Monitoring room temperature via the Internet. Remote temperature control

Quite often a situation arises when it is necessary to organize temperature monitoring. This can be useful for remote objects: greenhouses, warehouses, cellars, etc.

To solve such problems, there are many different solutions on the market, from serious industrial to household ones. We will not consider the first ones, because they are difficult to implement, expensive, and redundant for everyday tasks. Simpler solutions either use outdated and imperfect SMS data transfer technology from a security point of view, or are quite expensive, not convenient, and, most importantly, have paid web services.

Therefore, we have created our own project, thanks to which each of you will be able to organize remote temperature monitoring.

Our solution is budget and consists of two components:

  • Design kit for creating a transmitting device
  • Free web service for remote temperature monitoring and control

Construction set “LS Monitoring”

The “LS Monitoring” kit is based on the Arduino platform, which makes it easy to learn.

Generally speaking, from a constructor you can make a system remote control any object, supplementing it with the necessary sensors. For this we have released .

But the teaching example in these lessons is creating a remote temperature control system.

Although the designer pursues educational purposes, a device for transmitting temperature can be assembled from it simply according to the instructions, without going into theoretical details.

You can also connect a heater (such as an electric oven) or a cooler (such as a fan) to the resulting device so that you can not only view the temperature, but also influence it remotely.

It's very simple, because when assembling the constructor you don't need to solder anything! Everything is assembled using special connectors and wires for prototyping.

Web application for remote temperature control “LS Cloud”

The second component of the temperature monitoring system is the web application.

Our LS Cloud app is free and does not need to be used with our construction kit.

If you are able to develop a device for transmitting temperature yourself, you can use the capabilities of “LS Cloud” as a web interface for viewing data. You can read about how to transfer data to our service.

"LS Cloud" has the following capabilities:

Adding an unlimited number of devices

Setting 4 temperature thresholds for alerts

The device can be assigned upper and lower warning and alarm temperature thresholds

Notifying the user via Email and SMS when the temperature crosses specified thresholds and the device crashes

When the temperature leaves the specified limits, the system generates warning and emergency messages and sends them to the user via SMS and Email.

Remote device management

As already mentioned, the device assembled from our construction kit has a relay for connecting any device (for example, a heater or, conversely, a cooler) to maintain the temperature within the required limits.

Through the LS Cloud application, you can remotely turn on or turn off this device.

Displaying temperature on a graph for a selected period of time

LS Cloud provides storage of temperature data over a long period of time. Based on this data, the application builds a graph.

The user can arbitrarily scale the graph and view the temperature for any period of time.

Monitoring the state of communication with a remote device and notifying the user if it is broken

The connection status is displayed as an antenna in front of each device

and in the device data view area on the right side of the screen

In the device settings, you can set a timeout - the time during which the device must be guaranteed to contact the server.

For example, our device “knocks” on the server once every three seconds. We set the timeout to 10 seconds. If during this time the device never communicates, it means something terrible happened to it.

If the signal level is weak, you can increase the timeout time.

If the timeout is exceeded, the system notifies the user that the connection with the device has been lost.

Logging events on the server

The application automatically keeps a log of all events and accidents in the system.

You can view the “LS Cloud” web application at. The password and login to access the test account are indicated on home page applications.

You can order the “LS Monitoring” construction kit.

Indoor air is classified as electronic measuring devices, automating the process of monitoring and managing the temperature regime of premises.

They are included in the structure heating system home, bathhouse, garage, swimming pool, warehouse or air conditioning system.

Their presence will allow you to remotely control the temperature of the internal environment and, if necessary, regulate it.

What are GSM thermometers used for?

GSM temperature sensor is a measuring device that supports notification of the current temperature and control of executive systems.

A thermometer with a GSM transmitter will inform the owner about the temperature conditions at the facility.

Based on these data, a decision will be made to increase/decrease the supply of coolant to the house. For example, using GSM thermometers Warm house 11, you can remotely set the optimal temperature in your home.

