How to grow garden hibiscus: planting seeds, propagation and caring for flowers for the winter. Garden tree hibiscus: description of the plant, care, propagation Tree hibiscus planting

The plant belongs to the mallow family and is represented by a huge variety of species (about 300). Natural habitat is the tropical zone of America, Africa and Asia. In nature, the genus Hibiscus occurs in the form of shrubs and trees. Some subspecies are perennial or annual herbs.

Hibiscus classification

From a cultivation point of view, two groups are considered:

  • indoor plants - a prominent representative is the Chinese rose;
  • garden forms - the most common is the Syrian hibiscus.

IN wildlife Hibiscus found in temperate climates:

  • trifoliate (northern) - a herbaceous annual whose leaves are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of diaphoretics;
  • hemp (kenaf) - grown as an agricultural crop for the production of fiber and technical oils.

Hybrid forms attract attention with their large petals and variety of colors. Flowers are used to prepare drinks with a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Hibiscus tea has amazing properties- a hot drink increases arterial pressure, cold - has hypotensive properties.

Garden forms of hibiscus

In the territory former USSR Only two types of hibiscus are common in nature:

  • Hibiscus syriacus (Syrian) - southern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range;
  • Hibiscus trionum (northern, trifoliate) - Far East RF, Crimea.

Wintering species such as Syrian or tree hibiscus are suitable for growing in garden conditions.

The coat of arms of Korea depicts beautiful flower- This is a hibiscus (mugunghwa), which is a symbol of the state. The graceful plant is sung in a hymn - in poetic form, Koreans thank the magical flower for giving the country of rivers and mountains pristine beauty.

Hibiscus tree or Syrian

Tree hibiscus blooms for six months or more, but each flower lives only for a day (hybrid species - 2-3 days). New buds immediately bloom to replace the withered petals. The plant blooms in early July and renews its flower stalks until mid-autumn.

From a botanical point of view, the Syrian rose is a deciduous shrub. In the temperate climate of the middle zone, the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, although in natural conditions tree-like forms reach 5 m. Large (up to 10 cm) oval or ovoid leaves have a bright green color. The flowers are arranged singly, very large, reaching a diameter of up to 27-30 cm. Double or simple inflorescences cover almost the entire spectrum of shades, and can be two- or three-colored.

Planting and growing garden forms

Tree hibiscus can be propagated by any means - from sowing seeds to directly dividing the bush. When starting to get acquainted with the plant, purchase ready-made seedlings from a well-established nursery. This way you will protect yourself from negative consequences associated with possible diseases and the presence of pest larvae.

Planting hibiscus by dividing the bush

  • choose a bright, draft-free place;
  • use well-loosened fertile soil;
  • At the bottom of the pit, lay drainage at least 10 cm thick (sand, washed crushed stone, gravel);
  • straighten the roots and fill the hole with soil so that the root collar is at soil level.

To prevent aphids, plant lavender bushes near the hibiscus.

The plant is moisture-loving, but it cannot be flooded. Ample weekly watering is recommended, and in dry weather - 2-3 times a week.

Growing hibiscus from seeds

From seeds you can also grow a full-fledged specimen of the tree-like form of the Asian beauty, but you should prepare for the fact that this process will take a lot of time. Seeds are sown in winter - in January-February:

  • prepare a bowl with peat-sand soil mixture;
  • pre-soak the seeds in any stimulant for a day;
  • Cover the container with polyethylene or glass.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.7-1 cm. The first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks, subject to the temperature regime (+25-27°C), regular ventilation and moisture. As soon as the first pair of true leaves appear, transplant the seedlings into separate pots.

In May, transfer the seedlings to the ground. In warm climates, hibiscus obtained from seeds can begin flowering 2-3 years after planting, in temperate climates - 3-4 years.

Propagation by seeds has its positive and negative sides. A plant grown from seeds has stable reactions to sudden weather fluctuations and is immune to disease. Varietal characteristics are at risk - the new plant most often will not have complete resemblance to the progenitor.

Hibiscus cuttings

Cuttings - simple and inexpensive way reproduction. Hibiscus grown from green cuttings fully matches the hybrid form of the donor.

In the spring (during the formation of buds) or at the end of September (when the growth of annual shoots ends), cuttings up to 15-20 cm long are cut.

4-6 buds are left at the bottom and the sprout is placed in a mixture of peat and sand (the ratio is equal). Root formation lasts about 3 weeks, then the plant is planted in a pot.

