Rules and recommendations for growing calla lilies. Reproduction of calla lilies

Garden callas: planting and caring for these plants require compliance with several essential conditions. If you follow the recommendations provided, the plant will feel great in the garden and delight the owners of the site with the beauty of its unusual flowers. Every gardener has a serious incentive to try his hand at growing garden callas.
In modern floriculture, two types of calla lilies are used: rhizomatous and tuberous. Rhizome callas originate from the now familiar Ethiopian calla lilies with large white flowers. The ancestors of tuberous callas were exotic species: pink calla Remani and yellow calla Elliot.
What you should know about calla lilies
Botanical description
How to plant callas in the garden
How to plant calla lilies correctly
Callas in the garden: growing
How to properly dig and preserve tubers? What you should know about calla lilies:
Calla ( popular name marsh whitewing) belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Aronicaceae (or Araceae) family, which are coastal or wetland plants. Calla Zantedeschia belongs to a separate genus of the same family Araceae.
Callas have perhaps the widest distribution range for plants, since they grow in temperate climates throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This means that calla lilies can be found in South America, Africa, Eurasia, and even in some areas of the Subarctic.
Callas love very wet places: a swamp, a flooded ditch, a marshy lake shore - this is their favorite habitat.
Due to the content of alkaloids and glycosides, callas are extremely poisonous and pose a serious threat to the health of large animals. cattle who decided to feast on their succulent leaves. This is possible if the herd grazes on the shore of a reservoir, the banks of which are densely overgrown with whitefly. In this case, mass poisoning of animals cannot be avoided.
Botanical description
Calla lilies rhizomes are usually located on the surface of the nutrient substrate. Bunches of adventitious roots are located in the internodes of the rhizomes.
The glossy and thick leaf blades are equipped with long petioles, have an oval-heart-shaped shape and pointed tips. The venation of the leaves is arcuate: numerous lateral veins, moving away from the central vein, merge in the upper part of the leaf and reach the very end.

True calla lily flowers are completely inconspicuous: they have no petals, are unisexual and are grouped on a dense inflorescence-cob, surrounded by a spectacular covering leaf - a “veil”. It is this blanket that many people mistake for a flower.
What it lacks in attractiveness is more than made up for by the wonderful aroma (reminiscent of vanilla pods) that true calla flowers emit. The strong smell attracts insects that come to feast on the nectar.
At the very beginning of flowering, the bedspread is colored White color. After the flower is pollinated, the spathe turns green and takes part in additional photosynthesis. The flowering period of callas is at least three months and falls on May - July.
Four weeks after the cessation of flowering, calla lilies fruits ripen: small ruby-red juicy berries, collected like a cylindrical cob. How to plant callas in the garden
Planting callas in the garden can be done in two ways:
The tubers are placed in a temporary pot and then transplanted into open ground. Calla lilies are planted in the spring in the last ten days of March or in the first week of April. The planting depth should not exceed a couple of centimeters.
The substrate for planting can be bought at the store (the one used for ordinary seedlings is quite suitable). You can bring soil from the street, after sterilizing it in the oven for forty minutes. If necessary, peat is added to the prepared substrate.
There is no need to fertilize planted tubers. Watering frequency should be limited to a couple of times a week. Before planting in open ground, calla lilies must be hardened off. To do this, pots with plants must be taken out onto a glazed balcony or periodically kept with an open window or window sash.
When replanting, it is necessary to protect the root system of young plants as much as possible, planting them together with a lump of earth.
Planting material is planted without an intermediate stage - directly to the place allocated for the plant. This method does not cause any worries, which is why many gardeners prefer it. You just need to take into account that plants pre-sprouted in a pot will bloom a little earlier.
How to plant calla lilies correctly
Tubers prepared for planting must be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for half an hour.

After the disinfection procedure, carefully cut off the damaged areas of the tubers (until healthy tissue is reached) and lubricate the sections with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.
The place for planting callas should be prepared in advance by preparing a nutrient substrate consisting of equal parts of leaf humus and sand. The soil in which callas will grow should be light and well-drained, not allowing water to stagnate, as this can lead to rotting of the tubers.
The depth of planting of tubers should not exceed ten centimeters. At least 30 cm should be left between them. Planted tubers are not pressed into the soil, but only sprinkled nutrient substrate.
If at the time of planting you add specialized mineral fertilizer (at the rate of 30 g per square meter of planting area), then this will be quite enough for the plant’s well-being throughout the entire growing season.
By lightly watering the newly planted tubers, you can forget about watering them for the next couple of weeks. If after this time the first shoots have not appeared, you can slightly moisten the edges of the plot with calla lilies, avoiding moisture getting on the tubers themselves (excessive moisture at this stage can lead to rotting of the tubers).
Regular watering of young plants should begin only after the first leaves appear. If the weather is not dry, two waterings per week are sufficient. Callas in the garden: growing
How to plant callas in the garden? We discussed this in detail in the previous section of the article.
Of course, the future well-being of the plant depends on the choice of planting site. Partial shade is best for calla lilies. The most good option location is a place that is illuminated by the sun before noon, and plunges into shadow in the afternoon. As a rule, such a place is usually located under trees.
Plants are planted in open ground after the threat of spring frosts has passed. Typically this period occurs in the first ten days of May.
Garden callas - pretty unpretentious plants. Caring for them consists of regular weeding, watering and loosening the soil.
Feeding tubers with complex fertilizer during planting is an absolutely necessary procedure that allows you to provide young plants with the full range of nutrients they need. nutrients.
Considering that soils with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for calla lilies, once a month you can water them with a solution of citric or acetic acid (one tablespoon of acid is added to a bucket of water).
To achieve a soil-oxidizing effect, you can add a small amount of pine needles to the soil and dig it up along with the soil surrounding the calla lilies. This effect is greatly enhanced by earthworms, for whom pine needles are their favorite delicacy.
The products released by worms as a result of processing needles deoxidize the nutrient substrate in which the calla lilies are planted in the best possible way.
How to properly dig and preserve tubers?
It is necessary to dig up calla lily tubers before the onset of the first frost, since calla lilies are not at all afraid of them. This can be done either at the end of September or in mid-October (this largely depends on the weather).
The plant should be dug up along with its roots and leaves, and then sent to a dry, well-ventilated room.
Two weeks later withered leaves should be carefully removed and the roots trimmed. The babies formed on the tubers are left until spring. After a few months of wintering, they will finally ripen and easily separate from the tuber.
Tubers freed from leaves and roots should be thoroughly washed and then kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour.
After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the tubers are rinsed again and placed in a dark and dry place to dry.
You can store processed tubers in the lowest compartment of the refrigerator. A paper bag with perforations on it is best suited for storing planting material.
It is necessary to look into the bag from time to time, monitoring the condition of the tubers. At the first signs of awakening of the buds, calla lilies can be planted in flower pot and care for it like a houseplant, and with the onset of spring, transplant it into open ground, following all the recommendations we have given in this article.
If there is a lot of planting material, but there is not enough space in the refrigerator, you can store the tubers in a box, wrapping each one in a couple of layers of newsprint.
If the tubers did not survive the winter very well and minor damage appeared on them, you should cut them off with a sharp knife and treat the sections with a solution of brilliant green.

