Growing calla lilies in the garden and proper care of the plant. Diseases of calla lilies

Calla plant (lat. Calla), or Zantedeschia (lat. Zantedeschia) is a genus of perennial plants of the Araceae, or Aronicaceae, family. The calla flower grows in damp places in South America and Africa, from Nigeria to Tanzania. It is a relative of such a plant as calla lily, or marsh calla, the only representative of its genus, whose range is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Zantedeschia is sometimes called Ethiopian calla lily, or Richardia. The flower received the name “zantedeschia” from the German botanist Kurt Sprengel, who named it in honor of his friend the Italian botanist Giovanni Zantedeschi, but most often zantedeschia is still simply called calla lily. The attractiveness of this plant for gardeners is not only in the very large, showy leaves and unusual flower shape, but also in the fact that calla lilies can be grown both in the garden and at home, in a pot.

Varieties of calla lilies for planting in the ground

All callas can be divided into rhizomatous and tuberous. All hybrid plant species, such as Ethiopian calla, can be classified as rhizomatous. Calla lilies include Rehmann and Eliott calla lilies. All of them are grouped into these two categories based on the structure of the root system.

Calla Ethiopian

Is tall plant, which can reach 100 cm or more.

This type of plant is distinguished by its white delicate flowers.

Ethiopian calla lilies are rhizomatous plants whose roots are located underground. These flowers do not have bulbs.

The leaves and peduncles of this type of calla lily are preserved even during the dormant period of the plant.

A very moisture-loving plant that prefers to grow in the shade, along the banks of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

The best period for active growth and flowering is from May to September.

Popular varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies:

Variety "Nicolai". Very high herbaceous plant, which can reach a height of 150 cm. Leaves on long petioles and peduncles are of the same length. The leaves are arrow-shaped, mounted on long petioles, with a shiny and smooth dark green surface. The outside cover is green in diameter and reaches 12 cm in diameter.

Variety "Pearl". It is a low-growing variety of calla lily plant. It can reach only 50 cm in height. This type of plant can be easily grown in open ground in pots.

Variety "Schone Zweibrückerin". A medium-sized variety of calla lilies, which can grow up to 1 m in height. The leaves are quite large and heart-shaped. The blanket is white, has a greenish tint underneath, and reaches 15 cm in diameter.

Variety "Green Goddess". Also a medium-sized variety that can grow up to 90 cm in height. It is distinguished by bright green flowers.

Calla Remanna

This type of calla lily is characterized by its short stature. The maximum plant can grow is 70 cm.

The underground part of this flower is the tuber.

The leaves are oblong, dark green, and can reach 30 cm in length.

The bedspread features a vibrant reddish pink or reddish burgundy bedspread.

A plant of this species sheds its leaves during the dormant period. This usually occurs in winter, and in spring the calla lilies appear with new leaves and flower stalks.

Prefers to grow in dry areas.

Popular varieties of calla lilies Rehmann:

Variety "Chameleon". This low-growing variety calla lilies, which can be grown without problems both in pots and in open ground. The bedspread is distinguished by its beautiful colors: delicate peach color with golden hues.

Variety "Evening". This calla lily is distinguished by a rather extravagant coloring of the bedspread: a rich black-lilac shade. The surface of the petal itself is satin.

Variety "Indian Summer". The cover of this calla variety has a reddish-garnet hue.

How to grow callas in open ground

Plant Zantedeschia in open ground possible already in mid-spring. The main thing is that the earth is well warmed up. Plantings must be watered well immediately. The next time it is necessary to moisten the soil after 10 or 14 days. It is best to acidify the water with oxalic or citric acid.

As mentioned earlier, excess of them (especially those containing nitrogen) should be avoided. This adversely affects the plant. The tubers may not survive.

If weather conditions are favorable, then just four weeks after planting this plant begins to bloom. But this happens not in the first year, but in the second. After the calligraphy has faded, you should stop watering it. At this time, the plant begins a rest period. In order for the calla lily to have a more favorable resting time, it is best to leave 3 or 4 leaves on it. The remaining ones are carefully cut off.

Calla will delight with its flowering until the end of September - mid-October. Once weather conditions become unfavorable, this crop will need to be transferred to containers or containers with soil mixture. It should consist of turf soil and peat in proportions of 2 to 1.

Callas with large rhizomes should be planted in separate pots. As for smaller specimens, they can be planted in groups. True, in this case you should avoid crowding them - Zantedeschias do not tolerate crowding. Those babies born during the transplant need to be separated. This way the calla will be able to develop better and there will be a chance for its beautiful winter flowering. But this will happen only if there was no overfeeding with nitrogen and the rest period was normal.

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Choosing a place to plant calla lilies in open ground

This plant develops better and blooms longer, and the inflorescence covers have a brighter color when grown on open areas, being shaded from direct sunlight during the hottest hours.

Calla is one of the most moisture-loving flower garden plants, ideal place for her there is an area near a pond where the leaves will receive additional moisture from the air.

