Bath after mammoplasty. When can you sunbathe after mammoplasty?

Rehabilitation period It can be easy and practically problem-free, or it can take a significant amount of time. This depends on the volume of the operation that was performed, as well as on the implementation of the doctor’s recommendations, which must be strictly followed.

In this article we will consider to a greater extent the features of rehabilitation after surgery to correct the shape of the breast using implants.


Usually the patient spends the first day in the intensive care unit under the supervision of nurses and a doctor in order to receive emergency assistance in case of complications of anesthesia or surgery. If everything is normal, then the woman is sent home with a list of recommendations and prescriptions for medications, which must be taken for the first week or two.


Photo: mepiform - scar patch

Typically, the first medication you need is painkillers. Some may have no pain at all, but this is rare. For most women, the pain in the first two to three days is very intense.

They are associated with tissue stretching by the implant, muscle damage during surgery, and increasing swelling of the breast. Following painkillers are antibiotics and antiviral drugs for the prevention of purulent complications and relapse of herpes.

For the seams you will need Meliform silicone patch, and after the seams have lightened and become soft, Contractubex cream.

In addition to the medications listed above, the doctor may individually prescribe other medications if there are indications for this.


Caring for a postoperative scar is very important because it is the scar that can spoil the result of the operation. The tissues are stretched after the implant is placed, so there is a risk of forming a wide and rough scar.

To avoid this, the edges of the wound are fixed with adhesive tape or special strips that relieve tissue tension on both sides of the scar. Constantly wearing compression garments helps in the formation of thin scars. Sutures are usually removed at the first consultation with the doctor after surgery. This happens on days 7-10.

The seams must be sealed with silicone tape for a month. And when the scar becomes elastic and whitish, you can begin to gradually dissolve it with Contractubex cream.

Earlier use of Contractubex on a scar that has not formed can lead to the opposite effect: you will get a scar that spreads to the sides.


Breast swelling can be significant. It looks like an unnatural increase in the size of the upper half of the mammary glands, which is located above the nipple. Swelling may persist for about a week. But sometimes even a month is not enough for the swelling to go away.

Compression underwear helps reduce swelling by providing a gentle massage effect on the tissue and thereby activating blood circulation, venous and lymphatic drainage.

A number of factors prevent the reduction of edema or even contribute to its increase:

  • tanning in the sun or in a solarium, if this causes the breast tissue to heat up;
  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna;
  • washing in a bath with hot or warm water;
  • sexual arousal, which causes a rush of blood to the mammary glands;
  • excessive mobility of the mammary glands when refusing to wear compression garments;
  • physical exercise, which have not yet been approved by a doctor.

Therefore, to reduce swelling it is necessary:

  • wear compression garments;
  • take a shower with cool or pleasantly warm water;
  • give up sex and sports for at least 4 weeks;
  • do not visit the beach, solarium, bathhouse or sauna for a month after surgery.

Video: recovery after breast augmentation

Physical exercise

In the first week, you are not allowed to raise your arms above your shoulders, lift weights (more than 3 kg), or make sudden movements with your arms and body.

Car enthusiasts can drive no earlier than 6-10 days after surgery, and only if the car is equipped with power steering.

Fulfill simple work in the kitchen you can from the second week. At the same time, you can start thinking about going to work, if there is such a need, and the work does not involve lifting heavy objects, performing activities while bending over, or raising your arms above your shoulders.

If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of holding a child in your arms, then you do not need to lift him with your hands. Sit down, keeping your back straight, grab the child, lift him up. This is how you can avoid putting unwanted stress on the muscles of your chest and arms.

You can return to training no earlier than a month after surgery, and then after consulting a doctor. You should exercise in compression garments. It is advisable to increase the load gradually.

Breast massage

Contracture after mammoplasty. Many of those who have already had surgery, and most of those who are still planning a visit, are afraid of this term. plastic surgeon. In fact, the development of a connective tissue capsule around the implant is a normal process.

It happens to everyone. But its degree of expression is different women may be different: for some, the capsule is thin and elastic and does not in any way affect the elasticity of the implant, while for others, the capsule forms dense and also contracts, squeezing the implant and changing its shape.

In order to prevent the capsule from becoming dense and thick, surgeons different stages During rehabilitation after breast surgery, it is recommended to use breast massage. For some, a massage will be prescribed a month after the operation, and for others already on the 5-6th day. The massage techniques are shown by the doctor himself, and they must be repeated clearly so as not to provoke increased swelling, but at the same time maintain the elasticity of the capsule.

