Gsm home security systems. Home alarm system – GSM security system with module

A modern burglar knows many ways to get into your home, warehouse or office. In addition, it is equipped with everything necessary tool for penetration not only through a door or window, but also a roof or wall.

In this case, the owner of the premises will not only lose property, but will also incur losses through the need to repair structures.

That is why more and more people are coming to the conclusion that they simply need it at home.

System selection criteria

The most important task of a security alarm is to detect an attempted entry before the thief can commit the theft. Installed in a cottage, it allows you to preserve property and the integrity of structures. But how do you choose the right system? What parameters should you pay attention to when purchasing? What ratio of cost and effectiveness can be considered optimal?

The modern market offers many different models of equipment, so how can you avoid making a mistake in choosing? The first thing to think about is.

There are two main types of alarms:

  1. Wired
  2. Wireless

They differ in the principle of signal transmission. The wireless home security alarm you choose for your home should be easy to install. Typically, such systems do not require cabling, but their cost is one and a half times higher than that of wired models. If your home has undergone expensive renovations and you don’t want to disturb the finishing, then a wireless system would be the ideal choice.

Watch the video about the wireless security system:

The level of protection cannot be ignored. To do this, you need to determine which premises will be protected, with special attention paid to places where penetration is possible. If there are animals in the house, then choose a system with protection against them. It is worth thinking in advance about the possibility of expanding the existing alarm system if you need to protect your safe from burglary or add another sensor. Light and sound devices can prevent a crime by scaring a burglar, so their installation is also necessary.

It is important that the security alarm installed in the house is compatible with the remote control equipment, and also includes a battery, which is necessary in case of a power outage.

New items in security devices

In the alarm market, the most popular equipment is from such manufacturers as:

  • Jablotron
  • Optex
  • Visonic
  • LifeSOS
  • Texecom
  • Guardian

Their products are considered one of the most reliable and effective and are used as security systems for residential premises and other facilities. The equipment is so multifunctional that it can provide 100% protection of property from the encroachment of thieves. But when choosing, you need to determine which tasks are top priority and, based on this, buy a model.

IN Lately Wireless systems are in greatest demand. They first appeared in the 1990s. Abroad, their popularity grew rapidly, while in Russia they began to appear not so long ago.

Watch the video, work GSM alarm Guardian models:

Majority modern systems use GSM communication in their work. This is due to the development of mobile telephone networks and is very convenient for owners, allowing them to receive prompt notification in the event of unauthorized persons entering the house.

These can be configured to alert by calling or sending SMS, and the most modern ones are equipped with surveillance cameras that allow you to send photos via MMS message. GSM signaling has no restrictions on the use of networks mobile communications, which allows you to choose a favorable tariff for paying for services.

One of the latest developments in this area is the NeoVizusGSM device. It can be used at home, in a car, and is installed in a place where it is difficult to detect. If conventional sensors should be mounted in the line of sight, then this device works perfectly in the most unexpected place. Information is transmitted from it via a GSM channel.

The so-called hybrid security systems, in which devices interact with various technologies. Such alarms are considered one of the fastest growing segments in the market. It combines wired and wireless devices and has the ability to expand if necessary.

The advantages of these systems are the ability to install wireless sensors in places where it is not possible to lay cables. And while it is still not very common to find wireless systems on sites, hybrid ones are found all the time.

Recently, systems whose range of action is increased by repeaters have become widespread. Depending on the device models, the distance between points can reach 500 m. This type of alarm is most often installed in large shopping centers and other similar facilities.

Pricing question, how much does the product cost:

Any security alarm system is suitable for an apartment or cottage, but before you buy it, you need to decide on the tasks. The autonomous one can only scare away the thief, while the control room will transmit a message to the owner’s phone and to the security company. Moreover, a radio channel, telephone line or GSM network can be used for this.

Which products should you choose?

Since wireless systems have been in greatest demand lately, we will consider popular brands of just such models. From foreign - this is Sokol. An alarm system based on it is intended to protect a dacha or country house, garage. It is easy to install, does not require moving furniture in the room, and does not spoil the interior.

Domestic products are represented by systems:

  • Watchman
  • Granite
  • Avalanche

They are multifunctional, have small dimensions, and are able to work at very low temperatures and are universal in use. They provide automatic notification of the user about a decrease in the balance on the SIM card.

