Pantothenic acid solution for injection. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Doctors call this substance an anti-stress vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. IN pure form pantothenic acid, instructions for use, reviews of which are presented in the article, was isolated by biochemist Roger Williams from the liver of mammals in 1933. Only ten years later, scientists figured out its chemical formula and synthesized calcium pantothenate, a salt based on it. Water-soluble vitamin B5 is a vital nutritional supplement for any organism; it activates the breakdown of all macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates). It improves metabolism and increases energy levels in the body.

What is an anti-stress vitamin?

Free pantothenic acid (in ampoules), the instructions for use of which characterize it as a water-soluble viscous substance of light yellow color with an oily consistency, also easily dissolves in acetic acid, but poorly - in alcohol and does not dissolve at all in fatty substances. The calcium and sodium salts of pantothenic acid crystallize well and appear as white powder or vitamin B5 tablets. This substance in powder is odorless and tastes bitter. Under the influence of acids, alkalis and high temperature Popular water-soluble vitamin, easily destroyed.

Synthesis of pantothenic acid in nature

IN natural conditions Vitamin B5 is produced by green plants, as well as by individual microorganisms in the human intestine. Pantothenic acid concentration in natural products different, but its presence in almost any of them is mandatory. It is not for nothing that the translation of the Greek word “pantos”, which is contained in the name of the acid, means “everywhere” or “omnipresent”. Thermal processing of food products that contain pantothenic acid (instructions for use are given below) is not recommended, since during the process of cooking, stewing, frying or smoking, vitamin B5 loses its properties and is destroyed. In addition, when adding vinegar, citric acid, or malic acid to a dish, the concentration of the anti-stress substance is also significantly reduced.

Pharmacological properties and dosage

Miracle pantothenic acid, the instructions for use of which recommend that children consume it from 2 to 5 g per day, and adolescents from 11 years of age and adults - from 4 to 7 m, is constituent element coenzyme A, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Its action extends from the synthesis of adrenal hormones (glucocorticosteroids), which prevent the occurrence of many diseases (arthritis and allergies, colitis and heart ailments), neurotransmitters, from the formation of antibodies, promotes the absorption of many other vitamins, in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism, normalizes lipid metabolism and favorably affects redox processes in the human body. By stimulating intestinal motility, pantothenic acid, the instructions for use of which recommends it for disorders of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and has a powerful reparative (healing) effect on the mucous membranes. Its lipid-lowering properties make it possible to reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in blood vessels due to the breakdown of its individual fractions and their removal from the body.

Pantothenic acid deficiency

A lack of the most important anti-stress vitamin leads to metabolic disorders, deterioration of long-term memory, exacerbation of nervous and skin diseases, decreased immunity, allergic reactions, and disruptions in sleep rhythm. With a deficiency of vitamin B5, sensitivity to smells and tastes sharply decreases, absent-mindedness appears, and if bad habits the harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol on brain activity intensify, and the condition of the skin, nails and hair worsens. In addition, healing of burns and wounds takes longer. The possibility of the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis also increases significantly. Insufficiency of pantothenic acid in the body can provoke vomiting and dizziness, increased fatigue and general weakness, loss of coordination and muscle spasms, dermatitis or eczema, autoimmune diseases, arthritis and arthrosis, obesity.


Vitamin supplement calcium pantothenate or pantothenic acid, in tablets (instructions with detailed description which is in each package) is prescribed for headaches and sleep disorders, for numbness of the extremities and muscle diseases, during periods of emotional stress and heavy physical exertion, to relieve depressive and apathetic states, for alcohol abuse, for dysfunction of the liver and other gastrointestinal tract organs, for disruptions in metabolic processes, with weakened immunity, with bronchitis, for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, with acne, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding baby.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications to the use of a safe food supplement, with the exception of an individual allergic reaction to vitamin B5. However, pantothenic acid, side effects of which can occur in case of an overdose of the drug, which requires strict adherence to medical recommendations.
Unpleasant symptoms are expressed in various dyspeptic phenomena (nausea, heartburn or vomiting). Gastric lavage and temporary restriction of vitamin intake are sufficient help to relieve discomfort. Upon admission this drug in combination with cardiac glycosides, the effect of the latter is enhanced, and the toxicity of anti-tuberculosis drugs and arsenic is significantly reduced.

