Which is better to choose a septic tank for your dacha? Which is better to choose a septic tank for a dacha - comparison of models

Installation of a septic tank – practical way solving the problem of wastewater disposal during the construction of a local sewerage system. But, you must admit, it is sometimes not easy to make a choice among the variety of ready-made designs.

To simplify the task, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main types treatment facilities and popular models from leading manufacturers. We will tell you which septic tank to choose based on the characteristics of its operation, and outline the main parameters of the device that must be taken into account when purchasing.

For a better understanding of the issue, we have supplemented the information with photographs of various models of waste disposal units, as well as diagrams for their installation.

A septic tank is a waterproof structure consisting of one or more sections or divided into two or three compartments or chambers. But any sewage treatment plant has its own characteristics.

Therefore, in order to choose a recycler wisely, it is necessary to analyze the types of equipment on the market, understand the principle of their operation and determine for yourself the feasibility of using a particular model.

Types of materials used

Septic tanks, which are the main element of local sewerage, are classified according to different criteria.

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The correct choice of a septic tank is largely determined by the material of its manufacture, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings– finished structures are highly reliable and resistant to corrosion. But their installation is problematic to perform without the use of special equipment.
  2. Monolithic concrete structures, for filling the walls and bottom of which formwork is constructed.
  3. Brick and foam block structures, erected from the bottom of a pit, the bottom and walls of which are abundantly sealed with clay or modern coating compounds.
  4. Steel tanks– famous for their affordable prices and high mechanical strength. But steel alloys are susceptible to corrosion processes, and therefore structures made from them require waterproofing.
  5. Polymer containers– They are distinguished by their low weight and relative cheapness. But the polymer is under the influence low temperatures susceptible to cracking and also vulnerable to damage by rodents.
  6. Fiberglass– durable and lightweight material is famous for its chemical neutrality, and therefore containers made of fiberglass are the most practical and durable.

Regardless of the type of material chosen, the main thing is that it is strong enough and sealed enough to prevent untreated waste from leaking into the surrounding soil.

Depending on the type of manufacturing materials used, treatment tanks can be plastic or reinforced concrete, cast from monolithic concrete or made of brick

Complex of implemented functions

If you focus on the complex of implemented functions, the septic tanks offered for sale come in three versions:

  1. Cumulative type. A durable sealed tank may include one chamber or two connected sealed wells. Such structures require regular, timely pumping.
  2. Septic tanks. They are equipped with ground treatment systems, because are able to cleanse only 70-75%. They are a structure of one or more sections. The process of processing wastewater in them is carried out by separating the liquid and solid components, accompanied by fermentation with the help of anaerobes.
  3. Deep biological treatment stations. A treatment structure that includes several sections or chambers. Designed in such a way that the waste that gets inside it is decomposed in stages by chemical, biological and by mechanical means. Residual organic matter from such treatment tanks can be discharged directly into a body of water or soil.

The simplest drives among the listed models. The principle of operation of such structures is that the wastewater collected in a container naturally stratifies: heavy particles settle, and the lighter liquid rises.

It is advisable to choose storage tanks if the owners are ready to regularly use the services of vacuum cleaners

In addition to infiltrators and absorption wells, filtration fields are used for wastewater treatment. This is a drainage system assembled from perforated pipes, drains, with a shell of filter gravel and geotextiles.

If the filtration field is located above the treatment structure, then pumps are used to move wastewater through drains.

On clay soils the installation of post-treatment systems is pointless, because clays, loams and hard sandy loams do not allow or absorb water. This means that disposal into the ground will not be carried out, as a result the septic tank will flood and stop working.

In such situations, discharge is carried out through sealed pipelines into drains or into centralized sewer networks.

For loams, it is preferable to choose sealed storage tanks and local treatment stations, the design of which allows for forced removal of the purified liquid outside the area

The high level of groundwater or its significant rise during flood periods creates certain problems in the operation of autonomous wastewater treatment plants.

For such areas, acceptable options include:

  • sealed storage containers involving pumping and removal of wastewater;
  • VOCs, the design of which provides for the forced removal of the purified liquid.

Most affordable option for areas with a high groundwater horizon - the use of polymer tanks that involve bioremediation with subsequent discharge to a storage tank.

In this case, the purified component of the wastewater is either pumped from the storage tank to centralized networks, or is pumped out by sewer trucks, but much less frequently than from a conventional storage tank.

To prevent the floating of lightweight structures, they are additionally weighted and fixed to the base slab laid at the bottom of the pit.

For comparison: 1 m2 of sand can absorb up to 90 liters of water during the day, sandy loam - up to 50 liters, loam - 25 liters, and clay - only 5 liters.

Volume and dimensions of the septic tank

The volume of the receiving tank or section is calculated based on the average daily rate of waste per household.

It is taken as a basis that daily consumption when using a standard set of plumbing fixtures is about 200 liters per person.

According to accepted standards the sewer storage tank must accommodate a volume of wastewater from each of the residents equal to the three-day norm.

So, for a family of four people, the volume of the septic tank should be: 4 people. x 200 l x 3 days. = 2.4 cubes. If the house is often visited by guests, when calculating the tank, an additional reserve of volume is made by another 20-30%.

The number of sections of the septic tank is determined depending on the calculated cubic capacity, based on the provisions of paragraph 2.04.03-85 of the current SNiP

In factory-made models, manufacturers indicate the number of people for whom they are designed and the performance of the structures.

The optimal tank depth varies from 1.5 to 3 meters. When choosing models of greater depth, keep in mind that this may make it difficult to pump out the contents using sewer equipment.

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Wastewater treatment plant performance

To ensure trouble-free operation of the system and prevent overcrowding of the tank, it is necessary to focus on the type of housing and the performance of the model.

No. 1 - models for seasonal homes

If you plan to visit your country house only on weekends or live in it only during the warm season, it is not rational to install a multi-chamber production complex.

Thrifty dacha owners for landscaping their plots, if the average daily volume of wastewater does not exceed one cubic meter, mainly choose single-chamber, low-performance storage tanks.

Storage-type structures are ideal for arranging country cottages used for seasonal stays

Compact mini-septic tanks, due to their low weight, are convenient to transport and bury in a pit, using your own resources and without resorting to the services of special equipment.

No. 2 - septic tanks for year-round homes

For areas where year-round use is expected, it is advisable to install a treatment plant that uses all methods of wastewater treatment.

An alternative can be septic tanks with groundwater treatment systems if the groundwater horizon is low in the area of ​​the sewerage system.

A septic tank with ground treatment is a two- or three-chamber sump tank operating in tandem with an absorption well, filtration fields or infiltrator

In order for an autonomous sewage system to function more efficiently, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are often used when starting it.

