Useful properties, calorie content of banana. Banana “tree”: what kind of plant is this, do bananas grow on a palm tree? Banana annual or perennial

This fruit has become known throughout the world due to its amazing taste, color and beneficial qualities. However, not everyone knows what a banana is. Is this a fruit or a berry? And also not everyone is aware of how many others amazing properties this fruit has.

What is a banana

Is banana a fruit or a berry? Most often it is called a fruit. Even in cartoons, they always showed that bananas ripen on palm trees, like coconuts. So is a banana actually a fruit or a berry? Its fruits ripen on bushes whose average height reaches 4 m. For this reason, it is often confused with a tree. The banana bush is actually a grass. The stems of this plant die off every year, and the root shoots move to the side where the soil is more fertile.

Despite the fact that bananas do not grow in all countries, you can buy them almost everywhere and they are inexpensive. Ripe fruits contain many useful substances necessary for the body.

What are the benefits of banana?

The fruits contain a large amount of potassium. Thanks to this microelement, fluid exchange in the body is normalized, the activity of the nervous system is improved, and under heavy loads, the restoration of muscle tissue is accelerated.

Iron normalizes oxygen metabolism in the body. Magnesium relieves constipation and has a beneficial effect on the heart. Other elements also include sodium, fluorine, calcium, pectin and starch.

Few people know that banana is also a strong aphrodisiac that causes sexual desire. In addition, it contains tryptophan, which restores sexual function in men.

Who needs to eat bananas?

After conducting research, scientists found that bananas contain a protease inhibitor, which is useful for people with stomach ulcers. This compound helps the body fight harmful bacteria that cause disease.

They will also be useful for people quitting smoking. Thanks to the high content of vitamins B 6 and B 12, the body can more easily cope with a decrease in nicotine in the blood.

It has been proven that the greatest weight gain comes from a banana in combination with milk.

Despite the fact that the fruits of this amazing exotic plant There is a huge supply of useful substances, but for some people they are still contraindicated or are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities.

The category of people for whom bananas are banned include people who have had a heart attack or stroke. If you have varicose veins, doctors do not recommend eating fruits, since the substances they contain help increase blood viscosity.

In addition, bananas are quite high in calories. One ripe medium-sized banana contains approximately 70-150 calories. Therefore, people who want to lose weight should limit their consumption.

How to choose delicious bananas

Now that the answer to the question of what a banana is - is it a berry or a fruit is known, you should find out how to choose them correctly. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to their color and structure. The fruits should be smooth, golden yellow and free of dark spots. It is in such fruits that there will be the most useful substances. You need to eat them immediately after purchasing.

The gray color of the peel indicates hypothermia, improper storage or transportation. It is important to know that such bananas will not harm your health, but they will not be beneficial either.

It is better to buy fruits in a whole bunch and save them in the same form in order to preserve their beneficial properties.

Bananas are sold not only fresh, but also dried. During drying, the fruits are not specially processed in any way, so in this form they will be no less valuable in composition.

So, is a banana a fruit or a berry? There is only one answer: the fruits of this plant are berries, and they are very healthy and suitable for almost all people, since they have few contraindications.

Many people want to know, is a banana a fruit or a berry or a herb? Because the banana plant is quite large, it is often confused with a tree. However, it does not have a trunk, so it is considered a grass. On average, about 300 fruits grow on a bush, total weight which can reach 500 kg.

Everyone is used to bananas having yellow skin. But in nature there are also red fruits. They are also very tasty and incredibly tender, so they do not tolerate long transportation. There are also black and even “golden” bananas that grow only in the Seychelles. Local residents use these bananas as a side dish, without really wondering what a banana is - a fruit or a berry.

Photos of different varieties of bananas, which can be seen everywhere, prove that this plant occupies one of the leading positions among the world's famous agricultural crops. Bananas are second only to rice, corn and wheat in popularity. Every year, people around the world eat up to 100 billion fruits.

Many people who do not know what a banana is - a berry or a fruit - at the very mention of it, associations arise with Africa. In fact greatest number These fruits grow in countries such as India and Brazil. These two states are the undisputed leaders among banana suppliers.

In terms of their composition and properties, they can rightfully be considered record holders. They even lead in nutrient availability compared to potatoes. An average ripe banana contains approximately 320 mg of potassium. It is known that its daily dose is 3-4 g. Potassium copes well with high blood pressure and helps strengthen and improve heart function. It should be noted that a dried banana will have 5 times more calories than a fresh one.

