Cyclomen care. Fertilizer for cyclamen

Cyclamen is a member of the primrose family. In total, there are about twenty varieties of these bright perennials with a tuberous root system. Their homeland is Africa, Turkey, Iran and Cyprus where they grow in wildlife.

General information

Some of the varieties of cyclamen are cultivated in garden and home conditions. There are only two of them: European And Persian . The European cyclamen, or "alpine violet" as it is called, was developed in the early sixteenth century. This ornamental culture decorated the botanical garden of Elizabeth I. However, it was not among the favorites for long, after which it was forgotten for several centuries. But then breeders began to take an interest in it, thanks to whom the flower is now known for its variety of species and hybrids.

Domesticated cyclamen blooms from autumn to late winter, while in the wild it blooms from winter to spring. Typically, the inflorescences of the culture are light pink, raspberry or dark cherry. Hybrids have a variety of colors: from white to dark purple. Mini-cyclamens, which have large inflorescences and are planted in small pots, are in demand among gardeners.

There are also midi-cyclamen with medium inflorescences, planted in containers with a diameter of up to 13 centimeters, and maxi-cyclamen with standard flowers, which are planted in pots with a diameter of up to 20 centimeters.

You can buy these plants in the store at the beginning of autumn, as they attract with their decorativeness and bright, large flowers, which continue to delight the gardener with inflorescences until spring. In the spring, they not only fade, but also shed their leaves, as a result of which many new gardeners throw away cyclamens, believing that the flowers have died. But if you provide the culture with a period of rest and proper care, the plant will grow and bloom for many years.

Cyclamen types photos and names

– the plant grows in Asia, Africa and Western Europe. It blooms throughout the entire growing season, which lasts for four months; the rest of the time it is in an inactive growth phase. The leaf blades of the plant are heart-shaped and dark green in color with a marbled pattern. The inflorescences can be pink, purple, white and red.

– culture grows in the wild Central Europe. The plant is a herbaceous evergreen perennial with a flat, round root system. Leaf blades are basal, heart-shaped, silver-green in color. The tip is pointed with a jagged edge. On the underside, the leaves are purple in color. The inflorescences are located on long peduncles. They have a pink-violet, pale pink and bright purple hue and a sharp, pleasant aroma. This crop blooms from spring to autumn.

(Cyclamen Kuznetsova ) - is a herbaceous, tuberous perennial growing in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Asia Minor. In Russia it is listed in the Red Book. Cyclamen has small heart-shaped leaf blades of a dark green hue. The inflorescences are medium pink-purple in color. The bush grows up to 20 centimeters in height. Flowering time lasts from spring to autumn.

– the bush of the plant will grow up to 20 centimeters in height. In the wild it can be found in Turkey and Southern Europe. The leaf blades are medium silver-green in color with a marble pattern. They are heart-shaped and have a jagged edge. The inflorescences are small, white on long peduncles. The crop blooms from early August to late November.

– plant height is 15 centimeters. The inflorescences of the dryer are deep pink, located on long peduncles. The leaves are dark green, medium, heart-shaped. Flowering time lasts from spring to autumn.

The culture is a perennial with a tuberous root system. Cyclamen reaches a height of up to 18 centimeters and has dark green leaf plates with a silvery tint with a jagged edge. The inflorescences have a purple tint. They are located on long, thin peduncles. Flowering time lasts from early autumn to late winter.

– the variety has excellent frost resistance. Small pale pink inflorescences are located on long, thin peduncles and have a light, pleasant aroma. The root system is tuberous, juicy, thick. The leaf blades are round, carved, dark green. After flowering, the flower stalks curl and form fruit-boxes in which the seeds used for plant propagation ripen.

– This decorative variety became widespread in the nineteenth century. The bush of the plant will grow up to 30 centimeters and has large double inflorescences that bloom on long peduncles. They can have a variety of shades: from snow-white to dark purple. The leaf blades are heart-shaped, dark green with a marbled pattern. This variety blooms from December to May.

– in the wild, the plant grows in Turkey, Bulgaria and Crimea. The leaf blades can be either dark green or silver with a green edge. It all depends on the variety. The inflorescences are medium-sized on long peduncles. They can be white, red, pink and purple. The flowering time of the crop lasts from the beginning of winter to the end of spring.

– this variety of cyclamen looks like a violet. The inflorescences of the plant are small, pinkish-purple in color with a pleasant, persistent aroma. They are located on long peduncles. The leaf blades are heart-shaped, dark green with a marbled pattern. This species is considered endangered due to the digging up of its root system for the production of traditional medicine and cutting flowers to create bouquets. The crop blooms from early spring to late autumn.

The most common type of culture. The entire length of the Mediterranean coast is considered to be the birthplace of cyclamen. This variety is the most frost-resistant of all. It is distinguished by round, green leaf blades with indentations, like ivy. Cyclamen inflorescences are pink with a pleasant aroma. It blooms from December to March.

– grows naturally in Greece and Turkey. Grows mainly in humid forests. The leaves of this plant variety can be round or heart-shaped with a green or lime color and a marbled pattern. The inflorescences are light pink with a pleasant aroma.

- represents flowering perennial with a tuberous root system. The culture grows in Taurus, Anatolia, and Cilicia. The height of the cyclamen bush reaches 13 centimeters. Over time, it braids the area in which it grows. The leaf blades are oval, matte, green with a silvery marble pattern. The inflorescences are light purple, fragrant. The culture blooms from June to September.

- endemic to Cyprus and Rhodes. It is a perennial, reaching a height of up to 15 centimeters. Inflorescences with a pleasant aroma, pale pink or white shade with a purple center. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green. The crop blooms from early autumn to late winter.

– the plant reaches a height of 18 centimeters and is one of the most beautiful varieties. It blooms throughout spring with bright purple inflorescences with a pleasant aroma and a chocolate center. The flowers are located on a long peduncle. The leaf blades are heart-shaped, dark green with a silvery marble pattern.

Belongs to a poisonous type of plant. It is an ornamental herbaceous perennial with dark green, heart-shaped leaf blades with a marbled pattern. The inflorescences are small, purple with a pleasant aroma. Cyclamen blooms from spring to mid-autumn.

