Garden hibiscus - care and propagation, types, varieties, photos. Garden hibiscus, care and propagation - a welcome guest from the tropics Tree hibiscus growing from seeds

Hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus) belongs to the genus of flowering crops of the Malvaceae family. There are several hundred species distributed in warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions around the world. All varieties with large, showy flowers are known as hibiscus, rose mallow, Syrian or China rose. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees.

Blooming garden hibiscus.

Syrian hibiscus growing in shape graceful shrub. The height of the crop is about 6 meters. Hibiscus has many shades of inflorescences - milky, raspberry, blue and so on. Petals come in different structures, regular density and hybrids, for example, double hibiscus.

Tree hibiscus is often grown in standard form (creating a rounded crown). In addition, bush hibiscus up to 2 meters high is also bred. The Syrian rose was also bred as a herbaceous crop.

The most popular variety for growing in the country in a temperate continental climate is the Syrian ardens hibiscus. A very compact form, covered with fluffy inflorescences throughout the summer. Grown hibiscus ardens reaches more than 2.5 meters in length and about 2 meters in width.

Terry hibiscus belongs to the same type of crop. The only difference between the variety is its spectacular appearance due to the multi-layered petals.

The life cycle of each flower is only one day. The plant continues to produce new inflorescences due to its remanent property (long flowering).

To ensure abundant and uniform formation of inflorescences, it is necessary to follow a number of agrotechnical rules.

System of rules for home care


Hibiscus grows slowly in shaded areas. At the beginning summer period the flower has a slow awakening. Therefore, the crop should be grown in an open area.

The flower will grow in partial shade. If not favorable conditions development and flowering will slow down. In regions with very hot summers, hibiscus may need some shade. To do this, garden hibiscus can be planted along or behind perennial plantings.


The culture is tolerant to winter temperature changes. Warm air stimulates the growth of primordia. In cold spring or summer, development will occur more slowly.

To protect the plant from severe frosts, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of mulch. To do this, you can use peat, straw, mown grass, polystyrene foam and spruce branches (spruce cover).

Soil moisture

Hibiscus prefers moist and well-drained soil. If the soil at the base of the hibiscus dries out completely, all the foliage will fall off. The plant will look like a mass of dry sticks. If this happens, there is no need to throw away the plant. In this way, the hibiscus protects its root system.

Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the rhizome. Therefore, when growing in a container, it is imperative to take care of draining excess water.


Hibiscus does not need to be pruned regularly. However, pruning can help shape the plant.

Miniature form of hibiscus using special pruning technology (bonsai).

It is advisable to cut off old branches in late autumn or winter (depending on climatic conditions). Otherwise, it will be more difficult for the hibiscus to bloom new buds.

To stimulate the growth of new branches and inflorescences, it is necessary to trim the plant in early summer, when the hibiscus begins to grow.

Transplant procedure - do it right

First, you need to inspect the perennial plant for signs of new growth. in early spring. The crop is usually one of the last to appear new shoots. Therefore, the process may drag on until mid-spring.

After the appearance characteristic symptoms spring awakening is necessary:

Garden hibiscus in open ground

The plant must be planted in a sunny place. It is advisable to choose an area with well-drained soil. To improve drainage outdoors, add at least 2 to 3 inches of organic material such as sand, moss, peat or humus to the soil before planting. Water your hibiscus frequently enough to keep the soil moderately moist. It is necessary to prune the plant outdoors in the spring using pruning shears. There is no need to remove the inflorescences themselves. It is enough to cut off the long branches.

Features of growing Syrian roses can be found in the video:

The nuances of growing in a container

Soil requirements

The hibiscus tree prefers well-drained, acidic soil with organic matter. To add acidity to the soil, you can purchase peat moss. Clay soil can cause water to accumulate near the root system.

The best time to plant plants is at the end of April or beginning of May.

Stimulating growth

Culture needs a lot nutrients. There are several ways to activate the development of the Chinese rose.

One option is to apply fertilizer in early spring. To do this, apply a layer of compost around the base of the plant. Or apply a water-soluble granular fertilizer near the planting site.

You must carefully follow the instructions. Excessive use of phosphorus will kill the hibiscus.

Capacity parameters

For the right choice container, you should pay attention to several nuances:

  1. The pot size must be at least 25.4 cm in diameter.
  2. The volume of the container is twice the size of the earthen clod.
  3. The container has drainage holes.
  4. The material is quite durable.
  5. Confirmation of quality from the manufacturer with appropriate certificates.

Disease susceptibility

Consequences of excessive soil moisture.

