Method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses. Diseases of calla lilies

Pavlovskaya Daria

Generalization of an experiment on growing stool in a school greenhouse



I.Introduction 3

II. Main part

Chapter 1.

  1. A little history 4
  2. Legend 4
  3. Structural features 5
  4. Growing flowers 6
  5. This is interesting 8

Chapter 2.

2.2. Experiment in a school greenhouse.

III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography


I. Introduction

Flowers... Living colors of the earth. Flowers have always attracted people with their beauty and aroma. Not a single person can do without them. Flowers decorate and enliven our lives, bring pleasure, delight with their beauty, aroma, excite the heart and soul, improve our mood, and therefore preserve our health.

In first grade, we went on an excursion to the school greenhouse, where we first became acquainted with calla lilies. These flowers amazed us with their beauty, delicate white flowers. In addition to these plants, we saw beautiful chrysanthemums, spiny cacti, tiny tangerines and large lemons, grape vines, laurel, pomegranate and fragrant roses. All this beauty was created by Elena Fedorovna Kartyaeva, a laboratory assistant at the school greenhouse. We had an idea to learn more about calla lilies and grow them ourselves.

Therefore it was put target: learn more about calla lilies and grow flowers in the school greenhouse.


- learn as much as possible about calla lilies;

- find out what people around us know about calla lilies;

- prepare for growing calla lilies in artificial conditions;

- grow flowers yourself in the school greenhouse.

An object studying - plants in the school greenhouse.

Subject of study- calla flowers.

Research methods:analysis of literary sources and survey results, observation, photography, survey, experiment, analysis of the results obtained.

Hypothesis: If we study the material on this topic, we will be able to grow callas and introduce our friends to little-studied flowers, learn how to conduct an experiment and process the results obtained.

Chapter 1.

Calla - Calla (zantedeschia, calliper, richardia) is a well-known herbaceous perennial plant of the araceae family. We can distinguish representatives of this family by their characteristicinflorescence - a spadix with a spathe.

  1. A little history.

Calla lilies are native to South Africa.

In V. Dahl’s dictionary, calliper is represented by a variety of names:serpentine, snake, snake-grass, krasukha, lake shifter, white companion, breadwort, cockerels, bobwort, gorewort, swampweed.

In the “Botanical Dictionary” of N. Annenkov, in addition to the variants of the names of this plant already mentioned by V. Dahl, thistleweed and swampweed, there is an interesting message about the whitewing: “The roots of this plant are attributed in the Perm province the property of pulling hair, a snake sting and a sewing needle from the body, for whereby the crushed fresh root is firmly tied to the place through which these illnesses entered the body.”

Latvian writer Anna Sakse wrote many fairy tales about flowers. Among them is the fairy tale “Whitewing”. An orphan boy, herding pigs, was forced by his evil stepmother to save a piglet that had fallen into a swamp. The poor shepherd boy drowned along with the pig: “...Only the pig’s ear and the boy’s calloused fist stuck out on the surface... The next day the swamp dried up, and in its place grew a flower that looked like a white wing...”.

  1. Legend.

Calla lilies - amulet family happiness. They say that reconciliation after a quarrel will be easier, and old grievances will be forgotten faster, if you present this flower to a person dear to you, with whom your relationship has broken down. Calla reveals femininity. And the negativity around is transformed into goodwill and a desire for open conversation.

There is a belief that calla lily is a flower that increases the immunity of its owner. It is believed that this plant charges the very air in the garden and home with health, energy and strength. A bouquet of calla lilies banishes despondency and melancholy and gives cheerfulness and hope to a seriously ill person.

Now I’ll tell you the legend about the flower, about how kala appeared on earth. A cruel, Indian deity's daughter fell in love, because it's an everyday matter. She fell in love with a brave and courageous young man, Who lived in a simple ordinary tribe. Having learned about their love, he made his daughter invisible, But still she came down from the mountains to her beloved. The young man only felt that she was next to him, the string of his soul again sounded with longing. He collected flowers and sewed a blanket, And he covered his beloved with it in the evening, But he saw only her silhouette, And he began to cry, trying to find the answer to fate. The father, seeing this, took pity on him and returned his daughter’s former face. In the place where the blanket fell, the whole clearing was covered with new flowers.

Another legend associated with callas. A merciless leader from a barbarian tribe fell passionately in love with a beautiful young girl and decided to take her as his wife. But the kind and honest girl boldly refused him. An angry man attacked her settlement, intending to seize the power of the girl he liked. On the day of the wedding, which was not to take place according to her will, the beauty, dressed in a festive wedding attire, wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the ancient gods decided to help the girl, not wanting such a pure and brave creature to simply die, and turned her into magnificent and delicate flower - calla lily.

  1. Features of the structure.

Ethiopian calla and other varieties with a white veil grow

up to 1 m in height, with a variegated cover - does not exceed 50 cm. The round tubular stem turns into a flower. The color of the flower is different. The more common ones here are white with a pale yellow center. In addition to white calla lilies, yellow and burgundy flowers are grown in the school greenhouse.

