What does thrush look like from the inside? Thrush in women - causes, first signs, photos, treatment and medications

Fungal diseases are very common in gynecological practice. Experienced doctors know what thrush looks like in women. This disease is caused by opportunistic microscopic fungi. Otherwise it is called vaginal candidiasis. Thrush most often affects women. Candidiasis does not pose a great threat to the patient, but in the absence of timely treatment, thrush may become chronic.

  • Thrush in children
  • Thrush: symptoms in the mouth
  • Symptoms of thrush with HIV

Manifestations of thrush in women

Not everyone knows how thrush manifests itself in women. This pathology occurs in both young girls and adult women. Signs of the disease appear against the background of a decrease in the body's resistance. The cause may be long-term use of antibacterial drugs, hypovitaminosis, severe somatic diseases (pyelonephritis, hepatitis), endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus), changes in microbial balance. Predisposing factors include poor intimate hygiene, hypothermia, and poor nutrition. Thrush in women most often occurs in the form of vulvovaginitis and vulvar dermatitis.

With vulvovaginitis, the process involves the vulva (clitoris, labia, vestibule of the vagina) and the vaginal mucosa. The affected genital organs are shown in photo 1. With dermatitis, only the external genitalia are affected. The most commonly observed symptoms of the disease are:

  • itching in the genitals;
  • edema;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of white plaque on the external genitalia;
  • white discharge from the genital tract, reminiscent of cottage cheese;
  • the presence of a vesicular rash;
  • nervousness;
  • mood lability;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The disease may not manifest itself in any way for several years. Changes are detected during laboratory tests and during a gynecological examination. A common complaint among women when visiting a doctor is itching. It becomes stronger when a woman crosses one leg over the other. Instead of itching, a burning sensation may be observed. Signs of the disease often appear in the form of swelling and redness of the labia. Redness of the labia is shown in photo 2. The woman herself can notice this. A medical examination often reveals redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa.

Redness is caused by dilation of small vessels. This is a protective reaction of the body in response to the proliferation of fungi and their synthesis of toxins.

With vulvovaginitis, a white coating may be found on the labia. Its appearance is due to the massive proliferation of the infectious agent. Vesicles may appear in the area of ​​the labia and vaginal vestibule. After some time, they open, and in their place small erosions and ulcers form. Additional symptoms of thrush in women include sleep disturbances and maceration of the skin in the external genital area.

The nature of discharge in thrush

Thrush can manifest itself as specific discharge from the genital tract. They have the following features:

  • White color;
  • mild sour odor (or lack thereof);
  • similarity to cottage cheese in consistency;
  • presence of small lumps.

These secretions are a mixture of mycelium of fungi of the genus Candida, leukocytes and cells of the mucous layer. Discharge from candidiasis is shown in photo 3. Discharge from thrush must be distinguished from discharge from other diseases of the genital organs (chlamydia, trichomoniasis). With trichomoniasis, the discharge has a yellow-green color and an unpleasant odor. They foam. With chlamydia, in most cases the discharge is mucopurulent. Their color is white or slightly yellowish. The appearance of a fishy odor may indicate gardnerellosis. With candidiasis of the genital organs, the amount of secretion secreted increases after sexual intercourse and taking a shower. Some women notice an increase in the amount of discharge at night.

Therapeutic tactics for thrush

Thrush is best treated in the early stages. Therapeutic measures are aimed at suppressing the activity of fungi, eliminating the main symptoms of the disease and preventing complications. After thrush has manifested itself with characteristic discharge, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Diagnostics includes taking a smear from the genital organs for microflora, taking a smear from the urethra, examination in an obstetric chair, colposcopy, and general tests. In case of development of chronic candidiasis, damage to other organs is possible. Cystitis, urethritis, and cervicitis may develop.

Thrush, in the absence of complications, is treated on an outpatient basis. First, local treatment is carried out. It involves the introduction of vaginal suppositories and tablets. The most commonly used products are: “Gyno-travogen”, “Pifamucin”, “Canesten”, “Kanizol”, “Ginezol 7”, “Klion-D”, “Polygynax”, “Terzhinan”. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Most often it is 5-7 days. All these agents have antifungal activity and suppress the proliferation of microorganisms. The products are based on the following substances: miconazole, fluconazole, nystatin, clotrimazole.

Systemic therapy with oral agents (tablets and capsules) is carried out if local therapy is ineffective.

For this purpose, antifungal drugs are prescribed orally. The most commonly used medications are Irunin, Flucostat, Diflucan, and Mikosist. With frequent relapses of thrush, the treatment regimen includes physiotherapy and the use of immunostimulants. To strengthen the immune system, you need to take vitamins. During treatment, you should avoid yeast-based foods and dishes, as well as confectionery products. To restore the microflora, Linex, Bifiform, Duphalac, and Lactusan are prescribed.

Thrush in women can go unnoticed for many years. The main symptom of the disease is curdled discharge.

Incubation period of candidiasis

Thrush is a disease caused by a microorganism that is present in the body of every person and is part of its natural microflora.

The duration of the asymptomatic course depends on the person’s immunity:

  • if strong, the incubation period increases;
  • if weakened, the latent course of the disease does not last long.

