Guidelines for determining electricity. On the approval and enactment of "methodological guidelines for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises"


State Unitary Enterprise ACADEMY OF UTILITIES them. K.D. PAMFILOVA


(4th edition)

Moscow 2002

Guidelines contain methods for calculating heat consumption by consumers for heating, heating water for hot water supply, and ventilation; heat consumption for the boiler house’s own needs; consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by sources.

The guidelines are intended for use by engineering and technical workers of public utilities thermal power enterprises when carrying out calculations to determine the planned consumption of fuel, electricity and water when generating heat and housing and communal services when determining the planned heat consumption by the housing and communal sector.

This edition of the Methodological Instructions is issued to replace the “Methodological Instructions for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises” (M., ONTI AKH, 1994).

The guidelines were developed by the Energy Efficiency Department of Housing and Communal Services of the AKH named after. K.D. Pamfilova.

Please send comments and suggestions regarding these Guidelines to the following address: 123371, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, 116, AKH im. K.D. Pamfilova, Energy Efficiency Department of Housing and Communal Services.

1. General provisions. 2

2. Determination of the amount of heat consumed.. 2

2.1. Determination of the amount of heat for heating. 3

2.2. Determining the amount of heat for ventilation.. 13

2.3. Determination of the amount of heat for heating water for hot water supply. 17

2.4. Determination of coolant flow rates. 22

3. Determination of the amount of heat generated.. 24

3.1. Determination of the amount of heat for the own needs of boiler houses. 25

3.2. Determination of the amount of heat lost in heating networks. 29

3.3. Examples of calculations. 34

4. Determination of the required amount of fuel for heat generation.. 36

5. Determination of the amount of electricity required to generate heat.. 41

6. Determining the amount of water to generate heat.. 47

Applications. 52

Appendix 1. Tables for determining the amount of heat consumed.. 52

Appendix 2. Tables for determining the amount of heat generated.. 72

Appendix 3. tables for determining the required amount of fuel for heat generation.. 78

Appendix 4. Tables for determining the amount of electricity required to generate heat.. 82

Appendix 5. Tables for determining the amount of water for heat generation.. 86

Appendix 6. Relationship between calorie-based heat units, μgcc units and sig units.. 88

List of used literature... 89


1.1. These guidelines are intended for use by employees of municipal heat and power enterprises when current planning requirements for fuel, electricity and water to generate heat.

1.2. The guidelines can be used by housing enterprises and municipal organizations to determine the heat requirement for heating, hot water supply and ventilation for residential and public buildings and development of energy saving measures.

1.3. Standard consumption of water and heat should be considered as the maximum permissible under normal operating conditions of heating and hot water supply systems. If the consumption of water and heat is exceeded, it is necessary to determine the reasons for the excess consumption and take measures to eliminate it by increasing the level of operation. Activities leading to a reduction in water and heat consumption below standard values ​​while ensuring comfortable conditions residences of residents belong to the category of energy saving.

1.4. The amount of realized heat must be metered using instruments at the metering point at the interface between the heating networks. Heat losses from heating networks are attributed to the party on whose balance sheet they are heating network. Heat losses from heat pipes laid in the basement of buildings should be charged to consumers in proportion to the loads of buildings connected to the heat pipes.

1.5. Before calculating the heat demand, the reliability of the initial information must be assessed: design heat loads at centralized heating, volumes of buildings, number of residents provided with centralized hot water supply, diameters and length of pipelines of heating networks that are on the consumer’s balance sheet, etc.

1.6. These Guidelines are issued to replace the “Guidelines for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises” developed and published by the State Unitary Enterprise AKH named after. K.D. Pamfilova in 1994


Federal Energy

commission Russian Federation

Department of State

energy supervision,


and energy efficiency

Ministry of Energy of Russia





Designed to be closed joint stock company"Roskommunenergo" (Khizh E.B., Skolnik G.M., Bytensky O.M., Tolmasov A.S.) with the participation of the Russian Association "Utility Energy" and the Academy utilities them. K.D. Pamfilova.

