Types of viburnum most commonly found in cultivation. We grow viburnum correctly: from choosing a variety to planting and care Description of viburnum sargent

The genus includes 200 species, distributed in the subtropical and temperate zones of Eurasia.

Description of viburnum

Viburnum grows in the form of deciduous or evergreen shrubs, sometimes small trees. Most species are shade-tolerant and moisture-loving. Absolutely all species have opposite, sometimes whorled, arrangement of leaves. Red or black fruits are mostly edible. Viburnum reproduces cuttings, seeds, layering. Residents middle zone In Russia, the sign of viburnum is due to the widespread distribution of the common viburnum.

In the wild, it can be found in almost every forest - in a clearing, edge, clearing.

Viburnums are very decorative. Most begin to bloom in May, ending the spring riot of flowers with pinkish, white or yellowish inflorescences. Flowering, sometimes stretching for three weeks. All viburnums are excellent honey plants.

Viburnums are also famous for their fruits. The berries acquire color already in August. They look great against the background of a green crown, delight the eye all autumn and decorate the bushes even in winter. In some species the fruits are pinkish-orange or red. Other types of viburnum produce black berries with a blue or bluish tinge. But there is such a viburnum that has fruits of 2 colors: ripe ones are black, and others, unripe ones, are red in color.

Types and varieties of viburnum

Some types of viburnum have decorative forms that differ from their ancestors in special features appearance. The most famous cultivar of viburnum is Buldenezh.

Viburnum red or common

It grows in the forest and forest-steppe zones of almost all of Europe.

Shrub or tree 4 m in height. The trunk of the bush is covered with fissured bark. The leaves of the common viburnum are large, 5-lobed, light green in the spring, simply green in the summer, and reddish in the fall.

Barren white flowers bloom several days earlier than fertile viburnums, decorating the bush for 15 days. The fruits are red, round-shaped drupes with yellow flesh, edible, and look cute against the background of greenery.

Has decorative forms:

Viburnum common"Nanum" is a dwarf form (1m) with small leaves. Grows from April to early October. Growth is slow. In winter it freezes a little.

Viburnum common“Roseum” is the most common, it is also called “Bulde-nezh”. The height of the bush is 2 m, the height of the tree is 4 m. The crown of the common viburnum Buldenezh is wide-spreading. The spherical inflorescences consist of sterile flowers, first olive, then white, resembling snowballs.

When blooming, the flowers of the viburnum Buldenezh turn pink. During flowering, which lasts 35 days, the shrub is decorative both in group and single plantings. It looks especially impressive near the water and in standard form.

Viburnum common"Compactum" ("Compactum"), the bush is up to 2 m in height. It blooms in June.

Flowers of Viburnum vulgare "Compactum", marginal white, middle small, bisexual, pinkish or white. The fruits of Viburnum Viburnum "Compactum" are bright red..

Viburnum common"Aureum" A compact bush with a height of 2 m. The foliage is yellow and turns green in summer. Her flowers are white. The fruits of Viburnum viburnum "Aureum" are beautiful red. Looks beautiful in light partial shade, especially in sunny, hot summers. It may freeze.

Kalina Sargenta

IN natural conditions distributed in the Far East, Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin, Korea, Japan. Viburnum Sargent is widespread in the European part of Russia, in Altai, the Urals, where it is found along forest edges, clearings, and among thickets near water.

Viburnum Sargent has a spreading bush and leaves with long petioles and a central vein. Flowering begins at the end of May. Sterile flowers up to 3 cm in diameter; the flowers have purple, sometimes yellow, anthers. In early October, spherical, bright red fruits ripen.

Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy. Viburnum Sargent is a good ornamental shrub, especially spectacular during flowering and fruiting, in solitary plants along the banks of reservoirs.

Kalina Gordovina

It is a well-known viburnum with black fruits, which are also edible. Viburnum gourdovina is widespread in Asia Minor, Central and Southern Europe, in the North Caucasus.

Viburnum viburnum has a completely different appearance compared to red viburnum. The shrub is 5 m high. The crown is compact, dense, 2.5 m in diameter.

Viburnum gordovina is one of the most beautiful ornamental shrubs; it has long been used in landscaping parks and gardens. Undemanding to soil, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, retains pink-red leaves and black fruits until winter. Excellent propagation by seeds.

This type of viburnum is one of the most beautiful ornamental shrubs, elegant during flowering, during the period of fruit ripening and in the autumn season with brightly colored foliage. Pairs perfectly with linden and oak.

Viburnum pride has decorative forms: variegated - with yellow-variegated foliage; and wrinkled - with larger inflorescences and more wrinkled leaves.

Viburnum gordovina "Aureum". Bush 3 m high, with oval leaves. The leaves are golden on top and silvery-felt underneath.

Viburnum gourdovina "Aureo-variegatum". The leaves of this viburnum have yellow stripes and spots. Flowering occurs in May and can sometimes bear fruit.

Viburnum black

Grows in the south of Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. Grows in coniferous-deciduous forests.

A strongly branching, spreading bush about 3 m in height, sometimes a small tree with an openwork crown, a grayish trunk and light, bare, yellow-gray branches. The leaves are elliptical, acute at the apex, dark green above; yellow-white, inconspicuous flowers are collected in stitch-shaped inflorescences.

The fruits of black viburnum have shiny, black skin and sweet pulp, edible.

Black viburnum is light-loving and demanding on the soil. Tolerates transplantation well. Decorative all season, but especially in autumn.

Protection from pests and diseases: viburnum is often affected by the viburnum bark beetle, which eats all the foliage, leaving only veins. To combat it, you can treat it with 0.2% chlorophos.

Decorative forms of viburnum It is best to propagate by cuttings. Their rooting rate is very high.