Growing involves constant control of various pests and diseases. Some of them are not very serious. Others require immediate treatment to prevent leaf and flower destruction. The most common diseases are bronze and ring spot virus, brown rot. In case of severe damage, the flower must be destroyed.

First of all, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis, since fungicides and pesticides are effective against a specific class or group of fungal diseases and pests. Using the wrong chemical substance will lead to unnecessary costs and probable destruction of the crop.

You should carefully read the label on garden chemicals. You need to pay attention to the actual active ingredient, not just the brand name. The recommendations - the degree of dilution indicated on the label - should be carefully followed. A solution that is too weak will not cure the problem, and a solution that is too strong will harm the plants.

Chemicals in the form of soluble powders are safer for plants than emulsion concentrates. Malathion, Lannat and other systemic insecticides sometimes cause damage to Chinese roses.

As a rule, plants that are grown in environmentally friendly conditions, properly pollinated and provided with moderate soil watering, are less susceptible to pests and diseases.

The most common pests - caterpillars - devour leaves, sometimes destroying all the green foliage of the plant. The inchworm damages buds, flowers and leaves. Grasshoppers eat a large number of foliage.

It is necessary to immediately rid the hibiscus of pests, otherwise they can destroy the plant. They can be collected manually or using special traps.

Aphids, mealybugs, beetles and mites damage plant tissue, completely sucking out vital sap. Mealybugs belong to the category dangerous pests. They secrete enzymes that attract ants and provide a suitable environment for the development of sooty fungus.

Spider mites are tiny insects, less than 0.5 mm long. One of the most common pests. May be black, red or purple. A sign of infection is the appearance of small white spots on the leaves.

Pest damage to Chinese roses.

Aphids - pinhead-sized insects attack new shoots. As a result, the leaves curl and lose color. There are green, brownish and black insects. Natural method pest control - ladybugs.

Whiteflies are difficult to spot. They have a flat, round and transparent shape. In size - no more than a mosquito. Thrips are small, fast moving, yellow, winged insects. They leave silvery spots on the leaves and cause the buds to wilt.

For treatment, narrowly targeted insecticides should be used. Pests can be washed away under high pressure of water in an open area.

Harm from hibiscus

Garden hibiscus generally does not cause skin irritation.

If flowers lead to the appearance of dermatitis, it is necessary to carefully examine the rash. This may be a reaction to the container material. If there is an individual intolerance to the plant, rashes will appear wherever the Syrian rose touches exposed skin.

For treatment, you should take antihistamines and limit contact with the plant. If the rash gets larger or you have trouble breathing, you should consult a doctor. These may be signs of a severe allergic reaction.

The rash can also occur due to other reasons. Small, itchy blisters indicate insect bites. Dermatitis may be a reaction to the chemical used.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

Hibiscus from seeds

The plant can reproduce by natural fertilization, when pollen from male flowers falls on female flowers for fertilization. Transmission is carried out by wind, birds, butterflies and bees. The large, colorful flowers are adapted to attract pollinators.

IN room conditions You can pollinate the crop yourself. To do this, you need to choose the moment when both male and female will bloom at the same time. female flower. Then transfer the pollen to the stamens. After flowering, pods will appear, which will subsequently ripen, dry and open. Scattered seeds will fall to the ground and, under favorable conditions, will germinate.


If a broken stem falls to the ground, you need to take a branch and plant it in open land or container. In addition, you can independently select a healthy branch and carefully trim it for further planting. Before roots sprout, it is necessary to evenly moisten the soil.

Propagation by cuttings in a container.

Reproduction by layering

Very large representatives of the culture have long branches that can practically touch the ground. To grow a new flower, you can dig in a bent stem, provided that moist soil is regularly provided. A small stone should be used to secure it. After rooting, it is necessary to remove the fixative and transplant the newly formed plant to the chosen location.


Some plants will not produce seeds because the flowers do not pollinate successfully. Many hybrid varieties fail to propagate naturally as a result of breeding programs that increase vegetative growth and eliminate reproductive capacity.

There are patents for certain varieties. Dissemination of culture is strictly prohibited. Elite garden dealerships have licenses that allow them to offer bred plants for sale.

Why doesn't the Chinese rose bloom?

One of the main reasons for the lack of inflorescences is thrips damage. Gall midge larvae cause the resulting inflorescences to fall off. For treatment, yellow buds should be removed and the crop should be treated with insecticides. In addition to insecticidal sprays, yellow sticky traps should be placed to help catch and eliminate insects.

Flowering problems can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • unsuitable environmental conditions;
  • excessive feeding.