Agreed by the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation (04/22/03, N ЕЯ-1357/2), the Department of State Energy Supervision, Licensing and Energy Efficiency of the Russian Ministry of Energy (04/10/03, N 32-10-11/540).

Approved by the Section "Communal Energy" of the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Russia (protocol dated May 29, 2003 N 01-ns-14/1).

Approved by the Deputy Chairman of the State Construction Committee of Russia on August 12, 2003.

"determining fuel requirements, electrical energy and water in the production and transfer of thermal energy and coolants in municipal heat supply systems" is designed for use in forecasting and planning the need for fuel, electrical energy and water by heat supply organizations of the housing and communal services complex, housing and communal services management bodies.

The methodology is also used to justify the need of heat supply organizations for financial resources when considering tariffs (prices) for thermal energy, its transmission and distribution.

The use of the Methodology makes it possible to evaluate technical and economic efficiency when planning energy-saving measures and introducing energy-efficient technological processes and equipment.

This Methodology is used instead of:

Methodological guidelines for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises, approved by the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Municipal Economy on February 22, 1994;

Instructions for rationing the consumption of boiler and furnace fuel for the supply of thermal energy by boiler houses of the system of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR, approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR on June 27, 1984.

In preparing the Methodology, proposals from the Institute of Economics of Housing and Communal Services OJSC, the State Unitary Enterprise SantekhNIIproekt, the Mosoblteploenergo Association, the research and development company Intekhenergo M of the Moscow Energy Institute, the production and technical enterprise Orgkommunenergo-M, and a number of municipal heat and power plants were used. enterprises (Vologda, Stavropol, Taganrog, Rostov region, etc.).

Calculation of consumption through a heat meter

Calculation of coolant flow is carried out using the following formula:

G = (3.6 Q)/(4.19 (t1 - t2)), kg/h

  • Q - thermal power of the system, W
  • t1 — coolant temperature at the system inlet, °C
  • t2—temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the system, °C
  • 3.6 - conversion factor from W to J
  • 4,19 — specific heat water kJ/(kg K)

Calculation of a heat meter for a heating system

The calculation of coolant flow for the heating system is carried out according to the above formula, and the calculated thermal load of the heating system and the calculated temperature graph are substituted into it.

The calculated heat load of the heating system is usually indicated in the contract (Gcal/h) with the heat supply organization and corresponds to the thermal power of the heating system at the design temperature of the outside air (for Kyiv -22°C).

The calculated temperature schedule is indicated in the same agreement with the heat supply organization and corresponds to the temperatures of the coolant in the supply and return pipelines at the same calculated outside air temperature. Most commonly used temperature charts 150-70, 130-70, 110-70, 95-70 and 90-70, although other settings are possible.

Calculation of a heat meter for a hot water supply system

Closed water heating circuit (via a heat exchanger) heat meter installed in the heating water circuit

t1 — Taken equal to minimum temperature coolant in the supply pipeline and is also indicated in the heat supply contract. Typically it is 70 or 65°C.

t2 — The coolant temperature in the return pipeline is assumed to be 30°C.

Closed water heating circuit (via a heat exchanger) heat meter installed in the heated water circuit

Q - The heat load on the hot water supply system is taken from the heat supply contract.

t1 — Taken to be equal to the temperature of the heated water at the outlet of the heat exchanger, usually 55°C.

t2 — Taken equal to the water temperature at the inlet to the heat exchanger in winter period, usually take 5°C.

Heat meter calculation for several systems

When installing one heat meter on several systems, the flow through it is calculated for each system separately, and then summed up.

The flow meter is selected in such a way that it can take into account both the total flow rate when all systems are operating simultaneously, and the minimum flow rate when one of the systems is operating.

Heat meters

  1. The temperature of the liquid at the inlet and outlet of a certain section of the pipeline.
  2. The flow rate of liquid that moves through heating devices.

