What to do if tomato seedlings grow poorly. Tomato seedlings have stopped growing: we find out the possible reasons and fix the problem in a timely manner. Why tomatoes don’t grow after picking

Not everyone knows what to do when tomato seedlings grow poorly. The process of growing tomato seedlings at home is quite difficult for those who have not encountered this before or have once tried to do it on their own, but previous attempts were not so successful.

There are several reasons why tomato seedlings do not grow or grow to a certain size and then stop growing. For example, if tomato seedlings grow poorly, then one of the following reasons can be considered:

  • poor quality soil;
  • poor quality seedling care.

Poor quality soil

One of the main and obvious reasons for the above process is that you prepared insufficient quality soil before sowing the seeds.

This does not mean that you need to immediately change the soil in which tomato seedlings are already growing. It will be enough to observe exactly what changes occur with tomatoes during their growth. So, if suddenly the tomatoes begin to acquire a bluish tint or the lower edges of the leaves become a little purple, most likely in this case the earth lacks magnesium.

This element is important for the development root system plants. If there is not enough magnesium, then the roots will be very weak, it is difficult for the roots to cope, and the tomato seedlings will not grow. If no measures are taken to enrich the soil with magnesium, you will soon have to say goodbye to hopes for good harvest tomatoes.

Magnesium is quite rare in any substances, so you will have to purchase in advance all special fertilizers that contain this microelement.

In order to enrich the soil with it, it will be enough to dilute a certain amount of powder or granules in a certain amount of water. This proportion depends on what concentration of fertilizer you use. good development root makes it possible to quickly grow excellent tomatoes.

Also, additional symptoms of a lack of nitrogen in the soil are that both the stems of the plant and its leaves become too thin and lethargic.

The lack of nitrogen can be compensated with the help of a special fertilizer called urea. It is usually sold in small packages and in large bags in the form of small granules white. These granules must be dissolved in water. You can use and plain water room temperature, And warm water in order for dissolution to occur faster. In this case, it is necessary to comply following proportions- for 1 tbsp. l. urea will need 10 liters of water. You will need to water all the tomatoes with this solution, and watering is done at the root, and not on the leaves of the plants.

After a few days, it will immediately be noticeable that the plants seem to come to life and become brighter and greener. But if you don’t notice any changes, you can conclude that the reason is poor growth seedlings is something else.

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

Poor quality seedling care

If you do not find any deficiencies in the composition of the soil, then you will need to find some other reason why the tomato seedlings have stopped growing or are growing slowly. Then you can understand what to do to ensure that the seedlings are good.

The next factor that may influence the fact that plants, having grown to a certain size, stop stretching and expanding their leaves, may be that you are not caring for them correctly. For example, when watering, there may be an insufficient amount of moisture supplied or, conversely, excessive watering. Neither one nor the other is suitable for growing tomatoes, since they are quite fastidious plants that need moisture, but not in the same amount as, for example, it is needed for good growth

cucumbers or peppers.

Once you decide to sow tomatoes, you need to water the soil thoroughly so that it is very moist.

What to do if you cannot calculate the correct amount of water? It will be necessary to check the condition of the soil every day.

Also pay special attention to where exactly the tray with seedlings is located. If it is located on the south side and is on a balcony or window, then the soil will dry out quite often. As a result, you will have to water these plants almost every 2-3 days. If your seedlings grow in a dark and cool place, then they will need very infrequent watering.

Thus, in order for seedlings to grow well, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil in which they are planted and in what conditions they will grow further. In order for the seedlings not to be small, but, on the contrary, to be strong, it is necessary to feed them and water them on time, depending on the condition of the soil. Only after this the seedlings develop very well, and after some time you will not have to solve the question of why the seedlings are not growing at home.

Why seedlings grow poorly (video)

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No similar entries found. Tomatoes are grown in almost every garden - they are an easy crop to cultivate. It is planted in open ground, in a greenhouse, sometimes seeds are sown immediately, and sometimes seedlings are made. Tomato harvests different varieties

give satisfactory results, but only with good growth. Unfortunately, it happens that tomatoes develop slowly. Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do about it will be described below in the article.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in open ground?

