How does vdgo stand for? We find out whether it is necessary to conclude a contract for servicing gas equipment

AGREEMENT No. __________________

for the provision of work (services) for the maintenance and repair of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment

Orel " ____ " __________________ 20 ___

JSC "Gazprom Gas Distribution Orel", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by ____________________________________________________________,

acting on the basis of ________________________, on the one hand,

and hereinafter referred to as the “Customer” on the other hand, hereinafter the Parties, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes, the performance of work (services) for the maintenance of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment (hereinafter referred to as VDGO), owned by the Customer by right of ownership or on another legal basis and the repair of the specified equipment, located at the address:


in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

1.2. The Contractor performs work (services) on a reimbursable basis, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of current regulations and other regulatory and technical documents.

1.3. The list of the Customer's VDGO, the scope of work (services), their frequency for technical maintenance of the VDGO, which the Contractor undertakes to perform under this agreement, are determined by Appendices No. 1, the list of works (services) by Appendix No. 2, and depend on the quantity, type, brand and year of manufacture in-house gas equipment.

1.4. The total cost of work (services) at the time of conclusion of the contract is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1.


2.1. In order to fulfill its obligations, the Contractor carries out (according to Appendix No. 1)
the following types of maintenance work (services):

Maintenance of external and internal gas pipelines, Maintenance gas-using equipment, maintenance of gas cylinder installations, emergency dispatch support - work to localize accidents and emergencies.

2.2. Maintenance work on the VDGO is carried out by the Contractor on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:30, or at other times as agreed by the parties, emergency dispatch support is provided around the clock.

2.3. The Contractor notifies the Customer about the timing of planned work (services) by posting advertisements, announcements through the media, informing by telephone specified in the contract, by sending notifications.

2.4. If the Contractor is unable to perform scheduled work (services) due to lack of access to the VDGO, the Contractor provides repeated notification and re-entry to the unserviced facility. The Contractor is not responsible for the technical condition of the Customer's gas equipment not serviced for the specified reason.

2.5. The Contractor carries out emergency work according to the Customer’s emergency request. The Customer immediately reports all emergencies and breakdowns to the Contractor's emergency service by calling 04.

2.6. Repair work are carried out on the basis of the Customer’s repair request; the repair request can be submitted in writing or by telephone with registration in the Contractor’s journal.

2.7. After the provision of work (services) provided for in this agreement, the parties sign an acceptance certificate for the work performed or another document (statement, etc.) confirming the fact of completion of the work (services) (hereinafter referred to as the ACT). The customer is obliged to sign the act or declare his refusal to sign it, stating a special opinion in the act. In the absence of a reasoned refusal, the work (services) are considered accepted by the Customer and are subject to payment on the basis of a unilateral act. In this case, the acceptance certificate for the work performed must be handed over to the Customer against signature, or sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

3. RIGHTSANDRESPONSIBILITIESPARTIES: 3.1. The performer is obliged:

3.1.1. Ensure timely and high-quality technical maintenance of the VDGO in the volume and frequency specified in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement.

3.1.2. The Contractor's warranty obligations for the work (services) provided apply for a period of 2 months. If any justified claims regarding maintenance are made during the warranty period, repeat maintenance will be performed free of charge.

3.1.3. Provide timely and high-quality emergency dispatch support in accordance with current standards and rules.

3.1.4. Inform through means mass media about interruptions in gas supply due to scheduled maintenance work.

3.1.5. When carrying out technical maintenance of the Customer, re-instruct the Subscriber on
operation of gas equipment with a record in the acceptance certificate of the work performed or another document (statement, etc.) confirming the fact of completion of the work.

3.1.6. Provide the Customer with a completed copy of the certificate of completion of work (services) or another document (statement, etc.) confirming the fact of completion of work (services).

