What to do with bamboo shoots. Features of the structure of the plant

Dracaena Sandera or Lucky Bamboo is a fairly common indoor plant. It is believed that indoor luck bamboo can bring good luck and wealth to its owners.

Being very unpretentious plant,bamboo can grow indoors long years, growing up to 2-3 meters in size with proper care. At the same time, Sander's dracaena is very simple and easy to propagate at home from lateral and apical shoots, of which dracaena produces a large number.

So, we present to you step by step instructions with photos on propagating bamboo of happiness (Dracaena Sander) at home.

  • We choose healthy bamboo stems with shoots 10-15 cm long. It is very easy to determine a healthy stem - it is green and hard. If the stem turns yellow, darkens, or is soft to the touch, it is best not to use it for propagation. An example of healthy stems can be seen in the photo:
  • Next, remove excess leaves from the stems. It is best to leave only a few on the shoot top sheets. This will allow the bamboo to devote all its energy to root growth.
  • Cut off the shoot from the main stem. The easiest way is to cut it along the top edge of the main bamboo stem (see photo). It should be noted that the cut shoots must have at least one node (a thickening on the dracaena trunk), from which the roots of a new plant will then grow.
  • We place the cut off shoots of Dracaena Sandera in a container of water so that they take on new roots. This is usually not a quick process and can take two to three months. In this case, you should regularly change the water in the container to avoid the death of the plant. In this case, the water should be purified as best as possible (after the filter).
  • If you want new shoots to form on the old stem, then you need to cut it 1-2 cm below the cut shoot, but to the first node on the stem. It is from this node that a new bamboo shoot is formed after 1-2 months.
  • To prevent rotting of the top of the cut dracaena stem, it is necessary to treat it with wax. To do this, take the usual wax candle, melt a small piece of wax over a fire (it’s best to do this in a tablespoon), and then drop the top of the plant into it. You should not keep it in wax for a long time, a couple of seconds is enough. After this, the top will be covered with a thin layer of wax, which will give it a good appearance, will prevent it from drying out and various types of infections and bacteria entering it.

The flower, which is commonly called bamboo in everyday life, actually belongs to the dracaena family. It is similar to real wild bamboo appearance: dense knotty trunk and narrow long leaves. Their condition indicates the well-being of the plant. Healthy bamboo has a rich green color, the leaves are shiny, do not fall off or turn yellow.

The hollow thick stem can be twisted to create fancy compositions. For this feature, the flower is highly valued by florists and interior decorators. With unlimited growth, bamboo reaches a height of about 1 meter.

ATTENTION! IN room conditions the plant does not bloom.

Homemade bamboo is especially loved by fans of Feng Shui. It is believed that it creates a favorable atmosphere in the room, attracts good luck, pacifies and calms. Feng Shui experts believe that stems twisted into a spiral, as well as compositions of 7 plants combined together (intertwined or tied) are especially useful. They guarantee their owner health, prosperity and well-being.


Home care

When planning to have bamboo at home, you need to get acquainted with its preferences. Bamboo does not require special, but there are some special features. The plant is very moisture-loving, but unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Juicy dense stems grow well in nutrient substrate, ordinary garden soil or water.

Decorative bamboo at home needs good lighting, but does not like direct sunlight. For greater decorativeness, the plant is shaped; it tolerates any fantasies of home-grown florists.


Bamboo can be grown in containers filled with water. The stems are placed in containers so that the roots are completely submerged in water. It should be soft, settled or thawed. Store-bought spring water will also work.

It needs to be changed at least once a week, without allowing stagnation. Instead of water, you can use a transparent or colored hydrogel, the humidity of which must be constantly monitored.

Much better plants feel in the ground. It is undemanding and takes root well in a universal substrate for indoor plants. Soil for bamboo is suitable as regular calcined garden soil mixed with peat and washed river sand.

