Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. Technical diagnostics of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. The rules do not apply

Group of companies "Industrial Safety" (NP PB-GROUP)

Scientific and Technical Center for Problem Research industrial safety(JSC STC PB)

Industrial Risk Research Agency (ANO AIPR)




Churkin Gleb Yurievich

Deputy Director of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Industrial Risk Research Agency”

Moscow, May 2014

Main pipeline transport facilities (according to Rostechnadzor)

Onshore trunk pipelines: Offshore pipelines:

main gas pipelines (MG) – 175 thousand km; Blue Stream – 396 km, main oil pipelines (MT) – 55 thousand km; Nord Stream - 1200 km, main product pipelines - 25.5 thousand km South Stream - 900 km (including ammonia pipelines - 1.4 thousand km, Shtokman gas condensate field - 560 km, natural gas liquids product pipelines - 4.2 thousand km ) Sakhalin projects – 50 km.

Total length of the linear part of the MT: Total length of the linear part of the MT:

More than 260 thousand km 3.1 thousand km, Slide 2 Dynamics of accidents and injuries at hydrocarbon pipeline transport facilities Statistics of the causes of accidents on main pipelines (from 1996 to 2012) Slide 3 Specific frequency of accidents on main gas and oil pipelines and oil product pipelines in Russia and abroad MG MT and MNPP Accident statistics on Russian MT (in terms of 1000 km) Pipeline type During the period Exclusively from 2008 to 2012. 2012

gas pipelines 0.09 0.09 oil pipelines 0.09 0.09 oil product pipelines 0.05 0.00 Slide 4 Legislative framework for MT design

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities» No. 116-FZ (as amended on March 4, 2013).

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” No. 384-FZ.

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Technical regulations on requirements fire safety» No. 123-FZ.

4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the safety of fuel and energy complex facilities” No. 256-FZ dated July 21, 2011.

5. Spatial planning scheme Russian Federation in the field of federal transport (in terms of pipeline transport): approved. disp. Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2013 No. 1416-r.

6. TR CU “On the safety of machinery and equipment” approved. Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated November 18, 2011 No. 823.

7. TR CU “On the safety of equipment for working in explosive environments” approved. By decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the TF dated October 18, 2011 No. 825.

8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2000 No. 613 “On urgent measures to prevent and eliminate emergency spills of oil and petroleum products.”

9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2002 No. 240 “On the procedure for organizing measures to prevent and eliminate oil and petroleum product spills on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

10. FNP “Safety Rules for Hazardous Industrial Facilities” main pipelines»

approved Etc. Rostechnadzor dated 6.11. 2013 No. 520.

11. FNP " General rules explosion safety for fire and explosion hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries” approved. Etc. Rostekhnadzor dated March 11, 2013. No. 96.

12. FNP “Safety Rules in the Oil and Gas Industry” approved. Etc. Rostechnadzor and dated March 12, 2013 No. 101.

–  –  –

1. FNP “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Main Pipelines” approved. Etc. Rostechnadzor dated 6.11. 2013 No. 520.

2. SP 36.13330.2012. Main pipelines: approved. by order of the State Construction Committee dated December 25, 2012.

3. SP 4.13130.2013 Systems fire protection. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions.

4. STO Gazprom 2-2.1-249-2008. Main gas pipelines.

5. RD-23.040.00-KTN-110-07. Main oil pipelines. Design standards.

Looking forward to 2020:

At the stage of approval by Gosstandart - 7 national standards

12 national standards are in development

It is planned to develop 35 national standards.

–  –  –

Difficult conditions for the implementation of new MT construction projects:

Harsh climatic conditions (low average annual temperature);

Hazardous geological processes (permafrost, heaving soils, seismicity);

Sensitivity of the ecological landscape to pollution;

Remoteness (underdevelopment) of the road network and industrial infrastructure;

New pumping modes.

Difficult conditions for the implementation of MT reconstruction projects:

Critical proximity of the MT route to industrial and civil facilities;

Intersections of the MT route with industrial and civil facilities;

New products for transportation Promising national standards for transport

1. GOST R “Main pipelines. Design standards for pressures above 10 MPa. Basic requirements" (under approval by Rosstandart).

2. GOST R 55599-2013 “Assembly units and parts of pipelines for pressures over 10 to 100 MPa (over 100 to 1000 kgf/cm2). General technical requirements".

3. GOST R 55600-2013 “Pipes and pipeline parts for pressures above 100 to 320 MPa.

Norms and methods of strength calculations.”

Slide 7 Typical deviations from the requirements of current RD, typical for modern projects construction and reconstruction of MT minimum distances from the pipeline axis to populated areas, individual industrial and agricultural enterprises, buildings and structures;

passage of the MT route through the territory of an industrial zone within the city limits;

permissible excess pressure in MT;

composition of the transported product;

crossing water obstacles without backup lines;

LPG (NGL) product pipelines with a diameter of more than 400 mm and a length of more than 100 km;

the angle of intersection of underground transport routes with railways and roads;

passage of the MT route under departmental roads without protective casing through the embankment;

minimum values ​​of the length of the ends of the case at underground installation pipelines through automobile and railways in cramped conditions;

maximum permissible distances between linear shut-off valves;

maximum distances between nodes for receiving and launching cleaning and diagnostic equipment on MT LPG, etc.

Slide 8 Typical deviations from the requirements of current ND, typical for modern construction and reconstruction projects of transport infrastructure

–  –  –

Chapter 1. Article 6.

8 Federal Law of the Russian Federation “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”:

"In case in order to prepare project documentation a deviation from the requirements is required, ..., there are insufficient requirements for reliability and safety, or such requirements are not established, the preparation of design documentation and the construction of a building or structure are carried out in accordance with special technical specifications …. ».

FNP “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Trunk Pipelines” (approved.

by order of Rostekhnadzor dated July 6, 2013 No. 520):

10. ...MT objects should be located at safe distances from other industrial and agricultural facilities, individual buildings and structures, residential, public and business areas and recreational areas established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

12. In the absence of established requirements for safe distances or the impossibility of complying with them, these requirements must be determined in the justification for the safety of the hazardous production facility.

–  –  –

The rules establish requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, preventing accidents, and cases of industrial injuries at hazardous production facilities MT, through which hazardous substances are transported - hydrocarbons located in:

Liquid state (oil, petroleum products, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, gas condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL), mixtures thereof)

And (or) gaseous state.

The rules do not apply:

for offshore and field pipelines, main ammonia pipelines, underground gas storage stations.

When developing the FNP, the following were taken into account:

Philosophy of a risk-based approach to security management.

Provisions of the draft Federal Law “Technical Regulations on the safety of main pipelines for the transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.”


SNiP 2.05.06-85*, SNiP III-42-80*, SNiP 2.05.13-90, etc.;

ISO 13623 " Pipe systems", DNV standards;

Projects GOST R "Magistralny pipeline transport oil and petroleum products.

Operation and Maintenance”, etc.;

Standards of JSC AK Transneft, JSC Gazprom, CJSC KTK-R (RD 153-39.4-074-01, RD 153-39.4-113-01, RD 153-39.4-041-99, RD 153- 39.4-058-00, RD 153-39-026-97, STO Gazprom 2-3.5-454-2010, STO Gazprom 2-33.5-354-2009, etc.)

–  –  –

1. Methodology for assessing the consequences of emergency explosions of fuel-air mixtures RD 03-409-01.

Methodological guidelines for assessing the degree of risk of accidents on main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines (RD-13.020.00-KTN-148-11).

2. STO Gazprom 2-2.3-351-2009. Guidelines for conducting risk analysis for hazardous production facilities of gas transportation enterprises of OAO Gazprom. STO Gazprom 2-2.3-400 Risk analysis methodology for hazardous production facilities of gas production enterprises of OJSC Gazprom. STO Gazprom 2-2.3-569-2011 Methodological guidelines for the calculation and analysis of risks during the operation of facilities for the production, storage and maritime transportation of liquefied and compressed natural gas of OAO Gazprom.

3. Methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk at production facilities(approved

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 404 dated July 4, 2009), as amended). A manual for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk for production facilities (VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, 2012) Slide 15 List of typical compensatory measures to ensure the safety of transport equipment Control of gas contamination in the space between the pipeline and the casing Increasing the stages of testing for strength and tightness Placement of additional identification marks along the transport route Revision of the deadline safe operation MT at least once a year Comprehensive in-pipe diagnostics at least once every 5 years Use of enhanced protective factory coating of pipes Providing protection from criminal attacks

MT gasket in a protective case (casing) Increase in wall thickness by 50%

Increasing the depth of the pipeline and casing Pre-startup primary complex VTD

Increasing the length of the casing Increasing the depth of the pipeline Development of a program for monitoring the technical condition of the MT and protective casing Application of protective engineering structures to limit product spillage Limiting the level of calculated hoop stresses in the pipe walls Application of an ECP system with 100% redundancy Shutting off the MT 10 minutes after the emergency signal Additional requirements to the viscosity of metal pipes and welded joints;

Additional requirements for chemistry. composition and strength of pipes and welded joints;

Carrying out periodic certification of the pipeline Increasing requirements for the quality of construction and installation works Slide 16 System for classifying compensatory measures

Regulatory documents in the field of activity
Federal service on environmental
technological and nuclear supervision


Episode 08
Safety documents,
supervisory and licensing activities
in the oil and gas industry

Issue 20




Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Main Pipelines” were developed by Rostekhnadzor and CJSC Scientific and Technical Center for Research of Industrial Safety Problems.

Federal norms and rules establish requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, preventing accidents, cases of industrial injuries at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines that transport hydrocarbons in liquid (oil, petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gases, gas condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons , their mixtures) and (or) gaseous state.

Federal norms and rules are intended for use in the development of technological processes, design, construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines; manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance, diagnostics and repair technical devices, used at these facilities; carrying out industrial safety examinations; process hazard analysis and quantitative risk analysis.

I. General provisions. 3

II. Industrial safety requirements for the development of technological processes when designing hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. 3

General requirements. 4

Industrial safety requirements when designing facilities for the linear part of main pipelines. 5

Industrial safety requirements when designing on-site structures for main pipelines. 7

III. Industrial safety requirements during construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. 8

IV. Industrial safety requirements for the operation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. eleven

Technological regulations for the operation of main pipelines. eleven

Maintenance and repair work at hazardous production facilities of the main pipeline. eleven

Technical diagnostics of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. 12

V. Industrial safety requirements for conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. 13

VI. Prevention and elimination of accidents. 14

VII. Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines. 15

General provisions. 15

Principles of quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. 16

Requirements for recording the results of an accident risk analysis on a main pipeline. 17

Determination of safe distances. 18


Federal Environmental Service,
technological and nuclear supervision
dated November 6, 2013 No. 520

On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field
industrial safety "Safety Rules"
for hazardous production facilities


* Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities. 2014. No. 1. ( Note ed..)

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. “On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 32, Art. 3348; 2006, No. 5, Art. 544; No. 23, Art. 2527; No. 52, Art. 5587; 2008, No. 22, Art. 2581; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 6, Art. 738; No. 33, Art. 4081; No. 49, Art. 5976; 2010, No. 9, Art. 960; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 38, Art. 4835; 2011, No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, Art. 1935; No. 41, Art. 5750; No. 50, Art. 7385; 2012, No. 29, Art. 4123; No. 42, Art. 5726; 2013, No. 12, Art. 1343) I order:

1. Approve the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Main Pipelines” attached to this order.

2. This order comes into force three months after the official publication of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Trunk Pipelines”.


in the field of industrial safety
"Safety Rules for Hazardous Workplaces"
main pipeline facilities"


1. These Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines” (hereinafter - the Rules) establish requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, preventing accidents, cases of industrial injuries at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines (hereinafter - HPF MT), which transport hazardous substances - hydrocarbons in liquid (oil, petroleum products, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, gas condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, mixtures thereof) and/or gaseous (gas) state.

2. The rules were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588; 2000, No. 33, Art. 3348 ; 2003, No. 2, Art. 167; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2005, No. 19, Art. 1752; 2006, No. 52, Art. 5498; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17, 21; No. 52 , Art. 6450; 2010, No. 30, Art. 4002; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4196; 2011, No. 27, Art. 3880; No. 30, Art. 4590, 4591, 4596; No. 49, Art. 7015, 7025; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446; 2013, No. 9, Art. 874).

3. The rules are intended to apply when:

a) development of technological processes, design, construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities;

b) manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of technical devices used at industrial production facilities;

c) conducting an industrial safety examination: documentation for conservation, liquidation, technical re-equipment hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as documentation); technical devices; buildings and structures; industrial safety declarations of HIF MT; justifications for the safety of hazardous production facilities.

4. Fire safety of hazardous production facilities MT is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 30, Art. 3579; 2012, No. 29 , Art. 3997; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477).

