Full mobile unlimited. Tariffs for MTS modem

Unlimited Internet access is important condition for human interaction with the world high technology. This is especially true for megacities. Most everyday tasks here are solved using the World Wide Web. This makes it possible to save time. In addition, it is a large data bank of information, with access to which you can remotely learn almost any skill or ability.

Selection Basics

The Internet is not so much a means for entertainment as it is an opportunity to quickly respond to changes and social challenges, to work remotely and to express oneself in creativity. To be able to enjoy all the benefits that wireless access gives us today, your network connection must meet the following requirements:

  • firstly, you must have unlimited traffic, that is, the volume of transmitted and downloaded information should not be limited;
  • secondly, a continuous connection at high speed, which ensures a stable and uninterrupted data flow.


Wireless Internet standard 4G (LTE), and in the near future - 5G, helps solve these problems.

Mobile devices using the 4G communication standard (in English abbreviated as fourth generation) are capable of receiving/transmitting data at speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. 5G technology (5th generation, respectively), according to the developers, in the near future will be able to receive/transmit unlimited amounts of information - up to 35 Gbit/s.

Currently, most mobile operators around the world use the 4G standard for data transmission. However, it is worth noting that as of April-May 2019, fifth generation standard networks have been successfully tested and put into operation by individual mobile operators only in 4 countries:

  • South Korea;
  • Switzerland;
  • in 7 cities in China.

In Russia, the launch of fifth generation networks is planned for 2020. Now, almost all wireless operators provide their mobile data services based on 4G technology.

Popular tariffs

There are popular tariff models that provide access to unlimited mobile Internet without restrictions on traffic and speed under 4G networks. At the moment, the range of offers of unlimited Internet services in 4G format on the market mobile communications very wide. Most service providers cellular communications They offer customers a choice of several tariff plans that provide the ability to access the network without limiting the amount of data transferred and speed.

Thus, the MTS company offers 2 different tariff plans for a fixed monthly fee per month of using unlimited Internet, not limited by traffic and speed. These are the tariffs:

  1. “Turbo-unlimited” - the speed of wireless Internet in this tariff is limited only by the capabilities of 4G technology, but the communication service provider reserves the right to limit traffic to 300 GB/month when there is a heavy load on the network.
  2. “Tariffische” is similar to the previous one, but also provides 500 free minutes per month for calls within MTS. Not available for subscribers in Crimea.

Megafon has 6 proposals for tariff plans for unlimited surfing. In terms of providing mobile internet, the tariff offers here are no different from each other. The only differences are in the price, the volume of package minutes for calls to “our” and “foreign” subscribers, and also in the coverage area. Of these: 4 - with a fixed monthly fee and 1 - per day:

  1. “Turn on 140. Unlimited,” - in addition to unlimited traffic includes 300 min./month. for calls to other numbers.
  2. “Turn on Communicate 275” – 1000 minutes/month. to other numbers.
  3. “Turn on 280” – 300 min./month.
  4. “Wifire “Unlim” - designed purely for wireless and non-wireless applications.
  5. “Daily VIP” – a tariff with a daily subscription fee and high data transfer speed.

Beeline has 3 offers with fixed subscription fee per month and 2 per day:

  1. "Lapis lazuli. 4G unlimited” – +500 min./month to any numbers without roaming in the Russian Federation.
  2. “4G unlimited 650” – in terms of 4G reception - traffic without restrictions, 3G - up to 30 GB.
  3. “Unlimit 855”, – high speed within 4G.
  4. “4G unlimited” – daily subscription fee.
  5. “Unlim” – +500 min./month. to numbers of any operators, the subscription fee is charged per day of using the service.

