Do-it-yourself country toilet made of iron. Do-it-yourself toilet in the country - step-by-step instructions with photos

It doesn’t matter the purpose - be it a summer house, garden or residential - no one has canceled natural needs. And the first thing that needs to be installed on it is a restroom, even if you are not supposed to live on the site. Of course, at first glance it may seem that this is quite simple work, but upon closer examination of the issue, one can understand that there are quite a lot of nuances in it that should be paid attention to. That’s why we’ll now figure out how to arrange a dacha with our own hands. Step-by-step instructions should help with this.

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Basic rules on how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, without turning to specialists for help

The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of restroom you want. This question does not relate to the choice of structure, but to the reservoir into which waste products will fall. This depends on many parameters.

For example, a very important aspect is the depth of the groundwater. After all, the site usually does not have a centralized one, which means that the much-needed liquid will be taken from the well. You can imagine what will happen if sewage gets into this water. Is this necessary? Naturally not. Indeed, in addition to health problems, there is also the danger of fines from sanitary and epidemiological supervision. This, of course, is not as life-threatening as drinking contaminated water, but it is at least unpleasant.

The same applies to soil containing shale. That is why it makes sense to clarify all such nuances in advance. And if it turns out that such a problem exists, then you will have to install a sealed box (usually made of sheet iron of at least 3 mm or plastic) in the cesspool. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of pumping out sewage.

As for the shape of the building itself, garden toilets for a dacha can be completely varied - everything is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the master.

What sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules do you need to know when installing a country toilet?

Particular attention should be paid to the already mentioned depth of groundwater. It is important that at the installation site it is more than 3.5 m, and during spring floods. Otherwise, only a sealed container will save you. Of course, there are some secrets for such cases, but their implementation will be more financially expensive. We'll talk about this a little later.

It is also worth paying attention to the location of the restroom. According to SanPiN, the distance to a neighboring house should be at least 12 m, and to a well, if there is one, more than 8 m. Moreover, it does not matter whether special solutions are used for disinfection. Even if it is a chemical toilet (why people call it a dry closet is unclear). This rule must be strictly followed. Otherwise, there is a risk of communicating with neighbors in court. After all, it usually happens that among the summer residents living nearby, there will definitely be a “guardian of the laws.”

Important tip! In order to avoid future problems associated with the location of the country toilet, it makes sense to coordinate it with the local sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and confirm the installation location on the map. This kind of paper can be very useful.

A restroom inside the house or attached to it - features of such an arrangement

If you plan to live on the site all year round, then it makes sense to make a toilet in the house. At the dacha, of course, this will not be a problem at all, but in the absence of it, work will increase a little. In this case, it is better to arrange the restroom not indoors, but in the form. With this arrangement, having previously insulated the toilet stall, visiting this “institution” in winter will be quite comfortable.

And yet, if you want to place a toilet inside the house, but there is no centralized sewage system, then with a little effort this can be brought to life. This option will be especially successful for owners small plots. Let us examine in detail how the work will be carried out.

First, you need to dig a hole in the area in which you need to place a sealed steel or plastic tank. It is important to understand that the container for collecting sewage will have to be lined to prevent soil pressure on it. There should be 3 pipes coming out of the tank. One of them is at the end, located in the upper part - through it, sewage will flow from the home toilet into the box. The second, the length of which must be at least three meters, must come out from above - it will serve as natural ventilation. Well, the third is also output from above, but in the tank it comes almost from the very bottom. Through this pipeline, waste products will be pumped out using a special sewer truck. There is usually a hatch on top that must close tightly.

Well, when this work is completed, all that remains is to install a sewer pipe from the house to the reservoir. The main thing to remember is that a toilet installed in a toilet at home must be installed above the drain pipe on the tank.

A toilet attached to a house is essentially built identically, with the only difference being that there is no need to install sewer pipes, because... it will be located at the edge of the cesspool. Although, if you want to move the sewage tank further from the house, you can use the option with a main line.

As you can understand, installing a country toilet inside a residential building, although labor-intensive, is a completely do-it-yourself process.

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The article talks about how to do it. The description of the construction requirements is supplemented by reviews of effective technologies and ready-made models with characteristics and prices. This information will help you implement the project quickly and at reasonable costs.

A regular cesspool or how to install a toilet for a summer house on the street with your own hands

If the depth at which the groundwater is located allows the construction of a conventional, non-sealed toilet pit (i.e. more than 3.5 m), then the amount of work is significantly reduced. Many people strengthen the excavated recess with spacers in order to prevent the soil from collapsing, but usually a beam is simply laid on it, which serves as a support for the wooden cabin. This is the most convenient and easy way How to build an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

Standards for the location of the toilet on the site, established by the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation

You should not ignore the standards established by SanPiN, because they are based on research and are aimed only at maintaining public health. The best option To find out where to place the toilet on the site, you will not only make your own calculations, but also apply for a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

What depth should a cesspool for a toilet in a country house have - are there any restrictions?

There are no strict restrictions on depth. The main thing is that the pit for the country toilet, or rather its bottom, should be higher than the level at which groundwater is located during the spring flood. Otherwise, sewage effluents may end up in drinking water, which threatens severe food poisoning, even death.