5. HPF MT includes facilities of the linear part and on-site structures.


General requirements

6. The development of a technological process, the use of technological equipment, the choice of the type of shut-off valves and their installation locations, control means and emergency protection must be justified in the design documentation/documentation by the results of a hazard analysis of technological processes and a quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents carried out in accordance with Chapter VII " Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines” of these Rules.

7. Complete equipment and technical devices developed and manufactured according to foreign standards are used at hazardous production facilities MT if the manufacturer’s technical documentation is available, as well as if they comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations in force in the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the conclusion of an industrial safety examination or a certificate of conformity requirements technical regulations.

8. The selection of the route and placement of linear part objects and site structures (pumping station, compressor station, gas distribution station, tank farm) should be carried out taking into account the natural and climatic features of the territory, the distribution of nearby settlements, hydrogeological properties of soils, the presence of nearby production facilities, as well as taking into account transport routes and communications that may have an impact Negative influence on the safety of hazardous production facilities MT.

9. The territory of location of linear and on-site structures of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of carrying out construction and installation work using lifting and special equipment, as well as the possibility of locating storage areas for equipment and construction materials.

10. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located at safe distances from other industrial and agricultural facilities, individual buildings and structures, residential, public and business areas and recreational areas established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. For on-site structures of HPF MT, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for ensuring explosion safety in accordance with subparagraphs 3.1 - 3.3, 10.4 and 10.5 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “General explosion safety rules for explosion-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries”, approved by order of the Federal Environmental Service , Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 11, 2013 No. (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 16, 2013, registration number No. 28138; “Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities,” 2013, No. 23).

12. In the absence of established requirements for safe distances or the impossibility of complying with them, these requirements must be determined in the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility.

The safety justification for hazardous production facilities in terms of risk analysis should be developed taking into account the requirements set out in Chapter VII “Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines” of these Rules.

13. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located taking into account the danger of the spread of transported liquid hazardous substances in the event of possible accidents along the terrain and the prevailing wind direction (according to the annual wind rose) relative to nearby settlements, objects and crowded places.

When laying oil pipelines and oil product pipelines near populated areas and industrial enterprises located at elevations below these pipelines at a distance from them of less than 500 m with a pipe diameter of 700 mm or less and 1000 m with a pipe diameter of over 700 mm, the design must provide technical solutions, excluding the entry of the medium transported through the pipeline into the building area.

Industrial safety requirements when designing facilities for the linear part of main pipelines

14. Design documentation/documentation in technological processes for transporting hydrocarbons (hereinafter referred to as technological processes) and when choosing equipment for the linear part of the HPF MT should take into account all types of loads and impacts that arise during the stages of construction, operation, reconstruction, during technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation, liquidation of hazardous production facilities, as well as unfavorable combinations thereof, which may affect the reliability and safety of the linear part of the hazardous production facility.

15. Loads and impacts are determined based on the results engineering surveys who have received a positive expert opinion in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. When performing calculations for strength, deformation and stability of pipelines and supporting structures (foundations, supports, bases), it is necessary to consider the influence of transient processes (non-stationary modes) on the loads when pumping the product, as well as possible changes in soil properties during pipeline operation.

17. The most dangerous areas should be identified as part of the HPF MT (areas located near populated areas; crossings through roads and railways; crossings through natural and artificial water bodies; sections located in special natural conditions and on specially protected lands natural areas; areas of high and increased corrosion hazard), for which the design documentation/documentation must provide for additional measures aimed at reducing the risk of accidents.

18. Technical decisions taken during the development of design documentation/documentation of HIF MT must ensure the safety of technological processes.

19. Regardless of the installation method (underground, above-ground, above-ground linear part of the HPF MT), reliable and safe operation of the pipeline must be ensured, taking into account the topography, soil and climatic conditions.

20. For the most dangerous sections of linear part objects, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce the risk of an accident, the main of which are:

increasing category requirements protective coating and modes of electrochemical protection means, arrangement of corrosion monitoring systems;

the use of a protective case, concrete coating, protective slabs;

laying in the tunnel;

arrangement of additional embankments and protective walls;

soil (shore) strengthening;

arrangement of drainage systems (channels, ditches);

monitoring the technical condition of the pipeline.

For the linear part of pipelines intended for transporting a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce risks for the population and service personnel, the main ones of which are:

increasing the thickness of the pipeline wall;

restriction of pipeline diameter to no more than 400 mm;

increasing the depth of the pipeline;

additional requirements for pipe metal in terms of strength, resistance of the pipe body to the propagation of ductile fracture, and crack resistance;

constant monitoring of the technical condition of the pipeline based on more frequent in-pipe diagnostics with the elimination of unacceptable defects.

21. Technical solutions for linear structures of HPF MT must ensure compensation for pipeline movements from temperature changes and the effects of internal pressure.

22. Means of protection used at linear structures of HPF MT possible types corrosion protection must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HPF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

Methods and means of anti-corrosion protection must be established by design documentation/documentation that provides protection against external (atmospheric) and underground corrosion, corrosion by stray and induced currents.

23. Technological processes for cleaning the pipeline cavity, diagnostic work and separation of transported media (substances) must ensure the safe operation of hazardous production facilities MT.

24. Shut-off valves installed at the facilities of the linear part of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of remote and local (automatic and/or manual) shutdown of the technological process both under design operating conditions and in the event of an accident or incident, including taking into account the sectioning of sections pipeline.

25. The fittings and piping of shut-off valves of HPFs of main gas pipelines under pressure must be provided for in the design documentation/documentation in an underground version with an above-ground outlet for the valve drive.

26. Means of protection against pressure exceeding the design value must ensure timely pressure release for the purpose of safe operation of the technological process.

27. When transporting high-viscosity liquid hydrocarbons, the design documentation/documentation must provide for thermal insulation of the pipeline and a heating system for the pumped product, ensuring a stable pumping mode under operating conditions.

28. The design documentation/documentation must define the requirements for pipelines, fittings, connecting parts in terms of pressure values ​​and the duration of strength and tightness tests.

29. At underwater crossings through water barriers, the design documentation/documentation must provide for the use of technical means that prevent the pipeline from floating up.

30. Measures against floating, including the use of appropriate technical devices, should be developed in project documentation/documentation also when laying underground pipelines in areas with high levels groundwater and long-term inundation by flood waters.

31. To ensure the safety of the technological process of transporting gaseous or liquefied hydrocarbons in sections of underground pipeline crossings, through iron and car roads for general use categories I - V, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical solutions for leakage control.

32. Design documentation/documentation for hazardous production facilities of main gas pipelines must provide for safe gas discharge devices, separated by shut-off valves, of the same category and at the same operating pressure as the main gas pipeline.

33. Technical solutions in the design documentation/documentation for HPF MT, including technological regulations, instructions, must provide for the possibility of cleaning the cavity of pipelines after construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs and removal of water after hydrotesting.

34. The design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical means, resistant to external influences of electrostatic discharges and electromagnetic fields and providing continuous remote control detection of leaks and unauthorized access to technical devices in the appropriate operating conditions of HIF MT.

Unauthorized access to automated system continuous remote leak detection and shut-off valves must be excluded.

35. The design documentation/documentation for the MT HPF must provide for the safe maintenance and repair of equipment of ground facilities of the linear part of the MT HPF.

Industrial safety requirements when designing on-site structures for main pipelines

36. Design documentation/documentation for pumping and gas pumping units of pumping and compressor stations must provide technical solutions that take into account compensation of temperature, dynamic and vibration loads.

The means of protection against possible types of corrosion used at the on-site structures of the HPF MT must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HIF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

37. Equipment and pipeline accessories, installed without shelter (in the open air), must ensure the safe operation of hazardous industrial facilities MT in the appropriate climatic region their applications.

38. The design and placement of equipment, pipelines and monitoring and control systems must ensure the ability to monitor their technical condition in accordance with technological regulations their operation and maintenance.

39. To control the air pollution in production premises and the working area of ​​open site structures, means of automatic continuous gas monitoring must be provided with an alarm that is triggered when the maximum permissible values ​​are reached and with the issuance of signals to the process control and emergency protection system. At the same time, all cases of gas contamination must be recorded by devices with automatic recording and must be documented.

The installation locations and the number of sensors or sampling devices of the analyzers must be determined in the design documentation/documentation, taking into account the requirements of regulatory technical documents for the placement of gas control sensors.

40. Design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of equipment and pipelines of on-site structures from overpressure, including water hammer.

41. The pressure control method used must ensure operation pumping stations at pressure maintained within the limits established for it. Overpressure control and protection systems must constantly monitor the pressure at the outlet of pumping stations and prevent the outlet pressure from exceeding the regulated value.

42. The equipment used, pipes, fittings, flange connections and fittings on the suction and discharge lines of compressor stations must ensure their safe operation at the maximum design discharge pressure.

43. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the possibility of shutting off each gas pumping unit of the compressor station using shut-off valves with a remotely controlled drive.

44. Compressor stations must have systems for the safe release of gas from safety valves, drainage and purge lines. It is not allowed to combine systems of purge, discharge lines and gas discharge lines from safety valves.

The need to install a separator to separate the liquid phase and mechanical impurities on the discharge lines should be justified in the design documentation/documentation.

Gas release systems must provide safe conditions for gas dispersion, taking into account local climatic conditions, including compass rose.

45. At compressor stations, provision should be made for purging gas pipelines and equipment with inert gas (steam).

46. ​​The compressor station must be equipped with a system (devices) for collecting liquid and mechanical impurities.

47. The technological equipment of a gas distribution station must be designed for the operating pressure of the supply gas pipeline-outlet, with the exception of the case of using gas pressure regulators with a shut-off valve (shut-off valve and regulator) and installing an additional safety valve in front of the valve assembly at the outlet of the gas distribution station in each reduction line.

48. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of buildings, structures and external installations of HPF MT site structures from manifestations of atmospheric electricity (lightning protection).

Lightning protection of crane platforms and site structures with ground-based equipment that is not equipped with breathing equipment or safe gas release devices can be ensured by connecting to a grounding loop.

49. When choosing explosion-proof electrical equipment, you should be guided by the classification of explosive zones. Classes and sizes of hazardous areas should be determined and indicated in the design documentation/documentation.

50. Layout of pumping stations and tank farms, placement of equipment and laying process pipelines must ensure the localization, collection and disposal of leaks of hazardous substances.


51. The implementation of measures for the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is permitted only after receiving a positive conclusion from the state examination of design documentation or an examination of industrial safety documentation and obtaining permission to carry out these works in the manner established by the legislation on urban planning activities and the legislation in field of industrial safety.

52. At all stages of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs of hazardous production facilities MT, incoming control of structures, products, materials, equipment and technical devices, as well as quality control of work and all technological operations must be organized.

The results of the incoming inspection should be entered into the incoming inspection log with the execution of an inspection report.

53. If deviations from the requirements of design documentation/documentation are detected, facts of the use of materials not provided for in the design documentation/documentation, violations of the order and quality of work are discovered, construction and installation work must be suspended, and the detected defects must be eliminated.

54. To perform welding and installation work at hazardous production facilities MT, organizations that have the right (certified) to perform such work should be involved. Technology welding work, welding materials and equipment intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT must be agreed upon with the customer and certified in the prescribed manner.

Workers directly supervising and performing welding work must be certified in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists, approved by Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated October 30, 1998 No. 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 4, 1999 ., registration No. 1721; "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", 1999, No. 11-12) as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 17, 2012 No. 588 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation November 23, 2012, registration No. 25903; " Russian newspaper", 2012, No. 283) and the Technological Regulations for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists, approved by Resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated June 25, 2002 No. 36 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2002, registration No. 3587; “Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities”, 2002, No. 32) as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 17, 2012 No. 588 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2013, registration No. 25903; “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, 2012, No. 283).

55. Welded joints made during the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are subject to quality control using non-destructive testing methods. The scope and methods of inspection of welded joints must be determined by the design documentation/documentation.

56. The need, timing and methods of carrying out work on reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are determined on the basis of design documentation/documentation based on the conditions of support uninterrupted operation OPO MT and industrial safety requirements.

57. The decision on the timing, methods and volumes of work on the overhaul of hazardous production facilities is made taking into account the analysis of the results of a comprehensive survey and the service life of the hazardous production facility.

58. Work on reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul should begin after preparatory measures have been completed, the objects have been accepted by the contractor and written permission from the management of the operating organization to carry out the work.

59. Before starting work on the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of linear structures of the HPF MT, work producers must notify the organizations (owners) operating the structures located in the same technical corridor with the HPF MT, as well as authorities, about the start and timing of the work local government.

60. Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs must be tested for strength and tightness in accordance with the requirements of project documentation/documentation.

Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT must be cleaned and inspected using in-pipe cleaning and diagnostic tools (for pipes with a diameter of 300 mm or more). Methods, parameters and schemes for cavity cleaning, in-line diagnostics and testing are established by the design organization in the design documentation/documentation, construction organization project, special work instructions for cavity cleaning and strength testing and leak testing.

61. During hydraulic strength tests and leak testing, liquid working media (water and other non-flammable liquids) are used; during pneumatic tests - gaseous working media (air, inert gases, natural gas).

