Is it possible to connect to the Internet without a home phone? Home Internet from Rostelecom: capabilities, connection rules and tariff plans

The Internet in the 21st century is not just entertainment, but a necessity for everyone modern man. Rostelecom is one of largest companies in this industry, which has been operating for many years, which is why it is chosen by millions of customers throughout Russia.

Setting up the equipment is not difficult, but for beginners it’s still worth telling how to connect the Internet via home phone Rostelecom quickly.

First, you need to decide on the tariff. All services of Rostelecom are described in detail on their official website. There you can select them, connect them and agree with the specialist on the day and time for installation. But this is not the only option.

You can also choose a tariff plan in one of the company’s offices, here you can ask the managers any questions you are interested in, ask what tariff you can connect to, what the monthly payment will be for the services provided.

Third way: call the support number 8 800 100 08 00 and order the desired tariff from them. Rostelecom now offers many different offers with access speeds in the range of 30-200 Mbit per second.

How to connect Rostelecom Internet to your phone

Access to the Rostelecom network can be obtained not only through the home Internet, but also using a mobile phone. The service can be activated in one of the following ways:

  1. Request. The user can dial the code *104# on their device, after which an SMS with detailed instructions will be sent to the phone.
  2. Contacting a communication salon. The installation process can be carried out by any consultant from Svyaznoy, Euroset and other stores, but you may have to pay a little for it.
  3. Contact Rostelecom. In any service center companies are ready to assist clients in connecting to the service. Addresses can be found on the official website.

Is it possible to connect to Rostelecom Internet without a home phone?

There are 4 technologies for connecting services from the company:

  1. Dial-Up. The cheapest option, which is to connect telephone network and the Internet. The user cannot use two services at the same time: in order to make a phone call, you must first turn off the Internet. Such a proposal suitable for those people who rarely talk on the phone and want to save on services, but this is not entirely convenient.
  2. XDSL. A popular technology that differs from the first in the ability to simultaneously use the Internet and telephone. It is suitable for that category of citizens who need both of these services. In this case, you will not need to disconnect the network constantly.
  3. Wireless access. In this case, to view information, videos and access games, it is not necessary to connect to the Internet via a telephone line. This is a convenient way to connect, since it does not require numerous wires, and installation will take a minimum of time.
  4. Optical line. This offer involves connecting services from the company, such as television and telephone, over one cable.

It is better to entrust the connection of services to specialists who will quickly and efficiently complete the installation necessary equipment so that there are no problems with communication and traffic.

All information about tariffs is located in the user’s personal account. But not all people have access to a choice of 4 connection technologies. This is due to the locality. In small towns and villages it is possible to connect to the Internet only in the first two ways. It is better to obtain detailed information about installing the Internet directly from the provider company. The website has a special “Help” section, which indicates how to contact the company.

PJSC Rostelecom connects home Wi-Fi Internet and Television in Moscow and territories annexed to Moscow under the Onlime brand
Rostelecom PJSC offers special tariffs and connection conditions for Online subscribers.

How is Digital TV Online connected technically?

Digital TV connection occurs via a common house antenna cable.
There is NO NEED to lay additional wires in the apartment

To watch Digital TV you need a Rostelecom TV set-top box (rent - 0 rubles per month)
or TeleCard Rostelecom Online ()

Is it possible to connect a TV to Interactive TV without using a common house antenna cable?

Yes, it's possible.
But this is a separate service (not included in the package) free connection), You can buy and connect a Rostelecom TV set-top box with a Wi-Fi module yourself ()

How is the Internet connected technically?

The engineer runs a cable into the apartment and installs a Wi-Fi router at the entrance for wireless Internet access for any device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)

Does the apartment have fiber optic cable?

All providers connect the home with fiber optic cable.
A twisted pair cable enters the apartment, which provides Internet access speeds of up to 500 Mbit/sec

Is it possible to connect the Internet without running a wire into the apartment?

No. If you need wireless Internet, contact the operators mobile communications(MTS, Beeline, Skylink, etc.)

Do you have to drill into the walls to install cables into your apartment?

Engineers provide Internet connections for free, and if it is possible not to drill anything, then they will gladly not drill anything.