It should be borne in mind that this flower requires slightly acidic or neutral soil. Under no circumstances should the plant be planted on calcareous soils containing construction waste, which usually has an alkaline reaction.

Callas are an excellent material for landscape design. If there is enough space you can create original flowerbed or a discount by planting one of your favorite varieties. Such a uniform planting looks purely decorative.

How to care for calla lilies in the open ground

Like most exotic flowers, this crop needs to be provided special care. And if garden callas If they grow in optimal conditions, their flowering will begin 1.5-2 months after they are planted, and will last until the arrival of autumn.

So, how to care for calla lilies in the garden. Callas have an interesting physiological feature - they first form root system, and only then germinate. Therefore, in order to avoid improper root formation, you should not water the planted tubers in the first 2 weeks.

Watering can be done only when the first shoots appear. And this, as a rule, will happen after 2-3.5 weeks. When watering, make sure that no water gets on the tuber.

The easiest way to water is to moisten the soil around the edges. Regular watering can be done when the garden pet has leaves. At the same time, watering should be moderate.

Depending on weather conditions, you can water the flowers 1-2 times every 7 days. In general, care for calla lilies should consist of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. The first feeding is done when planting callas.

Complex mineral fertilizers at a rate of 30-40 g are suitable for this. per 1 sq. meter. For normal development and growth of the plant, this will be enough for the entire summer season. Complex mineral fertilizers at a rate of 30-40 g are suitable for this. per 1 sq. meter. For normal development and growth of the plant, this will be enough for the entire summer season.

Due to the fact that callas love slightly acidic soils, they should be additionally watered (2-3 rubles per season) with citric (acetic) acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon of acid per bucket of water. In terms of disease and pest prevention, maintenance will not be difficult. This type of garden calla lilies is practically not susceptible to diseases or harmful insects. There are cases of whiteflies appearing, but they will not cause significant harm to the flowers.

Fertilizing callas in open ground

For the first time, fertilizers are applied to the soil at the stage of planting flowers. At this moment, you can use complex mineral fertilizers, which are applied to the soil in accordance with the scheme - 30–40 g. per 1 sq. m. This amount of fertilizer will be enough for plants to not experience a lack of nutrients during summer season. It should be borne in mind that for callas the most suitable type The soil is slightly acidic, so at least two or three times a season it is necessary to water with citric or acetic acid, which is added in the amount of one tablespoon per bucket of water.

Callas belong to the group of those plants that do not cause trouble even during measures to protect against diseases and pests. The fact is that they are resistant to any external manifestation of such kind. Sometimes calla lilies may attract whiteflies, however, they do not cause serious harm to the flowers.

Propagation of calla lilies by tubers

Calla lily tubers usually go on sale at the end of February. Healthy nodules should be dense (like young potatoes), only in this case the calla will produce arrow-shaped flower stalks already in the year of planting. If the nodule looks wrinkled and flaccid, it is better to refuse the purchase. The tubers are laid out on a tray and placed in a cool, dry place (5-7 °C). Some zealous housewives have adapted to storing them in a regular refrigerator, regularly turning them over and airing them.

In April, the tubers are planted in pots, sprinkled with 2-3 cm of soil and the room temperature is increased to 20-22 °C. Please note that there is a tubercle on the nodule - this is the top. The tuber needs space, so place it in a pot with a capacity of 3-3.5 liters. There is no need to water immediately, water after a week and make sure that the soil in the pots does not dry out.

At the beginning of summer, sprouted tubers are planted in open ground. The holes are deepened to 8-12 cm and made at a distance of: 20×20 cm, 35×35 cm - for small and medium-growing varieties plants, or at a distance: 50×50 cm - for tall varieties.

Callas are usually sent to rest just before frost. The above-ground part of the plant is removed, the tubers are dug up, leaving 2-3 leaves on the cutting, and stored. After a couple of weeks, the left leaves dry out, giving the nodule all its vital energy, after which they are carefully removed. It is advisable to carry out the procedure of digging and planting tubers annually; calla lily tubers do not tolerate the harsh Russian climate.

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Propagation of callas by seeds

Calla lilies can also be propagated by seeds, but such planting is encouraged only by breeders. Many avid flower girls complain about poor germination seeds Therefore, if you decide to grow calla lilies from seeds, first soak them for 5-6 hours in a solution of potassium humate, a natural plant biostimulator.

Then place the seeds on a tray, previously covered wet wipe, cover with another damp cloth, place in a warm place for 6-8 days and do not allow it to dry out. It is better to sow the sprouted seeds in trays with soil and keep them in warm room before germination and only then plant seedlings in open ground. The mistake of some summer residents is that they immediately place the sprouted seeds in open soil, where most of them, alas, die.

Reproduction of callas by dividing the bush

Types of callas that have a tree-like root system are planted by dividing the rhizomes of the mother bush. in autumn root collar(baby) is carefully broken out from the main rhizome, trying to keep it on the roots as much as possible more land. Then the root is placed in separate spacious pots. Store indoors with high humidity, at a temperature of 12-15 °C. In the spring, shoots appear from the root, and at the beginning of summer the African plant is ready for planting in open ground. If you do not have the opportunity to plant a bush in this way, ready-made seedlings can be purchased at a flower nursery.