How to make a toilet in the country comfortable and warm

Naturally, a person always strives for comfort. Therefore, a restroom located on the street must be properly insulated. A good solution for this could be polystyrene foam, or in other words. This is a lightweight material that retains heat very well, and if you cover the outside of the building with it correctly, a 100 W incandescent lamp will be sufficient for heating inside.

Before building a toilet in your country house, you need to decide whether it will only produce outer wall, or and with inside there will be a layer of penoplex, which is preferable. With the second option, you need to consider a slightly larger structure, taking into account the thickness. Also, before building a country toilet, you should take care of the safe supply of electricity to it.

It is also important which one will lead to the restroom - after all, in any case, it is not very pleasant to walk through the mud at night to a latrine, which, according to the rules, is located in the distance. Of course, all of the above does not apply to toilets built in the house - naturally it will be both warm and clean. But covering a restroom attached to the house with thermal insulation is also worth doing. In general, at the dacha, the construction of a toilet is gaining momentum, which is not surprising. After all, it is simply impossible to do without it.

The importance of drawing up drawings for a country toilet with your own hands

Although the restroom on a summer cottage is a small building, it is very important to first draw up a drawing with all the dimensions, according to which the structure will subsequently be assembled.

Important tip! The plan should be drawn up as carefully as possible, taking into account the area, so that the use of the much-needed building is as comfortable as possible.

Firstly, you don’t need to make your own wooden country toilet low. Inside, an adult standing at full height should not touch the ceiling with his head. Agree, it’s not very convenient to go into the restroom bent over. This rule applies not only to the ceiling, but also to the front door. Typically, the ceiling height is about half a meter higher than the upper level of the door, which, in turn, is 1.7-1.8 m high. Someone will say that such an entrance will be somewhat high, but this is only at first glance. In general, it will be optimal (maybe a little narrower). Isn’t it convenient to walk through such an opening? The same should apply to the restroom.

Secondly, a wooden toilet for a dacha should be made strong - you should not save material on this construction. After all, even if the sewage is not pumped out with a special machine, and the cesspool is simply planned to be filled with earth and the toilet is moved to another place, it will be more convenient to move a strong building than to dismantle a flimsy one and mount it on another. In addition, appearance it should be aesthetically pleasing - after all, no one wants an unsightly building to spoil the appearance of the yard. This is especially true if you have a garden. It's not very nice when in the middle of beauty flowering trees and bushes suddenly a sloppy, rickety structure of a latrine appears.

A wooden toilet for a dacha can be like gable roof, and with a single-pitched one - it’s whatever you like. It is during the construction of a restroom that you can practice the skills of a builder and designer. Of course, if the roof slope diverges in different directions, with a ridge in the middle, the building will look much more attractive. Shed roofs are well suited for restrooms that are attached to the house. In this case, it will look natural, forming a single whole with the house. The roof of the restroom can be covered with a profile sheet, ordinary tin, slate or tiles. The main thing you should not forget about is roof waterproofing. It's not very pleasant when rainwater drips down your collar. It is also necessary to lay a layer of foam film between the ceiling wood and the roofing felt. After all, the main heat rises upward, and it is needed there more than anywhere else.

The size should be determined based on personal preferences and the functionality that the wooden toilet for the dacha will have. You can build a washbasin and place a sink in it with your own hands. In this case, the internal area of ​​the restroom needs to be made larger. Depending on the size of the pit, if it is large enough and has the ability to pump out sewage, you can even run a water supply for a washbasin into the toilet. The main thing when carrying out such work is to insulate the pipes to prevent the possibility of water freezing in them in winter. Fortunately, these days, such work does not require skills. welding work, and making plumbing using plastic is not difficult and does not require any special skills. Even an amateur can cope with it (with the right approach, of course).

In general, building a wooden toilet with your own hands requires a careful approach, accuracy and compliance different rules and normal. Although such work is difficult, it is more in the mental and creative plane than in the physical. If you think everything through correctly, then it will be much easier to bring this to life than to build a clumsy, ugly restroom on the site without any kind of drawings. That is why you should not waste time on preparatory work. Otherwise, you can lose much more of it at the construction stage.

Renting an odorless dry closet for a summer residence – myths and reality

If you don’t have the time or desire to install a proper toilet in your summer cottage, these days there are other opportunities to arrange your life. Now there are many companies that are engaged in removing waste products from cesspools. And most of them offer serviced toilet stalls for rent. What are they, these mobile restrooms? Let's try to figure it out.

In appearance it looks like a plastic telephone booth. At the base, under the floor, there is a reservoir for sewage. Inside there is some kind of toilet with a seat. Actually, if the toilet is planned to be used only in summer time, this is a good option that does not require effort during installation. In addition, when registering a lease, the company also enters into a service agreement at certain intervals. It consists in the fact that on days specified in the contract, company employees will arrive in a special car, pump out sewage and flush the tank. After this, a certain amount of a special chemical solution will be poured into it, which kills bacteria that multiply in waste products and also prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

dry closet

The main myth lies precisely in the name - because. liquid is chemical solution, the prefix “bio” does not fit in with such a toilet. Of course, there are also biological fillers for tanks, but their use by companies is unprofitable due to their high cost and short term the action of the “live” solution in the drainage pit.