Yota offers 2 tariffs. Both provide unlimited access to the wireless Internet using 4G technology. Tariff models differ from each other in price and the volume of free package minutes for calls to other cellular networks:

  1. Tariff plans “For smartphone” – +500 min./month. or +300 min./month. conversations with subscribers not on the “native” network.
  2. Rostelecom (Tele2) offers 3 tariffs with a fixed subscription fee per month for using unlimited Internet without traffic restrictions. The differences, like the previous ones, are the price, the number of free minutes of calls with subscribers of competing networks.
  3. “My Business S” – +500 min./month. to numbers not covered by you.
  4. “Internet XXL 350”, high speed is the advantage of the tariff.


“Unlim Internet” is suitable for surfing and entertainment.

Thus, all of the listed wireless operators offer unlimited Internet services with unlimited speed and data transfer volume.

Today, unlimited Internet for a modem without traffic limitation is in significant demand among users. The main question in this case becomes how to choose the right operator that will provide unlimited Internet for a 4G modem. Depending on the specific operator, there are different Internet tariffs for a 4G modem.

When there are no restrictions

Many people believe that unlimited Mobile Internet will allow them to be online unlimitedly for a specific fee. But if you analyze the tariffs, you can see that this is rare.

If you look at an advertisement for any operator, you begin to think that you only need to pay a specific amount - after that you can use the connection as much as you like. But in reality, it turns out that only unlimited access to social networks is provided if a USB modem is used. Therefore, “unlimited” is not always so unlimited.

Although, starting this year, operators met their subscribers halfway and began to introduce more tariffs without traffic restrictions. Let's look at them.

As technology develops, the conditions for using the Internet also change.

  • Firstly, you can use smartphone tariffs for your modem, because the operator there most often provides an unlimited number of gigabytes.
  • Secondly, now your smartphone can serve as a full-fledged modem device, if it is used correctly.

Detailed overview of tariffs


Megafon has two basic tariff Your unlimited, where you can choose a convenient payment plan:

Rate Price, rub/month
For 6 months5000
For 12 months9000

These packages are suitable for modems, routers and tablets.

There is also an offer called Megafon Online, where the user is offered to pay as traffic is used. Here 1 MB is equal to 2.5 rubles.


MTS has the opportunity to connect unlimited communication with worldwide network occurs 14 days after purchasing the modem. The fact is that the price of the device includes 60 GB for two weeks, and after that you can upgrade to a package with unlimited traffic and an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/sec. The cost of the service is 749 rubles.


For the modem, Beeline offers a tariff called “For Computer”, but it cannot boast of unlimited access to the network. The package includes 30 GB/month and night unlimited for 900 rubles/month.

“Unlim” is the main Beeline tariff with unlimited traffic. Its cost is 690 rubles/month. The package also includes 600 minutes of calls per month.

However, the updated line of tariffs of the operator “Family” allows you to distribute the Internet from your mobile to other devices, so the relevance of the modem itself is reduced.

Previously, Beeline offered the “EVERYTHING 3 for a computer” tariff so that you could use an LTE modem. It was possible to use it for 30 gigabytes at a cost of 900 rubles. monthly. At the same time, there is a Highway series. The terms and conditions can be viewed in the “Services” section directly on the official website. And of all the available offers, only when using two does LTE become accessible from a computer - these are Highways for 2 and 5 gigabytes. The price, respectively, is 100 and 200 rubles. every month.

Beeline also offers completely unlimited Internet 4G V. Of all the tariff plans for a 4G modem, this is the only one without any restrictions and its cost is 350 rubles. per day. In this case, payment is debited only on the days of use.


Tele2 provides one tariff with unlimited Internet - “Unlimited” at a price of 650 rubles/m. You can also activate the “20 GB” or “50 GB” option with unlimited Internet at night, the cost of the packages is 699 and 999 rubles/m.


Tariffs from Yota for such a device as with unlimited Internet can please many LTE users. At the same time, on the official website, the subscriber can independently set the cost based on the speed. The step is not very big, because if the subscriber lacks fifty rubles, he will still have the opportunity to connect a computer modem to the global network, but at a slightly low speed. There is a range of prices here. So, the speed is 10 Mbit/s. costs 1250 rub. per month, and the maximum (more than 15 Mbit/s) - 1,400 rubles. It’s profitable to rent for a year at maximum speed, because it turns out to be 9,000 rubles. in 12 months.

