Is it possible to root croton with leaves? Amazing Croton - propagation in the most effective way

Croton is an extremely interesting plant. Strong beautiful tree or fluffy shrub with bright colorful leaves whimsical shapes can decorate not only your home, but also be your friend both in your study and in the office. For these purposes, one flower is not enough, so it’s time for you to think about propagating croton at home.

There are several ways to propagate croton: seeds, cuttings, leaves and air layering.

Propagation by cuttings is most popular among Croton owners. Well-ripened cuttings 8-15 cm long, which are cut from the main or side stem, are suitable for it. This process is best done in late winter or spring, when there is more sunlight, although at any other time of the year cuttings can be successfully rooted using fluorescent lamps.

Cut from a prepared shoot lower leaves, wash off the milky juice released from the wound under water, blot it with a napkin, sprinkle it with charcoal and let the cutting dry for at least a couple of hours. The remaining leaves on the shoot are tied into a tube; the top leaves that are too large can be cut in half so that the cutting does not lose all its moisture. A well-dried cutting is planted in a prepared container with drainage and a mixture of sand and peat, covered with a film with holes for ventilation and placed in a warm place with diffused lighting. The shoots will begin to grow in about a month. Almost all types of crotons are propagated using this method. The remaining parent tree, after cutting the cuttings, will certainly grow new shoots.

Rooting Croton in water

You can try to root croton shoots in warm, settled water, the temperature of which is 25-27 °C in summer; this method is most effective. At other times of the year, you need to monitor the temperature of the surrounding air and water in the container with the cuttings. If the water cools for a long time, then root formation first slows down and then stops altogether. The seedling will rot and die. In more warm water, above 30 °C, there is a high probability of developing bacterial flora. When strong white roots 2-3 cm long appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into a prepared container under a film for subsequent rooting. The temperature during the rooting period should remain high, about 25-27 °C. We must ensure that the soil does not dry out. The lighting should be bright but diffuse. Daylight hours are long. After a month, the shoots usually take root well, and they need to be transplanted into a prepared pot with drainage and a nutrient mixture. When the flower becomes crowded and root system will fill the pot completely - the croton will need to be transplanted into a larger pot with a diameter of 13-15 cm.

You can also try rooting a stem cutting with a single leaf, a dormant axillary bud and a small stem fragment. This method of propagation is often called propagation of croton by leaf or leaves. Such a cutting is obtained by cutting directly from the stem so that it contains one internode with an adult healthy leaf and an axillary bud.

Leaf propagation

Similar to propagation by cuttings, planting material is prepared for planting, rooted, and temperature, humidity and lighting are monitored. But, it is important to know that if you plant only a leaf in the soil or put it in water, and it even produces good strong roots, you will still not receive further development of the plant, because without a bud from which a new shoot would begin to grow, a young decorative flower don't get it.

Croton propagation by seeds

Seeds are more often used for growing hybrids, since the seeds of indoor codiaums do not retain their parental properties. Seeds obtained from blooming flower, cannot be stored for more than a year - they will lose their germination. You can buy croton seeds at the store. The time to plant seeds is January or February. Your seeds must be disinfected. To do this, they are first immersed in hot water for 30 minutes, and then kept in water at room temperature for 24 hours. You can add special growth stimulants to the water, for example, heteroauxin, and then plant them in loose, well-fertilized soil under a film to a depth of 1 cm. At a temperature of 25-27 °C, the seeds in the greenhouse will germinate in about a month. The greenhouse is ventilated. When the first shoots appear, they are carefully watered and begin to accustom them to room temperature. Bushes with two or three blossoming leaves are transplanted into separate pots. Since the seed shoot of indoor croton is usually broken off at the very beginning of flowering, so that it does not take away the croton’s strength and does not harm the decorative appearance of the plant, propagation of croton at home is usually carried out using its shoots.

Croton propagation by air layering

It happens that the stem of a croton becomes bare for a number of reasons. The flower loses its decorative effect. To save the situation and grow a new young tree, you can get air layering from the old one in two ways.

First way

At the end of spring, and better in summer, a circular cut of the bark is made on the croton stem at a distance of 15 cm from the top of the plant. The strip should be about 7 cm. The place of this cut, for the rapid formation of roots, is treated with growth stimulants and wrapped with sphagnum moss. Then everything is wrapped in dark plastic film. The upper edge is easily strengthened so that it can then be opened slightly during regular moistening of the moss. And the lower edge is strengthened and tied with a rope. Sometimes they do it differently: they put a plastic ring cut from a plastic glass or bottle around the cut on the stem, fasten it well and fill the space with peat, as shown in the diagram.

Rooting scheme by air layering

In any case, the roots on the stem should appear in a month, but you will need to wait until they grow well and become at least 5 cm, so that in the future they can provide the young plant with nutrition and moisture. Only then can the cuttings be cut and the air layer planted in the prepared soil. Choose a shaded place for the pot for several weeks. Good watering and spraying of the plant are required.


