergency.

3. Characteristics of the emergency situation (volley or emergency release into the atmosphere, discharge of untreated Wastewater, pipeline accident, storage facility, process equipment accident, incl. associated with harmful physical effects and releases of biological agents, accident when handling toxic waste, etc.).

4. Criteria by which an emergency situation was noted, indicating quantitative characteristics (concentration of pollutants in natural environments, volume of discharges (emissions) of pollutants, area and thickness of film coverage, intensity and nature of odor, scale of death of fish, other aquatic organisms, plants, animals, levels of physical exposure, biological agents, etc.).

5. Causes of an emergency (failure treatment facilities, waste gas treatment plants, pipeline rupture, dam failure, power outage, ship damage during a storm, etc.).

6. The person responsible for the emergency, indicating the form of ownership (full name of the organization).

7. Information about organizations that received information about the emergency and passed it on to a specially authorized body.

8. Measures taken to localize and eliminate the emergency and its consequences.

9. Forecast of the spread of the zone of emergency excess environmental pollution.

Based on the results of the survey, as additional data is clarified, the following information is transmitted:

Clarification of information on points 1-8, information on the movement of the emergency excess pollution zone, the concentration of pollutants in it;

Clarification of the volume of emission (discharge) of pollutants;

Data on the damage caused;

Information about the threat to human health and the environment (impossibility of using water for drinking, industrial, agricultural water supply, impossibility of using crops for food, etc.);

Clarification of the forecast for the movement of the contaminated zone, information on the transfer of the forecast to interested organizations;

Other additional information.

Investigation of the causes of each accident at hazardous production facilities.

Conducting an investigation into the causes of accidents by a special commission.

Conducting additional research and independent examinations (if necessary).

Preserving, if possible, the situation at the scene of the accident while ensuring priority to the life and health of people.

Interaction with other federal executive authorities in case of accidents involving emissions, spills of hazardous substances, explosions, and fires.

The costs of conducting an accident investigation are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

5.4 Time intervals for accident and incident investigations

In the Russian Federation, RTN Order No. 480 dated August 19, 2011 established the following time intervals when investigating accidents/incidents (see table below).

Table - Time intervals for technical investigation of accidents and incidents

Origin Event

Accident (according to Federal Law 116)

Incident (according to Federal Law 116)

Operational message

Creation of a commission

According to the Regulations on the procedure for conducting technical investigation and recording of incidents that occurred at hazardous production facilities

Accident investigation

15 working days

Extension of investigation (if necessary)

15 calendar days

Sending a package of documents to members of the commission

Review of accident investigation results

27 days (30 days after the end of the investigation)

Additional investigation

Not regulated

Based on the results of a technical investigation into the causes of the accident within 3 working days the head of the organization issues an order, defining measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident, to ensure trouble-free and stable operation of a hazardous production facility, as well as to bring to disciplinary liability persons who violated the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

5.5 Composition of the commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident at the hazardous plant

The technical investigation commission includes representatives of:

Executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local government body;

An organization operating a hazardous production facility (but not more than 50% of the commission members);

A higher authority or organization (if any);

Insurance companies with which the organization operating the hazardous production facility has entered into a compulsory civil liability insurance agreement;

Other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.6 Procedure of the commission

The technical investigation commission immediately begins its work from the date of signing the order and within 15 working days draws up act of technical investigation of the causes of the accident and prepares other necessary technical investigation materials.

Depending on the nature of the accident and the need for additional research and examination, the period of technical investigation into the causes of the accident may be increased by order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor or by order of Rostechnadzor that appointed this investigation, based on a memo from the chairman of the technical investigation commission, but not more than 15 working days .

A certified copy of the order to extend the term of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident and the justification for the reasons for such an extension are attached to the technical investigation report.

An investigation into an accident that occurred during an accident, as a result of which one or more victims received minor health injuries, is carried out by the commission within three days.

The investigation of a group, serious or fatal accident is carried out by the commission within 15 days.

If it is necessary to conduct additional verification of the circumstances of the accident, obtain relevant medical and other reports, the deadlines may be extended but not more than by 15 days.