– in the wild, the plant grows on the island of Rhodes and is a tuberous perennial. The leaf blades are dark green, large with a marble pattern. The inflorescences are bright pink with a purple center and a pleasant aroma. They grow on long, thin stalks. The crop blooms from early spring to mid-autumn.

– The plant’s homeland is Ibiza, Mallorca and Spain. The leaf blades of the plant are large, dark green with a pronounced marble pattern and glossiness. The inflorescences are pale purple, small and have a pleasant aroma. Cyclamen blooms from early spring to early autumn.

– The birthplace of cyclamen is Türkiye. The leaf blades of the crop are small, round, matte with a dark green middle and a large silvery rim. Inflorescences bloom on short peduncles and have a pale purple hue and a pleasant aroma. Flowering time lasts from early spring to early autumn.

Cyclamen care at home

Cyclamen are light-loving plants, but despite this, it is better to place them on eastern or western windows. If you grow a crop on a south-facing window, it should be protected from direct sunlight. The room where cyclamen grows needs regular ventilation, but it is important to ensure that there are no drafts.

Temperature plays a very important role in the successful cultivation of cyclamens. IN winter time year, temperatures should vary from 10 to 14 degrees. If the temperature is higher, the crop will stop blooming.

IN room conditions It is difficult to create such conditions, therefore, in order to acclimatize the plant and accustom it to room temperature, the procedure should be carried out in stages. First, the cyclamen should be on a cold window, then it can be gradually moved deeper into the room, providing constant long-term ventilation, so that it can get used to standard temperature indicators and does not stop blooming.

Cyclamen loves high humidity, so it should be constantly sprayed. But as soon as the plant blooms, the procedure must be stopped. Also in maintaining optimal humidity Installing a humidifier in the room will help.

Violet is a less demanding plant. It can be grown with care at home without much hassle if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

Watering cyclamen at home

The crop should be watered frequently, but moderately. The water should be soft and at room temperature. Until flower stalks appear, the plant can be watered from above, but when flowering begins, it will be necessary to add moisture to the pan, removing excess moisture after the soil is saturated.

When the cyclamen enters a dormant period and sheds its leaves, watering should be kept to a minimum, but care must be taken to keep the soil slightly moist and not dry out.

Soil for cyclamen

The soil mixture for the plant should have good air permeability, so it is best to give preference to coarse-fiber peat mixed in equal parts with leaf turf, humus and sand.

Soil for cyclamen can also be purchased at flower shop. Soil acidity can be either neutral or slightly acidic.

Transplanting cyclamen at home

Most often, the plant is replanted during the dormant period. This happens after the crop has flowered, the foliage has yellowed and died. Before transplanting cyclamen into new pot, which should be slightly larger than the previous one, it is necessary to lay a layer of expanded clay on its bottom, after which, using the earthworker’s method of transshipment, transfer the crop to a new pot, filling the resulting voids with prepared soil.

After transplanting, you need to make sure that the tubers are at ground level and protrude slightly above it. Adaptation after the procedure takes approximately one and a half months.

Pot for cyclamen

The plant pot can be either natural materials, and from plastic.

With each transplant, the diameter of the planting container should be increased by 2-2.5 centimeters in order root system felt comfortable. There are no other requirements for the pot.

Fertilizer for cyclamen

When the plant enters the phase of active leaf growth and flowering, it must be fed.

Fertilizers should be taken for flowering plants(for example, you can use biohumus “Bogatyr” fertilizer) and add them along with water for irrigation. Feeding should be done once every two weeks.

Experienced gardeners advise not to overuse nitrogenous fertilizers, as they will lead to abundant foliage growth and minimize flowering. During the dormant period, fertilization should be stopped.

Cyclamen flowering

The flowering time of the plant depends on the varietal of the cyclamen. Most plants bloom from autumn to late winter. However, there are also varieties that bloom from spring to autumn or only in spring.

At good care Cyclamen can even bloom twice a year, but this is rare. Cyclamen inflorescences can be large, small and medium, and their colors vary: from white and pink to purple and from red to dark purple.

The inflorescences emit a pleasant aroma during flowering and look very bright and decorative, especially varieties with double petals.

Pruning cyclamen

The plant is pruned only after it has finished flowering. You need to cut off all the leaves and flower stalks right down to the tuber.

It is very important that, along with pruning leaf blades and other parts of the plant, the grower stops fertilizing and active watering in order to avoid the appearance of new shoots.

By carrying out this procedure correctly, the crop can be put into a dormant state, allowing it to gain strength until the next flowering.

Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period

After the crop finishes blooming, the leaf blades will begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is precisely a sign that the plant is going into hibernation mode. At this time, you need to care for him more carefully, observing a number of certain rules. All dried leaves must be removed, strong leaf blades must be cut to the very tuber, they cannot be torn off.

Watering should be systematic, but minimal. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should be slightly moist. The pot with the plant should be placed in a shaded and cool place. With the resumption of the growing season, the plant should be transferred to its usual care regimen.

Propagation of cyclamen by dividing the tuber

Tuberous division can only be carried out when the plant enters a dormant period. This method is quite complicated, as it requires careful and special care for planting material.

Reproduction in progress in the following way. First, the cyclamen bulb is removed from the soil, then dried and divided into several parts. It should be noted that each part should have one bud and several roots. After cutting, each part should be disinfected by sprinkling activated carbon and planting the mixture in the prepared soil, so that top part the tuber was above the ground. After planting, the plant must be watered.

You can fertilize the crop only after a couple of weeks. Cyclamen will bloom in about a year, although sometimes flowering occurs after a year and a half.

Cyclamen from seeds at home

It is also quite difficult to propagate cyclamen from seeds. To sow seed material, you should prepare a container that is not deep and wide, filling it with soil for cyclamen. Then you need to make shallow grooves in it and moisten them with a spray bottle. Next, you should place the seeds in them, retreating a centimeter between them. After planting, they need to be covered with soil.

The container with seed material must be moved to a warm place and provided to future cyclamen regular watering. In a month, the first shoots will begin to appear, after which they can be fed with special fertilizer. When the seedlings have a couple of leaves, they need to be planted into planting containers.