Surely many people are familiar with this unusual plant. True, we are accustomed to the fact that usually, surprisingly elegant calla lily flowers appear only in winter; at this time of year it is not difficult to buy calla lilies, since the period of its greatest decorativeness occurs precisely in the cold season. This is easy to explain, because another name for the plant sounds like h antedexia is Ethiopian, which means it came from hot Africa, where the concept of seasons is practically absent.

Calla is also called calla lily because of the beautiful “case” surrounding a rather inconspicuous flower, the shape of which is characteristic of all representatives of the araceae, including the one that was discussed not so long ago. This “case” is the main decoration of the calla for the next two weeks after blooming; its classic color is white, but modern varieties have a whole range of shades - from yellow and orange-red to deep crimson. This plant is mainly grown for cutting, and this is not surprising, given its long-lasting decorative value in bouquets, since flower delivery can take some time.

Why is calla lily interesting for gardeners? For fans of this exotic plant There are two options for growing calligraphy in the garden. Firstly, it can be grown in a greenhouse; this option is especially good for those who do not mind making a profit from their hobby and are ready to grow cut flowers. And secondly, calla lilies can be planted in the garden in the same way as dahlias, gladioli, tulips and other tuberous plants, although calla lilies will have a slightly different growth cycle and will have to be cared for in winter.

Growing calla lilies in a greenhouse

For growing calla lilies in closed ground no special conditions are required, except, in fact, the heated winter period greenhouses, and the plant can withstand temperature fluctuations from +8°C to +50°C (in summer, during the dormant period).

The thickness of the fertile soil should be at least 50 cm; from 3 to 6 bushes can be placed on one square. Care consists of abundant watering during growth and flowering (from autumn to spring); during the dormant period (July-August) it is impossible to water. You can feed with organic matter (mullein 1:10) or mineral water in the usual proportions; periodically they need to add fertile soil or rotted mullein to the roots, since as they grow, the roots begin to stick out of the ground. Calla lilies do not require special additional lighting either in autumn or winter.

If you are concerned about the yield of the cut, then it is better not to cut the flowers, but to carefully pull them out of the leaf axil; in this case, you give freedom to the next inflorescence, which is slightly inferior in height to the first. After the last flower fades, the calla lily begins a period of rest.

Growing calla lilies in open ground

You can plant calla lilies in the garden in late April-early May, when the ground has warmed up enough. The plantings are immediately watered abundantly, the next time watering will be needed in 10-15 days; by the way, callas like to be watered with acidified water (citric or oxalic acid). After the plants adapt to the new place and begin to grow, it will be possible to feed them with complex mineral fertilizer. Please note that excess fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, have an adverse effect on the plant - tubers may die or there will be no winter flowering.

Under good weather conditions, calla lilies usually bloom a month after planting (from 2 years of age). After flowering, the plant stops watering - the calla enters a dormant period; for a more favorable period, it is better to leave only 3-4 leaves on the plant, and carefully cut off the rest.

In the garden, calla lilies will delight you with their presence until mid-October, and when the weather begins to deteriorate, you will have to move the calla lilies into containers with an earthen mixture consisting of peat and turf soil in a 2:1 ratio. Large rhizomes are planted in separate pots; smaller specimens can be planted in containers in groups, but not too crowded - callas do not like crowded conditions. It is better to separate the resulting children during transplantation, this way the plant develops better and there is a greater chance that the calla lily will delight you with winter flowering, of course, provided that it has gone through a normal dormant period and is not fed with nitrogen.

In general, calla lilies are a rather strange plant in agricultural technology. Today on the flower market there are species that are grown in the same way as gladioli - in the spring a corm is planted in the garden, which grows and blooms all summer, and in the fall it is dug up, dried (the roots are cut a couple of weeks after digging) and stored in paper bags in cool conditions until spring. It’s hard to say what kind of species you’ll come across; you’ll have to conduct field tests yourself, focusing on the “behavior” of the plant and your own sense of intuition.