Let's watch a video review of the Granite model:

You can talk about the cost endlessly, since the prices are completely different. They depend on the purpose of the equipment, its manufacturer, installation features, the complexity of the system itself, and even the design of the devices. A minimum set of two sensors will cost between $100 and $120, and the most simple system for a private home from 300 to 700 dollars. It is difficult to give an upper limit, since it depends on the many components used in the system. Well, you shouldn’t buy the cheapest one - it’s unlikely to become reliable protection your property.

Which brand should you choose?

In the domestic market, the most widely used equipment is from Ademco, and in particular the Vista model range.

It allows you to expand the security complex for practically any task, even to the extent of combining it with all systems installed in the room: from fire to lawn watering. The control panel of the brand in question makes it possible to do this, unlike inexpensive models, customized for a small range of tasks.

DSC equipment produced by a Canadian company is no less popular. The model range of this company includes a wide range of devices with rich functionality. They are comparable in their level, but Ademo's products account for a larger sector of the security device market.

IN last years Russian devices also appeared, partly replicating the best imported samples. They have more low price, but in terms of functionality they are significantly inferior to foreign analogues.

Equipment from the Israeli manufacturer Visonic is also in considerable demand. It is focused on the needs of suburban housing and is most widespread in cottage villages.

Large and small, foreign and local companies offer consumers their best security equipment. Therefore, before purchasing and installing, it is necessary to carefully consider the configuration of the future system.

If you lack knowledge in this industry, then entrust the choice to specialists. Give them the task of selecting and completing the system.

This approach will save you from many hassles both in the present with the selection and installation of equipment, and in the future during its operation. After all, the company’s employees will take care of all the worries, and all you have to do is pay for their services and enjoy a quiet life without worrying about the safety of your property.

Security systems for a private home are a special set of devices, the purpose of which is to determine changes in specified parameters (for example, open window, broken fence, movement of an unknown object in the area, etc.) and notify the specified person or service about this with a certain signal. Let's take a closer look at the types and functions of security systems (hereinafter referred to as OS), as well as what factors influence the choice of the security equipment needed for your home.

A security system in a private house is installed to control the house itself, individual rooms inside it, separate buildings on the site, the perimeter area, visitors, and, if necessary, staff and children.

They work based on various sensors:

  • temperature,
  • noise,
  • vibrations,
  • volume, etc.

Alarm systems can be autonomous or centralized.

When receiving signals from the former, the owner of the house and security respond to signals from the latter, private security agencies or certain public services, depending on who the contract was signed with.

Types and functions of security systems in a private home

There are four types of systems used to protect a country house or cottage:

  • SOTS ─ security and alarm system. When alarm sensors are triggered, a signal is sent to the control panel of the service with which the contract is concluded;
  • ACS ─ access control and management system. This system allows you to control locks and gate drives, and control areas where certain persons are not allowed to enter. (For example, a child appearing in a room with important papers or in a room where hunting equipment and guns may be stored);
  • SOT ─ closed circuit television system. This is video surveillance;
  • MITU is a system of engineering and technical strengthening. The strength of gates and windows, the height of the fence and everything that protects against a possible burglar.

Alarm and security system

Technically, the system consists of four elements:

  • The control panel processes data from sensors and activates a signal
  • Control keyboard
  • Signaling devices
  • Sensors

Sensors are the most important part of the system. They are wired and wireless. Nowadays, a combined set of sensors is most often installed as the most reliable option.

There are several types of sensors:

  • Vibrating─ monitor walls, floors, roofs and respond to attempts at destruction or breach.
  • Volumetric─ react to the presence of a stranger in the house.
  • Facade sensors respond to sound broken glass(acoustic).
  • Magnetic contact sensors (they warn of intrusion through doors or windows).

Nowadays, models that do not react to pets are in demand.

Security levels

The warning and security system consists of several security levels.

First level. Perimeter control is ensured here. This is carried out by video cameras, each of which has its own viewing area. By downloading the appropriate program, you can create a record of hazardous areas. For example, possible movement from the fence to the house is controlled. A program is installed that estimates the size of the object. (Then the alarm will not respond to flying birds and pets walking around the area). On large areas paired rooms are placed in the corners of the perimeter infrared sensors, if the beam between the sensors is interrupted, the control unit will turn the nearest cameras here.