The use of gaseous working media must be justified in the test documentation approved by the operating organization.

The use of natural gas for testing main gas pipelines must be justified and the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety must be notified about the decisions taken.

62. At subzero temperatures environment or inability to provide required amount liquid working environment To carry out hydraulic tests, it is allowed to test the linear part of the HPF MT for strength and tightness with gaseous working media. The test method must be justified by design documentation/documentation.

63. Upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul, strength testing and leak testing of the MT HPFs carry out a comprehensive testing of the MT HPFs.

64. Filling the linear structures of the HPF MT with hydrocarbons and its operation after filling for 72 hours is considered a comprehensive testing of the linear structure of the HPF MT. Filling and comprehensive testing are carried out in accordance with the instructions (action plan).

65. Before the start of commissioning and comprehensive testing, the hazardous production facility of the main pipeline must be staffed with appropriately qualified workers in accordance with the staffing schedule.

66. By the start of commissioning of the HPF MT, workplaces must be equipped with the necessary documentation, supplies of materials, spare parts, equipment, personal and collective protective equipment in accordance with established standards.


Technological regulations for the operation of main pipelines

67. Technological regulations for operation are developed for HIF MT, defining the procedure for organizing reliable and safe technological processes, which must comply with design solutions, actual characteristics, operating conditions of HIF MT, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety and regulatory technical documents.

68. Technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities should include:

technical characteristics of hazardous production facilities MT, equipment of on-site structures and properties of pumped hydrocarbons;

technological modes of the process of transporting hydrocarbons at OPO MT;

the procedure for monitoring the tightness (integrity) of pipelines and equipment at HPF MT;

leak detection procedure;

process control procedure;

procedure for acceptance, delivery and accounting of pumped hydrocarbons;

schematic and technological diagrams of the linear part of the HPF MT and on-site structures (graphical part);

compressed longitudinal profile of the linear part of the HPF MT (graphical part);

list and characteristics of the most dangerous areas;

passport characteristics of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities MT;

a list of mandatory technological and production instructions to ensure the safe conduct of the technological process, maintenance, as well as the actions of workers in emergency situations and during incidents;

section on safe operation of production.

69. Technological regulations must be developed before the HPF MT is put into operation and revised in the event of changes in industrial safety requirements, technological process parameters, or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

Maintenance and repair work at hazardous production facilities of the main pipeline

70. During the maintenance of hazardous production facilities MT, the volume and frequency of work performed must be determined by the design documentation/documentation, technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities MT, regulatory and technical documents of manufacturing plants for pipes, materials and equipment.

71. During operation, monitoring of the technical condition of the HPF MT must be ensured using the necessary technical diagnostic methods, and measures must also be provided to secure the pipeline at the design elevations in the event of its displacement.

72. The procedure and timing of repairs of linear structures of HPF MT, passing in the same technical corridor with other engineering communications or crossing them, should be agreed upon with the organizations operating these communications.

73. At the site of repair work, it is necessary to control the content of flammable vapors and gases in the air working area or premises using an automatic alarm system.

The frequency of monitoring is indicated in the instructions, including mandatory monitoring of the environment before starting work and after each break lasting at least one hour.

74. If the air in the working area exceeds the established values ​​of the maximum permissible concentrations for the transported product, repair work is carried out in means personal protection respiratory organs.

75. In the place where welding and other hot work is carried out, the concentration of flammable vapors and gases should not exceed 20 percent of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation.

76. All changes relating to the construction of HPF MT facilities, pipeline crossings with communications for other purposes, as well as design changes to linear structures of HPF MT must be carried out according to design documentation/documentation and timely included in the operational and as-built documentation.

77. In order to control the route and the adjacent territory, identify factors that pose a threat to the reliability and safety of operation of the linear structures of the HPF MT, the operating organization must ensure periodic patrols of the linear structures of the HPF MT.

78. Used different kinds patrolling the pipeline route: walking, driving, air patrol.

79. The frequency and methods of patrolling the route of linear structures of HPF MT are established taking into account specific operating conditions, the technical condition of pipelines, the characteristics of the pipeline laying site, natural factors affecting the safety of pipeline operation.

Technical diagnostics of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

80. In order to ensure safety, determine the actual technical condition of hazardous industrial facilities MT, the possibility of their further operation at design technological modes, to calculate the permissible pressure, the need to reduce the permitted operating pressure and switch to lower technological modes or the need for repairs with precise localization of the places of its implementation and extension periodic technical diagnostics should be carried out during operation of the HPF MT during operation.

81. The timing and methods of diagnosis are determined taking into account the danger and technical condition of sections of the linear part of the hazardous production facility MT, structures and technical devices of on-site structures of the hazardous production facility MT, as well as taking into account the operating indicators (service life, resource) established by the design and/or normative and technical documentation .

82. Based on the results of technical diagnostics, the value of the permitted operating pressure is determined in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the operation of the HPF MT.

The document confirming the value of the permitted operating pressure during operation of the HPF MT is the confirmation form for the value of the permitted operating pressure (hereinafter referred to as the form).

83. A form is drawn up to confirm the safe value of the permitted operating pressure during operation:

a) facilities put into operation upon completion of construction or reconstruction;

b) existing facilities where emergency restoration or repair work was carried out, requiring a reduction in operating pressure by more than 20 percent;

c) operating facilities where the permitted operating pressure has been changed.

84. The form for the MT hazardous production facility must contain information about the site (section number) of the MT hazardous production facility, the amount of permitted pressure, as well as information about the need to ensure it safety devices to limit the operating pressure.

The form is completed before the HPF MT is put into operation.

85. The form, together with operational and design documentation/documentation, test results, flaw detection, inspections, pressure diagrams and strength calculations, on the basis of which the value of the permitted operating pressure was established, is stored in the archives of the operating organization.

86. The operating organization is obliged to carry out throughout the entire life cycle(before the liquidation of the MT hazardous production facility) periodic inspections of pipelines and equipment of the MT hazardous production facility.

87. The operating organization establishes the frequency, completeness and procedure of inspection, methods and means of control, taking into account:

data on MT construction;

technical condition;

operating conditions (duration, technological mode);

properties of the product being traded;

characteristics of the location area (presence of security zones, the most dangerous areas).

88. When technically diagnosing pipelines of the linear part of the HPF MT, it is necessary to provide for the following types of work:

in-line flaw detection by passing in-line diagnostic tools;

external flaw detection examination using non-destructive testing methods;

assessment of the condition of insulating coatings.

89. Assessment of the technical condition of the equipment of on-site facilities of the HPF MT should include:

external inspection during operation;

full technical inspection during decommissioning mode (temporary or long-term).

Before inspecting equipment and taking it out of service, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations: emptying, cleaning and degassing (if necessary).

90. Based on the results of the technical inspection, a repair schedule is drawn up (including major renovation) OPO MT.


91. Technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities are carried out in accordance with the documentation after receiving a positive conclusion from the industrial safety examination for this documentation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

92. Based on the documentation for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities, a list of organizational and technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is developed, the procedure and methods for their implementation, the composition and scope of work, requirements for fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety, as well as for documentary registration of the work being carried out, including the control procedure, reporting and deadlines for completing the work.

93. To maintain the serviceability and operability of the equipment of the HPF MT, a set of measures must be taken to preserve the facility and its technical maintenance must be organized.

94. The duration of the period for which the MT HIF is taken out of operation, the conditions for being in reserve (mothballing or periodic activation in order to maintain working condition OPO MT) must be installed by the operating organization.

95. In order to establish the procedure for performing work, instructions for maintenance and repair of mothballed MT hazardous production facilities, taking into account the requirements of current regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

96. To remove hazardous production facilities MT from mothballing and put them into operation, they are developing work program indicating the list of works, the order and timing of their implementation.

97. When withdrawing from mothballing, an inspection, inspection, sampling and testing of pipelines and equipment of the HPF MT must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

98. When removing a hazardous production facility from mothballing, the operating organization draws up an act on putting the facility into operation with a list of work performed after trial operation of the hazardous production facility for 72 hours.

99. All work on the liquidation of hazardous production facilities should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the documentation for the liquidation of hazardous production facilities.

100. Before starting work on the decommissioning of hazardous production facilities subject to liquidation, work must be carried out to free the pipelines and equipment of these facilities from hydrocarbons.

The release of hydrocarbons into the environment during the release of pipelines and equipment is not permitted.

101. After completion of the liquidation of hazardous production facilities, the vacated territories must be reclaimed.


102. The adoption of a set of organizational and technical measures for the accident-free operation of hazardous production facilities, limiting the impact of accidents on the population and the environment and ensuring readiness for actions to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident should be entrusted to the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

103. Planning and implementation of prevention activities possible accidents and ensuring constant readiness to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident at a hazardous industrial facility MT should be entrusted to the operating organization, including:

Creation organizational structure with the distribution of duties and responsibilities between technical services and officials;

development of the necessary documentation (programs, plans, orders, regulations, instructions) regulating the procedure for employees to act in the event of an accident;

monitoring the condition of technical devices;

equipping with protection systems;

equipping with systems and means of surveillance, warning, communication, emergency protection and ensuring their normal functioning;

organizing a system of continuous education and training of workers (including training sessions) for actions in the event of an accident;

formation of necessary financial resources and material resources for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents.

104. The operating organization is obliged to limit the operating mode or suspend the operation of the MT hazardous facility if signs of an accident or incident are detected, if this poses a threat of harm to the life and health of workers and/or third parties.

105. For linear and on-site structures of HPF MT, the operating organization develops action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, which must include the actions of personnel to prevent accidents, and in case of their occurrence, to localize and minimize the severity of the consequences, as well as technical systems and means used for this.

106. Action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents are developed for hazardous industrial production facilities in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 No. “On approval of the Regulations on the development of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 35, Art. 4516).

107. For hazardous production facilities MT, which handle oil and oil products, if there is a risk of spills spreading beyond the boundaries of the hazardous production facility MT must be developed and approved in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2000 No. “On urgent measures for prevention and response emergency spills of oil and oil products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 35, Art. 3582; 2002, No. 16, Art. 1569), plans for the prevention and response to oil and oil product spills.


General provisions

108. Hazard analysis of technological processes, quantitative risk analysis and other methods for analyzing the risk of accidents associated with the release of transported hydrocarbons are part of the industrial safety declaration, safety justification, risk management and industrial safety management system of the HPF MT.

109. When conducting a risk analysis, the following is taken into account:

explosion hazard and toxic properties of the transported product;

external anthropogenic influences (including from neighboring objects, intersections with transport routes, possible unauthorized taps into the pipeline and sabotage);

possible manifestations of internal and external corrosion;

possible deviations of technological parameters from regulatory values;

indicators of mechanical safety (resistance to loads and impacts), reliability of the MT hazardous production facility and technical devices used at the MT hazardous production facility (strength characteristics of the material, pipe wall thickness, manufacturing technology, transportation and storage conditions during construction);

design and technological safety measures (protection against excess pressure, including water hammer, measures to prevent hydrate formation on gas pipelines, the effectiveness of leak detection systems and telemechanics, the possibility of loss of stability of the pipeline position, fire barriers);

external natural influences (earthquakes, landslides, ground conditions, icing, other hydrometeorological, seismic and geological hazards);

the impact of possible environmental consequences during construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, including environmental pollution, disturbance of the fertile soil layer, vegetation cover, landscape;

damaging factors of accidents (release of hazardous substances, destruction of technical devices, structures, explosion, thermal, toxic damage, scattering of fragments, environmental pollution), as well as the possibility of disruption of the fertile soil layer and vegetation during localization of accidents and liquidation of their consequences;

the impact of the consequences of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities on neighboring production facilities, settlements, water intakes, nature reserves and other environmentally vulnerable objects.

110. Methods for risk analysis at hazardous production facilities must be justified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

111. The danger of operating a hazardous production facility is determined by a complex of factors that take into account the technological parameters and technical condition of the hazardous production facility, the properties of the pumped hazardous substances, natural and anthropogenic factors.

112. The main purpose of risk analysis is to provide officials decision-makers to ensure safety, information about the most dangerous processes, areas of hazardous industrial production facilities.

113. When choosing risk analysis methods, it is necessary to take into account the stages of operation of the facility (design, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation), the goals of the analysis (such as justification of safe distances to neighboring facilities), the type of analyzed hazardous industrial facility MT, criteria acceptable risk, availability of necessary information and other factors.

114. In order to justify accident prevention measures, an analysis of the hazards of technological processes should be carried out with the determination of deviations of technological parameters from the design (regulatory) values ​​with a description possible reasons, the consequences of these deviations and an indication of the security measures taken or planned. The analysis is carried out by a group of specialists from design and operating organizations with the participation of an independent expert organization. The result of the group’s work is a report describing possible causes, consequences of these deviations, indicating safety measures and recommendations for further actions or improving safety.