The first signs of thrush after infection appear within a few days. On average, this occurs 3 to 5 days after infection.

Some patients may not have the first symptoms of candidiasis for up to 4 weeks. This is dangerous because a person does not suspect that he has a pathology and becomes a spreader of the disease.

The fungus spreads to the urethral tract, which causes an inflammatory process.

If left untreated and the first signs ignored, Candida affects the kidneys and prostate gland.

Thrush in children

Thrush in children is a common occurrence if the child’s mother is a carrier of the disease.

Infection can occur:

  • In utero;
  • During childbirth;
  • If you ignore the rules of personal hygiene.

The child’s body does not have a strong immune system, so the first symptoms of thrush appear almost immediately after infection.

Thrush: provoking factors

Decreased immunity is the main cause of candidiasis. In addition, there are associated factors that provoke the disease:

The appearance of thrush can be caused by poor diet or constant dieting.

Important! Treating thrush is not that difficult.

The main thing is not to ignore the first symptoms of the disease and consult a specialist in time.

Thrush: why it gets worse with antibiotics

Taking antibiotics can cause thrush in humans. This often occurs due to incorrectly selected therapy, a long course, or self-prescription of medication dosages.

Antibiotics can do more than just fight pathogens. They are also destructive to the natural human microflora.

As a result, women experience dysbiosis - a disturbance in the composition of the normal microflora of the vaginal environment.

If a person's immune system is strong, taking antibiotics will have no effect.

A decrease in the body's protective functions is a favorable factor for the proliferation of the fungus.

If a gynecologist detects thrush in a patient after taking antibiotics, medications are prescribed that:

  • Restore microflora;
  • Increase the protective functions of the immune system;
  • Replenish vitamin deficiency.

After rehabilitation treatment, it is necessary to take a second test.

Thrush: symptoms of intestinal damage

The main sign of intestinal damage is systematic pain in the abdominal area.

Additional symptoms of intestinal candida infection include:

  • Bloating;
  • Heaviness in the abdomen;
  • The appearance of intestinal spasms;
  • Diarrhea;
  • The presence of pus or blood in the stool;
  • The presence of pain and frequent urge to defecate.

Often the patient may experience a slight increase in body temperature and lack of appetite.

Against the background of this disease, a person develops nervousness and sleep disturbances.

Thrush: symptoms in the mouth

Oral thrush is a common disease at any age.

In young people and adults, the cause may be:

  • Oral sex with an infected partner;
  • Kisses;
  • Infection through personal hygiene items.

Symptoms of candidiasis in the mouth:

If left untreated, the plaque becomes more pronounced, forming a consistency similar to flakes. There is pain when swallowing, redness and swelling in the corners of the lips, burning and constant itching in the oral cavity.

The disease is diagnosed by visual examination. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will order a test - in this case, the biomaterial is plaque, which is easily separated.

Candidal paronychia in women: symptoms

Nail candidiasis occurs mainly in women due to:

  • Frequent washing of dishes;
  • Cooking;
  • Washing;
  • Manicure manipulations that damage the skin.

Symptoms of candidal paronychia do not appear immediately.

First signs:

  • Redness of the skin fold that surrounds the nails appears;
  • The skin around the nail plate swells;
  • There are cracks and ulcers that easily burst when touched, causing pain;
  • The shape and structure of the nail changes.

If these symptoms were ignored and there was no treatment, candidal paronychia enters the chronic stage. It is characterized by separation of the nail plate, the presence of irregularities and changes in the color of the nail.

When the first signs of candidal paronychia appear, you should contact a dermatovenerologist.

Symptoms of thrush with HIV

Candidiasis in HIV positive patients is a common disease.

Reduced immunity plays a major role in the spread of Candida. Oral thrush is most often observed in people with the immunodeficiency virus.

Thrush in HIV-infected people can cause inflammation of the hair follicles, followed by baldness.

Interesting fact! Even with a negative blood test for Candida, its presence in the body cannot be ruled out.

When and what tests to take for symptoms of thrush

After the first signs of the disease appear, you need to contact a gynecologist, urologist or venereologist.

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor prescribes the patient to take tests:

  • Smear, culture from the urethral canal or vagina;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • Blood test for infections.

Important! When diagnosing thrush in a person, it is necessary to check his sexual partner.

Even if he has no symptoms of candidiasis.

How soon does thrush go away after treatment?

On average, after taking medications, signs of thrush disappear within 5-7 days. The timing and dosage of taking medications is determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Thrush is prone to recurrence, so it is strongly recommended to take preventive actions for a month, even if there are no symptoms of the disease.

The chronic stage of thrush takes longer to treat, since the inflammatory process has spread to the internal organs. After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a repeat test for Candida. When the result is negative, the patient is healthy.

If positive, a new treatment regimen is prescribed, after which it will be necessary to take a test in the same laboratory.

Thrush in women is vaginal candidiasis (yeast mycosis), which manifests itself precisely in the form of thrush, which is localized in the vaginal area and is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. They can cause both acute thrush and recurrent mycoses.