3.1.7. If the Contractor receives information about the threat of an accident, gas leaks or accident, including receipt of such information during the performance of work (provision of services) for the maintenance and repair of VDGO, the Contractor must immediately suspend gas supply without prior notice to the Customer when:

a) lack of draft in chimneys and ventilation ducts, violation of the tightness of the chimney of gas-using equipment;

b) lack of air flow in the amount necessary for complete combustion gas when using
gas-using equipment;

c) malfunction or interference with the operation of household safety automation systems provided by the manufacturer
gas-using equipment (if such interference resulted in disruption of the functioning of these devices) when
impossibility of eliminating such a malfunction;

d) use of VDGO in the presence of a gas leak that cannot be eliminated during maintenance;

e) use of faulty, dismantled and beyond repair in-house or in-apartment gas equipment;

f) unauthorized connection of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment to
gas distribution network.

g) group faults that cannot be eliminated during maintenance; individual installation liquefied petroleum gas;

3.2. The performer has the right:

3.2.1. Require the customer to fulfill the terms of this agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO;

3.2.2. Visit premises where in-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment is installed when carrying out work (services) for the maintenance and repair of VDGO in compliance with the procedure for prior notification of the customer and agreement with the customer on the date and time;

3.2.3. Issue, in cases established by the contract and current regulations, written instructions to the Customer to eliminate identified deficiencies.

3.2.4. In the event of maintenance or repair of the VDGO by third parties, the Contractor is not responsible for the technical condition of the VDGO and does not assume any warranty obligations.

3.2.5. Without prior notice to the Customer, suspend gas supply in the event of:

a) the occurrence or threat of emergency situations on equipment or networks through which
gas supply is provided;

b) the occurrence of natural disasters and emergency situations, as well as, if necessary, their localization and elimination.

c) carrying out actions for the installation of gas pipelines of gas consumption networks and their technological connection to a gas pipeline of a gas distribution network or other source of gas, as well as for connecting gas-using equipment to a gas pipeline or a tank, group or individual cylinder installation of liquefied liquids hydrocarbon gases without complying with the requirements established by law Russian Federation(unauthorized gasification);

d) failure to comply within the established time frame with written orders issued by housing supervision (control) authorities to eliminate violations of the maintenance of in-house or in-apartment gas equipment;

e) reconstruction of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment carried out in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, leading to a violation safe work this equipment, smoke and ventilation ducts apartment building or home ownership.

3.3. The customer is obliged:

3.3.1. Pay for work (services) for the maintenance of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment, as well as work on the repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment on time and in full;

3.3.2. Immediately notify the contractor by phone 04 about a malfunction of the equipment included in the in-house or in-apartment gas equipment, as well as about accidents, leaks and other emergency situations that arise when using gas;

3.3.3. Operate gas-using equipment in accordance with the regulations established for such equipment technical requirements, as well as immediately notify the contractor about changes in the composition of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment;

3.3.4. Provide access to the contractor’s representatives to intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment to carry out work (services) for the maintenance and repair of said equipment, as well as to suspend gas supply in cases provided for in this agreement;

3.3.5. Ensure free access to the gasified premises of the Contractor's personnel after presenting their service ID for inspection and maintenance of gas pipelines and equipment in work time, as well as to carry out emergency work to perform emergency dispatch support, the staff of the Emergency Dispatch Service (ADS) - at any time of the day.

3.3.6. Inform the Contractor of works (services) about the timing of the eviction of residents from the residential premises in order to turn off gas-using equipment. Inform the Service Provider about the periods of long-term absence of residents to turn off gas-using equipment, change the owner or user of a residential building or premises.

3.3.7. Strictly follow the instructions for safe use gas and when meeting municipal and household needs (Appendix No. 4) and the requirements of the “Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment when providing public gas supply services,” approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013. No. 410 and other regulatory documents.

3.3.8. According to the Contractor's instructions, to carry out the following work with the involvement of a specialized organization on the basis of a separate contract:

For timely inspection, cleaning and repair of smoke and ventilation ducts (at least 3 times a year - (no later than 7 calendar days before the beginning heating season, in the middle of the heating season and no later than 7 days after the end of the heating season)

Works on technical diagnostics VDGO;

3.3.9. If necessary, under a separate agreement, carry out:

Major repairs or reconstruction of gas pipelines and shut-off devices, installation and dismantling of gas meters and gas alarms;

Replacement of gas-using equipment;

Preparation of design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of VDGO;

Carrying out diagnostics of gas pipelines and VDGO.

3.3.10. Follow the Contractor's instructions to eliminate violations identified during the technical maintenance of the VDGO.

3.3.11. Notify the Contractor by phone numbers specified in the contract and on the official website of OJSC "Oreloblgaz" on the Internet or in another way about the deadline for performing routine maintenance work that is acceptable to you, in the event that it is not possible to admit the Contractor's personnel to what was completed in accordance with clause 2.2, clause 2.3 of this agreement time.

