Making flower beds at the dacha with your own hands: basic rules and planting schemes. How to make a beautiful flower bed with your own hands Show the arrangement of flower beds in summer cottages

Among the variety of flower bed options, beginning gardeners sometimes get lost. Most often, difficulties arise with the question of which flowers to choose for the flower bed. Which is better, perennials or annuals? What will they look like? ornamental plants against the background of a lawn, buildings, next to a path? Our review of the main types of flower beds is intended for everyone who wants to create a flower garden with their own hands and enjoy their creation almost all year round.

Amazing flower beds

At one of the largest forums of flower growers - the annual fair "Flora of Holland" 2013 in the community of Aalsmeer - the motto of the participants was the phrase "We want to surprise everyone." The attention of numerous visitors was attracted by two large exhibits - a heart of red roses over a field of pink gerberas and the contours of a tulip made of decorative cabbage among a variety of red, pink, and white flowers.

Such compositions are difficult to imagine in a dacha, but the slogan “surprise everyone” with the help of a flowerbed can be adopted. There are canons of landscape design, they must be followed when creating different types flower beds. But no one canceled the creative flight of thought. Original shapes, unusual contours and beautiful flowers for a flower bed will help surprise everyone. Bright annuals will flare up in the middle of a neatly trimmed lawn, delicate peonies will thoughtfully bend large buds towards the evergreen boxwood. There are many other ideas for creating beautiful elements flower beds that are attractive almost all year round.

The best places to create flower beds

Properly planned and properly planted flower beds are sure to become a favorite part of the patio, a center of attraction in English, German or Japanese garden where you want to spend all your free time. Even on limited space It is possible to harmoniously combine annual flowers for flower beds and perennials, gazebos and benches.

Possibilities for caring for plants (watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing) must be provided. Be sure to take into account the color requirements for factors environment. Shade-loving and shade-tolerant ornamental crops are planted in the front garden under the trees and closer to the house. Sunny places in the garden, protected from cold winds, they are reserved for light- and heat-loving flowers.

A little theory, or Basic types of flower beds

Apply different classifications flower beds, the division into regular and irregular is more common. The first group includes flower beds of regular geometric shape, characteristic which is a symmetrical arrangement of plants, usually blooming at the same time. There are clear boundaries in plantings; there are no smooth transitions, as in irregular compositions.

Most monoflowers can be classified as regular; perennials (tulips, primroses, roses, peonies, dahlias) are suitable for them. If you choose annual flowers for a flower bed, then take into account what time different cultivars bloom.

In an irregular composition, plants are planted in zones; there are natural transitions between areas of different heights and colors. You should select an assortment for such a flower bed, taking into account its preservation decorative look at least 6-7 months a year.

Simple flower beds

Gardens, front gardens, courtyards and vegetable gardens are decorated with figured flower beds of round or square shape. There may be outlines in the form of a rhombus, a star, or other geometric shapes, as shown in the photo of flower beds in the article. It is easy to notice that they are located independently on the lawn or become part of other decorative plantings. Look great simple flower beds from tulips with different colors of petals, but the same height, or several types of plants with flowers of contrasting shades.

The size of the flower bed can be less than one meter (from 75). More often the diameter of the flower bed exceeds 1 m, the usual dimensions are from 3 to 6 m in width and length, 50-80 cm in height. If desired, create flower beds with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, but such plantings are more difficult to care for. Each flower bed should protrude 8-15 cm above the lawn with its lower edge. The flower beds are separated by flexible edges made of polymer materials, digging them into the ground almost completely. Another option for decorating the edge is to lay a black film and sprinkle decorative crushed stone on top.

Complex flower beds

When creating a multi-level system of flowers, its components are carefully selected - ornamental plants of different heights. In addition, they also raise the entire structure, complement natural stone, small architectural forms. In the center there should be tall plants, for example, delphiniums, phloxes, heleniums. As you move towards the edges they are replaced by medium-sized and low-growing species flower crops. For a complex flower bed, a photo of which is presented below in the article, tulips, irises, astilbes, and begonias are suitable.

Replaceable flower beds “four seasons”

March-May is the time for early spring plants. They are replaced by summer and autumn crops that bloom for up to 60 days. These groups include asters, zinnias, dahlias, chrysanthemums, heleniums. At the beginning of summer, annual flowers for a flower bed can replace early spring plants that have lost their decorative value. Such changes in decorative beds have become common practice.