To do this, bacteria are placed inside the tanks, which “eat” the organic matter. Biological decomposition of waste makes it possible to reduce household wastewater to the state of industrial water.

The difference between aerobic microorganisms and anaerobic bacteria is that the former are able to work only with access to oxygen, while the latter do not need it

Deep cleaning units are ideal for developing areas located in close proximity to a natural body of water.

After all, purified wastewater that has passed through stations with a high percentage of filtration can be discharged into any body of water.

Rating of domestic offers

Production of treatment facilities for local sewers on Russian market started just a few decades ago. But over the years, many manufacturers have emerged specializing in this area.

The models of some of them are only copies of leading European brands, but still the majority are truly unique structures and structures.

Today on the market you can find models with different operational parameters, starting with primitive mini-septic tanks and ending with complex multi-stage treatment stations

Based on the results of a survey of consumers who actively use wastewater purifiers on their property, we have compiled a rating of septic tanks:

  1. . The stations are the result of many years of work by specialists from the Yubas production association. Thanks to the use of innovative membrane technology and a rhythmic aeration tank, the stations can be operated even during long periods of downtime sewer system.
  2. . The products of the Eco-Grand company are famous for their high degree of purification, reaching 99%. By using a non-standard design in production, in which access to the primary chamber is open, the manufacturer has simplified the maintenance of the sections: large debris that impedes the operation of the sewer system can be removed from them independently.
  3. . Septic tanks trademark Unilos guarantee removal harmful components up to 75%. There are several modifications on sale depending on the number of consumers. The station, supplemented by a compressor, performs cleaning in several stages, thanks to which the waste water passing through it sanitary standards permitted to be thrown into a ditch.
  4. . Products manufactured by the Triton-plastic company. The model range includes compact tanks with a capacity of 600 l/day, and high-performance structures designed for 1200 l/day. Their parameters are identical to classic treatment plants with multi-stage wastewater treatment.
  5. . Another popular product from this company. The model range of septic tanks of this brand includes several types, differing in configuration and cleaning method. Products of the “micro” and “mini” classes are designed for volumes of 450 and 750 liters, and storage tanks of type C letter designation“N” and “T” - for volumes of 10 thousand liters and above.
  6. . The products of the trading house "Engineering Equipment" carry out wastewater treatment not only mechanically, but also biologically. The stations are equipped with a four-level lighting system Wastewater and are designed to process waste from 750 to 1.5 thousand cubic meters per day.
  7. . Products manufactured under this brand are characterized by low energy consumption. Four-chamber aerobic devices have a cleaning rate of up to 98%.

A distinctive feature of the products manufactured by the Triton-Plastik company is the large thickness of the walls and the presence of stiffeners, thanks to which they can easily withstand large external loads.

They also do not float up even under the influence of floods, if their presence was not taken into account when choosing the design.

Almost all factory-made septic tank models offer the possibility of connecting additional modules to increase the capacity of the treatment plant

Treatment facilities are also no less popular. manufacturing enterprise. Polypropylene tanks of this brand carry out three stages of cleaning: mechanical, aerobic and biofiltration.

But, since the percentage of cleaning inside the chambers reaches only 65-70%, for the full operation of the structures it is necessary to install drainage tunnels.

The presence in the model lines of the listed manufacturers of designs with various parameters enables any consumer to make a rational choice based on the optimal price/quality ratio.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video talks about the operating principles of different septic tanks and lists practical tips on choosing the optimal unit for domestic use:

Advantages and disadvantages of various cleaners:

Which option is suitable for the organization autonomous sewerage, you decide. The main thing is to remember that only a correctly selected and correctly installed septic tank can become effective means recycling and cleaning of household waste.

Are you looking for a septic tank for a private home? Or do you have experience using such installations? Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and share your opinion about the operation of septic tanks.

Which septic tank is better for a dacha - review of septic tanks and choosing the best one

One of the many types of treatment facilities, used mainly in areas where it is not possible to install a stationary sewer system or where it is too expensive, is called a septic tank.

Principles of operation of a septic tank and its types

In areas where, for some reason, it is impossible to equip a centralized sewerage system, a septic tank is used as a full-fledged substitute, with technical point view and as a cheaper type of waste tanks. The septic tank is produced under different brands, in fact, being of two types, which differ for fundamental reasons.

The first of these types is called - anaerobic septic tanks, which are a settling tank consisting of several chambers. By and large, this is a modernized look of the usual cesspool, draining water from which into the ground is prohibited, therefore it is necessary, throughout the operation of the septic tank, to constantly pump out the contents. The degree of water purification is from 30 to 40% (maximum).

Second type - These are aerobic septic tanks. More modern version autonomous treatment stations or equipment that can be installed in a ready-made septic tank.

Septic tanks of the second type are distinguished by the fact that they are capable of thoroughly purifying water, which can then be drained into a special ditch or even into a reservoir, since the water does not have a characteristic odor and does not pose a danger to the environment. Aerobic septic tanks do not require frequent pumping, unlike anaerobic ones.

Aerobic septic tanks - general scheme work

Dependence of the type of septic tank on the type of soil

Concrete septic tank modelDescriptionVolumeWeightPrice
Septic tank with overflow "Economy"Suitable if you have a small family of 3-4 people, for which you want to solve the sewage problem for many years to come.
With a volume of about 5 cubic meters and a crushed stone bed 40 centimeters deep, this septic tank has a high throughput capacity and will not require pumping for 2-3 years.
4.59 m35,400 kgRUB 25,800
Septic tank with overflow “Standard”Suitable for a large family of 6-7 people. Two one and a half meter wells allow the septic tank to cope with the simultaneous operation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
With the addition of bacteria, such a septic tank can not be maintained for up to 5 years.
9.54 m39,100 kgRUB 36,750
Septic tank with overflow "Premium"Suitable not only for big house, but also for a hotel, car wash or other public establishment or service.
Huge wells together provide more than 15 cubic meters of volume, which, for example, allows several hotels in Altai to operate comfortably and receive guests.
If you want to be firmly confident in your sewage system during any influx of residents (visitors), then the Premium septic tank is your choice!
16.96 m313,800 kgRUB 52,800
Septic tank with overflow “Standard Plus”Septic tanks of the Plus series are designed specifically for the most comfortable stay and use.
Wastewater treatment up to 98%.
No septic tank pumping for up to 10 years.
Connection of up to 3 sources of discharge - cottage + bathhouse + guest house.
14.31 m313,900 kgRUB 56,900
Septic tank with overflow "Premium Plus"Wastewater treatment up to 98%. Connection of up to 5 discharge sources - cottage + bathhouse + guest house + swimming pool + car wash. Volley discharge up to 10 cubic meters.25.44 m321,200 kgRUB 81,950
Sewage well "Dachny"Very economical solution, the cheapest concrete well.
Ideal for summer living in a country house for 1-2 people.
1.41 m31,800 kgRUB 9,320
Sewage well “Standard Mini”Convenient and practical solution for summer living in the country or country house families of 3-4 people.
Thanks to a total depth of 4 meters and a crushed stone bed, it ideally copes with small volumes of wastewater.
2.12 m32,550 kgRUB 11,950
Sewage well “Standard”It is simple in design, but spacious. Suitable for year-round residence families of 2-3 people or summer residence of 4-5 people in a country house or cottage.
It has proven itself as an inexpensive solution for installing an autonomous sewer system in Siberian conditions.
4.77 m34,200 kgRUB 16,550
Sewage well “Standard 2”This well has a volume of more than 11 cubic meters and a depth of about 5 meters. This combined with a large filtration area makes it the most efficient in its class.
It can be recommended for soils with poor filtration, and also as an inexpensive solution for small businesses (cafes, gas stations, small hotels).
11.3 m37,800 kgRUB 27,100
  1. If your site is dominated by soil with a significant percentage of sand, then this is considered to be a light soil option, since water easily penetrates through the soil. In such cases, they usually get by with installing the simplest septic tank made of concrete rings.

