Phlox subulate how to grow. Soil requirements

To create on your site not an ordinary flower garden, but real lakes or a thick carpet of flowers is a task that is quite realistic if phlox subulate is taken on.

Phlox subulata.

Phlox is a plant belonging to the ground cover perennial shrubs of the Sinyukov family.

Basic information about the plant:

  • Height: from 15 to 17 cm, there are miniature plants from 5 cm in height, as well as varieties up to 21 cm in height;
  • Stem: creeping (lying), green, hard. During the development of the plant, the stem can reach 0.5 m in length. The stem consists of many internodes, which, being on wet soil, often produce additional roots. Leaves grow along the entire length of the stems, which are located at a short distance from each other.
  • Leaves: evergreen, opposite, small (1-2 cm long), narrow, very hard, with a pointed tip. The shape of the leaf, reminiscent of an awl, gave the plant its name.
  • Flowers: small (diameter - up to 2 cm), consist of 5 petals. At the base they are connected and a tube is formed. Having opened, the petals form a flat corolla. The petals have different colors (white, cream, pink, bright red, blue, etc.), and two-color phloxes are often found. During flowering they emit a delicate aroma.
  • Root system: fibrous, consists of many adventitious roots. Depth of occurrence - up to 15 cm.
  • Flowering time: late May - early June. A second flowering period is possible - September.
  • Names: The Latin name for awl-shaped phlox is phlox subulata. People also call it creeping, carpet, and also moss carnation.


Professional breeders have been engaged in subulate phlox for a long time. During this period they created many interesting varieties, which have become popular among flower growers.

Candy Stripes

Phlox awl-shaped "Сandy stripes"

The original color of the petals is the main difference between the Candy Stripes variety. Their main color is white, it is almost completely covered by a wide stripe that has a pink tint. Candy is not tall, does not rise above 10 cm, blooms profusely, the diameter of the flowers is up to 2 cm. The flowers appear together, Candy blooms for a long time.

Emerald Cuchon Blue

Phlox awl-shaped “Emerald cushion blue”

The Emerald Cuchon Blue variety has several characteristic differences. Firstly, this is the color of the petals: they have a delicate purple color with a bluish tint. Secondly, the abundance of flowering. The flowers of Emerald Cuchon Blue are small (up to 15 to 20 mm in diameter), but so many of them bloom at the same time that green leaves and stems are not visible behind the beautiful and dense purple carpet. Thirdly, a bright, noticeable aroma.

Emerald Pink

Phlox subulate “Emerald pink”

In any area, the Emerald Pink phlox always catches the eye - its petals are colored pinkish with a reddish tint, and the center stands out in crimson color.

Scarlet Flame

Phlox awl-shaped “Scarlet flame”

Scarlet Flame flowers are quite large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, have a very bright, rich, even somewhat dark pink color, which corresponds to its name - “fiery”. This subshrub has a height of 15 cm, blooms twice: at the beginning of summer (May - June) and at the beginning of autumn (August - September).

Possible methods of reproduction

To propagate phlox subulate, you can use one of three methods.

  1. Seeds

Using seeds for propagation is not the most common method. This is due to the small number of seeds appearing in the seed pod after flowering. On average there are 2-3 seeds in one box. Typically, seed propagation is used by the subshrub itself, when new plants appear with the help of self-sowing seeds.
If the gardener managed to collect or purchase seeds, they need to be planted in a container in the fall. A small flat container is filled with a mixture of soil, humus, and sand. The seed pods are laid shallow (1.5 cm) and the container is left in a cool place (cellar, balcony). To create natural conditions, they cover it with snow before the New Year. Over the winter, the sprouts germinate, at the beginning of spring (March) they can be planted in a greenhouse, and in April they can be planted in permanent place into the ground.

  1. Dividing the bush

Often only for personal plots used for propagation, division of bushes is used. In this way, it is possible to increase the planting of a specific variety, a certain color range. The bushes can be divided in April. The procedure is not difficult; to do this, you need to select a well-grown bush.

  • The bush chosen for division is carefully dug up.
  • The dug bush is divided into parts so that each has roots.
  • The parts separated from the bush are planted in a designated place.
  1. Cuttings

In spring (early April) and summer (after flowering), you can use another method of propagating phlox subulate - cuttings. The subshrub has a high survival rate, so it does not require complex actions or special preparation when cutting.
Any shoot can become a cutting. It is desirable that it have several roots from the internode, but their absence will not hurt: the cutting will take root on its own.
Those parts of the shoots that were broken off when dividing the bush can also become cuttings.

  1. Rooting pinned shoots

From the growing stems of phlox, you can get several new plants. This is facilitated by the rapid appearance of roots on those parts of the stem that happen to be lying directly on wet soil. This feature is used for reproduction. The selected stem is laid on the ground and sprinkled with soil in the place that will become the center of the new bush. After rooting, the new subshrub is cut off from the old plant.

Video “Spring phlox - subulate phlox”

Planting phlox awl-shaped

Phlox is one of the most convenient plants for gardeners. They are unpretentious, take root well, and do not require special care. But certain rules Planting and caring for the plant must be observed in order to achieve its lush flowering.

Selecting a location

For all its undemanding nature, phlox subulate has its own preferences for the planting site. The plant feels best when sunny places, with drained soil. If the plant is planted in areas with heavy soil, it is necessary to dilute it with sand.
In partial shade you can also achieve good flowering, but you need to make sure that the soil is not too wet: phlox suffers in wetlands, in areas with high humidity.
Poor or rocky soil will not cause problems for the plant; phlox will easily master it and cover it with a beautiful carpet. The plant develops better on neutral soils.


Before planting, a planting hole is prepared for the semi-shrub. The order of its filling: drainage (expanded clay, pebbles), a mixture of soil with humus and a small amount of ash. Seedlings, cuttings or parts of a bush are dipped in the Kornevin solution, and then planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other so that each bush has room for the stems that will soon appear.

When planting in early spring, when the soil is still moist, additional watering of the planted plants is not required. If the cuttings are planted later, when the soil has already become dry, it is moistened around the planted cuttings. In this case, you need to be careful not to overfill the cuttings. The planted cuttings are covered with a non-woven cloth and left for several days (up to 1 week) for the cuttings to take root.


Phlox subulate variety "Aurora"

Growing and caring for phlox subulate includes traditional procedures.


Moderation when watering is one of the conditions for the successful development of the plant. This beautiful subshrub is hardy and can tolerate short dry periods. Excess moisture becomes more problematic for the plant and can lead to root rot and plant diseases.
Therefore, water the flowers sparingly after it dries out. upper layer soil. In dry summers, watering is done once every 2-3 days; the rest of the time, it is enough to water phlox subulate once a week.


Growing and caring for decorative shrubs is not complete without systematic weeding. The soil is cleared of weeds before planting, trying to remove the roots present in the soil mixture. IN further plant weed regularly.

Top dressing

During the season you need to fertilize the phlox several times. This will prolong flowering and make the plant strong and hardy.
Most often, gardeners feed the plant with liquid manure, not a large number of(25 g) diluted in 10 liters of water. You can also use mineral fertilizers.


In spring, you can prune the plant. This will allow you to form beautiful bush. When pruning at other times (summer, autumn), the buds present on the shoots are removed, which leads to problems next year.
Timely removal of corollas that have bloomed and dried out ensures a second flowering (August - September).

Video “Phlox awl-shaped - planting, care and reproduction”

Disease and pest control

Phlox subulate is a fairly strong plant that is resistant to many diseases.

Most often, help is required for shrubs that show signs of powdery mildew(lethargy, slow development, reduced flowering). It is necessary to begin an urgent fight against this fungal disease. To stop its development, not only diseased plants are removed from plantings, but also the top layer of soil where they grew. After this, the soil and remaining flowers are treated with any antifungal drug.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, you can carry out preventive treatment landing For this they use Bordeaux mixture, and also carry out treatment with “Topaz” before and after flowering.

Plant pests are spider mites. Spots first appear on the leaves, then the entire leaf dries out. The stems are often attacked by caterpillars, and nematodes are another pest. When pests appear, it is necessary to remove the plants damaged by them and treat the remaining plantings with special preparations (Aktrofit, etc.).

Using phlox awl-shaped in decorating an area

Phlox awl-shaped will become a real decoration of a rock garden

Found a beautiful subshrub wide application in garden design. It is often used to create beautiful alpine slides or bright lawns. Considering the low growth of the plant, it looks good as borders that decorate garden paths or grow between the path tiles.
Phlox is appropriate in flower beds and flowerpots, in single plantings, in combination with other flowers (snapdragon, bell) or cereals.
Phlox awl-shaped on the site is a beauty for many years!