Experts recommend installing both hidden cameras and ones that are clearly visible from everywhere. A possible criminal, noticing the cameras, can turn back, and a professional will try to disable them. That's when hidden cameras come into play.

Second level. If, nevertheless, criminals penetrate the fence and cross the site, then the doors and windows of the house turn out to be a barrier. They are guarded by video cameras monitoring the situation around the house. All windows and doors (especially on the ground floor) should have sensors that are triggered by opening and the sound of breaking glass.

Third level. This group hidden cameras and infrared. Here, too, a program is set that allows you not to react to the size of an object that does not correspond to the parameters of the human body.

To protect especially valuable items: a safe, paintings, cabinets with hunting weapons, you can install additional sensors that react to touching the surface.

In addition to stationary security systems, you can install a panic button in the form of key fobs located in different places Houses. By pressing this button you can notify about intrusion. The button can be configured to call both the fire brigade and an ambulance.

When unauthorized entry is detected, the signal from sensors and cameras is sent to the keyboard of the control device, then to the control panel, which turns on the alarm device. This process takes less than a second.

Fire alarm

Fire alarms are installed to warn of any signs of fire.

Alarm systems installed in a house or country house vary, depending on what sensors are used:

  • Sensors thermal responsive to temperature changes. Here the owner can also set a program that sets the maximum possible temperature, above which the alarm should sound.
  • Sensors smoke react to smoke in the room. Here you can also set a program to set the level of the maximum possible smoke level.
  • Along with sensors fire alarm sensors are installed gas pollution in the presence of domestic gas in the house, water leakage sensors.

Service sensors

In addition to the above sensors, there are so-called service sensors that allow you to monitor the level of snow cover, the presence or absence of rain, and also record the level of gust of wind, which allows the system to analyze all the data and determine the level of danger natural disaster(for example, a hurricane).


A CCTV system is an integral part of home security. As already mentioned, video cameras are used at all levels of home protection.

─ this is constant monitoring and recording of everything that happens on the territory; video surveillance allows you to view all information and copy it to another medium.

─ this is “the eye left at home.” The system makes it possible not only to detain the thief immediately at the time of theft, but also, if necessary, to identify him.

Camera types

Now exists a large number of different camera options:

  • The dome is mounted on horizontal surfaces.
  • The cabinet is attached to a vertical surface.
  • Cylindrical are so called because of their shape.
  • Rotary ones are controlled remotely and make it possible to zoom into an area of ​​interest for a closer look.

All cameras can be installed both inside the house and outside. Street option placement requires special protection for cameras in rain and snow.

Most often used in one house different types cameras Good images are important in cameras.

The technical data sheet indicates how many TVLs this camera has (number of television lines). How larger number, the better the image quality. For example, if a camera has TVL 700, then you can even see what color the eyes of someone who is in its visibility zone are.

Infrared illumination

To effectively use video surveillance at night, you need to install cameras with infrared illumination function. Then you can record the object even in the dark from afar. Infrared illumination makes the cameras invisible at night. But such cameras have flaw: they are several distorts the image, because objects do not reflect infrared light equally. That's why During the day it is better to use simple black and white cameras.


Very important detail is the lens. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the fact that it focal length measured in millimeters. The higher this indicator, the smaller angle view, and the lower, the greater the angle.

Whether the camera is camouflaged or, on the contrary, it should be clearly visible depends on what type of camera it will be: wireless or with wires going to the recorder.


Recorders are used to store recordings, which differ in two parameters: the presence of camera connection channels and the quality of video recording.

Number of channels on the DVR depends on the area of ​​the territory Houses.

At small area One or two cameras and a corresponding recorder will be enough, and for a large area, 16-channel recorders will be the best option.

Recorders also differ in recording resolution. But the owner should know that all recorders slightly distort the image.

When choosing a recorder, you should consider the capacity hard drive, recording speed, audio recording capability, recorder control.


The image from the DVR is sent to the monitor, this allows you to monitor what is happening in real time. The monitor can be a computer screen or a TV. It is possible for a message to arrive on mobile phone or to a remote computer.

