Fighting flower midges at home. What to do if there are midges in indoor flowers

Indoor flowers are the joy of every housewife. Thanks to them, comfort and harmony reign in the rooms. And the air is significantly enriched with oxygen. Even regular care about “green friends” does not guarantee that pests will not infest them. Almost every amateur gardener in his life has encountered such a harmful insect as the flower midge - a small black insect with wings that always catches the eye and irritates with its intrusiveness. If you have midges in your indoor flowers, you will learn in this article how to get rid of them and what products are best to use.

Varieties of midges in flowers and flower pots

Flower midges can be classified as insects of the Diptera family. They number about 2000 subspecies. Let's list the most common ones.

White midges on flowers - whiteflies, scale insects

White midges called whiteflies or scale insects externally very similar to aphids. Among indoor plants in pots, soft leaves of fuchsia or begonia are preferred.

White midges on house flowers are whiteflies, also called “scale insects.”

Black midges in flowers - sciarids

Black midges on house flowers are called sciarids or fungus gnats

Ground fleas in flower pots - fools

White insects that are found in the soil of home flowers - podras or springtails

Why are there small midges in indoor flowers?

It is important not to forget that excessively moist soil is best place for the existence and reproduction of midges. So, if you do not want to breed white bugs in the soil of indoor plants, then you should not neglect attention to the soil in pots.

The secondary reasons for the appearance of harmful insects include:

Ways to get rid of midges in house plants

First of all, when flower midges are detected, it is necessary to remove the affected flower away from other plants.

Flower soil in which insects have already settled should be thrown away. The flower is removed from the pot, the root system is washed and the already treated plant is transplanted into disinfected soil. There is an option to replace the top layer of soil.

If it is not possible to change the affected soil, it is recommended to treat it with an insecticide. To more effective drugs from the flower fly can be attributed Fitoverm, Aktara, Tanrek. Insecticide Fly eater, which is available in granules, is also effective in combating annoying midges.

If there are not too many pests yet, then fly sticky tape hung next to the flower pots will help catch them.

If there are already a lot of insects, then it is recommended to use aerosol preparations for destruction, such as Raptor. By lightly spraying the product, treat window sills, shelves, and walls located near house plants. Plus, the soil in flower pot, and its bottom. The result of the treatment will be the death of adult individuals and their eggs laid in the ground.

Yet in the best possible way In the fight against midges, it remains to comply with all rules for the care and maintenance of house plants.

Folk remedies for midges in flowers

Midges have appeared in flowers - the problem arises of what means to use to rid your favorite plants of them without harm. One of the ways to independently remove irritable insects is to use various folk remedies.

An effective folk remedy against flies - garlic. The smell of garlic has a detrimental effect on some insects, including flower midges. Just two procedures - and black midges completely die. For cooking the required solution Take three heads of garlic and chop them using a garlic press. The resulting mass is poured with one liter of boiled water. After 4 hours, strain. The leaves of the plants are sprayed with this solution and the soil in the pot is treated.

If soil flies are detected, it will help potassium permanganate solution. The soil in the pot is being cultivated. It is recommended to repeat watering the damaged flower after 2 days. In order not to harm the roots of the plant, the solution should be weak.

You can kill flower flies in the soil of a houseplant using soap. To do this, you need to grate laundry soap (20g) and fill it with 1 liter of water. The resulting soap solution is used to treat the leaves and water the soil in the pot.

You can also get rid of flower midges using regular matches. In a pot with a flower, you should deepen about five matches of sulfur into the soil and lightly water the soil. Matches in flowers are replaced every day, as sulfur dissolves in the soil. A certain number of such procedures will rid the plant of both midges and their larvae.

Wood ash- an equally effective folk remedy in the fight against insects on indoor flowers. The soil in the pot is simply covered with such ash and the midges will forever leave the flower they have chosen alone. Plus, wood ash is considered an excellent fertilizer that gives the plant strength.

Using tobacco. To prepare the tincture, take 50g of dried tobacco and add one liter of water. Infuses for 2 days. The resulting tincture is sprayed onto the leaves of the flower. The disadvantage is that tobacco tincture has a detrimental effect only on adult insects; the larvae do not die from it.

Ground midges don't like the smell mint. The edge of the pot can be smeared with the well-known “Star”. This will help get rid of harmful insects.

Tincture from celandine(100g of celandine per 1 liter of boiled water) also gets rid of annoying bugs. Treated by spraying plant leaves.