After six months, the young animals should be transplanted to permanent place growth, covering the tubers 2/3 with soil. Cyclamens grown in this way will bloom in about six months.

Cyclamen propagation by leaf

Cyclamen can also be propagated by leaf blades. To do this, you should choose leaves that already have roots (a small piece of tuber), since only they can take root. They should not be cut, but broken off. However, please note that this method is only suitable for European cyclamen, the rest will not be able to reproduce like that.

The leaves separated from the tuber can be placed for germination either in water or in moist soil. After the leaf takes root, it can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Diseases and pests

From diseases the plant is exposed gray rot which occurs due to excessive soil moisture. It can be eliminated by treating the crop with Fitosporin or, in case of severe damage, by transplanting the plant into a new pot and soil.

Also, if not properly cared for, cyclamen can attack aphids and cyclamen mites , which feed on the sap of leaf blades and can lead to the death of the crop. They can be eliminated by treating alpine violets with the Actellik insecticide, according to the instructions on the package.

In addition to diseases and pests, the following problems can develop if the plant is not properly cared for:

  • Yellowing of leaf plates - occurs as a result of dry air and too high a temperature in the room.
  • Curling and wilting of leaves - this problem appears as a result of damage to the plant by the cyclamen mite.
  • No flowering - cyclamen may stop blooming due to high room temperatures and too deep root system.
  • Withering buds — sharp temperature changes and insufficient air humidity lead to wilting of buds.
  • Underdevelopment of buds - underdeveloped, buds may be due to lack of fertilizers, improperly selected soil and lack of light.
  • Unopening of buds - the buds do not open due to the room temperature being too high. In order for them to open, it must be reduced.
  • Death of store-bought cyclamen — store-bought cyclamen may die if the grower does not create conditions for it to acclimatize. To carry it out, after purchasing the plant, you must immediately place it in a cool, bright room and carefully water it through a tray. After a week it needs to be fertilized with Zircon fertilizer, and after a month it needs to be replanted. In this case, the plant will take root and will delight the gardener with its luxurious flowers for many years.

If the crop is properly cared for, then no problems in growth and development will be observed.

Cyclamen medicinal properties and contraindications

ABOUT medicinal properties cyclamen has been known since ancient times. Egyptian, Georgian and Russian healers treated their patients with it. Hippocrates also spoke about its extraordinary health benefits. Nowadays, alpine violet is mainly used in folk medicine, however, the extract and juice from it are used as a component medications for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases of inflammatory etiology.

All medicinal substances are contained in the juice obtained from the tubers of the plant. They contain an alkaloid called cyclamine. It is very toxic, but correct use can be converted into cyclamiretin, which has a therapeutic effect.

Cyclamen juice has a calming effect, eliminates inflammation, and also has antiseptic properties, thanks to which it is able to destroy most of the pathogenic microflora that provoke various dangerous ailments. With its help, sinusitis, sinusitis, colds and even migraines are actively treated.

Cyclamiretin, which is formed upon contact with mucous membranes, destroys pathogenic bacteria that cause gastrointestinal diseases. It is also used in the manufacture of rubs used for joint diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Contraindications to the use of cyclamen

Just like anyone else medicinal plant, cyclamen has contraindications for use. These include pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood and an allergic reaction to plant components.

It should be noted that cyclamen is poisonous, therefore it is necessary to prepare products based on it according to clearly indicated proportions, and before taking them you should consult a specialist.

Recipes based on cyclamen root

The most popular recipes based on cyclamen are tinctures for the treatment of various diseases.

Cyclamen tincture for sinusitis

To prepare an infusion of cyclamen root, which is used as nasal drops for sinusitis, you need to take half a teaspoon of cyclamen root, ground to a paste, and pour in a quarter cup of boiling water. Then cover the container with the infusion with a lid and leave for an hour.

The resulting tincture should be strained, then diluted with water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of tincture per liter of water. The resulting product must be instilled 1 drop into each nostril five times a day for a week.

Alcohol tincture of cyclamen for rheumatism

To prepare the product, take 50 grams of chopped cyclamen roots and pour half a liter of alcohol into them. Then the tincture must be stored in a dark, warm place for two weeks. From time to time, the container with the drug should be taken out and shaken.

After the required time has passed, the tincture must be filtered and stored in a cool place. You need to take the product 40 drops three times a day 20 minutes before meals for a month.

Cyclamen signs and superstitions

Cyclamen is an amazing plant whose inflorescences look like small comets. The island of Cyprus is considered to be the birthplace of the flower. It was the Greeks who began to cultivate the alpine violet as a houseplant.

During its cultivation as a home crop, many superstitions and signs have appeared about the flower, most of them positive. But people are attracted not only magical properties plants, but also its extraordinary beauty, which pleases flower growers throughout the winter period.

Signs about cyclamen

Cyclamen allows you to resolve disagreements in the family, improve your mood and remove negativity. It is recommended to grow it for people who are prone to depression. This plant allows you to gain self-confidence and learn to enjoy life. It is generally accepted that a plant helps only those people who care for it.

For women, the flower gives the opportunity to reveal attractiveness and sexuality, as well as reconsider their attitude towards life, letting in positivity and new emotions. It should be taken into account that you should not expect quick changes in life; they will happen, but only smoothly and unobtrusively. Carrying a dried cyclamen inflorescence can relieve longing for former relationship and overcome infertility.

A plant located in the house protects it from evil spirits, strengthens marriage bonds and allows you to get pregnant faster. The flower has such strong energy that it makes its owner lucky in all areas of life. It is able to protect against envy, the evil eye and insomnia.

It is known that cyclamen is female flower, so he will bring men minimal benefit. It will help if you have problems with potency. It is better to place the plant in the room where a person spends the most time. If you place it in the bedroom, it will help get rid of bad dreams. By placing a pot of cyclamen in your office, you can cleanse it of bad energy and improve your affairs regarding career advancement.

Cyclamen in a dream

Cyclamen dreams of changes in your personal life. The appearance of a flower in a dream means that the person who will give positive emotions and fill it with new meaning will return to the dreamer’s life. For a woman, cyclamen is a harbinger of new love, and for a man, marriage to a girl who will be a good housewife and mother.