When choosing the optimal tariff, experts recommend focusing on the area where the modem connects to the Internet. In this case, you can switch over instantly. This flexibility gives Yota important advantages over other operators.

However, many users do not choose Iota because they believe that the operator is not available in all regions. In fact, it operates on the MegaFon network, which means that Yota’s unlimited service is available throughout Russian Federation. It would seem that the Internet has been found without any restrictions and you can safely order a Yota SIM card. But experts do not recommend rushing too much, suggesting that you first think carefully before making this decision. You should also read the comments about the rates that are provided. After all, sometimes p2p protocols are blocked on the network, the network itself can work with constant overload, and the modem’s connection to the global network can be unstable.

The indicated prices are relevant for the Russian capital, as well as the Moscow region. To find out more information for other regions, users need to visit the official websites of mobile operators.

I have been following new developments in the field of mobile technologies for many years. Previously, this was my hobby, but now it has grown into a professional blog, where I am happy to share the information I have accumulated with you. All instructions, life hacks, selections best programs and tariff plans I checked personally on myself.

Our comparative material will help you find the cheapest unlimited Internet for a smartphone. In it we took into account current offers in the unlimited market. They are officially available from the following operators

  • Beeline;
  • Danycom;
  • Tinkoff Mobile.

We will study the tariffs and options, after which we will find the cheapest offer.

The first operator to launch the Internet for mobile phone in 2018. It is represented by the Tariffishche tariff plan. The minimum subscription fee is 650 rubles/month (for Moscow and Moscow Region). It includes 500 minutes, 500 SMS and unlimited traffic. The tariff works throughout Russia, but when traveling there is a limit of 500 MB/day, after which the speed drops to 128 kbit/sec. But you can spend minutes in any direction. There are not enough minutes and SMS - take more, the maximum package is 1500 minutes and messages for 1550 rubles / month.

Following the “Tariffishche” tariff, MTS launched the “Lots of Internet” option for expensive tariff plans with a subscription fee. These included “Smart Zabugorishche”, “Our Smart” and all active and archived versions of the “Smart+”, “Ultra”, “VIP” and “Smart Top” tariffs. Monthly fee – only 200 rubles/month. Use the command *111*837*1# to activate this option.

Distribution of Internet traffic is impossible, and there are also restrictions on the use of file-sharing resources. Use in modems is not allowed.

Unlimited from Beeline

Mobile operator Beeline was the first to react to the innovation from MTS. Unofficial information about the launch of unlimited appeared on the same day, and the next day it became official. The promotional option “Unlimited Internet” for the “EVERYTHING” tariff line has become available to subscribers. It is provided free of charge and without connection fees. In Moscow, it is connected to all tariffs in the line, starting with “ALL 2”. The subscription fee is 20 rubles/day, which translates into 600-620 rubles/month.

Offer from Danycom

In our opinion, this is the best mobile Internet. Here are three reasons:

  • Low subscription fee – unlimited is available on the “Xenon” tariff with a monthly payment of 699 rubles.
  • Good coverage in Moscow and the regions - Danycom uses the infrastructure of Tele2, which has paid attention to increasing the number of 4G base stations.
  • The Internet is available on any device - modems, tablets, smartphones and routers.

There are three disadvantages:

  • Xenon is not available for migration - you will have to buy a separate SIM card.
  • Voice communication does not work on the tariff - it is impossible to call anywhere.
  • Danycom operates in a limited number of regions - rapid development is planned only for 2019.

It's inexpensive and fast internet from a new virtual operator. If there is no wired provider in your home, it is best to choose services from Danycom.

