What happens if you swallow a watermelon seed? Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? Beneficial properties and harm of watermelon seeds

Almost all adults and children love watermelons for their fresh and juicy pulp. But everyone neglects the bones, spitting them out, believing that they harm our body. Since childhood, many of us have been frightened by our parents with the idea that if you eat watermelon seeds, you can get into a lot of trouble, including inflammation of the appendix. However, this is all fiction.

In fact, watermelon seeds have long been used in both cooking and medicine. They are ground into powder, made into oil, fried and consumed like sunflower seeds. And the range of diseases for which it is recommended to eat watermelon seeds is so wide that it affects both the common cold and serious diseases.

From this article you will learn:

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Watermelon seeds are a real storehouse of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and beneficial microelements, as well as vitamins:

  • Potassium,
  • Calcium,
  • Carbohydrates (15.29 g per 100 g),
  • Phosphorus,
  • Iron,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Vitamins B1 thiamine
  • B9 folic,
  • Fats (47.4 g per 100 g),
  • Proteins (28.3 g per 100 g),
  • Saturated fatty acids (9.78 g per 100 g).

Traditional medicine values ​​watermelon seeds for their ability to remove urea from the body and prevent urolithiasis. For men, watermelon seeds are beneficial in that they normalize the activity of the prostate gland and promote normal operation reproductive system.

On a note! A third of the total mass of dried watermelon seeds is proteins, which contain a large number of amino acids that play an important role in the growth and development of muscle tissue.

What happens if you eat a watermelon with seeds?

When eating a juicy watermelon, everyone strives to get rid of the annoying seeds. And by the way - in vain! A cup of these seeds contains a quarter of the entire daily dose of protein, which is beneficial for every person, and doubly so for athletes. By the way, such a portion can easily be considered a full meal, thanks to its energy value and fats contained in watermelon seeds. Therefore, if you lead an inactive lifestyle, you should not rely on them.

In the countries of the Middle East, Asia and Egypt, watermelon seeds are especially often used in cooking. Here they learned to make butter and flour from them. But traditionally, the seeds are used as a snack - they are cracked after a short roasting or drying. They taste more like peanuts than the sunflower seeds we are used to.

Can watermelon seeds be swallowed and are they digestible?

In various sources, information about whether it is possible to swallow watermelon seeds whole is extremely scattered. Someone argues that this should never be done - the seeds are not digested. However, in fact, they are well absorbed and help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of undigested food. Therefore, you can safely swallow the seeds whole with the peel.

Watermelon seeds carry not only benefits, but also harm.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds?

Due to their high fat content, they are not recommended for inclusion in the menu of pregnant and breastfeeding women, or for feeding them to children under three years of age. In addition, watermelon seeds contain the amino acid citrulline. Our body synthesizes this trace element on its own, so scientists argue whether it is necessary to obtain it from the outside. And the breakdown product of citrulline is ammonia, which is not completely absorbed by the body and is excreted only in urine, which acquires a pungent odor under its influence. Also found in watermelon seeds are oxalate and phytin - salts that prevent our body from absorbing minerals.

Watermelon seeds are an excellent remedy against worms; they create an environment impossible for worms to live in. They also help in restoring the body after this disease.

Can you eat raw watermelon seeds?

Raw seeds contain semi-fiber, rich in polysaccharides, insoluble in water, which are extremely beneficial for our body, it is this that cleanses it so well. It is not necessary to peel raw seeds, but then you will have to try and chew them more thoroughly to get to the beneficial substances inside the kernel.

Watermelon seeds: health benefits and harm, recipes

Everyone knows the value and nutritional value of watermelon pulp for the human body. But most melon lovers have never even thought about whether it is possible to use watermelon seeds and whether they have any health benefits or harms?

Few people have tried black grains; they are not attractive in appearance, but due to their beneficial qualities they deserve serious attention.

From this article you will learn:

Composition, beneficial properties of watermelon seeds

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Any person who eats the pulp of a watermelon throws away its grains, without even thinking about whether watermelon seeds are beneficial. Experts in the field of nutrition consider such disdainful attitude towards this product to be undeserved. If you evaluate the constituent substances of the grains in the area of ​​application of the product, then the question of the benefits of watermelon seeds for the body disappears by itself.

To understand the benefits of watermelon seeds, you need to study their rich chemical composition:

  • High protein content (almost 60% of daily value human) and many amino acids are necessary for normal growth and maintenance muscle mass, replenishing energy by the body.
  • One of the beneficial amino acids - arginine - has a positive effect on the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • The benefits of watermelon seeds are due to a sufficient amount of pectin, which helps bind and remove heavy metal salts from the body. The complex of minerals and trace elements has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and ensures normal functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Fatty acids are a good source of oil for the body.
  • Watermelon kernels contain magnesium, which regulates blood pressure and glucose levels.
  • Zinc keeps you in good shape immune system, provides normal condition skin, hair and nails.
  • Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells, which are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The melon kernels contain semi-fiber (hemicellulose), which includes a large amount of water-insoluble polysaccharides. Thanks to them, grains have a cleansing effect on the body.

The benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body

  • Striped berry grains are considered an excellent preventive measure for many pathologies, including the pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of seeds prevents the development of obesity and the occurrence of diabetes mellitus.