All viburnums are decorative, some have a variety of decorative forms. Viburnums are very impressive against the background of linden, birch, maple, spruce and rowan trees. Viburnum on garden plot- these are not only beautiful, but also useful, medicinal and edible plants.

is one of the plants of the family called honeysuckle, in Latin the name of this plant will be as follows: Viburnum sargentii Kochne. As for the name of the Sargent viburnum family itself, in Latin it will be: Caprifoliaceae Juss.

Description of viburnum sargent

Viburnum sargenta is a fairly large shrub, the height of which will be about two to three meters, and the diameter at the base of the largest shoots is approximately five centimeters. It is noteworthy that the wood of this plant is endowed with a very characteristic odor. The bark will be colored bright hues, on old trunks it will be finely flaky, but on young branches it is smoother. With the exception of only the uppermost leaves, the leaves will be three-lobed with rather sharp lobes and irregularly coarse-toothed edges. Such leaves can be either completely bare or pubescent. The flowers will be of two kinds: the marginal ones are large and reach two centimeters in diameter, they are flat and sterile, painted in bright white tones. The remaining flowers will be fertile, cup-shaped and quite small in size. The fruits of viburnum sargent are colored in light red tones, they are bitter, but at the same time also juicy.
Flowering of viburnum sargent begins in the second half of July, and fruit ripening will occur at the end of September. Under natural conditions, this plant is found in China, Korea, Japan, Transbaikalia, and also in the following regions of Russia: Amur region, on Sakhalin, on the Kuril Islands, in Primorye and in the Khabarovsk Territory. It should be remembered that this plant is not only very decorative, but also a rather valuable honey plant.

Description of the medicinal properties of viburnum sargent

Viburnum sargent is endowed with quite valuable healing properties, while for medicinal purposes it is recommended to use the fruits, leaves, bark and flowers of this plant. The aerial part of Viburnum sargent contains saponins, and the bark contains catechins and tannins. The leaves will contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives. The fruits of this plant contain vitamins C and K, fatty oil, organic acids, carbohydrates, alkaloids and anthocyanins.
A decoction prepared from the bark of Viburnum sargenta can increase the tone of the uterus, as well as have a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and diuretic effect. The fruits of Viburnum sargent can be used as a very valuable diuretic and cardiotonic.
The flowers, fruits and leaves of this plant are endowed with hemostatic properties. It should be noted that the fruits are quite edible, and jam and jelly can be made from dried fruits. In addition, such fruits also serve as food for both domestic and wild animals.
For diarrhea, you should use the following remedy based on viburnum sargent: to prepare such a remedy, take fifteen to twenty grams of crushed bark per two glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be infused for four hours, and then this mixture is filtered very carefully. Take the resulting product three to four times a day, one to two tablespoons.
The following remedy should be used as a sedative: to prepare this remedy, take three tablespoons of crushed leaves and one tablespoon of flowers per three hundred milliliters of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for an hour or two, and then filtered. Take this remedy half a glass three times a day.
If you have the flu, add water to the bark of viburnum in a ratio of one to twenty, and then boil the mixture for half an hour and strain. Take this remedy fifteen to thirty milliliters three to four times a day.

Which of us in the fall did not freeze in admiration, seeing a beautiful bright viburnum bush, strewn with large red clusters of berries and no less colorful leaves.

The spring flowering of viburnum also does not leave us indifferent.

But she is not only charmingly beautiful, but also extremely useful.

Kalina, familiar to us from songs, stories and fairy tales since childhood, lives in the wild not only in Russia.

She loves a moderate climate and settles in such areas. Asia - both Russian, Middle and Small - is good for viburnum.

Europe is just as good: both in our country and in the West. Viburnum is not afraid of the Siberian cold and the Crimean heat either.

Revered by the ancestors for their healing properties, beauty and, as they believed, magical properties, viburnum has not lost its value for us either.

This elegant shrub is usually displayed in many courtyards, front gardens, and gardens. Viburnum is pleasing to the eye and brings considerable benefits.

In Russia, not only songs and literary works contributed to the popularization of viburnum.

The film “Kalina Krasnaya”, which unites generations, created by V. Shukshin, forms a touching attitude towards the plant even on a subconscious level.

In the old days, there was a custom in Rus': girls of marriageable age embroidered viburnum on towels. Leaves, berries on a white background, beautiful towels.

The product was intended as a gift to the chosen one. The one the girl wanted to call her husband. It was the girl who made the choice, who decided to take the first step. But the guy might not accept the gift. If he accepted, they were preparing for the wedding. Returned it and the girl refused.

Weddings would not be complete without viburnum; it decorated tables and appeared in the wreaths of the bridesmaids.

Morphology, biology

Botanical name of viburnum: Viburnum vulgare. Aka: red viburnum.

Scientists are working on classification and changing the names of some families. Or they move plants to other groups based on identified characteristics.

For a long time, viburnum was one of the honeysuckles, but now it has been separated from this family into another: adoxaceae.

The name of the family is not important: viburnum remains the same.

This is a long-lived (half a century old) shrub with a variety of species in height. It can be low - one and a half meters, or it can grow up to four meters.

Even one species exposed to different conditions manifests itself differently.

From a viburnum seed that falls into a deep crevice in the soil landscape, it will grow significantly larger plant than from growing on an open surface.

Plants are drawn to the light. Where it is lacking, the upward growth of viburnum will be enhanced. A viburnum tree may grow. If there is enough nutrition and moisture.

The bark is smooth only on young light brown shoots. Later they acquire a gray tint and become covered with cracks (“shaggy”).

More often the shoots are rounded, sometimes they can be ribbed. If you need to verify from a young bush that it is viburnum, cut the shoot.

It shows a reddish hexagon-shaped core.

Viburnum has two types of shoots. Some are fruitful, others are barren. They can be distinguished. Consider the terminal buds.