Diseases and pests of calla lilies

We also note that callas have strong immunity, so they are not afraid of garden pests not illness. The only thing a gardener may encounter when growing them is the appearance of mold on the tubers. But it appears as a result of violation of storage conditions, at high humidity. If mold was found during inspection of the tubers, it is recommended to ventilate them well and treat them with powdered foundationazole. The reason for the unsatisfactory appearance of callas can most often be either the completion of a natural life cycle plants, when the leaves turn yellow and die (calla lilies are preparing for a period of dormancy), or errors in care, when the tips of the leaves dry out, which indicates a lack of moisture in the air and soil. Don't forget to water and spray your zantedeschias.

Insufficient air humidity can also lead to calla lilies being infected by spider mites. In addition to mites, calla lilies can also be affected by aphids. Methods of prevention and control of pests are standard: keeping the plant clean, creating sufficient humidity, wiping the leaves with a soapy solution and then washing the leaves in the shower. In case of severe pest infestation, use special means, sold in stores. The treatment is carried out repeatedly until the flowers are completely free of pests.

Calla is a beautiful and elegant flower, caring for it is not so difficult, and the results of the efforts spent will delight the most demanding gardeners.

Calla is a perennial herbaceous plant that is very popular both indoors and outdoors. garden culture. In areas with warm climates, these flowers can grow constantly in gardens.

In temperate climates middle zone and to the north, callas are planted in open ground in the spring, and for the winter they are dug up and stored in a closed, cool room. Thanks to large leaves and flowers of unusual shape, these plants become a real decoration of gardens and parks.

In the article you will learn everything about planting and caring for garden calla lilies in the open ground, as well as how to propagate flowers.

Types and varieties of calla lilies for growing in the garden

There are the following types of these plants that grow well in garden culture:

  • Ethiopian calla;
  • Calla Elliott;
  • Kalla Rehmanni.

Each of these species has many varieties. There are also hybrid intervarietal forms.

Ethiopian calla
- a tall plant, reaching a height of 1-1.5 m. Its underground part has the appearance of a rhizome. The flowers are large, their spathes have White color.

Most Popular garden varieties Ethiopian calla lilies:

  • “Childsiana” is a variety with snow-white flowers and a bright orange, almost red center;
  • "Green Goddess" is a two-color white and green variety.

Calla Elliott
- a tuberous plant reaching a height of 50-70 cm.

Its leaves are dark green in color, and the flower covers have bright yellow or golden shades.

Calla lily varieties:

  • 'Black Magic' has a yellow flower spathe with a wavy edge;
  • “Captain Chelse” is a variety that has a purple flower cover with a yellow edging;
  • "Mango" is a hybrid form characterized by flowers of an intense yellow-red hue.

Kalla Rehmanni- a small tuberous plant whose flowers are colored soft pink.

There are many varieties of this species, distinguished by a variety of pink, lilac and even almost black flowers.

  • "Bolero" - a variety with a crimson flower cover, dark at the base;
  • "Captain Rosette" - a variety with flowers of a delicate pink shade;
  • “Black Beauty” - the variety has flowers with a dark burgundy, almost black, veil and a light stripe along the edge;
  • "Magestic Red" - distinguished by monochromatic bright red flowers.

Planting calla lilies in the garden

Callas are planted in open ground in the spring at the end of April or early May, when the warm weather no night frosts. All types of these plants love slightly acidic soil. Therefore, before planting you need to prepare in advance nutrient substrate, consisting of leaf humus and sand in equal parts. You can add a little peat there to acidify it.

The planting site must be chosen so that the plants are in partial shade. The best place for planting calla lilies - an area protected by tree crowns. It is possible for the flowers to be in the sun in the first half of the day, and in the afternoon - in partial shade. You should not choose windy places for them.

Very wet areas of land are not suitable for growing calla lilies.

Despite the fact that calla lilies are considered a marsh plant, only rhizomatous varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies require abundant watering. Colored tuberous species and varieties are afraid of stagnation of water in the soil, as their tubers often rot as a result. Well-drained areas are chosen for planting, and watering is carried out as needed.

Before planting colored calla lilies, it is necessary to disinfect their tubers in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry well.

This is done in order to prevent tubers from rotting. It is recommended to remove all damaged or rotten areas, and cover the cuts with a solution of brilliant green or rub activated carbon into them.

Rhizomatous varieties of white callas do not need to be subjected to this procedure. Their rhizomes rarely rot, and they are not afraid of waterlogging.

When planting, tubers and rhizomes should not be buried in the soil.. They should be 3-4 cm below the ground surface. The distance between them should be at least 30 cm. During planting, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil: 30 g per 1 sq. m. m area.

Newly planted callas are well watered. But you need to make sure that water does not fall on the tubers from above. It is best to water the soil between the rows of planted tubers. The rhizomes of white varieties can be watered from above; this will not cause them any harm.