3.3.12. For complex imported gas equipment, enter into a technical and service maintenance With service center; with a specialized organization - for inspection and audit of gas equipment.

3.3.13. When engaging any other specialized organization to carry out work on repairing or replacing VDGO, the Customer is obliged to call representatives of the Contractor to carry out work to stop the gas supply to gas-consuming equipment. Upon completion of the repair or replacement of the VDGO, call the Contractor's representatives to accept the work and let gas into the equipment. In case of failure to comply with this paragraph, all responsibility for the safe operation of the VDGO rests with the Subscriber.

3.4. The customer is prohibited from:

3.4.1. Use gas equipment with a rated power exceeding the maximum permissible loads, determined by the project and in technical specifications intra-house engineering systems.

3.4.2. Operate VDGO in violation of the requirements of clause 3.1.7.

3.5. The customer has the right to demand:

3.5.1. Carrying out work (providing services) for the maintenance and repair of VDGO in accordance with the terms of this agreement;

3.5.2. Amendments to the terms of the contract for the maintenance and repair of VDGO in terms of the list of equipment (Appendix No. 1) included in the serviced in-house or in-apartment gas equipment, in the event of a change in the quantity and types of equipment included in it;


4.1. The cost of work (services) for the maintenance and repair of VDGO is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the contract at the prices (tariffs) of the Contractor’s Price List (Appendix No. 3), valid on the date of the work.

4.2. The price list by type of work can be found on the CONTRACTOR’s website on the Internet (

4.3. Payment for work (services) under the contract by the Customer is made at the Customer’s choice in the following ways:

4.3.1. Advance payments in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the contract, by pre-payment of the cost of work through the CONTRACTOR's cash desk or a credit institution, or a payment agent engaged in accepting payments individuals, or a bank payment agent operating in accordance with the legislation on banks and banking activities.

4.3.2. Directly upon the provision of work (services) by the Contractor, after completing the work of VDGO maintenance and signing the act (statement) of work (services) performed by transferring cash Money, to the CONTRACTOR's representative with the execution of a strict reporting form - a receipt for payment for services.

4.4. Repair work provided for in clause 3.3.9. of this agreement, technical inventory is carried out upon application and at the expense of the Customer for a fee at the prices (tariffs) of the Contractor's Price List valid on the date of the work. Payment for the above work is made by the Customer upon provision of services.

4.5. Emergency dispatch support for gas pipelines and equipment is provided without charging a separate fee.

4.6. Work on disconnecting and connecting in-house gas equipment is carried out by the Contractor upon application and at the expense of the Customer for a fee at the prices established in the Price List. Shutdown work due to unsatisfactory or emergency condition VDGOs are paid by the Customer to the Contractor in accordance with the Price List.

4.7. Repair work not included in the list (Appendix No. 2) of VDGO technical maintenance is carried out by the Contractor on the basis of a repair request submitted by telephone, in writing or by e-mail by the Customer for a fee, determined according to the prices (tariffs) of the Contractor's Price List, valid for date of work, based on the volume of work performed.

4.8. The cost of emergency restoration work related to the elimination of the consequences of an emergency situation caused by the Customer is determined at the prices (tariffs) of the Contractor's Price List valid on the date of emergency restoration work and is paid additionally based on the volume of work performed.

4.9. When carrying out repair requests, the Contractor uses materials, spare parts and equipment available in the Contractor's warehouse, and in their absence, the obligation to provide them rests with the Customer. Materials, spare parts and equipment of the Contractor are paid additionally by the Customer.


5.1. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of the work (services) provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this agreement in accordance with current legislation.


6.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations if their fulfillment is prevented by an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance under the given conditions (force majeure). If force majeure circumstances arise, the Parties notify each other, and the deadline for fulfilling obligations is postponed in proportion to the duration of these circumstances.


7.1. This agreement is valid from ________________ to ________________________

(but not less than 3 years). If one month before the expiration of the contract, neither party declares its termination, then the validity of the Contract is extended by next term.

7.2. This agreement can be terminated unilaterally upon written application by the Customer, upon full payment for the work (services) performed on the maintenance and repair of VDGO performed by the Contractor - upon concluding an agreement for the provision of work (services) on the maintenance and repair of in-house and in-house gas equipment The management company (homeowner) with the Contractor, as well as other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. By signing the Agreement, the Customer confirms that before the conclusion of the Agreement he was promptly provided with all the necessary and reliable information about the Contractor’s services and the conditions for receiving them in full, including the price list for the Contractor’s services and orders for the application of increasing coefficients were provided for review.

