Why accidents happen: rating of the causes of accidents from ZR experts. Human factor is the main cause of industrial accidents

“Actions in emergency situations” - During evacuation activities. Preparing for action in the event of an emergency. Nuclear weapon. Civil defense workers report directly to the head of the organization. At the rate " The world"in grades 1-4. Sabotage, terrorist attacks, explosions, fires. Radioactive contamination of the area.

“Man-made emergencies” - 3.2 Classification of hazardous production facilities. - by the accumulated hazard potential - by the mechanism of damage - by the type of hazard - by the nature of the emergency. The valve in the steam valve building became depressurized and a gas leak occurred. In the electric power industry: Accidents in oil fields. 1. Trends in the field of natural and man-made safety.

“Accidents and disasters” - The concept of accidents and disasters. The most frequent emergencies are in areas where there is a high concentration. Causes industrial accidents: Transport accidents (disasters). Coal industry Chemical industry Oil and gas industry; as well as a network of roads and railways. Accident. Accidents on wastewater treatment plants.

“Natural emergencies” - Geological (earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslides, mudflows, avalanches). Student projects. Natural fires (forest, peat, steppe). Mass diseases (epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties). Natural disaster due to explosions and fire. Hazardous factors: destruction of buildings, structures, river floods, etc.

“Emergency of a man-made nature” - 1. Industrial accidents and disasters refer to: Classification depending on the nature of origin: The concept of an emergency situation (emergency) of a man-made nature. Territorial. Local (object). Regional. Global. Study questions. 1. Technogenic emergencies Classification emergency situations technogenic nature.

"Ministry of Emergency Situations" - During hurricanes. Always ready! in the event of an emergency involving explosion, fire and destruction. When ejected chemical substances. Single rescue phone -. Natural disasters. Tornadoes, etc. - release of emergency chemicals hazardous substances(AHOV); - Emergency with explosion, fire and destruction. Extreme situations emergency:

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

My colleague Sergei Smirnov wrote in the May issue of ZR. What leads to incidents and tragedies on the roads? Official traffic police statistics provide only the distribution of road accidents by type. For example, car collisions account for 40.9% of cases. A third of the accidents “were accompanied by unsatisfactory conditions of maintenance and arrangement of the road network.”

But speculation on statistics is much more unpleasant and dangerous than its absence. They begin when it is necessary to form the “correct” public opinion about a particular phenomenon. A recent example is dangerous driving. Experts from the Open Government have compiled a list of maneuvers that will correspond to a new term for the Russian Traffic Rules. These are frequent lane changes in dense traffic (“checkers”), cutting off or sharp braking in front of a passing car (“punishment”), driving between the rows and in a controlled drift (drift). In their opinion, these types of violations often lead to serious accidents with deaths and injuries. But the authors of the document do not support their statements with any statistical data.

I decided to study collections of recordings from video recorders, thousands of them posted on the Internet, and compile my own rating of the causes of accidents. Of course, not all incidents are captured by car cameras, and certainly not all end up on the Internet. But almost 1,850 analyzed videos from all over Russia allow us to draw certain conclusions and trace clear trends. I looked at daily accident compilations on one of the YouTube channels for three months and found that 51.2% of accidents fall into one category: not making sure the maneuver was safe and not giving the right of way. The reasons are inattention, lack of experience and, last of all, outright impudence. In my opinion, here it is main topic for training in driving schools. Not a single turn of the steering wheel should occur without looking in the mirror, even if the driver believes that no one is nearby.

Another 27.5% of accidents occur due to the following reasons: driving through a red light, collisions with passing cars in the same lane, collisions with stationary vehicles, head-on collisions and incidents involving cyclists and pedestrians. By the way, according to traffic police statistics, collisions with pedestrians account for 30.9% of all accidents, but few such cases appear on the Internet. They are probably not posted for moral and ethical reasons. However, what I saw is enough for an unambiguous conclusion: most pedestrians consider themselves immortal. Of course, the driver is obliged to slow down in front of the zebra crossing and let people pass - but not everyone crosses the road in the permitted places. In addition, paragraph 4.5 of the traffic rules requires pedestrian road users to assess the distance to approaching cars, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe. And most pedestrians believe that it is not even necessary to look around. It has become fashionable to cross the road or cross it on a bicycle without slowing down.

