A flowerbed of continuous flowering perennials for beginners, tips, diagrams. Do-it-yourself flowerbeds of perennials - we design a beautiful flower garden Beautiful flowerbeds of perennials of continuous flowering

The flower beds we are used to have a significant drawback: they are pleasing to the eye in the spring or in the first half of summer. Then there is a lull, which lasts, as a rule, until September, when the asters bloom. Do you want to know how to make a flowerbed of perennials so that it blooms all summer and begins to please the eye in the spring?

I analyzed the materials, collected diagrams and will share my opinion on how to properly make a flower bed continuous flowering. The article will serve as a guide for me and in a year you will be able to see the results. If after reading there are additions, you are welcome to comment. I will definitely take everything into account.

Rules for designing flower beds of continuous flowering

Where would there be no rules? They are always there. What should you consider before starting work?

  1. Plants should complement each other throughout the warm season.
  2. You need to pick up shrubs. The rule is relevant if you want to make mixborders. When creating ordinary flower beds, it can be ignored.
  3. Large blooming group plants look more attractive than scattered islands. Therefore, when creating a flower bed, you need to group plants according to flowering time.
  4. The desired effect can be achieved only with the help of an irregular flower bed. In other words, different plants will bloom in different months, so the color of the flower bed will change.
  5. The size of the plot plays an important role. A beautiful flowerbed of continuous flowering can only be achieved in a large area. But on a plot of 6 acres you will have to make several small flower beds.

It seems like the rules have been sorted out. Now let's look at the diagrams.

Patterns of continuous flowering beds

Scheme No. 1. For beginners

If you have never made flower beds that bloom all summer before, then this scheme is just for you. To be honest, for me too. Look at the image.

How was this composition composed?

  1. Phlox paniculata pink color.
  2. Astilbe pink.
  3. Daylily violet-silver.
  4. Heuchera.
  5. Geranium.

The emphasis of this composition is on tall and medium-sized flowers. Such a flower bed can decorate corners summer cottage plot. To achieve continuous flowering, combine early, mid and late varieties.

Scheme No. 2. For romantics

This scheme is more complicated. Plants of many species are grouped here, so you will have to try and prepare the right soil for each. See the detailed diagram (decoding under the picture).

The following types of plants are used in this scheme.

  1. Lavender angustifolia.
  2. Turkish cloves.
  3. Veronica spica.
  4. Carpathian bell.
  5. Garden chrysanthemum.
  6. Liatris.
  7. Kniphofia berry.
  8. Hybrid daylily.
  9. Bearded iris.
  10. Peony milky-flowered.
  11. Coreopsis whorled.
  12. Chamomile.
  13. Phlox paniculata.
  14. Delphinium terry.

Please note: this scheme uses group planting of flowers. It is better if they grow not one by one, but in a group.

Scheme No. 3. Work along the paths

If the layout of your dacha or rural estate involves the use of straight paths, then you can decorate them using a flower bed according to this scheme. A ridge is a rectangular flower bed, reminiscent of an ordinary garden bed. By combining perennials, taking into account the timing of flowering, you can create a composition that will delight the eye all summer. See picture.

The following types of plants are grouped in this flowerbed of continuous flowering.

  1. Delphinium.
  2. Scabiosa Caucasian.
  3. Echinacea purpurea.
  4. Khosta is a patriot.
  5. Oak anemone.
  6. Cushion aster.
  7. Noble liverwort.
  8. Brunera macrophylla.
  9. Peony milky-flowered.
  10. Erngeron.

It is advisable to complement such a composition, located along the paths, with non-flowering plants. Then their green leaves will highlight different inflorescences and it will be possible to create the appearance of natural plant growth. Stones arranged in a picturesque order will also not be out of place.

Scheme No. 4. Compact flower bed

If your plot is small, for example 6 acres, this option is just for you. You can make a beautiful flower bed of perennial plants on small area. The background, which accentuates the attention, is created using a lattice along which clematis climbs.

The scheme involves planting two varieties of clematis: early and late. At the same time, the choice of flower colors is not limited; you can create your own, unique composition.

The following plants were selected for this flowerbed:

  1. Thyme.
  2. Cuff.
  3. Geranium.
  4. Sedum.
  5. Bloodroot.
  6. Yarrow hybrid.
  7. Allium with spherical inflorescences.
  8. Multigrass purple.
  9. Verbena.
  10. Boxwood is cone-shaped.
  11. Artemisia pinnate (silver).
  12. Korean mint.
  13. Echinacea officinalis.
  14. Lavatera.
  15. Clematis

Such a flowerbed of continuous flowering will delight the eye from the first days of July to the beginning of September. In this case, the shades will change as some plants stop flowering and others begin to bloom. The composition is chosen in such a way that even without flowering plants it will look great due to the shades of foliage and plant stems.

Scheme No. 5. Imitation stream

If you have long dreamed of decorating your area with a pond, but do not have such an opportunity, the idea of ​​​​creating a dry stream will suit you. And to make it more natural, a scheme for placing perennial plants will help, which will cover the borders of the pebbles and serve as an additional decoration. As a result, you will create a realistic illusion of a dry river.

In this scheme, plants perform specific roles. However, see for yourself.

  1. Leaf bamboo. The plant is not flowering, but, due to the shape and size of the stems, it creates the effect of the beginning of a stream. In addition, this is a tall plant and therefore attracts attention in the composition.
  2. Bearded iris.
  3. Lobelia.
  4. A tenacious creeping creature.
  5. Poskharsky's bell.
  6. Aubrieta hybrids.
  7. Brunnera macrofolia.
  8. Bryozoan stylifolia.
  9. A tenacious creeping creature.
  10. Again bamboo or another similar plant.

Please note: not all plants in such a flowerbed are flowering; most of them serve to imitate the banks of a stream, and only a few dilute the green background with bright inflorescences.