With a copy of this agreement, the Customer received instructions (memo) on the safe use of gas and in meeting household needs.

8.2. The Customer confirms that prior to the conclusion of the Agreement he was provided with full information about the manufacturer of materials used in the performance of work and services, ensuring the possibility of their the right choice, as well as complete information about the Contractor.


9.1. The customer, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ, gives consent to the Contractor for processing, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer on the territory of the Russian Federation and cross-border transfer), blocking, destruction, depersonalization of their personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, address, passport number and information about the date of issue of the passport and the issuing authority; home, work and mobile phones; address Email), as well as providing his personal data to third parties.

9.2. The Customer agrees and allows the Contractor to combine personal data into a personal data information system and process the personal data specified in the Agreement using automation tools, as well as other software tools of the Contractor and (or) third parties to whom the Contractor may entrust the processing of the Customer’s personal data for on the basis of an agreement concluded with such persons.

When transferring the specified data of the Customer, the Contractor warns the persons receiving personal data that this data is confidential and can only be used for the purposes for which it was transferred, and requires these persons to comply with this rule.

9.3. The customer, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 - Federal Law “On Personal Data”, has the right:

To receive information about the availability of your personal data from the Contractor;

Familiarization with your personal data (except for the cases specified in paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 - Federal Law “On Personal Data”).

Require the Contractor to clarify his personal data, block or destroy his personal data if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, unreliable, illegally obtained or does not correspond to the purpose of processing;

Take measures provided by law to protect your rights.

9.4. The consent given by the Customer to the processing of his personal data is unlimited and comes into force from the date of signing this agreement. Consent may be revoked by the Customer at any time based on his written application to the Contractor at the following postal addresses:


JSC "Gazprom Gas Distribution Orel" Full name

INN/KPP 5700000020 / 575301001 Passport

Account: 40702810200130001188 issued. .
in the Oryol branch of AB "RUSSIA"

K/s: 30101810000000000723 Tel.
BIC 045402723
Phone (486-2) 20-12-75
Fax (486-2) 43-34-30

Phone numbers of the VDGO service "CONTRACTOR"

Email address of the VDGO service "CONTRACTOR"

Information to the Customer:

To carry out repairs, cleaning and testing of smoke and ventilation ducts, smoke exhaust pipes, specialized organizations are involved that have a license to carry out the specified work obtained in accordance with the “Regulations on licensing activities for installation, maintenance and repair of support equipment” fire safety buildings and structures”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011. No. 1225.

Addresses of services and organizations licensed for repair and maintenance of smoke ventilation ducts and smoke exhaust pipes.

Blue fuel has made the lives of ordinary people in Russian cities much easier. Thanks to gas, heat appears in houses, hot water and food. Many of our compatriots cannot even imagine how they can live without this undoubted benefit of civilization. However, in last years More and more often you can come across reports of gas explosions in apartment buildings, killing dozens of people. In connection with this situation, we are increasingly faced with the term VDGO. These letters are found on receipts for housing payments, regulatory documents and securities of management companies. This topic is receiving a lot of attention at the government level, so new legislation is being developed that will take into account all the nuances associated with gas equipment installed in apartment buildings and private buildings. Today you will receive comprehensive information about the concepts included in the definition of “VDGO”. We will consider these and many other questions together with our readers. We will pay special attention to the maintenance of gas equipment, which is often interpreted differently.

VDGO: abbreviation decoding

Not all tenants understand these four letters, although they regularly appear on payment receipts. The decoding of VDGO is quite simple; the abbreviation simply means in-house gas equipment. However, experts argue that this concept is multi-level and includes several categories of equipment.

It is noteworthy that VDGO are also devices that cost apartment building, and equipment of private houses falling under the category of individual residential buildings. Also, many include in this term also devices installed inside the apartment, although in reality they have their own designation.

Let's talk about VDGO in more detail

You now know how to interpret the abbreviation, but we will still make some explanations necessary for its complete understanding. So, let's look into this issue together.