Sometimes people have questions that surprise them. For example, the question: is a banana a fruit or a berry? The question may also arise: is a banana a grass or a tree? In this article we will look at the essence of these issues.

Let's start with the definition of fruit. Fruit is a concept most likely culinary and household than botanical. Fruit means anything sweet big fruits plants. Therefore, in everyday life, a banana is, of course, a fruit. But in the culinary and everyday concept, a berry is all small fruits of plants, so in everyday life a banana cannot be a berry.

In botany under the word “fruit” the word “fruit” is used. A fruit is a plant reproductive organ formed from a flower that contains seeds. The fruits are different. One type of fruit is a berry. In botany, a berry is understood as the fruit of a plant with a thin skin, juicy pulp and seeds. Store-bought bananas have no seeds, but wild bananas contain black seeds. It turns out that bananas meet these criteria. Bananas are berries.

Banana grass or tree?

As for the question of whether a banana is a tree or a grass, everything is simple. Bananas are giant perennial herbs. Each banana shoot bears fruit only once, then it dies and a new shoot grows in its place.

The banana palm is not a tree, as is commonly believed, but a grass. Because its “trunk” does not contain wood. The false stem is formed from tightly adjacent curled leaves that can reach more than five meters in length and up to one and a half meters in width. After flowering, the part of the grass that is above the ground dies. But its place is taken by the largest shoot located on the root.

The banana, like the banana, belongs to the genus of the largest perennial herbaceous plants and grows up to ten meters or more.

According to the research of the world-famous breeder N. Vavilov, the birthplace of the banana plant is southeast Asia. From there, about four thousand years ago, it migrated to India. It was in the ancient manuscripts of the Rigveda, Mahabharatha and Ramayana, telling about the gods of the Hindu pantheon, that the first written mentions of bananas were discovered.

Interestingly, the first attempt to grow bananas in Europe was made by Alexander the Great at the beginning of the fourth century, because I was amazed by their taste. However, with his death, the initiative also died.

Three centuries later, thanks to the nomadic Arab tribes, banana palms filled the east of the African continent. Interestingly, their fruits owe their name to the Arabic word for “finger,” although the nomads themselves used the name “mus.”

And only at the beginning of the fifteenth century did Europeans begin to become interested in this useful agricultural crop. So onto the territory South America bananas came along with the Spanish-Portuguese colonialists, who had already brought the herbaceous plant to the Canary Islands and Haiti.

In Europe and North America bananas for a long time were not popular due to difficulties with transportation. Since fruits can be transported at temperature conditions no higher than 14 degrees Celsius. Everything changed only at the end of the nineteenth century after the invention of the first cooling mechanisms.

How does banana grass grow and bear fruit?

Despite all the efforts of breeders, it was possible to breed only a few varieties, which can bear fruit at temperatures below 10 degrees. All other varieties, and there are more than two hundred of them, simply fall asleep at temperatures below 16-10 degrees, almost completely ceasing their vital functions.

The fruits of banana plants grow in one large cluster on a stem sprouting between the leaves of the false trunk, and not at the very top of the head, like coconuts. One such bunch can contain from several tens to several hundred fruits, depending on their size and type.

The opinion that a banana is a fruit is fundamentally incorrect, because only tree fruits are considered such. But berries are already growing on the bushes and grass. Therefore, bananas are typical berries, along with raspberries, currants or strawberries.

And a few more interesting and little known facts about banana grass and its fruits:

  • wild bananas have virtually no pulp, since large seeds occupy most of it;
  • not all varieties are edible, some are considered technical and are used for the manufacture of ship gear and fabrics;
  • clothes made from banana leaf fibers worn sacred meaning in Hindu epic;
  • In ancient times, Buddhist monks made banana drinks, including alcoholic drinks.

In the twenty-first century, the demand for bananas continues to grow, and in some countries its consumption reaches up to eighty kilograms per year per person. The volume of exports of these fruits is second only to grains, corn and sugar.

What family does banana belong to?