Second way

A woody shoot is selected from the plant and bent to the ground. To speed up the formation of roots, in the part of the shoot that is closer to the ground, part of the bark is removed and this area is treated with a growth stimulator. The place of future rooting is secured with a wire pin and sprinkled with soil. In two to three weeks, new leaves should appear from the ground. When they are old enough, the air layering is ready for transplanting. Carefully dig it out of the ground and transplant it into your pot on permanent place. Don’t forget that it takes time for the plant to get stronger, take root well, and begin to grow on its own. Place the pot in a bright but shaded place, water and spray.


When propagating croton at home, you should remember that this flower is a poisonous indoor plant, so during all operations with it you must be careful and work with gloves. If juice gets on your skin, you must quickly and quickly wash the area and your hands with soap and water to avoid burns.

But if you decide to grow a lot of these wonderful flowers, and you are not afraid of the difficulties of getting them further cultivation, the effort and time spent will pay off - amazingly beautiful bushes and trees will decorate your home for many years and create comfort and a wonderful atmosphere in it.

He is daring, bold and unusually bright! This is a handsome croton, loved by gardeners not only for the color of the leaves, but also for their density, as well as easy growing conditions. Bottom line - luxury flower, creating a positive mood and delighting with numerous shades of foliage, from dark green, yellow to burgundy and powdery. But how to propagate croton at home in order to get not one, but several bright ones? To do this, you can use cuttings and leaves of the plant; you will find a photo of the process here!

A few words about croton (Codiaeum), or the conviction of the unconditional benefits of the flower

The oval, slightly elongated, leathery leaves of croton attract with their density and various shades. But few people know that “codeia” means “head” in Greek. Probably, in those days, when the Greeks first saw the codiaum, they were preoccupied with styling their voluminous and colorful hair!

But this is humor, and the facts are as follows:

  • Croton can become a real tree if professional care. Its height can reach 1.5-4 m;
  • it has a positive effect on nervous system, calming and uplifting. There cannot be depression where codiaum grows;
  • the flower disinfects the air, so it is simply necessary in the nursery.

Croton can disinfect the air in the room

For these reasons, both beginners and experienced flower growers they want to grow more than one specimen on the territory entrusted to them. And here they know exactly how to do it!

Interesting! Indoor oak, as croton is also popularly called, can be not only variegated. If you want only light green and yellow, choose the Sunny Star variety; the Variegatum variety will appeal to those who adore sangria, burgundy and Marsala in various shades, but the Mammy variety will delight you with its compactness and classic colors!

Propagation of croton by cuttings: first things first

In order to propagate croton by cuttings, it is not enough to prepare tools and auxiliary materials, such as garden shears/secateurs, glass jar/plastic film to create a mini-greenhouse, nutrient substrate. You need to know exactly from which parts you can take cuttings and at what time.

His Majesty the stalk, or the one on which much depends

Here is some good news: cuttings can be taken at any time when you decide to start growing a flower. The only exception is January-February, during these months the plant sleeps, so the croton roots will produce weak ones, or even nothing at all.

Croton cuttings

But as for cuttings, the following is most suitable for them:

  • apical shoot with an active bud;
  • a stem shoot on which there is a single leaf;
  • the woody part of the shoot even without a bud.

In a word, any part of it is suitable for propagating croton. The main thing is to cut the cuttings correctly. Each of them must be:

  • at least 6-12 cm in length;
  • at least 7-8 mm thick;
  • have at least 1 leaf; a pair must be left for the apical shoot (for faster survival).

You need to examine the plant and identify those shoots that can be used for cuttings. A striking advantage of this method of reproduction is a large number of planting material, therefore, even more croton bushes on your windowsill!

Cutting/rooting process: stages

Having decided on cuttings and subsequent propagation of croton, after examining the existing mother bush, you must:

  • identify shoots from which you can cut off the tops for cuttings, as well as stems from which you can make several cuttings at once;
  • carefully cut the cuttings, laying them out on paper and not confusing where the top is and where the bottom is (for those that do not have a top);
  • Place in warm water for a couple of minutes until the milky juice comes out. It is important to remember that the cut on the flower shoot can be sprinkled with wood ash and the emission of juice will stop;
  • leave the cuttings in the air, leaving 1-2 leaves on each, removing the rest. What do cuttings need leaves for? They will allow the cutting line to be fully nourished, taking root faster;

Croton roots
  • after the cuttings have dried in the sun (this should not be straight sunlight!), bottom part worth dipping in Kornevin, Zircon. The preparations will not only stimulate root growth, but will also saturate the cuttings nutrients and elements necessary in the first day of survival;
  • Root the cuttings in a prepared substrate (one bought in a store will do) or in water. In the first case, to ensure the necessary humidity, the container with the cuttings can be covered with a PET bottle, jar, or a greenhouse can be built from polyethylene film. Be sure to ventilate! In the second, you need to monitor the temperature of the water in the container with the cuttings. A positive result - strong, numerous and healthy roots - can be achieved by providing water at 24-30°C. And no secrets!

If everything is done correctly, the roots of the cuttings will appear on days 21-30. Let them get stronger for a month and then plant the cuttings in a permanent place of growth.