Access Control System

An access control system is a set of technical means and organizational measures designed to ensure visit control.

It is installed on several rooms in the house and buildings on the territory.

Garage. When the owner’s car drives up to the gate of the site, the video monitoring system recognizes the car’s license plate number and is triggered automatic opening gate If the system does not recognize the number (dirt, heavy rain, fog, etc.), then the gate is opened by the owner himself using a special remote control.

This system may include radio beam sensors that turn on the lighting.

entrance to the house. You can enter a house where an access control system is installed only after the house is disarmed at the central point. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Enter the code on a special device.
  2. Use a programmable chip.
  3. Use a magnetic card.
  4. Use a fingerprint recognition system and so on.

Inside the house. The system inside the house operates depending on the installed program.

Even if the owners are in the house, the access control system works by restricting entry into certain areas where the most valuable or dangerous items are located. For example, with such a system, a child will not be able to enter the workshop and get hurt.

Intercom. The intercom calling panel in a private house is installed on the external gate. The signal from the calling panel is transmitted to internal organization, which signals the host about the arrival of a guest. Usually, along with an intercom, an automatic door opening system is installed, which is an additional convenience for the owner. If the owner spends a lot of time on the computer and TV, he can connect to them.

One of the functions of the intercom is a storage device that can automatically take photographs of visitors and store the photos in memory. But When the power goes out, the memory is erased. If this function is important to the owner, then need to install an uninterruptible power supply system.

Selection of possible security measures

The choice of security equipment depends on several factors.

  • Location of a private house. (For example, if it is located in a guarded village, then there is no need to install multi-level protection).
  • Composition of family members. The access control system inside the house depends on this.
  • The presence or absence in the house of particularly valuable or dangerous objects located in a separate room.
  • The presence or absence of security guards on the premises.
  • MITU level ─ engineering strengthening of the house and site.
  • Owner's financial capabilities.

"Smart home" and security

A smart home is a home where a comfortable and safe life for people is ensured with the help of automation and high-tech devices.

The system is able to recognize specific situations and, if possible, eliminate them or notify the owners about it.

To the security and monitoring system " smart home» includes:

  • CCTV,
  • access control to the premises,
  • fire safety and gas leakage control system
  • telemetry (remote monitoring of systems)
  • leakage protection system
  • system for remote information about events in the house
  • IP - object monitoring

Thus, the concept of “smart home” includes all systems that exist to protect a private home.
A private home needs well-thought-out security. Modern diverse security devices enable the owner to choose the most convenient option.

Great attention has always been paid to protecting homes from unauthorized entry for the purpose of taking possession of property. And now, with the growth of prosperity, this has become even more relevant. Burglaries and theft of property from country cottages are the most common crimes in the world today.

Let us talk in detail about the nuances of installing the most modern security systems for a country house.

Security of a country house and specifics of security

A country house differs from a city apartment not only in the most obvious way - its location outside the city. As a rule, attempts to break into an apartment in a high-rise building in themselves attract the attention of neighbors with their noise (unless the attacker has acquired a suitable copy of the key), and they can call.

In addition, the entrance, installed already when the building is put into operation, already provides an acceptable level of security in multi-storey building generally. This means that installing a security alarm in a city apartment located in a new modern house, is not such a pressing matter.

It is worth considering a security alarm not as some kind of separate control unit, etc., but as part of a complex building security system. This complex should include video surveillance and fire alarm. It must monitor the occurrence of water leaks and domestic gas leaks and much, much more.

Unlike a city house, a country cottage has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing and installing security systems, which can sometimes be very difficult to do without:

  • the house itself;
  • Availability multiple inputs;
  • some remoteness from nearest neighbors;
  • no concierge, entrance video intercom and other security systems familiar to citizens;
  • possible complex configuration of the cottage, the presence of terraces, verandas, balconies, loggias;
  • Availability plot with garden and buildings.

All these features complicate the task of creating conditions for safe living in a cottage and at the same time make it easier to penetrate and take possession of property. Therefore, the most serious attention must be paid to the selection of a security system and the correct installation of it.