Thanks to their exotic appearance and increased moisture-loving nature, groups of flowering (and non-blooming) calla lilies will organically fit into the design of the coastal zone of your pond, decorate damp shady areas of the garden, and will look original when decorating a terrace or. Callas are suitable for mobile gardens, provided they are planted in spacious containers.

Callas are a perennial of the Aronica (Araceae) genus. The main place of growth is South America and Africa. Its relative is the marsh calla (calla lily). This is the only representative of its genus that grows only in the Northern Hemisphere.

This flower is also called Ethiopian calla or Richardia. This favorite plant many gardeners because of the spectacular unusual flower and beautiful leaves. It is suitable for both open ground and indoor growing. room conditions.

Among the eight main types of calla lilies, there are 3. They are used by breeders to obtain new varieties.

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica)

This is a variety of tall calla lilies characterized by large foliage. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 1 m. This is a rhizomatous plant and during the dormant period it does not shed its leaves or go into hibernation. Only its growth stops. The flowers are predominantly white or green.

Popular varieties:

Nicholas- a plant 1.5 m high. The leaves are dark green in color, large flowers (diameter more than 10 cm) are greenish. Suitable for growing in open ground.

Green goddess- a variety with unusually beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of a bright green hue. Plant height is about 0.9 m. Suitable for both open ground and indoor growing.

Albomaculata- a plant with a large white flower in the form of a candle. It is characterized by the aroma of vanilla.

Schone Zweibrückerin- tall plant (1 m) with dark green flowers, which are covered with a waxy light coating. The flower reaches 15 cm in diameter. Its heart-shaped leaves are light green in color.

Calla rehmannii

A low-growing variety with a height of up to 0.5 m. A plant with narrow green leaves up to 30 cm, which shed when going into winter dormancy. Small flowers of red, burgundy or pink. Reproduction using tubers. Suitable for growing indoors.

Popular varieties:

Evening- the variety is distinguished by its uniqueness. The flowers are dark, sometimes black-blue or black-lilac. There are varieties with a purple border.

Indian summer- This is a rare variety with unusual compact forms. The flower is bright red with a hint of garnet color.

Chameleon- the variety is ideal for growing in pots. A plant with dark green leaves that are covered with white speckles. The flowers have golden and peach tones.

Calla Eliottiana

The plant is characterized by a small height and large heart-shaped leaves with white dashes. The flowers are variegated, the inflorescences are yellow-green. This tuberous variety reproduces vegetatively.

Known varieties:

Yellow corner- one of the popular varieties of calla Eliott. The color of the stem gradually turns from green to yellowish. A flower with a soft yellow, sunny tint. The leaves are bright green with speckles.

Vermeer- the plant is characterized by high decorative properties. Carved leaves with white specks. Flower edges white shade with a smooth transition to burgundy towards the stem.

Black-eyed beauty- the leaves of the plant are dark green in color with large white spots. A wide flower of a light yellow hue with a deep purple center, in the center of which there is a corn yellow stamen.

How to grow callas in open ground

Callas are perfect for growing outdoors. Secured necessary care, they will delight with their flowering for a whole month.

The plant requires enough space in open fields. Doesn't tolerate daytime well summer heat. Therefore, it is good to plant next to shrubs or trees so that they create light partial shade.

Places where there are no drafts are selected for calla lilies. They can harm the plant.

Soil for calla lilies

The soil for growing plants must be fertile and slightly acidic. The ideal soil for a flower is a composition of peat and leaf humus, garden soil and sand. Before planting, be sure to perform drainage to prevent stagnation of water near the roots.

Since calla is a moisture-loving plant, it would be good to give it a place near a pond, where additional moisture will flow to the leaves from the air.

Planting calla lilies in spring

To plant a flower in open ground, wait until the last frost has stopped and the soil and air have sufficiently warmed up. Usually this process is carried out in early May.

How to prepare planting material for planting

For this purpose, the use of strong and strong tubers is provided. In a wrinkled and limp state, they may not take root. Before planting, the tubers are processed. The purchased planting material is kept at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Having gone through all the stages, the tubers are ready for planting.

How to prepare a site for planting

The area must be cleaned and dug up, adding sand and leaf humus in equal proportions. Need to provide soil good drainage. By adding pine needles to attract earthworms, the soil is acidified. It is necessary to use a mineral complex fertilizer.

Planting tubers in the ground

Plants are placed in the wells prepared in advance at a depth of 5–10 cm. The holes are spaced no more than 0.4 m apart. The size of the tubers is taken into account. They should not be pressed into the ground. The tubers are lightly sprinkled on top.

Many gardeners in early spring The tubers are planted immediately in shallow pots that have been previously disinfected and the soil has been calcined in the oven. Planting depth is 3 cm. In order for the plant to awaken, in April they are placed on a balcony or in a greenhouse. When transplanting, the tuber is transferred with a lump of earth very carefully to avoid breaking the fragile roots.

Don’t worry if there are no shoots in the first 14 days. The sprouts do not stretch upward until they are formed. root system, which lasts almost 30 days.

Planting callas in autumn

Calla lilies are not planted in open ground in the fall. Before the onset of cold weather, they will not take root and will die.

Caring for calla lilies

Like many ornamental plants, calla lilies are needed special care. If they are created optimal conditions cultivation, the flowering period will begin 2 months after planting, and will continue until the arrival of the first cold weather.

Watering and spraying for calla lilies

The plant is characterized by such a physiological feature - the initial formation of the root system followed by germination. In order for the roots to form correctly, the tubers are not watered for 2 weeks after planting until the first shoots appear. This will happen in about 3 weeks. During watering, you must ensure that water does not get on the tubers.