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in open ground? Every gardener who grows them has asked himself this question at least once. There can be many reasons and it is quite possible to solve them all.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse?

Also check out these articles

In greenhouses there is usually a completely different microclimate, so slow growth of tomatoes due to incorrect temperature is extremely rare, but it is still possible, so a thermometer should always hang in the greenhouse, and the temperature should be checked all the time. But most often, the reason why tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse is completely different factors.

What to do if tomatoes don't grow? There are apparently quite a few reasons why tomatoes grow poorly, but how to solve them? Several have already been given above simple tips

, now it’s worth studying in more detail how to prevent growth from stopping or correct the situation.

Not only adult tomatoes, but also seedlings may lag behind in development. But why do tomato seedlings grow poorly and how to avoid this?

The reason for the slow growth of seedlings may be excessive watering, poor soil chosen for seedlings, damage to the roots when picking from a common pot into separate containers. Lack of light and fertilizing may also affect growth. This is the most common reasons and are fairly easy to deal with or avoid.

  1. It’s easier to buy soil for seedlings if you don’t have the confidence or practice of mixing.
  2. You need to plant seedlings very carefully, according to all the rules, and preferably in peat cups.
  3. Watering is necessary regularly, but in small doses. Plants should not be flooded, but small holes should be made in the containers at the bottom so that excess moisture did not accumulate in the ground, but came out. Plus this is additional ventilation for the roots.
  4. Grow seedlings only in a lighted place (window sill, veranda, greenhouse or something like that).
  5. Fertilizers are applied in weak concentrations to seedlings, but if this is not done at all, growth may stop. So you shouldn’t neglect this care item.

Experienced gardeners share tips on how to enhance plant development, improve the quality of the resulting fruits and not think about the question of why tomatoes grow poorly.

  • Just water the tomatoes warm water, infused in the sun. This should be done early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has gone down.
  • Frequent watering is much preferable to rare but abundant watering. The latter lead to cracking of the fruit.
  • You should not collect seeds from sown tomatoes from year to year. It is necessary to update the seed material, otherwise the yield of the variety will rapidly fall every year. Once every three years, it is worth buying new seeds, store-bought in bags, and sowing them, rather than collecting them from tomatoes sown for that year.
  • When choosing a variety for planting, do you need to pay attention to where it should be grown? If tomatoes are intended for a greenhouse, they cannot be grown in open ground and vice versa. If you neglect this rule, tomatoes, having reached a certain height, will simply stop developing or will not bear fruit.

VIDEO - 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

Not everyone knows what to do when tomato seedlings grow poorly. The process of growing tomato seedlings at home is quite difficult for those who have not encountered this before or have once tried to do it on their own, but previous attempts were not so successful.

There are several reasons why tomato seedlings do not grow or grow to a certain size and then stop growing. For example, if tomato seedlings grow poorly, then one of the following reasons can be considered:

  • poor quality soil;
  • poor quality seedling care.

Poor quality soil

One of the main and obvious reasons for the above process is that you prepared insufficient quality soil before sowing the seeds.

This does not mean that you need to immediately change the soil in which tomato seedlings are already growing. It will be enough to observe exactly what changes occur with tomatoes during their growth. So, if suddenly the tomatoes begin to acquire a bluish tint or the lower edges of the leaves become a little purple, most likely, in this case the soil does not have enough magnesium.

This element is important for the development of the root system of plants. If there is not enough magnesium, then the roots will be very weak, it is difficult for the roots to cope, and the tomato seedlings will not grow. If no measures are taken to enrich the soil with magnesium, you will soon have to say goodbye to hopes for a good tomato harvest.

Magnesium is quite rare in any substances, so you will have to purchase in advance all special fertilizers that contain this microelement.

This microelement is no less important for the growth and development of tomatoes during their initial ripening, as well as during the beginning of harvesting. Nitrogen enriches the soil with oxygen and allows both the roots and the plant itself to breathe freely. Thanks to good root development, it is possible to quickly grow excellent tomatoes.