You can also kill insects in house plants using ammonia . In addition, it improves plant growth. The solution can be prepared by taking 50 ml of ammonia and diluting it in 4 liters of water.

Orange peel also help get rid of harmful insects that attack indoor flowers. The citrus smell irritates them. It is recommended to cover the flower pot with such crusts or to deepen them directly into the soil. The pests will blow away like the wind.

Or can you just dry the soil. Also a great way to deal with flower midges. Until the soil is completely dry, it is not advisable to water your “green friend”. Then cover the top of the soil with fried sand and sprinkle it with weak potassium permanganate.

Treatment of infected plants with folk remedies is considered the most in a safe way compared to using chemicals.

Effective insecticides to control midges

It is best to opt for safe drugs. When treating plants, be sure to use individual means protection.

The liquid and safest insecticides include “ Agravertine», « Fitoverm», « Fufanon», « Aktara», « Inta-vir" These chemicals can be used at home. The course of treatment is carried out over two weeks. Watering the plant is done once a week. After the plant has been watered with an insecticide, it is not advisable to water it for 5 days clean water.

Dangerous liquid insecticides include “ Aktellik", which has very high toxicity. Its use is prohibited in residential premises.

Granular insecticides include “ Bazudin», « Grom-2», « Fly eater" The main thing is to mix the granules with the top layer of soil, and not just scatter them on top of the ground. These insecticides do not act as quickly, but they are just as effective as liquid ones.

Don't forget, absolutely all chemicals are toxic. When processing plants, you must wear gloves, safety glasses and a respirator. After work, be sure to ventilate the room.

Aerosol insecticides are considered no less effective ( Bona Forte), which can paralyze flying pests in an instant. The aerosol consists of substances that are harmless to humans and environment.

Preventing the appearance of midges in indoor flowers

To ensure that midges never disturb your indoor plants, it is recommended to follow the most simple rules flower care:

Sticking to the most basic preventive measures for plant care, will help protect your favorite flowers from the possibility of flower midges appearing on them.

The question of how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers is very familiar to those who not only love indoor flowers, but also breed them. Today it is quite fashionable to have green plants in an apartment or private house, and besides this, it is also useful, since even without frequent ventilation the room will be fresh, because photosynthesis increases the volume of oxygen. This means that breathing will be much easier.

Indoor flowers are especially useful for young children who need fresh air. Besides this useful function, indoor plants are also a unique decorative element. Thanks to the huge assortment of exotic flowers, you can “transform” your apartment into a real botanical garden, with all the splendor of “green” representatives.
However, indoor plants can also cause us a number of problems, and one of them is flower midge, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Since we are not at all happy about the appearance of any insects in the apartment, be it ordinary flies, then when a flower midge appears, we begin to sound the alarm and ring all the bells, because the unknown is always frightening. So, in order to answer the question “are flower midges dangerous for humans,” it is necessary to identify the causes of these insects and dwell on the harm they cause.

Are flower midges dangerous for humans?

We often notice that there are small midges, but attributing this to the fact that the garbage has not been taken out for a long time or the flowers have been standing in the vase for a long time, we do not attach any importance to this, hoping that the insects will disappear by themselves. But this does not happen, because these small midges are sciarids, or as they are popularly called flower midges.

These insects not only sit on plants and fly over them, but also crawl along the soil in large quantities. Flower midges occur due to abundant and too frequent watering of plants, as a result of which the soil does not even have time to dry before it receives a new portion of water.
Such insects are not dangerous for plants, at least for the “external” part, but the root system can be seriously damaged, because midges actively lay larvae on the ground. If a huge number of larvae are observed in the pot, then it is necessary to transplant the flower into new “healthy” soil, which must be treated with a special midge repellent.
For humans, the flower midge does not pose any threat, since it does not bite and is not capable of infecting. Of course, these insects have a negative effect on the mental state, because few people can withstand such an invasion of insects in their home. Small children can be especially impressed, so you need to regularly monitor the soil in flower pots and try to prevent the formation of flower midges, so as not to waste time on a hard fight with it in the future.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers?

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers, and is it possible to get rid of them forever? Yes, we can eliminate these insects, but their reoccurrence depends solely on us and how we care for the plants.
Sciarides appeared in nature quite a long time ago, so even our ancestors were already familiar with them, and therefore there are a sufficient number folk recipes to combat these insects.