It is better to moisten the soil around the edges of the hole. When the first leaves appear, you can water regularly in moderate amounts up to twice a week, taking into account weather conditions.

If it’s cool outside, watering is reduced; if the weather is hot, watering is increased. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged or dry.

Feeding when caring for callas

Adding humus to the hole when planting will allow you to feed the plant only with mineral fertilizer throughout the entire growing season in compliance with exact proportions. Otherwise, nitrogen in excess amounts will provoke increased growth of green calla lilies, which will negatively affect flowering. Liquid fertilizers with a balanced content of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen - best option when choosing fertilizer.

If the soil is not provided with humus, mullein diluted in water is added throughout the season in a ratio of 1:10.

If there is no need to collect seeds after flowering, it is worth cutting off the peduncle. This will extend the flowering time.

Callas can withstand temperatures of -2°C. In places with harsher climates it is grown as annual plant. Before night frosts set in, the faded plant is dug up, preserving the green part. It is left indoors at a temperature of +5 - 10°C for 14 days.

At this time, nutrients transfer from leaves to rhizomes and tubers. After two weeks, the leaves are cut off, and the tubers are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried. At the final stage, the tubers are placed in well-ventilated packaging and stored at a temperature of +5 - 15 ° C until spring.

Maintaining the temperature regime during the dormant period is necessary for further flowering, since it is at this time that the formation of a flower bud occurs.

Recommendations for growing calla lilies at home

In cold climates, where cold winters and cool summers prevail, calla lilies are unlikely to grow in a flower bed. Callas with compact rhizomes are planted in pots and grown indoors.

Features of cultivation

The natural habitat for calla lilies is river openings with a mild and warm climate. When growing it at home, it is necessary to control soil moisture, especially during the growing season.

When forming a peduncle, a long period of illumination is required (at least 12 hours).

To successfully grow this plant, it requires a certain period of rest. Given our climatic conditions, this time falls in winter.

Choosing a pot and soil

This process should be given due attention. To grow Ethiopian calla lilies, select a sufficiently large pot, the diameter of which is at least 40 cm and the height is 0.5 m. If you use a small container for planting, only green part, flowering will not occur.

The pot must have drainage holes. Pebbles or expanded clay should be placed on the bottom.

When choosing soil for planting, they prefer porous structures. Thereby excess moisture leaves the pot, providing the plant with natural respiration. Usually it consists of peat (1 part), sand (1 part), leaf humus (1 part), turf soil (2 parts). You can prepare it yourself, or purchase it at the store.

Planting calla lilies indoors

The planting process is almost the same for both cases. The bulbs are laid to a depth of about 10 cm. When planting several bulbs in a decorative container, maintain a distance of 12 cm. This will allow the roots to develop well.

Features of care

Due to the peculiarities of the origin and structure of calla lilies, caring for it is somewhat different compared to others. indoor plants.


Calla needs good lighting throughout the year. It is best to grow it in indirect sunlight. The plant feels its deficiency especially in winter - there may be no flowering, only the development of stems is noted.

For white callas, lighting is required during the dormant period. In colored varieties, due to its deficiency, the characteristic color is lost.

Optimal temperature

For all types of callas, the combination of high temperature and low humidity is destructive. This creates favorable soil for pests. At sudden change temperature the plants stop blooming.

For white varieties, the temperature is maintained at +18 - 20° C during the growing season, for colored varieties - +20 - 24° C.

Watering and spraying

When growing callas indoors, special attention is paid to watering. Plants are demanding regular watering and wet soil. Dryness causes growth to stop. White callas that grow in swampy areas especially need moisture.

During their active growth, watering should be plentiful, and is carried out when the top layer of soil dries up to 1 cm. After 15 minutes, the remaining water is drained.

Colored callas do not need such watering. Water should not stagnate in the pan; this can cause rotting of the root system. The water temperature for irrigation should be +18 – 22° C. It is required only when the soil dries to 3 cm.

To create a flower comfortable conditions The humidity in the room should be 70 - 80%. To help the plant, it is sprayed 2 times a day. Wiping the leaves with a wet cloth and placing damp expanded clay or moss on a tray will do.

Callas predict changes in weather. When dewdrops appear on leaves and blankets, rain can be expected.

Necessary feeding

As plants are planted in a pot, their roots grow and fill the pot, absorbing all the useful elements from the soil. Calla spruce is constantly kept indoors; it needs timely feeding and complex fertilizer. This will allow the flower to develop properly.

If the plant does not receive full warmth and sunlight, it needs fertilizer and feeding.

For this purpose, universal complex fertilizers with an interval of 1 time in 2 weeks. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is unacceptable until the flower begins to bloom. As a top dressing, urea or infused water is added to the soil. eggshells. Such procedures must be carried out carefully. When there is an excess of fertilizers, the edges of the leaves turn yellow and dry out, or even die.

Caring for calla lilies after flowering

After flowering, plants need to establish the desired temperature regime, correct lighting, watering, humidity and fertilizing. These conditions will help the flower move from one stage to another harmoniously, without stress.

White callas are characterized by slow winter growth. Their flowering occurs in winter and spring time. They rest in the summer. And the cessation of growth of colored callas and the falling of leaves occurs in winter and ends in March-April.


By dividing the rhizome

One of available ways Calla lilies are propagated by division of the rhizome. During the period of active growth, abundant growth occurs, which surrounds the mother rhizome. Having dug it up for the winter, the root shoots and the main stem are separated and planted in pots. In spring they can be planted in a flower bed.