As a rule, each apartment has a technological opening through which the cables of the common building antenna, electrical wiring, etc. enter the apartment. It is this hole that is used to install the Internet cable into the apartment.

I already have Internet connected to another provider, do I need to lay new wires?

The cable that goes to the entrance to your apartment belongs to another provider and we will not use it (the engineer will lay a new cable for free and without your participation). And the wires that you have in your apartment belong to you, we can use them (there is no need to lay new ones)

Do you only need to use an Online Wi-Fi router to connect to the Internet?

You can use your own Wi-Fi router (any model). We have no special requirements for Wi-Fi routers.
Rent a Wi-Fi router Online - 0 rubles per month

How to connect two or more TVs to Digital TV in Moscow

To connect each TV to Digital Television A separate TV set-top box is required. If you need to connect two TVs, then you will need two TV set-top boxes, if you connect three TVs, then you will need three TV set-top boxes.

Rent of the first TV set-top box from Rostelecom - 0 rubles per month
rent of the second (and further) TV set-top boxes - 99 rubles per month
You can buy Online TV set-top boxes - 3,590 rubles

On each connected TV, you can watch any TV channels (within the connected package)

How to connect a home phone in Moscow

Applications for connecting a home telephone in the Moscow region are not accepted by telephone.

To connect a home telephone in the Moscow region, you must contact the nearest sales office of PJSC Rostelecom, write an application for connecting a home telephone, after which a check will be performed technical feasibility(checking for free ports).

The cost of connecting a home telephone can be told to you at the sales office, after checking the technical feasibility and determining the possible connection technology.

How to find out where the nearest sales office of Rostelecom Online services is located

Telephone number of the unified information service of PJSC Rostelecom - 8 800 100 0 800 or 8 800 450 0 150

If I submit an application today, when will I be connected?

Internet and TV connection on the day of application is NOT provided.

The next day, after submitting the application, an engineer contacts you, with whom you agree on the date and time of connection.

Is it possible to connect to the Internet and TV on Saturday or Sunday?

The possibility of connection depends on the management company of your house (previously it was called housing office).
If Management Company provides access to the server room on weekends and holidays, then connection is possible.

As a rule, management companies do not provide access on weekends and holidays.

To connect on a weekend, the engineer needs to lay a cable from the server room to your apartment on a working day (without your participation or presence), and perform the connection itself in the apartment on a weekend.

So that he has the opportunity to lay a cable to your apartment on a working day - leave applications in advance

How not to pay for the Internet when you leave the city?

Are you going on vacation and don’t want to pay for Internet and TV while you’re away?

Then come in Personal Area Online, activate the “Voluntary blocking” service and feel free to go on a trip! When you return home, the money in your account will not run out, and the Internet will be activated.

Is it possible to connect to the Internet without using a home phone? And how much will it cost? and got the best answer

Answer from Vladimir Semenyuk[guru]
Options: GPRS Internet through any mobile operator (expensive and slow, but good for surfing); 3G Internet from the same mobile operators(speed is better but also not the best cheap option) ; A leased line via cable is the best option in terms of price, speed and traffic; via cable television (and there is such a thing), for a satellite you need two connections - incoming from the dish and outgoing through the phone, for example.

Answer from Internet at home[newbie]
Can! The home phone doesn't even have anything to do with it!
Go to the website link, choose a provider, submit a request. The operator will call you back and fill out a request to connect to the router. You can also call them yourself: 8-920-110-50-80 (09:00-21:00 Moscow time)
Moreover, there are options for both purchasing a router (immediately or in installments) and renting.

Answer from Internet Beeline[newbie]
Good afternoon
And it's very simple! You don't need a home phone. Nowadays, the technology of connecting Home Internet via a dedicated line is widely used, when an Internet cable is installed in your apartment by a company technician.
For example, you can order a connection for free from the website link
Tariffs and conditions on the same website in the Tariffs section.

Answer from Dorob dqe[newbie]

Answer from Hermann[guru]
USN modem. Any cellular operator can offer you such a pleasure and, I assure you, they will tell you the cost.

Answer from Fzfx[guru]
Can. it will cost as much as the providers who work in your home offer it for.

Answer from Makhmud Asanbekov[guru]
Can. There are 2 options:
1. find such a provider, like a house. RU;
2. buy mobile modem from one of the mobile operators.