In addition, devices of this kind can be included in systems fire safety. If the temperature goes beyond the maximum permissible limit, the sensor will send a warning message to cellular telephone owner, and will also activate the alarm, turn off the heating, activate the fire extinguishing system, or perform another action for which it was programmed during the setup process.

How does a GSM sensor work?

GSM temperature sensors have two modules - a measuring sensor and a transmitting GSM module.

The work of this kind of electronic thermometers is that they measure the temperature and compare it with the limit value (minimum or maximum) that was set in the settings.

If a deviation from the permissible value occurs, a message will be transmitted via GSM communication or a signal will be generated to the actuator.

The alarm signal is transmitted over a cellular communication channel, depending on the specific settings.

This procedure is implemented:

  1. when leaving the established range;
  2. in case of a sharp increase in temperature, which is typical for a fire;
  3. periodically, with a customizable interval;
  4. upon request from a telephone number linked to the GSM sensor.

Depending on the design solution, electronic thermometers can monitor parameters in one zone, as the GSM thermometer Warm House 11 does, or in different areas. This function is available in the GSM thermometer Warm House 22, which has two sensors with independently configurable channels.

Rating of the most popular GSM temperature sensors

Below is information about the five most used electronic sensors with a built-in GSM module.

GSM sensor Polyus Thermo

The device is an electronic thermometer that measures the temperature in a room and compares it with a programmed upper and lower threshold.

When one of the specified values ​​is reached, an alarm signal is sent to the owner's phone number. In total, you can link up to 6 numbers to which alarm SMS and calls will be sent.

The GSM temperature sensor has a built-in sensor that can operate in the range of 0…+50ºС. For measurements in a wider range, an external temperature sensor with a measuring interval of -40ºС…+99ºС is connected.

To transmit messages and calls, a GSM module is used that supports GSM-800/900/1800/1900 standards. The alarm transmission time ranges from 20 to 40 seconds.

Alonio T2 GSM is used to control the air temperature in the house and the availability of electricity in the network that powers the equipment of boiler rooms and air conditioning systems.

If it drops below the set threshold, then the heating system may have broken down, about which a message will be sent to the owner’s cell phone.

An increase in temperature will indicate overheating and possible malfunctions of the air conditioning system, which will also be reported.

An external measuring temperature sensor can be connected to the thermometer, which will allow you to control its value in the range -55ºС…+125ºС.

The built-in transmitter uses the GSM band 0.85, 0.9, 1.8 and 1.9 GHz to send messages. Sending messages about deviations of specified parameters and lack of voltage can be sent to 4 numbers.

This is an electronic meter for remote temperature control, including a GSM module and two sensors - built-in and remote.

The device allows you to continuously monitor the temperature at two points via two independent channels and send warning messages if it goes beyond the established limits.

If necessary, you can find out the current temperature in the house by sending a service SMS to the temperature sensor.

The sensor used is sensitive to the temperature range from -10ºС to +50ºС (internal) and -55ºС…+125ºС (external). The following standards are used for transmitting alarm signals by the module cellular communication: GSM 2G 0.85, 0.9, 1.80 and 1.90 GHz.


This device is used to control temperature regime on objects with an accuracy of ±0.5ºС.

Humidity measurement is also supported, which will allow you to control the basic parameters of the microclimate of the internal environment.

The electronic thermometer is implemented in the form of a controller that has a measuring unit, the signal from which is processed according to a programmed algorithm and, if it goes beyond the limit values, an alarm message is sent to the owner.

Information can be transferred via GPRS or GSM channel to mobile phone, to the cloud, to the server.

This GSM thermal sensor supports measurements in the range from -55ºС to +125ºС. For data transmission, 4 GSM frequencies can be used: 0.85/0.9/1.8 or 1.9 GHz.

Electronic thermometer with built-in battery that monitors temperature external environment and the presence of voltage in the network.

Thanks to the use of an autonomous battery, the device will be able to perform its functions even if the main power supply is turned off.