Leading landscape designers and amateur gardeners are developing “formulas” for replaceable flower beds that preserve beautiful view four seasons of the year. Flower beds in containers, flowerpots, baskets, barrels, and carts are becoming increasingly popular. Small in size, they are suitable for any part of the garden and look good next to the porch or terrace. It will only require more frequent moistening and may require shelter for the winter. Popular crops for containers: petunia, fuchsia, pelargonium, begonia, nasturtium, balsam.

Permanent flower beds

There are ornamental crops that continue to bloom long time. In addition, evergreens and succulents are used. Coniferous, decorative deciduous and “pillows” - popular plants for such types of flower beds as rock gardens, mixborders and rockeries. They demand minimal care, if initially arranged correctly. If cushion forms and succulents grow strongly, they will need to be replanted and rejuvenated.

Roses are flowers for any type of flower bed. The shape and size of the rose garden vary greatly, which encourages gardeners, owners summer cottages, cottages to fantasize, to show ingenuity.

Island flower beds

In the middle of the sites different sizes On the lawns you can arrange island flower beds, open to viewing from all sides. This type of flower bed belongs to irregular compositions, in which strict geometry of the figures is not necessary.

Decorating a flower bed with flowers can be very simple: a boulder is placed on a prepared area of ​​2-2.5 m2, and 3 peony bushes or 5 low-growing irises are planted around them in different sizes. color scheme; Another option is 7-10 zinnia plants or the same number of primrose bushes. Such a decorative bed will need easy care: weeding, fertilizing, watering. Island flower beds often become the center of the parterre; other places in this type of flower garden can be occupied by other plants:

  • ornamental grasses;
  • clematis bushes;
  • dwarf conifers (juniper, biota, yew);
  • traditional perennials led by the queen of the garden - the rose.

"Gardens of Babylon" at the dacha

Flowerbeds can be made in several tiers, which gives them unusual look and makes it easier to care for. Fortified banks of reservoirs and terraced hillsides are suitable for planting flower beds. When placed multi-tiered, the height of the flower bed can be several meters. To decorate the slope, it is preferable to use perennial plants, as shown in the diagram below in the text of the article.

According to the famous landscape designer Anthony Paul, flower beds must be adjacent to a small waterfall, lake, pond, or fountain. Moisture-loving flowers grow well in flower beds near water. The names of some hygrophytes are bathwort, marigold, loosestrife. They feel good right on the marshy shore of a lake or stream. A little further you can plant perennials - aquilegia, bergenia, primrose, hosta.

Creation and design of a flower bed

Flowerbeds can be one of the details of almost any type of flower garden. More often they are given a central position in the front garden or on the ground floor. If the center of the structure is raised above the edges, then with this placement all the flowers are better visible. For a flower bed this slope has great importance, it helps improve air and water regimes, makes caring for seedlings easier. The following activities are carried out at the selected site:

  • removal of turf containing weed rhizomes;
  • improvement of the substrate (adding wood ash, humus, compost);
  • mixing components with a pitchfork;
  • application of mineral fertilizers;
  • marking using pegs and twine.

On an elongated flower bed, planting is done in rows; on a round flower bed, planting begins from the center. Usually the edge of a flower bed is bordered with turf, brick, natural stone, or any decorative material. Decorative deciduous plants and coniferous shrubs are used.

What flowers should I plant in the flowerbed?

Flower beds are created from plants that overwinter and do not overwinter in open ground. In the second case, containers are increasingly used. Decorative foliage plants are also present in flower beds, but serve only as an addition. Carpet beds are planted with low-growing perennial and annual flowers; significant space is given to deciduous and ornamental crops with different colors of vegetative organs.

Popular perennial flowers for flower beds are unpretentious ephemeroids - plants whose bulbs and tubers spend most of the season in a dormant state, waiting for the spring awakening of nature. A surprising variety of hyacinths, crocuses, multifaceted tulips, hardy muscari, proud daffodils and hazel grouse bloom before the others.

Flowers for a flower bed. List

The range of ornamental plants is annually replenished with new varieties. One of the modern trends is the creation of dwarf forms of popular summer and autumn perennial flowers. Breeders are also working on developing hybrids of ornamental crops that are intended for growing in containers. Hardy, low-growing flowers for a flower bed cause less trouble:

  • Ageratum are annual or perennial plants with small flowers of various colors (white, blue, pink, lilac).
  • Alyssum (alyssum) is a low-growing annual or perennial. The petals are yellow.
  • Antirinum, or snapdragon. Very varied colors of unusual corollas dwarf variety“Tom Thumb”, tall - “Madama Butterfly”, ampelous - “Lampion”.
  • Annual aster, popular varieties are “Snow White”, “Isadora”, “Blue Frost”.
  • Astilbe (dwarf species from 8 cm).
  • Periwinkle is a creeping evergreen perennial.
  • Marigolds (tagetes) - low-growing varieties"Antigua", "Kilimanjaro", "Eyes of the Tiger".
  • Begonia - varieties Organdy, Cock Tail (15-25 cm).
  • Viola (violet, pansies) - herbaceous annuals or perennials. Flowers blue, yellow, red.
  • Saxifraga is a rhizomatous perennial that forms clumps. Height - from 5 cm.
  • Nasturtium - varieties “Alaska”, “Cherry Rose”, “Day and Night”.
  • Forget-me-nots and daisies are traditional low-growing flowers for flower beds.