Consumption can be determined using heat meters. Heat meters can be of two types:

  1. Vane counters. Such devices are used to measure thermal energy, as well as consumption hot water. The difference between such meters and metering devices cold water- the material from which the impeller is made. In such devices it is most resistant to influence high temperatures. The operating principle is similar for the two devices:
  • The rotation of the impeller is transmitted to the metering device;
  • The impeller begins to rotate due to the movement of the working fluid;
  • The transfer is carried out without direct interaction, but with the help of a permanent magnet.

Such devices have simple design, but their response threshold is low. And also they have reliable protection from distortion of readings. Using an antimagnetic screen, the impeller is prevented from braking by the external magnetic field.

  1. Devices with a difference recorder. Such meters operate according to Bernoulli's law, which states that the speed of a liquid or gas flow is inversely proportional to its static movement. If the pressure is recorded by two sensors, the flow can be easily determined in real time. The counter involves electronics in the design. Almost all models provide information on the flow and temperature of the working fluid, and also determine the consumption of thermal energy. You can configure the work manually using a PC. You can connect the device to a PC via a port.

Many residents are wondering how to calculate the amount of Gcal for heating in open system heating, in which selection for hot water is possible. Pressure sensors are installed on the return and supply pipes at the same time. The difference in the flow rate of the working fluid will indicate the amount warm water, which was spent for household needs.

Heat load duration chart

To establish an economical
heating system operating mode
equipment, selection of the most optimal
coolant parameters required
know the operating time of the system
heat supply under various modes
during a year. For this purpose they are building
heat duration graphs
loads (Rossander graphs).

Graphing method
duration of seasonal heat
load is shown in Fig. 4. Construction
conducted in four quadrants. In the left
graphs are plotted in the upper quadrant
depending on outside temperature
t H ,
thermal load
heating Q,
ventilation Q B and total seasonal
loads (Q
p in
flow heating season outdoor
temperatures tn,
equal to or below this temperature.

In the lower right quadrant
a straight line is drawn at an angle of 45° to
vertical and horizontal axes,
used to carry values
scales P from
lower left quadrant to upper
right quadrant. Duration schedule
thermal load 5 is built for
different outside temperatures t n by intersection points
dashed lines defining thermal
load and duration of standing
loads equal to or greater than this.

Area under the curve 5
thermal load is equal to heat consumption
for heating and ventilation for heating
season Q with year.

Rice. 4. Graphing
duration of seasonal heat

In the case when the heating
or the ventilation load changes
by hour of the day or day of the week,
for example, when during non-working hours
industrial enterprises are being transferred
for emergency heating or ventilation
industrial enterprises are working
not around the clock, three are plotted on the chart
heat consumption curves: one (usually
solid line) based on the average
given outside temperature consumption
heat per week for heating and
ventilation; two (usually dotted)
based on maximum and minimum
heating and ventilation loads at
the same outside temperature t H .
This construction
shown in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Integral graph
total load of the area

A- Q= f(tn);
heat duration chart
loads; 1 - average hourly for a week - maximum hourly
total load; 3
- minimum hourly

Annual heat consumption for
heating can be calculated with a small
error without accurate accounting
repeatability of outside temperatures
air for the heating season, taking
average heat consumption for heating for
season equal to 50% of heat consumption for
heating at calculated outside
temperature t But .
If the annual
heat consumption for heating, then, knowing
duration heating season,
it is easy to determine the average heat consumption.
Maximum flow heat for heating
possible for approximate calculations
take equal to twice the average

Option 3

We have one last option left, during which we will consider the situation when the house does not have a heat meter. The calculation, as in previous cases, will be carried out according to two categories (thermal energy consumption per apartment and one-room consumption).

We will calculate the amount for heating using formulas No. 1 and No. 2 (rules on the procedure for calculating thermal energy, taking into account the readings of individual metering devices or according to established standards for residential premises in Gcal).