The incidence of this disease has been steadily increasing recently. Thus, according to modern data, thrush in the structure of infectious and inflammatory morbidity of the vagina and vulva ranges from 35 to 45%.

A woman has thrush. The main peak incidence occurs in women of reproductive age. Therefore, every woman should know the first signs and characteristic symptoms of thrush, treatment of which must begin immediately with the help of special medications. Symptoms of the disease can be either bright and intense, or they can be absent or subtle.

If thrush is not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes chronic, often recurrent, causing severe discomfort and pain, which significantly worsens the woman’s well-being.

Signs of thrush in women

Since thrush is often asymptomatic, and it often accompanies other gynecological diseases, including hidden sexually transmitted infections, you should contact a qualified specialist to establish the correct diagnosis. With intensive proliferation of pathogenic fungal agents, pronounced thrush occurs in women, the symptoms of which are quite typical:

  • Thrush in women often goes away on its own during menstruation, since the vaginal microflora becomes more alkaline, unfavorable for fungi;
  • At the same time, the volume of discharge increases, it becomes white with a sour smell, but there may be no smell;
  • Thrush is characterized by the heterogeneity of the consistency of the discharge, they take the form of small lumps, similar to particles of cottage cheese, as they say, with a curd consistency, hence the name of vaginal candidiasis - thrush in women;
  • Many women who have been diagnosed with candidiasis complain of an increase in the volume of discharge at night, after various water procedures or after sexual intercourse;
  • A common symptom of thrush in women is redness and swelling of the labia minora and labia majora, spreading to the anus;
  • Thrush often accompanies other infectious diseases, such as genital herpes, chlamydia in women, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis;
  • One of the signs of thrush in women is itching and burning in the vagina and in the external genital area. An internal burning sensation is especially intense when a woman crosses her legs, this is one of the tests for thrush (Itching in the vagina - causes, treatment);
  • Often recurrent thrush in women is more difficult to treat and leads to complications when the intestines, bladder and other organs and tissues are involved in the pathological process;
  • The situation becomes more serious if the disease becomes chronic. Recurrence occurs more than 4 times a year, appearing, as a rule, a week before menstruation;
  • Inflammation, burning, itching, swelling of the vaginal mucosa provoke pain during sexual intercourse;
  • For the same reason, there may be pain when urinating;
  • It is not uncommon for candidiasis to be erased, when the symptoms of thrush in women are mild and only one of the listed signs may bother you.

Causes of thrush in women

Even completely healthy people have Candida fungi, which are the causative agents of thrush. However, it does not occur as long as the number of Candida fungi is normal. But due to certain factors, they can acquire pathogenic properties, thereby causing the appearance of candidiasis.

  1. Taking hormonal medications high in estrogen. It has been scientifically proven that women taking medications with a high content of female sex hormones can cause thrush. These can be either gels used to build up the endometrium in the uterine cavity, or some types of oral contraceptives. This happens because under the influence of large doses of estrogen, the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva changes and becomes favorable for the emergence of pathogenic properties in Candida fungi. Do not forget that phytoestrogens, for example, sage and knotweed, can also provoke the appearance of candidiasis if they are consumed frequently and in a sufficiently high dosage;
  2. Diabetes. A metabolic disease such as diabetes mellitus can also cause the pathogenic properties of Candida fungi to occur. The reason for this is the increased sugar content in the patient’s urine. As a result of urination, an environment is formed on the vulvar mucosa that is conducive to the development of thrush;
  3. Taking antibacterial drugs. Taking large doses of strong antibiotics is most often a factor predisposing to the initial (and subsequent) appearance of thrush. Having arisen once while taking antibiotics, in most cases it will also occur during subsequent antibacterial therapies. While destroying some types of infections, antibiotics nevertheless weaken the immune system and allow Candida fungi to acquire pathogenic properties and turn into thrush;
  4. Decreased immunity. Not only antibacterial drugs can affect the decline in human immunity. Stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, HIV infection and even colds and flu - all this immediately affects the body’s ability to control the development of microorganisms living in it. As a result, there is a high risk of candidiasis, not only in the vagina and vulva, but and on other mucous membranes, as well as on those parts of the body whose humidity is often high: the area under the breasts, elbow and knee bends, armpits.

Thrush in women photo

Symptoms of thrush in women

Thrush in women, or urogenital candidiasis, can occur in two main clinical variants:

  • Vulvovaginitis is simultaneous inflammation of both the vulva and vagina;
  • Vulvar dermatitis affects only the skin of the external genitalia.

In women, the main symptoms of thrush are the following:

  1. Urinary disorders in the form of pain and frequency;
  2. Pain during sexual intercourse and discomfort;
  3. Discharge may also come from the urethra, given its proximity to the vagina;
  4. A feeling of itching and burning in the vulva and/or vagina, which may be constant or intermittent;
  5. Under the plaques, areas of bright red color are identified;
  6. Swelling of the vulva;
  7. Redness, abrasions and macerated areas appear on the skin of the vulva;
  8. Pathological discharge from the genital tract, which has a curd-like appearance;
  9. Gray-white deposits on the mucous membranes, which are difficult to remove even with a spatula;
  10. Redness and increased bleeding of the mucous membranes.