IN folk medicine the product is valued as a diuretic that prevents the development of urolithiasis. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are also known, which are used for the prevention and treatment of infections of the genitourinary system.

To understand how watermelon seeds are beneficial for women, you need to note their cosmetic properties: regular consumption of grains helps maintain skin tone, strengthens hair and nails, and improves metabolic processes. The product can reduce inflammation in female body, successfully fights uterine bleeding.

Use of watermelon seeds

Watermelon grains have wide scope applications.Official and Alternative medicine uses watermelon seed kernels for medicinal and preventive purposes:

  • decoctions and healing teas are made from them for kidney and bladder dysfunction;
  • ground seeds dried in the oven with milk are used against uterine bleeding;
  • tincture of raw seeds is considered an effective anthelmintic;

The crushed seeds of the striped berry are also used as an independent remedy, and in tandem with other natural medicines.

  • In cosmetology, various masks and scrubs are made from ground seeds. They supply the dermis with essential nutrients and microelements, make the skin smooth and velvety, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Of particular value to humans is watermelon seed oil, which contains a lot of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, E, C, B. The product is added to taste in different dishes, sauces, casseroles, baked goods are made on its basis, and it is used for marinades. The oil has all the medicinal and cosmetic properties of the seeds themselves.


In the cuisine of the Middle East and Asia, melon grains are considered common food additive. In some regions of Africa they are added to soup as a seasoning. Widely used in China roasted sunflower seeds As a nutritious snack, they are sometimes dried with the addition of spices. The Japanese have long classified them as functional foods. Cooks in our country use them less actively. One of the new products in the culinary industry is instant muesli and porridge with flax and watermelon seeds.

Medicinal properties of watermelon seeds

1. Watermelon seeds from pressure.

Not many people know how to use watermelon seeds to treat certain diseases. High blood pressure can also be treated with watermelon seeds. It's natural natural product, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, protects the heart from any disease.

To prepare the remedy:

  • Dry the watermelon rind and seeds;
  • Grind them into flour.

Course of administration: twice a day, 0.5 teaspoon.

In a month, your blood pressure will completely return to normal.

2. Watermelon seeds for worms.


  • To prepare the grain product, striped berries are dried in the oven;
  • Grind into flour;
  • Combine with milk in a ratio of 1:10;
  • Drink 2 glasses per day on an empty stomach.

Course duration: 2 weeks.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

Another healing antidote is considered to be a decoction of watermelon seeds for worms, which will help get rid of this delicate problem forever.

Are watermelon seeds harmful?

Even taking into account all the advantages of the product, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Whether watermelon seeds are beneficial or harmful in a particular case should be decided only by a doctor, based on the person’s disease and contraindications for his health.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with white seeds?

Some lovers of the striped delicacy associate the presence of white seeds in watermelon with the content of nitrates and chemicals in it. White watermelon seeds are explained by other reasons:

  • Such grains may be present in an unripe watermelon if it was removed from the melon plant too early.
  • Another reason for the appearance of white grains is the work of breeders. Some plant varieties (especially European and Turkish) contain soft white watermelon seeds; they do not affect the taste and quality of the fruit; the harm and benefits of such seeds are similar to ordinary black ones.

It is better to avoid unripe watermelon with colorless grains. And specially grown varieties can and should be consumed.

How many seeds are in a watermelon?

Even breeders cannot give an exact answer to this question. The number of seeds in each fruit depends on many factors: the variety of watermelon, its growing conditions and area, the maturity of the fruit, etc. Therefore, if you ask a melon grower why there are a lot of seeds in a watermelon, he will most likely associate this with the large size of the fruit and excellent ripeness .

How to dry watermelon seeds?

In their raw form, melon grains quickly become moldy. To preserve the beneficial properties of the product for a long time, watermelon seeds must be dried. For this, use an oven or a special dryer.

  • The seeds are pre-washed;
  • Place on a paper towel to drain excess liquid.
  • The grains are cooked in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.

For those who want to know how to dry watermelon seeds without an oven: the kernels are laid out on Blank sheet paper and dry in the sun until fully cooked. This process is longer and requires certain weather and low humidity.


As summer comes to an end, produce aisles are filling up with a deliciously refreshing treat: fresh watermelon. The red, juicy flesh of the watermelon has many flat, dark brown seeds. In most cases, we eat the pulp of a delicious, aromatic slice, and the peel and seeds go into the trash.

After all, we are childhood We remember what danger lies in a watermelon seed that gets into the stomach. It will certainly sprout! Like a deer, into whose head Baron Munchausen shot a cherry pit. But even those who don’t believe in fairy tales try to get rid of the seeds as quickly as possible, fearing even to bite into them.

Let's try to figure out how justified these fears are. Harm or benefit are hidden in watermelon seeds. But according to the hypothesis, in every watermelon there are more than 100 pieces.

Are there dangerous substances in watermelon seeds?

Don't be alarmed, they are not there. Quite the contrary. The bones contain useful substance pectin, which helps remove from the body accumulated pesticides and salts of heavy metals.

It will help lower cholesterol levels and provide prevention against gastrointestinal diseases. The seeds contain polysaccharides that will cleanse the body.

Zinc, contained in seeds, is a catalyst chemical reactions, occurring in the body. With its help, the acid level is maintained. He comes in in the composition of insulin, a regulator of blood glucose levels.