Method No. 1 : Economical and effective, but the downside is that it takes quite a long time to completely get rid of midges. The flower pot needs to be treated in the following way: take four matches, stick their heads into the soil, and moisten it a little. It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the matches, and after the sulfur has dissolved in the soil, you need to replace the matches with new ones. To completely eliminate midges, you need to repeat the procedure 5-6 times. This number of procedures is necessary to ensure that all the larvae that the midge lays in the soil die.

Method No. 2 : The most popular. To get rid of flower midges, our great-grandparents used a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure must be repeated several times with an interval of two days. The main thing is not to make the solution too strong, because you can burn all root system plants. In this matter, preference should be given to systematic watering rather than to the power of concentration.

Method No. 3 : The most ancient. It is recommended to use a soap solution for watering. However, care must be taken with concentration to avoid soil contamination.

Method No. 4 : Is an old recipe of German flower growers. You need to take three heads of garlic, chop them or crush them using a special kitchen appliance, and pour a liter of boiled water. The mixture is infused for four hours, after which the plant itself should be sprayed with this infusion, and then the soil should be watered. This recipe is good because two procedures are enough to get rid of midges, but it may be unpleasant for those who do not like the smell of garlic.

Method No. 5 : Suitable for citrus lovers. In this case, you don’t even have to spend money, since only the zest is needed. It needs to be divided into equal pieces and stuck into the ground at a distance of 4-6 cm.

Method number 6 : In other words, garlicky. Several cloves of garlic need to be cut lengthwise and placed over the entire area of ​​the soil with the cut part down.

Method No. 7 . It is necessary to take the required amount of dill, depending on the size of the hill, and spread it over the entire surface of the soil. Dill sprigs need to be changed every two days.

Method No. 8 . Repeated treatment of plants with tobacco infusion, for the preparation of which you need to infuse 20 grams of tobacco in half a liter of water. And after two days, dilute the solution with another liter of water and treat the upper part of the plants.

Thanks to the fact that science does not tend to stand still, today you can get rid of the flower midge not only folk ways, but also modern means. The well-known insect repellent pencil “Mashenka” can provide assistance in the fight against midges.
You need to scrape off some of the pencil and scatter the shavings onto the ground. You can also draw some marks on the pot itself. Many gardeners advise using "Raptor". IN Lately Fly-eater flowers have gained popularity; they also help in the fight against midges, but new individuals will grow again from the laid larvae. Gained popularity among flower growers store products: “Grom-2”, “Bazudin”, Muhoed.

Preventing the appearance of midges in flowers.

So that you do not have to “wrack” your brain in search of a means to combat these insects, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of midges in flowers.

  • You should not “overdo it” with watering, since most often midges appear precisely for this reason;
  • You should not water the plants with tea decoction, as many “populists” recipes say;
  • The soil in the pots should be clean. All fallen leaves and inflorescences must be removed;
  • After purchasing soil, do not forget to steam/freeze it;
  • Cover the soil in pots with marble chips so that midges have nowhere to lay their larvae;
  • When replanting plants, treat the pot with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Do not use soil with rotting plant debris;
  • The surface of the soil can be sprinkled with ash or coarse sand;
  • Do not forget to loosen the soil, because this way the water will not stagnate.

Despite the fact that the flower midge is safe for humans, it still causes a number of problems associated with its extermination. Therefore, it is better to prevent the occurrence of these insects that are dangerous to your indoor plants!

Now in any city there are dozens flower shops, which provide the buyer with flowers at different price, size and uniqueness.

Everyone in their home has at least a few flowers needed to decorate their apartment. But it often happens that plants get sick. The cause of such ailments, as a rule, is black midges in flower pots, which grow in the soil of the plant. From the article you will learn how to quickly get rid of midges in flowers.

Why do midges appear in indoor plants?

Just like with people, before you start “treatment”, you need to find out the cause of the appearance of midges.

