Dream interpretation dug hole. Dreaming of a deep hole

Dream "Pit" - ambiguous dream, which is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the hole was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a hole in a dream: positive or negative. All this and much more will help you find correct interpretation your sleep. Everything is collected here famous dream books and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after the dream “The Pit”.

  • Dream Interpretation: a hole in a dream means that in life there is a risk of ending up in a hole of debt. In reality, large debts, serious dangers or troubles may await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole for someone or digging a grave in a dream means that you are preparing cruel revenge or misfortune for some person in life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: a hole in the ground indicates that in reality you will have some kind of dangerous situation in life.

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: seeing a hole in a dream foretells the emergence of some dirty and unpleasant story about you.

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation: a deep hole in a dream - in real life there is a risk of falling into some kind of trap that was built especially for you by your enemy.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole - a great danger, fear or serious misfortune may happen to you in real life. The interpretation of the dream interprets death to the dreamer.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole means that a business or grave is unprofitable for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole means death or failure will happen in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting out of a hole is interpreted by the fact that in your life you will be able to get out of some kind of trouble and will live. If you remain in the hole and are unable to get out of it, then you will die.

Russian folk dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole represents a rather difficult and even difficult life situation, which is associated with a fall.
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging a hole with a shovel - at the moment you are not having a very good time in your life, because you are doing something that can greatly harm you in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large hole into which you drop something means that you have missed some chance in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a pit in which animals are sitting? It says that you have started some business in your life and you will have to deal with people who are cruel in nature, and at the same time make a lot of effort to get along or at least somehow come to an agreement with these people.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole or descending into a rather deep hole means that you are planning to carry out some kind of business that will not actually bring you anything worthwhile in life.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • One proverb says, don’t dig a hole for another person, you will fall into it yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pit with water - on a subconscious level, some kind of your own and someone else’s bad action has become entrenched, which does not leave your thoughts. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole in the ground - currently in yours real life not happening too much good period, so that you hope by chance and act as you intended, since now you are in the public eye and your actions can spoil your reputation.
  • Seeing a hole in a dream into which you drop something very valuable symbolizes that you will have to pay for all your unworthy actions with your own well-being and peace of mind.
  • Deep pit with people sitting wild animals in it you may dream of the appearance in your real life of those who are too calculating and even cruel people. (cm. )

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of a hole, it means that in life there is a high probability of committing a not very good deed. Most likely, this bad act will be known to the public, among whom will be your acquaintances and friends. After what you did, you can’t hope or expect that they will ever be able to forgive you, because this will never happen. Rather, on the contrary, your close people will condemn you and your actions, and they may turn away from you completely. And, therefore, you simply risk sailing through life in terrible loneliness, but in order to regain the affection of your loved ones and the people around you, you will need years of impeccable behavior, and during this entire time period you will need to show care and respond to any calls for help.

Erotic dream book

  • Falling into a hole in a dream symbolizes the emergence of casual sexual intimacy in your life. Men dream of such a dream, where he is digging a hole, to master a virgin in sexual fantasies.
  • If in a dream a woman digs a hole on her own, this is a sign that she is concerned about her own sexual fantasies, for example, the fact that she is persuading her friend to have physical intimacy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A hole in the ground dreams of appearing in your own life danger.