The following latrine device can be called a dry toilet. Under the seat there is a bucket into which dry peat is periodically poured. When the bucket is full, the contents are dumped into a compost pit, where the sewage continues to break down into various substances for some time. In the end it turns out very good fertilizer for the garden or vegetable garden. Well, chemical liquid for toilets in the country does not have similar properties and requires specialized processing. That is why it would be more correct to call such latrines chemical toilets.

Liquid compositions can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Formaldehyde- very effective, but at the same time very toxic solutions. They clean and disinfect the tank perfectly, but the toxic substances released by such a liquid do not allow the use of chemical toilets in the stalls, because has a very harmful effect on the human body.
  2. Ammonium based– such liquids are most suitable for such toilets. Their properties are closer to biological ones, i.e. do not decompose waste, but accelerate the processes of their natural decomposition, and also effectively disinfect the container.
  3. Biological fluids– the principle of their operation is based on the work of living bacteria, which come into contact with the environment in sewage and decompose it into natural components. The main inconvenience in using such solutions is the short lifespan of bacteria. The fluid must be changed or topped up frequently.

It is precisely because of the toxic effect that formaldehyde liquid is not applicable for toilets in the country, and therefore it is best to opt for an ammonium solution.

Liquids and fillers for dry toilets

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An excellent alternative to sewerage is mobile toilets. In this article we will look at existing device models, average prices, reviews and some recommendations that will help you make the right choice.

An alternative do-it-yourself summer toilet made from corrugated sheets

In cases where there is no time to build a thorough toilet and, moreover, it is intended to be used only in the summer, the option of making a country toilet cubicle from corrugated sheets may well be suitable. In this case, you will only need to assemble a frame from a wooden beam or weld it from metal. You need to understand that the floor of such a restroom will still have to be done, because the walls and roof are on their own toilet stall are not. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what material it will be made of.

Important tip! The restroom floors must be ready before the wall paneling begins, because... otherwise, their installation will become quite problematic. Also, do not forget that the frame of a building is not only the wooden or metal edges of a rectangle. They also need to be connected with diagonal cross members to give the future restroom the required rigidity.

Country toilet made of corrugated sheets is the simplest and relatively inexpensive structure, and therefore a similar type is common in gardens and vegetable gardens, where people do not live, but come periodically. For example, for planting seeds, weeding or harvesting.

How to properly build a toilet for a summer house with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

In this chapter, we will try to summarize all the information received into one whole, so that installing a garden toilet with your own hands according to a drawing does not turn into a long-term construction project. There is also a need for a photo report of such work to more clearly explain the algorithm of actions. Of course, someone may say that this is completely useless and that everything is clear without a photo, but still, illustrated instructions on how to build a toilet with your own hands in a country house, in a garden or on a personal yard will certainly be more understandable.

But first, let’s summarize the material received on the norms and rules for installing a restroom in personal plot.

Drawing up drawings with the dimensions of country toilets with your own hands

The most important thing in building a restroom on a personal plot is drawing up a detailed, dimensional drawing, which will take into account everything related to the structure. It is advisable to indicate in it the material of manufacture, the depth at which groundwater flows, and everything else that concerns general scheme devices (depth of the pit, its ventilation and pumping system). A separate drawing should indicate the building itself with exact dimensions in width, length and height.

Of course, you can do all the work without such a diagram, but it should be taken into account that a drawing of a toilet in a country house with dimensions can be useful not only for the construction of the structure, but also for coordinating the location and other standards with the sanitary and epidemiological service. After their permission and approval of such a scheme, it can become proof that everything was done according to the rules and regulations of the law, even in court, if one of the neighbors does not like the toilet.

The size of a toilet in a dacha with your own hands can be different and depend only on the owner himself and his preferences. Inside you can place a washbasin, sink and even a shower, dividing the room with a wall. But this will require a major sealed container with the ability to pump out sewage, as well as the installation of a water supply system. Although, its role can also be played by metal or plastic barrel on the roof, which should preferably be painted black. This way the water in it will heat up faster from the sun. For example, a 200 liter container on a sunny day heats up to comfortable temperature in 3-4 hours.

How to properly dig a hole for a toilet in the country with your own hands - norms and rules

Before starting such work, you need to find out the depth of the so-called. water horizon. The basic rule is that the bottom of the toilet pit should not be at a level lower than the groundwater flow. This is fraught not only with fines from sanitary and epidemiological supervision, but also with serious health problems. The width is usually made according to the dimensions of the building, of course, provided that we're talking about about an ordinary street toilet. If sewage is discharged through a sewer pipe, then there are no restrictions on this parameter. Well, what if in simple words, then everything should be in moderation. After all, it would be completely inappropriate to dig a hole for a toilet in the dacha that is as deep and wide as the floor of the garden.

Important tip! Having drawn up a detailed drawing, it is better to show it to the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service before digging a hole for a toilet in the country. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which you will have to change the location of the toilet and do double work, again digging a hole under the sewage.

Photo report on how to build a country toilet step by step - stages of work

Let's try to explain what steps you need to perform to install a wooden toilet with your own hands step by step photo instructions.