Also, additional symptoms of a lack of nitrogen in the soil are that both the stems of the plant and its leaves become too thin and lethargic.

The lack of nitrogen can be compensated with the help of a special fertilizer called urea. It is usually sold in small packages and in large bags in the form of small white granules. These granules must be dissolved in water. You can use regular water at room temperature or warm water to dissolve faster. In this case, the following proportions must be observed - for 1 tbsp. l. urea will need 10 liters of water. You will need to water all the tomatoes with this solution, and watering is done at the root, and not on the leaves of the plants.

After a few days, it will immediately be noticeable that the plants seem to come to life and become brighter and greener. But if you do not notice any changes, you can conclude that something else is causing the poor growth of the seedlings.

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

Poor quality seedling care

If you do not find any deficiencies in the composition of the soil, then you will need to find some other reason why the tomato seedlings have stopped growing or are growing slowly. Then you can understand what to do to ensure that the seedlings are good.

The next factor that may influence the fact that plants, having grown to a certain size, stop stretching and expanding their leaves, may be that you are not caring for them correctly.

cucumbers or peppers.

Once you decide to sow tomatoes, you need to water the soil thoroughly so that it is very moist.

What to do if you cannot calculate the correct amount of water? It will be necessary to check the condition of the soil every day.

Also pay special attention to where exactly the tray with seedlings is located. If it is located on the south side and is on a balcony or window, then the soil will dry out quite often. As a result, you will have to water these plants almost every 2-3 days. If your seedlings grow in a dark and cool place, then they will need very infrequent watering.

Thus, in order for seedlings to grow well, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil in which they are planted and in what conditions they will grow further. In order for the seedlings not to be small, but, on the contrary, to be strong, it is necessary to feed them and water them on time, depending on the condition of the soil. Only after this the seedlings develop very well, and after some time you will not have to solve the question of why the seedlings are not growing at home.

Why seedlings grow poorly (video)

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For example, when watering, there may be an insufficient amount of moisture supplied or, conversely, excessive watering. Neither one nor the other is suitable for growing tomatoes, since they are quite fastidious plants that need moisture, but not in the same amount as, for example, it is needed for good growth of cucumbers or peppers. Compared to other nightshade crops, tomatoes are not a capricious crop, they respond well to care and quickly recover after health procedures. Most problems arise when growing seedlings in room conditions

, and the most common is stunting of growth and inhibition of development. What to do if tomato seedlings do not grow?

  1. The main reasons why tomato seedlings grow poorly or not at all are:
  2. Nutrient deficiency.
  3. Incorrectly carried out picking.
  4. Failure to comply with care rules.
  5. Diseases of seedlings.
  6. Pest attacks.

Let's learn how to determine the reason for the stunting of tomatoes by external signs and find out how to combat this.

Unfavorable microclimate

To create a microclimate favorable for tomato seedlings, it is necessary to take into account temperature and humidity indicators and provide normal lighting to the plants in the area. initial stage growing season.

Temperature and humidity

Violation of the temperature regime becomes one of the main reasons for the slowdown in growth in tomatoes. Let us recall that in tomatoes, vegetative processes normally occur in the temperature range from +15°C to +30°C.

In residential conditions, cooling of seedlings is possible when kept on uninsulated window sills, but most often development inhibition is observed due to too much high temperature, at +32°C, tomatoes completely stop developing and growing.

In addition, a concomitant factor in increasing temperature in an apartment is almost always low humidity, which also negatively affects the growth of tomatoes. What to do to normalize humidity and temperature:

  • hypothermia can be avoided by removing seedlings from window sills or insulating them in advance;
  • reduce the temperature by normal ventilation, the procedure is also necessary for the gradual hardening of seedlings and helps get rid of high humidity;
  • in rooms with low humidity, water is sprayed using a spray bottle.


Tomatoes are long plants daylight hours. Ideally, seedlings need lighting for 12 to 16 hours a day. Gardeners begin to plant seedlings in February and March, when daylight hours last no more than 7 to 10 hours. At insufficient lighting Photosynthesis processes at the intracellular level slow down, and accordingly, seedlings develop poorly and do not grow.