Battery life is up to 2 days.

If the measured parameters differ from the programmed settings, the device will report this using an alarm message sent by the built-in GSM module. The frequencies used for its operation are 0.85, 0.9, 1.8 and 1.9 GHz. Mailing is possible to 4 linked numbers.

Measurements are carried out by two sensors. The built-in one can operate in the range from -10ºС to +50ºС, and the external one – in the range of values ​​from -55ºС to +125ºС.


The use of GSM temperature sensors simplifies the process of monitoring the indoor microclimate when no one is at home.

Thanks to measuring instruments With a GSM transmitter, you can find out if the temperature conditions do not correspond to the specified values ​​in any place where there is mobile communications coverage.

The presence of reliable data on the parameters of the microclimate of the internal environment will allow the user to quickly accept correct solution, in order to exclude emergency situations and consequences associated with the failure of heating equipment and air conditioning systems.

Video: Review and demonstration of the Alonio T2 GSM thermometer

Do you have a country house and are you interested in effectively controlling temperature parameters? It turns out that there are currently several more or less effective ways, thanks to which the temperature in the country can be controlled.

Possibility of temperature control in country house guarantees a number of significant advantages, which we will discuss in this article. And, of course, we will consider the most relevant technologies today that allow us to achieve such results.

For what purpose are remote temperature control systems used?

Having installed special equipment, through which the temperature for the dacha will be regulated, the following results can be achieved:

  • Ensuring comfortable parameters of moisture content in the air (moisture content is the ratio of temperature and humidity in the air in the room).
  • Ensuring a longer operational life of a construction project.
    It's no secret that sharp changes temperatures and excess humidity during the cold season are the primary reason for frequent cosmetic and restorative repairs. Prompt adjustment of temperature indicators allows you to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls and extend the service life without the need for repair work.
  • Ensuring rational use of energy resources and, as a result, saving money.
    In order to ensure optimal parameters for the moisture content in the air, you can install a gas boiler or electric heater and operate them without interruption throughout the cold season. But, in the end, the bill for consumed electricity or gas will be impressive.
    You can do it differently and apply it in conditions country house a system that will turn on air heating exactly when it is needed. As a result, energy consumption will decrease significantly, which will save a certain amount of money.
  • Ensuring the safe operation of a construction site.
    As already mentioned, you can use continuous heating around the clock, even when you are not at home. But, on the one hand, this is not cheap, and on the other hand, it is unsafe, since heating equipment operated in the absence of a person can pose a potential danger.
    The situation is completely different when you remotely receive reliable data on the temperature in the room and, if necessary, can adjust this data up or down.

So now we know what benefits remote temperature control provides. It remains to consider the technologies on the basis of which this control is carried out.

GSM based technologies

You can ensure effective control of indoor air temperature parameters by using a GSM garden thermometer and special temperature sensors. The use of such technology is comparatively new development, which is becoming increasingly widespread, both in our country and abroad.

Using modern GSM systems you can not only receive real information about the room temperature, but also remotely control these parameters, bringing them to the required value.

The remote control system operates as follows:

  • System user, via SMS message via cellular channel GSM communications, receives information about the values ​​of the controlled parameters and, if necessary, sends a control command via message.
  • The system, consisting of GSM thermometers and alarm sensors, sets optimal temperature parameters from the user’s point of view and maintains them for the entire specified time.

Remote temperature control is a progressive technology that is actively used in modern Smart Home systems.

Important: A prerequisite for the effective functioning of the GSM thermometer is stable supply electricity.
If the power supply is intermittent, you will need to purchase or rent a diesel generator for your dacha.

Currently the following versions of GSM thermometers are available on the market:

  • modifications with an integrated thermal converter;
  • modifications with external location of the thermal converter.

How does a GSM thermometer work?