Freud's Dream Book

  • The dream “pit” means that, even despite all your many efforts in life, what is secret will soon be revealed and become apparent. And you can suffer greatly due to the truth being revealed and made public. At the moment of explanation, the first thing that comes to mind is betrayal or infidelity to your spouse. But the interpretation of such a dream says that infidelity or betrayal is not necessary here. This dream may imply your past and long-forgotten experience of same-sex love, for example, which explains your shame and the fact that you hid this secret about yourself very much and even too much.
  • If you fell into a hole in a dream, in reality you are on the verge of a not very good and even some kind of immoral act. It may well be that in your life you will meet a person who will become attractive to you, and you will want to move on to informal communication with him. At this moment, only one “but” can stop you - this is your spouse and your responsibilities to him.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting out of a hole or jumping over it in a dream means that in your own intimate life There is some problem with your partner, but it’s too difficult for you to start discussing this issue. Accordingly, every time you reach a peak difficult moment, you try to distract yourself and not attach any importance to it, as if nothing bothers you and everything is actually fine. in perfect order. Jumping over such a problem is like jumping over a hole.
  • Sitting in a hole - the dream book interprets such a dream as the fact that there is a certain sadistic principle in you, because of which you so want to dominate and possess your partner in bed. And this is normal, if, of course, your partner agrees to obey.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: pulling out of a hole or getting out of it indicates that you will be able to get out of a certain grief in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: cesspool, into which you fall in a dream, means that in reality you can get into big trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: a hole in a cemetery into which you deliberately throw or fall something means that one of your relatives will soon die. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a hole with mud is a fear, a hole usually means death in a dream. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: grave pit - is usually considered a very bad dream and in life such a dream foreshadows the appearance of some kind of misfortune. (see)

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: a hole on the road usually means death. (cm. )

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation: a hole in the house is usually interpreted as the occurrence of a specific accident in life. (cm. )

French dream book

Dream interpretation: a dug hole into which you fall can promise you unforgettable love. If you cross or jump over a hole in a dream, this can be considered a harbinger that in reality you will have some small clashes with an official representative.

Big dream book

Dream Interpretation: digging holes in a dream promises the emergence of some kind of fear in real life.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a huge hole, this portends mortal danger for you.

Jewish dream book of Azar

In this dream book, a dream in which you see a hole promises death in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon the Canaanite

The interpretation of the dream in which the hole appeared is as follows: mortal danger.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of a trench hole, or you are digging a hole under a post or tree, it means that in life you are aggravating your problems too much and, as a result, you begin to engage in self-digging. You constantly ask yourself questions that you simply cannot solve. You should put all your problems aside.
  • If you fall into a hole in a dream, it means that in life you are doing something that is not your business, because of which you are in danger of collapse. And the more terrible the fall into the pit, the more noticeable this collapse will be.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse

In this dream book, the appearance of a hole in a dream is interpreted as the appearance of a large mortal danger in life.

Miller's Dream Book

  • The interpretation of a dream in which a hole appeared in this dream book implies the appearance of some kind of warning. This means that in reality you should be as attentive as possible. If you had a dream in which you are looking into a very deep hole, in life you will take unwise risks in some of your business transactions. If a girl had such a dream, in life she is simply worried about her fiancé.
  • If in a dream you fall into a hole, expect deep sadness or misfortune to appear in life. If you fall into a hole in a dream and immediately wake up, this means that in real life you will be saved from trouble.
  • If you dreamed that you were going down into a hole in a dream, it means that in reality you are subconsciously risking your happiness and health in order to achieve some great success.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • An empty pit in a dream is a symbol of the dark night of the soul. That is, it is time to wake up. You should try to look at yourself from above.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on the edge of a hole - it’s time to think about changing the direction in which you are currently moving in life.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • A good meaning of a dream in which you fall into a hole means that in the very near future information will reach you, thanks to which you will learn how to improve your financial situation. Plant a flower in a flowerbed, chest or in a pot and take care of the plant, immediately after this flower blooms, you will get rich.
  • The bad meaning of a dream in which you fall into a hole indicates that one of the people around you very much wants to get rid of you. And in order to protect yourself, you need to drop a few drops of your blood on the roots of the nearest tree that grows near your house.

Russian dream book

  • Seeing a hole in a dream means danger appears in life. You need to be very careful.
  • If you dig a hole on your own in a dream, it means that in life you create for yourself unnecessary problems. Therefore, standing on the threshold of making some particularly important decision, you need to weigh everything and think carefully before deciding to take a certain step.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Digging a grave hole in a dream means prosperity and marriage.
  • Seeing a dug hole in the yard in a dream means danger, death or illness.
  • Falling into a hole means difficult life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Seeing a hole on the road means a bad society will appear in your life.
  • To have a dream in which you are sitting in a hole means that you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Seeing a ditch or hole in front of the gate foretells that some of the important things in your life will not work out.