Leaf propagation: or a method that requires increased attention

Propagation of croton by leaves is also possible. However, when choosing this method, it is worth remembering that only healthy, middle-aged leaves are suitable for this. The whole process is the same as with cuttings. The only difference is that the leaf does not need to be dried for a long time. An important nuance that will help obtain more planting material is the ability to cut the leaf into pieces. Separate a fairly large adult leaf from the base, then carefully cut it across into 2-3 parts (width - at least 5 cm), carry out all the same manipulations as with cuttings and root it in the substrate. Rooting in water will not give a positive result, so it is better to prepare a flat bowl in advance. To root a leaf or part of it, it is enough to deepen it 2-3 cm.

Attention! When propagated by leaves, roots may appear in 30-45 days. Therefore, you should be patient!

And now you are sure that several indoor oak trees will live in your house. To live and please others, to bring positivity and contribute to the realization of the most daring plans. Look, in a couple of decades a real croton grove will appear in the house!

Growing Croton: video

Croton care at home - photo

General information about the plant

The Euphorbiaceae family includes both inhabitants of tropical forests and ornamental individuals, which is foliage plant Croton.

It is believed that Croton was originally found in the forested areas of Southeast Asia, several Pacific archipelagos in Malaysia.

At home, it is possible to grow Croton up to 1.5 m high, and then at the cost of great effort, but in wildlife There are specimens of this species up to 3 meters high. But believe me, the efforts spent on growing homemade Croton will definitely be rewarded, as your small tree will become a real decoration of your home.

Each type of Croton has its own unique leaf shape and individual variegated colors. Croton Variegated is the most common species of this family, and many easily recognize its laurel-shaped leaves, but this species also has hybrids, their leaves can be ribbon-like, lobed, forked, twisted.

How to water this plant

Let us immediately note that only settled, softened and necessarily warm water.

Every day you need to spray the plant and wipe its leaves on both sides with warm water, using a soft cloth. There is no need to place the plant next to equipment that radiates heat, since croton is moisture-loving, and most of its diseases are a consequence of dry soil.

Lighting requirements

Great attention should be paid to the lighting of the plant, since it is this that forms the individual variegated colors of its leaves. When there is insufficient light for croton, its leaves have a normal green color.

Croton lighting mode should be changed depending on the season: in winter, provide the plant with direct sunlight, but in the spring this is, on the contrary, undesirable; at this time of year, diffused sunlight is favorable for croton.


For the normal functioning of croton it is necessary to maintain ambient temperature from 17 to 26 degrees Celsius, but the optimal range is a narrow range from 20 to 22 degrees. This temperature requirement must be observed all year round.

Do not forget that excessively dry air has an adverse effect on the plant, and therefore do not spare money on purchasing a humidifier.

Fertilizer and feeding

Young plants must be periodically transplanted into fresh soil, and the soil itself must be constantly fertilized during the growth period of croton using mineral or complex fertilizers specifically for deciduous ornamental plants. The soil needs to be fertilized after watering.

Fertilized and well-maintained soil should be similar to the natural tropical soil in which crotons grow. You can make such a substrate at home by adding the following components to the soil: turf, humus, river sand, peat.

You need to rid the soil of unwanted bacteria and larvae using the usual methods - calcination or freezing. The root system is protected from rotting by adding a small amount charcoal.

Croton transplant

Crotons are transplanted in spring or summer into wide, shallow pots placed in a container with gravel, in which a constant water level will need to be maintained. Be sure to make a 3-centimeter expanded clay drainage layer in the pot.

Make a hole in the ground first and place the plant in it so that the root system does not come into contact with the drainage.

Young plants are replanted every year, as already mentioned, in spring or summer. Adult crotons are replanted when the root system fills the space of the pot. You should not choose a pot that is too large for replanting; a container with a diameter 3-5 centimeters wider than the previous one would be optimal; the free space is filled with fresh soil.

There is no need to replant croton without preparation, if you do not have the necessary skills; this is quite a delicate job, and if done incorrectly, you can harm the plant and even kill the croton.

Croton grows in shape small tree, but the crown configuration can be changed to the shape of a bush by removing the top shoot. It should be noted that the shape of the plant changes slowly, mainly due to the fact that the growth rate of the side shoots is much slower than the top shoots.

Reproduction of crotons

If you take proper care of it exotic plant, it will grow and develop. Then you may wonder about croton propagation. This is done using seeds that the croton produces during flowering. Seeds should be planted in winter, after having been placed in growth stimulants, moistened and covered with polyethylene.

At the same time, the classic method of propagating crotons remains propagation by cuttings, this is done in the spring. A cutting about 15 cm long is taken from the main stem, the cut is washed off with water and dried a little, and the leaves are tied into tubes so that the moisture evaporates less.

Crotons bloom

The flowers of the Croton plant are not of particular value because they do not shine with beauty. This is one of the reasons for removing flowers when they appear, because it increases the vitality of the entire plant.

Diseases and pests of croton

As unfortunate as it may be, croton is poisonous. The benefit of this fact is that it is rarely affected by pests and infections. But if you do not provide the plant with proper care or even just place the flower in wrong place in an apartment, croton can get sick.

If your croton is sick, know that it is most likely due to irregular watering or inappropriate air humidity. As mentioned earlier, to maintain the health of the plant, you should use a humidifier.


Croton growth is very slow?

Not enough light, light is necessary for plant growth. For this reason, growth is much slower in winter than in summer.

Are the plant leaves drying out?