Scheme No. 6. "Quick Flowerbed"

What should the most impatient gardeners do? After all, almost all plants do not bloom in the first year after planting, but you want to quickly enjoy the result of your labor. In this case, you can use the diagram below.

With the help of such a flowerbed of continuous flowering, you can easily hide a fence or an ugly wall. The following plants are used.

  1. Stock roses. Choose flowers of different shades to create a beautiful background.
  2. Decorative sunflower.
  3. Iceland poppy.
  4. Gaillardia.
  5. Lobelia cardinalis. With its help, a red stripe is created, focusing the viewer’s attention.
  6. Depths of three grades at your discretion.
  7. Poskharsky's bell.
  8. Catananche blue.
  9. Avens.
  10. Heuchera.

The last two types of flowers will provide an elegant look to the flowerbed until the first frost.

All plants used in the scheme are selected taking into account the characteristics of care. You won’t need to rack your brains, leaf through reference books, or create your own growing conditions for each group. Therefore, this option is suitable for beginner gardeners. However, sophisticated lovers of flower beds will also be delighted.

Scheme No. 7. "Bright Arch"

The gate looks beautiful if it is designed in the form of an arch. Is it possible to make it constantly blooming? Can. If you choose the right plants, such a composition will decorate your site all summer and part of the fall. And the following diagram will help you with this.

The creation of such a flower garden is based on the principle of multi-tiering, so the following types of perennial plants are used.

  1. Liatris spikelet
  2. Sedum rock.
  3. Oak sage.
  4. Cushion aster.
  5. Sedum creaks.
  6. Switchgrass millet.
  7. Veronica longifolia.
  8. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  9. Hollyhock.
  10. Annual sunflower (exception in the composition).
  11. Clematis Jacquemand.
  12. climbing rose.
  13. Buddha of David.
  14. Rudbeckia glossy.
  15. Aster novobelgica.
  16. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  17. Rudbeckia brilliant.
  18. Aster cushion-shaped.
  19. Foxtail pinnately.
  20. Fireman's bell.

This arch goes well with fences and walls made of any materials. Flowers look especially good against the background of brick, stone, or picket fence.

Scheme No. 8. "Penumbra Lover"

If you need to decorate a slightly shaded area, then this principle of placing flowers is best suited. Here we have selected plants that tolerate light shade perfectly.

You will need to plant the following plants.

  1. Host.
  2. Dicentra is magnificent.
  3. Episedium red.
  4. Liriope muscariformes
  5. Geranium.
  6. Tender lungwort.
  7. Spring umbilicalus.
  8. Violet.

The peculiarity of this flower bed is that it will bloom from May to October, gradually changing color and shades. At its core, it is a mixborder, which means it can be placed near walls and fences.

Appeal to readers

There are many options and schemes. I have selected the most interesting, in my opinion, ideas for continuous flowering beds in order to talk about them all - the article is not enough. Schemes of flowerbeds of their perennials that bloom all summer, as well as other options, will be published every Saturday.

How to make a flowerbed of perennials so that it blooms all summer

Of course, every garden owner wants to be able to admire its beauty throughout the year. But even in summer period we have to face problems, because the flowering period of some plants planted in flowerbeds does not differ in duration. After flowering, plants sharply reduce their decorative value. It is for this reason that it becomes topical issue creating flower beds of continuous flowering. Decorative flower beds this species, with a competent approach to arrangement and care, allows you to enjoy fragrant bright flowers from early spring until late autumn.

How to make a flowerbed of continuous flowering with your own hands

For an inexperienced gardener, such a question may seem too complicated, however, experience shows that in order to successfully resolve the issue, you will need to familiarize yourself with some quite accessible information:

  • find out the exact flowering period of plants,
  • choose varieties that will bloom one after another throughout the summer,
  • plant them in such a way that at any time the flowerbed is evenly covered with flowering plants.

It doesn't seem very difficult to do this.

But one very important point should be taken into account: the selected flowers must meet the following series of requirements:

  • have the same preferences for lighting,
  • for their cultivation, soil of the same composition and acidity must be suitable,
  • they should have similar preferences for the frequency and intensity of watering.

Of course, plants for such a flower garden will require careful selection, but even if you manage to find 5-6 suitable species, then it will be possible to create a fairly attractive and original mixborder.

Since it is impossible to calculate with perfect accuracy the period of active flowering of plants, in order to brighten up the moment of withering of some buds and opening of others, it is recommended to plant a small number of deciduous plants between flowering plants, which are sufficiently decorative to brighten up the period of decline in flowering.

For more information about continuous flowering flower beds and the principles of their creation, see the video:

About the dimensions of continuous flowering beds

Very important point The layout of continuous flowering beds makes it possible to allocate a sufficiently large space for planting plants. After all, in order to have flowering plants in the flowerbed at any time, it will be necessary to plant a considerable number of different species. Naturally, it’s simply not possible to fit everything into a small area.

In addition, large color spots have a more attractive appearance. Planting single plants will not give the same effect. The composition will look fragmented, small accent spots will distract attention and irritate.

If the plot is tiny and it is not possible to plant a large flower garden on it, then experts recommend creating several small seasonal flower beds, but they will need to be arranged in such a way that the garden looks attractive at any time.

Scheme of a flowerbed of continuous flowering

It will be much easier to turn your idea into reality if you draw up a project in advance - i.e. sketch out a plan on paper, with an exact indication of the types of plants and their location in the area allocated for the flower bed.

If the area for planting flowers is large enough, then it is recommended to adhere to following rules. It is better to place taller plants in the central part; you can also plant ornamental plants here; they will not bloom, but will serve as an attractive backdrop for opening flowers. They should be placed more or less evenly throughout the flower garden - each of these plants should be surrounded by blooming bouquets.