Living stone decoration

Now it is very fashionable to make ponds in the garden with your own hands, alpine slides, rock gardens from stones. It's really beautiful and adds some zest to the landscape. But it is important not only to dig a hole and fill it with water, place stones in flower beds, but also to combine them with certain plants. Ground cover flowers and herbs are the most popular inhabitants of rock gardens or rock gardens, and phlox is among them. But not the one that grows in tall bushes, but the one that creeps. If it is not growing for you yet, then the topic of the article will be interesting to you, and it sounds like planting and caring for phlox subulate.

On a note! Phlox are quite diverse flowers, where they have their own species, which include varieties - tall, low, ground cover.

Getting to know creeping flowers

We think that after reading the article you will definitely want to plant awl-shaped phloxes in the new season. What are their advantages? In general, all ground cover plants are very practical, because they cover the entire surface, suppress the growth of some weeds, and retain moisture for other cultural plantings. In addition, most creeping flowers or grass are unpretentious, and awl-shaped phloxes are proof of this. Take a look at the photo to see how the landscape is transformed if you decorate it with stones and ground cover flowers.

Flowers and conifers complement each other

Subulate Phlox is a species and has many varieties. The big plus is that all the flowers are rich in colors - white, red, lavender, variegated, striped and others. Phlox can be planted either separately, combining varieties, or together with plants - lemon thyme, saxifrage, crocuses, spruce. The compositions turn out to be very decorative and look tasteful. Nowadays, awl-shaped phloxes are one of the most popular and sought-after flowers.

If we talk about the varietal description, it will be as follows:

  • plant height – up to 20 cm;
  • color - different;
  • leaves – dark green;
  • grows in a dense carpet, covering the soil;
  • inflorescences in diameter – 2-4 cm;
  • frost-resistant and unpretentious;
  • reproduces easily and takes root quickly;
  • homeland - North America;
  • blooms from the second ten days of May to the second ten days of June.

On a note! If we talk about the disadvantages of awl-shaped phloxes, then this is a short flowering, but it can be extended with the help of good care and feeding.

Phlox subulate and splayed - what is the difference?

Many inexperienced gardeners often confuse two types of flowers - splayed and subulate. Many people believe that these are the same phloxes, but this is a mistake. The difference between the species is quite obvious - the height of the splayed varieties is up to 30-40 cm, they are not so diverse in colors, they are afraid of severe frosts and snowless winters, they are more demanding on the composition of the soil, the bushes are loose. Subulate phloxes in nature can grow in poor soils, bloom well, the difference is visible in the photo. Experienced summer residents have found that in very fertile soil, ground cover phlox bloom worse.

The splayed look is looser

Popular varieties


Delicate and cute flowers

This is one of the most popular varieties. The inflorescences have two shades at once - the petals are white, they have lavender stripes. They delight with their flowering twice a season - in June and August. Height – up to 15 cm. A very decorative variety, growing up to half a meter in diameter.


Simple and tasteful

The uniqueness of the variety is that it grows very quickly and well. One season can change your flowerbed, turning it a soft lilac color. The variety winters well and is not afraid of trampling. Height – 5-15 cm, blooms in late spring and early summer. One of the most undemanding varieties.

A very popular variety

Here you can just look at the photo of Phlox subulate in landscape design, and everything will become clear. The flowers resemble candies, they are striped and very decorative. It blooms in late May and June, requiring only watering and 1-2 feedings. Winters well in all regions. Height - up to 15 cm, diameter - 60 cm or more.


Amazing deep shade

Also unpretentious variety and is very often found in the flowerbeds of summer residents. It goes well with primroses and is suitable for various landscape solutions. The variety creates a very dense carpet up to 20 cm in height. Blooms in late spring and early summer.

Snow-white miracle

These awl-shaped phloxes, as you can see in the photo, are snow-white. Decorate any flower bed, rock garden, border. You can plant the variety in flowerpots. It will grow no more than 15 cm, blooms, like most varieties, for a month - at the end of May and June, but will also delight you in August and September.

For information! Phlox subulates have hybrid varieties and simple. Each has its advantages, but the latter are more durable. If your conditions are poor, the climate is harsh, the soil is poor, then it is better to choose them.

Noble shade

The variety is decorative with both inflorescences and leaves. This gives an advantage, since after flowering the plant still looks very aesthetically pleasing. Height - no more than 10 cm, petals - lilac shade. Blooms in late May and early June. Diameter – up to 50 cm.

Of course, there are many more varieties, but today we are talking about planting phlox subulate and caring for it. When choosing flowers for your garden, try to choose species not only according to the principle that the one you like will grow, but also so that they match each other in shade and appearance. Also choose plants so that they can bloom one after another - the clusters will always be beautiful. And let's move on to the main secrets of growing.

Agricultural technology. Phlox awl-shaped

Planning a flower bed

Create a rough plan on paper

To make the site look aesthetically and tastefully, it is better to plan in advance what and where to plant. Ground cover plants can be planted next to a pond, diluting the greenery that is also needed there. They look very nice rich shades red, purple on the background natural stones, low-growing conifers. White phloxes are best combined with burgundy and lavender. It is necessary to take into account that the plants grow greatly and leave an empty space in the flowerbed in advance. You can see examples of how you can decorate an area with awl-shaped phloxes in the photo in our article.

Now, regarding important conditions. Phloxes do not like excess water in the place where they grow. Plants immediately lose their decorative effect, bald spots appear, and the color of the flowers fades. It is best that the soil is loose and there is a lot of sun in this place. It is also better to remove malicious weeds in advance, since when weeding they will be pulled out along with the superficial roots of the phlox.

Simple and beautiful decor

Choosing deadlines

Phlox seeds can be sown on the site both in spring and before winter - they will undergo stratification and germination will be maximum. Sprouts, if you do not grow flowers from seeds, can be planted both in spring and autumn. But the second option is even preferable, since the seedlings will take root in September and October and will bloom two weeks earlier in May.

Preparing the soil and planting flowers

Phloxes do not require special care

Let us first analyze the method of preparing the soil and planting phlox, which is grown from ready-made seedlings. The space under them must be cleared of plant debris. If the soil is heavy and difficult to weed or loosen, add sand until the soil becomes crumbly. Neutral soil is best suited for phlox; if you have acidity, then also add a glass of slaked lime per square meter.

If you are sowing seeds, then the correct technique is that which is done by stratifying the seeds. Starting in the fall, you should prepare the soil from humus, garden soil and sand. Place it in a container, moisten it slightly and sow the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. This is done at the end of November-December. Next, the crops are taken outside and covered with a high layer of snow. In March, the sprouts will begin to hatch; now they need to be brought into the greenhouse or onto the balcony and watered as needed. At the end of April, phloxes are planted in a permanent place in holes with humus and sand.

On a note! Some summer residents plant seeds directly into the ground, sprinkle with nutritious soil that was prepared in the fall, and cover with snow. In the spring, the seedlings are not touched until they grow up, then they are separated into their places.

Caring for awl-shaped phlox

Mulch retains moisture and warmth

The landing has been completed, what now? Yes, it’s simple, because flowers require a minimum of attention. When they start to emerge, they need watering to keep the soil from drying out, but not soggy. It is necessary to immediately remove weeds and loosen the soil very carefully, since the roots are on the surface. Surprisingly, phlox may never begin to bloom, but only produce greenery if there is a lot of nutrients. 1-2 fertilizers based on phosphorus will be enough for them; you can buy a complex liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. Water before or during flowering and after flowering.

Subulate phlox is very easy to propagate. It reproduces by seeds, as you already understand how to plant. You can also divide the root or take cuttings. This is done in spring, autumn and even summer. When digging, simply separate part of the root and plant it in a new place, or cut off the stems and place in water, where you can add “Epin”, “Kornevin”. They are also used to water seedlings that have been separated by roots, so they take root faster.

When the cuttings have taken root, you can plant them on the site. Less commonly, awl-shaped phloxes are bred by dividing the leaves. To do this, the leaves are torn off along with the stem and placed in nutritious soil at an angle, covered with film on top. When the seedlings have taken root, they are transferred to a permanent place.

This is everything you need to know if you want to plant subulate phlox. In fact, everything is simple, you will be surprised how unpretentious and beautiful they are.

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​The main condition is considered to be a large amount of light and solar heat.​

​Maischnee (Maishnee) - the diameter of a snow-white flower, in the shape of a wheel, is 1.5 cm. Height is 8-10 cm. This is the most beautiful and widespread white variety of phlox. Contrastes and complements other colorful plants in your garden.​

Phlox is very often attacked by powdery mildew and various caterpillars that damage the stem of the plant.