Answer from Andrei CRiM Tishin[guru]
The only option is via a satellite dish or optical cable.

Answer from YUM[guru]
Can. It's called a dedicated line or cable. Expensive? I don’t know, I pay 160 rubles/month for mine... it doesn’t seem expensive.

Answer from *](@R@N[)@$)(*[active]
You can use a Wisby modem, but the speed is slow
I'm on Adsl from my home phone and everything is fine without Lemita.

Answer from Yenat Abdulin[guru]
connect to MTS, Megafon, Beeline - they sell such special small modems - they can be used perfectly, including outdoors with a laptop

Answer from Maire Sie[active]
Certainly! dedicated line, have you heard about this?
Now it’s very affordable, we paid something like $20 for connection and now we’re paying ridiculous amounts of money as a subscription fee.

Answer from Nikita Frolov[guru]
it depends on your geographical location

Answer from Vadim Makhorin[guru]
you can.. Unusually, they connect via cable TV right now.. and the price is even less than ADSL

Answer from Yergey Kostin (PIT)[guru]
You don’t need to find out here, but find out at your place of residence which providers your apartment building is connected to. But then go to the providers’ website and look at the prices for the services provided. The prices are different, and the tariffs are also different. Therefore, nothing can be said specifically to you; you must choose your provider and tariff plan yourself.

Answer from Alexander Mezyak[active]
I have a wired 10,000 mbit. give me a sec. without a phone. 2,500 setting and 2,000 dropped into the account. look for a provider and go ahead

Answer from Dissident[guru]
It’s expensive to download a large one, but it’s fine on sites with disabled images. but this is pretty terrible...

Answer from Paradox[guru]
Yota rules, if your house is in a stable coverage area, take it without hesitation, very good speed, real unlimited tariff, mobility. Of course, if there is an option to connect a dedicated line, then it will certainly be faster, although it all depends on what speed the provider offers you.

I decided to raise a very interesting issue and deal with Internet access in villages. Not just with Internet access, but with access via Wi-Fi wireless technology. Simply put, we will consider different variants, with the help of which you can organize Internet distribution via Wi-Fi in your private home, in the village.

It seems to me that this is very actual question, and since I myself am from the village (though now I spend more time in the city), but, with my parents, I, of course, organized the Internet and distribution via Wi-Fi. And the younger brother connects his tablet, smartphone and computer. Plus, more.

I think that this article will be very interesting to everyone who lives in villages and at the same time wants to have access to the Internet, and not from one device, as is usually the case when using a GPRS, 3G, or 4G modem. Now, people are actively buying modern smartphones, tablets, TVs, laptops, which, of course, have the ability to connect to Wi-Fi. Yes, yes, not only in cities, each apartment has several devices that can be connected to the Internet.

The situation with Internet access, both in Ukrainian and Russian villages, is not very cheerful. I, of course, did not conduct any research, so I will draw a conclusion from the kind of Internet we use.

ADSL. Via a regular landline phone

In Ukraine, this is usually the provider Ukrtelecom. It provides Internet using ADSL technology. If you have a telephone line and your provider provides access to the Internet, then this is probably best option by price/speed/quality. My friend has such internet.

But, not everything is so good and simple. For example, in my village, there is no way to connect ADSL. Even if you have a landline phone. The provider talks about poor quality lines. There are many such cases. Therefore, residents of such villages use a different Internet connection, I will talk about this below.

If you have Internet via a regular phone and want to distribute it via Wi-Fi, then there is nothing difficult about it. Usually (probably at the request of the client), ADSL providers are now installing modems that can distribute Wi-Fi.

If you have an ADSL modem without Wi-Fi, then you can simply buy a Wi-Fi router and connect it with a cable to the modem (the connection diagram will be approximately as in instructions), and connect your devices via Wi-Fi within a radius of the house, or even not far outside the house (in the yard).

Internet via USB modem (3G, 4G) and Wi-Fi distribution

If there is usually no cable Internet, and there is no way to connect ADSL (or no desire), then use wireless GPRS, 3G, or 4G Internet. In my village, almost everyone who has the Internet uses 3G (CDMA) from Intertelecom. I also have the same Internet. It doesn’t have to be Intertelecom; there is also wireless Ukrtelecom, PEOPLEnet, MTS, CDMA Ukraine and others.

