10 useful indoor plants for the home. Plants for the home: choosing the right ones

Houseplants- This is not only a decoration for any home, but also the most effective air purifier, a kind of “dust collector”. After all, any home accumulates many different toxic substances that are dangerous to our health. And indoor plants, in the best possible way, clean the room, collecting dust, toxic fumes and smoke.

They not only make us happy aesthetic beauty, they are extremely useful.

Based on the experience of florists and plant breeders, we have compiled the TOP 15 most the best plants from the point of view of beauty and influence on our body.


This plant absorbs from the air carbon monoxide and many other toxic substances. It ranks first in eliminating formaldehyde from environment and oxygen production. Add elegance and beauty to chlorophytum original flowerpot or an unusual support on which to place a flowerpot.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is one of the best air purifiers after chlorophytum. The plant absorbs dust and toxic substances a, which evaporate from furniture and plastic objects. The plant is interesting because as it grows, its roots take on different configurations.


Another beautiful and useful plant is spathiphyllum. Its flowers are often called “bedspread”. It absorbs mold spores from the air and also cleans the air well of toxic substances such as formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Despite the fact that geranium is a little dangerous for allergy sufferers, it has a lot of useful properties. In particular, geranium purifies the air from bacteria and poisonous microbes. The essential oils in its composition have a beneficial effect on the human body. This plant helps improve sleep and calms nervous system.

Noble laurel

Unlike our homes, laurel can be found everywhere in European homes. This plant is a treasure trove. useful substances and qualities. Purifies oxygen from various harmful substances and dust, helps overcome various ailments. This is a truly unique plant in its healing and cleansing qualities.


Begonia is also worth getting! Not only is it beautiful, but this plant also attracts dust, eliminates fungal organisms, and also humidifies the air. Just remember to spray the plant with a spray bottle so that a new portion of dust is absorbed by the plant. Begonia also absorbs radiation from electrical appliances.


People who suffer from lung diseases should definitely get Dieffenbachia. It eliminates staphylococcus, and also eliminates toxic substances that emit paintwork.


Aloe is one of the most popular and widespread indoor plants and probably everyone has it in their home. This plant is very useful - it “kills” formaldehyde, which evaporates from the surface of furniture! Also aloe is very effective medicine. Plant phytoncides relieve physical stress and improve brain activity.


Dracaena is also a wonderful oxygen purifier. It draws in all harmful substances from the air that enter the house with exhaust gases.


This plant of the Araliaceae family is very beautiful. In order to grow schefflera with a bright yellow-green color, you need a lot of diffused color. The plant is a must for heavy smokers - Schefflera perfectly disinfects the air from tar and nicotine.


The plant fights well against harmful chemical elements. Hedera eliminates any volatile fumes. The main advantage of this culture is that even the most small plant In terms of oxygen production, it can replace several cacti, as it has a high rate of photosynthesis.


Ivy destroys aerobic fecal particles that are sprayed into the air every time the toilet is cleaned.

For good growth the plant needs constantly moist soil and sunlight.


This plant enriches the air with natural minerals and salt compounds. Ficus also produces a lot of oxygen, so it is an ideal “inhabitant” of bedrooms and living rooms. In addition, the plant has an energetic effect, favorably affecting the home atmosphere.

Gerber Jameson

The plant disinfects the air from benzene and trichlorethylene, which is formed during dry cleaning.

It should be noted that gerbera is a rather fastidious plant and does not tolerate excess moisture. It needs a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.

Sims' rhododendron

This plant is both beautiful and helps fight formaldehyde, and also humidifies the air in the room.

Does well in a cool, dry room.

There are numerous microorganisms in the air of any room where people live or work. Many indoor plants emit volatile substances that can purify the air of pathogenic bacteria.

Microorganisms are always present in residential areas. Among them there are many that do not cause the slightest harm to people, but there are also causative agents of a wide variety of diseases. In autumn and winter time the risk of contracting influenza or acute respiratory viral infections, which are transmitted by airborne droplets, increases. Streptococci and staphylococci are also always present in rooms, and tuberculosis bacillus is also not uncommon these days in places where there are a lot of people.

People have increasingly begun to think about what environmentally friendly methods can be used to purify indoor air. Are there indoor plants that absorb toxins from the air? Perhaps they can also cleanse the house of germs?

Phytoncides inhibit the development of bacteria

All plants, to one degree or another, have antimicrobial effect. It is known that in pine forest the air is clean, there are almost no pathogenic bacteria in it. Coniferous plants secrete phytoncides - biologically active substances that kill or suppress the growth and development of not only bacteria, but also microscopic fungi and protozoa. Typical representatives of phytoncides are essential oils. Phytoncides have not yet been studied enough, because most of them cannot be collected in sufficient quantities to conduct laboratory research.