  2. You will have to tinker with the predominant clay segment in the soil. In this case, you will have to dig a ditch along the extreme border of the site or make a direct drainage of water into the nearest body of water or into the forest, if there is one.
  3. The most complex type soil is considered to be so-called quicksand. Here you will have to carry out work on installing a septic tank, waiting for stable frosty weather or winter, as work in other climatic conditions extremely difficult.

Principles for choosing the optimal septic tank for a summer residence

The market, as always, when a product gains real fame, based not on advertising gimmicks, but on real usefulness, begins to offer its various modifications and types “from the pen.” different manufacturers. This is also done to objectively study market demand, freed from intrusive and aggressive marketing. Among septic tanks, the following are considered the most popular.

Table. The lineup Helyx fiberglass septic tanks

volume, m3Dimensions, mmPrice from*, rub.Weight, kg
1,5 1000x210046 400 90
2 1100x230058 000 105
3 1200x2800; 1400x215077 800 150; 160
4 1200x3800; 1500x250092 800 180; 190
5 1500x3050106 200 270
6 1600x2300144 500 290
8 1600x4200165 300 350
10 1600x5200216 350 470
12 1800x5100255 200 580
15 1800x6200314 400 750
20 2000x6500359 800 920
25 2300x6300435 000 1100

To make the right choice of the type of septic tank, you must first identify the range of requirements for its operation and determine the properties of the soil and conditions on the site. After this you can carry out comparative analysis types of septic tanks offered by various manufacturers and from all the variety, choose the one that best suits the requirements and conditions of your site, is quite easy to install and suits you in terms of price.

Main criteria for finished septic tanks

There are two criteria. This is the material from which the septic tank is made and the performance indicators of the septic tank itself. The industry is trying to satisfy a wide variety of requirements and requests, producing installations that can serve houses for one or two people and models that meet the needs of large suburban areas.

As for the material from which septic tanks are made, plastic remains the most common and in demand material. Also popular are models made from of stainless steel, fiberglass and concrete.

Classification of septic tanks according to operating principle

Septic tanks can be a type of sedimentation tank operating on the basis of the use of activated sludge or energy-consuming installations. In order to correctly determine which septic tank is really needed on your personal plot, you need to find out the hydrological and geological features of the site, take into account the climatic features of the area, calculate the average daily volume of active wastewater and the number of people using the services of a septic tank.

The most simple principle The work of a septic tank is its use, taking into account the ability of the environment and soil to self-clean. Treated wastewater already enters the soil, which then flows into dispersion fields or into a well. Having been processed at least twice, wastewater does not harm either human health or the environment.

What to do - buy a ready-made septic tank or build your own

There is always not enough money for construction, therefore, if the funds allocated for the construction of a personal sewerage system unexpectedly quickly become scarce, then it is most profitable, naturally, to build a septic tank for your own home, yourself. Financial costs will significantly decrease, but the share of your own labor will increase in direct proportion.

In our conditions self-construction sewage is often The best way solving the problem. But also, one should not discount the opportunity to purchase a ready-made septic tank model, remembering that purchasing one is not a very cheap pleasure, especially for households with a fixed income (meaning pensions and government salaries).

Video - how to choose the best septic tank for your dacha or home

Septic tank made of concrete rings - operation diagram

Aerobic septic tanks - general form work

Anaerobic septic tanks - inside view

Dacha plots are usually located outside populated areas and do not have their own central sewerage system. Accordingly, in order to ensure convenience in the house, you will have to think about a local treatment device - a septic tank.

These facilities are manufactured by many companies that have proven their treatment devices to be highly efficient and reliable. But at the same time, the range of models and price range are too large for an ignorant person to quickly make a choice in favor of one of the proposed options and not make a mistake.

Septic tanks differ:

Most often manufacturers offer treatment systems made of polymers, reinforced concrete structures, fiberglass, metal containers. Septic tanks can be either completely autonomous or dependent on electrical energy.

First of all, you should draw up a plan of your summer cottage and residential building, indicating on it the distance to the nearest objects: water intake points, roads, plantings, etc. On this plan, a diagram of the laying of future sewer communications will be drawn in the future.

Also, to choose the optimal treatment plant you will need to know:

  • how many people will use the water supply;
  • how much water is consumed;
  • what kind of plumbing and household fixtures (for example, washing machine) appliances will be installed in the house.

The last parameter, without which it is impossible to choose, is the type of soil and the level of occurrence aquifers (groundwater).

This information is a priority when choosing a local treatment plant. WITH

But not the least important role is played by your choice in the issue of disposal of purified water (storage well, drainage and other options) and the method of cleaning the septic tank (vacuum truck, drainage pump and so on.).

Storage septic tanks

Storage-type septic tanks are a sealed container for collecting wastewater. You can make such a septic tank yourself or order a ready-made one. The structure is very easy to deliver to the site and install in the pit, because such models usually have very little weight. Price storage septic tanks also not great. In addition, the sealed storage structure can be installed on any soil and even in high level groundwater.

Storage type septic tanks - best option for a summer cottage where the owners (a family of no more than 2-3 people) come only in the summer, and the amount of used tap water small (that is we're talking about only about such amenities as a toilet and sink).

In addition to these positive aspects, there are also some disadvantages. The container will have to be cleaned periodically (no more than 2-3 times during the summer), so you will either have to purchase a drainage pump or call a vacuum cleaner, the operation of which usually spreads an unpleasant odor throughout the area.