Buying a flower - what to look for

You can purchase garden hibiscus in the form of seeds, seedlings or perennial plant V large capacity. The choice of flower should be taken seriously. You must first visit exhibitions and read information on various garden forums. Large gardening centers guarantee the quality and varietal characteristics of their planting material.

Hibiscus in the form of a standard tree.

Garden hibiscus in the form of a seedling can be purchased for 300 rubles. A houseplant in a three-year-old container is valued at 690 rubles. The mixture in the form of seeds is sold at an average price of 67 rubles per package.

15.10.2017 3 529

Garden hibiscus, care and propagation - a welcome guest from the tropics

Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which does not differ in significant features, grows well in most areas. But you need to know how to prune and form the crown, how to properly prepare young plants for winter, how to feed them, which variety to choose - tree or bush, and other subtleties in order to get a beautiful and abundant flowering. We will tell you how the handsome man spends the winter and how to care for him.

Garden hibiscus - types and varieties

One of popular plants hibiscus, attracting attention with its brightness and attractiveness. Despite its tropical origin, it is surprisingly undemanding and can tolerate fairly low temperatures.

As a rule, the garden species does not grow more than 2 meters and blooms in July, ending with the first frost. There are several hundred species of plants, differing in shape and size, as well as shades of flowers and their size. These are herbaceous species, shrubs or ornamental trees. Of particular interest is a tree with a formed flowering crown.

Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Woodbridge - having single inflorescences of ruby-red color;
  • Oiseau Bleu – different blue flowers, having a purple tint, the diameter of which often reaches 14 cm;
  • Ardens – striking with double inflorescences;
  • Lady Stanley – a bit like a carnation.

Low-growing shrubs are usually used in mixed type borders. The tree-like variety is often used in solitary standard plantings, competently playing with a whole range of plants that have flowers with different shades. Different kinds often used as borders or flower beds.

Care for beautiful flowering

It is quite possible to grow hibiscus that is accustomed to the tropics by placing it in conditions unusual for it. But you should follow certain recommendations:

Hibiscus in the garden - pictured

  1. Landing place.The tropical guest prefers bright places for planting. But, it is imperative to provide protection from direct sunlight and gusts of wind;
  2. Watering. The plant is recommended to use rain or river water (settled). You should maintain moderate soil moisture, watering as it dries. During hot and dry summers, daily watering should be adhered to;
  3. Top dressing. It should be fed organically every 2 weeks. To prepare the fertilizer you will need ½ bucket of manure with ½ tbsp. superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of ash. It is necessary to insist ready-made composition 2 weeks, after which use for fertilizing, first diluting with water in a ratio of 1:10. In autumn, only potassium fertilizers are indicated; tincture of wood ash or ash (100 g per 10 liters of water) can act as this.
  4. Pest protection. Washing the leaves with water will help prevent the appearance of a pest such as spider mites. Spraying with water and ash will save you from aphids;
  5. Getting ready for winter. In the northern regions, preparation for winter is simply necessary. Tree and herbaceous species should be pruned and provided abundant watering. This must be done before the first frost; 2 or 3 days after pruning, hilling should be done.
    The second half of October, in some regions even earlier, requires insulation, which can be covering the plant with dry leaves or sawdust up to 15 cm high. Additionally, you can cover the crop in 2 main ways:
  • bend the bush to the surface of the earth and cover it with material in the form of lutrasil or spunbond. Place a second layer of film (polyethylene) on top
  • make a strong frame around the plant and wrap it with covering material in several layers. It is also useful to use spruce branches as a covering. Young bushes require especially careful covering.

Systematic pruning of plantings for sanitary purposes is also necessary. It should be carried out in early spring (before the onset of sap flow) with the removal of diseased and old shoots, as well as those growing inside the bush. Every 2 or 3 years, pruning is necessary to give the bush a certain shape - young plant The branches should be shortened to the level of 2 or 3 buds without affecting the developed trunk. In the future, pruning should be carried out at the end of the winter period. In this case, you should leave 1 or 2 buds on the branches and 5 or 6 on the trunk.

Garden hibiscus - propagation by cuttings and seeds

It is common to propagate garden hibiscus different ways, the most popular of which are listed below:

  1. Cuttings. Held in spring time, before the hibiscus begins to bloom. Cut out shoots (woody) can act as cuttings. The cuttings should be cut and then placed in water. After the roots appear, the cuttings need to be placed in pots, and after new shoots grow and bushes form - in open ground conditions
  2. Seeds. A pet whose reproduction is carried out through seeds will bloom no earlier than after 3 or 4 years. Seeds should be sown from January to March. Before planting, it is recommended to keep the seeds in water and then place them in a soil mixture (sand plus peat). The container must be placed in a warm place with a temperature of up to +27 °C, covered with glass for better germination. It is necessary to periodically ventilate. Young seedlings should be picked after the first leaves appear. By mid-May, young seedlings should be planted in the ground.

Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which does not cause any particular difficulties, blooms incredibly beautifully and for a long time. He is highly regarded for his beauty and saturated color, as well as the absence of difficulties in care. Even novice flower growers will not have problems, but only if all stages of cultivation and care are fully observed. In general, it will be enough to regularly pay close attention to your pet so that it pleases with its beauty for a long time.

Hibiscus - tree, shrub or herbaceous plant from the Malvaceae family. There are about 200 varieties of it, and therefore growing garden hibiscus is a very exciting activity for gardeners all over the world. One of the species (Sudanese rose) is used to make Hibiscus tea. Okra, okra - edible hibiscus, its cultivation is possible on garden plot or on the balcony. Popular indoor flower– – grows in open ground in countries with warm climates. In our latitudes, it is only suitable for container gardening: flowers are taken outside in the summer and brought back in when it gets colder. Tree hibiscus, or Syrian hibiscus, is also grown at home, a deciduous shrub that has a pronounced dormant period and requires certain wintering conditions.

Garden types of hibiscus

Growing garden hibiscus on the site and caring for it does not cause any trouble; this plant allows you to decorate a shady corner with large, bright flowers. Breeders have developed several varieties that can be planted in middle lane Russia, but they require winter shelter or digging out of the ground. There are frost-resistant species, but they are rarely found on sale.

Hibiscus plants are suitable for regions with temperate climates:

  • trifoliate,
  • Syrian,
  • swamp,
  • grassy,
  • garden.

Syrian and garden hibiscus are often confused, because the first has another name - tree-like. IN southern countries he received the nickname “flower of love.” Usually it is a shrub about 1.5-2 meters in height, completely covered with large simple or double flowers, similar to mallow. The classic colors are white and lilac, but now others have been introduced: pink, red, blue. Swamp hibiscus, or okra, okra, is a very ornamental shrub with large flowers, usually pink or red. It is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to –30 °C.

Herbaceous hibiscus grows 3 meters in height - it is a frost-resistant shrub that blooms from August to September. Its stems are massive, erect, with large leaves reminiscent of sunflower leaves. Flowers can be white, light pink or red. Growing and caring for it is very simple. The plant is sun-loving and undemanding to soil composition, which is why it is popular among gardeners. In the winter it is cut off at the root, and in the spring it grows back. There are more than 1000 hybrids of herbaceous hibiscus. Trifoliate, or northern, hibiscus is a medicinal herbaceous plant. annual plant with small light yellow flowers that open for several hours in the morning.

Garden hibiscus is a hybrid herbaceous perennial, resulting from crossing 3 species: red, pink and holly. It is distinguished by decorative foliage and large, showy flowers, the size of which can reach 40 cm. Care is simple.

There are several hybrids.

  • Youth is a plant with light green leaves and purple flowers, reminiscent of a tulip in shape.
  • Late - a shrub with oval leaves and crimson bell-shaped flowers, grows up to 1 m.
  • Pale pink - a plant up to 2 meters high, yellowish foliage, bright pink, tulip-shaped flowers.
  • Pink porcelain- a medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high, flowers are large, pink, with a white throat, in the form of bells. Bright green succulent leaves on long petioles.

Hibiscus for container gardening

As tub culture The following types are used on the site.

  1. Dissected petal hibiscus (Schisopetalus)- the petals of flowers of this species are strongly dissected and bent back. Outwardly, it resembles domesticated Chinese. Flowering lasts from spring to autumn.
  2. Chinese hibiscus- a shrub with flowers of various sizes and shades. It is common to grow as a houseplant, but can be moved into the garden in the summer. Caring for a tub flower consists of abundant watering and fertilizing.

Growing these plants is not difficult, but there are some rules that you need to follow to ensure that your hibiscus grows healthy and strong.

Caring for garden hibiscus

Planting is done in an area with nutritious and breathable soil, in a place protected from winds and bright sun. Shrubs are planted in the spring, then by autumn the young plants will have time to take root. To grow garden hibiscus in open ground you will need deep landing pit, which needs to be filled with a thick layer of drainage - at least 15 cm - with sand and rotted compost. Garden soil mixed with sand and peat is laid out on this mixture.

Plants are placed in a hole so that root collar level with the soil, there is no need to bury it - this can lead to rotting. Then sprinkle with soil and water generously. Planting and care before winter should be accompanied by mulching of the soil. Additionally, it is better to insulate the seedlings with spruce branches.