The underground part of the calla lily is either not described at all in the literature, or it is spoken about in a vague way. Either calla lilies have tubers, or rhizomes, or “tuberous rhizomes.” It turned out to be very simple. In some plants, those descended from Ethiopian calla lilies, the underground part is a rhizome. Others, whose ancestors are Calla Elliott and Calla Rehmann, have tubers.

  1. Growing flowers.

Natural places for wild calla lilies to grow are floodplains in regions with warm and mild climates. For successful growth and flowering, callas require a light to partial shade location and constant high humidity soil.

Growing kale under artificial conditions and achieving its flowering will be easy for someone who knows everything about it.

Calla is a “short day” culture. During the formation of a peduncle in calla lilies, it requires long-term lighting (at least 12 hours). And then the calla is provided with a shorter daylight hours (8 - 10 hours).

To successfully grow this exotic plant flower growers need to remember that callas must have a pronounced dormant period. In our Russian conditions, the dormant period for plants is winter. In the remaining months of the year, calla lilies in a pot require a balanced combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.

The shoots of a growing calla lily will not shrink if you feed it with organic matter in a timely manner. To do this, you can carefully dig a groove along the edge of a heavy and voluminous calla pot and add any organic matter available in the house. You can use, for example, fruit peels (bananas, kiwi apples, etc.), seed husks, tea leaves, etc. Sprinkle the added organic matter with soil and water the plant with water. room temperature. Subsequently, water the calla lilies fed with organic matter with mineral fertilizer dissolved in water (according to the instructions).

Periodically upper layer The soil in the pot with calla lilies can be replaced (with care not to damage the rhizome). Then the plant will grow successfully in the pot quite long time without transfer.

Calla is very moisture-loving, so the substrate must be kept moist and never dry out. it's the same necessary condition for the development of beneficial soil bacteria that process organic matter into plant-available nutrition.

When a flower stalk appears on the calla lily, you can slightly (so as not to burn the roots of the plant) increase the dose of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. It is preferable to use urea, which improves soil acidity, which is beneficial for callas.

When the calla inflorescence is at the beginning of dissolution, you can add calcium to the substrate (for example, an infusion of egg shells is suitable). Then the half-blooming calla peduncle, when cut (or if the plant blooms in a pot), retains its freshness longer and does not fade as quickly as it does in nature.

About calla lilies they usually write: “blooms from October to April.” This simply cannot be! December, January and February in the homeland of calla lilies - in South Africa– this is summer, hot and sometimes dry. It is during this period that calla lilies go into a dormant state. It awakens to life in the fall, when the air temperature does not exceed +20 - +22C and it rains. Therefore, the peak of calla flowering occurs in our summer (June-July-August) - accordingly, during the mild South African winter.

Two groups of calla lilies - “white” and “colored” - require a different approach. “White” are moisture-loving, bloom longer, and do not shed their leaves during the dormant period. “Colored” are less demanding on soil and air moisture, they lovebright diffused light and completely shed their leaves during the dormant period. Guided by general recommendations When caring for a flower, lovers often pour tuberous callas. And when the plant sheds its leaves, they think that the calla has died and throw away the tuber along with the earthen lump. Other troubles also happen with Ethiopian calla lilies. When a plant goes from a greenhouse to dry warm apartment, it “thinks” that summer has come and is gradually preparing for it - it stops blooming, droops and sheds its leaves. We rush to save our treasure - we begin to water and spray abundantly. The result is sad: the confused calla does not rest and does not grow.

By following these simple rules for caring for calla lilies, you can successfully grow and propagate this noble and graceful plant for many years, enjoying its flowering.

  1. This is interesting.

The whitewing's blanket predicts the weather: it reacts sensitively to the approach of rain, deviating like a barometer needle. If the cover fits tightly to the inflorescence, if its tip is directed vertically, the weather will be sunny. If the leaf-spread of the calligraphy moves away from the inflorescence at a right angle, it will soon rain. The more the leaf deviates, the closer the rain. The purpose of this behavior of the plant, obviously, is to allow the flowing moisture to transfer pollen from the upper staminate flowers to the flowers located below.

All parts of the calligraphy fresh pepper-hot in taste and poisonous due to the glycoside-like saponin they contain. Poisoning manifests itself in the form of vomiting, stupor, slowness heart rate, seizures. Large doses of poison can be fatal. The toxicity of whitefly is particularly high in early spring and during dry summers. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to take laxatives and drugs that support heart activity. However, when dried or cooked poisonous substance is completely destroyed, making the plant not only safe, but even edible.

Whitewing is familiar folk medicine as a diuretic for dropsy and edema, as an analgesic for rheumatism (decoction of herbs or rhizomes), as a laxative (fruits). Calliper leaves boiled in milk were applied to ulcers, and compresses from fresh rhizomes were applied to snake bites.