So it turns out that the blame for collisions with pedestrians is divided almost equally. According to traffic police data, only in 55.3% of cases are drivers at fault. If we consider fatal tragedies, this figure is even lower - 40.6%. Isn't it time to start educating pedestrians? For some reason, the promotion of road safety has bypassed them until now.

If we return to the topic of dangerous driving, I did not see an overwhelming number of cases. The most outstanding ones, of course, are remembered and made public, but they are not the ones who influence the overall picture on the roads. Punishment for aggressive driving should certainly appear in the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses and Traffic Regulations. But it is extremely naive to consider it a significant contribution to the fight against accidents. The cause of the lion's share of accidents is inattention and low qualifications of drivers. And also the disgusting condition of the roads. Maybe we should fix something here first?

Main causes of road accidents (according to ZR statistics)

№1. Most accidents (28.1%) occur due to failure to give right of way when exiting a secondary road or turning left through oncoming traffic. There is no dangerous driving here - drivers simply do not make sure that there are no interference. They don't even notice multi-ton trucks, not to mention motorcycles.

In Moscow, traffic lights are being reconfigured so that left turns occur without interference. The recipe is effective, but the regions are in no hurry to follow the example of the Mother See, citing the fact that the flow densities are incomparable. However, it’s not just about traffic jams, but also about the number of accidents. However, you cannot install a traffic light at every exit from the yard, so it will not be possible to completely get rid of such accidents using administrative methods.

№2. In second place (23.1%) are collisions when changing lanes. I also included second-row turns and turns from the side of the road in this group - maneuvers before performing which the driver must look in the rear-view mirror and, if necessary, give way. But almost a quarter of rights holders consider this unnecessary. In this category, there are accidents that fall under the definition of “dangerous driving”: the car was deliberately cut off or hit while “playing checkers.” Of the 426 videos of road accidents viewed, 11% of them were like this. It turns out that the new harsh punishment can save us from every tenth incident in this group. The reason for the remaining 89% will remain the innocent “I didn’t notice.” Moreover, it can end either with a ground bumper or with a car pushed under an oncoming truck.

№3. “Losing control” is the third main cause of road accidents. It accounts for 21.3% of cases. This is the average value of the indicator, but in fact it largely depends on the season. In winter, the number of such accidents doubles and exceeds a third of the total number. The reasons are clear: unimproved roads with snow and ice ruts, bad light or lack thereof, tires that are not appropriate for the weather, as well as drivers overestimating their capabilities.

The number of such road accidents can only be reduced through the joint efforts of public utilities, services responsible for organizing traffic, the traffic police and driving schools. The easiest way is to blame the driver: they say he didn’t choose a safe speed taking into account specific conditions. But in this case, you will have to drive on most roads at a speed of 20–30 km/h. Requiring specific conditions to be taken into account is, of course, much easier than mastering effective methods maintenance of the tracks or at least establish proper control over what tires the cars are shod with.

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Transbaikal State University"

Faculty of Construction and Ecology

Department of Technosphere Security

Topic: “Causes of accidents and disasters in industrial production”

Completed by: students gr. TB-11-1

Obukhov D.A.

Checked by: Korotygina A.V.

general characteristics accidents and disasters. Causes of their occurrence and methods of elimination

An accident is damage to a machine, machine, equipment, building, structure accompanied by a violation production process and associated with danger to human lives. They can occur on utility and energy networks, transport, industrial enterprises.

A disaster is a major accident with large casualties, i.e. an event with very tragic consequences. The difference between an accident and a disaster lies in the severity of the consequences and the presence of human casualties.

As a result of an industrial accident, explosions and fires are possible, and their consequences are destruction and damage to buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, flooding of the territory, failure of communication lines, energy and utility networks.

They are most common in enterprises that produce, use or store highly toxic substances (STS).

During explosions, the shock wave not only leads to destruction, but also to human casualties. The degree and nature of the destruction largely depend not only on the power of the explosion, but also on the technical condition of the structures, the nature of the building and the terrain.

Most often, explosions occur where hydrocarbon gases (methane, ethane, propane) are used in large quantities. Boilers in boiler rooms, gas equipment, products and semi-finished products of chemical plants, gasoline vapors and other components, flour in mills, dust in elevators, powdered sugar in sugar factories, wood dust in woodworking enterprises explode.

