Why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home: signs and facts about the tropical beauty. Dieffenbachia - why can’t you keep it at home? Dieffenbachia for the home - good or bad

Dieffenbachia is beautiful flower, which can be beneficial. This plant contains phytoncides that can improve the composition of the air and cleanse it of harmful microorganisms. In addition, Dieffenbachia is capable of absorbing toxic substances, for example, trichlorotylene, xylene and benzene. Therefore, environmentalists recommend growing this plant in industries where a huge amount of toxins are released during work. More this flower can humidify the air, which has a good effect on reducing the amount of dust in the room. There is also an opinion that this representative of the flora has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system.

Despite all beneficial features, Dieffenbachia can cause great harm to the human body. The fact is that its leaves and stems emit poisonous juice. As a result of contact with the skin or mucous membrane of the eye, it causes irritation or severe swelling. That's why poisonous substance, which is contained in the flower, can cause blindness, swelling of the tongue and muteness for a certain time.

The indoor Dieffenbachia flower is popularly considered a muzhegon, since this plant negatively affects the potency of men. According to signs, in a house where Dieffenbachia grows, married couples for a long time will not be able to have offspring.

Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home?

There is no doubt that this flower is poisonous. However, if you handle it correctly and follow safety precautions, the plant cannot harm human health. Therefore, when caring for the plant, it is recommended to wear gloves, and after all procedures, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

This plant can pose a great danger to children, as they will certainly want to taste it. In this case, the consequences will be much worse than for an adult. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and remove the dangerous plant away or get rid of it completely.

Dieffenbachia is also dangerous for pets, especially cats. An animal that has bitten its leaf will not be able to breathe due to severe swelling of the larynx. But do not forget that cats are quite smart animals - they always try to avoid plants that are harmful to them.

From this we can conclude that Dieffenbachia is not entirely harmful, but its benefits are clearly underestimated. The most important thing is to properly care for and handle the plant, keeping it away from small children.

Dieffenbachia has many fans among gardeners; why you can’t keep it at home - this question interests many. Therefore, it is useful to know both the rules for caring for indoor evergreen shrubs and the historically ambiguous attitude towards it.

Dieffenbachia is an indoor plant that has its own specifics. Among the variety of decorative flowers, it is distinguished by the presence of variegated white-green large leaves and potentially large sizes. With age, the flower loses its attractiveness due to large quantity dying stems in the lower part and requires rejuvenation.

Microclimate requirements

Dieffenbachia will not feel comfortable in every apartment. If the recommended microclimate for growing a houseplant is not observed in the room, then it is advisable not to rush to decorate the interior with the flower you like: there is little pleasure in keeping a stunted and drooping representative of the flora in the apartment, which is at the same time slowly growing and prone to disease.

  1. Lighting. Dieffenbachia, being from tropical countries, is photophilous, but does not like direct sunlight.
  2. Temperature. The best range is +20°C... +26°C in summer and +18°C... +19°C in winter; sudden temperature changes are extremely undesirable. Drafts can cause great harm.
  3. Humidity. The recommended level is at least 55%.

Knowing the physical parameters of the air in your apartment will help you preliminarily determine the appropriateness of the presence of Dieffenbachia on your territory.

When is it better not to grow Dieffenbachia in an apartment?

A florist needs to take a responsible approach to choosing a home flowerpot and remember that Dieffenbachia is poisonous. Its green parts contain alkaloids - a substance that causes swelling, irritation and redness when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, as well as irreversible damage to the cornea. An allergic reaction usually appears several hours after contact with milky juice. Think carefully before deciding whether you need Dieffenbachia and whether you can keep a poisonous beauty at home.

Do young children live in the apartment? Then choose only non-toxic flower. It is not always possible to keep track of the nimble tomboys who indiscriminately put everything in their mouths. Known historical facts, when ingestion of Dieffenbachia leaves caused temporary paralysis and numbness of the mouth and larynx for up to several weeks. Not all plant varieties are equally toxic, and individual reactions are selective, but it is better to prevent troubles. What may cause temporary minor inconvenience to a healthy adult may cause a long-term illness for a small person.