  • The device is powered by a remote or integrated battery. Thus, the device functions effectively until the battery runs out. After this, the battery automatically begins to charge through the power supply.
  • You can configure the device parameters yourself using a PC via a USB connector.
  • Depending on the brand and model of the device, it is allowed to work with one or another quantity telephone numbers required to send messages.
  • Phone numbers from which sensor configuration is allowed are determined both when configuring using a PC and when configuring from a telephone.
  • Depending on the modification and model, the device may have an energy-saving mode, in which the device operates from an internal battery for more than a month.
  • The GSM thermometer is supplied to the user with a specialized software, which simplifies the use of the system.

Features of using remote thermostats

Temperature regulators of this type are installed at a certain distance from heating equipment. The required temperature is set on the thermostat, and the heating device begins to operate in such a mode that the set parameters are constant with minimal deviations.

The photo shows a stylish thermostat that will decorate any room

The thermostat is controlled using keys that duplicate the controls on the heating device. The device is equipped with a digital display, which displays readings about the air temperature in the room.

Advantage this decision is that the price of a remote thermostat is an order of magnitude more affordable than the cost of a GSM thermometer. At the same time, using a thermostat, you can set the operating parameters of heating equipment for several days in advance.

A significant disadvantage of such devices is the inability to notify the user at a distance about malfunctions and malfunctions of heating equipment.

Important: The use of a special thermostat allows you to ensure optimal temperature parameters within a single room or several adjacent rooms.
At the same time, energy consumption becomes more economical, and the life of heating equipment is longer.

If you have any questions or need more useful information, watch the video in this article.

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Remote control of room temperature (remotely) is part of modern system heating and security and fire alarm system installed in a country house.

GSM modules for temperature control and management

Devices that monitor and regulate temperature conditions ( gsm alarm), both at dachas and in office, warehouse, industrial premises (server rooms, greenhouses, transformer rooms, granaries, freezers etc.), are integrated into common system security, managing access control, video surveillance and remote notification.

Photo: GSM modules temperature control/control

Automatic control of indoor air temperature at a distance is carried out using stationary or wireless temperature sensors. Digital information is sent to the control panel. Depending on the communication capabilities of the remote object, data transfer is carried out via an Internet connection or via SMS - by telephone.

Temperature control devices – GSM alarms

The main task of a temperature alarm device installed in a country house is remote multipoint monitoring of the operation of the boiler and the air temperature in residential premises. Quantity calculation, installation and installation electronic sensors temperature is made after examining the heating system at the dacha. The presence of an additional firefighter and security equipment(motion sensors, fire detectors, gas and water leak detectors), connected to the relay inputs of the alarm module.

Photo: Xital GSM expansion units

If the power of the control panel is insufficient, it is necessary to use equipment with a large number control zones. The Xital GSM company produces expansion units that allow you to additionally obtain 8 control zones for connecting alarm systems, access control systems, CCTV, work alerts temperature relays boilers, power surges, condition hot water.

In production, GSM systems are used not only for energy-saving heating, but also for controlling ventilation and air conditioning processes, testing transformers and electric motors, temperature conditions in a greenhouse, server room, refrigeration chamber, grain storage, laboratory. Programs for gsm monitoring and control of automation remotely are supplied by the manufacturer and can be easily installed on mobile devices.

GSM SMS alarm - remote temperature control

Technical means and equipment for wireless GSM SMS alarms allow you to organize a remote control, measure and regulate temperature in rooms large sizes. Sitting in a living room chair, through radio-controlled key fobs, buttons and remote controls connected to alarm units and air temperature sensors, the owner can exercise climate control anywhere in the house, regulate the temperature of the water in the pool and the air in the sauna, turn it on and off security system, open entrance lock etc. At the same time, the integrity of the interior is not violated, original comfort and coziness remains in the heart of your home.

A cozy living room is the heart of the home

For the sake of comfort in your home, you can work hard, choosing exactly those interior items that will make the atmosphere in any room unique and inimitable. Among these products you can find unusual items that will complement the interior of any home, as well as traditional items, such as products for a family living room, cozy bedroom, and even for the kitchen. The main thing is to choose what you like.

