Nutritional value, harm and benefits of bananas for the body. Nutritional value, harm and benefits of bananas for the body What is banana decoction good for?

Useful tips

The well-known fruit - banana- is one of the most ancient which people began to cultivate.

It is believed that people originally consumed bananas along with fish as a diet.

How many calories are in a banana?

Banana calories is 70-100 Kcal per 100 g.

This treat contains three types of natural sugar: sucrose, fructose, and glucose in combination with fibers. Banana provides an instant, sustainable and significant increase in energy.

Research shows that just two bananas provide energy, which is enough for a one-time intense sports training.

But energy is not the only thing bananas help us with. They can also help overcome or prevent many illnesses, making bananas a must-have in our daily diet.

Can breastfeeding mothers eat bananas?

Pediatricians recommend Breastfeeding mothers should eat bananas. This fruit rarely causes a negative reaction in infants and has special useful properties, which we will discuss later.

Benefits of bananas

So What are bananas good for? For you, we have prepared a list of the beneficial properties of bananas, compiled taking into account the results of the latest research.

Treat depression

In a survey of people suffering from depression, it was determined that many felt much better after eating bananas. And all for the simple reason that bananas contain tryptophan - a type of protein converted by the body in serotonin – the so-called "pleasure hormone".

Read also: Banana is the head of everything, or why this plant will become the main food in the world

Serotonin has relaxing properties and improves mood.

Relieves PMS pain

Forget about pills - eat bananas containing... large quantities vitamin B6, which regulates glucose levels directly in the blood, which in turn helps women endure critical days easier.

Anemia is treated

Due to the high content gland bananas help stimulate production hemoglobin in the blood, which helps with anemia.

Normalize blood pressure

The tropical fruit very rich potassium, Moreover, it contains little salt, which makes it perfect medicine to normalize blood pressure.

Improve brain activity

During the experiment, it turned out that 200 students from one of the English schools were helped to successfully pass exams this year bananas, which they consumed for breakfast and lunch. It has been proven that bananas are high in potassium improve memory and attention.

Treat constipation

One of the most quick ways hangover cures are banana-milk-honey cocktail. This drink helps normalization of the stomach And reduces blood sugar level.

Treat heartburn

Bananas have a natural antacid effect, so if you suffer from heartburn, we recommend you try eating a banana for quick pain relief.

Helps avoid morning sickness

By eating bananas between meals, a person thereby maintains level blood sugar and avoids morning sickness.

Reduce irritation from mosquito bites

If you don't have insect repellent on hand, try rubbing the inner skin of a banana on the affected area. Many people find that this procedure helps reducing swelling and irritation.

Treat nervousness

Bananas are rich vitamins, promoting calm nervous system.

Helps to lose excess weight

Based on research conducted at the Institute of Psychology in Austria, it was concluded that problems with blood pressure lead to obesity. In a study of 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found that most obese patients had high blood pressure.

The final report of this study concluded that to avoid food cravings and lose weight, we must control our blood sugar levels. Enough for this have a snack foods high in carbohydrates (eg. bananas) every two hours, then it will be maintained normal level blood pressure.

Bananas are Exotic fruits, which can be found in any store today. And this is not surprising, because adults and children love them. At the same time, the benefits of bananas for the body are enormous, since they contain many vitamins and useful substances.

Everyone is accustomed to thinking that they grow on trees, which is why the expression “banana tree” is often used. In fact, these fruits ripen not on trees, but on the tallest grass in the world. It is customary to distinguish two types of bananas:

  • dessert ones are traditional, to which all lovers of this delicacy are accustomed. Their peculiarity is that they can be eaten raw.
  • platano - vegetable bananas that require initial processing before consumption.

Medicinal properties of bananas

A medium-sized berry has a calorie content of 120-150 kcal. At the same time, we can confidently talk about the benefits of bananas, since they are rich in nutrients.