Very popular perennial ornamental plants are used to create flower beds: hybrid petunia, carnation, mallow, rose, phlox. Edelweiss and jasmine give a fresh and elegant look.


The design of flower beds should not deviate from the general outline of the chosen style for the garden (English, German, Italian, Japanese, tropical, vintage and eco-style). Landscape designer Anthony Paul considers simplicity and beauty combined with ecology to be the main principles. The master selects decorative crops for his compositions that are in harmony with the shapes of the garden and flower bed.

A successfully created, original, beautifully blooming flower bed is almost always the epitome of creative ideas on a certain piece of land. To get the desired result, you should realistically evaluate the available space, financial and physical capabilities. Experts recommend starting with planning and taking into account your own wishes, choosing a flowerbed design, and creating a floral masterpiece with your own hands.

Beautiful pink flowers for decoration

Very beautiful flower garden

Flowerbed at the dacha

The landscape design of the flower bed combines not only a variegated flower bed of flowers planted in a row, but also borders formed around it, garden paths, front gardens, mixborders with appropriate boundaries of plantings and the ability to organize vertical gardening.

Having free space and the desire to create a masterpiece with their own hands, many summer residents strive not only to lay out a central flowerbed on their site, but to build a rose garden or alpine slide, to create a garden continuous flowering. Depending on the exterior of the house and the chosen style, an appropriate design of flower beds is created.

Beautiful decoration with flowers and trees

Beautiful flowers for decoration

It has long been noted that the best inspiration is what gives pleasure. To build a flowerbed at your dacha with your own hands, and then admire the result, you need to draw up a site plan for planting the future flower garden. Armed with a pencil and a sheet of paper, draw a schematic plan taking into account the actual dimensions of the future flower bed. It is necessary to plan a place for a flower garden with the most favorable exposure to sunlight. Many plants require shade or partial shade; this should be taken into account when planting plants and flowers. If the site is located on level ground, then the plantings should be protected from strong wind by building a fence or planting resistant plants on the leeward side.

An exciting activity is decorating a flower garden on a site with a strong slope. There is room for imagination and the implementation of the most daring ideas, from creating a patio, a platform at different levels, to decorating a terrace.

Red flowers in cottage design

Climbing flowers in cottage design

Beautiful flowers and trees in cottage design

A classic rose garden or a decorative flower bed of perennials

  • Before you make a flowerbed with your own hands, be guided by three points: the location of the site;
  • its size and shape;
  • soil condition.

In the process of creativity, people often act spontaneously, using their own intuition, but sometimes it is not a bad idea to take into account the advice of experienced flower growers. The flowerbed should be placed in a place that will often catch the eye and create a good mood every day. An option for decorating a ceremonial flower garden is effective way show off your creative creation to neighbors and passers-by.

Decorating a cottage with flowers

Flowers in pots for decoration

There are the following types of flower gardens:

  • a flower bed arranged around the perimeter of the site with a fence as the main background;
  • option in the form of a rectangular ridge;
  • a flower garden-island located in the middle of the lawn;
  • flowerbed-peninsula;
  • a flower garden located directly under the wall of the house.

Each person has his own preferences in choosing flowers for a flower bed. Some people cannot imagine a flower garden without roses, while others like lilies, peonies, tulips, irises or gladioli. Focusing on your taste and preferences, create a stylish monoflower of roses or a variegated mixborder.

When drawing up a general layout, you want to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering with your own hands in order to admire the flowers with early spring until the first autumn frosts. Development own design flower beds, first on paper, and then in reality, involves planting perennials and annuals.

Chic decoration of summer cottage with flowers

Flowerbed with beautiful flowers

Color options for garden decoration

The use of different decor by practical owners

Ideas for decorating flower beds with your own hands involve the use of improvised means. Old baskets, household utensils and even old galoshes are used, rubber boots, in which blooming petunia, other annual or bulbous flowers look organic. Harmonious design flower beds are complemented by paving slabs, framed by concrete borders, as well as inexpensive, interesting solution- old design car tires, plastic bottles. In the garden they use old stumps, logs, overturned wooden barrels, ceramic jugs in which climbing vines will grow, hanging varieties plants.

