Orchid: how to grow a luxurious flower from the tropics with your own hands. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Growing orchids at home is possible if you follow a number of rules, since this flower needs careful care. It is important to choose the right pot and soil, place the plant so that diffused light falls on it, and provide the necessary temperature regime for the birth of children - above 25 degrees Celsius.

Of all the orchid varieties, phalaenopsis is the easiest to grow at home.

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    Selection of pot and substrate

    Transparent plastic is the most suitable material for the pot in which the orchid will grow. It should have small holes on the sides and bottom. An additional advantage would be the presence of small feet at the bottom of the pot: this provides additional air access to the roots. Some types of orchids grow well in hanging baskets.

    IN wildlife the flower is located on a tree, so the soil is not suitable for growing orchids at home. Instead, special substrates are used. They include: sphagnum moss, high-moor peat, pine bark, charcoal and additional components. Ready-made mixtures can be found in stores. Volume charcoal in the substrate should be less than 5%, because it accumulates salts that negatively affect the growth of the flower. The substrate does not need to be compacted; it should lie freely in the pot so that the plant can be easily removed.

    Location and temperature

    It is advisable to place the orchid pot near the window, but avoid drafts. When choosing suitable place for a flower, you need to consider the following features:

    • there should be a lot of diffused light;
    • lighting - side.

    Yellowing of the root system and whitening of the leaves is a signal of insufficient light. In spring, the plant cannot adapt immediately, so it needs to be temporarily shaded.

    Orchid loves warmth very much. The room must be at least 15 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plant will freeze. It is necessary to take into account the fact that at 25 degrees and above, babies appear on the flower. They look like small shoots with roots and leaves at the base of the roots or on the peduncle.

    In summer, you can take the plants out into the fresh air: a covered balcony or veranda is suitable. Taking the orchid “for a walk” better in the morning or in the evening: she does not like direct sunlight.

    How to water orchids

    Orchids are always watered along the top of the substrate. Water should pass freely through the soil as if through a sieve. Thanks to this, the soil is enriched with oxygen. In the warm season - once a week. In winter, once every two weeks is enough.

    Moisturizing methods:

    • Abundant watering. It is better to do this along the edge of the pot so that water does not get into the base of the leaves. Excess liquid will come out through the holes;
    • Immerse the orchid pot in a container of water for half an hour - the water level should coincide with its edges. After the time has passed, you need to take out the plant and let it excess water drain. Do not allow liquid to stagnate in the pot - this will cause rotting and deterioration of the substrate;
    • Spraying the plant with a spray bottle. Moisture should not get on the inflorescences, otherwise spots will appear on them or they will wither.

    Water is suitable for irrigation room temperature or warmer. Before doing this, it is advisable to infuse the liquid for at least a day. Hard water must first be boiled and then allowed to stand.

    Sometimes orchids can be watered with a small amount of diluted citric acid or vinegar.

    How to replant

    Reasons for replanting an orchid:

    • the roots darken and become thinner;
    • the color of the leaves loses saturation;
    • the substrate settles and forms lumps;
    • unpleasant smell.

    The plant does not need to be replanted more often than once every two years. Optimal time- spring and early summer. A new orchid pot should not be too loose.

    Orchid transplantation consists of the following steps:

    • water the plant generously a day before the scheduled event;
    • carefully remove from the pot;
    • put in water so that the substrate soaks and moves away from the roots;
    • carefully cut off rotten and spoiled roots, treat fresh cuts with activated carbon;
    • place the plant in a pot and add fresh substrate;
    • Water no earlier than after 1-2 days.

    An orchid that is in bloom or in the process of resuming root growth after winter should not be replanted. During this period, the tips of the plant acquire a bright green hue.

    Orchid care after flowering

    When the orchid has faded, it is necessary to cut off the peduncle. There are two main methods: cutting the stem immediately after flowering and after it dries. In the second case, the next bloom will occur faster.

    You can cut off the faded stem with a knife, scissors or pruning shears. The tool should be disinfected with a chlorine solution.

