How to re-register a phone number. Re-registration of ownership of an apartment Where can I re-register

The article tells how to redo the bill for housing and communal services after purchasing an apartment and explains the intricacies of the legislation.

A special financial account is issued for citizens' residential premises. Registration takes place for housing owned by right of ownership, as well as under a social tenancy agreement.

4 information that is indicated in the document:

  • residential address;
  • footage;
  • number of rooms;
  • information about amenities: gas pipeline, heating, sewerage, elevator, garbage chute, bathroom.

The number of registered citizens must be specified. After all, the amount of payments for public utilities.

One invoice is issued for the entire apartment. If several owners own housing, then information about the owners and the size of their shares is specified.

By agreement of the owners, the main owner is determined. The application must be left at the passport office.

When adjustments are made, the basis must be indicated, as well as the employee’s signature and date.

Buying a home

Purchasing real estate is a responsible undertaking. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the seller has not left any debts on the apartment. To do this, a certificate is requested confirming the absence of debt for utility services.

The statement by financial number shows what accruals were made and payments made.

To reissue a personal number, you must notify the passport office, as well as resource providers, about the changes. If housing is purchased as shared ownership, then each owner must submit an application.

You need to take a certificate stating how many people are registered and contact the unified settlement center. If there are several owners, then each of them is required to give their approval for the re-registration of documentation. Before you buy a home, you need to make sure that the seller actually paid all the receipts. Otherwise, problems will arise for the new owner.

If meters are not installed, then charges are made based on how many resources are actually consumed.

Important! Several institutions will have to be notified. Therefore, you can simplify the task if you make copies of documents in advance. All that remains is to send them to the authorities.

How to transfer a personal account

From the moment of purchasing a home, the responsibility to pay for housing and communal services passes to the new owner. This rule is established by Art. 153 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

If utility payments come to the old owner, then you should contact the unit of the Unified Settlement Center.

4 documents to replace the owner:

  • contract of sale;
  • barter agreement;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • certificate of ownership.

When an apartment was purchased and the new owner paid utility bills for the previous owner, it is necessary to save these receipts.

When can utility payments be reissued to the new owner?

You can re-register after receiving an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (formerly a certificate of ownership).

3 reasons for charging payments to the new owner:

  • date of signing by the parties of the housing acceptance certificate;
  • the date of drawing up the agreement confirming the sale of the apartment;
  • date of registration of ownership, if there is no acceptance certificate and the date of preparation is not indicated in the contract.

Resolving the issue of utilities cannot be postponed after purchasing a home. Otherwise, service providers will quickly assess penalties.

Registration procedure

First, you should contact the ERCC and take an extract from the personal account about the debt to the old owner. Service providers don't stop charging. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the issue immediately after receiving an extract from the Unified State Register.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact the ERCC and leave an application to transfer the account to the new owner. From this moment on, all accruals will go to the new owner of the property.
  2. Request a personal account statement to be aware of your existing debt.
  3. Visit management company and sign a service agreement.
  4. Renegotiate the agreement with the energy agency.
  5. Re-issue documents at the gas service.
  6. Specify the date of the last meter verification. If more than three years have passed since the date of the last verification, then you need to call a specialist. A check outside the plan will require a small expense, but the problem with the metering devices will be solved.
  7. If you want to leave a landline phone number, you should contact a division of OJSC Rostelecom. You can write a request to connect to the network if phone line not connected.
  8. Connect the Internet. Before doing this, inquire about the conditions and choose a provider who suits you more than others.

After all these steps, re-registration will be made to the new owner.

Required documents

To resolve the issue of how to properly redo bills for housing and communal services after purchasing an apartment, you need to collect documents.

6 main documents to complete:

  • passport;
  • documents on real estate rights;
  • permissions from owners;
  • extracts from the house register;
  • gift agreement;
  • contract of sale.

Additional certificates include a BTI plan, cadastral documents, and a copy of the personal account. You can clarify the list of documents by contacting an authorized organization.

How to split bills in an apartment

It happens that one apartment is owned by several owners. In such a situation, you can divide personal accounts. Thus, two accounts are opened for one property. Each owner receives separate receipts.