The root system is not too powerful, plants can be planted in containers different sizes and depths: ceramic bowls, traditional clay or plastic pots, glass vases, wooden or stone flowerpots. Often several stems are placed in one container, creating beautiful compositions from them.

IMPORTANT! During the period of active growth (spring and summer) fertilizers are required. The plant is fed once a month with fertilizer for indoor flowers, including potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Trimming and curling

Indoor bamboo can become great decoration interior, if designed properly. Excessively long stems lose their decorative effect and become bare. Timely pruning will help make them more compact and increase the number of leaves. The top is cut off with a sharp, disinfected knife; it can be used as a cutting for propagation. After this procedure, they begin to actively develop on the mother trunk. side shoots, the flower becomes elegant. The growth of cut bamboo stops.

Another decoration option is twisting the trunk in the form of a spiral.
However, the question arises: how to curl bamboo at home? The answer is much simpler: you can create beautiful curls in two ways:

  • Young shoots are placed in a tube bent in the required way; during growth they will repeat all the given turns. After the tube is cut and removed, the flower retains its given shape. To stop the plant from growing, the top is cut off.
  • The shoots are carefully bent and secured with thick, not too stiff wire. When the curl is fixed, the support can be removed. This makes it convenient to create group compositions by intertwining shoots different plants together.

Placement, watering and other subtleties

Lucky bamboo is light-loving, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The hot sun causes burns, the leaves turn pale and brown spots appear on them.

It is best to place the flower on the windowsill of a western or eastern window, slightly shaded by a translucent curtain.

If there is a lack of natural light, you can use fluorescent lamps, capable of providing the plant with long daylight hours.

Very important point– hydration. Moisture-loving bamboo is watered with warm soft water 2 times a week, the air around is sprayed with a spray bottle.

Special products will help increase humidity Appliances, as well as water containers placed next to the plant.

Several stems, a decorative aquarium or an indoor fountain will make up an integral composition; in such a neighborhood the plant will feel especially comfortable. Leaves need to be sprayed regularly; dust should be removed from them with a soft damp cloth.


The plant needs a stable temperature (18 to 25 degrees). The flower does not tolerate drafts well; In winter, when ventilating, it is better to remove bamboo from the windowsill. In warm weather, the flower can be moved to a balcony, loggia or open veranda, cleaning the room only when there is a threat of frost or strong wind.

Transplantation and propagation

It reproduces very easily. It is enough to cut off the top or part of the stem 5-7 cm. Root the cuttings in vessels with water; you can immediately plant them in the prepared substrate and water them frequently.

For better rooting, cover the container with young plants glass jar or film. Phytohormones that are sprayed on cuttings work well.

REFERENCE! To improve growth, young plants need to be kept warm. They cannot be placed on a battery or heater; the soil will dry out quickly.

Propagation by seeds is possible, but this method takes longer, germination depends on the condition of the seed and other factors.

You need to replant once every 3 years, The best time to move is March or April. Transplantation is carried out together with a lump of earth; after 3 months, the plants are fed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer or diluted bird droppings. Before fertilizing, bamboo needs to be watered well.

Benefit or harm

Is it possible to keep bamboo at home? Of course it is possible. Dracaena Sandara is an ideal plant for any room. Among its advantages:

  • fast growth;
  • the flower is not poisonous, harmless to children and pets;
  • It cleans the air well from dust and enriches it with oxygen;
  • reproduces quickly;
  • does not provoke allergic diseases.

Homemade bamboo is very popular among doctors and room hygiene specialists.

The beneficial properties of bamboo help purify the air by drawing dust out of it and neutralizing harmful radiation from household electrical appliances. Vases with bamboo can be placed throughout the house, including bedrooms and children's rooms.

He feels fine in the bathroom and hallway, he is absolutely irreplaceable in offices. The flower can be placed next to a computer or printer, protecting yourself from the effects of office equipment.