On sterile ones, one bud is located in the center of the end of the shoot. Fruitful ones are crowned with two buds. Between these buds a growth point is visible: the tip of the shoot.

The leaves are large, up to 10 cm long, with lobes, shaped like Maple Leaf, but the outline is a little softer, the plate itself is a little thicker.

The color is intense green, dark, the leaves are wrinkled. The leaves at the bottom of the plate are often pubescent and differ in color from the upper side: they are greyish.

The viburnum becomes red all over before the leaves fall. Its leaves turn intensely red in the fall, completing the growing season.

Flowers are very decorative. Umbrella-shaped white panicles are elegant; when viburnum blooms, it is strewn with them, as if doused with white foam.

She is beautiful in any period, including the rest period. In winter, bare shoots adorn the fruits: drupes of bright red color, visible from a distance against the background of snow.

Drupes can reach a centimeter in diameter.

The fruit tastes bitter, but after frost, viburnum partially loses its bitterness and becomes softer in taste.

The seeds are flat round seeds and remain viable for a maximum of two years.

Viburnum is photophilous and tolerates partial shade. Does not form berries in the shade. It gravitates toward moderate moisture and does not tolerate drought or excess moisture.

Nutritional requirements are average, a golden mean in everything. It does not like overfeeding, but if it finds itself on poor soils it can grow frail.

IN different regions, in the coniferous growth zone, likes to settle next to them. Often found in combination with pine, fir, spruce.

Many deciduous ones too good neighbors viburnum, especially oak, hornbeam, alder, poplar. Does not shy away from birch and aspen, growing nearby.

In the steppe zone, viburnum looks for where it is moister and settles in floodplain areas of rivers.

The plant is cross-pollinated; for good fruit set, clear, windless weather is needed, plus the work of insects.

The largest beautiful flowers located along the edges of the inflorescence. They are sterile and serve as bait: they are visible to insects from afar.

The root system of viburnum is well branched and tends to sprout. It does not penetrate very deeply, up to half a meter.

Relative to the above-ground mass, the underground is rather weak. The roots are quite capable of feeding and holding the plant.

But if viburnum is planted in a region where summer heat is common and where there are dry periods, it becomes vulnerable.

Under such conditions, the top soil layer dries out quickly. In the absence of rain, viburnum may even die and dry out on the vine.

Moisture is needed in moderation, but always. The structure of the viburnum root does not allow it to be extracted from deep soil horizons.

Viburnum does not crumble. If desired, if the harvest is large, you can share it with the birds, picking off the tassels right in the winter, if necessary.

Determine some of it into blanks, leave the rest on the branches.

Birds rarely peck the entire crop; usually the birds have enough to eat, and the owners of the garden have enough to feast on more than once.

Beneficial features

The healing power of viburnum was revered and known by our ancient ancestors.

All over the world, viburnum has been and continues to be used as a product that simultaneously heals and prevents illnesses.

Of course, how ornamental plant- Same.

Using viburnum fruits for food, a person gets with them:

  • Iron necessary for hematopoietic function;
  • Selenium, the deficiency of which negatively affects metabolic processes in general;
  • Zinc is an essential component of most enzymes (more than forty) of the body;
  • Copper is also a metal, and also necessary component enzymatic system;
  • Manganese is one of the controllers of brain neurotransmitters;
  • Phosphorus is an important element in the composition of the skeletal system (skeletal bones, teeth);
  • Iodine – important for balanced work thyroid gland an element whose deficiency is recorded in many regions;
  • Chromium is a trace element that helps prevent diabetes and indispensable assistant the body of those who are already sick with this disease;
  • Vitamin C. It is generally considered that citrus fruits are a piggy bank, but viburnum exceeds lemon in the content of the vitamin necessary for the body by as much as 70%;
  • Vitamin A. Precursor of carotene, protector of vision;
  • Vitamins K, P, E and a number of others;
  • Coumarins, which reduce blood clotting;
  • Tannins – disinfectants and have an astringent effect;
  • Tannin, also containing tannins;
  • Bitter glycoside viburnin - it not only gives bitterness to fruits, it is very useful for the heart;
  • A set of organic acids that normalize metabolic processes;
  • Pectin is a digestive aid.

Not only berries are useful, viburnum bark is also healing. In addition to resin and valuable tannins, it contains many organic acids.

These help maintain pregnancy if there is a tendency to prematurity. But it is important not to overdose, this will provoke the opposite effect, increasing the tone of the uterus.

Viburnum has many beneficial properties. Since ancient times, people have noticed them and used them in the treatment of many ailments and serious diseases.

Viburnum with honey is not just a wonderful delicacy. This will help with coughs and is useful for hypertensive patients. The tasty medicine will reduce high blood pressure, and with frequent use, cholesterol levels.

Viburnum decoction relieves vascular spasms and helps with neuroses. Viburnum is useful for those suffering from diabetes.

Since the components of the plant selectively act on the uterus, the bark and fruits can stop bleeding. They are used in decoctions.

Viburnum branches (decoction) will relieve an old cough and return a clear timbre to a voice hoarse from colds.

Viburnum bark in a decoction will help with excessive sweating (if the sweating is not secondary, as, for example, in heart patients).

You can wipe yourself with a cloth or towel soaked in the broth. You can also rinse with a solution of viburnum decoction after bathing.

With the now widespread diet from supermarkets, it won’t take long before you get scurvy. Viburnum will help out if you remember about it. A tablespoon of viburnum fruit per day is enough to cover daily requirement in anti-scorbutic vitamin C.

The red healer will help you look good too. It will strengthen your hair (you need to make masks), smooth it, and refresh your skin if you wipe it with a piece of frozen viburnum juice after sleep.