It is better for a young seedling to overwinter the first year in a warm room, especially if it is an autumn cutting. On permanent place Hibiscus are replanted in the spring. Over the summer, the new resident of your garden will gain strength and will be able to spend the winter comfortably.

How garden hibiscus overwinters

How to insulate hibiscus for the winter:

  • after flowering, prune the plant;
  • water generously at the root;
  • after a week, cover the bush with light turf soil with added sand;
  • With the onset of the first frosts, insulate completely.

We insulate hibiscus plantings before winter

Warming is carried out in several ways:

  1. Young plants are bent to the ground, sprinkled with sawdust, leaves or special covering material. Lay on top plastic film, which is pressed to the ground with pegs or stones.
  2. Standard forms remain in a vertical position. A wooden or wire frame is installed around the tree and wrapped coating material. Spruce branches or straw are tied on top of the shelter.

In winter, rodents love to climb into such warm houses. To prevent damage to the plant, place ears of grain soaked in poison inside the hut, or place mousetraps.

Galina Yurchenko, expert

During the winter, carefully monitor temperature fluctuations - during early spring thaws, hibiscus must be ventilated.

Reanimation of hibiscus in spring

The plant has a hard time coming out after wintering, but there is one secret that will help quickly bring it back to life:

  • in the first warm days, remove the insulation from the hibiscus and cover the flower with a light greenhouse;
  • in the middle of the day, ventilate the bush for 15 minutes at intervals of 1-2 hours;
  • remove the film gradually as the shoots grow.

In two to three weeks, your Hawaiian beauty will gain strength and reward you with lush blooms.

Pruning and shaping hibiscus

There is a point of view according to which it is not recommended to prune hibiscus in the first years after planting. This is incorrect because flowers appear only on young shoots. The more often old branches are removed, the more the bush gives to young shoots. To enhance flowering, regular annual pruning is performed before sap flow begins.

Decorative pruning is carried out with the aim of forming a bush. In the photo, the hibiscus flower looks like a small multi-colored tree. The procedure for forming a braided stem:

  • plant three varieties of plants in one pot;
  • when the seedlings take root, intertwine the shoots with a pigtail;
  • secure the weave with a bandage or fabric strips in several places;
  • continue weaving to the desired height.

Syrian tree hibiscus is widely used in the design of personal plots. Shrubs are planted in tapeworms or in groups, next to bright annuals or against the backdrop of an emerald lawn.

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Hibiscus – beautiful plant With lush flowers, it comes from Southeast Asia. This relative of the mallow is grown both in room conditions, this is how they plant a flower garden in the garden. This plant loves heat very much, which means it is not very suitable for our climate. The only exception may be garden hibiscus. Today we will talk about the features of its cultivation in open ground: planting, propagation (cuttings), care, etc., as well as the main varieties (photos attached).

Hibiscus: main varieties and varieties

Hibiscus is a flowering tropical plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family. Externally, it may look like a tree, woody shrub, or herbaceous plant. Hibiscus leaves are most often ovoid in shape with pointed edges. The flowers of the plant are funnel-shaped, big size, with five or more petals. Their shade is incredibly varied: white, pink, yellow, purple and many others.

There are three main varieties of hibiscus:

  • Syrian (garden) is the only variety of hibiscus that grows well in the garden. The flowers of this plant have lush green foliage and flowers in various shades. This species grows quite slowly and begins to bloom only in the 3-4th year of its life.

Syrian (garden) hibiscus

  • Trifoliate. This plant reaches almost a meter in height. It has lush leaves in the form of petioles and small flowers of a soft yellow color, which bloom for quite a long time - for 30 days and bloom for several hours a day.

Trifoliate hibiscus

  • Dissected petal. This type of hibiscus blooms from late spring until late autumn. It has medium-sized flowers with strongly dissected petals of a bright red or orange hue.

Dissected petal hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Drummond. It has a strong, straight, highly branched stem with 5-centimeter leaves, dissected along the edge. It blooms with five-petaled flowers of an unusual color: pink with a black center.

Hibiscus Drummond

Today, there are more than 200 species of hibiscus (photos can be found on the Internet) and almost all of them grow in tropical climates, respectively. climatic conditions our region are very extreme for them. However, if in winter period take certain measures to protect the plant from the cold, then it will survive it just fine. If your region has warm and almost snowless winters, then you are 100% guaranteed to be able to grow luxurious hibiscus in your garden.

Hibiscus is a fairly unpretentious plant to care for and at the same time it is an excellent decorative element for any garden.