Principles of quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

115. The process of conducting a quantitative accident risk analysis includes the following main four steps:

1) planning and organization of work;

2) identification of accident hazards;

3) quantitative assessment of the risk of accidents at industrial hazardous production facilities, including:

a) assessment of the frequency of possible accident scenarios;

b) assessment of possible consequences for the considered accident scenarios;

c) calculation of accident risk indicators at industrial hazardous production facilities;

d) determination of the degree of danger of sites and components of hazardous production facilities;

e) ranking of sections and components of transport hazardous production facilities according to accident risk indicators;

f) comparison of accident risk indicators of sections and components of hazardous industrial facilities of transport infrastructure with the corresponding average statistical level and establishment of the degree of danger of sections and components of transport infrastructure;

116. When analyzing the results of calculations at the sites and components of hazardous production facilities, MT compare the calculated risk indicators with the average statistical level of accident risk according to the following degrees:

extremely high.

For sections of the linear part of the HPF MT, the degree of accident danger is determined based on the difference between the value of the accident risk indicator calculated for the section and the average statistical level of accident risk. The average statistical level of the accident risk indicator is determined based on data on the investigation of accidents at similar facilities.

Under the calculated accident risk indicator R understand one or more indicators:

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area (for example, an underwater crossing), leading to death of at least N Human ( N = 1, 10, 50);

individual risk of death or injury to a person in an accident on the linear part of a hazardous production facility;

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area, leading to an oil/petroleum product spill weighing at least M (M= 100 t, 500 t, 5000 t).

Requirements for recording the results of an accident risk analysis on a main pipeline

117. The results of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility must be justified and formalized in such a way that the calculations and conclusions made can be checked and repeated by qualified specialists who did not participate in the initial procedure for assessing the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility.

118. The process and results of work on the quantitative analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous industrial production facility are documented in the form of a report on the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility. The report on the analysis of the accident risk at the MT hazardous production facility includes:

title page;

list of performers indicating positions, scientific titles, name of organization;


the purpose and objectives of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at hazardous production facilities;

description of the analyzed MT OPO;

methodology, underlying assumptions and limitations that define the limits of the accident hazard analysis;

description of the hazard analysis methods used, models of emergency processes and justification for their use;

initial data and their sources, including the necessary data on accidents and injuries at hazardous industrial production facilities, equipment reliability;

hazard identification results;

results of assessing accident risk indicators and the degree of danger of sections and components of the transport hazardous production facility;

analysis of the influence of initial data on the results of quantitative risk assessment;


list of information sources used.

119. The results of the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility MT when developing special documents (declaration of industrial safety, safety justification, plan for localization and elimination of accidents) are drawn up in accordance with the Guidelines for conducting risk analysis of hazardous production facilities, approved by the resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated July 10, 2001 No. 30 (recognized as not requiring state registration - letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 No. 07/8411-UD).

Determination of safe distances

120. Safe distance from HPF MT is determined by calculating the maximum zones of impact (damage) during emergency releases of hazardous substances, taking into account the likelihood of their implementation.

121. The calculation should be carried out on the basis of the following provisions:

1. The linear part of the HPF MT meets the safety requirements for reducing the severity of the consequences of accidents, including an automated leak detection system, an accident response system, and the presence of engineering structures to limit the spill of hazardous substances.

2. Determine the most dangerous scenarios in which the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) is possible.

3. Calculation of the process of release, dispersion and drift of a cloud of hazardous substances in the atmosphere is carried out under various weather conditions and taking into account the terrain.

4. When justifying minimum distances use quantitative criteria that take into account the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) and the values ​​of calculated risk indicators. Safety criteria or permissible (acceptable) risk are justified in the design documentation/documentation.

Regulatory documents in the field of activity
Federal Environmental Service,
technological and nuclear supervision


Episode 08
Safety documents,
supervisory and licensing activities
in the oil and gas industry

Issue 20



b) manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of technical devices used at industrial production facilities;

7. Complete equipment and technical devices developed and manufactured according to foreign standards are used at hazardous production facilities MT if the manufacturer’s technical documentation is available, as well as if they comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations in force in the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the conclusion of an industrial safety examination or a certificate of conformity requirements of technical regulations.

8. The selection of the route and placement of linear part objects and site structures (pumping station, compressor station, gas distribution station, tank farm) should be carried out taking into account the natural and climatic features of the territory, the distribution of nearby settlements, hydrogeological properties of soils, the presence of nearby production facilities, as well as taking into account transport routes and communications that may have a negative impact on the safety of the MT HPF.

9. The territory of location of linear and on-site structures of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of carrying out construction and installation work using lifting and special equipment, as well as the possibility of locating storage areas for equipment and construction materials.

10. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located at safe distances from other industrial and agricultural facilities, individual buildings and structures, residential, public and business areas and recreational areas established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. For on-site structures of HPF MT, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for ensuring explosion safety in accordance with subparagraphs 3.1 - 3.3, 10.4 and 10.5 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “General explosion safety rules for explosion-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries”, approved by order of the Federal Environmental Service , Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 11, 2013 No. (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 16, 2013, registration number No. 28138; “Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities,” 2013, No. 23).

12. In the absence of established requirements for safe distances or the impossibility of complying with them, these requirements must be determined in the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility.

The safety justification for hazardous production facilities in terms of risk analysis should be developed taking into account the requirements set out in the chapter “Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines” of these Rules.

13. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located taking into account the danger of the spread of transported liquid hazardous substances in the event of possible accidents along the terrain and the prevailing wind direction (according to the annual wind rose) relative to nearby settlements, objects and crowded places.

When laying oil pipelines and oil product pipelines near populated areas and industrial enterprises located at elevations below these pipelines at a distance from them of less than 500 m with a pipe diameter of 700 mm or less and 1000 m with a pipe diameter of over 700 mm, the design must provide for technical solutions that exclude entry of the medium transported through the pipeline into the building area.

Industrial safety requirements when designing facilities for the linear part of main pipelines

14. Design documentation/documentation in technological processes for transporting hydrocarbons (hereinafter referred to as technological processes) and when choosing equipment for the linear part of the HPF MT should take into account all types of loads and impacts that arise during the stages of construction, operation, reconstruction, during technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation, liquidation of hazardous production facilities, as well as unfavorable combinations thereof, which may affect the reliability and safety of the linear part of the hazardous production facility.

15. Determination of loads and impacts is carried out on the basis of the results of engineering surveys that have received a positive expert opinion in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. When performing calculations for strength, deformation and stability of pipelines and supporting structures (foundations, supports, bases), it is necessary to consider the influence of transient processes (non-stationary modes) on the loads when pumping the product, as well as possible changes in soil properties during pipeline operation.

17. The most dangerous areas should be identified as part of the HPF MT (areas located near populated areas; crossings through roads and railways; crossings through natural and artificial water bodies; areas passing in special natural conditions and on lands of specially protected natural areas; areas of high and increased corrosion hazard), for which the design documentation/documentation must provide for additional measures aimed at reducing the risk of accidents.

18. Technical decisions taken during the development of design documentation/documentation of HIF MT must ensure the safety of technological processes.

19. Regardless of the installation method (underground, above-ground, above-ground linear part of the HPF MT), reliable and safe operation of the pipeline must be ensured, taking into account the topography, soil and climatic conditions.

20. For the most dangerous sections of linear part objects, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce the risk of an accident, the main of which are:

increasing requirements for the category of protective coating and modes of electrochemical protection means, arrangement of corrosion monitoring systems;

the use of a protective case, concrete coating, protective slabs;

laying in the tunnel;

arrangement of additional embankments and protective walls;

soil (shore) strengthening;

arrangement of drainage systems (channels, ditches);

monitoring the technical condition of the pipeline.

For the linear part of pipelines intended for transporting a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce risks for the population and operating personnel, the main of which are:

increasing the thickness of the pipeline wall;

restriction of pipeline diameter to no more than 400 mm;

increasing the depth of the pipeline;

additional requirements for pipe metal in terms of strength, resistance of the pipe body to the propagation of ductile fracture, and crack resistance;

constant monitoring of the technical condition of the pipeline based on more frequent in-pipe diagnostics with the elimination of unacceptable defects.

21. Technical solutions for linear structures of HPF MT must ensure compensation for pipeline movements from temperature changes and the effects of internal pressure.

22. The means of protection against possible types of corrosion used at the linear structures of the HPF MT must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HIF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

Methods and means of anti-corrosion protection must be established by design documentation/documentation that provides protection against external (atmospheric) and underground corrosion, corrosion by stray and induced currents.

23. Technological processes for cleaning the pipeline cavity, diagnostic work and separation of transported media (substances) must ensure the safe operation of hazardous production facilities MT.

24. Shut-off valves installed at the facilities of the linear part of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of remote and local (automatic and/or manual) shutdown of the technological process both under design operating conditions and in the event of an accident or incident, including taking into account the sectioning of sections pipeline.

25. The fittings and piping of shut-off valves of HPFs of main gas pipelines under pressure must be provided for in the design documentation/documentation in an underground version with an above-ground outlet for the valve drive.

26. Means of protection against pressure exceeding the design value must ensure timely pressure release for the purpose of safe operation of the technological process.

27. When transporting high-viscosity liquid hydrocarbons, the design documentation/documentation must provide for thermal insulation of the pipeline and a heating system for the pumped product, ensuring a stable pumping mode under operating conditions.

28. The design documentation/documentation must define the requirements for pipelines, fittings, connecting parts in terms of pressure values ​​and the duration of strength and tightness tests.

29. At underwater crossings through water barriers, the design documentation/documentation must provide for the use of technical means that prevent the pipeline from floating up.

30. Measures against uplift, including the use of appropriate technical devices, should be developed in the design documentation/documentation also when laying underground pipelines in areas with high groundwater levels and long-term inundation by flood waters.

31. To ensure the safety of the technological process of transporting gaseous or liquefied hydrocarbons in sections of underground pipeline crossings, through railways and public roads of categories I - V, design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical solutions for leak control.

32. Design documentation/documentation for hazardous production facilities of main gas pipelines must provide for safe gas discharge devices, separated by shut-off valves, of the same category and at the same operating pressure as the main gas pipeline.

33. Technical solutions in the design documentation/documentation for HPF MT, including technological regulations, instructions, must provide for the possibility of cleaning the cavity of pipelines after construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs and removal of water after hydrotesting.

34. The design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical means that are resistant to external influences of electrostatic discharges and electromagnetic fields and provide continuous remote monitoring of leak detection and unauthorized access to technical devices in the appropriate operating conditions of the HPF MT.

Unauthorized access to the automated continuous remote leak detection system and shut-off valves must be prevented.

35. The design documentation/documentation for the MT HPF must provide for the safe maintenance and repair of equipment of ground facilities of the linear part of the MT HPF.

Industrial safety requirements when designing on-site structures for main pipelines

36. Design documentation/documentation for pumping and gas pumping units of pumping and compressor stations must provide technical solutions that take into account compensation of temperature, dynamic and vibration loads.

The means of protection against possible types of corrosion used at the on-site structures of the HPF MT must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HIF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

37. Equipment and pipeline fittings installed without shelter (in the open air) must ensure the safe operation of hazardous industrial facilities MT in the corresponding climatic region of their use.

38. The design and placement of equipment, pipelines and monitoring and control systems must ensure the ability to monitor their technical condition in accordance with the technological regulations for their operation and maintenance.

39. To control the air pollution in production premises and the working area of ​​open site structures, means of automatic continuous gas monitoring must be provided with an alarm that is triggered when the maximum permissible values ​​are reached and with the issuance of signals to the process control and emergency protection system. At the same time, all cases of gas contamination must be recorded by devices with automatic recording and must be documented.

The installation locations and the number of sensors or sampling devices of the analyzers must be determined in the design documentation/documentation, taking into account the requirements of regulatory technical documents for the placement of gas control sensors.

40. Design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of equipment and pipelines of on-site structures from excess pressure, including water hammer.

41. The pressure control method used must ensure the operation of pumping stations at a pressure maintained within the limits established for it. Overpressure control and protection systems must constantly monitor the pressure at the outlet of pumping stations and prevent the outlet pressure from exceeding the regulated value.

42. The equipment used, pipes, fittings, flange connections and fittings on the suction and discharge lines of compressor stations must ensure their safe operation at the maximum design discharge pressure.

43. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the possibility of shutting off each gas pumping unit of the compressor station using shut-off valves with a remotely controlled drive.

44. Compressor stations must have systems for the safe release of gas from safety valves, drainage and purge lines. It is not allowed to combine systems of purge, discharge lines and gas discharge lines from safety valves.

The need to install a separator to separate the liquid phase and mechanical impurities on the discharge lines should be justified in the design documentation/documentation.

Gas discharge systems must provide safe conditions for gas dispersion, taking into account local climatic conditions, including wind roses.

45. At compressor stations, provision should be made for purging gas pipelines and equipment with inert gas (steam).

46. ​​The compressor station must be equipped with a system (devices) for collecting liquid and mechanical impurities.