Explosions are possible in residential premises when people forget to turn off the gas, or on gas pipelines if their condition is poorly monitored and safety requirements during their operation are not observed, as happened in Bashkortostan in 1989, where a mixture of propane, methane and gasoline. The flames instantly engulfed a vast area. Two oncoming passenger trains found themselves in a cauldron of fire. Damaged a large number of people, many were injured and mutilated. TO severe consequences lead to explosions of firedamp in mines, causing fires, collapses, and flooding with groundwater.1

Great material damage, and in some cases even human casualties, is caused by sudden collapses of buildings, bridges, and other engineering structures. Reasons: errors in research and design, low quality construction work. In 1993, one of the workshops of the Bratsk Aluminum Plant turned into ruins. 14 night shift workers were trapped under the rubble of the building.

Fires occur everywhere: at industrial enterprises, facilities Agriculture, in educational institutions, children's preschool institutions, V residential buildings etc. They arise during the transportation of fuel by all types of transport. Chemicals such as turpentine, camphor, and naphthalene ignite spontaneously. When foam rubber burns, toxic smoke is released, which leads to dangerous poisoning.

During the production process, under certain conditions, wood, coal, peat, aluminum, flour, grain dust, as well as cotton, flax, and hemp dust become dangerous and ignite.

Every 4-5 min. A fire breaks out in Russia. Every year, billions of rubles worth of valuables turn into smoke and ash. Every hour, 1 person dies in a fire and about 20 suffer burns and injuries.

On March 14, 1993, the largest fire in Russia in the last 20 years occurred. An engine production plant at KamAZ burned to the ground. total area fire amounted to 200 thousand square meters. m.

In the event of a disaster or major accident, it is very important to promptly notify and organize the protection of workers and employees, all near the population living at risk. First of all, it is necessary to organize rescue operations, provide first aid to the victims and deliver them to medical institutions.

After reconnaissance of the affected areas of the facility, localization and extinguishing of fires is organized, and measures are taken to prevent further destruction. Individual structures that threaten to fall are collapsed or, conversely, strengthened, and urgent work is also carried out on utility and energy networks. Wherein great value has compliance with safety requirements. For example, it is prohibited to unnecessarily walk through rubble, enter destroyed buildings, or carry out work near structures that threaten to collapse. Do not touch exposed wires and various electrical devices.2

As a result of an accident or catastrophe at oil, chemical and gas industry facilities, atmospheric contamination, spillage of petroleum products and aggressive liquids may occur.

The most dangerous accidents occur at enterprises that produce, use or store highly toxic substances, explosive and flammable substances and materials. These include:

enterprises of chemical and other related industries;

enterprises with refrigeration units that use ammonia as a refrigerant;

water supply and treatment facilities that use chlorine;

railway stations and dead ends where there are tracks for parking of rolling stock with SDYAV;

warehouses and bases with stocks of pesticides.

In the event of an accident with the release of SDYAV, the spilled SDYV is irrigated abundantly with water. In gas-filled production areas it turns on immediately emergency ventilation. To reduce the depth of spread of contaminated air, vertical water curtains can be used. Such curtains dissipate the cloud of SDYAV vapors and also partially neutralize SDYAV.

Very dangerous consequences of major accidents are fires and explosions. Most often, those located under high pressure boilers, cylinders, pipelines, coal dust and gas in mines, wood dust and vapors from paints and varnishes in furniture and woodworking enterprises. The consequences of many industrial accidents are dangerous not only for workers and employees of the affected facility, but also for nearby businesses and residential areas. This must be taken into account when organizing work.

The most typical types of injuries in accidents and disasters are wounds, bruises, bone fractures, tissue ruptures and crushing, electric shock, burns, and poisoning.

The main causes of industrial accidents and disasters are:

deficiencies in plant design;

failure to comply with safety regulations;

lack of constant monitoring of the state of production, especially when using flammable and explosive substances;

violation of production technology, rules of operation of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

low labor and production discipline;

the occurrence of an accident at neighboring enterprises or on energy and gas networks;

natural disasters causing accidents.

Railway accidents

The main causes of accidents and disasters are malfunctions of rolling stock tracks, signaling and blocking equipment, dispatcher errors, inattention and negligence of drivers.

Most often, rolling stock derails, collisions, collisions with obstacles at crossings, fires and explosions directly in the cars. Erosion of railway tracks, landslides, and floods cannot be ruled out. When transporting dangerous goods such as gases, flammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous and radioactive substances, explosions and fires of tanks and other cars occur. Eliminating such accidents is quite difficult.

Unfortunately, the number of accidents in railway transport is not decreasing. Every year, up to 3 thousand people die, property is destroyed, and the state suffers huge losses.