There are no contraindications to placing dracaena in living rooms or offices. Plants are not harmful to allergy sufferers, they do not cause irritation, and do not require treatment with pesticides. There have also been no complaints from traditional healers or psychics about bamboo for happiness. Floriculture experts are sure that the flower brings only benefits; anyone can have one in the house.

Useful video

With more detailed description You can see bamboo plants in the video below:

Decorative bamboo belongs to the Dracaena family. This one can reach a height of 2 m. But wild bamboo grows much higher. Bamboo naturally grows in the subtropics and tropics, as well as in the mountains. Bamboos can be tree-like or herbaceous. The thickness of the trunk varies from 2-3 to 30 cm. The stem of bamboo can branch, this makes grassy bamboo look like a tree. The plant grows very actively and when good conditions may be approximately 30 meters high. Reed bamboo is considered poisonous. Flowers on tree-like bamboos appear once every 30 or 60 years.

Features of the structure of the plant

Decorative bamboo is called Dracaena Sandera. It has green stems and may have a straw tint. It has emerald lancet-shaped leaves that grow at the top of the stem. The stems resemble straw, as they are empty inside. Bamboo does not shed leaves. At proper care bamboo blooms once in its life. This happens after 40 years. The flowers are small, they are collected in panicles.

In addition to green, there are many types of bamboo with various shades: striped, gray, shiny, variegated.

The plants form loose, but not very growing bushes with a large number of shoots with bright green lanceolate leaves 1.5 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. By autumn the plants acquire a yellow-green color.

The frost-resistant bamboo variety Fargesia Murieli was named after the daughter of Ernst Wilson, who collected and sent seedlings of this species to botanical gardens. It has yellowish-green, arching stems and waxy leaves. Blooms once every 100 years.

The soil should be loose and drain well, but you should not use a mixture that has a lot of peat. The mixture requires mixing 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of medium-grained sand. In the pot you need to make drainage from broken bricks, expanded clay, clay shards, it should occupy 25% of the pot.

Temperature and lighting:

  • Bamboo is best grown at temperatures of +17-25 °C, but it can easily withstand heat of 30 °C.
  • Bamboo needs enough light, but it does not like direct sunlight, as its leaves are very delicate and can burn.
  • It is most optimal to grow bamboo in diffused light. Place it on the eastern or western windowsill, or on the southeast or southwest.

Reproduction, planting and transplanting

It is recommended to do this in the spring, due to the fact that young shoots grow on the stems, which are cut into. To get the cuttings to take root, you can put them in a glass of water and wait for the roots to grow, or you can plant them in soil that is suitable for growing bamboo.

Choose a spacious pot as bamboo grows very quickly, both its stems and roots.

The soil is made from a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand; the pot must have holes for drainage. It is best to combine propagation with transplantation. also required to be done in the spring. This is done once every 2 years. Newly transplanted bamboo and cuttings require very careful care. They need to be watered, wipe the leaves, loosen the soil to improve oxygen access to the rhizomes, then they will grow faster.

When you first bring a plant and plant it, it especially needs abundant watering, since at first bamboo has small roots, it needs a lot of water for them to grow.

Transplanting indoor bamboo:

  • The roots of the plant grow very actively, so it is recommended to replant it annually. Take a larger pot than the previous one for replanting.
  • The pot should be deep and wide, there should be a distance of 5 cm from the stems to the edge of the pot.
  • Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot, then a little soil, then plant the bamboo, fill the roots with soil, compact it a little and water it generously.

You need to place the bamboo roots in water, then it will grow quickly, under these conditions it grows up to 0.8-2 m. But you need to remember that the water is changed once a week.

Bamboo feeding:

  • Once every 2-3 months, bamboo is fed by dissolving fertilizers in water.
  • Add complex to fresh water when you change it.
  • If the plant does not have enough fertilizer, its leaves turn yellow and fall off.
  • But you can’t immediately feed them, as soon as you bring the bamboo stems home, place them in water and wait for them to get used to room conditions, only then feed them.