Container materialDescriptionRetail price
PolyethyleneHorizontal containers (for a septic tank) with fins are designed for constructing biological treatment systems or storage septic tanks.21200 rub.
Metal containersA sewer storage tank is used to collect and accumulate wastewater from the sewer system.

Welded metal container made of steel 5 mm, steel type 3 sp. The frame is reinforced with stiffening ribs.

from 26250 to 112500 rub.
PolyethyleneVertical storage capacity 750 liters. Dimensions: 1960x785 mm. (V*D). The container set includes: a 360 mm lid with a ventilation valve, a dismountable device (fitting) for draining water.9000 rub.
PolyethylenePlastic cylindrical container 5000 liters. Dimensions: 2280x1840mm. (V*D). Various equipment can be connected to the tank (pump, filter, float, ventilation valve etc.). The container set includes: a 500 mm lid, a dismountable device (fitting) for draining water.37,000 rub.
PlasticPlastic water tank 1000 l. EurocubeWithout metal braid - 15,000 rubles. Metal braid - 15,400 rub.

Single-, two- or three-chamber septic tanks with soil-based wastewater treatment

Families of 3 or more people who often come to their summer cottage are recommended to install a septic tank with one, two or three chambers and a soil treatment system. Such septic tanks are also made independently, but purchase ready-made option- more reliable and less labor-intensive.

In septic tanks of this type, the water is purified in the following way: water flowing into the sewer pipe enters the first storage tank, where it is initially settled and purified, after which the liquid, freed from fat and solid inclusions, is poured into the second chamber, and then into the third, with a purification percentage of up to 65%. It is impossible to dispose of such liquid into the ground, so you will need either a drainage field or a filter well (infiltrator).

The more residents there are in your dacha, the larger the container should be installed.

The system is very simple and economical, easy to install, does not depend on the power supply, and such septic tanks need to be cleaned no more than once every 2-3 years (even less often when using biological products). How to choose with , You can read in our article.

The downside is that even factory-produced installations of this type take up quite a lot of space. And, despite the opportunity to decorate the layer of earth above the ceiling of the septic tank, serious earthworks will have to be carried out on the site. Plus, periodically (once every 5 years) you will have to change or clean the filters in the drainage, remove sludge from the bottom of the tanks, and this again causes discomfort and financial costs.

However, if you are ready for such tests, then septic tanks with several chambers are the best solution for your dacha.

Calculator for calculating the required volume of a septic tank

Enter the requested values ​​and click the "Calculate septic tank volume" button

Please indicate the number of residential water consumers

Plumbing, Appliances and approximate modes of their use

Deep biological treatment stations or aerobic septic tanks

Deep biological treatment stations are compact and produce a full range of wastewater removal systems. But such septic tanks are quite expensive, so they are more suitable for dachas where residents plan to spend all year round. Purified water can be immediately used to irrigate plants, which will save money, but energy costs will become another expense item Money. The systems are completely safe and can be installed in any type of soil. Cleaning and replacing filters is required extremely rarely, or not at all, but sometimes you will have to add a portion of a biological product to the septic tank to maintain the vital activity of microorganisms that clean the wastewater.

Manufacturers produce septic tanks with vertical and horizontal loading, large and small volumes, equip them with the necessary pumps, compressors and filters, automated on and off systems. But if you plan to visit your dacha only a few times a season, then overpaying for such a multifunctional system is not always advisable.

Air station, top view

Let's consider the classification of septic tanks, the bodies of which are made of various materials.

Septic tanks made of plastic (polyethylene, etc.) and fiberglass

Septic tanks made of plastic are the lightest and most compact. They can be transported independently in a personal vehicle and installed without the use of special equipment. The housing material is quite durable, strong, sealed, does not corrode under the influence of chemically aggressive environments, and remains operational even in winter. Septic tanks with plastic case differ in reasonable prices (except for stations with automated control). They can be installed even with high groundwater levels, simply by pouring a layer of concrete into the pit and securely fixing the structure with cables. Accordingly, plastic septic tanks are one of the best options for a summer cottage, regardless of the composition of residents and the frequency of visits to the property.

Septic tank, modelProductivity (processing)Volumeprice, rub.
Septic Tankfrom 600 l/day to 1800 l/day1200 - 3600 lfrom 16,800 to 55,000
Septic tank Breeze1 - 2 m³ per day3 - 6 thousand litersfrom 62,000 to 100,000
Bars bio700 - 1300 liters per dayfrom 2350 to 4550 litersfrom 43,000 to 78,000
Septic tank Kedr1 m³ per dayTwo chambers, each V-1.5 m³from 62 000
Septic tank Tritonup to 600 liters per dayfrom 2 to 40 m³from 24,900 to 622,000
Septic tank Favorite 2Pup to 2 m³/day.2 m³Treatment plant without service chamber and kit additional materials- from 60,000
Septic tank Poplarfrom 650 to 24,000 liters per day3 - 150 m³from 60,000 to 105,000,000
LoKOSfrom 0.2 to 3.6 m³/day.from 2.1 to 7.8 m³from 68,000 to 250,000

Before the appearance plastic structures used mainly for the construction of septic tanks reinforced concrete structures. Yes, of course, such septic tanks are spacious and durable, but due to their enormous weight, it is almost impossible to install them yourself, without the use of special equipment (a crane). Accordingly, installation costs are significant. If you install it yourself, there will be problems with connecting pipelines, because to drill a hole in concrete, you need a drill with especially strong diamond attachments.

Also, a concrete structure requires periodic repairs, as it can crack when the soil moves, the seams can become depressurized and runoff can flow directly into the soil, causing it to become infected. Therefore, if you are not ready to spend on your well-groomed summer cottage large complex earthworks When hiring equipment, you should pay attention to other, more efficient and less expensive, septic tank options.