To compensate for the lack sunlight sprouts are illuminated with phytolamps; as an alternative, fluorescent lamps can be used lighting. The procedure needs to be carried out in equal amounts of time in the morning and in the evening, but many vegetable growers perform only evening supplementary lighting and are quite successful.

When there is a lack of light in greenhouses, potash fertilizers are often used. You can support seedlings at home using this method. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium salt (5 g/3 l) or potassium sulfate (6 g/3 l). Often humates or complex fertilizers, since in addition to potassium, seedlings need nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nutrient deficiency

Nitrogen is responsible for the growth of vegetative mass. The roots of seedlings develop normally if there is enough phosphorus in the soil. If tomato seedlings stop growing and turn pale green or yellowish, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. If the stems and leaves turn bluish or purple, this indicates phosphorus starvation.

Nitrogen is replenished with urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and phosphorus - superphosphate fertilizer. IN cow dung it also contains a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus, so many vegetable growers use mullein infusion as a top dressing, and add wood ash to replenish potassium.

To feed tomato seedlings, first prepare a concentrate (1 kg of mullein/2 l), which is diluted 1:10 with water immediately before use. For 5 liters of organic fertilizer add 100 ml of wood ash.

On a note! Organic matter of animal origin is a source of pests and many diseases of tomatoes, so it is used with caution on seedlings.

Recipes for nutrient solutions to stimulate the growth and development of tomatoes:

  • urea 1 g/simple superphosphate 8 g/potassium salt 3 g/2 l;
  • ammonium nitrate 1 g/simple superphosphate 8 g/potassium sulfate 4 g/2 l;
  • 30 g nitrophoska/2 l.

The first feeding is carried out 10 days after the emergence of seedlings, the second - 5 days before picking or a week after it. For the third time, the seedlings are fertilized 5 - 7 days before transplanting into the ground. Any nutrient solutions are added to well-watered soil.

Wrong pick

Picking requires special care and attention of the gardener. When transplanting into separate containers, air voids should not be allowed in the soil mixture. This can lead to poor survival and rotting of immature roots of seedlings, stunting of growth, and often complete death of the plant.

During the picking process, the main stem of the rhizome is pinched. This is necessary to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, and is also a measure against stretching of seedlings. After picking, seedlings intensively grow the underground part, while the vegetative part above stops its development. But if the roots are severely damaged, the plant will stop growing and simply die.

Non-compliance with care rules

In order for seedlings to grow better, it is necessary to carry out certain rules care: water, fertilize, carry out disease prevention, maintain optimal temperature conditions for tomatoes, lighting and air humidity. The most common mistakes when growing tomatoes include failure to maintain temperature, light and humidity levels, as well as improper watering.

You already know about the microclimate, let’s talk about how to water tomato seedlings. Immediately after sowing the seeds, the soil in the boxes should be constantly moist, but as sprouts appear, watering should be reduced. The soil mixture should not dry out too much, but daily watering will also not be beneficial. Watering is carried out when the top layer dries approximately 2 or 3 times a week.

At proper watering oxygen access to the roots improves, and the likelihood of developing fungal infections decreases.


Diseases on tomato seedlings most often appear due to violation of watering standards. Poor quality seeds, neglect of disinfection of soil and planting material also lead to infection.

Tomato seedlings may not grow due to the following diseases:

  • blackleg;
  • root rot;
  • white spotting.


A fungal infection in which the stem of a seedling turns black at soil level. The disease then spreads to the entire stem and the plant dies. The disease has no cure. At the first signs, diseased seedlings are removed, the rest are replanted. The soil mixture from diseased plants is not used or is disinfected by calcination in the oven.

Planted tomatoes are treated with Fundazol or other fungicides. Prevention of the disease is the addition of ash to the soil before planting and dusting the seedlings with it, and the use of biostimulants “Baktofit” or “Fitosporin”.