Selenium is involved in the synthesis of leukocytes, increasing the body's resistance. Part of many enzymes and hormones. Thanks to him successfully the process is underway reproduction of generations at the genetic level, reproductive function in men is enhanced.

70 grams of seeds will provide the daily need for magnesium, which has an antiseptic and vasodilating effect on the body. Lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes nervous system, providing a calming effect. Prevents the development of cancer cells.

Watermelon seeds are a source of B vitamins

Vitamin B1 helps strengthen the nervous system and improves the digestion process. You will need B2 to make your skin smooth and healthy, and increase resistance to disease.

B3 (niacin) needed for metabolism, is an antiallergic component. Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids, provides normal functioning and relaxation of the muscular system. Vitamin B9 necessary for growth, it is involved in strengthening the immune system and the circulatory system of the body.

The contents of watermelon seeds are a good source of energy and building material for your body.

Can watermelon seeds be used in culinary recipes?

It turns out it is possible. We looked into culinary recipes oriental cuisine and African peoples, and found many recipes for dishes using watermelon seeds. It turns out they can be eaten fried with spices. Sauces are made from crushed seeds and seasoned with soups.

If you dry the seeds and place them in a heated oven for half an hour up to 80 degrees, you will get a tasty and healthy treat. To use this beneficial supplement throughout the year, you can dry and grind them. The seasoning is suitable for first and second courses, significantly enriching them with minerals and vitamins.

Apart from its culinary benefits, consuming dried seeds affects cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol levels. For those who like to click such seeds, the risk of blood clots and fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels is reduced.

Watermelon seed oil, what is it good for?

By cold pressing the seeds you can get watermelon oil. Despite the fact that watermelon is not on the list of oilseeds, 45% of the seed composition is vegetable oil. Its physicochemical composition is close to the properties almond oil. And family ties along the line of melons with their pumpkin counterpart provide watermelon seeds with all the qualities characteristic of pumpkin seeds.

This oil is used for inflammation of the prostate and decreased male reproductive functions. With its help, the structure of hair and nails is restored. Used to improve the condition of the skin, normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system and how anthelmintic agent.

The use of watermelon seeds in folk medicine and cosmetology

Folk recipes use watermelon seeds, both raw and in the form of dry powder. These are recipes for reducing blood pressure, for uterine bleeding, and antihelminthic infusions. Watermelon seed kernels contain in recipes for prostatitis and urinary tract diseases.

Cosmetology uses this product in the form of oil to improve the condition of skin and hair. Rejuvenating and toning face masks are made from crushed seeds.

Watermelon seeds usually go in the trash along with the rinds. But it turns out that we are throwing away a very valuable product that could serve the body well. What exactly are the benefits and can there be harm from watermelon seeds?

Watermelon seeds are something that is usually mercilessly thrown away during consumption of the fruit. At the very least, they try not to chew them. The question is often asked whether it is dangerous to swallow watermelon seeds, because, despite “vigilance,” this still happens. And many adults even tell children that they should not swallow them, because “a watermelon will grow in their tummy.” Meanwhile, it turns out that watermelon seeds can be eaten, and what’s more, they can be very beneficial for health!

What do watermelon seeds taste like? Won't you have to make big sacrifices for the sake of benefit? Not at all. They resemble sunflowers, but are still a little closer to peanuts.

The pits are traditionally used in the cuisines of the Middle East and Asia, as well as in Sudan, Egypt and Nigeria. They can be used to make flour and extract oil. But most often, watermelon seeds are eaten without the shell as a snack. Dried and fried, they provide a tasty, complete nutrients a product that successfully replaces harmful chips and salty sticks.

Composition, nutritional value

The seeds of this giant berry are characterized by nutritional value, close to that of other seeds and seeds (and, notably, are significantly superior from this point of view to the pulp of the fruit itself). Watermelon seeds have a fairly high calorie content: 100 g (dried) is 557 kilocalories.

  • They are high in protein - they contain almost twice as much as sunflower seeds and almonds. 108 g of dry seeds contains approximately 30.6 g. For comparison, the same serving of chicken contains only 23 grams of protein.
  • Watermelon seeds supply the body with a lot of arginine, an amino acid that helps regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. It is also important for people actively involved in sports, as it accelerates the regeneration of muscle cells due to their better supply of oxygen.

Note to men. Arginine in watermelon seeds promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body and helps in the treatment of acute erectile dysfunction. Eating them and the pulp itself helps maintain an erection and increases sperm production.

  • Other amino acids found in watermelon seeds are tryptophan, glutamic acid and lysine. The latter have a beneficial effect on mental capacity, improve concentration and reduce fatigue as a result of intense intellectual work.
  • The fats found in watermelon seeds are saturated mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-6. *Watermelon seeds provide a significant amount of magnesium: 30 g (added to oatmeal, for example) meets 38% of the daily requirement for this substance.
  • Bones are also an important source of iron, zinc, copper and manganese, B vitamins, which control energy changes in the body and affect the functioning of the nervous system.
  • A very large number of chemical compounds have been found in watermelon seeds that have antioxidant properties that protect cells, proteins and DNA from free radical attacks. Thanks to this, they reduce the risk of developing cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and inhibit premature aging. Antioxidants present in watermelon seeds are saponins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and phenolic compounds.