Advice. If you are planning to purchase hibiscus to grow on personal plot, then you should know that there are two types of hibiscus depending on the type of flower: double and non-double. The former are distinguished by better resistance to cold.

Planting a plant in open ground

To plant hibiscus, be sure to choose a place that is well-lit and protected from the winds. It is not particularly demanding on the soil - the main thing is that it is nutritious and light, so that water can freely penetrate to a sufficient depth (almost the same as for planting roses).

Planting in the ground should be done in the spring, when the soil has warmed to a sufficient depth. If you choose tree variety hibiscus, then it is necessary to prepare a hole for its planting that is twice as deep as root system seedlings. The bottom layer (drainage) should consist of broken bricks and be 15 cm thick, the next (10 cm) should consist of sand, then the compost layer (the same depth as the brick) and the last one – sand again, 15 cm deep.

Avoid overcrowding hibiscus plantings

We fill the hole with a mixture of the following components: soil (from the hole), peat and sand. Everything should be prepared in a ratio of 2:4:1. So, we place the cutting in the hole so that the neck of the root is underground only a small part of its height and then we fill it with the soil mixture prepared in advance.

After the hibiscus is planted, it must be hilled up so that a hole is formed around it. Fill it with enough water - it must be absorbed and only then fill the hole with earth. Gently level it out.

Advice. If you have a need (or desire) to plant hibiscus not in the prescribed period, but in the fall, then do not forget, in addition to the actions described above, to mulch the soil around the trunk of the seedling and be sure to tie it with spruce branches.

Hibiscus care

Caring for the plant is quite simple and does not require much effort. The most important thing is that measures for caring for hibiscus must be timely, correct and of high quality. But first things first.

Watering and pruning the plant

The soil around the hibiscus should always be loose - be sure to keep an eye on this. In addition, excessive clustering negatively affects the growth of the plant, so hibiscus must be thinned out periodically.

To prevent hibiscus from drying out, it needs generous watering, especially in hot weather. The soil under the plant needs to be watered quite generously, but only when it is completely dry, not earlier (that is, 2-3 times a week). During particularly dry periods, watering should be daily.

Hibiscus needs to be fed throughout the growing season.

Pruning hibiscus is an optional, but highly desirable procedure, since it allows you to create a plant of the desired shape, or is used for hygienic purposes. To give a hibiscus the shape of a beautiful, well-groomed tree, you will need a lot of effort and patience. If the plant is young, then the branches should be shortened to the level of 2-3 buds, without touching the trunk. In the next years of life, the hibiscus is pruned in winter (at the end of February) to a pair of buds - side shoots and 5-6 buds - on the trunk.

For hygienic purposes, pruning is carried out in early spring. Any damaged, weak or underdeveloped shoots are completely removed, and branches remaining from the previous year are shortened by 30%. This will create stimulation for the growth of new buds.

Advice. If you want to grow a very bushy hibiscus with a lot of flowers, you need to trim it as short as possible in order to grow a large number of new shoots.

Plant propagation by cuttings

Reproduction of hibiscus is also a fairly simple process. As for the garden species, it propagates mainly by seeds or cuttings. The second option is the most common - we will consider it.

Propagation is carried out in summer: cuttings are cut with a pair of internodes, the bottom is smeared with special growth stimulants. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse with a pre-prepared peat substrate. Be sure to be heated from below. Typically, hibiscus sprouts its first roots within 25-30 days, then the sprouted cuttings are transplanted into pots filled with soil with turf and leaves, as well as sand and peat (all in equal proportions).

Young plants need regular watering, and new shoots should be pinched back periodically to form a bushy appearance. Once the plant reaches the desired appearance, it can be transplanted into open ground.

Fertilizing and feeding hibiscus

IN summer period until the beginning of September, when the growing season enters the active phase, it is necessary to begin actively feeding the plant with a large amount of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers (every 10-14 days). Closer to autumn, in preparation for wintering, phosphorus fertilizers need to be slightly diversified with potassium fertilizing.

Almost always, hibiscus flowering lasts only one day, but with quality care, a new one will grow to replace the wilted flower. So don't forget to keep an eye on this process.

Wintering after flowering

Since the article we're talking about about growing garden hibiscus, keep in mind that it is quite “delicate”, so it will need additional protection from the cold, especially if it is grown in middle lane, for example, in the Moscow region.

So, if you do not want to transplant your hibiscus to another place for the winter, then the plant will need a protective sheath to overwinter in the garden. It’s quite easy to build: make small frames around the bushes, onto which you stretch agrotex, etc. This needs to be done in late autumn-early winter, when the first frosts begin. If in the area where you live, the air temperature does not drop below – 15 degrees, then the measures taken will be sufficient.