Low-growing plants should be planted closer to the edges of the flowerbed. Creeping varieties can be planted near the border itself. If the flower bed is located on a lawn or lawn, they will help hide the transition line and add naturalness to the picture of the landscape garden.

Flowers in continuous flowering beds should also be compatible with each other in shades. You should also provide for the presence of bright spots that will attract special attention and serve as color accents in the created composition. They will add charm to even the simplest flowerbed layout.

If one or two sides of the flower bed are adjacent to a fence or wall, then tall crops should be planted closer to them. In spaces closer to the edges of the mixborder, smaller plants should be planted.

It is recommended to combine plants with the same flowering periods into groups, rather than planting them throughout the flowerbed, in this way it will be possible to avoid fragmentation of the composition. Typically, the flowerbed plan provides for the presence of several seasonal groups that smoothly replace each other.

Taking this point into account, we can assume that the ideal option would be an open plan, i.e. the nature of the flower bed should not be regular. If the landscape garden is laid out according to the principle of straight lines and has strict geometry, then it is still recommended not to squeeze a flower bed of continuous flowering into a rigid framework, but to make do with creating seasonal flower beds of a suitable shape and style.

Advice from an expert that may help you avoid typical mistakes when choosing plants for flower beds:

What flowers can be chosen for continuous flowering beds?

The choice of flowers is carried out based on the general design of the landscape garden - the flowerbed should fit perfectly into it. In this case, you can use annuals and perennial crops. The best option- a flowerbed of perennials, which are supplemented each season with colorful annuals with a long flowering period. Decorative foliage and cereal crops will add originality to flower beds.

Tips from an experienced gardener, perennials blooming throughout the summer - perfect option for the flower bed:

spring flower bed

Typically, colors are selected in accordance with seasonal compositions. Since the flowering period begins in the spring, the spring composition should be considered first. Early flowering plants are usually bulbous plants; their advantage is that some of them do not require annual replanting.

It is spring primroses that are considered the most delicate and beautiful. The spring composition may include:

  • different colors of primrose,
  • errantis and corydalis,
  • brunnera and anemone,
  • liverwort and hellebore,
  • amazingly exquisite daisies, distinguished by the duration of flowering,
  • bright pansies,
  • crocuses and scillas,
  • tulips delighting with the brightness of large flowers and daffodils spreading an amazing aroma.

Flowering of these plants begins in the earliest spring and lasts about a month.

Following them, in May they begin to bloom:

  • late varieties of tulips,
  • swimsuits and doronicums,
  • bright yellow forsythia bushes,
  • irises and speedwells,
  • lupine and columbine, i.e. aquilegia.

During the same month, the flowering of hyacinths, imperial hazel grouse, and sweet peas gradually gains strength.

There is no exact time for flowering special meaning, they vary depending on the area where the site is located and partly on the conditions, i.e. illumination and soil moisture. But the order in which primroses bloom will be the same for both the southern and northern regions.

It should be borne in mind that some plants have varieties with early and later flowering periods; planting different varieties will help maintain the flower garden in ideal condition over a long period.

Eg, different varieties astilbe under conditions Middle zone bloom throughout June-August, phlox - from the second half of June until the onset of frost, garden geranium- from May to September. Besides, proper care will allow you to get repeated flowering in early autumn of such picturesque crops as delphinium and lupine.

flower bed blooming in summer

With the onset of summer, the range of flowering plants increases sharply; it would be difficult to list them all; it makes sense to focus on those varieties that are suitable for planting in continuous flowering beds.

  • phlox and astilbe,
  • cornflower, lilies and loosestrife,
  • daylilies, rudbeckias, eryngium.

Particularly popular are bells, perennial and biennial, and various varieties of carnations, especially Turkish. Sedum is often used as a ground cover crop, which also blooms in the summer.

Annuals are an excellent addition to flower beds; you can plant them in any area:

  • lobellia and allisum,
  • zinnias and marigolds,
  • snapdragons, gillyflower and escholzia,
  • petunias, purslane and asters of summer varieties.

Of the biennial crops, you should also pay attention to foxglove and tall mallow. It’s easy to continue this list if you look at the list of your favorite summer flowering plants.

features of the autumn flower bed

Among the plants that bloom beautifully in autumn, I would like to name asters and chrysanthemums, colchicum and helenium. They will be beautifully complemented by tall sedum, like border plant You can use decorative cabbage; it will please the eye even with the onset of frost; with the onset of cold weather, its leaves will acquire a special brightness.

May please autumn bloom remontant rose - naturally, subject to quality care. Timely removal of all fading flowers will help prolong the flowering of begonia, delphinium, and ageratum.

The cereal crops growing in the flower garden are of particular value in the fall: they are not afraid of frost, and even the fall of the first snow will not lead to a loss of their attractiveness.

To make the autumn flower garden more bright, you can sow sage, coreopsis, and decorative onions in advance.

Although gladioli and perennial dahlias look very attractive, it is not recommended to plant them in continuous flowering beds. These plants are heat-loving and require annual digging. Moreover, they will need to be removed from the ground before frost begins. Although other plants will continue to bloom during this period. Gladioli are best planted separately; they look amazing when in bloom.

Planting these plants will also be problematic - transferring them to open ground required after the threat of overnight cold snaps has passed. During this period, bulbous perennials will bloom in full swing. Without disturbing the harmony and beauty of the flower bed, it will not be possible to carry out planting work. If you really like dahlias, you can give preference to annual varieties.

Before you start creating a flowerbed, it is recommended to decide whether the flowerbed will be open to view from all sides or whether it can be admired from one side. Depending on this, the placement of tall plants will be determined - they should not be in the foreground and block small flowers.

Since the flowerbed will be quite large in area and wide, you will need to plan in advance the presence of paths and areas on its territory - they will be needed to care for the plants and will simplify the watering process. To make the paths look attractive, it is recommended to sprinkle them with mulch; in particular, mulch made from tree bark or wood chips looks quite attractive.