Concrete septic tank modelDescriptionVolumeWeightPrice
Septic tank with overflow "Economy"Suitable if you have a small family of 3-4 people, for which you want to solve the sewage problem for many years to come.
With a volume of about 5 cubic meters and a crushed stone bed 40 centimeters deep, this septic tank has a high throughput capacity and will not require pumping for 2-3 years.
4.59 m35,400 kgRUB 25,800
Septic tank with overflow “Standard”Suitable for a large family of 6-7 people. Two one and a half meter wells allow the septic tank to cope with the simultaneous operation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
With the addition of bacteria, such a septic tank can not be maintained for up to 5 years.
9.54 m39,100 kgRUB 36,750
Septic tank with overflow "Premium"Suitable not only for a large house, but also for a hotel, car wash or other public establishment or service.
Huge wells together provide more than 15 cubic meters of volume, which, for example, allows several hotels in Altai to operate comfortably and receive guests.
If you want to be firmly confident in your sewage system during any influx of residents (visitors), then the Premium septic tank is your choice!
16.96 m313,800 kgRUB 52,800
Septic tank with overflow “Standard Plus”Septic tanks of the Plus series are designed specifically for the most comfortable living and use.
Wastewater treatment up to 98%.
No septic tank pumping for up to 10 years.
Connection of up to 3 sources of discharge - cottage + bathhouse + guest house.
14.31 m313,900 kgRUB 56,900
Septic tank with overflow "Premium Plus"Wastewater treatment up to 98%. Connection of up to 5 discharge sources - cottage + bathhouse + guest house + swimming pool + car wash. Volley discharge up to 10 cubic meters.25.44 m321,200 kgRUB 81,950
Sewage well "Dachny"A very economical solution, the cheapest concrete well.
Ideal for summer living in a country house for 1-2 people.
1.41 m31,800 kgRUB 9,320
Sewage well “Standard Mini”A convenient and practical solution for summer living in a dacha or country house for a family of 3-4 people.
Thanks to a total depth of 4 meters and a crushed stone bed, it ideally copes with small volumes of wastewater.
2.12 m32,550 kgRUB 11,950
Sewage well “Standard”It is simple in design, but spacious. Suitable for year-round living for a family of 2-3 people or summer living for 4-5 people in a country house or cottage.
It has proven itself as an inexpensive solution for installing an autonomous sewer system in Siberian conditions.
4.77 m34,200 kgRUB 16,550
Sewage well “Standard 2”This well has a volume of more than 11 cubic meters and a depth of about 5 meters. This combined with a large filtration area makes it the most efficient in its class.
It can be recommended for soils with poor filtration, and also as an inexpensive solution for small businesses (cafes, gas stations, small hotels).
11.3 m37,800 kgRUB 27,100

Brick septic tanks

Brick septic tanks in their summer cottages are laid by craftsmen who know a lot about working technology and are not afraid of hard work. Such septic tanks can have one chamber or several interconnecting ones. The walls must be plastered and protected with a layer of bitumen or other waterproofing. The process of building a septic tank takes considerable time. Plus, during construction you will have to equip a place for storing bricks, sand, cement and other building materials. But at the same time, brick septic tanks are not afraid of groundwater.

You should take on construction only if you have enough space on your summer cottage to build a septic tank and infiltrator equipment and you are willing to spend money on building materials/builder services or you know how to lay out high-quality brick wall, knowing the algorithm of action of land, construction and installation works.

Such designs can be factory-made or be ordinary barrels adapted for a septic tank. Both corrode quickly enough, which increases the risk of wastewater seeping into the soil, and factory metal constructions, moreover, are characterized by a high price, and the barrels are too unreliable. Accordingly, treatment systems with such a housing are not the best investment even for a summer residence.

Conclusion: when choosing a septic tank for your dacha, be guided by the “price-quality” principle, giving preference to safe treatment devices that are easy to install and operate, and the water after treatment in the septic tank is suitable for watering the area. Select the volume of installation based on the frequency of visits to the dacha, not forgetting about the reliability, durability and safety of the system.

Video - How to choose a septic tank for your dacha

An autonomous wastewater disposal system eliminates the need to connect to centralized networks. At making the right choice it performs its functions flawlessly for many years. In order not to make a mistake, you need to study different septic tanks for your dacha. Which one is better will become clear after a comprehensive analysis of market offers, the opinions of experienced experts and ordinary users. This article contains information that will help you make the right decision.

Read in the article

What is a septic tank: basic concepts and operating principles

If there is no central sewer nearby, you have to build an autonomous system.

The installation works sequentially. In the first volume (1), solid impurities settle to the bottom. Biological contaminants decompose naturally. Relatively pure water accumulates at the top. From there it flows by gravity (4) into the next container (2), where similar processes are repeated. The third tank (3) has no bottom. Here the liquid passes through the granular backfill and enters the soil in a purified state. To remove gases install special pipe(6). Hatches (5) are used for inspection and removal of solid sediments.

The photo shows the storage tank BARS-N

In this modification, the outlet of purified water to the outside is not provided. In fact, it cannot be called a cleaning system. When the container is full, a sewage service is called to pump out and remove the waste. This process comes with additional costs.

If you buy a septic tank for your dacha and add this design to it, you can ensure efficiency of up to 97-98%. This level of cleaning eliminates any damage to the environment. Here (with holes in the walls) they are laid parallel. Connect to the outlets ventilation pipes. The liquid from the last chamber (closed in this option) enters the soil, where final cleaning occurs. Of course, such an improvement will increase the overall cost of the project. To implement it, you will need appropriate free space.

BARS-Bio scheme

Which septic tank to choose for your dacha: general information about structures, classification

These photos show the algorithm of actions when constructing a septic tank on your own. This example illustrates some of the difficulties well:

  • The whole process takes a lot of time.
  • You will have to rely on performing work only in suitable weather conditions.
  • It is difficult to ensure the tightness of such a structure. Even with the necessary skills, it is not easy to prevent cracks from forming.

But in this case, for installation you will need to order specialized lifting equipment. Significant funds will have to be spent on transportation. Here you will have to seal the joints and periodically check their condition.

In this option, you will have to take into account the high cost of materials and the need for corrosion protection. It is necessary to use the expensive services of an experienced welder who is able to create long seams without errors.

For your information! It should be understood that in addition to the weight of the soil, its movements in winter period. Homemade products made from improvised materials deteriorate within 1-2 seasons, so such a solution cannot be called economical.

By listed reasons– You should pay closer attention to factory-made specialized products. Below we discuss in detail the question of how to choose a septic tank for a dacha from wide range modern market.

The diagram of the BARS-Ultra deep biological treatment station is shown

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How do anaerobic septic tanks perform their functions?

The corresponding group of equipment received this specific name from the type of bacteria used to decompose waste. They are cultivated in a special environment, without access to oxygen. The fermentation process, useful for cleaning, occurs inside the liquid.

Anaerobic septic tanks can be created without aeration units or other electrically driven devices. This approach ensures autonomy and the absence of associated energy costs. When reproducing the technology, it is imperative to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. So, in some mixtures it is necessary to regularly add a special activator (2-3 times a month). It is necessary to exclude the entry into drains of chlorine, antibiotics, and other chemical compounds that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an aerobic septic tank

Microorganisms of this type require oxygen for active life.

In the first container, heavy fractions settle to the bottom. To increase efficiency, bacteria that do not need oxygen (anaerobic) are added here. They perform their functions slowly. It is necessary not to forget about the periodic addition of biological activators.