Further care for garden hibiscus consists of abundant watering, regular loosening of the soil, pruning and fertilizing. You need to water the shrub as the soil dries with warm, settled water; on hot days, more liquid will be needed. Some types of hibiscus drop their leaves when there is a lack of moisture. It is advisable to feed the shrub in the spring-summer period once every 2 weeks with phosphorus-containing fertilizer.

Loosening the soil improves aeration and allows the root system to breathe. Prune garden and tree hibiscus better in spring or at the beginning of summer - this has a beneficial effect on flowering, makes it easier to care for and helps give the tree a beautiful shape. It is important to properly prepare young trees for the dormant period: before frost, garden hibiscus is pruned and watered abundantly, after which the soil around is mulched using dry leaves and. Young plants are wrapped or bent to the ground. For shelter, a frame and special material, such as agrotex, are used.

Hibiscus pruning

Spring plant care involves pruning the branches. This is a necessary procedure for both indoor and outdoor garden species. It is produced after a period of dormancy, when the bush has not yet begun to grow. Proper shortening of shoots has a positive effect on flowering, improves branching and appearance bush.

In some species flower buds They are planted only at the ends of new shoots, so without pruning the plant may stop blooming. Tree and garden hibiscus forms well; you can give it any shape, for example, turning it into a standard tree. The cuttings obtained during pruning are used for plant propagation.

You should not get rid of hibiscus rhizomes in early spring - these plants wake up late, and it is better to wait a while than to uproot a bush that is still alive.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

Garden and tree hibiscus propagate very simply: by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Cuttings begin in the summer, before flowering begins. To do this, shoots with several internodes are cut from the bush, the ends are dusted with a root formation stimulator and planted in a greenhouse with peat soil. Rooting lasts about a month, when the shoots begin to grow, they are transplanted into pots with nutrient substrate and grow there until a bush is formed. After this, planting plants in open ground is possible.

Young plants do not have the frost resistance of adults, so they need to be covered for the winter or dug up, replanted in pots and stored until spring in a cellar or in the dark on a glazed balcony.

The water method is also suitable for cuttings, but when using it, most of the leaves are removed from the shoot, leaving 3-4; large ones are cut by a third to reduce evaporation. Add a tablet to the water activated carbon so that there is no rotting. Hibiscus usually reproduces successfully from cuttings.

How to propagate hibiscus by seeds

Growing from seeds is the easiest way to propagate these plants. Garden hibiscus obtained in this way blooms in the year of planting, while Syrian hibiscus blooms only in the third year. It is better to start sowing in winter period, from the end of January. The seeds need fresh, they do not require stratification. Planting is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand; before planting, the seed must be soaked in a growth stimulator for a day.

The crops are watered and covered with a bag or placed in a greenhouse, placing it in a bright and warm place where the temperature is not lower than +25 °C. Until friendly shoots appear, caring for seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. Cultivation in open ground begins at the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. Plants are planted on permanent place, protected from drafts and scorching sun.

Diseases and pests

The main pests of hibiscus are spider mites. They multiply quickly in hot and dry conditions, covering the bush with white cobwebs. Yellow dots appear on the leaves, the buds do not open, but dry out and fall off. In case of severe damage, plants need to be treated with special preparations. There are also folk recipes getting rid of this pest: spraying with garlic infusion, solution essential oils(10 drops per 1 liter of water) and others. Bushes are sometimes affected by aphids. These are quite large insects, visible to the naked eye. When they appear, insecticides are used.

Hibiscus can suffer from chlorosis, in which the leaf blade turns yellow, only the central veins remain green. The disease most often occurs due to a lack of nutrients, especially iron. It is necessary to add additional organomineral fertilizers to the soil and spray the leaves with iron chelate. Lack of nutrition is also indicated by such signs as lack of flowering, frequent yellowing and falling of leaves, and poor development of shoots. If the plant is not cared for correctly, problems may occur. fungal diseases caused by excessive watering or low water temperature.

So, hibiscus can be trees, bushes or herbs. They prefer a sunny location, abundant watering and fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers. In central Russia, some frost-resistant varieties can be grown in open ground, but most species require shelter for the winter with special material or spruce branches.

Perennial shrubs, such as garden hibiscus and tree hibiscus (Syrian), shed their leaves in the winter, but herbaceous species rarely retain the above-ground part, growing anew from the rhizome every spring. Major diseases are associated with errors in care and lack of nutrition. Pests are often affected by mites and aphids. Plants propagate well by seeds and cuttings.