Flowers for the garden

Beautiful bouquet of flowers at the dacha

You can create beauty from scrap materials; they are used to arrange a flower garden. a natural stone and bricks left over from construction, broken furniture and unnecessary household items. For surroundings, hedges and green shrubs are used. All kinds of vases and figurines become an excellent addition to the created composition.

It’s not enough to just plant plants chaotically; you need to monitor the appearance of weeds and weed them in time, and also prevent annual plants grow strongly, occupying the space between perennials.

Flower arch

Flowers in pots for garden decoration

Path with flowers

A variety of colors or a monochrome flower garden

The site does not have to be a riot of color; planted plants in the same color scheme will become a beautiful oasis. Combining colors and styles, experienced gardeners create a mixborder constant flowering. It is recommended to use more than two dozen varieties of plants, grouping them by plant height and timing of future flowering.

Having compiled a list and determined the location of perennials, they select flowers with similar needs for moisture, light and frequency of watering.

Roses on the fence

Conifers in garden landscape design

List of perennial flowering seasonality:

  • in spring, muscari, daisies, anemones, saffron, crocuses, snowdrops, hyacinths, tulips and daffodils bloom;
  • in summer, lilies, daisies, daylilies, gladioli, hosts, peonies, irises, and echinacea delight;
  • autumn gives chrysanthemums, dahlias, coreopsis.

Having dealt with the perennials, planting them in the ground on permanent place, seedlings of unpretentious annuals are sown or planted in the resulting voids.

Tall and short marigolds, asters of various varieties, nasturtiums, surfinias, petunias, impatiens, and other flowers with a long flowering period will perfectly complement the flowerbed design. All-season plants, such as conifers or shrubs with beautiful foliage, look attractive. Boxwood is often used in the design of flower beds, forming evenly trimmed borders of bushes and green foliage of ferns.

Ornamental grasses (reed grass, grass grass, miscanthus, millet, foxtail pennisetum) perfectly complement flower arrangements.

Option for decorating a summer cottage with flowers

Flowers for the garden

Large beautiful white flowers

Installation and other extraordinary methods in flower garden design

To create interesting thematic installations, several containers with planted flowers, ceramic figurines of animals, birds, fairy tale characters, add a solar lantern, a scattering of large and small stones different color and others stylish elements decor that complements the composition. A small artificial pond made from a container filled with water and a pair of green “frogs”, surrounded by creeping flowers and sedges, looks stylish. An improvised stream is obtained from a jug lying horizontally, from which flower water flows.

Making the most of the natural landscape, they create original alpine slides. Having correctly placed all the elements, they begin to plant the plants from top to bottom, choosing the central element. An artificial pond is often installed to decorate a flower bed.

Option of flowers for the garden

Beautiful flowers in a flowerbed

A hit in landscape design is considered to be a self-created rock garden, which combines succulents, stone and other plants. The original flower beds have non-standard forms from a triangle to an ellipse, a polygon to a star, a moth flower, a clock dial. When creating a flower garden with your own hands, you create flower beds, streams, and compositions in the form of butterflies.

An aesthetically completed version of the design of the flower bed and the design of the entire dacha space combines a tastefully decorated flower garden with garden furniture and others decorative elements: lanterns, lamps, forged elements, figurines.

A vertical flower garden, created with your own hands, combines one or more climbing and hanging plants on support. All varieties of clematis and morning glory are excellent for vertical gardening. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination and arrange plants to create the perfect flower garden composition. Go for it and you will succeed!

Video: Garden flowers. Overview of the summer cottage. Flowers blooming in the country. DIY cottage and garden

50 photo examples of cottage design with flowers:

Flower beds and flower beds personal plot are intended primarily for aesthetic pleasure. But besides this, they perform another important role: acting as an extension of the house, flower arrangements allow you to visually combine the appearance of the building with the vegetation of the garden into a single whole. Knowing the secrets of landscape designers on how to design a flower bed will allow any gardener to form his own suburban area floral arrangements that, in addition to aesthetic appeal, will create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort.

When thinking about decorating a flowerbed with your own hands, it is advisable to be guided by the basic rules of landscape design.

Rule #1 - integrity of the picture

A garden is a picture made up of a collection of landscape compositions. The gardener's task is to bring each of the elements of the landscape to perfection. Pointless planting of plants around the site will not give the desired result. Therefore, without being able to landscape the entire territory, to begin with it is worth improving only a small part of it, but making it complete.