Unlim from Tinkoff Mobile

Of the virtual operators, Tinkoff was the first to offer truly unlimited Internet. Its cost is 999 rubles/month with the possibility of distribution (there is a possibility that this functionality will be made paid in the near future). In this case, minutes can be disabled completely, leaving only traffic. The tariff is unique, but customizable - the choice of service packages is carried out through Personal Area. The coverage area is the entire country.

Final results and favorable rates

Beeline had the cheapest internet – from 600 rubles/month. In some regions where unlimited is connected to the “ALL 1” tariff, it will cost even less. No less interesting is the offer from Danycom - 699 rubles/month with traffic for any devices. Compared to this, Tinkoff looks more expensive, given the complete coincidence of coverage areas.

In the end, it all depends on the availability of a particular operator in the places where you use communications most often. For example, for a summer residence you can choose MTS - the number of its base stations outside large cities is higher than that of Danycom and Tinkoff (both work on Tele2).

Many subscribers of various operators who prefer to be constantly connected on the Internet want to acquire an unlimited tariff package. Unfortunately, operators are ready to offer customers only a limited number of such options. The article will discuss all the possibilities of connecting the Internet without borders to a modem.

Favorable tariff plans from Beeline

The operator is ready to offer users many options for accessing the World Wide Web, including via a modem. Such devices are traditionally used for work and surfing purposes, so the tariff plan, which implies payment by megabytes, in this case cannot be considered. Currently, 1 MB of this company costs 3.3 rubles. minimum.

The best offer can only be found in the “All in One” line. For example, for 10 GB of Internet the user will have to pay 1200 rubles. in a monthly period. But all the offers in this category are designed for smartphones, since they include an impressive package of minutes and messages, and since the subscriber will not actually use them, there is no point in considering such packages.

For fans of the operator, the “Simple Internet” tariff plan without AP is suitable. An additional “Highway” option can be connected to it:

  • for 600 rub. the user can count on receiving 8 GB per month;
  • for 700 rub. he is entitled to 12 MB;
  • and by forking out RUB 1,200, you can get 20 GB of online time.

As practice shows, such volumes turn out to be quite enough to carry out the work process in the vastness of the network without borders.

Great offers from Megafon

The basic offer was named “Megafon ONLINE”. The tariff is calculated by megabytes: for 1 unit you will have to pay 2.5 rubles within the home zone and 9.9 rubles outside it. If you use special services, for a fixed fee the user will be able to receive an additional package:

  1. The option in demand among subscribers is called “Internet M”, it implies a fee of 399 rubles. per month, and for it the user is provided with 30 GB of Internet. Half of the traffic is provided at night. Activation of services is permissible within the official resource of the operator, through a message or USSD combination.
  2. Another opportunity is provided for people for whom 30 GB of Internet is not enough. A more advanced option is “Internet L”. You can pay once a month for 599 rubles. and get 50 GB of traffic. Through this volume, it will be possible to upload and download files, listen to music, watch movies, and distribute the Internet to other devices.
  3. If you are a modest Internet user who prefers to look into the browser occasionally, you should pay attention to the “Internet S” option, within which 5 GB of traffic is requested from the user for only 239 rubles.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the most favorable tariff from this operator is “Megafon ONLINE”, to which the Internet option is connected.

Optimal offers from MTS

If you are a confident user of mobile services, then you can pay attention to one of the packages offered as part of the Smart line. In addition, there are several more current options, for example, “Per-Second”, “MTS SUPER”, “Red Energy”, etc. It is to this range of offers that you can connect additional Internet options without problems and unnecessary costs:

  1. The mini will cost 500 rubles. for 7 GB.
  2. Maxi costs 800 rub. for 15 GB (at night there are no traffic restrictions).
  3. VIP costs 1,200 rubles, but in return the user receives 30 GB of network access.

Internet usage is available throughout the country, but outside the capital, an additional fee of 50 rubles per day will be charged for this fact.