47. The technological equipment of a gas distribution station must be designed for the operating pressure of the supply gas pipeline-outlet, with the exception of the case of using gas pressure regulators with a shut-off valve (shut-off valve and regulator) and installing an additional safety valve in front of the tap assembly at the outlet of the gas distribution station in each reduction line .

48. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of buildings, structures and external installations of HPF MT site structures from manifestations of atmospheric electricity (lightning protection).

Lightning protection of crane platforms and site structures with ground-based equipment that is not equipped with breathing equipment or safe gas release devices can be ensured by connecting to a grounding loop.

49. When choosing explosion-proof electrical equipment, you should be guided by the classification of explosive zones. Classes and sizes of hazardous areas should be determined and indicated in the design documentation/documentation.

50. The layout of pumping stations and tank farms, the placement of equipment and the laying of process pipelines must ensure the localization, collection and removal of leaks of hazardous substances.


51. The implementation of measures for the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is permitted only after receiving a positive conclusion from the state examination of design documentation or an examination of industrial safety documentation and obtaining permission to carry out these works in the manner established by the legislation on urban planning activities and the legislation in field of industrial safety.

52. At all stages of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs of hazardous production facilities MT, incoming control of structures, products, materials, equipment and technical devices, as well as quality control of work and all technological operations must be organized.

The results of the incoming inspection should be entered into the incoming inspection log with the execution of an inspection report.

53. If deviations from the requirements of design documentation/documentation are detected, facts of the use of materials not provided for in the design documentation/documentation, violations of the order and quality of work are discovered, construction and installation work must be suspended, and the detected defects must be eliminated.

54. To perform welding and installation work at hazardous production facilities MT, organizations that have the right (certified) to perform such work should be involved. The technology for carrying out welding work, welding materials and equipment intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of industrial production facilities must be agreed upon with the customer and certified in the prescribed manner.

Workers directly supervising and performing welding work must be certified in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists, approved by Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated October 30, 1998 No. 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 4, 1999 ., registration No. 1721; "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", 1999, No. 11-12) as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 17, 2012 No. 588 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2012, registration No. 25903; “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, 2012, No. 283) and Technological Regulations for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists, approved by Resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated June 25, 2002 No. 36 (registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation July 17, 2002, registration No. 3587; “Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities”, 2002, No. 32) as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 17, 2012 No. 588 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2013, registration No. 25903; “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, 2012, No. 283).

55. Welded joints made during the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are subject to quality control using non-destructive testing methods. The scope and methods of inspection of welded joints must be determined by the design documentation/documentation.

56. The need, timing and methods of carrying out work on the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are determined on the basis of design documentation/documentation based on the conditions for ensuring uninterrupted operation of the hazardous production facility MT and industrial safety requirements.

57. The decision on the timing, methods and volumes of work on the overhaul of hazardous production facilities is made taking into account the analysis of the results of a comprehensive survey and the service life of the hazardous production facility.

58. Work on reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul should begin after preparatory measures have been completed, the objects have been accepted by the contractor and written permission from the management of the operating organization to carry out the work.

59. Before starting work on the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of linear structures of the HPF MT, work producers must notify the organizations (owners) operating the structures located in the same technical corridor with the HPF MT, as well as authorities, about the start and timing of the work local government.

60. Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs must be tested for strength and tightness in accordance with the requirements of project documentation/documentation.

Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT must be cleaned and inspected using in-pipe cleaning and diagnostic tools (for pipes with a diameter of 300 mm or more). Methods, parameters and schemes for cavity cleaning, in-line diagnostics and testing are established by the design organization in the design documentation/documentation, construction organization project, special work instructions for cavity cleaning and strength testing and leak testing.

61. During hydraulic strength tests and leak testing, liquid working media (water and other non-flammable liquids) are used; during pneumatic tests - gaseous working media (air, inert gases, natural gas).

The use of gaseous working media must be justified in the test documentation approved by the operating organization.

The use of natural gas for testing main gas pipelines must be justified and the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety must be notified about the decisions taken.

62. In case of negative ambient temperatures or the impossibility of providing the required amount of liquid working medium for hydraulic tests, it is allowed to test the linear part of the HPF MT for strength and tightness with gaseous working fluids. The test method must be justified by design documentation/documentation.

63. Upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul, strength testing and leak testing of the MT HPFs carry out a comprehensive testing of the MT HPFs.

64. Filling the linear structures of the HPF MT with hydrocarbons and its operation after filling for 72 hours is considered a comprehensive testing of the linear structure of the HPF MT. Filling and comprehensive testing are carried out in accordance with the instructions (action plan).

65. Before the start of commissioning and comprehensive testing, the hazardous production facility of the main pipeline must be staffed with appropriately qualified workers in accordance with the staffing schedule.

66. By the start of commissioning of the HPF MT, workplaces must be equipped with the necessary documentation, supplies of materials, spare parts, equipment, personal and collective protective equipment in accordance with established standards.


Technological regulations for the operation of main pipelines

67. Technological regulations for operation are developed for HIF MT, defining the procedure for organizing reliable and safe technological processes, which must comply with design solutions, actual characteristics, operating conditions of HIF MT, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety and regulatory technical documents.

68. Technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities should include:

technical characteristics of hazardous production facilities MT, equipment of on-site structures and properties of pumped hydrocarbons;

technological modes of the process of transporting hydrocarbons at OPO MT;

the procedure for monitoring the tightness (integrity) of pipelines and equipment at HPF MT;

leak detection procedure;

process control procedure;

procedure for acceptance, delivery and accounting of pumped hydrocarbons;

schematic and technological diagrams of the linear part of the HPF MT and on-site structures (graphical part);

compressed longitudinal profile of the linear part of the HPF MT (graphical part);

list and characteristics of the most dangerous areas;

passport characteristics of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities MT;

a list of mandatory technological and production instructions to ensure the safe conduct of the technological process, maintenance, as well as the actions of workers in emergency situations and incidents;

section on safe operation of production.

69. Technological regulations must be developed before the HPF MT is put into operation and revised in the event of changes in industrial safety requirements, technological process parameters, or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

Maintenance and repair work at hazardous production facilities of the main pipeline

70. During the maintenance of hazardous production facilities MT, the volume and frequency of work performed must be determined by the design documentation/documentation, technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities MT, regulatory and technical documents of manufacturing plants for pipes, materials and equipment.

71. During operation, monitoring of the technical condition of the HPF MT must be ensured using the necessary technical diagnostic methods, and measures must also be provided to secure the pipeline at the design elevations in the event of its displacement.

72. The procedure and timing of repairs of linear structures of HPF MT, passing in the same technical corridor with other engineering communications or crossing them, should be agreed upon with the organizations operating these communications.

73. At the place of repair work, it is necessary to control the content of flammable vapors and gases in the air of the working area or room using an automatic alarm system.

The frequency of monitoring is indicated in the instructions, including mandatory monitoring of the environment before starting work and after each break lasting at least one hour.

74. If the air in the working area exceeds the established values ​​of the maximum permissible concentrations for the transported product, repair work is carried out wearing personal respiratory protection.

75. In the place where welding and other hot work is carried out, the concentration of flammable vapors and gases should not exceed 20 percent of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation.

76. All changes relating to the construction of HPF MT facilities, pipeline crossings with communications for other purposes, as well as design changes to linear structures of HPF MT must be carried out according to design documentation/documentation and timely included in the operational and as-built documentation.

77. In order to control the route and the adjacent territory, identify factors that pose a threat to the reliability and safety of operation of the linear structures of the HPF MT, the operating organization must ensure periodic patrols of the linear structures of the HPF MT.

78. Various types of patrolling of the pipeline route are used: foot patrols, vehicle patrols, and air patrols.

79. The frequency and methods of patrolling the route of linear structures of HPF MT are established taking into account specific operating conditions, the technical condition of pipelines, the characteristics of the pipeline laying site, and natural factors affecting the safety of pipeline operation.

Technical diagnostics of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

80. In order to ensure safety, determine the actual technical condition of hazardous industrial facilities MT, the possibility of their further operation at design technological modes, to calculate the permissible pressure, the need to reduce the permitted operating pressure and switch to lower technological modes or the need for repairs with precise localization of the places of its implementation and extension periodic technical diagnostics should be carried out during operation of the HPF MT during operation.

81. The timing and methods of diagnosis are determined taking into account the danger and technical condition of sections of the linear part of the hazardous production facility MT, structures and technical devices of on-site structures of the hazardous production facility MT, as well as taking into account the operating indicators (service life, resource) established by the design and/or normative and technical documentation .

82. Based on the results of technical diagnostics, the value of the permitted operating pressure is determined in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the operation of the HPF MT.

The document confirming the value of the permitted operating pressure during operation of the HPF MT is the confirmation form for the value of the permitted operating pressure (hereinafter referred to as the form).

83. A form is drawn up to confirm the safe value of the permitted operating pressure during operation:

a) facilities put into operation upon completion of construction or reconstruction;

b) existing facilities where emergency restoration or repair work was carried out, requiring a reduction in operating pressure by more than 20 percent;

c) operating facilities where the permitted operating pressure has been changed.

84. The form for the MT hazardous production facility must contain information about the site (section number) of the MT hazardous production facility, the amount of permitted pressure, as well as information about the need to provide it with safety devices to limit the amount of working pressure.

The form is completed before the HPF MT is put into operation.

85. The form, together with operational and design documentation/documentation, test results, flaw detection, inspections, pressure diagrams and strength calculations, on the basis of which the value of the permitted operating pressure was established, is stored in the archives of the operating organization.

86. The operating organization is obliged to conduct periodic inspections of pipelines and equipment of the hazardous production facility throughout the entire life cycle (until the liquidation of the hazardous production facility).

87. The operating organization establishes the frequency, completeness and procedure of inspection, methods and means of control, taking into account:

data on MT construction;

technical condition;

operating conditions (duration, technological mode);

properties of the product being traded;

characteristics of the location area (presence of security zones, the most dangerous areas).

88. When technically diagnosing pipelines of the linear part of the HPF MT, it is necessary to provide for the following types of work:

in-line flaw detection by passing in-line diagnostic tools;

external flaw detection examination using non-destructive testing methods;

assessment of the condition of insulating coatings.

89. Assessment of the technical condition of the equipment of on-site facilities of the HPF MT should include:

external inspection during operation;

full technical inspection during decommissioning mode (temporary or long-term).

Before inspecting equipment and taking it out of service, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations: emptying, cleaning and degassing (if necessary).

90. Based on the results of the technical inspection, a repair schedule (including major repairs) of the HIF MT is drawn up.


91. Technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities are carried out in accordance with the documentation after receiving a positive conclusion from the industrial safety examination for this documentation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

92. Based on the documentation for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities, a list of organizational and technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is developed, the procedure and methods for their implementation, the composition and scope of work, requirements for fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety, as well as for documentary registration of the work being carried out, including the control procedure, reporting and deadlines for completing the work.

93. To maintain the serviceability and operability of the equipment of the HPF MT, a set of measures must be taken to preserve the facility and its technical maintenance must be organized.

94. The duration of the period for which the MT HIF is taken out of operation, the conditions for being in reserve (mothballing or periodic activation in order to maintain the operational condition of the MT HIF) must be established by the operating organization.

95. In order to establish the procedure for performing work, instructions for the maintenance and repair of mothballed hazardous production facilities are developed taking into account the requirements of current regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

96. To remove hazardous industrial facilities from mothballing and put them into operation, a work program is developed indicating the list of works, the order and timing of their implementation.

97. When withdrawing from mothballing, an inspection, inspection, sampling and testing of pipelines and equipment of the HPF MT must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

98. When removing a hazardous production facility from mothballing, the operating organization draws up an act on putting the facility into operation with a list of work performed after trial operation of the hazardous production facility for 72 hours.

99. All work on the liquidation of hazardous production facilities should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the documentation for the liquidation of hazardous production facilities.

100. Before starting work on the decommissioning of hazardous production facilities subject to liquidation, work must be carried out to free the pipelines and equipment of these facilities from hydrocarbons.

The release of hydrocarbons into the environment during the release of pipelines and equipment is not permitted.

101. After completion of the liquidation of hazardous production facilities, the vacated territories must be reclaimed.


102. The adoption of a set of organizational and technical measures for the accident-free operation of hazardous production facilities, limiting the impact of accidents on the population and the environment and ensuring readiness for actions to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident should be entrusted to the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

103. Planning and implementation of measures to prevent possible accidents and ensure constant readiness to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident at a hazardous production facility MT should be entrusted to the operating organization, including:

creation of an organizational structure with the distribution of duties and responsibilities between technical services and officials;

development of the necessary documentation (programs, plans, orders, regulations, instructions) regulating the procedure for employees to act in the event of an accident;

monitoring the condition of technical devices;

equipping with protection systems;

equipping with systems and means of surveillance, warning, communication, emergency protection and ensuring their normal functioning;

organizing a system of continuous education and training of workers (including training sessions) for actions in the event of an accident;

formation of the necessary financial resources and material resources for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents.