Sometimes, before planting in the ground, flowers are germinated indoors in pots or containers. In this case, plants planted in the ground adapt better to new conditions, get sick less and bloom faster. When planting sprouted tubers or parts of rhizomes, it is necessary to protect their delicate root system. Flowers are planted by transfer along with a lump of earth.

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Caring for garden calla lilies

Caring for garden calla lilies is quite simple. This plant develops well in a wide range of temperatures from 15 to 25ºС, so create it optimal conditions in spring summer period won't be difficult. This flower tolerates heat with difficulty and only with abundant watering.

The basis for successfully growing garden callas is timely watering. All species, and especially rhizomatous varieties, do not tolerate drought well. Therefore, you need to water them regularly, making sure that the soil never completely dries out. Typically, tuberous callas are watered twice a week, and rhizomatous callas - 2-3 times a week. When the summer heat sets in, watering must be increased.

Rhizomatous and tuberous callas are watered differently. Rhizomatous varieties are not afraid of excess moisture and do not suffer from root rot. Tuberous colored plants should be watered so that as little water as possible falls on top of the tuber. This will prevent rotting and death of plants. During the entire growing period, they are watered between the rows.

In the area where garden callas are grown, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity. This is usually why they are planted under tree canopies or near a pond. A regular watering helps provide the necessary conditions their growth and development. Just don't overwater the plants. Stagnation of water in the soil is just as harmful to them as drying out.

In the process of growing these flowers in the garden, they require regular weeding and loosening of the soil.. Weed the area as the weeds grow 3-4 times a month. Loosening the soil is carried out after each watering to ensure air access to the roots of the plants.

Typically, once the soil is fertilized at the time of planting, no further fertilizing is required. Sometimes, if the soil on the site is insufficiently acidic, you can water the plants once a month with acidified water. citric acid(1 pinch per 5 liters of water).

How to properly dig and store callas in winter

In the fall, callas are dug up and transferred to a cool place for storage. They are removed from the soil with leaves and roots no later than mid-October, since it is undesirable to keep them in the garden with the onset of frost.

The dug up tubers and rhizomes are stored in a cool, dry and closed room for about 2 weeks. During this time, the leaves of the plants will wither and the roots will dry out. After that withered leaves carefully separated, the roots are cut off, and the rhizomes and tubers are washed and carefully examined.

If there is damage or decay, it is necessary to remove the diseased parts by covering the sections with brilliant green or covering them with activated carbon.

It is useful to soak the tubers for 1 hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The planting material prepared in this way is dried in a dry and ventilated room. After this, it is packed for storage.

Calla lilies are best stored in perforated paper bags at a temperature of about 10ºС
. The room in which plants are stored must be dry and well ventilated.

During storage, planting material is periodically opened and inspected to prevent waterlogging and rotting. At the end of March or beginning of April, callas are transferred to a living room and kept at room temperature 2 weeks before planting in the ground. During this time, the buds on the tubers wake up, and the plants prepare for the beginning of the growing season.

Diseases of calla lilies

Garden callas most often suffer from such common diseases as wet rot and yellow spot.

Wet rot is a bacterial infection. Its signs:

  • Rot of peduncles and leaves;
  • Sluggish rotten roots;
  • The presence of rotten brown spots on tubers.

The plant can be saved only at the onset of the disease during wintering or before planting in the ground. All diseased parts of the tuber are removed, and the sections are covered with a solution of brilliant green. If the disease appears in the summer, the diseased plant must be removed from the planting and destroyed.

Yellow spot is viral disease . Its main manifestations:

  • Leaf curl;
  • Deformation of flowers;
  • Light spots on the leaves.

Treatment methods for this disease have not been developed. For preventive purposes, thrips, the pests that carry it, are destroyed. Insecticidal preparations are used to combat thrips.

Of the pests, garden callas are most often attacked by aphids and spider mite. Timely processing planting with Actellik or Fitoverm will help completely get rid of harmful insects.

Reproduction of calla lilies

Garden callas are propagated by seeds, tubers and rhizome division. The first method is used extremely rarely, because it is too labor-intensive and time-consuming. Most often, garden specimens are propagated by one of the vegetative methods.

For sowing, only varietal seeds are used. Seeds obtained from flowering plants in the garden most often do not retain varietal properties. Before planting, they are germinated on a wet napkin or cotton wool at room temperature. This is done in February or early March.

The hatched seeds are used for sowing. They are planted in groups of 2. in small temporary pots. Watering is carried out using the bottom method - immersing the pot in water. The emerging sprouts can be planted in a garden bed in open ground.

Colored calla lilies are propagated by tubers
. Daughter nodules are formed on their mother tubers.

During the wintering period they ripen and are easily separated from the adult plant. The nodules are planted in a separate bed and cared for like adult plants.

Ethiopian calla lily and its varieties are propagated by dividing the rhizomes. Its powerful rhizome, growing, produces separate root shoots, the so-called root children. In the spring after wintering, the root children are separated from the mother plant.

They can be planted in flower pots for germination or directly in open ground in a separate bed for young plants. They are cared for like adult callas.