Beautiful harmonious flower beds are created by combining mixed plantings, which contain both annuals and perennials, both flowering and decorative foliage plants

Rule #2 - placing plants by height

The multi-tiered principle involves placing ground cover and low-growing plants in the foreground, which act as a frame for beautifully blooming medium-sized flowers.

Medium-sized perennials, acting as soloists in the flower garden, will become the center of attention. Solitaires look most impressive against the background tall plants having decorative foliage or flowers in contrasting shades. Combinations of tall perennials and their medium-sized companions, harmonizing in color and shape, are also successful.

Quite unpretentious and at the same time possessing an expressive leaf texture and color variety, capable of quickly filling empty spaces, they are ideal for decorating flower beds in the countryside

Rule #3 - flower garden architecture

Depending on the landscape features plot and its size, the design of flower beds can be made either in the form of flat compositions or slightly raised and framed decorative tiles or stones.

The shapes of flower beds can be very diverse, starting with free ones without clearly defined boundaries and ending with original curly and wavy ones.

In order to give an unusual shape to a flower garden, you can use any household items: barrels and baskets, old cars, boats and even beds

In order to design a flowerbed in front of the house, which will become an expressive decoration of the garden and will delight you with its blooming splendor throughout the season, you must first draw its plan on paper. This creative work will allow you not only to organize your thoughts in your head, but also to visualize images of flower arrangements, creating the most successful combinations.

For work, it is advisable to use colored pencils: the bright colors of the spots of schematic images of group and spot solitary plantings in a flower garden will allow you to correctly distribute plants with different colors and flowering periods

According to the plan, terry mallows (1) will be placed in the background next to the decorative sunflower Mishka (2), in front of it will be poppy bushes (3) and St. John's wort (4). The lobelia ribbon (5) will add dynamism to the composition. Purple-blue accents will be provided by catnip (6), bluebell (7) and kalanchoe (8). The foreground will be occupied by gravilate (9), sedum (10) and aquilegia (11)

The diagram drawn up is only a kind of rough sketch: final decision The optimal placement of flowers will come during the process of planting.

Schemes for the original design of flower beds

Painstakingly selecting and combining beautifully flowering plants, you can create many variations of flower beds in which beauty will reign from the first days of spring until frost. The process of creating a flower bed will be greatly simplified finished projects flower beds.

Option #1 - central flowerbed

The layout of the central flower bed is one of the simplest.

The shape of the flower garden has the form of concentric circles: the center is filled with dark-leaved cannas (1), which act as soloists of the composition, then green-leaved cannas (2), decorative leafy gnafalium (3) and snapdragons (4) are planted in a circle.

Option #2 - “Vienna Flower”

One of the options for how to beautifully decorate a round flower bed is to create a composition in the shape of a flower. A flowerbed decorated in the shape of a six-leaf flower looks especially elegant and festive, and therefore it is advisable to allocate a central place in the garden for its arrangement.

The center of the composition is the most beautiful white gillyflowers (1), framed by a border planting of alpine forget-me-nots (2) against the background lawn grass(3). The outer contour of the ornament is created by violas (4), primroses (5), zinnias (6), framed by decorative variegated foliage beauties alternathera (7) and achyranthes (8)

Option #3 - “Bizarre Pattern”

A round flowerbed, decorated with many repeating wave-like elements, which are decorated with a motley company of sun-loving perennials, allows you to create a real parade of flowers on a sunny stage.

In the center of the flowerbed there is a squat chamerops (1) with a chic crown of fan leaves, in its shade there is a dahlia zinnia (2), with a contrasting background of coleus (3). Solitaire plantings of dracaena (4) in combination with group plantings of pelargonium (5) and begonia (6) create a fancy pattern of curls that looks impressive against the background of lawn grass (7)

Option #4 - “Piece of Cake” in a corner of the garden

A flower bed of this shape can find a place in any corner of the garden.

A plant composition in burgundy-red tones, bordered by a silver edge, occupying only a couple of meters of area, will become an elegant decoration for the garden

The corner of the flowerbed is filled with three daylily bushes with dark burgundy flowers (1); the silvery leaves of wormwood (2) act as a contrasting background for them. The center of the composition is bright red heuchera bushes (3), corner elements Macedonian bark bushes protrude (4), with a silvery edge - chistets (5)

The proposed diagrams are only a guideline: in the absence of the desire or opportunity to purchase this or that plant, you can always replace it with a flower you like more, presented in the same color scheme and having similar flowering periods.