    It is important to remember that the peduncle is removed only after complete wilting. This is indicated by a yellow, less often, purple or brown color.

    The stem is not completely removed - a shoot of about 1 cm is left. Since the core at the cut site may be hollow, in the future it is necessary to ensure that when watering the flower no water gets into it, otherwise the plant will rot. To treat and seal the “wound” you can use beeswax. If there are “dormant” buds, the cut is made 1.5 cm above the bud itself.

    After flowering, feeding the orchid should be slightly reduced.

    Orchid propagation

    Basic breeding methods:

    1. 1. By division. First you need to remove the flower from the pot, soak it, and then cut it into two parts. This is done with a sharp knife, which is first disinfected or calcined in the fire. The place where the cut was made should be sprinkled with activated carbon.
    2. 2. Cuttings. This method is recommended for orchids that rise quickly and have only one apical growth point. IN in this case Young shoots are used, which are cut off at the base of leaf growth. The knife must be previously disinfected. The stems are divided into pieces of 20 cm, fresh cuts are processed using activated carbon and dry in the fresh air for at least a day. The cuttings need to be moistened the day before planting. At the first stage, it is necessary to obtain the roots and leaves of the future plant. To do this, fill a pot or other container with a light substrate, place the prepared cutting on it horizontally and cover the container with film. The result is something like a greenhouse. You can plant the cuttings after leaves and roots appear on it.
    3. 3. Children. This method is most suitable for replanting at home. Babies are formed on shoots at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius. The degree of warmth must be maintained by increasing the humidity level. After the baby gets a little stronger, it is cut off and transplanted into a pot.
    4. 4. Bending down. The shoot is carefully bent into another pot and sprinkled with substrate. Prune it after it takes root.
    5. 5. Seeds. A rather labor-intensive process that is almost impossible to perform at home. Requires sterile conditions and special temperature conditions.

Watching television programs about tropical flora, we are always surprised by the riot of colors and shapes of plants growing in those latitudes. Did you know that there are many plants from tropical latitudes that can be quite successfully kept at home, and they will delight you no less than those on the TV screen? In order to prove this, let’s take, for example, an orchid, a flower that amazes with its originality and at the same time ease of cultivation.

Although they are considered capricious plants, many flower lovers, both professionals and amateurs, These grow on windowsills without any difficulty. To successfully grow orchids at home, you need to initially prepare well, and then everything will go as planned and will be simple and easy. It is necessary to prepare several things: soil, containers for the flower, fertilizers. Most flower shops have all this in abundance. You also need to study information about watering, lighting, and replanting. It is not necessary to go into detail, but general information needs to be studied.

What should the lighting be like?

What always attracts us in any flowers is, of course, the bloom itself. So how to grow an orchid at home, and even so that it blooms? For this it is necessary a large number of Sveta. Moreover, lighting plays a major role here. The most important thing is to find golden mean, because if there is too much light, the flower will just burn, and if there is a lack of light, the plant will not bloom at all. The question immediately arises: how to determine this golden mean. Here the flower itself will tell you. If there is not enough light, the leaves will be dark green (should be light), and if there is too much light, the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Features of watering plants

Along with lighting, watering is also important. In nature, orchids never grow in water; their roots cannot tolerate excess moisture and standing water, so extreme care must be taken with watering. The frequency of watering is influenced by factors:

  • length of daylight hours;
  • the size of the container in which the plant is located;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • other external factors, such as air dryness and ambient temperature.

The plant will immediately respond to a lack of moisture dark green leaves, and for waterlogging yellow leaves and rotten roots.

Frequent watering is required only during rapid growth or flowering. Watering must be done in the following way. It is necessary to water the plant in the shower with warm water so that the soil is completely wet and the water completely flows out through the drainage holes. Only after the water has completely drained can the plant be placed back in the pot.

Selection of soil and container

The choice of pot is very important for the favorable growth of the flower. Mainly used:

  • transparent plastic containers;
  • clay pots;
  • baskets.