Calculation 1

  • 1.3 Gcal – individual meter readings;
  • 1,400 rub. – approved tariff.

As in the second option, the payment will depend on whether your accommodation is equipped individual counter for warmth. Now it is necessary to find out the amount of heat energy that was spent on general house needs, and this must be done according to formula No. 15 (volume of services for one-room service) and No. 10 (amount for heating).

Calculation 2

Formula No. 15: 0.025 x 150 x 70 / 7000 = 0.0375 gcal, where:

  • Is 0.025 Gcal a standard indicator of heat consumption per 1 m2? living space;
  • 100 m? – the sum of the area of ​​​​premises intended for general house needs;
  • 70 m? – total area apartments;
  • 7,000 m? – total area (all residential and non-residential premises).
  • 0.0375 – volume of heat (VH);
  • 1400 rub. – approved tariff.

As a result of the calculations, we found out that the full payment for heating will be:

  1. 1820 + 52.5 = 1872.5 rub. – with an individual counter.
  2. 2450 + 52.5 = 2,502.5 rubles. – without an individual meter.

In the above calculations of heating payments, data on the footage of the apartment, house, as well as meter readings were used, which may differ significantly from those that you have. All you need to do is plug in your values ​​into the formula and make the final calculation.

How to calculate consumed thermal energy

If for one reason or another there is no heat meter, then to calculate thermal energy you must use the following formula:

Let's look at what these symbols mean.

1. V indicates the amount of hot water consumed, which can be calculated either cubic meters, or in tons.

2. T1 is the temperature indicator of the hottest water (traditionally measured in the usual degrees Celsius). IN in this case It is preferable to use exactly the temperature that is observed at a certain operating pressure. By the way, the indicator even has special name is enthalpy. But if the required sensor is missing, then you can take that one as a basis temperature regime, which is extremely close to this enthalpy. In most cases, the average is approximately 60-65 degrees.

3. T2 in the above formula also denotes the temperature, but of cold water. Due to the fact that to penetrate the highway with cold water- the matter is quite difficult; constant values ​​are used as this value, capable of varying depending on climatic conditions on the street. So, in winter, when the heating season is in full swing, this figure is 5 degrees, and in summer time, with heating off, 15 degrees.

4. As for 1000, this is the standard coefficient used in the formula in order to obtain the result in gigacalories. It will be more accurate than if you used calories.

5. Finally, Q is the total amount of thermal energy.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, so we move on. If the heating circuit is of a closed type (and this is more convenient from an operational point of view), then the calculations must be made slightly differently. The formula to use for a building with a closed heating system, should look like this:

Now, accordingly, to the decoding.

1. V1 indicates the flow rate of the working fluid in the supply pipeline (typically, not only water, but also steam can act as a source of thermal energy).

2. V2 is the flow rate of the working fluid in the return pipeline.

3. T is an indicator of the temperature of a cold liquid.

4. T1 – water temperature in the supply pipeline.

5. T2 – temperature indicator that is observed at the outlet.

6. And finally, Q is the same amount of thermal energy.

It is also worth noting that the calculation of Gcal for heating in this case depends on several notations:

  • thermal energy that entered the system (measured in calories);
  • temperature indicator during the removal of working fluid through the return pipeline.


ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа ÑÑого аппаÑаÑа ÑазÑабоÑана в пÑедположении, ÑÑо аппаÑÐ°Ñ ÑабоÑÐ°ÐµÑ Ð² ÑÑаÑионаÑном Ñежиме. ЭÑо пÑедположение ÑкÑпеÑименÑалÑно подÑвеÑждено. Ðоказано, ÑÑо изменение напÑÐ°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñоков в ÑевеÑÑивнÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ð½Ð°Ð»Ð°Ñ Ð¸ пÑоÑеÑÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð´ÐµÐ½ÑаÑии и иÑпаÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð¾ÐºÐ°Ð·ÑваÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ·Ð½Ð°ÑиÑелÑное влиÑние на ÑемпеÑаÑÑÑнÑй Ñежим.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа паÑовÑÑ Ð¸ водогÑейнÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ñлов ÑазбиÑа на оÑделÑнÑе ÑаÑÑи, помеÑеннÑе в ÑооÑвеÑÑÑвÑÑÑие главÑ.