104. The operating organization is obliged to limit the operating mode or suspend the operation of the MT hazardous facility if signs of an accident or incident are detected, if this poses a threat of harm to the life and health of workers and/or third parties.

105. For linear and on-site structures of HPF MT, the operating organization develops action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, which must include the actions of personnel to prevent accidents, and in case of their occurrence, to localize and minimize the severity of the consequences, as well as technical systems and means used for this.

106. Action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents are developed for hazardous industrial production facilities in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 No. “On approval of the Regulations on the development of action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 35, Art. 4516).

108. Hazard analysis of technological processes, quantitative risk analysis and other methods for analyzing the risk of accidents associated with the release of transported hydrocarbons are part of the industrial safety declaration, safety justification, risk management and industrial safety management system of the HPF MT.

109. When conducting a risk analysis, the following is taken into account:

explosion hazard and toxic properties of the transported product;

external anthropogenic influences (including from neighboring objects, intersections with transport routes, possible unauthorized taps into the pipeline and sabotage);

possible manifestations of internal and external corrosion;

possible deviations of technological parameters from regulatory values;

indicators of mechanical safety (resistance to loads and impacts), reliability of the MT hazardous production facility and technical devices used at the MT hazardous production facility (strength characteristics of the material, pipe wall thickness, manufacturing technology, transportation and storage conditions during construction);

design and technological safety measures (protection against excess pressure, including water hammer, measures to prevent hydrate formation on gas pipelines, the effectiveness of leak detection systems and telemechanics, the possibility of loss of stability of the pipeline position, fire barriers);

external natural influences (earthquakes, landslides, ground conditions, icing, other hydrometeorological, seismic and geological hazards);

the impact of possible environmental consequences during construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, including environmental pollution, disturbance of the fertile soil layer, vegetation cover, landscape;

damaging factors of accidents (release of hazardous substances, destruction of technical devices, structures, explosion, thermal, toxic damage, scattering of fragments, environmental pollution), as well as the possibility of disruption of the fertile soil layer and vegetation during localization of accidents and liquidation of their consequences;

the impact of the consequences of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities on neighboring production facilities, populated areas, water intakes, nature reserves and other environmentally vulnerable facilities.

1) planning and organization of work;

2) identification of accident hazards;

3) quantitative assessment of the risk of accidents at industrial hazardous production facilities, including:

a) assessment of the frequency of possible accident scenarios;

b) assessment of possible consequences for the considered accident scenarios;

c) calculation of accident risk indicators at industrial hazardous production facilities;

d) determination of the degree of danger of sites and components of hazardous production facilities;

e) ranking of sections and components of transport hazardous production facilities according to accident risk indicators;

f) comparison of accident risk indicators of sections and components of hazardous industrial facilities of transport infrastructure with the corresponding average statistical level and establishment of the degree of danger of sections and components of transport infrastructure;

116. When analyzing the results of calculations at the sites and components of hazardous production facilities, MT compare the calculated risk indicators with the average statistical level of accident risk according to the following degrees:

extremely high.

For sections of the linear part of the HPF MT, the degree of accident danger is determined based on the difference between the value of the accident risk indicator calculated for the section and the average statistical level of accident risk. The average statistical level of the accident risk indicator is determined based on data on the investigation of accidents at similar facilities.

Under the calculated accident risk indicator R understand one or more indicators:

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area (for example, an underwater crossing), leading to death of at least N Human ( N = 1, 10, 50);

individual risk of death or injury to a person in an accident on the linear part of a hazardous production facility;

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area, leading to an oil/petroleum product spill weighing at least M (M= 100 t, 500 t, 5000 t).

Requirements for recording the results of an accident risk analysis on a main pipeline

117. The results of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility must be justified and formalized in such a way that the calculations and conclusions made can be checked and repeated by qualified specialists who did not participate in the initial procedure for assessing the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility.

118. The process and results of work on the quantitative analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous industrial production facility are documented in the form of a report on the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility. The report on the analysis of the accident risk at the MT hazardous production facility includes:

title page;

list of performers indicating positions, scientific titles, name of organization;


the purpose and objectives of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at hazardous production facilities;

description of the analyzed MT OPO;

methodology, underlying assumptions and limitations that define the limits of the accident hazard analysis;

description of the hazard analysis methods used, models of emergency processes and justification for their use;

initial data and their sources, including the necessary data on accidents and injuries at hazardous industrial production facilities, equipment reliability;

hazard identification results;

results of assessing accident risk indicators and the degree of danger of sections and components of the transport hazardous production facility;

analysis of the influence of initial data on the results of quantitative risk assessment;


list of information sources used.

119. The results of the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility MT when developing special documents (declaration of industrial safety, safety justification, plan for localization and elimination of accidents) are drawn up in accordance with the Guidelines for conducting risk analysis of hazardous production facilities, approved by the resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated July 10, 2001 No. 30 (recognized as not requiring state registration - letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 No. 07/8411-UD).

Determination of safe distances

120. The safe distance from hazardous production facilities is determined by calculating the maximum impact zones (damage) during emergency releases of hazardous substances, taking into account the likelihood of their implementation.

121. The calculation should be carried out on the basis of the following provisions:

1. The linear part of the HPF MT meets the safety requirements for reducing the severity of the consequences of accidents, including an automated leak detection system, an accident response system, and the presence of engineering structures to limit the spill of hazardous substances.

2. Determine the most dangerous scenarios in which the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) is possible.

3. Calculation of the process of release, dispersion and drift of a cloud of hazardous substances in the atmosphere is carried out under various weather conditions and taking into account the terrain.

4. When justifying the minimum distances, quantitative criteria are used that take into account the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) and the values ​​of the calculated risk indicators. Safety criteria or permissible (acceptable) risk are justified in the design documentation/documentation.



On approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines"

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 401 “On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3348; 2006, N 5, Art. 544; N 23, Art. 2527; N 52, Art. 5587; 2008, N 22, Art. 2581; N 46, Art. 5337; 2009, N 6, Art. 738; N 33, Art. 4081; N 49, Art. .5976; 2010, N 9, art. 960; N 26, art. 3350; N 38, art. 4835; 2011, N 6, art. 888; N 14, art. 1935; N 41, art. 5750; N 50, Art. 7385; 2012, N 29, Art. 4123; N 42, Art. 5726; 2013, N 12, Art. 1343)

I order:

1. Approve the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Main Pipelines” attached to this order.

2. This order comes into force three months after the official publication of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities of Trunk Pipelines”.

Acting head
A.V. Ferapontov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation

registration N 30605

Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines"


I. General provisions

1. These Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety Rules for hazardous production facilities of main pipelines" (hereinafter - the Rules) establish requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, preventing accidents, cases of industrial injuries at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines (hereinafter - HPF MT), which transport hazardous substances - hydrocarbons in liquid (oil, petroleum products, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, gas condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, mixtures thereof) and/or gaseous (gas) state.

2. The rules were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 30, Art. 3588; 2000, N 33, Art. 3348; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2005, N 19, art. 1752; 2006, N 52, art. 5498; 2009, N 1, art. 17, 21; N 52, Art. 6450; 2010, N 30, Art. 4002; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 27, Art. 3880; N 30, Art. 4590, 4591, 4596; N 49, Art. 7015, 7025 ; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; 2013, N 9, Art. 874).

3. The rules are intended to apply when:

a) development of technological processes, design, construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities;

b) manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance, diagnostics and repair of technical devices used at industrial production facilities;

c) conducting an industrial safety examination: documentation for conservation, liquidation, technical re-equipment of a hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as documentation); technical devices; buildings and structures; industrial safety declarations of HIF MT; justifications for the safety of hazardous production facilities.

4. Fire safety of HPF MT is ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 30 Art. 3579; 2012, N 29, Art. .3997; 2013, N 27, art. 3477).

5. HPF MT includes facilities of the linear part and on-site structures.

II. Industrial safety requirements for the development of technological processes when designing hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

General requirements

6. The development of a technological process, the use of technological equipment, the choice of the type of shut-off valves and their installation locations, control means and emergency protection must be justified in the design documentation/documentation by the results of a hazard analysis of technological processes and a quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents carried out in accordance with Chapter VII " Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines" of these Rules.

7. Complete equipment and technical devices developed and manufactured according to foreign standards are used at hazardous production facilities MT if the manufacturer’s technical documentation is available, as well as if they comply with the requirements of these Rules and technical regulations in force in the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the conclusion of an industrial safety examination or a certificate of conformity requirements of technical regulations.

8. The selection of the route and placement of linear part objects and site structures (pumping station, compressor station, gas distribution station, tank farm) should be carried out taking into account the natural and climatic features of the territory, the distribution of nearby settlements, hydrogeological properties of soils, the presence of nearby production facilities, as well as taking into account transport routes and communications that may have a negative impact on the safety of the MT HPF.

9. The territory of location of linear and on-site structures of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of carrying out construction and installation work using lifting and special equipment, as well as the possibility of locating storage areas for equipment and construction materials.

10. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located at safe distances from other industrial and agricultural facilities, individual buildings and structures, residential, public and business areas and recreational areas established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. For on-site structures of HPF MT, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for ensuring explosion safety in accordance with subparagraphs 3.1 -3.3, 10.4 and 10.5 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "General explosion safety rules for explosion-hazardous chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries", approved by order of the Federal Environmental Service , Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated March 11, 2013 N 96 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 16, 2013, registration N 28138; Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2013, N 23).

12. In the absence of established requirements for safe distances or the impossibility of complying with them, these requirements must be determined in the justification for the safety of a hazardous production facility.

The safety justification for hazardous production facilities in terms of risk analysis should be developed taking into account the requirements set out in Chapter VII “Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines” of these Rules.

13. Objects of the linear part and on-site structures of HPF MT should be located taking into account the danger of the spread of transported liquid hazardous substances in the event of possible accidents along the terrain and the prevailing wind direction (according to the annual wind rose) relative to nearby settlements, objects and crowded places.

When laying oil pipelines and oil product pipelines near populated areas and industrial enterprises located at elevations below these pipelines at a distance from them of less than 500 m with a pipe diameter of 700 mm or less and 1000 m with a pipe diameter of over 700 mm, the design must provide for technical solutions that exclude entry of the medium transported through the pipeline into the building area.

Industrial safety requirements when designing facilities for the linear part of main pipelines

14. Design documentation/documentation in technological processes for transporting hydrocarbons (hereinafter referred to as technological processes) and when choosing equipment for the linear part of the HPF MT should take into account all types of loads and impacts that arise during the stages of construction, operation, reconstruction, during technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation, liquidation of hazardous production facilities, as well as unfavorable combinations thereof, which may affect the reliability and safety of the linear part of the hazardous production facility.

15. Determination of loads and impacts is carried out on the basis of the results of engineering surveys that have received a positive expert opinion in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

16. When performing calculations for strength, deformation and stability of pipelines and supporting structures (foundations, supports, bases), it is necessary to consider the influence of transient processes (non-stationary modes) on the loads when pumping the product, as well as possible changes in soil properties during pipeline operation.

17. The most dangerous areas should be identified as part of the HPF MT (areas located near populated areas; crossings through roads and railways; crossings through natural and artificial water bodies; areas passing in special natural conditions and on lands of specially protected natural areas; areas of high and increased corrosion hazard), for which the design documentation/documentation must provide for additional measures aimed at reducing the risk of accidents.

18. Technical decisions taken during the development of design documentation/documentation of HIF MT must ensure the safety of technological processes.

19. Regardless of the installation method (underground, above-ground, above-ground linear part of the HPF MT), reliable and safe operation of the pipeline must be ensured, taking into account the topography, soil and climatic conditions.

20. For the most dangerous sections of linear part objects, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce the risk of an accident, the main of which are:

increasing requirements for the category of protective coating and modes of electrochemical protection means, arrangement of corrosion monitoring systems;

the use of a protective case, concrete coating, protective slabs;

laying in the tunnel;

arrangement of additional embankments and protective walls;

soil (shore) strengthening;

arrangement of drainage systems (channels, ditches);

monitoring the technical condition of the pipeline.

For the linear part of pipelines intended for transporting a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons, the design documentation/documentation must provide for special safety measures that reduce risks for the population and operating personnel, the main of which are:

increasing the thickness of the pipeline wall;

restriction of pipeline diameter to no more than 400 mm;

increasing the depth of the pipeline;

additional requirements for pipe metal in terms of strength, resistance of the pipe body to the propagation of ductile fracture, and crack resistance;

constant monitoring of the technical condition of the pipeline based on more frequent in-pipe diagnostics with the elimination of unacceptable defects.

21. Technical solutions for linear structures of HPF MT must ensure compensation for pipeline movements from temperature changes and the effects of internal pressure.