Analogues and composition

Proper nutrition satisfies a person’s daily need for vitamin B5, since most foods of plant and animal origin contain natural pantothenic acid. Instructions for use (analogues of the anti-stress vitamin - “Calcium pantothenovium” and “Calcipan”, “Cutivitol” and “Kalpanat”, “Pantolin” and “Pankal”, “Pantotaxin”, “Pantothene” and “Pentavitol”) recommend it in the form of tablets or capsules as a bioactive food supplement. Pantothenic acid is produced by Solgar (USA) in the form of capsules with the active substance (500 mg) or a multivitamin complex based on natural components called “Solgar Multi Eye”. From domestic producers“Calcium pantothenate” is produced by: “Belgorodvitamini”, “Pharmstandard-October”, “ICN Russia October” and “Akrikhin HFC” in tablets of 01 g, packaged in 50 pieces. Foreign analogues of the drug called “Calcium D-pantothenate” are produced by DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Ltd. (Switzerland) and NOW Foods (USA). In addition to tablets and powder (capsules), this substance is sold in the form of ampoules with a 10 or 20% solution for injection. Among the analogues of this drug are “Aminalon” and “Neuro-Norm”, “Vazavital” and “Noobut”, “Noofen” and “Noozam”, “Calcium Pangamat” and “Supradin”, “Vitrum Beauty” and other multi vitamin complexes with component B5 in the composition.

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with its consequences. This is especially true for situations where we're talking about about human health. Getting enough vitamins needed for normal operation the body is a task, solving which you can save yourself from many troubles. For those who are concerned about maintaining a compound such as pantothenic acid in the body, instructions on the use of this vitamin and how to obtain it from food and pharmaceuticals will be very helpful.

Its presence or absence depends on:

  • metabolism;
  • production of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands - hormones that can resist allergies, heart disease and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • production of vital fatty acids;
  • synthesis of neurotransmitters, etc.

If the amount of this compound in the body is insufficient or completely absent, problems arise with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart and musculoskeletal system.

The daily intake of vitamin B5 ranges from 5 to 7 mg in adults, up to 2 mg in infants, and up to 4 mg in children under 10-12 years of age. Children over 12 years of age need the same amount as adults; older adults need 10 to 15 mg.

If the body is under abnormal conditions (high physical activity and vitamin deficiency, for example), the required dose of the substance increases significantly. Pregnant and lactating women need more pantothene.

In nutrition

The list of foods containing pantothenic acid is long. With a proper and varied diet, its deficiency is unlikely.

What is the amount of vitamin B5 in different foods:

  • Egg yolk- absolute champion in this area. It contains 80% of the required daily norm for a person.
  • Low-fat milk powder (66%) and full-fat milk powder (54%) occupy second and third places, respectively.
  • They are followed by wheat bran and hulled, containing 44% and 46% of the daily value.

Among the products that contain more than 20% of the amount of pantothene that a person needs for normal life, it is worth noting sunflower seeds, peanuts and soy, and also, to the delight of gourmets, Camembert and Roquefort cheeses. Dairy products include condensed milk (16%), fish - chum salmon (20%), salmon (32%), fatty herring and mackerel (17% each).

The main problem with consuming vitamin B5 with food is that this compound does not tolerate high temperatures. After heat treatment, up to 50% of all pantothene contained in the product is destroyed. And more often it is found in the largest quantities in animal products, which are generally not accepted to be eaten raw. Even sunflower seeds and peanuts are often consumed roasted. A happy exception to this rule are cheeses and fish, which are often salted, dried or cold-smoked.

In medicine

The above does not mean at all that a person who eats exclusively food cooked over a fire will necessarily develop hypovitaminosis or vitamin B5 deficiency. The functioning of the human body is a delicate and complex process that depends on many different factors. You can find out whether there is enough pantothenic acid in the body, and, if necessary, receive instructions for its use only by consulting a doctor and passing the necessary tests. You should not self-medicate, even taking into account the fact that no cases of hypervitaminosis B5 have yet been identified.

To prevent vitamin deficiency, doctors advise taking vitamin complexes from mid-autumn to mid-spring. For people living in extreme conditions climatic conditions, this time may vary.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing pantothene are usually prescribed:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons over 55 years of age;
  • people suffering from alcoholism;
  • in case of high physical activity;
  • with prolonged stress;
  • for relevant chronic diseases.