Work stage Description necessary actions

Drawing up a detailed dimensional drawing

A drawing is drawn up, i.e. a detailed plan diagram indicating the location, depth and communications of the latrine pit, the dimensions of the toilet structure, etc. It is better to have the layout and depth diagram certified by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities in order to avoid troubles in the future.

Digging a hole and installing a caisson (tank) and ventilation

Having marked the required area, a pit is dug for sewage. Such work can be either manual or mechanized, using special equipment

Frame for pit toilet floor and its installation

A metal or wooden frame, serving as the basis for the future sex. It is covered with boards even before the construction of a toilet on the street with your own hands begins.

Installation of wall racks

Vertical posts are attached to established basis according to the drawing. Initially, they form the basis of the slope of the future roof. From above, these racks are also connected to each other according to the diagram. It is very important that the connections are strong and not loose. It is also advisable to fix the diagonal racks with jumpers (from the top of one to the bottom of the other). This will add strength to the structure of the wooden toilet.

Seat installation

Inside, near the wall farthest from the entrance, you need to mount a raised platform, in which, after covering it with boards, you need to cut a hole, tracing it along the inside of the plastic toilet seat.

External wall cladding and door installation

After the work with the floor and seat is completed, you can sheathe the structure, close the roof and hang the door. The outside of the toilet can be lined with clapboard or plastic siding to give it a more attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Of course, building a toilet with your own hands in the countryside will require home handyman a lot of time and effort, not to mention money. But it's still worth it. If you do everything right, i.e. go through all the stages of building a toilet for your dacha with your own hands step by step, in the end you can get a very durable object that fits into the landscape of your garden or adjacent plot.

Algorithm for building a toilet in your country house with your own hands - video instructions

If there are still unclear issues regarding the construction of a toilet on the site, then you can see something about a country toilet with your own hands. The video below may give a better idea of ​​this work.

Toilets made by home craftsmen for their garden plots:

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There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to build a bathhouse or gazebo in the country. But almost nothing is known about the object, which is needed in the first place and often appears on the site before the house itself. The topic is, of course, sensitive, but no one can argue that the restroom is simply necessary. And since it will be an integral part of the landscape, I want to have a beautiful garden toilet that would complement and not spoil the landscape.

Choosing a place for a toilet in the country

No matter how beautiful and successful the planned toilet design may seem, it must be installed in a secluded place on the site. Firstly, no one likes to get to it in front of everyone, and secondly, it is quite difficult to build a toilet in the country that is completely free of unpleasant odors.

If the structure is supposed to be stationary, “for centuries,” then it is necessary to provide for the possibility of cleaning the cesspool. Despite the fact that many sewage disposal machines have the ability to extend the hose, not all segments are intact, and the design itself is bulky and quite heavy. Laying a pipe across the entire site can result not only in the unpleasant need to clean the yard, but also in dented beds and flower beds.

For temporary buildings, it is better to choose a place near the fence. After filling the cesspool, the soil may still settle for some time and it is better if no one walks on it at first.

And, of course, it is desirable that the garden toilet is located on the windward side of the dominant winds in the warm season. If you use a septic tank, then this rule can be neglected.

From the point of deployment to the internal structure

The simplest construction method is a small, lightweight house above cesspool. Ventilation and disposal in this case are absent and left to the wild natural phenomena. Today, such toilets are not often found in the country. Such a restroom is not only far from modern ideas about comfort, but is also harmful to the environment. In some regions, uninsulated cesspools are simply prohibited.

It is much more useful for your site to arrange a full-fledged sewer system that can be pumped out and cleaned. This will also open up more ample opportunities selection of the building itself and arrangement of the premises. Above a stationary pit, you can install both a foundation and a structure made of almost any material that will last for decades.

Today, so-called septic tanks are gaining increasing popularity. These are closed-cycle sewerage systems. They can be very different in design and principle of operation, but their main advantage is the ability not only to neutralize the smell and harmful qualities of waste, but also to process them into useful fertilizers. Depending on the complexity and size of the septic tank, it could be just the most ordinary toilet in the country, or maybe a sewage recycling station autonomous sewerage from all over the house.

Oddly enough, the interior of the “office for reflection” has not undergone any special changes. The inside of the country toilet is finished with inexpensive, practical and easy-to-care materials. Most often it is wooden and plastic lining or sheet panels. The most significant breakthrough in this delicate topic can be called the appearance of ready-made toilet seats made of ceramics and sanitary ware. They not only boast original design solutions(from a simplified version of the usual toilet, to a “stump” made of glazed clay), but they also significantly simplify the work on the internal improvement of a toilet in the country.

And, the most difficult thing is the walls and exterior

At first glance, it would seem, what’s so complicated about this? The structure is simple, without special requirements for loads, without special expectations in the field of architectural delights. But... at the same time, every owner wants it to be:

easy to clean

Agree, choosing building options that would combine all these qualities is not so easy. What can you use to build an inexpensive and beautiful country toilet?

The most common material for this structure is wood. Today there are a lot of options for wooden toilets.

Plank Toilet Design

This can be a familiar structure made of planed boards with a small figured window and pitched roof. To increase the strength and “windproofness” of such a toilet, as well as to simplify the construction itself, you can buy already tongue-and-groove boards. Suitable for construction batten 20 mm thick, not of the highest grade and of small (or even unmeasurable) length. Such material is sold everywhere for almost nothing.