It’s very easy to give your patio a cozy and attractive look. A small flower garden by the path and alpine slide on the lawn behind the house will create a unique charm for the country estate. And in order to show individuality and realize your creative potential, it is better to create a flowerbed with your own hands. But landscaping requires a thoughtful approach, so you should be well prepared!

The main principles of creating a flowerbed with your own hands

City dwellers, breaking free into country life for the first time, often have no idea how to properly design their plot. Fortunately, mistakes in gardening are not terrible - you can always replace plants you don’t like. But why add hassle and financial expenses to yourself if everything can be done right?

Landscape plan of the site

Even a small yard requires carefully thought out landscape plan. Otherwise, it will turn from a work of art into a lush but tasteless flowerbed. You can contact professionals who will prepare a landscape design project based on specific data on the location and size of the site.

In the latter case, you should adhere to the main principles of landscape design:

  1. Equilibrium. All sides of the yard should be equal, without preponderance in any part. In practice, this means not crowding the center of the front lawn with a multi-tiered flower bed, leaving the far corner of the yard empty.
  2. Harmony. The garden should be liked, first of all, by its owners. But you shouldn’t try to fit a pond, a fountain, a sundial and a rockery into it - unless the plot is the size of a hectare. There must be free space so that the abundance of plants does not create “pressure” on vacationers.
  3. Moderation. The number of flower beds should not clutter the area, but only zone it. Thus, it is better to divide a narrow courtyard into several zones so as not to create the effect of a long corridor with a path in the middle. In a square garden, round flower beds and curved lines will be appropriate.
  4. Seasonality. The garden should look beautiful not only in summer, but also in winter. Lush greens or ocher colors autumn leaves will make any area attractive. But bare branches and black empty flower beds will evoke melancholy. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the composition evergreen trees and bushes with bright, non-falling foliage - barberry, juniper and boxwood.
  5. Color combination. Bright colors should be interspersed with calm greenery, but you should not combine more than three primary colors in one flowerbed. The abundance of flowering plants, arranged chaotically and without a well-thought-out scheme, evokes associations with the floral layout at the market.
  6. Points of attention. Every garden should have several interesting objects that will attract the eye. This could be a flowerbed made from an old chest of drawers or a secluded gazebo hidden in a corner, woven with wild grapes. The main thing is that such objects should not immediately catch the eye, but attract attention and arouse the desire to examine them.

When the approximate plan of the site is ready, you need to take the time to study the conditions of maintenance and the mature appearance of the selected plants. After all, even a rock garden created by professionals will require constant and proper care, something that an amateur gardener definitely cannot handle.

And a mast pine tree on three hundred square meters is not a very good choice.

Basic rules for flower beds

Once the locations for the flower beds have been chosen, you can begin by planning their composition. This also has its own characteristics:

  • plants are selected according to soil type;
  • conditions of care and maintenance should be similar;
  • the use of commensal plants is allowed - when one plant benefits from the existence of another, but does not harm it;
  • The flowerbed should look beautiful all year round.

Thus, plants that love acidic and alkaline soils should not be planted in the same flowerbed with common soil. On the other hand, flowers that require highly acidic soil can grow in moderately acidic soil, although they will appear somewhat weaker. For example, in a flowerbed with alkaline soil you can plant maples, hawthorn, rowan, decorate it with barberry, boxwood and meadowsweet shrubs, and plant low flowering plants at the edges - snapdragons, carnations or cornflowers.

Flowers in the same flowerbed should love the same conditions - humidity, sun and overhead or root watering. Thus, mosses and lichens require constantly moist soil and grow best in the shade. Azalea also loves moisture, and can burn in the open sun. So they perfectly complement each other and can be planted along the fence or under the canopy of a spreading catalpa.

At the same time, roses do not tolerate overhead watering, so it is better to plant them separately from all other plants and water them individually, pouring water directly under the bush.

If you want to combine tall and short plants, you can plant low-growing evergreen trees, and under them - primroses, aquilegias and polemonium. The spreading crown will create sufficient shade even in the middle of the yard, while the flowers will add variety with bright colors.

If you are planning a high flower bed at the entrance, you need to think about how it will look at any time of the year. Annual and wildly flowering plants are suitable here: in spring and summer, sulfinias and petunias delight the eyes, in autumn - chrysanthemums, and in winter you can decorate the flowerbed with a low artificial Christmas tree or place decorative figurines.