Everything tariff fees, recognized as beneficial for USB modems, are capable of supporting 4G functional mode. If you carry out comparative characteristics all possibilities, we can conclude that Megafon offers the most optimal services in terms of price/quality ratio.

The nuances of choosing the required package

The first point that you should pay attention to in the selection process is the cellular operator. To do this, you need to figure out which company works best within your address by conducting a test with a valid SIM card of a friend or relative. An important role is played by viewing the coverage maps that are presented on the website of a particular organization.

After this, you need to decide on your personal needs and tasks that need to be carried out within the global network (surfing websites, communicating on in social networks, listening to music, watching videos, playing games, etc.). If all you need is to check your email, conduct dialogues on social networks and look for some information for study or work, a tariff with restrictions in the package is suitable. If your goal is to watch videos, communicate via IP telephony, or play games, you need to pay attention to unlimited packages.

Choosing the optimal tariff is a very difficult, but solvable task. Currently, the most favorable prices for the Internet are offered by the mobile operator Megafon.

. . Date: October 14, 2016. Reading time 4 min.

Advertising for mobile Internet services is not always worth believing: unlimited tariffs usually cost more than those with traffic restrictions, and Tele-2 does not have unlimited tariffs at all. Beeline and Megafon have the most favorable conditions, but MTS is more expensive than the others.

Internet in cell phone no one will be surprised: modern models support high-speed 4G standard. Pages load quickly, even if they contain content that is not optimized for viewing on small displays. However, as before, you need to pay for services. If you often use your device as a window to the world, you will probably be interested in information about the most profitable mobile Internet. Which company - MTS, Megafon, Beeline or Tele-2 offers best rates?


MTS is able to connect up to 5 devices to the mobile Internet. The cost of such a service is 100 rubles. The idea is simple: the network is configured on a smartphone and from it you can distribute traffic to other phones or tablets. Moreover, it is not necessary that these devices be next to each other: it is enough that they are connected to a telecom operator in the same home region. MTS has only 3 tariffs: Mini, Maxi and VIP. The difference between them is the amount of traffic and cost. But if the limit is used up, you can always buy another day or more.

When traveling around Russia, mobile Internet will cost +50 rubles. per day.

The most profitable mobile Internet for a smartphone, if you plan to use it to the maximum, is on the “VIP” tariff. Actually, only on it is unlimited as such possible, and then only at night.

Conclusion: MTS services will cost 1,200 per month - not cheap.


In the “Everything” tariff family from Beeline, it is possible to connect to unlimited mobile Internet on a postpaid basis - payment for calls and SMS after the fact. The cost of the service is 500-1800 rubles/month. However, upon connection you need to deposit 500 rubles. – this is a guaranteed amount that is returned to the client if he pays for cellular communication services in good faith during the quarter. There are no restrictions on using the network, regardless of the tariff.

Conclusion: Beeline allows you to use unlimited for 500 rubles. Already more accessible!


Megafon also offers a range of “All Inclusive” tariffs without traffic restrictions. To use all the features, you need to connect the MegaBezimit service for the first time for free, repeated connections cost 100 rubles. How much you have to pay depends on the tariff.

Internet without traffic and speed limits is connected only to the existing tariff, and will cost the least as a result on tariff plan“All inclusive S” – 570 rub.

Conclusion: Megafon is a little more expensive, but according to the usual payment scheme without unnecessary freezing of the reserve amount.

Tele 2

When wondering which operator has the most profitable mobile Internet, you should not bypass Tele-2, because the company offers low prices for services. However, it cannot provide unlimited traffic - all tariffs have a limit on the amount of information downloaded. True, you can always buy more traffic, but it’s not the same.

Which one is the most profitable?

Based on the amount, the most budget-friendly offer was from Beeline. The company offers unlimited Internet for 500 rubles. per month on the “All for 500” tariff with a postpaid payment system. But if you want to use the usual prepaid method, you can pay an additional 70 rubles. for “All Inclusive S” from Megafon.