If in a dream there are many people with cyclamen, then this means participation in some kind of celebration or holiday, and if cyclamen is adjacent to an animal, then this foreshadows a quick meeting with a friend or girlfriend.


As you can see, cyclamen is not only unusually decorative, but also filled with magical powers plant.

To grow it, you need to make a lot of effort, but it’s worth it, because what could be better than a fragrant, beautiful, flowering bush that will delight the gardener’s eye throughout the fall and winter, becoming a favorite specimen in the flower collection.

Solomon's flower, alpine violet, dryweed... People call it differently cyclamen. This heat-loving representative of primroses has an exquisite delicate aroma and unusual beauty. The graceful petals are like the wings of moths, and the basal leaves are laced with silver-gray patterns. The tuberous root looks like a circle - hence the Greek name cyclamen. Caring for it at home is not easy, but with a careful approach it will not pose any problems. In response to care, a flower will create in the house special atmosphere, pleasing the eye with its modest charm.

Cyclamen flower: types and varieties

Breeders have bred hybrids for home and garden cultivation: heat-loving and frost-resistant, with smooth and terry petals. Cyclamens are represented by thirty species and dozens of varieties. Growing and caring for hybrids and varieties at home differs in some nuances.

Cyclamen persica

From October to May, when many flowers rest, Persian cyclamen delights with its bright blooms (photo below).

The leaves have a serrated edge and are pierced by a network of marbled veins. Fragrant flowers: white, pink, red - gracefully stretch on slender peduncles. Persian cyclamen is slightly capricious. Home care for him consists of: high humidity air, frequent spraying, fertilizing, keeping in a cool room.

Tip: you should place the flower on the windowsill on the east side, avoiding drafts and hot air flows from central heating radiators.

European cyclamen

For flower growers who have decided to become closely acquainted with cyclamen for the first time, it is worth recommending European cyclamen (photo below), which came to us from Europe.

It is modest and unassuming, does not require daily attention, and blooms from April to November. Numerous pink or pale purple flowers, swaying on long stalks, exude a delicate aroma. Feels great not only indoors, but also in the garden. If you compare European and Persian cyclamen, the differences in appearance from the photo are almost unnoticeable: the European variety has slightly smaller size flowers, but the “European” blooms not so profusely. The main difference is the flowering time.

Rare types of cyclamen

Cyclamen Kos blooms in early spring or in winter. Glossy heart-shaped leaves, single large snow-white, soft pink, red or dark purple single large flowers. Homeland - the warm coast of the Black, Mediterranean and Aegean seas. Partial shade is preferred for successful growing.

Caucasian cyclamen blooms at the end of winter and pleases with flowering from late winter to April. The color of the petals is varied: from pastel tones to bright and saturated. Homeland - highland eastern part of the Black Sea coast (from Crimea to Northern Iran). At indoor growing especially needs a drained substrate.

Caring for cyclamen at home

The first thing you should take care of if a charming modest plant has settled in your house is collecting information about what the cyclamen flower loves and how to care for it at home. After all, cyclamen will bloom long and profusely only if all the necessary requirements are met.

Be careful when buying cyclamen! Healthy plant looks like that:

  • The tuber, heavy and elastic, peeks out from the ground;
  • The buds are located on the top of the tuber;
  • The bush is strong and dense;
  • The leaves are elastic, the pattern on the surface of the leaf plate is clear.

Replanting cyclamen after purchase

When cyclamen arrives at a new place, care after purchase consists of its acclimatization: the plant must get used to unusual conditions for it.

It is important what soil mixture the cyclamen is in. Replanting after purchase is required if the tuber is placed in transport soil instead of the required substrate.

The algorithm for replanting cyclamen after purchase is as follows:

  1. Transport soil (peat) is washed off with warm water;
  2. The tuber is treated with root and placed in the ground so that one part remains above the soil level;
  3. Transplanted cyclamen needs low temperature, watered occasionally;
  4. When leaves actively appear, watering increases.

In the future, replanting cyclamen at home is done when the roots in the container become crowded or there is a need to replace the soil. This action is always traumatic for the plant, so the following rules should be observed:

  • The best time to move a plant to a new container is when cyclamen comes out of dormancy;
  • A flowering plant should not be disturbed;
  • The overgrown roots need to be moved to a new container along with the old lump of earth.

It is important to know how to transplant cyclamen into another pot taking into account the characteristics of the root system. In European cyclamen, the roots are located throughout the entire volume of the tuber; when transplanting, the tuber must be buried in the soil mixture. In Persian cyclamen, the roots are located on the tuber from below - the top of the tuber should protrude from the soil.


Particular attention should be paid to how to water cyclamen at home. This should be done carefully, pouring water around the edge of the pot or placing the container with the flower in a container filled with water. So the roots will absorb required amount moisture, and the leaves and top of the tuber will be protected. Cyclamen loves watering moderate: drying out the soil will cause less harm than excess moisture, which leads to yellowing of the leaves.

How often to water cyclamen: summer period- as soon as upper layer the soil will dry out slightly, in winter - occasionally.


Cyclamen is a flower whose care does not allow for careless attention to detail. The heat-loving plant loves light, but has difficulty withstanding the direct scorching rays of the sun. Scattered sun rays, partial shade- Here favorable conditions for its successful development.

Tip: Windows on the east or west side of the house are the best choice. If the window is south, then it needs to be shaded, if it is north, it should be additionally illuminated.

Soil, fertilizers and fertilizing

Cyclamen loves slightly acidic or neutral substrate, which is based on leaf soil (2 parts), sand (1 part) and perlite or humus (1 part). The soil must be steamed or calcined, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate of weak consistency - this will help prevent the development of diseases. The cyclamen flower loves fertilizers. How to care for it using fertilizers:

  • During the flowering period, universal fertilizer is applied after 2 weeks;
  • During the growing season – once a month;
  • When the plant is dormant, fertilizing is contraindicated.

Caring for cyclamen after flowering

The annual cycle of the plant gradually slows down, and now the cyclamen has faded. What to do next so that after rest he resumes his life activities with renewed vigor? Caring for cyclamen after flowering consists of the following steps:

  1. Remove faded flowers and drooping leaves;
  2. Stop feeding;
  3. Reduce watering;
  4. Keep the tubers in the soil, occasionally moistening it.