Gas supply to houses is carried out through pipes and distribution valves. They present a confusing ordinary person network of interconnected equipment. Most often, entire residential neighborhoods are connected to blue fuel from a single source. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that relatively apartment buildings VDGO is a system of pipes running from the gas source itself to distribution point, from where the blue fuel goes to the apartments of the residents. Also included in the understanding of the term are various devices located on the gas pipeline itself. These could be devices individual accounting, general gas volume meters, safety valves, systems that monitor the presence of gas in the air, and similar devices. All of them are installed in a residential building before it is put into operation and are necessarily checked for safety and serviceability by a special commission.

If we are talking about households, then VDGO includes all pipes passing through land plot. Typically they are laid from a single source to all gas-based appliances. As in the previous version, in this concept additional technical devices are also included, without which gas equipment cannot fully operate, and the homeowner will not consider himself safe.

VDGO maintenance: yesterday and today

Gas supply has always been considered an extremely profitable source of energy, but one should not forget about its safety. In order to safely use blue fuel, you need to be absolutely sure that all equipment is working properly and does not pose any danger to the owners of apartments and houses. For this purpose, regular diagnosis of VDHO should be carried out. But in this matter there are several pitfalls, which cause difficulties with the operation of gas equipment.

During times Soviet Union The condition of the VDGO was monitored very carefully. This task was assigned to gas distribution organizations. In accordance with the regulations, they carried out diagnostics and maintenance of all devices and the equipment itself. Worn-out components were replaced with new ones in a timely manner, so during the Soviet period there were no cases of explosions domestic gas V residential buildings there was practically none.

In the nineties the situation changed radically. Privatization has begun gas facilities, however, VDGO was not taken into account and, in fact, already during this period it remained without proper control. Some gas distribution organizations continued to operate as before and, despite corporatization, served apartment buildings. However, there were no funds to replace worn-out equipment with new ones during this period of time. Financing of gas facilities was extremely meager and many VDGOs were neglected.

In the late nineties, the government did not pay due attention to this problem. It is noteworthy that gas equipment was not even included in the list of hazardous production facilities.

At the beginning of the 2000s, it became clear that it was no longer possible to ignore the situation with the VDGO. Therefore, a law was passed that is still in effect today. According to it, responsibility for the technical condition of such objects falls on the shoulders of home owners, who must enter into VDGO agreements with any specialized organizations. However, the requirements for them were not approved, as well as regulatory framework, on the basis of which these firms could act.

Today, the state has absolutely no control over such companies and does not compile lists of organizations approved for repair and maintenance of VDGO. However, the increasing incidence of household gas explosions forced the government to adopt a number of legislative acts in the gas industry.

Maintenance standards for gas equipment

In recent years, the state has begun to more carefully monitor issues related to the content of the VDGO. However, the primary responsibility for safety remains technical devices lies on the shoulders of their owners. But maintenance must be carried out within the time limits established by law. Once every three years, equipment must be diagnosed and, if necessary, repaired.

The range of measures taken is quite broad. They include the following items:

  • diagnostics, maintenance and repair;
  • replacement of worn components as necessary;
  • monitoring the condition of smoke and ventilation shafts;
  • dispatch service.

At the same time, the legislative act also provides for a mandatory procedure for concluding contracts. This must be done by each equipment owner. Only certain organizations that meet a number of requirements can carry out work.

VDGO: specialized service organization

There are quite a lot of similar companies now, because the law establishes very vague requirements for specialized organizations. The main thing is that they can provide the customer with a set of measures that we mentioned earlier. Thus, one can compose short description similar company.

She must have necessary equipment and a set of tools to carry out its activities, have professional staff and be registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the organization must create a control room and emergency services operating around the clock. Residents of apartment buildings and private buildings receive, along with signed contracts, a list telephone numbers, which you can call in critical situations.

It is noteworthy that despite the frequency of VDGO maintenance determined by law, emergency situations still happen often. And specialized organizations must respond instantly to each such case. It does not matter whether an agreement has been concluded with the owner of the equipment.

Cost of maintenance services

Let us say right away that this figure can vary significantly in different cities. The exact cost of services can be found out at the time of submitting an application for concluding a contract. If you enter into an agreement with the housing and communal services (and it, in turn, with the organization), then a small amount for servicing the VDGO will be included in your monthly receipt. However, please note that the maintenance itself will be carried out once every three years. In cases where gas equipment is very worn out and already requires replacement, which for one reason or another cannot be carried out immediately, diagnostics are carried out at least once a year.

Sometimes contracts are concluded directly between the homeowner and a specialized organization. In this case, you will learn the amount of payment from the company employees. It can be divided into several payments or occur once after the service is provided.