Propagation of flowers from bulbs

When growing calla lilies, their bulbs are quickly overgrown by children. If you do not replant it annually, the entire surface of the soil will be covered with young shoots, which will make caring for them difficult. Transplanting plants from one such pot will allow you to obtain planting material in sufficient quantity.

When removing a tuber from the soil, you must carefully manually separate each child with a bud. It can be used for planting, both in open ground and in a pot. A slight delay in extracting the bulbs leads to the fusion of the children and the mother tuber. Then the rhizome is simply broken into several parts.

To sprinkle the resulting wounds, use crushed coal.

Propagation using seeds

Calla lilies can reproduce using seeds. The presence of pollinating insects indoors is not always observed. Often, to obtain seed, pollen is transferred from one flower to another by hand with a brush.

There is no need to store seeds. Fresh ones have better germination. Once assembled, immediately wrap it in damp cloth and leave in a warm room. After two days they will begin to hatch. The swollen seeds are sown in moist soil to grow seedlings.

To prevent rotting, do not water before emergence.

To moisten the soil, the tray is filled with water, which flows through the drainage holes. A spray bottle is used to spray the dry upper layer soil.

When the first shoots appear, the pot is placed in a bright place and the temperature is maintained at +22°C. Seedlings dive into separate flowerpots after two months, and permanent place plants are planted every other year.

Some flower growers do not practice picking; they sow 2 swollen grains in glasses. Having chosen a strong one from among the emerging shoots, it is left, and the other one is thrown away or transplanted into another pot.

Young plants require watering as the soil dries out.

Diseases and pests

Callas at home are affected by aphids and spider mite. A soap solution applied to the leaves will help get rid of pests. If this remedy does not produce results, insecticides are used for treatment.

High humidity provokes damage to the flower by fungal diseases in the form of:

  1. gray rot - the appearance of a grayish coating on flowers and leaves. Fungicides are used for treatment;
  2. brown rot - drying of leaves and peduncles. To eliminate this, stop watering, add hydrogel to the soil, and treat calla lilies with fungicides;
  3. bacterial rot- darkening of the bases of leaves and peduncles with gradual withering and yellowing of the ground part. The disease has practically no cure; the affected plants are destroyed;
  4. anthracnose - appearance and gradual increase brown spots on the leaves until a reddish circle with a light center forms. The affected parts are removed and the entire plant is treated with fungicides.

By following the basic conditions for keeping and caring for callas, the occurrence of diseases and pests can be avoided.

It is more practical to grow cut flowers in winter garden or greenhouse. And in an apartment or house, flowerpots with calla lilies will become a magnificent interior decoration that creates a good mood.

This perennial plant, belonging to the araceae family, has other names: Zantedeschia ethiopica, whitewing, lilicalla. It is considered his homeland South Africa. The ancestors of modern gladioli “came” to us from there. That is why the principles of agricultural technology of these two plants have some similarities. But gladioli are more susceptible to diseases, but with proper care, callas bloom longer, and it is not difficult to keep them on the site.

Since about 1687 this tropical beauty began to be cultivated. Large plants with white flowers, can reach a height of 1.5 meters, they are descended from the Ethiopian calla lily. And there are varieties with multi-colored “spreads”, they originated from Calla Elliott (golden-yellow) and Calla Rehmann (pink-red), such plants grow on average up to 70 cm, and by the dormant period they usually completely lose their leaf mass.

A calla lily flower is usually called an inflorescence called a spadix, similar to a yellow candle, which is wrapped in a “veil” (covering leaf). The true flowers of the plant are inconspicuous and small, but they exude a very pleasant aroma that can be compared to vanilla. U modern varieties the bedspread can be yellow, purple, orange, raspberry red, burgundy, pink. Sometimes during the flowering period the color of the “spread” changes slightly. And all this against the backdrop of elegant bright green heart-shaped, arrow-shaped leaves, in some species they are covered with silvery spots. U Ethiopian calla lilies the underground part is represented by a rhizome, and in other representatives - tubers or tuberous rhizomes.

The Mango variety grows and reproduces very well in the garden. Produces flower stalks abundantly, “spread” coloring

Orange-yellow, coral-red spots gradually appear. There is a beautiful silver pattern on the leaves.

Conditions for zantedeschia

In nature, callas have chosen places around rivers, on moist, heavy clay soils, sometimes muddy. Experience shows that not only clay soils The plant feels good, but also on loose loams. That is, you can add sand, humus and peat to the soil. The reaction of the medium is preferably slightly acidic. Choose a sunny or semi-shaded area. It is better to plant callas near a pool, fountain or summer water supply. The soil layer should not dry out, you will have to pay special attention to this, because the plant has large leaves that evaporate a lot of water. But calla lilies should not be overwatered; their rhizomes can quickly rot. Callas definitely need a period of rest (at least two months), otherwise they will not bloom.

Callas in the garden

When purchasing, inspect the tuber; it should not be overdried, wrinkled or limp. The larger the tuber, the greater the chance that you will see flowers on the plant this season. Tubers purchased in February or March should be wrapped in a napkin and placed in the refrigerator, in the drawer where you usually store vegetables. The tuber needs to be “awakened” in April. To germinate, plant the tuber in a small pot to a depth of 4 cm. Please note that the side of the tuber with tubercles (buds) should be at the top, and the smooth side at the bottom. First let him stand on sunny window, then this pot can be taken out to the balcony or placed in a greenhouse on a summer cottage. Transplant your callas into open ground for permanent residence by transshipment only when the likelihood of night frosts returning disappears. When replanting, you can deepen the plant a little - to a depth of 5 cm. If it is not possible to germinate the tubers, then you can immediately plant them in the flower garden in May. Next, the transplanted plant should be watered. MirSovetov will remind you that good and abundant watering after transplantation and in summer. In autumn, callas usually have enough natural precipitation. During the season, it is necessary to carry out 3 feedings - with a diluted solution of mullein or liquid mineral complexes. It is worth remembering that with an excess of nitrogen, the “spreads” can become deformed and turn green, and few flowers will appear. Flowering continues from mid-summer until October. Each flower looks great for a month and a half, then the covering leaf begins to turn green, then it is better to remove the peduncle so that seeds do not form, in which case the tubers will increase.