When the dormant period ends and the plant begins to come to life and unfurl its first leaves, you need to replant it, resume watering, and start fertilizing. If all the steps are performed correctly, then buds will soon appear, and then the cyclamen flower will open in all its glory and will again delight others with its bright colors.

Reproduction of cyclamen

There are two ways to propagate cyclamen at home: vegetative and seed.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

Growing cyclamen from seeds at home is a simple process, but requires careful handling. Use the algorithm for growing cyclamen from seeds at home:

  1. The seeds are soaked, sown in a mixture of peat and sand, placed under glass, left in the dark;
  2. Periodically moisten the substrate;
  3. When the shoots appear, they can be planted in separate pots;
  4. Place containers with seedlings in a bright place.

The first flowering will occur in 12-18 months.

How to propagate cyclamen

The second way cyclamen propagates at home is vegetative. If after flowering a daughter tuber has formed, it can be planted separately, buried 2/3 into the soil. Cyclamen can be propagated at home using the eyes:

  1. Divide the tuber bulb, leaving a bud and part of the roots on each lobe;
  2. By using charcoal dry the sections;
  3. Place each part in the seedling substrate.

European, Persian, and Caucasian cyclamen tolerate propagation by dividing the tuber calmly.

Cyclamen diseases and their treatment with photos

Cyclamen has three main problems:

  • The leaves turn yellow;
  • Leaves curl;
  • There is no flowering.

Let's take a brief look at cyclamen diseases and their treatment (with photos).

Why do cyclamen leaves turn yellow?

The reasons why cyclamen leaves turn yellow during flowering may be different:

  • Sudden temperature changes;
  • Soil depletion;
  • Waterlogging or drying out of the soil layer;
  • Sunburn.

Cyclamen is sick, the leaves are turning yellow. What to do in this case? If the tuber is soft and crushes when pressed, then the plant cannot be saved. In other cases, it is urgent to create optimal conditions for watering, lighting, temperature regime, nutrition.

Why do cyclamen leaves curl?

When the question arises why cyclamen leaves curl, this should be an alarming sign signaling one of the reasons:

  • Dry air and high temperature - you need to humidify the air and lower the temperature in the room;
  • Presence of pests - treat with appropriate preparations or folk remedies;
  • Damage due to Fusarium wilt or gray rot - remove dry leaves, treat the plant with fungicides, and replant in fresh soil.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

To solve the problem of why cyclamen does not bloom at home, you should take the following measures:

  • Reduce the air temperature by spraying the plant and ventilating the room;
  • Feed the flower with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • Check the depth of the bulb;
  • Check whether the volume of the pot matches the size of the tuber (3 cm from the tuber to the wall of the container).

It is believed that cyclamen generates positive energy, protects the family from conflicts, plays the role of a peacemaker, encourages good deeds, and gives hope. This is how cyclamen evaluates the home care created by its owners.

Plant cyclamen (lat. Cyclamen) belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Myrsinaceae family, although some scientists classify it as a member of the Primrose family. The plant's name comes from a Latin root meaning "round", like the shape of cyclamen tubers. The genus has about 20 species. In nature, the cyclamen flower is widespread in the Mediterranean, Iran and North-East Africa, but most of all in Turkey. Some types of cyclamen are successfully grown as indoor plants. Diluted cyclamen juice is used to treat sinusitis, but care should be taken as it can burn the mucous membrane.

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Planting and caring for cyclamen (in brief)

  • Bloom: early spring, autumn, sometimes all year round.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light, light partial shade.
  • Temperature: 6-12 ˚C.
  • Watering: during the period of active growth, regular, moderate, bottom watering.
  • Air humidity: higher than usual.
  • Feeding: once every two weeks with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for flowering indoor plants in a weak concentration.
  • Rest period: within 2-2.5 months after flowering.
  • Transfer: once every two years at the end of the dormant period.
  • Reproduction: seeds and dividing the tuber if it has more than one growth point.
  • Pests: spider mites, aphids, thrips, cyclamen mites.
  • Diseases: gray rot, rhizoctonia, late blight, fusarium wilt.

Read more about growing cyclamen below.

Homemade cyclamen - growing features

The cyclamen root is a flattened round corm up to 15 cm in diameter with a single growing point. Damage it and destroy the bulb. Cyclamen leaves are basal, leathery, heart-shaped, growing on petioles up to 30 cm long, dark green in color with a grayish-silver pattern. The flowers have an original shape and look like strange butterflies - the petals are bent and pointed, sometimes have a fringed shape, and color palette incredibly wide - boiling white, pink, all shades of red, burgundy and purple. Cyclamen blooms for longer than three months.

There is an opinion that indoor cyclamen - capricious plant. Don't believe it! Cyclamen is unpretentious, it’s just that its agricultural technology, like the agricultural technology of any other plant, has certain requirements, the obligatory fulfillment of which will allow you to easily cope with its cultivation. So:

  • Do not under any circumstances store faded cyclamen tubers in the refrigerator - after such storage the bulb will not wake up;
  • the cyclamen flower does not tolerate heat and stuffiness, but lives well in a cool room at a temperature that is uncomfortable for humans - only 6-12 ºC;
  • direct sunlight can cause burns on the beautiful cyclamen leaves;
  • do not bury the cyclamen tuber in the ground: at least a third of the bulb should remain on the surface;
  • cyclamen does not tolerate excess mineral salts in the soil, so be careful with fertilizers;
  • The pot for cyclamen needs to be small, so that from the bulb to the wall of the pot there is a layer of soil no thicker than 2-3 cm.

They also often look for cyclamen instead of cyclamen. It's nothing. We will tell you how to grow both flowers.

In the photo: White cyclamens in a pot

Growing cyclamen from seeds

How to grow cyclamen

A species such as Persian cyclamen reproduces by seeds. Cyclamen seeds are sown in February or March, although cyclamen grown at home can be propagated at any time of the year. On the eve of planting, soak the seeds for 12 hours in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or in preparations Epin or Zircon, prepared according to the instructions. After this, sow the seeds in an earthen mixture for cyclamen, consisting of two parts of pre-steamed soil, one part of a soil mixture such as “tulip” or “terra vita” and half of river sand to loosen the soil.