Watermelon seeds: benefits and harm

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds from the point of view of alternative medicine?

You can make healing tea from watermelon seeds. 20-30 seeds need to be dried, crushed and boiled for 15 minutes in 2 liters of water. The drink must be drunk for 2 days, then take a day off. Drinking this tea for several weeks is designed to support kidney function.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, if you eat 1 teaspoon of watermelon seeds every day for 3-4 weeks in the morning and evening, it reduces blood pressure.

In folk medicine, watermelon seeds are used as an emollient and tonic.

Beneficial properties of watermelon seeds revealed by science

Very wide range useful action These seeds are increasingly being confirmed in scientific research. What are the benefits of watermelon seeds from a scientific point of view?

Antimicrobial and antifungal action

Watermelon seed extract is effective against bacteria and fungi, in particular Escherichia coli and Candida albican. Its effect is comparable to the effect of pharmacological drugs, for example, clotrimazole and gentamicin.

Antioxidant action

The powerful antioxidant potential of watermelon seed extract was revealed through studies using free radicals - DPPH and hydrogen peroxide.

Effect against diabetes

Watermelon seeds affect pancreatic cells and prevent their death. Due to this, they can be of significant importance in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. They affect the reduction of blood glucose levels and increase insulin levels. Tannins, saponins and flavonoids, as well as soluble fibers are likely responsible for this effect.

The effect of watermelon seeds on the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers

Studies on rats have shown that the extract from these seeds is effective in treating stomach ulcers when compared with standard drugs. The positive effect may be caused by inhibition of the secretion of juices and digestive enzymes, as well as a protective effect on cells.

Inhibition of prostate hypertrophy

The effect of watermelon seed extract on reducing prostate size was demonstrated in studies on rats. Histological examination clearly showed that the methanolic extract from the seeds is a potential medicinal agent for the treatment of disorders caused by male sex hormones, particularly prostate hypertrophy.

Other properties of watermelon seeds that provide benefits to their consumption

In addition to the health properties confirmed scientific research, watermelon seeds may also have other benefits stemming from the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they contain. This is how watermelon seeds can potentially be useful for the human body.

  • Hair strengthening – iron present in the bones promotes rapid hair growth, and magnesium and copper are responsible for its healthy appearance and saturated color. Fatty acids moisturize hair, prevent drying, brittleness and split ends.
  • Shiny skin - unsaturated fatty acids prevent skin dehydration and rashes, making the face no longer gray and looking healthy.
  • Antioxidants take care of protection against wrinkles, age spots and premature aging.
  • Positive effects on the cardiovascular system – magnesium, potassium and iron are essential for the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system, and arginine helps lower blood pressure levels.
  • Positive effect on the nervous system - due to the content of magnesium and B vitamins.
  • Filling Protein Deficiencies in a Vegetarian Diet – Watermelon seeds are an excellent source of protein and can be a valuable element of a vegetarian diet.

Watermelon seed oil is good too!

Watermelon seed oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which have been confirmed in studies on rats. The extract caused a significant reduction in paw swelling in animals within a maximum of 3 hours. Its effectiveness is comparable to the effect obtained with the use of diclofenac, a well-known anti-inflammatory drug. Watermelon seeds inhibit the synthesis of serotonin, histamine and prostaglandins - the main mediators of inflammation.

In addition, watermelon seed oil is beneficial because it has a protective effect on liver cells. After injecting rats with carbon tetrachloride, which is toxic to the liver, and then a portion of oil for 10 days, there was a marked decrease in the blood levels of liver enzymes, which are an indicator of organ failure. The activity of watermelon seed oil is comparable to that of silymarin, a compound known for its protective effect on the liver.

Watermelon seeds: when will they be harmful?

  • Acids of the omega-6 family are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. However, it is very important to remember to maintain correct proportion them with omega-3 fatty acids. Excess omega-6 can have a negative impact on health - this should be kept in mind and a sense of proportion must be maintained.
  • Watermelon seeds contain small amounts of oxalates and phytins, which hinder the absorption of minerals.
  • The high calorie content of watermelon seeds makes them a dubious delicacy for people who are obese and have excess weight leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The presence of the amino acid citrulline, which is synthesized by the human body, can cause problems for people with citrullinemia. This same substance is cited in a number of sources as a reason for refusing to consume healthy watermelon seeds by pregnant, lactating and children under 3 years of age.

Watermelon seeds: use in cooking

Eating not only the pulp, but also the seeds and rind is a long-standing tradition in Asia and Africa. Thus, in West Africa, the use of watermelon seed flour is popular, which is used to thicken soups. The seeds are also fermented to produce a sweet delicacy called ogiri. Another African delicacy, igbalo, is made from roasted grains, wrapped in leaves and boiled. However, other people's culinary traditions are, of course, an interesting experience, but not always acceptable. How can we use watermelon seeds in order to get benefits and not create unnecessary complications?

It is best to remove the shell from raw seeds. In principle, you can eat them with it, but in this case you will have to chew them especially long and thoroughly to make it possible to use valuable nutrients for the benefit of your body. If you don’t bother chewing, but swallow along with the pulp, then the whole bones will pass through the gastrointestinal tract and can only be beneficial in the form of lighter stools.