Not only the impression of the room, but also the ease of use depends on how correctly you choose the furniture. Its design should be treated with all the attention available to you, because it is the real “face” of your home. This is where those who do not linger at the entrance/hallway level end up, and this is where guests get their first impression of your home.

How much furniture do you need for your living room?

The first thing you should think about when arranging living spaces in your home is how much free space you are willing to allocate for furniture. If you are a supporter of minimalism, then you can limit yourself to:

  • table
  • sofa
  • a pair of armchairs/chairs
  • one or two cabinets.

If you are going to use the living room not only as a place for receiving guests, it would be appropriate to install several wardrobes for storing clothes. This is a much more efficient way to use the space in your living room.

Decide on a style

What would you like to see as the coziest place in your home? If your dream is made in high-tech style, choose furniture made of metal and glass. If you are a supporter of the classics, modular or cabinet furniture will suit you.

The cabinet version is found in many houses and apartments. Such furniture is popular because it allows for regular rearrangements, changing the interior. But at the same time, the size of the cabinets remains unchanged.

IN Lately Modular furniture with all its advantages is attracting more and more attention. But before you go to purchase it, decide on a set of elements that you consider necessary for the living room. The contents of wardrobes are increasingly being “moved” into wardrobes, which are installed in the hallway, and sometimes even in the bedroom. You will probably need a stand or cabinet for equipment, as well as a large dinner table. But it won’t fit in a small kitchen, so it is often installed in the living room. After all, this is a gathering place for the whole family! If you're particularly tight on space, a foldable option may be a good option.

Quality and quality again

In order for the furniture to serve you for a long time, bringing pleasure from its use, you need to choose quality products from good materials. Here you have three options:

  • veneer - from natural wood Only the top linings have been completed
  • Chipboard is a lighter and less expensive material
  • solid wood is the most reliable, durable and environmentally friendly type of materials.

Of course, when purchasing, you will have to focus not only on the advantages and disadvantages of materials, but also on your budget. However, once you make a successful investment, you long years Provide your home with high-quality and reliable furniture.

When choosing furniture for the living room, think through every detail of your future interior. After all, coziness and comfort are what should “meet” you in own home, Despite everything.

The cost of installing a GSM module in a country house is from 20 rubles. per m

Professional inspection and installation

Experienced GRION specialists will help you choose the optimal GSM module and temperature sensors in order to carry out effective point-by-point monitoring and control of temperature in your country house, office, warehouse - remotely. Qualified electricians of our company will connect temperature control systems with security and fire alarms, video surveillance, access control systems in industrial and residential premises.

Do you need automatic, electronic, digital, wireless, SMS systems for measuring and controlling heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water with notification by phone/via the Internet/at a distance? Owners of office and warehouse premises, server rooms, laboratories, granaries, greenhouses, refrigeration chambers, boiler rooms - a turnkey “buy and install” service at a special price!

Our online store offers everything necessary equipment and performance monitoring program gas boiler, gsm modules, temperature sensors and alarm expansion units, remote temperature control panels.

Every person's dream is to provide maximum comfort and comfort in your home. And the first step towards the goal is creating optimal temperature in a home - a country house, dacha or apartment. Many people reserve this function for themselves, monitoring the thermometer readings and making changes in the operation of the heater (air conditioner). But there are several disadvantages here:

  • firstly, such control requires constant attention, which is not always convenient and takes a lot of time;
  • secondly, you can monitor the temperature only while you are inside the house (apartment). If the owner is absent, there will be no one to do this.

For example, there are cases where a boiler malfunction led to the defrosting of the heating system and the need for expensive repairs. At the same time, the owner found out about the problem too late, when rescue measures were no longer useful.

The best way out is to use a special GSM device that remotely monitors the temperature inside the room and promptly notifies when the parameter drops below (above) the permissible level. Informing, as a rule, occurs via SMS or call to the owner’s number. Today they have become widespread - temperature control, power supply and the ability to remotely control the load (heater, pump, light) they perform extremely reliably.