In the case of frequent relapses of thrush, the clinical symptoms may be completely different. In this case, the following symptoms are noted: vaginal dryness; atrophy of the mucous membrane; increased keratinization in the vulva area; whitish discharge in very scanty quantities.

Methods of infection with thrush

The most common way of contracting candidiasis is through sexual contact. Moreover, the man most often is completely unaware of the presence of this infection. Typically, representatives of the stronger sex are asymptomatic carriers of this disease, transmitting it to women, sometimes even in cases where sexual contact was protected.

How can you get thrush?

Another way to get thrush is during childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal. As a result of direct contact with the infected mucous membranes of the mother, the newborn child also becomes infected with candidiasis.

When should you definitely consult a gynecologist?

Thrush in women recurs more than 4 times a year If treatment for a week does not relieve the woman of the symptoms of thrush If, when taking the first doses of drugs prescribed by a doctor, genital irritation appears.

If, in addition to thrush, you are worried about temperature, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen If a relapse of the disease occurs after a course of treatment or shortly after it - after 2-3 months During therapy, purulent or bloody discharge appears (brown discharge in the middle of the cycle - is this dangerous?)

Diagnosis of thrush

When visiting a gynecologist, a woman should be prepared to answer questions that the doctor may ask her in order to find out the clinical picture and symptoms that concern her:

  • What chronic diseases do you have, which ones do you have now or in the past?;
  • Day of the last menstruation, is the cycle regular, how long do periods last and how many days does the menstrual cycle last?;
  • How do you protect yourself, what methods of contraception do you use?;
  • Describe the consistency, smell, color and amount of discharge;
  • How many sexual partners do you have and are you sexually active?;
  • Have you recently used any antibiotics or other medications?;
  • Describe in detail all the symptoms that bother you;
  • Have you had similar symptoms before?;
  • When did they first appear?;
  • If you have a regular partner, does he have discharge from the penis?;
  • Do you use douching, with what means and why? (Douching for thrush with soda, chamomile, chlorhexidine is not recommended, since it is both useless and dangerous);
  • Have you been treated for any STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) before?;
  • What causes your condition to worsen, and what, on the contrary, helps?;
  • How have the symptoms of the disease changed since their onset?

After collecting anamnesis, the gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair, takes a smear from the vaginal mucosa and cervix. During a microscopic examination of a smear in women with thrush, fungal mycelium is found in large quantities. However, this is considered a quick method, but not informative, since it does not provide information about the type of fungus that is causing the disease.

To find out the type of fungus, a bacterial culture of the smear should be carried out on special nutrient media, with further determination of the colonies formed, and their sensitivity, the susceptibility of Candida fungi to various antifungal drugs in gynecology. The quantitative factor of detected fungal colonies is also taken into account, since detection of a small amount is the norm with a healthy vaginal microflora.

Clinical studies and observations conducted by specialists indicate that thrush in women often occurs not as an independent disease, but in combination with other sexually transmitted infections.

With thrush in women, the symptoms perfectly mask hidden infections, which have tended to become widespread in recent decades. Therefore, a differential diagnosis of thrush with gardnerella, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes is necessary. To do this, it is enough to consult a venereologist, undergo complex PCR tests for STIs, and also donate blood using the rapid tests RIF and ELISA.

In addition, in case of chronic thrush, the woman should undergo a comprehensive examination, since often the first symptom of diabetes mellitus in women is the appearance of thrush, so you should donate blood for blood glucose. If the norm is exceeded, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and continue to follow a diet.

Also, if a woman has thrush, she should be examined by a gastroenterologist - do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, be tested for intestinal dysbiosis, have stool tested for coprogram, if indicated, then undergo FGS and other diagnostics. If thrush has already caused complications in the urinary tract, then you should also visit a urologist, take a urethral smear, a Zimnitsky urine test, and an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys.

Treatment of thrush in women

In women, the treatment of acute thrush and recurrent chronic thrush is somewhat different from each other, which is due to the different sensitivity of fungi to antifungicidal (antifungal) agents. As a rule, primary episodes of the disease respond well to antifungal therapy.

During exacerbation of chronic urogenital candidiasis, the use of not only antifungal drugs, but also other means of auxiliary therapy is indicated. The latter looks like this:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the activity of the inflammatory response;
  • Vitamin complexes that help increase the state of nonspecific resistance;
  • Antihistamines, since in the chronic course of candidiasis a large role is played by the development of allergic reactions;
  • Use of immune drugs;
  • Lactic acid is used only after all of the above measures have been carried out and they are ineffective.

The main place in the treatment of both acute and recurrent candidiasis belongs to antifungal agents (see suppositories for thrush). In non-pregnant women they are prescribed both locally and systemically. This significantly increases the likelihood of patients being cured. During pregnancy, only local forms of antifungicides are used.

After a course of treatment, it is recommended to evaluate its effectiveness. For this purpose, microscopic examination of smears from the vagina and urethra is used. They must be taken no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of treatment. If candida is repeatedly detected in them, then this is an indication for the prescription of other antifungal agents.