For more reliable protection You can use the old proven method - a spruce hut. Cover the hibiscus with spruce branches in several layers (don't forget to tie the bush and put a light bag on it).

Caution: diseases and pests

Hibiscus is a plant that is very resistant to various pests and diseases. But if during the hot period it lacks moisture, then it can be attacked by insatiable whiteflies, aphids, and poutine mites. To eliminate the spread of these pests, use insecticides (the interval between treatments should be about a week).

Most often, hibiscus is affected by a disease called chlorosis - the leaves located below begin to fall off, and yellow ones grow to replace them. The reason is a lack of iron and nitrogen. Control method: adding iron to the water for irrigation, and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil (in spring).

If in allotted time The hibiscus has not bloomed despite the fact that it grows in an ideal place for it and receives proper care, this can only mean one thing - the plant does not receive enough boron and phosphorus. Just apply fertilizers in sufficient quantities and, most importantly, on time, then everything will be fine.

Hibiscus in landscape design

Combination of hibiscus with other plants

There is an excellent combination of hibiscus with almost any variety of roses. In addition, in appearance they will form a luxurious tandem. If you live in a fairly warm region, then plant several lavender bushes next to the hibiscus - this will not only give the garden aesthetic appeal, but will also protect the hibiscus from various pests.

Our article is coming to an end. We introduced you to the features of growing garden hibiscus in open ground. Follow the tips provided in the material and you can create a luxurious flower garden. Good luck!

Planting Syrian hibiscus: video

Growing hibiscus in the garden: photo

The genus Hibiscus includes more than 220 species of deciduous or evergreen shrubs and herbaceous plants family Malvaceae. The vast majority of species are native to warm tropical regions and are therefore cultivated as houseplants in temperate climates.

Only two representatives of the genus are able to withstand frosty winters, and the most popular of them is the Syrian tree hibiscus - an ornamental shrub, caring for which in the open ground does not require much time and effort.

The Syrian or garden hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) comes from the temperate subtropical regions of East Asia and is the official symbol of South Korea. In many countries it is often called the Rose of Sharon or the Syrian Rose.


Garden tree hibiscus grows quite slowly; in its natural environment it can reach a height of more than 3 meters and a width of 2.5 meters. IN garden culture is a low bush or standard tree from 1.5 to 2 meters high.

The shoots are rigid, straight, poorly branched, covered with dark green jagged leaves that appear on the shoots in late spring.

A distinctive characteristic of many varieties of Syrian rose is their late flowering period - from late July to October. This feature and exotic appearance flowers made the tree hibiscus a real pearl of the outgoing summer.

Large flowers are formed on the shoots of the current year and, depending on the variety, can be simple, semi-double, double, with wavy petals along the edge, single-color or two-color, often with a contrasting eye in the center.

The color is presented in a wide range of colors - snow-white, lilac, purple and all shades of red. The most valuable forms are lavender-blue and blue-blue in color.

Popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus with photos

"Pink giant" with very large dark pink flowers.

"Bluebird" - blue-violet flowers with a dark red center bloom from June to August. The growth is up to 15 cm per year.

"Joan of Arc" - snow-white double flowering lasts almost until November.

"Rosalba" - large pink flowers with a red center, they look as if they were cut from silk. Blooms from July to September.

“Red Heart” - a spectacular contrast of white petals and a red center. Flowering from July to late September.

“Pink Flirtation” attracts attention with very large purple-pink flowers with a burgundy center.

Delicate pink flowering of the Aphrodite variety.

Hibiscus "DUC de BRABANT" is an impressive variety with double, dark pink flowers.

Hibiscus variety "Ardens" - large, double, lilac-pink flowers with a burgundy center.

'French Cabaret Red' is an impressive variety with large, double lilac-pink flowers.

Another stunning double hibiscus is the 'Lady Stanley' variety, reminiscent of a peony with two-tone white and pink petals and a burgundy center.

Semi-double hibiscus Chiffon series, which includes several impressive varietal forms: “Blue Chiffon”, “Lavender Chiffon”, “Pink Chiffon”, “Chinese Chiffon” with red veins on the petals, “White Chiffon”.

"Marina" (syn. Blue Satin) is one of the valuable Syrian blue hibiscus.

There are forms with extremely decorative variegated leaves, such as "Purpureus Variegatus". The flowers of this variety are not very large and are only half open, so the flowering lasts longer than other varieties.