Fruits increase blood clotting, which is good for hemophilia. But if the indicator is initially elevated, you will have to refuse the tasty delicacy with a spicy bitterness.

Types and varieties

Viburnum common

There are many varieties of the shrub beloved by many gardeners.

The most common types of viburnum are:

  • Ordinary - this one is more common.
  • Forked - similar in characteristics to ordinary, but the branches are forked and the leaf color is yellowish. In autumn the leaves will turn bright crimson.
  • Buryat black. Three-meter shrub, very branched. Young branches are smooth and yellowish. In adult plants, the bark is corky and cracked. The berries, as the name suggests, are black. They are edible only after frost, when they completely turn black. At first the fruits are pinkish. If a gardener comes across this exotic viburnum for sale, he should consider whether to take it. The plant is a free plant, a park will suit it, but it doesn’t like cities. If the site overlooks a reservoir, Buryat viburnum will live near it. Especially if nothing shades it and the soil is clayey. But it will not be able to crowd into the area, sharing it with other bushes or trees. He won't live long.
  • Gordovina. Also chokeberry. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary one, especially while the fruits are red and unripe. But it is more powerful, six meters high, spreading crown, can reach 5 meters in diameter.
  • Wright. Red-fruited shrub (there are more black-fruited viburnum species). Low - 2.5 meters, compact, meter in diameter, crown. It differs from other species in the smoothness of the bark and the ovality of the leaves.
  • Sargent. The berries are red, but pale in color. Leaves of the original Brown, gradually changing to yellow-green.

Kalina Sargenta

There are many more species that live mainly in natural conditions that are not amenable to domestication. Most of them are aronia.

Gardeners usually prefer to have a proven, reliable friend: red viburnum.

Sometimes they just bring bushes from the forest and give them a place to live. But now there are a lot of varietal red viburnums, you can choose.

Kalina Zholobovskaya

Popular varieties:

  • Roseum, with flowers as lush as roses;
  • Zholobovskaya - characterized by increased frost resistance;
  • Ulgen is an elegant bush with purple leaves in autumn and large inflorescences of berries;
  • Variegata - flowers of the variety are in light green spherical inflorescences;
  • Lightning: against the background of a light green leaf, large umbrella panicles, abundantly strewn with large red berries;
  • Taiga rubies. Three-lobed, richly green leaf, weighty bunches of fruit.

Growing viburnum

Viburnum Buryat

Key points to know:

  • Choosing the time and place for planting viburnum;
  • Soil type preferences;
  • How to land;
  • List of care operations and their contents;
  • Pests, diseases, protection of viburnum from them;
  • Collection, proper storage fruits, bark harvesting;
  • Viburnum propagation.

Selecting a location

Viburnum is a hardy plant, but lack of moisture is detrimental to it.

Therefore, it should be settled where the soil does not dry out, but is not flooded. It's good if there is a body of water nearby. If not, then it should be possible to water, especially in the South, where there is often heat and long breaks in rain.

There should be enough light in the chosen place for the bush to grow powerful, beautiful, and fertile.

Considering the ratio of the above-ground and underground parts (the crown is much larger than the root system), it is better to choose a place not “on the seven winds”.

Protected from strong winds the place will provide stability to the viburnum bush, allowing it to grow there and bear fruit for many years.

The soil is good fertile, fertilized loamy soil is also suitable.

Disembarkation time

Kalina Gordovina

It is optimal to plan planting for the fall. Viburnum is not afraid of cold weather and wakes up early in the spring.

Planted in the fall, it will determine its timing itself and begin to grow on time.

If you plant it in the spring, you may not meet the deadline. best timing. The soil will still be damp and difficult for gardening work, and the plant will already begin to awaken.

By keeping it until the soil ripens, the gardener will involuntarily weaken the seedling and shorten it. possible time growing season.

Viburnum can take root in the spring, but with less probability. The plant may be stunted in growth and not fall into the desired temperature range.

If a bad start is given, it can affect the subsequent development of the viburnum bush, its fertility and longevity.

Soil preparation

Kalina Buldenezh

It is better to dig up and prepare the soil for viburnum in advance. It is advisable to give at least half a month for the soil to settle.

This way it will be more comfortable for the plant to settle into the new place allocated to it.

The pits themselves are prepared in advance. If you plan to plant more than one bush, maintain a distance of up to 3 meters, maybe a little less: they focus on the variety.

The depth of the pit is usually sufficient up to forty centimeters. It will be no less in width, maybe twice as wide, because the roots of the viburnum tend to grow horizontally. This opportunity must be provided to them.

The pit is filled with soil mixed with humus. You can add a little peat if available.

If the soil is not very nutritious, complete (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) mineral fertilizer is applied.

You don’t need much; 30 g of complex complete fertilizer per plant (one planting hole) is enough.

Planting seedlings

Planting of viburnum is carried out according to the type of planting of fruit trees.

Prepared fertile soil is poured into a heap at the bottom of the hole. The seedling is placed on this elevation with the central part of the root.

It is filled with the same soil slightly above the root collar. Then the seedling is slightly lifted by the stem a couple of centimeters.

This will cause the soil to adhere more tightly to the roots and spread them out into the ground.

Subsequent watering will cause soil sedimentation and the root collar may be exposed.

Sprinkle with unwatered soil on top so that the neck is approximately level with the soil surface.

You can get used to it, the soil above the neck is moistened, and sprinkled again just moderately damp. This stimulates the formation of adventitious roots.

At the same time, the soil, which is drier than the underlying one, will serve as mulch and prevent intense evaporation from the surface.

Viburnum does not require any additional supports. The roots will branch and support the plant themselves.

Viburnum care

Like planting, caring for viburnum is simple. The plant is unpretentious, a little care and it will flourish.

Loosening. This operation is necessary periodically, as the soil surface of the tree trunk circle compacts.