Types of security alarm systems and their functionality

A comprehensive security system for a country house includes several different subsystems:

  • monitoring the approaches to the building;
  • protection of the interior of the house.

Practice shows that easy installation CCTV cameras (or even dummies of them) around the perimeter of the household are already having an effect- people who have a tendency to steal from private homes sometimes simply change their intentions. However, it is immediately worth keeping in mind that perimeter security will be effective only if video surveillance cameras are installed along the entire perimeter and in sufficient quantities to eliminate the so-called blind spots.

The security system for the approaches to the building also includes video surveillance, but to ensure security inside the premises, many other elements can be used, including motion sensors, sensors for opening windows and doors, and violations of the integrity of the glass in the windows. And all this can be supplemented by the organization of fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems.

What to choose - GSM or remote control system?

Security systems include the following:

  • autonomous, that is, those that only give sound and light signals during intrusions with the possibility of video recording the fact of violation;
  • control rooms;
  • systems built based on GSM technology.

Systems of the first type are of little functionality unless they are equipped with additional means of protection, such as laser beams in the invisible spectrum, upon the intersection of which some individually developed means of protection are triggered.

Connecting to the security console gives a wonderful effect- when an alarm signal is received at the control panel, a team immediately goes to the scene, prevents illegal actions or carries out an investigation without delay.

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Modern GSM systems are the latest word in security technology and provide users with additional features regarding the safety of suburban housing.

What determines the cost of a security system for a cottage?

The cost of country house security systems depends on their composition. The more functionality of the system and the more ramified its composition, the more expensive it is.. For example, if it is necessary to provide only security inside the house or only video surveillance around the perimeter, then the cost of such a system will be minimal.

The most expensive option would be a set of equipment that includes equipment that provides all three lines of security, cameras of the High Quality and increased reliability, video recorders, monitors, two-way audio and video communication and much more. The choice of a particular system, in particular, according to its cost, depends on specific tasks which she must carry out.

Choosing an alarm system for your home and installing it

The choice of a security system for a country house depends on the specific conditions and requirements of the owner of the property to be protected. GSM systems are chosen mainly by those who want to independently, at any time, fully control the situation in the house and on the site remotely, from anywhere in the world, promptly intervening in the situation if problems arise.

The choice of a specific system can be based on brand recognition and the amount of installation, maintenance and operating costs.

Block at 75% from the beginning of the article

Remote control systems are installed where it is possible to conclude an agreement with security companies and the house itself is not too far from the base.

Installation of any of the systems is necessary entrust only to qualified specialists. As a rule, these are people from the same company that supplies the security systems themselves. It is not recommended to install a security system for a country house yourself.

Don't base your choice solely on price. An attempt to save money in this case may lead to loss of property, and therefore to additional costs. It is much better to purchase systems from the most famous manufacturers, having first sought advice from an independent specialist.

A country house is not just another fashion trend, although the prestige of owning this kind of real estate is not the least important factor determining the decision to buy a cottage. The main thing here is that comfort and feeling of freedom, maximum security, which are unfamiliar to apartment owners in urban high-rise complexes, and proximity to nature.

But so that the benefits permanent residence in a country house have been fully implemented, it is necessary to ensure high level security. The best remedy for this purpose - the purchase and installation of security systems for a country house.

And in conclusion, we bring to your attention a short video tutorial about the principles of operation and rules for installing a home alarm system.

Here we will consider the composition of security alarm equipment for a private home used as a place of permanent residence. We will choose from three options:

  • autonomous security system;
  • GSM alarm;
  • centralized security using a remote control (PCR).

I will immediately note that for a country house the last point is not relevant, since the detention group will not travel tens of kilometers away. Moreover, the basis for any security system can be taken as an autonomous alarm system, which, with relatively minor modifications, can be transformed into both a GSM and remote control version of the security system.

So, - autonomous security alarm.

Such a system for a private home must include:

  • control panel;
  • security sensors;
  • sound and light warning devices;
  • power unit.

This is the so-called object part of the alarm system, which is part of any system. Add a GSM module here and you can control the security status of your home from your mobile phone.

By connecting the listed equipment to the notification transmission system (STS), you will be able to protect your property with the help of a central monitoring station.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that many SPI modules and facility equipment are capable of performing the functions of control devices and panels themselves.