The most common culinary use of the seeds is to eat them roasted and seasoned. They can be eaten as a separate dish, or you can add them to a mixture of nuts and dried fruits and put them, for example, in oatmeal or sprinkle them on soups or salads.

How to fry watermelon seeds?

Roasting watermelon seeds at home is quite simple. It is necessary to spread the washed and dried seeds on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and place in the oven, heated to 160 degrees Celsius, for 15 minutes.

The seeds can be fried a little longer to make them crispier.

Then you should season them to your liking, e.g. olive oil and a pinch of salt, lime juice and hot pepper or - for a sweet version - cinnamon and a pinch of sugar.

Roasted watermelon seeds are the perfect snack to replace chips or crackers. True, they supply a similar amount of calories, but the nutritional value of the seeds is incomparably higher than that of salty snacks. In addition, 30 g of chips, which supply about 160 kcal, are only 15 pieces, and 30 g of watermelon seeds with the same calorie content are about 400, which means that the seeds will have to be eaten much longer, as a result of which there is a chance of eating less of them quantity.

Watermelon seeds are considered a superfood. They have high nutritional value and have a beneficial effect on health by supplying our bodies with plenty of protein and healthy fat, as well as magnesium, iron, B vitamins and antioxidants. They have a wide, varied effect on health: they reduce blood sugar levels, provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, treat stomach ulcers, protect the liver from toxins, etc. Watermelon seeds are easy to prepare and fried with seasonings for an interesting snack. Thus, watermelon seeds have scientifically proven benefits and only minor harm, and only under certain conditions. You should definitely remember this on the eve of the season of many adored berries and dry them for future use throughout the year.

Everyone knows the value and nutritional value of watermelon pulp for the human body. But most melon lovers have never even thought about whether it is possible to use watermelon seeds and whether they have any health benefits or harms?

Few people have tried black grains; they are not attractive in appearance, but due to their beneficial qualities they deserve serious attention.

From this article you will learn:

Composition, beneficial properties of watermelon seeds

Are watermelon seeds healthy?

Any person who eats the pulp of a watermelon throws away its grains, without even thinking about whether watermelon seeds are beneficial. Experts in the field of nutrition consider such disdainful attitude towards this product to be undeserved. If you evaluate the constituent substances of the grains in the area of ​​application of the product, then the question of the benefits of watermelon seeds for the body disappears by itself.

To understand the benefits of watermelon seeds, you need to study their rich chemical composition:

  • High protein content (almost 60% of the human daily value) and many amino acids are necessary for normal growth and maintenance of muscle mass, replenishing energy in the body.
  • One of the beneficial amino acids - arginine - has a positive effect on the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • The benefits of watermelon seeds are due to a sufficient amount of pectin, which helps bind and remove heavy metal salts from the body.

    The complex of minerals and trace elements has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and ensures normal functioning of the stomach and intestines.

  • Fatty acids are a good source of oil for the body.
  • Watermelon kernels contain magnesium, which regulates blood pressure and glucose levels.
  • Zinc keeps the immune system in good shape and ensures the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells, which are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The melon kernels contain semi-fiber (hemicellulose), which includes a large amount of water-insoluble polysaccharides. Thanks to them, grains have a cleansing effect on the body.

The benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body

  • Striped berry grains are considered an excellent preventive measure for many pathologies, including the pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of seeds prevents the development of obesity and diabetes.

In folk medicine, the product is valued as a diuretic that prevents the development of urolithiasis. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are also known, which are used for the prevention and treatment of infections of the genitourinary system.

To understand how watermelon seeds are beneficial for women, you need to note their cosmetic properties: regular consumption of grains helps maintain skin tone, strengthens hair and nails, and improves metabolic processes. The product is able to reduce inflammation in the female body and successfully fights uterine bleeding.

Use of watermelon seeds

Watermelon grains have a wide range of applications. Official and alternative medicine uses watermelon seed kernels for medicinal and preventive purposes:

  • decoctions and healing teas are made from them for kidney and bladder dysfunction;
  • ground seeds dried in the oven with milk are used against uterine bleeding;
  • tincture of raw seeds is considered an effective anthelmintic;

Crushed seeds of the striped berry are used both as an independent remedy and in tandem with other natural medicines.

  • In cosmetology, various masks and scrubs are made from ground seeds. They supply the dermis with essential nutrients and microelements, make the skin smooth and velvety, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Of particular value to humans is watermelon seed oil, which contains a lot of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins A, E, C, B. The product is added to taste in various dishes, sauces, casseroles, baked goods are made on its basis, and it is used for marinades. The oil has all the medicinal and cosmetic properties of the seeds themselves.

Why should you eat watermelon with seeds?


In the cuisine of the Middle East and Asia, melon grains are considered a common food additive. In some regions of Africa they are added to soup as a seasoning. In China, roasted seeds are widely consumed as a nutritious snack; sometimes they are dried with the addition of spices. The Japanese have long classified them as functional foods. Cooks in our country use them less actively. One of the new products in the culinary industry is instant muesli and porridge with flax and watermelon seeds.

Medicinal properties of watermelon seeds

1. Watermelon seeds for blood pressure.

Not many people know how to use watermelon seeds to treat certain diseases. High blood pressure can also be treated with watermelon seeds. This is a natural product that has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and protects the heart from any diseases.

