The employee works 0 5 rates. Is it possible to hire a part-time employee if this will be his only place of work?

To carry out this procedure, he needs to submit an application to the manager with a request to change his work schedule to part-time, that is, part-time. After the management of the enterprise makes a positive decision, the conditions change labor agreement. A written agreement is concluded between the manager and the employee. Additional conditions to the employment agreement stipulate the new part-time work schedule established for the employee, that is, 0.5 rates, indicate the tariff rate or salary, as well as the duration working week. Additional conditions to the employment agreement must be printed in 2 copies: one of them is given to the employee, the other remains with the manager. Based on the signed additional conditions to the employment agreement, the management of the enterprise or organization issues an order on changes made to the staffing table.

Order for transfer to full time (sample)

Glebova wrote a statement asking for a part-time work week – from Monday to Thursday. To amend the employment contract, an additional agreement was drawn up. Based on the signed agreement, the head of the organization issued an order establishing a part-time working regime from April 2010.
Glebova’s monthly salary for a full work week is 21,000 rubles. To calculate Glebova’s salary, the organization’s accountant responsible for calculating salaries determined that in April 2010 there were 22 working days. In addition to the generally established holidays, this month the employee did not work for 5 days (April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30).

Thus, in fact, in April 2010, Glebova worked: 22 days. – 5 days = 17 days The salary due to her for April is: 21,000 rubles. : 22 days × 17 days = 16,227 rub.

We issue an order for transfer to 0.5 rates

Read more about part-time work here: An employee writes an application for part-time work at free form. Director of Alpha A.V. Lvovchief accountant A.S. Glebova STATEMENT on the establishment of a part-time working regime Based on Article 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, due to current family circumstances (long-term illness of a child), I ask you to allow part-time work from 04/01/2010 (with the establishment of a working week from Monday to Thursday) until the reasons that caused such a need are eliminated.
03/31/2010 A.S. Glebova Thus, it is possible to change the working hours by concluding an additional agreement to employment contract, in which the following wording can be used: “Clause 5.1.

How to transfer an employee to 0 5 rates on initiative

Glebe regime of a part-time working week from 04/01/2010: – beginning of the working week – Monday; – end of the working week – Thursday. Working hours: – start of work – 9.00; – end of work – 18.00; – break for meals and rest – 13.00–14.00. 2. Accounting department of wages A.S. Glebova to produce in proportion to the time worked.

Reason: statement by A.S. Glebova dated 03/31/2010. Director Details in the materials of the Personnel System: Document forms: ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT No. 1 to the employment contract dated May 15, 2007 No. 475 Moscow 03/31/2010 “Alpha”, hereinafter referred to as “Employer”, represented by Director A.V. Lvov, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Chief Accountant A.S.

Glebova, hereinafter referred to as “Employee,” on the other hand, entered into an agreement to change the terms of the employment contract dated May 15, 2007 No. 475. 1.

How to properly register an employee at 0.5 rate?


Transferring an employee to part-time, if such a decision came from management, is possible only in the event of a change in working conditions of an organizational or technological nature (changes in production technology or equipment, structural reorganization of the enterprise) and if there is a forced need to reduce costs while maintaining the staff of the enterprise or organization . In this case, management is obliged to notify employees in advance (against signature) about upcoming changes in the operation of the enterprise no later than 2 months in advance. Only after this is an order issued on changes in the staffing table.

The manager must notify the employment service within 3 days from the date of signing the order. Additional agreements to the employment contract are concluded with those employees who have agreed to continue working on a part-time basis.
You can issue an order on the organization's letterhead.
  • We reflect information about the change in the tariff rate by 0.5 in the employee’s personal card in column III. When an employee changes their working hours, there is no need to make an entry in the work book.

Transfer by 0.5 rate to another position.

  • When transferring an employee to 0.5 pay and another position (for example, to easier work), some points are added to the registration procedure:

- if the staffing table does not provide for free rates for the position for which the employee is applying, then the employer has the right to refuse to transfer the employee.

  • We conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract. In it we indicate:

- new salary; — new working conditions; — new position and responsibilities of the employee.