Bamboo requires equal amounts of light and shade. Several stems of bamboo are tied with a ribbon of any color and placed in water in a glass or other container. Then they place it on the windowsill. If your bamboo is very long, then place it in a bucket of water or a vase and place it on the floor near the window.

Can not use plain water from the tap. Only soft and well-settled water is suitable. It is good to use melt water. Pour water into a plastic bottle and place it in the freezer for 2 days. Next, defrost it until room temperature and you can use it, this will make the water soft. The water must not stagnate, otherwise the bamboo will begin to rot.

If your bamboo is in a glass vase, then place pebbles or shells at the bottom; before placing them in the vase, you need to pour boiling water over them so that they do not contain harmful microorganisms.

It is advised to add coal to water to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying in it. The water for caring for indoor bamboo should be taken exactly the same as for it - melt or rain, and change it in the vase every week. Rare water changes can lead to the formation of mold on the flower.

When caring for bamboo that grows in the ground, it is necessary to water it regularly. In winter, water the bamboo more moderately, making sure that the moisture does not stagnate in the ground. Excess moisture can cause mold to appear, so the pot should have holes and fill the bottom with broken bricks or other materials. Bamboo is also fed from time to time. Another 3 times a week and periodically wipe the leaves from dust.

For normal growth, a tray is placed under the pot and small crushed stone is poured into it.

Then pour water, but so that the crushed stone is not completely covered with water. The pot must be secured above the tray so that it does not have direct contact with water. It is necessary to prevent the soil from drying out, as in this case the bamboo leaves turn yellow and the plant dies.

The plant is fertilized from October to March - once every 3 months, and the rest of the time - every 20 days. Bamboo especially requires phosphorus and nitrogen; you can purchase special fertilizer for dracaenas. The air in the room should be humid. Bamboo loves fresh wind, but does not tolerate drafts. Bamboo can be trimmed throughout the year. Eliminate weakened stems. It is recommended to take the plant out onto the loggia or balcony in the summer.

Babmub in open ground: planting and care

Choose frost-resistant bamboo varieties. These varieties are: Kuril Sasa (Sasa kurilensis), Sasa Palmata Nebulosa, Phyllostachys Aureosulcata. The most frost-resistant bamboo variety is Fargesia Murielae. Very often the plant is planted near bodies of water, as it loves moisture very much. It should be planted from March to September so that the plant has time to take root and survive winter period. Bamboo likes soil that has an acidity pH of 6.0-6.2.

Place the bamboo pot in a container filled with water for 3-4 hours so that the roots are saturated with water.

Landing Features:

  • The hole should be 2 times greater in depth and width than the bamboo roots with soil.
  • Add humus to the soil.
  • Place a little of this soil at the bottom of the hole and compact it.
  • It is best to dig a sheet of metal or plastic around the hole in a circle to prevent the roots from growing throughout the garden.
  • Place the bamboo, whose roots are saturated with water, in the hole in the center, add soil, compact it a little so as not to damage the roots and there are no air pockets.
  • Pour 5 cm of soil on top. Water generously. Mulch the soil with a 2-5 cm layer of leaves, peat, hay.

If you plant bamboo in the fall, then at the bottom landing pit pour in manure 20 cm, then garden soil 10 cm, then plant the plant. Then in winter the manure will decompose, and after that you will not need to feed the bamboo for 2 years.

Care Tips:

  • For the first three months, water the plant very abundantly; do not allow the stems to dry out. Then water 2-3 times a week. It loves fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, that is, the proportions of fertilizer are: 4 parts nitrogen, 3 phosphorus, 2 parts potassium.
  • Enter in early spring. Next, fertilize the bamboo in the summer. In the fall, feed the plant: 2 parts nitrogen, 4 parts phosphorus, 4 parts potassium, then it will stop growing so actively and prepare for frost. In autumn, mulch the plant with a 10 cm layer of pine bark and leaves. Trim old stems at ground level. They do this once a year.