Phloxes reproduce vegetatively and by seeds. The easiest and most common way to propagate phlox is by dividing the bush.

​It is enough to plant young phloxes at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from each other and in a year they will form a continuous carpet. To speed up the growth process, you need to spread the stems in the right direction. And then secure them well to the ground.​

​Also, rocky slopes and an alpine hill are perfect for their livelihoods.​

Many gardeners love awl-shaped phloxes because they remain emerald green from spring to autumn, and even under the first snow.

​If neither you nor your neighbors have a single bush to take cuttings from, then you can try to grow such a miracle on your own plot from seeds. Seeds are usually sown in open ground at the end of winter. Shoots should appear in early spring, and after the development of two or four leaves, the plants are transplanted. It is necessary to monitor the soil, it must be moist.

​for planting phlox subulate, it is better to choose sunny corners of your flower garden; in partial shade its flowering will not be so abundant;

Phlox awl-shaped (planting and care do not require special conditions content) can be planted even in autumn. True, you cannot delay planting in the ground: if the flowers do not have time to take root, they will die in the winter.​

​Perennial (subulate) phloxes are very loved by gardeners and landscape designers. This is not surprising: being enough unpretentious plants, they have many types of a wide variety of colors.​

Phlox awl-shaped is considered a plant that loves dryness. An abundance of moisture is harmful to it. Therefore, it is considered a grave mistake to try to grow it in damp areas. The flowers look weak, do not create a green carpet effect and die quickly.​

​Netteleto Variegata (Nettleton Variegata) – diameter pink flower equal to 1.7 cm. Carpet height 10 cm. This is a variety with variegated leaves (dark green with an edge that changes color from whitish-pink to bright pink in the sun).

Phlox subulate

​Infestation by caterpillars can be identified by curled brownish leaves. Affected areas must be removed immediately.​

​Caring for phlox comes down to weeding, rare watering and fertilizing three times a day: before flowering, during the period of plant growth, you need to feed with potassium-nitrogen fertilizers, and by the middle of summer you need to apply mineral fertilizers.​

​The main requirement when choosing a place for phlox is the presence of light and sun: these plants love light.​

Features of cultivation.

​And during flowering, carpets of awl-shaped phloxes are strewn with flowers of a wide variety of shades (white, blue, pink, red).​

  • ​That seems to be all the main points. Be sure to try placing this unpretentious, but such a fascinating plant on your property!​
  • ​The soil is preferably sandy loam or light loam; if the soil is heavy, then sand must be added when planting;​
  • ​Planting phlox in autumn​

​In natural natural conditions phlox grows in forests, in places with moist soil. They achieve intensive growth and lush flowering by growing in moist, nutritious soils.​

​It is best to grow phlox in an area where it has been grown for many years lawn grass. Under no circumstances should you plant phlox after strawberries, as you risk exposing it to nematode attack. Good decision There will be a choice of a site where a good snow cover is created in winter. Tellaria (Tellaria) - the diameter of lilac flowers in the shape of a star with a carmine center is 2.3 cm. The height of the carpet is 12 cm. The flowering period is quite long.

How to propagate such beauty? And it's very simple!

​If desired, you can propagate phlox at home stem cuttings. Cuttings should be cut before the buds awaken. They must have at least two nodes.​

​When a phlox planting site has been successfully found, suitable soil and with proper care, flowers will retain their beauty for six years. Phlox are frost-resistant plants, but warm winters their leaves may rot.​

​Since awl-shaped phloxes are drought-resistant, planting them in places with excess moisture is destructive. The best predecessor for phlox is lawn grass, calendula, tagetes and other plants that do not tolerate moisture.​

​Although the flowers of the creeping phlox themselves are small, their flowering is so rich that under a large number of flowers the greenery is practically invisible. And as mentioned above, with favorable climatic conditions awl-shaped phlox can bloom again in September.​

Phlox awl-shaped does not tolerate damp places and stagnation of water in the root area, and also does not like acidic soil.

Subulate phlox planting and care in open ground

Flowers are planted along with the stems, cutting off approximately one third. You cannot cut the stems down to the very base, otherwise the plant will freeze in winter. Two weeks before planting flowers, prepare the soil by adding all the necessary fertilizers.​

​When growing plants in a garden plot, it is advisable to provide them with the conditions in which they grow in nature. Phlox should not be planted near fruit trees- they don’t really like shade, and besides, the flowers will lack nutrients. Plants have a negative attitude towards stagnation of water in the root system, so areas with groundwater located close to the surface are not suitable for them. Ideal place there will be light partial shade for the flowers, protecting them from the scorching sun during the hottest hours of the day.​

Description of the plant

Phlox grows well in loose, depleted and dry places. In areas that are too fertile, it creates a lot of greenery, but is not able to bloom profusely. The right decision Before planting phlox, lime will be added to the soil, giving it neutrality.

​Temiscaming (Temiscaming) - the diameter of a bright dark crimson flower is 2.0 cm. It grows 15 cm high. It grows actively, which ultimately gives a very dense carpet with beautiful dark red leaves. Propagated well by cuttings.​

​Plant and buy only healthy and high-quality planting material. Read how to choose seedlings here.​

When propagated by cuttings, phloxes are planted in the spring, at the beginning of the appearance of shoots. In the plant, the queen breaks off shoots six centimeters long.​

​In view of which the plants completely lose their decorative effect, but when proper care they can recover. Adding humus will promote rapid growth and abundant flowering.​

​You cannot plant this type of flower, for example, after strawberries. Like all evergreens, it is advisable to plant the awl-shaped phlox in places where there is a lot of snow in winter.​

​In Europe, varieties of awl-shaped phlox first appeared in England. After this, phlox became very popular and they began to grow it even in noble English gardens.​

​Awl-shaped phlox got its name due to the shape of its leaves: narrow, hard, pointed. The common people called it the carpet carnation because it spreads along the ground, and in its geographical homeland it is called the moss carnation.​

​You should also keep in mind that if you overfeed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers, this will lead to the growth of a large mass of shoots and leaves, and flowering will be weak. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the awl-shaped phlox with complex water-soluble fertilizers 2-3 times - in spring and during the season.​

​If it turns out that you did not have time to plant phlox on time, do not be upset, the plants can be saved. You should find a secluded place, protected from wind and drafts, and carefully bury the flowers to a depth of about 25 cm. For the winter, the seedlings must be covered with peat or fallen leaves.​

Phlox awl-shaped, planted and cared for properly, has virtually no problems with flowering. Despite their unpretentiousness, the plants, of course, need basic care.​

​Before planting, weeds should be thoroughly removed so that they do not subsequently disturb the external beauty of the flower planting. And weeding must be organized in a timely manner, without starting planting. You can plant young plants at intervals of thirty centimeters, and in just a couple of years you are guaranteed to get a beautiful green carpet. All that will be necessary is to arrange the leaves of the plants in the right directions to speed up the process of landscaping the area.​

​Thank you for your attention and write comments!​

Phlox location

​Aurora (Aurora) - a star-shaped flower with a diameter of 2.4 cm, the color is almost white with a pale pink tint. During flowering, it resembles snowdrifts 12 cm high.​

​These cuttings take root quite quickly and by autumn they already grow into full-bodied plants. Cuttings should be planted in boxes or in beds with fertilized soil, with a layer river sand, the cuttings are watered daily.

​However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to overfeed these phloxes, otherwise the plants will simply “go into leaves”, that is, the tops will be beautiful and powerful, but you will hardly see any flowers. Read here for an idea about why plants bloom.​

Phlox will feel great on loose, dry soils. In fertile soil they will produce more greenery than flowers.​

​In 1746, the famous traveler and plant collector Farrer brought several varieties of moss carnation to his homeland. He called this event a successful discovery for floriculture.​

​This plant grows in the USA to North Carolina and west to Michigan; in the wild, the flower can often be found on rocky and sandy hills.​

Soil for the plant

Caring for awl-shaped phlox is quite simple

Phlox awl-shaped, planted and cared for correctly, over time turns into a tall, beautiful bush with bright inflorescences, blooming for a fairly long period of time.​

If you decide to plant phlox on your site, then it is better to prepare the soil in advance, in the fall. Flowers are usually planted in the spring after the soil has thawed. The most important requirement for the soil in which flowers will grow is moisture and the necessary nutrients.​

Planting subulate phlox

​They are quite simple and known to everyone: - weeding the area, - watering, - fertilizing.​

Phlox owes its name to the shape of its leaves - narrow, harsh to the touch, with points reminiscent of a small awl. People call it carpet or creeping. Let's consider subulate phlox - planting and care, perennial phloxes do not need special efforts in care, can grow even among rocky screes and dry sandy hills.​

​Amazing Grace (Amazing Grace) - the diameter of a white flower with a bright purple eye is 1.8 cm. This variety grows up to 12 cm in height.​

To propagate rare varieties of phlox, use green cuttings or leaves alone. Before budding, the leaves are separated from the plant with part of the stem.​

Phlox care

​It won't hurt to fertilize with wood ash, which contains everything essential microelements, but does not contain nitrogen. Take half a kilogram of ash and pour three liters of boiling water. Let this solution cool. Dilute it in 10-12 liters of water and use as foliar feeding phlox, and how natural insecticide, destroying most pests of this plant.