Are the plant's leaves falling off?

This happens from time to time, and this is normal, as with most plants. The exception is when many leaves fall in a short period. The reason is most often, again, a violation of the watering and moistening regime. Also - a sharp change temperature regime and insufficiently nutritious soil.

Is the plant poisonous?

As stated above, yes. If croton juice enters the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and vomiting most often occur, and exposure of croton juice to the skin can cause dermatitis. Therefore, after any “communication” with croton, you should wash your hands.

Video: Croton care at home

Leave a comment or review » Houseplants » Croton » Croton care at home

It happens that the plant becomes crowded and needs to be seated. I want to tell you how to plant croton. The most suitable time of year is spring. Croton is a very delicate plant, so it is better not to disturb its root system, especially by washing.

The day before planting, the plant needs to be watered. Let's move on to the procedure. It is necessary to divide the croton bush into several, separating the root children. We prepare a light substrate and suitable sized pots. Cover the planted croton with a bag or film and send it to a warm place so that the soil temperature is approximately 30 degrees. You need to spray the plant and ventilate the greenhouse every day.

What kind of “root babies”? Cut into cuttings and root in water or substrate (in a greenhouse).

Of course, by cuttings.

Ways to propagate croton at home

Babies at Croton? The topic is worthy of a future doctoral dissertation scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences :)

Yes, it’s very interesting about root babies. Cut off the crown and root.

The best time for rooting croton is late February - early March. You need to cut the stalk, put it in warm water for two hours to stop the juice, plant it in a very small container with peat soil, cover with a bag.

I have three crotons grown from cuttings. You can also root the side branches and remove part of the stem. I was renewing the croton. So I cut the whole thing into cuttings.

I wash it off warm water juice and put it in a glass with some water, you can add charcoal, Kornevin. I pour a little water, just so that the bottom of the stem is 1-1.5 cm in water. I put everything in a half-opened bag... Croton produces roots well...

You can plant according to callus or wait for small roots. I root at any time of the year.

and I rooted a leaf with a bud and a small part of the trunk. I planted it straight into the ground...

new leaves are growing

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Read also:

Croton (codium, Joseph's cloak) has gained popularity in indoor floriculture for its decorative, variegated leaves.

In the wild it reaches 3 m in height, and in room conditions grows twice as small.

Growing this tropical beauty at home is not so easy: it is very demanding in terms of maintenance.

We'll have to try to make this capricious pet pleased with its bright colors.

Croton - growing at home. Choosing a cutting

To propagate croton, the cuttings are chosen as follows:

Apical cuttings root faster than intermediate cuttings;

The optimal cutting length is 7-10 cm;

Cuttings are taken only from a healthy plant;

The cutting should be semi-lignified or woody.

Croton - growing at home. Reproduction, planting

Croton can be propagated vegetatively and by seeds. From vegetative methods The following are distinguished:

Stem and leaf cuttings;

Air layering;

Horizontal layering.

Cuttings- the easiest way to propagate croton. The cuttings are cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears and placed in warm water for a few minutes to wash off the milky juice. Next, the cut must be dried and dipped in a root formation stimulator (heteroauxin, kornevin). The prepared pots are filled with the following substrate: sand, leaf and turf soil, peat in equal proportions. The cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with jars or placed in a mini-greenhouse. You can use zip packages instead. Plantings need to be ventilated and sprayed with a spray bottle every day. The rooting process lasts 30-45 days. The appearance of roots is signaled by the appearance of young leaves.

You can also root cuttings in a jar of water., to which activated carbon is added. Periodically add water to the container with the cuttings. Roots appear after 2 months.

IN summer period You can root leaf cuttings in water.

Air layering Croton is propagated when the trunk is heavily exposed. It is better to carry out this procedure in the summer:

On a bare stem below 10-20 cm from the top, cut off the bark in a 1 cm wide ring (this is where the plant will give roots);

Blot up the juice;

Treat the cut with a root stimulant (heteroauxin, rootin);

Wrap the cut in damp peat or crushed moss;

Create a “bag”: place a dark film on the peat and tie it at the bottom and top of the cut ( top harness must be loose so that air can enter through it and the substrate can be moistened);

After 30-40 days, roots will appear on the cut;

When the roots grow to 5 cm, the cuttings are cut under the bag and planted in a pot;

The seedling should be covered with a bag for 7-15 days to create increased humidity.

Rooting by air layering

Horizontal layering used on plants with bare side shoots. They do it like this:

The side branch is bent to the ground;

The shoot is cut from the underside, the released milky juice is removed, the wound is dusted with root;

The shoot in the incised place is pinned and sprinkled with substrate;

The pot can be placed in a bag to maintain moisture;

After rooting, the young plant is separated from the mother plant and planted in a separate pot.

Propagated by seeds at homecroton very rarely due to the rather long duration of the process. In addition, plants from seeds do not retain their varietal characteristics and grow slowly. For sowing, use only freshly harvested seeds (they quickly lose their viability). They are sown in February:

The seeds are soaked in warm water for 12-15 hours, and after that they are kept for 2-3 hours in a solution of phytohormones;

Prepared seeds are sown in containers with a moistened substrate of sand and peat (2:1) to a depth of no more than 1 cm and covered with a lid, film or glass;

The optimal temperature range for seed germination is +22+24 °C;

Water the crops through a tray;

After about a month, shoots appear;

When the seedlings grow three leaves, they can be picked.