ÐеÑодики ÑепловÑÑ ÑаÑÑеÑов , ÑазÑабоÑаннÑе Ð. Ð. Ðлин-ковÑм, Ð. Ð. ТайÑем и дÑÑгими, вÑледÑÑвие Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÑоÑÑоÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑÑили болÑÑое ÑаÑпÑоÑÑÑанение.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа ÑводиÑÑÑ Ðº ÑледÑÑÑемÑ.

ÐеÑодика ÑепловÑÑ ÑаÑÑеÑов пÑиведена в Ñазд.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа инжекÑоÑа оÑвеÑена в лиÑеÑаÑÑÑе, а поÑÐ¾Ð¼Ñ Ð¾Ð³ÑаниÑимÑÑ Ð¿Ñиведением оконÑаÑелÑнÑÑ ÑаÑÑеÑнÑÑ ÑоÑмÑл (бÑквеннÑе обознаÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñм. на Ñиг.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа мÑÑелÑнÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑей аналогиÑна пÑиведенной в § 11.1, но пÑи неÑкол ÑкÑÑ ROOM о ÑолÑко ÑеÑез ÑÑенки мÑÑелÑ.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа ÑеплообменнÑÑ Ð°Ð¿Ð¿Ð°ÑаÑов ÑÑваиваеÑÑÑ Ð»ÑÑÑе вÑего пÑи ÑаÑÑмоÑÑении ÑаÑÑнÑÑ ÑиÑловÑÑ Ð¿ÑимеÑов.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа вÑаÑаÑÑегоÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑоÑбеÑа в ÑÑом ÑлÑÑае ÑводиÑÑÑ Ðº ÑледÑÑÑим опеÑаÑиÑм.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа многоÑÑÑбнÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ¼Ð½ÑÑ Ð¿Ñокладок , как каналÑнÑÑ, Ñак и беÑканалÑнÑÑ Ð·Ð½Ð°ÑиÑелÑно Ñложнее, Ñак как ÑепловÑе поÑеÑи вÑÐµÑ ÑÑдом ÑложеннÑÑ ÑÑÑб взаимно ÑвÑÐ·Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð¼ÐµÐ¶Ð´Ñ Ñобой.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа иÑпаÑиÑелей ÑазлиÑнÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÑÑÑÑкÑий оÑвеÑен а во вÑоÑом Ñазделе гл.

ÐеÑодика Ñеплового ÑаÑÑеÑа ÑекÑионнÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¾Ð³ÑеваÑелей мазÑÑа в Ñелом ÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¿Ð°Ð´Ð°ÐµÑ Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑодикой ÑаÑÑеÑа гладкоÑÑÑбнÑÑ Ð°Ð¿Ð¿Ð°ÑаÑов Ñипа ÐÐ, но еÑÑÑ ÑÑд оÑлиÑий.

Other methods for calculating heat volume

The formula for calculating heating in this case may differ slightly from the above and have two options:

  1. Q = ((V1 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T2 – T)) / 1000.
  2. Q = ((V2 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T1 – T)) / 1000.

All variable values ​​in these formulas are the same as before.

Based on this, we can say with confidence that the calculation of kilowatts of heating can be done with your own on our own. However, do not forget about consultation with special organizations responsible for supplying heat to homes, since their principles and calculation system may be completely different and consist of a completely different set of measures.

Having decided to construct a so-called “warm floor” system in a private house, you need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure for calculating the volume of heat will be much more complicated, since in this case it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the heating circuit, but also provide for the parameters of the electrical network from which and the floor will be heated. At the same time, the organizations responsible for control over such installation work, will be completely different.