The compressed soil on the surface will not provide normal aeration of the roots. And they need air normal functioning needed too.

If a soil crust or cracks have formed, moisture quickly escapes through them and evaporates. Which is especially dangerous for viburnum.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the soil surface of tree trunk circles. It is necessary to loosen in a timely manner; at the same time, weeds are destroyed.

It is convenient to work with a flat cutter, but you can also use a hoe.

Watering. The need for it is determined by the weather. If there is intermittent rain, you don’t have to water it: the plant will not tolerate waterlogging.

Even while loosening, you can see: wet soil or is already drying up.

Sometimes there is a crust on top, and underneath the soil with quite normal moisture content, it has not had time to dry. Then watering will be unnecessary.

But if the soil is hard or loose, and at the same time dry, it urgently needs to be watered. The lack of moisture in the heat will be visible on the viburnum leaf.

If the leaf droops, wilts, or there is little moisture, you need to thoroughly water the tree trunk circle.

Feeding. Viburnum, a resident of forests and coastal areas, is not one of the pampered gourmets.

It will grow fully and give a harvest formed from the energy of the sun and the nutrient medium of the earth.

Some gardeners are accustomed to additionally “feeding” all the plants in their area. This is not forbidden for viburnum, as long as it is in moderation.

Immediately after planting, the viburnum is fed. Next year - depending on the situation. If growth is weak and there are no particular reasons for this, you can feed it.

While the bush is forming, organic fertilizing is good: with loosening in tree trunk circles compost, humus.

But during the budding period of a fruit-bearing plant, organic matter is no longer given. This is nitrogen, it will cause vigorous growth of green mass.

We need phosphorus and potassium. They will help flowering, setting and ripening of fruits. They are given in mineral form with watering.


The viburnum bush is prone to thickening. If you do not intelligently shape it, very quickly the viburnum will cease to please the eye, turning into a forest savage. The yield will not be good either.

There are two types of crowns of viburnum, formed by gardeners. Either this is a standard form, or the viburnum will grow as a bush.

It will produce a harvest in any case, but quantitatively the bush will surpass the tree in this regard.

The tree-like formation will enhance the decorative effect of the viburnum. The tree is elegant in any season. But during the flowering period, both forms will not yield to each other.

The choice is up to the gardener; he will do what he likes best.

Staff uniform. The viburnum bush sends out many vertical shoots.

If a tree-like form is preferred, a strong, even shoot is chosen, the rest are cut out flush with the soil. Competitors will have to be cut out more than once.

The future trunk is grown by pinching off the lateral buds from the bottom of the shoot. Viburnum does not grow quickly in the first years, so the shoot will not grow to the required branching height faster than in two years.

All this time, the excess is removed: shoots, buds on the trunk or shoots that have managed to grow on it.

The shoot will grow to 2 m - this is the starting point: the formation of the crown of the viburnum tree begins.

Pinching is carried out: the growth point is pinched off. This is a stimulus for the awakening of replacement lateral shoots. They quickly begin to grow, there is abundant branching.

On the trunk, the buds are also activated and growing. They are removed while continuing to contain the growth.

The crown is gradually formed. Thickening is not allowed; several main skeletal branches are left, the rest are removed.

Dry, damaged shoots are also cut out.

Bush form. There are subtleties here that contribute to both higher yields and neater bush formation.

When in the spring the shoots appear like a thick brush from under the melted snow, they get down to business. The kidneys should still be sleeping.

The branches are cut, leaving up to four buds on each. As it gets warmer, the buds will actively begin to vegetate and sprout.

When they grow to 30 cm, growth points are removed. The will to live of the viburnum is great, the remaining cuttings of the shoots will bristle with new ones.

They will grow vertically. Leaving the best ones, the gardener will form the shape of the bush he needs, create its frame and silhouette.

There is no need to thicken the bush form of viburnum. The priority is firmly and beautifully located strong branches.

Their number is optional. Everything weak or poorly directed (for example, inside the crown) is removed.

Prune viburnum without waiting for warm weather in the spring. You need to catch it before its buds open, so the manipulation is easier to bear.

Diseases and pests

Not a single plant has ever escaped without this unfortunate misfortune. Some people experience more trouble, others less.

But no one has yet achieved absolute invulnerability.


Viburnum is a very resistant plant and is almost not susceptible to disease.

Sometimes the plant is affected:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Spotting of fungal etiology;
  • Bacterial spotting.

powdery mildew. It appears in years with damp weather conditions.

As with most other plants, this disease manifests itself as a white coating on top of the leaf, and a gray coating on the bottom of its plate.

The disease is harmful, in order to prevent it from taking over the entire bush, completely diseased shoots are cut out and burned.

Then the plant is treated with preparations that include copper: powdery mildew killed by copper-containing pesticides.

Spotting. Spots of fungal origin (the fungus is easily distinguished by a coating on the bottom of the leaf, the spread of mycelium, dusting of spores from the resulting black sporangia) are also afraid of fungicides with copper.

Preventative spraying is preferable. This is done before the beginning of the growing season, just before the buds open.

At the same time, fungicides will serve as prevention against a whole range of pathogenic fungi.

Bacterial spot. If the spots on the plant are of bacterial etiology, you need to select an appropriate drug that acts specifically on the bacterial flora.

Spraying with an ash-soap, not very concentrated, solution or infusion of garlic will not hurt.

You can prepare an alcoholic infusion of nut leaf in advance ( Walnut), and then add this infusion to the water in small concentrations.

It turns out intensely brown: it contains iodine in large quantities. Disinfects well and kills pathogens.

At the same time, it feeds viburnum with iodine: a valuable microelement.


There are always competitors for horticultural products. We're not the only ones who love tasty things.