Now you know how to grow calla lilies in the garden, and you can learn about caring for calla lilies at home.

Callas are wonderful and very ornamental plant with large white cup buds. But although the flower looks like an exotic curiosity, it has a very hardened and strong “organism”, which allows it to be successfully grown even in northern latitudes.

The big advantage of calla lilies is that they can be grown both in a greenhouse, at home in a pot, and in the garden: such versatility allows you to decorate almost the entire space around with delicate flowers. And the decorativeness and charm of the plant delight anyone who sees them. In this article we will find out how you can grow calla lilies at home in a pot, in a greenhouse, and also in an open-air garden.


The plant has popular name- marsh whitewing, and belongs to the arum family, being, in fact, a herbaceous perennial. In nature, callas always grow near bodies of water and love swampy areas, so immediately think about proper watering of the moisture-loving plant.

Calla flowers

Callas are widespread in nature - they are found literally throughout the northern hemisphere, including in areas close to the Arctic climate. Favorite habitats for plants are areas with high humidity: swamps, lowlands, floodplains and banks of rivers and streams.

The plant is poisonous, therefore in nature it poses a rather serious danger to large animals. cattle, which, if calla lilies are consumed while grazing, inevitably dies.

But at home and garden conditions There is no such problem, however, try to keep cats and dogs away from the flowers.

Callas have a wonderful aroma, somewhat reminiscent of vanilla: for this they are especially valued by gardeners, as well as perfumers.

On video growing Calla flowers in the garden:

Growing in a greenhouse

This method is quite popular, especially in cold climates. Here are a few recommendations that will help you grow calla lilies in a greenhouse.

Video of growing Calla flowers in a greenhouse:

You need to water the flowers once a week, not forgetting about reasonable moderation. And once a month it is necessary to inspect the plants to identify rotting shoots and dead leaves: if detected, all defective parts should be removed.

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Growing in a pot

Many people want to admire the beautiful calla lilies not only in the garden, but also in own apartment. And for this there is an excellent opportunity to grow calla lilies in a pot on the windowsill. We'll tell you how to do this.

Let us immediately note that home calla lilies are extremely unpretentious, so even a person who has never been involved in growing flowers can grow them. In addition, the plant needs to be watered intensively only during flowering, and the rest of the time, watering once every 10 days is sufficient, which is simply ideal for busy city dwellers.

The main thing when propagating calla lilies in pots is to plant the tubers correctly. Planting is usually carried out in March (April is already considered late). To root a calla tuber in a pot, you need a soil substrate consisting of compost, leaf and turf soil in a 1:1:1 ratio. Or purchase ready-made soil - the substrate can be found in any flower shop. But you can find out how this happens from this article.

Capacity for home grown Calla lilies should not be too tight, but also too large. In the first case, the plant will not be able to develop fully, and in the second, all its strength will be spent on forming a powerful root system.

To eliminate the possibility of rot and pest infestation, it is recommended to soak the tubers in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting. The tuber should be planted in a pot to a depth of 10 cm. Then cover the container with polyethylene: this cover should be kept until the first shoots appear.

Video of growing Calla flowers in a pot:

Don't forget to choose a good deep tray for the pot, since callas require plenty of watering, especially during flowering. Experienced gardeners even specially pour water into the pan, thereby creating conditions for the plant that are close to natural. But this will help you understand how to plant lavender seeds in a pot at home, and how to do it yourself.

When the first shoots appear, you need to immediately start spraying the leaves to eliminate the possibility of them drying out.

First mineral fertilizing injected when the first leaves appear. It is necessary to start with nitrogen fertilizers, and during flowering give preference to potassium and phosphorus options.

The plant blooms for about a month, and after this period, watering must be immediately and sharply reduced. The leaves should wilt naturally. After the leaves have withered, the tuber can be dug out of the ground, cleaned, and stored in the refrigerator until the next season. When placing the tubers in the refrigerator, do not forget to sprinkle them with peat or dry river sand. Periodically inspect the seed to detect rot or premature drying. If you notice that the tuber is becoming wrinkled, only planting it in the ground ahead of time can save it from death.

Growing in open ground

Planting in the garden can be done in two ways: either directly into the ground, or first in containers (boxes, pots), and then transplanted into open ground. You should pay more attention to the roots of the plant when replanting: it is important not to damage them. To avoid such damage, it is recommended to replant the calla lilies together with a decent-sized earthen ball.

Condition requirements

You should know that the plant feels especially good in fairly spacious areas, but the soil must be fertilized, moist and fertile. The optimal composition of the soil substrate for growing calla lilies in open ground: deciduous soil, peat, river sand and humus in equal proportions.

The flowers cannot stand scorching heat, so they need protection in the form of shade from trees and bushes growing nearby.

The land where calla lilies grow must be well-drained, since stagnant moisture is detrimental to the delicate roots of the plant.

To make the soil acidic, you can dig up the ground with pine needles in advance before planting.