"Danica" - double flowers with red and pink spots on white petals. Flowering from late July until the first autumn frost.

Planting garden hibiscus

The best time to plant hibiscus is in the spring, when the soil warms up above 15 ̊C. Despite all its winter hardiness, the species is quite sensitive to severe frosts, so it takes time for it to take root and strengthen.

For good development ornamental shrub For hibiscus, it is extremely important to choose the right place, which should be warm, sunny and protected from the wind.

Like, the crop grows well on permeable, sandy loam soils with a high humus content. Soil reaction is neutral to slightly alkaline.

Before planting the seedling, dig a hole twice as wide as the size of the root ball. The distance from buildings and other plantings should be at least 1-1.5 meters.

Variety "Pink Chiffon"

At the bottom of the pit, lay out a 15-centimeter drainage layer of broken brick or crushed stone, then the same layer of coarse sand, which is sprinkled with compost mixed with soil. Place the roots in the hole and cover with a pre-prepared soil mixture of the top layer of soil, compost, sand and peat, taken in proportions 2: 3: 2: 1.

If the soil is initially enriched with sand, then a drainage sand layer is not needed. Root collar after planting it should be slightly below ground level. The seedling is well watered with about 7-10 liters of water.

Immediately after planting your garden hibiscus, you should cut all shoots in half. This procedure, reluctantly performed by gardeners, is aimed at forming a dense and lush crown, as it stimulates the growth of new shoots.

The plant grows in one place for about 20 years, so hibiscus is transplanted only when absolutely necessary and only for young specimens.

Features of caring for Syrian hibiscus

The Syrian rose is unpretentious in care; it is enough to follow a few growing rules so that the green pet will delight you with magnificent blooms every season.

Variety "Marina"

Tree hibiscus requires a constantly moderately moist substrate without stagnant water. Watering is carried out regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out. However, do not overdo it, as overwatering causes root rot to develop.

To avoid problems, the topsoil should dry out between irrigations. Deep watering once a week in the absence of heavy rain will be sufficient. In dry and hot summers, water once every 1-2 days. Watch out for flowering - too little or too much water can lead to flowering flower buds and buds.

After watering in the summer, so that the soil does not form a crust, loosen it. The procedure gives oxygen access to the root system of the plant.
Caring for tree hibiscus also includes regular removal of faded flowers, which stimulates longer and more intense flowering.


Because of abundant flowering the plant requires multi-component fertilizers with a predominant content of phosphorus, which stimulates budding.

Feed once every two weeks, starting from the beginning of June and ending no later than the end of August, so that the plant has time to prepare for winter. TO last feeding add potassium fertilizers. It is also useful to mix it with soil once a year in the spring and sprinkle it around the bush.

How garden hibiscus overwinters

Preparing hibiscus for winter is an important plant care process. Syrian rose is one of the most frost-resistant species. However, young seedlings, especially those planted in autumn, and some double varieties are most sensitive to low temperatures.

With the onset of frosts down to minus 3-4 ̊C, the root space of the bush is insulated with a thick layer of fallen leaves and spruce branches. From above, the ground part is covered with agrofibre or sackcloth, and spruce branches are applied.

Adult specimens in a sunny, wind-protected place can easily withstand frosts down to minus 15 -20 °C, but in snowless and severe winters it is also recommended to spud them and insulate them.

Make sure that the plantings do not rot at the end of winter - as soon as the danger of freezing has passed and severe frosts have subsided, the covering from the bush and around the roots can be removed. In the northern regions, the crop is grown in pots and brought into a cool room with the onset of frost.

Pruning garden hibiscus

Sanitary pruning is carried out annually in the spring. Remove dried, broken and frost-damaged shoots. A bush that is too thick should be thinned out slightly to ensure even sunlight and improve air circulation.

Branches with signs of disease are removed and immediately burned. If the ground part is completely frozen, then radical pruning is carried out. Soon you will see new shoots growing from the roots.

To form a standard hibiscus, one medium strong shoot is selected from a young plant, and the remaining branches are shortened to 2-3 buds.

Each subsequent year, at the beginning of spring, the lateral growing shoots are constantly shortened to 1 lower bud, allowing only the middle shoot to develop, the apical branches of which are cut off to give the shape of a sphere.

It should be noted that pruning hibiscus in the fall shortly before winter allows you to get larger, but not as numerous flowers. Although the spring procedure stimulates abundant flowering, the flowers themselves are formed of medium size.

Syrian rose is an excellent shrub for molded ones. Pruning for these purposes is carried out in the spring, giving the plantings a rounded shape.