Viburnum is less fortunate with pests: it even has specific viburnums:

  • Viburnum leaf beetle;
  • Viburnum gall midge;
  • Viburnum leaf roller;
  • Viburnum black aphid.

Others also come to the bush for food:

  • Spiny honeysuckle sawfly;
  • Lobed green moth;
  • Honeysuckle gall midge.

These are the main lovers of viburnum, causing harm to it.

Viburnum leaf beetle. Little bug causing great harm. Both the larvae and the beetle eat the leaves, but the eggs are harmless.

They eat all the green mass, except for the veins and petioles.

Tomato tops and peppers - in infusions, and the drug bitoxibacillin can ecologically reduce the number of leaf beetles.

In advanced cases, organophosphate insecticides are used.

Viburnum gall midge. This pest destroys the crop: the larvae hatch directly in the buds and eat them away.

The larvae overwinter shallowly in the soil, so tilling (loosening) the soil before winter or very early in the spring greatly reduces the number of overwintered pests.

Spraying is carried out twice: before flowering, then after it. For processing flowering plants poisons are always taboo.

Honeysuckle gall midge- Exactly the same pest, differs only in the color of the larva. They fight it in the same way.

Viburnum leaf roller. The butterfly is harmless, the caterpillar makes up for it with gluttony.

The color of the larva is different, maybe gray-blue, maybe dark green.

The larvae begin feeding from the buds, then eat the leaves, the remains of which are twisted into cobweb nests. There they pupate.

Leaf roller nests are clearly visible and can be collected and destroyed.

At the beginning of the next growing season, before buds open, they are treated with organophosphorus pesticides. Repeat the treatment at the beginning of budding.

Viburnum black aphid. Aphids are dark in color. “It works” like all aphids: it sucks out juices. It feeds exclusively on viburnum plants.

The leaf curls, dries, young shoots also die, their end parts dry out.

If care is inadequate, the shoots are not removed in time, aphids are likely to come as uninvited guests.

She will easily overwinter on the shoots. Cutting out the shoots is both prevention and control if the pest is already present.

It is imperative to cut out and burn the foci of aphids.

All available remedies used on other types of aphids will also help: infusions of nightshade tops (tomato, potato), garlic, pepper, celandine, ash-soap solution.

If aphids are dealt with thoroughly, pesticides may not be needed.

Spiny honeysuckle sawfly. The very word “sawfly” evokes pity for the viburnum plant.

Elegant olive larvae with ornaments on the back, covered with thorns, begin their meal from the edges of the leaves.

After some time, nothing remains of the leaf.

By digging up the soil late, in the pre-winter period, and early, in early spring, the gardener deprives many pests of the pleasure of overwintering comfortably.

This method is also good against the sawfly; it also overwinters near the surface of the soil.

All measures applied against aphids also apply to sawflies. Only if you couldn't get rid of it voracious pest– then pesticides.

Also better than the organophosphorus series (such as karbofos and analogues).

Lobed green moth. The pest caterpillar feeds on the ovaries of flowers. The pest is polyphagous, but will not miss viburnum.

You can distinguish them by their yellow-green color and bright decoration: red-brown line along the back and similar spots.

Karbofos will help out before and after the flowering period.

Viburnum collection, storage

Viburnum does not fall, but you should not be late in collecting. Birds like its fruits; first you need to stock up on a tasty potion for yourself.

And overripe berries lose their strength and may burst. The juice will drain, leaving a drupe and shell.

Therefore, the leaves have begun to fall, check the ripeness and start collecting viburnum. Then she is in full viburnum juice.

Carefully cutting off the umbrella panicles of inflorescences with ripe berries, place them loosely in a breathable container.

Having transferred the harvest to a place convenient for sorting, they sort it.

If there is an attic space, clusters of dense, large fruits tied in bunches are hung there.

They will keep well and can be consumed fresh in winter.

If the region has snowy winters, it is easy to arrange storage in the snow.

Viburnum for medicinal purposes or for vitamin fruit drinks can be dried directly in bunches, hanging them where it is dry and cool.

In winter, then brew it, add honey, it will be a healing drink.

All other types of storage of viburnum fruits are a variety of dishes. Delicious, mostly sweet, preparations.

Viburnum propagation

Viburnum can be propagated in several vegetative ways, and also by seed.

Accepted types of viburnum propagation:

  • Green cuttings;
  • Layering (usually horizontal, sometimes vertical);
  • Dividing the bush;
  • Vaccination;
  • Seed propagation.

Green cuttings and grafting are labor-intensive species that are rarely used in amateur gardening, but they do exist.

More often, gardeners propagate viburnum by dividing the bush, layering and seeds.

Dividing the bush. The bush is dug up, the root part is cut with a shovel into fragments with shoots, and several seedlings are obtained.

Viburnum tolerates such treatment and quickly begins to grow.

It turns out several absolutely identical plants in their varietal characteristics.

They produce a harvest much earlier than with other types of viburnum propagation.

Horizontal layering. In the spring, while the viburnum is still dormant, the lower branches with good growth are diverted from the bush to the ground dug up in the fall.

Place in shallow prepared grooves and pin. Then sprinkle with soil.

With warmth, the buds awaken and produce vertical shoots. They are periodically hilled up, leaving the tops on the surface.

By autumn, a shoot with developed roots forms in the ground at the site of each former maternal bud.

Closer to the cold weather, these shoots open, raking out the soil carefully.

The resulting cuttings with roots are cut into fragments and planted before winter.

Vertical layers. The shoots from the bush are used as them.

It grows quickly, and when it grows 10 centimeters, it is trained, monitoring the moisture of the soil: it should not be allowed to dry out.

The growth point remains at the top. Once it grows, repeat the hilling.

Repeat this as many times during the growing season as the shoot can grow. They are left to overwinter without opening.