When first started, fermentation is characterized by an acidic reaction with the formation of unpleasant-smelling gases that displace oxygen from the corresponding volume. Next comes the growth of microorganisms. Bottom sediments become darker. The reaction of the fermentation process becomes alkaline. Unpleasant odors disappear.

Important! When cleaning this section of the plant, experienced professionals recommend leaving some sludge behind. It will be useful for maintaining the normal operation of the installation.

The next container is cleaned using aerobic microorganisms. If you follow the optimal temperature regime, flow speed, others important conditions, you can get high efficiency (up to 98%). This soup water is suitable for technical use.

For your information! The volumes of the chambers are selected in such a way as to perform mandatory cleaning no more than once a year.

In addition to a high level of purification, such installations are distinguished by the absence unpleasant odors. At correct calculations You won’t have to remove accumulated impurities too often. The only drawback is energy dependence. For forced aeration and pumping, electric drives connected to a 220V network are used. Such additions complicate the system and make it more expensive compared to a simple set of several tanks.

Important! It is imperative to study the limitations on the sensitivity of beneficial microflora to individual chemical compounds. For quality work cleaning systems should prevent their penetration into the sewer.

Convenient modification: mini septic tank for a summer residence

This category of equipment is different small in size. But when choosing mini septic tanks for a dacha without pumping, one must not forget about the real needs. Below is a program for accurate calculation. Approximate figures can be obtained taking into account the following facts:

  • On average, per person there is from 0.15 to 0.3 cubic meters. drains.
  • For normal functioning cleaning systems require operating cycles of at least three days.
  • A small reserve is useful to avoid problems during peak loads.

This is the smallest septic tank for a dacha in production line famous domestic brand "Triton". At external dimensions 81 x 81 x 143 (Width x Depth x Height in cm) it provides a maximum capacity of 0.15 m3. within 24 hours. The installation operates using anaerobic technologies, so connection to a 220 V electrical network is not required. For transportation, just use a trailer or a removable roof rack passenger car(product weight – 35 kg). It won't be too difficult to dig a hole of the required size alone. At proper preparation You can complete all the necessary installation operations in a day.

Various septic tanks for a summer residence: which one is better, prices on the domestic market, reviews

The information in the figure must be supplemented with information on the distance from a residential building (3 m), other outbuildings(1m). In a real situation, you will have to take into account the proximity of trees and buildings on neighboring land plots.

These data confirm the need to determine personal criteria when searching for the best septic tank for a summer residence. In addition to the information noted above, you need to pay attention to the following data:

  • Actual waste volume (normal/maximum).
  • Possibility of careful maintenance, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.
  • Proposed installation method (independent/with the help of specialists).
  • Ground water level.
  • The thickness of the earth layer above the body and the corresponding loads.
  • Convenient access for equipment to remove accumulated wastewater.

Important! The best septic tank performs its functions without unnecessary difficulties and high operating costs. For an accurate assessment, all significant factors are analyzed in combination.

Regardless of the specific form (a drawing with dimensions, or a set of documentation in accordance with GOST), the materials must contain information not only about the septic tank. They indicate the number and parameters of straight pipes and other fittings, hoses and hatches for. Electric drives equipped with protection devices against overheating and voltage surges. Submersible pumps complemented with convenient lifting devices for inspection and repair.

After carefully studying all the nuances of the project, the necessary adjustments are made to the equipment requirements. Make an accurate list of the main system components and add-ons, building materials, tools. This work will help clarify the volume of future financial and labor costs.

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The article talks about how to do it. The description of the construction requirements is supplemented by reviews of effective technologies and ready-made models with characteristics and prices. This information will help you implement the project quickly, with reasonable costs.

Current rating of the best septic tanks for a country house

To determine which septic tank is best for a summer residence, the current rating is supplemented with consumer reviews. Warranty information and operating instructions will be useful.


A significant advantage of this brand is the specialized production of various treatment facilities:

Model Productivity, (m3 per day) / Permissible volume of one-time discharge (m3) price, rub. Notes

0,8/125 95 x 97 x 2.5/21578500-86500 Compact system with one compressor.

Topas 4 PR
0,8/175 88 x 97 x 260/22595200-108900 Equipped with two compressors for active aeration of the compartment with aerobic microorganisms.

Topas 8 Long PR
3/1025 230 x120 x310/715251000-268800 Installation to meet large needs (up to 15 users). Such equipment is suitable for equipping large real estate objects.

Topol-Eco TOPAS-S 8 Pr
1,3/- 110900-115300 Equipment for deep cleaning with five working chambers. Non-volatile design.

For your information! On the official website you can buy a Topas septic tank inexpensively from the manufacturer. The price in the price list is not increased by the profits of intermediaries, so you can count on quite reasonable offers.

According to a separate request, the company creates complex type treatment facilities, specialized sets:

  • The Toplos line includes modifications:
    • “Aqua” – for purifying liquid from open reservoirs;
    • “KM” – container type installation;
    • “FL” – equipment for the detention of organic matter.
  • The removal of fatty impurities will be carried out by Toppolium.
  • The Toprein kit is intended for equipping gas stations and automobile workshops.

With the help of the listed products and other products of this company, specific problems can be solved at reasonable costs. When selling Topas septic tanks, the price with turnkey installation includes delivery and installation. This data will help clarify the volume of actual investment.


Treatment facilities under this brand are produced by Triton Plastic. Currently, this company offers the following range of country septic tanks Tank. The price in the table is as of August 2017:

Model of the "Tank" series Productivity, (cubic meters per day) Length x Width x Height (cm)/Weight (kg) Price of one/three products, rub.

0,6 120 x 100 x 170/8522700/17000

0,8 180 x 120 x 170/13032800/27500

1 203 x 120 x 185/14037900/32500

1,2 220 x 120 x 200/15044700/39500

1,8 360 x 100 x 170/22859000/54000

For your information! If you choose a septic tank, you should study the reviews of the owners with a duration of operating experience of at least several seasons. This will allow you to obtain objective information and take into account regular additional costs in economic calculations.

The manufacturer cites the following advantages of products in this series:

  • Their design has been well proven in practice, taking into account the opinions of real users.
  • This equipment performs its functions without consuming electricity and corresponding operating costs.
  • It can be installed in any soil.
  • We allow installation without concreting the base and rigidly attaching it to it using anchoring.
  • Good tightness is useful when the groundwater level is high.

Important! In official instructions, the company notes the need to remove bottom sediments at seasonal accommodation(in the fall, before preparing the cottage for winter). If the property is used constantly, such a procedure is needed no more than once every 5 years or less. Special sets of microorganisms are used to decompose sediments.