Features of concluding a contract

The initiator of the agreement can be any of the parties. Sometimes the homeowner plays this role, but the HOA can also do this for him. It is quite normal for specialized companies to announce themselves and offer to enter into cooperation agreements.

To the handwritten application, the owner must attach a package of documents consisting of confirmation of ownership of housing, certificates for gas equipment, papers regarding the sealing of metering meters and a document indicating the date of the last inspection performed.


Every citizen, as an individual, and legal entities must necessarily enter into agreements for the maintenance of VDGO. Otherwise, a system of penalties is provided. When first imposed, the fine will be about two thousand rubles for ordinary homeowners and approximately one hundred thousand rubles for organizations using gas equipment.

If an accident occurs as a result of such negligence, the fine can range from thirty to four hundred thousand rubles, depending on the person at fault.

A repeated fine is usually twice as large as the initial one and may even cause a temporary suspension of activities. legal entity.

Security questions

Homeowners do not always think about the fact that they must carefully monitor their gas equipment. Only in this case can you safely use it and not be afraid of problems. To ensure the safety of VDGO, it is necessary to comply with several simple rules:

  • it is mandatory to conclude maintenance agreements;
  • do not allow third-party technicians to access the equipment;
  • monitor chimneys and ventilation shafts;
  • pay for the gas received on time.


Natural gas is undoubtedly an environmentally friendly and consumer-friendly source of energy. However, we should not forget that its use must be reasonable and, above all, safe.

Maintenance of VDGO. Questions and answers.

Question:What does the concept of VDGO include?

Answer: In accordance with the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 000 of 01.01.2001.

"indoor gas equipment"- gas pipelines of an apartment building or residential building connected to a gas distribution network or to a tank or group cylinder installation, providing gas supply to the connection point of gas-using equipment, as well as gas-using equipment and gas metering devices.

Question:Who has the right to provide VDGO maintenance services?

Answer: Maintenance services for VDGOs are provided by specialized (gas distribution) organizations that constantly and on a professional basis carry out this type of activity (clause 7 of the “Procedure for the maintenance and repair of VDGOs in the Russian Federation”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 01.01.01 No. 000).

As follows from paragraph 3 of the “Rules for the supply of gas for municipal and domestic needs of citizens”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation specialized organization A gas distribution organization is recognized that is allowed, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, to carry out activities for the maintenance of in-house gas equipment and has an emergency dispatch service or has entered into an agreement for the provision of emergency dispatch services.

The task of maintaining gas equipment is to ensure its good condition by performing a set of works to maintain or restore performance in order to ensure its further operation. safe operation(Order of the Government of the Urals of 01.01.2001 “On recommendations for the maintenance of gas equipment in the housing stock located on the territory of the Urals”).

Thus, carrying out maintenance separately on the common property of an apartment building and the private property of citizens living in apartment buildings is not possible, primarily from a safety point of view.

The operation of gas equipment is a special area of ​​responsibility, since every omission can cost the lives of residents of apartment buildings. Therefore, the maintenance of VDGOs should be approached especially seriously; it is worth carrying out timely explanatory work with the residents of the apartment buildings under your service. In this article, we will look at where the division of responsibility for gas networks takes place between the management organization and the owners of the premises, who has the right to inspect gas equipment and with what frequency. Let us consider the nuances of concluding a contract for the maintenance of VDGO, as well as the work performed under the service contract.

Gas equipment in an apartment building is divided into two types: VDGO, the abbreviation stands for in-house gas equipment, and VKGO - in-house gas equipment. The boundary between them is the first stopcock at the entrance of the gas pipeline into the apartment.

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Information for placement on a stand in the office of the Management Authority about the consumer’s obligation to enter into an agreement on the maintenance of VKGO When necessary: ​​place a reminder to consumers about the consumer’s obligation to enter into an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VKGO at the stand in the office of the Management Authority

To gas equipment located in places common use, relate:

  • gas pipeline and risers from the point of connection with the citywide gas distribution network to entry into the apartment;
  • fittings for regulating the supply of blue fuel;
  • ODPU of gas volume;
  • Leak control system natural resource.

VKGO includes gas equipment that is privately owned by residents, as well as on the territory of their living space:

  • household appliances connected to gas: stoves, ovens;
  • gas boilers and water heaters;
  • intra-apartment meters;
  • valves, locking mechanisms that regulate the flow of gas into the apartment;
  • devices that monitor gas leaks.

