Persimmon king from the seed. How to grow persimmons from seeds and in open ground

Subtropical deciduous crop Persimmons of the Ebony family have many names - wild date, heart fruit, diospyros, date plum. Translated from Latin language persimmon means food of the gods. The plant comes from China. IN industrial scale grown in Japan. Several are especially popular edible varieties- Caucasian, eastern and Virginia persimmon. More than five hundred plant species are known in nature.

Green fruits of persimmon grown in open ground.

IN natural conditions the tree can reach ten meters in height. The fruits weigh about half a kilogram. The yield from one plant is more than 250 kilograms. Breeders have bred several dwarf subspecies of the crop for growing on a windowsill.

Persimmon at home is no different from representatives wildlife according to the composition of nutrients.

Persimmon propagation in a container can be easily done using special self-pollinating varieties - “Khachia”, “Giro” and others.

If you provide proper care for the persimmon, the plant will reach 1.5 meters in height and will bear its first fruits in just a few years.

Watering and soil moisture

Persimmon is a moisture-loving crop. Excessive soil moisture can cause a number of plant diseases. It is enough to water the soil in a circle once every two weeks using a sprayer.

When the fruits appear on the persimmon, you should reduce the amount of watering to once a month. At least once a week it is necessary to spray the leaves of the plant with water containing bioadditives.

Periodic loosening using a small shovel will help improve air access to the soil. It is advisable to spread mulch on top in the form of grass or peat.

Lighting and temperature conditions

In summer, you don’t need to shade the windows, as persimmons can tolerate high temperature and direct sunlight. It is advisable to take the tree to a balcony or open loggia in calm weather. Drafts should also not be allowed in the room.

In winter (from January to early March), artificial lighting should be provided using fluorescent lamps for at least three hours a day. In this way, culture growth can be activated.

Top dressing

Indoor persimmon plants should be fertilized at least twice a month. Complexes of additives for fruit trees are best suited.

  1. Before the warm months arrive, you need to feed persimmons with nitrogen.
  2. Before flower production, it is advisable to add phosphorus compounds.
  3. After the inflorescences wither, potash fertilizers are suitable.


In the spring it is necessary to transplant the tree into a container bigger size. This procedure can be performed as it grows in late February - early March, if the branches of the plant protrude beyond the container by more than 3 centimeters.

A persimmon in a small container needs to be transplanted.

If persimmon grows in open ground, there is no need to change the location. Persimmons are dug up in natural conditions only if the plant is diseased.

How to trim

To form lateral branches on the seedling, you can pinch the plant at a distance of at least thirty centimeters from the soil surface. Any shoots that appear must be removed. It is advisable to leave three upper branches to create a lush crown.

In a similar way, shoots are formed on the second level. The procedure is carried out until the persimmon takes on the appearance of a lush tree.

In autumn, you can prune the crop to create a spherical structure. It is advisable to do this after the leaves have completely fallen. Ideal branch length for indoor growing is about half a meter.

You can use growing persimmons at home to create a dwarf miniature tree. The crop with fruits in a tub looks especially impressive.

Dwarf miniature persimmon.

Growing in open ground

You can also grow persimmons on the site. The main condition for proper cultivation- provide warmth in winter period. This is very difficult to do. In addition, there is a great threat of infection of a tree in the open ground with various pests and diseases.

Growing procedure

When choosing planting material, you should pay attention to the absence of stains, dents and the condition of the persimmon fruit. If the fruit or leaves are covered with rot, the mold cannot be used for propagation. In addition, persimmon seeds obtained from frozen fruits will not be viable. Even a slight decrease in temperature affects the germination of seedlings.

The berry must be fully ripe. You can bring the process to completion using heat - just place the berry next to the radiator. After characteristic cracks appear and the leaves dry, you can remove the seeds and treat them in potassium permanganate for 2 days in a warm place.

If the seeds float in the solution, the seeds, as a rule, will not germinate.

To activate growth, you can use chemical stimulants or aloe juice. The prepared seeds should be placed in a cloth moistened with an activator solution and placed in a bag. The package should be placed in the refrigerator for 2 months at a temperature of +5 degrees.

After 60 days, you should start exposing the seeds to heat. You can place the bones next to a heating device for one week.