In this regard, it is better to immediately decide how your alarm system will be used - lower costs.

However, this is not necessary; you can use the stand-alone option for a while, and if necessary, equip it with the necessary devices.


Regardless of the size of your household and the type of alarm system, you cannot do without sensors (detectors). They will be needed primarily to block windows and doors. Sometimes detectors protect walls and ceilings from possible attempts to break through or otherwise destroy them.

By and large, it is better not to be greedy and install security sensors on all the windows of the first floor of the house and, of course, the front door. Windows should be secured against both opening and breaking.

The first is achieved by installing magnetic contact detectors, in the second case, acoustic (sound) detectors are used.

The same should be done with the windows of the upper floors, if they have more or less convenient access from the outside: canopies, stairs, flat roof slopes, etc.

Their installation is clearly required along the paths of possible movement of an intruder when penetrating through external building structures of a house unprotected by alarm means, for example through walls or a roof by breaking or dismantling them. If you additionally place such detectors in rooms with window openings, believe me, it won’t be superfluous.

The next point is the selection of a control panel (RCD). If we talk about wired alarms, then its sensors are combined into an electrical circuit called a loop (LC).

In turn, one of the main characteristics of the control panel is its information capacity, that is, the number of alarm loops connected to it. Their number, as a rule, ranges from 1 to 20.

Regardless of how many security sensors the alarm loop contains, when the system is triggered, the most you can find out is the serial number of the problematic alarm loop.

The above does not apply to addressable systems, but for now we are considering the cheapest option for home alarm equipment in terms of equipment - a non-addressable system. Thus, the more loops, the higher the level of localization of the location where the detectors are triggered. Therefore, it is recommended to minimally divide the entire security network into the following zones (ZZ):

  • the perimeter of each floor;
  • ground floor volume sensors;
  • Entrance door.

Thus, for a private home alarm, the minimum requirement is a four-loop device (one loop will be a backup). If the house has big sizes or a complex configuration, then it makes sense to divide each of the listed loops into several, for example, the facade and the rear. Accordingly, a device with greater information capacity will be needed.

All that remains is to select sound and light alarms. The main thing you need to pay attention to here is the performance (street or indoor installation) and operating voltage (to match with the receiving device).

This is all quite simple, in addition, in the last section of this article about home security alarm kits, specific models of equipment are given that can be used for our purposes.


In cases where, from a technical or aesthetic point of view, laying wired communication lines in a house (or part of it) is impossible or undesirable, wireless security equipment is used. Let's see what its undoubted advantages are over traditional systems.

  • low labor intensity and quick installation;
  • possibility of scaling the system;
  • wireless signaling is also addressable.

Everything is clear with the first point and it doesn’t need any explanation, so let’s move on right away.

System scaling.

To put it simply, this is the possibility of expansion (installation additional sensors) during operation. In addition, the wireless system allows for easy configuration changes. This refers to both the transfer of equipment to another location and its grouping into zones. To a first approximation, the security zone can be considered as an alarm loop.

Since each wireless sensor has the ability (and requires) to be assigned a unique address within one system, information about it can be recorded in different sections of the receiving device. Similarly, when installing a new sensor, you only need to reprogram the equipment taking into account the changes that have appeared.

Addressable principle of signaling.

I have already said the main thing - each sensor in the alarm system has its own unique address, due to which it is uniquely identified by the system and controlled (processed) in accordance with a given algorithm. Addressable alarms can be:

  • wireless;
  • wired.

In the second case, to combine all sensors, one two-wire line is used to transmit information. Power is supplied separately and can be arranged in various configurations. Wireless detectors are powered by built-in batteries.

Keep in mind that the number of sensors connected to one device in addressable systems is not unlimited, but for a private home they will most likely be sufficient.

When choosing an addressable wireless system, be sure to consider this point. Although for a private country house, the capabilities of most lines of equipment will be enough for you. For example, the Astra 812 device allows you to connect up to 192 radio channel wireless detectors.

In addition, there are a number of organizational and technical solutions that allow increasing the information capacity of wireless systems.

A few words about the shortcomings.

There are not many of them, but some may be significant. So, what are the disadvantages we have when installing a wireless alarm:

  • price;
  • lack of constant monitoring of the communication channel;
  • the need to periodically replace batteries.