Whitewing served as a surrogate for flour. In low-yield years, peasants collected the starch-rich rhizomes of this plant and dried them. After drying, they were ground into flour and boiled. The slurry was drained and the grounds were dried again. Boiled and dried, the mass completely lost its bitterness and toxicity and was sent to the kneading bowl as an admixture to ordinary flour.

Chapter 2.

Experimental - research work.

2.1. Analysis of a sociological survey.

We decided to find out what the people around us know about calla lilies. 50 people took part in the survey, children from grades 2b, 3a and their parents. We wrote questions and conducted a survey. The results have been processed.

1.Do you know that there are such flowers as “calla lilies”?

Yes – 39

No – 10

Don't know – 1

2.Do you think they are easy to grow?

Difficult – 36

Easy – 12

I don't know – 2

3. Do they grow here?

Growing in a greenhouse – 24

Not growing – 16

Don't know – 8

Growing houses – 2

4.What do they look like? If you don't know, then guess.

I don't know – 20

White – 15

Red – 6

Beige – 3

Handsome – 2

Blue or any – 1 each

5.For what purpose are they grown?

For beauty – 19

I don't know – 13

For celebrations – 3

Sniff – 3

For joy, decoration, medicinal – 2 each

For perfume, aesthetics, bouquets, love, ritual services, scare away - 1 each

6.In what cases can they be given?

For the holiday - 23

For a wedding or birthday – 11

Don't know – 9

Any – 3

To the funeral – 2

To your loved one - 2

As a result of the survey, we saw that opinions were divided. There are questions to which the respondents answered correctly. But it seems to us that if these beautiful flowers are in our school, then we need to know more about them. There were even wishes after studying the topic to tell them what we knew about these flowers.

2.2. Experiment in the school greenhouse

Goal of the work: identify empirically favorable conditions for growing calla lilies in a school greenhouse.

The work put forward hypothesis : if we use various fertilizers and improve the soil, we will be able to grow calla lilies and see their wonderful flowers.

Our experiment was carried out in a greenhouse on the roof of school No. 17 in the city of Ust-Ilimsk on Engels Street -7.

We used young calla lily seedlings, greenhouse soil, autumn fallen leaves, mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, calcium nitrate, potassium sulfate), organic fertilizer (weekly infusion of herbs), Baikal-EM fertilizer, air thermometer.

Our work was made possible thanks to the microclimate in the greenhouse, which is very similar to the climate of South Africa (hot, long summers, cool, short winters).

Stages of work:

  1. September 2012 - September 2013
  2. October 2013 - May 2014
  3. September 2014 - January 2015

Description of work.

At the first stage we took 3 plants and planted them in the same potting soil. created the same conditions for them, but carried out different feedings: sample No. 1 - with mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate), sample No. 2 was treated with organic fertilizer (herbal infusion), and sample No. 3 was watered with plain water. Stem growth (h) and number of leaves (n) were compared.




September 2012

h= 10cm

n = 1 sheet



October 2013

h= 23

n =3 sheets





We concluded that during the growth period calla lilies respond better to organic fertilizer.

Since our goal was to grow calla lilies before they bloom, we reached second phase work. In the greenhouse, the soil is not actually renewed, and we decided to collect fallen leaves in the school yard in the fall and put them in samples No. 2, No. 3. For plants No. 1 and No. 2, the feeding conditions remained the same; sample No. 3 was fed with minerals, organic fertilizers And biological drug"Baikal-EM".





October 2013

h= 23

n =3 sheets

h= 23

n =3 sheets

h= 23

n =3 sheets

May 2014



0 flowers

Flowering time: no

“Children” - 4 pieces, weak.



2 flowers

Flowering dates: April, May.

“Children” - 6 pieces, developed.


n=6 leaves

1 flower

Flowering time is May.

Young shoots and “babies” 8 pcs., developed.

The results pleased us and we made the following conclusions : For good growth and flowering plants, it is necessary to renew the soil and apply all fertilizers.

Since sample No. 3 was the weakest, and with the changed care it caught up with other plants in growth and bloomed, the most “babies” and young shoots were formed on its rhizome. So, we did not add leaf compost to sample No. 1 and fertilized it only with mineral fertilizers; flowering did not occur.

The findings gave us the opportunity to use this type of plant care for all calla lilies in the greenhouse.

Has begun third (practical) stagework. We put the leaves collected in the fall by the children of our class in a box (bed), poured soil on them, planted several calla lilies and carried out the fertilizing described in our experiment for sample No. 3. The plants differed in their powerful stems and the size of their leaves and flowers. And most importantly, for the first time in 10 years they bloomed in January.We assume that the leaves created an air cushion for the plants, which warms the soil and has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. All calla lilies in the greenhouse received fertilizing, but this result was obtained only in the experimental plot with closed leaves.

III. Conclusion.

As a result of studying flower culture(calla lilies) and its cultivation, we made the following conclusions:

There are calla lilies of various colors in which different terms flowering.

This is truly a festive flower.

For good growth and flowering it is necessary to fertilize. mineral, organic, biological fertilizers.

You can use fallen autumn leaves to improve the soil.