Take the advice of experienced gardeners - germination is facilitated by a little filing of the seed on both sides. For this purpose you can use abrasive materials(sandpaper).

To plant persimmons you need:

  1. Place the dried seed in the soil. The depth of the hole should be no more than three centimeters.
  2. The landing container should be selected small.
  3. Before planting, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the soil.
  4. Container for creation greenhouse effect need to be covered with polyethylene or glass.
  5. The pot should be kept in a warm place until the seedlings germinate.
  6. The soil must be ventilated periodically. Two hours daily will be enough.
  7. If after two weeks the first shoots have not appeared, you can discard the seeds and try again.
  8. Sometimes traces of the peel remain on the top of the seedlings. You can remove it with a pin.
  9. It is necessary to transplant the seedlings to suitable container. Untimely transplantation of the sprout will lead to the death of the persimmon.

Step-by-step instructions for planting persimmons can be seen in the video:

Problems and diseases

If the plant has yellow leaves or active growth has stopped, it is necessary to check that there is enough soil in the container.

The main advantage of the plant is that persimmon is rarely affected by pests and diseases. A tree can become infected with the following diseases:

  1. Gray rot. A milky coating on the leaves caused by a fungus can destroy more than 90% of the fruit. Causes the disease wrong temperature regime And high humidity air.
  2. If the branches and leaves wither and the fruits fall off, the reason is Phomopsis. The tree may die. For treatment you need to use a ready-made concentrate (Bordeaux solution).
  3. It is very difficult to cure persimmon from fusarium caused by a fungus. Root rot may spread to the entire plant. As a result, the tree will dry out.

The most common pest that affects persimmons is the scale insect. Inconspicuous insects lead to yellowing of foliage and damage to all parts of the plant. To save the culture, you can use a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Rotting persimmon fruits.

Flowering and fruiting of persimmon

The tree first forms inflorescences no earlier than 5 years later in mid-June. In order for the plant to start producing crops earlier, you can graft persimmon from a fruit-bearing representative of the Ebony family.

If the plant variety does not provide for autogamy (self-pollination), it is necessary to summer period take the tree to an open area for pollination under natural conditions.

Persimmon fruits can cause various allergic reactions:

  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • fainting;
  • low blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fluid in the bronchi.

Individual intolerance can be confused with unpleasant sensations from persimmons. Some varieties contain tannin (tannic acid), which causes decreased salivation and constricts blood vessels. Thus, after eating the fruit, a nasty astringent taste appears. There is no need to give up persimmons. It is enough to try a different type of plant or let the fruit ripen.


There are several ways to grow persimmons:

  • using a bone;
  • grafting from an adult representative of a subtropical plant;
  • from a seedling.

Each method has its own nuances:

  1. For growing persimmons using seeds, a warm microclimate indoors is suitable.
  2. To propagate persimmons using grafting, you will need a sufficiently grown crop. In this way, it is possible to preserve the varietal advantages of the crop from which the scion (part of the fruit-bearing tree) was taken. When grown using seeds, it is impossible to preserve the properties of the subspecies.
  3. For direct planting in open ground, you can use grown seedlings.

Dropping of the ovary may indicate a lack of pollination. If the persimmon variety is a dioecious crop (a group of plants with male and female representatives), it is necessary to combine planting according to a circular principle. Place a male plant in the center, with several female plants around it.

You can determine whether a tree belongs to a genus by the formation of its stalks and stalks. Female plants produce single roots, male ones - in groups.

Where can I buy

Buy quality material possible in garden nurseries and agricultural representative offices. It is not recommended to buy a plant secondhand. You can get a diseased plant or another subspecies.

Persimmon seedlings are sold at different prices depending on the variety:

Processed seeds of the crop can be bought in a package (3 pieces of seeds) for 52 rubles.

Beneficial features

The fruit contains a huge amount of useful substances. The plant is recommended for various purposes:

  1. Increased appetite and performance.
  2. As a sedative.
  3. General strengthening of the immune system.
  4. Preparation of skin masks and shampoos.
  5. For anemia and anemia.
  6. As an adjuvant for the treatment of thyroid diseases.
  7. In the form of an additional vitamin complex for pregnant women.
Home-grown persimmons from seeds bring excellent fruits

Persimmon is one of the favorite delicacies of Russian residents. There is especially a lot of it on the shelves in winter. Few people know why in winter and where they bring it to us from.