The result of therapy is regarded as satisfactory if the following conditions are met:

  1. Normal culture results (no growth of candida colonies on special media);
  2. Clinical recovery – all the symptoms that bothered the person before disappear;
  3. Normal microscopic examination.

In mild cases of thrush, one of the antifungal drugs can be used for treatment in women: Flucostat, Fluconazole, Mycoflucan or Mycomax. A single dose is sufficient. The optimal drug for the treatment of uncomplicated forms of thrush are tablets or suppositories with the active ingredient Ketoconazole (Livarol, Mycozoral, Brizoral) or Clotrimazole (Antifungol, Kandizol, Canesten).

Depending on the choice of drug, acute thrush should be treated for 1 to 7 days. Do not self-medicate, each drug has certain contraindications, and illiterate or untimely treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

What will happen if left untreated?

In the absence of timely detection of thrush in women and appropriate treatment, certain complications may develop that pose a threat to reproductive health and overall general health. These negative consequences of urogenital candidiasis include:

  • Transition of the inflammatory process to the urinary system - involvement of the bladder, urethra, which are very often combined with each other (ureterocystitis);
  • Antenatal death of the fetus, that is, before its birth. Urogenital candidiasis with a significant decrease in general immunity can become a generalized infection. In this case, damage to the gastrointestinal tract is most often noted. It should be noted that this situation is most often detected when the patient has HIV infection, which is accompanied by damage to cells of the immune system (CD4 lymphocytes);
  • Premature birth is the termination of pregnancy from the 22nd to the 37th week of pregnancy;
  • Intrauterine infection with the development of candidal pneumonia, which very often leads to severe respiratory failure in newborns and is difficult to treat;
  • The development of the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, namely in the uterus, appendages, and circumuterine tissue.

Complications of thrush

With chronic thrush, a woman may experience a number of complications (thrush in women - causes):

The spread of fungal infection occurs in the absence of treatment, or a weak immune response to therapy. First of all, the cervix may be susceptible to the development of candidiasis, leading to cervicitis, the bladder - cystitis, and the urethra - urethritis.

The combination of an STI with thrush is especially dangerous; it is fraught with serious inflammatory gynecological processes leading to infertility. With a slight development, thrush does not cause serious harm to a woman’s health, but constantly worries and creates discomfort for normal sexual life.

Thrush in women can be the first sign of serious diseases, such as HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, etc. And if, after treating it once, thrush returns, this indicates a weakened immune system, and candidiasis is a signal, indicator, external manifestation of a decrease in the body’s defenses or a violation metabolic or hormonal processes.

In case of recurrent, frequent thrush in women, the symptoms of which are vivid, simultaneously with the treatment of candidiasis, the cause of decreased immunity should be found and eliminated. Otherwise, thrush may occur again and again.

Prevention of thrush in women

Preventive measures that prevent the development of urogenital candidiasis are as follows: having one sexual partner; compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene; balanced diet; timely treatment of gynecological diseases; timely treatment of infections; regular visits to the gynecologist (once every six months) and undergoing a minimum examination; fight against constipation.


Is it possible to infect a partner with thrush?

If you do not heed the doctor's instructions, then infection of your partner will most likely occur even if protective equipment such as condoms is used. Candida fungi do not penetrate the pores of the contraceptive, but during sexual intercourse there is still contact between the mucous membranes. Of course, when using a condom, your partner has less chance of becoming infected than if sexual intercourse were unprotected. However, it must be remembered that the risk of infection still remains.

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

To answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with candidiasis, you need to know how conception occurs. The sperm travels from the vagina to the fallopian tube, where it needs to fertilize the egg that has matured and released from the follicle in the ovary.

Therefore, the only thing that can prevent sperm from reaching its target is an adhesive process in the tubes or cervix. But thrush in women cannot prevent pregnancy. The only obstacle it can create for sperm is increased acidity of the cervical fluid and increased acidity of the vagina, which will kill a slightly larger number of sperm than usually occurs.

However, if this circumstance reduces the chances of conception, it is only minimal. As a rule, a woman with candidiasis retains her reproductive functions in full, unless we are talking about any global, advanced scale of candidiasis.

Thus, it is possible to get pregnant with thrush. Another question is, is it worth it? Naturally, it is better to cure the disease first.

Is it possible to have sexual intercourse with thrush?

Candidiasis itself does not interfere with sexual activity, nor does it affect the health of the fetus if it was conceived during this disease. Sexual contact is not recommended by doctors for other reasons. Firstly, there is a high risk of infecting your partner. In men, candidiasis is rarely noticeable, but during subsequent sexual intercourse he can transmit it to a woman, even if she has already been treated for thrush.

Secondly, sexual intercourse is not recommended because the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva will be unnecessarily traumatized, and the more microcracks, the more opportunities for a woman to become infected with some other infection, much more serious than candidiasis. And sexual intercourse itself, due to inconvenience and pain, is unlikely to provide the desired pleasure.

Is it possible to eat fermented milk products if you have thrush?