  1. It belongs to the banana family.... But actually, it’s just a grass, nothing more... Only tropical... That's why the fruits are so large.... You're in middle lane Can you imagine our herbs? You can eat them too, the tops... And they’re very tasty, I can assure you... It's just a bit small... :))))
  2. to herbaceous
  3. family of bananas.... close relatives of the skins....
  4. BANANA (Musa), a genus of large tropical perennial herbs of the banana family (Musaceae), numbering ca. 300 species and taxa of lower rank, a number of which are widely bred for their edible berry-like fruits, reaching a length of 20 cm. When ripe, the fruits are covered with a thick yellow skin with brown spots. Their pulp is creamy, easy to digest, rich in carbohydrates and contains relatively high amounts of vitamins A, B and C.
  5. To the family "below the belt" =)))
  6. Scientific classification
    Kingdom: Plants
    Department: Angiosperms
    Class: Monocots
    Order: Ginger
    Family: Banana
    Genus: Banana
    Bana#769;n (lat. Musa) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Banana family, native to the tropics of Southeast Asia (SEA) and, in particular, the Malay Archipelago. Bananas are also called the fruits of these plants that are eaten. Currently, various varieties of sterile triploid cultigen Musa #215; paradisiaca ( artificial look, not found in wildlife) created on the basis of some species of these plants, are widely cultivated in tropical countries and in many of them they constitute a major share of exports. Banana is the fourth largest crop grown in the world, second only to rice, wheat and corn. 1 The genus includes over 40 species, distributed mainly in Southeast Asia and the islands Pacific Ocean. The northernmost species of Japanese banana (Musa basjoo), native to the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, is grown as a ornamental plant on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Crimea and Georgia.

    Banana is a herbaceous plant with a powerful root system, a short stem that does not protrude above the ground and 620 leaves, the sheaths of which form something like a trunk. The height of the plants varies from 2 to 9 m and even higher, making them one of the tallest (along with bamboos) grasses in the world; and it is not surprising that many people mistake them for trees. The tallest plant of the banana genus is considered to be the species Musa itinerans, the height of its variety Musa itinerans var. gigantea can reach 12 m. Many side shoots are formed around the main stem, one of which subsequently replaces the previous one, thus reproduction occurs. The roots are numerous and fibrous; in noble soil they go up to 4.9 m to the side and up to 1.5 m deep.

    The leaves are large, soft, smooth, oblong or oval, with parallel veins; arranged in a spiral. Their vaginas are rolled into a dense, multi-layered, fleshy tube called a false stalk. As the plant grows, young leaves appear inside the bunch, and the outer ones gradually die and fall off. In good weather this process continues at a rate of about one leaf per week. Cultivated banana leaves reach 275 cm in length and 60 cm in width, they can be completely green, green with dark burgundy spots, or green on the upper side and purple below. At strong wind or heavy rain, leaves are easily torn along the veins; this adaptation helps plants survive in tropical climates. When the banana is ready to bloom, a long peduncle develops at the growing point of the short stem, which passes through the false stem and follows the leaves out.

    Flowering occurs 810 months after the active growth of the plant. The inflorescence is a brush, resembling an elongated lush bud of a purple or green hue, on which at the base there are large female ones, then smaller bisexual ones, and at the end small male flowers. All flowers are tubular, consist of 3 petals, 3 sepals, usually 6 stamens, one of which is underdeveloped and does not have an anther. The gynoecium is syncarpous, consisting of 3 carpels forming a three-chambered ovary; the flowers are arranged in tiers (the so-called arms) and contain a large amount of nectar (up to 0.5 g per flower. Each layer is collected in a raceme, consisting of 1220 flowers, arranged radially, and covered with fleshy, waxy to the touch covering leaves. cultivated banana flowers white, covering leaves with outside purple, and dark red on the inside. Having opened, male flowers usually fall off very quickly, leaving top part inflorescences are naked, with the exception of the apical unopened bud. In wild species, flowering begins at night or early in the morning; in the first case, pollination is facilitated by the bats, and in the second there are birds and small mammals.

    Wild fruit in cross section

    Fruits develop

Professional nutritionists for weight loss recommend limiting the consumption of sugar, flour products and fast food, replacing them with large quantities of fresh fruit. In fact, it helps reduce the overall caloric intake of the diet and therefore promotes weight loss processes. But with a fruit like banana, things are not so simple. In this article we will figure out what the calorie content of a banana is, whether it is worth eating during a diet, what nutrients And beneficial properties he has.

What plant group does banana belong to?

If you imagined that bananas grow on palm trees and hang down in massive clusters, it’s time for some new information. We'll have to seriously think about it. In fact, it is an edible plant that belongs to the banana genus. It grows mainly in the tropics at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level.

The banana fruit, from a botanical point of view, is a polyspermous, thick-skinned berry, despite the fact that in the world the banana has the status of a fruit.