It is necessary to open it early in the spring, dig up shoots with already strong roots and plant them.

If necessary, you can do this before wintering, in late autumn.

Seed propagation. This is for the patient and strong-willed. You can't predict in advance what will happen.

Varietal splitting is inevitable. Plants will rarely look like their parents, they will be different.

Maybe it’s better, but it’s not a fact. More often they lose valuable varietal qualities.

And the method itself cannot be called fast: the seeds will sprout in a year and a half if you sow them immediately after receiving the seed material.

Artificial stratification can be carried out. It's troublesome, but possible. Then shoots are expected next year.

But the seedlings will still not begin to bear fruit before the age of five.

But for those who love experiments, any difficulties will only be a joy; someone will follow this path exclusively.

Whatever variety you choose, whatever growing method you like, the main thing is that you like the culture itself.

Viburnum, our wild and domestic long-time friend, healing, nutritious and simply beautiful - is worth adding to any garden plot.

See you soon, dear readers!

Amur amateur gardeners grow quite a few types of fruit and berry crops. We have already spoken about many of them on the pages of the magazine. But there is one plant that has been undeservedly forgotten - viburnum. I will try to talk about viburnum, its beneficial properties, and cultivation features in this issue.

The generic Latin name of the plant is Viburnum - from Viere - to twist, weave;

The Russian name - viburnum - comes from the color of the fruit. In autumn, green fruits ripen and turn red, as if they are “heated” red-hot.

Since ancient times, viburnum has been considered a symbol of girlish beauty. Since ancient times, at weddings, bouquets of viburnum with “berries” were placed in front of the bride and groom - a symbol of spiritual beauty, joy, happiness family life. (In everyday speech, the fruits of viburnum - drupes - are not entirely correctly called berries.

Viburnum is a branched shrub 2-6 m high with gray or brownish-gray fissured bark and bare young shoots. The leaves are opposite, 5-10 cm long and wide, petiolate, broadly ovate or rounded. The flowers are fragrant, collected in a loose umbrella-shaped or corymbose panicle. It blooms in late May - early June, the fruits ripen in the first half of September.

In our conditions, Sargent's viburnum grows, which is a vicarious (replacing) species of common viburnum, found in western Russia. Viburnum Sargentii (Viburnum sargentii Koehne). A large shrub reaching three meters in height. Young shoots are hairy or glabrous, but always covered with lentils. The branches are brownish-grayish, lumpy with randomly scattered oblong or rounded lenticels. Old branches and stems are covered with brown or gray cracking bark. The breed is fast growing and lives up to 40-50 years. In addition to red viburnum, we also have viburnum bureinskaya with black fruits, but it does not have the same importance and distribution as Sargent's viburnum.

Viburnum produces many phytoncides that kill pathogens. Viburnum fruits and bark are used as medicinal raw materials. Flowers and roots are also prepared for medicinal purposes. Flowers are removed in whole inflorescences and quickly dried. The bark is harvested in the spring during the flow of juices (April - May). On the cut branches, make circular cuts every 25 cm with knives, connect them with longitudinal cuts, after which the bark is easily removed. Drying in attics iron roof, under canopies with good ventilation, laying out in a thin layer (3-5 cm) on paper or fabric. Can be dried and then dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60°C. The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe.

Viburnum bark contains viburnin glycoside, tannins of the pyrocatechol group (about 2%), up to 6.5% resin, organic acids (formic, acetic, linoleic, cerotinic, palmitic), phytosterols, triterpene saponins (about 6%). Contains iridoid glycosides (opulusiridoid, acetilopulusiridoid), chlorogenic, neochlorogenic, caffeic, ursolic and oleanolic acids, salts of valeric and caprylic acids, vitamins, sugars.

Organic acids (acetic, valeric, isovaleric), as well as chlorogenic, neochlorogenic and ursolic acids were found in the fruits; in addition, sugars (up to 32%), tannins (up to 3%) and pectin substances, essential oil, phytosterols, amino acids, tannins (3%), vitamins ( ascorbic acid, carotenoids, vitamins P, K). Up to 21% fatty oil was found in the seeds.

In scientific medicine, viburnum bark is used in the form of a decoction and liquid extract as a hemostatic agent in the postpartum period, for uterine bleeding due to soil gynecological diseases, with painful and heavy menstruation, with hemorrhoids. This effect of viburnum bark is due to the glycoside viburnin, which enhances the tone of the uterine muscles and has a vasoconstrictor effect. Preparations from the bark are used for seizures and hysteria.

The fruits are also used for gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, as a diuretic diaphoretic, for insomnia, as a means of increasing the contraction of the heart muscle, for colds.

Viburnum fruits are also used for vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin tea made from viburnum fruits has a general strengthening and calming effect. A tablespoon of fruit is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, left for 1-2 hours, and filtered. Drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day.

A decoction of fruits with honey gives good effect for colds with severe headaches, cough and loss of voice, it is also useful for hypertension, heart disease, and diarrhea. Brew a glass of fruit with 1 liter of hot water, boil for 8-10 minutes, strain, add 3 tablespoons of honey. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.

Fresh juice of the fruit is drunk for headaches. The juice of the fruit is used to smear the face for acne and lichen, and to treat eczema. It is drunk with honey for liver diseases and jaundice. To preserve the juice, it is covered with sugar (twice as much by weight as the juice) and placed on low heat until the sugar just dissolves. Then pour it into jars and seal tightly.

Thus, viburnum is very useful plant for many diseases. At the same time, I would like to note that before using the fruits, flowers or bark of viburnum in medicinal purposes You should consult your doctor!

How to grow viburnum?