If you have thrush, you should adhere to certain diets, which must include fermented milk products. They will be an additional source of prebiotics for the body; they contain live lactobacilli, which will help establish the balance of microorganisms. However, it must be remembered that it is better to exclude some types of fermented milk products during thrush due to their high sugar content. A typical representative of such a product would be, for example, a snowball.

The fact is that high sugar content, on the contrary, increases thrush. As a result, treatment of this disease can become significantly more complicated. Other fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) will be an excellent help in the fight against candidiasis, but you need to know that they should not be used as an independent type of treatment.

The main treatment for the disease should be traditional antifungal drugs, and fermented milk products are only an additional source of combating thrush.

Video what is thrush in women and its symptoms

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Genital candidiasis is an infectious disease caused by excessive activity of Candida fungi. With candidiasis, the genital organs are affected: the vagina and vulva in women, the foreskin and, in men. The disease does not relate to sexually transmitted infections, but in many ways it is similar to them. The disease is also called vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Reasons for development

The disease occurs due to a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system. The main method of transmission is unprotected sexual intercourse. The main reasons contributing to the disease include the following:

  • Long-term use of contraceptives - taking any oral contraceptives for more than 2 - 3 years lowers immunity and provokes the development of thrush.
  • Taking a number of medications - this includes antibiotics, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants. A long course of treatment with such drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. To avoid this, you should take medications that normalize the microflora in the body in parallel with strong drugs.
  • Stressful situations – prolonged nervous tension depletes the human body and contributes to the development of candidiasis at the first possible opportunity.
  • Pregnancy - expectant mothers often suffer from thrush. This is due to the fact that when carrying a child, the hormonal balance changes. Thrush is especially noticeable in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Genital candidiasis occurs in the vast majority of people suffering from AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases.
  • Develops after chemotherapy in patients with cancer.

Candidiasis is promoted by spring and autumn hypovitaminosis, a sharp change in climatic conditions (for example: moving from one climate zone to another). There are also possible mechanical reasons for the development of thrush: first sexual intercourse, wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials, long-term use of an intrauterine device.

Clinical picture of Genital candidiasis

Genital candidiasis is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • At the onset of the disease, a woman feels itching localized in the labia and vagina. Over time, the burning intensifies. It is especially felt at night, interfering with sleep, and during the menstrual cycle.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane. Upon examination, you may notice swelling and redness of the vagina, clitoris, and labia minora.
  • Characteristic discharge - it can be abundant or rare. This is usually a white discharge with a consistency similar to cottage cheese. But the shade can vary from yellow to brownish. The discharge may be liquid, but white, single inclusions will be visible in it, similar to grains of semolina or cottage cheese. There may be an unpleasant odor.
  • The mucous membranes become covered with plaque (gray or white). The shape of the plaque depends on the degree of the disease. Often cracks appear in the mucous membrane and they can bleed.
  • When the disease is advanced, the entire mucous membrane is covered with plaque, under which ulcers and erosions are visible;
  • If the patient suffers from a primary erased form of genital candidiasis, then there are practically no signs. Women do not even suspect that it is thrush.

Treatment with folk remedies shows effective results. But before using any recipe, you should consult your doctor.

Lifestyle during treatment

People being treated for thrush should adhere to certain rules that will help them recover quickly and return to normal.

During treatment, you should refrain from any sexual contact to prevent re-infection. It is necessary to maintain careful hygiene of the genital organs. Women are advised to wash themselves with warm water twice a day. During the menstrual cycle - after each change of pad or tampon.

Panty liners create an excellent environment for the growth of fungus and bacteria. You should stop using them. Replace synthetic underwear with cotton.

Possible complications

Genital candidiasis increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the female half of the population. When a pregnant woman suffers from thrush, her risk of premature birth and the birth of a baby with a low body weight increases. In addition, passing through the birth canal, a newborn can become infected with thrush.

Candidiasis in men leads to the development of prostatitis. Balanoposthitis may also appear.

Prevention methods

Genital candidiasis is much easier to prevent. To do this, a number of specific measures must be taken. Prevention never guarantees 100% protection against any disease, but it significantly reduces the risk of its development.

The basis of prevention is the following principles:

  • careful adherence to all rules of personal hygiene;
  • safe sexual relations - in case of promiscuity, you should definitely use condoms;
  • women should douche as little as possible. This procedure washes out all beneficial microflora from the body;
  • timely treatment of any diseases;
  • in case of treatment with antibiotics, you should simultaneously take a course of drugs that normalize the microflora in the intestines;
  • review of the diet, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets and starchy foods.


– an unpleasant disease, but it is treatable. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests to make an accurate diagnosis. After a full course of therapy, all symptoms of genital candidiasis will disappear, and patients will forget about thrush.

There is hardly a person who has never heard of such a disease as thrush. Most of the fair sex have personally encountered this problem. The disease progresses differently for everyone. A mild form of the disease does not bring noticeable discomfort, but complex, advanced cases require long-term treatment.

Thrush is...

What is thrush in women? Thrush is a fungal disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Microorganisms of the Candida species are present in the human body on an ongoing basis. This is one of the components of the microflora of the intestines, skin, oral cavity and vagina.