Eastern women's dream book

  • If in a dream you see a hole in front of you, be careful.
  • Falling into a hole in a dream means that you will be in mortal danger.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • Falling into a hole in a dream is a sign of the appearance of a random sexual relationship in life.
  • A man who falls into a hole or drips into it in a dream sees in his fantasies the possession of a virgin.
  • A woman digging a hole in a dream is concerned about her sexual fantasies in life.


To sum up all of the above, I would like to say once again that a hole in a dream usually means bad things. But, like any rule, there are exceptions here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

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Evgeniy Tsvetkov

interpretation of dreams Yama dream book


Sigmund Freud

meaning of sleep Pit dream book

The pit is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs. A dirty or smelly pit symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

If a man fell into a hole, then his sexual partner treats him poorly and he should expect trouble from her. If a woman falls into a hole, then she should think about her health and consult a doctor.

If you pull someone out of a hole, then you are eager to have sex (perhaps with the person being pulled out). A disguised pit warns that upcoming sexual contacts are undesirable, as they can bring you trouble.

Intimate dream book

meaning of sleep Pit dream book

Seeing a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will come out.

If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big but stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse. Jumping over a hole - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you find it difficult to discuss it. So every time you reach difficult place, you try to pretend that nothing like this is happening, that everything seems to be in order. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

Modern dream book

see Pit in a dream dream book

If you have dug a very deep hole and don’t know how to get out of it, this means that in the near future you will have to realize the error of your actions. If you were walking through the forest and fell into a pit with animals, it means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own negligence. If you dropped something into a hole and cannot find it, this portends sudden enrichment.

Looking into a hole and not seeing the bottom portends sadness and loneliness for a woman; for a man, this dream promises acquaintance with the right person, receiving a profitable offer, new prospects.

Seeing a pit with garbage promises receiving important news by mail or through a messenger, messenger, or stranger.

Filling a hole with earth means that you have to do something that will change the opinions of others about you.

Esoteric dream book

what does it mean if you dream about a pit - a trench dream book
Digging under something (tree, pillar) - you are going too deep into some problems, perhaps doing self-digging.

Seeing - you are asking questions that you cannot solve. Put them aside for later, until better times.

Falling into the Pit means you have taken on something other than your own business; you are in danger of collapse, the more noticeable the more terrible the fall, especially if you woke up from this dream.

Seeing a hole in a night dream is often a bad sign, especially if you carelessly fell into it. But by listening to your intuition and applying decryptions, you can find the right solution to avoid troubles and problems in real life.

A hole in the ground in a dream

A very common question is why you dream about a hole in the ground. Such a symbol in most cases is interpreted as an unkind omen associated with an impending disaster. But at the same time, you should know that the hole symbolizes things in real life that the dreamer constantly thinks about. For example, this could be work or relationships with loved ones. For an accurate interpretation, you need to remember appearance holes in night dreams, understand where she was and what actions were taken in the dream.

Why do you dream of digging a hole?

Many dreamers are interested in why they dream of digging a hole. Such a dream is always alarming, because it is mistakenly interpreted as a symbol of a decline in living standards. But it’s unlikely that digging a hole should be associated with regression in real life. It all depends on storyline and from the many nuances that exist in night dreams. So in Miller's dream book everything earthworks are considered auspicious symbols.

With what feelings did you dig the hole?

When interpreting dreams with a pit, you need to pay attention to the following:

    If the dreamer in his night dreams had to dig a hole with a shovel with his own hands and voluntarily, this means that in real life the person will experience a period of stability and prosperity; If he had to dig a hole under duress, then this means that the dreamer in reality is quite happy with the role of a subordinate; When you dream If you force someone to dig a hole in your night dreams, then soon in real life you will have to be disappointed in your loved one or partner; When you had to dig a hole with your hands in a dream, this means that all problems in real life will have to be solved on your own, rely on no one's help is needed. In addition, such a dream warns that at work the dreamer should be wary of intrigue from colleagues and expect dissatisfaction from his superiors.