The prices indicated for the Tank septic tank are intended for the capital and the Moscow region. Discounts are provided not only for the number of products purchased. They are valid when ordering professional installation(+12400 rub.).


The same manufacturer produces other polymer products. The following series are presented on the domestic market under the Triton brand:

  • "N" - storage tanks for waste with a volume of 1000 to 27,000 liters, costing 24,800-426,000 rubles.
  • “T” is a traditional septic tank design consisting of three separate chambers.
  • “P” – tanks for fire protection systems.
  • “K” – caissons
  • “PM” – devices for retaining fats for installation under the sink.
Model of the Triton-T series Capacity volume, liters Diameter x length of tank, cm Approximate number of users
1 1000 120 x 1172
1,5 1500 120 x 1623
2,5 2500 120 x 2525
5 5000 120 x 47210
10 10000 150 x 60020
12 12000 200 x 405
30 30000 200 x 980

This kit is suitable for installation in a country house. The wall thickness of these products ranges from 10 to 15 mm, which provides good resistance to mechanical stress.

Technical data is given in the table: Capacity volume, liters Name Length x Width x Height in cm
Weight, kg750 Septic tank85
125 x 820 x 170400 Infiltration device20

180 x 800 x 400

This set is not difficult to transport and install yourself. The manufacturer includes a neck and lids as standard. It is not necessary to purchase an infiltrator. Instead, you can use a filter field.

Termite Septic tanks under this brand are created by Multiplast. This company produces products from polymers using vacuum and rotational forming technologies. Having our own design departments allows us to respond to market requirements in a timely manner. Production equipped with modern equipment ensures cost minimization and excellent quality.

It is permissible to manufacture solid containers with a volume of up to 10 thousand liters. The manufacturer emphasizes that for the manufacture of cases it uses only primary raw materials and high-quality polymers. One-piece casting and radial end flanges help maintain structural integrity even under heavy loads. Specifications

products are checked by a series of special hydrodynamic tests. Model of the Termite series Capacity volume, liters Productivity, cubic meters per day Length x Width x Height in cm Notes

Length x Width x Height, cm
0,4 1200 Drive 1.280 134 x 116 x 156.5

Storage capacity.
0,4 1200 Drive 1.280 Pro 1.2 The most compact septic tank with additional soil cleaning
. Wall thickness – up to 20 mm.0,6 1500 Transformer 1.5S110 200 x 80 x 200

This equipment can be converted into a forced air cleaning station. Branded aeration kit available
1 2500 Profi 2.5135 200 x 115.5 200.5

Suitable for a family of 5 people.
1 2500 Transformer 2.5 PR155 205 x 105 x 211

For your information! Such a septic tank can be used at high groundwater levels. When purchasing a Termite turnkey septic tank, the price includes installation work

. But you need to make sure that these services are available for a specific region. Otherwise, you will have to organize the installation of the equipment yourself.


The current product line includes two series of septic tanks in a classic design:

  • These are complete cleaning stations that differ in the following characteristics:
  • For forced air supply, membrane technology is used here, which helps extend the service life of the aerator to 10 years or more.
  • Removal of excess sludge (it is used as fertilizer) is carried out using a standard airlift.

You can purchase a suitable station taking into account the required distance from a residential building. When designing the route, the following restrictions apply:

Modification Outlet depth in cm for different systems drains Maximum inlet depth, cm
Gravity Forced
"Standard"45 15 60
"Midi"60 30 90

The price of the Unilos Astra 5 septic tank (76-83 thousand rubles) cannot be called overpriced, taking into account the good consumer characteristics. This equipment provides full satisfaction of all drainage needs for a family of 4-5 people. It retains functionality with a salvo discharge of up to 250 liters. Electricity consumption does not exceed 60 W per hour.


These treatment plants are capable of treating from 0.7 to 1.5 cubic meters. drains in 24 hours (5-10 users). The case thickness increased to 25 mm allows it to withstand heavy loads without damage. The manufacturer positions its products as intended for loamy and sandy soils and areas with low groundwater levels.

For your information! It offers different neck heights in increments of 100 mm, so choosing the best option is not difficult.

A few years ago, the manufacturing company rebranded. Now the products in this series are called “BARS-Bio”.

Modification Poplar Inlet pipe depth, cm Width x Depth x Height, cm Processing volume per day, cubic meters.

80 Allowable salvo release, l0,65 180

80 112 x 106 x 212.51 250

80 103 x 100 x 248.52 790

80 192.8 x 112 x 248.58,9 1900

300 x 216 x 300
140 150 LONG24 4600

400 x 482 x 300

Drawing of the Tver 1P installation

Ecopan The production association is the oldest specialized domestic enterprise. The application of accumulated experience in practice is manifested in good consumer characteristics and reasonable prices.


Septic tank Ecopan

Leader This manufacturer creates tanks for local cleaning systems from polyethylene low pressure . A special arrangement was used to strengthen the structure power elements . Relatively small weight simplifies installation operations.

All products of this type are provided with official certificates and a five-year warranty. Model range parameters Units
Limit valuesNumber of users2-15
Schematic diagram of a treatment station

For your information! The prices of Leader septic tanks, as well as similar products from other manufacturers, should be considered taking into account the specific configuration. In this case we are talking about modern, well-equipped equipment.

Comparison of different models

The prices listed below for septic tanks for summer cottages will change over time. However, these data are suitable for objective comparative analysis.

All products of this type are provided with official certificates and a five-year warranty. Model range parameters Units
Maximum one-time resetHuman400-3000
Number of wastewater treated in 24 hoursm.cub.
Manufacturer/Model Productivity, m3/day Dimensions, cm Length x Width x Height in cm 1 300 x 110 x 167180 112300

Software "Pankom"/Ecopan L5
1 255 x 144 x 164210 97500

Alexis LLC / Leader 1
1 270 x 145 x 165150 105000

For your information! When creating a septic tank for your home with your own hands, you must take into account the total costs of construction and auxiliary work, the purchase of compressors and other factory products.

Until recently, sewerage country house consisted of a cesspool and wooden toilet at the edge of the site. That is why many preferred to live in city apartments. But imagine how comfortable and cozy it is to live in a separate spacious house, especially if it is a log house. Wooden housing and Fresh air- a guarantee of health and Have a good mood person.

Moreover, today life outside the city has become more comfortable due to the emergence of optimized cleaning devices, which include septic tanks.

Connecting pipes from the house to the septic tank is efficient and reliable autonomous system, which is ideal for suburban housing. Today the market offers a wide selection of septic tanks, varying in quality and price, sizes and types, modifications and other categories. Let's figure out which septic tank is best to choose for a summer residence, and learn more about the principles of operation of the device.