The second case that requires close attention is pets in your apartment. Often cats, dogs and parrots can be quite partial to attractive greenery, so there is a chance that they can easily cause themselves unpleasant painful sensations, even possibly death. If you place Dieffenbachia in a place inaccessible to animals, then the neighborhood can be safe for everyone: the integrity of the green stems and leaves will be preserved, and the pet will not be harmed. Let it be a restricted access room, high shelves, hanging planters- everything for your peace of mind and the safety of your little friend.

What you need to remember and be able to do when growing a houseplant

Knowledge of the strong and weaknesses house plants will help determine whether it is worth spending time and money on the chosen flowerpot or not.

Dieffenbachia will delight you with its rapid growth and durability - this good qualities, if you want to green the premises on an ongoing basis as quickly as possible. She is not very demanding in terms of care. Provide the necessary microclimate, regularly and correctly water, fertilize, replant the plant, and wipe the wide leaves from dust. To avoid allergic and other troubles, do not allow plant parts to come into direct contact with your skin. Use gloves when replanting, removing old leaves, pruning and even wiping off dust, and wash your hands with soap and water when finishing the work.

Popular superstitions and mystical properties of Dieffenbachia

Over time, the flower acquired a bad reputation among superstitious people. Dieffenbachia was endowed with mystical properties, and was credited with the ability to spread negative energy and destroy the atmosphere of goodwill and hospitality.

Folk signs explain a wide range of problems as follows:

  1. Intrafamily quarrels, divorce of a married couple. The flowerpot grows comfortably in places of constant negative emotional outbursts. They claim that it can enhance negative qualities.
  2. A young girl's inability to find a good groom. If a potential bride is growing up in an apartment, then a green pet is undesirable, otherwise promising acquaintances will never end in marriage and will come down to only short-term relationships without serious obligations.
  3. Rare guests in the house. Neighbors and friends will pick up on the “sinister” atmosphere of the apartment and will not linger for a minute unless absolutely necessary.
  4. Low male potency. A strong half of humanity suffers from the “vampirism” of indoor plants. The flower, as popular rumor claims, expels men from the marital bed, from the house.
  5. Adultery on the part of the husband.
  6. Absence desired pregnancy. In addition to male incompetence, female infertility is also added.
  7. Problems in relationships with children, especially boys.
  8. Poor health: neuroses, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, various diseases.
  9. Low material wealth of the family to the point of poverty.
  10. Death or abandonment of pets.

How does one relate to folk wisdom? You should not be tempted to explain the lack of harmony in the family by the presence of the “wrong” plant in the living room. Among your friends and neighbors there should be happy families who will convince you that Dieffenbachia thrives in a good family. But it is reasonable to remember that the signs are partially justified, and Dieffenbachia is not completely safe. Therefore, there is no need to choose a place for it in the bedroom, especially next to the marital bed.

Positive properties of Dieffenbachia

Experts note the numerous advantages of the plant.

Dieffenbachia - air humidification and dust removal

In the first place are properties for improving indoor air quality:

  1. Increase in humidity. Wide leaves constantly evaporate moisture, and the need to additionally spray the plant in an unfavorable microclimate also contributes to an increase in the overall percentage of water in the air.
  2. Cleaning from dust: it settles on the leaves and is easily removed with regular cleaning of the room. For people who are intolerant to dust, this is a good option.
  3. Destruction and suppression of the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. This is possible due to the presence of biologically active substances - phytoncides. So “immune” defense indoor plants helps owners protect their health.
  4. Formaldehyde removal. This is important when moving into new apartment when after repair work When purchasing furniture, the residual smell of chemicals lingers in the air for a long time.

The qualities due to which our grandmothers could ignore the plant are also interpreted from a positive side. If Dieffenbachia feeds on the energy of negative emotions, then that’s good! This means it absorbs and neutralizes it, clearing the space. You can’t place it in the bedroom - we’ll put it in the kitchen!

The plant may not like men - let the owner take care of it. Flower growers claim that Dieffenbachia when proper care generously shares energy with those who care about it: improves well-being, appearance, helps fight aging and excess weight.