Registration of transfer to 0 5 rates at the initiative of the employee

Transfer to 0.5 rates at the initiative of the employer. Transferring an employee to part-time status at the initiative of the employer is possible under certain conditions.

  • Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the introduction of a part-time working regime for a period of up to six months at the initiative of the employer, if this is caused by organizational or technological changes in the operating procedure of the enterprise (for example, reorganization of production) and may lead to mass layoffs.
  • It is mandatory to notify employees of changes in working hours 2 months in advance.
  • To do this, inform each employee against signature of the need to switch to part-time work and obtain consent or refusal.
  • The notice shall indicate the employee’s right to refuse the transfer and warn that in this case the employment contract will be terminated on the basis of clause 2, part 1, art.

Transfer to 0 5 rates at the initiative of the employee


Meanwhile, if the employer considers this necessary taking into account the document flow adopted in the organization, then he has the right to issue an appropriate order. There is no unified form for such an order; it is issued in any form. In a situation where the agreement to establish part-time work for an employee is not formalized in a separate agreement, an order is the most convenient form of informing the employee of the employer’s positive decision on the submitted application.

Thus, in order to establish part-time working time for an employee (at the employee’s initiative), it is necessary to draw up an agreement to change the terms of the employment contract previously determined by the parties, which will reflect new mode work. Drawing up an order is not mandatory, but is not prohibited by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Legal basis for the execution of such an agreement is Art.

Transfer to 0 5 rates at the initiative of an employee founded in 2017

The question is how to transfer an employee from full-time to 0.5-time for the same position (for family reasons). How to correctly write an application and issue an order. Answer Answer to question: B in this case no translation, we're talking about on establishing part-time working hours for an employee. According to Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working time and rest time (if for of this employee it is different from general rules valid for a given employer) is a mandatory condition of the employment contract. Changing the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is permitted by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or at the initiative of the employer if there are reasons related to changes in organizational or technological conditions labor in accordance with Art. 74 with advance notice of no later than two months.

Transfer from full-time to 0-5 rates at the initiative of the employee

The order is issued in free form, contains the employee’s full name, reason for the transfer, date of transfer, if the transfer has a deadline, then the transfer deadline. The second mandatory document is an additional agreement to the employment contract, which defines the terms of the transfer; 3) when transferring to another position for which the work schedule differs from full-time (for example, when transferring a maternity leaver to light work). To correctly prepare documents for such a transfer, you can use either an order issued in any form or a unified form T-5 or T-5a if several employees of the organization are transferred at once.
An employee’s application for transfer to part-time work is an additional document confirming the voluntariness of the transfer and the concluded agreement expressing the consent of the employee and the employer (parties to the labor relationship).
In the document, the employee must indicate: -the reason for the transfer; -transfer period; -preferred operating mode. § The head of the organization endorses the application, thereby agreeing to the transfer or not. § Next, we conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract, where we prescribe new working conditions (working hours and wages). In the main part of the agreement, for example, the following wording is possible: “The employee is assigned a part-time working schedule: from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a rest break from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.” “Payment is made in proportion to the time worked.” § We issue an order to transfer to a part-time position (sometimes on the T-5 form). But in this case there is no change in the labor function, so the use of this form is inappropriate. You can issue an order on the organization's letterhead.

In the column “Number of staff units” enter the value 0.5, and in the column “Salary (tariff rate)” enter the value of the salary or tariff rate proportional to the time worked by the employee, that is, half the tariff rate or salary. Transferring an employee to half-time A half-time reduction does not refer to a reduction in staff or number of employees, since the employee still remains employed part-time. In this case, there is simply a change in some terms of the employment agreement to reduce the amount of work performed.

As a general rule, changes to the terms of an employment agreement are possible only with mutual consent of the parties in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But in Art. 74 of the Labor Code provides for the possibility of unilaterally changing certain terms of the employment agreement.

However, if in his main job a certain day of the week (for example, Friday) is a non-working day for him, then in another company (where he is employed part-time), he can work on that day at a full-time rate (according to the provisions of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) . There is only one limitation: during the month, the total time of part-time work should not exceed 1/2 of the monthly work rate at the main place of work. For each employee, a personal registration card is also issued in the T-2 form, and if, in addition to the main job, the person also has a part-time job, then in this case 2 cards will be issued. Personal card of the employee (form T-2) Based on the provisions of Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code there are 2 main types of part-time work - internal and external. Each of them has its own characteristics.