Where and how does persimmon grow?

In fact, there is no secret here. This large orange berry began to grow in China. The oldest persimmon trees found there are about 500 years old. Then they began to actively grow it in Japan. And relatively recently (in the nineteenth century) it became popular among us. Now persimmon trees grow in Europe, America, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Persimmon is a relatively small tree and very beautiful in decorative terms, thanks to its bright dark green or red (before falling) leaves. The berries themselves are large and fleshy, with sweet pulp and unforgettable aroma, similar to the smell of apricot.

Trees bloom starting in May. They bear fruit closer to November. That is why persimmons appear on our tables in winter, and in summer it is almost impossible to find them.

Productivity and varieties

The productivity of this plant is very good. From one ordinary wood You can collect about 80 kg of fruit. But the fruiting of some high-yielding varieties reaches more than 250 kilograms.

More than 200 varieties of persimmon are known. There are many different classifications and groups into which they are distinguished. For example, in terms of taste; pollination; productivity; according to early, medium or late ripeness.

For our area, the most popular hybrid varieties are: Korolek, Gora Goverla, Mider, John Rick, Nikitskaya Bordovaya, Rossiyanka, Gora Roman-Kosh and others.

Growing persimmons at home. Proper plant care

Persimmon seeds at home - is it real? Quite. The main thing is to know and adhere to some rules - and then you will definitely succeed.

The most important thing in the process of growing persimmon is to create the right microclimate, since this plant, in principle, is not whimsical, but categorically does not tolerate frost. If you are planning to raise it on personal plot, then when frost approaches, it is better to bring the tree into the house.

So, everything in order:

  1. The first thing you need to do is extract the seeds from the fruit. Wash them thoroughly, dry them and plant them in a suitable pot. If you want the seeds to start growing as soon as possible, spray them with a growth accelerator before planting.
  2. Place the pot with the seeds in a warm place, first wrapping it in cellophane. The first sprout can be seen in a couple of weeks.
  3. When you see a sprout, place the pot on the windowsill. Now the persimmon will begin to grow more confidently and actively.
  4. When the fruit begins to grow out of its pot, you need to replant it immediately. Replanting occurs approximately once a year, in the spring. Mature plant requires this process more often - once every three years.
  5. Regarding circumcision. When the persimmon reaches about 1.5 meters, it is allowed to trim the crown in width and height.
  6. In summer, place your tree in a room where it is warm, light and free from drafts. Do not forget about constant watering and spraying. But do not overdo it - if you receive too much water, the plant may die. In June you will be able to watch your persimmon tree bloom. Now you can start feeding and fertilizing it. It is advisable to do this twice a month with nitrogen-free fertilizers.
  7. For the winter, place the persimmon in a room with a temperature of at least 10 degrees.

Having grown persimmons at home, you can enjoy your first harvest within three years.

Healing properties of persimmon

Growing persimmons, knowing all the secrets of planting and caring for them, will now be easy for you, but do you know all of them? healing properties and how does this wonderful fruit affect your body?

  • One of the main substances contained in persimmons is magnesium. And, as you know, magnesium is indispensable for hypertension.
  • Vitamin PP is excellent for treating depression, with weakened immune system.
  • Carotene strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves vision and skin condition. Carotene is also known as an antioxidant that prevents cancer.
  • Potassium is indispensable for the diet of athletes and improves brain activity. Promotes proper operation all human organs.
  • Glucose and sugar strengthen the heart muscle, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • In addition to these vitamins, persimmon is low in acidity, which is beneficial for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And if you are struggling with varicose veins, bleeding gums, digestive problems, gastrointestinal tract, and liver problems, persimmon is an indispensable product for you.
  • For a cold, dilute persimmon juice in warm water and gargle three times a day - the disease will subside.
  • For diarrhea, take persimmon decoction every four hours.
  • Persimmon is also useful for pregnant women. Including a couple of fruits a day in your diet will boost your immunity.

Persimmon has not only healing properties, but is also quite effectively used in cosmetology, dietetics, and has an anti-cellulite and rejuvenating effect. And the healing properties of dried persimmons are no different from those of fresh ones.