I really like working in the greenhouse: I fell in love with flowers, learned to care for them, make notes of observations, conclusions, and was able to tell my classmates about my work.

And, most importantly, I wanted to become a biologist and study living nature and engage in genetic engineering.

From time immemorial, through different eras people carried the desire for beauty. Once a person planted flowers, he never parted with them. Flowers cleanse the soul and make it kinder, richer. The words of M. Prishvin say: “Understand the living language of nature, and you will say - the world is beautiful!”


1. “Flowers” ​​- reference book. Moscow, Ast, Astrel, 2001

2.M.Alexandrova, P.Alexandrov. "Home garden floriculture"

Labyrinth-Press, Moscow, 2002

3.Internet resources:

V. Applications:

I. Excursion to the greenhouse

II.Plants in a greenhouse.

III.Structure of calla lilies.

IV. The first stage of the experiment.

V. Second stage of the experiment.

VI. Third stage of the experiment.

Calla plant (lat. Calla), or Zantedeschia (lat. Zantedeschia) – genus perennial plants family Araceae, or Aronicaceae. Calla flower grows in damp places South America and in Africa, from Nigeria to Tanzania. It is a relative of such a plant as calla lily, or marsh calla, the only representative of its genus, whose range is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Zantedeschia is sometimes called Ethiopian calla lily, or Richardia. The flower received the name “zantedeschia” from the German botanist Kurt Sprengel, who named it in honor of his friend the Italian botanist Giovanni Zantedeschi, but most often zantedeschia is still simply called calla lily. The attractiveness of this plant for gardeners is not only in the very large, showy leaves and unusual flower shape, but also in the fact that calla lilies can be grown both in the garden and at home, in a pot.

Varieties of calla lilies for planting in the ground

All callas can be divided into rhizomatous and tuberous. All hybrid plant species, such as Ethiopian calla, can be classified as rhizomatous. Calla lilies include Rehmann and Eliott calla lilies. All of them are grouped into these two categories based on the structure of the root system.

Calla Ethiopian

Is tall plant, which can reach 100 cm or more.

This type of plant is distinguished by snow-white flowers.

Ethiopian calla lilies are rhizomatous plants whose roots are located underground. These flowers do not have bulbs.

The leaves and peduncles of this type of calla lily are preserved even during the dormant period of the plant.

A very moisture-loving plant that prefers to grow in the shade, along the banks of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

The best period for active growth and flowering is from May to September.

Popular varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies:

Variety "Nicolai". A very tall herbaceous plant that can reach a height of 150 cm. Leaves on long petioles and peduncles are of the same length. The leaves are arrow-shaped, mounted on long petioles, with a shiny and smooth dark green surface. The outside cover is green in diameter and reaches 12 cm in diameter.

Variety "Pearl". It is a low-growing variety of calla lily plant. It can reach only 50 cm in height. This type of plant can be easily grown in open ground in pots.

Variety "Schone Zweibrückerin". A medium-sized variety of calla lilies, which can grow up to 1 m in height. The leaves are quite large and heart-shaped. The blanket is white, has a greenish tint underneath, and reaches 15 cm in diameter.

Variety "Green Goddess". Also a medium-sized variety that can grow up to 90 cm in height. It is distinguished by bright green flowers.

Calla Remanna

This type of calla lily is characterized by its short stature. The maximum plant can grow is 70 cm.

The underground part of this flower is the tuber.

The leaves are oblong, dark green, and can reach 30 cm in length.

The bedspread features a vibrant reddish pink or reddish burgundy bedspread.

A plant of this species sheds its leaves during the dormant period. This usually occurs in winter, and in spring the calla lilies appear with new leaves and flower stalks.

Prefers to grow in dry areas.

Popular varieties of calla lilies Rehmann:

Variety "Chameleon". This low-growing variety calla lilies, which can be grown without problems both in pots and in open ground. The bedspread has a beautiful color: delicate peach colour with golden hues.

Variety "Evening". This calla lily is distinguished by a rather extravagant coloring of the bedspread: a rich black-lilac shade. The surface of the petal itself is satin.

Variety "Indian Summer". The cover of this calla variety has a reddish-garnet hue.

How to grow callas in open ground

Plant Zantedeschia in open ground possible already in mid-spring. The main thing is that the earth is well warmed up. Plantings must be watered well immediately. The next time it is necessary to moisten the soil after 10 or 14 days. It is best to acidify the water with oxalic or citric acid.

As mentioned earlier, excess of them (especially those containing nitrogen) should be avoided. This adversely affects the plant. The tubers may not survive.

If weather conditions are favorable, then just four weeks after planting this plant begins to bloom. But this happens not in the first year, but in the second. After the calligraphy has faded, you should stop watering it. At this time, the plant begins a rest period. In order for the calla lily to have a more favorable resting time, it is best to leave 3 or 4 leaves on it. The remaining ones are carefully cut off.