It is impossible to give a resigning employee a copy of SZV-M. According to the law on personal accounting, when dismissing an employee, the employer is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contain information about all employees. This means transferring a copy of such a report to one employee means disclosing the personal data of other employees.

< … Старые «прибыльные» ошибки иногда можно исправить в текущем периоде Если организация обнаружила, что в одном из предыдущих отчетных (налоговых) периодов при исчислении налога на прибыль была допущена ошибка, исправить ее текущим периодом можно, только если соблюдены два условия. < … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя.

Is it possible to work full-time?

Part-time work is described in detail in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where the following features of such work are highlighted:

  • The work is carried out on the basis of a separately concluded employment contract.
  • The time devoted to any part-time job should not overlap with the time a person spends at his main job.
  • The employee must have a main place of work, that is, he has an employment relationship with the employer.

It is important to understand that part-time work is completely full-fledged, and therefore, from the point of view of the law, a person also enjoys all the same privileges and rights as in his main job. Here it is entirely permissible to work at 0.5 wages or less. which depends on the time spent on work, since a part-time person can work only 2-3 hours a day (working, for example, as a cleaner).

External part-time job full-time or 0.5 times


This is a job with the same employer, only in a different specialty if he has available positions. Any part-time job requires the execution of an additional employment contract, which reflects the norms, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee. The initiator of part-time work is always the employee himself, who learns about a vacancy and decides for himself whether the option of additional work is possible.

Example: A person works as a teacher at a school and, in addition to his main classes, also takes an elective class. Of course, he has the right to conduct extracurricular classes only in his free time. main work time, and according to the internal Order on taking office, there will be admission at 0.5 rates or less (but not more), since the duration of conducting an elective cannot exceed the time spent on conducting basic classes at school.

Combination 0 5 bets

They draw up a separate employment contract for part-time work! You will learn more about assigning the responsibilities of a financially responsible employee if you go to the material. Expanding the service area and increasing the volume of work performed - performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by the employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position. Draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract.


Thus, if an employee will perform additional duties during his working time in another profession, he needs to register a combination, if in his profession, then an increase in the volume of work performed. If the duties are performed after the main working day, then a part-time job is formalized. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Answer: How to formalize the combination of professions (positions) I.I.

How many positions can a part-time employee hold?

The working hours can also be fixed in the form of a schedule or tabular version, especially when it comes to shift duty. Direct payment for part-time work depends on the basis on which the payment is made. There may be 2 options:

  • hourly wages;
  • based on the work performed, regardless of the time spent (piecework).

Given the limited time in terms of the duration of work for a part-time worker, most often the employer chooses the first option, when the part-time worker is required to perform certain work within a given period of time.
Internal part-time job Taking into account the fact that an internal part-time job involves a person working exclusively at his own enterprise, the key rate cannot exceed 0.5.

About the number of bets one person has part-time


When combining professions, an employee does additional work during his regular working day. In this case, additional work is paid and is possible only with written consent employee. Such rules are established in Part 1 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Popular questions Expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work performed means performing, along with one’s main work stipulated by an employment contract, an additional volume of work in the same profession or position (Part 2 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the assignment of additional work to an employee for additional payment will be formalized by the employee and the employer signing an additional agreement to the employment contract, which will determine both the content and volume and duration of future work, as well as additional payment for its implementation (Articles 72, 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ).