Caring for seedlings is the same as caring for adult plants.

Croton - growing and care at home. Watering, replanting, lighting, pruning, fertilizing

Depends on care appearance and croton health. This Tropican is quite picky about living conditions.

Lighting plays an important role in the richness of the color of croton leaves. With a lack of light, codium loses its variegated color and becomes completely green. However, in summer, direct sunlight is dangerous for the plant - they cause burns on its leaves. In autumn-winter, on the contrary, it is better to place the pot on a southern windowsill to maintain a 14-hour daylight hours.

Watering. Croton comes from the tropics, so when grown at home it needs regular watering. For this, water should be used at room temperature. In case of lack of moisture or use cold water For watering, the codium will begin to shed its leaves. If there is an excess of it, its root system rots and it may die. In summer, the plant is watered every other day. In autumn and winter, the amount of watering is reduced to once every three days.

Temperature. Croton grows well in temperature range+16+22 oC. If these parameters are not met, the plant will begin to shed its leaves. At low temperatures (less than +16°C), there is a high probability of rotting of the root system.

Air humidity. Croton will develop well in high humidity. To do this, you need to spray it often, and also wipe the foliage from dust weekly with a damp cloth or sponge. IN heating season To increase humidity, it is good to use air humidifiers or place a pot with a plant in a container with wet expanded clay. High humidity air prevents reproduction spider mites. This tropican will also like a light shower (just cover the ground with a film so as not to cause waterlogging of the roots).

Feeding. To maintain the decorative appearance of croton in the spring-summer period, once a week it is fed with complex mineral fertilizers. In winter, fertilizers are applied once a month. Fertilizing is done only after watering.

Trimming Croton requires to form a compact crown. If this is not done, the plant will stretch up to 1.5 m in height (annual growth is 20-25 cm). As the old leaves fall off, the trunk will be exposed and the codium will look sloppy and peeling. The cut parts are used for cuttings. The cuts should be sprinkled with crushed coal.

Growing croton at home (from seeds, cuttings)

In young plants, to stimulate branching, it is enough to pinch the top.

How and when to replant croton?

Young crotons need to be replanted every year, and adults - as the roots fill the space in the pot (once every two to three years).

The roots have entwined the entire earthen ball - it’s time to replant the plant

Main pests, diseases, problems when growing croton and ways to combat them

If the leaves of the croton turn pale, lose their shine, turn yellow and wither, then most likely the plant is affected root rot. If the root system has not completely died off, then you can try to save the plant by reducing the number of waterings and adding Fitosporin-M to the soil. Just in case, it is better to cut off the top for rooting.

Another common disease of Croton is anthracnose. It develops under the influence of pathogenic fungi with excessive watering. Red-gray spots appear on the leaves. Affected plants must be isolated from others and treated with foundationazole.

Slow growth of croton and small young leaves indicate a lack of nutrition.

Have the leaves lost their variegation and turned green? This means that croton suffers from a lack of light. It is necessary to move it closer to the window or provide additional lighting.

Brown spots on the leaves are a consequence sunburn. Browned edges of the leaves indicate that the croton is freezing. It is necessary to exclude the presence of drafts and water the plant with water at room temperature.

If the tips of the leaves dry out and they themselves wrinkle, there is insufficient air humidity.

Sudden changes in temperature and improper watering regime cause massive leaf loss in croton.

Croton - propagation by cuttings

Croton is a rather unusual highly decorative indoor plant. It does not require frequent transplants, but it is quite demanding in terms of care. They need to be constantly monitored, sprayed, fed, and maintained at temperature and humidity levels. If you are ready for this and decide to propagate it, you need to know some of the features of this process.

Croton - care and reproduction

Croton can be propagated by seeds, but is more often used vegetative propagation, that is, stem or apical cuttings. They need to be cut from woody shoots. In the case of apical cuttings, they should be 5-10 cm in length, with a couple of internodes.

Methods for propagating croton at home

They are cut at an angle so that the cut is oblique.

If used stem cuttings, their two lower leaves are removed and shortened upper leaves by a third of the length to reduce moisture evaporation.

Before planting, they need to be briefly placed in warm water - this is necessary in order to wash off the released juice. Several cuttings are tied together, the leaves are rolled into a tube to reduce moisture evaporation.

After this, the cuttings are planted in a glass or small pot with soil: chopped sphagnum, peat, sand in equal proportions. Cover everything with film, making a mini-greenhouse. The seedlings need to be sprayed twice a week and ventilated more often. Propagation of croton by cuttings in water is used quite rarely; professionals prefer to plant cuttings directly into the ground.

Rooting will occur in about a month. To speed up the process, before planting, you can treat the cuttings with phytohormones and arrange the bottom heating of the greenhouse.

Croton propagation by leaves

Sometimes gardeners use the method of propagating croton by leaf. In this case, you can sprinkle the leaf with soil in the mother pot until rooting, and then carefully transfer it to a separate pot.