Calla will delight with its flowering until the end of September - mid-October. Once weather conditions become unfavorable, this crop will need to be transferred to containers or containers with soil mixture. It should consist of turf soil and peat in proportions of 2 to 1.

Callas with large rhizomes should be planted in separate pots. As for smaller specimens, they can be planted in groups. True, in this case you should avoid crowding them - Zantedeschias do not tolerate crowding. Those babies born during the transplant need to be separated. This way the calla will be able to develop better and there will be a chance for its beautiful winter flowering. But this will happen only if there was no overfeeding with nitrogen and the rest period was normal.

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Choosing a place to plant calla lilies in open ground

This plant develops better and blooms longer, and the inflorescence covers have a brighter color when grown on open areas, being shaded from direct sunlight during the hottest hours.

Calla is one of the most moisture-loving flower garden plants, ideal place for her there is an area near a pond where the leaves will receive additional moisture from the air.

It should be borne in mind that this flower requires slightly acidic or neutral soil. Under no circumstances should the plant be planted on calcareous soils containing construction waste, which usually has an alkaline reaction.

Callas are an excellent material for landscape design. If there is enough space you can create original flowerbed or a discount by planting one of your favorite varieties. Such a uniform planting looks purely decorative.

How to care for calla lilies in the open ground

Like most exotic flowers, this crop needs to be provided special care. And if garden callas will grow in optimal conditions, then their flowering will begin 1.5-2 months after they are planted, and will last until the arrival of autumn.

So, how to care for calla lilies in the garden. Callas have an interesting physiological feature - they first form root system, and only then germinate. Therefore, in order to avoid improper root formation, you should not water the planted tubers in the first 2 weeks.

Watering can be done only when the first shoots appear. And this, as a rule, will happen after 2-3.5 weeks. When watering, make sure that no water gets on the tuber.

The easiest way to water is to moisten the soil around the edges. Regular watering can be done when your garden pet has leaves. At the same time, watering should be moderate.

Depending on weather conditions, you can water the flowers 1-2 times every 7 days. In general, care for calla lilies should consist of watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. The first feeding is done when planting callas.

Complex mineral fertilizers at a rate of 30-40 g are suitable for this. per 1 sq. meter. For normal development and growth of the plant, this will be enough for the entire summer season. Complex mineral fertilizers at a rate of 30-40 g are suitable for this. per 1 sq. meter. For normal development and growth of the plant, this will be enough for the entire summer season.

Due to the fact that callas love slightly acidic soils, they should be additionally watered (2-3 rubles per season) with citric (acetic) acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon of acid per bucket of water. In terms of disease and pest prevention, maintenance will not be difficult. This type of garden calla lilies is practically not susceptible to diseases or harmful insects. There are cases of whiteflies appearing, but they will not cause significant harm to the flowers.

Fertilizing callas in open ground

For the first time, fertilizers are applied to the soil at the stage of planting flowers. At this moment, you can use complex mineral fertilizers, which are applied to the soil in accordance with the scheme - 30–40 g. per 1 sq. m. This amount of fertilizer will be enough for plants to not experience a lack of nutrients during summer season. It should be borne in mind that for callas the most suitable type the soil is slightly acidic, therefore at least two to three times per season it is necessary to water with lemon or acetic acid, which is added in the amount of one tablespoon per bucket of water.

Callas belong to the group of those plants that do not cause trouble even during measures to protect against diseases and pests. The fact is that they are resistant to any external manifestation of such kind. Sometimes calla lilies may attract whiteflies, however, they do not cause serious harm to the flowers.

Propagation of calla lilies by tubers

Calla lily tubers usually go on sale at the end of February. Healthy nodules should be dense (like young potatoes), only in this case the calla will produce arrow-shaped flower stalks already in the year of planting. If the nodule looks wrinkled and flaccid, it is better to refuse the purchase. The tubers are laid out on a tray and placed in a cool, dry place (5-7 °C). Some zealous housewives have adapted to storing them in a regular refrigerator, regularly turning them over and airing them.

In April, the tubers are planted in pots, sprinkled with 2-3 cm of soil and the room temperature is increased to 20-22 °C. Please note that there is a tubercle on the nodule - this is the top. The tuber needs space, so place it in a pot with a capacity of 3-3.5 liters. There is no need to water immediately, water after a week and make sure that the soil in the pots does not dry out.

At the beginning of summer, sprouted tubers are planted in open ground. The holes are deepened to 8-12 cm and made at a distance of: 20×20 cm, 35×35 cm - for small and medium-growing varieties plants, or at a distance: 50×50 cm - for tall varieties.

Callas are usually sent to rest just before frost. The above-ground part of the plant is removed, the tubers are dug up, leaving 2-3 leaves on the cutting, and stored. After a couple of weeks, the left leaves dry out, giving the nodule all its vital energy, after which they are carefully removed. It is advisable to carry out the procedure of digging and planting tubers annually; calla lily tubers do not tolerate the harsh Russian climate.