The procedure for technical investigation of the causes of the accident
A technical investigation of an accident is aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the accident, the extent of the damage caused, developing measures to eliminate its consequences and measures to prevent similar accidents at this and other hazardous production facilities.
A technical investigation into the causes of the accident is carried out by a special commission headed by a representative of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia. The commission includes, by agreement, representatives of: the relevant federal executive authorities, which in the prescribed manner granted the right to carry out certain functions of legal regulation, special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety, or their territorial bodies, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) a local government body on the territory of which a hazardous production facility is located, an organization operating a hazardous production facility, higher body (organization) (if any), territorial association of trade unions, insurance companies (societies) and other representatives in accordance with current legislation.
The commission is appointed by order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia.
Depending on the specific circumstances (the nature and possible consequences of the accident), a special commission may be created by decision of Rostechnadzor of Russia, headed by its representative. Representatives of local authorities and trade unions may also be included in the special commission.
In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities,” the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation may decide to create a state commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident and appoint the chairman of this commission.
The technical investigation commission for the causes of the accident must immediately begin work and within 10 days draw up an investigation report and other Required documents and materials.
The investigation report is signed by all members of the commission. The investigation period may be extended by the body that appointed the commission, depending on the nature of the accident and the need for additional research and examination.
The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident may involve expert organizations or their specialists in the investigation, experts and specialists in the field of industrial safety, surveys, design, research and development, equipment manufacturing, insurance and other areas.
To conduct an examination of the causes and nature of destruction of structures and (or) technical devices, expert commissions may be formed by decision of the technical accident investigation commission. The conclusions of the expert commissions are presented to the accident investigation commission and are attached as investigation materials.
During the investigation, the commission:
- carries out inspections, photographs, and, if necessary, video recordings, draws up diagrams and sketches of the accident site and draws up a protocol for examining the accident site;
- interacts with rescue units;
- interviews eyewitnesses of the accident, receives written explanations from officials;
- clarifies the circumstances preceding the accident, establishes the causes of their occurrence;
- clarifies the nature of violations of technological processes and operating conditions of equipment;
- identifies violations of industrial safety standards and regulations;
- checks the compliance of the object or technological process with design solutions;
- checks the quality of adopted design decisions;
- checks compliance with the scope of application of the equipment;
- checks the availability and serviceability of protective equipment;
- checks the qualifications of service personnel;
- establishes the causes of the accident and the scenario for its development based on a survey of eyewitnesses, consideration of technical documentation, expert opinion and the results of an inspection of the accident site and the inspection carried out;
- determines committed violations of industrial safety requirements and the persons who committed these violations;
- proposes measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents;
- determines the amount of harm caused, including direct losses, socio-economic losses, losses due to unused opportunities, as well as harm caused to the environment natural environment.
The calculation of economic damage from an accident is carried out by the organization at whose facility the accident occurred, according to methods approved in the prescribed manner.
The document on the economic consequences of the accident is signed by the head of the organization that carried out the calculation.
The costs of technical investigation into the causes of the accident are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility where the accident occurred.
The investigation of the causes of accidents that occurred as a result of the accident is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73 “Forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, and the regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations."
The causes of accidents that occurred with third parties not connected by labor relations with the organization where the accident occurred, and not falling under the scope of Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 24, 2002 N 73, are established during the investigation of the causes of the accident that caused the accidents.
Preparation of technical accident investigation materials
The investigation materials include an order appointing a commission to investigate the causes of the accident and an act of technical investigation of the accident, to which are attached:
- protocol of inspection of the accident site with the necessary graphic, photo and video materials;
- order of the chairman on the appointment of an expert commission (if necessary) and other orders issued by the accident investigation commission;
- conclusion of the expert commission on the circumstances and causes of the accident with the necessary calculations, graphic material, etc.;
- a report from the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Units (VGSCH), Gas Rescue Services (GS S), Blowout Paramilitary Units (PFVCh) and the enterprise services on the progress of liquidation of the accident, if they took part in it;
- protocols of interviews and explanations of persons involved in the accident, as well as officials responsible for compliance with industrial safety requirements;
- certificates of training and briefings on labor protection and safety and testing the knowledge of production personnel;
- certificates about the amount of damage caused;
- form of recording and analysis of accidents;
- other materials characterizing the accident, including information about persons affected by the accident.
The organization, no later than three days after the end of the investigation, distributes the materials of the accident investigation to Rostechnadzor of Russia and its territorial body that carried out the investigation, the relevant bodies (organizations) whose representatives took part in the investigation of the causes of the accident, the territorial association of trade unions, the prosecutor's office at the location of the organization, STC " Industrial Safety» Rostechnadzor of Russia.
Based on the results of the accident investigation, the head of the organization issues an order providing for the implementation of appropriate measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident and ensure trouble-free and stable operation of production, as well as to bring to justice persons who violated safety rules.
The head of the organization provides written information on the implementation of the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission to the organizations whose representatives participated in the investigation. Information is provided within ten days after the deadline for completing the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission.

The procedure for technical investigation of the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities.