Main work + combination 0.5 rate

Question from practice: how to formalize the execution of work (of a long-term or one-time nature) that is not included in job responsibilities employee The performance of work by an employee that is not part of his job duties can be arranged in one of four ways: The choice of option depends on the nature of the additional work and on the regularity with which the employee must perform it. If an employee will have to engage in a new job for a certain time, then it is better to arrange an internal part-time job or a combination of professions (positions). In an internal part-time job, the employee performs extra work in free time from main work (Art.
60.1 and part 1 of Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employer enters into a separate employment contract with the employee (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Combining different positions within the same organization is possible subject to availability of available staff, but only part-time. Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the latest edition Working at 0.5 times the rate on a part-time basis Is it permissible to hire part-time employees full time, provided that he is employed at the main job at 0.5 times the rate? Labor legislation answers in the negative: this contradicts the very wording - to work during the time remaining free from main employment. If desired, it is possible to change the status of the activity: register the main position as an additional one and vice versa, if the earnings in the main position are less than in the auxiliary one.
You need to write an application, resign and register again, but not for a part-time job, but for a full salary. The procedure involves drawing up a new or making additions to an old agreement between the employer and employee.
At the same time, the employment contract must stipulate that the employee has been hired part-time and indicates his working hours and rest hours (for example, a 4-hour working day - from 9.00 to 13.00). Can a part-time worker work full-time? The above restrictions on the duration of daily work do not apply in two cases. If the employee:

  • suspended work at his main place of work because his salary was delayed there for more than 15 days (Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • suspended from his main job for medical reasons (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Under such circumstances, an external part-time worker can be hired full-time. Otherwise, concluding a full-time employment contract with an external part-time worker is dangerous.

Is it possible to take a combination of wages when working at 0 5 rates?

External part-time work at 0.5 rates represents the opportunity for a citizen employed in one organization to work in his free time in another. Under what conditions such an employee is hired and whether his employment is allowed on a full-time basis, we will consider in the article below. Hiring an external part-time employee at 0.5 rate, features of its registration. How many hours per day can you hire an external part-time employee? How many employers can you work for at 0.5 rate? Is full-time external part-time work allowed? Is it possible to reflect this in the employment contract? Hiring an external part-time employee at 0.5 rate, features of its registration Any citizen has the right to get an additional job carried out outside the walls of the organization in which he works during the main time (Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Is it possible to hire an employee at 0.5 rate if it is his the only place work? If so, how do you comply with minimum wage regulations?

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:

The employer has the right to hire an employee for 0.5 staff positions. At the same time, the norms on the minimum wage as the main state guarantee for wages will not be violated.

Rationale for the conclusion:

The employer has the right to independently determine the structure and number of employees of the organization, taking into account the specifics of its activities and needs, work technology, demand for manufactured products, plans for further development etc. The structure, staffing and strength of the organization are determined in the staffing table (form N T-3, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1).

According to the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment, approved by the same resolution of the State Statistics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), the staffing table contains a list of structural divisions, the names of positions, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, information on the number of staff units . Column 4 of the T-3 form indicates the number of staff units for each position (profession, specialty) of the organization. At the same time, when filling out column 4, the number of staff units for the relevant positions (professions, specialties), for which the maintenance of an incomplete staff unit is provided, taking into account the characteristics of part-time work in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation, is indicated in appropriate proportions, for example 0.25; 0.5; 2.75 and so on.

Thus, the Directions allow for the possibility of designating incomplete, fractional staffing units in the staffing table. Obviously, the number of working employees cannot be fractional. Consequently, the number of employees may not correspond to the number of staff units. Therefore, if two people are hired for a position (specialty, profession), then the staffing table may indicate two fractional staffing units for this position (specialty, profession), which in total form one whole unit. In other words, one full staff unit recorded in the staffing table means the employer’s need for the work of one employee during normal working hours. The staffing unit indicates the volume of work for a position, and not the number of employees performing it.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not define such a thing as a rate. Based on the meaning of the term, working in a specific position for the entire normal working hours is considered full-time work. Accordingly, if an employee works part-time, then it is assumed that he must work half of the normal working time, that is, work in this position part-time (week).

Therefore, if an employer is interested in hiring an employee who will perform his duties for half of the normal working hours, then he has the right to hire such an employee for 0.5 staff positions. Moreover, if such an employee does not have another place of work, then he must be hired according to general rules, established by Chapter 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and this place of work will be his main place of work.

Obviously, such an employee will earn less than his full-time colleague. After all, by virtue of part one of Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended.

According to part three of Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the monthly salary of an employee who has fully worked the standard working hours during this period and fulfilled labor standards (labor duties) cannot be lower than the minimum wage (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage). Accordingly, if an employee works part-time (occupies a position for which the staffing table provides for a number of staff positions that is less than one), his salary must be no less than the corresponding part of the minimum wage. For example, if an employee fills a position for which 0.5 staff positions are provided, his salary cannot be less than half the minimum wage. The norms of labor legislation establishing the minimum wage as the main state guarantee for remuneration of workers will not be violated.