Blockhouse structures are also assembled quite quickly. From the outside, such a toilet will look like a small log house. The inside can be decorated with any lining and even insulated. Such toilets can have either a pitched or gable roof. Cover them with flexible or wooden shingles or remnants of the same material that covered all other buildings on the site.

If you have a budget and a well-thought-out cesspool cleaning project, you can simply order a ready-made log house. Most companies offer several options, from the simplest to real “fairytale houses”.

Plastic booths deserve special attention. They are rarely distinguished by high decorative value and originality. But they are extremely easy to install, and they look neat. Moreover, plastic is affordable price and record durability.

Most complex project the buildings garden toilet– from stone and other masonry materials. For this facility, most often they use non-new building material, which remains after the dismantling of other buildings. Then unsightly walls can be lined with “wild” stone, facing bricks. Or just carefully plaster and paint.

The first building that appears on a summer cottage is not a house or a shed for equipment, but an outdoor toilet. You can’t do without this simple construction within a few hours of appearing at the dacha. But before you ask the question: “How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands?” and to start building, albeit temporary, but not the simplest structure, you need to study well own plot and understand where it is better to build a toilet, and what design it will be.

And only then you can look for drawings, prepare building materials and take up the tool.

Which toilet is better for a summer house?

Even on a well-equipped site where there is a house, many summer residents prefer to have both an outdoor and indoor bathroom.

  • A toilet in the house is indispensable at night and in bad weather. You can’t do without it if the dacha is used year-round.
  • An outdoor toilet for a dacha is very convenient in the middle of garden work, allowing you to quickly relieve yourself and not bring dirt into the house.

Types of outdoor toilets

  1. A toilet with a simple pit cesspool. When the pit is full, the house is moved to another place, or cleaning can be done using vacuum trucks.
  2. The backlash closet also has a cesspool, but here it is sealed and can only be cleaned using a special machine.
  3. applicable where aquifers are located nearby. Here, instead of a pit, there is a container for collecting feces under the toilet seat. Filling with dry peat or sawdust after each use helps prevent the smell.
  4. Country toilets that use biological additives or chemicals can be installed both outdoors and in the house.

Making a toilet in the country with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing, when choosing its device, is to take into account the groundwater level under the site. If the water layers here are deeper than two and a half meters, then you can safely build a toilet of any design. Otherwise, a toilet with any cesspool may turn out to be a dangerous structure.

Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

Before starting construction of a toilet in a country house, it is important to decide on its location, taking into account the existing restrictions, which, first of all, relate to structures with cesspools.

And here, in addition to the groundwater level, attention should be paid to:

  • to reservoirs, wells or other sources of water was at least 25 m;
  • to or shower located on the site, at least 8 m;
  • the toilet was located below the water intake point;
  • the distance to the house, cellar or basement was at least 12 m;
  • to trees - 4 m, and to fruit bushes and fences of at least a meter;
  • a car could drive up to the cesspool, the pumping hose most often having a length of 7 m.

When choosing a location, take into account the prevailing direction of the wind and the location of the toilet door, so as not to annoy neighbors or loved ones with unpleasant odors and other awkward moments.

With your own hands

Setting up a toilet will not be difficult if the summer resident has even basic skills in working with various building materials and tools. You need to start building a toilet in your dacha by selecting a drawing or developing it yourself. The easiest way is to calculate and build a toilet without a cesspool. There will be no need for the construction of a foundation or the inevitable excavation work.

The dimensions of the toilet house are selected so that the structure is convenient to use.

The most common version of a country toilet has:

  • width from one and a half meters,
  • depth of at least a meter,
  • the height at the highest point is at least 2.2 meters.

If desired, the dimensions can be increased.

Drawings of a country toilet

You can use one of the ready-made drawings that are now available on the Internet, the main thing is that the toilet for the dacha in the photo is accurately calculated, fits in size and fits into the selected area. If there is necessary preparation, then the calculation can be done independently.

What is the best way to make a toilet?

Although the most popular are wooden toilets for dachas, along with boards, other materials are also used for cladding dacha toilets. This includes metal siding and slate, multi-layer plywood and other materials; toilets are also built from brick.

Asking the question: “What is the best way to make a toilet at the dacha?”, many summer residents choose sheet materials that allow them to reduce the time for covering the frame. However, it is much more comfortable to be in a wooden toilet house, since wood breathes, carrying out air exchange and drainage. excess moisture. However, it should be remembered that all wooden parts, and especially those in contact with moisture, must be treated with a special impregnation.

Toilet foundation

A country toilet most often does not require the construction of a large-scale foundation, since the structure itself is made of fairly light building materials. It is worth pouring a foundation for a toilet only when constructing it from bricks or blocks, as well as when constructing a concrete pit.

Both wooden beams and concrete structures are used for supports, which are more durable due to their resistance to humidity, temperature and other environmental influences.