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Propagation of callas by seeds

Calla lilies can also be propagated by seeds, but such planting is encouraged only by breeders. Many avid flower girls complain about poor germination seeds Therefore, if you decide to grow calla lilies from seeds, first soak them for 5-6 hours in a solution of potassium humate, a natural plant biostimulator.

Then place the seeds on a tray, previously covered wet wipe, cover with another damp cloth, place in a warm place for 6-8 days and do not allow it to dry out. It is better to sow the sprouted seeds in trays with soil and keep them in warm room before germination and only then plant seedlings in open ground. The mistake of some summer residents is that they immediately place the sprouted seeds in open soil, where most of them, alas, die.

Reproduction of callas by dividing the bush

Types of callas that have a tree-like root system are planted by dividing the rhizomes of the mother bush. in autumn root collar(baby) is carefully broken out from the main rhizome, trying to keep it on the roots as much as possible more land. Then the root is placed in separate spacious pots. Store indoors with high humidity, at a temperature of 12-15 °C. In the spring, shoots appear from the root, and at the beginning of summer the African plant is ready for planting in open ground. If you do not have the opportunity to plant a bush in this way, ready-made seedlings can be purchased at a flower nursery.

Diseases and pests of calla lilies

We also note that callas have strong immunity, so they are not afraid of garden pests not illness. The only thing a gardener may encounter when growing them is the appearance of mold on the tubers. But it appears as a result of violation of storage conditions, when high humidity. If mold was found during inspection of the tubers, it is recommended to ventilate them well and treat them with powdered foundationazole. The reason for the unsatisfactory appearance of callas can most often be either the completion of a natural life cycle plants, when the leaves turn yellow and die (calla lilies are preparing for a period of dormancy), or errors in care, when the tips of the leaves dry out, which indicates a lack of moisture in the air and soil. Don't forget to water and spray your zantedeschias.

Insufficient air humidity can also lead to damage to callas spider mites. In addition to mites, calla lilies can also be affected by aphids. Methods of prevention and control of pests are standard: keeping the plant clean, creating sufficient humidity, wiping the leaves with a soapy solution and then washing the leaves in the shower. In case of severe pest infestation, use special means, sold in stores. The treatment is carried out repeatedly until the flowers are completely free of pests.

Calla is a beautiful and elegant flower, caring for it is not so difficult, and the results of the efforts spent will delight the most demanding gardeners.

This is a fairly simple culture for forcing and does not require special conditions. In the first year, the yield of calla lilies is 40 inflorescences/m2, and in the second year it almost doubles. The cost of 1 tuber is from 100 rubles, depending on the variety and size. The cost of 1 flower, depending on the region and time of year, is from 130 rubles.

Calla belongs to the genus Zantedeschia Spreng. from the Araceae Juss. family. Calla lilies have been bred since the 17th century. These perennial herbaceous plants 8 species have large basal leaves up to 30 cm long and up to 20 cm wide. Their shape is corymbose-heart-shaped, the color of the leaf blade is dark green. The leaves are located on long (15–30 cm) petioles. The inflorescence-cob is yellow, on a long peduncle 50–80 cm high. The spathe (covering leaf), according to established tradition called a flower, is large, tubular, expanding upward.

Three types of calla lilies have become widespread in cultivation as ornamental flowering and cut plants: Ethiopian calla (the most popular), Elliot's calla and Remani's calla. Varieties descended from Ethiopian calla lilies are conventionally classified as “white” calla lilies; they have an underground part in the form of a rhizome. Varieties bred from calla lilies Elliott and calla lilies Remani belong to the group of “colored” callas, their underground part is a tuber.

We select and process

Before planting, all planting material must be carefully inspected for signs of rot. Tubers that are soft to the touch, as well as tubers with a white coating, must be separated from the rest so as not to expose them to infection. Having discovered penicillosis, it is necessary to find out whether the mycelium is only on the surface of the tuber or has penetrated inside. If the cut of the tuber shows white flesh, then it can be used for planting. If the internal tissues are gray or brownish in color, then such tubers must be removed. Tubers that have fungal mycelium only on the surface should be planted as soon as possible.

Before planting, it is best to ventilate the material for 1-2 two days in boxes at a temperature of 17...18C. For longer storage, the temperature should be 10°C and air humidity 80%. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation and make sure that the planting material does not dry out.

When choosing planting material be sure to take into account that large bulbs with more shoots they begin to bloom earlier. In winter, the use of large tubers, compared to small ones, gives a gain of 2-3 weeks.

The number of stems formed from one tuber depends on its size, calla lily variety and growing season. In small-flowered varieties, compared to large-flowered ones, more peduncles are formed from tubers of the same size.

When growing callas in winter, flowering begins 75–110 days after planting the tubers. The reason for such a long period is that the plant grows in low light and low temperature. When planting tubers in the fall, flowering will occur within 60–90 days. In this case, callas grow quickly in conditions of good light and high temperature, then with a gradual decrease in both illumination and temperature, their growth slows down.