Solovyov Oleg - expert of the Legal Consulting Service "GARANT"

External part-time work involves an employee performing other regular paid work for another employer under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job (Article 60.1, 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But for some categories of employees.

Duration of working hours when working part-time

As was said, part-time work is work outside of working hours at the main place of work. Therefore, in general, the daily working hours of a part-time worker should be no more than 4 hours. And on those days when a part-time worker does not have to work at his main place of work, he can work full-time (shift) at a part-time job.

In total, during the accounting period, a part-time worker must work no more than half of the standard working hours established for the same period for the corresponding category of workers (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, as a rule, external part-time work is arranged at 0.5 rates or less. At the same time, the employment contract must stipulate that the employee has been hired part-time and indicates his working hours and rest hours (for example, a 4-hour working day - from 9.00 to 13.00).

Can a part-time worker work full-time?

The above restrictions on the duration of daily work do not apply in two cases. If the employee:

  • suspended work at his main place of work because his salary was delayed there for more than 15 days (Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • suspended from his main job for medical reasons (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Under such circumstances, an external part-time worker can be hired full-time. Otherwise, concluding a full-time employment contract with an external part-time worker is dangerous. After all, even if he provides you with a certificate from his main place of work stating that he works there at 0.5 rate or less, having hired him, you will not be able to comply with another requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that in a part-time job an employee must work no more than half of the normal working hours.

And in general, if an employee wants to work full-time for you, then it is logical for him to enter into an employment contract with you as the main employer, and become a part-time worker at other places of work. By the way, inspectors from the labor inspectorate, if they find you have a part-time worker working full time, will probably issue you a fine (

You will need

  • - labor legislation;
  • - company documents;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - staffing;
  • - employee documents;
  • - employment contract with the employee;
  • - order form;
  • - application form.


Ask employee write addressed to the sole executive body company statement. In it, he should write down his request for an additional payment in the amount of half the rate for his position. The application is dated and signed by the employee. The director needs to endorse the document in the upper left corner.

Based on the specialist’s application, draw up an agreement to his employment contract. In it, indicate that the employee should be given an additional payment in the amount of half the rate (provided that he works at the full rate of salary). Moreover, you need to refer to Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the conditions for increasing the volume of work. Confirm the additional agreement with the signature of an authorized person and the seal of the company. The document is signed by the specialist with whom the agreement was concluded. Number and date the document, and the employment contract number does not need to be changed.

The basis for issuing the order is an additional agreement. The “header” of the document contains the name of the enterprise, number, date, and city of location of your organization. The subject of the order in this case will correspond to the establishment of additional payment. The reason for drawing up the document should be indicated as follows: “due to an increase in the volume of work.” In the administrative part, write down your personal data employee, the position he occupies, his personnel number, as well as the amount of additional payment that you set for him, that is, half the rate of the salary. This is quite beneficial for the employee, since the bonus must be calculated based on the sum of his salary and additional payment, that is, one and a half times the rate. Certify the order with the signature of the director or other authorized person and the company seal. Familiarize the specialist with the document. He signs and dates the acknowledgment line.


  • Hiring at 1.5 rates

Registration of a new employee on staff includes writing a job application, concluding an employment contract with him, issuing an appropriate order and making an entry in the work book employee.

You will need

  • - document forms;
  • - computer;
  • - Printer;
  • - paper;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - seal;
  • - the employee’s work book (if available) or its blank form.


Formally, the procedure begins with the employee writing an application addressed to the head of the organization. It must contain the title of the position of the first person of the company, the organization itself, the last name and initials of the manager, last name, first name and patronymic employee in full and a request for admission indicating the position and department, if mentioned in the labor document. For example: “I ask you to accept me for the position of sales manager in the direct sales department of the commercial service.” The manager writes a resolution on the application, for example, “accept from such and such a date (the date is indicated in full).” But just a signature may be enough.