Root rot

Overmoistening combined with hypothermia, which is typical for seedlings on window sills, leads to the appearance of root rot. Control and prevention measures are the same as for blackleg.

To strengthen the immune system, the roots of uninfected plants are soaked in “Fitosporin” or a solution of potassium permanganate.

White spot

Small white spots with a dark border are a sign of septoria or white spot disease, as vegetable growers call it. Septoria is difficult to treat and is not practical when growing seedlings. Diseased plants are removed, and those that have not become infected are replanted.

White spotting will be prevented by soil disinfection and seed material before landing.


In residential conditions, there are few pests that can stop the growth of seedlings; the most dangerous are spider mites and woodlice.

Spider mite

Typically, the source of spider mite infestation is houseplants. Before starting to grow tomatoes, it is necessary to treat all domestic crops with insecticides, and also transfer them to a separate room. Against spider mite Actellik or Fitoverm products will help.


Woodlice live in damp areas. In older buildings, this is usually the bathroom, basements and storage rooms, but woodlice infestations can spread to living rooms.

Before planting tomatoes for seedlings, you should treat the room with Karbofos and ventilate more often.

Grow healthy seedlings growing tomatoes, which subsequently adapts well to the garden beds, is not difficult. During the growing process, problems are possible: seedlings do not grow, wither or stretch out. But the culture is responsive to care and responds well to health-improving activities.

Every gardener is concerned with the question of why tomato bushes grow poorly. This one is everyone's favorite vegetable crop needs special care, so even the most insignificant detail can negatively affect the growth and quality of tomatoes.

There are a number of reasons why tomatoes may grow poorly, have a lot of greenery and little ovary, and also be susceptible to various diseases:

  1. A capricious plant variety or low-quality seedlings were chosen.
  2. Failure to comply with temperature conditions.
  3. Dive damage.
  4. Damage during gartering.
  5. Flaw nutrients in the soil, lack of fertilizing.
  6. Lack of moisture, improper watering.
  7. Lack of ventilation in the greenhouse.
  8. Diseases and pests.

Growing a tomato begins with choosing quality seedlings. Usually gardeners use their own seedlings, but sometimes they have to be purchased. To initially ensure a good harvest, you need to pay attention to the age of the seedlings. It should not exceed 45-60 days.

Small bushes can be infected, so you need to carefully consider the seedling before purchasing.

  • Shriveled leaves are an indicator of infection.
  • There should be no pest eggs under the leaves and no dark spots on the stem.
  • It is important to understand that if at least one seedling has signs of disease, then such planting material won't do.
  • If the tomato seedlings have small leaves, and some of them are burned from the sun, and the tops are curled, then you should refuse such a purchase, even if the price for it is affordable.

If seedlings are grown at home, they need to create favorable conditions: watering, lighting, temperature fluctuations. Under conditions of low-volume technology, proper care can still be provided for seedlings.

Many gardeners also pay attention to the tomato variety. In cold regions, not all types of tomatoes take root or require special care(greenhouse conditions).

Picking mistakes and reasons for poor seedling growth

  1. Picking is carried out within 7-10 days after the plant has its first true leaves. If the picking was performed earlier or too late, the seedlings will not take root well in the new place.
  2. Care is important when digging up a seedling. The digging is carried out with a special scoop, while the seedling is held by the cotyledon leaves. The soil should be moistened 10-12 hours before digging so that the root system can easily separate.
  3. The choice of packaging may affect further development transplanted tomatoes. If the seedlings are placed in a common box, a small distance must be maintained between them, and also planted in a checkerboard pattern. If the tomatoes are planted haphazardly, there will not be enough space for the root system, and the plantings will begin to shade each other.
  4. If a nutrient medium is not provided in advance, the seedlings may grow weak and the fruits will be bitter. To replant, soil with the following composition is poured into new containers: peat, humus, turf soil and sand (1: 1: 2: 1). After 8-10 days, when the seedling has taken root, it is necessary to make the first feeding with special water-soluble fertilizers. In the store you can choose a specialized solution specifically for seedlings.