It will be better if you make a groove 1 cm deep in the soil, pour it well with water and place the seeds in it 2-3 cm apart. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil on top and cover the container with glass or film.

At a temperature of 18-20 ºC, seeds germinate in 30-60 days, although there are slow-growing varieties that germinate in five or more months!

Planting cyclamen

When sprouts appear, remove the cover and move the container with them to a more illuminated place, but away from direct sunlight! When two true leaves appear, the seedlings sprout 2-3 seedlings into one pot, completely covering the nodules with soil. The soil should be loose, such as a “tulip” mixture or the same mixture in which you sowed the seeds. After 6-7 months, you can transplant the grown cyclamen into pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm with the same soil mixture. Planting cyclamen in this case requires deepening the corm no more than two-thirds of its size so that the growing point rises above the soil surface. If caring for cyclamen at home is correct, you will be able to see it bloom a year and a half after sowing the seeds.

In the photo: Growing cyclamen outdoors

Caring for home cyclamen

How to care for cyclamen at home

Cyclamen is a flower that requires bright, indirect light and cool (6-12 ºC) temperatures. In addition, you will have to ventilate the room often, but Do not create drafts in it under any circumstances– this is unacceptable for cyclamen. Frequent spraying will make the air humidity in the room higher, which cyclamen really likes; in addition, it can reduce the temperature by a couple of degrees in the summer heat. The plant also needs fertilizing complex fertilizer for flowering plants, but be careful with the consistency - this is a plant It is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

How to water cyclamen

During the period of active growth, cyclamen requires regular watering, but try to avoid fanaticism in this matter: watering should be sufficient, but not excessive.

To be sure that the plant has enough moisture, use the bottom watering method - place the pot with cyclamen in a container of water and keep it in it until the top layer of soil gets wet, then remove the pot from the water and allow the excess to drain . This method, by the way, will not allow moisture to get to the top of the tuber, where the growth point is located, thereby minimizing the risk of plant rotting.

Reproduction of cyclamen

Cyclamen reproduce by seed, which we described in detail in the previous section, and by vegetative means by dividing the tuber. But only those corms that have more than one growing point can be divided, and this happens very rarely. In addition, the process of dividing and rooting part of a tuber for an amateur often ends in failure, so we can assume that The seed method of propagation of cyclamen is the only possible one.

In the photo: Cyclamen in a pot outdoors

Cyclamen after purchase

How to care for cyclamen immediately after purchase? Sometimes the next day after you bring the purchased cyclamen home, it drops flowers and even leaves. Don't panic - this is completely natural behavior for cyclamen. He needs to get used to your environment, and you try to create for him the conditions in which he will be comfortable. The cyclamen flower should occupy the brightest and coolest place in the house.

Check the substrate, and if it is dry, give the plant a drink using bottom watering or watering in a pan - in these cases, the plant will receive exactly as much moisture as it needs. Be sure to spray the plant. Do not feed cyclamen for two to three months after purchase - plants that go on sale are well and long-term fertilized.

Cyclamen flowering

Cyclamen blooms either in summer or winter, and the time, that is, the duration of the plant’s flowering, directly depends on how you follow the rules for caring for cyclamen. Let us recall that the optimal conditions under which cyclamen will bloom long and profusely are as follows: a lot of light, but without direct sunlight; optimal temperature for flowering - not lower than 10 ºC and not higher than 20 ºC. Water either from the bottom or in a tray so that moisture does not get on either the growing point or the leaves with flowers. Trim faded flowers.

Replanting cyclamen

How to transplant cyclamen

Cyclamen is replanted into a new substrate about once every two years if the pot has become too small for the bulb. This should be done at the end of the dormant period before the start of active growing season.

But remember that cyclamen does not need a spacious pot; it blooms well only in a cramped one, when the layer of earth from the bulb to the wall of the pot is no thicker than 2-3 cm. For example, for a bulb 1-1.5 years old, a pot with a diameter of 7-8 cm is suitable , and for a two to three year old bulb – with a diameter of 14-15 cm.

In a new pot, place expanded clay for drainage, a layer of fresh substrate, then the bulb along with an earthen lump and roots and add enough substrate so that the tuber is two-thirds immersed in it. Compact the soil well. The transplanted cyclamen will need fertilizer no earlier than in a month.

In the photo: Cyclamen flowering

Replanting cyclamen after purchase

After purchase, cyclamen is replanted only if it is in a dormant period, which in itself is strange - who buys a bulb buried in the soil? If you bought blooming cyclamen, wait until it blooms and rests, and then, at the very beginning of the growing season, if the bulb is crowded or you want to change the technical plastic pot on a beautiful one, transplant the cyclamen in the described way. Or, if the plant is doing well in an old pot, it is better to place the ugly pot of cyclamen in a beautiful planter.

Pests and diseases of cyclamen

Enemies of cyclamen

If you follow the rules for caring for cyclamen, neither insects nor viral or bacterial diseases threaten your flower, but improper care using cyclamen at home can lead to rotting of the bulb due to chronic waterlogging of the soil or to the appearance of spider mites due to insufficient watering. Correct your mistakes as quickly as possible and do not make them again, and then neither the cyclamen nor you will have problems with it.

Cyclamen turns yellow

If you follow the rules for watering the plant, but the cyclamen flower still turns yellow, it means it may simply be too hot. Spray it as often as possible and, if possible, find a cooler place for it, otherwise the cyclamen flowers may begin to dry out from the heat.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow after the cyclamen has bloomed, it means that it is simply preparing for a dormant period, and your concern is in vain.

In the photo: Blooming cyclamens in open ground

Cyclamen does not bloom

If cyclamen receives little moisture when watering or if you do not take care of required level indoor air humidity, you are unlikely to see cyclamen bloom. Cyclamen does not bloom in too warm a room, especially if it is not used to such a temperature. Sometimes, over time, the plant gets used to high temperature in the home and, if all other conditions are met, the cyclamen eventually begins to bloom.

Cyclamen after flowering

When flowering ends, the leaves of the cyclamen gradually turn yellow, indicating that it is preparing for a period of dormancy. Yellow leaves It is better to remove, but not cut, but twist until they separate from the bulb. Watering is gradually reduced and the tuber resting in the ground is watered only occasionally, moving the plant to a shaded place until the cyclamen again shows signs of life.