If you want to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennials, then to ensure flowering in the first year you will need to choose the most suitable site for plants - well-lit by the sun throughout the day, with well-warmed soil. The best place The landing of such a mixborder will be a strip along a blind fence. In addition, coniferous shrubs planted along the fence can be used as a background.

If the flower garden is located in a shaded area of ​​the garden, then plants for it should be chosen exclusively shade-tolerant.

Examples of continuous flowering beds with diagrams

Examples of flower beds are very simple and quite complex, with diagrams and detailed description You can find quite a few plants, even with photographs of each of them, on the Internet.

Using the recommendations of experienced gardeners and specialists, you can avoid serious mistakes, this point is especially important for beginner gardeners, because a lack of experience can lead to failures in terms of the flowering period, combination of color shades, and difficulties with care may also arise.

Complex and simple circuits for flower beds - on video:

Every summer resident would dream that his garden would smell fragrant and delight with a beautiful view for as long as possible. The scheme of a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials will allow you to bring this idea to life and enjoy the beauty and smell of planted flowers throughout the summer.

Basic moments

The question of how to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering can lead a novice gardener to a dead end, but experienced gardeners know that the secret to creating it is very simple.

When creating such a flower garden and selecting plants, you only need to know exactly in what period they will bloom. By planting several varieties in one bed, which will gradually replace each other, you don’t have to worry about the plot looking untidy or empty. Some may think this is a fairly simple job. Indeed, there is nothing easier - to plant flowers with different flowering periods and just enjoy the work done. But at this moment it is important to take into account all the nuances of such flower beds. First of all, take into account that for each planting it is necessary
different care , excellent levels of watering, lighting, soil condition and much, much more. Therefore, when planning a mixborder, you need to select all those varieties that have similar care requirements. Plants for a flowerbed of continuous flowering, as has already become known, are selected carefully, but even with 5-6 different types plantings you can create an amazing and unique mixborder. The basic rule, which is important to follow both when creating small beds and large lawns, is considered to be a more or less accurate count of flowering periods. Usually it does not exceed a couple of weeks.

In order to somewhat smooth out the moment of withering of some buds and the blossoming of others, you need to place some deciduous plants highly decorative. To make it easier to navigate, it is better to draw a rough plan on a sheet of paper with a mark of the types of flowers that will grow.:

  • So, if you plan to create a flower garden on a vast open area dacha, then the diagram of a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials should look like in the following way
  • The center of the entire composition should be more than high grades
  • plantings. But at the same time, do not forget about bright spots that can attract attention and thus place accents, making even a simple flower bed unusual and bright.

If the flower garden is to be placed near a fence or fence, then tall plants should be planted closer to it. Their length should also be reduced in accordance with how far the mixborder will extend into the area.

Types of plants used

There are very different examples of continuous flowering beds, depending on what effect you want to give to the site.

Flower arrangements usually have names that are consistent with the seasons.

Spring tenderness

As is known, spring time many people associate with the growth of the most delicate flowers. Therefore, it is important to include flowers such as daisies, primroses, pansies, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, lungworts. These plants bloom almost the very first and delight all gardeners for at least a month. Gradually by May they are being replaced peonies, late types of tulips and daffodils, aquilegia, forsythia, lupins and aquilegia. By the end of this month, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouse, sweet pea, as well as other types of flowers.

Summer chic

Gradually, one season is replaced by another, and in flower beds you can find many more species of different flowers. For example, The following plants can be planted:

  1. Amaranth;
  2. Marigold;
  3. Hibiscus;
  4. Levkoi;
  5. Zinnias;
  6. Roses;
  7. Hydrangeas;
  8. Liatris;
  9. Delphiniums.

At the same time, a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials should also be composed of different species daylilies and lilies, rudbeckia, monarda, echinacea, lariat. The buds of these plants can smell fragrant almost all summer long, if, of course, they are properly cared for. By the way, the empty spaces that appear between them in the spring can be sown with annuals. This way, the usual riot of colors can be diluted with new types of plantings and more interesting compositions can be created.

Autumn nobility

As summer colors fade and fall arrives, it's time for new types of flowers. As you might guess, they already need coolness more than the summer heat, so they adapt perfectly to this time.

The flower beds are gradually beginning to bloom buds of phlox, lobelia, chrysanthemums, cannas, colchicum. At the same time, it is possible to achieve repeated flowering in some flowers. For example, remontant plants can once again please you with beautiful fresh buds. roses, ageratum, carnations, delphinium, begoni I. To do this, it is important to remove faded petals immediately after the flowers fade, cutting them off with garden shears.
If you want to return the garden to its former bright colors, then you need to find a place to plant seeds of sage, coreopsis, helenium, asters and sedum. At the same time, plants of decorative onions can grow in the garden almost until frost, yarrow, craspedia.

Ready-made schemes and ideas

There are quite a few different types of flower beds of this kind. It’s worth talking about the most spectacular ones. By the way, a flowerbed of continuous flowering with your own hands can turn out to be unique if you design it yourself.

Creating an illusion

For those summer residents who dreamed of decorating their site with the construction of a fountain or stream, but for some reason were unable to achieve this, there is an opportunity to build a fake, but very natural “dry” spring.
It is important to take into account all the nuances when working, so that it visually appears that the water is really running.

First of all, you should lay out the channel using oblong pebbles of various sizes. For greater naturalness, it can be painted in Blue colour so that from a distance it really seems like it is a liquid. At the same time, you can fill the “bed” of our stream with transparent blue beads.