​B wildlife they grow in poor soils. Everyone knows that in Moscow and the Moscow region the soils are quite acidic; in such soil they will lack macroelements, but for example, in an alkaline environment there are microelements, therefore the soil is limed before planting phloxes.​

Little by little, flower growers created new forms of phlox that appeared as a result of hybridization. Today, the ancestors of the current awl-shaped phlox no longer exist.​

The height of an evergreen plant, spreading along the ground in a dense mat, can reach up to twenty centimeters.

- this means timely weeding, watering and fertilizing. After spring bloom You can give the bush a light trim, this will provoke the growth of many side shoots, which will make your bush even fluffier. About once every 5 years, the bushes need to be rejuvenated, because over time the stems become woody, the leaves die off and bald spots appear.​

​Such different phloxes…​

After planting, phloxes should be watered abundantly. Then, when the flowers take root, it is recommended to feed them with a weak solution of mullein.​

​As a rule, it is necessary to feed before flowering, when the plant is most active. The best solution There will be the use of nitrogen-potassium compounds. But minerals can be added no earlier than mid-summer.

Phlox reaches a height of about fifteen centimeters. As it germinates, it creates permanently green, dense mats. The stems are recumbent, covered with small narrow leaves. Each stem has a peduncle containing one or two flowers. Phlox flowering begins in mid-May and lasts until the second half of June. The second stage, not so abundant, takes place from August to September.​


​G. F. Wilson (G.F. Wilson) - the diameter of a light blue star-shaped flower is 1.8 cm. This is probably the most common vigorous variety (carpet height up to 20 cm). It grows and reproduces well.​

The lower half of the sheet with the heel is dug obliquely into the wet sand of a bed or exploration box, covered with glass, and sprayed from time to time. Well-rooted cuttings soon produce small shoots, which are planted in the ground in the spring.

In the northern parts, where plants need shelter for the winter, it is necessary to use coniferous spruce branches (it does not acidify the soil).

​Depending on the type of soil, the dose of limestone can vary from 230-440 grams per square meter. Most often used for liming dolomite flour. On heavy soils, sand must be added before planting.​

​Our gardens contain garden hybrids that have appeared over the centuries. Unfortunately, there are no domestic awl-shaped phloxes - apparently due to the fact that this species does not form seeds.​

The stems of the plant are very densely covered with small and short, narrow and hard leaves. Each stem has one to two flowers with a diameter of twenty-five millimeters.​

​The most common way to propagate awl-shaped phlox is to simply divide an adult bush in early spring into several parts. By autumn, the “babies” will differ little from the mother plant.​

​I can imagine very well what associations the word “phlox” will evoke in many people. What immediately comes to mind is my grandmother’s front garden with bright flower caps – the well-known Phlox paniculata. But today we will talk about an equally beautiful “relative” - phlox subulate.​

Phlox awl-shaped, planting and caring for which does not provide the moisture it needs, grows low, has small inflorescences, and their number is very small. Such plants fade very quickly.​

​If the selection of the site is carried out correctly and proper care is organized, then the awl-shaped phlox will always reciprocate your feelings and will gratefully retain its green freshness for at least five years.​

Diseases and pests

​In its original form, awl-shaped phlox is rarely found. Its various types are mainly widespread garden forms and varieties that have a large number of varieties. Flowering creates wonderful decorations for rocky hills, walls, gazebos, and is suitable for borders.​

​Dujmovotcshka (Thumbelina) - the leaves are dark green, the diameter of the flower is deep pink, with a dark carmine center, 1.6 cm. It grows well.​

​By autumn they become full-fledged plants.​

​Dry leaves will not be suitable for wintering phlox as shelter; they can only be used for plants with non-wintering leaves.​


​Because root system in phlox it lies rather shallowly; plants can use a small amount of soil.​

​All we have are foreign varieties and hybrids produced in England, Holland, USA, Germany, France.​

​The color can be different: pink, red, white, purple, lilac.​

​If planting material more is required, that is, another fairly simple way is to cut cuttings. If you use cuttings with a “heel,” it is better to do this in early spring, when young shoots begin to grow. Cuttings up to 6 cm long are carefully separated from the mother plant, placed in a light, permeable substrate and something like a greenhouse is built. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary plastic bag.​

Phlox subulata (lat.) is a perennial ground cover plant. It received this name due to its narrow, awl-like leaves that densely cover the creeping stems. During the flowering period, white, pink, lilac, blue flowers up to 2 cm in diameter almost completely hide the foliage. Flowering duration is 30-45 days.​

Phlox subulate: cultivation and care

The plant is a cold-resistant species, but if the winter is quite warm, the leaves of the flowers may rot. In this case, plants lose their appearance, but with proper care they recover quickly.​

​The main advantage of these flowers is their ability to retain their greenery even under snow cover. And even the small size of flowers can charmingly decorate such a green lawn with their abundance.

​Coral Eye (Coral Ai) - the diameter of a light pink flower with a carmine center, in the shape of a star, is 2.0 cm. It grows well (carpet height up to 12 cm) and reproduces.​

​Seed propagation is rarely practiced. Seeds are sown in open ground in the fall. In early spring, seedlings sprout from the ground in a friendly row, and with the development of the first leaves they dive.

​In the spring, to help the phloxes wake up faster, you can water them with a humate solution, this will speed up their growth and root development.​

Phlox subulate - planting and care, perennial phlox

​When preparing the soil for planting, you need to carefully pull out the weeds, as they will grow through the turf, and thereby ruin the entire appearance of the flower garden.​

What is a phlox plant?

​Awl-shaped phlox is unpretentious and flexible, it can grow even in the most difficult growing conditions.​

​This plant blooms very profusely for the first time from mid-May until almost the end of June, the second time it blooms less generously in August and September.​

​Periodically, the cuttings need to be ventilated and the soil moisture monitored. Such cuttings take root very quickly and by autumn they turn into full-fledged plants.​

Rules for planting perennial phlox

The sight of a flowering phlox awl-shaped bush is literally mesmerizing and attracts attention. In plantings it is used for flower beds, alpine slides, ridges, and mixborders. Small curtains can be used to decorate the edges of paths and the border of the lawn. The awl-shaped phlox of different colors looks very elegant against the background of conifers and plants with decorative foliage. And this species received the name “subulate” thanks to the leaves, which have a needle-like appearance. So that the flowers will delight with their splendor for a long time and have decorative look, they must be fed. Phlox responds very well to fertilizing from wood ash, which contains potassium and lime. Thanks to such elements, the brightness of the inflorescences increases, in addition, they become more resistant to diseases.​

Phlox (lat. Phlox)- a genus of beautiful flowering plants herbaceous plants family Sinyukhidae, which includes more than 80 species, including awl-shaped phlox (lat. Phlox subulata), getting its name from the shape of its leaves. Otherwise, this species is called creeping or carpet, and in North America, where phlox subulate comes from, it is called moss carnation. In the wild, phlox subulate is distributed from southern Ontario to North Carolina, and from east to west - from Tennessee to Michigan. It chooses rocky screes, dry sandy hills and the shade of bushes to live.

Planting and caring for phlox subulate (in brief)

  • Bloom: from mid-May to the second decade of June, re-blooming in August-September.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, planting seedlings in the garden - in the second half of May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: loose, evenly moist or dry, scanty, sandy or medium loamy, neutral reaction.
  • Watering: moderate and infrequent. Watering is carried out early in the morning or after sunset, water is poured strictly at the root. In extreme heat and drought, water consumption is from 15 to 20 liters of non-cold water per 1 m² of area.
  • Feeding: in the spring - with a humate solution, during the budding period - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, after flowering - with a complete mineral complex.
  • Reproduction: seeds, heel cuttings, green apical cuttings and rhizome division.
  • Pests: stem nematodes, slobbering pennies, leaf rollers, wireworms.
  • Diseases: rust, spotting, fomoz, verticillium wilt.