Car accidents and disasters

The causes of road accidents can be very different. This is, first of all, violation of traffic rules, technical malfunction of vehicles, excessive speed, insufficient training of persons driving vehicles, their poor reaction, etc. Often the cause of accidents and catastrophes is driving of vehicles by persons in a state of intoxication. Serious road accidents are caused by failure to comply with the rules for transporting dangerous goods and failure to comply with the necessary safety requirements.

Another cause of road accidents is the poor condition of roads. Sometimes on the roadway you can see open hatches, unfenced and unlit areas repair work, lack of danger warning signs. All this together leads to huge losses.

In Moscow alone, up to 80 children die on the roads every year, that’s three full classes. 1000 people are injured - an entire school. In Russia, up to 40 thousand people die every year under the wheels of cars and in road accidents. This is almost three times more than during the nine years of war in Afghanistan.3

According to the World Health Organization, road traffic accidents in Western Europe Every year about 100 thousand people die and over 200 thousand are seriously injured.

In case of a car accident, the main thing is to provide first aid to the victims in a timely manner. And this should be done no later than 20-30 minutes. Otherwise it will be too late.

What to do? Every driver of a passing car, every pedestrian is obliged to immediately take all possible measures to save people and provide them with the very first medical aid, especially to stop bleeding. Traffic police officers and emergency medical technical assistance are called to the scene of the incident. The crash site is fenced off with warning signs.

After providing first aid, the victims are taken to the nearest medical institutions.

To eliminate the consequences of accidents with vehicles transporting chemically dangerous, explosive, poisonous, radioactive substances, specialized non-military civil defense units and fire service forces are involved.

Water transport accidents

Most major accidents and disasters on ships occur under the influence of hurricanes, storms, fog, ice, as well as through the fault of people: captains, pilots and crew members. Many accidents occur due to mistakes and errors in the design and construction of ships. Half of them are the result of inept operation. For example, there are frequent collisions and capsizes of ships, groundings, explosions and fires on board, improper placement of cargo and poor securing of cargo.

All crew members are involved in the work of eliminating the consequences of accidents, disasters and rescuing drowning people; if necessary, the captain can contact other persons on the ship. General leadership All work is carried out by the captain, as the head of the Civil Defense. Main tasks: rescuing people in distress, fighting for the survivability of the ship, eliminating fires and holes.

Special rescue vessels, tugboats, fire boats, crews of other watercraft, special units of rescue, ship-lifting and lifting-technical operations are involved in the rescue work of the vessel.

Aircraft accidents and disasters

In aviation accidents, the aircraft is destroyed to varying degrees; in disasters, there are casualties. And quite a lot of them happen. Serious consequences are caused by the destruction of individual aircraft structures, engine failure, disruption of control systems, power supply, communications, piloting, lack of fuel, and interruptions in life support for the crew and passengers. Today, perhaps the most dangerous and common tragedy on board an aircraft is fire and explosion.

Rescue and emergency operations can be divided into two types: the first - carried out by crew members, the second - organized by ground services. The crew usually does not have enough time to take action. Everything happens extremely quickly. The crew issues a distress signal and lands at the nearest airport. All are opened just before boarding. entrance doors and hatches, the passages to them are cleared. As soon as the plane has stopped, immediate evacuation of people to a safe distance is organized.4

The first person to be injured is immediately health care. All work is supervised by the ship's commander. His orders are binding on both the crew and all passengers.

accident disaster automobile aviation

Accidents at hydraulic structures

The risk of flooding of low-lying areas occurs when dams, dikes and waterworks are destroyed. The immediate danger is the rapid and powerful flow of water, causing damage, flooding and destruction of buildings and structures.

The height and speed of the breakthrough wave depend on where it occurs - in the upper or lower reaches. For flat areas, the breakthrough speed ranges from 3 to 25 km/h, in mountainous areas it reaches 100 km/h.

Large areas of terrain in 15-30 minutes. usually find themselves flooded with a layer of water from 0.5 to 10 m or more thick. The time during which territories can be under water ranges from several hours to several days.

For each waterworks there are diagrams and maps that show the boundaries of flooding and give characteristics of the breakthrough wave. The construction of housing and businesses is prohibited in this zone.

In the event of a dam failure, all means are used to notify the population: sirens, radio, television, telephone and public address systems. Having received the signal, you must immediately evacuate to the nearest elevated areas. You should stay in a safe place until the water subsides or you receive a message that the danger has passed.