The procedure for technical investigation of the causes of the accident A technical investigation of an accident is aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes of the accident, the extent of the damage caused, developing measures to eliminate its consequences and measures to prevent similar accidents at this and other hazardous production facilities. A technical investigation into the causes of the accident is carried out by a special commission headed by a representative of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia. The commission includes, by agreement, representatives of: the relevant federal executive authorities, which in accordance with the established procedure are granted the right to carry out certain functions of legal regulation, special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of industrial safety, or their territorial bodies, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and ( or) a local government body on whose territory a hazardous production facility is located, an organization operating a hazardous production facility, a higher authority (organization) (if any), a territorial association of trade unions, insurance companies (societies) and other representatives. her in accordance with current legislation. The commission is appointed by order of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor of Russia. Taking into account the dependence on specific circumstances (the nature and possible consequences of the accident), a special commission should be created by decision of Rostechnadzor of Russia, headed by its representative. The special commission also includes representatives of local authorities and trade unions. In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation may decide to create a state commission for the technical investigation of the causes of the accident and appoint the chairman of this commission. The technical investigation commission for the causes of the accident must immediately begin work and within 10 days draw up an investigation report and other necessary documents and materials. The investigation report is signed by all members of the commission. The investigation period should be increased by the body that appointed the commission based on the nature of the accident and the extreme importance of conducting additional research and examinations. The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident may involve expert organizations or their specialists in the investigation, experts and specialists in the field of industrial safety, surveys, design, research and development, equipment manufacturing, insurance and other areas. To conduct an examination of the causes and nature of destruction of structures and (or) technical devices, expert commissions may be formed by decision of the technical accident investigation commission. The conclusions of the expert commissions are presented to the accident investigation commission and are attached as investigation materials. During the investigation, the commission: - conducts an inspection, photographs, and, if necessary, videotapes, draws up diagrams and sketches of the accident site and draws up a protocol for examining the accident site; - interacts with rescue units; - interviews eyewitnesses of the accident, receives written explanations from officials; - clarifies the circumstances preceding the accident, establishes the causes of their occurrence; - clarifies the nature of violations of technological processes and operating conditions of equipment; - identifies violations of industrial safety standards and regulations; - checks the compliance of the object or technological process with design solutions; - checks the quality of adopted design decisions; - checks compliance with the scope of application of the equipment; - checks the availability and serviceability of protective equipment; - checks the qualifications of service personnel; - establishes the causes of the accident and the scenario for its development based on a survey of eyewitnesses, consideration of technical documentation, expert opinion and the results of an inspection of the accident site and the inspection carried out; - determines committed violations of industrial safety requirements and the persons who committed these violations; - proposes measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents; - determines the amount of harm caused, including direct losses, socio-economic losses, losses due to unused opportunities, as well as harm caused to the environment. The calculation of economic damage from an accident is carried out by the organization at whose facility the accident occurred, according to methods approved in the prescribed manner. The document on the economic consequences of the accident is signed by the head of the organization that carried out the calculation. The costs of technical investigation into the causes of the accident are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility where the accident occurred. The investigation into the causes of accidents that occurred as a result of the accident is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor of October 24, 2002. N 73 “Forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, and regulations on the peculiarities of the investigation of industrial accidents in certain industries and organizations.” Causes of accidents that occurred with third parties not related to labor relations with the organization where the accident occurred, not subject to the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 ᴦ. N 73, are established during the investigation of the causes of the accident that caused the accidents. Preparation of technical accident investigation materials The investigation materials include an order appointing a commission to investigate the causes of the accident and an act of technical investigation of the accident, to which are attached: - a protocol for examining the accident site with the necessary graphic, photo and video materials; - order of the chairman on the appointment of an expert commission (if this is extremely important) and other orders issued by the accident investigation commission; - conclusion of the expert commission on the circumstances and causes of the accident with the necessary calculations, graphic material, etc.; - a report from the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Units (VGSCH), Gas Rescue Services (GS S), Anti-Gusher Paramilitary Units (PFVCh) and the enterprise services on the progress of the accident liquidation, if they took part in it; - protocols of interviews and explanations of persons involved in the accident, as well as officials responsible for compliance with industrial safety requirements; - certificates of training and briefings on labor protection and safety and testing the knowledge of production personnel; - certificates about the amount of damage caused; - form of recording and analysis of accidents; - other materials characterizing the accident, incl. about persons affected by the accident. The organization, no later than three days after the end of the investigation, distributes the accident investigation materials to Rostekhnadzor of Russia and its territorial body that carried out the investigation, the relevant bodies (organizations) whose representatives took part in the investigation of the causes of the accident, the territorial association of trade unions, the prosecutor's office at the location of the organization, Scientific and Technical Center “Industrial Safety” of Rostechnadzor of Russia. Based on the results of the accident investigation, the head of the organization issues an order providing for the implementation of appropriate measures to eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident and ensure trouble-free and stable operation of production, as well as to bring to justice persons who violated safety rules. The head of the organization provides written information on the implementation of the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission to the organizations whose representatives participated in the investigation. Information is provided within ten days after the deadline for completing the measures proposed by the accident investigation commission.

The procedure for technical investigation of the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Procedure for technical investigation of the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities." 2014, 2015.