Stems and leaves may turn yellow if:

  • lack of fertilizers
  • excess fertilizing
  • water too hard for irrigation
  • overly chlorinated water
  • heavy composition of the earth
  • in the absence of drainage

If the bamboo stem has turned yellow, cut off the yellowed part and sprinkle the cut area with charcoal. In this case, depending on the reason, stop feeding or, conversely, urgently fertilize the plant.

Cut off the dried leaves, after 5 hours the cut areas will dry out somewhat, then sprinkle ash on them. Leave for 2 hours, then shake off the ash, spread the cut with soft wax. If the stems begin to dry out, this may happen due to bright light, move the flower to the shade.

In hot weather, leaves may appear spider mites and thrips - to eliminate pests, spray with Fitoverm.

It is believed that growing in a house brings good luck, happiness, and prosperity. It is grown both in regular soil and in water. it doesn't require much effort.

More information can be found in the video:

Indoor bamboo is Sander's dracaena (Dracaena brauniic). Dracaena Sandera is a plant with a leafy or bare hollow stem, its shade is green or yellow-green. Naturally, the stem grows erect, but it can be twisted artificially, creating interesting compositions(spirals, lattices, etc.). The leaf blades are oblong, with pointed tips, rich green in color, located along the stem or collected at its top.

Subject to simple care rules, decorative bamboo can grow indoors long time. It is necessary to provide an environment as close as possible to the natural habitat.

Decorative bamboo is unpretentious. Evergreen exotic plant will be an excellent addition to your home or office interior, will help to withstand the room in Japanese style. Decorative bamboo can be grown in substrate or water. Regardless of the method of cultivation, Sandera's dracaena will delight you with its decorative qualities. This gives ample opportunities in the choice of container, which allows you to complement the interior in an original way. Rapid growth rates provide an opportunity for short term create a cozy tropical corner or decorate your work area.

Ways to grow bamboo

IN home growing There are three ways to use bamboo:

  • In a flower pot with soil;
  • In a regular or transparent container with water (looks very impressive);
  • In a transparent container with hydrogel.

For growing in soil you will need sufficiently wide and stable flower pots, because bamboo grows very quickly. Any universal mixture is suitable as soil. You can take a substrate for growing decorative leafy crops; there is a special soil mixture for dracaenas.

When grown in water Most often, a transparent container is chosen. The plant is secured with decorative stones(they should first be boiled for disinfection). Water for growing and watering (when planting a plant in the soil) requires soft water - rain, melt, filtered, standing for 1-2 days, tap water.

Hydrogel is convenient modern material for growing plants. It retains moisture and protects root system, becomes unusual decorative detail. It is very easy to use - minimal watering and periodic fertilization are required.

Depending on where the bamboo is grown (soil, water or hydrogel), the care rules are slightly different. This will be discussed in more detail.

Conditions for growing bamboo Dracaena sandera


Bamboo of happiness, or Dracaena Sander, prefers bright, diffused lighting; protect from direct sunlight. The best place The locations are windows facing east or west. When placed on the south side, allow light to pass through the tulle curtain.

If the lighting is insufficient, the growth rate will slow down and the bamboo will begin to shed its leaves.

Air temperature

Optimal temperature conditions for USB the range is 18-25 °C. The plant will normally tolerate summer heat within 30 °C.

Air humidity

There are no special requirements for the level of air humidity. Periodically wipe the sheet plates with a damp soft cloth– accumulated dust does not allow the leaves to “breathe.” If the air in the room is dry, resort to spraying with a fine spray.

How to feed

Fertilizer application is important element care when growing bamboo in water. Lack of fertilizing will lead to yellowing of the stem or leaf blades. Apply complex mineral fertilizers along with replacement water or irrigation water. It is enough to feed once every 2-3 months.