I won’t say much about the price - if you have no choice, you’ll have to buy it one way or another. If there is an alternative, then the wired option in terms of equipment will, in any case, be cheaper. As for installation, you need to consider it on a case-by-case basis if you are not going to install an alarm system at home with your own hands.

The lack of channel control risks the fact that it is impossible to determine the state and performance of the radio channel sensor at every moment of time. It is also impossible to say with 100% certainty that in the event of an alarming situation we will receive a corresponding notification.

This does not mean that wireless systems are unreliable, but in environments with strong electromagnetic interference this factor should be taken into account.

Batteries need to be replaced less often, on average once a year. True, they have a decent price - several hundred rubles, but there is no need to save money by purchasing cheap analogues. Most detectors have a low power alert option, so there is no need to make special voltage measurements.


As mentioned at the beginning of the article, any alarm system can be turned into GSM (cellular) by installing the appropriate module. The requirements for equipping a house with security sensors are the same in any chosen security option.

If we talk about a receiving control device, then it is more practical in all respects to immediately install the device with the corresponding transmitter.

This will eliminate the need for additional settings, reconnections, etc. The requirements for GSM devices are similar to those for the same devices of other systems. First of all, this concerns information capacity.

If we talk about wireless versions of cellular systems, they have the same advantages and disadvantages inherent in the “classic” options. The only thing is that the choice of wireless GSM alarms is not as rich as we would like, and the systems themselves do not always look solid.

If you couldn't find suitable option among ready-made solutions offered by manufacturers, you can use any other radio channel system consisting of:

  • wireless sensors;
  • receiver;
  • relay block.

The relay block is connected to a conventional wired GSM device. Of course, in this case you will not be able to control every sensor, but for a house 8 zones will be enough, into which detectors should be combined according to the principle stated earlier.

Applied to country house, especially with frequent absences of owners, it will be useful to purchase a GSM alarm device that has the ability to connect control sensors various parameters: temperature, water or gas leaks, lack of light and control of related engineering systems.

Additionally, we can recommend the material posted on this site about GSM security systems for summer cottages. The basic principles of organizing security of this type are also suitable for a private home.


I’ll say right away - the composition of the alarm equipment for any home is very individual, therefore ready set It will be hard to pick. Moreover, I personally have not seen such offers, with the exception of GSM kits. Therefore, you will have to select the instruments and sensors in the required quantity yourself. We will need:

  • motion, break and opening sensors;
  • control panel;
  • power unit;
  • sound and light alarms;
  • cables, wires and other consumables.

Quantity and types required security detectors included depends on how many building structures and the premises you are going to block (for more information, see the section on choosing an alarm system for your home). There are also rules for determining the information capacity of a device.

Now regarding the power supply. It must provide an output operating (rated) current sufficient to power all detectors. Therefore, we take and summarize the consumption currents of all detectors, taken from their passport data. Select the appropriate power source. By and large, our alarm set is complete.

Finally, here are a few specific models of security alarm equipment that you can use in your kits. I'm not going to advertise them in any way, I'm just... different time I have worked with the equipment listed below and have no serious complaints about it.

Wired alarm sensors:

  • movements - Astra, Rapid, Photon;
  • breaks - Astra, Harp, Glass;
  • opening - detectors of the IO 102-*** series.

Reception and control devices: VERS (very wide selection of modifications), Granite, Quartz, Note.

Power supplies: Skat, Reserve, RIP, Parus, BBP.

This is what concerns the configuration for wired non-addressable alarm systems - the simplest and budget system. Such equipment is fully compatible with each other in various options and combinations.

It is better to select a wireless alarm kit from the line of one manufacturer, moreover, from the same model range. The Astra RI-M radio channel system is quite popular.

One of its advantages is a large set of sensors various types actions and purposes: security, fire, water leaks, etc. In general, this is a fairly rich system in terms of building alarm systems of various configurations and capabilities.

If we talk about wired address systems, then you can pay attention to the Orion equipment set produced by NPO Bolid. A wide range of devices, good interface, flexible programming and settings.

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Protecting personal property is an important and pressing task for every property owner. It doesn’t matter what kind of property it is - an apartment, country house, large cottage or garage.