To prepare the remedy:

  • Dry the watermelon rind and seeds;
  • Grind them into flour.

Course of administration: twice a day, 0.5 teaspoon.

In a month, your blood pressure will completely return to normal.

2. Watermelon seeds for worms.


  • To prepare the grain product, striped berries are dried in the oven;
  • Grind into flour;
  • Combine with milk in a ratio of 1:10;
  • Drink 2 glasses per day on an empty stomach.

Course duration: 2 weeks.

Another healing antidote is considered to be a decoction of watermelon seeds for worms, which will help get rid of this delicate problem forever.

Are watermelon seeds harmful?

Even taking into account all the advantages of the product, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Whether watermelon seeds are beneficial or harmful in a particular case should be decided only by a doctor, based on the person’s disease and contraindications for his health.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with white seeds?

Some lovers of the striped delicacy associate the presence of white seeds in watermelon with the content of nitrates and chemicals in it. White watermelon seeds are explained by other reasons:

  • Such grains may be present in an unripe watermelon if it was removed from the melon plant too early.
  • Another reason for the appearance of white grains is the work of breeders. Some plant varieties (especially European and Turkish) contain soft white watermelon seeds; they do not affect the taste and quality of the fruit; the harm and benefits of such seeds are similar to ordinary black ones.

It is better to avoid unripe watermelon with colorless grains. And specially grown varieties can and should be consumed.

How many seeds are in a watermelon?

Even breeders cannot give an exact answer to this question. The number of seeds in each fruit depends on many factors: the variety of watermelon, its growing conditions and area, the maturity of the fruit, etc. Therefore, if you ask a melon grower why there are a lot of seeds in a watermelon, he will most likely associate this with the large size of the fruit and excellent ripeness .

How to dry watermelon seeds?

In their raw form, melon grains quickly become moldy. To preserve the beneficial properties of the product for a long time, watermelon seeds must be dried. For this, use an oven or a special dryer.

  • The seeds are pre-washed;
  • Place on a paper towel to drain excess liquid.
  • The grains are cooked in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees.

For those who want to know how to dry watermelon seeds without an oven: The kernels are laid out on a clean sheet of paper and dried in the sun until fully cooked. This process is longer and requires certain weather and low humidity.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds? Is it harmful?

Watermelon seeds: benefits and harms

When we think about the health benefits of watermelon, we tend to forget about the benefits of its seeds. Their benefits are very different from the benefits of the sweet, juicy pulp of the fruit. With information about the nutrients contained in watermelon seeds and their health benefits, you might consider not spitting them out.

Watermelon is eaten almost everywhere, but in most places its seeds are simply spat out. In Asian and Middle Eastern countries, watermelon seeds are collected, dried, and fried for food. Watermelon seeds are also used in making soups or other healthy foods.

Nutritional value of seeds

Watermelon seeds contain a variety of nutrients, including fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. 100 g of watermelon seeds contain approximately 600 calories, the same as 10 loaves of bread. About 400 calories come from the fat in watermelon seeds. The fat content in 100 g of seeds is about 80% of the daily fat intake.

About a third of the seeds are proteins, mostly very important proteins such as lysine.

Watermelon seeds are a good source of vitamin B (thiamine, niacin, folate). Watermelon seeds are rich in minerals such as magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and copper. 100 g of watermelon seeds provide about 139%, 87%, 82%, 74%, 44%, 20% and 37% of the daily dietary value of these minerals, respectively. Watermelon seeds are also a good source of dietary fiber, which is essential for healthy bowel function and digestion.

Health Benefits of Seeds

Apart from being a good snack, watermelon seed is traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments including bacterial infection, kidney problems, skin and hair problems. Watermelon seed oil is popular in Africa. Good source of amino acids and phytochemicals.

Watermelon seeds are rich in magnesium, and 100 grams of seeds provide about 139% of your daily magnesium intake. Magnesium is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, increasing normal blood pressure, supporting energy metabolism and protein synthesis. It has a beneficial effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Magnesium regulates carbohydrate metabolism, which controls blood sugar levels and diabetes.

Seeds are equivalent complex additives multivitamins B. Some of the B vitamins present in watermelon seeds include niacin, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid. About 100 grams of seeds provide 19% of the daily value of niacin, which is important for maintaining the digestive system, nervous system, and skin health.

Source of dietary fiber

Watermelon seeds are a good source of dietary fiber—both insoluble and soluble fiber. It is useful in smooth bowel movements and treating constipation. It is also useful for removing toxins and cholesterol from the body.

1Anti-inflammatory properties of watermelon seeds. Watermelon seeds are considered a sedative or a substance that relieves irritation of the mucous membrane in the mouth. The lipids in watermelon seeds help form a protective mucous membrane and thus reduce inflammation. Laboratory studies with rats have confirmed the strong anti-inflammatory activity of watermelon seed oil and comparability to standard diclofenac. The study suggests potential use in creating a natural anti-inflammatory drug.

Watermelon seeds are traditionally used to treat edema. As home remedy To treat swelling, a teaspoon of dry ground watermelon seed powder is consumed with honey.