If the ground in night dreams is loose, so there were no difficulties with digging a hole, then this means that vital problems should soon be positively resolved in reality. In this case, the dreamer will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

If in a dream you had to dig a hole with a shovel, then in real life a strong patron will appear who will help solve all existing problems. Such a dream can also signal that the dreamer may have some minor troubles at work; you should not dwell on them, as they can be overcome very quickly. Burying a hole with earth in a dream means committing an act in reality that will radically change the opinions of people around you about you.

Watch the hole being dug

When in a dream the dreamer observes that another person is digging a hole, this means that the sleeping person may soon become seriously ill. Sometimes such a dream can predict the illness of loved ones.

Fall into a hole

A dream in which the dreamer had to fall into a hole is not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will have to face great difficulties. Most likely to get out of difficult life situation with dignity, it is unlikely to succeed. This means that this can negatively affect the entire future life.

If you happen to fall into a toilet pit in your night dreams, this can be interpreted in different ways:

    If, according to the plot, you fell into a garbage pit, but after that you managed to quickly get out of the pit, then this indicates that the gossip that ill-wishers will spread about you will not harm you. But if you had to sit for a long time pit toilet, this means that in reality your reputation will suffer. Falling into a toilet pit indicates that in real life you will have to endure shame. But if, after getting out of it, you find that the pockets of your clothes are filled with feces, then in reality you will very soon get rich.

Falling into a hole - dream book

When in your night dreams you have to fall into a hole, then there is a high probability that in the real world you will commit an unseemly act. For family people, such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal.

Fall into a pit with animals

To fall into a hole in a dream, at the bottom of which there are animals, means to find yourself in a difficult situation in real life. Moreover, the reason for this will be the negligence and stupidity of the dreamer. In such a situation, it is unlikely that anything can be changed. You need to go through all the difficulties with your head held high and try not to commit rash acts in the future.

Fall into a pit with an aggressive animal

Falling into a pit containing very aggressive animals is very bad. Such a dream indicates that in real life you will have to communicate with powerful and unkind people. Your well-being in life will entirely depend on them.

When a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a large pit in a dream, this predicts loneliness for her in reality. For a man, a similar dream predicts receiving a very lucrative offer in real life. After such nightly dreams, wonderful prospects open up before the dreamer.

Pit with water

A pit with water in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. But in any case, the interpretation of night dreams largely depends on the quality of the water and where it was located.


    Deep hole with dirty water, seen in a dream from the outside, predicts that in real life you will have to make a difficult decision or a difficult choice. A dirty pit filled with water, which is located directly in front of the threshold of your own home, foreshadows the illness of one of the household members.

If in the sins of the night a pit appears, filled clean water, then this symbolizes the uncontrollable flow of affairs in real life. This means that no matter what efforts you make, you will not be able to take control of everything.

Pit in the sand - interpretation of sleep

A hole dug in the sand is a warning about the precariousness of the dreamer's position in real life. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer does not have reliable support in reality.

Pit with flowers

Some dream books have an interpretation of a hole with flowers. Such a symbol smoothes out the entire unpleasant nature of the dream with a pit. Night dreams, in which a vision of a pit with flowers appeared, promise the onset of a pleasant life period filled with surprises and joyful events.

Fresh pit

A good omen is a snow hole. After such a dream, you should expect a love adventure in reality. Also, such a dream foreshadows a very prosperous life.

Pothole in the road

If there is a hole in the road, then this is a sign that the planned trip will be unsuccessful. Such a dream can predict that in reality it will not be possible to complete the work started. In addition, such a dream warns that the dreamer is surrounded by insincere people whose support should not be counted on.

See a hole in the house

A hole in the house is an unfavorable sign. This is a sign of the onset of very difficult times, which will be associated with need and poverty. For a woman, such a plot of night dreams is associated with alienation from her chosen one. Another interpretation of such a dream is related to the fact that the dreamer will have to experience disappointment in love.

A hole in the yard, behind the gate or in the garden

A hole in the yard of your own house predicts the emergence of dangers in real life for the whole family. If a hole is dug in front of the gate, then this portends that one of the things the dreamer has started will not work out. A hole in the garden portends troubles in the work sphere.