Such reasons may be:

  • Excessive watering of flowers, as midges multiply quickly in wet soil.
  • Often stores sell already contaminated soil; this may be a flower in a pot ready for you.
  • The presence of certain components in the soil that maintain too much moisture.
  • Black midges can fly into your house, and later into a flower through an open window.
  • Watering the plant with liquids not intended for this purpose.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Types of midges in indoor flowers

There are two types of midges in flower pots - black and white:

  1. White midges. White flies accumulate on the surface of the pot, making them difficult to miss. It won’t be difficult to spot the midges, as they are quite impressive in size and stand out for their light color. Such white midges are usually called springtails. This type of pest is very active. They constantly move around the plant from one place to another. Such midges appear either in winter or spring, due to the fact that at these times the atmosphere is very humid.
  2. Black midges. Black midges can fly both on the street and around the apartment. For flowers, midges are harmless creatures. Their larvae harm the plant and cause damage to the roots. It is already more difficult to notice them, since they are not very noticeable in size. But they can be detected when they fly around the plant, and they do this often. They will not bring harm to humans, but from such midges we will feel constant discomfort in the apartment, since these pests periodically get into human food or eyes. Black midges cause great harm to flowers. Their larvae are capable of short term damage the root system of the plant.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer at the dacha, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for either adults or children to be in the house, much less on the street. We purchased a lamp-trap on the advice of our neighbors.

We have been using the lamp for more than a month. We have forgotten about flying insects and are often outdoors in the evenings. We are very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

Favorite plant species that are affected by midges

It is customary for qualified gardeners to notice that each type of midge has its own preferences for plants.

For example, black midges love flowers that have dense leaves. These are flowers such as violet, ficus and others. Springtails, on the other hand, prefer plants with soft foliage, such as begonias. But if midges have already appeared in the soil, then it is worth noting that they will continue to multiply in it, regardless of whether the soil is favorable for them or not.

How to get rid of fruit and flower midges?

People often believe that the appearance of midges in an apartment directly depends on how dusty it is, but this is not true.

To prevent the appearance of midges, it is necessary to wash vegetables and fruits before putting them on the table. After such disinfection, it is necessary to wipe the products with a towel. But detailed instructions about that in home colors will be a little lower.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

How to get rid of whiteflies?

Methods to combat whitefly:

  • The flower on which you found pests must be set aside from others and your entire collection inspected, since midges may also be found on other flowers.
  • The top soil in the pot needs to be changed.
  • Before treating with one or another product, it is necessary to treat the leaves of the plant with a special solution.

Plants that cannot be wiped this way should be spray with chemicals. Even if you find a pest on only one flower, it will still be necessary to treat absolutely every flower.

In addition, you need to frequently wipe windows and window sills. You also need to constantly inspect the plants, throw out pest eggs and catch the whiteflies themselves. These rules must be followed for 70 days.


To get rid of midges, the following drugs, called insecticides, are used:

  1. Fly eater– this is one of the best in flower pots. It rids the plant of larvae and adult individuals; midges die very quickly: within two days. A distinctive feature of the drug is that it does not harm the soil at all.
  2. Inta-vir is a drug widely used against pests such as black and white midges. Inta-vir has a deadly effect on nervous system pest, causing it to die. A plant can be treated with this preparation only if you are 100% sure that it has midges.
  3. Grom-2– a very effective drug for getting rid of midges. Experts advise exactly this remedy to control pests in your flowers. The drug is most effective, all because it is produced in granules. The fight against insects takes about five days.
  4. Aktara- a well-known insecticide that is most effective when sprayed. By using such a drug, you will block the insects’ source of food within the first 30 minutes. The effect, destructive for pests, occurs within 24 hours. The product does not cause any harm to flowers.
  5. – designed to get rid of midges from flowers and soil. Valid this drug in 24 hours. Before use, you will need to adjust your sprayer to such an extent that very fine droplets are produced. It is strictly not recommended to mix with other products; discard the packaging after use and rinse the sprayer thoroughly.
  6. Agravertine- One of the best means to combat whiteflies. Paralyzes both eggs and adult midges, subsequently having a fatal effect on pests. It is not recommended to take a dosage less or more than what is indicated on the package, since too low a dose will not give the desired effect, and too large a dose can destroy the plant.

Folk remedies

In the fight against midges, many folk remedies are often used, sometimes they can even have a greater effect than the chemicals you buy in the store.

Most used traditional methods- This:

  1. Soap solution. In order to prepare this solution, you will need laundry soap. Using a regular kitchen grater, or any device convenient for you, grind the soap. After which, you need to mix soap and water in a ratio of 1:6. You need to beat the liquid that you have obtained well, and to such an extent that foam is obtained. Then take a dish sponge or something that can absorb various liquids, dip it in the resulting solution and wipe the plants with it. It is also recommended to treat the upper level of the soil with this substance. After such treatment, the effect is noticeable within the first day.
  2. Wood ash. Experienced gardeners recommend and praise such a folk remedy as wood ash. Grind the wood ash and mix it with five liters of water. The infusion needs to stand for about five hours. Then take 50 grams of soap and mix it with the resulting infusion, then all that is required of you is to spray all the plants with the resulting preparation. You can also use another recipe for preparing an infusion of wood ash: pour boiling water over 250 grams of zala. After the liquid has cooled, you need to strain it and spray the flowers.