Now you know how persimmon grows. By growing this tasty and healing berry at home, you will provide yourself and your family with vitamins for for a long time. After all, with proper care, the persimmon tree will bear big harvest every year, many, many years in a row

Persimmon is considered a long-living tree. Ebony, wild date, heart fruit, date plum - these are all the names of persimmons that are familiar to us. It would seem that it is impossible to grow a whole tree in a pot at home. But, subject to certain conditions, this is quite possible.

Where and how does persimmon grow?

China is considered to be the country of origin of persimmon. This fruit was brought to us at the beginning of the 19th century and gradually gained popularity due to its taste. Now persimmon grows almost everywhere, with the exception of Africa and South America. In our country, persimmon trees can be found in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Persimmon leaves are large and rich green in color. Before falling, the foliage turns red. For this reason, persimmon trees are valued as ornamental.

The fruits are large, dense, from light yellow to dark orange. They have a pronounced taste and aroma. Depending on ripeness, they may be slightly tart.

Persimmons begin flowering in May and can be harvested in November. Therefore, persimmons appear on sale only in winter.

Productivity and varieties

There are many varieties of persimmon, more than two hundred. They are divided into several groups according to indicators:

  • Ripeness – early, middle and late.
  • Productivity.
  • Taste qualities.
  • Pollination method.

The following varieties are especially popular in our country:

  • Star.
  • Hyakume.
  • Hoverla.
  • Virginskaya.
  • Russian.
  • Nikitskaya Burgundy.
  • Mid.

The productivity of persimmon is very high. On average, one tree bears 70 kg of fruit. There are known cases when more than 250 kg were collected from trees of high-yielding varieties.

How to get planting material

Growing persimmons at home is not difficult. First of all you need to get planting material. To do this, you should carefully select the fruits. Persimmons should be fully ripe, not hard, and uniform in color. You should make sure that there are no holes or dents in the skin.

If the purchased fruits turn out to be unripe, they can be sent to ripen in a cool, dark place. After a few days, the persimmon should “reach” the desired degree of ripeness.

The most pleasant moment is to extract the seeds. When the persimmons are eaten, leave the seeds. Or, if desired, just carefully cut, being careful not to damage the seeds.

Preparing for landing

The seeds are thoroughly washed and soaked in a weak solution of manganese for 24 hours. This is done to prevent the occurrence of pathogenic microflora, which can spoil the seeds. Seeds that float during soaking are not suitable for germination and should be discarded.

Persimmon seeds have a dense shell, which will be difficult for shoots to “break through”. To make the process easier, the hard edges of the seeds need to be sanded.

Growth accelerators will help the seeds germinate faster. You can use store-bought products or freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves.

The treated seeds are placed on wet gauze and covered with film. Now all that remains is to wait for the first shoots. The process may take several weeks. All this time you need to make sure that the gauze is damp, moistening it with water from time to time.

The hatched seeds are planted in a sand-peat mixture to a depth of no more than two centimeters. Cover the pot with film and wait for the sprouts to appear. At intervals of a day or two, the film is removed for ventilation, and the soil is sprayed with water to prevent it from drying out.


When the first shoots with leaves appear, you can start planting persimmons in separate containers. You should carefully remove the plants without damaging the fragile roots and plant them in a pot so that the roots occupy 2/3 of the total volume. If there is too much soil under the roots, rot may appear.

At first, young shoots should be covered, imitating a greenhouse. For this purpose, you can take any jar of suitable size. Remove it periodically, each time increasing the time so that the plant adapts to the environment.

Adult persimmons are transplanted at intervals of 3 to 4 years.

How to get fruit from home-grown persimmons

In order for homemade persimmons to bear fruit, you need to provide good care. Persimmon loves water, must be present abundant watering. To get the first fruits faster, you should get grafted. Fertilizers are an integral part of persimmon care. Additives can be bought in the store or added to the water for irrigation, aloe juice and the water in which the eggs were boiled.

The soil in the flowerpot is mulched with sawdust to avoid drying out. In the warm season, it is advisable to add lighting by shining fluorescent lamps on the persimmon.

Plant Formation

For aesthetic appearance the crown of the plant should be formed. The round shape looks more advantageous. At the selected height, pinning is done. For the appearance of new branches and the formation of the crown, the branches on the sides are limited in growth.

Pruning and temperature conditions

You can trim a tree in height and width only when the plant reaches a height of one and a half meters.