Dieffenbachia, the benefits and harms of which are ambiguous, does not scare everyone as a cause of potential infertility: established parents and older people are not concerned about this problem.

The positive energy of Dieffenbachia is actively produced for mental activity, which will contribute to the prosperity of career and business. This plant is not a money plant, but an energy stimulant in decision-making situations, when mastering new material, properly managing money, and establishing business connections. This is a good companion for students, businessmen, so it is most appropriate to place it in work area apartments: in the office or on the desk.

A caring gardener does not have bad plants, but only unsuitable conditions for him. Dieffenbachia may be worthy decoration at home where there are no children or pets. Choose the best for yourself and don’t doubt your choice!

Dieffenbachia is an interesting, widespread plant that can decorate the interior of any office or apartment. Flower growers love it for its colorful appearance, fast growth and easy care.

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Plant at favorable conditions grows up to 2 m in height. The beneficial properties and harms of Dieffenbachia and a description of its varieties should be considered in detail.

What types are there?

Dieffenbachia has large, beautifully colored leaves, but inconspicuous flowers. As a result of the work of breeders, more than 40 varieties of this indoor plant were obtained. The most common of them are:

  • Camilla is a hybrid with light lemon-colored leaves in the central part with a dark border along the edges;
  • Bauze - no more than 90 cm high, with a marble pattern on large yellow-green leaves;
  • Bowman - with large oval leaves, reaching a length of 75 cm, with a light line in their middle part and small specks extending from it;
  • dieffenbachia spotted - with a pattern on pointed leaves, spots and specks of color are scattered across the entire surface Ivory;
  • Oersted, which differs from other plant species in its solid dark green leaves with a wide light vein in its center;
  • Lovely (Seguina), distinguished by a herringbone pattern of contrasting color on the leaves;
  • Green Magic is a hybrid with an even dark green leaf color, tinged with blue, with a white central stripe and light rays extending from it;
  • Compact - miniature variety plants that have many similarities with Camila;
  • Reflector, the memorable color of the leaves of which is presented in the form of yellowish spots along the lateral veins on a dark surface;
  • Mars, on the large leaves of which there are many small strokes of light light, merging into a solid background.

All types of Dieffenbachia are divided into 2 groups: bush and tree-like. Tree-like plants have one strong stem. Bush plants are characterized by the presence of several stems and look like lush bush.

How does it bloom?

Not every gardener can boast of blooming Dieffenbachia. When used for interior landscaping, the emphasis is on variegated decorative leaves rather than flowers. At home, flowering is observed quite rarely.

Under favorable conditions, in mid-spring, an inflorescence of small light yellow buds, collected into an ear, may appear at the top of the plant from the leaf axil. On top, the inflorescence is tightly wrapped in a delicate cream-colored blanket.

After a few days, the flower withers, continuing to remain on the stem. During this period, the inflorescence should be removed, since it, by taking away useful substances from the plant, can cause it to stop further development.

With natural pollination by insects, the Dieffenbachia flower would delight gardeners with orange or red small berries that look impressive against the backdrop of rich foliage.

Description of the plant

This exotic belongs to the aroid family. Native to tropical forests South America. The plant is named after the Viennese gardener Joseph Dieffenbach, who was involved in its cultivation.

The flower has large variegated leaves with expressive patterns that vary greatly depending on the species. The leaves, reaching 25-30 cm in length, are located alternately on the strong trunk of the tree-like Dieffenbachia or on multiple herbaceous stems of its bush variety.

As you grow lower leaves fall off, hiding the decorative effect. The flowers are inconspicuous and rarely appear at home. The plant grows quickly and can reach a height of 1.8-2 m.

Dieffenbachia is one of the dangerous plants, so caution should be exercised.

Its peculiarity can be called the release, under certain conditions, of caustic juice in the form of drops from the surface of the leaves. The effect is created crying plant. This property is especially pronounced on contrasting leaves (Dieffenbachia Seguine).

The cause of "tearfulness" is high humidity, a sharp change in pressure, excess moisture in the earthen coma. The plant acts as a barometer: before precipitation falls, it begins to “cry.”

The flower will delight you with vigorous vegetation if you follow the right conditions content. He loves humidity, warmth and good lighting. The period from February to May is considered the right time to transplant it.