Soap solution and wood ash are some of the most effective folk remedies for midges, but not the only ones.

If you are not satisfied with these remedies for any reason, then here are a few more popular methods:

  1. Garlic infusion. Take 2-3 garlic cloves and chop them, then mix with a liter clean water and remove the broth to a place where it will be in the shade. After a day, you need to strain the infusion and spray the plants.
  2. Tobacco infusion. Shake out all the tobacco from regular cigarettes and fill it with a liter of warm (but not hot) water. This liquid must be placed in a dark place and waited for five days, then strained, and the product will be ready for spraying. It is worth noting that you can spray flowers in this way only once every three days. If you follow the recipe, the midges will disappear in the near future.


One of the most famous and effective measures prevention is loosening the soil and the process of monitoring the increase or decrease in humidity levels.

We must not forget that a humid environment for midges is perfect place for settlement and reproduction, so you don’t need to water the flowers too often, as this will cause the soil to rot. When upper layer If the soil is dry, the midge larvae simply die. You need to drain the soil, then the liquid will not be absorbed in the upper layers. This will protect your flowers from rotting and various precipitations.

Many gardeners recommend loosening the soil as often as possible. This will allow the roots located on the lower layers to get enough air. If you comply this rule, then you can forget about soil rotting forever. You can tell if the soil is bad by white plaque on its surface.

Naturally, If you find midge larvae and already adult individuals, then the most sensible thing to do would be to change the soil. But without using the above chemicals, you should not replant, as they will protect the plant.

It would also be quite reasonable to treat plants by various means(a list of them can be found above), which you can buy in specialized gardening stores.

According to the instructions, such substances cannot be used for preventive purposes, but in fact, the use of such drugs will only protect your plant.


So we can say for sure that midges in flower pots can and should be fought with both folk and chemical means. But before you start “treating” your plant, you need to carry out preventive methods, which are also indicated in the article.

People often wonder: do midges bite from flower pots? These are all myths, in fact they are harmless creatures for humans, but, as is already known, they can cause great harm to a plant or your huge collection of flowers.

The main secret in the fight against midges in flowers- this means that everything needs to be done strictly in the order listed in the article, using only well-known drugs or experienced folk methods.

Not good experienced gardeners They are often afraid for their plants because midges have appeared in them, but there is nothing wrong with this if you notice it at first, and it is very difficult not to notice clusters of these pests.

If you know that this or that plant from your collection is often subject to “attacks” of insects, then for the purpose of prevention it would not be superfluous to treat the flowers with all sorts of preparations, but strictly in the dosages indicated on the packaging.

Even if you follow all the rules of care indoor plants, you risk encountering midges in flower pots. These pests occur gradually, so you may not notice it right away. But once they appear, it will not be so easy to remove them.

Causes of midges

As soon as you notice the appearance of insects near your indoor flower, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance. Pests are often caused by improper care for a plant, less often you buy an already infected flower or soil. So, flies in flowers can appear for the following reasons:

  • the plant is watered (fed) with tea, coffee, sugar and other available means (this creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of insects);
  • the soil was already contaminated and was not disinfected before planting;
  • the flower is watered too much;
  • many plants are close to each other, and the room is not ventilated;
  • abuse of organic fertilizers;
  • high humidity in the apartment.

Types of pests

Midges, unlike other pests, can be seen with the naked eye. Flies that breed in flower pots can be divided into two groups: white (springtails) and black (sciarids).

Springtails- small flies of white or yellowish-brown color. They start up, as a rule, in winter or spring, when moisture evaporation is weak. Springtails are also called earth fleas, since their distinctive feature are quick jumps when trying to touch them. White midges are more common than black ones; you can see them on the soil and at the foot of a flower pot. The flies themselves are not harmful, however, their larvae cause significant harm to the plant.

Sciarides larger than springtails. These insects are up to three millimeters in size and black. Like white midges, they do not harm humans, but the plant may suffer. Black midges can appear due to watering the plant with tea infusion or other available means.

The article will tell you how to get rid of midges and larvae that infest flower pots.