Accidents at nuclear power plants

Accidents at nuclear power plants are characterized by the following: firstly, radioactive contamination of the atmosphere and area occurs with highly volatile radionuclides (iodine, cesium and strontium), and secondly, cesium and strontium have long half-lives - up to 30 years. At the same time, a significant part of the fission products of nuclear fuel is in a vapor and aerosol state and, when entering the human body, causes internal radiation, which poses a danger to life. In addition, if an area is radioactively contaminated, large areas of both agricultural and industrial use are excluded from human economic activity for a long time.

Basic measures to prevent accidents

The task of everyone working at the enterprise is to know the basic rules of behavior in case of accidents and to be able to act in the current situation. For example, there are certain rules and the sequence of power outages, stopping transport devices, units and apparatus, shutting off raw materials, gas, steam and water communications in accordance with the technological process and safety precautions, violations of which can aggravate and complicate the situation.

Everyone should know the route and order of travel to the shelter in the event of an accident, the routes to safe places, the organization of provision of funds personal protection. Ventilation systems must be checked regularly to ensure reliable operation and sealing. technological equipment, availability of fire detection and extinguishing means. The condition of electrical equipment, containers, devices and lines operating under pressure is determined, what is the equipment with instrumentation, protection and interlocking equipment.

Each enterprise develops a liquidation plan possible accidents. The preparation of workers and employees for work in emergency situations is organized, and the necessary reserve of forces and means is provided for their elimination. It is necessary to maintain warning systems and means in constant readiness, and to have them at work places required amount personal protective equipment.

In emergency situations, an important task is to timely notify the enterprise personnel and the population of the residential village adjacent to the enterprise.

Each worker and employee of the facility at emergency situation must skillfully use the available means of warning and call the fire brigade.

Actions of the population in case of emergency:

Turn on the TV or radio - find out the type of emergency.

Collect documents.

Collect a supply of basic medicines.

Collect a supply of food and water for 3 days, seal the food hermetically.

Possible instructions for notifying the public:

Shelter in place.

Spread out across the area.

Gather at the evacuation point.

Evacuation groups:

Column - 20-30 people, in which a senior is appointed.

The composition of the column is also divided into groups of 5 people, in each of which a senior is appointed.

The average speed of the convoy is 4 km/h when moving across the terrain.

Every hour and a half, take a break for 10-15 minutes.

After half the intended path has been completed, a halt is arranged for 1-2 hours.

When transporting people by road, buses, trucks, and personal vehicles are used. Departure in a convoy, in every bus, car and other vehicle a senior is appointed. He is responsible for ensuring that order, discipline and organization of traffic are maintained in the transport entrusted to him. Controls the movements of people in the assigned vehicle

Personal documents taken for evacuation:

Military ID (or pass/fail certificate).

Marriage certificate.

Pension certificate or other documents.

What products are taken?:

Canned food.

Smoked meats.


Hard cheeses.


It is also necessary to take warm clothes (three changes of clothes).

Everything is packed in a sealed container plastic bag or other sealed containers with the least weight. Take a thermos and a flask with you.

Examples of accidents and disasters. Train accident on the Trans-Siberian Railway

This happened on June 3, 1989, at 22.14 Moscow time at the 1710th kilometer from Moscow, on the Ulu-Telyak - Osha Kuibyshevskaya section railway. Two passenger trains were approaching this place, where the railway track crosses a wooded hollow, from both sides: Novosibirsk - Adler and Adler - Novosibirsk. When the trains reached each other, suddenly there was a powerful explosion. The flames instantly engulfed the carriages. Some of them were thrown down the slope by the blast wave. Next to the burning trains, another elastic torch was beating from the ground to the sky. As it turned out, it was a liquefied gas product pipeline running parallel to the railroad track about 500 meters away that exploded. Apparently, even before the trains arrived, large quantities of flammable gases had accumulated in the hollow due to the leakage of light fractions (they are heavier than air, and an explosion occurred as the trains passed). During the explosion and the resulting fire, passenger trains No. 211 and 212 were moving towards each other. The blast wave and fire threw 14 cars off track, destroying contact network, damaged the communication line and the railway track for several hundred meters. The time was late (2 o'clock in the morning local time), so most of the passengers were sleeping at this tragic moment. Many were thrown out of the cars by the blast wave. The fire was extinguished within a few hours. The explosion occurred due to a ruptured pipeline Western Siberia- Ural near the Osh railway station. It is used to distill raw materials for chemical plants in Kuibyshev, Chelyabinsk, and Bashkiria. Its length is about 1860 kilometers. According to experts, there was a leak of liquefied propane-butane gas in this area. According to the Ministry of Railways, there were more than a thousand people on the two trains. The accident killed several hundred passengers. Almost everyone traveling on the trains suffered from high-temperature fire, a powerful blow during the crash, and toxicity from poisonous gases formed during the fire internal lining carriages.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Regulatory legal acts for investigating the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities are: Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” and “Regulations on the procedure for technical investigation of the causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities” approved by Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 1999 No. 40.