Indoor plants also produce phytoncides that can purify the air. Researchers from different countries conducted experiments with different types plants and obtained encouraging results.

To check whether indoor plants really kill bacteria, two identical test tubes with harmful microorganisms were placed in two identical chambers with ordinary air; indoor lemon. After a certain time, air samples were taken from the chambers.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that in the chamber where there was a pot of lemon, the air was much cleaner. Not completely sterile, of course, but it contained several times fewer pathogens than in the control chamber. Pathogenic microorganisms die on their own - they need a nutrient medium to live, suitable conditions(certain temperature, air humidity). But the presence of indoor lemon greatly accelerated the purification of the air.

This fact is confirmed by the experiments of Novosibirsk scientists who conducted air studies in one of the city kindergartens. In the premises of this institution, specially selected plants producing phytoncides (chlorophytum, aloe, begonia, asparagus) were placed. It turned out that the content of microorganisms in the air of this kindergarten was at a level comparable to the air in sterile rooms in medical institutions.

The results of a study of juice from crushed leaves of pelargonium, aloe and Kalanchoe on bacterial colonies (staphylococci, tetracocci, rods) have also been published. In accordance with the data obtained, zonal pelargonium has the greatest phytoncidal activity of tissue juices. It acts on all types of test cultures of microorganisms. Aloe showed a phytoncidal effect on tetracocci. Kalanchoe did not act on staphylococci and tetracocci, but acted on rods.

What indoor plants emit phytoncides?

All indoor plants are capable of producing volatile substances that are released into the indoor air and have biological activity. But not all of them have the same effect on people and microorganisms.

For example, indoor lemon releases a whole complex of substances that have a beneficial effect on humans, purify the air, increase efficiency, and resistance to stress. All plants of the citrus family have the same effect to one degree or another.

Coniferous plants are very effective at cleaning the house from almost all common types of microbes. The most common of them is indoor araucaria. Juniper can destroy streptococci and even tubercle bacilli. In ancient times, they used it to fumigate the rooms of the sick. You can grow decorative juniper at home. Like Araucaria, he does not like high temperature, but grows well in a cool hall.

Unlike conifers that are difficult to grow, pelargonium (geranium) is found in almost every home. This is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. And it also purifies the air perfectly! And our great-grandmothers knew this well. All parts of the plant contain substances that can neutralize viruses and bacteria. Pelargonium essential oil also affects the human nervous system: its aroma calms, relaxes, and improves sleep.

There are quite a lot of such plants: Kalanchoe, aloe, begonias, chlorophytum, common ivy, cyperus, peperomia obtufolia, myrtle, sansevieria and others. All these plants have an antimicrobial effect and can become an effective barrier to the spread of various infections.

Asparagus, coleus and spathiphyllum can be very useful plants for landscaping a children's room. They clean the indoor air well and do not cause allergies in children. Ferns also fight harmful microorganisms and, in addition, perfectly humidify the air, which is especially important in winter in heated rooms.

Aglaonema modesta effectively kills streptococci; monstera, cyperus and small-flowered chrysanthemum are also considered good phytoncidal plants.

Eucalyptus and myrtle beautiful plants for landscaping the bedroom. They can be considered an ideal tool for destroying viruses. These plants are very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases.
What determines the amount of phytoncides in the air?

The quantitative content of phytoncides in the air is significantly influenced by temperature. In a cold room, less volatile substances are released. An increase from 15 degrees to 20 leads to a significant increase in the amount of phytoncides in the air.

At very high humidity phytoncides are almost not released. But in too dry air their activity decreases.

The amount of phytoncides in the air does not depend on lighting.

Five of the most useful plants for the home, video

What are the benefits of indoor plants, video

Which flower to choose for growing at home without harming your health? This material talks about which flowers to choose for certain rooms, taking into account the botanical characteristics of the crops. Before choosing indoor flowers, it would be a good idea to make sure that all family members are not allergic to them. For more information about which flowers to choose for your home, you can read the tips on this page further. Perhaps the information provided will help answer the question of which indoor flowers to choose for interior design. Also given small tips about how to choose an indoor flower according to its group affiliation.

Houseplants can be purchased at any time of the year, but in winter you should take care of them. Avoid buying tender plants that have been sitting out in the open as “discount” deals.

If you choose bulbs, make sure they are firm and have no holes or sprouts. When purchasing indoor plants, pay attention to any dangerous symptoms- roots protruding from drainage holes, empty space between compost and inside pot, soft leaves, etc.

Plants should be wrapped or in plastic packaging that can protect them in winter period. The dangers of cold air when traveling home are obvious. Less obvious is the damage that can be done to plants in the trunk of a car at the height of summer. If possible, transport the plant in a box in the back seat.