Fungi of the genus Candida albicans are involved in maintaining the optimal pH balance of the reproductive organs and have a major influence on the fertilization process.

A sign of a disease is not the very presence of bacteria of this type in the body, but their excessive reproduction.

The microflora of the vaginal mucosa is an army of defense against the likely development of a number of infectious diseases. The immune system controls the optimal ratio of symbionts, promptly suppressing the dominance of any type of microorganism. However, for a number of reasons, an imbalance is likely to occur, promoting the active reproduction of one of the types of bacteria.

Thrush in women has the medical term candidal colpitis and is a gynecological disease. It manifests itself as itching, burning and specific discharge in the genital area.

In common parlance, vaginal candidiasis is called thrush due to its association with milk. During an exacerbation of the disease, the discharge becomes abundant, has a whitish tint and is interspersed with lumps that visually resemble a curdled mass.

Causes of vaginal candidiasis

Nature created the human body as a self-regulating system. But the delicate balance is easy to upset. What can serve as an impetus for the development of thrush?

Drug treatment ranks first in the list of causes of vaginal candidiasis. Taking antibiotics during the therapeutic course can affect the state of the microflora and provoke the development of thrush. Antibiotics are used to treat serious diseases and prevent the development of complications, so they cannot be abandoned. Medicines of this series act selectively on a certain type of microbes and can disrupt the vaginal microflora in favor of candida fungi.

Another reason is the weakening of the body's defenses. Immunity is a person’s natural defense. The self-regulating system in most cases successfully resists pathogenic microbes. But under unfavorable circumstances, the level of immune protection decreases, and conditions are created for the development of thrush.

Metabolic disorders lead to the development of systemic diseases, such as diabetes. Endocrine disease is characterized not only by an increase in sugar levels in the human body, but also by a disruption of fat and protein metabolic processes. Candida albicans finds itself in a sweet, carbohydrate-rich environment favorable for its development, which contributes to the occurrence of thrush.

Hormonal levels in women are not stable. This is due to the menstrual cycle, taking birth control pills or pregnancy. Hormonal surges destabilize the microflora of the genitals and can contribute to the development of candidiasis.

Power supply errors. While a person is healthy, he does not think about a balanced diet, giving preference to tasty, but not always healthy foods. Girls and women who are fond of sweet and flour products, fans of confectionery, lovers of sweet carbonated drinks are at risk. If the pancreas can no longer cope with excess sugar, conditions are formed that are favorable for the development of thrush.

Violation of hygiene standards: constant use of tight synthetic underwear, failure to change sanitary pads in a timely manner create greenhouse conditions in intimate places. Warmth and moisture (thermos effect) are optimal conditions for the active development of fungus.

How does thrush manifest in women: symptoms, nuances, features

Vaginal candidiasis is easily diagnosed by doctors. Self-medication is not advisable. If discomfort occurs in the vaginal area, you should visit a gynecologist.

Vaginal candidiasis is manifested by unpleasant tactile sensations (dryness, burning, itching), visual changes are noticeable (marks on underwear, change in color of the mucous membrane), and a change in the smell of the discharge.

Thrush has pronounced symptoms in women. The first signs of the disease are characterized by cheesy or more intense than usual white discharge (see photo).

Discomfort in the vagina is manifested by a feeling of itching and burning. Unpleasant sensations intensify when urinating. Disturbed microflora does not provide complete protection of the mucous membrane, and inflamed receptors actively react to aggressive liquid.

When performing sexual intercourse, unpleasant sensations also arise: dryness, burning, itching. You can return to a full sexual life only after complete recovery.

A change in the smell of discharge is also an alarming signal. With thrush, a woman feels a sour smell, reminiscent of kefir. The emotional aspect of the problem is that the patient thinks that everyone smells this smell. In fact, no one notices him except the sick woman.

Unpleasant tactile sensations intensify when crossing your legs, increasing physical activity, swimming in a pond, or taking a warm bath.

Symptoms of thrush in women appear with varying intensity. With a mild course of the disease, manifestations may be mild or manifest only one of the signs. Chronic thrush can poison a woman's life. Its symptoms manifest themselves clearly, and treatment takes a long time, several months in a row. It is necessary to maintain close contact with your doctor and undergo additional examination at each stage of treatment.

Candidiasis can occur as an independent disease or as a side effect of sexually transmitted infections.

What should you not do if you have thrush?

A woman experiences vaginal itching with thrush. In such a situation, it is quite natural to want to scratch. Should not be doing that. The inflamed epithelium is easily injured. The infection will gain access to the deep layers of cellular tissue. As a result, the affected area will expand, and the itching and discharge will intensify.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis can be made incorrectly and lead to disastrous results, and treatment of thrush with home remedies is permissible only after consultation with your doctor.

How to treat thrush: examination, diagnosis, technique

When should you be wary? Primary signs of thrush make a woman wary. Acute burning and itching appear simultaneously with redness of the vaginal mucosa. The intensity of discharge changes upward. The color of the secreted mucus is white, often interspersed with small white pellets. Urination brings discomfort. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by painful sensations. Symptoms may become worse before menstruation begins.