Types of cyclamen

Mainly two types of cyclamen are grown in culture - Persian and European, as well as their derivatives.

European cyclamen, or alpine violet

This is a tuberous plant with medium-sized leaves and fragrant pink-lilac flowers, but it has varieties of white, carmine and other colors. In culture since 1607. European cyclamen is much more tolerant of normal home temperatures than other species, but also prefers cool air to stuffiness. This species does not have a pronounced dormant period; in addition, its tubers sometimes grow daughter bulbs that can be used for propagation. European cyclamen blooms from late spring until almost winter; it feels great in the summer on the balcony or in the garden, but under mandatory protection from sunlight and from penetration of slugs and earthworms into the pot, for which purpose the pot is covered with an ordinary nylon stocking.

In the photo: European cyclamen, or alpine violet

Persian cyclamen, or dryweed

It is more popular in culture than all other species due to the incredible beauty of its flowers, which, when they bloom, seem to turn inside out and grow with their petals down until the plant sheds them without any traces of wilting. The color of the flowers is pink, dark purple, lilac, white, hot pink, and in most cases the flower throat is a different shade. The leaves of the Persian cyclamen are larger and more beautiful than the European ones; they are not inferior to the decorative flowers. IN Lately Dwarf varieties of Persian cyclamen have become very popular, which tolerate room temperature much better than specimens of large varieties. Persian cyclamen blooms from late autumn to early spring, and then there is a 9-month dormant period. In culture since 1731.


Cyclamen belongs to the Primrose family and includes about 20 types of flowers, of which only European, Neapolitan and Persian have gained popularity for growing at home. Today we will tell you how to care for cyclamen at home.

Growing such a flowering specimen yourself is quite difficult. To admire hybrids that have snow-white, pink, burgundy and purple colors, you must follow the principles of their maintenance.

After purchasing a finished plant or its tuber, you should choose a place in the room without drafts, but also without air stagnation. First important condition– choose a place with good lighting, that is, on an eastern or western windowsill. If an indoor flower grows on a south-facing window, it must be protected from direct sunlight.

It is recommended to allocate a place for the culture in a regularly ventilated room. Good lighting is especially important for such a handsome plant during the period of bud formation and when flowering occurs. Then the crop will fade and then rest, and at this time lighting does not play a significant role.

Video “Secrets of caring for cyclamen”

Florist Nelly Murashkina will reveal three secrets that will help keep cyclamen in bloom all year round, and will also tell you how to rejuvenate the plant.


Also, caring for cyclamen at home involves monitoring the temperature in the room. Normally, your pet needs +12–15 °C. It is undesirable to increase the indicator to +20 °C or decrease it to +10 °C. Also, proximity to a radiator or battery is harmful for the crop, especially in winter.

The florist needs to create an artificial temperature regime, since it is not easy to naturally achieve an indicator of +15 °C in a room. Wintering is usually carried out at +12–14 °C; in summer it is recommended to achieve +18–25 °C. With the arrival of the warm season, the container can be taken out shady place and dig it in.


Caring for the beautiful cyclamen also includes checking the level of humidity in the air and soil. You can achieve increased soil moisture in a pot if you place it on a tray with wet expanded clay or small pebbles, and also place containers of water nearby. The soil in which the bulb lives should consist of peat, turf soil, coarse sand, leaf humus, clay and vermiculite.

Do not spray with a spray bottle, especially when flowers appear. The minimum allowable interval for irrigation may coincide with intensive leaf growth. A signal of dry air will be a yellowing of the foliage surface. To increase the humidity level, you can create water mist near the windowsill.


When talking about how to care for cyclamen, we cannot ignore it. proper watering. The peculiarity of the procedure is that it should be carried out frequently, but the amount of moisture should be moderate. When beautiful flowers appear, watering is carried out with soft and settled water, avoiding either drying out or waterlogging the earthen clod.

It is necessary to water the crop carefully so as not to soak the tubers and buds. The optimal solution at home care watering will begin through the pan. Moisture must not get on the cores, otherwise the tubers may rot.

For irrigation, it is customary to use water with a temperature 2–4 °C below room temperature, pre-settled, filtered or rainwater.

A couple of hours after the procedure, excess water must be drained. By the time the crop is about to bloom and go into hibernation, watering is gradually reduced. At the beginning of summer, when the foliage turns yellow and dries, the tubers become bare; you need to water your pet very rarely.

Depending on the variety, the crop can bloom from the second half of October to the end of March. When the flowers begin to wake up, at the end of summer - autumn, they are returned from the garden or balcony to a bright, cool place indoors, gradually increasing watering.

Top dressing

When growing cyclamens, it is necessary to add fertilizer to the soil. It is necessary to fertilize when the crop is actively growing, the frequency of application is 1 time in 2 weeks. Good choice are considered general mineral fertilizers, intended for indoor flowers. They are usually purchased ready-made in a specialized store. If you purchased the crop recently, you will need to feed it only after 2–4 months. The instructions for each preparation will tell you how much fertilizing to apply.


At the end of summer, when the heart-shaped leaves appear, it is necessary to grow cyclamens indoors. The transplantation procedure is carried out into a wide container, where a mixture of loose fresh soil, leaf soil, humus, peat and sand is placed in a ratio of 2:3:1:1:1. It is permissible to use a substrate consisting of 2 parts of leaf soil, 1 part of decomposed humus soil, and 0.5 parts of sand. The acidity level of such a mixture should not exceed 6 pH.

When replanting, you must carefully handle the roots, and the rotten parts must be cut off. Also, you should not completely bury the tubers, then everything will go, as they say, great. Therefore, you should plant so that about half is above the surface. You can take about 0.4 g ammonium nitrate, 1 g of superphosphate and up to 4 g of phosphorus flour per 1 kg of substrate.

High-quality drainage must be placed at the bottom of the container. To obtain new shoot Such a crop can be grown by sowing seeds or dividing tubers.