Bamboo in water care at home

Bamboo in water is a simple and convenient way to grow. An aquatic environment promotes more active and harmonious growth; even in indoor conditions, bamboo varnishes can reach a height of 1-2 m. Change the water in the container once a week. If the leaves of a plant begin to turn yellow, the water appears bad smell, change the liquid immediately, rinse the stones and pebbles thoroughly under warm running water. It is best to keep bamboo in melt water.

How to prepare melt water:

Don't forget to add complex fertilizers mineral fertilizers, you can do this once a week, diluting with water 3-4 times more than the recommended dose.

Growing bamboo in a pot with soil

This method of growing makes maintenance somewhat easier - you don’t have to change the water weekly or monitor its condition. In itself, the constant presence of the root system in moisture is dangerous, because rotting is possible.

During the warm season, the plant will need timely and regular care. The soil mixture should always be slightly moist; do not allow the earthen ball to dry out. If you have transferred bamboo from an aquatic environment to soil, water it generously and carefully monitor the condition of the plant until it finally takes root. The soil should be moist, but not swampy.

Watering in the autumn-winter period should be significantly reduced - the top layer of soil should dry out between waterings. Stagnation of water is strictly unacceptable. This will lead to mold and rotting of the root system. For preventative purposes, when planting, make sure there are good drainage holes and place a drainage layer on the bottom of the container.

Growing bamboo in hydrogel

Caring for a plant planted in hydrogel should be approximately the same as when growing in a substrate. Only the hydrogel does not need to be watered as often as soil. Upper layer hydrogel can dry out faster than the rest of it - just spray it with a fine spray or replace it with a fresh one. When applying fertilizers, reduce the concentration.

The composition should not be placed in direct sunlight, as the hydrogel may become moldy.

Hydrogel and hydroponics should not be confused. The hydrogel itself is a neutral medium (no stimulation for growth, no nutrition), which is its advantage and disadvantage at the same time.

Bamboo varnishes from seeds at home

Dracaena sandera propagates by seeds, and if you managed to get them, it's time to get a lot of lucky bamboo seedlings.

  • To grow Dracaena sandera seedlings, it is preferable to take leaf soil and mix it with sand, and lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the container. This way you will be sure that young plants will not be affected by rot.
  • The seeds are large enough to plant them one at a time in the cells of a seedling cassette, and then transfer them into larger cups.

  • If there is not enough space on the windowsill, you can sow it in a container for seedlings, and carefully plant the grown plants in separate cups, trying to hook them with a fork along with the earthen lump. When planting seeds in a container, adhere to minimum distance between seedlings 3-4 cm.
  • Seed placement depth is 0.5-1 cm.
  • After sowing, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle, the container is covered with cling film, a transparent lid or glass.
  • The required temperature for germinating seeds and growing seedlings is 18-24°C.
  • Lighting required is bright, diffused, long daylight hours. If you grow in a north-facing window or during the cold winter months, provide additional lighting with phytolamps to prevent the plants from stretching out.

Laki bamboo grows very quickly, and after two months you will have full-fledged seedlings that can be planted in permanent pots using the transshipment method.

Propagation of lacquer bamboo by cuttings at home

Propagation by cuttings can be carried out throughout the year, but the most favorable time is spring.

  • Cut the young shoot or break it off from the main plant, place it in water with a root formation stimulator for roots to appear.
  • After rooting in water, plant the cutting in suitable soil.
  • During the first 2-3 weeks, pay more attention to young plants: maintain the air temperature within 22-25 ° C, regularly water, spray the leaves, superficial loosening of the soil will contribute to successful rooting.

The video will tell you how to plant bamboo lacquer cuttings in the ground:

Dracaena sandera takes root well, rarely gets sick, and even a child can cope with its propagation at home. Moreover, the process is exciting, because with your own hands you can create a real amulet for your home, attracting happiness and good luck.

How to replant bamboo at home video

Young plants (up to three years old) are replanted annually. Choose a larger container each time. Adult specimens can be replanted once every 3 years.

After transplantation, provide an adaptation period, which consists of more attentive care (described in the previous section).