Mistakes of novice gardeners

Those who have not made mistakes have never designed their garden on their own. But you can learn from other people's mistakes! So, what a novice gardener should not do:

  1. Don't try to fill the void in your flower beds with only perennial plants. The young garden will constantly grow and in a few years five barberry bushes, interspersed with juniper, will fill the entire flowerbed. It is better to fill the free space with annual flowers - their number can be adjusted every year depending on need.
  2. There is no need to plant plants chaotically, without a clear idea of ​​the future picture. Firstly, it creates a sloppy look, and secondly, some flowers will simply get lost against the background of the rest. For example, rose bushes planted in pairs - white with pale pink or red with dark burgundy - look very advantageous. In addition, roses create an excellent background for low-growing flowers.
  3. You can’t choose flowers only based on the shape of the inflorescences you like. So, dahlias look beautiful in a bouquet, but in a flowerbed they definitely need to be tied up and planted in a distant line. Asters and chrysanthemums also need to be chosen according to the shape of the bushes, but petunias and carnations can be safely chosen according to their flowers.
  4. It is highly undesirable to make flower beds from color mixtures of one plant. It is better to choose several colors and make interesting patterns. In this case, it is advisable to avoid straight lines - winding, round or geometric shapes will look more original.

Very often, flower beds are planted with plants that bloom during one period. It is better to avoid this situation by choosing the composition in such a way that the plants can bloom from early spring to late autumn.

For example, snowdrops appear first, then the tulip period begins, and after them the leaves of daylilies and peonies bloom.

And in order for the economic hand to be visible, the flowerbed must be regularly thinned, removing faded and dead parts. A few yellowed inflorescences on a hydrangea are enough to make the flower garden look untidy. If regular care problematic, it is better to focus on evergreens and conifers.

Simple flower beds made from scrap materials

Financial restrictions are not a reason to deny yourself beautiful flower garden. After all, it can be made from literally anything! All you have to do is use your imagination and sort out the piles of rubbish in the shed.

Bottle fencing

This option will do for unpretentious summer residents and city dwellers who want to arrange a home plot. A low border will protect the flower garden from the encroachments of unscrupulous dog owners - animals are much more smarter than people and often do not try to step over even such low fences. And the very fact of the presence of a border indicates that this flowerbed is being looked after.

For the bottle fence you will need:

  • glass or plastic bottles, best with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • garden shovel or hoe;
  • sand (if the site has insufficiently loose soil);
  • paint – paint the finished border if you come across bottles of different sizes.

The procedure is quite simple, you can even involve children in it to cultivate hard work in them:

Tall flower beds made from bottles look original. They are laid on a thick cement solution, the first layer should be placed in a recess or on the base - so that the bottles do not move apart. Each tier is filled with concrete from the inside so that the neck is in the solution. And to prevent concrete from flowing inside the circle, internal formwork is made. The only disadvantage of this solution is to find the same glass bottles It's hard enough.

Tire basics

Tires are the most popular bases for country and city flower beds. Strong, durable and unnecessary. Appearance They are quite unpretentious, but with a little imagination, you can create really interesting yard decorations.

Multi-tiered flower beds made up of several tires look good. In this case, you can take tires different diameters, radius and width. If you want to add some variety, you can paint the old wheels, but it is better not to get carried away with colorful colors, choosing white or green. This way the base of the flowerbed will not distract attention from the flowers themselves.

Original compositions from old things

What some consider unnecessary trash, summer residents can turn into real works of art! For example, an old chair makes an excellent vintage flowerpot stand. By complementing the composition with the rest of the set, you will get an original flowerbed. Definitely no other housewife has one like this!

Any old things will be used. Even a suitcase without a handle can come in handy again.

If there are houses old chest of drawers, it must not be thrown away under any circumstances! He will become great decoration deaf stone wall in the far corner of the garden.

But, breathing in new life into old items, it is important to carefully treat them with antiseptic solutions to prevent rotting. And then original flower beds will become business card Houses!

Beautiful and versatile flower beds

Complex flower beds look much more advantageous on any site. But even if you don’t want to bother capital construction, you can make beautiful vertical flower beds from pots.

To do this, you will need the pots themselves and one metal rod. The pots begin to be strung on it through the drainage hole and themselves take the desired slope.

Another type of convenient and simple flower bed is a column of petunias. It can be moved on a stand with wheels throughout the entire territory, and can be simply disassembled for the winter. For the device you will need a net, a large pot, black spunbond, a cable tie and a lot of petunias or sulfinia seedlings.

Creating a brick fence

A brick flowerbed allows you to advantageously zone the space and is suitable for both large and small courtyards. This is also a great option for flower lovers who don't want to waste their time mowing the lawn.

Making such a flower bed is not difficult, but it takes a long time:

A brick fence for a flower bed can be assembled without mortar. But it does not look so neat, and there is a greater chance that such a structure will collapse over time.

If you don’t want to mix concrete, you can frame the flowerbed with low stone edges.