Read more about growing phlox subulate below.

Phlox awl-shaped - description

In height it is ornamental plant reaches 10-20 cm, forming dense evergreen mats. Its recumbent stems with short internodes are densely covered with sharp, narrow and hard leaves up to 2 cm long, and they end in peduncles with one or two inflorescences of 5-7 funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 25 mm. The color of flowers with petals notched at the edges can be white, pink, purple or different shades of lilac. Flowering of phlox subulate begins in mid-May and lasts until the second decade of June, and re-blooming occurs in August-September. Phlox blooms so profusely that the greenery under its inflorescences is completely invisible. But even when flowering ends, the subulate phlox does not lose its attractiveness: its turf remains green even under the snow.

Planting phlox subulate in open ground

Growing phlox subulate seedlings

Plants of this species do not produce seeds in our climatic conditions, but seedlings can be purchased at nurseries or garden centers, as well as plant seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown in large boxes in March: they are distributed over the surface of a substrate previously disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in increments of 3-4 cm and only lightly sprinkled with soil. Place the crops on the windowsill, but shade them from direct sunlight. While waiting for germination, the substrate is kept slightly moist using a sprayer for watering. Phlox subulate seedlings are planted in open ground at the stage of development of three to four true leaves. However, growing this type of phlox by seed is unreliable. It is much easier to buy plant seedlings.

The moss carnation will require your attention and certain growing conditions, but in principle, planting and caring for the awl-shaped phlox is not so difficult. It needs to be planted in places with the greatest light, after first selecting from the ground the roots of perennial weeds, in particular field bindweed, which is especially dangerous for phlox. The plant can develop in partial shade, but its flowering will not be as abundant as in a sunny place. Phlox prefers sandy or medium loamy soil, scanty, evenly moist or even dry, but it grows well on other soils: it is important that they are loose, neutral and have aeration properties. In heavy soil you need to add sand, and in acidic soil - from 200 to 400 g of dolomite flour or other deoxidizing agent per 1 m², thoroughly mixing it with the soil. The best precursors for phlox subulate are calendula, tagetes and perennial lawn grasses - plants that the nematode does not like. Under no circumstances should you plant phlox after strawberries.

Before planting, the soil is dug up with humus (it is strictly not recommended to use fresh manure as fertilizer), however, both organic matter and mineral complexes should be added in modest quantities, since on well-fertilized soils the plant produces a lot of greenery, but blooms sparingly.

Phlox subulate seedlings are planted in the second half of May in holes located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Before filling the holes, the roots of the seedlings are carefully straightened, and after planting, the area is watered and mulched with peat. In a year or two perennial phlox awl-shaped forms a continuous carpet at the planting site: during the season, the shoots of the plant grow up to 25 cm. The plant will bloom in the second year after planting.

Caring for phlox awl-shaped

How to grow phlox subulate

The main point of care for phlox at the very beginning of its development is the removal of weeds: growing through the turf, they damage the decorative appearance of the planting. Weeding is done with great care and always after watering or rain. By the way, moderation is needed in soil moisture, since subulate phlox can withstand drought without losing its attractiveness, but from excess moisture it gets sick and even dies. Water phlox early in the morning or after sunset, pouring water strictly at the root so that drops do not fall on the leaves and stems. In extreme heat and drought you will need 15 to 20 liters warm water per 1 m² of area: cold water causes the plant stems to crack.

As for fertilizing, it is advisable to adhere to the following scheme:

  • to stimulate growth and rapid recovery after winter, in early spring phlox subulate is fed with a humate solution;
  • During the budding period, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the soil;
  • after the end of flowering, phlox awl-shaped is fed with a complete mineral complex;
  • The best fertilizer for phlox is an ash solution, since it does not contain nitrogen, which has a detrimental effect on flowering. To prepare the solution, you need to boil 300 g of ash in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes, then let the broth cool, strain it and bring the volume to 10 liters with water. If you use the ash solution on the leaves, you can use it not only to feed the plant, but also to protect it from pests.

Phlox subulate after flowering

When caring for phlox subulate, do not forget to remove it in a timely manner. wilted flowers and damaged branches. After the first flowering finishes, prune the plant shoots back completely to encourage flowering. flower buds. If you prune phlox in the fall, it will not bloom in the spring.

Phlox awl-shaped is largely cold-resistant, so it overwinters without shelter, but with the onset of frost it needs to be mulched root collar plants with peat. Mulch will not only protect the phlox from frost, but will also serve as food for it in winter. spring time. If the winter is expected to be cold and snowless, throw spruce branches on top of the mulch.

Pests and diseases of phlox subulate

Phlox awl-shaped in open ground, subject to the rules of agricultural technology, is extremely resistant to diseases and pests, however, if you are careless in care, the plant may suffer from fungal infections. For example, a white powdery coating on the leaves and stems indicates that the phlox subulate has been affected by powdery mildew. The fight against this disease is ongoing copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture. Reddish-brown spots on the ground organs of phlox may mean that the plants are sick with rust, the pathogens of which can be destroyed with the drug Topaz. Phoma disease causes drying of leaves and fragility of shoots. This disease can be treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur. Septoria is diagnosed by brown dots on leaf blades, which gradually grow and begin to interfere with photosynthesis. As a result of the development of the disease, the plant dies. In the fight against septoria and other fungal infections, preventive treatments with copper-containing preparations are used: make it a rule every spring to spray the planting of phlox subulates with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate or other copper-based fungicide.

But variegation, which sometimes affects plants in the garden, is a viral disease that cannot be cured, therefore, as soon as you see that streaks and stripes have appeared on the phlox corollas, immediately remove and burn the diseased specimen.

Among the pests, nematodes and caterpillars are dangerous for phlox. The presence of stem nematodes on plants is indicated by changes in the color and shape of leaves, as well as slower growth of shoots. It is useless to fight nematodes, but if crop rotation is observed as a preventive measure, these dangerous pests they just won't appear. And the caterpillars are collected by hand or destroyed with an insecticide against leaf-eating pests.

Reproduction of phlox awl-shaped

We told you about seed propagation of the plant, but more often phlox subulate is propagated vegetatively. For example, green apical cuttings, cuttings with a heel or dividing the rhizome.

Propagation of phlox awl-shaped by cuttings

The best time to take cuttings of phlox subulate is the beginning of budding. The lower, lignified or leafless parts of the shoots are not suitable for cuttings, since they take root very poorly, so tear off the green leafy shoot with a pull so that part of the stem skin remains at its end - these will be excellent cuttings for propagating phlox subulate. Lower leaves on cuttings it is better to remove.

For successful rooting, you need room temperature and moist, light soil - a mixture of peat and sand, for example, or disinfected garden soil mixed with vermiculite or sand. For creating greenhouse effect cuttings planted at an angle are covered glass jars, plastic bottles with a cut off neck or a transparent lid: in such conditions, roots form in just 7-10 days.

Sometimes, when dividing a bush, branches of the plant break off, which can be buried by removing the leaves from their lower part. The planted cuttings are watered and shaded from direct sunlight during rooting with non-woven material - lutrasil or spunbond.

Reproduction of phlox awl-shaped by dividing the bush

When the plant reaches five years of age, the middle of the bush begins to protrude from the ground and becomes bare after each rain. This can lead to the death of the plant from spring frosts. In addition, the flowering of phlox by this age becomes scarce and shorter lasting. To save the plant and restore its decorative qualities, the phlox subulate is transplanted, during which it is advisable to divide the bush. The plant is dug up and divided into parts so that each of them contains strong, healthy roots and several above-ground fragments. The cuttings are planted at a distance of 35 to 60 cm from each other in holes, to the bottom of which you can add a handful of humus or rotted compost. This operation is best carried out in mid-August.