Depending on the cultivated variety, and there are more than five hundred of them, this fruit differs in peel color, size, taste and calorie content.

But the entire banana genus has one thing in common. They don't grow on trees. Banana belongs to the group of perennial herbaceous plants. The stem of the plant itself is short, but the large massive leaves, clasping each other, create the appearance of a strong and powerful trunk.

By the way, involvement in herbaceous plants explains such rapid growth. The plant can reach from 7 to 15 meters in height.

But the fruits themselves, contrary to popular belief, grow with the tip up, and do not hang down in clusters. They have an oblong cylindrical or triangular shape, most often rounded or straight. Clusters with two or three hundred fruits are held on false stems inside huge leaves.

Depending on which family the fruit belongs to, it is used as a fodder crop or eaten.

The edible varieties that we are used to seeing on store shelves can be classified as dessert varieties. Such foods are eaten in fresh, without preliminary heat treatment.

Today this product is familiar in every corner globe. Many countries cultivate and grow bananas in adapted climatic conditions. In Russia, due to the climate, this is impossible to do, but according to statistics, every resident of our country eats at least 8 kg of bananas per year.

How many calories are in a banana

– a relative value that depends on many factors. Reference books or nutrition tables often indicate a certain number of kcal in a banana. But it is incorrect to draw conclusions about the calorie content of a product based on only one of its representatives.

The calorie content of a banana per 100 grams can vary significantly. It depends on the type of fruit and the degree of its ripeness. For example, overripe fruit has a high calorie content.

One banana can come in the form of juices, purees or chips, which makes a huge difference in calorie content and dietary availability.

IN Lately, mini bananas, the fruits of the dwarf family, are increasingly found on the shelves. By the way, they are dessert fruits, unlike the large fruits that we are used to seeing. Weighing 80-90 grams, they have sweeter pulp, increased amount vitamins and nutrients and an approximate calorie content of 90 kcal per 100 g.

The exact opposite of mini bananas, which are also found on sale, are Platano bananas. This fruit has a greenish skin color, contains less sugar than regular fruit, and is low in calories. Only 58 kilocalories per 100g. But, so far, our residents have not fallen in love with this species because of its sour taste. Platano is mistakenly consumed raw, although abroad it is usually fried or boiled.

The most high-calorie option is banana chips. Even if you simply dry the fruit in the oven, due to the complete removal of liquid, you will end up with a product that is two or three times more caloric than the original. But dried banana chips sold in stores are prepared with oil and sugar. Their calorie content can reach 500 kcal per 100 g, which makes them far from a dietary product.

On average, the calorie content of a banana without peel per 100g ranges from 110 to 180 kcal. For such a sweet fruit this is not a big amount.

At the same time, the sugar content, the ratio of BJU, the amount of nutrients in one ripe medium-sized fruit is a question that is worth understanding in more detail.

What's in bananas?

The beneficial properties are determined by the vitamins bananas contain. By right, this fruit can be called one of the healthiest, which should be included in your diet as often as possible.

We propose to analyze in detail the composition of a banana using the example of a fresh fruit of medium size and a sufficient degree of ripeness.

As already stated, energy value banana is equal to an average of 120 kcal, which allows you to consume it even during weight loss or dieting.

However, not the most important indicator, which you need to focus on. Nutritional suitability depends not only on the number of calories, but also on chemical composition banana. Namely, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

By the way, bodybuilders and athletes love it for the protein in bananas, which is easily digested in combination with carbohydrates, making the product an ideal food after physical activity.

One whole banana contains:

  • 2.5 g protein,
  • 0.2 g fat,
  • 32 g carbohydrates.

From the point of view of the BJU in a banana, it does not pose a danger to the figure. 1 banana definitely won’t be able to radically change the caloric intake of your diet. Although, you should pay attention to the large amount of sugar. A ripe fruit contains 12 grams of sugar, with an average daily norm in 50 grams.

It is worth paying attention to the combination of banana with other products, or cooking variations that change nutritional value and the ability to consume this fruit on a diet.

Banana is a powerful source of potassium, which is involved in the regulation of nervous system processes. Eating it helps normalize blood pressure, strengthening the blood vessels of the heart and brain. It also reduces the risk of stroke and prevents the formation of cellulite.

B vitamins, which are contained in large quantities in this tropical fruit, also have a positive effect on metabolic processes and the condition of the body.

Nicotinic acid regulates cellular respiration and participates in the processes of lipid and protein metabolism, controls cholesterol levels in the blood.