Some types of orchids from the epiphyte family are planted on a block. The block can be a piece of bark, and to prevent the roots from drying out, moss is used to retain moisture. They mostly sit on the block miniature species or seedlings.

Now let's look at the soil. The selection of substrate depends on what kind of variety you want to grow. If it is an orchid from the epiphyte family, then the soil will mainly play the role of supporting the plant in an upright position, protecting the roots from excess moisture and providing them with the right amount of air. The substrate should consist of pieces of tree bark, coal, cork, moss, clay in granules and absolutely no garden soil, in general, from those components that do not retain moisture. It's also possible adding coarse sand.

Any container that can hold the substrate of the required composition is suitable as a flower pot. To grow terrestrial species, we need a substrate of the same composition as for epiphytes, but with the addition of a small amount of garden soil and dried leaves. All components must be well ground. It is best to use plastic transparent containers with drainage as a pot. To hide the untidiness of the containers, you can always put the flower in a decorative flowerpot. It is both beautiful and practical.

For beginners, we can recommend buying ready-made soil in stores rather than preparing it yourself. Sometimes they even write on the packaging what type of substrate this or that substrate is for. After receiving certain experience, you can try to prepare soil for terrestrial orchids yourself from a soil mixture for epiphytes, moss and garden soil.

Optimal temperature for the plant

Most plants require daytime temperatures from +18 to +27 degrees, and at night from +13 to +24 degrees. One of the most important conditions for flowering is the difference between night and day temperatures. At central heating Moving a warm-accustomed plant to a cooler location overnight can produce good results. The plant may send out a flower stalk. Orchids prefer air humidity of 60–80%.

If these indicators are lower, then they can be achieved by placing a tray with a grate under the pot. Such pallets can be purchased either at gardening stores, or you can make them yourself by pouring water into the bottom and laying a large layer of gravel on top. The main thing is to ensure that the roots do not touch the water.

In dry weather, spraying with a spray bottle will be useful. You just have to time it so that the plant has time to dry out before nightfall. Plants are very air movement is also important. Especially for cold-loving species. You can use an electric fan for this. But it is worth protecting the plant from strong drafts. While blowing on the plant, it is worth increasing the frequency of watering the flower.

Fertilizer selection

For abundant flowering Regular, balanced feeding is required. It is best to do it once every two weeks. It is best to use specialized fertilizers for orchids, which can always be purchased at flower shops. The rules for preparing fertilizer are usually written on the packaging.

Under no circumstances should you use fertilizers that are intended for other plants. This can lead to illness or even death of the flower. It is also worth remembering that during the rest period you should reduce the frequency of fertilizing. Sooner or later, the plant will need to be replanted new pot. It is best to do this after the plant has flowered and rested a little. The signal for this is that it has grown beyond the limits of the pot. green part plants. It is important to remember that there is no need to transplant if root system just protruded above the surface of the container.

Not everyone decides to propagate orchids at home, as this is associated with a number of difficulties. There are two ways to propagate a flower: division during transplantation and seeds. Propagation by seeds is considered impossible, since the plants have pollen-sized seeds and require absolutely sterile conditions for germination, since even the slightest microbes can destroy them. Therefore, if you don’t have a mini-laboratory at home, then you shouldn’t try. Reproduction by division is also difficult, but still quite possible. And if a new plant develops a system of roots and leaves, then within a year it will delight you with flowers and become wonderful decoration your house.

Apartments, offices, balconies and greenhouses are places that deserve the presence of elegant floral decorations that add freshness, brightness and taste to the atmosphere. Undoubtedly, all representatives of the orchid family, without exception, are such decorations. Today we will reveal some secrets of growing orchids.

Species suitable for cultivation

Unfortunately, not all species of this family are suitable for cultivation at home, being gentle and sensitive to climatic zone cultivation, which plays a vital role when choosing a pet. Therefore, from the whole variety of orchids, it is worth choosing those whose cultivation will not be associated with special conditions, the creation of which is simply impossible at home.