This method takes longer; in addition, often even when a leaf has given roots, it further development not happening. And it also happens that the roots never appear. It's all about the plant varieties. Large-leaved crotons do not reproduce by leaf, narrow-leaved crotons reproduce normally, but to do this you need to cut off the leaf along with the axillary bud.

A leaf with a “heel” can first be placed in water and wait until it has roots and only then planted in the ground. The shoots of crotons grown in this way begin to develop from the root.

An unusually colored plant can be in the form of a bush or even a tree. They love croton, or codiaum, for its bright leaves and color palette - from yellow to raspberry-burgundy. The leaves have an interesting shape, dense and shiny, with bright veins that look like a pattern on the leaf.

Croton: propagation at home

At home, this lover of warm islands is bred by experienced breeders and flower growers. This exotic has a bad reputation due to its character. Flower growers need to know what croton likes and doesn’t like, how it reproduces, how it is pruned, and what kind of soil is needed for it to grow fully. The plant requires a lot of attention:

  • with a lack of light, it will lose the decorative color of its foliage;
  • in bright sun the leaves get burned;
  • drafts and temperature changes cause it to shed its leaves;
  • The soil should not dry out in the pot, and the humidity should be 60%.

This bush has absorbed all the mood of autumn

The delicate croton reproduces in several ways; it requires patience, since this flower itself does not grow very quickly. This exotic plant can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, leaves, and air layering.

How to propagate croton by seeds

Croton seeds can be purchased at flower shop, or you can assemble it yourself. From the experience of breeders, to collect seeds of domestic crotons you need to have two plants of both sexes and cross-pollinate them. Seeds without such manipulations have poor germination, that’s why this method is not successful.

Seeds obtained at home retain their properties throughout the year. But it is better to sow them immediately after ripening. Before sowing, it is important to treat against fungi and infections, for example, with epin. It protects the seed from pests and diseases, and also stimulates growth. Soak for two hours, and then immediately into the soil.

Lay the soil in layers - expanded clay, then earth (peat is possible), and sand on top. Sprinkle the seeds on top with sand and place in a warm place. Watering exclusively by tray method. Heating should also be from below, cover the top of the pot with film or glass, but ventilate every day.

Important! It is important not to expose jars of seeds to temperature changes or drafts.

After the first shoots, the time for ventilation should be gradually increased so that the sprouts get used to natural growth conditions.

In just a couple of days it will be possible to evaluate the seeds for germination, as they wake up and begin to open. The first leaves will appear only after a month, after the third leaf you can plant the sprouts in separate pots. The size of the cuttings will be 10 cm no earlier than in 4 months.

Croton grows slowly and from the first days of life in the seed requires daily attention


If you tear a croton leaf from the stem and place it in water or soil, it will take root. But the reproduction process will stop there. A new shoot will not be released, since this requires a bud.

Therefore, to propagate a leaf, you need a small part of the shoot and a bud, from where it will grow new life. The only difference from simple cuttings is that such a piece for propagation does not have to be the tip of the shoot. Using this method, several plants can be obtained from one cut cutting.

On the cut cuttings, be sure to leave one leaf and a bud; the stem size is about 4-5 cm. Wipe off the released juice on both sides and let the stem dry for two hours. Next, place in warm water, maintaining the temperature at 25 degrees until roots appear. If there are temperature fluctuations, roots will not appear.

It is necessary to plant the sprout when the roots grow 3-5 cm in water.

How to propagate croton at home using cuttings

The cuttings already have a folded stem, in contrast to leaf propagation, where you need to wait for the bud to awaken. The roots will not appear as quickly, but the plant will be stronger and stronger.

It is necessary to cut off the top of the stem 10-12 cm long

Step-by-step preparation of cuttings for planting:

  1. The cut must be made in one motion with a sharp knife.
  2. Treat the cut area on the mother plant with charcoal; pruning will stimulate the shoot to branch.
  3. On a cut cutting, the cut area is washed with water and treated with charcoal.
  4. The stem should be exposed to air for two hours after cutting.
  5. We remove the lower leaves and cut the upper ones in half so that there is no waste of force on these leaf plates.
  6. Place the cutting in a glass of water and maintain the water temperature at 25-27 degrees.

It is important to know! If the temperature during croton propagation drops below 25 degrees, root growth stops; if it rises to 30, diseases and fungus develop.

The cuttings can be immediately rooted in a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. How to root croton as comfortably as possible - in a bag. The greenhouse created will accelerate growth and create the necessary conditions humidity. The flower along with the pot should be placed in a bag with holes to allow fresh air to enter.

Important! Maintaining temperature is one of the important conditions successful development of the future tree.

Air layering

Propagation of croton at home using air layering is most effective. This method may seem complicated at first glance. Actually it's quick way get strong and healthy plant, since all the forces for the development of the root system are taken from the mother flower. When the root system is fully formed, the flower painlessly tolerates separation from the mother trunk and continues to actively grow foliage.

For rooting by air layering, select a shoot that has already acquired a hard bark. An area two centimeters long must be stripped of the hardened crust with a sharp knife, but without harming the white center.

Treat the bare gap with a growth stimulator, wrap it in damp sphagnum moss and secure this airy structure with a bag or film so that the moisture inside the hanging pot is retained. The top of the bag must be secured with the possibility of additional moisture during the growth process.