You can transfer accounts in person; you do not need to contact a representative for help. You can re-register documents in your name only if the housing is privatized.

3 consequences of the facial number section:

  • separate accounts appear;
  • completed certificates of ownership are issued;
  • Utility bills are paid separately.

After division, the part of the housing for which he will pay is determined for each owner. It is convenient to divide the rent, then you can avoid disagreements about who should pay for what.

Everyone will pay only their own receipts. But the debt that arose before the division remains.

2 conditions for the section:

  • there are isolated rooms;
  • the footage of the premises corresponds to the share of the family member who wants to make a division.

There is a risk of being refused when one of the rooms is permanent residence is not suitable, here are the reasons for refusal:

  • area less than two meters;
  • doorway width – less than 70 cm;
  • the windows “look” onto an enclosed small courtyard;
  • less than 3 m is the distance from the windows to the wall of the building opposite.

The received refusal is appealed in court.

It happens that the seller of real estate and the buyer agree that the buyer will pay all the debts of the previous owner. But in fact, debt transfer is allowed only with the approval of creditors.

The previous owner may not pay the bills if there is consent from the resource supplying institutions. When a home is managed by a homeowners association or management company, written approval must be obtained from the manager.

If the old owner is in debt, then service providers will not be enthusiastic about the change of ownership. After all, someone has to pay the bills. But these debts have nothing to do with the new owner. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the management institution with an application to renew the contracts.

It is necessary to indicate the date of purchase of the property and clarify that there is no debt from the date of purchase of the property. Certificates confirming the ownership of real estate are attached to the application.

If organizations continue to refuse re-registration, then all that remains is to appeal the illegal decision. Sometimes it is enough to warn about the intention to appeal. In some cases, it is necessary to send a statement to the prosecutor.

The complaint must be accompanied by documents on ownership, as well as the response received from the management company or HOA.

Bottom line

When purchasing a home, you must re-issue a financial number. This operation is necessary so that you do not have to pay the debt for the previous owner. Management companies will not change anything on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to collect documents and apply.

If a refusal is received, you can appeal it through the court or the prosecutor's office.

MOTRER Moscow branches work schedule. The issuance of electronic queue coupons begins at 08:00.
Tuesday - from 8:00 to 20:00
Wednesday - Friday - from 8:00 to 18:00
Saturday - from 8:00 to 17:00
Sunday, Monday - day off.
Break - from 14:00 to 15:00

North-Eastern Administrative District Department on Signalny Proezd, building 9; South-Western Administrative District Academician Glushko, building 13; Northern Administrative Okrug Lobnenskaya street, building 20; VAO Bolshaya Kosinskaya street, building 1 “B” - open daily, seven days a week from 8:00 to 20:00, break - from 14:00 to 15:00.

Round-the-clock operating hours of the MREO traffic police departments:

registration department in the South-Eastern Administrative District st. Pererva house 21 and in SZAO st. Tvardovsky house 8, building 5. Break from 14:00 to 15:00 and break from 01:00 to 02:00. After 19.00 the issuance of service tickets stops. Be careful!

MO STSI TNRER No. 2 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, st. Tvardovskogo, house 8, building 5 and MO STSI TNRER No. 4 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, st. Pererva House 21, will register vehicles at night only for citizens who have registered through the portal

Registration through the MFC “My Documents”:

flagship centers “My Documents” (registration through the portal at the address: Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, building 1, Presnenskaya embankment, building 2 - provide vehicle registration services daily, seven days a week, from 10:00 to 22: 00, break from 14:00 to 15:00.