The climate favorable for persimmon is tropical. The room should be light, warm and have a sufficient level of humidity. To do this, persimmons need to be periodically sprayed with water. The plant can only be taken outside during the warm season. And plant in open ground only on the condition that the tree will be provided with a warm winter. But this does not guarantee that the persimmon will survive the winter without loss.

If all conditions are met, the first fruits will appear in about three years. Sometimes this process takes longer, up to seven years. It all depends on the variety of persimmon, care and microclimate.

Plant care

In order for persimmons to bear fruit at home, you need to create certain conditions for it. The main rule is alternating periods of rest and stress. It is in this way that trees are forced to bear fruit in an environment uncharacteristic for their habitat.

The amount of fertilizer applied should be limited to avoid excessive growth of the persimmon crown. Care should be taken to ensure that the tree is not exposed to drafts; they are destructive to young persimmons. Balance in care will be added by illumination using fluorescent lamps.


An important factor proper care behind the young tree - watering. If the plant is in a bright, dry room, its leaves may wilt from lack of moisture. Watering should be carried out regularly, with non-cold water (the water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer). But moderation is important in everything. If there is too much water, the plant's roots will begin to rot. It is advisable to irrigate persimmons every day with water from a sprinkler; watering alone is not enough. During hot periods, spraying is carried out several times a day. Since persimmon loves tropical climates, you can increase the level natural humidity indoors, placing a container of water next to the pot.

Top dressing

Both general mineral fertilizers and special fertilizers for deciduous, decorative, indoor plants. Fertilizers are applied twice a month, and from the end of summer once a month (until spring). This feeding regime should be maintained until the first fruits are obtained. When the tree has matured, the “feeding” mode changes slightly. Now nitrogen fertilizers are applied before summer, phosphorus fertilizers are applied during the flowering period and the first time after, and potassium fertilizers are applied during the rest of the period.

Winter storage

With the onset of winter, persimmons should be moved to a cool place; the room temperature can reach +10 degrees or a little warmer. The amount of watering should be reduced. Sometimes during wintering, persimmons lose leaves; this is a natural process and you should not be afraid of it. New leaves will appear as the weather warms up.

Myths about home-grown persimmons

The main myth about home growing persimmon is the difficulty of germinating seeds. Yes, if the persimmon seeds are not processed and simply stuck into the ground, the result will be disastrous. After preparation, seed germination is 70–80% even for inexperienced gardeners.

The next myth is unsuitable climate. There are cases where persimmon trees grew safely and bore fruit even in regions with long frosty winters. In this case you need to choose frost-resistant varieties persimmons

And the last myth - persimmon requires complex system fertilizers This is absolutely not true. Like any plant, persimmon will not tolerate an excess of minerals. In this case, it is better to feed less than to overdo it.

The process of growing persimmons at home is completely simple and does not require significant time investment. Even a child can cope with this task.

Ebony tree is a long-liver, persimmon, and has other names - date plum, wild date, heart fruit. Can persimmons from seeds be grown in pots? At home, growing exotic plants is possible, but requires compliance with a number of conditions. The tropical plant requires a special microclimate throughout the year. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves, requires rest and low temperature. Fruit home tree useful. Self-pollinating varieties Khachia and Jiro - to help the gardener.

How can I get planting material?

More often, persimmons are grown from seeds at home. It is important to choose fruit from a self-pollinating variety. The berry must be ripe, without damage. You cannot take frozen fruit; the seeds are no longer viable. If there are leaves with mold next to the fruit, you should discard the seed. To keep the persimmon warm, you can hold it near a radiator.

The removed seeds should be kept for 2 days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Only sunken seeds are suitable for sowing. Next, treat the seeds with a growth stimulator, stratify them for 2 months at +5 0 C, then keep them near a heating radiator for a week. Trim the seeds before sowing sandpaper tough ribs.

At the same time, you can sow a persimmon seed simply:

  • eat the fruit and remove the seeds;
  • immediately plant to a depth of 1.5 cm in a pot with loose soil, cover, place in a warm place;
  • Irrigate the surface from time to time, ventilate, the sprout should appear within two weeks.

You can buy a ready-grown seedling in a nursery, it will not be cheap. You can graft your own seedling against fruit-bearing domestic trees.