Roots will appear from bare areas within a month, but you need to wait until they grow intensively so that the plant can continue growing on its own after pruning.

A more convenient way is to cut a glass or plastic bottle put it on the exposed area of ​​the trunk, securing it with tape or film. Fill the cups with peat and wait for the roots to appear.

Air layering can also be obtained by digging a bare section of the trunk into the soil. To do this, you need to lower the shoot and secure it in the ground with a separate pot.

Changing the adult and seating the children

After purchasing croton from a store, it is important to replant it as quickly as possible. Mature plant replanted once every 2-3 years. Young plant requires changing the soil every year. Cuttings with roots up to 5 cm in length require rooting in nutritious soil.


The soil for croton needs to be loose and light, since the plant does not like moisture, but will not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. The soil must be nutritious. Good combination can be obtained by mixing in equal parts:

  • humus;
  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand
  • peat.

A universal substrate will also work, to which you will need to add a third of sand. Before use, the soil must be treated with potassium permanganate and dried.

Important! For healthy flower development during transplantation, you need to change the drainage layer, making a new one at least 2 cm.


Croton is one of those plants that, in a large pot, are busy growing roots until they cover its entire area. Therefore, the pot should be small, no matter how strange it may look in comparison with the size of the bush growing from it.

The size of the pot should freely accommodate all the roots of the flower + 1 cm of free space around for soil.

Clay and plastic pots are suitable for codiaum. It is important to have a drainage hole; stagnation of water is the cause of death.

It is important to know! It is better to transplant an adult flower in March using the transshipment method.

After transplanting, it is necessary to place the pot in a warm place, maintain humidity and watering.

Croton is difficult to tolerate transplantation, so during this period you need to provide it with as comfortable conditions as possible.

To the question of how to transplant a diseased croton, the answer is quite obvious. Experienced flower lovers advise curing it and then replanting it.

How to trim croton to keep it fluffy

The beauty grows in the form of a bush or tree; over time, the old leaves on its shoots dry out and fall off, the shoots stretch out and lose their decorative effect. And the flower itself no longer grows so actively and thickly over the years. Pruning is done, first of all, to stimulate growth, acquire new forms of the bush, renew shoots and cuttings.

To make codiaum branch, you need to pinch all the shoots

The formation of a full-fledged crown of this tree must be done by stage-by-stage pruning:

  • at 1.5 years the plant is pinched to awaken the lateral buds and create new shoots;
  • at 2 years, partial pruning is done, regulating the growth of new shoots - adjusting the growth of shoots will help to form a beautiful and the required form crowns;
  • at the age of 5, full pruning is done: here the emphasis is no longer on crown formation, but more on stimulating growth, since at this age the flower begins to slow down its growth processes.

Croton pruning should be done with a sharp, machined tool in one motion for each cut. Treat the cut areas with charcoal several times after the procedure. After pruning, give the plant rest, place it in partial shade, and reduce watering.

Important! After pruning, the plant cannot be sprayed - the cut areas may rot.

Proper care of any plant guarantees a healthy and beautiful appearance. Croton will respond with gratitude with a palette of bright colors of its amazing leaves. It is important to approach plant care with love in order to create warmth and comfort in the home.

Croton or codiaum is an ornamental foliage plant grown at home. Depending on the conditions in which the crop is grown, the color of its leaves and their shape may change. It is not difficult to propagate croton yourself. Several methods are used for this: cuttings, propagation by layering, growing from seeds or rooting a leaf. But to guarantee a young plant, not all of these methods are suitable.

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    Description of the plant

    Croton, or as it is also called codiaum, is a plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. His natural environment habitat is located in India and Southeast Asia. Under natural conditions, this flower can reach 3 m in height, and under conditions indoor growing the maximum height reaches one and a half meters.

    Thanks to breeding work several were displayed hybrid varieties, which are now most often grown at home. The main decorative load is carried by the variegated leaves of this plant. Feature leaves are a change in color with the onset of autumn. Moreover, changes occur not because of the change of season, but because of the age of the culture. The flowers of codiaum are small and inconspicuous compared to the foliage. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them off so that the plant does not waste energy on their development.

    Cyperus - features of care and reproduction

    Methods for propagating codiaum

    Bright and attractive crotons are quite demanding in terms of maintenance conditions, but when proper care grow into a lush plant, pleasing with its variegated foliage. If you wish, you can propagate croton yourself and grow young specimens. The flower reproduces in several ways:

    • growing from seeds;
    • leaf rooting;
    • cuttings;
    • using air layering.

    Each of these methods has a right to exist, but not all of them allow you to quickly get a young, healthy plant.


    Growing from seeds at home is extremely rare. The reason for this is that this process is long, painstaking and does not always lead to positive result. The gardener requires patience, attention and tireless care. Since seeds lose their viability very quickly, only fresh material collected this year is suitable for germination.

    When choosing this method of growing codiaum, you need to take into account that plants grown from seeds lose their varietal characteristics. The growth rate of seedlings is very slow, and the young specimens themselves require constant care. You need to sow the seeds in February.