Many owners often face the problem of converting the required amount of kilocalories into kilowatts, which is due to the use of measuring units in the international system called “C” by many auxiliary aids. Here you need to remember that the coefficient converting kilocalories into kilowatts will be 850, that is, more in simple language, 1 kW is 850 kcal. This calculation procedure is much simpler, since calculating the required volume of gigacalories is not difficult - the prefix “giga” means “million”, therefore, 1 gigacalorie is 1 million calories.

In order to avoid errors in calculations, it is important to remember that absolutely all modern heat meters have some error, but often within acceptable limits. The calculation of such an error can also be done independently, using the following formula: R = (V1 - V2) / (V1+V2) * 100, where R is the error of the common house heating meter

V1 and V2 are the parameters of water flow in the system already mentioned above, and 100 is the coefficient responsible for converting the resulting value into a percentage. In accordance with operational standards, the maximum permissible error may be 2%, but usually this figure in modern instruments does not exceed 1%.

Heat meter calculation

Calculation of a heat meter involves choosing the standard size of the flow meter. Many people mistakenly believe that the diameter of the flow meter must correspond to the diameter of the pipe on which it is installed.

The diameter of the heat meter flow meter must be selected based on its flow characteristics.

  • Qmin — minimum flow rate, m³/h
  • Qt — transition flow, m³/h
  • Qn — nominal flow rate, m³/h
  • Qmax — maximum permissible flow rate, m³/h

0 – Qmin – the error is not standardized – long-term operation is allowed.

Qmin - Qt - error no more than 5% - long-term operation is allowed.

Qt – Qn (Qmin – Qn for flow meters of the second class for which the Qt value is not specified) – error no more than 3% – long-term operation is allowed.

Qn - Qmax - error no more than 3% - work is allowed for no more than 1 hour per day.

It is recommended to select flow meters for heat meters in such a way that the calculated flow rate falls in the range from Qt to Qn, and for flow meters of the second class for which the Qt value is not indicated, in the flow range from Qmin to Qn.

In this case, one should take into account the possibility of reducing the coolant flow through the heat meter, associated with the operation of control valves, and the possibility of increasing the flow through the heat meter, associated with instability of temperature and hydraulic mode heating network. Regulatory documents It is recommended to select a heat meter with the closest big side the value of the nominal flow rate Qn to the calculated coolant flow rate. Such an approach to choosing a heat meter practically eliminates the possibility of increasing the coolant flow rate above the calculated value, which quite often has to be done in real heat supply conditions.


On the approval and implementation of the "Methodological guidelines for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises"

I order:

1. To approve and put into effect from October 1, 1987, “Methodological instructions for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises” *, developed by the Academy of Public Utilities named after K.D. Pamfilov and Orgkommunenergo.


2. The Academy of Public Utilities named after K.D. Pamfilov (Comrade Shkiryatov) in the third quarter of 1987, publish “Methodological instructions ...” in a circulation of 1000 copies and distribute them according to the order of Roskommunenergo.

3. The ministries of housing and communal services of the ASSR, the housing and communal services departments of the regional (regional) executive committees, the sectoral energy management departments of the Councils of Ministers of the ASSR, the regional (regional) executive committees should ensure the introduction of "Methodological instructions ...".

4. Academy of Public Utilities named after K.D. Pamfilov (Comrade Shkiryatov) and Orgkommunenergo (Comrade Kharin) to summarize the experience of using the “Methodological instructions...” for 1987-1988 and report on the results to Roskommunenergo and Technical management in the fourth quarter of 1988.

5. The “Methodological instructions for determining the consumption of fuel, electricity and water for heat production by heating boiler houses of municipal heat and power enterprises”, approved by Order of the Ministry of September 4, 1978 N 417, shall be considered invalid from October 1, 1987.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this Order to Roskommunenergo (comrade Ivanov).

Deputy Minister

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