Russia has its own providers. We will not talk about the pros and cons of each provider. If you choose, then see which provider has the best coverage in your region (you can ask support, or look at the coverage map on the provider’s website), and then look at the prices for paying for the Internet and equipment.

In my region, for example, the best option is Intertelecom. Plus, word of mouth 🙂 Well, you know what I mean, this is a village, everyone there knows what kind of Internet you have, etc.

There are no particular difficulties when connecting to wireless Internet. We bought a modem, registered the connection, connected the modem to the computer, set it up and use it. Here is an example instruction: “ “.

But the problem is that a USB modem can only be connected to one computer or laptop. More precisely, the Internet can only work on one device at a time. If you have a laptop, you can try setting up Internet distribution via Wi-Fi using these instructions. Your laptop will take the Internet from a USB modem and distribute it to smartphones, tablets and other devices. But it’s not a fact that it will work out.

Previously, my TP-Link TL-MR3220 router worked according to this scheme (about setting which, read in article). But, unfortunately, it broke. And now, for almost a year now, in my private home, the Internet is being distributed by a router. And I'm very pleased with it.

True, the speed that Intertelecom provides is not always pleasing. Judge for yourself: if you download something at 4-5 am, then the speed is 250-300 Kb/s. And for example in the evening, the speed is 30 Kb/s. Their base stations are very busy. Although, I am not a strong expert in this. Moreover, the price has recently been raised on all tariffs 🙁.

Here are more tips on how to increase 3G Internet speed: . If the network in the village is very bad, then installing a special antenna can help. I also wrote about this in the article.

A few more ways

I probably won’t write much about satellite Internet. Since I’m not very into the subject myself. But, it is very expensive. There are expensive tariffs and equipment. If I'm wrong, please correct me, you can write your opinion in the comments.

As for GPRS/EDGE, these are already slightly outdated options. The speed there is very low. But, as an option, this method also needs to be considered. Now almost all mobile operators provide not very expensive Internet. And, you can use your phone as a modem by connecting it to your computer.

And if you have a modern smartphone, then most likely it has the ability to run an access point. What it is? You set up the Internet on your smartphone and launch the “Wi-Fi router” (this is what this feature is called on HTC smartphones). Phone regular internet (from mobile operator) distributes via Wi-Fi. That is, your smartphone acts as a router. You can connect laptops, other phones, etc. to it. I will write more about this later.


The best way to connect the Internet to a private house in the village, it's ADSL (if possible), and a modem with Wi-Fi, or a simple modem + Wi-Fi router.

If there is no landline phone, or the provider does not allow you to connect ADSL Internet, then we look for a 3G/4G Internet provider, connect, buy a Wi-Fi router with support for USB modems, and set up Wi-Fi distribution in your home. When choosing a router, be very careful that it is “friendly” with your modem. I wrote about this in an article with tips on choosing, the link to which is above in the article. Or, buy a mobile Wi-Fi router with a built-in modem. But, it is not suitable for everyone. They have a shorter wireless network range and a limit on the number of connected devices (not all).

Now, in villages they are just beginning to actively connect to the Internet. And in a year or two, they will begin to actively organize wireless networks in their homes. So, my article should be useful.

If I missed something, wrote it wrong, or you still have questions, write in the comments. I will be glad to answer your question, or supplement the article with an article interesting information. Best wishes! Internet to every home! 🙂

Living in a private home may impose some restrictions on communication with the World Wide Web, i.e., on connecting to the Internet. We will consider options for bringing the Internet to a private home from Rostelecom, one of the largest Russian communication service providers.

You can currently connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private home in one of the following ways:

  • using the “technical reserve” of your home telephone;
  • by “optics” - optical communication line;
  • connect via a fixed wireless connection point via Wi-Fi;
  • using a mobile or satellite connection.

Services satellite internet for a private home, especially in demand in remote areas populated areas, PJSC Rostelecom itself does not currently provide. One of its subsidiaries, RTKomm, operates in this niche. It is advisable to resort to this connection method only in cases where other methods are much more expensive than the cost of equipment for satellite communications - it is about 30,000 rubles, although there are discounted promotions.