About digging up tubers and storing them

Around October, the tubers need to be dug up, having time to do this before frost. Then rinse the underground part. Do not cut off the leaves and roots immediately; let the callas lie in a cool place and dry, for example, in a garage or shed for 2 weeks. During this time, the nodules will draw out all the beneficial substances from the roots and leaf mass and better prepare for the dormant period. Then separate the leaves and trim the roots. There is no need to immediately separate the children from the tuber in the fall (and there are 5-6 of them). It is advisable to carry out the division in the spring, then the children will grow up and the separation will occur more easily - along the formed dividing film. You don’t have to divide the rhizome, then you will get a gorgeous bush with many flower stalks. In two or three years, callas will adapt to your garden plot, you will learn to understand your plants, they will repay you for your care with beautiful unusual flowers. They don’t even need to be sprayed with various pest and disease control agents.

Tubers can be stored in the refrigerator (in containers for vegetables), on a glassed-in balcony, in the basement, the temperature should be about +5 degrees. In the basement, it is convenient to put the tubers in boxes, filling them with pine sawdust or peat.

How callas grow in greenhouses

I remember that callas were my class teacher’s favorite flowers, so we always looked for these plants for her on holidays. This is how they are now grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. Plant soil, volcanic slag and peat in equal parts are taken as a substrate. Another 2 kg of manure is taken per square meter. The ridges are made from east to west, 15 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Large vegetative layerings are planted on prepared soils in September. The base of the false stem must certainly be at ground level, then all plants will take root successfully. Now the plants need good watering for intensive leaf growth. At night the temperature is required from 6 to 12 degrees, and during the day it should rise to 14 degrees. By November 10, flower arrows will appear on the plants. After December 15, the first cutting is already carried out flowering plants. If the bedspreads are half-bloomed, then the callas will last in the vase for 14 days. Watering in greenhouse conditions is carried out twice a week. Fertilizers (nitrogen and potassium sulfate) are applied 2 times a month.

Try to purchase varieties of calla lilies that are already adapted to the conditions of Russia. Then you will not have problems with rotting, drying out and loss of planting material. But imported plants often upset gardeners with the lack of flower stalks in the first seasons after planting on the site.