Dreamed of a cesspool

If you dream of a full cesspool, then in the near future the dreamer will receive important news.

When you dreamed of a pit with mud, you should analyze the storyline very carefully:

    If you dream that you are crawling out of a hole, then this is a positive dream, which indicates that in real life you will be able to cope with any difficulties, no matter how difficult they may seem. When you dream that you are burying a hole, then this symbolizes that you will always and strive to be honest in everything, even to your own detriment. When you manage to step over a hole in your night dreams, this foreshadows a conflict with management.

See a pit with shit

A pit of shit seen in a dream symbolizes prosperity in real life. This sign is positive for entrepreneurs and businessmen. This indicates that the business will develop successfully and in reality it will be possible to make a good profit.

Dreaming of a deep hole

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream of a deep hole. And this is understandable, because such a symbol always looks scary in real life. A bottomless, black pit dug in an unknown place warns the dreamer that his actions in reality are wrong. You need to stop in time and analyze your actions so as not to confuse the situation even more. The sooner you can correct the mistakes made, the better.

Huge pit - the meaning of sleep

A huge hole in a dream can also be a warning that the dreamer will soon experience health problems. It is especially dangerous if the dug hole is of unknown origin. If after such a dream you feel slightly unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Empty pit

When a deep empty hole in a dream is dug by you with your own hands, this indicates that difficult times are coming in the business sphere. You should be prepared to simply survive the difficulties. During this period, you should behave very carefully and not make rash decisions.

If you have to descend to the bottom of an empty pit using a rope, then this foreshadows the reality of doing empty work that will not be useful. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to refuse such work. If you push yourself, you can undermine your mental and physical strength.

Many dreamers are very interested in the question of why they dream of a grave pit. This bad sign, which, in general, portends serious misfortunes and problems in life.

Digging a grave in your night dreams means that in reality you will meet with opponents who will try to defeat you. If you just happen to see a grave pit from the side in your night dreams, then this foreshadows troubles at work. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal of friends. If you see yourself standing over a grave pit, this means that in reality you need to be wary of an accident.

Pit in the cemetery

A dug hole in a cemetery symbolizes the end of a black streak of life. After such a dream, the dreamer’s financial situation will gradually begin to recover in real life and his personal life will improve. A particularly good omen is a freshly dug hole in a cemetery. She indicates that positive changes will soon come in life.

Why do you dream of a man in a hole?

If in night dreams the dreamer sees that another person is in a hole, then this is an unpleasant sign. It indicates that the sleeping person will have to become a victim of intrigue in reality.

Standing on the edge of a hole

If, according to the plot of the dream, a person is standing on the edge of a pit, then this indicates that the dreamer needs to assess the situation in real life. After this, you will need to make a decision to change your life direction.

deep hole

If you dug a deep hole in the ground, and according to the plot of the dream, you descended into it voluntarily and independently, but cannot get out of it, then this indicates that you are fully aware of your mistakes. The time has come to correct them, but, unfortunately, this will not be easy. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you still manage to get out of the hole on your own, then this is a sign that everything will end well.

A child falls into a hole in a dream

When you dream that a child falls into a hole, this symbolizes inner fear for your child. Also, such a dream may foretell that a grown-up child will soon leave his parents’ nest. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to pull him out of the hole, then this symbolizes the close spiritual connection between parents and children. In dream books there is another interpretation of a dream in which the child is in a hole. When a child falls into a hole, then one should expect betrayal from loved ones. Moreover, this will be completely unexpected for the dreamer. Betrayal will hurt so much severe pain that there will be a strong desire to take revenge yourself. But it is better not to do this, otherwise many problems will arise. The optimal way out of such a situation is to break off all relations with the traitor and sever all contacts with him.

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Dream interpretation of falling into a hole

The most common opinion about why one dreams of falling is that a person is growing. This rule applies mainly to children. What if in a dream an adult fell, and not just on the spot, but into a hole? Is it possible to begin to become despondent and believe that such a dream promises you a moral and physical decline, a sharp decline in material well-being?