22. The means of protection against possible types of corrosion used at the linear structures of the HPF MT must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HIF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

Methods and means of anti-corrosion protection must be established by design documentation/documentation that provides protection against external (atmospheric) and underground corrosion, corrosion by stray and induced currents.

23. Technological processes for cleaning the pipeline cavity, diagnostic work and separation of transported media (substances) must ensure the safe operation of hazardous production facilities MT.

24. Shut-off valves installed at the facilities of the linear part of the HPF MT must provide the possibility of remote and local (automatic and/or manual) shutdown of the technological process both under design operating conditions and in the event of an accident or incident, including taking into account the sectioning of sections pipeline.

25. The fittings and piping of shut-off valves of HPFs of main gas pipelines under pressure must be provided for in the design documentation/documentation in an underground version with an above-ground outlet for the valve drive.

26. Means of protection against pressure exceeding the design value must ensure timely pressure release for the purpose of safe operation of the technological process.

27. When transporting high-viscosity liquid hydrocarbons, design documentation/documentation must provide thermal insulation pipelines and a heating system for the pumped product, ensuring stable pumping mode under operating conditions.

28. The design documentation/documentation must define the requirements for pipelines, fittings, connecting parts in terms of pressure values ​​and the duration of strength and tightness tests.

29. At underwater crossings through water barriers, the design documentation/documentation must provide for the use of technical means that prevent the pipeline from floating up.

30. Measures against uplift, including the use of appropriate technical devices, should be developed in the design documentation/documentation also when laying underground pipelines in areas with high groundwater levels and long-term inundation by flood waters.

31. To ensure the safety of the technological process of transporting gaseous or liquefied hydrocarbons in sections of underground pipeline crossings, through railways and roads common use I-V categories design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical solutions for leak control.

32. Design documentation/documentation for hazardous production facilities of main gas pipelines must provide for safe gas discharge devices, separated by shut-off valves, of the same category and at the same operating pressure as the main gas pipeline.

33. Technical solutions in the design documentation/documentation for HPF MT, including technological regulations, instructions, must provide for the possibility of cleaning the cavity of pipelines after construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs and removal of water after hydrotesting.

34. The design documentation/documentation must provide for special technical means that are resistant to external influences of electrostatic discharges and electromagnetic fields and provide continuous remote monitoring of leak detection and unauthorized access to technical devices in the appropriate operating conditions of the HPF MT.

Unauthorized access to the automated continuous remote leak detection system and shut-off valves must be prevented.

35. The design documentation/documentation for the MT HPF must provide for the safe maintenance and repair of equipment of ground facilities of the linear part of the MT HPF.

Industrial safety requirements when designing on-site structures for main pipelines

36. Design documentation/documentation for pumping and gas pumping units of pumping and compressor stations must provide technical solutions that take into account compensation of temperature, dynamic and vibration loads.

The means of protection against possible types of corrosion used at the on-site structures of the HPF MT must ensure trouble-free (due to corrosion) operation of the HIF MT in accordance with the conditions and service life established by the design documentation/documentation.

37. Equipment and pipeline fittings installed without shelter (in the open air) must ensure the safe operation of hazardous industrial facilities MT in the corresponding climatic region of their use.

38. The design and placement of equipment, pipelines and monitoring and control systems must ensure the ability to monitor their technical condition in accordance with the technological regulations for their operation and maintenance.

39. To control the air pollution in production premises and the working area of ​​open site structures, means of automatic continuous gas monitoring must be provided with an alarm that is triggered when the maximum permissible values ​​are reached and with the issuance of signals to the process control and emergency protection system. At the same time, all cases of gas contamination must be recorded by devices with automatic recording and must be documented.

The installation locations and the number of sensors or sampling devices of the analyzers must be determined in the design documentation/documentation, taking into account the requirements of regulatory technical documents for the placement of gas control sensors.

40. Design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of equipment and pipelines of on-site structures from excess pressure, including water hammer.

41. The pressure control method used must ensure the operation of pumping stations at a pressure maintained within the limits established for it. Overpressure control and protection systems must constantly monitor the pressure at the outlet of pumping stations and prevent the outlet pressure from exceeding the regulated value.

42. Equipment used, pipes, fittings, flange connections and fittings on the suction and discharge lines of compressor stations must ensure their safe operation at the maximum design discharge pressure.

43. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the possibility of shutting off each gas pumping unit of the compressor station using shut-off valves with a remotely controlled drive.

44. Compressor stations must have systems for the safe release of gas from safety valves, drainage and purge lines. It is not allowed to combine systems of purge, discharge lines and gas discharge lines from safety valves.

The need to install a separator to separate the liquid phase and mechanical impurities on the discharge lines should be justified in the design documentation/documentation.

Gas discharge systems must provide safe conditions for gas dispersion, taking into account local climatic conditions, including wind roses.

45. At compressor stations, provision should be made for purging gas pipelines and equipment with inert gas (steam).

46. ​​The compressor station must be equipped with a system (devices) for collecting liquid and mechanical impurities.

47. The technological equipment of a gas distribution station must be designed for the operating pressure of the supply gas pipeline-outlet, with the exception of the case of using gas pressure regulators with a shut-off valve (shut-off valve and regulator) and installing an additional safety valve in front of the tap assembly at the outlet of the gas distribution station in each reduction line .

48. The design documentation/documentation must provide for the protection of buildings, structures and external installations of HPF MT site structures from manifestations of atmospheric electricity (lightning protection).

Lightning protection of crane platforms and site structures with ground-based equipment that is not equipped with breathing equipment or safe gas release devices can be ensured by connecting to a grounding loop.

49. When choosing electrical equipment in explosion-proof version The classification of hazardous areas should be followed. Classes and sizes of hazardous areas should be determined and indicated in the design documentation/documentation.

50. The layout of pumping stations and tank farms, the placement of equipment and the laying of process pipelines must ensure the localization, collection and removal of leaks of hazardous substances.

III. Industrial safety requirements during construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

51. The implementation of measures for the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is permitted only after receiving a positive conclusion from the state examination of design documentation or an examination of industrial safety documentation and obtaining permission to carry out these works in the manner established by the legislation on urban planning activities and the legislation in field of industrial safety.

52. At all stages of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT, incoming control of structures, products, materials, equipment and technical devices, as well as quality control of work and all technological operations must be organized.

The results of the incoming inspection should be entered into the incoming inspection log with the execution of an inspection report.

53. If deviations from the requirements of design documentation/documentation are detected, facts of the use of materials not provided for in the design documentation/documentation, violations of the order and quality of work are discovered, construction and installation work must be suspended, and the detected defects must be eliminated.

54. To perform welding and installation work at hazardous production facilities MT, organizations that have the right (certified) to perform such work should be involved. The technology for carrying out welding work, welding materials and equipment intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of industrial production facilities must be agreed upon with the customer and certified in the prescribed manner.

Workers directly supervising and performing welding work must be certified in accordance with the Rules for Certification of Welders and Welding Specialists, approved by Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated October 30, 1998 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 4, 1999, registration N 1721; Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, 1999, N 11-12), as amended (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 23, 2012, registration N 25903; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2012, N 283), and Technological regulations for the certification of welders and welding production specialists, approved by Resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated June 25, 2002 N 36 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 17, 2002, registration N 3587; Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2002, N 32), as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 17, 2012 N 588 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2013, registration N 25903; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2012, N 283).

55. Welded joints made during the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are subject to quality control using non-destructive testing methods. The scope and methods of inspection of welded joints must be determined by the design documentation/documentation.

56. The need, timing and methods of carrying out work on the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT are determined on the basis of design documentation/documentation based on the conditions for ensuring uninterrupted operation of the hazardous production facility MT and industrial safety requirements.

57. The decision on the timing, methods and volumes of work on the overhaul of hazardous production facilities MT is made taking into account the analysis of the results comprehensive examination and service life of hazardous industrial facilities MT.

58. Work on reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs should begin after completion preparatory activities, acceptance of objects by the contractor and written permission from the management of the operating organization to carry out work.

59. Before starting work on the reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of linear structures of the HPF MT, work producers must notify the organizations (owners) operating the structures located in the same technical corridor with the HPF MT, as well as authorities, about the start and timing of the work local government.

60. Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major repairs must be tested for strength and tightness in accordance with the requirements of project documentation/documentation.

Objects of the linear part of the HPF MT must be cleaned and inspected using in-pipe cleaning and diagnostic tools (for pipes with a diameter of 300 mm or more). Methods, parameters and schemes for cavity cleaning, in-line diagnostics and testing are established by the design organization in the design documentation/documentation, construction organization project, special work instructions for cavity cleaning and strength testing and leak testing.

61. During hydraulic strength tests and leak testing, liquid working media (water and other non-flammable liquids) are used; during pneumatic tests - gaseous working media (air, inert gases, natural gas).

The use of gaseous working media must be justified in the test documentation approved by the operating organization.

The use of natural gas for testing main gas pipelines must be justified, and the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety must be notified about the decisions made.

62. In case of negative ambient temperatures or the impossibility of providing the required amount of liquid working medium for hydraulic tests, it is allowed to test the linear part of the HPF MT for strength and tightness with gaseous working fluids. The test method must be justified by design documentation/documentation.

63. Upon completion of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul, strength testing and leak testing of the MT HPFs carry out a comprehensive testing of the MT HPFs.

64. Filling the linear structures of the HPF MT with hydrocarbons and its operation after filling for 72 hours is considered a comprehensive testing of the linear structure of the HPF MT. Filling and comprehensive testing are carried out in accordance with the instructions (action plan).

65. Before the start of commissioning and comprehensive testing, the hazardous production facility of the main pipeline must be staffed with appropriately qualified workers in accordance with the staffing schedule.

66. By the start of commissioning of the HPF MT, workplaces must be equipped with the necessary documentation, supplies of materials, spare parts, equipment, personal and collective protective equipment in accordance with established standards.

IV. Industrial safety requirements for the operation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines. Technological regulations for the operation of main pipelines

IV. Industrial safety requirements for the operation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

Technological regulations for the operation of main pipelines

67. Technological regulations for operation are developed for HIF MT, defining the procedure for organizing reliable and safe technological processes, which must comply with design solutions, actual characteristics, operating conditions of HIF MT, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety and regulatory technical documents.

68. Technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities should include:

technical characteristics of hazardous production facilities MT, equipment of on-site structures and properties of pumped hydrocarbons;

technological modes of the process of transporting hydrocarbons at OPO MT;

the procedure for monitoring the tightness (integrity) of pipelines and equipment at HPF MT;

leak detection procedure;

process control procedure;

procedure for acceptance, delivery and accounting of pumped hydrocarbons;

schematic and technological diagrams of the linear part of the HPF MT and on-site structures (graphical part);

compressed longitudinal profile of the linear part of the HPF MT (graphical part);

list and characteristics of the most dangerous areas;

passport characteristics of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities MT;

list of mandatory technological and production instructions to ensure the safe conduct of the technological process, maintenance, as well as the actions of workers in emergency situations and incidents;

section on safe operation of production.

69. Technological regulations must be developed before the HPF MT is put into operation and revised in the event of changes in industrial safety requirements, technological process parameters, or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

Maintenance and repair work at hazardous production facilities of the main pipeline

70. During the maintenance of hazardous production facilities MT, the volume and frequency of work performed must be determined by the design documentation/documentation, technological regulations for the operation of hazardous production facilities MT, regulatory and technical documents of manufacturing plants for pipes, materials and equipment.

71. During operation, monitoring of the technical condition of the HPF MT must be ensured using the necessary technical diagnostic methods, and measures must also be provided to secure the pipeline at the design elevations in the event of its displacement.

72. The procedure and time for repairing linear structures of hazardous production facilities MT, located in the same technical corridor with others engineering communications or crossing them should be agreed upon with the organizations operating these communications.

73. At the place of repair work, it is necessary to control the content of flammable vapors and gases in the air of the working area or room using an automatic alarm system.

The frequency of monitoring is indicated in the instructions, including mandatory monitoring of the environment before starting work and after each break lasting at least one hour.

74. If the air in the working area exceeds the established values ​​of the maximum permissible concentrations for the transported product, repair work is carried out wearing personal respiratory protection.

75. In the place where welding and other hot work is carried out, the concentration of flammable vapors and gases should not exceed 20 percent of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation.

76. All changes relating to the construction of HPF MT facilities, pipeline crossings with communications for other purposes, as well as design changes to linear structures of HPF MT must be carried out according to design documentation/documentation and timely included in the operational and as-built documentation.

77. In order to control the route and the adjacent territory, identify factors that pose a threat to the reliability and safety of operation of the linear structures of the HPF MT, the operating organization must ensure periodic patrols of the linear structures of the HPF MT.

78. Various types of patrolling of the pipeline route are used: foot patrols, vehicle patrols, and air patrols.

79. The frequency and methods of patrolling the route of linear structures of HPF MT are established taking into account specific operating conditions, the technical condition of pipelines, the characteristics of the pipeline laying site, and natural factors affecting the safety of pipeline operation.