The employment contract is entered into on the day the application is written, but a later date can be agreed upon from which he must take up his position. In this document, the specialist being hired must indicate his last name, first name and patronymic, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, Pension Fund of Russia insurance certificate number, registration address, and, if available, stay or actual residence. If it is transferred to a bank account, its number and other details are also entered into the agreement. The agreement is drawn up in two copies, both must be signed by the employee and the head of the organization and certified with its seal.

After these documents are ready, the manager issues an order for employment. It indicates the full last name, first name and patronymic employee, position and, if necessary, department, the date from which the person is admitted to the staff. For example: “I order the hiring of Pyotr Ivanovich Sidorov for the position of sales manager of the direct sales department of the commercial service from 08/01/2011.” The order is assigned a number and publication date, finished document certified by the signature of the head of the company or the person replacing him and the seal of the organization.

The hiring order serves as the basis for the corresponding entry into the new employee. First, in column 3 in the information section after the most recent entry, write the full and, if available, abbreviated name of the organization. Then in the first column is the serial number of the entry (exactly one more than the previous one), in the second - the date from which the employee is hired according to documents. The third column reflects the fact of admission to the staff, indicating the position and department, if mentioned in the employment contract. For example: “Hired as a sales manager in the direct sales department of a commercial service.” In the fourth column, write the name of the order (you can: “Ex.”), its number and date of issue.


If an employee enters into an employment relationship for the first time and does not have a work book, the employer must purchase a blank form and fill out title page and make the first entry in the “Job Information” section.
During initial employment, the employee also most likely will not have a mandatory certificate pension insurance. This document can be issued to him by his employer.


  • how to hire a new employee in 2019

Current legislature(Labor Code of the Russian Federation) allows the employer to award bonuses to the best employees of the enterprise, determining the amount and terms of payments based on the Regulations on Bonuses adopted at the enterprise. For registration order you should focus on the approved forms No. T-11 and No. T-11a of the GSK of Russia dated January 5, 2004. In the unified forms, according to the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 1999, additional details can be entered, while the mandatory ones (form number, code) can be deleted and name of the document) is strictly prohibited.


Follow the link indicated at the end of the article and download the unified bonus form provided by the specified site. Here is a link to No. T11a - intended for creating an order to reward two or more persons. If necessary, you can find Form No. T11 (for one person) on the same website.
Fill in the blank fields in the form provided. First of all, write the full name of your organization. Indicate the registration number of the document and the date of its publication.

In the content part order describe the motive and reasons for submitting a bonus. Specify the type of incentive. This could be gratitude or a valuable gift.
Next, fill out the tabular part, where in a convenient form you only need to enter the surnames and initials of distinguished employees. Indicate their personnel number (if any), structural subdivision(which nominated them for promotion), position and amount (separately for each) in the corresponding columns of the table.

In the final part of the order, refer to the grounds for drawing up order(submission for incentives or Regulations on bonuses in force at the enterprise).
At the very end, indicate the position and transcript of the signature or other responsible person authorized to sign documents.

Video on the topic


Please pay attention to the fact that for registration of bonus orders, the Russian State Statistics Committee has approved two unified forms. The first of them is filled out as an order to encourage one employee (No. T11). And form No. T11a for awarding bonuses to two or more people.

Helpful advice

After filling out all the required fields, the order should be signed by the manager and presented against signature (in the tabular section) to all persons nominated for promotion.


  • unified form T11a of the bonus order

Quite often this happens when you need to get a person a job as a full-time worker. rates. And HR officers also often have questions: how to register such an employee? how should he count? wages?


Making out employee on the floor rates, remember that it is drawn up according to two documents: staffing table and an employment contract. And in the first case employee must be hired in full with a salary determined according to this, and in the employment contract it is necessary to indicate that the employee has certain conditions (specify which ones), but will receive wages based on the number of hours worked. This situation is described in Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Also in the employment contract it is necessary to indicate the exact number of days and days. There is another option for how to register an employee as a rates. To do this, you hire him as a regular full-time employee with an appropriate salary. In the admission order, indicate the same numbers. And then you enter into an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which you state that the employee works only half-time rates and receives a salary proportional to the number of hours he actually worked.

Just don’t forget to attach to such a document personal statement from the employee, in which he will indicate his desire to work not the whole day, but only a certain part. As a rule, an application before transferring to the light version