Skin care after mammoplasty

Immediately after the operation, due to the strong tension of the skin, the breasts appear youthful. But this effect does not last long without special care.

Gradually, the skin of the breast loses its elasticity and stretch marks may appear on it. Therefore, already in the first week after surgery, immediately after removing the stitches, it is recommended to apply special creams and lotions to the skin of the chest immediately after a shower.

Breast enlargement creams are quite suitable for this purpose, they perfectly tone the skin and are an excellent prevention of stretch marks. They are perfect for massage.

A month after the operation, you can begin a course of salon procedures aimed at preserving the beauty of the breast skin. This can include the application of special serums, alginate masks, and algae wraps.

After a salon course, it is quite possible to perform similar procedures from time to time at home on your own to maintain the effect.

Maintaining body weight

Breast volume is greatly influenced by body weight. If it changes, the volume and shape of the breast changes. Therefore, if you are planning an operation, then first lose weight to your desired body weight, then stabilize the weight, and only then have the operation. Weight changes during the rehabilitation period can have a particularly unpredictable effect on the operated breast.

Sudden weight loss can make the implant visible under the skin, and sudden weight gain can cause stretch marks and sagging breasts. In addition, the breast can increase significantly in volume, which, in combination with the volume of the implant, will give an unnatural breast size, which will be more of a hindrance than a delight.

Transition from compression to regular underwear

It's very individual here. Some surgeons allow you to wear regular underwear already a month after the operation, and some ask to wait for at least 3 months. Therefore, ask questions to the surgeon who performed the operation.

In any case, your first bra after surgery should be chosen so that it supports the breasts no worse than compression garments. This means that it should have a deep cup in size, wide straps, and a wide belt.

You need to wear “reliable” bras for up to 1 year after surgery.

Do you think food can affect the size and general state bust, and ?

Any operation begins with preparation. You can find out how breast reduction surgery works.

To find out your right size breasts, carefully and accurately measure the volume under the breasts and the breasts themselves. Details.

Many women think about the restrictions in Everyday life they can collide, obtaining the desired size and shape of the mammary glands. Made from high quality materials and have a lifetime warranty. However, the risk of complications associated with the introduction of prostheses increases every year.

Our experienced aesthetic surgeon Oleg Banizh has been practicing breast surgery for more than 10 years. the main objective Our job is to achieve unsurpassed results and maintain them for as long as possible. Hundreds of happy patients who have undergone breast implantation with us have undergone the recovery process easily, without encountering side effects.

Sports and intimate life after breast surgery

Since they are mainly approached by perfectionists who care about their figure, they are often concerned with the question: is it possible to play sports after surgery? During the rehabilitation process, heavy physical activity will be strictly prohibited for you. Moreover, this applies not only to the gym and home gymnastics: it is not even recommended to lift weights. So if you have Small child, think in advance who will be able to carry it in their arms during the first month after the operation.


  • . For the first month after surgery, you will not be allowed to do any physical activity;
  • . Sports training can be introduced from the second month after installation of implants;
  • . Add load gradually: start with yoga, swimming or Pilates, and only then move on to CrossFit and supersets;
  • . It is better to postpone visiting the gym and training with barbells/dumbbells for six months;
  • . During the first year after plastic surgery, it is recommended to wear compression garments when performing any exercises;
  • . It is better to avoid running for 3-4 months after plastic surgery. Start it after 5-6 months, not forgetting about the bandage bra;
  • . The training plan should be drawn up under the supervision of a doctor and trainer.

It is better to limit intimate life in the first two weeks after surgery. You should also move on to it carefully, avoiding unnecessary activity. After the scars have healed and the implants have fully sunk into the capsule, sexual life can continue in the usual pre-operative rhythm.

Be sure to choose sports supportive underwear, especially if you expose your breasts to “shaking.” Running, jumping rope, elliptical trainer - these exercises should only be performed with a bandage top. This rule applies at all times, regardless of the age of your new breasts. However, it is relevant and useful even for girls whose breasts have not been touched by a scalpel.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetic breast care afterward is no less important than for “natural” mammary glands. The introduction of implants does not have any effect on the condition of the skin, including beneficial ones. It also continues to age, undergo gravitational ptosis and lose its tone, with the only difference being that its shape remains harmonious and less susceptible to destructive changes.