Requirements for sowing persimmons, caring for seedlings

The soil for sowing seeds should be light and thin. A mixture of sand and equal parts is suitable. At home, persimmons are sprouted from seeds in a small container, covered from above to prevent evaporation. You cannot use a battery as a heat source - the earth will dry out quickly. We need to build a mini-greenhouse. It is difficult for the seedlings to be freed from the halves of the seeds; you should help by moistening them with a spray bottle and placing the pot in a polyethylene shell overnight. As soon as the seedlings produce their first true leaves, they need to be planted, or one, most powerful seedling should be left. Transfer the plant to the prepared soil:

  • meadow humus;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

To give the composition useful properties You can add EM-1 Baikal to it, but only 2 weeks before planting.

At home, growing persimmons from seeds without transplanting can take up to 3 months. The seedling grows quickly, filling a small container with roots. Each next pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. This is no longer possible - the free soil will turn sour. From the moment the lateral branches form, the tree should be pinched so that the branches bush and the crown turns out to be spherical.

How to grow a persimmon from a seed ornamental plant available from any fruit. But you can only get a harvest from a grafted plant. Persimmon is grafted with a small cutting from a fruit-bearing self-fertile tree. Such a scion can be taken from a botanical garden, a nursery, or from good friends. It is important that the tree is healthy. If you graft on an annual seedling, fruiting can be expected after 5 years.

Agricultural technology for homemade tomato tree - persimmon

Growing persimmons at home involves creating “tropical” conditions for the plant. It means:

  1. A potted plant needs a lot of diffused light, in spring and autumn with additional illumination for 2-3 hours. Persimmon does not tolerate direct sunlight; on a clear summer day, the window should be covered with gauze.
  2. In summer, the plant loves fresh air, but without wind, shaded.
  3. You need to water the tree in small portions, without creating stagnation and dirt in the box.
  4. Daily spraying of the leaves is mandatory.
  5. During the rest period, the tree sheds its leaves and can be stored at temperatures down to – 15 0. Usually +5 -10 degrees in a dark underground is enough, with periodic moistening of the earth clod.
  6. During the growing season, moderate fertilizing, replanting or updating the top layer of the substrate are required.

Caring for persimmon seeds at home to obtain a fruit-bearing tree is associated with maintaining a balance of stressful conditions with favorable ones. This is how trees are forced to bear fruit in unusual conditions. Limited doses of fertilizers do not allow the vegetative mass to grow, otherwise the roots will not cope. But the absence of a draft is comfortable for persimmons. Regular formation of the crown restrains the growth of the above-ground part and helps the roots.

How to water persimmons is a special science. If the tree is in a bright room with a high temperature, the leaves dry out. Water the plant warm water it is necessary more often, but do not create dirt in which there is no air, the roots suffocate. Moderation is needed in everything. Watering cannot replace daily spraying and creating fog in the crown. Spraying on the leaves is carried out several times a day in hot weather. To increase humidity, place an aquarium, saucer or tray with pebbles and wet moss nearby.

How to grow persimmons from seeds - video in 3 parts

In winter, the shelves of shops and supermarkets are full of orange: oranges, tangerines and, of course, soft and juicy persimmons. This fruit came to Russian and European tables quite recently - only 100 years ago. Until this time, he was “hiding” in his homeland - China and Japan. Persimmon - heat-loving crop, so it is not often found in our gardens. However, persimmons can be grown at home in a city apartment. To do this, you will need fruit seeds and a little knowledge about the features of caring for this tree.

Types of persimmons

Persimmon is rare in domestic gardens. It is grown in the south: Krasnodar region, Caucasus, Crimea. Therefore, in other parts of the country this tree can only be grown at home. Both on the street and under the roof of a house, persimmons look very decorative. This is a small tree with dark green leaves, which turn red over time, and large, fleshy fruits with a bright and rich aroma.

Persimmons begin to bloom in May. But ripe fruits from the tree can only be collected at the end of autumn. That's why they go on sale in winter.