Fighting diseases and viruses

In order for your flowers to look great and be healthy, they should be properly cared for for more than one year. But even if all the conditions are met, it is not always possible to protect your pet from diseases. The most common ailments include fusarium wilt, wet and gray rot, root rot, anthracnose and sooty fungus.

You can tell if your plants have Fusarium wilt by yellowing of the tops of the leaves, followed by a complete change in color and wilting. The fungus penetrates the structure through young roots and infects the tubers. To combat it, watering is carried out with “Fundazol”, as well as spraying the above-ground part with the drug “Topsin-M”.

A dangerous bacterial infection is wet rot. It is characterized by the beginning of withering of the crop, sagging foliage and peduncles, and a putrid odor of tubers. The source of the disease is water or diseased plants. No treatment is carried out, the affected specimen is destroyed.

When cyclamens are infected with gray rot, the fungus provokes the appearance of mold on the surface of the stem and leaves, causing darkening and death of parts of the crop. The foliage turns yellow, which leads to its death. For treatment, it is necessary to remove the diseased parts, reduce watering, ventilate the room, but avoid the presence of drafts. Flowers are treated with a systemic fungicide.

Infection with root rot is possible when planting in ordinary garden soil that has not been previously steamed. The causative agents of the infection are fungi that provoke the appearance of dark areas on the roots of flowers and cause pale leaves. For treatment, the soil is shed with a systemic fungicide.

Anthracnose develops in warm and humid conditions. Affected flower stalks stop developing and become distorted, then the disease causes the foliage to dry out and die. Pruning the affected parts and treating the crop with fungicides will help.

Sooty fungus attacks plants by growing on the sweet secretions left behind by aphid colonies. The disease not only affects the foliage, which soon dries out, but also disrupts the growth of the entire crop. The characteristic coating from the surface can be easily removed with a solution of green soap. Then the plants are advised to be treated with a copper-soap solution and washed warm water. Treatment can also be carried out with a modern fungicide.

Story perennial plant With dark green leaves The heart-shaped design dates back to the 16th century. Then cyclamen (also “alpine violet”, “dryakva”, “pork bread”) first appeared in Europe and was grown mainly in botanical gardens.

Over several centuries, breeders have developed indoor flower species, as well as many hybrid varieties of various colors. Some types of cyclamen are distinguished by the corrugated shape of their petals.

The European and Persian varieties are the most common in everyday life. They are very popular among gardeners because... The flowers are characterized by a rich palette of shades, and the leaves have a clearly visible pattern of marbled white veins.

Based on the Persian cyclamen, the Dutch developed hybrid varieties, characterized by a long flowering period. Description and photo beautiful views cyclamen, as well as information on caring for them, can be found in.


Below you will see a photo of the flower:

Distinctive Features cyclamen are beautiful appearance and a pleasant delicate aroma. While other crops bloom in summer and go dormant in autumn and spring, Alpine violet pleases its owner in winter lush flowering , and in the summer it restores strength. You can find out about when and how cyclamen blooms and what care the plant needs during the dormant period.

Some conditions are met:

How to properly care for an indoor flower in a pot?

How to care for it? Considering a number of features of cyclamen, its specific cycle of growth and development, you need to know how to care for it, so caring for a home flower obeys some very important rules:

  • . Alpine violet is watered regularly with a small amount of water, the temperature of which is equal to room temperature, plus or minus a couple of degrees. After the plant puts out flower stalks, watering is carried out directly into the tray of the pot. The excess is drained, making sure that the soil does not become oversaturated with moisture, but also does not dry out.
  • . During the flowering period (that is, autumn and winter), cyclamen needs feeding. Once every few weeks, the plant is fertilized with products for beautifully flowering crops containing useful mineral components, for example: Uniflor flower, Bona Forte and others. If you use the products more often, then all their benefits will go to the foliage, and the flowering will come to naught (read about why cyclamen does not bloom and how to fix it).
  • . The older the plant, the less often it needs to change the soil. Young plants are replanted every year. Transplantation is performed after flowering, before the spring-summer dormant period.

    The tuber, together with a lump of old soil, is transferred to a new habitat with a loose substrate (peat, earth, turf, sand, it is advisable to place pebbles or small pebbles on the bottom for better air permeability of the soil), leaving about a third above the ground so that the growing point is well ventilated and not exposed to water. The pot is taken with a larger diameter than the previous one. Recommended soil acidity is 5 pH.

Note! In the root of cyclamen, organic and mineral substances accumulate, which the plant feeds on and are in a state of rest. Therefore, special attention is paid to this part.


The plant is not pruned during the flowering period. To prolong the process, faded flowers are carefully removed by twisting them out of the peduncles without using sharp objects.

In this case, you need to be careful not to damage the growing point at the top of the tuber, otherwise the entire plant will die.

As such, pruning of wilted leaves and rotting roots is carried out immediately before replanting.

Diseases and pests

Proper care of a flower at home will protect it from possible pests. Despite this, some factors are beyond the control of the gardener.

  1. Insects. If the soil is constantly insufficiently moistened, it will settle on the plant. spider mite. Aphids may also be interested in the flower. Characteristic signs its appearance is damaged and deformed leaves.

    Placing adhesive tape traps for insects near the pot, as well as treating the plantings, will help to avoid such a neighborhood by special means. If the plant is already damaged, you should carefully remove all insects from the visible parts of the cyclamen, wash the leaves in the shower and treat them with insecticides.

  2. Yellowing of foliage. It appears when the temperature regime is not observed or in case of excessive or insufficient watering. In this case, you must follow the instructions for optimal conditions plant maintenance: move the pot to a damp and cool place or reduce/increase the frequency of spraying, etc.
  3. Rot. Characteristic features: dark spots, wilting of foliage, damaged areas of roots or stems. The flower is completely removed from the ground, problem areas are removed down to living tissue. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal or wood ash. Next, the plant is planted in a new pot with fresh soil and maintained in accordance with the basic rules for caring for cyclamen.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the intricacies of growing Cyclamen:


Like all representatives of flora and fauna, proper care is important for cyclamen. Now you know how to care for indoor plant. In this case, it will grow, develop and delight with its beautiful, delicate flowers and their pleasant aroma for many years. The rules for keeping the culture at home are quite specific, but if they are followed, the long life of the alpine violet is guaranteed.