Having a wonderful smell, garden hibiscus flowers not only delight the eye in the garden or on the windowsill in an apartment - they are also used for brewing healthy and fragrant tea. This drink is known to many under the name “hibiscus tea”. In addition, garden hibiscus is easy to care for and highly decorative.

Garden hibiscus: photo and description

The flower of love or the flower of beautiful women is also the name of the tree hibiscus, popular in Hawaii. Local girls decorate their hair with the dazzlingly beautiful and bright flowers of this plant on holidays. The wide range of colors of the plant perfectly emphasizes the beauty of hair.

Growing a plant in a garden plot does not cause much trouble, and its splendor evokes a feeling of serenity and tranquility, transporting you into the unique world of pristine nature.

A beautiful flowering plant that can be grown both in apartments and outdoors. summer cottage. Garden hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae group. In the natural environment, there are about 250 different varieties of this plant - they differ in shape and size, as well as the color of the flower and its size.

According to the shape of hibiscus, they are distinguished:

  • Subshrubs;
  • Shrubs;
  • Herbaceous varieties;
  • Decorative trees.

The flowers of many varieties of garden hibiscus are brightly colored, large, graceful. Some varieties differ significantly from each other. Different colors and shapes, sizes of the flower and the plant itself.

Frost-resistant garden and herbaceous varieties are very popular, since they are not very picky in care. Numerous types of garden tree hibiscus with funnel-shaped double and simple flowers are quite exotic and attractive. The color variety of plants is very large: you can see flowers ranging from yellow, white to deep red, bright lilac, crimson, violet and purple. There are also two-color varieties.

The location of the hibiscus in the garden will depend on the variety of hibiscus you choose. Low growing plants Look great in mixed borders. Herbaceous hibiscus looks harmonious with ground cover roses and decorative foliage plants. But the tree-like hibiscus can be well played up by planting several plants with different flowers in a solitary standard planting.

  • Hibiscus can tolerate frost down to -20C.
  • Flowering is quite long - from late June to early October.

Garden hibiscus: care and propagation

Growing this plant will not be a hassle. For normal flowering and growth, it is advisable to choose a sunny place where there is no wind. When planting hibiscus, you need to use humus-rich, loose and fertile soil. Watering must be frequent and regular. The main thing is not to flood the plant, but it is important that the soil around the flower is constantly moist. If the plant is properly cared for, the lifespan of hibiscus can be more than 15 years.

Young bushes need to be replanted several times. As a rule, transplantation is done in the spring. Already 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted into a larger pot. For planting, use a mixture of soil from leaf, turf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 3: 4: 1: 1. Every year, after transplanting, you need to add soil to the pot.

Equally important proper care after planting young bushes, especially in winter. The plant should overwinter in a shelter, as it may not tolerate frost.. If planting bushes is planned for autumn, then before the arrival of the winter season you need to mulch the ground around the flower.

Fertilizers for hibiscus must contain increased amount phosphorus. Before winter, it is advisable to feed the bush with potassium fertilizer. This will make it easier for the plant to overwinter.

Syrian hibiscus: photo and description

The Syrian hibiscus variety is characterized by unusually lush flowers.

Lavender chiffon

Relatively new English variety with semi-double and double flowers. The color is blue-pink with a deep red center.

A small tree or deciduous bush of medium size up to 3 meters and a crown with a circumference of 1.7 m. Grows well in a sunny area, but also tolerates light shading.

It has various applications: this is possible as a tapeworm against the background of a lawn, you can plant the plant in the background in flower beds or to decorate fences, it all depends on where the sun’s rays fall most.

Duke de Brabant

A small tree or deciduous shrub with an average height of approximately 2-3 m and a crown circumference of 1.7 meters. The inflorescences are large and quite attractive, purple-red with burgundy-red or dark red splashes in the center, double, 10-12 cm in size. Grows well in a sunny area, but can tolerate light shading.

Garden hibiscus tree: photo and description

The tree-like garden hibiscus is a deciduous shrub that blooms for 6 months, but one flower lasts only a day. The wilted petals are immediately replaced by new inflorescences. Hibiscus blooms at the end of June and renews its flowers until October.

In temperate climates, plant height is no more than 2.5 m, although in the natural environment tree-like varieties reach a size of up to 6 m. Large leaves of an ovoid or oval appearance have a rich green color. The inflorescences are solitary, quite large, reaching up to 28-31 cm in circumference.

Planting occurs in the spring. Make sure that the tree you grow in your garden is protected from drafts. When caring for and growing hibiscus, do not forget that the plant is heat-loving and demanding of lighting. If you plant it in a shaded area, it will grow slowly and bloom weakly.