VAO MO STSI TNRER No. 3 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145023 Bolshaya Kosinskaya street, building 1 “B” +7 (495) 700–52–52 Company MO STSI TNRER No. 5 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145035 50 Let Oktyabrya Street, Building 6, Building 1 +7 (495) 439–16–24 SAO MO STSI TNRER No. 2 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145040 Khoroshevskoe highway, building 42 "A" +7 (499) 940–11–19 MO STSI TNRER No. 1 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145081 Lobnenskaya street, house 20 +7 (495) 485–41–06 MO STSI TNRER No. 1 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145001 Vagonoremontnaya street, house 27 +7 (495) 484–93–20 NEAD MO STSI TNRER No. 3 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145019 Signalny proezd, building 9 +7 (499) 903–62–54 MO STSI TNRER No. 3 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145020 Mira prospect, house 207, building 1 +7 (499) 187–17–57 SZAO MO STSI TNRER No. 2 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145039 Tvardovskogo street, house 8, bldg. 5 +7 (499) 740–12–75 Central Administrative District Messengers Lane, 18 +7 (499) 265–68–54 MO STSI TNRER No. 1 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145013 Volkhovsky lane, house 16/20, building 3 +7 (499) 261–10–95 Flagship center “My Documents”, through, k/p 1145015 Presnenskaya embankment, building 2 +7 (499) 530–51–89 Southern Administrative District MO STSI TNRER No. 4 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145053 Nagatinskaya street, house 2, building 3 +7 (499) 782–24–10 SEAD MO STSI TNRER No. 4 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145025 Pererva street, house 21 +7 (495) 349–05–41 South-Western Administrative District MO STSI TNRER No. 5 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145063 Academician Glushko street, house 13 +7 (495) 711–81–03 Flagship center “My Documents”, through, k/p 1145034 Novoyasenevsky prospect, building 1 +7 (499) 530–55–06 Zelenograd Autonomous District MO STSI TNRER No. 2 Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, division code 1145044 Moscow, Zelenograd, Krupskoy street, building 1 +7 (499) 733–94–51 Troitsky Autonomous Okrug Department of REO MO, division code 1145055 Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 20 +7 (495) 851–95–01

One of the main activities of the StrakhovAvto company is round-the-clock assistance in re-registration of a car through purchase and sale. By choosing us, you receive prompt and high-quality service for preparing all the necessary documentation for registration actions with the purchased vehicle, as well as qualified services for:

  • checking the documents for the car being sold (including the car registration certificate);
  • checking the car using the traffic police database;
  • checking currencies;
  • providing a transaction guarantee;
  • sale of compulsory and voluntary insurance policies.

Re-registration procedure

By contacting StrakhovAvto, you can re-register your car around the clock, even at the vehicle inspection site. To do this, you need to contact us by phone and indicate the address where the agent should go.

For quick and legal re-registration, we will provide forms of the purchase and sale agreement. You will also need:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • passport of the second party to the transaction;
  • PTS and Vehicle Registration Certificate.

You can re-register a car around the clock

Re-registration of a car in Moscow is possible not only during business hours of car dealerships and insurance companies. Our activities are completely focused on the needs of our clients, thanks to which we can organize an agent’s visit to the transaction at any time convenient for you - on weekends, holidays, late in the evening and even at night.

Our many years of practice, higher legal education and mobility allow us to:

  • work 24 hours a day;
  • arrive at the deal within half an hour after your call;
  • prepare documents taking into account the interests of all parties to the transaction;
  • eliminate unpleasant situations with fraud when buying a car.

Cost of services in Moscow

Are you interested in quick car re-registration in Moscow? We are ready to offer you prompt service at the most affordable prices. The cost of our services is formed according to a simple and understandable scheme. So the price of an agent’s departure will depend on:

  • time of day;
  • the scope of services you have chosen;
  • MTPL policy ordered or not;
  • the need to organize maintenance.

At the stage of registering the rights of the owner in Rosreestr, the paperwork associated with the purchase of housing does not end for the happy owner. This is only the beginning of a long journey through the authorities in order to re-register numerous contracts for the provision of utilities and other services.
Therefore, I recommend postponing the housewarming celebration for a couple of weeks and moving on to more pressing matters. In this article I will talk about what you need to do first when buying an apartment, where to go and how the procedure for re-registering utilities and other services takes place.

What conditions determine the priority of actions?

The priority of actions for registration of utility services depends on the market in which the property was purchased - whether you are the owner of an apartment in a new building or the owner of a home purchased on the secondary market.
In any case, the first step will be to contact the management organization - an intermediary between the owners and resource supply organizations (in old houses, the functions of the manager can be performed by the HOA).
The second stage will be the conclusion or renewal of agreements for the supply of resources with the relevant companies.