There are 5 generally recognized varieties of persimmon, which differ primarily in their fruits:

  1. Tamopan is the variety with the most big fruits, which can weigh up to ½ kg. Most often they have a dent strip in the middle.
  2. Khachia or Bull's Heart - the fruits of this variety reach a weight of 300 g. They are shaped like a cone, and when fully ripe they are filled with 18% sugar.
  3. Hiakume or Kinglet - this type of persimmon is particularly fertile and popular among gourmets. When ripe, they acquire a brownish tint and a honey taste - up to 17% sugar.
  4. Zenji or Chocolate King - the fruits of this variety are small, in comparison with other types - no more than 100 g. The prefix "chocolate" variety was given for the corresponding color of the pulp. Its advantage is that the fruits can be eaten while still hard.
  5. Jiro is another variety whose fruit can be eaten unripe. But they are less sweet, their sugar content does not exceed 13%.

2 ways to germinate persimmon seeds

Persimmons are propagated only with the help of fruit seeds. There are 2 planting methods: more difficult and easier. The first requires more effort, but also provides more guarantees for a positive result.

  • Eat ripe fruit. Wash the seed and leave it to dry.
  • Wet a small piece of gauze and wrap the bone in it.
  • Place the wrapped bone in a plastic bag and tie it, puncturing it to allow oxygen to enter.
  • Place the package near a working battery, heater or other warm place.
  • Once every 3 days, open the package and check for mold.
  • After 2 weeks the sprout should hatch. Otherwise, you can throw away this bone and start the procedure from the beginning.

The second instruction is even simpler and easier.

  • Prepare the bone as in the previous case.
  • Prepare a small a plastic cup, make holes in the bottom.
  • Take neutral soil, moisten it, loosen it and fill the glass.
  • Place the seed in the ground to a depth of 2 cm.
  • Cover the glass with film and place in a warm place.
  • When a sprout appears, it needs to be helped to get rid of the top film using thin tweezers.

To have a greater chance of getting sprouts, you need to plant several grains at the same time in different glasses.

Advice. Those who have great experience When planting trees, it is recommended to sand the seed before planting.

Rules for caring for a home tree

Persimmon is an Asian plant, so it loves 3 things: warmth, light, moisture. And it needs to be grown taking this feature into account.

The first thing you need to do is determine the place in the house where the tub with the tree will stand. There should be good lighting there. But direct sunlight can burn the leaves; this also needs to be taken into account and artificial light sources must be organized. They are turned on in the morning and evening for 2 hours.

In summer it is useful to let the plant breathe fresh air- take it to the threshold or at least to the balcony. In the first week - for 1-2 hours. When the plant gets used to it - for the whole day. The tree must be protected from drafts.

For the winter, after the tree stops bearing fruit, the persimmon is moved to rest in a room with a temperature of 3-5°C. This could be a cellar or attic, but you just need to remember about lighting, otherwise the plant will quickly die.

Watering for a persimmon tree needs moderate: do not overwater, do not allow the soil to dry out. Be sure to organize drainage for the pot so that excess water dripped into the stand. Additionally, the leaves are sprayed with water at 50-60°C.

Young seedlings need to be fed once every 2 weeks. For this purpose, a mineral complex is used and organic fertilizers. They alternate. When the plant comes into force, it is fertilized only during the growing season.

So that the plant has decorative look, it must be carefully trimmed. This is done when the tree reaches 30-40 cm in height. young tree replanted once a year, after 5 years - once every 2 years.

Attention! A large pot for this plant is a big danger. The thing is that root-free soil can easily oxidize and lead to rotting of the root system.

The benefits of “food of the gods”

The benefits of persimmons are hard to overestimate. Its rich composition treats the most common diseases of a resident of a modern metropolis:

  • magnesium - for hypertension;
  • vitamins C and PP - against depression and low immunity;
  • carotene - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, skin condition, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • potassium and glucose - improves brain activity;
  • iodine - for the thyroid gland.

Persimmon is also useful for colds, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and during pregnancy.

You need to limit your persimmon consumption postoperative period, as well as those who suffer from constipation and diabetes.

Advice. Children often refuse persimmons because of their “knitting” properties in the mouth. Adults may not like it either. To get rid of the tannic effect, this fruit needs to be frozen in the freezer and allowed to thaw or immersed in cool water for several hours.

It can be difficult for someone who has no experience to grow persimmons at home the first time. If the rules of care are not followed, the tree may die. But this is not a reason to be upset. Experienced gardeners claim that a properly grown tree at home will bring a rich harvest for many years in a row.

How to grow persimmons from seeds: video

Growing persimmons: photo