Sample claim to MGTS. Terminate the contract with MGTS and disconnect the landline telephone

Landline phones today are no longer as in demand as they used to be. They continue to be used in government organizations, municipal institutions and some companies, but in private houses and apartments they are increasingly being abandoned.

In the capital, one of the largest telephone service providers is Moscow City telephone network(MGTS). It is quite easy to refuse its services, as well as the services of other telephone operators. The main thing is to act strictly in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do when giving up your MGTS landline phone is to find a signed agreement for the provision of services.

It should specify a step-by-step procedure for abandoning the telephone network.

Another way you can get information about the sequence of actions is to go to the company’s website or call its manager for advice.

If an agreement is concluded for the provision of several services at once (telephone communications, television and the Internet), it is necessary to refuse each of them by writing separate statements. If, wishing to refuse to use a landline telephone, the client terminates the entire contract, he will also lose other services specified in it.

How to turn off your phone

Before turning off the phone, you need to weigh all the pros and cons again. If older people live in a house or apartment, they can use a landline telephone, and it also makes it easier to call emergency services if necessary.

If the decision to disconnect the MGTS landline telephone has been considered and made, it is necessary to perform a number of actions in a certain sequence.

Need to:

  • find a signed contract for the provision of services and familiarize yourself with in accordance with the established procedure refusing it;
  • visit the nearest telephone branch (MGTS office) with your passport and contract;
  • check whether there is any debt for telephone communications, and if there is any, pay it;
  • receive a form to fill out an application to disconnect the service, fill it out carefully, indicating the reason for refusing telephone communication;
  • submit an application form and wait for the service to be disconnected.

The shutdown will occur within a few days (depending on the number of applications submitted). If the phone was connected using an optical modem, after the network is turned off, the technician will take it with him.

Temporary blocking of the service

You can refuse MGTS telephone services for a certain time if you plan to be away from home for a long time. This will allow you to save the number and connection, but block the line for the selected period.

Please note that you will also have to pay for temporary blocking, so using this service is only justified if you turn off your phone for several months.

The cost of blocking is 300 rubles, for each subsequent month you will have to pay another 200 rubles, so it makes no sense to turn off the phone for several weeks.

In order to turn off your telephone device for a while, you need to take your passport and contact the nearest company office to write a corresponding application.

If you plan to be away for a long time, you can alternatively switch to the cheapest rate offered by the company during your absence. To do this, you should contact the organization’s office before the 20th of the current month and make the transition. From the beginning of next month, the line will operate at the selected economical tariff.

Tariff changes are free of charge. You can return the old tariff after returning in the same way or by calling the company's hotline.

Steps to take when moving

Sometimes disconnecting a landline phone is due to a planned move, and it is important for the user to keep the existing number. MGTS provides this opportunity: in order to take advantage of it, you need to contact the organization’s office and submit an application for transfer telephone line. The transfer may take from several days to several weeks. This service paid.

Another opportunity that the company provides to its subscribers is the renewal of the contract for a family member living at the same address.

For re-registration you need:

  • consent of the person with whom the contract was concluded;
  • consent of the person for whom the agreement will be executed;
  • passport of the person for whom the contract will be renewed.

Renewal of the contract is free of charge.

General distribution mobile phones is gradually displacing landline phones from its positions. Few people are now comfortable using such a device. And while landline phones can still be found in various offices, few people have them at home anymore. However, it is worth remembering that such phones are very convenient, especially for older people. One way or another, the question increasingly arises of how to terminate the contract with MGTS for a home telephone. Like any service provided, the home communication service can be disabled. But you need to know in what sequence to act so that disconnecting does not cause any difficulties.


Reasons for disconnecting a landline telephone may be reluctance or inability to use a home telephone, moving, or other reasons. Since such communication is a provided service, its suspension can be carried out at any time.

The management organization providing communication services may interrupt the service if you do not pay subscription fee. Since this is a serious violation of the terms of the contract, the service is suspended until all debts are paid. A complete severance of relations is not in the interests of providers, so they very rarely act as initiators of contract termination.

Termination procedure

In order to terminate the contract with MGTS according to all the rules, you must carefully study the clauses of the document that regulate the procedure for termination. They are usually prescribed at the time of concluding the contract and both parties are familiar with them.

You need to contact the nearest office of the company with the contract. Before writing an application, you must make sure that there are no debts on payment for communications. If there are any debts, they must be repaid.

A statement is written asking to suspend the provision of communication services. The application contains all the necessary information about the connection. The company's employees will receive the application and carry out the shutdown within a few days. If a modem or other device was installed when the service was connected, they will be taken away when disconnected.

Possible options

Disabling a landline phone can be:

  • full;
  • temporary;
  • partial.

In the event of a complete disconnection, the telephone is cut off from the city network and the number is lost. This is carried out upon full termination of the contract with MGTS.

Temporary disconnection is the blocking of a number for a certain period of time. This service is paid and is paid at a special rate. This is usually used during a short-term absence (for example, during vacation).

A partial shutdown involves a review of the package of services provided. Unnecessary services are disabled, while others remain. The monthly payment and terms of the contract change.

Instead of temporary or partial shutdown, sometimes it is more profitable to simply change the tariff to the most inexpensive one. Tariff changes can be made over the phone. If the tariff is changed before the 20th day of the current month, then the new tariff will apply from the next month.

When you move to a new place of residence, you can transfer your number there. The main condition is that the house is located in the area served by the company. This service is paid.