If your garden area is located in an area with a cool climate, then plant non-double species - they are the most hardy. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it needs a little pruning every two years.. Supplement hibiscus with lavender bushes - they will protect the hibiscus from aphids.

Hibiscus requires fertile land with normal water permeability. This flower does not require heavy watering - it is necessary to moisten the soil only after it dries out. Abundant flowering will be ensured if you do not forget about constant phosphorus bait. Potassium supplements are also necessary - with their help, wintering the flower will be easier.

Suitable for growing in pots. The plant must choose an ideal place, in the literal sense of the word - otherwise, when turning or moving flowering bush there is a high risk of breaking weak peduncles. Choose a warm and sunny area, protected from drafts. In a pot, the bush should be trimmed periodically - this can help maintain its decorative shape.

Herbaceous hibiscus: photo and description

A distinctive feature is the long flowering time, and its peduncles have 2-3 times larger size, in contrast to tree varieties. Another advantage of the herbaceous variety is its high frost resistance.

The bush has many erect shoots that sprout every year. The flowers of this plant are cherry-raspberry in color.. It is advisable to plant the flower in the central part of the garden or in the background, because it is quite big size- about 3 meters.

When caring for this hibiscus, you need to take into account that the roots of the bush look like potatoes; damage to them leads to the death of the plant. Therefore, in winter, after the bush dies, it is advisable to place a sign at the place where the hibiscus grows, which indicates its location and will protect the bush from digging up.

Bright and large flowers of herbaceous hibiscus are in perfect harmony with different plants, so be sure to plant it in your garden.

As a rule, herbaceous species are grown in large group plantings or in the formation of borders. These plants can decorate the shore area of ​​your home pond. But cultivation must be carried out on sunny places, protected from drafts.

The plant has no special soil requirements. It grows better on loam and does not tolerate calcareous soil. Drainage at the planting site and periodic loosening play an important role in caring for hibiscus, since waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil can cause the death of the bush.

In the spring, you need to build greenhouses from film, since the flower loves warmth and moisture. Under these conditions, the plant will develop much faster. With the arrival of summer, greenhouses are removed. The herbaceous variety loves constant watering, especially in initial stage growing. At the end of flowering, watering should be reduced slightly.

Garden hibiscus: photo

Pruning garden hibiscus

Periodic pruning is necessary for hibiscus; pruning shoots is beneficial for the plant. The bush forms flower buds on young shoots. In addition, pruning is required for the plant to give it a decorative shape.

In the spring, the growth of last year's hibiscus is shortened by 1/3. This significantly increases the number of new kidneys. As the plant becomes bushier over time, it requires light, periodic thinning.

How to prune hibiscus?

  • After planting a young plant, remove all damaged and weak shoots. For uniform growth of a lush plant, and in the future, it requires drastic pruning. If you want to form a standard tree, then you need to be patient, since it takes more than one year to grow a standard tree.
  • Trim branched shoots to just a few buds. The main trunk is not pruned. The next season, from February, again trim the branched side shoots to one bud, and the main trunk to 6-7 buds. When the bush reaches the size you need, form a crown from the strongest shoots, making it shorter by several buds, cutting off the top of the trunk and removing all the lower lateral shoots.
  • When have you achieved required form crowns, then in the future cut only dry and weak shoots. Cut thin branches down to several buds. If over time the plant becomes one-sided, then remove unwanted branches to the base or cut them down to the lateral young shoots.

Hibiscus propagation

When caring for hibiscus, propagation is carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, and also by seeds. If you decide to grow a plant from seeds, then do not forget that this process can only be done after stratification.

The planting material is covered with a small layer of soil, a little moistening is done, for example, with a sprayer, and placed in the refrigerator for a month. After propagating hibiscus by seeds, sow it into the prepared substrate, mixed from sand and peat. The container should be covered with polyethylene or glass and left at a temperature of 25–27 degrees. Carry out periodic ventilation and spraying of the container. Then, when the seeds germinate, you need to wait for them to form several leaves. These seedlings are planted in different pots. A flower bed of hibiscus grown from seeds blooms only in the third year.

If hibiscus propagation is done by cuttings, then the best time for this is spring. From new shoots it is necessary to cut off the upper cuttings, which have several internodes. Pruning is done 5 cm below the node. Then the top of the stem above the node is cut off and a cut is made on the resulting cutting. From the bottom of the segment, it is necessary to remove a segment of the stem and leaves. The few remaining leaves are cut in half.