    Croton seeds

    The step-by-step process of growing codiaum from seeds looks like this:

    1. 1. For sowing, use small containers with drainage holes, which are filled with a mixture of 2 parts sand and 1 part peat. Before sowing, the soil is well moistened.
    2. 2. Seeds are soaked in warm water for 12 hours to swell. Then they are placed in a solution of any growth stimulator for 3 hours.
    3. 3. The prepared seed material is distributed over the surface of the soil and buried 1 cm, simply pressing it into the soil. The top of the planting is sprinkled with peat.
    4. 4. Cover the top of the container with glass or film and place it in a warm place so that the temperature inside the greenhouse does not drop below +22 degrees. Watering should be done only through the pan, without removing the cover, so as not to cool the greenhouse.
    5. 5. The sown seeds will germinate in 25–30 days. When the seedlings are already strong enough, they are dropped into separate cups. Picking may not be necessary if the containers are quite deep and the seeds were planted rarely. In this case, when the seedlings have 3 leaves, they should immediately be planted in separate pots.

    Rooting a leaf

    It is possible to grow a young plant from a croton leaf. To do this, cut off a healthy leaf from the mother specimen so as to capture part of the stem along with the dormant bud. The cut leaf is kept in a solution of a root formation stimulator, and then placed in a jar of water until roots appear. When they become quite strong and long, the leaf can be planted in the ground.

    Some gardeners try to root only a leaf without an axillary bud. In this case, roots form on it, but over time they die off. It is impossible to grow a full-fledged young plant in this way, since there is no bud from which the young shoot develops.


    The main method of propagation, which almost always leads to a positive result, is cuttings. This procedure is carried out in the spring. To obtain cuttings, lignified shoots are used, cutting them straight with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The length should be such that there are 2 leaves and 1 dormant bud left on them. The upper cut is powdered with crushed charcoal, then the lower part of the cutting is dipped in water with the addition of charcoal. This is necessary to get rid of the secreted milky juice.

    Croton juice is poisonous, so you need to be careful when working and protect your hands with gloves.

    After this, the cut is dried and treated with a root formation stimulator. The leaves can be rolled into a tube and tied loosely with thread. This will help retain moisture better. Prepared cuttings can be rooted immediately in the ground or in water.

    In the ground

    To plant cuttings, small pots with a diameter of 12 cm are used. A layer of drainage is placed on the bottom and filled with soil consisting of 1 part sphagnum moss, 0.5 parts sand and 2 parts leaf soil. Several cuttings are planted in one pot and covered with a plastic bag. The pots are placed on a lighted windowsill so that it is protected from direct sunlight.

    Rooting croton cuttings in the ground

    The soil is regularly watered, and the cuttings themselves are sprayed with water twice a day. Rooting occurs after a month and a half. Its success can be judged by the young leaves that appear. After this, the young plants are transplanted into separate pots.

    In water

    To obtain roots in water, use dark glass jars or containers. Add 1 crushed tablet to water activated carbon and lower the cuttings into it, having previously treated their lower part with a root formation stimulator.

    Croton cuttings with roots

    Periodically, the evaporating volume of water should be replenished by adding a fresh portion. After a few days, white growths form on the lower cut of the cutting, from which roots will then appear. After 2 months, the root system will have developed well enough and the plants can be transplanted into separate pots.

    Air layering

    In summer, codiaum can be propagated using air layering. This method is well suited for rejuvenating old plants. On the bare part of the stem, no more than 15 cm away from its end, a strip of bark 1 cm wide is cut in a circle. Roots will form on this part of the stem. The cut site is treated with a root formation stimulator and damp, crushed sphagnum moss or peat is applied to it. A dark film is wound on top in several layers to reduce moisture evaporation. The film is secured tightly at the bottom, and access is left at the top so that the substrate can be periodically moistened.

    Croton propagation by air layering

    Soon, roots will begin to develop at the cut site. After a month and a half, the roots will become quite strong, then the cuttings are cut off under the bag. The young plant is transplanted into a pot with nutrient soil. For the first time after transplantation, it should be protected by putting it on top plastic bag or closing it with a cut-off plastic bottle.

    You can do it easier and root the shoot by simply burying it. For this purpose, select a lower branch, bend it to the ground and pin it using a special bracket. First, in the place where the shoot will come into contact with the ground, cut the bark, wipe off the milky juice that appears and treat this place with a root formation stimulator. After the branch has given roots, it is separated from mother plant and planted in a separate pot.

    Caring for young plants

    Cuttings rooted by any of the proposed methods must be transplanted into separate pots with suitable well-drained, loose soil. The soil for replanting is mixed from 1 part turf soil, 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part sand and 0.5 parts coal. The soil for disinfection is steamed or frozen. Before filling the pots, be sure to lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, since crotons do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

    Young plants should be placed on well-lit windowsills, protected from direct sunlight. The decorative quality of the leaves depends on the quality of lighting. If there is not enough light, the foliage loses its variegation and acquires its usual green color. In summer, you need to place pots with plants in the shade so that bright rays do not burn the foliage. In winter, they can be moved to southern windowsills, since the sun at this time of year is not too active and will not harm the leaves. Required regular watering, since crotons do not tolerate drought well. It is also necessary to protect plants from drafts and temperature changes.