O P Y S A YA I E (ts 473496 INVENTIONS Soaz Soviet Socialist Republics;i;o og, tss 1: zR osuaarstvennyi kavnt of the Council of Ministers SSS.2:635.942 eo aeyaa ivooretegi i otkrytiykov state order of Labor of the Red Riktsky Botanical Garden) S 1 TOSOL B 1 RAC.1.14 VLNIYA KDLL ZFIO 1 SKO IN GREENHOUSES (72) Author tszooreteiya L 1, Cat The invention relates to the field of floriculture, namely to methods of growing calla lilies in the soil of greenhouses to obtain cut inflorescences in the cold season There is a known method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses, which ensures certain planting and appropriate care. In greenhouses, the temperature is maintained at 20 - 22, and on sunny days it is allowed to rise to 37 and above per 1 liter (2 are planted with 8 - 9 plants. C. each receives 2 - 5 inflorescences per season, that is, from 118 - 45 inflorescences. The plants are used for cutting for 3 - 4 years, after which each is divided into 3 - 4 parts and planted again in the soil of the rack. When planting callas on large areas, often. USE small vegetative side shoots . During the growing season, pinching of small shoots is carried out 4-6 times. However, when growing Ethiopian calla lilies using the known method, it is difficult to carry out clonal selection and correct formation of inflorescences. In addition, the yield of inflorescences and the reproduction rate are small. When dividing callas using a known method, 3-4 new ones are obtained from one plant, and wide wounds are inflicted on the plants. In the first year after division, because of this, the color is weakened and is 60% of normal, that is, 25 - 30% of the period of use of the plant passes through life.5 In addition, the process of division is limited by age from .etetsya q productThe population size decreases due to aging. The plant uses 5-7 new plants for propagation. The vegetative plants from one plant produce 5-7 new plants, but according to biological principles, they have lower productivity throughout the 2nd cycle. In this case, random plants are used for propagation without taking into account their productivity. Clonal 5 selection at low reproduction rates is difficult and therefore the productivity of the population is difficult to increase. The rate of planting is reduced by 1 (2), which, in addition to the direct yield of flowers, leads to the spilling of squat, spreading plants with short false stems and flower stems, therefore, 60 - 70% of the cut is 11 - 111 parsed. In greenhouses, a high temperature is maintained, which entails high heating costs. It is not taken into account that the heat contributes to the rapid blooming of inflorescences, the peduncle of which has reached 25 - 30 cm inside the false stem. There are 15 - 20% of the total stock of such inflorescences with 473,496 inflorescences 1 IY In the population, 110 at the same time, 110 at the same time, ryazVtsttsa nik of recumbent inflorescences is caught by high) emcerature and 40 - 50 inflorescences are reduced 51, WHICH IS THE GENERAL RESULT OF THE CIZEN yield of inflorescences. In addition, with the known method of growing, developmental biology is completely ignored: they take into account the conditions necessary for the establishment and formation of social PESYchsk.v.110 tsrsd,1 yas)10)u sposoo for OoleGchtstsya and;:Ovdetsiya bedbug selection, obsspschssya and,":Wiltsgo forms rovyatstya co.children, uVeltsChsTsTs: TsH VYOD 1 V:OLODTSOE VRSMYA GOLYA Ts POVytetsts 5 COEFFICIENTS 1 iectya ryaz)1 POKststsya planting will be allowed for growing up dormancy dst- Gts with 2 - 3 bogamts on srs 0 - 7 years with szhsgoltsy olzokratsy removal after 01;0 - teas: I summer rest of all children ts shoots, .ms,.two - three , tsrts this V:srio; During the process of distribution of assimilating leaves and inflorescences, the temperature is maintained at 12 - -27, during the predominance of the process of creaky growth of inflorescences inside the locust stems, 6 - 17 c. During the process of laying flower buds, 5 - 22. The first method is carried out in the following way,Cultivation is carried out in greenhouses with glass; kttsviy posyalochtsim mater.Evil 1 which is grown from dormant summer - VsGstyatsVtsykh more than 1. For this purpose, during Vrs)1)jass flowering (January - March) will allow the internal selection of uterine plants 1 J. From)schaot healthy, well-developed plantlets with expressive varietal prizes with 11 PITS AND OCCLTS. 1 flowering, placing marking pegs near the plants. During the autumn pasytskovatsitsy in August - September, from the selected plants, 5 astkts AND SEEDING soil is separated from the selected plants. To do this, prepare an area with a loose nutrient substrate, into which 3 kg of peat and 5 kg of pska are added. Borozly 15 s, n width c 7 - 8 s, depth. The bottom of the furrow is compacted by stepping on the wooden slats. To the flattened face bors)evil, fly high: 10 4 - o tsststsyatsotstspy MSTRL LLYA LORSSHCHIVYATSI 51 N TECHE 1 IS 1 O, and;i PO 40 - 00 tsa 1;1 OGOtstsy mst) with this transplantation in January, Then they are covered with soil tsa 2 - 3 ss, water well and maintain temperature In tsomeshstststi 8 - 15". Planting of sprouted tap holes tsa dorac:tsvdttse is GROWED IN JANUARY, STSLLYAK VS 1 YATSIW TSs depth 30 s. For 1 g add 10 kg of PYaVOz, 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt, loosen the surface of the plant for 15 s, mark rows after 20 s, and carry out three-string 5 O 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50)s) 60 65 tsuo sloughing. Young plants: Zysazh;vayug chs)sz 5 - 7. ss so that osszs 1:151 ., l, - the plants are at the same height as the soil's soil. In winter and spring, the mololos plant grows under the same conditions and continues to grow in the summer, so they are regularly watered, loosened and fertilized. .with 1) the cultivation of ground plants is allowed in SVGUST, PE;) EL TSH VILLAGE Tsa STAND; oe) 1 st. ke children, choose a circle; from the topS children. All remaining shoots and holes are broken out and thrown away. Preparation of the soil and planting of plants: "sh tsd permanent place is carried out in the following oo- RYAZO): GSU 1 TOVYY STSLLYAK PSR.1 s11 VYAOT with 1 depth 40 s, and Vtsosyat tsa 1 2 10 kg tsyavozd, 0 kg of peat, 00 s, SUPSRfoefdta, 20 g KYALITSOI salt. G 1 lake cult: vtsruyut tsa depth 20 ss, Young plants vysaktsvyaOt v gru: t 1 O 12 tsya 1, ll tsvstststs 5 V tschsis b - 7 years. The development of kyalls is regulated by GlyaVtsy.1 00- I observe the temperature, the tszmstsstsiya of which plants react exceptionally plastically. At ceracyotsal temperature conditions, the buds grow and are generally formed. There is 1 SCIS in the vehicle 1 9)1 SS 51 CSV develop inside the false stems. For successful growth of calla cut, it is necessary to take into account that three formative processes take place in the plant with ryaz.Ichtsy Te 1: SRYATURTSY)TS TRSOOVYATTS 5)1:1: LL 5,)YAS - pusation of assimilated leaves tstis VTsMTRTS Lozhtsykh STEOLSY OptmalyYaya Ts.; - ceraturd 6 - 17 and for bookmarks ov flower buds optimal temperature 5 - 22. Long-term occurrence of these processes leads to a decrease in the number of opening inflorescences and, therefore, during the development of support from temperament) r- TSY REKIM S