Each of these objects requires effective protection, which will avoid theft and damage to things valuable to the owner.

A fairly effective tool for protecting the listed real estate is one installed indoors, as well as along the perimeter of the protected object. For protection to work as efficiently as possible, you need to choose the right type for specific tasks.

Guardian Avizor Kit GSM

This wireless security system is designed to protect apartments, dachas, cottages, offices, garages, etc. The central electronic unit can work with radio sensors, which are located in 12 security zones.

An almost unlimited number of both security and functional sensors can be installed in each zone. In case of an alarm, the signal is sent as an SMS to 6 mobile phone numbers.

Ajax StarterKit White

Security basic set of wireless alarm systems, which can be upgraded by adding various security sensors. The equipment is optimally suited for protecting private houses, apartments and office premises. Warning signals are transmitted via a GSM network with support for an Ethernet channel, which acts as a backup channel. The alarm system allows you to connect up to 100 devices, which provides effective protection of an object within a radius of up to 2000 m of open space.

The GSM system kit will guarantee a high level of security at sites small sizes such as apartments, dachas, garages, separate office rooms. The central alarm unit is capable of supporting up to 99 wireless and 7-wire control zones, in which IR motion sensors and window/door opening sensors can be located. The alarm signal is transmitted to 6 numbers, which are stored in the device memory.


This is the best GSM alarm system for a dacha, allowing you to create highly efficient security and fire systems with automation tools like a “smart home”. The alarm maintains communication as usual telephone line, GSM channel, Ethernet, Dial-UP. The electronic module supports 3 wired loops and 288 wireless security zones. When an alarm is triggered, 15 numbers are dialed, an SMS is sent to 5 numbers, and alarm information is transmitted to 2 central monitoring panels.

Guardian Evolution Kit

A set of devices for constructing a security configuration to protect a private house, apartment or garage. The device supports 12 wireless security zones, in which security and functional sensors are located. When the alarm is triggered, SMS messages and telephone calls are sent to 10 numbers. The electronic unit has 2 relay outputs, through which you can control external actuators.

GSM alarm systems Altronics AL-150 Kit

Easy to use alarm system for protecting houses, apartments and offices. The electronic unit supports 4 wired loops and 16 wireless zones, security of which is provided by motion sensors, opening sensors, acoustic sensors, vibration sensors, etc. In case of an alarm, a signal will be sent in the form of SMS or dialing to 5 mobile numbers. To manage external executive systems The design provides one relay output.

Security Guard

High-quality GSM alarm domestic production By affordable price. The electronic unit is capable of supporting work not only with motion and opening sensors, but also with functional sensors that will signal a water or gas leak or an increase in temperature. The standard alarm kit has 2 motion sensors, the number of which can be increased if necessary. When one of the sensors is triggered, the alarm is capable of sending SMS messages to 10 programmed numbers.

Falcon Eye FE

Security system for a cottage, apartment, house or garage. It is capable of working with 32 security sensors that connect wirelessly. If triggered, an alarm signal is simultaneously transmitted to mobile devices via SMS, dialing or e-mail, and a powerful sound siren is activated. In the event of intrusion, the Falcon Eye FE alarm also supports the ability to audio record the situation at the protected facility.

Ginzzu GSM system

An inexpensive security system, which is distinguished by the fact that in addition to a set of standard security features, it also supports work with IP cameras that provide video surveillance capabilities. For each of the protected zones, the possibility of individual settings is supported, installing round-the-clock or time-based protection. A mobile phone, smartphone or PC can be used to control the alarm.

Alexor KIT495-4EUH2

High-end wireless alarm system with motion sensor and window/door opening sensors. The system allows you to maintain control of 32 zones and provide two-way communication with the owner of the house or cottage. Distinctive feature Such a security system ensures that the number of false alarms is minimized.


Due to the fact that there is a huge selection of GSM alarms, you can choose the most best option which will provide guaranteed protection house, cottage, cottage, apartment, garage or office. All modern security systems are distinguished by rich functionality, a wide range of supported sensors, as well as the ability to scale their configurations during use. Considering these features of GSM alarms, they will be an excellent protector of real estate from uninvited guests.