Let's figure out how to install Internet from Rostelecom into a private home.

PON (fiber optic)

Optical fiber is one of the most optimal ways install Internet from Rostelecom to a private home. Technically, the method is the encoding of data with a light flux, which can transmit large amounts of information over very high speeds- up to 1 Gbit/sec.

The optical cable is not connected directly to the user's computer. You will need a special decoder set-top box that “switches” the connection to normal twisted pair(Ethernet cable). It is through it that the connection to the Internet is made either directly from a PC or home router.

How much does it cost to install fiber optics from Rostelecom to a home? The optical cable itself is expensive and installation is complicated. Required special equipment for cutting and splicing cables, which cannot but affect the cost of connecting with fiber optics. The ability to extend optical fiber to a private home at Rostelecom directly depends on the distance to the nearest stationary optical router. The price ultimately depends on the same distance. But the quality of communication will be impeccable.

ADSL (telephone line)

How to connect the Internet in a private home using a telephone if the budget does not allow using the technology described above? A good option— ADSL technology, which was used in the “zero” years and has not yet lost its usefulness.

To do this, you will need to bring a phone from Rostelecom into the house. This means stationary. Communication using ADSL technology occurs via a telephone cable, while the telephone line itself is not busy. It's all about the frequency difference - phone conversation is carried out at low frequencies, connecting to the Internet is carried out at high frequencies. You will have to purchase a frequency divider - a splitter (costs about 200-300 rubles) and an ADSL router, which can also be a Wi-Fi router. It is better to purchase the latter from the provider company itself, otherwise you will have to tinker with the settings. Its cost, depending on the brand, is 2-3 thousand rubles. The splitter can be included.

Internet brought into the house using this technology can provide speeds of up to 24 Mbit/sec. In practice it is usually less, 8-10 Mbit/sec. It depends on the fact that speed depends on extent telephone line and its quality, as well as the capabilities of the operator himself. The Internet can come into the house through wires laid in the 60s, but be prepared for frequent connection problems, especially in the rain.
However, if complaints are received frequently, the provider’s employees quickly eliminate problem areas on the line, and communication is established.


Rostelecom provides the private sector (villages with a population of up to 500 people) with wireless Internet by installing Wi-Fi routers there. Communication is available on any device capable of connecting to Wi-Fi networks. This was done under the government “Program for Eliminating the Digital Divide”, so currently such communication is free, but the speed is limited to 10 Mbit/s, sometimes less. The list of sites that can be accessed is limited to 2,000 different government portals.

Using wireless Internet technology, Rostelecom also connects a separate house, but this is a paid service. There are no restrictions on sites, except those established by law. It’s called “Internet at Home,” and you can apply for it on the company’s official website.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom for a private home may be a good option for people who primarily use tablets and/or smartphones. Not long ago, this company joined the ranks of providers providing 3G standard communication services. Rostelecom offers users a range of tariffs from which you can choose whatever you like - to surf the Internet all day long or to connect at home periodically to check email. The volumes of traffic provided range from 70 MB to 25 GB per month - according to everyone’s needs.

Cost of services

The price of connection and the price of use are two different things. It is impossible to say for sure how much it costs to install Internet in a private home. The cost of connection is determined individually in each specific case. It depends on many factors, primarily on the location of your home and the chosen connection method.

There is one tariff for ADSL Internet - 349 rubles/month (the rate may change over time). The main direction of development is optical fiber. The price of “optical” Internet from Rostelecom for the home depends on the selected speed - from 99 rubles/month for the “minimum wage” to 890 rubles/month for unlimited at a speed of 200 Mbit/sec. Additional services are available for an additional fee - parental control, antivirus, etc.

How to leave a request and connect?

The easiest way to apply for an Internet connection, as well as other communication services, is on the official portal of the provider. Enough:

  1. Select a region from the list.
  2. Go to the “Internet” subsection.
  3. Check out the options and click on the one you like the most.

The system will display an online application dialog. You must fill it out, indicating your contacts, address and full name, and click the “Connect” button. After some time, the company manager will call you.
If this method is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can leave a request for connection at any office of the company.