The plant is thermophilic. The temperature in the room where it is located should be +22…+24°C. IN winter time You need to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 18°C. Otherwise, the flower will stop growing, rot and may die.

Dieffenbachia does not tolerate drafts; access to light is required for it. In the hot season, you need to protect the plant from exposure to direct sunlight. To ensure that it does not lose its attractiveness, it needs to be trimmed approximately once a year.

From spring to autumn, Dieffenbachia should be watered abundantly and the leaves should be sprayed with water. Loves a humid microclimate. It should be fed once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizer.

Winter for the plant is considered a time of relative rest. During this period, it is necessary to reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Why can't you keep Dieffenbachia at home?

It can be dangerous to people and animals due to its toxic juice. If you follow the rules and precautions, the plant can be safely grown at home, delighting yourself and those around you. interesting solutions interior decoration. If the contents of the specified indoor flower at home you need:

  • keep small children and animals away from the plant;
  • carry out all work with it using protective equipment;
  • avoid getting juice on exposed parts of the body and mucous membranes
  • sensitive people should beware of the plant so as not to cause allergies;
  • pick for flower appropriate place away from the bedroom.

It is not recommended to grow Dieffenbachia in the bedroom next reason. Plants absorb light carbon dioxide and release oxygen, thereby improving the microclimate in the room. But at night the reverse process occurs.

If you put a flower in the bedroom, then its leaves big size at night will quickly fill the room with carbon dioxide. In the morning, a person will wake up with a headache and will not feel rested and alert.

Positive properties

The benefits of Dieffenbachia, when properly maintained, are as follows:

  1. Due to the wide leaves of the plant, the dry air in the rooms is constantly and intensively humidified.
  2. The specific substances phytoncides secreted by the flower allow you to cleanse the room of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. During the daytime, the plant cleanses the space well from dust and enriches it with oxygen.
  4. Neutralizes the harmful effects of formaldehyde and harmful impurities contained in construction and fuels and lubricants on the human body.
  5. Compositions made from living plants provide great aesthetic pleasure, especially in winter.

In means traditional medicine Dieffenbachia is not used due to its toxic sap.

Signs and superstitions

According to esotericism, this flower is incompatible with male energy, male strength is lost, the possibility of procreation disappears, it turns out negative impact to your health.

The man becomes uncomfortable staying in the house where the plant is located, and he leaves. Then his woman is doomed to loneliness. Dieffenbachia is popularly called “muzhegon”.

According to Feng Shui, the Taoist practice of organizing space, there are no harmful or dangerous plants with bad energy. Knowing how to choose the right place to keep it, even the active energy of a plant can be curbed and made to have a positive effect on a person.

Then the plant will enhance creativity and mental potential. If Dieffenbachia suddenly blooms, then the family will face dramatic changes in the near future.

Is it worth keeping beautiful exotic at home, everyone decides for themselves. But superstitious people are better off giving it up right away.

What is the harm to the plant?

Dieffenbachia juice is toxic because it contains calcium oxalate crystals and other dangerous enzymes. If the juice of this indoor flower comes into contact with the skin of humans or animals, it can cause severe burns or dermatitis. Swelling, redness, blisters and ulcers occur at the site of the lesion.

The situation is more complicated when poisonous juice gets into the body or into the eyes. In this case, burns, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and oral cavity or eyes, allergies, difficulty swallowing and breathing, and increased salivation occur. The person is unable to speak. Severe poisoning may occur.

Video gallery




Dieffenbachia transplantation and care. Indoor flowers. Dieffenbachia


Dieffenbachia cuttings!


POISONOUS PLANT DIEFENBACHIA. This plant kills a child within 1 minute




How to grow Dieffenbachia. Dieffenbachia, cuttings, care, cultivation.


Dieffenbachia. Reproduction methods.


Dieffenbachia: pruning and rooting. My experience


Gorgeous Dieffenbachia without any problems.


About the most important thing: Dangerous houseplants - Dieffenbachia and boxwood

Dieffenbachia is a houseplant with large, beautiful leaves with white dots or streaks. It is very decorative and serves as a true decoration for any room. At good care the flower grows over 2 meters in height. Dieffenbachia blooms extremely rarely.