Many people grow flowers - this is an interesting and useful activity, both for the soul and for the home. Plants decorate the room and contribute to the production of oxygen necessary for adults and children. Any flowers are susceptible negative influences the surrounding world: unfavorable conditions, insufficient or excessive care, animals (cats, for example, which dig the ground and gnaw leaves), insects.

Plants are often attacked by midges, and these insects are the cause of improper care by humans. Some who don’t like to tinker with flowers too much will simply throw away the pot, however, “ uninvited guests"can be easily deduced if you know the methods and secret traps for such midges. Thus, the plant will remain completely unharmed.

In addition to midges, a plant can suffer from a host of diseases, and the appearance of midges is not the problem itself, but only its consequence. Insects appear in pots that are over-filled with water. Increased dampness and abundance of moisture attract midges. Damage to the plant can be caused by larvae laid by midges directly into the ground.

IMPORTANT: “You should sound the alarm when you notice at least one midge on the soil surface.”

What can cause midges to appear:

  • You initially chose poor quality and poor soil for the flower. Open window often serves as a “bait” to lure midges into the room.
  • You water the flowers too often and too much and the soil “rots,” which makes it attractive to midges.

You can fight such midges with any domestic and by special means. There are several varieties of midges, which determines their lifespan. Some species live no more than 10-14 days, others up to 3 months. Life expectancy can also be affected by the time of year; in hot weather, midges live shorter, but reproduce more often and more abundantly.

"House" midges in flowers and plants

Types of midges in indoor flowers: how are they different?

Types of flower midges:

  • White midges. Most common species insects found in potted plants. They can be found both on wet soil and on the root part (foot).
  • Porody. Very small insects, no more than 1 mm in length. Distinctive feature flies - a light white or yellowish color, and also the fact that they “vigorously” jump on the leaves. They start in pots when the moisture has not evaporated enough (mainly in the cool season).
  • Sciarides. Small black flies, they mainly fly over plants, annoying them. These insects are harmless to humans, but can spread throughout the house, getting into food and drink. However, sciarid larvae can harm flowers and you may notice such consequences as yellowing and curling of leaves, some become “crumpled”, and the soil is filled with translucent worms. As a rule, such black midges are a consequence of watering flowers with tea leaves or organic matter.

What flowers do midges “love”:

  • Those with fairly “soft” leaves
  • Plants with "dense" greenery
  • Springtails

Where can you find midges most often, on what flowers:

  • Orchids (all types)
  • Begonias
  • Fuchsia
  • Azaleas
  • Decembrist
  • Violets

IMPORTANT: Midges “do not like” flowers such as aloe, as well as plants with strong, rich mint and tobacco aromas.

How to water and treat flowers against midges at home: chemicals

Choosing chemical agent To combat midges, it is important to give preference to what is safe for others.

Suitable products (names):

  • Inta-vir – safe product for home use
  • Fitoverm – a product that is safe for humans and fights against all types of insects in flowers.
  • Aktara – a modern, highly effective means for combating midges in flowers.
  • Fufanon – disinfectant for soil in flower pots and pest control.
  • Agravertine – means for destroying midges and their larvae
  • Thunder-2 – a powerful and effective means to combat midges and larvae.
  • Fly eater – a means to combat midges and flies that harm plants.
  • Aktellik– the drug is toxic and is not allowed to be used at home.
  • Bona Forte- a product that acts instantly on insects and kills midges in plants.

INTERESTING: Treating the soil with dichlorvos is considered the simplest but most effective means for controlling insects found in the soil of domestic plants.

How to remove midges from flower pots in an apartment or house using folk remedies: recipes, tips

What home remedies can help:

  • A weak solution of tar soap. The only caveat is that the solution must be of low concentration. Thus, a slight disinfection of the soil will occur, which will not harm the plant.
  • Wood ash or tobacco ash. She should sprinkle (cover) the top layer of soil in the flower pot. Insects are very sensitive to “harsh” and strong odors.
  • Garlic cloves and orange peels. They also have powerful aromatic properties that can repel insects.

What else to do:

  • Completely replace the soil
  • Changing the top layer of soil
  • Reduce watering
  • Complete drying of the soil
  • Loosen the top layer of soil
  • Setting traps and sticky tape near pots

Matches, potassium permanganate, garlic against midges in indoor flowers: recipes for use

Traps and products made with my own hands, will help you get rid of midges in flower pots.

What you can use: