Scientific degrees and titles in the Russian Federation. Academic degrees

In order to be allowed to defend a candidate's dissertation, you must also pass exams in your specialty, foreign language, and philosophy in advance.

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    ✪ Academic degrees for Russian doctors - Elena Vishlenkova


Academic degrees in the world

Academic degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in titles, qualification requirements, award and/or approval procedures.

B.S. levels and M.S. refer, in the Russian interpretation, to a university, and Ph.D. - to postgraduate education. There are countries where not one, but two postgraduate levels are provided: for example, in Germany there is an analogue of the Ph.D. (German: Doktorgrad) and there is a higher habilitation in the hierarchy (German: Habilitation). Russia is one of the countries with a two-stage system of postgraduate academic degrees.

Academic degrees in Russia


Academic degrees in the Russian Empire

The first attempts to award academic degrees in the Russian Empire were made in the 18th century at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Moscow University. The procedure for exponentiation was based on European models (it was necessary to write an essay, pass a debate and exams) and took place outside the legislative field, only as the use of the attributes of European science.

The University Charter of 1884 abolished the concepts of candidate and full student, introducing instead the gradation of university diplomas of the 1st and 2nd degrees and leaving the dual system of degrees “master-doctorate”. The latter was the prototype of the Soviet/Russian system “candidate of sciences - doctor of sciences”.

Post-revolutionary period

Current academic degrees

Degree system. Award procedure

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of the dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To obtain a doctorate degree, you must have a candidate of science degree; defending a doctoral dissertation by a person without a candidate degree is not allowed. At the same time, the correspondence or relatedness of branches of science and specialties previously obtained (sequentially) of higher education, the degree of Candidate of Sciences and the degree of Doctor of Sciences is not regulated. In fact, in practice, cases of obtaining, for example, the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists) or the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences by candidates of technical sciences are recognized as completely acceptable and are not limited in any way by the Higher Attestation Commission.

An analogue of the Russian degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and equivalent degrees. There are no analogues of the Russian doctor of sciences in countries with a “single-stage” system of postgraduate degrees (for example, in the USA), and in countries with a “two-stage” system such an analogue is a higher-level degree (in Germany - a habilitation doctor).

List of branches of science and academic degrees

Status of Bachelor and Master levels in Russia

On optimization of the degree system

Discussions on a global scale

One of the important areas of global modern discussions about the system of academic titles is the issue of its international unification within the framework of the Bologna process. It is necessary that the levels of higher education in all countries become as similar as possible, and the degrees awarded are easily comparable. Such unification should facilitate international scientific exchange.

Another direction is related to the specification of the status of academic degrees above Doctor of Philosophy and its equivalents. Among others, the option of abolishing such degrees is being considered. For example, in Germany, habilitation is no longer an absolutely necessary element for admitting an employee to professorships, as was traditionally the case previously.

Various private issues of optimizing the rank system in a specific country or group of countries are also raised.

Internal Russian discussions

Currently, there is a discussion regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the scientific councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as has been done in many Western countries. Opponents of such a transfer express the opinion of the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. One of the consequences of the public discussion can be considered the project “Concept for modernizing the system of certification of highly qualified scientific personnel in the Russian Federation”, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This document, along with the provisions on the transfer of part of the powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to universities, provides for the possibility of public professional certification of highly qualified personnel not related to scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. It is proposed that the award procedure exists in a number of states, but is not officially approved in Russia. professional doctoral degrees similar to those provided for in the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). This certification model, new for the Russian Federation, has practically existed since 1998.

In 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed to allow the receipt of academic degrees in the medical and veterinary branches of science only by persons with a master's or specialist qualification, respectively, in the field of medicine and veterinary medicine.

Honorary degree

An honorary doctorate (lat. honoris causa - for the sake of honor) is awarded without defending a dissertation, on the basis of the applicant’s significant services to science or culture.

see also

  • Template:Degree - for degrees awarded since 1934
  • Template:Doctor of university - for doctoral degrees awarded before 1918


  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2013 N 842 “On the procedure for awarding academic degrees” (undefined) . Rossiyskaya newspaper (01.10.2013). Retrieved November 15, 2016.
  2. Hawkins C. F. Write the MD Thesis // How To Do It. - 2nd edition. - London: British Medical Association, 1985. - ISBN 0-7279-0186-9.
  3. , With. 63.
  4. Kozlova L. A.“Without a dissertation defense”: status organization of social sciences in the USSR, 1933-1935 // Sociological Journal. - 2001. - No. 2. - pp. 145-159.
  5. Imperial Moscow University: 1755-1917: encyclopedic dictionary / comp. A. Yu. Andreev, D. A. Tsygankov. - M.: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2010. 894 p.: ill.

In the scientific field and higher educational institutions, there is a qualification system that makes it possible to establish a scientific hierarchy of scientific and pedagogical personnel - academic degrees and titles. In our country, the awarding of academic degrees and the titles of associate professor and professor is somewhat different from other countries. As a rule, the academic title “Assistant Professor” is awarded and “Professor” to Doctors of Science, although there are exceptions. In other countries, academic degrees vary significantly in qualification requirements, title, award and approval procedures.

In order to obtain academic degrees, you must first write and defend a dissertation, and this is a rather voluminous scientific work that can contain from 150 to 500 pages of scientific text. Is it possible not to write a dissertation on many pages, but successfully defend it on completely legal grounds? It is possible, although it will not be entirely easy. A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science can be completed in the form of a scientific report, which should present a brief summary of the research results. Such a report should be supported by a large number of previously published scientific works that are of serious importance for science. In addition, the applicant must be well known to the scientific community for his research and discoveries in his field of activity.

It is not easy for a mere mortal to understand all the categories that make up the scientific “career ladder.” Associate professors, professors, graduate students, candidates of sciences - you can hear different scientific titles, and it is especially easy for a student who has just started at a university to get confused.

What do these academic degrees mean in Russia, how are they arranged in ascending order, who receives them, how do they differ from academic titles, and how not to confuse them with scientific positions - we will look at this in our article.

An academic degree is a qualification of an achieved professional level, awarded for scientific research achievements.

An academic degree is awarded for achievements in science

An academic degree can be obtained at a university or research institute (the so-called Scientific Research Institute, we use this term to denote various scientific organizations).

A positive or negative decision on the award is made by a special body - the dissertation council.

A degree is a professional title that does not depend on position, teaching or experience and determines exclusively scientific “rank”.

It allows you to qualify the level of theoretical knowledge and practical achievements in the field of science.

This title, once obtained, remains with the individual for life, unless he receives a higher degree or is disqualified.

In Russia, two scientists have been approved by special regulations: a candidate of sciences and a doctor of sciences, used back in Soviet times.

This two-stage system is a legacy of the German scientific hierarchy, applied even before the revolution.

Today, in most countries that have joined the Bologna process, one degree of postgraduate qualification is used - Doctor of Philosophy, where philosophy is equal to science in general.

Since Russia also signed the Bologna Convention, aimed at bringing scientific and educational systems to a unified order, perhaps changes in this area will soon await us.

Academic degrees: list in ascending order

Currently, two academic degrees are awarded in the Russian Federation:

  1. Candidate of Sciences is the first qualifying degree.
  2. Doctor of Science is the second and highest qualification degree.

The scientific hierarchy is limited to these two ranks.

Bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees - the levels that indicate the volume of education received at a university - do not correlate in any way with an academic degree in our country.

A degree can only be obtained in a specific scientific field; there is an official list limiting the list of sciences. For example, the name of the full academic degree of a teacher of criminal law may look like this: Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD) in specialty 12.00.09 “Criminal Procedure”, where the specialty code is indicated by numbers.

The difference between an academic degree and an academic title

If you are not directly involved in the scientific world, then it is not surprising to get confused in academic degrees and academic titles.

To clarify all doubts, let's outline how these “scientific ranks” differ.

To obtain this scientific title, experience, the number of published works, and the number of “mentees” - undergraduate and graduate students conducting their research under the guidance of a teacher - are important.

The academic title is awarded for achievements in scientific and pedagogical activities

In Russia, two academic titles are awarded:

  1. Assistant professor;
  2. Professor.

If you want to show off your education in a society of scientists, do not forget that a degree is “awarded”, and an academic title is “assigned” - this designation is accepted in the professional lexicon and in regulatory documents.

Until recently, the title denoted two concepts: the above-described scientific title and the affiliation with which the employee worked. Since 2014, it can only be obtained as a qualifying rank.

From now on, only the Ministry of Education has the right to assign an academic title, based on length of service and professional merit; previously this was the prerogative of the Higher Attestation Commission (the Higher Attestation Commission - a competent body authorized by the Ministry).

The procedure for obtaining the title has also changed - if previously a “professor” could be obtained immediately, now a mandatory condition is three years of experience in the rank of associate professor.

Traditionally, scientists first receive a degree and only then are awarded a title.

That is, in most cases, what happens is this: a researcher receives a degree, say, a candidate of sciences, and then the title of associate professor.

Thus, doctors of sciences mostly become professors.

But, since this is not prescribed by law, you can meet a professor without a doctorate. In the scientific lexicon, such professors are usually called “cold”.

Academic degrees in universities

It is important not to confuse the academic title with the official position in which the employee works.

In educational and scientific organizations, the terms “associate professor” and “professor” also refer to the names of job levels. Both the degree and the title are confirmed for a person for life - they assume a position only for a certain period.

The job ladder is determined by the internal regulations of the university approximately according to the following hierarchy:

  • laboratory assistant;
  • Senior Assistant;
  • assistant;
  • teacher;
  • Senior Lecturer;
  • assistant professor;
  • Professor;
  • head of the department;
  • dean;
  • vice-rector;
  • rector

That is, you can hold the position of professor, but not have any academic title, or have the academic title of professor, but work as an associate professor.

Often, a teacher holding a professorial position does not always have the title of professor, and the head of the department may only be an associate professor by rank.

Most often, the title itself is awarded after work experience in the position of the same name.

This transfer of rights has caused heated debate in scientific circles. Many believe that the lack of government control over the award process will lead to corruption and the “grinding” of these categories.

In order for you to be able to apply for the first degree - Candidate of Sciences, you must have a specialist or master's degree behind you; a bachelor's degree is not enough.

It is believed that a master’s degree is the first step on the path to graduate school, since master’s students defend a dissertation, which can then “grow” into a candidate’s thesis.

To obtain the rank of Candidate of Sciences, a necessary condition is passing the candidate minimum - exams in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language.

To be admitted to defend a dissertation, you must pass exams.

Examinations are admission to the defense of a candidate's qualifying work - a dissertation.

A candidate's dissertation is a qualifying work that has value for the scientific field, representing new practical scientific achievements or resolving theoretical scientific problems.

On the main ideas of the dissertation, it is necessary to publish several articles in scientific journals (at least two publications).

To write a dissertation, 3 months of vacation are given if the applicant works in a scientific organization.

Most applicants for a candidate of science degree study in graduate school - the first level of postgraduate education. There are postgraduate schools at universities and scientific organizations, and at research institutes there are many times fewer.

The duration of postgraduate study is 3-4 years. Graduate students are assigned one of the junior research positions and assigned teaching or other responsibilities.

Those who do not want to devote themselves to science and teaching have the opportunity to defend their dissertation work in the form of free competition - that is, take exams on their own and write a research paper without enrolling in graduate school.

According to statistics, out of three applicants, only one receives a PhD the first time. Many people manage to defend their dissertation only on the second or third attempt.

A doctoral dissertation is a qualifying work that represents an important scientific achievement or solution to scientific problems of great political, economic, and cultural significance for the scientific community and the state as a whole.

Only someone who already has a PhD can become a Doctor of Science

For comparison, when awarding a scientific title, a certificate of its conferment is awarded.

Thus, today in the Russian Federation there are two academic degrees: candidate of sciences and doctor of sciences.

To achieve the award of a degree, you must defend a dissertation that meets high requirements.

If you are going to build your career in science, you cannot do without an academic degree - it confirms your qualifications in the scientific field, and in most cases precedes the award of an academic title.

Obtaining a degree also affects the amount of wages - its holders are entitled to a higher official salary.

In recent years, many top managers and senior executives in government agencies have also sought to obtain a title confirming a high level of education - this increases their personnel value; in large companies, the demand for employees with such qualifications is growing.

In this video you will learn how to write a dissertation correctly:

This article is, rather, informative in nature, and will be useful to many students and teachers who rightfully call themselves comprehensively developed individuals. On the agenda is a simple question: what is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title.

Some will say that the difference is fundamental, but it is a fatal mistake on the part of the teaching staff not to know such basic things.

Some terminology on the topic

So, academic degree And rank– this is the sequence of teacher qualifications. It’s like in the navy: each officer has his own rank and, according to it, occupies a certain position, receives a salary with allowances, and so on. In the field of pedagogy, everything is similar, only titles and degrees are called slightly differently.

Accordingly, each teacher strives for an extraordinary award of an academic degree or title, which will have a beneficial effect not only on his prospects for the future, but also on the family budget.

However, as in the navy, it is impossible to get such privileges for beautiful eyes; you need to not only confirm your high qualifications, but also complete mandatory work in writing.

To understand in more detail what’s what, it’s worth finding out what academic degrees and titles there are in the Russian Federation, and only then discussing issues of privileges and rewards.

Types of academic titles

All academic titles, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, on the territory of the Russian Federation were approved back in 2002, and since then no amendments or adjustments have been made to the legislative document.

So what are your options?

Assistant professor- This is the most common title at the university. Most often, associate professors are teachers - lecturers.

In addition, these may be research assistants and other teachers of higher educational institutions who were selected by the faculty's academic council.

What does this mean?

A teacher may hold the position of associate professor, but not correspond to this title. This appointment responsibility is assumed by senior management based on the ability and competence of the applicant.

This is a good start for a teacher, since by holding the position of associate professor, you can soon receive this academic title.

How is this possible?

To improve your qualifications and be awarded such an honorary title, you must:

Work as an assistant professor for at least a year;

It is mandatory to have at least 5 years of scientific and teaching experience;

Professor is a teacher of a high level of competence with in-depth knowledge in a particular field of science or art.

It is also possible to obtain this title, but this requires:

To be a scientific and pedagogical worker;

Teach at universities;

Have your own scientific achievements;

Be an employee of state academies of sciences according to official certification documents.

In general, you need to have not only teaching experience in your work, but also a “head on your shoulders” - to make discoveries, introduce know-how, publish reference books and didactic material, and also rapidly progress in the field of education being studied.

So it’s not at all easy to get such an honorary title, but it’s not difficult to lose it.

In conclusion, we can add that both academic titles of “Associate Professor” or “Professor” must be supported by an official document.

If the teacher simply holds the position of associate professor or professor, then he does not have the appropriate documentation; Moreover, he can be shifted to another position when hiring a certified professor or associate professor.

Among the academic titles also known corresponding member And full member of the Academy of Sciences.

We will not discuss these titles in detail, since they do not occur so often in student life.

Types of academic degrees and their features

With academic degrees, the situation is much simpler, since there are only two of them, and they are well known to everyone - Ph.D(high) and PhD(primary degree).

All interested teachers can obtain one of the degrees, but in this case it is necessary to additionally defend a dissertation.

Several more degrees have appeared in domestic pedagogy, following the example of their Western colleagues.

These are bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees, but they relate more to students than to senior teaching staff.

Bachelor's degree You can become one after graduating from a technical school or vocational school, as well as after university, when you simply didn’t have enough energy for a master’s degree and an extra two years of study. This is the lowest of all existing academic degrees.

master differs from a bachelor's degree by two additional years of study. The student’s task is to continue his studies after the bachelor’s degree, and based on the results, successfully defend his thesis project and pass all state exams.

"Ph.D"- This is generally a European degree, which is more popular abroad. But in recent years, it has gotten along well in domestic pedagogy, and is the next step after the master’s degree.

What is the best choice?

As practice shows, obtaining an academic degree is much more difficult, which is why the vast majority of teachers opt for an academic title.

To understand all the difficulties and pitfalls, it is important to always remember the following characteristics:

1. If the applicant brilliantly completed and defended his dissertation, then he is awarded an academic degree; and if he has acceptable experience, knowledge and position in teaching practice, then he is entitled to be awarded an academic title.

2. A certificate of a professor or associate professor confirms an academic title, while a diploma of a doctor or candidate of sciences confirms an academic degree.

3. Getting a degree is more difficult.

And now everything is the same, but in accessible language! So, if you work as a teacher at a university, you definitely have to “grow up.”

This requires obtaining an academic degree and academic title. Let me clarify right away that this is not a matter of one day or even a month, but if desired, it is quite achievable.

Of course, the first five years of your teaching should be devoted to gaining experience, but during this time it is recommended to take an active part in scientific developments, participate in conferences and study your dissertation in depth.

Then everything depends on abilities and ambitions, but it’s worth clarifying right away: An academic degree is a colossal work in terms of intellectual activity, and an academic title is, rather, gratitude for the years of work and great luck.

If we speak in the language of sailors, military rank is given for length of service, and an extraordinary rank (in our case, an academic degree) is given to those who have distinguished themselves unplanned.

As practice shows, most domestic teachers choose academic titles and strive to write a dissertation, but do not even think about scientific works.

Here, to each his own: it’s up to the teacher to decide! In any case, to holders of an academic degree are treated with more respect, but they don’t always pay attention to titles.

Honorary degree: what is it and who is it awarded to?

To obtain an advanced degree without much hassle, another option is an “honorary degree” of Doctor of Science.

It is issued by academies, higher education institutions or the Ministry of Education without completing a course of study and without taking into account mandatory requirements.

But what's the catch?

The fact is that the applicant for an honorary degree must distinguish himself greatly, or achieve unrealistic success in his specialty.

If, again, we compare it with the nautical theme, then this is a presentation for an extraordinary title or award.

Such teachers are always in good standing, and many universities around the world are ready to provide them with work at any time.

Having an honorary diploma is the greatest success in life, which allows you to realize yourself to the maximum in your chosen field of knowledge.

It’s worth mentioning right away that such a diploma is not issued in medicine; and an honorary degree can either be assigned or be removed in the future.

In any case, an academic degree confirms the scientific qualifications and competence of its owner, as well as his abilities for successful scientific activity.

Academic degrees and non-state titles

There is one more detail that must be known when selecting teaching staff.

The fact is that in the modern education system, many non-state educational institutions have appeared and are successfully functioning.

These are institutes, academies, and universities; in which the management prefers to permanently separate from the Higher Attestation Commission.

Such self-proclaimed commissions independently award academic titles and degrees, and this can be not only a candidate of science, but also a doctor of science.

Moreover, after completing an illegal dissertation defense (it is possible that it is fake), the newly minted “doctor or candidate of sciences” receives a diploma with signatures and seals.

From a legal point of view, such a document is not valid, but these teachers can dishonestly occupy prestigious and highly paid positions, enjoy respect and be role models in public universities.

That is why it is important to be vigilant in this matter, and when hiring, be able to promptly recognize a legitimate document from a “linden” one.

The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved on January 30, 2002, states that “as documents on the award of academic degrees, only those diplomas that were issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or authorized state bodies have legal force.”

Conclusion: On this note, I end my publication, but I advise everyone not to get lost and be able to correctly distinguish an academic degree from a title. For some this is very important.

Now you know about What is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title?.

Modern science is multifaceted, and the scientists involved in it have a variety of titles. They depend both on research merits and on the country of residence. In Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space, the scientific title of “Assistant Professor” has been preserved. This is the equivalent of an American assistant professor or lecturer.

History and modernity in the naming of scientific workers

The term "docent" is a form of the Latin word, translated it means "to teach" or "to teach", which, of course, applies to modern higher education workers. In Russian universities, this position appeared in the middle of the 19th century as a step between a master and a professor.

Until the 30s of the last century, this position and title remained unchanged. After educational reforms, this name was abolished, and scientific workers appeared. However, over time, the need arose to functionally distinguish between employees of institutes engaged exclusively in science and those who combined research activities with teaching students.

In a modern Russian university, an associate professor is an employee engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities, who necessarily has certain achievements in his field of knowledge. Most often, a candidate or even a doctor of sciences. In addition, there are certain requirements for teaching work and public responsibilities.

Professor and associate professor: similarities and differences

Both professor and associate professor are employees of universities and other institutions of higher education engaged in research, scientific, teaching and administrative activities. However, there are significant differences among the employees who occupy these positions.

Professors are scientists engaged primarily in research activities, with considerable practical experience and a huge store of knowledge. Most often they are doctors of any sciences, or candidates, but with published monographs. These are recognized figures in their field of research who have earned a certain trust of the scientific community.

Professors conduct very little teaching activity, usually only in the area of ​​their scientific interests. Their main work is aimed at training graduate students and research on their topic. Professors usually occupy leading administrative positions in universities.

Regardless of whether an associate professor is a position or an academic degree, his position in the conventional hierarchy of the university is somewhat lower. Most often, this is a candidate of certain sciences who has practical experience and teaches disciplines of his specialty.

Postgraduate graduates who successfully defend their dissertation are awarded the title of Candidate of Science. If they have at least three years of teaching experience and a solid baggage of scientific publications, they can immediately apply for the position of associate professor.

How to become an assistant professor after changes in Russian legislation in 2013

Modern Russian science is moving further and further away from its Soviet roots. The nomenclature of scientific specialties is changing. The procedure for awarding the title of “Assistant Professor” has also changed. Previously, it was enough to work for a certain period of time at the department. Now you need to put in a little more effort.

In 2013, new rules for awarding academic titles and degrees were adopted. From now on, the position of “associate professor in the department” is abolished. Only the scientific specialty remains, and the candidate is considered directly by the Ministry of Education and Science, with the involvement of experts from various fields.

Now, in order to receive the scientific title of associate professor, you must:

  • be a candidate of science;
  • have at least three years of teaching experience in a scientific specialty;
  • have scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, published lecture courses;
  • engage not only in teaching, but also in scientific activities, supervise final qualification theses, work on a dissertation;
  • give lectures and conduct practical classes at a high professional level.

However, the question of whether an assistant professor is a position or an academic degree remains open. Universities retained the nomenclature of employees with the corresponding entry. Now this position is assigned not by department, but by the educational institution as a whole. Most often, employees who already have an associate professor degree and a defended candidate's dissertation are elected to this position.

Qualification requirements for the position of associate professor

Most graduate students want to defend their thesis and subsequently receive the title and position of associate professor. A scientific achievement is considered inalienable, and even if a candidate of science ceases to engage in science, the assigned title remains forever.

The position of “Assistant Professor” is another matter. This is work most often associated with teaching certain disciplines, conducting seminars and practical classes, and supervising coursework and dissertations. The employment contract must clearly state the duties and rights of the assistant professor.

Qualification requirements:

  • defended candidate's dissertation;
  • active participation in the scientific life of the university;
  • delivering lectures and conducting seminars at a high level.

Assistant Professor Career

Most modern scientists are clearly focused on career growth. This is facilitated by a grant system of remuneration and great opportunities for especially talented representatives of science.

There are three career paths for a young scientist:

  1. Grow in your scientific field, write and defend your doctoral dissertation, become a professor. Subsequently, open a personal scientific school.
  2. Develop professionally as a teacher.
  3. Engage in administrative activities with the prospect of leading a department, faculty, or university.

Any option has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the prospect of further movement, you should focus only on the characteristics of the individual.

Foreign analogues of the title of associate professor

This division into candidates and doctors of science, as well as associate professors and professors, is practiced only in Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp.

In most European countries and the USA there is no such intermediate step. Young scientists defend their scientific work and immediately receive the title of Doctor of Science. After this, they can apply for the position of professor. The equivalent of an associate professor is the American "assistant professor" or the European "lecturer".