  • Magnesium – it helps in the functioning of the brain, blood vessels and nervous system, so berries are recommended to be consumed under various mental and physical stress. Helps also in stressful situations.
  • Potassium – promotes heart function as it normalizes heartbeat And arterial pressure. Necessary for muscle growth and the risk of stroke. So that the body receives daily norm of this substance, it is enough to eat three bananas.
  • Sodium is useful for hypertension because it is a good diuretic.
  • Carbohydrates – enable for a long time feel full, while providing the body with the necessary energy.
  • Prebiotics are producers of intestinal bacteria that are beneficial to the body. At the same time, their main function– protection against infections. They also help strengthen the immune system.
  • Sucrose, fructose, glucose are natural sugars that give energy to the body.
  • Tryptophan – can help with sleep problems as it acts as a natural sleep aid.
  • Iron – promotes the production of hemoglobin.
  • Fiber is effective for constipation as it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bananas are characterized by a high content of vitamins, with B vitamins being the most present:

  • B3 – niacin helps in the metabolism of proteins and fats, and is also important for cellular respiration. Indispensable for blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.
  • AT 5 - pantothenic acid participates in the production of hemoglobin and histamine. Its beneficial properties are important in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
  • B6 - takes part in the synthesis of the hormone adrenaline, the active substance histamine and iron-containing protein - hemoglobin.
  • C – helps strengthen the immune system.
  • E – important for good growth hair and maintaining skin in normal condition.

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The benefits of bananas for men, women and children

Fruit " banana tree“can have different effects on the female and male body. Therefore, let us pay attention to some characteristic features.

For women, banana is indispensable during menstruation, as it reduces blood loss during these days and helps to significantly facilitate this process. It is also used as a component of homemade cosmetics that help care for skin and hair.

The benefits of bananas for women can also be discussed during pregnancy. The berry promotes the production of oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for the progress of labor and milk separation during the period of feeding the baby. Helps with any manifestations of toxicosis, as it contains substances that help reduce the effects of nausea and diarrhea.

A positive characteristic is the rare occurrence of allergies after consuming it, which is especially important during the period of bearing a baby.

Participation in the production of oxytocin is also beneficial for men. In their body, this hormone is responsible for fertility ( quality characteristic sperm) and erection. Helps people who are struggling with nicotine addiction. Helps reduce negative consequences hangover syndrome. The presence of potassium plays an important role in preventing the formation of blood clots in the cerebral cortex. Also useful for men who pay special attention physical activity, because it helps to quickly saturate the body.

If you decide to please your kids with bananas, then you must remember the basic rules for their use. The food system of children is formed over a long period, so it is not recommended to give this delicacy to babies under 9 months. Until this time, it will be difficult for the child’s body to digest it. The high calorie content of bananas should make parents think about whether they should be given to children who are prone to obesity. The beneficial properties of the fruit give it the opportunity to become good remedy for the treatment of bronchitis. Please note that banana can only be used in this capacity for children over one year old. What are the benefits of fruit peel?

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Many people believe that only the fruit itself is beneficial, but they forget about medicinal properties its peel. It can help with headaches; just apply the peel of ripe fruit to certain areas of the head for a while. It is used to treat cracked heels, bruises, burns and abscesses. In any of these cases, you need to apply a fresh banana peel to the problem area. inside and secure. Such a compress, if applied long time, will help get rid of warts.

The inside of the fresh fruit peel helps the retina. If you often work at the computer and your eyes are constantly tired, then you need to apply them to your eyelids and after a short period of time your eyes will be rested.

A tincture based on vodka and banana peel is also popular. It helps reduce pain in joints and muscles.

The peel is also used for cooking cosmetics at home for freckles and spots on the face. To do this, make a water tincture from the peel and place it in the freezer. After freezing, you need to wipe your face with ice in the morning.

What are the harms of bananas?

Despite the many beneficial properties of this fruit, there are cases when its use can lead to bad consequences.

First of all, this concerns nursing mothers, since substances that provoke colic or the appearance of kernicterus can enter the baby’s body along with milk. Overweight people should be careful when consuming bananas. It has already been noted that this fruit is characterized by high calorie content.

  • thrombophlebitis - thrombosis with inflammation of the internal venous wall and the formation of a blood clot;
  • after suffering a heart attack or stroke;
  • ischemia;
  • varicose veins.