If burning and itching interfere with sleep, taking a warm bath worsens symptoms, and mucous discharge appears, it’s time to consult a doctor.

Thrush is treated by a gynecologist. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor needs a complete picture of the disease. The patient must be ready to answer all the doctor’s questions and reliably describe her feelings. Visual examination will complement the clinical picture. A laboratory examination of a smear will fully reveal the range of problems.

What questions can a specialist ask?

What's troubling? All symptoms should be described in detail. The patient cannot independently determine what is important and what is unimportant.

It is necessary to report the time of appearance of the first signs of the disease and describe the dynamics of the development of the disease. How symptoms have changed over time. Describe the nature of the discharge: color, smell, consistency, intensity. Thrush is not a case where you should wash yourself before visiting the doctor. You can show the doctor a pad with discharge.

At what moments, and for what reasons does relief occur, and when does deterioration occur?

Has something similar happened before? Have you had any sexually transmitted diseases before?

Have you ever used douching?

Candidiasis in women is caused by a fungus. Almost every person can be its carrier, but symptoms of candidiasis in women appear when the fungus enters a pathogenic environment. Uncontrolled proliferation of the fungus can be observed more often in women, mainly as vaginal candidiasis.

What does candidiasis look like in women?

It is considered almost a traditional disease candidiasis in women(pictured 2). Symptoms are general and depend on the stage of development. The forms of the disease are divided into acute, chronic and asymptomatic. Symptoms of candidiasis in women are, first of all, cheesy discharge. They can be scanty or abundant.

The pain that occurs during sexual intercourse is reminiscent of pain, and also appears during urination. When walking, signs of the disease cause a lot of discomfort, causing itching and burning. The pungent odor aggravates the picture.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are redness, rash of the labia, swelling of the vagina, and inflammation. Increased activity and warm baths increase discomfort. Although the signs in women are obvious, the exact diagnosis is determined by the doctor.

Signs of candidiasis in women

The fungi that cause candidiasis are constantly present in the body. They penetrate there through any contact, but most often through sexual contact. Beneficial microbes prevent their uncontrolled proliferation. Signs of candidiasis in women (photo 3) appear when the body weakens.

The fungus can occur in large folds, observed under the breasts, and in children, most often in the mouth.

Signs of candidiasis may appear due to hormonal changes. Thrush is not a harmless disease. Candidiasis of the genital organs(photo below) will easily cause synthetic underwear. The genitals become red and swollen. Unbearable itching and pain begins with active movement. Candidiasis of the labia causes sharp pain during intercourse and urination. The discharge of leucorrhoea has a sharp sour odor.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

The curd-like discharge is quite thick. Vaginal candidiasis(see photo 4) may also have discharge in the form of flakes. Fungal infections of female genitalia are divided into types:

  1. The vaginal type is observed only in the vagina. The walls of the mucous membrane are inflamed and covered with a white coating. Minor erosion may be observed.
  2. Vulvar candidiasis. Only external organs are affected by the fungus. A white mass accumulates in the area of ​​the clitoris and urethra. The skin of the lips is covered with a cheesy coating.
  3. Vulvovaginal candidiasis combines both inflammations. This type is observed more often.

In reproductive women, it may appear as a consequence of changes in hormonal levels. In this case, if proper measures are not taken, genital candidiasis can infect the child during childbirth.

Typically, women can observe the first signs of the disease shortly before the onset of menstruation. Vaginal candidiasis may sometimes not appear until a certain point, but this does not negate the possible consequences.

Candidiasis in women in the mouth

As a fungal infection such as candidiasis develops in women, it has a number of symptoms. The tissues of the mouth may become covered with a creamy, yellowish, or white coating. Symptoms of candidiasis in women in the mouth (photo 5) can be supplemented by burning, sensitivity to acid, and spicy foods.

When the oral mucosa is freed from plaque, the inflamed surface is exposed. Hides microcracks and ulcers under a cheesy coating. Symptoms in the mouth are complemented by a bad odor.

The clinical classification of the fungus is based on:

  • Nature of the disease
  • Localizations
  • Prevalence of the process

Candidiasis in women at an early stage is visualized as pinpoint spots. Gradually merging, they form a film. The disease is most often observed during pregnancy, when the body has hormonal problems.

Treatment of candidiasis in women

To combat thrush, local and oral medications are used. Treatment of candidiasis in women carried out with vaginal suppositories, creams, douching, ointments, oral and vaginal tablets, capsules.

Trying to cure candidiasis during pregnancy can lead to the most dangerous consequences. The disease can simply become chronic and harm the fetus. The disease in pregnant women can be treated at home, but after medical consultation. It is especially important to choose drugs that are safest during this period.

An immediate visit to the doctor is necessary if the first symptoms appear. For the treatment to be successful, it is very important not to miss this moment.

The doctor, having confirmed the diagnosis, will prescribe treatment with traditional medicine. However, quite often, as an auxiliary procedure, it is suggested to use traditional methods. Candidiasis in women is successfully treated in a comprehensive manner.

Gallery of photographs of candidiasis in women

Video playlist about candidiasis (video selection in the upper right corner)