Main functions

Modern gsm temperature control devices are part of a unique system smart House. Their main functions include:

  • remote temperature control in any of the objects, for example, in an apartment, in a country house, in a country house. In this case, you can use the functions of the gsm device all year round- both in cold and hot seasons;
  • heating system control and defrost protection. Timely installation of the system and receiving relevant information via SMS allows you to save the boiler and save the house from hypothermia;
  • the ability to study graphs and parameters collected by each of the sensors over a certain time period (typical for most devices).

The temperature parameter is recorded by the device and transmitted via GSM signal via a message (for each of the connected sensors). All the owner needs to do is set the minimum and maximum temperature limits, as well as program the phone numbers to which the alert will be sent. When the temperature level goes beyond the specified limits, the controller can turn on (turn off) a heating element or send a signal about cooling (excessive heating) of the house.

A smart gsm device allows the owner to request the current temperature if desired. All that is required is to dial the number of the card installed in the gsm device, hang up and wait for the SMS message.

Remote control of temperature and its automatic regulation- the ability not only to maintain the set parameters at a certain level, but also to prevent the failure of an expensive heating system in a dacha (house, apartment).

Review of popular devices

Against the backdrop of demand for remote temperature control devices, supply is also growing. Recently, a whole group of devices worthy of consumer attention has appeared on the market.

GSM sockets

The simplest and most well-known are GSM sockets - when choosing a model, first of all pay attention to electrical safety and reliability of the design. Agree that entrusting remote operation, and even more so connecting the load, to an accidentally purchased device (even if low price), absolutely unreasonable.

The most popular GSM sockets include the TelemetricaT4 model from the Russian manufacturer. Reliable design, easy operation and the presence of a Russian electrical safety certificate make it the best offer on the market.

Pole Thermo GSM

An autonomous temperature sensor will be useful for those who have no or unstable 220 V power supply.

A capacious battery guarantees reliable operation the entire winter season, and simple settings via SMS commands I don’t cause any problems. The device includes 2 sensors for temperature control. Manufacturer: Siberian Arsenal, Novosibirsk.

GSM thermometers

For those who are also interested in the possibility of remote control of the heating boiler, we will consider the following models:

  • - the model has a screen for easy control, as well as control buttons for manual fishing room thermostat. It is possible to switch loads up to 8 kW through a power relay unit.
  • GSM thermometer allows you to control the temperature via free apps for iOS and Android devices. It has the ability to connect several temperature sensors.
  • Signal XQ is a gsm device, characterized by simplicity of design and installation, designed to control the temperature in the house. The device has compact dimensions. Despite the fact that inside there is a powerful filling with a unique “intelligence”. A special feature of the device is the presence of an accurate temperature sensor and a built-in battery. You can set only one parameter, upon reaching which an SMS message will be sent to the specified phone number. In addition, the Signal XQ device is able to promptly report a power outage, which plays an equally important role in ensuring the stability of the main devices. In the absence of external power, the device can work in autonomous mode for about a day;
  • Sapsan PRO 5T is a device that allows you to control the temperature at the installation site. There is one sensor installed inside the device, in which the upper and lower temperature Range. Upon reaching the established temperature limits, an SMS message is sent or a call is made to the owner. The device has one output to which you can connect one electrical appliance, for example, a boiler. Sapsan PRO 5T provides the ability to program via a computer, which greatly simplifies general process settings;
  • GSM-Climat, ZONT H-1 is a device that can not only control the temperature inside the room, but also control connected devices. In particular, you can set operating modes that allow you to turn equipment on and off according to a specific schedule. At the owner's request, the GSM system can be controlled via a global network or by dialing a number.


The benefits of GSM systems for remote control are difficult to overestimate. With their help, you can not only find out about the increase (decrease) in temperature in the room, but also ensure stable operation of heating systems, for example, the same boiler. Using such a device in your home is a guarantee comfortable temperature and the ability to protect against unexpected expenses.