Varieties of phlox subulate

In Europe, the first varieties of phlox subulate appeared in England. Today, species of phlox no longer exist, and the plants that decorate our gardens are the product of hybridization and natural mutation. Breeders from the USA, England, Holland, Japan, France and Germany were engaged in breeding varieties of phlox subulate. We invite you to get acquainted with the most famous varieties plants:

  • Aurora– a variety up to 12 cm high with star-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 24 mm almost white with a soft pink tint;
  • Amazeen Grace– a plant up to 12 cm high with flowers 18 mm in diameter, white in color with a bright carmine eye;
  • G.F. Wilson– a profusely branching plant up to 20 cm high with light star-shaped lavender-blue flowers up to 18 mm in diameter:
  • Thumbelina– a variety 10-15 cm high with flowers 16 mm in diameter of a rich cold pink shade with a dark carmine eye;
  • Candy Stripes- a bush only 10 cm high with white flowers up to 20 mm in diameter, in which a wide longitudinal pink stripe runs down the middle of each petal. The variety is characterized by abundant and long-lasting flowering;
  • Coral Eye– flowers with a diameter of about 20 mm, star-shaped, light pink with a carmine eye on a bush 12 cm high;
  • phlox subulate Bavaria– a plant up to 10 cm high, covered with a mass of white flowers with lilac eyes;
  • Temiskamin– an abundantly branching bush up to 15 cm high with dense turf and bright, dark crimson-purple flowers up to 20 mm in diameter;
  • phlox subulate Scarlet Flame with flowers of bright orange-pink color with a diameter of up to 25 mm;
  • Mayshney– snow-white, wheel-shaped flowers with a diameter of up to 15 mm on a bush 8-10 cm high. The most popular white-flowered variety in cultivation;
  • Nettleton Variegata– phlox subulate pink with flowers with a diameter of 17 mm;
  • phlox subulate Emerald Cuchon Blue– a variety 10-15 cm high with flowers up to 2 cm in diameter of a lilac-blue hue;
  • Tellaria– bushes up to 12 cm high with star-shaped flowers with a diameter of 23 mm, lilac with a carmine eye.

You can find varieties on sale.

Phloxes are a bright and lush garden decoration. They are grown for cutting, decorating plots, and creating compositions in the open ground. From the article you will learn about the features of planting this plant, as well as everything about caring for it.

Varieties and varieties of phlox subulate

Snow-white, dark red, pink, purple - awl-shaped phlox has many shades, planting and caring for which even beginners can do. It got its name because of its narrow, pointed leaves that look like an awl. This phlox is a ground cover species that blooms earlier than others in the spring. A blooming carpet is beautiful not only in the photo, but also in any summer cottage.

Variety "Candy Stripes"

Among the varieties of awl-shaped phlox, the most interesting are:

  1. "Candy Stripes." White flower with a pink stripe in the center.
  2. "Tellaria". Lilac, star-shaped. It blooms for a very long time.
  3. "Maishnee." A dazzling white flower, one of the most common.
  4. "Thumbelina." It has a rich pink color. It grows quickly.

Variety "Thumbelina"

Planting and caring for the plant

When choosing a site for awl-shaped phlox, give preference to a sunny and dry place. Also pay attention to the soil. It should be infertile, dry and loose. Acidity - neutral or slightly alkaline. On wet chernozems, plants produce a lot of greenery, but practically do not bloom. The planting depth should be no more than 15 cm, since the roots of phlox are not very long. The distance between the bushes is about 20-30 cm.

Advice. The best predecessors for phlox are perennial herbs and calendula. Do not root these flowers after garden strawberries: There is a high probability that nematodes remain in the soil, which will quickly take root on new plants.

Phlox care includes:

  • regular loosening of the soil;
  • weed control;
  • moderate watering warm water(cold causes the stems to crack);
  • removing inflorescences that have faded.

It is important to know that phloxes should not be watered with cold water.

Every 5 years, phloxes need to be replanted so that their flowering is lush and long-lasting. These flowers are considered frost-resistant, provided that in winter they are covered with a sufficient layer of snow. Therefore, in the fall it is necessary to cut off the tops and sprinkle the roots with soil mixed with peat. Additionally, cover them with straw, spruce branches, and fallen leaves.

Attention! If the winter weather is relatively warm, without severe frosts, with frequent thaws, the shelter should be removed, since the phloxes can rot.

Fertilizing and feeding phlox

Annual varieties need 4 feedings per season, perennial varieties - 5 (the last one will fall during the period of seed ripening).

Be sure to feed the phlox several times a season.

Approximate fertilizer application scheme:

  1. Late spring: 25 g of liquid manure per 10 liters of water.
  2. The beginning of June. The same thing, but with the addition of superphosphate.
  3. Early July. Liquid manure without additives.
  4. End of July. Fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus salt. Application of potassium-phosphorus fertilizing. It's better to do it in the evening.

You can use ash to fertilize phlox. Take 350 g, pour 2 liters of water over them, boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain and add a bucket of water. Use for both root and foliar feeding.

Advice. After winter, water the phlox with humus. This will speed up their growth and root development.

Perennial propagation

Protection from diseases and pests

Phlox most often suffer from variegation and powdery mildew. In the first case, an ugly pattern appears on the leaves, unusual for the plant, in the second - a white matte coating. Prevention of these diseases - spring treatment Bordeaux mixture. If you notice symptoms, remove damaged plants.

Also among phlox diseases are:

  • septoria (signs: brown spots on leaves);
  • phomosis (signs: fragility of shoots, drying of leaves).

Phlox shoots infected with phomosis

When symptoms of septoria blight appear, spray the bushes and soil near them with Bordeaux mixture. Repeat treatment after 14 days. The development of phomosis is easier to prevent by spraying phlox with colloidal sulfur.

Attention! The air temperature during processing must be at least + 18º C.

Of the pests, the most annoying to phlox are nematodes and other threadworms. If they settle on plants, the stems become fragile, the leaves and flowers are deformed. Affected phloxes need to be dug up and burned, and the soil should be treated with nematicides.

Combination of phlox with other plants

Phloxes in landscape design

Successful compositions of phlox with primrose, poppy, edelweiss, dwarf iris and wormwood, aster. This flower looks bright against the background of conifers with a clear shape: thuja, juniper, pine, dwarf spruce. Combinations of awl-shaped phlox with other groundcovers (sedum, sedum) are harmonious. Annuals good in an ensemble with bells, snapdragons, and cereals.

Advice. When choosing “neighbors” for phlox, take into account the flowering period of the plants. Competently combining flower crops, you can create a colorful flower bed that will delight you from spring to autumn.

The use of phlox subulate in landscape design

  1. As a lawn. Particularly suitable for decorating large areas in the garden.
  2. On alpine hills and rock gardens. Here phloxes will decorate the tops and also smooth out uneven slopes.
  3. For creating borders along gazebos and paths in the garden.
  4. In mixborders (mixed flower beds). Awl-shaped phlox will look better in the foreground.
  5. In the spaces between paths lined with stones or slabs, and on stone steps.
  6. For flower arrangements in containers. They are placed on the balcony or at the entrance to the gazebo, near the gate.

Phloxes on an alpine hill

To decide which is right for you, take a look bright photos with phlox. But rest assured: no matter what use you find for these colors, they will look festive and original everywhere. You just need to use your imagination a little to make your site even more attractive.

How to grow phlox correctly: video

Types and varieties of phlox subulate: photo

Subulate phloxes will become beautiful jewelry any garden plot. They are bright, spectacular and absolutely unpretentious. Belongs to the Sinyukhov family. The homeland of the awl-shaped phlox is North America.

The stem is creeping or erect. The leaves are narrow-oval. The color of the leaves is bright green. Wherein the arrival of winter does not change the color of the leaves. Fragrant flowers form inflorescences. The size of the inflorescence varies depending on the variety.

Flower colors are varied: pink, white, red, purple and others.


Thanks to breeding work, a huge variety of varieties have been developed different varieties plants.

Carpet lights

This not a varietal variety culture. This is the name of the plant because the awl-shaped phlox is a bright and spectacular ground cover, which is lined with a flower carpet. Bright star flowers look like lights against a green background.

Carpet lights

Candy Stripes

Candy Stripes is a very popular variety. The flower is white in color. There is a wide pink border in the center of the petal. Plants form floral and colorful carpets. Plant height no more than 15 cm.

Flowering lasts for summer season. Probably re-blooming in early autumn.

Candy Stripes

Esmerald Blue

Esmerald Blue is a tall variety up to 15 cm. The flowers have a pale lilac hue. Plants form a continuous floral carpet.

Esmerald Blue

Flowering is abundant and lasts throughout the summer.

Purple Beauty

Purple Beauty

Purple Beauty is a spectacular varietal variety with bright purple flowers. The petals are strongly divided. The variety is characterized by strong growth. The plant begins to bloom in May.

Flowering lasts for 2 months.



Maischnee is another popular variety of awl-shaped phlox. The flowers are small and wheel-shaped. The color of the flowers is snow-white. Plant height does not exceed 10 cm. Flowering lasts from May to June.

Repeat flowering is possible in August, but not as abundant as the first.

Growing and caring for phlox subulate

Subulate is considered a crop easy to grow and unpretentious.