The most common pharmaceutical form of this vitamin is calcium pantothenate, found in most medications and dietary supplements. The release form also varies - from liquid for injection to tablets and capsules.

There is another form of B5, which is actively used in medicine. This is dexpanthenol - a provitamin that breaks down in the body to pantothene. Positive point its use is that substances hostile to pantothenic acid are not hostile to dexpanthenol. This is a good opportunity to improve the absorption of the vitamin.

Dexpanthenol is often used as part of healing, anti-inflammatory and skin-protecting ointments. This substance is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and moisture loss, relieves itching and irritation. Dexpanthenol is used mainly in products for external use, as it is very well absorbed through the skin.

For hair

Don’t forget about taking vitamin B5 supplements to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Of the two forms of the vitamin, dexpanthenol is usually used in the production of hair cosmetics. This compound perfectly fights dandruff and flaking of the scalp, protects hair from thermal damage, and restores brittle and weakened hair.

There are also homemade recipes for products containing pantothenic acid and designed to improve hair condition. For example, you need to mix burdock oil, olive oil and wheat germ oil in equal parts, and add an ampoule of pantothene. Rub into hair roots, hold for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week for prevention or twice a week if there are objective problems.

Taking care of your health is an integral part of life modern man. Maintaining the body's performance ensures not only an interesting youth, not spoiled by serious diseases, but also an active old age. Vitamin B5 is an important building block in the foundation on which good health is built. In most cases, to get the required dose you just need to eat properly and variedly.

Pantothenic acid is one of the water-soluble vitamins. She has a whole spectrum useful properties: participates in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, in the metabolism of amino acids, helps synthesize hemoglobin and fatty acids.

The main purpose of vitamin B5 is to participate in the processes of cell construction and development. Its concentration in the body decreases sharply when exposed to certain factors: temperature environment, conservation, effects on the body ultraviolet rays, alcohol intoxication, long-term use of diuretics. Studies have shown that people living in the northern regions of the country are deficient in pantothenic acid much more often than those living in the central or southern parts.

Indications for use

Calcium pantothenate is available in tablet form, less commonly found in ampoules. Doctors recommend taking it along with other trace elements and beneficial substances. Pantothenic acid is recommended to be taken in case of loss of appetite, asthenia, skin problems, and nausea. The drug is prescribed additionally when certain symptoms appear. Diseases for which vitamin B5 is prescribed:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis in acute and chronic form;
  • neuralgia and polyneuritis;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • eczema;
  • skin ulcers;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • celiac disease;
  • allergy;
  • allergy;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Since the problem of using the drug in medicine has not yet been sufficiently studied, vitamin B5 is used to treat a limited range of diseases. It is used as an additional component in the treatment of diseases nervous system and to regulate the metabolic process. In endocrinology, calcium pantothenate is indicated in the treatment of Graves' disease.

You can learn about the benefits of calcium pantothenate for humans and how its deficiency manifests itself by watching the video. It clearly shows which foods are best to eat in order to rid yourself of vitamin deficiency.

Benefits for hair

Numerous medical studies have proven that regular use of pantothenic acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair. Vitamin B5 has an anti-inflammatory effect, participates in the healing process of the skin, penetrates the hair scales, moisturizes the hair, and participates in the process of its restoration. This component is very useful for ladies who regularly use curling irons and hair dryers.

NOTE! The appearance of early gray hair is a symptom of vitamin B5 deficiency. It regulates lipid metabolism in cells, promoting pigment formation. To restore strength, shine and elasticity of hair, you need to use pantothenic acid as part of a vitamin-mineral complex, or in products.

Sources of pantothenic acid

The lack of vitamin B5 can be compensated with a balanced diet. The daily dosage of the vitamin is 5 mg. Useful component found in most foods, especially vegetable and animal fats. Some pantothenic acid is produced in the intestines.

Foods rich in calcium pantothenate

Pantothenic acid is found in offal, milk, eggs, legumes, grains, and vegetables. Food products subjected to heat treatment have less vitamin content - up to 45%, when exposed to low temperatures up to 30% of nutrients are lost. Hamburgers, pies, donuts, French fries and other fast food products are depressing intestinal flora and slow down vitamin synthesis.