Restrictions on the cosmetics used apply only to the period of primary rehabilitation. Don't use:

  1. Aggressive stimulants containing menthol, pine extracts, mint;
  2. Alcohol-containing lotions and tonics;
  3. Fatty base oils (especially during the healing period of sutures);
  4. Creams with a high content of fragrances and chemical substances;
  5. Abrasive body scrub.

If a lot of time has passed since the operation, you need to:

  • . Moisturize and nourish the breast skin with serums, fluids and lotions special purpose;
  • . Use scrubs to improve blood microcirculation, tone the skin and activate lymph outflow;
  • . From time to time, do home or salon breast wraps;
  • . Use a contrasting circular shower;
  • . Apply creams for stretch marks;
  • . Attend manual and hardware procedures at your own discretion.

Water procedures and temperature conditions

Implanted breasts create many restrictions regarding water and temperature conditions.

  • . Avoid prolonged sun exposure with your chest open. Visiting a solarium is specifically prohibited in the first month after surgery;
  • . If you can't resist tanning topless, use creams with high level protection from ultraviolet radiation(but only 3-4 months after the final healing of the sutures);
  • . Avoid visiting the infrared sauna: there are known cases of implant deformation after its use;
  • . Classic baths and saunas are prohibited in the first months after plastic surgery. Later you can visit them, but with maximum caution, without abusing the time spent in the steam rooms;
  • . Immediately after mammoplasty, you should not take a bath or swim in the pool. Limit yourself to a regular shower;
  • . Trips to the sea should be postponed for 2-3 months after surgery.

While your stitches are fresh, you should try to be careful in everything, because now the wounds are at risk of infection. In addition, until the prosthesis is completely fixed in the capsule, there is a risk of breast deformation. Once rehabilitation is completely completed, you can return to your normal life. However, it is better to discuss your exotic preferences with our doctor in advance. For example, if you are impatient to visit the steam room, you must first examine your breasts and wait for a specialist’s approval.

Choosing a bra

The primary rehabilitation process involves constant wearing of a specialized compression bra. What to do after? How to choose beautiful underwear so that it does not harm your newly acquired jewelry?

A few quick tips for choosing underwear:

  • . Under no circumstances should you wear tight underwear that creates discomfort;
  • . Seamless, wire-free underwear is recommended for 3 months after surgery;
  • . Monitor the quality of the cut: the product should be comfortable;
  • . Supporting elements (bones) should not break through the tissue and injure the skin. This is very dangerous for any breast, especially implanted ones!
  • . It is better to choose a bra not exactly in size, but a little looser. You are a woman, and you must understand that your breasts tend to increase during certain days and periods of your life;
  • . Pay attention to the composition of the product. IN ideal these should be “breathable” lightweight materials, preferably natural. Do not skimp on silk and expensive knitwear - it will bring you much more benefits than cheap synthetics;
  • . Carefully inspect your underwear before purchasing. It should not injure the nipples or irritate the skin;
  • . Avoid wearing push-ups every day. Allow yourself to wear such products only on special occasions.

What is important to remember after breast augmentation

No matter how much time has passed since your transformation, you should be careful about your breasts and contact a specialist at the first alarming symptoms.

  • . We recommend that you undergo a breast MRI within the first 3 years after surgery: tomography will help assess the condition of the implants and capsule, identify possible diseases or neoplasms. It is better to do an MRI once every 2-3 years on a regular basis.
  • . If you notice strange symptoms such as: deformation of dentures, sharp pain in the chest, lumps, hyperemia, swelling - consult a doctor immediately! You shouldn't think that side effects can occur only immediately after plastic surgery. Late capsular contracture, which tends to develop 1-2 years after surgery, is the first confirmation of this.
  • . The sooner you see a doctor with problems, the higher your chance of avoiding surgical treatment, making do with a conservative one.
  • . If you are concerned about the condition of the stitches, contact the doctor who operated on you.
  • . you should follow all traditional norms for healthy lactation. Buy bras that fit your rapidly growing breasts in a timely manner. During pregnancy, use skin strengthening products.

Are you interested in additional questions about lifestyle features after mammoplasty? Ask them to our doctor Oleg Banizh! We will help you understand all the topics that concern you and protect yourself from negative consequences.