○ What to do after buying a home in a new building?

First of all, we register the ownership of the apartment in Rosreestr.
To do this, you will need to sign a transfer and acceptance certificate with the developer and receive from him a technical plan for the apartment. Sometimes the technical plan needs to be drawn up independently (this depends on the agreement with the developer). You can order a technical plan from the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr or from a cadastral engineer.
You need to contact Rosreestr with the acceptance certificate and technical plan.
From the moment the transfer acceptance certificate is received, utility bills are charged to the new owner. The basis is clause 6, part 2, art. 153 Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

“The obligation to pay for residential premises and utilities arises from:

6) the person who accepted from the developer (the person providing construction apartment building) after the issuance of permission to put an apartment building into operation of premises in this building under a transfer deed or other transfer document, from the moment of such transfer.”

Drawing up an agreement in housing and communal services

The management organization (MA) is an intermediary between residents and resource supply organizations (Part 6.2 of Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The resource supplying organization issues an invoice to the MA for services. The MA, in turn, issues an invoice to the residents, receives money from them and transfers it to the organization providing the resource.
How can a new owner know which management authority to contact? The local government independently holds a competition to select a management organization. Within 10 days after it has been carried out, persons who received the transfer deed from the developer are informed by the local government about its results - which entity won the competition and the terms of the contract (Part 13 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Registration of a personal account

Personal account is a concept used in everyday life for a payment document issued by the MA to the owner. It is issued for each apartment and reflects information about the payment of utilities.
To apply for it, you must contact the management company with an application written in free form with a request to open an account in your name. The application must be accompanied by a passport and a transfer deed.

Contacting energy sales

According to the rules of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442, individuals who are consumers of electricity must enter into an agreement with a supplier of last resort or energy sales (clause 71 of the Resolution).
The contract does not have to be written and is considered concluded from the moment the use of electricity begins. The existence of a contractual relationship is confirmed by relevant receipts. In this case, the MA provides information about the electricity user (clauses 72, 73 of the Resolution).
To conclude a written agreement for consumption, you need to contact the energy retailer servicing the area where the energy receiving devices are located with a statement of desire to conclude an agreement. Scroll necessary documents can be found in paragraph 34 of Government Decree No. 442 of the Russian Federation (if all the documents are not available, the energy supply must collect them independently).

Additional actions

If the new building provides for the use gas stoves, then you need to contact Gorgaz to conclude the appropriate agreement.
If you are going to live in the premises, do not forget to register in it. To do this, you need to contact the registration authority. Everyone needs to register at their address – both permanent and temporary residents.
Home networks (telephone, Internet, and television) are often provided by one provider, who supplies the necessary wires to the house during the construction stage. Find out from the developer who your provider is and go to him to conclude an agreement.
If you are not satisfied with the telephone operator, then you have the right to choose any other one. The procedure for providing telephone services is regulated by paragraphs 15-18, 57-59 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1342.
In addition, now you can take advantage of additional services, such as apartment insurance, installation burglar alarm, water delivery, etc.

○ What to do when buying a home on the secondary market?

The obligation to pay utility bills arises after registration of ownership (clause 5, part 2, article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). That is, after registering the new owner with Rosreestr.
In order not to receive payments in the name of the old owner, you should quickly re-issue all documents for payment in your name.

Contacting the HOA or housing and communal services

Ask your neighbors or former owner about the presence of an HOA in your home. This is a community of owners that every tenant should know about. If the HOA has not been created, inquire about the address of the management organization.
To join the HOA you must submit the appropriate application.
If you were not told the address of the MA, you can find it out from incoming payment documents, at the cash settlement center or through special services on the Internet.
An agreement is concluded with the management organization.

Re-registration of a personal account

The re-registration of the personal account is carried out by the HOA or MA. To do this, you must submit the appropriate application, passport and confirm the owner’s rights.
Refusal to re-register a personal account due to debt is not legal. The new owner does not have to answer for the seller's debts. An exception is fees for major repairs.

Renewal of the contract with energy sales

Energosbyt must be notified of the change of owner. To do this, you should contact the company that supplies electricity to the service area where your home is located.
To renew the contract, you must take with you your passport, title document for the apartment and take current meter readings. If you have already started paying your bill, take your receipt with you.