Reproduction of hibiscus tree

The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Propagation of garden hibiscus by seeds

Many varieties of tree-like Syrian hibiscus are easily propagated by self-sowing, so you can often find small seedlings under the bushes that sprout from fallen seeds. They can be carefully dug up with part of the soil and transplanted to a new location.

You can also sow the seeds yourself directly in open ground in a warm, sunny place. Before sowing at the end of April, the seeds are kept overnight in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or simply in water. After sowing, water and cover with film, which is periodically removed for ventilation.

When sowing before winter, the crops are covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves. For information, hibiscus grown from seeds does not replicate the varietal qualities of the mother plant.

Propagation of tree hibiscus by cuttings and layering

Green semi-lignified cuttings 15-17 cm long are cut in the summer just below the leaf node, lower leaves cut off. A cut of cuttings is dipped in a special root-forming hormone, after which it is buried in a mixture of peat and perlite (2:1), watered and covered with a transparent bag.

Rooting usually takes about a month, provided the temperature in the greenhouse is 21-23 ̊C. Keep the soil moderately moist and periodically remove the bag for ventilation.

When growth begins, the cover is removed, and after another month, the stronger seedlings are pinched and transplanted into open ground. Monitor soil moisture throughout the season. If your seedling has bloomed, it is better to remove the flower so that it does not weaken the plant.

Attention! Some varieties, for example, "Ardens" actively develop roots after rooting, but the above-ground part does not show signs of growth until the next season. old leaves in early spring They will fall off, and new ones will appear from the internodes.


Before wintering, young and tender plants should be well protected from frost by covering them with a thick layer of fallen leaves or spruce branches. Flowering can be expected in the first or second year of cultivation. Plants reach a height of 1.5-2 m in five to seven years.

In order to obtain a new seedling using layering, in mid-March the side shoot is tilted and secured with wire staples to the ground in a pre-dug trench 2-3 cm deep.

Cover with soil and keep it constantly moist for a month to speed up the formation of roots. When you see new growth, reduce watering. Layers for transplantation are separated from the bush in the fall or next spring.

Problems in care

With proper care and cultivation of tree hibiscus, the crop is quite resistant to diseases and pests. However high humidity air can lead to the development powdery mildew or fungal leaf spot, which appears as brown spots.

Gray mold also occurs due to high humidity causing rotting flower buds, leaves wither and fall off, shoots die.
Diseases are treated with fungicidal drugs. For prevention, water the plantings in the morning and only at the roots, make sure there is good air circulation around the bushes.

Infection with a rust fungus, which causes yellowing and mottled leaves, is also possible. The disease is characterized by yellow-orange pustules on the lower surface of the leaf. Affected leaves are removed and burned.

Quite rarely the plant can attack spider mite and aphids.

Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which is within the power of everyone, is frost-resistant, ever-blooming and evergreens. Its flowers can be either simple or double, and they are very bright and colorful. Hibiscus can bloom with yellow, red, purple, pink or white flowers.

Plant varieties

Garden hibiscus can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Bush hibiscus With. This variety belongs to slow-growing plants with a large number of branches. Shrub hibiscus can bloom throughout the season, the diameter of the flowers is from 5 to 25 cm. If you form several types of bush hibiscus into 1 trunk, you can get small beautiful trees strewn with flowers.
  2. Herbaceous hibiscus With. This species can be described as a large bush with strong branches and large leaves sticking out in different directions. The flowers of the herbaceous hibiscus reach large sizes- 40 cm in diameter. The bush dies off every autumn, and young shoots appear in early spring.
  3. tree hibiscus . With proper care, a hibiscus tree can reach 6-7 m in height, while it is covered with an abundant crown and small flowers all season long.

All 3 varieties have one characteristic feature- a flower can only live for 1 day, but as soon as the bud fades, it is immediately replaced with a new one, and therefore the flowering of the plant seems to be constant.

Hibiscus care

Caring for this crop is not difficult, but everything needs to be done regularly - this is the only way to grow a beautiful and neat plant that will delight its owners. Whatever variety the hibiscus belongs to, it is important to remember that the plant loves bright sunlight. It needs to be fed with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers at least once a month. However, in extreme heat, you should not fertilize the flower; in this case, it is best to simply spray it thoroughly with water. Spraying should only be done when the sun begins to set, otherwise the plant may simply burn out. Closer to autumn, you should stop feeding the flower with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and replace them with potassium ones.