The number of flowers on a plant also depends on the size of the tuber, the variety of calla lilies and the processing of the tubers. To increase the number of flowers, the tubers must be dipped in a solution of gibberellic acid (GA3) for 15 minutes before planting. Typically, this treatment is carried out twice: the first - 2-3 weeks before planting (dissolve 1 tablet of GA3 in 11 liters of water), the second - immediately before planting (dissolve 1 tablet of GA3 in 7 liters of water).

Treatment of tubers with a high concentration of GA3 solution increases the number of flowers, but at the same time increases the risk of underdeveloped flowers. Simultaneously with treatment with the GA3 solution, it is recommended to treat the tubers with fungicides against penicillosis before planting. To do this, the fungicide is added to the GA3 solution.

Forcing in containers is better

To force calla lilies, you can use almost any type of substrate, but two important factors should be taken into account: the soil must be breathable and moisture-absorbing, its electrical conductivity must be low (EC<1,5), а рН – 5–7. В почве не должно быть патогенов, особенно таких как гриб питиум (Pythium) и гриб ризоктония (Rhizoctonia solani).

Planting correctly

In greenhouses, calla lilies can be grown both in the ground and in containers. Forcing in containers has its advantages: you can organize heating of the soil from below, and also move containers if necessary.

The container is filled with substrate to 2/3 of the volume and the tubers are placed on the surface of the substrate, with the growth bud facing up. Then the container is filled to the top with a sufficiently large layer of substrate - the tubers must be covered, because roots begin to form at their top. When the tuber is planted shallowly, sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity of the top layer of soil can negatively affect the development of roots, which leads to the appearance of underdeveloped flowers.

The planting depth depends on the size of the tuber: the soil layer above a small tuber should be 5 cm, above a large one - 9 cm. It is very important that when planting, the growth bud in the upper part of the tuber is directed upward. Otherwise, sprouts appear unevenly, and plant development also occurs unevenly.

The planting density depends on its timing, the size of the tuber and the variety of calla lilies. When planted closely, plants receive less light and therefore produce fewer flowers. The risk of disease increases, because in this case, the humidity of the substrate increases.

In tall varieties, the distance between plants should be such that their leaves do not shade each other. Between the rows you need to leave wide enough passages so as not to damage the plants when cutting. When growing calla lilies in a greenhouse, nets are used to support the plants, especially if cutting is planned in spring and autumn.

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Surely many are familiar with this unusual plant. True, we are accustomed to the fact that usually, surprisingly elegant calla lily flowers appear only in winter; at this time of year it is not difficult to buy calla lilies, since the period of its greatest decorativeness occurs precisely in the cold season. This is easy to explain, because another name for the plant sounds like h antedexia is Ethiopian, which means it came from hot Africa, where the concept of seasons is practically absent.
Calla lily is also called calla lily because of the beautiful “case” surrounding a rather inconspicuous flower, the shape of which is characteristic of all representatives of the araceae, including Arizema, which was discussed not so long ago. This “case” is the main decoration of the calla for the next two weeks after blooming; its classic color is white, but modern varieties have a whole range of shades - from yellow and orange-red to deep crimson. This plant is mainly grown for cutting, and this is not surprising, given its long-lasting decorative value in bouquets, since flower delivery can take some time.

Why is calla lily interesting for gardeners? For fans of this exotic plant, there are two options for growing calligraphy in the garden. Firstly, it can be grown in a greenhouse; this option is especially good for those who do not mind making a profit from their hobby and are ready to grow cut flowers. And secondly, calla lilies can be planted in the garden in the same way as dahlias, cannas, gladioli, tulips and other tuberous and bulbous plants, however, calla lilies will have a slightly different growth cycle and will have to be cared for in winter.

Growing calla lilies in a greenhouse

To grow calla lilies in closed ground, no special conditions are required, except, in fact, a greenhouse heated in winter, and the plant can withstand a temperature range from +8°C to +50°C (in summer, during the dormant period).
The thickness of the fertile soil should be at least 50 cm; from 3 to 6 bushes can be placed on one square. Care consists of abundant watering during growth and flowering (from autumn to spring); during the dormant period (July-August) it is impossible to water. You can feed with organic matter (mullein 1:10) or mineral water in the usual proportions; periodically they need to add fertile soil or rotted mullein to the roots, since as they grow, the roots begin to stick out of the ground. Calla lilies do not require special additional lighting either in autumn or winter.

If you are concerned about the yield of the cut, then it is better not to cut the flowers, but to carefully pull them out of the leaf axil; in this case, you give freedom to the next inflorescence, which is slightly inferior in height to the first. After the last flower fades, the calla lily begins a period of rest.