Women, in their quest for perfection, periodically forget about precautions that would help preserve the perfection achieved through hard work and plastic surgery.

Mammoplasty is considered one of the most frequently performed operations in the world.

They resort to it in cases of total dissatisfaction with their breasts, which include:

  • too much small size breasts;
  • too much big size breasts;
  • imperfection of forms caused by asymmetry;
  • imperfections in shape caused by changes due to breastfeeding or rapid weight changes.

All these changes mean surgical intervention, since other methods are the least effective.

Rules to be followed in the postoperative period

It doesn’t matter what kind of surgery was performed - breast augmentation with implants or breast reduction. The main thing is provision correct process healing.

Thus, the first two weeks become the fundamental time that can establish the correct vector in healing.

  • During this period, it is necessary to reduce the load and under no circumstances engage in vigorous physical activity.
  • Of course, it is not recommended to lie in bed for the entire two weeks, since muscle atrophy will not lead to anything good, but you should not strain yourself.

The ideal model of behavior is to go for walks in the first two weeks. fresh air with measured meals. During this period, under no circumstances should you expose yourself to stress such as solarium and sauna. If the reason for the ban on visiting a solarium is relatively clear - direct ultraviolet rays can affect the development of harmful microorganisms that can jeopardize the healing process, then in the situation with a sauna, many do not understand the true harm that it can cause.

So is it possible to go to the sauna after mammoplasty?

To understand in detail, let's look at what effect a sauna has on our body.

  • While in the sauna, under the influence high temperatures, the first thing our body faces is the need for lightning-fast thermoregulation. This is necessary, since our internal organs are not able to withstand such temperatures for a long time (temperatures above 40 degrees are destructive).
  • In a situation explained by stress, the body throws all its strength straight to the sweat glands. They, in turn, begin to panic and produce all the currently possible amounts of sweat, thereby trying to weaken the influence of external temperature on the body.
  • The worst thing for those who have recently undergone mammoplasty will be the expansion of capillaries. This process can be explained by the body’s attempt to regulate heat transfer.
  • All blood flow is directed to the skin, leaving a minimum for the internal organs, thereby increasing the heart rate.
  • The body begins to lose all reserve forces, while fighting the cause, which is an external irritant.
  • During the loss of huge amounts of moisture, the level of substances necessary for proper operation body, decreases significantly, causing our brain to become confused.
  • The amount of lymph that enters the blood during such stress allows a person to feel an attack of mild euphoria, which can be interpreted as a weakening of all protective functions body and a decrease in the flow of nutrients.

The epicenter of the harm that a bathhouse can cause you is dousing cold water. Contrary to the general opinion about hardening the body, at the moment of dousing, all your receptors are switched off. Similar for them sharp drop temperature is not salvation, but rather the opposite - stress. If cooling occurred naturally, the body would have time to solve all the tasks assigned, but the sharp cold stops all processes, giving the body a slap in the face.

Thus, it is necessary to avoid visiting the sauna after mammoplasty. Sutures that have not completely healed may well result in a sad outcome for you. In addition to dilation of the capillaries, which can lead to external bleeding, one should not forget about the possibility of internal bleeding, which can only be stopped with the help of professional help.

A visit to the sauna after mammoplasty is only available after complete healing, which occurs no earlier than two months after the operation. However, the first visit to the sauna, even with complete healing, should be done very carefully, starting with short periods of time.

No woman will refuse the opportunity to have beautiful, firm breasts. And when the plastic surgery is over, other problems arise: how long will the tissue take to heal? When will the stitches be removed? When can I take a bath after? etc. After all, the longevity of the result depends on how smoothly the rehabilitation period proceeds.

  • After a breast lift or reduction, wear special plasters (strips) on the seams for 2-3 weeks, and then silicone stickers, which will prevent wide, rough scars from forming.
  • If you have had your breasts enlarged using conventional implants, it is recommended to start self-massaging your breasts 5-6 days after the operation. It needs to be done several times a day for six months.
  • After a shower, be sure to apply moisturizers to your chest, preferably with a complex of hydrolyzed proteins. Special care procedures in a beauty salon, for example, seaweed wraps, application of concentrated professional means. The fact is that immediately after the operation, the breast skin seems very beautiful and elastic, but under the weight of the implant, it quickly loses its tone and elasticity, so you need to take care of it every day.
  • Special ointments and gels will help speed up the disappearance of edema and hematomas and the maturation of scars. Your doctor will tell you about them.
  • Wear special supportive underwear.
  • During the first 14 days, you should not raise your arms above your shoulders. Around day 10-20, you can go to work and start doing household chores that do not require heavy lifting or bending. 3 weeks after the operation, you can safely return to your normal lifestyle.