Application for termination of the contract

To terminate the contract with MGTS, you must write a statement. It contains the following points:

  • Full name of the person for whom the contract is drawn up;
  • passport details;
  • the address at which the connection was made;
  • information on the contract (number and date);
  • phone number which needs to be disabled.

The reason for termination may not be indicated in the application. The application is completed in free form. You can also ask the office workers for a special form.

How to send a request

An application for termination of the MGTS contract can be sent as follows:

  • by registered mail;
  • appearing in person at the department;
  • transfer with a representative (a notarized power of attorney is required).

Required documents

To terminate the contract for the provision of landline telephone services, you will need the following documents:

  • statement (handwritten by the contract holder);
  • passport of the person for whom the contract is drawn up;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • original contract;
  • photocopy of the contract.

In some cases, they may request documents confirming the right to reside in the specified apartment or house.

What to do if several services are connected at once?

Often, a company providing city communications services provides many more services. This may include home Internet, television, etc. These services are separate items, since you can terminate the contract with MGTS for Internet and television using separate statements. For each type of service, a separate termination request is written and given to the branch employees. Such a system is convenient if you plan to leave any of the services. If the subscriber wishes to completely sever relations with the organization, then a corresponding application is written for all services at once.

Refusal of one or more additional services will inevitably entail a review tariff plan, and often not in favor of the subscriber. Therefore, it is recommended that you research this issue thoroughly before visiting the office and submitting your application.

Mobile phones are successfully displacing home lines from the service market. If you barely use a landline phone, you can give it up at any time. How to do it? You will find out the answer to this question in this article.

Should I turn off my home phone now?

With the development of cellular communications, landline phones have become less popular. This trend is associated with the convenience of mobile gadgets and the inexpensive cost of communication services. Home phones in last years almost no one uses it.

Companies offer favorable conditions for making calls between subscribers belonging to the same operator, and international conversations are easier to conduct via Skype.

Whether or not to turn off your landline is entirely up to you. If in the case of a smartphone you pay for the time you actually talk, then a home phone requires a monthly fixed fee. You should refuse this service if you rarely make calls using it.

Where can I turn off my home phone?

Disabling a landline phone is handled by the company that installed it. In other words, the telecom operator providing the service to you.

The user has the right:

  • completely abandon home phone;
  • temporarily block the provision of services (for example, during a long departure).

When blocked, there is no charge for communication services, and the phone does not work until the user contacts the operator again.

In this case, the blocking time is not limited. In this case, the user just needs to contact the right company and leave.

How to make a request to disconnect your home phone?

Refusal from a landline telephone is carried out at the request of the person in whose name the contract for the provision of communication services was originally drawn up. Before submitting a request, it is recommended to contact company representatives and clarify the possibility of deactivation.

In some cases, the phone is inextricably linked with other connected services (for example, the Internet). If, when disconnecting your home telephone, other telecommunications services are also disconnected, the user has the right to enter into a new contract for the provision of only Internet and/or cable television.

It is important to indicate in the text of the application:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the citizen in whose name the contract for the provision of the service is drawn up;
  • his date of birth and passport details;
  • the address where the telephone is connected;
  • contract number and date of execution;
  • phone number to be disconnected.

You can make an application to disconnect your home telephone in a free form or fill out a standard form provided by a company employee.

It is not necessary to indicate the reasons why you decided to refuse this service in the text of the request. If you have no debt for using the phone, there should be no problems with terminating the contract.

What documents are required?

To terminate the contract, the user must provide a completed application form, his own passport and a photocopy of it, as well as the original and a copy of the service agreement.

If a citizen acts through a representative, you will also need a power of attorney certified by a notary office.

The contract for the installation of a landline telephone may be lost if it was concluded many years ago. If you are unable to find the document, contact the company office with the passport of the person in whose name the contract was issued. In this case, there should be no problems.

How to disconnect your home phone from Rostelecom?

The process of refusing to use a home line at Rostelecom is quite simple. It is enough to submit a request to terminate the contract for the supply of services or only to disconnect the landline telephone (if this is possible without disconnecting other telecommunications services).

There are two ways to submit a completed request form to the telecom operator’s office:

  • by registered mail with a description of the contents and notification of delivery;
  • upon a personal visit to a company branch by the user himself or his legal representative (in the latter case, a notarized power of attorney is required).

The application must be completed by hand. A printed version is allowed in case of personal presence of a citizen at the company’s office. Only a citizen who has entered into an agreement with a telecom operator can refuse the service.

If, for example, the user’s spouse contacts the office, termination of the contract will be denied. The exception is the presence of a notarized power of attorney issued in the name of the spouse.

How to disconnect your home phone from MGTS?

You can apply with this company at any sales and customer service center. The procedure differs little from that described above.

To avoid any problems with disconnection, it is recommended to personally visit the telecom operator’s office with all necessary documents.

In some cases, employees require the presentation of title papers for the residential premises in which a landline telephone is installed. However, in most cases it is enough to have a contract for the provision of services, a passport and a completed application form.

How to turn off your home phone via the Internet?

This service is not provided by all companies. For example, disconnecting a home phone from Rostelecom through the official website of the telecom operator is currently impossible.

A citizen can refuse to use a landline only by personally contacting the company’s office or by sending an application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

For example, the company provides the opportunity to disable the home line not only when contacting the office in person, but also by phone or after submitting an application in an online chat on the official website (