2Antimicrobial properties of seeds. In Sudan, watermelon seeds are traditionally used to treat bacterial and fungal infections such as gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, respiratory and skin diseases. Laboratory studies in 2011 with an organic solvent-based seed extract found it to be effective against a wide range of bacteria and fungi, including E. coli. This antimicrobial property can be attributed to the phytochemical terpenes and steroids present in the seeds.

3Diabetes treatment. Watermelon seeds are traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes. Tea from watermelon seeds is prepared in 30-45 minutes - 2-3 teaspoons of seeds per 2-3 cups of water. This decoction is believed to control blood sugar levels and diabetes. Recent studies have shown that watermelon seeds have high antioxidant properties, which have a protective effect on the pancreas and help treat diabetes.

Also watermelon seeds:

Today, watermelon seed oil is used in hair care products as a non-greasy moisturizer.


Watermelon seeds have a harmful effect due to the amino acid citrulline they contain.

When it breaks down in our body, ammonia is released. In a healthy person, it is painlessly excreted in the urine, but with pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, the amino acid can cause great harm. For people with citrullinemia, all watermelon is harmful.

Watermelons are loved by both children and adults for their sweetness and freshness. At the same time, most people spit out the bones while eating, believing that they cause some harm to their body. In fact, they do this completely in vain, since the seeds have many beneficial properties, and they have no less advantages than the pulp.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to eat watermelon with seeds, and what benefit or harm can be derived from it?

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: general information

Most often, after eating a delicious watermelon slice, we throw the rinds along with the seeds into the trash. As it turned out, it was completely in vain, because with our own hands we are getting rid of the most useful and valuable product that could help our body in the fight against a large number of ailments.

Watermelon seeds are what we pay the least attention to after eating the berry itself, trying to get rid of them as soon as possible and trying not to bite into them. Often in such cases the question arises: is it even possible to bite or swallow them, do the seeds pose any threat to the human body? After all, sometimes this, even if by accident, still happens. Many people, from early childhood, remember how adults told them that they should never swallow seeds, because then they would “grow a watermelon in their stomach.”

In fact, this is far from true; nothing bad will happen to a person if he suddenly swallows a few watermelon seeds, and on the contrary, it will bring considerable benefits to his body! Don't believe me? Now we will convince you of this!

What do watermelon seeds taste like? It is partly similar to sunflower “brothers”, but more suitable option there will be peanuts.

Since ancient times, watermelon seeds have been traditionally used in the cuisines of the Middle East and Asia; they are very popular in some African countries, namely Sudan, Egypt and Nigeria. From them they learned to produce flour and butter. But their main purpose is still a snack, eating them without the shell. Drying and frying them is also a fairly common option. Ultimately, you can get a product that has a lot of nutrients, which can become a worthy alternative to the usual harmful chips or salty sticks.

Most people still believe that watermelon seeds should not be consumed, if only for the reason that they can cause inflammation of the appendix. This stereotype has been instilled in them since childhood, and until now all people try to spit out all the bones, despite the fact that this is not entirely convenient. In fact, this stereotype was refuted by medicine a long time ago, but most people still continue to believe in it.

Of course, in theory, seeds can cause appendicitis, but the likelihood of this fact is so low that it’s not even worth focusing on.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: benefits

As we mentioned above, the seeds of this delicious berry have many beneficial properties. Let us take a closer look at why they are so useful?

1. Somewhat dried watermelon seeds consist of 1/3 protein, which allows them to contain a large number of amino acids, which, in turn, play a critical role in the growth and development of muscle tissue. In addition, they take part in the synthesis of energy needed by the body. The most beneficial among the amino acids present in the seeds is arginine. It is very important for good heart function, helps regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart ischemia several times.

2. Tryptophan, glutamic acid and lysine also play an important role among the amino acids that are present in watermelon seeds. 100 g of product contains about 30 g of protein, which equates to 60% of the required daily value for the human body.

3. Watermelon seeds contain a large amount of fat, namely 51 g in 100 g of product.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds?

Among them, a special role should be given to Omega-6, which can reduce high blood pressure.

4. At the same time, the seeds are distinguished by a high content of B vitamins, which play a large role in transforming the food a person eats into the energy he needs. 100 g of product contains 3.8 mg of niacin, which is 19 daily value. Niacin is of great value because it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and has a significant effect on the health of the skin.

5. Also great value The benefit of these seeds is their rich mineral composition. 100 g of product contains 556 mg of magnesium, which is 139% of the daily value. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure, promoting carbohydrate absorption and reducing blood sugar levels.

6. This product also contains other useful microelements in varying quantities, such as potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, iron.

7. Great importance also has the presence of dietary fiber in the seeds, which has a positive effect on the digestive system.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds: harm

Besides many positive qualities and advantages of consuming watermelon seeds, you can find some minor cons. Yes, eating seeds is undoubtedly beneficial. But not everyone.

For example, the product contains citrulline. This amino acid, when broken down in the human body, promotes the release of ammonia, which cannot be called a useful substance. For a healthy person, ammonia is unlikely to cause many problems and will most likely leave the body along with urine. But if a person has a kidney or bladder disorder, citrulline can cause harm to the body.

For this reason, people with kidney problems or citrullinemia should not consume watermelon seeds. The same applies to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under three years of age.