Try to provide the new plant with an acclimatization period. Keep it out of direct sunlight and drafts for several weeks, and be careful when watering. Don't move it from one place to another trying to find the "proper" position. Just leave it alone in a moderately warm place away from the sun. Losing one or two leaves during this period is normal for a new plant.

The situation is different with flowering potted plants, such as azaleas, chrysanthemums and cyclamens, which bloom in winter. Put them on right away permanent places and provide as much light as possible.

What flowers and plants can and should be kept at home

There is a certain standard for which flowers can be kept at home without danger to health. There are also beliefs and scientific conclusions about which plant should be kept at home for the well-being and good health of the whole family. There are six main forms into which almost all indoor plants fit. There are also intermediate cases, and some plants change shape from one to another with age. Size is another important factor when purchasing a plant. Low-growing varieties can get lost against the background of a large bare wall, and tall ones tree plant not suitable for narrow window sill. Remember that you can buy young plants that can grow to the size of a child within a few years.

What flowers and plants should I plant and grow at home?

Before you decide which flower to plant at home, you need to decide where it will stand and what function it will perform. Everyone chooses for themselves which plants to plant at home; for example, erect flowers have a distinctly vertical growth pattern. Among them there are both low and tallest indoor plants. Medium-sized vertical plants are an integral part of a potted group, providing a sense of height and compensating for the horizontal effect created by rosette and ampelous plants. Tall, upright varieties are often used as single plants.

Some knowledge will help determine which flowers to grow at home, for example, columnar plants have thick vertical stems, either leafless or bearing leaves, which do not interfere with the column effect. Many cacti and some succulents have this growth pattern.


Cleistocactus Strauss

Notocactus Leninghaus

Trees are used in large rooms as single plants and in many compositions as a central element. Trees have a central branched or unbranched stem and leaves with small petioles. Some are quite small, such as miniature succulent "trees"; others are capable of growing to the ceiling.


Ficus Benjamin,

False palms have stems that, while the plants are young, are completely covered by elongated leaf bases. In an adult plant, usually only top part The trunk is covered with leaves and a characteristic “false palm” effect occurs.


What flowers to have at home

Before deciding what flowers to have at home, it is worth learning about bush-like plants - these are varieties that do not fit into other groups. They usually have multiple stems growing straight out of the compost, with a growth pattern that is neither discreetly vertical nor horizontal. They can be small and compact, like peperomia, or tall and bushy, like aucuba. Some plants are naturally bushy, others need to be pinched regularly to encourage tillering.

Examples of what flower to have at home:

Which indoor plant to choose from cereals

Grass-like plants have long, narrow leaves and a growth habit similar to that of cereals. Very few true grasses are grown as houseplants. If desired, you can grow a cereal plant in the room open ground. For example, you can use calamus, arundinaria, sedge and ophiopogon. Which indoor plant to choose among the cereals largely depends on general design interior interior.

Broad-leaved grass-like plants are much more popular - Chlorophytum crested is widely grown.

Some flowering plants also have grass-like leaves, for example:

Globular plants

Globular plants are leafless and spherical in shape. Almost all of them are cacti. The surface of the stem may be smooth or covered with hairs and thorns.




Rebutia is tiny


Rosette plants

Rosette plants bear leaves arranged in a circle around center point growth.

Most rosette plants are low growing and pair well with bushy and upright plants in potted groups and indoor gardens.

Flat rosette plants

Flat rosette plants have large leaves that lie almost horizontally, forming a loose rosette. A number of attractive flowering plants have this growth pattern.


Succulent rosette plants have fleshy leaves arranged in several layers and often tightly adjacent to each other. This arrangement helps retain moisture in their natural habitat.


Aloe squat

Echeveria bristles.

Funnel-shaped rosette plants are widespread among bromeliads. The wide, strap-shaped leaves form a “funnel” that traps rainwater in their natural tropical habitat.



Lianas and hanging plants: which ones to choose

Curly and hanging plants have stems that are either tied to a support so they grow upward or left to hang down the outside of the container. Many varieties can be used both ways. As climbers, they are formed on pegs, cords, trellises, wire hoops, vertical poles, in wall-mounted pots to frame a window, or on a support serving as a partition. As ampelous plants, they can be used to grow along a horizontal surface or go down the sides of the pot.

Vines are always grown as vertical plants. Climbing varieties curl around the supports provided. Clinging varieties that have tendrils must be attached to supports at regular intervals; if left to grow unattended, the stems will soon tangle together. Varieties with aerial roots It is better to grow on a moss stick.


Begonia drooping

Flowers for dark corners

It's tempting to liven up a dark corner with indoor plants. But for plants to survive, they need light. Flowers for dark corners should have high level shade tolerance and do not need large quantities ultraviolet radiation for its growth.