Re-registration of water consumption meters, if any

If you have water metering devices, you need to re-register the meter for hot and cold water to myself.
For this purpose, instrument readings are taken. You must contact the water utility with your passport, documents for the apartment and documents for meters (if any).

Re-registration of a landline telephone, if available

If the apartment you are moving into has a working telephone line, you need to contact your telecom operator.
How to re-register home phone to myself? To do this, within a month from the moment of check-in, you must contact the operator with your passport and the title document for the apartment. You do not need to receive any refusal to use the network from the former owner. The old contract is terminated automatically, as evidenced by clause 5 of Art. 45 of the Law “On Communications”:

“If the subscriber’s right to own and use the premises in which the terminal equipment is installed (hereinafter referred to as the telephone premises) is terminated, the contract for the provision of communication services with the subscriber is terminated.
In this case, the telecom operator with whom the contract for the provision of communication services is terminated, at the request of the new owner of the telephone premises, is obliged to conclude an agreement with him for the provision of communication services within thirty days.”

Drawing up an agreement with the gas service, if necessary

Agreement about gas service it is necessary to conclude for each owner of an apartment in which there is an intra-apartment gas equipment(Clause 17 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410). On behalf of the owner, a management organization or HOA can conclude an agreement. It is necessary to inquire about the existence of an agreement with the above-mentioned persons.
If the apartment is installed optional equipment, V gas company an application for concluding an agreement is sent, which indicates a list of indoor equipment (clause 18 of Resolution No. 410). You can entrust the conclusion of the contract to the management company or the homeowners association.

The process of purchasing a car consists of 2 parts: the purchase itself and registration of the car with the MREO. Until 2013, when selling a car, the seller had to deregister it, put it in transit, and only transfer it in this form to the new owner, who would re-register the vehicle in his MREO. After 2013, it is no longer necessary to deregister a car when selling it. The seller and buyer enter into a purchase and sale agreement, on the basis of which the new owner independently re-registers the vehicle. But in addition to the contract, he also needs other documents.

To conclude a purchase and sale agreement

The sales contract reflects basic information about the seller and buyer, as well as about the vehicle and the price for which it is being sold. Based on this, when concluding a contract, you will need a passport of the new owner of the vehicle (buyer), a passport of the previous owner (seller) and a passport vehicle. All information in the contract must be entered strictly as in the documents. Blots, cross-outs and corrections are not allowed, otherwise such an agreement can be easily challenged in court.

For re-registration in MREO

After completing the purchase and sale agreement, the new owner has 10 days to re-register the car in his name (defined by paragraph 4 of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of 2008 “On the procedure for registering vehicles”). An exhaustive list of documents required to complete registration actions is established by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 of 2013 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations”. Thus, paragraph 15 states that the applicant must provide the MREO officer with:

  • Completed application for vehicle registration. You can download it from the link and fill it out in advance or get it directly from the MREO and fill it out there. Also, the application can be filled out through the State Services portal and sent to the MREO in electronic form;
  • Vehicle passport and vehicle registration certificate. The new owner must receive both documents from the seller. You cannot buy a car without these documents, since they can only be restored by the person in whose name they were previously registered;
  • Documents on the basis of which a citizen owns a car. This could be a purchase and sale agreement, a deed of gift, a customs declaration, a certificate of inheritance, etc.;
  • Passport.

When transferring a car from one owner to another, no other documents need to be provided. But at the same time, the applicant must pay the state fee for registering the vehicle. According to Article 333.33 of the Tax Code, its amount is: 500 rubles for issuing a new registration certificate, 350 rubles for making changes to the PTS, 800 rubles for issuing a new PTS, 2,000 rubles for issuing new license plates.

In addition, the driver must have a voluntary MTPL insurance contract, which can only be obtained if he has a valid diagnostic card. That is, after purchasing a car, the driver must undergo a technical inspection (if there is none), enter into an insurance contract, and only after that go to the MREO. It is not necessary to present the receipt of payment of the duty and the MTPL insurance policy to the MREO employee (but you can at your own discretion).