Useful qualities of Dieffenbachia

The large and wide leaves of the flower are able to trap dust and toxins. This plant not only provides aesthetic pleasure - it purifies the air from formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances. A large flower can attract dust from all over the room. By wiping your Dieffenbachia leaves every day, you can significantly reduce the level of dust in your room, making the air much cleaner.

Thanks to the large leaf area, Dieffenbachia intensively saturates the air with oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. It is useful to place a pot with a plant in a room where there are a lot of computers - a beautiful plant can “retract” part of the harmful radiation from monitors.

One more little known unique property Dieffenbachia – weather forecasting. If you notice a drop of moisture at the tip of the leaf, it will definitely rain in the next day or two.

Beware Dieffenbachia!

The luxurious flower has a significant drawback - its milky juice is very poisonous. By breaking off a leaf of Dieffenbachia or accidentally tearing off part of it, you will see a cloudy liquid emerge - this is the milky juice. Once on the mucous membrane it causes severe burns and swelling. If you have an individual intolerance to some of the substances that make up this juice, it can cause an allergic reaction even if it comes into contact with the skin.

By accident or out of interest, if you lick a drop of liquid, you will instantly feel the acrid and baking taste. If you do not rinse your mouth immediately, you can get swelling of the mouth and tongue. If it gets into the eyes, Dieffenbachia juice leads to temporary loss of vision.

That is why The plant is not recommended to be kept in houses where there are children: There are known cases where Dieffenbachia caused serious poisoning. Even just by licking droplets of moisture appearing on the leaves before rain, a child can provoke severe intestinal upset.

If you have a cat that likes to chew flowers, it is better not to get Dieffenbachia. After chewing the leaf, the animal will most likely die. The same can be said for feathered pets - you shouldn’t risk releasing a bird in a room where there is a Dieffenbachia plant. Even just sitting on a flower, a bird can pierce the surface of the leaf with its claw and get dirty in the milky juice. After cleaning this claw, the birdie will simply become poisoned.

A number of signs are associated with Dieffenbachia

Many people believe that this flower “dares” suitors. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it in the room of young girls and unmarried women. At the same time, if Dieffenbachia has bloomed, you will not face loneliness in any case. This is a sure sign that your family life will be very successful. Especially if the plant blooms regularly.

Another sign says that Dieffenbachia “survives” a man from home. This is generally a very dubious fact, which rather relates to prejudice.

Cats have an honorable role here too - according to signs, cats do not take root in a house where Dieffenbachia grows. The explanation here is very simple - some animals love to bite the leaves of plants and, as mentioned above, get very sick and even die due to the carelessness of their owners.

Recipe for the occasion::

Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia at home?

If you like this plant, then of course you can. But only with all the necessary precautions. When replanting Dieffenbachia or removing dying leaves, avoid getting the milky sap on your skin.

Which is quite common in office premises and houses. Despite the fact that it is a wonderful decorative element, there is still debate about how safe this plant is. Poor energy and toxicity of the plant are the most important factors influencing the question of whether Dieffenbachia can be kept at home.

Why you can’t keep Dieffenbachia at home

There are many rumors around indoor plants, due to a number of superstitions. Dieffenbachia occupies a leading position in this regard. Therefore, more and more people prefer not to keep this plant at home.

There are a lot bad omens associated with indoor Dieffenbachia.

The main superstition is that Dieffenbachia is a muzhegon. IN this category those plants that create bad energy in a house for the stronger sex to live in. In other words, plants drive men out of the house. Therefore, single girls should think about growing this plant, because its presence in the apartment can negatively affect relationships with guys, which will be fleeting and fleeting.

The plant is also dangerous for married couples. It is believed that Dieffenbachia can lead to divorce. The former strong union of spouses can quickly collapse if the plant is placed in the bedroom.

Another superstition that sounds no less frightening is that Dieffenbachia is the culprit of infertility. Even in ancient times, it was believed that there would be no children in the family as long as this plant grew in the house. But today this opinion has changed a little. The plant is now believed to have a negative effect on male potency and can promise male infertility.