Growing calla lilies in open ground

You can plant calla lilies in the garden in late April-early May, when the ground has warmed up enough. The plantings are immediately watered abundantly, the next time watering will be needed in 10-15 days; by the way, callas like to be watered with acidified water (citric or oxalic acid). After the plants adapt to the new place and begin to grow, it will be possible to feed them with complex mineral fertilizer. Please note that excess fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, have an adverse effect on the plant - tubers may die or there will be no winter flowering.
Under good weather conditions, calla lilies usually bloom a month after planting (from 2 years of age). After flowering, the plant stops watering - the calla enters a dormant period; for a more favorable period, it is better to leave only 3-4 leaves on the plant, and carefully cut off the rest.
In the garden, calla lilies will delight you with their presence until mid-October, and when the weather begins to deteriorate, you will have to move the calla lilies into containers with an earthen mixture consisting of peat and turf soil in a 2:1 ratio. Large rhizomes are planted in separate pots; smaller specimens can be planted in containers in groups, but not too crowded - callas do not like crowded spaces. It is better to separate the resulting children during transplantation, this way the plant develops better and there is a greater chance that the calla lily will delight you with winter flowering, of course, provided that it has gone through a normal dormant period and is not fed with nitrogen.
In general, calla lilies are a rather strange plant in agricultural technology. Today on the flower market there are species that are grown in the same way as gladioli - in the spring a corm is planted in the garden, which grows and blooms all summer, and in the fall it is dug up, dried (the roots are cut a couple of weeks after digging) and stored in paper bags in cool conditions until spring. It’s hard to say what kind of species you’ll come across; you’ll have to conduct field tests yourself, focusing on the “behavior” of the plant and your own sense of intuition.
Thanks to their exotic appearance and increased moisture-loving nature, groups of flowering (and non-blooming) calla lilies will organically fit into the design of the coastal zone of your pond, decorate damp shady areas of the garden, and will look original when decorating a terrace or patio. Callas are suitable for mobile gardens, provided they are planted in spacious containers.

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Among the variety of flowers, callas are considered wedding and celebratory. They do not lose their decorative value and are in constant demand among the population. In this regard, in the conditions of the Barvikha greenhouse complex in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region in 2001-2003. The peculiarities of growing cut calla lilies were studied. The objects of the study were three varieties of Ethiopian calla: Nicholas, Little Gem and Pearl von Stuttgart.

The cultivation technology is as follows. Callas are propagated by vegetative layering and dormant offspring. At the end of August, vegetative layerings with a height of 19 and 24 cm . They are carefully separated from the mother plant using a small spatula, sorted and planted into growing beds. In August next year, young plants are dug up with a clod of earth measuring 5- 7 cm and form. Callas are grown in monoculture for 7 years. During formation, in addition to the central false stem, 2-3 more shoots are left. In emerging plants, cut off 2-3 outer leaves above the leaf sheath.

The soil must be fertile, slightly acidic and moisture-absorbing. Soil composition for the greenhouse: turf soil, peat, coarse sand in a ratio of 4:1:2. On 1m 2 9-11 plants are planted.

The technology of propagation of calla lilies by resting children is intended to obtain pure-grade planting material. Dormant children are harvested in August from plants that are in a state of semi-dormancy. Mother plants are watered abundantly 3-4 days before the separation of the babies, the soil around the plants is loosened and it is raked away from the rhizomes to a depth of 6- 8 cm . The resting children are broken out. The size of the harvested babies is 0.5- 4.0 cm . Sorted by size. 12-15 babies are removed from one plant. To plant children, use boxes with a mixture of greenhouse soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1. Children are planted in grooves 3-3 deep 5 cm and sprinkle with loose soil; watered. After 2-2.5 months, the plants from the boxes are transplanted into ridges for growing.

Caring for flowering plants is as follows: autumn pinching of callas, regular fertilizing and watering, removing yellow leaves, cutting inflorescences.

From mother plants noted in January, during mass flowering in August, dormant children measuring 0.5- 4.0 cm and vegetative layering 19 and 24 cm.

Studies have shown that for sowing it is better to select children of size 2- 3 cm . They provide 100% germination. Children size 0.5- 1.0 cm most often they do not grow up. Large children (over 3 cm ) develop faster, but a large number of them turn out to have a damaged growth cone and are rotten.

Layerings are ready-made planting material: when planted, they have a developed root system and 1-2 leaves, but in the first two weeks after planting they die off; complete rooting of layering occurs 4-6 days later than in children. Therefore, the first flowering of calla lilies grown from children occurred 1.5 months earlier.

Plants grown from dormant plants had an advantage in the length of the peduncle, spathe, spadix, and leaf area.

Calla lily inflorescences are cut in the morning half-dissolved: with the cover spread out at least 80% of its length. Cutting is carried out 2 times a week. Flowers are sorted according to the length of the peduncle and the quality of the flower.

For the Nikolai variety, the cutting height ranges from 65 to 85 cm , for the Pearl von Stuttgart variety – from 40 to 75 cm , for the Little Jam variety - from 30 to 65 cm . The greatest demand is for cutting heights from 65 to 85 cm .

The varieties grown from seedlings formed 7-8 inflorescences for cutting 2 months after planting; those grown from layerings were without inflorescences. The difference was 52%.

When cutting 7 inflorescences from 1m 2 The cost of calla lilies was 40 rubles/piece. with a selling price of 43 rubles. per flower, the profitability level is 7.5%.