Why see a hole?

A deep hole in the ground has a negative interpretation. For the prediction to be correct, it is worth remembering what was in the hole, its depth, and your actions. But, as a rule, seeing a hole in a dream means impending disaster.

Fall into a hole in a dream

Fall into a hole in a dream

If you dream of falling into a pit - in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation; unforeseen difficulties will arise on your way. The dream book even predicts an approximate time frame - about a month.

It will be quite difficult for you to cope with the difficulties that have arisen; overcoming them will require all your strength and endurance. It is possible that this incident will ruin your entire subsequent life.

Falling into a pit according to the dream book

Even in the most ancient interpreter you can find a prediction related to why you dream that a person has fallen into a dug hole.

Miller's Dream Book

Why in a dream would you fall into a hole you dug with your own hands and not be able to get out? You realize all your mistakes, this will happen in the foreseeable future.

The dream book says that you have not acted quite correctly for a long time, being mistaken in your rightness. The events that have happened will make you change your mind.

If there are animals in the hole you find yourself in, then due to your own negligence and frivolity you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. There will be no one to blame for such an incident, only you are responsible. At the same time, it is no longer possible to change anything; all that remains is to learn a lesson.

Miller shares a similar night vision depending on who is dreaming it:

  • For a woman or girl - you will be attacked by the blues, which will develop into a prolonged depression. Also you are taking a risk for a long time to be without a life partner.
  • For a man or a guy - get a tempting offer. By accepting it, you will only win.

If a hole in the ground is filled with dirt, sewage, slop, then the sleeping person will receive important news.

Why fill the hole with soil? You will do something that will make others look at you from a different point of view.

Fall into a pit of mud

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

If you dream of digging a hole, you have a secret that you carefully hide from others. Freud believed that after such a vision your secret will be made public, the consequences could be the most catastrophic.

If in a dream a person fell into a hole, soiled with mud, then he may commit immoral acts. As a rule, by this interpretation Freud meant betrayal of his sexual partner or entering into an intimate relationship with a married person. Same-sex intimacy is not excluded. Before you do this, think carefully about whether it is worth the price you will have to pay for your mistake.

Why dream that another person fell into a ditch? You have obvious sadistic tendencies. You love it when people obey you and follow your orders without complaint. This applies more to the moral violence that you apply to your family members.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book believes that a hole in the ground means unresolved matters that haunt you for a long time. You are constantly thinking about their solution, but the dream book advises you to postpone them until later. Perhaps a certain person or life circumstances themselves will tell you the answer.

Digging a pit in a dream

Why dream of digging a pit in a dream? You are constantly busy beating yourself up. It seems to you that you could have acted differently, done better, come to the rescue in time. Stop tormenting yourself, living people often make mistakes.

Falling underground in a dream means you have taken up a task in which you are a mere child. As a result, complete collapse awaits you. At the same time, the interpreter indicates that the more fear you felt when falling, the louder your crash will be.

Modern dream book

If you fall into a pit and hit yourself painfully, you will become the center of false gossip that you will not be able to refute for a long time. After a dream like this, a person will be so covered in mud that he will fall into a long and severe depression, from which he will no longer be able to get out of on his own.

Digging a hole yourself in a dream means your loved ones and friends are at a loss about your behavior. You should have an honest conversation with them if you want to save your relationship.

To stop in time, before you fall into the hole, to see that the bottom is somewhere very deep - you will be faced with a dilemma: get everything you wanted, or remain human. The choice will be yours.

If in a dream a person accidentally fell into a pit he dug with his own hands, then all his plans will be doomed to failure.

How falling into a hole is viewed in different countries

Asians believe that falling underground is a great misfortune. And seeing cars, houses, buildings fall means the death of a loved one.

The French believe that such a dream leads to a romantic adventure.

Why fall into a deep hole in the ground among the British? To the general deterioration of things. A real black streak will come in the dreamer’s life; he will have no luck either in business or in love. You will be left alone, while experiencing acute material need.