  1. Leaf-bamboo. This is not a flowering plant, but it plays a key role in this composition, as it gives the stream a natural appearance. If you think about it, you will remember that similar types of herbaceous plantings grow near many sources. If there are no seeds of this plant, you can replace it with ostrich grass. Both of them have the ability to add volume to a flower garden.
  2. Bearded irises They land not far from it at the mouth of a stream.
  3. Lobelia is planted opposite these types of flowers.
  4. A creeping survivor similar in the care required is located next to the irises.
  5. Next, you should provide a very short distance, at which there will only be pebbles. Immediately after them, on the right side you can plant Poskharsky's bell. It is not too high and will fit perfectly into the “bed” of our stream.
  6. Aubrieta hybrids can be placed right next to them to ensure a smooth transition of shades.
  7. On the left edge, directly opposite the aubrieta, you should plant a plant that, in addition to bright colors, will also have lush greenery. For example, Brunnera macrofolia will become optimal choice V in this case.
  8. On the opposite bank from this plant you will need to plant awl-leaved bryozoans. Its soft greenery adds the desired shade and naturalness.
  9. The composition should be completed with red creeping tenacious. This is a ground cover planting that will fit perfectly into the entire composition.
  10. The last plant will not flower. This can be, as in the first case, bamboo or any other green space of a similar kind.

Composition “for the impatient”

Every summer resident would dream of seeing the fruits of his labors as soon as possible. Of course, with perennials it is quite difficult to achieve vigorous flowering in the year of planting, but it can be done. The most important rule when planting this mixborder will be mandatory choice well-lit side to ensure the plantings need constant warmth. This mixborder is best planted near fences. The background, among other things, can also be coniferous plantings or a wall.

The diagram of a flower bed of continuous flowering perennials in this case will look like this:

  1. The background is decorated with different types of stock roses. Here you can make a mix of different shades;
  2. Decorative sunflower is planted not far from them;
  3. Icelandic poppies can add greater brightness;
  4. Not far from them are gaillardias;
  5. A bright accent is Lobelia cardinalis. It will run across most of the bed, like a red ribbon;
  6. Blue shades will add depth. To do this you will need three varieties of flowers. The first one is catnip;
  7. Next, Poskharsky's bell is planted;
  8. You will need to place a blue catananche on the edge;
  9. Red spots will be made up of gravilate;
  10. Sedum is capable of delighting right up to autumn;
  11. Heuchera will also please the gardener right up to frost.

All these flowers are matched to each other as well as possible and need general care. Despite the ease of growing, you can get a really beautiful flower bed. If there is a blank wall or an ugly structure on the site, then with the help of this composition it can be quite easily hidden.

Gate decoration

If your site has a gate with an arch above it, then you can decorate it with flowers so that the structure looks elegant and beautiful throughout the warm season. In this flower garden, all the plantings are selected in this way, so there will be no problems with this.

For better understanding, you should divide the entire bed into tiers.

  • The first will be located at the very bottom, which will allow the formation of clumps that spread tightly across the soil. This effect can be achieved if you use Pozharsky's bell (20), cushion aster (3), foxtail pinnate bristle (19), oak sage (9), rock sedum (2), squeaky sedum (5).
  • The middle level is based on yellow yarrows (16 and 8) located symmetrically opposite each other. In the center on the left you will need to place longer flowers, compared to the first types of plantings. Longleaf speedwell (7), spikelet liatris (1) and switchgrass (6) work well here. On the right in the center it will be necessary to place plantings related to daisy-like flowers. These can be rudbeckia brilliant (17), New Belgian (15) and cushion (18) asters.
  • The background will already be made up of giant plants that can hide the fence and rise above it if it small sizes. Sunflower (10) will decorate the flowerbed with bright shades, hollyhock (9) will dilute the summer riot of colors with delicate burgundy buds. On the right, glossy rudbeckia (14) and David's buddleia (13) will look best.
  • The plants that will weave around the arch should be of two colors to add zest to the whole composition. Great solution in this case there will be a climbing rose (12) on one side and Jacquemin clematis (11) on the other.

The main difference between such a flower bed will be its versatility. It is perfectly capable of decorating both stone and wooden, forged and other types of fences.

For partial shade

Not every summer resident has the opportunity to place a flower garden in a sunny area. The next option is suitable if there is always partial shade in the garden.

The main idea of ​​this composition is to dilute the dull landscape and effectively combine bright plantings with lush greenery. Functionia has an unusual combination of shades on the leaves (1). She will delight throughout the warm period of time. Already in May, the luxurious dicentra magnificent (2) is blooming, which in any case will look spectacular. In early June, bright yellow-red leaves of red epimedium (3) begin to appear above the flowerbed, and next to it is one of the brightest accents - the muscariform liriope (4).
Starting from May and almost until October, geraniums will create a special mesh pattern (5). These shades are diluted by the delicate lungwort (6). In spring, the main accent of the mixborder is the spring navel (7), and it will gradually be replaced by no less soft and delicate shades of violet (8).

Based on the diagrams and material from this article, you will be able to form a the most beautiful composition of perennial flowers that will delight you with its blooms throughout the summer. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary recommendations and adhere to the planting rules. After all, when creating such a flower bed, it is very important to select those plantings that can live well next to each other.

Every owner of a personal plot thinks about how to decorate the territory that belongs to him. The simplest but most effective way to solve this problem is to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennial plants. It can become the pearl of the site and its main decoration. So, what should a perennial bed be like for beginners?

Rules for creating a flower garden and choosing the right plants

Before you start selecting plants for your flowerbed, decide where it will be located. It all depends on the size of the site and how developed it is. For example, if the house is built in the background, and there is a large free area in front of it, you can choose a round, oval or shaped flower bed located in the center of the yard or framing the driveway.

You can create this flowerbed from a combination imperial hazel grouse, tulips and hyacinths. And in order for your creation to delight with decorativeness not only in spring, complement the composition with hostas, various types of sills, decorative yarrow, etc.

For small areas, a flower garden located near the house will be a real salvation. When choosing this option, you can plant in the background tall plants: lupins, delphiniums, clematis or other vines. The center of the composition can be hostas, which retain their decorative properties until the frosts. And the foreground will be filled ground cover plants: yaskolka, awl-shaped phlox etc.