Here's a test to tell if there's enough light: It should be possible to read a newspaper in the darkest part of the corner at the end of the morning or early afternoon, and the plants should cast at least vague shadows on a sunny day.

It is good if the surfaces of the corner are pasted over or painted white or light color. The mirror surface is even more useful. You can use light-loving species for a few weeks and then move them to a brightly lit area for a week or two to recuperate. An alternative way is to buy pots of brightly colored flowering species and treat them as a temporary arrangement the same way you would treat cut flowers in a vase.

Unpretentious plants

There is a group of plants that can tolerate a variety of conditions - dark and cold corners, bright and stuffy rooms, periods of neglect, and so on. Grow some unpretentious plants, if you are convinced that everything you touch will die. These plants will survive as long as you don't keep the compost moist and you don't burn them in the summer on an unshaded, south-facing windowsill. Typically, you can water them once a week during the growing season and once every two weeks during the winter.

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefits to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person’s well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is a well-known home healer. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, and cleanse the air of harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


By many favorite plant fits perfectly into the kitchen interior and does not take up much space. Violet will purify and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind and stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and Pink colour They lift your spirits and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful liana, for example, scindapsus, looks good in hanging planter. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

This climbing flower with hard, oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleanses the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical, slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a furry soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud will then open with wonderful aroma. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, just like fruits, are capable of exerting useful action. Plants secrete essential oils that help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy times. family relations. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. This miniature tree pyramidal in shape with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, male power, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single curled flowers. It protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs suggest that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

We are all accustomed to subjecting the water that comes into our homes through pipes to additional purification. We install main water filters in the apartment, and then purify the water using filter jugs.

But we rarely care about the cleanliness of the air in our homes. Just moisturize it. And this is not always the case.

And this despite what has been established: the air inside an apartment is often much dirtier than outside.

Fortunately, you can improve its quality with the help of the most common indoor plants.

Below are 15 flowers that grow well in any home and that NASA, which is actively studying the ability of plants to purify the air, considers the most effective.

Aloe Vera

Purifies the air from formaldehyde and benzene, which are released when using cleaning products and paints.

None special care does not require. Prefers sunny rooms facing south.

Chlorophytum crested

Saves the house from benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

Incredibly easy to care for. Prefers dry and cool.

Gerber Jameson

Disinfects the air from trichlorethylene formed during dry cleaning and from benzene.

Unfortunately, this is a rather whimsical plant. Does not tolerate excess moisture. In a pot with poor drainage it dies immediately. Requires a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.


People don't like this plant too much. They call it "mother-in-law's tongue." And they even associate various troubles with him.

In vain. The plant is very useful. It is one of the best natural herbal agents for destroying formaldehyde, the substance that most often poisons the air in our homes.

In addition, Sansevieria can release oxygen even in the dark. Therefore, it is an ideal plant for the bedroom.

It is very easy to care for. It can grow even when it has been practically forgotten.

Scindapsus aureus

Another powerful formaldehyde destroying agent.

Attention! The plant is poisonous. Therefore, it should be placed in a place inaccessible to children and pets.


Shows the greatest activity against benzene.

Needs bright sunlight. Feels best on open window, in which a soft breeze blows and the sun shines. Obviously, in our country such freedom for this flower is rarely available.

Dracaena marginata

Protects against xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

The plant is unpretentious. But when placing it on your windowsill, you should remember that over time it can reach the ceiling.

Ficus benjamina

To combat formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Grow strong large plant not easy. It requires constant temperature and stable lighting - bright, but not direct light. Also very sensitive to watering schedule.

Sims' rhododendron

Helps fight formaldehyde. And, in addition, it humidifies the air in the room.

Feels best in cool, dry rooms.


Destroys aerobic fecal particles that become airborne every time the toilet is flushed feces.

To grow, it requires constantly moist soil and 4 hours of sunlight per day.

Dracaena Derema

Fights formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Potentially it can grow very high - up to the ceiling. However, this is rarely achieved, largely because the plant is extremely sensitive to the purity of the water with which it is watered.

Aglaonema curly

An excellent option for any apartment. It destroys all kinds of toxins and is so unpretentious that it happily grows in conditions in which all other indoor plants cannot survive.

Hamedorea Seifritz

One of the most effective plants to combat benzene and trichlorethylene. It also destroys formaldehyde, but not as well.

Does best in humid, hot rooms with indirect but bright light sunlight. It grows large, so it requires space.


Very good at destroying formaldehyde and other volatile organic toxins.

Easy to care for. It grows almost always and everywhere. However, it has a significant drawback - toxicity, which means it should be kept away from children and pets.


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