Soil requirements

Subulate phloxes feel much better on poor and dry soil rather than on fertile soil.

On fertile soil, they practically do not please with their bright and fragrant flowers, since the plant’s energy is spent on growing green mass.

The soil must be loose and neutral. Therefore, if the soil on the site is acidic, then it is recommended to add lime to it.

The plant prefers dry soils

It is advisable to plant phlox in the area where perennial crops previously grew - marigolds, calendula.

plant on former place strawberry growth Not recommended, since there is a high risk of soil contamination with nematodes.


It is advisable to plant seedlings in early spring, when the soil has already warmed up, but will retain moisture.

How to plant?

  • Before planting, you will need to prepare the soil; for this, all weeds are removed;
  • You can add rotted compost to the soil;
  • It is not recommended to deepen the seedlings, since the awl-shaped phlox has a superficial root system;
  • The distance between seedlings should be not less than 25 cm.

Care after landing

Care includes the following procedures:

  • Systematic loosening of the soil;
  • Weed removal;
  • Regular and moderate watering. Warm water is used because cold water leads to cracking of the stems;
  • Trimming faded inflorescences.

In winter it tolerates frost well.

In the northern regions can be covered Phlox awl-shaped. You can use film as a cover. However, the stems may retreat under cover. As a result, the death of the culture is possible. In snowy winters they can do without shelter.

In summer, plants tolerate drought and temporary drops in temperature well. During drought it requires abundant watering.

For the winter, the awl-shaped phlox is cut off from dried flowers.

Top dressing

At the stage of active growth, fertilizing will be required, which contains nitrogen and potassium. Further, at the flowering stage, you can apply complex mineral fertilizer.

It is also advisable to add humus. Humus not only stimulates crop growth, but also promotes abundant and intense flowering. It is better to apply it at the end of the winter period.

Excess fertilizers, especially nitrogen, is fraught with too weak flowering or its absence.
Wood ash can be used as fertilizer.


Subulate phloxes reproduce in several ways:

  • Seed;
  • By cuttings;
  • By division.


Propagation by seeds is least common method propagation of culture. How to propagate phlox subulates using seeds?

  1. Sow seeds in open ground at the end of February;
  2. When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, they must be transplanted to the main place of growth;
  3. The soil where the seedlings grow must always remain moist.

Schlox seeds


  1. Trim apical stalk creeping shoot, you can also use a broken stem;
  2. Remove lower leaves from a cutting;
  3. Rooting occurs when kept at room temperature in a pot with fertile soil;
  4. In spring you can transplant it into open ground.

Dividing the rhizome

It is advisable to divide in the spring, but it can also be done after flowering.

What is required for propagation by division?

  1. The plant is dug up;
  2. The earth is shaken off the earthen clod;
  3. Every division must have developed roots;
  4. The resulting plants are planted in pre-prepared holes.

Phlox divisions

Diseases and pests

The most common diseases:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Variety.

Powdery mildew determined by a whitish coating on the leaves, and variegation appears in the form of ugly patterns on the foliage. It is necessary to remove the affected parts of the plant.

To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to treat with Bordeaux mixture in the spring.

The most common pests:

  • Nematode;
  • Thread worm.

Pests lead to fragility of stems and deformation of leaves. When pests develop on plants, it is recommended to dig the plants out of the soil and destroy them, and treat the soil with nematicides.

Nematicide for pest control of phlox awl-shaped

Combination with other plants

Subulate phlox are good neighbors with the following plants:

  • Asters;
  • Primrose;
  • Low growing irises;
  • Poppies;
  • Youthful;
  • Snapdragon.

Phlox next to coniferous crops: thuja, juniper, pine.

Subulate phloxes are good for planting on small lawns, where the plants form continuous flower carpets.

Phlox is also used to create low borders along garden paths. It is possible to use subulate phloxes in rock gardens, rockeries and mixborders.

Especially nice flowers in the foreground there are flower beds. The crop can also be grown in containers that will decorate verandas, porches or entrances. garden plot.

Thus, awl-shaped phlox is a bright and unpretentious ground cover that can decorate a garden plot, forming a continuous carpet on the lawn. There are many varieties known with a wide variety of colors of flower-lights.

To create on your site not an ordinary flower garden, but real lakes or a thick carpet of flowers is a task that is quite realistic if phlox subulate is taken on.


Phlox subulata.

Phlox is a plant classified as a ground cover perennial shrub of the Sinyukov family.

Basic information about the plant:

  • Height: from 15 to 17 cm, there are miniature plants from 5 cm in height, as well as varieties up to 21 cm in height;
  • Stem: creeping (lying), green, hard. During the development of the plant, the stem can reach 0.5 m in length. The stem consists of many internodes, which, when in moist soil, often produce additional roots. Leaves grow along the entire length of the stems, which are located at a short distance from each other.
  • Leaves: evergreen, opposite, small (1-2 cm long), narrow, very hard, with a pointed tip. The shape of the leaf, reminiscent of an awl, gave the plant its name.
  • Flowers: small (diameter - up to 2 cm), consist of 5 petals. At the base they are connected and a tube is formed. Having opened, the petals form a flat corolla. The petals have different colors (white, cream, pink, bright red, blue, etc.), and two-color phloxes are often found. During flowering they emit a delicate aroma.
  • Root system: fibrous, consists of many adventitious roots. Depth of occurrence - up to 15 cm.
  • Flowering time: late May - early June. A second flowering period is possible - September.
  • Names: The Latin name for awl-shaped phlox is phlox subulata. People also call it creeping, carpet, and also moss carnation.


Professional breeders have been engaged in subulate phlox for a long time. During this period, they created many interesting varieties that became popular among flower growers.

Candy Stripes

Phlox awl-shaped "Сandy stripes"

The original color of the petals is the main difference between the Candy Stripes variety. Their main color is white, it is almost completely covered by a wide stripe that has a pink tint. Candy is not tall, does not rise above 10 cm, blooms profusely, the diameter of the flowers is up to 2 cm. The flowers appear together, Candy blooms for a long time.

Emerald Cuchon Blue

Phlox awl-shaped “Emerald cushion blue”

The Emerald Cuchon Blue variety has several characteristic differences. Firstly, this is the color of the petals: they have a delicate purple color with a bluish tint. Secondly, the abundance of flowering. The flowers of Emerald Cuchon Blue are small (up to 15 to 20 mm in diameter), but so many of them bloom at the same time that green leaves and stems are not visible behind the beautiful and dense purple carpet. Thirdly, a bright, noticeable aroma.

Emerald Pink

Phlox subulate “Emerald pink”

In any area, the Emerald Pink phlox always catches the eye - its petals are pinkish in color with a reddish tint, and the center stands out in crimson color.

Scarlet Flame

Phlox awl-shaped “Scarlet flame”

Scarlet Flame flowers are quite large, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, and have a very bright, rich, even somewhat dark pink color, which corresponds to its name - “fiery”. This subshrub has a height of 15 cm, blooms twice: at the beginning of summer (May - June) and at the beginning of autumn (August - September).

Possible methods of reproduction

To propagate phlox subulate, you can use one of three methods.

  1. Seeds

Using seeds for propagation is not the most common method. This is due to the small number of seeds appearing in the seed pod after flowering. On average there are 2-3 seeds in one box. Typically, seed propagation is used by the subshrub itself, when new plants appear with the help of self-sowing seeds.
If the gardener managed to collect or purchase seeds, they need to be planted in a container in the fall. A small flat container is filled with a mixture of soil, humus, and sand. The seed pods are laid shallow (1.5 cm) and the container is left in a cool place (cellar, balcony). To create natural conditions, they cover it with snow before the New Year. Over the winter, the sprouts germinate, at the beginning of spring (March) they can be planted in a greenhouse, and in April they will be planted in a permanent place in the ground.

  1. Dividing the bush

Often the only method used for propagation in garden plots is dividing bushes. In this way, you can increase the planting of a specific variety and a certain color scheme. The bushes can be divided in April. The procedure is not difficult; to do this, you need to select a well-grown bush.

  • The bush chosen for division is carefully dug up.
  • The dug bush is divided into parts so that each has roots.
  • The parts separated from the bush are planted in a designated place.
  1. Cuttings

In spring (early April) and summer (after flowering), you can use another method of propagating phlox subulate - cuttings. The subshrub has a high survival rate, so it does not require complex actions or special preparation when cutting.
Any shoot can become a cutting. It is desirable that it have several roots from the internode, but their absence will not hurt: the cutting will take root on its own.
Those parts of the shoots that were broken off when dividing the bush can also become cuttings.