The rules for selecting plants are simple: you are required to select types of flowers that have the same requirements for soil composition, degree of illumination, frequency and abundance of watering.

Classification of perennials according to the degree of difficulty of care

To avoid difficulties in caring for your chosen plants, rely on your experience as an amateur gardener. In order for a flower bed of perennials for beginners to please the eye with bright colors, the plants must receive proper care. According to the level of requirements, the plants used for it can be divided into the following groups:

  • unpretentious to the degree of illumination, soil and watering. This group includes aconite, Various types geraniums and sedums, brunners, heleniums, perennial poppies, gentians and doronicums, chistets, mallows, etc. They do not require constant attention, annual planting and other hassle;
  • moderately labor intensive. For flowers belonging to this group, the main thing is right choice soil and other planting conditions. In addition, to prevent crowding and loss of decorativeness, certain varieties of perennials should be planted at least once every 3 years. Choose what you like: daylilies, columbine aquilegias, arabises and garden cornflowers, bluebells, Turkish and royal carnations, gaillardias, irises, delphiniums, phlox, echinacea, sage, etc.;
  • labor-intensive. If you need an unpretentious flower bed of continuous flowering perennials, it is better to master these crops gradually. For all their decorativeness, they require daily scrupulous care. They must be protected from direct sunlight, frost, pests and diseases. Plants in this group include bulbous and tuberous plants: lilies, dahlias, gladioli, hyacinths, etc. Roses, begonias, evening primroses and other flower bed decorations are also distinguished by their demanding conditions of growth and care.

Creating bright color accents

In order for the flowerbed to please the eye and not give the impression of floral chaos, you should carefully select the shades of the plants you need. To do this, at the stage of drawing up a planting scheme, you need to use colored pencils, color the schematic image of the flower garden and evaluate the compatibility of shades. After this, you can take into account the following generalized scheme of shades of the main decorative deciduous perennials:

  • various shades of yellow: heleniums, rudbeckias, hemerocallis, solidago, etc.;
  • white: white-edged varieties of hostas and variegated garden spurges, Achillea, etc.;
  • red: small petals, heathers, New Belgian or New England asters;
  • purple: lanceolate hostas, variegated varieties of this group of plants, some aconites;
  • blue: irises, astilbes, cornflowers, horned aconites.

Of course it's not full list perennial plants suitable for creating permanent flower beds. You can supplement it at your own discretion, focusing on the classification of plants according to the degree of their unpretentiousness. And then your flowerbed of perennials for beginners will not be inferior in beauty to the compositions created by the world's leading landscape designers!

Drawing up a flowerbed diagram

Having decided on the selection of plants, draw a diagram of your future flower garden. This will make it easier for you to decide on its size, shape, location relative to the main structure, etc.

So that in the future you can quickly and easily transfer the created project to the site, divide it into separate squares. Follow the same procedure for the entire area, choosing the appropriate scale. This will make it easier for you to determine the exact location of various plants. These zones can be marked with lime powder or pegs connected to each other with twine.

Multi-tiered planting is a guarantee of spectacular flower garden

The multi-level nature of the flowerbed allows others to enjoy its beauty from any angle. And the plants themselves receive maximum amount sunlight.

If you want an oval or round perennial bed, place tall plants like hollyhocks or delphiniums in the center. Surround them with hostas, asters or other flowers of medium height. And low ground cover plants will complete the picture. For rectangular flower beds or plantings bordering various buildings, tall plants are placed in the background. Some of them can be placed on the sides - as original accents.

Please note that your flowers will gradually grow. Give them some living space by temporarily filling in the gaps with colorful annuals: marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums, etc.

Continuous flower beds for different seasons

  1. Spring. To create such a seasonal flower bed, you can use daffodils, early tulips, hyacinths, primroses, scillas, forget-me-nots and pansies. In general, you will need any early flowers that please the eye with an organic combination of shades.
  2. Summer. At this time of year, you can use petunias and calendula, zinnias and godetias, alyssum, roses, sunny rudbeckias and multi-colored gladioli, as well as hydrangeas, lilies, daylilies, etc. Plants with a long flowering period deserve special attention from gardeners. These include unpretentious garden geranium, decorative yarrow, as well as catnip, soulberry and many other plants.
  3. Autumn. The end of the season can please you with bright colors. The main thing is to select flowers in advance that bloom with the onset of autumn. These can be dwarf and tall chrysanthemums, sedums, dahlias and cannas, rudbeckias, heleniums and many original ornamental grasses.
  4. Winter. At this harsh time of year, your flower garden can be decorated with ornamental cabbage.

An amazing flower, hellebore, looks no less elegant, capable of maintaining its beauty even under snow cover.

Schemes of simple flower beds of continuous flowering for beginners

If you need a simple but effective flower bed of continuous flowering perennials, diagrams prepared by specialists will allow you to completely transform your site.

The simplest flower garden option

Paniculate phlox (1) and pink astilbe (2) will add pink-purple inclusions to the composition you created. The first plant should be planted in mid-March or early September, in well-drained soil. The second is planted in the spring to maintain long flowering It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and apply fertilizing.

The purple notes in your flower garden are provided by daylily, planted in early spring in loam enriched with organic matter and a drainage layer.

Lavender-silver heuchera (4) will add originality to your flowerbed. To maintain the decorative appearance of this plant, it is worth planting it in light soil. Pay special attention to the quality of drainage.

Completing the picture of an ideal bed of continuous flowering for novice gardeners is the magnificent purple geranium, which is distinguished by its lush blooms (5).

Ideal flower garden for a brightly lit area

The first to bloom in this flowerbed is the catchment (1), which will delight you with original bells already in mid-spring. Following him, the sun will offer its fragrant petals hybrid tea roses(6). Daylilies (4) and gaillardia (5) provide fiery notes to the flowerbed. They will delight you from May to August.