Bananas are rich in potassium, so it is necessary to limit its consumption in case of frequent asthma attacks. This is due to the fact that a large amount of this substance in the body is unacceptable for asthma.

The above examples of harm are typical for diseases of a certain type. But what is the harm of this fruit for healthy person?

Fruits are characterized by slow digestion in the body. This can lead to obstruction of bile flow and gas accumulation. To avoid such consequences, you need to eat berries in small portions. The combination of banana and milk will not bring any beneficial effect; all that can be expected is intestinal upset.

Unripe fruits contain insoluble starch, which is not digested by the human body. If you purchased such fruits, wait until they ripen. Otherwise, bloating and gas may occur.

In many cases, the benefits and harms of bananas are inseparable, especially if you buy them at the market or supermarket. To ensure that fruits can be stored for a long time, they are treated with chemicals, which in large doses can be poisonous and cause cancer. Therefore, do not forget to always wash the fruits thoroughly before eating.

These fruits are loved by many people, they are affordable, tasty and they can be an excellent substitute for dessert, but few people think about what effect they have on the body's systems and physiological processes, and whether they contain the vitamins and minerals that a person needs.

What are the benefits of bananas?

Doctors advise including these fruits in your diet; this recommendation is especially valuable for those who engage in mental work. Bananas contain a lot of sugar, which helps support brain activity. In addition, they are easily digestible, quickly digested and normalize digestive processes. Wherein the nutritional value Bananas contain only 96 kcal per 100 g, so they will not do any harm to those who are afraid of gaining weight.

What vitamins are in banana?

Even one fruit contains many useful substances. The vitamins in bananas help increase skin turgor, strengthen bone tissue, and improve the conductivity of nerve fibers. There are in them ascorbic acid, which helps to improve the performance of the immune system, get rid of colds and acute respiratory infections, as well as vitamins A, E, K, group B. All these substances are necessary for the body; if they are deficient, performance decreases, vision deteriorates, nails and hair become lifeless.

What are the benefits of banana for the body?

Fruits have few contraindications; doctors advise almost all people to eat them. The beneficial properties of bananas are so great that they are recommended for use by children, whose bodies most need vitamins and minerals for the normal development of all organs and systems. Adults are advised to eat them during the period of colds and flu, this way they can reduce the likelihood of infection and recover faster if this has already happened.

Bananas - benefits and harm to the body:

  1. They have anti-inflammatory properties and can be included in the diet of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. They have a positive effect on the central nervous system, help get rid of insomnia, and increase brain performance.
  3. Improves intestinal motility.
  4. Magnesium, which is part of the banana, helps get rid of.
  5. The iron contained in them increases hemoglobin and eliminates the likelihood of developing anemia.
  6. You can harm your body by eating rotten bananas.
  7. You should not eat fruits if you have diabetes.

What are the benefits of bananas for women?

Girls who care about their figure should include these southern fruits in their menu. The benefits of bananas for a woman’s body are:

  1. Saturating the body with magnesium, potassium and iron, minerals that are often lacking in the fair sex.
  2. Improving digestive and metabolic processes. It is possible to lose weight on bananas by eating banana pulp instead of dessert or as a snack; you will be able to saturate your body with vitamins and reduce the feeling of hunger. These fruits contain practically no fat, so the lady will not gain extra pounds, but her health and mood will improve.
  3. Reducing discomfort during PMS.

Benefits of bananas for men

Cardiologists advocate the inclusion of these fruits in the daily diet. When talking about the benefits of bananas for men, they unanimously claim that a large amount of potassium in the treat helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to statistics, these diseases are the scourge of our time. Many young men and middle-aged people die every year from heart attacks and strokes.

Bananas - benefits and harms for the male body:

  1. Improving potency.
  2. Strengthening bone tissue, reducing the likelihood of increased bone fragility.
  3. People who have recently had a heart attack or stroke should not eat this; such a snack will only do harm to them.

Medicinal properties of banana

It has been proven that these fruits help eliminate the symptoms of certain diseases and speed up the healing process. Doctors, answering the question whether bananas are good for gastritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and other ailments of the digestive system, give a positive answer. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing anemia, migraines, and help eliminate the effects of chronic stress.