UCHSTO) VSSKH FOR) 10001) s; B. Ossstss; maintenance of flowering calla lilies is carried out in such a way as to create conditions favorable for the beginning of active growth, opening of new assimilating leaves, regrowth of permanent roots for proportional growth of leaves and social branches of young stems, as well as for laying new hetsrativtsy shoots in the cone are produced once a year, in August, after the end of the summer period; the upper part of the cortical stem is freed from the ground. bush with 2 - 3 main thick shoots. Thanks to this operation, favorable conditions are created for the development of buds of high flowering plants and the ability to repeat this work several times a season. Basic care of plants in the fall includes the following operations: the ground about The shoots are leveled so that the base of the other stem is at the level of the surface of the stem; I; For 1 liter 2 add 5 kg of peat, 12 g of potassium 1 salt, 16 g of superphosphate and 10 g of ammonium sulfate. The soil is bayoneted with vilays without turning the layer, loosened and watered abundantly. The temperature at this time is maintained close to Okruzhaoshey - nocp.0 6 - 12, and dtsm 12 - 18. Daily temperature fluctuations are useful for plant development; it is increased to 27 and decreased to minus 1 +2 for 4 - 6 hours s:ele.1 sput:ii. The winter content of flowering calla lilies should be full of inflorescences 1, for which it is necessary to monitor only the blooming of the blooming inflorescences, tso and create conditions conducive to normal steoles, including the second inflorescences and generative shoots. A good indicator of the optimal course of these processes is the procorciocytal development of assimilated calla leaves, which also needs to be taken into account. The winter development of callas is regulated primarily by maintaining a temperature commensurate with the surrounding temperature. In winter, in greenhouses, at night and in cloudy climates, the temperature is maintained at 12 - 10, I In sunny climates, it is raised to 22 - 8". More High temperatures undesirable; dotsust:.) 1 s kryatkozremennys, I 4 - 6 hours lowering the temperature to 6 - 8, Once every 30 - 40 days and one week the night temperature is: - lowered to 18, in order to cause mass blooming of successive inflorescences. It is necessary to maintain a high temperature for longer than 7 - 10 days in a row, as Otsya suppresses the first growth of inflorescences. The increase in temperature is timed to coincide with the desired dates of mass flowering: January 1, February 23, March 8 and other days of increased demand for flowers or warmer weather in accordance with the long-term weather forecast. The specified temperature regime allows you to save fuel for heating greenhouses and regulate the timing of flowering. The spring content of flowering kyllas is used to create conditions favorable to the laying of generative buds, which are the basis for the productivity of the next season. The laying of flower buds is associated with the necessary growth of shoots and regulates it from) te),: sryaturtss: 0 mode., to ensure cold conditions 1 in the 5th buds in the end of March - early April at night, the temperature is reduced to 7 - 9, the wire is strengthened E R I V 1 N S D - E M, N E TO P MSK I FROM D 11 TE 1 b- a significant rise in temperature from the sun (above 28). In mid-April, when Wednesday 1 O 15 20 25 Zo 35 40 45 50 55 night temperature becomes positive, in glass-coated greenhouses the doors and transoms are left open at night, and in greenhouses with a film coating; - 20% of the roof is torn. Abundant blooms in spring occur due to solar heating. To ensure intensive growth of shoots, a complete mineral fertilizing(M RK - 4:5:o), at the beginning of 51 months fertilizing with liquid water is given abundantly every week. When keeping flowering kyalls in greenhouses in the summer, the temperature is maintained at 20 - 2, and in sunny conditions the tolerance is reduced to 37 and above. The proposed method in comparison with - NEWS)1 CONSOLIDATS RECEIVING FROM MEATS 1)IC thick qa 7 - 18 plants More, Vel:1- produces the yield of inflorescences qa 2 - 3 from one plant c mdlts 51 et term esplyatyatsts color 1 more - 10 planting twice as long: from 3 - 4 years to 6 - 7 years. Planting 1 liter of plant growth, instead of 8 - 9, in addition to a direct increase in the yield of inflorescences from the area, allows you to obtain an increase in the yield of inflorescences of the first harvest by 4 - 5 times more. Thus, the reduction of the nutritional area reduces the cost of care work for the plant 20 C,"1, Osetsie pyatskovyae in a slow way, carried out once a year, ensures the strengthening of the SUBJECT main shoots, which grow little and grow 1 They are squeezing around Oegami. The inflorescences of the planted plants turn out to be more gummy - the first time 1) the other ones descend 10 syat ztschtstlenno b 1 elsh,)hozh 5 st).Growing calla lilies in the cold season at suotroitchesko)1 tsperyaturtsem reKts)e with a background temperature of 12 - 15 and syadpshy:1 DAYS.1 C MONTHS)1 ITS DEVIATIONS)C FROM the average c; recommendations for the seasonal selection of conditions containing calla lilies, based on its biological characteristics, ensure the receipt of tsor)12;1 of the Outotsov bookmark and their development inside the false stem , which allows you to get from 1 liter to 80 liters instead of 5 - 10 or 28 - 40, obtained by the known method. In addition, according to the proposed method, heating costs are reduced by approximately 401. When calculating economic feasibility By using the proposed method, it appears that by following the plan for obtaining inflorescences from 1 liter, income increases almost 2.5 times. In this way, the costs of planting these plants are reduced in connection with their service life. In this way, the proposed method makes it possible to make the cultivation of kyalla rssttabsltsy) 1 q profitable, while Vrs) kyak prts Cultivate in a known way kyalla are a profitable crop. op Subject of invention Compiled by L. Paapnna Techred 3. TarasinoRedaktoo L. Emelyanova Ksrrsktor B, Gutman Zaka752/1178 Ed. d 1530 Tnoagk 619 TsNIIPI State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSRPodsoe Type. Kharkiv Phil. warmed up Patent A method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses, including planting and care, which is characterized by the fact that, in order to facilitate the selection of bugs, ensure the correct formation of inflorescences, increase their yield in the cold season and increase the reproduction rate, planting is carried out grown-up dormant children with 2 - 3 shoots for a period of 6 - 7 years with an annual 1 removal after the end of the summer dormancy of all children n shoots, except two - toeh, p: this is: 1 z:er; Od:re;es:a ". As the asymptomatic leaves of the inflorescences are released, the temperature is maintained at 12 - 27, the period of the process of latent growth of the tip 1 inside the false stems b - 17 and in the lane: The process of ordering 10 flower buds is 2 1 and


1913847, 28.04.1973



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Method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses

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