In June, the sunflower (8) blooms, and in July, the scarlet lavatera (2) up to 1.5 m high. The background plant, Chinese miscanthus (3), competes with its beauty. And low-growing thyme (7) and sage (9) play the role of a border.

The lifespan of many plants is short. But by properly planning your flower garden, you can admire it from early spring until the first frost. This is possible even if your experience as a gardener is very modest: ready-made diagrams and expert advice will help you cope with this important task. Good luck in mastering landscape design!

Everyone loves flowers. A flowerbed of continuous flowering can bring a lot of color to your garden. Indeed, what a beauty this blooming flowerbed, playing with many colors, is at the dacha or personal plot! Any summer resident or florist could rightfully be proud of such beauty. If such a flowerbed is your dream, then opt for perennials; they will only gain strength and beauty from year to year, unlike annuals, which live and bloom for only one year. Care for perennials is minimal - they require timely pruning, watering and fertilizing.

In this article we will present you with suitable planting schemes, note some nuances, and tell you about perennials for flower beds Let's start with the latter.

Types of perennials

Our article will present a diagram of a continuous flowering bed for beginners. But first of all, it’s worth talking about the flowers that will inhabit such a flowerbed. Perennials are divided according to the principle of height - tall, medium and short. Let us consider in detail the last type - low-growing plants.

These include plants that do not exceed 30 cm in height. They are excellent for creating floral carpets. These are flowers such as:

  • Soapworts.
  • Carpathian bell.
  • Gentians.
  • Aubriet.
  • Aquilegia.
  • Phloxes.
  • Dwarf aster.

There are several rules when planting low-growing perennial plants.

To achieve the lush color of such crops, you simply need to plant them on the sunny sides of the site, otherwise you will not see the expected result.

As for fertilizers, focus your attention on flower preparations; nitrogen fertilizers will only lead to an increase in green mass in flowers.

To create a visual carpet of flowers in a flower bed, they need to be planted close to each other.

To prevent weeds from ruining your creation, timely weeding of the flower bed is required; in addition to appearance, this will simply prevent the weeds from drowning out your flowers.

Medium-sized perennials.

These are plants 30-80 cm high. They can be planted in a flowerbed either alone or in several tiers with short and tall counterparts. These include flowers such as -

  • peonies,
  • yarrow,
  • roses,
  • daylilies,
  • pink radios.

When planting in a flowerbed, you need to leave room for their further growth, otherwise they will overlap their low-growing colleagues.

Tall plants.

These are plants with a height of 80+ cm. Without such giants, there is no way to create a beautiful multi-tiered flower bed. These are such beauties as:

  • stock - roses,
  • basilisks,
  • window sills,
  • mallows,
  • sunflowers are tortuous.

What are the advantages of continuously blooming flower beds? Their features

A flowerbed of continuous flowering perennials has its own characteristics. For example, a perfectly blooming flower bed can only be obtained on the sunny side of the site; keep this in mind when choosing a place for a flower garden. After this point, it is still necessary to zone the location of the future flower bed for each type of plant. If you take into account the nuances of flowering perennials, you can easily achieve lush, beautiful and continuous flowering.

Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize and lighten the soil by adding sand, expanded clay and brick chips to it; they will serve as leavening agents.

You will have a flowerbed with a number of advantages:

  1. Long-blooming flower garden.
  2. Weeding, watering and fertilizing - all the care for such beauty.
  3. It will delight you with its appearance all summer.
  4. Once you have invested in seeds, long years provide yourself with a highlight of your personal plot.
  5. Perennials are not picky and can tolerate partial shade, and even shade if it is not possible to place the flower garden on the sunny side.
  6. Such a flower bed will not deplete the soil at all; perennials do not suffer from this.

Choosing seasonal plants

First, decide what effect you want on the flowerbed, it could be the seasons, imitation of a stream, etc. Then you can start choosing suitable plants. Let's give an example of a flower bed with the seasons.

Tender spring.

One of the signs of spring is the primroses blooming in the flowerbed. These include primroses, pansies, daisies, crocuses, tulips, lungworts, and daffodils. Having blossomed first, they will delight you with their flowering for a month. You can expect them to bloom already in May late varieties tulips, lupins, peonies, aquilegias. And towards the end of May they are joined by hyacinths, royal hazel grouse, etc.

Summer shift.

Summer brings a real abundance of flowering plants. Zinnias, gillyflowers, liatris, delphiniums, amaranths, hibiscus, roses, and marigolds begin to bloom in riotous colors.

You can also include plants such as echinacea, lily, monarda, damask and rudbeckia. At good care Not only appearance Their flowers will please your eyes throughout the summer, but you will also feel their most pleasant aromas.

If suddenly gaps appear between perennials, you can easily fill them with annuals. They will not spoil the appearance of your flowerbed at all.

Autumn time.

When the summer flowers have faded, but there are still enough warm days of early autumn and Indian summer, these days your flowerbed will be decorated with flowering carnations, begonias, ageratum, and remontant roses. Planted asters, sage, coreopsis, sedum and helenium will add color to the autumn carpet. And until frost, craspedia, decorative onions and yarrow bloom.

Flowerbed layout. Simple circuits

It is worth noting that a flowerbed of continuous flowering can be created with your own hands. If your site allows you to make a large flower bed, then its diagram may look something like this:

We plant tall species in the center.

Closer to the edges we place a carpet of low-growing perennials.

But when choosing color combinations It is important to maintain harmony, a symphony of colors. Whenever possible, we use color accents.

If you plan to place the flowerbed closer to the fence, then you should plant tall flowers near it, then harmoniously lower the tiers in the direction from the fence.

Here are examples of simple designs for your flower beds.