  1. Rooting pinned shoots

From the growing stems of phlox, you can get several new plants. This is facilitated by the rapid appearance of roots on those parts of the stem that happen to be lying directly on wet soil. This feature is used for reproduction. The selected stem is laid on the ground and sprinkled with soil in the place that will become the center of the new bush. After rooting, the new subshrub is cut off from the old plant.

Video “Spring phlox - subulate phlox”

Planting phlox awl-shaped

Phlox is one of the most convenient plants for gardeners. They are unpretentious, take root well, and do not require special care. But certain rules for planting and caring for the plant must be followed in order to achieve its lush flowering.

Selecting a location

For all its undemanding nature, phlox subulate has its own preferences for the planting site. The plant feels best in sunny places with well-drained soil. If the plant is planted in areas with heavy soil, it is necessary to dilute it with sand.
In partial shade you can also achieve good flowering, but you need to make sure that the soil is not too wet: phlox suffers in wetlands and areas with high humidity.
Poor or rocky soil will not cause problems for the plant; phlox will easily master it and cover it with a beautiful carpet. The plant develops better on neutral soils.


Before planting, a planting hole is prepared for the semi-shrub. The order of its filling: drainage (expanded clay, pebbles), a mixture of soil with humus and a small amount of ash. Seedlings, cuttings or parts of a bush are dipped in the Kornevin solution, and then planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other so that each bush has room for the stems that will soon appear.

When planting in early spring, when the soil is still moist, additional watering of the planted plants is not required. If the cuttings are planted later, when the soil has already become dry, it is moistened around the planted cuttings. In this case, you need to be careful not to overfill the cuttings. The planted cuttings are covered with a non-woven cloth and left for several days (up to 1 week) for the cuttings to take root.


Phlox subulate variety "Aurora"

Growing and caring for phlox subulate includes traditional procedures.


Moderation when watering is one of the conditions for the successful development of the plant. This beautiful subshrub is hardy and can tolerate short dry periods. Excess moisture becomes more problematic for the plant and can lead to root rot and plant diseases.
Therefore, water the flowers sparingly after the top layer of soil dries out. In dry summers, watering is done once every 2-3 days; the rest of the time, it is enough to water phlox subulate once a week.


Growing and caring for decorative shrubs is not complete without systematic weeding. The soil is cleared of weeds before planting, trying to remove the roots present in the soil mixture. In the future, the plant is weeded regularly.

Top dressing

During the season you need to fertilize the phlox several times. This will prolong flowering and make the plant strong and hardy.
Most often, gardeners feed the plant with liquid manure; a small amount (25 g) is diluted in 10 liters of water. You can also use mineral fertilizers.


In spring, you can prune the plant. This will allow you to form a beautiful bush. When pruning at other times (summer, autumn), the buds present on the shoots are removed, which leads to problems next year.
Timely removal of corollas that have bloomed and dried out ensures a second flowering (August - September).

Video “Phlox awl-shaped - planting, care and reproduction”

Disease and pest control

Phlox awl-shaped is a fairly strong plant that is resistant to many diseases.

Most often, help is required for shrubs that show signs of powdery mildew (lethargy, slow development, reduced flowering). It is necessary to begin an urgent fight against this fungal disease. To stop its development, not only diseased plants are removed from plantings, but also the top layer of soil where they grew. After this, the soil and remaining flowers are treated with any antifungal drug.

To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, you can carry out preventive treatment of the plantings in the spring, before flowering. For this, Bordeaux mixture is used, and Topaz is also treated before and after flowering.

The plant's pests are spider mites. Spots first appear on the leaves, then the entire leaf dries out. The stems are often attacked by caterpillars, and nematodes are another pest. When pests appear, it is necessary to remove the plants damaged by them and treat the remaining plantings with special preparations (Aktrofit, etc.).

Using phlox awl-shaped in decorating an area

This beautiful shrub has found wide application in garden design. It is often used to create beautiful alpine slides or bright lawns. Given the plant's short stature, it looks good as a border that decorates garden paths or grows between path tiles.
Phlox is appropriate in flower beds and flowerpots, in single plantings, in combination with other flowers (sedum, snapdragon, bell) or cereals.
Phlox awl-shaped on the site is a beauty for many years!

Awl-shaped phlox is called because of the pointed shape of the leaves.

Awl-shaped phlox is an ornamental plant up to 15 cm high, with dense greenery and small bright flowers.

The name is associated with narrow and pointed leaves, thanks to which the flower stem resembles a pine twig.

Subulate phloxes usually bloom twice during the summer: first from May to mid-June, and the second time in August-September.


Selecting a location

In nature, the favorite places of this plant are dry and sunny hills and sandy slopes, rocky areas.

Insufficient ventilation has a bad effect on these flowers. They will bloom poorly if planted too closely or under a solid wall. It is better to plant them at a distance from the fence or choose more openwork, air-permeable barriers.

Awl-shaped phloxes, like everyone else evergreens, snow cover in winter is necessary.

These flowers will quickly grow and occupy the area intended for them. The shoots grow more than 10 cm per year and take root well.

Choosing the time to land

By early summer, phlox should be well rooted in the ground.

Subulate phlox is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are cut in early spring, planted in seedling boxes or prepared beds, and watered with warm water.

Young plants are transplanted from boxes into open ground.

Such cuttings take root well in late spring and early summer, and by autumn they become adult plants.

Soil preparation

The root system of subulate phloxes is located at a depth of up to 15 cm. It is precisely due to the fact that they require a thin layer of soil that these flowers decorate rocky areas and alpine hills.

Read how to grow delphinium in the garden here.

Also read how to choose ornamental shrubs for the dacha.

The soil for planting subulate phlox should be dry and well-drained. In addition, it is important to know what has grown on this land recently: pests may remain from last year. So, if strawberries grew on the site in the previous season, the probability of phlox infection with roundworms is very high.

It is safest to plant awl-shaped phlox in areas where lawn perennial grasses or flowers such as marigolds (tagetes) and calendula grew.

It is important to clear the area of ​​the roots of perennial weeds. Phlox, intertwining stems, form turf, through which strong weeds can break through and ruin the appearance of the area. It will be very difficult to remove such a weed without damaging the flowers.

Liming - mandatory procedure for acidic soil

Acidic soils - such as, for example, in the Moscow region - must be limed. To do this, lime or dolomite flour is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

200-400 grams of lime or less are consumed per square meter, depending on the situation.

In very heavy soils, add a little sand before planting flowers.


Not too much watering, timely weeding and fertilizing 2-3 times per season - usually this is enough to keep the awl-shaped phlox healthy and looking great.

Areas with old plants need to be rejuvenated.

If your phloxes are five years old or older, they may develop leafless fragments and not bloom as profusely.


Before flowering, from about the end of April to mid-May, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil. If necessary, add complete mineral fertilizer in mid-summer.

Wood ash is both a fertilizer for phlox and a pest repellent

One of the best ways top dressing - wood ash.

It contains all the necessary macro- and microelements, although there is no nitrogen. The ash solution also helps as a means of pest control.

If you overdo it with fertilizers, as well as on very fertile soils, awl-shaped phlox will produce a thick green carpet, but bloom rarely and poorly.

The best conditions for their flowering are created on relatively dry, poor soils.


Subulate phloxes should be watered very sparingly. These are drought-resistant plants; excess moisture harms them. Externally, signs of waterlogging may look like this: weakened plants, rare flowers, no continuous carpet effect.


It is enough once a year, after flowering, to remove old stems and adjust the shape of the green massif. In the spring, after the snow melts, you can trim dry shoots.

Pests and diseases

To protect plants from powdery mildew, preventive treatment is carried out before and after flowering - for example, with the Topaz composition.

When infested by caterpillars, insecticides are used.

Also read how to grow verbena from seeds.

To learn how to plant daylilies in your garden, click here.

Application in landscape design

Various varieties of awl-shaped phlox allow you to create real artistic compositions.

The flowers of awl-shaped phlox can be plain or decorated with stripes, a contrasting border, and bright stars in the middle. Color - from the purest white to rich purple, including all shades of pink and lilac, blue and blue-violet. The leaves of different varieties also differ in color saturation and shade.

Dense greenery between flowering periods looks great on rocky areas of the garden, on slopes, terraces and alpine hills. Awl-shaped phlox often frames multi-level flower beds - mixborders.

During flowering, the effect of a continuous carpet allows, by combining varieties of different colors, to obtain delightful compositions on lawns and very small flower beds.

The most beautiful and popular varieties of subulate phlox are presented in the photo gallery:

Jul 21, 2015 Elena Timoshchuk