Growing viburnum from a ready-made seedling is not difficult, you just need to find a suitable place for it. When planting in the garden, it is necessary to take into account that viburnum is quite demanding on the soil, although in some literary sources you can find the opposite statement. On dry sandy loam soils poor in organic matter, viburnum reaches a small size and produces few fruits. Medium loamy, well-moistened soils, on which a powerful bush with a large number of branches is formed, will be more suitable for it. Viburnum bears fruit annually with average frequency. Usually a very fruitful year alternates with a less fruitful one, but there is almost never a complete absence of fruit.

Selection of Sargent viburnum is not carried out in the Amur region and the Far East, and therefore all the plants in our gardens are not varietal (wild). This, on the one hand, does not allow having viburnum with high taste qualities of fruits, on the other hand, all beneficial features this plant.

IN Lately the demand for viburnum seedlings began to increase, but obtaining planting material This valuable fruit and ornamental crop is quite labor-intensive. Viburnum does not produce root shoots; it is almost impossible to divide the bush into several parts without causing serious damage to it. Reproduction by horizontal layering also has its own difficulties, because you need space to bend the branches, and the branches of the viburnum are quite large. When sowing seeds in the ground, germination is practically zero. This is due to the fact that viburnum seeds have mixed type morphophysiological dormancy, in which the embryo is underdeveloped and contained a large number of growth inhibitors that inhibit seed germination. It takes 2 years for seeds to germinate under natural conditions. This is due to the natural adaptation of this plant to distribution by birds. The fruits of viburnum hang on the branches until spring. Birds eat them, the seeds pass through their gastrointestinal tract, then fall into the soil, where the embryo ripens during the summer, and in winter under the influence of low temperatures substances inhibiting growth are destroyed and seeds germinate. This device makes it very difficult to germinate seeds under artificial conditions.

In addition, viburnum seedlings have one more feature - the resulting seedlings hardly grow, even having a powerful root system, and by the end of the growing season they reach a size of no more than 4 cm.

Viburnum seedling (one-year-old)

Only the next year they begin to grow and reach a size of 10-12 cm. All this causes difficulties in quickly obtaining Sargent viburnum planting material.

Currently, at DalGAU we have developed a scheme for obtaining viburnum seedlings. We grow small amounts of planting material with open and closed root systems (in plastic containers). The advantage of the latter is that viburnum seedlings can be planted not only in early spring before the buds open, but also in the summer. At the same time, the transplant turns out to be practically painless, because root system after removal from the container it is practically not damaged.

Viburnum seedlings (two-year-olds)

Viburnum seedlings (three years old)

Viburnum can also be propagated using green cuttings. However, in the absence of an automatically operating fogging installation, this will be quite difficult to do, because you will need to constantly monitor the humidity in the greenhouse or greenhouse.

In conclusion, I want to say that viburnum is a plant that should occupy a worthy place in the garden of any summer resident, regardless of how he will use it - for medicinal purposes or simply to admire its beauty during the flowering or ripening period.

Viburnum sargenta- viburnum sargentii koehne
Honeysuckle family - Caprifoliaceae

A strongly branched shrub with straight stems, the height of which sometimes reaches 4 m. The stems and old branches are covered with brownish-gray suberizing bark with longitudinal cracks. Young branches are yellow-brown or reddish. The leaves are broadly ovate, three-lobed, with coarsely toothed edges. The most upper leaves- flowering branches - usually whole and entire. Complex corymbose inflorescences have a border of white asexual flowers along the edges. The central parts of the inflorescences are occupied by pale cream small bisexual flowers. They are characterized by prominent stamens with purple anthers. The fruit is a light red, almost spherical drupe with one round, flat stone inside.

Grows in Primorye, Amur region, Sakhalin and the Southern Kuril Islands. The plant is very close to the medicinal viburnum, which is not found in the Far East. It is generally accepted that Sargent's viburnum replaces common viburnum here and can be used on equal terms with it.

At the root of Viburnum viburnum contains the little-studied glycoside viburnin, up to 2% tannins, up to 6.5% yellow-red resin and other substances. The fruits of the plant contain up to 32% sugars, up to 3% tannins, organic acids, vitamin C (up to 14 mg% in leaves).

For medicinal purposes Usually, liquid extract of viburnum bark available in pharmacies is used. You can also prepare a decoction from the bark (20 g per 1 glass of water). Both drugs are used mainly in obstetric and gynecological practice to combat uterine bleeding. They suppress uterine contractility and can therefore be used for painful menstruation. However, weakening painful sensations, medications may delay the process somewhat. Sometimes viburnum bark preparations have a beneficial effect when a miscarriage begins.

One of the important effects Viburnum bark preparations - increase blood clotting. There is experimental evidence that the leaves, flowers and fruits of this plant also increase blood clotting. As a hemostatic agent, viburnum bark extract can be used for hemorrhoids.

Viburnum bark extract Usually prescribed 20-40 drops, and a decoction - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. At higher doses, the drug has a general sedative and anticonvulsant effect. Such doses may cause nausea.

In folk medicine A decoction of viburnum bark is used for colds, diarrhea, and sometimes for hysteria, an infusion of flowers is used for coughs, and the fruits are used as a laxative and antipyretic. An infusion of flowers is used externally for various rashes and scrofula, the juice of fresh fruits is used to treat pustular diseases of the facial skin. Under experimental conditions it was revealed antimicrobial effect viburnum fruits.

For medicinal purposes They use the bark and fruits of viburnum. The bark is harvested in the spring. Longitudinal and transverse cuts are made on the branches, after which the cut off pieces of bark are easily removed. It is impossible to make circular cuts to the bark: this deprives the parts of the branch located above the cut of nutrition, and it dies. Dry the bark under a shed or in the attic. The fruits are dried in fruit clusters, hanging in bunches under a canopy or in the attic. You can dry them in an oven or in a dryer. The stalks are removed after the fruits have dried.