A plant like hibiscus is very fond of aphids. To prevent its occurrence, it is advisable to plant a lavender bush near the hibiscus, since its smell repels insects and prevents their appearance. Growing and caring for lavender does not cause any problems.

Hibiscus propagation

How to propagate hibiscus depends on its species. For example, tree hibiscus propagates by cuttings, seeds and through grafting. herbaceous hibiscus In addition to these methods, it can also be propagated by ordinary division of the bush. Shrub hibiscus plus everything can be propagated by layering.

Seed propagation is best done from January to March. Before starting work, the seeds should be kept in Epin solution for 9-11 hours, and then washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Prepared seeds should be sown in pre-moistened soil, and after finishing work, cover the container with the seeds with glass or cling film. Optimal temperature for propagation of hibiscus in this way +20…25ºС. The surface of the soil must be moistened as it dries, not forgetting to remove the resulting moisture from the glass or film. The seedlings can be transplanted into a separate container only after the young shoots have individual leaves. In May, the strengthened seedlings can already be transplanted into the garden in a permanent place.

Hibiscus grown by seed begins to bloom only in the 3rd or 4th season, it is worth noting that some decorative properties are lost.

Cuttings are the most common method of plant propagation among both amateurs and professionals. Reproduction can be carried out in this way in 2 ways:

  1. Treat the branches of a plant with several buds cut in the summer with a composition intended for the growth of the root system and immediately plant it in a container with soil. As soon as the cuttings have roots, they should be planted in separate pots and left for the winter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.
  2. Place cuttings with buds cut in summer in water, previously mixed with a solution to stimulate root growth, and leave in it until the first roots appear. Next you should proceed exactly the same as in the previous option.

When propagating hibiscus through cuttings, there is a high probability that it will begin to bloom in the first year after it is transplanted into the ground.

Reproduction of hibiscus by division is not only the most quick way, but also the most faithful for flowering. Dividing the bushes must be done in early spring; to do this, you need to completely dig up a three- or four-year-old bush and divide the rhizome into several parts. When dividing a bush, you should follow the rule: for 1 individual plant there is no more than 1 trunk. If the plant is older, then you can leave several trunks on 1 plant. The resulting sections must be immediately sprinkled with ash or crushed coal.

The holes for planting the plant must be prepared in advance, since the flower must be immediately planted in the ground after division. The first feeding of the plant can be carried out no earlier than 2 or 3 weeks after planting in the ground. This propagation method is good because hibiscus can please its owners with flowers in the first season after planting. It is important to remember that planting should be done in the early morning or at sunset, but in no case during the day when the sun is still high.

Bush pruning

Pruning plays an important role in hibiscus cultivation, so it is important to know when and how to do it. Some believe that young shoots of a plant should never be pruned, but this is not true; they must be pruned, since only in this way can the hibiscus be given the correct, beautiful shape and improve its flowering. Plants must be pruned annually; this is best done at the end of February or beginning of March. The branches of the plant must be cut to at least 1/3 of their main length.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out in the fall, usually if the bush has become very thick. During autumn pruning you need to cut off all the dry branches, leaving only the most necessary ones, i.e. skeletal. Anti-aging pruning should be carried out regularly, i.e. at least once every 3-4 years - this will help strengthen the plant and make it even more attractive and beautiful.

Garden hibiscus is from the Malvaceae family. A hibiscus plant in the garden can look like a shrub, a compact tree, it is up to you how it should fit into your site.

Hibiscus is native to Asia and Southern China. There are more than 300 varieties of this plant in nature. Under natural conditions, its height can reach about three meters.

General information

In the Hawaiian Islands, the garden hibiscus flower is popular. When various kinds of holidays and celebrations take place on the islands, girls decorate their beautiful curly hair with it.

But in turn, in European countries, hibiscus is considered the flower of death. In houses where garden hibiscus grows according to its external changes, judged future changes. If the plant begins to shed its leaves and withers, it means that someone in the family will get sick.

If buds appear on the plant ahead of time, this foreshadows the imminent death of one of the family members. Many stories have been invented that are associated with the appearance of the garden hibiscus flower in the garden; they say that if you have it in an apartment, scandals will begin between husband and wife.

But in the East, hibiscus is considered not a flower of death, but an energy source that fills everything around with life.

Types and varieties of hibiscus

His homeland is the south of Transcaucasia. The second name is garden hibiscus. Looks pretty compact bush arnica, height about 3 meters. The inflorescences are saucer-like, flowering begins in the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. The inflorescences are ordinary, sometimes double. The color is pink, white, red.

The frost-resistant hibiscus plant can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees. But for good abundant flowering, constant warm weather. Hibiscus prefers sunny place, grows well in neutral soil.

Terry hibiscus or volatile , China is considered its homeland. deciduous shrub, reaching a height of about three meters. The trunk of the plant is straight and pointed at the end.

The inflorescences are light, sometimes turning into double shades of pink, or sometimes ordinary flowers are also found. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 10 cm. Pruning is necessary only if there are dry branches.

A plant with straight shoots reaching a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves are large, similar to sunflower foliage. The colors of the inflorescences are crimson, pink, and white. The plant is thermophilic and prefers sunny areas. Flowering begins in August and lasts until early September.

Hibiscus is unpretentious, frost-resistant and takes root well in all soils. This species must be pruned at the base every fall. And in the new period, flowering will only occur on new shoots.

, a perennial, grown both in the garden and indoors. It competes even with roses with its bright blooms. The inflorescences are large, pink in color turning into rich red, and inside at the base they are covered with black spots. The leaves are olive-colored, smooth. Withstands frosty weather down to -30 degrees.

Hibiscus planting and care in open ground

In hibiscus garden growing does not bring much trouble, but if you do everything correctly, you will have a successful result.

Hibiscus requires regular moderate watering as the soil dries out. In hot weather, water frequently, but do not allow moisture to stagnate.

To plant garden hibiscus in open ground, it is necessary to prepare loose soil, saturated with humus fertilizers and without stagnant moisture. Hibiscus garden flower requires constant loosening of the soil and removal weed Around him.

During the period of active development from the first months of summer to autumn, hibiscus needs regular fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. It should be fed several times a month, and closer to winter, potassium fertilizers should be added. Hibiscus inflorescences bloom for only one day.

You can also get acquainted with the indoor hibiscus plant and what care it needs to provide at home by clicking on the link.

Hibiscus garden care and propagation by seeds

For hibiscus, growing from seeds begins from the end of January to the first month of spring. Before sowing, the seeds are placed for 30 minutes in a saturated manganese solution, and then in a small amount of a growth stimulator and left for 24 hours.

After all the procedures performed, the seeds must be sown in a container with peat and sand in equal parts. Cover with film and glass and maintain the temperature at about 26 degrees. Don’t forget to open and ventilate the containers and water from a sprayer into the soil.

When the first three leaves of the seedlings begin to appear, they need to be planted in separate containers. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch; for this they need sufficient lighting. The seedlings are transplanted to the site in May. There is also a way to propagate garden hibiscus by sowing itself.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, cut cuttings with three nodes, bottom part treated with a growth stimulator. Afterwards they are transplanted into peat soil with a temperature of about 26 degrees, preferably in a greenhouse.

After the cuttings take root, they are planted and pinched to create a shape in separate containers with prepared soil: peat, turf soil, leaf soil and sand, everything is taken in equal parts.

And once the compact bush grows, it can be planted on the site. If provided proper care, then flowering will begin in the first year. You can also root cuttings in water.

Pruning garden hibiscus in spring

Pruning hibiscus occurs mainly for the purpose of thinning and eliminating dry shoots from the bush and giving the bush the shape you want. To form a tree young plant cut to the base of three buds, leaving only the well-stemmed body.

Next time pruning hibiscus gardening in the spring required for outer shoots up to two buds, and the central trunk up to six buds. When the tree reaches the height you need, then you need to cut off the excess branches and tree tops.

It is necessary to remove and thin out the bush in early spring before the sap begins to flow. The better you prune old branches, the larger and more abundant the flowering will be for the season.

Pruning Syrian hibiscus involves different lengths of shoots, then your plant will look quite interesting and have a beautiful shape.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

  • If your plant does not receive moisture for a long time during a drought, it may be susceptible to pests such as aphids and spider mites. To destroy them, it is better to treat the plant with insecticides.
  • Among the diseases that affect hibiscus, the most common is chlorosis, lower leaves they begin to turn yellow and crumble, and new ones grow that are also yellowish. The reason for this is the lack of nitrogen fertilizers and iron in the soil. To do this, water it with liquid complex fertilizer with the addition of the necessary substances.
  • If your plant refuses to bloom and has slowed down its growth, it means there is a lack of phosphorus and boron in the soil, and if the shoots have slowed down in growth, there is a lack of nitrogen fertilizers, you should treat the plant with fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen, and then flowering will definitely appear.

By following all the instructions correctly, your plant will develop and delight your garden plot their active growth and abundant flowering.