Technical diagnostics of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

80. In order to ensure safety, determine the actual technical condition of hazardous industrial facilities MT, the possibility of their further operation at design technological modes, to calculate the permissible pressure, the need to reduce the permitted operating pressure and switch to lower technological modes or the need for repairs with precise localization of the places of its implementation and extension periodic technical diagnostics should be carried out during operation of the HPF MT during operation.

81. The timing and methods of diagnosis are determined taking into account the danger and technical condition of sections of the linear part of the hazardous production facility MT, structures and technical devices of on-site structures of the hazardous production facility MT, as well as taking into account the operating indicators (service life, resource) established by the design and/or normative and technical documentation .

82. Based on the results of technical diagnostics, the value of the permitted operating pressure is determined in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the operation of the HPF MT.

The document confirming the value of the permitted operating pressure during operation of the HPF MT is the confirmation form for the value of the permitted operating pressure (hereinafter referred to as the form).

83. A form is drawn up to confirm the safe value of the permitted operating pressure during operation:

a) facilities put into operation upon completion of construction or reconstruction;

b) existing facilities where emergency restoration or repair work was carried out, requiring a reduction in operating pressure by more than 20 percent;

c) operating facilities where the permitted operating pressure has been changed.

84. The form for the MT hazardous production facility must contain information about the site (section number) of the MT hazardous production facility, the amount of permitted pressure, as well as information about the need to provide it with safety devices to limit the amount of working pressure.

The form is completed before the HPF MT is put into operation.

85. The form, together with operational and design documentation/documentation, test results, flaw detection, inspections, pressure diagrams and strength calculations, on the basis of which the value of the permitted operating pressure was established, is stored in the archives of the operating organization.

86. The operating organization is obliged to conduct periodic inspections of pipelines and equipment of the hazardous production facility throughout the entire life cycle (until the liquidation of the hazardous production facility).

87. The operating organization establishes the frequency, completeness and procedure of inspection, methods and means of control, taking into account:

data on MT construction;

technical condition;

operating conditions (duration, technological mode);

properties of the product being traded;

characteristics of the location area (presence of security zones, the most dangerous areas).

88. When technically diagnosing pipelines of the linear part of the HPF MT, it is necessary to provide for the following types of work:

in-line flaw detection by passing in-line diagnostic tools;

external flaw detection examination using non-destructive testing methods;

assessment of the condition of insulating coatings.

89. Assessment of the technical condition of the equipment of on-site facilities of the HPF MT should include:

external inspection during operation;

full technical inspection during decommissioning mode (temporary or long-term).

Before inspecting equipment and taking it out of service, it is necessary to carry out preparatory operations: emptying, cleaning and degassing (if necessary).

90. Based on the results of the technical inspection, a repair schedule (including major repairs) of the HIF MT is drawn up.

V. Industrial safety requirements for conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

91. Technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities are carried out in accordance with the documentation after receiving a positive conclusion from the industrial safety examination for this documentation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

92. Based on the documentation for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities, a list of organizational and technical measures for the conservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial production facilities is developed, the procedure and methods for their implementation, the composition and scope of work, requirements for fire safety, labor protection and environmental safety, as well as documenting the work being carried out, including the control procedure, reporting and deadlines for completing the work.

93. To maintain the serviceability and operability of the equipment of the HPF MT, a set of measures must be taken to preserve the facility and its technical maintenance must be organized.

94. The duration of the period for which the MT HIF is taken out of operation, the conditions for being in reserve (mothballing or periodic activation in order to maintain the operational condition of the MT HIF) must be established by the operating organization.

95. In order to establish the procedure for performing work, instructions for the maintenance and repair of mothballed hazardous production facilities are developed taking into account the requirements of current regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

96. To remove hazardous industrial facilities from mothballing and put them into operation, a work program is developed indicating the list of works, the order and timing of their implementation.

97. When withdrawing from mothballing, an inspection, inspection, sampling and testing of pipelines and equipment of the HPF MT must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and regulatory technical documents.

98. When removing a hazardous production facility from mothballing, the operating organization draws up an act on putting the facility into operation with a list of work performed after trial operation of the hazardous production facility for 72 hours.

99. All work on the liquidation of hazardous production facilities should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the documentation for the liquidation of hazardous production facilities.

100. Before starting work on the decommissioning of hazardous production facilities subject to liquidation, work must be carried out to free the pipelines and equipment of these facilities from hydrocarbons.

The release of hydrocarbons into the environment during the release of pipelines and equipment is not permitted.

101. After completion of the liquidation of hazardous production facilities, the vacated territories must be reclaimed.

VI. Accident prevention and response

102. The adoption of a set of organizational and technical measures for the accident-free operation of hazardous production facilities, limiting the impact of accidents on the population and the environment and ensuring readiness for actions to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident should be entrusted to the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

103. Planning and implementation of measures to prevent possible accidents and ensure constant readiness to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident at a hazardous production facility MT should be entrusted to the operating organization, including:

creation of an organizational structure with the distribution of duties and responsibilities between technical services and officials;

development of the necessary documentation (programs, plans, orders, regulations, instructions) regulating the procedure for employees to act in the event of an accident;

monitoring the condition of technical devices;

equipping with protection systems;

equipping with systems and means of surveillance, warning, communication, emergency protection and ensuring their normal functioning;

organizing a system of continuous education and training of workers (including training sessions) for actions in the event of an accident;

formation of the necessary financial resources and material resources for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents.

104. The operating organization is obliged to limit the operating mode or suspend the operation of the MT hazardous facility if signs of an accident or incident are detected, if this poses a threat of harm to the life and health of workers and/or third parties.

105. For linear and on-site structures of HPF MT, the operating organization develops action plans for localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents, which must include the actions of personnel to prevent accidents, and if they occur, to localize and minimize the severity of the consequences, as well as technical systems and the means used for this.

106. Action plans for localization and liquidation of the consequences of accidents are developed for hazardous industrial production facilities in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2013 N 730 "On approval of the Regulations on the development of action plans for localization and liquidation of consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 35, Art. 4516).

107. For hazardous production facilities MT, which handle oil and oil products, if there is a risk of spills spreading beyond the boundaries of the hazardous production facility MT must be developed and approved in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2000 N 613 “On urgent measures for prevention and response emergency spills of oil and oil products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 35, Art. 3582; 2002, No. 16, Art. 1569), plans for the prevention and response to oil and oil product spills.

VII. Requirements for the analysis of hazards of technological processes and quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents on main pipelines

General provisions

108. Hazard analysis of technological processes, quantitative risk analysis and other methods for analyzing the risk of accidents associated with the release of transported hydrocarbons are part of the industrial safety declaration, safety justification, risk management and industrial safety management system of the HPF MT.

109. When conducting a risk analysis, the following is taken into account:

explosion hazard and toxic properties of the transported product;

external anthropogenic influences (including from neighboring objects, intersections with transport routes, possible unauthorized taps into the pipeline and sabotage);

possible manifestations of internal and external corrosion;

possible deviations of technological parameters from regulatory values;

indicators of mechanical safety (resistance to loads and impacts), reliability of the MT hazardous production facility and technical devices used at the MT hazardous production facility (strength characteristics of the material, pipe wall thickness, manufacturing technology, transportation and storage conditions during construction);

design and technological safety measures (protection against excess pressure, including water hammer, measures to prevent hydrate formation on gas pipelines, the effectiveness of leak detection systems and telemechanics, the possibility of loss of stability of the pipeline position, fire barriers);

external natural influences (earthquakes, landslides, ground conditions, icing, other hydrometeorological, seismic and geological hazards);

the impact of possible environmental consequences during construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, including environmental pollution, disturbance of the fertile soil layer, vegetation cover, landscape;

damaging factors of accidents (release of hazardous substances, destruction of technical devices, structures, explosion, thermal, toxic damage, scattering of fragments, environmental pollution), as well as the possibility of disruption of the fertile soil layer and vegetation during localization of accidents and liquidation of their consequences;

the impact of the consequences of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities on neighboring production facilities, populated areas, water intakes, nature reserves and other environmentally vulnerable facilities.

110. Methods for risk analysis at hazardous production facilities must be justified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety.

111. The danger of operating a hazardous production facility is determined by a complex of factors that take into account the technological parameters and technical condition of the hazardous production facility, the properties of the pumped hazardous substances, natural and anthropogenic factors.

112. The main task of risk analysis is to provide officials making safety decisions with information about the most dangerous processes and areas of hazardous production facilities.

113. When choosing risk analysis methods, it is necessary to take into account the stages of operation of the facility (design, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, major repairs, conservation and liquidation), the goals of the analysis (such as justification of safe distances to neighboring facilities), the type of analyzed hazardous industrial facility MT, criteria acceptable risk, availability of necessary information and other factors.

114. In order to justify measures to prevent accidents, an analysis of the hazards of technological processes should be carried out, identifying deviations of technological parameters from the design (regulatory) values, describing the possible causes, consequences of these deviations and indicating the safety measures taken or planned. The analysis is carried out by a group of specialists from design and operating organizations with the participation of an independent expert organization. The result of the group's work is a report describing the possible causes, consequences of these deviations, indicating safety measures and recommendations for further actions or improving safety.

Principles of quantitative analysis of the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities of main pipelines

115. The process of conducting a quantitative accident risk analysis includes the following main four steps:

1) planning and organization of work;

2) identification of accident hazards;

3) quantitative assessment of the risk of accidents at industrial hazardous production facilities, including:

a) assessment of the frequency of possible accident scenarios;

b) assessment of possible consequences for the considered accident scenarios;

c) calculation of accident risk indicators at industrial hazardous production facilities;

d) determination of the degree of danger of sites and components of hazardous production facilities;

e) ranking of sections and components of transport hazardous production facilities according to accident risk indicators;

f) comparison of accident risk indicators of sections and components of hazardous industrial facilities of transport infrastructure with the corresponding average statistical level and establishment of the degree of danger of sections and components of transport infrastructure;

116. When analyzing the results of calculations at the sites and components of hazardous production facilities, MT compare the calculated risk indicators with the average statistical level of accident risk according to the following degrees:




extremely high.

For sections of the linear part of the HPF MT, the degree of accident danger is determined based on the difference between the value of the accident risk indicator calculated for the section and the average statistical level of accident risk. The average statistical level of the accident risk indicator is determined based on data on the investigation of accidents at similar facilities.

Under the calculated accident risk indicator R understand one or more indicators:

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area (for example, an underwater crossing), leading to the death of at least N people (N = 1, 10, 50);

individual risk of death or injury to a person in an accident on the linear part of a hazardous production facility;

frequency of accidents per unit length of a linear part of a hazardous industrial facility or in a specific area, leading to an oil/petroleum product spill weighing at least M (M = 100 t, 500 t, 5000 t).

Requirements for recording the results of an accident risk analysis on a main pipeline

117. The results of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility must be justified and formalized in such a way that the calculations and conclusions made can be checked and repeated by qualified specialists who did not participate in the initial procedure for assessing the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility.

118. The process and results of work on the quantitative analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous industrial production facility are documented in the form of a report on the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility. The report on the analysis of the accident risk at the MT hazardous production facility includes:

title page;

list of performers indicating positions, scientific titles, name of organization;


content (table of contents);

the purpose and objectives of assessing the degree of risk of an accident at hazardous production facilities;

description of the analyzed MT OPO;

methodology, underlying assumptions and limitations that define the limits of the accident hazard analysis;

description of the hazard analysis methods used, models of emergency processes and justification for their use;

initial data and their sources, including the necessary data on accidents and injuries at hazardous industrial production facilities, equipment reliability;

hazard identification results;

results of assessing accident risk indicators and the degree of danger of sections and components of the transport hazardous production facility;

analysis of the influence of initial data on the results of quantitative risk assessment;

recommendations for reducing the risk of an accident;


list of information sources used.

119. The results of the analysis of the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility MT when developing special documents (declaration of industrial safety, safety justification, plan for localization and elimination of accidents) are drawn up in accordance with Methodical instructions to conduct a risk analysis of hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia dated July 10, 2001 N 30 (recognized as not requiring state registration- letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 N 07/8411-UD).

Determination of safe distances

120. The safe distance from hazardous production facilities is determined by calculating the maximum impact zones (damage) during emergency releases of hazardous substances, taking into account the likelihood of their implementation.

121. The calculation should be carried out on the basis of the following provisions:

1. The linear part of the HPF MT meets the safety requirements for reducing the severity of the consequences of accidents, including an automated leak detection system, an accident response system, and the presence of engineering structures to limit the spill of hazardous substances.

2. Determine the most dangerous scenarios in which the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) is possible.

3. Calculation of the process of release, dispersion and drift of a cloud of hazardous substances in the atmosphere is carried out under various weather conditions and taking into account the terrain.

4. When justifying the minimum distances, quantitative criteria are used that take into account the maximum size of the impact zone (damage) and the values ​​of the calculated risk indicators. Safety criteria or permissible (acceptable) risk are justified in the design documentation/documentation.

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