Pantheonic acid is an active participant in carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the formation of hemoglobin and histamine, and also improves microcirculation of blood vessels.

Pyroxidine helps synthesize hormones such as serotonin and adrenaline, and maintains the health of the skin, teeth and mucous membranes.

The iron contained in the composition is necessary for the production of hemoglobin in the blood, which is necessary for proper operation the body as a whole.

Also, all the minerals and vitamins work together. The yellow tropical fruit is one of the top ten foods that hold the record for potassium content. This mineral enhances the effect of the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, but alone could not be absorbed without them.

An element such as magnesium is necessary for the absorption of calcium, which maintains the rhythmic functioning of the heart and relieves muscle tension. Therefore, it is very useful to use this tropical fruit in the form of a smoothie with cottage cheese or milk.

Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Vitamin E makes the skin firm and elastic.

Beneficial features

This exotic fruit is also used for diseases, in addition to the fact that it is simply tasty and healthy. Medicinal properties banana benefits are determined by the combination of vitamins and minerals of the fruit, as well as the interaction of these elements with each other.

This product is often used by people suffering from edema, because banana helps remove excess fluid without the use of additional medications.

A large amount of fiber normalizes intestinal function and prevents constipation, and also promotes cleansing of toxins, elimination of toxins and weight loss.

Banana helps to cheer up during tiring work, activates energy and improves vitality. It is also used in the treatment of bronchospasms and cardiovascular disorders.

Banana is a product that should be used in nutrition, no matter how many calories it contains. The benefits of bananas for children are obvious.

Firstly, it is a source of protein that is easily digestible.

Secondly, it is nutritious and gives you a feeling of quick satiety, so it can be used as a snack.

Bananas affect brain activity and are especially useful for schoolchildren.

Beta-carotene included in the composition is necessary for the proper functioning of the visual organs.

Also, it contains substances such as starch and pectin, which have an enveloping effect and are useful for gastritis and poisoning.

Ripe fruit puree can be used to treat cough.

Bananas are also a source of endorphins - joy hormones, which are simply necessary for a child of any age.

The benefits of bananas for women

A particular benefit of bananas for women is the relief of PMS. B vitamins regulate the level of spasms and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Thanks to this, pain during treatment is reduced and mood swings caused by hormonal imbalance are smoothed out.

Recently, banana diets have been gaining popularity, which promote quick and easy weight loss. Be careful, and it is better to consult a specialist first. And most importantly, if you base most of your diet on fruits, then the second part should be built primarily on proteins.

A piquant feature is the increase in sexual desire, thanks to tryptophan, which is converted into endorphin hormones. By the way, increased nerve conduction and sensuality during lovemaking is another additional bonus from eating sweet fruits. This is an obvious benefit for both women and men.

Benefits for men

We can safely say that someone who is busy with mental and physical work.

1-2 bananas will provide you with the necessary resources for sufficient energy levels throughout the day.

Thanks to B vitamins, the fruits act as helpers for getting rid of nicotine addiction.

For men, this is one of the most important products; it is not for nothing that a banana is shaped like an erect penis. It has been proven that it increases potency, helps prolong sexual intercourse, and changes the smell and quality of sperm.

With excessive consumption there are visible benefits and harm to the body. men

However, it should be used with caution by people with gastrointestinal problems and thrombosis, which, according to statistics, are more susceptible to men.

The harm of bananas

Despite the huge number of advantages and beneficial effects, this fruit is not so simple, and is not suitable for everyone.

First, people with allergies should be careful. Although the banana itself is not an allergenic product, it is better to play it safe and eat it in small quantities.

Secondly, since this product helps eliminate excess fluid, people with high blood viscosity and thrombophlebitis should limit it in their diet.

Makes it unsuitable for consumption by people suffering diabetes mellitus. A banana can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar and interfere with the synthesis of insulin in the correct dosage.

For the same reason, overweight people need to limit the amount to two fruits per week.

It turns out that this is a fruit that can and should be consumed for weight loss, if done correctly.

It must be remembered that you should only eat fresh and ripe fruits.

Chips, packaged juices and purees from them are not dietary, because they additionally add oil and sugar. Read the ingredients on the package carefully.

You should not eat this fruit as an independent meal on an empty stomach, as this causes fermentation and gas formation processes.

To lose weight, you should pay attention to the combination of a banana with cottage cheese or milk, as a smoothie, or with oatmeal and other fruits for breakfast.