Bananas for gastritis

These fruits are allowed to be eaten with this disease. They do not increase acidity and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, and improve digestion processes. Doctors are often asked whether bananas can be consumed daily for gastritis, or whether it is wiser to abstain from it. Experts advise eating 1 piece. in 2-3 days, more often it is not worth it, because this can provoke the appearance of symptoms such as diarrhea or increased gas formation.

Bananas for coughs for adults

You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom much faster if you prepare a simple remedy. Cough treatment with banana is carried out for colds and acute respiratory infections every day; you can use the method an unlimited number of times a day. To prepare the product you will need a minimum amount of ingredients that can be easily purchased at a regular grocery store.


  • milk – 50 ml;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • banana - 1 pc.


  1. Soften the fruit with a fork or in a blender.
  2. Mix it with warmed milk and honey.
  3. The gruel can be used internally and externally. In the second case, it is applied to the sternum area and lasts for 20-30 minutes.

Bananas for pancreatitis

Doctors allow eating it if you have this disease. The main benefit of bananas in this case is that they contain substances that reduce the intensity of symptoms of pancreatitis. But not to take risks own health, you should consult your doctor before including them on the menu. It wouldn’t hurt to follow certain rules described below.

Bananas: benefits and harms for the body with pancreatitis:

  1. 1 fruit a day will saturate the body with B vitamins, which are necessary for this disease. A larger amount will only provoke diarrhea and belching, so you should limit yourself to 1 piece. per day.
  2. It makes more sense to mash the banana into a pulp, so it will be better absorbed.
  3. You should not eat during an exacerbation of the disease.

Bananas for stomach ulcers

Most fruits are high in acid, but bananas are an exception, so they have a mild effect. In addition, fruits contain vitamins E and C, their level determines how quickly the process of restoration of the mucous membrane will take place. The usefulness of bananas is also that they improve digestion processes, but if you have a stomach ulcer, you shouldn’t eat them every day; it’s better to limit yourself to 1 piece every 2-3 days. Yes, and it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor in advance regarding their use.

Bananas for weight loss

These fruits are considered one of the most high-calorie fruits, but this does not mean that they cannot be included in the diet of those who want to lose extra pounds. They contain a low amount of fat and a lot of carbohydrates, so they are very satiating, but do not add inches to the waist. By eating one fruit, you can pacify the feeling of hunger for 1.5-2 hours; this is a wonderful snack that reduces appetite and the desire to eat something sweet, but not healthy.

In addition, a fasting day on bananas will help you not suffer from hunger and lose from 500 to 1000 g per day. The rules for using this method are simple, you are allowed to eat 4-5 fruits a day, drink coffee without sugar and cream, and if you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can include 1% fat kefir in your diet. It is recommended to carry out this type of unloading 1, maximum 2 times a week.

Nutritionists advocate consuming these fruits during weight loss also because of the large amount of vitamins and minerals they contain. It has been proven that when losing weight, the body suffers from a lack of nutrients. This factor can be eliminated by including these fruits in your diet; if you eat them 1-2 times a week, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals will not occur and your health will not worsen.

Bananas are harmful to the body

Doctors say that there are few contraindications to consuming these fruits, but they do exist, so some people suffering from certain diseases should consult a doctor before including bananas in their daily diet. This will help not harm the body and maintain excellent health. The main contraindications include:

  1. The harm of bananas for patients diabetes mellitus of any type is a proven fact, because the substances contained in these fruits are quickly broken down into glucose.
  2. Children under 5 years of age should be given this delicacy with caution, although it is considered hypoallergenic.

The benefits and harms of bananas for the body are discussed by many scientists, but it has already been proven that excluding them from the diet is completely undesirable. After all, they are a source of necessary substances and help strengthen the immune system. If you do not eat bananas in unlimited quantities every day and consult a doctor if you have some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, they will not cause harm.

Bananas are perhaps the healthiest treat for men, women and children of all ages. These fruits are loved all over the world, and although they do not grow in Russia, any child knows their taste very well. Today bananas are becoming frequent guests healthy eating. But is this right? What's the use of them? Is there any harm in eating bananas?