  • First, the construction site is marked, defining the corners of the toilet house.
  • Then, coated bitumen mastic asbestos-cement pipes of suitable diameter. The depth depends on the design of the toilet for the dacha and the characteristics of the soil.
  • Then the pipes are filled one third with concrete, which is carefully compacted.
  • Now pillars made of wood, concrete or angle are inserted into the pipes, and mortar is added again to give the structure strength. These pillars can serve as vertical guides for the frame, which means their location should be verified using a level or plumb line.

If the supports on which the frame will stand are made of blocks or bricks, then before installing them you need to remove a 30-centimeter layer of soil and compact this base. Additionally, the bottom can be compacted using sand backfill, on top of which concrete blocks are installed, or a brick base is made.

Toilet frame

It is easy to make a frame for a toilet in the country with your own hands from timber no thinner than 50x50 mm or metal corners.

At traditional design toilet frame consists of:

  • four vertical supports performing a load-bearing function;
  • roof trim and at the level where the toilet seat is supposed to be made;
  • frame for the doorway;
  • diagonal ties on the back wall and on the sides of the toilet.

Already at the stage of constructing the frame, it is important to calculate the height of the toilet seat. To do this, you need to mark the level of the future floor, and then count up 40 cm, taking into account the thickness of the strapping.

Roof for toilet

The roof is made from any available materials, for example, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. With wooden sheathing, the roof is made of roofing felt or other material that provides reliable protection from moisture. The roof can be gable or single-pitch, the main thing is that it is reliable and does not retain moisture. We must not forget about the hole for the ventilation pipe, which is sealed to prevent leaks.

In a dacha toilet, from under the floor level, from a pit or container for collecting feces, remove ventilation pipe. Moreover, it should be higher than the level of the roof of the toilet house.

Toilet wall paneling

The next stage of building a toilet in the country is to cover the constructed frame. At this stage, you can choose any of the materials you like. More often you can see wooden toilets for summer cottages - such structures are convenient, practical and quite durable. When using wood for sheathing, it is better to take boards from 15 to 25 mm thick, which are tightly fitted and attached to the frame. To prevent moisture from leaking in, it is better to place the boards vertically.

Seat and floor

When calculating a toilet seat, it is important not only not to make a mistake with its height, but also to make a hole at a comfortable distance from the edge. The frame of the toilet seat is carefully sheathed with boards and processed sandpaper and painted. It is convenient to make the lid of the toilet seat on hinges.

Toilet door

Door to wooden toilet for the dacha they are made of the same material as the walls. The structure is hung on hinges, the number of which depends on the weight and size of the structure. Any closing mechanism, be it a hook, latch, latch or other device, is mounted both on the outside and on the inside.

Another door is made on the back wall. It can be used to remove a container with waste or to immerse the hose of a sewer truck.

To provide at least a small but natural light, a window is cut above the door.

When construction is completed, drainage needs to be done around the house, especially if the garden toilet is located above a cesspool.

Video: building a country toilet with your own hands

Any summer cottage must have a toilet. Moreover, it must be organized before the start of construction itself, because this room is the most necessary for people to stay in the country. The remaining buildings, such as a bathhouse or a gazebo, will be built later.

A country toilet can be made without turning to specialists for help, who will certainly cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is first necessary, in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic requirements, to select a location for the structure, and then choose the type of structure and methods of its construction.

Choosing a place

It should be noted that there are certain requirements and standards for placing such buildings on the street. This is especially true for those toilets in which sewage has direct contact with the ground or groundwater.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  • The distance to the nearest body of water must be at least 25 meters. If the territory is located on sloping terrain, the structure must be installed below the water source. This will prevent sewage from entering the source.
  • The distance from the cellar or basement of the house to the toilet is at least 12 m.
  • From a bathhouse, sauna or other structure - at least 8 m.
  • The distance to the place where the animals are is at least 4 meters.
  • From the trunk of the nearest tree - 4 m, and from the bushes - 1 m.
  • The distance from the fence of the adjacent territory is one meter.
  • When choosing a location, be sure to take into account the wind rose; this is necessary so as not to annoy yourself and your neighbors with unpleasant odors.
  • The door must be installed so that it opens towards your home.

It is worth considering not only the distance to your water source, but also the location of your neighbors’ well or well!

All these requirements must be taken into account not only in relation to your own territory, but also to the neighbor’s (regarding the location of bushes, bathhouses, cellars, etc.). But these requirements directly apply only to a toilet with a cesspool. The rest should be guided by ease of use.


There are four most common types of toilet:

  1. With a cesspool.
  2. Powder closet.

It is a sealed cesspool that can be big size, and its cleaning is carried out by a sewer machine.

If speak about powder-closet, then this is the type where there is a container under the toilet seat that needs to be cleaned from time to time. Each time you use it, you need to sprinkle a small layer of peat on the dirt. A bucket of peat is placed nearby. This option is the simplest for any dacha, however, the process of removing feces is quite unpleasant.

Well, the last alternative option is bio or chemical toilet. Here all impurities are broken down by special bacteria. This process is completely environmentally friendly.

Let's start building. Cesspool and wall reinforcement

It is the pit toilet that is the most popular due to its ease of use. All impurities end up in deep hole. When it is 2/3 full, it needs to be cleaned. There is also the option of transferring it, but we will talk about this below.

The size of the cesspool can be 1.5×1.5 meters and the depth up to two meters.