Inspection and maintenance of gas equipment in MKD

The operation of gas equipment is carried out in accordance with several legislative acts:

  • RF PP No. 549 dated July 21, 2008, defining the procedure for gas supply;
  • Order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 239 dated June 26, 2009, which determines the procedure for maintaining and repairing gas equipment;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 410), prescribing measures taken to ensure safety during the operation of gas equipment.

Based on the content of these standards, residents of apartment buildings are primarily responsible for the maintenance of gas equipment, but they cannot independently maintain VDGO/VKGO, therefore they are required to enter into an agreement for the maintenance and inspection of units with organizations that have the right to do this. Decree No. 410 of the Government of the Russian Federation regulates the following list mandatory events necessary to ensure the safety of using gas pipelines, fittings and other equipment in apartment buildings:

  • maintenance of gas equipment in apartment buildings;
  • ensuring the work of the dispatcher and emergency crew;
  • carrying out technical diagnostics of gas equipment;
  • replacement of a VDGO/VKGO that has completed its operational period or has failed.

Frequency of inspections

Check gas pipes and other equipment located in common areas, as well as on residents’ property, must be installed by the service organization three times a year. In addition, it must maintain natural resource devices in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Who has the right to inspect equipment

Resolution No. 410 provides a clear description of the main characteristics of a specialized organization with which a contract for the maintenance of VDGO/VKGO can be concluded:

  • it should be an organization that is not necessarily involved in gas supply, but is involved in;
  • must have permission to exercise the right to operate for the maintenance and repair of VDGO/VKGO;
  • employees of the organization must have specialized education and be certified to carry out gas hazardous work;
  • recertification of employees should be carried out once every 5 years;
  • It is mandatory to have dispatchers and specialists responding to accidents;
  • the organization must have specialized equipment for inspection and testing, and the equipment must also be inspected and maintained;
  • It is necessary to have measuring instruments.

Conclusion of a contract for maintenance of VDGO

An organization engaged in the maintenance and repair of VDGO has the right to operate only within the framework of the concluded agreement. The customer of the work, as a rule, is the management organization, HOA, housing cooperative, TSN, including on behalf of the owners when concluding an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment inside apartments. In the latter case, a protocol must be drawn up by the OSS, in which the owners delegate these powers to the management organization.

The initiator of the conclusion of this agreement can be either the customer or the contractor. Let's consider the procedure and documents required to be provided when the initiator is the customer.

To conclude a contract, the customer must send a written application to the organization that will perform the maintenance. The application must reflect the following information about the applicant:

  • for individuals – full name, residential address, passport details;
  • for organizations - name, address at which the legal entity is officially registered;
  • information about the location of communications subject to maintenance (address of the apartment building);
  • list of equipment included in VDGO, VKGO.

The following list of documents must be attached to the application:

  1. A copy of the passport for the owners, a copy of the constituent document for the management organization, notarized;
  2. OSS protocol, which confirms the right of management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives to represent the interests of owners;
  3. The service agreement concluded between the owners and the management company, as well as the OSS protocol, on which the form of governance of the MKD was elected;
  4. A document containing an exact list of the constituent parts of VDGO, VKGO;
  5. Documents confirming the date of sealing of meters;
  6. A copy of the act that defines the boundaries of the separation of the gas pipeline related to common property and the gas pipeline related to the citywide network.

Work performed under a service contract

The service organization performs 2 types of work: servicing gas equipment outside and inside the apartment building. When carrying out external maintenance, the following work is performed:

  • inspection of communications running on the external façade of the apartment building;
  • the paint layer, pipeline fastenings, and casings are checked for damage in places where the gas network passes through the MKD structures;
  • connections of pipelines and fittings are examined using soap emulsion for damage and leakage of natural resources.

When servicing equipment inside the MKD, the following actions are carried out:

  • the compliance of the existing equipment and the gas pipeline laid in the premises with the established standards is checked;
  • joints on the pipeline and fittings are examined using soap emulsion for damage and leaks of the natural resource;
  • an audit of gas-using equipment is carried out to determine the completeness of the composition;
  • valves are checked for lubrication and absence of malfunctions, seals are checked;
  • hoods and chimneys are examined for the presence of draft, pipes connecting gas equipment and the smoke exhaust duct are checked for defects, and the air flow for combustion is checked.