General information

Banana is one of the very first plants to be domesticated by humans. Its homeland is located in Southeast Asia and the Malaysian archipelago. It grows for 10-12 months, and the harvest weight from 10 thousand square meters. m can reach as much as 40 tons. Interestingly, it is harvested while still completely green, when it barely reaches 75% ripeness. Thus, during transportation it only “maturizes”, the shelf life increases significantly, and the benefits increase.

One hundred advantages of our hero

This is where he gets to the top! – includes a huge mass of various nutrients and vitamins, the benefits of which are known. Bananas contain an abundance of vitamins B1-B2-PP. B3-B9-A-C-E are present in smaller quantities. Banana is also rich in macro- and microelements that are beneficial for humans:

Bananas are incredibly rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is their high energy value so attractive when playing sports that it naturally resonates with the male sports community.

However, adding banana to your daily diet is beneficial not only for men but also for women. Our hero is especially in demand in the prevention of kidney disease, hypertension and depression due to the large amount of potassium and iron.

Distinctive features

Banana fruits are often used for cosmetic purposes, for example, as masks for hair and face. For women with scalp problems, doctors recommend making 2-3 masks of banana pulp, honey and cream per month. The benefits of one such mask are invaluable to the body. Everyday damage to your skin can be easily corrected in just 15-20 minutes!
Bananas have antiseptic properties, so their daily consumption is useful for the rapid healing of damage to the mucous membranes of internal organs, as well as stomach and intestinal ulcers (outside the exacerbation phase of the disease). Ripe fruits contain fructose, glucose and sucrose, i.e. rich sources of energy. These substances immediately enter the bloodstream, so people with diabetes are better off not eating ripe bananas.

All B vitamins have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Heart rate decreases, sleep phases stabilize. Eating bananas increases serotonin in the blood, which makes a person happier. The natural fiber in bananas is beneficial for constipation and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors also recommend that people with a lack of iron in their blood include bananas in their diet. Our hero helps the body synthesize hemoglobin, which will subsequently be used to carry oxygen.

In the absence of other remedies, banana can even be used as a healing ointment! Due to its special properties, it easily relieves itching and irritation after insect bites and reduces the harm caused to the body. To do this, simply rub the skin with the inside of the peel, and all symptoms will go away in 10-15 minutes.

Perhaps the most unusual property of the banana is its ability to increase sexual activity in men. Connecting with various substances in our body, an amino acid called “tryptophan” not only increases potency in men, but also enhances libido in women. Unlike chemicals, artificially increasing potency in men, banana causes much less harm, and the benefits to the body are invaluable. Moreover, eating these fruits stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, commonly called the “love hormone.”

So, bananas are an invaluable source of vitamins and nutrients for the body, both tasty and nutritious, ideal for people of all ages.

Everyone has their flaws

Despite all the advantages of bananas, they can also cause significant harm to a person if you do not know its “dark side”. We list the main precautions when consuming these fruits:

  1. Due to the tender stomach of infants and infants, you should not give them a lot of bananas. Overeating can cause pain, bloating, poisoning, and the fruit itself can cause significant harm to the body.
  2. People with heart disease should also limit their consumption of bananas. The peak danger is due to coronary heart disease and bleeding disorders. The fact is that a banana helps the body remove water from the body, so the patient’s blood thickens, blood vessels clog, and even the formation of blood clots is possible. Remember that just one piece of fruit eaten can negatively affect the patient’s condition and cause harm!
  3. People who have recently had a heart attack or stroke should not eat bananas for a month. The fruit will negatively affect a person’s well-being and health; it will not bring any benefit, but only harm.

"Banana" lifestyle

There are many banana-based recipes on the Internet that allow those who want to get their body in order and love themselves. The recipes are quite simple - it is recommended to eat 3 bananas and drink three glasses of water per day. Some manage to lose 3-4 kg in a decade and improve their well-being. But isn't the “banana” diet dangerous? “Perhaps you shouldn’t stick to this lifestyle for a long time.” Any experiments - severe stress for the body.

It is best to eat bananas with other healthy foods. We recommend using Allen Carr's famous weight loss method ( described in the book “Start Losing Weight Now,” approx. ed.). Switch to eating bananas and other plant foods gradually to normalize your weight and improve your body health.