Article 12 of the Federal Law “Technical Investigation of the Causes of an Accident” states the following:

For each incident of an accident at a hazardous production facility, a technical investigation into its causes is carried out. The investigation is carried out by a special commission headed by a representative of the federal executive body specially authorized in the region industrial safety, or its territorial body.

The composition of this commission also includes:

    representatives of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) local government body on whose territory the hazardous production facility is located;

    representatives of the organization operating the production facility;

    other representatives in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Commission for technical investigation The causes of the accident may involve expert organizations and specialists in the field of industrial safety, design, research, insurance, equipment manufacturing and other areas in the investigation.

The organization operating a hazardous production facility and its employees are obliged to provide the commission with all the information necessary to exercise their powers.

The results of the technical investigation into the causes of the accident are recorded in a report that indicates the causes and circumstances of the accident, the amount of harm caused, violations of industrial safety requirements, the workers who committed these violations, as well as the measures taken to localize and eliminate the consequences of the accident, and contains proposals to prevent such accidents.

Materials from the technical investigation into the causes of the accident are sent to the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety, or to its territorial body, as well as to other interested government bodies.

The costs of technical investigation into the causes of the accident are financed by the organization operating the hazardous production facility where the accident occurred.

3.2.11 Carrying out work with increased danger

Each organization compiles a list of high-risk work taking into account specific conditions, which is approved by the head of the organization (chief engineer, technical director). An approximate list of such work is given in regulatory documents.

For example:

    work on operation and repair of electrical installations, boilers, pressure vessels, maintenance gas industry, lifting structures;

    performing steeplejack work;

    gas welding works;

    loading and unloading operations;

    operations and work related to highly toxic, radioactive, explosive, flammable substances and materials;

    work performed in trenches, pits, tunnels, in confined spaces and in confined spaces, repair and cleaning of air ducts;

    excavation work in the area of ​​underground energy networks and communications;

    work from the bridge crane gallery to detect or restore emergency elements of buildings and structures;

    combined work, etc.

High-risk work should be performed only with a work permit and after targeted instruction directly at the workplace.

A work permit is a task for the performance of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safe performance of the work. The work permit is issued for the period necessary to complete the specified amount of work. Its issuance and return are recorded in a journal. Corrections in the work permit are not allowed. One copy is kept by the person who issued the permit, the second is kept by the responsible work manager.

Superintendents, foremen, and foremen (team leaders) can be appointed as responsible executors. The responsible performer of the work does not have the right to leave the workplace. If he is not there, then a responsible work manager must be in place.

Individuals who are at least 18 years old, recognized as fit by a medical examination, have at least one year of experience in the specified work and a tariff grade of at least third, have undergone training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, have a certificate for the right to perform these works, and have received instructions are allowed to work independently. at work.

Workers admitted to high-risk work for the first time within one year must perform such work under the direct supervision of experienced workers assigned for this purpose by order of the enterprise.

Personnel should not be allowed to work with increased danger without prior training, testing knowledge of the relevant rules, and passing in the prescribed manner medical examinations and, in established cases, with the issuance of a work permit.

The human factor is usually main reason accidents at work. That is why the main task of labor protection is to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as to minimize their social consequences. Accident prevention is the most important task of any activity, including production. However, if it has already happened, then everything must be done to ensure that such incidents do not recur.

This article presents the results of an analysis of reports on the state of industrial injuries and accidents in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 2011-2014, and an analysis of the causes of industrial accidents related mainly to the organization and conduct of training of workers on labor protection and violation of production safety. The procedure for investigating industrial accidents is considered. Measures to improve production safety are presented and measures are developed that will reduce the number of injuries and eliminate the possibility of an accident. As a result, it was concluded that measures to improve safety at work can only be carried out if both production managers and workers are interested in this. The basis for ensuring safety at work is not only the instructions and work instructions issued by management, but also the information received from workers.

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