To strengthen future walls, several optimal options. For example, you can take boards pre-treated with an antiseptic, concrete rings, bricks, a barrel without a bottom, or old tires. Care must be taken to remove sewage from the cesspool.

If brickwork is used, the bricks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, and the last six rows are laid solid. If a backlash closet is being installed, then excellent sealing of the pit is necessary. Therefore, a screed is poured to the bottom, or it is simply covered with crushed stone. If a brick cesspool is made, then a concrete floor is poured on top. For this, formwork is made from bars and boards. After the concrete has hardened, the frame must be dismantled.

It is extremely important to leave an opening for the toilet, as well as for ventilation. Moreover, an additional hole is needed to pump out feces.

If you don’t want to constantly clean the hole, you can fill it up and move the house itself to another place. After several moves, it can be returned to its original place, and the rotted waste can be used to fertilize the beds.

Buy ready-made or build it yourself

Today there is a large number of ready-made toilet houses. To a large extent, everything will depend on your financial situation and the amount of free time.

If you still decide to build a toilet yourself, then there are several ways. For example, brick. It will work out reliable design, however, it is necessary to provide good foundation outside the cesspool. Most often in summer cottages you can find a house made of wood. For its construction, it is better to use 50x60 mm beams.

As for the supporting frame, its base must be quite strong and reliable, because the entire structure above the cesspool will be located on it. For this reason, it is better to use 100x100 mm timber. Before installation, it must be treated with an antiseptic, which will increase its performance characteristics.

Some people use molten bitumen in a 1:1 ratio as an antiseptic!

The frame can be installed on a strip or column foundation. In some cases, when possible, it is simply installed on the ground. To make waterproofing, a strip of roofing material is laid between the foundation layer and the soil. Several anchor bolts. They will protect the structure from overturning the house in the event of strong gusty winds.

When the frame is installed on the ground, the vertical frame racks They are buried 30 cm into the ground. A board, the thickness of which can be 40 mm, is tightly laid on top of the finished frame. A variety of materials are used for wall cladding, such as lining or OSB board.

If the cladding is carried out from the inside, then the walls can be insulated mineral wool or polystyrene foam. In the frame itself, cross bars should be provided at a height of approximately 500 mm. They are necessary for attaching the plane of the toilet seat. Different materials can be used as a roof, such as slate or tiles. Its slope will be formed based on the height of the front and rear pillars.

Ventilation is needed to eliminate unpleasant odors from the cesspool. For this reason, it is necessary to provide a hole in the toilet design. To do this, use the sewer plastic pipeØ100 mm. It can be secured with a metal clamp to the back wall of the toilet. The pipe itself must be inserted into the cesspool at least 15–20 cm. The height of the pipe will be 20 cm higher than the roof plane. To improve traction, a deflector attachment is installed at the end of the pipe.


Whether or not to provide lighting in this room is your personal choice. To save light during the day, you can make a small window in the door. So, the toilet will have natural light all day long. Some decide to install a small window on one of the walls, under the roof. In this case, it can be glazed, or simply fixed with a mesh. There is also a connection option wall lamps or LED lights. They are connected to the battery. This must be taken care of before finishing work.

If you encounter any problem during its construction, then ask us your questions.

Video: construction of a powder closet on a summer cottage


Drawings and diagrams

Thinking through the arrangement suburban area, many try to make and decorate even unsightly functional and outbuildings so that they harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

There is nothing difficult about building a presentable and functional toilet in the country with your own hands. You just need to have basic construction skills and have the necessary materials on hand.

Design options for country toilets

When planning to build a toilet at your dacha on the site with your own hands, first of all you need to decide on the type of future structure.

Conventionally, all street latrines can be divided into two types: with a cesspool and with a replaceable container. Constructions of the first type involve the presence of a hole dug in the ground. Latrines of the second type are equipped with special containers for collecting waste, filled with peat with sawdust, or a special aqueous solution.

Traditional pit toilet. This is the cheapest and affordable way for the implementation of an outdoor bathroom. The principle of its operation is quite simple: waste products fall into a cesspool, where the liquid part is partially absorbed into the soil and evaporates, and the dense component accumulates. To clean cesspools, they resort to the services of sewage disposal companies.

Backlash closet. It is also equipped with a cesspool, but the walls of which are completely sealed. Emptying the cesspool in such a system is carried out only by pumping, using receiving funnel the toilet itself.

Powder closet. It is a structure made of a pedestal with a toilet seat. The storage container for collecting sewage, located directly under the toilet seat, is sprinkled with a layer of peat, which has moisture-absorbing properties. A scoop with a bucket filled with a sawdust-peat mixture is installed next to the toilet seat. Every time you visit the restroom, add a portion of fresh peat to the waste tank. After filling the container, it is taken to the compost heap. Due to the mobility and compact design, it can be installed both inside a residential building and in a separate outdoor booth.

Chemical toilet. The type resembles a powder closet; unlike a bio-toilet, the processing and breakdown of sewage in it occurs under the influence of chemical reagents. By using liquids based on biobacteria, waste products can be converted into useful materials organic fertilizer, using as root nutrition for plants.