Features of cultivation

Plants can be planted in the garden only after any possibility of frost has been completely eliminated. Therefore, May is the optimal month for our latitudes. Before this, the tubers must be soaked for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate to provide them with antibacterial protection.

The area intended for planting calla lilies must first be fertilized with a mineral complex composition and dug well. Tubers are planted in holes 5 to 10 cm deep. The distance between holes is 30-40 cm. The tubers are sprinkled with earth on top, and then the area is thoroughly watered. Tubers should not be pressed into the ground when planting: they should be easily placed in a hole and sprinkled with substrate on top. After this, you should not water the seed for two weeks. Over the next two weeks to a month, the first shoots appear

Attention: in the autumn, calla lilies are not planted in open ground.


What points you need to know in order to properly care for growing calla lilies.

The plant needs abundant watering, and regular loosening of the soil. Watering is especially important during the flowering period of the plant. After each moistening, loosen the soil around the flower a little.

On video care for calla flowers:

It happens that the soil is not acidic enough, and calla lilies need an acidic substrate. In this case, watering the soil with a weak solution of lemon or acetic acid.


The plant can reproduce by seeds, however, this method is for experienced gardeners and breeders. IN normal conditions The plant is propagated by dividing the bush and tubers.

The bush is divided in the fall. To do this, it is necessary, when digging up the plant, to separate the shoot with part of the rhizome from it. Then you need to place the shoot in a container with soil for the winter, and in the spring, transplant it into open ground as usual.

But by dividing the bush, you can propagate exclusively Ethiopian calla: all other varieties are propagated by tubers. To do this, the tubers are dug up in the fall, stored in a refrigerator or other cool place over the winter, and planted in the ground in the spring. But how Aquilegia is propagated by seeds, and how to replant this plant with your own hands, is described in great detail in this

Tuber storage

You need to remove the tubers from the ground before frost sets in: in our climate, September to early October is chosen for this. Not just one tuber is dug up, but the entire plant, after which it must be moved to a dry room.

The leaves should wilt naturally: usually two weeks are enough for this. After wilting, the leaves are removed and the roots are trimmed. The babies should spend the winter on the mother's tuber: by spring they will get stronger and easily separate.

You need to store the tubers in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It is best to place the seed in a perforated paper bag along with sand and peat.

If you decide to purchase ready-made material, then know that new calla tubers are sold from January to April: it is recommended to purchase them at this time. When purchasing, pay attention to the external condition of the tubers: they should have apical buds, and the skin should be light yellowish. You need to choose elastic, unwrinkled specimens. Before planting, seed material can be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, where they can undergo stratification at the same time as storage. But how to store dahlia tubers, and what temperature conditions must be specified in this

We looked at the features of growing calla lilies in the garden, greenhouse and at home in a pot. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in breeding these snow-white beauties - compliance simple recommendations, given above, will help you grow a beautiful flower.

Even 20-30 years ago, almost every groom gave his beloved a bouquet of snow-white calla lilies. As a symbol of purity and innocence, fragrant flowers of graceful (in their simplicity) forms further emphasized the solemnity of the bride’s outfit on such an important day of her life.

The once very popular calla lily was undeservedly forgotten for some time and is now gradually returning to our gardens and occupying the window sills of our apartments.

It is believed that calla lily protects all human organs from the appearance of diseases, helps to restrain the development of existing ones, but to a greater extent it “takes care” of the heart.

Ethiopian calla (Ca-lla aethiopica) or Zantedeschia attracts at first sight with its snow-white inflorescence, all the beauty of which lies in the large covering leaf of the cob.

And if before there were literally one or two of her garden forms, then today more and more numerous varieties and hybrids are appearing (the variety Perle von Stuttgart is especially common), distinguished by large inflorescences, which, along with impeccable whiteness, are colored cream or have a pink tint.

Growing calla lilies in a greenhouse

Ethiopian calla usually meets the winter already prepared for the beginning of flowering, and the largest rhizomes - with a peduncle already appearing. It usually blooms at the age of two, although experienced flower growers claim that with very favorable conditions Calla lilies can please you even in the first year.

As Raisa Petrovna Bashenkova, a greenhouse worker at Mogilev-Khimvolokno OJSC, said, when the first buds begin to emerge, the plants need to be illuminated (usually from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.).

Increase daylight hours from December to February. For longer flowering and to stimulate the release of subsequent flower stalks, calla lilies are fed with a solution boric acid(2 g/10 l of water) - 1 bucket/1 sq.m., approximately 1.5-2 l per plant.

A well-developed rhizome during a flowering period lasting 3-4 months can produce up to three flowers, each of which lasts a little more than a month.

In the spring, when flowering ends, calla lilies stop growing and the leaves turn yellow, although the roots continue to grow. At this time, watering should be reduced and then stopped.

The plant easily tolerates a nighttime drop in temperature to 0 degrees, so in early May, adult rhizomes are separated and planted in open ground (the plantings must be protected from excessive rainfall), and young lateral shoots are planted separately for growing.