Watermelon seeds - benefits and harm

Nutritionists believe that disdain for watermelon seeds is the result of ignorance of their beneficial properties, while the benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body have been established for quite some time. In addition, when prepared in a certain way, they become an unusual, wonderful delicacy.

They are especially useful for those who constantly play sports or are associated with frequent physical activity. Their use will be an ideal opportunity to replenish energy.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds?

A large number of useful substances were found in them:

  • the seeds of this berry contain almost 60% of the daily value of protein, which is involved in replenishing the body with energy and forming muscle tissue, which confirms the opinion that watermelon seeds are beneficial;
  • Watermelon seeds contain arginine, a substance related to amino acids that directly affects the functioning of the heart. It normalizes blood pressure and prevents ischemia;
  • They contain polyunsaturated acids, including omega-6, which has an effect on blood pressure in the direction of reducing it, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by removing cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels.

A complex of minerals and trace elements has been found in watermelon seeds, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Among them, magnesium, which performs the functions of a “regulator” blood pressure and glucose levels.

Zinc, which is part of the seeds, helps strengthen the immune system and has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron in watermelon seeds is actively involved in hematopoiesis, and B vitamins and a whole range of amino acids keep the nervous system in a balanced state.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon seeds?

At the same time, watermelon seeds can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

  1. It is worth noting that watermelon seeds are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney disease.

    Is it healthy to eat watermelon seeds along with watermelon? Why?

    This is explained by the presence of citrulline in the bones - an absolutely useless amino acid, according to doctors, which, moreover, can also harm such people, as it disrupts the functioning of the bladder.

  2. Watermelon seeds will not bring any benefit, but can cause serious harm to those who are obese, since watermelon seeds have a high calorie content: 100 g of seeds contain 557 kcal, which is more than a third of daily norm calorie consumption.
  3. They are also contraindicated for pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding, as well as children under three years of age. This is explained by the increased protein content in them, as well as the presence of the already mentioned amino acid – citrulline.
  4. As for office workers and anyone whose work leads to physical inactivity, as well as retirees who like to spend a lot of time sitting on a bench, it would be better for them to limit their seed consumption. This is explained by the fact that watermelon seeds, which have undoubted benefits, can cause significant harm to these categories of people due to their high calorie content and significant protein content.

An excellent delicacy can be obtained if watermelon seeds are fried with the addition of salt. If you like sweets more, then raw or roasted seeds should be dipped in honey, allowed to drain, and then dried well. However, remember that watermelon seeds, the benefits of which have been confirmed by many years of research, can be harmful to your health if consumed in excess or if you ignore the restrictions associated with your health condition.

Since childhood, all people love watermelons, the sweetest, most delicious berries. In summer they are a real find, because they quench your thirst in a matter of seconds. However, many do not know how healthy watermelon is, and are often puzzled by the question: what will happen if you eat it with seeds, whether you can do it or not.

Almost everyone spits out the seeds when they eat watermelons. Doctors believe that this is in vain, because they are no less useful than pulp. Most people think that if you eat a watermelon with a seed, your appendix will become inflamed.

The doctor answered whether it is possible to eat watermelon seeds, what is useful in them

Usually we throw away the peels with the seeds, thereby getting rid of a useful product. The seeds contain fatty acids: linoleic, palmitic, oleic, linolenic. Thanks to them, cholesterol is not deposited and atherosclerotic plaques dissolve.

Like the pulp, watermelon seeds are an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and laxative. In folk medicine they are used to remove worms from the body in order to treat urinary tract, prostatitis. Eating a watermelon with seeds is not only possible, but also necessary so that there is never sand in the kidneys and bladder.

Pulp with seeds is expelled from the body excess water, salt is removed, body temperature decreases. Often the seeds are specially dried, ground and used as a seasoning for various dishes. The seeds are full of vitamins - E, C, B1, B2, A, and they are also rich in potassium, iron, sodium, calcium. Watermelon contains fiber, which helps eliminate toxins and prevents waste from accumulating. Bones should definitely be eaten by people who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, and liver.

In the Middle East and Asia, watermelon seeds have long been used in the preparation of various dishes. They are popular in some African countries (Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan). The seeds are made into flour and butter, dried and fried.

What else is useful in watermelon seeds - the doctor’s answer

Benefits of watermelon seeds:

  1. slightly dried seeds contain 1/3 of the protein. They contain amino acids that allow muscle tissue to grow and develop. Arginine prolongs heart function, regulates blood pressure, and reduces the risk of cardiac ischemia.
  2. The seeds contain tryptophan with glutamic acid and lysine, 100 g of which contain 30 g of protein, which is 60% of the daily value for a person.
  3. The seeds contain fats: 100 g contain as much as 51 g. For example, Omega-6 lowers blood pressure.
  4. The seeds are rich in B vitamins, which convert food into energy. 100 g contains 3.8 mg of niacin, a beneficial substance for the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. 100 g of seeds is 556 mg of magnesium, that is, 139% of the daily value. Magnesium regulates blood pressure, allows the body to absorb carbohydrates faster, and reduce blood sugar levels.

But there is always a “but!” The seeds contain citrulline, which, when broken down, releases ammonia, which is clearly not a beneficial substance. Healthy man will not feel its negative effects: the amino acid will be excreted in the urine. But, it is dangerous for the human body who has diseased kidneys, bladder. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years old should not eat bones.