Why tomato bushes grow poorly

Required temperature conditions, illumination, nutritious soil and timely moisture are the main criteria for seedling growth. Tomatoes are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. After germination, they need a cool place with a temperature of +18°C during the day and +15°C at night. Then the temperature can be increased to +20°C during the day and +16°C at night. Do not suddenly plant tomatoes in open ground, they need hardening to take root (only with low-volume technology). Hardening is carried out gradually at a temperature not lower than +8°C.

In the first days, the seedlings need only 2-3 hours on the balcony, then you can leave the tomatoes outside for the whole day. If the tomato seedlings have been successfully hardened and the tops have not wilted, then such plantings will quickly grow and there will be a lot of fruit.

Soil is the main source of nutrition for tomatoes. The presence of nutrients in it directly affects the growth of vegetables and the quality of fruits. Why do tomatoes set poorly? This happens when there is too much nitrogen in the soil. A large number of

This element delays flowering and fruit set, but active growth of green mass is observed. The fruits may not set at all or they will be small. It is enough to stop nitrogen fertilizing for a while, and the balance will normalize. But with a lack of nitrogen, the growth of the top and side shoots may decrease. Fluoride is next important element

for the quality development of tomatoes. Its lack leads to stunted growth and weakening of the leaves. Tomatoes take a long time to ripen, the fruits are mostly small and bitter. An indicator of potassium deficiency is the falling off of fruits and the presence of yellow spots on them. Lack of zinc and calcium leads to the fading of growth points.

If there is not enough boron in the soil, the core of the stem is affected and the fruits crack.

Why don't tomatoes grow? This may be a consequence of a lack of fertilizing or a negative reaction to incorrectly selected fertilizers. For high-quality growth of tomatoes, the gardener should not be careless about feeding seedlings.

  1. Why do tomatoes grow poorly, why do tomatoes have a lot of greens? The reason for the growth of green mass may be:
  2. Late dive. Such seedlings develop much more slowly. During the first transplant, the main root was not cut off. Experienced summer residents
  3. It is advised to pinch it to ensure the development of a fibrous root system. The bushes are not properly cared for. To prevent greenery from overgrowing as it grows upper leaves

you need to cut off the bottom ones. What to do so that the buds set and the crop does not die? Tomato garter is a mandatory care item. An untied bush may become deformed under own weight

, fruits lying on the ground will certainly rot due to the abundance of moisture or pests. The garter is done carefully and evenly, since a bush tied too tightly can stop growing and die. Tomatoes are demanding of moisture. They should be watered no more than once a week.

Diseases and pests

  • Tomatoes, like other crops, are susceptible to diseases. The cause of the disease may be:
  • fungus;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;

insect pests. Fungal diseases include: late blight, anthracnose, alternaria, septoria, gray and white rot. Fungal disease

The following diseases are caused by bacteria: tomato stolbur, bacterial black spot. Damage can occur at any stage of tomato growth. Such diseases are difficult to cure, tomatoes set poorly, and the yield grows several times less. Will help protect the crop preventive measures. Viral diseases are especially dangerous for seedlings, since symptoms do not appear immediately. Such diseases include mosaic, tomato necrosis, and aspermia.

Insects that often attack seedlings:

  • mole cricket;
  • whitefly;
  • wireworm

Leaf diseases always have Negative consequences. The leaf, as the main organ of synthesis, will not supply the plant with the necessary nutrition, being infected with pests or infections. The most common diseases of tomato leaves:

  1. Mosaic is a pathology of a viral nature. The leaves of diseased tomatoes become covered yellow spots, dark and light green areas on them resemble a mosaic. If a diseased plant is found, it should be removed. For prevention, tomato seeds are disinfected.
  2. Late blight is the most common disease. Leaves affected by late blight turn black and die. The fungus develops in damp conditions and sharp changes temperatures The disease, unlike mosaic, is treatable.

To get high-quality seedlings and a healthy harvest, tomatoes need to be provided with proper care at all stages of cultivation.

Mistakes when growing tomatoes (video)

Why seedlings grow poorly (video)

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