The soil in open ground is preferably peat-sand with the addition of clay. You need to choose a shaded, cool place. Water the plantings moderately after the top layer of soil has dried (the leaves are not sprayed). Plants are not fertilized! The dormant period of calla lilies lasts almost the entire summer.

At the end of August-beginning of September, the cuttings are dug up, for better rooting, the leaves are cut to the “knee” (the petioles are left so as not to damage the growing point and the “outlining” peduncles) and brought into the greenhouse.

The soil for planting calla lilies must be acidic, fertile, consisting of peat, humus, sandy-turf soil and clay (1: 1: 0.5: 1). Before planting, grooves are first made in the ground and liquid is poured into them. organic fertilizer, sprinkle it with soil and then plant the plants.

The air temperature until November should be no more than +10-12 degrees, then to stimulate flowering it is increased to +15-16. More heat affects the stability of the peduncle and the quality of the flower itself.

Water the plantings regularly and at first moderately, after 2-3 weeks - abundantly. Within three weeks the plants take root.

Then calla lilies begin to be periodically fed with mineral fertilizers once every 10 days (it should be noted that excess nitrogen has a bad effect on flowering).

The plant loves light, but it needs to be shaded from direct sunlight. It grows well in partial shade.

Growing calla lilies indoors

Calla is a marsh plant, therefore, when growing it in a room, it is important to remember, says Raisa Petrovna, that during the flowering period watering should be plentiful. The pot (better if it is ceramic) should be placed in a deeper tray so that there is always water in it.

The soil is heavy, clay with the addition of sand (drainage at the bottom), on top is a layer of purchased “Urozhayny” soil to improve the nutritional value. Plant shallowly, covering the root collar.

After the callas have flowered, watering is sharply limited, and then it is stopped altogether, and the plant is sent to a cool place to rest. In early August, it needs to be cleared of dry leaves and replanted in fresh soil.

Place the pot in a cool room in a bright place (no more than +10 degrees) and gradually begin to water it. Only after 2-3 weeks is the plant provided with a “swamp”. At the end of October, the temperature is increased.

Calla lilies can bloom in both winter and summer, depending on the dormant period and temperature given to them. Keep it on windows oriented east or north.

Although calla lilies are a bog plant, if grown in a greenhouse that is poorly ventilated or if the soil is too cold, they can still suffer from rot.

In this case, the soil should be allowed to dry and not watered for a while. It happens that the plant is “encroached” by whiteflies and spider mites. Actellik or Fufanon will help you cope with them.

Calla lilies have long served as a talisman of happiness in homes, inducing unwanted disputes to a peaceful resolution and thereby preserving the integrity of the family. It is believed that the plant helps fight stress and despondency and increases our immunity against emotional exhaustion.

By presenting a calla lily to a loved one, we give him joy and creative inspiration. The flower is especially favorable towards people born in the sign of Leo, to whom it will give confidence in their plans (mainly creative people), push them to action, and help develop warmth and eloquence.

Garden callas: planting and caring for these plants require compliance with several essential conditions. If you follow the recommendations provided, the plant will feel great in the garden and delight the owners of the site with the beauty of its unusual flowers. Every gardener has a serious incentive to try his hand at growing garden callas.
In modern floriculture, two types of calla lilies are used: rhizomatous and tuberous. Rhizome callas originate from the now familiar Ethiopian calla lilies with large white flowers. The ancestors of tuberous callas were exotic species: pink calla Remani and yellow calla Elliot.
What you should know about calla lilies
Botanical description
How to plant callas in the garden
How to plant calla lilies correctly
Callas in the garden: growing
How to properly dig and preserve tubers? What you should know about calla lilies:
Calla (popular name marsh calla) belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Aronicaceae (or Araceae) family, which are coastal or wetland plants. Calla Zantedeschia belongs to a separate genus of the same family Araceae.
Callas have perhaps the widest distribution range for plants, since they grow in temperate climates throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This means that calla lilies can also be found in South America, and in Africa, and in Eurasia, and even in some areas of the Subarctic.
Callas love very wet places: a swamp, a flooded ditch, a marshy lake shore - this is their favorite habitat.
Due to the content of alkaloids and glycosides, calla lilies are extremely poisonous and pose a serious threat to the health of cattle that decide to feast on their succulent leaves. This is possible if the herd grazes on the shore of a reservoir, the banks of which are densely overgrown with whitefly. In this case, mass poisoning of animals cannot be avoided.
Botanical description
Calla lilies rhizomes are usually located on the surface of the nutrient substrate. Bunches of adventitious roots are located in the internodes of the rhizomes.
The glossy and thick leaf blades are equipped with long petioles, have an oval-heart-shaped shape and pointed tips. The venation of the leaves is arcuate: numerous lateral veins, moving away from the central vein, merge in the upper part of the leaf and reach the very end.