Several stems planted in one container look very original. When growing in water, for convenience and additional decoration, tie them with golden or red braid.

As a container, you can use not only classic containers and flower pots, but also glass vases, glasses, deep jugs, and buckets. When the plant reaches a height of 50-80 cm, the container is placed on the floor in close proximity to the window.

How to trim bamboo at home

Strongly overgrown lacquer bamboo becomes not particularly attractive; it is advisable to prune it every spring. Remove long shoots from all sides; central trunks can be shortened by half or even almost to ground level. To make the cut look neat, make it immediately under the knot, use special scissors.

It is advisable to use the cuttings obtained after pruning for rooting. If after pruning the young shoots cannot emerge for a long time, make cuts to help them hatch.

Trim yellowed leaves and stems. Let the juice dry a little, then sprinkle the cut area with crumbs from charcoal or lubricate with soft wax.

How to twist bamboo at home

Many people want not only to grow bamboo at home, but also to give its trunk an unusual shape. The most common option is the spiral type of curling. This will require patience and special care:

  1. When planting, place the young cutting horizontally and temporarily (when buds form) cover it completely with something non-transparent, making a small hole for light to penetrate. The sprout will tend to the light source, and in order to curl it, you will need to rotate the plant or structure itself. Most suitable option design is cardboard box. With this method, you can curl only one spiral per year.
  2. Place the cutting horizontally in the water - the plant will grow rapidly to rise to the top. Rotate the plant when the direction of the trunk changes slightly. The disadvantage is that the plant may begin to produce roots, and shoot growth will slow down.
  3. The sprouts are carefully wound onto the rod, securing the stems with wire. As they grow, the stems will become stronger and stronger - remove the entire structure and leave the trunk in this position.

Difficulties in growing bamboo indoors

When growing bamboo, a number of problems are possible:

Leaves and trunk turn yellow

This happens for a number of reasons: lack of moisture, watering poor quality water, increased indoor temperature, excess fertilizer, sunburn, exposure to drafts; when grown in water - untimely replacement of liquid. First, identify and eliminate the cause. Remove the affected leaves, cut the trunk below the yellowing zone (it will not recover).

Bamboo grows very slowly

Blame it on the shortage nutrients(especially when grown in water). Another reason is dim lighting. Maintain the correct feeding regimen and take care of good lighting.

Leaf blades become limp and curled

The reasons are hypothermia (keeping the air temperature too low) or drafts.

Why do black spots appear on bamboo leaves?

This signals a fungal infection. To save the plant, you will need to spray it with a fungicide.

Bamboo at home and feng shui

Growing bamboo at home brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also attracts good energy. In the art of Feng Shui, bamboo is considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity, and good luck.

The number of stems in the pyramid of happiness is of great importance:

  • Three – attracting happiness and good emotions to the house; To enhance energy, it is recommended to place a three-toed toad next to the plant;
  • Five – attracting money into the house;
  • Seven - symbolizes health;
  • Twenty-one - such a bundle will help fulfill all your desires.

It is also important to place the plant correctly:

  • The south-eastern part of the house - to preserve the health of household members and attract cash flows;
  • South side - success in business (study, work, business);
  • East – finding peace and harmony in the family.

According to adherents of Feng Shui philosophy, a bamboo indoor plant can bring happiness, luck and prosperity to its owner. A variety of dracaena, this flower has nothing in common with real bamboo, was brought to us from Asia and has become a real hit in the design of offices, restaurants and hotels.

How to grow bamboo at home

The plant, which has become fashionable among gardeners, can be grown in several ways:

  • In a pot with soil;
  • In water;
  • In hydrogel.

Like all indoor plants, bamboo thrives in a pot of soil. In order to make him comfortable, it is best to choose soil suitable for dracaena. At the bottom of the pot in which the flower will be planted, you need to pour small pebbles or decorative glass, which will serve as drainage.