So, the banana lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle for men and women. Plant-based food plus sports – great benefits and zero harm. And here bananas cannot be overestimated, since they contain proteins and carbohydrates in large quantities and help gain weight. muscle mass without chemical additives. The hero of our article should be mandatory element diet of every healthy person, since its beneficial properties are the key to active longevity.

Bananas are one of the most perfect creations of nature with numerous healing and health properties. Not only are they exceptionally tasty, but they're also so rich in nutrients that it's easier to list the ones they don't have.

The benefits of bananas are undeniable - vitamins, minerals and others nutrients, found in bananas, have a comprehensive impact on our health and beauty, providing us with various benefits.

Let's consider what benefits bananas can have for various diseases and life situations.

For hypertension

The fact is that bananas have a fairly high potassium content and contain almost no sodium. One medium-sized fruit contains about 400 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium. Potassium and sodium are necessary to maintain water balance in the body.

It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of just two bananas per day reduces blood pressure by 10%. The effect of this is to reduce the risk of hypertension leading to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, strokes and strokes. Therefore, the benefits of bananas for hypertension are undeniable.

Bananas for fatigue and stress

Due to the presence of magnesium, bananas are considered an anti-stress and calming food. It is recommended to consume foods rich in magnesium for people with increased anxiety, problems with concentration, suffering from chronic stress, chronic fatigue, neurosis and insomnia.

In addition to magnesium, bananas are also a good source of tryptophan, under the influence of which the body produces serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone. It affects the improvement of mental state, causing a feeling of pleasure or even euphoria.

Vitamin B6 and folic acid, involved in the synthesis of serotonin, which are also present in bananas, have the ability to reduce homocysteine ​​levels in the blood. The fact is that high concentrations of this amino acid have harmful effects on health, in particular, they interfere with the production of serotonin. Therefore, the benefits of bananas for fatigue and stress have been proven and cannot be doubted.

Bananas to reduce PMS symptoms in women

The benefits of bananas for PMS include their high content of magnesium and vitamin B6. Useful property magnesium is its relaxing effect on the muscular system. Magnesium helps reduce pain during menstruation.

Vitamin B6 also relieves symptoms premenstrual syndrome and reduces pain intensity, helps in regulation menstrual cycle.

Due to the fact that magnesium is better absorbed when combined with vitamin B6, the presence of both of these nutrients in bananas is especially welcome.

Bananas for the male reproductive system

The benefits of bananas for men are that they increase potency and improve sperm quality.

With constant consumption of bananas, potency increases and its duration increases. Also, the benefits of eating bananas increase libido and also increase sperm activity.

For high acidity and stomach ulcers

Due to the fact that the texture of bananas is very soft, they do not irritate the walls of the digestive tract of people suffering from peptic ulcers stomach. In addition, these fruits help neutralize high acidity in the stomach. For these reasons, bananas are beneficial for stomach problems and their presence in the diet of patients with stomach ulcers is recommended.

In addition, there is evidence that bananas help stimulate the growth of cells in the gastric mucosa and increase mucus secretion. Thus, they protect the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of digestive juices.

For diarrhea and heartburn

Typically, diarrhea quickly leads to dehydration. And here the benefits of bananas, due to the presence of pectin and potassium in them, can be fully applied.

Pectins help bind water and absorb toxins. This affects the formation of a more stable stool consistency and helps get rid of hazardous substances from the body. The presence of potassium, in turn, helps to replenish the deficiency of this electrolyte resulting from prolonged diarrhea.

If you often suffer from heartburn, do not immediately grab pills, just eat a banana. This fruit will naturally relieve heartburn symptoms and neutralize stomach acid.

Good source of energy

Although bananas are relatively high in calories - about 89 kcal per 100 g - they help reduce body weight. Tryptophan, mentioned above, takes part in metabolism, digestion improves vitamin B6 and manganese, involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In turn, the presence of pectin fibers and water in the stomach causes a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Protect skin from harmful free radicals

Vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, also called the vitamins of youth, have powerful antioxidant properties.