Why are plants harmful to the home?

Those who are skeptical about folk signs, are also opponents of growing Dieffenbachia at home. And this is due to the fact that this plant is poisonous and poses a potential danger not only to humans, but also to animals.

Dieffenbachia is dangerous for pets: its leaves contain poisonous juice.

Of course, there is no point in arguing that Dieffenbachia secretes poisonous juice. But the plant is unlikely to cause any significant harm to the health of an adult. The most that can be expected from contact of toxic juice with the skin is the formation of a burn or small ulcer. You can try to avoid all this if you follow certain precautions - wear gloves when working with the plant, wash your hands thoroughly, etc.

Important. There are cases when a person had individual intolerance chemical elements contained in the juice of the flower. At the same time, they developed quite severe consequences– acute heart failure, an attack of an allergic reaction, suffocation.

The plant poses the greatest danger to children who love to taste everything. If the plant juice gets on the baby’s mucous surface, then it is quite possible that more severe complications will develop - spatial disorientation, severe dizziness, loss of speech and even temporary blindness.

Therefore, parents must understand that nothing, even the most beautiful ornamental plant, should not be within the reach of a child. And if Dieffenbachia grows in an apartment, then it is best to put it on a high cabinet or hang it on the wall.

Dieffenbachia is dangerous for young children.

Dieffenbachia also poses a mortal danger to domestic animals, especially cats and small birds. If the pet decides to bite off the plant, then it will begin to develop laryngeal edema. In this case, saving the cat or parrot will be problematic, since they will simply stop breathing.

Speaking about the toxicity of the plant, we can confidently say that it can grow at home if you approach cultivation wisely. But if you are not confident that you will be able to keep the situation under control, it is better to get rid of Dieffenbachia, at least until the children grow up.

In what situations can you keep plants at home?

But Chinese teaching is not so categorical. According to Feng Shui, Dieffenbachia can be useful. It is believed that this plant is an excellent indicator of energy in the house. Not everyone gets to see Dieffenbachia bloom, and this is due to the fact that this process begins only if the plant is in a place with a strong negative emotional background. By knowing where negativity accumulates in your home, you can eliminate it. By the way, Dieffenbachia itself will willingly help you with this if you are careful about its care.

He loves the plant and women who pay attention to it. It is believed that the real owner of Dieffenbachia can safely count on the fact that the flower will have a positive effect on her well-being, help in the fight against excess weight and even eliminate wrinkles.

In addition, the plant is a good air purifier. Therefore, it can be placed in the kitchen and where people often gather. The main thing is that it does not harm household members.

Indoor Dieffenbachia purifies the air well, so it is often placed in the kitchen.

Basically, Dieffenbachia is now bred by people whose personal lives are already thoroughly organized, and by those in whose homes there are no small children or pets. In this case, the plant only shows positive features, and even many superstitions, cannot harm a person.

Quite a lot has been said about why you can’t keep the plant at home. And if you decide to heed the warnings, you shouldn’t throw Dieffenbachia out into the street and say goodbye to it forever beautiful plant. After all, it is a real talisman for careerists and businessmen.

If you place the plant in your office or in your study, it will release positive energy that will help your mental activity. Dieffenbachia will help you learn quickly and remember important information, accept optimal solutions, will teach you how to use business connections and manage money.

Important. Do not confuse the plant with one of the options money tree, it does not bring wealth, but only teaches you how to go towards it correctly.

Dieffenbachia will benefit not only businessmen, but also creative people. The plant is believed to be able to inspire artists, poets, writers and composers. Therefore, it can be safely placed in creative workshops and other art institutions.

Dieffenbachia is often placed in offices and other in public places.

One of the reasons why Dieffenbachia is usually placed in public places is that the plant, with the help of secreted phytoncides, purifies the air from harmful bacteria. Therefore, it can most often be observed in educational institutions

, healthcare institutions, offices and shopping centers.

Whether or not to breed diffenachia at home is up to you to decide. But it is worth sticking to the “golden” mean, and not blindly believing superstitions or, on the contrary, completely denying them. It is important to learn to intuitively recognize danger.