So, when can you take a bath after mammoplasty?

Women love to soak in the bath... It perfectly relaxes and relieves discomfort, including pain. And, of course, many patients are often interested in the question: when can you take a bath after mammoplasty? Typically, such water (warm, not hot bath) procedures are allowed after 3-4 weeks, provided that the postoperative swelling has already subsided. Baths and saunas must be avoided for 6 months. The safest water procedure for you at the moment is a light warm shower.

If the answer to the question When can you take a bath after mammoplasty was useful for you, but you would also like to learn in more detail about other features of this plastic surgery, and also get acquainted with examples of the work of a plastic surgeon, this can be done simply by following the link:.

It is completely natural for any woman to strive to look beautiful. Therefore, it is not surprising that she always wants to improve and improve something in her appearance. For example, the décolleté area, so attractive to men, sometimes requires some work. But the popular operation has become overgrown with such myths these days that “Letidor” decided to debunk the most ridiculous of them and turned to plastic surgeon Alexander Venaminovich Yaklashkin from the “Clinic of Doctor Kuprin” for help.

Alexander Venyaminovich Yaklashkin

plastic surgeon

After mammoplasty, you cannot breastfeed because silicone will get into your milk.

No, you can. Implants are made from biologically inert materials and have a reliable shell, so nothing is released or enters the mother’s body from the implant. They are safe for both mother and baby.

Hormones make it difficult to get pregnant after mammoplasty

Modern implants are harmless and do not in any way affect metabolic processes in the body. Mammoplasty can only have a positive effect on the release of hormones, increasing the release of endorphin (“happiness hormone”), since for happy owners of new breasts, life changes in better side. After surgery, as practice shows, it is even easier to get pregnant.

Implants can burst on an airplane or while diving.

The most beloved myth of all times. In fact, this is out of the question. In the production of implants, a highly cohesive (dense) gel is used, which cannot burst even under significant loads. The implant can be squeezed as hard as you can in your hand, stepped on, and after that it immediately returns to its original shape without any damage. And if you cut the implant, nothing will leak out of it and it will not lose its shape.

Silicone breasts will have to be constantly “updated”

You won’t have to constantly “renew” your breasts, but corrective surgery may be required. Repeated surgical interventions at correct selection implant, optimal option mammoplasty and the absence of complications may not be required at all. But after 10-20 years, when the tissues of the body change, the skin loses its turgor and elasticity, the phenomena of drooping, sagging, devastation are observed, and surgery is recommended to improve aesthetics. What with implants, what without them - age-related and gravitational changes occur in almost everyone. Moreover, in addition to lifting, it is also possible to replace implants with a different volume, depending on the wishes of the patient. And high-quality implant manufacturers, for example, Mentor, give a lifetime guarantee on their products.

After mammoplasty, you cannot visit saunas, baths or take a bath.

These restrictions must be observed only until three months after mammoplasty in order to allow the operated tissues to heal quietly and without any complications. At the end of the postoperative period, or better yet a year after the operation, you can safely at least swim in the thermal waters of Kamchatka, or go explore undersea world Northern Arctic Ocean. But for the first month and especially the first two weeks, you need to limit yourself to visiting saunas, swimming pools and active physical activity.

The implant can be felt and moved directly into the breast

If you wish, you can feel the implant, but much depends on the type of mammoplasty performed: in most cases, implants are installed under the pectoralis major muscle and are covered with their own soft tissues, including breast tissue. The thickness of these tissues determines whether the implant can be palpated. If the operation was performed correctly, the pocket for the implant was formed correctly and the patient followed all the recommendations of the attending physician in the postoperative period, there will be no problems with the mobility of the implant.

You can tell by eye whether breasts are natural or not.

It is not always possible to determine by eye whether the breasts are natural: almost all patients express a desire to perform mammoplasty so that the breasts look as natural as possible after surgery. If the plastic surgeon’s work was done well, the correct size of the implant was chosen, and the initial characteristics of one’s own breasts were normal, it will not be easy to understand whether the breasts are natural or not.