Dreaming of a child in a hole

If a child fell into a hole

Why do you dream that a child falls into a hole in the ground? To the betrayal of the people closest to your heart.

Why see your child fall? It is worth paying more attention to him, talking frankly. Perhaps the child got into bad company, is in a difficult situation . The dream book says that it is in your power to help him.

If in a dream a child got out of a hole with your help, then your efforts in reality will not be in vain.

Another falling child may mean that in your endeavors there will be minor obstacles that will need to be overcome.

If a child hits hard when falling and cries, then trouble can happen to your loved ones.

It happens that a child sees in a dream how he fell into a hole. This means that he has enemies who are going to set him up for meanness.

What was the hole filled with?

When you fell into a dug pit, it is important what else was in it, what it was filled with:

  • Snow - expect a romantic adventure. This is a generally positive dream that promises pleasant changes in life.
  • A sewer pit with mud is a dream that, oddly enough, promises an increase in financial income and material well-being.
  • Filled with water - you will not be able to influence the course of affairs in any way.
  • Sand hole - your position is very unstable, it’s worth strengthening your positions.
  • Completely filled with dirt - you are afraid of the future.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a hole in a dream- despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will “come out” out.

If in a dream you fall into a hole- it means that you are on the verge of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big “but” stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse.

Jump over the hole- you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you find it difficult to discuss it. Thus, every time you reach a “difficult place”, you try to pretend that nothing “like that” is happening, that everything is as if everything is fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about.

If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole- this means that you have a certain sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

Pit- is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs.

Dirty or smelly pit- symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

You dreamed that you were throwing money into a hole- soon you will borrow a lot of money, but all your efforts to improve matters will be in vain and the money you borrowed will be lost.

You filled the hole with earth- you have to work hard.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends was digging or burying a hole- it is this person who will be the cause of your financial failures.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Emptiness of the pit- symbolizes the dark night of the soul. Time to wake up. Try to look at yourself from above.

If you're standing on the edge of a hole- which means it's time to think about changing the direction in which you are moving in life.

English dream book

If in a dream you fall into a hole- it means that your affairs are unimportant and need awaits you. For a woman in love, this dream means that alienation has entered the heart of her lover.

The house is falling into a hole- foreshadows death.

Do you see that there is a hole in front of the gate?- things won't work out.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Pit- womb. Crawling out or falling out through a hole. Exit to the outside world - birth.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pit- accident; danger.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Pit- you will die, big trouble, fear, danger; dig- grave, unprofitable business; fall into a hole- trouble will happen, failure, death; you'll pass- the matter will end in nothing; you'll fall into a hole and get out- you will live, you will get out of trouble; you won't get out- you will die.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Falling into a hole in a dream- a sign of a casual sexual relationship.

If a man dreams that he is digging a hole- the dream suggests that in his sexual fantasies he takes possession of a virgin.

A woman digs a hole in a dream- she is worried about her own sexual fantasies about how she induces her friend to have physical intimacy.

Esoteric dream book

Dig under something- you go too deep into some problems, perhaps you are doing soul-searching.

See- you ask questions that you cannot solve. Put them aside for later, until better times.

Fall into a hole- you have taken up the wrong business, you are in danger of collapse, the more noticeable the more terrible the fall, especially if you woke up from this dream.

Ukrainian dream book

Climb out of a hole in a dream- get out of grief, out of trouble.

Fall into a hole- fall into trouble.

If you dream of a hole and what you throw there or accidentally falls- someone in your family will die.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Pit- danger.

Collection of dream books

Pit- fear.

Pit- danger, be careful; dig yourself- you will create it for yourself big problems, therefore, if you are on the verge of making decisions, think carefully before you decide on something.

Pit- to great danger.

Fall into a hole- betrayal by a friend or relative.

Orchestra pit- you are going to take on something other than your own.

Jump over the pit- you will have to face an unexpected obstacle.

Dig a hole- unpleasant news received at work.

Pothole in the road- bad society.

Seeing yourself in a hole- get into a difficult situation.

If in a dream you fell into a hole- your dream promises you unforgettable love.
Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.