One of best views– Phalaenopsis. It blooms for a long time and beautifully, for which it is highly valued by gardeners. It pleases with a variety of shades and fits well into the interior of apartments.

Also good choice will be known for its aerial roots, whose large flowers become increasingly brighter in color over time, Dendrobium, pleasing the eye with monthly flowering, Zygopelatum, striking with its multicolored petals and exquisite aroma.

Growing methods

The methods of growing orchids are very diverse, but each of them is unique in its details and stages. Secrets are revealed before the eyes of professional gardeners, amateurs and beauty connoisseurs life cycles favorite plant. Let's look at some of them.

Important! The seeds are planted in sealed jars and they germinate only after 9 months.


There are many ways to propagate indoor flowers. Most suitable way for orchids - this is cuttings.

To achieve positive result, you need to bring the flower into comparative balance. For example, after the end of the flowering phase, you can quarantine (about 30 days), observing stable temperature and light conditions. Then, using a sterile instrument, cut the shoot up to 15 centimeters in length and lay it on the substrate. An excellent solution would be to create greenhouse conditions.

Such conditions are easily created with help plastic container and cling film, of course, at a constant temperature of at least 25 degrees, after the roots appear, the sprouts can be transplanted into a pot. It is also important to comply with the drainage height conditions to allow for aeration and removal of excess moisture.

In this article we described how to grow an orchid at home. Detailed information on each type can be found in separate articles.

Phalaenopsis will become a real decoration for the home. Growing orchids at home is carried out according to specific rules, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

You can grow orchids at home in a wide variety of ways. However, it is important to choose the right variety so as not to have problems with caring for the flower in the future. After all, each type of plant has its own set of requirements for growing conditions. If everything is organized correctly, then the flower pot will be simple.

The following varieties are suitable for growing orchids at home:

  • Phalaenopsis. It is Phalaenopsis that is grown at home more often than other plant species. This flower is different long flowering, and its flowers can have a wide variety of colors. Even a beginner can grow any phalaenopsis at home;
  • Dendrobium. Orchids of this species grow in cool conditions. Flowering duration is more than one month;
  • Cattleya. Growing conditions for this variety require the creation of a warm, but not hot microclimate. The formation of rather large flowers is characteristic;
  • Wanda. This heat-loving plant, which has a powerful root system. As they develop, the flowers become brighter;
  • Zygopetalum. This variety is characterized by the formation of fragrant inflorescences.

There should be no problems with the orchids listed above growing at home. However, in order to achieve long-lasting flowering from them, you need to know the types of orchids and the secrets of growing each individual variety.

Soil and container

To understand how to grow your favorite orchid in a home or apartment, you need to know the specifics of choosing a container and soil for planting a flower.

Plants are grown in a pot that must meet the following requirements:

  • able to support the flower in an upright position;
  • provides access to the roots of oxygen and moisture;
  • promotes effective drying of the substrate.

Have the necessary characteristics plastic pots, wire pots and nets. The Phalaenopsis orchid and its other varieties are most often planted in pots with transparent walls so that the roots can participate in the process of photosynthesis.

In order to grow orchids at home, you need to choose the right one. These indoor flowers are planted on a special substrate, which contains no soil at all. It may include the following components:

  • pine bark;
  • peat;
  • fern;
  • charcoal;
  • leaf soil;
  • pine bark;
  • sphagnum.

The ratio of substrate components is determined depending on what type of plant is planned to be grown in houses or apartments. You can prepare the substrate yourself. But many gardeners go to specialized stores to buy soil. There, the seller will tell you how to grow 100 or more specimens from one orchid by purchasing just one flower. To do this, you just need to know how to grow this or that orchid.

Comfortable conditions

Caring for Phalaenopsis at home requires observing certain parameters of temperature, humidity and light. Let us consider in more detail what care and what parameters should be observed when growing these flowers. The secrets of growing orchids will be available to you too.

Lighting and temperature

Phalaenopsis loves partial shade. When placing flower pot on the windowsill, avoid direct sunlight. Allowed artificial lighting for orchids. To do this, you can use special phytolamps, which are designed for additional illumination. indoor plants. This lamp for indoor orchids is sold in specialized stores.

Additional lighting should give White light. This is the kind of light that is necessary for the indoor variety to grow and bloom. Backlighting is often used in winter period when daylight hours are shortest. In the cold season, flowers should be illuminated for at least 12 hours. To do this, a phytolamp for indoor orchids is placed above the pot.

In addition to the light regime, a certain temperature is needed for orchids. These indoor plants are characterized by better tolerance to elevated temperatures. Optimal temperature the color content is in the range of +28–30 degrees.

For any gardener who has grown Phalaenopsis at home, it will be useful to know that to stimulate flowering the plant should be kept for several weeks at a temperature of +12–15 degrees.


An important point on how to grow orchids in an apartment is compliance water regime. Watering the flower is carried out only when the substrate dries. Regarding how to correctly determine the degree of dryness of the substrate, there are several ways (poking the soil with a finger or a stick, etc.). The plant should be watered only with settled warm water.


These plants should grow at 60-80% humidity. In order to achieve this level, the plant is periodically sprayed with water and also ventilated. Ventilation is important for cold-hardy varieties.

You can find out how to care for a specific species from the seller, who will tell you all the intricacies of its breeding. Experienced flower growers can also give advice on breeding.

Pests and diseases

These indoor flowers most often affect the following ailments:

  • anthracnose The appearance of brown spots is characteristic;
  • powdery mildew. A white coating forms on the flower.

How to grow Phalaenopsis without diseases and pests? You just need to properly organize care for the plant. This is easy to do, because you only need to create the correct water and temperature conditions, as well as lighting.

Secrets of transplantation

Repotting should be done in spring or summer. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  • the plant is well watered during the day;
  • then the flower is taken out of the pot and placed in water to soak from the roots of the substrate;
  • then all rotten roots are removed;
  • the plant is placed in a selected pot and covered with new soil;
  • After 1–2 days, watering is carried out.

The secret of successful flower transplantation lies in the fulfillment of these points.

Now you know the secrets of growing and caring for indoor orchids.

Video “Growing orchids at home”

From this video you will learn how to grow a blooming orchid at home.

Phalaenopsis orchid

An orchid, like a real aristocrat, is fragile and hardy. She will endure drought, starvation, and lack of attention with dignity and a flourishing appearance. But from too much care it can wither away. What should be the components of caring for an orchid at home in order to create a comfortable environment for it? Difficulties in growing for beginners are due to ignorance of the character traits of an exotic guest.

5 main principles of life

The first experience of growing exotic flowers indoors was negative - they tried to breed them in the same way as terrestrial representatives of the flora. Only after understanding biological features epiphytic lifestyle, florists managed to tame unusual plant, learned to properly care for them.

To understand how to care for an orchid at home, let’s look at the principles of the plant’s life in its natural habitat.

  • Intense diffused lighting is the main factor in keeping orchid plants. Judging by the photos of epiphytes in nature, they strive for the sun all their lives, climbing tree trunks, but do not come into contact with direct rays. Foliage diffuses light and protects the plant from scorching influences.
  • The difference between day and night temperatures is necessary to start photosynthesis. If in plants of temperate latitudes gas exchange occurs during the day, then in orchids it occurs at night. This defense mechanism, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture. The leaves will begin to absorb carbon dioxide, necessary for photosynthesis, only by feeling that the air has become cooler.
  • Epiphytes do not need soil, but they do need a lot of air. The covering tissue of the root (velamen) resembles a sponge. It cannot stop absorbing moisture on its own, so to prevent rotting processes from starting, it needs constant ventilation.
  • High air humidity compensates for the lack of a stable source of moisture. In an apartment, the substrate plays the role of storage. The change of seasons from heavy rains to a hot period taught orchids to accumulate moisture (fleshy leaves, stems, pseudobulbs, covering tissues of roots).
  • Indoor culture is “programmed” to alternate watering with periods of drying. A slight “drought” stimulates flowering. Before flowering, it is recommended to take care of the orchid so that it believes that the rainy season is over and the insects necessary for pollinating the flowers have appeared.

Advice! As soon as buds have formed on the peduncle, it is advisable not to change the location of the pot in relation to the light. Otherwise, this will lead to a shortening of the flowering period and premature dropping of flowers.

Taking these factors into account makes it possible to optimize the conditions for growing orchids and bring them closer to natural environment growth, compensate for some things due to the adaptive abilities of the plant. The components of comfortable content can be roughly combined into three blocks:

  • growing conditions
  • ensuring vital functions (watering, fertilizing, transplanting)
  • taking into account species characteristics

The solution to the problem of how to effectively care for an orchid and achieve bright and long-lasting flowering begins with the new settlers being settled and equipped.


Light is needed diffused, with moderate intensity. Excess sun leads to overheating of the roots and burns on the leaves. Even more destructive is its deficiency - the orchid stops growing, withers, and does not bloom. How to choose the right place?


  • Windows with southern and southeastern exposure provide a lot of light, especially in summer. If there is no other option, an orchid in a pot will feel more comfortable at some distance from the south window. To shade the glass, use parchment paper; the shadow will be created by tulle. Lovers of bright lighting will like it here - Vanda, Cymbidium, Dendrobium. If you care for them properly, you can leave them next to south-facing windows during the summer.
  • West and southwest windows – the best option for many orchid species. The sun comes here in the afternoon, when its rays are more gentle.
  • The north side is too dark. In order for the plant to develop on northern windows, lighting will be useful. fluorescent lamp. The exception is the shade-tolerant Cambria, some species of Paphiopedilum, Masdevalia.


The temperature range at which orchids feel comfortable is 18–27⁰ C during the day, 13–24⁰ C at night. How to care for orchids, taking into account the species' tolerance to low or high temperatures?

  • The group of heat-loving flowers that tolerate heat up to 35⁰C and are not so susceptible to the lack of fluctuations in day and night temperatures includes Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, dwarf Vanda, Paphiopedilum.
  • The beautiful Cattleya, whose photo is mesmerizing, Cymbidium, Odontoglossum love moderate temperatures, not exceeding 22⁰ C during the day, and 15–16⁰ C at night.
  • Even more cold-loving are Cambria, Masdevalia, Miltonia, accustomed in the natural environment to a cool climate with high humidity air.

Along with compliance thermal regime, indoor culture needs an influx fresh air, especially in summer. It performs a thermoregulatory function, dries the roots, and fills the substrate with oxygen.

Cymbidium during flowering

Air humidity

At home it is important to learn how to support optimal humidity in room. For beginners, it is better to start getting acquainted with orchids with species that are less demanding in terms of this maintenance parameter. In an apartment with a humidity level of 40–50%, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum, Cambria, and Oncidium will grow well. More high level Humidity (75–90%) is important for Vanda and Miltonia.

In the heat, moisture evaporation increases over the entire surface of the plant. It is compensated by increasing the humidity of the surrounding air. In apartment conditions, a household humidifier is used, indoor fountain, containers with water, soaked pieces of cloth, arranged and laid out nearby. During the hot period, care is supplemented with irrigation from a spray bottle, sprinkling, combining them with ventilation. Otherwise, a warm, humid environment will provoke the appearance of fungal and bacterial diseases.


Suitable utensils are an important element of caring for indoor orchid. There is an opinion that a transparent container is important for the growth and photosynthesis of the root system. This is a mistake - it is not light that is important to the roots, but air, but the material matters for the convenience of keeping the orchid in a pot.

Florists are happy to use polypropylene pots. It is better for beginners to start growing orchids with them. The plastic holds moisture well and the plant roots do not become overcooled. And, most importantly, it is more convenient to control the situation with the substrate and roots. For additional air exchange, the pots are perforated - holes are made along the walls of the container. Ideal for Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium.

Cymbidium, Cambria, Paphiopedilum, Oncidium, and other varieties with pseudobulbs are grown in clay pots. Its advantages are breathability, uniform distribution of moisture across the substrate, and stability of the pot. The best option shape - height equal to diameter. An exception is Cymbidium; its powerful and long rhizome requires a tall flowerpot.

Wanda looks attractive in the photo glass vase. When choosing a container for it, it is preferable to have a shape that allows you to contain the rhizome inside, and the leaf part and flowers outside. This is not so impressive, but it is correct from the point of view of the life of the plant.


If in nature a tree trunk acts as a support and source of useful humus, at home this function is performed by soil consisting of pieces of pine bark, moss, peat, and charcoal. Thanks to its airy structure, it provides aeration to the roots, accumulates and gradually releases moisture and nutrition. The nutritional value of the substrate is judged by the power of the root system. The poorer he is, the more aerial roots in a plant - they, like tentacles, spread out in search of food and water. A compact root system indicates that your pet gets plenty of everything.

Advice! How to care for the substrate if the water for irrigation is hard? Use a planting mixture with pieces of peat. A useful additive will slow down oxidation, it will last for 2-3 years until the next transplant.

Important points

Properly organized living conditions are the basis for proper care of orchids at home. Especially important.


Water is the second most important factor (after light) on which health and blooming species representatives of the orchid family. Individual moisture consumption is influenced by species characteristics, light intensity, evaporation, soil mixture composition, and vegetation phase.

  • Phalaenopsis, Miltonia, Paphiopedilum, Cymbidium, Cambria like the substrate to be moist, but not wet. They prefer the planting mixture to dry completely before the next watering: Dendrobium, Cattleya, Odontoglossum, Oncidium.
  • In summer, the higher the air temperature, the brighter sunlight, the stronger the evaporation, the more often watering is needed. In winter, it is recommended to reduce watering to a minimum (1-2 times per month).
  • A coarse substrate without peat or moss dries faster; containing sphagnum and half-decomposed pieces of bark, it retains moisture longer.
  • Reduce the amount of watering during the dormant period. For bookmarking to occur flower bud, the plant must feel the onset of drought and receive a kind of impetus to flower.

Advice! Water for irrigation is preferably soft - rain, filtered, distilled, at a temperature several degrees warmer than the surrounding air. Among the water procedures, immersion watering, spraying on the ground and back side leaves, bathing in the shower.

Orchid Oncidium


Care will be incomplete if the supply is not replenished. nutrients, important for growth and flowering. - means following the rules.

  1. Feed the tropical guest in the interval between flowerings at intervals of 1 time for 2–3 weeks. When new growth begins, apply fertilizers with an NPK ratio in favor of nitrogen; during the period of flowering, emphasize potassium and phosphorus.
  2. You can fertilize only on a damp substrate so that the roots do not get a chemical burn.
  3. Do not fertilize during flowering - the supply of mineral elements received the day before will last for 3-4 months. Avoid fertilizing in winter and during the dormant period.
  4. To absorb nutrients, you need a low acidity environment, not contaminated with mineral salts. It is also recommended to take care of the soil - regularly wash it with distilled water, change acidic and saline soils.

A year after transplantation, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Miltonia, Cambria can do without feeding. There are enough minerals in the soil mixture for life. Their care is limited regular watering and spraying.

Wanda is sensitive to fertilizing. Since it grows without a substrate, the rhizomes need to be sprayed daily; every third irrigation is recommended to be done with fertilizers.

What to do during and after flowering

Photo blooming orchids- something special. During the active flowering phase, the plant needs to be properly cared for. It is recommended to water abundantly and stop fertilizing. a short period of rest is needed, then they begin to actively - water, fertilize, . After drying, the peduncle is cut off completely or to the first living bud. It is quite capable of producing a new generation of flowers.

How to properly care for home orchids indoors difficult at first glance, especially for beginners. Understanding will come as soon as you learn to feel your pet, see and decipher the signals it gives.