Creating floral harmony

First, decide on the main colors, then you can add harmoniously combined shades to them. Usually blue or violet colors are taken as a basis, and warm and bright shades are added to them.

Here is an approximate combination of colors and shades in the flower beds:

One of the rules is to plant flowers of the same shade. in large groups, then they look much better, otherwise from afar the flowerbed will not have the appearance that you would like to see. In terms of shades, blue/yellow or red/green pairs are most often used.

If the flowerbed is planned to be in a recreation area, then it should be made more monochromatic, you should focus on blue and purple or blue and red flowers. This option will calm you down and set you up for relaxation after a hard day.

White flowers will perfectly dilute, if necessary, intense colors that can become somewhat aggressive in their intensity. Flowers with grayish foliage are most suitable as a background; black flowers will give the flowerbed the best outline, and in general, gray, black and white colors will fit perfectly into any color symphony.

If you are a romantic or a dreamer, a flowerbed in pastel colors will perfectly help create such a mood.

Monochrome flower beds with different shades of the same color look great.

Flower beds with warm shades are visually smaller, and with cold shades, on the contrary, they are larger.

If you also plant plants with beautiful foliage in the flowerbed, it will perfectly decorate the flowerbed before and after the flowers themselves bloom.

More examples of schemes:

It’s just great if you developed the design of your future flower bed yourself. If you know some rules, this will be completely easy to do. And we will tell you options for designing a dry stream, a gate, tell you about options for flower beds in partial shade, or suggest a flower garden with fast-growing plants.

like a stream

A dry, but beautifully designed stream bed will honorably replace you real source or spring. A competent approach to this issue will more than pay off with amazing results.

The channel itself is created from oblong pebbles of different sizes, and if you throw translucent blue or dark blue glass beads between them, then you will be provided with the effect of the presence of water!

Now let’s move on to decorating the riverbed with plants. A flowerbed with a continuous flowering cycle will fit very well here. We'll show you approximate diagram landings:

Bamboo grows near the water, so its presence will be a harmonious touch in a dry riverbed. It can be replaced with ostrich if desired.

Bearded irises will look best at the mouth of your stream.

And opposite them, lobelia will look great.

Poskharsky's bell will fit perfectly into the stream bed itself.

Aubrieta hybrids can be scattered picturesquely between planted perennials.

On the right, opposite the aubrieta, a large-leaved plant, for example, large-leaved brunnera, which also has bright flowers, will look harmonious.

Opposite from the brunera it is excellent to plant awl-leaved bryozoans.

Closer to the end of the channel, you can place creeping tenacious.

And the last chord in the floral ensemble can again be the ostrich, or the same bamboo - the psyllid.

You can add or subtract something from this scheme to your taste, this is just a suitable example.

Beautiful blooming gate

The arched gate on the property just begs to be decorated with a frame of flowers. climbing perennials No one can cope with such a task better. Having correctly distributed the flowers to achieve continuous flowering, throughout the summer season your gate will only change its appearance with the changing blooming of flowers.

So, first we divide the flowerbed into tiers.

The first tier will contain low-growing perennials. For example, let's look at Pozharsky's bells, sedum squeak, cushion aster, oak sage, rock sedum, foxtail pinnately bristle.

You can plant yellow yarrows on the middle tier, and place higher flowers closer to the gate, for example, liatris spikelet, long-leaved speedwell, switchgrass. To the right of the gate we will plant daisy-like flowers - cushion aster, New Belgian or brilliant rudbeckia.

And we decorate the last tier with tall perennials; they can even hide the fence. The stock looks great here - roses, David's buddleia, sunflowers, as well as glossy rudbeckia.

But now it’s the turn of the climbing plants that will cover the gate arch. A climbing rose on one side, and Jacquemin's clematis on the other, in the center of the arch they will meet and intertwine.

The material of the fence is completely unimportant for such plans; these flowers will decorate any base.

Fast growing plants in flower beds

After winter, I especially want to quickly enjoy the colors of spring, and of course, flowers. We are looking forward to the blooming of the primroses. In the first year, perennials will not bring you such joy, but from the second year you can count on them with all your might, especially if your flower garden is located on the warm and sunny side, near a fence, or against a wall, or next to conifers.

The scheme of such plantings differs little from the above, but still has its own highlights.

  • We plant the upper tier with multi-colored roses.
  • A sunflower will look harmonious next to them.
  • Icelandic poppies will feel great on the middle tier.
  • Gaillardias can be planted next to them.
  • Put bright accent Cardinal lobelia will help you, located throughout the flowerbed.
  • The whale will add a noble blue color to the flowerbed.
  • Next, we place Poskharsky’s bells.
  • We send a blue catanche along the edge.
  • Gravilate will enhance the presence of low-growing plant representatives.
  • Sedum blooms and pleases you until autumn, so its presence in the flowerbed is also necessary.
  • Heuchera will add completeness to the entire flower arrangement.

Caring for all representatives of the flora the same way will make your country life much easier. And behind the flower bed there may be an unpresentable building or fence disguised by it.

Do flower beds grow in partial shade?

Well, there is no suitable open and sunny place for a flowerbed on your site, but you want to have flowers, what to do? Walk past neighbors' plots and admire their flowers? But no, in partial shade you can also form a very nice flower bed with the right selection.

The secret of this composition is the right combination flowers and simple greenery. Funkia will perfectly cope with the function of pleasant greenery, and magnificent dicentra will take on the role of background flowers; it begins to bloom in May, and has a very presentable appearance. Red epimedium is also useful for the same background purposes.
Liriope muscariformes on the middle tier will be the background plant.

In custody.

We have given you only relative schemes, you can easily, having understood the principle of their formation, make and implement your own schemes and your flower beds, they will then be original and singular for the entire district. In general, with our instructions you will definitely be able to create a flower bed of continuous flowering.

You can also watch a video on this topic: Flowerbed of continuous flowering.