ProductsVitamin content per 100g.
Soy products6,8
Beef meat6,4
Pig liver5,8
Beef kidneys3,8
Pork kidneys3,0
Milk (powdered)2,7
White bread1,8
Rye bread0,9
Green peas0,8

Rice. 1. Pantothenic acid content in foods

It is possible to maintain an optimal balance of vitamin B5 by eating foods rich in this component.

Pharmacy products

Pantothenic acid deficiency can be corrected by taking medical supplies, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

Calcium Pantothenate is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, solution or powder. Its main function is to regulate the processes of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Vitamin B5 is used as a therapeutic drug in calcium salt. Taking calcium pantothenate is not recommended for people suffering from poor blood clotting.

IMPORTANT! Before starting use, you should consult your doctor. The drug has a number of side effects, such as:

  • allergic reaction;
  • increased acidity;
  • nausea;
  • increased content of nitrogenous products in the urine;
  • pain at the injection site.

Vitamin complex "Pikovit" contains, in addition to pantothenic acid, folic and ascorbic acid, Omega-3, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins E.

Elleton Ferrum is available in capsules. The drug is a multivitamin complex containing calciferol, iron gluconate, niacinamides, as well as vitamins A, B3, B5. A drug called Elleton Lady is available for women. In addition to the above components, it includes potassium, nicotinic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin H.

The Polish drug Apetizer combines herbal components and synthetic substances. It includes peppermint, anise fruits, biotin, vitamins A, B3, folic and ascorbic acid.

Mask recipes

To improve the condition of your hair, it is recommended to make a mask based on olive and burdock oil, as well as wheat germ oil. One ampoule of pantothenic acid should be added to this composition. The product should be rubbed into the scalp and left for a quarter of an hour. The mask should be done once every 7-10 days for preventive purposes. If there are visible problems, then once every 3-4 days.

The problem of hair loss worries not only women, but also men. To strengthen the hair follicle, it is recommended to make a mask based on vitamins B1, B12 and calcium pantothenate. It is better to take vitamins in capsules. Add a spoonful of honey to them and rub into the scalp. The mask should remain on your head for no more than half an hour. Then the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with chamomile decoction.

IMPORTANT! Honey is a product that can cause allergies. Therefore, a sensitivity test should be done before application. Apply a small amount of honey to the skin around the wrist and wait 5 minutes. If spots and itching do not appear, you can safely use it as a component for masks.

A mask based on eleutherococcal tincture and calcium pantothenate is very effective for enhancing hair growth. The components included in its composition nourish the follicle, restoring its structure. To prepare the medicinal mixture you need 1 yolk, eleutherococcal tincture (1 tsp), linseed oil(2 tbsp. l), vitamins B3, B5, retinol. Mix the composition and apply to the scalp. The mask should be left for an hour, then rinsed off with water at room temperature.

Calcium pantothenate, participating in metabolic processes in the body, is one of the main components that help the human body remain healthy and energetic. The balance of vitamin B5 is maintained by proper nutrition, giving up alcohol, taking care of your own health.

If you feel chronic fatigue and have difficulty sleeping. You have difficulty getting up in the morning because your joints ache. You are tormented by frequent colds, your immunity has weakened. Memory problems began to appear: at work they forgot to submit a report on time or to meet with a client. You have started to worry about your weight: it is not enough or, on the contrary, it is too much. Go to the doctor immediately! Most likely, you have a deficiency of pantothenic acid. This substance is so important for our body that if there is a shortage, the functioning of many organs can be disrupted. Exacerbations of diseases will occur, pain will appear.

What is pantothenic acid

Behind such a complex name is vitamin B5. It is produced itself in our intestines if the microflora is not disturbed. Due to the fact that the vitamin is found in a variety of foods, it constantly enters our body. But in a situation where there is a lack of it, problems begin:

Metabolism is disrupted;

Immunity decreases;

Skin diseases appear;

Allergies occur;

Nervous diseases are getting worse.

This vitamin is involved in the functioning of the adrenal glands. It produces a hormone that makes it easier to tolerate inflammation and is necessary for heart disease and colitis. It is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. When it is disrupted and fails, long-term memory becomes worse, nervous diseases worsen, and sleep is disturbed. The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of substances that are responsible for the transmission of brain impulses is important. If there is a deficiency, the senses of smell and taste decrease, and absent-mindedness appears.