In addition, vitamin C, as an antioxidant, is necessary for the production of collagen, which not only prevents the formation of new wrinkles, but also smoothes existing ones.

Bananas for iron deficiency

If your anemia is caused by iron deficiency (80% of all cases) or folate deficiency, adding bananas to your diet may help. Their iron levels, like most fruits, are low, but due to the presence of vitamin C, the absorption of this element is improved.

Bananas also contain macro and micronutrients such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, sodium and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin K. The benefits of bananas are due to the presence of these nutrients , which contribute to the creation of a balanced and varied diet, which is the basis for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

Good source of folic acid

Folic acid present in bananas is needed for normal operation nervous system of adults and children. Its deficiency in pregnant women can lead to serious fetal malformations - the so-called neural tube.

These defects form at an early stage of the baby's development in the womb. Therefore, reception folic acid indicated already several months before the expected pregnancy and continued use is recommended especially in the first trimester. That is why the benefits of bananas during pregnancy are especially great.

During physical and mental work

Bananas are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that provide the body with the energy it needs to function. The more mature the fruit, the less starch it contains and the more simple sugars it contains, including glucose, which is the main fuel for the brain and muscles.

Bananas help prevent and treat osteoporosis

A properly balanced diet plays a key role in the formation of healthy, strong bones. Bananas contain a number of nutrients that have a positive effect on this process:

  • Calcium is essential building block bones and teeth. Bananas are not particularly rich in this mineral (5.0 mg per 100 g of fruit), but any additional source in the diet is welcome.
  • Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is the main building block of connective tissue and is involved in bone regeneration after fractures.
  • Magnesium facilitates the proper absorption of calcium by the bones and activates many enzymes involved in their construction.
  • Manganese supports the proper formation of connective tissue.
  • Zinc and copper are involved in bone mineralization.

Bananas help hydrate the body

Water is necessary for life and takes part in a number of processes occurring in the human body. Transports oxygen and nutrients, participates in digestion, helps cleanse the body of toxic metabolic products, and regulates body temperature. Bananas are especially rich in water and contain more than 70% of their mass.

Bananas strengthen the immune system

The benefits of bananas for strengthening the immune system are great. Vitamin C and vitamin E play a special role in this matter. The body's defenses are also stimulated by vitamin B6. It takes part in the production of antibodies and red blood cells. Preferably, selenium, zinc, copper and magnesium affect immune system.

Bananas are a natural prebiotic - they stimulate the proliferation of beneficial probiotic bacteria in the intestines. This is especially important if you have an imbalanced intestinal bacterial flora as a result of taking antibiotics.

Harm of bananas and contraindications

Despite the many positive properties, the harm of bananas in certain situations should not be discounted. Let's consider possible harm which bananas can cause.

  • The presence of bananas in the diet of diabetics is not recommended. This is due to the relatively high glycemic index fruit. Its value increases with the degree of maturity of the fruit and can even reach more than 70.
  • People suffering from thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, or survivors of a stroke or heart attack should not eat a lot of bananas, as bananas thicken the blood and can contribute to the formation of blood clots.
  • People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome should not eat bananas because it may worsen symptoms.
  • Bananas cannot be called a quickly digestible product. If you eat a banana before your main meal, you may experience bloating.
  • You should not eat green bananas - they contain insoluble starch, which the body does not process, resulting in unpleasant effects - bloating, flatulence.
  • Some people may be allergic to bananas.
  • Bananas are not recommended for infants under one year of age.

How many calories are in bananas?

Bananas are a high-calorie fruit. How many calories a banana contains depends greatly on the size and ripeness of the particular banana. One banana usually contains 70-100 calories. Green bananas can contain more than 110 calories. If we talk about the value per 100 grams, then a banana contains approximately 89/100 g of weight. Therefore, banana is undoubtedly a nutritious food.

Bananas with milk and cottage cheese

The combination of bananas with milk and kefir can cause unpleasant effects - bloating, flatulence, and digestive disorders.

Despite this, there are diets that include bananas and milk as the basis of nutrition. One of these diets recommends eating three bananas a day, washed down with milk, which improves the absorption of nutrients contained in a banana. For such purposes, you should select milk with low fat content.