Laying stone borders without mortar

To do this, a small ditch is dug around the perimeter of the flower bed and bricks are laid in it. The advantage of this solution is that the flowerbed can always be enlarged or its shape changed. When, after a couple of years, the border begins to be overgrown with grass, it is easy to remove it, clean it and lay it again.

To prevent the stones from moving, it is still better to fix them with a small amount of cement. But it’s quite possible to do without it. Such a border is placed on the ground from which the top layer of grass has been removed. The rows are laid gradually, and the evenness of the masonry is determined by the stretched twine.

To ensure that it lies securely, the lower large stones are placed in a previously dug trench. The second layer of stones begins to be laid after the soil is poured inside the flowerbed. It will fix the already laid stones and allow you to install the top ones.

Their design is quite simple: you can buy ready-made cages and fill them with stones or assemble the base yourself. To do this, you will need to dig a trench 25 cm deep, cover the bottom with geotextile, install a strong mesh of the required height and fill the trench with gravel and sand. To prevent the gabions from wobbling, reinforcing rods are dug in every 50 cm. And the mesh sections are treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

You can purchase them or make them yourself from stiff wire. Ready-made gabions are closed cages, which is why they got their name. Self-made flower beds can be left open by simply pouring heaps of stones.

A flowerbed can even be made from waste corrugated sheets after installing a fence! The video shows a simple and quick way arrangement of a beautiful two-tier flower bed:

The best decoration for a dacha or garden are flower beds that bloom all summer and are fragrant. Properly placed and beautifully decorated flower arrangements will decorate and ennoble your dacha.

We will tell you how to make a flowerbed with your own hands later in this article.

Preparation for work and rules for designing a flower bed

First, choose a place suitable for decorating a flower bed. Decide what flowers you would like to see and what shape to give to the flower garden.

In order for the flowerbed to fit organically into the landscape of your site, take into account such factors as: the size and shape of the land, the location of buildings, and the illumination of the future flowerbed. The shape of the flower bed can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

It is better to make flower beds along paths and fences long.

Place single-tier flower beds of continuous flowering near the garden house.

Multi-tiered flower beds with climbing plants Ideal to place along fences, walls and around summerhouse, the loaches will create shade and coolness, ideal for relaxation.

If there is a pond on your site, be sure to decorate it flower arrangements. Open free areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

When creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, make plans for future plantings. By transferring your ideas to paper and carefully thinking through color and stylistic solutions, it will be easier for you to bring your ideas to life.

In multi-tiered flower beds, plants are combined in height and planted as follows: ground-growing (purslane, saxifrage), low-growing (nasturtium, petunia), medium-growing (geranium, chamomile), tall (ferns, ornamental trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best option is a constantly blooming flower bed.

Original flowerbed design

When decorating flower beds at your dacha with your own hands, think about fencing for flower plantings. Fences will add additional decor and complement the flower arrangement.

The fencing can be various objects, such as stones, tiles, bricks and other available materials.

Stone fencing

If there are bricks left on your site after building a house, use them to decorate your flower garden. When making a flowerbed from bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar and bricklaying skills.

It will be enough to lay two rows of fencing and a beautiful flower bed is ready. The design with wild stone will be very original, such as slate, granite, cobblestones of various shapes.

Compositions from tires and bottles

Creating flower beds from unusual things such as old tires and plastic bottles has become extremely popular. Using a creative approach, you can make luxurious compositions from these items.

In the photo of the flower bed you can see the use of bottles. Fill the bottles with soil before burying them to avoid deformation.


Flower beds made from tires will serve you for many years. You can create multi-tiered compositions from old wheels of different diameters. If desired, tires can be painted with bright colors.

The wheels can also be hung as flowerpots; plants with flowing stems would be ideal for such a flower bed.

Furniture and appliances in the design of a flower object

The use of interior items in garden decor is becoming more and more fashionable. Chairs, sideboards, dressing tables, iron beds, baths, washbasins and even toilets are used.

For example, the outer surface of the bathtub can be painted or tiled, filled with earth and placed near a pond. Plant petunias or violets in chests of drawers with open drawers.

For more durable use, it is better to coat wooden objects with moisture-resistant products.


A flower garden can also become old bike, and even a small car. You will need paint and a little imagination to transform your dacha or garden into something extraordinary. Photos of flowerbed design will help you with this.

Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for future compositions, take into account not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, the height of the bush, the possibility of proximity, requirements for watering and sunlight.

By carefully choosing plants and putting your soul into the design of your summer cottage, you can turn your wildest ideas into reality.

DIY photo of flower beds