Choosing a place to build

Of fundamental importance when building a toilet for a summer house with your own hands is the choice of location for its construction. It is strictly regulated by the provisions of current regulatory documents, according to which:

  • The distance of the toilet to the water well, well or reservoir should be at least 25-30 meters.
  • The restroom must be at least 12 meters away from the residential building.
  • Cesspools must be reliably insulated.
  • When choosing a location, take into account the terrain and wind direction.
  • If groundwater occurs in an area at a depth of up to 2 meters, you can only install a dry closet, a chemical toilet or a powder closet.
  • If groundwater occurs at a depth of 2.5 meters or more, it is possible to build a toilet with a cesspool or a backlash closet.

Following these precautions will help prevent exposure to Wastewater into drinking water.

Drawing up a diagram - drawing and determining dimensions

Before starting construction of an outdoor restroom, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the future structure. The first step is to create a diagram or drawing. The shape and design of the future house is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the master. It can be an ordinary house, a nice little mansion or an original hut. If desired, options for drawings of country toilets can be found on the Internet on thematic forums.

The most popular is the classic house with a cesspool. The most optimal sizes it could be considered:

  • Height from 2 to 2.3 meters;
  • Length 1.5 -1.7 meters;
  • Width 1-1.2 meters.

Tip: A detailed diagram with exact dimensions will allow you to correctly calculate the dimensions of the structure and volume necessary materials, thereby warning possible mistakes and unnecessary expenses.

Construction of a cesspool

On site outdoor toilet dig a cesspool, giving it a square or round shape. The depth of the septic tank pit should not exceed 1.5 meters, and its diameter should not exceed 2.5 meters. But as practice shows, cesspools that have a round shape are more functional. They are characterized by increased strength and can withstand heavy loads and pressure.

Tip: When digging a hole, it is better to use a shovel with a short handle. With such a tool it will be easier to turn around in tight spaces. A crowbar or pick is useful when digging in tougher soil such as gravel, heavy clay or limestone.

Digging a hole the right size, compact its base. Instead of tamping, the bottom can be lined with a bed of gravel. To ensure the necessary sealing of the device, the walls of the pit are lined with brickwork, or concrete rings are installed.

The brickwork is strengthened reinforced mesh or fittings. All joints are carefully sealed cement mortar followed by installation of a waterproofing layer. This allows you to protect the crop from impurities and preserve groundwater from pollution.

Construction of a toilet house

The easiest way is to build a toilet house from wood. As a support for the future structure, it is better to use three-meter wooden beams, either metal or concrete pillars.

Materials and tools for building a toilet:

  • Wooden beams with a section of 100x100 mm and 50x50 mm;
  • Edged boards or fiberboard for cladding;
  • Floor boards for arranging the floor area;
  • A 1.5 meter piece of roofing felt;
  • Hacksaw and plane;
  • Garden drill;
  • Building level;
  • Self-tapping screws, nails, hammer.

Along the perimeter of the structure using garden borer make four holes about one meter deep, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the size support pillars.
One end of each pipe is treated with bitumen mastic, which prevents rotting and corrosion. The columns are immersed in the holes one by one, deepening them to 90-100 cm and fixing them with cement mortar. When the solution acquires sufficient strength, you can proceed to the construction of walls.

Tip: The posts for the rear wall of the house are made a little lower to provide a slope for the roof. At all stages of installation, it is necessary to control the vertical installation of the racks using a building level.

Beams for the door are installed parallel to the supporting posts. To add strength to the structure around the perimeter vertical racks The upper and lower trims are made from beams of the same size.

Construction of walls and installation of doors

To ensure waterproofing, roofing material is laid between the frame and the columnar foundation, on top of which a platform-floor is knocked together from edged boards.

Important: To extend the service life wooden elements houses, they should be treated with a moisture-repellent and antiseptic composition, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

At a height of about half a meter, perpendicular bars are installed, which will serve as the basis for attaching the toilet seat. Stepping back one meter from the back wall, a second jumper is made at the same level to arrange the seat. The seat base is covered with chipboard or boards. The hole in the seat is cut out using a jigsaw, and all corners are cleared of burrs with a plane. To waterproof the front of the toilet seat along the inner wall, you can use thick polyethylene film.

The finished frame remains to be sheathed fiberboard sheets or wooden edged boards 20 mm thick. The boards can be placed both horizontally and vertically, securing them to the frame with screws or nails. If desired, the walls of the house can be insulated with mineral wool or sheet foam.

At this stage of the work, it is worth taking care of arranging a ventilation window, which at the same time will act as natural lighting.
Door block You can buy it ready-made or build it yourself. It is installed so that it opens outwards and is framed with a platband. Latches are installed both inside and outside the toilet.

Roof arrangement

The roof can be made from any material you like roofing material: galvanized iron, tiles, slate, polycarbonate or simple edged boards. The boards are laid overlapping, secured with roofing screws.

The light to the toilet can be installed from the nearest building by throwing a two-wire aluminum wire and installing a socket with a light bulb with a power of 40-60 W. An excellent alternative to stationary lighting can be an LED, which does not require laying a cable. LED on a small battery that can illuminate small room, enough for the whole season.

Simple DIY country toilet: video

Building a toilet with an original design with your own hands: photo