To speed up development processes, the cuttings are treated with growth stimulants, and then buried in the ground to the nodes. The planting is covered with film and kept at a temperature of 18–20 degrees. After a month, the bush will take root and can be transplanted to a permanent location. This plant will begin to bloom a year after planting.

Fruitful and hardy hibiscus does not require much attention, but always decorates any personal plot beautiful flowers. All you need to do is plant additional plants to compensate for the fruitless time of one plant with another. But in any case, hibiscus is a universal plant. Beautiful flowers and ease of care have made it one of the most popular shrubs that are grown in the garden or apartment.

Hibiscus is a plant of the mallow family. It is very loved by gardeners, since almost all types of this plant bloom very beautifully. Hibiscus flowers, even within the same species, are very diverse. More than 200 species and about 500 varieties of this plant are known.

Did you know?A distinctive feature of all hibiscus is the short life of flowers. Each flower lives only one day - it opens in the morning and withers in the evening.

Three types of hibiscus are common in our latitudes. One of them is grown indoors and is better known as the Chinese rose. Chinese hibiscus can be taken out into the garden in summer, but it is still considered indoor plant. The other two types of hibiscus are garden varieties.

Garden types of hibiscus

In gardens in southern Russia, Ukraine and Crimea, you can often find Syrian hibiscus, which is also called tree hibiscus. This flowering shrub, which can reach up to 3 m in height. Often, trunks are formed from it, resulting in a beautifully flowering tree. By planting several varieties very close together, you can create a standard tree with different colors from garden hibiscus.

Tree hibiscus is a perennial. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Blooms from June to September. The flowers of Syrian hibiscus can be simple and double, of various shades, but not large. But the second type of garden hibiscus, herbaceous hibiscus, has flowers up to 26 cm in diameter. Herbaceous hibiscus is also called swamp hibiscus.

Important!Hibiscus blooms in the second half of May, so do not rush to think that it is frozen and immediately throw away the plant. Herbaceous hibiscus is more frost-resistant and can grow not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes. It is also covered with dry leaves or dry manure for the winter.

The varieties of this plant are also very diverse. The height ranges from 80 cm to 2 m, and the flowers have a wide variety of shades. The plant grows well in one place, but after 5 years the hibiscus needs to be transplanted to another place in the garden. Rises in the second half of May. Blooms from late June to early September. Sudanese rose, rosella, or hibiscus sabdariffa, comes from India and is grown in all tropical regions. From this type of hibiscus the drink hibiscus is made, where the dark red petals, cups and subcups of the flowers are used, they are called roses. All parts of this plant, except the roots, are edible. The plant can be grown at home in a pot, and the seeds can easily be found in a bag of hibiscus tea.

Caring for garden hibiscus

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus reproduces in different ways:

dividing the bush;

By cuttings;

By layering;


Syrian hibiscus is best propagated by cuttings, and you can use the twigs that were left when pruning the bush.

Cuttings 15-20 cm long are placed in water. The roots appear in 2-3 weeks. Then the cuttings are transplanted into pots with light soil.

But if you collect seeds yourself, you cannot expect that a plant will grow that exactly replicates the parent one. Many gardeners specially pollinate the flowers of different hibiscus in order to obtain new variety. For better germination, you can put the seeds in the refrigerator for 2 weeks at above-zero temperatures. Sow one seed at a time in pots. Planted in the ground the next year. Tree hibiscus grown from seeds can bloom only in the fourth year, while herbaceous hibiscus will bloom in the second.

Rules for pruning hibiscus

Tree hibiscus is pruned in early spring. This is done to remove dried and broken branches, give the plant a more beautiful shape, or ensure abundant flowering. Hibiscus flowers appear on the current year's shoots, so in order to increase the number of flowers, Syrian hibiscus can be pruned before the beginning of summer. The plant responds very well to pruning and grows back quickly. Of course, pruning is more applicable to Syrian hibiscus, but herbaceous hibiscus can also be pruned. If the variety of such hibiscus is very tall, then it can be trimmed to the height you need. At the same time, the hibiscus will let out side shoots, forming a denser bush. But the flowers on the side shoots of herbaceous hibiscus are much smaller than those on the stem.

How to cover garden hibiscus for the winter

Tree hibiscus is less resistant to frost. Growing hibiscus in open ground is possible where the air temperature in winter rarely exceeds -20°C. A bush of such hibiscus is covered with dry leaves for the winter, the trunk is insulated with spruce branches or a frame is built, covered with agrotex or lutrasil. But with such insulation, there is a danger of rodents appearing under the bedding or intertrigo of the bark. If the tree is small, it can be transplanted into a tub and placed in a basement or other cool room until spring.