The participation of the vitamin in the synthesis of antibodies helps protect the brain from the effects of nicotine and alcohol. New cells are formed and the side effect drugs. The condition of the skin and hair depends on the presence of the vitamin. Its participation is important for normalizing the body’s water balance, accelerating the healing of wounds and burns. The vitamin plays a huge role in regulating cholesterol metabolism and prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin B5 is very important for proper operation the whole body. With the use of the drug:

Inflammation, heart disease, and arthritis are more easily tolerated.

The work of the nervous system is directed. Sleep improves and chronic fatigue goes away.

Brain functions are regulated. Long-term memory returns, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness decrease.

Immunity is supported.

The aging process, the formation of wrinkles, and the appearance of gray hair are delayed.

Metabolism is regulated. Stabilizes weight during weight loss and obesity.

The condition of the skin and hair improves.

What products contain

Without noticing it, we consume foods with pantothenic acid every day. It is important to prepare them correctly. Allowed heat treatment. But in order for the vitamin to remain in products, it should be taken into account that destruction occurs:

Under the influence of high temperature, during frying;

When canning vegetables and fruits;

As a result of freezing;

After adding vinegar according to the recipe.

To make up for vitamin B5 deficiency, you just need to go to the store or market. What foods contain pantothenic acid? It is found in beef meat, liver, and kidneys. A large number of it is contained in products:

Milk, eggs;

Legumes, grains;

Sea fish, caviar;

Fresh vegetables;

Greens: salads, cabbage;

Nuts, mushrooms;

Whole wheat and rye;

Oranges and bananas.

The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin B5

Please note that the need for this vitamin depends on the situation. Increases during pregnancy, with large physical activity. Increases daily requirement in vitamin B5 after operations, during stress. Larger dosages are prescribed for skin diseases, severe infectious diseases. Under normal conditions, daily requirement:

Adults – 7-10 mg;

Pregnant women – 15-20 mg;

Infants – 2 mg;

Schoolchildren – 4 mg;

Elderly – 10-15 mg.

Preparations containing vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is included in chemical composition many medicines. Doctors prescribe Calcium pantothenate tablets to pregnant women with toxicosis. "Brewer's yeast" - capsules - for skin diseases and weight gain. The drug Pantothenic acid copes well with muscle pain, nervous disorders, depression. Preparations containing vitamin B5 from Solgar are of great benefit. The pharmaceutical concern produces multivitamin complexes “Solgar Multi Eye” based on natural ingredients, capsules with pantothenic acid.

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry offers for use preparations containing vitamins B5 various forms release. Among them are tablets and capsules, which are recommended to be taken according to the instructions with water. Drugs in ampoules are prescribed for intramuscular and intravenous use. The use of vitamin B5 is more effective with injections, but not everyone tolerates intramuscular injections well, because they are very painful.

Indications for use

Vitamin B5 deficiency causes problems during pregnancy: anemia and toxicosis. Due to the need for the normal functioning of the whole body, a drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

Nervous system disorders;

Respiratory problems;

Skin diseases;

Burns and wounds;


Disorders of the thyroid gland;

Joint pain;

Kidney diseases;


Heart disease.

Excellent results are obtained by using vitamin B5 for metabolic disorders. The drug is used for weight loss and weight gain, stopping the development of obesity. This vitamin is important for normal brain function. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, fights absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. If you want to delay aging, you cannot do without medications with vitamin B5. Doctors use drugs to treat:

Gastrointestinal diseases;

Complications after operations;

Circulatory disorders;

Damaged hair;


Liver diseases;




It is important that vitamin B5 is well excreted from the body, so its excess does not lead to any serious consequences. In order for the drug to have the desired effect, the dosage must be observed. A significant increase is required for skin diseases. The dosage can be up to 1.5 grams per day, but this gives excellent results. The amount of the substance to be taken is prescribed by the doctor, it depends on the disease and the age of the patient. For adults, the dosage is up to 500 mg per day, for children – from 100 to 400 mg.

A complex system, such as the human body, relies on numerous processes of metabolism and interaction of substances. Vitamin B5 plays a special role in these sequences.

Another common name for the substance - pantothenic acid. In the body it is converted into pantethine, which is part of the coenzyme A molecule.

Sources of pantothenic acid

B5 enters the body when taking a synthetic vitamin preparation or as part of a complex fortified food supplement.