Operating principles and types of septic tanks

A septic tank is a complete and convenient local treatment facility, which is much more practical and safer than a cesspool. Such a device is used where it is impossible to connect to a centralized wastewater collection system. Therefore, septic tanks are optimally suited for summer cottages and suburban areas.

Septic tanks treat and process wastewater until it is safe for the environment. To operate the structures, they are taken out of the house. sewer pipes and connect to the device. Each septic tank has chambers or compartments where wastewater settles and water is purified. The wastewater flows through the pipes into the first chamber, in which heavy inclusions settle to the bottom and light inclusions float to the top. Then the clarified water flows into the next compartments, where purification continues.

According to the method of action, a septic tank with deep biological treatment and a storage device are distinguished. In addition, equipment is divided by material. Septic tanks are made of plastic, metal, brick, etc. Typically, structures are installed horizontally, but models are also produced for vertical placement. There are autonomous structures powered by electricity.

Each owner of a country house decides for himself which septic tank to choose for his dacha. Let's find out what you need to pay attention to when choosing, and which septic tank is suitable for your site and cottage.

How to choose the right septic tank

  • Experts recommend using septic tanks with a deep-cleaning biological filter. Recycling occurs quickly, and wastewater purification reaches 98%;
  • The storage device is the simplest and most affordable model, which basically consists of only one chamber. Please note that such a septic tank needs to be cleaned every 3-4 years. At the same time, the cleansing is not very deep;
  • For seasonal visits to the dacha, choose storage devices, and for permanent residence— with deep cleaning;
  • For permanent residence, it is better to choose equipment with a combined aerobic and anaerobic cleaning technology.
  • For seasonal rest, only anaerobic is enough. This is a completely sealed tank that operates without air intake. It is cheaper than an aerobic system, which purifies wastewater using oxygen;

  • Metal and plastic models are suitable for middle zone and warm regions of the country. Such products can be quickly and easily installed without the involvement of specialists and equipment. In addition, one-piece structures are immediately ready for use after connection;
  • For a country house in the northern regions of the country, it is better to choose reinforced concrete wastewater treatment plants, as they can withstand frost, humidity and temperature changes;
  • Calculate approximate water consumption. For costs up to 1 cubic meter per day, choose models with one chamber, up to 10 - with two, more than 10 - with three;
  • Pay attention to the volume of the tank. The more bathrooms there are in the house and the higher the number of permanent residents in the house, the larger the volume;
  • The degree of soil freezing and the type of soil are of great importance. The higher the groundwater level, the more difficult it is to install a septic tank;
  • It is important to correctly calculate the performance of a septic tank for a summer residence, otherwise the efficiency of the device will greatly decrease and the structure will not be able to cope with the load;
  • To correctly calculate the performance of the device, multiply 200 liters (daily water consumption per person) by the number of people who permanently live in the house;
  • Before purchasing, carefully study the characteristics of the product, read reviews on the Internet and among friends. The most popular today are septic tanks from Tank, Triton and Topas.

Top best antiseptics for the garden

Brand Characteristic The lineup Price range
Performance Number of persons
Tank Powerful, odorless plastic septic tank, suitable for every type of soil and works without electricity, easy to install, purification rate up to 98-100% 600-1800 l/day 1-9 19 000 —

60,000 rubles

Topas Unpretentious and reliable device does not require special biological preparations to speed up cleaning, easy to use, cleaning rate up to 98% 800-2000 l/day 4-10 70 000 —

150,000 rubles

. But you need to make sure that these services are available for a specific region. Otherwise, you will have to organize the installation of the equipment yourself. An effective septic tank without pumping, but runs only on electricity, the purification rate is about 95% 1000-2000 l/day 3-8 80,000 - 120,000 rubles
Triton Compact storage device made of plastic affordable price, does not depend on electricity, up to 90-95%, easy installation 150-600 l/day 1-4 9 000 —

65,000 rubles

Tver Plastic non-volatile septic tank with a simple design and easy installation, purification rate up to 98% 350-2000 l/day 2-30 60,000 - 400,000 rubles
Poplar (Eco-Grand) Reliable Japanese system made of polypropylene without pumping and odor, runs on electricity, purification rate up to 98% 650-3300 l/day 3-10 60,000 - 140,000 rubles

  • When installing internal sewer networks in a log house, take into account the shrinkage of the log house. It is better and more efficient to design the sewerage system together with the water supply even before the construction stage of the house;
  • Sites without slopes and house designs that include more than two bathrooms require the installation of a sewer pump;
  • Bathrooms and kitchen premises located near the place where the sewage system is discharged. Therefore, build a sewerage diagram at the stage of designing a house;
  • For installation treatment plant choose the lowest point land plot;
  • When installing a sewer system in a private house, the pipes in the house are first laid out;
  • IN wooden house key horizontal elements are mounted in the ceilings;
  • Place it correctly plumbing fixtures(toilets and sinks). They should be located close to the risers;
  • Pay special attention to the fastening of pipes. Unreliable and incorrect fastenings will lead to deformation and breakage of the pipeline;

  • In bathrooms, you need to consider a ventilation system, which is also planned at the design stage. Ventilation will eliminate unpleasant odors and get rid of condensation, which negatively affects wood. For more information about ventilation in a wooden house, read the link http://marisrub.ru/uslugi/inzhenernye-sistemy/ventilyatsiya;
  • After installation internal sewerage proceed to install treatment facilities on the site;
  • Septic tanks are installed at the lowest point of the land plot at a distance of at least two meters from the premises to ensure the safety of the foundation. The further away the septic tank is located, the easier and faster the installation will be. However, the distance should not exceed 20 meters, otherwise the installation of additional cleaning wells will be required;
  • You cannot install septic tanks next to autonomous water sources (wells and boreholes). The gap between these points is 15-30 meters. This is the necessary distance to ensure sanitary protection;
  • In order not to damage green spaces, the distance to the nearest trees should be at least 4 meters;
  • The distance from the structures to the boundaries of the site is at least 3 meters.

It is better to entrust the installation of a sewer and septic tank for a country house to professionals, since even a minor mistake can lead to problems in the operation of the pipeline, plumbing and other devices. The MariSrub company not only builds wooden houses and turnkey baths, but also installs the necessary engineering systems.

The company’s craftsmen will quickly and reliably perform a full range of work on installing internal and external sewerage systems for a country house in compliance with building codes. Already at the first stages of design, the company engineer will carry out necessary calculations according to the layout of the house, the characteristics of the soil of the land and the characteristics of the area. Experienced MariSrub specialists will help you choose a suitable septic tank, install sewer pipes and install treatment facilities.