Indoor bamboo. Care and reproduction

The second, rather unusual method for traditional plant growing, is planting and caring for bamboo in water. To do this, take a vessel with clean, filtered water, add pebbles to the bottom, and plant the plant. Drainage should not exceed the level of the plant's root system. The only condition for caring for bamboo in water is frequent replacement and topping up.

Bamboo, or as it is also called, Dracaena Sander, feels best in a special hydrogel. It is a special soil composition impregnated with a gel-like substance. Hydrogel can be different color(transparent, pearlescent, green), therefore, to make the plant look especially impressive, it is planted in a transparent pot.

Indoor bamboo: care and propagation

To grow Sander bamboo, you can use seeds or cuttings. It is best to plant the plant in March, when natural forcing begins. To propagate indoor bamboo, the seeds are soaked in water until complete germination. Then they are planted in soil, which includes:

  • drainage - 1/4
  • sand 1/4
  • land 2/4.

After planting in the ground, the seeds should be covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Indoor bamboo. Care

Indoor bamboo can also be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to pinch off the shoot and put it in water. In 3-4 weeks it will have roots, which means it will be possible to plant the plant in soil, water or hydrogel.

If you have a plant in your home that brings good luck, learn how to properly care for it:

  1. Water deeply in summer and reduce watering in winter;
  2. Once every 3 months, feed the plant with a special fertilizer for dracaenas;
  3. Make sure that the room is not too hot, otherwise after a while you will notice that the leaves of indoor bamboo have turned yellow;
  4. Water bamboo only with settled water, the temperature of which is 18-20 degrees;
  5. Do not place it on the windowsill on the sunny side.
  6. Also, the plant does not like cold air. Therefore, to prevent the leaves of indoor bamboo from turning yellow, when ventilating, remove it from drafts. If brown or yellowish spots appear on the leaves, it means that the bamboo does not have enough moisture.

Caring for a houseplant Sander bamboo does not require special, complex procedures, but if you create it comfortable conditions, the plant will delight you with its original appearance.

“Bamboo of Happiness”: how to twist it yourself?

The exotic houseplant Sander bamboo has a leafless, curved stem. It is this that is the “feature” of the flower. By bending the stem and giving it various shapes, designers create unique, original figures and exposition.

You can twist the plant yourself:

Push the plant stem into a curved plastic tube and leave it that way for several weeks. The bamboo will take on its shape and, after removing the tube, will not change it.

Bend the young shoots that have not yet become woody as you need them and secure them with wire. After a few weeks, the fasteners can be removed, and the stem will secure and take shape.

In order for the plant to look truly impressive, it must be artificially twisted, since the bamboo will only grow in height on its own.

How to twist a boombook yourself. Photo

What does bamboo mean according to Feng Shui?

There is a system for combining the number of stems in bamboo. According to Feng Shui, by creating a certain composition of several branches, you can attract all the good things into your home.

  • 3 stems - joy and peace;
  • 5 stems - financial well-being and good luck in business;
  • 7 stems - health and longevity;
  • 20 stems - love and family happiness;
  • 21 stems - well-being in all areas of life.

To avoid causing trouble, compositions with 4 stems should be avoided. It is considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui.

To enhance magical properties plants, bamboo stems are tied with beautiful golden or red ribbons, and multi-colored glass and pebbles are placed on the ground.

It is also customary to “plant” animal figures on the bamboo of happiness: a dog, an elephant, a panda or a frog. They are believed to have a beneficial effect on the energy of the plant.

Trimming and propagating bamboo in water

To give shape and also provide quality care indoor plant bamboo, shoots and stems are pruned annually. To do this, you need to use special garden scissors or pruning shears for trimming indoor flowers.

Trimmed shoots can be used as cuttings to propagate the plant. Removed shoots are placed in a jar of water until roots appear. Cuts near the plant stem should be lubricated with liquid wax to prevent rotting in water.

If the plant does not sprout well, then you should pinch or cut off part of the trunk and then new green leaves will appear on the sides.