True calla lily flowers are completely inconspicuous: they have no petals, are unisexual and are grouped on a dense inflorescence-cob, surrounded by a spectacular covering leaf - a “veil”. It is this blanket that many people mistake for a flower.
What it lacks in attractiveness is more than made up for by the wonderful aroma (reminiscent of vanilla pods) that true calla flowers emit. The strong smell attracts insects that come to feast on the nectar.
At the very beginning of flowering, the bedspread is painted white. After the flower is pollinated, the spathe turns green and takes part in additional photosynthesis. The flowering period of callas is at least three months and falls on May - July.
Four weeks after the cessation of flowering, calla lilies fruits ripen: small ruby-red juicy berries, collected like a cylindrical cob. How to plant callas in the garden
Planting callas in the garden can be done in two ways:
The tubers are placed in a temporary pot and then transplanted into open ground. Calla lilies are planted in spring in the last ten days of March or in the first week of April. The planting depth should not exceed a couple of centimeters.
The substrate for planting can be bought at the store (the one used for ordinary seedlings is quite suitable). You can bring soil from the street, after sterilizing it in the oven for forty minutes. If necessary, peat is added to the prepared substrate.
There is no need to fertilize planted tubers. Watering frequency should be limited to a couple of times a week. Before planting in open ground, calla lilies must be hardened off. To do this, pots with plants must be taken out onto a glazed balcony or periodically kept with an open window or window sash.
When replanting, it is necessary to protect the root system of young plants as much as possible, planting them together with a lump of earth.
Disembarkation planting material is carried out without an intermediate step - directly to the place allocated for the plant. This method does not cause any worries, which is why many gardeners prefer it. You just need to take into account that plants pre-sprouted in a pot will bloom a little earlier.
How to plant calla lilies correctly
Tubers prepared for planting must be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for half an hour.

After the disinfection procedure, carefully cut off the damaged areas of the tubers (until healthy tissue is reached) and lubricate the sections with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.
The place for planting callas should be prepared in advance by preparing a nutrient substrate consisting of equal parts of leaf humus and sand. The soil in which callas will grow should be light and well-drained, not allowing water to stagnate, as this can lead to rotting of the tubers.
The depth of planting of tubers should not exceed ten centimeters. At least 30 cm should be left between them. Planted tubers are not pressed into the soil, but only sprinkled with a nutrient substrate.
If at the time of planting you add specialized mineral fertilizer(at the rate of 30 g per square meter of planting area), then this will be quite enough for the well-being of the plant throughout the entire growing season.
By lightly watering the newly planted tubers, you can forget about watering them for the next couple of weeks. If after this time the first shoots have not appeared, you can slightly moisten the edges of the plot with calla lilies, avoiding moisture getting on the tubers themselves (excessive moisture at this stage can lead to rotting of the tubers).
Regular watering of young plants should begin only after the first leaves appear. If the weather is not dry, two waterings per week are sufficient. Callas in the garden: growing
How to plant callas in the garden? We discussed this in detail in the previous section of the article.
Of course, the future well-being of the plant depends on the choice of planting site. Partial shade is best for calla lilies. The most good option location is a place that is illuminated by the sun before noon, and plunges into shadow in the afternoon. As a rule, such a place is usually located under trees.
Plants are planted in open ground after the threat of spring frosts has passed. Typically this period occurs in the first ten days of May.
Garden callas - pretty unpretentious plants. Caring for them consists of regular weeding, watering and loosening the soil.
Tuber feeding complex fertilizer during planting - this is an absolutely necessary procedure to provide young plants with the full range of nutrients they need.
Considering that soils with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for calla lilies, once a month you can water them with a solution of citric or acetic acid (one tablespoon of acid is added to a bucket of water).
To achieve a soil-oxidizing effect, you can add a small amount of pine needles to the soil and dig it up along with the soil surrounding the calla lilies. This effect is greatly enhanced by earthworms, for whom pine needles are their favorite delicacy.
The products released by worms as a result of processing needles deoxidize the nutrient substrate in which the calla lilies are planted in the best possible way.
How to properly dig and preserve tubers?
It is necessary to dig up calla lily tubers before the onset of the first frost, since calla lilies are not at all afraid of them. This can be done either at the end of September or in mid-October (this largely depends on the weather).
The plant should be dug up along with its roots and leaves, and then sent to a dry, well-ventilated room.
Two weeks later, the wilted leaves should be carefully removed and the roots trimmed. The babies formed on the tubers are left until spring. After a few months of wintering, they will finally ripen and easily separate from the tuber.
Tubers freed from leaves and roots should be thoroughly washed and then kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour.
After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the tubers are rinsed again and placed in a dark and dry place to dry.
You can store processed tubers in the lowest compartment of the refrigerator. A paper bag with perforations on it is best suited for storing planting material.
It is necessary to look into the bag from time to time, monitoring the condition of the tubers. At the first signs of awakening of the buds, calla lilies can be planted in flower pot and look after indoor plant, and with the onset of spring, transplant it into open ground, following all the recommendations we gave in this article.
If there is a lot of planting material, but there is not enough space in the refrigerator, you can store the tubers in a box, wrapping each one in a couple of layers of newsprint.
If the tubers did not survive the winter very well and minor damage appeared on them, you should cut them off with a sharp knife and treat the sections with a solution of brilliant green.