By observing a complete and balanced diet, a person will not feel its deficiency, since vitamin B5 is perfectly absorbed in organic form.

It is enough to know the products, the use of which will provide a full daily dose:

Maximum absorption useful substance occurs when consuming fresh, unheated foods.

A significant part, up to half the value, is lost during cooking, frying, stewing, and even when freezing food. But this fact should not be scary, because with a regular varied diet, the human body usually does not experience a deficiency in this substance.

Nowadays, stores offer many products that are enriched with vitamins and various trace element compounds during production.

They are especially often added to baby or specialized foods (muesli, snacks, cereal bars, cookies, dairy products, etc.).

Signs of deficiency and excess of vitamin B5

There are a number of cases when symptoms of insufficient concentration of pantothenic acid in organic tissues appear.


  • violation of eating habits, refusal of food or insufficient consumption (diet, anorexic manifestations and other diseases);
  • postoperative period or long-term use of certain drugs (antibiotics);
  • insufficient absorption of food or certain substances due to certain diseases;
  • in pregnant women, during the postpartum period or during lactation.

To notice this in time and take action necessary measures, you should pay attention to signs that indicate vitamin B5 deficiency:

  1. Fatigue quickly when performing everyday activities or frequent general fatigue for no particular reason.
  2. Instability of nervous processes. Manifests itself in disturbances in wakefulness and sleep patterns or frequent insomnia.
  3. Muscle pain as with increased physical activity.
  4. Digestive system disorders.
  5. Headache leading to migraine.
  6. General exhaustion. This is associated with disruption of digestive processes and increased fatigue. The body does not have time to recover and spends more energy.
  7. Skin diseases (eczema, irritation with rashes, itching, acne).
  8. Slowing down the growth of bone tissue.
  9. Decreased immune defense.
  10. Hair thinning, dandruff.
  11. Heart failure.
  12. Impaired kidney function.

Excessive content may be due to overdoses of vitamin-containing preparations. This often occurs due to violation of the indications for their use.

The main symptoms of this are:

  • signs of poisoning (vomiting and others);
  • skin rashes, often on mucous membranes;
  • liver dysfunction (“fatty liver”);
  • rarely dizziness, leading to fainting;
  • whitening of the skin.

Interesting to know! Excessive content is extremely rare due to the characteristics of the water-soluble substance, which is vitamin B5. It is well removed from tissues along with other liquid.

Types of drugs

The following drugs containing B5 as the main substance are presented on pharmacy shelves:

  • Supradin.
  • Calcium pantothenate.
  • Vitrum Beauty.

To popular complex vitamins food additives include Duavit Charm and Alphabet Cosmetics. They are available in tablet form. Beviplex is available in ampoules.

Indications for use

Large spectrum various diseases implies the use of drugs containing pantothenic acid in complex treatment.


  • allergies;
  • dermatitis;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • problems with the liver and thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamin complexes can be prescribed for preventive purposes.

How to use drugs and dosage regimen

You must always comply with the conditions described in the instructions for medicine, unless there are special recommendations from a doctor prescribed individually.

Vitamin B5 cannot have a toxic effect, even in large dosages. But since all pharmacological agents contain additional components in their composition, the conditions for taking them should not be violated.

  • for adults - up to 0.8 ml;
  • for children under 12 years old - up to 0.4 ml.

Side effects and contraindications

Pantethine itself does not have a toxic effect on the human body. But exceeding its doses is unacceptable and dangerous. This can cause significant imbalances in other components.

Interactions with other drugs and food

There are a number of contraindications for use due to the fact that B5 can affect the use of other medications or enhance them side effects:

  1. You should not use drugs with similar composition together to avoid overdoses of individual elements.
  2. Pantothenic acid worsens the side effects that may occur from medications prescribed for Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Use with caution with drugs that are used to thin the blood (aspirin and others).
  4. Taking B5 worsens the effect of some antibiotics.

special instructions

Exceeding the doses of drugs specified in the instructions is not allowed. In most cases, this entails inevitable intoxication.


This vitamin is often used as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. Such complexes have become part of the diet almost permanently. modern people: parents often buy them for a child or advise older people to buy them.

Sometimes it is possible independent choice among the huge assortment in pharmacies. But even such seemingly harmless additives can be harmful to health. It is recommended to consult a specialist before using medications containing B5.